Submittal Drawing - Pittsburgh Air Systems, Inc.
Submittal Drawing - Pittsburgh Air Systems, Inc.
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Product information subject to change without notice. Steel effective 12/18/00 Aluminum effective 3/12/01 PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: SD - 1788 M-Series Fixed Pattern Square/Rectangular Neck Steel and Aluminum MODEL NUMBER & SIZE GUIDE M, MA, AM, AMA Series CD Model Number Guide Model Description M Steel, fixed pattern, square/rectangular neck MA Steel, adjustable pattern, square/rectangular neck AM Aluminum, fixed pattern, square/rectangular neck AMA Aluminum, adjustable pattern, square/rectangular neck Margins: SF, SB Available Sizes Model Neck Size M MA AM AMA MIN 6x6 6x6 6x6 6x6 MAX 48x48 24x24 48x48 24x24 Margins: LT, PL, YM Available Sizes Module Size Minimum Neck Size (All models) Maximum Neck Size M MA AM AMA 12x12 6x6 9x9 6x6 9x9 6x6 24x24 6x6 21x21 18x18 21x21 18x18 48x24 12x12 45x21 21x18 45x21 18x18 Note: Neck sizes are available in 3” increments only DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 58 02/09 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS M, AM Series - Fixed Pattern Square/Rectangular Neck Margin Details: LT, PL, YM, SB, SF & NR CD Margin LT, Lay-in T-Bar Margin PL, Spline Ceiling Module 3/8 2-1/8 3/8 2-1/8 Ceiling Module Ceiling Module minus 1/4 Margin YM, Snap-In Margin SB, Surface Beveled Duct size plus 1 2-1/8 13/16 2-1/8 7/8 Ceiling Module Duct plus 5 Margin SF, Surface Flat Ceiling Opening Duct plus 3-1/2 Duct Size Duct Size minus 1/8 2-1/8 1-1/2 1/4 Duct plus 5-9/16 Margin NR, Narrow Regress Duct Size Duct Size minus 1/8 2-1/8 3/8 1-1/2 23-3/8 24 *Max Neck size for NR is 18x18 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 60 02/09 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS Opposed Blade Damper Detail M, MA, AM, AMA Series CD 3-3/8 2-1/8 Sideview / Damper Detail DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 63 2SDDKÐ"DHKHMFÐ#HEETRDQR 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( ,NCDKÐ2Ð+@X(M 2SDDKÐ"NMDÐ#HEETRDQÐ1NTMCÐ-DBJ +HRSÄ/QHBDR ,NCDKÄ2 +MBCJÏ1 -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD ÜÄ3!@Q ÜÄ3!@Q #@LODQ ,NCDK 1!- ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE 3EEBELOWFOROPTIONALPLASTERFRAME ,NCDKÐ3Ð+@X(M 2SDDKÐ/K@PTDÐ#HEETRDQÐ1NTMCÐ-DBJ +HRSÄ/QHBDR -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ,NCDKÄ3 ÜÄ3!@Q #@LODQ ,NCDKÄ1!- !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE 3EEBELOWFOROPTIONALPLASTERFRAME +MBCJÏ2 2SDDKÐ+@X(MÐ/K@RSDQÐ%Q@LD 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ® .J?QRCPÏ$P?KC !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE ,MRC 4HISPRODUCTISDESIGNEDTOUTILIZEA,AY)NDIFFUSERINAPLASTEROR GYPSUMBOARDCEILING 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Steel (S1200) or Aluminum (A1200) construction • 2-cone stepdown diffuser • Frame SF (surface mount) includes an aluminum mounting frame • Standard finish is white • Two earthquake tabs are standard on all frame styles Face View See specific frame details for dimensions • Core is non-removable • Optional round damper to be ordered separately and field mounted • Damper is adjustable through hole in center cone CEILING OPENING 12-1/2" FRAME SF EARTHQUAKE TAB (SEE NOTES) A B 1-3/16" 13-1/4" A FRAME LT B 1-1/8" 11-3/4" A FRAME PL B 1-3/16" NOMINAL NECK SIZE SERIES 1200 SERIES S1200 SERIES A1200 STEEL & STEEL ALUMINUM ALUMINUM A B B 6 5 7/8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 8 7 7/8" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 11-31/32" 3/8" DROP 7/16" A FRAME NR B 1-3/16" 11-13/32" 5/16" DROP 3/16" Dimensions are in inches, Product information subject to change without notice PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 9-1-00 SD-1762 S1200 & A1200 Series Fixed Pattern Diffuser 2-Cone w/Round Neck 12 x 12 module PRODUCT DIMENSIONS S1200, A1200 Series Fixed Pattern Margin Details: SF, LT, PL & NR 12x12 Module 24x24 Module CD 12x12 Module 24x24 Module Nom. Duct Size (in.) 1200 Series Steel & Aluminum A 1200 Series Steel B A1200 Series Aluminum B Nom. Duct Size (in.) 1200 Series Steel & Aluminum A 1200 Series Steel B A1200 Series Aluminum B 6 5-7/8 1-1/2 2 6 5-7/8 1 2 8 7-7/8 1-1/2 2 8 7-7/8 1 2 *Surface mount margin style includes an aluminum trim frame for installation 10 9-7/8 1-1/2 2 12 11-7/8 1-1/2 2 14 13-7/8 1-1/2 2 15 14-7/8 1-1/2 2 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 39 & Submittal Drawing ® x Architectural, plaque faced diffuser x Removable center panel for easy damper access x Standard finish is white (WH) x Optional round dampers and baffle kits ship loose for field installation Module - 1 Neck - 1/8 B SF A C 1/4 Module Neck - 1/8 B PL Mounting hardware by others B ✔ Module - 1/4 Neck - 1/8 LT A A C 1/4 C 1/4 B Module Neck - 1/8 B YM NR 23 3/4 Neck - 1/8 5/16 Mounting hardware by others 13/16 Module + 1 1/4 A A 9/16 1/4 C 1/4 18 23 3/8 Options Model Module 12x12 T1100 24x24 A1100 24x24 Neck 6 8 6,8 10,12,14,15 6,8 10,12,14,15 A 1 1/8 1 1/8 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 B 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 C 9 9 18 18 18 18 Available Frame Styles SF LT PL YM NR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X "X" denotes available * - See SD-2007 for MIB option submittal Dimensions in inches Job: Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: ✔ T1100 (Steel Construction) A1100 (Aluminum Construction) Accessories MIB* (Molded Insulation Blanket) ETB (Earthquake Tabs) Available Colors ✔ WH (White) ML (Mill) AP (Aluminum Paint) OW (Off-White) FB (Flat Black) MP (Match Paint Submitted By: T1100 & A1100 Plaque Faced Diffuser Steel or Aluminum SD-2006 Rev: A (04/05) These drawings do not detail every aspect of the product. This submittal demonstrates general product dimensions; drawings are not to scale. Tuttle & Bailey reserves the right to make changes without notice. Copyright © 2005 Tuttle & Bailey PRODUCT DIMENSIONS T1100, A1100 Plaque Diffuser Margin Details: SF, LT, PL, YM & NR SF - Surface Mount LT - Lay-in T-Bar PL - Spline YM - Snap-in CD NR - Narrow Regress Model Module (in.) 12x12 T1100 24x24 A1100 24x24 Available Margin Styles Neck (in.) A (in.) B (in.) C (in.) SF LT PL YM NR 6 1-1/8 1-1/8 9 X X X X 8 1-1/8 1-1/4 9 X X X X 6,8 2-1/2 1-1/4 18 X X X X X 10,12,14,15 2-1/2 1-3/8 18 X X X X X 6,8 2-1/2 1-1/4 18 X X X 10,12,14,15 2-1/2 1-3/8 18 X X X “X” denotes availability DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 47 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • • • • • Allows T-Bar Lay-in type diffusers to be installed in surface mount applications SMF can be mounted in plaster or sheet rock ceiling Hardware for mounting is included (screws & safety clips) Steel construction Standard finish is white (WH) B Module Size 12 x 12 16 x 16 20 x 20 24 x 12 24 x 24 36 x 24 48 x 12 48 x 24 Minimum Ceiling Opening A B 12-1/4 12-1/4 16-1/4 16-1/4 20-1/4 20-1/4 24-1/4 12-1/4 24-1/4 24-1/4 36-1/4 36-1/4 48-1/4 12-1/4 48-1/4 24-1/4 A MINIMUM CEILING OPENING NOMINAL PANEL PLUS 1/4" (3) #8 x 1 SCREW 1-7/16" (36) 1/2" (13) SLOT 1-1/4" (32) ADAPTER FRAME TYP OF 4 SIDES T-BAR UNIT IS ORDERED SEPARATELY 1/4" (6) NOM PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" (6) 1" (25) 1-1/4" (32) 7/8"(22) NOMINAL PANEL SIZE PLUS 1-1/2" (38) SAFETY CLIP INSTALLATION & FRAME ASSEMBLY DETAILS Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 4/02/01 SD - 1451.1 ARCHITECT: SMF - STEEL ENGINEER: Surface Mount Frame CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: 2SDDKÐ/DQENQ@SDCÐ#HEETRDQR ® $ , 5 '&, 6$&7$$ 57/, $%2/8*27 * ,62(,1& 17'3,(52;21'6 8 & 7 6 ,NCDKÐ// 2SDDKÐ/DQENQ@SDCÐ2TOOKXÐ#HEETRDQÐ1NTMCÐ-DBJ %@BDÄ,NTMSDCÄ/@SSDQMÄ#DÇDBSNQRÄ+@X(M +HRSÄ/QHBDR -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX ,NCDK // #@LODQÄ ,NCDKÄ1!- !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE +MBCJÏ.. ,NCDKÐ/1 2SDDKÐ/DQENQ@SDCÐ1DSTQMÐ#HEETRDQ +@X(M +HRSÄ/QHBDR -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ,NCDK /1 +MBCJÏ.0 ÏVÏÏ,CAI !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE +MBCJÏ.0 0MSLBÏ,CAI /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL SUBMITTAL DRAWING • • • • • • Face mounted adjustable pattern deflectors Hinged / removable face allows for easy access to damper Optional round damper is shipped loose and field mounted Model PP is all steel construction Model APP is steel backpan with aluminum face Standard finish is white SEE FRAME DETAIL FOR TYPICAL OVERALL DIMENSIONS PANEL SIZE LESS 1" TYPICAL OF ALL FRAME STYLES PANEL SIZE PLUS 1" 1/4" Frame SF (Surface Mount) *minimum ceiling opening 23-1/4" PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" PANEL LESS 1" Frame LT (Lay-in T-Bar) PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" SPLINE BY OTHERS PP APP DUCT LESS 1/8" TYPICAL PANEL SIZE LESS 1/16" 3" Frame PL (Spline) Side View Detail, LT Frame PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" 3/8" 1/4" PANEL LESS 1" 7/16" **NOTE: Frame TG not available for Model APP Frame Detail: 24 x 24 Module Size 1/8" 3/16" DIA. HOLES Frame TG** (Tegular) SPRING RETAINER 7/32" Perforated Pattern Detail (51% free area) Face Hinge Detail Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 7/02/01 SD - 1777 PP, APP Round Neck Perforated Supply Face Mounted Deflectors 24 x 24 Module Size PRODUCT DIMENSIONS PP, APP Series H7C; Details: ;J7?BIN)E:KB; Margin 24x24 Module PD Side View/Damper /?:;2?;M 7CF;HDetail ;J7?B Square Neck /GK7H;*;9A Side 7CF;H View /?:;2?;M ;J7?B Round Neck .EKD: *;9A DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 12 02/09 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • • • • • • Matching return for PV, PP, and PM supply diffusers Hinged / removable face allows for easy access to damper Optional square damper is shipped loose and field mounted Model PR is all steel construction Model APR is steel backpan with aluminum face Standard finish is white 23" TYPICAL OF ALL FRAME STYLES 1" 1/4" 25" SEE FRAME DETAIL FOR TYPICAL OVERALL DIMENSIONS Frame SF (Surface Mount) *minimum ceiling opening 23-1/4" 23-3/4" 23" Frame LT (Lay-in-T-Bar) 23-3/4" INTEGRAL SPLINE 2 SIDES 23-15/16" EARTHQUAKE TAB 2 PLACES Frame PL (Spline) 23-3/4" 3/8" APR PR OPTIONAL DAMPER DUCT SIZE LESS 1/8" 3" Side View/Damper Detail, SF Frame 23" Frame TG** (Tegular) 1/4" 3/16" DIA. HOLES **NOTE: Frame TG not available for Model APR 7/16" Frame Detail: 24 x 24 Module Size SPRING RETAINER 1/8" 7/32" Perforated Pattern Detail (51% free area) Face Hinge Detail Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 7/02/01 SD - 1779 PR, APR Square Neck Perforated Return 24 x 24 Module Size SUBMITTAL DRAWING • • • • • • Matching return for PV, PP, and PM supply diffusers Hinged / removable face allows for easy access to damper Optional round damper is shipped loose and field mounted Model PR is all steel construction Model APR is steel backpan with aluminum face Standard finish is white PANEL SIZE LESS 1" (25) TYPICAL OF ALL BACKPAN & FRAME STYLES SEE FRAME DETAIL FOR TYPICAL OVERALL DIMENSIONS PANEL SIZE PLUS 1" (25) 1/4" (6) Frame SF (Surface Mount) * minimum ceiling opening 23-1/4" PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" (6) PANEL SIZE LESS 1" (25) Frame LT (Lay-in-T-Bar) PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" (6) SPLINE BY OTHERS PR PANEL SIZE LESS 1/16" (2) APR DUCT LESS 1/8" TYPICAL Frame PL (Spline) 3" PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4" (6) Side View Detail, LT Frame 3/8" (10) PANEL SIZE LESS 1" (25) Frame TG** (Tegular) 1/4" 1/8" 3/16" DIA. HOLES **NOTE: Frame TG not available for Model APR 7/16" Frame Detail: 7/32" 24 x 24 Module Size Perforated Pattern Detail SPRING RETAINER (51% free area) Face Hinge Detail Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 7/02/01 SD - 1781 PR, APR Round Neck Perforated Return 24 x 24 Module Size PRODUCT DIMENSIONS PR, APR "H7C; Details: ;J7?BIN)E:KB; Margin 24x24 Module PD /?:;2?;M 7CF;H ;J7?B /GK7H;*;9A Side View /?:;2?;M 7CF;H ;J7?B Round Neck .EKD:*;9A DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 31 #HEETRDQRÐ2OHQ@KÐ&QHKKDR 2OHQ@K ,NCDKÐ%/#Ð+@X(M 2SDDKÐ$BNMNLXÐ#HEETRDQÐ1NTMCÐ-DBJ 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( +HRSÄ/QHBDR ,NCDKÄ%/# -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD ÜÄ3!@Q #@LODQ ,NCDK 1!- ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE 3EE0AGEFOROPTIONALPLASTERFRAME +MBCJÏ$." ,NCDKÐ/ 2SDDKÐ1NTMCÐ2TOOKXÐ#HEETRDQ VÄ CIÄ"DMSDQÄ"NMDÄENQÄ5@QHNTRÄ HQÄ/@SSDQMR +HRSÄ/QHBDR -DBJ 2HYD "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX ,NCDK / ,NCDKÄ1!#@LODQ +MBCJÏ. ® !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE ,NCDKÐ 2#&4 KTLHMTLÐ2OHQ@KÐ/HODÐ2TOOKXÐ&QHKKD VÄ$WSQ@BSNQ 2HYD "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX ÄÜÄ #TBSÄ #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD +MBCJÏ1"%Ì3 ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ $M?KÏ%?QICRGLE ÄÄ ÄÜÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISSATINANODIZEDALUMINUM 0RICEINCLUDESEXTRACTOR $ESIGNEDTOMOUNTDIRECTLYTOROUNDDUCT 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W 23 3/4x 23 3/4 8" An .35 Ak .92 23 3/4 x 23 3/4 9" An .44 Ak 1.20 23 3/4x 23 3/4 10" An .54 Ak 1.65 23 3/4 x 23 3/4 12" An .78 Ak 1.65 23 3/4 x 23 3/4 14" An 1.07 Ak 2.06 23 3/4 x 23 3/4 80 .008 <20 2 110 .009 <20 3 140 .010 <20 3.5 180 .012 <20 4.5 220 .014 <20 5.5 315 .015 <20 6 430 .023 <20 6.5 &RQWHQWV 5HIHUHQFH *XLGH 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 100 .012 <20 3 135 .013 <20 4 175 .015 <20 4.5 220 .018 <20 5.5 270 .021 <20 7 390 .023 <20 7.5 535 .036 <20 8 120 .017 <20 3 160 .019 <20 4.5 210 .022 <20 5.5 265 .026 <20 6.5 325 .030 <20 8.5 470 .033 20 9 640 .051 20 9.5 155 .028 <20 4 215 .033 <20 6 280 .038 20 7 350 .046 25 9.5 435 .054 25 11 630 .060 30 12 855 .093 30 13 175 .035 <20 4.5 240 .042 20 7 315 .049 25 8 390 .058 30 10.5 490 .068 30 12.5 705 .072 35 13.5 960 .115 35 14.5 135 .021 <20 3.5 190 .025 <20 5 245 .029 <20 6.5 310 .035 20 8 380 .041 20 10 550 .045 25 10.5 750 .071 25 11.5 195 .043 20 5 270 .051 25 8 350 .060 30 9 440 .072 35 12 545 .084 35 14 785 .094 35 15 1070 .140 40 16 235 .063 25 6 320 .074 30 9 720 .086 35 10.5 525 .104 40 14.5 655 .122 35 17 940 .132 40 18 1285 .205 40 19 275 .086 30 7 375 .101 35 10.5 490 .117 35 12.5 610 .145 42 16.5 765 .167 40 19.5 1100 .180 45 21 1500 .277 45 22.5 315 .112 35 8 415 .131 40 12.5 560 .150 40 14.5 700 .181 45 19 870 .212 45 22 1255 .230 >45 24 1700 .350 >45 25 %DVHERDUG 'LIIXVHUV *ULOOHV 7" An .27 Ak .85 Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw 800 6LGHZDOO&HLOLQJ 5HJLVWHUV 23 3/4 x 23 3/4 600 700 &XUYHG %ODGH 5HJLVWHUV 6" An .20 Ak .78 500 6TXDUH 5RXQG 'LIIXVHUV OVERALL NECK 400 SIZE VELOCITY Terminal Velocity of 75 fpm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n .20 Ak .78 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 7" An .27 Ak .18 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 8" An .35 Ak .92 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 9" 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 An.44 Ak 1.20 10" 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 An .54 Ak 1.20 12" 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 An .78 Ak 1.65 14" 23 3/4 X 23 3/4 An 1.07 Ak 2.06 Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw Cfm Ps Nc Throw 80 .008 <20 2 110 .009 <20 3 140 .010 <20 3.5 180 .012 <20 4.5 220 .014 <20 5.5 315 .015 <20 6 430 .023 <20 6.5 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400 1600 100 .012 <20 3 135 .013 <20 4 175 .015 <20 4.5 220 .018 <20 5.5 270 .021 <20 7 390 .023 <20 7.5 535 .036 <20 8 120 .017 <20 3 160 .019 <20 4.5 210 .022 <20 5.5 265 .026 <20 6.5 325 .030 <20 8.5 470 .033 20 9 640 .051 20 9.5 155 .028 <20 4 215 .033 <20 6 280 .038 20 7 350 .046 20 9.5 435 .054 25 11 630 .060 30 12 855 .093 30 13 175 .035 <20 4.5 240 .042 20 7 315 .049 25 8 390 .058 25 10.5 490 .068 30 12.5 705 .072 35 13.5 960 .115 35 14.5 135 .021 <20 3.5 190 .025 <20 5 245 .029 <20 6.5 310 .035 <20 8 380 .041 20 10 550 .045 25 10.5 750 .071 25 11.5 195 .043 20 5 270 .051 25 8 350 .060 30 9 440 .072 30 12 545 .084 35 14 785 .094 35 15 1070 .140 40 16 235 .063 25 6 320 .074 30 9 420 .086 35 10.5 525 .104 35 14.5 655 .122 35 17 940 .132 40 18 1285 .205 40 19 275 .086 30 7 375 .101 35 10.5 490 .117 35 12.5 610 .142 40 16.5 765 .167 40 19.5 1100 .180 45 21 1500 .277 45 22.5 Terminal Velocity of 75 fpm (0$,/FUF#7KH5HJLVWHU3HRSOHFRP:(%6,7(ZZZ7KH5HJLVWHU3HRSOHFRP 315 .112 35 8 415 .131 40 12.5 560 .150 40 14.5 700 .181 45 19 870 .212 45 22 1255 .230 45 24 1700 .350 45 25 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Steel construction • 360 degree discharge pattern • Two position adjustable core: Position 1 where maximum capacity is obtained, Position 2 where induction is increased • Spring lock allows easy removal and replacement of inner core Nominal Round Duct Size D 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 B C E (Pos. 1) E (Pos. 2) 6-1/2 8-1/2 10-1/2 12-1/2 14-1/2 16-1/2 18-1/2 20-1/2 24-1/2 30-1/2 36-1/2 11-1/8 14-3/4 18-1/4 22 26 29 32-1/2 36 43-1/4 53-3/4 64-1/2 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-7/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 4 4-3/4 5-7/8 7-3/4 8-1/8 10-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/2 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 3-1/4 3-7/8 4-7/8 6-5/8 6-5/8 8-3/8 • Optional round dampers shipped loose for field installation • Safety cable is standard on neck sizes 12” thru 36” • Standard finish is white (WH) Position 1 Position 2 Dimensions are in inches, product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: P3 10-8-01 3-Cone Round Diffuser Steel SD-1840 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS P3, AP3 Series CD Model P3, AP3 P3 AP3 Nominal Round Duct Size D B C E (Position 1) E (Position 2) Nominal Round Duct Size D B C E (Position 1) E (Position 2) 06 6-1/2 11-1/8 1-3/4 1-1/8 06 6-1/2 11-1/8 1-3/4 1-1/8 08 8-1/2 14-3/4 2-1/8 1-1/2 08 8-1/2 14-3/4 2-1/8 1-1/2 10 10-1/2 18-1/4 2-7/8 2-1/8 10 10-1/2 18-1/4 2-7/8 2-1/8 12 12-1/2 22 3-1/8 2-3/8 12 12-1/2 22 3-1/8 2-3/8 14 14-1/2 26 3-3/8 2-5/8 14 14-1/2 26 3-3/8 2-5/8 16 16-1/2 29 4 3-1/4 16 16-1/2 29 4 3-1/4 18 18-1/2 32-1/2 4-3/4 3-7/8 18 18-1/2 32-1/2 4-3/4 3-7/8 20 20-1/2 5-7/8 4-7/8 24 24-1/2 43-1/4 7-3/4 6-5/8 30 30-1/2 53-3/4 8-1/8 6-5/8 36 36-1/2 64-1/2 10-1/8 8-3/8 36 Adjustment of P3 & AP3, is achieved by removing the two inner cores as one unit and repositioning six screws. Spring lock holds inner core unit in place and allows for easy removal & replacement. Note: At position 1, maximum capacity is obtained. At position 2, induction is increased. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 104 02/09 x x x x x 6XEPLWWDO 'UDZLQJ 'RXEOHGHIOHFWLRQVXSSO\JULOOH 8QLYHUVDOHQGFDSV ([WUXGHGDOXPLQXPFRQVWUXFWLRQ ,QGLYLGXDOO\DGMXVWDEOHEODGHVRQÙ§FHQWHUV ,QVWDOODWLRQDQGVHDOLQJJDVNHWV x x x x +RUL]RQWDOIURQWEODGHV$6'*8 9HUWLFDOIURQWEODGHV$6'*8 2SWLRQDOGDPSHUH[WUDFWRU'03;VKRZQ 6WDQGDUGILQLVKHVDUHZKLWHDQGVDWLQDQRGL]HG :,'7+0,186 '$03(5(;75$&725237 ,167$//$7,21 *$6.(7$33/,(' 72(1'&$36 :,'7+3/86 '$03(5(;75$&725$'-8670(17 +(,*+7 3/86 +(,*+7 0,186 6($/,1**$6.(7 (1&/26(6 67$&.+($' $6'*8:,7+'$03(5(;75$&7256+2:1 ✔ $6'*8 $6'*8 2SWLRQV ✔ :KLWHSDLQWHGILQLVK ✔ 6DWLQDQRGL]HGILQLVK ✔ 'DPSHU([WUDFWRU'03; +HLJKW 'XFW'LDPHWHU 0LQ0D[ :LGWK0LQ0D[ $OOGLPHQVLRQVLQLQFKHV -RE /RFDWLRQ $UFKLWHFW (QJLQHHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEPLWWHG%\ 6' $6'*8$6'*8 'RXEOH'HIOHFWLRQ 6SLUDO'XFW*ULOOHVZLWK 8QLYHUVDO(QGFDSV 7KHVHGUDZLQJVGRQRWGHWDLOHYHU\DVSHFWRIWKHSURGXFW7KLVVXEPLWWDOGHPRQVWUDWHVJHQHUDOSURGXFWGLPHQVLRQVGUDZLQJVDUHQRWWRVFDOH 7XWWOH%DLOH\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHFKDQJHVZLWKRXWQRWLFH&RS\ULJKW7XWWOH%DLOH\ZZZWXWWOHDQGEDLOH\FRP PRODUCT DIMENSIONS Universal Endcaps /?D=B; ;<B;9J?ED /?D=B; ;<B;9J?ED EK8B; ;<B;9J?ED EK8B; ;<B;9J?ED SP ,;H<EH7J;:/KFFBO.;JKHD ,;H<EH7J;:/KFFBO.;JKHD Height 3 4 6 8 10 Duct Diameter (Min/ Max) 6/36 10/36 12/36 20/36 24/36 14/48 16/48 Width (Min/Max) 10/48 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 58 02/09 2TOOKXÐ&QHKKDR $ , 5 '&, 6$&7$$ 57/, $%2/8*27 * ,62(,1& 17'3,(52;21'6 8 & 7 6 ® ,NCDKÐ3 2SDDKÐ#NTAKDÐ#DÇDBSHNMÐ2TOOKXÐ&QHKKD VÐ.OSHNM@KÐ.!Ð#@LODQ +HRSÄ/QHBDR #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ +MBCJÏ2 k , 7 Ùk ×k ×k #4"3Ä2(9$Ä ÄÙk +HRSÄ/QHBDR !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE &RONTBLADESRUNSHORTDIMENSION -ULTIPLEDAMPERSECTIONSREQUIRED /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL +HRSÄ/QHBDR SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Face and rear bars spaced on 3/4” centers • Rear bars perpendicular to face bars • Model T54 has horizontal face bars and vertical rear bars • Model T64 has vertical face bars and horizontal rear bars • Steel construction • Standard grille finish is white (WH) • Standard finish for SOBD is mill 1-3/4" Face view 9/16" DUCT SIZE MINUS 3/4" DUCT SIZE PLUS 1-3/4" T54 DUCT SIZE + 1-3/4" DUCT SIZE PLUS 1-3/4" ✔ T64 T54 1-1/4" 1/4" 1-3/4" DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/4" FRAME SF 3-1/4" (SURFACE MOUNT) MODULE SIZE - 1/4" 3/4" T54 SOBD ✔ T64 SOBD 1-3/4" 1/4" FRAME LT Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. JOB NAME: LOCATION: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 8-1-00 (LAY-IN T-BAR) SD-1761 T54 & T64 Double Deflection Grilles & Registers Adjustable Horizontal & Vertical Face Bars CONTRACTOR: Tuttle & Bailey • 1200 Executive Drive East • Suite 125 • Richardson, Texas 75081 • 972-497-0471 Phone • 972-497-0481 Fax PRODUCT DIMENSIONS T54, T64 GR DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 21 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Steel construction • Controls air over entire diffuser • Maximum size 24” x 18”; larger sizes available in multiple sections • Damper can be operated with screwdriver • Standard damper is SOBD with mill finish • For black damper specify BOBD SOBD Open SOBD Closed 1-9/16" DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/2" ACTUATOR SECTION A A A Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. JOB NAME: LOCATION: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 8-01-00 SOBD SD-1367.1 Opposed Blade Damper Neck Mounted CONTRACTOR: Tuttle & Bailey • 1200 Executive Drive East • Suite 125 • Richardson, Texas 75081 • 972-497-0471 Phone • 972-497-0481 Fax 1DSTQMÐ&QHKKDR ,NCDKÐ3# 2SDDKÐÊÐ#DÇDBSHNMÐ1DSTQMÐ&QHKKD ® +HRSÄ/QHBDR #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD &QHKKD .!# ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄWÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ +MBCJÏ2" &MPGXMLR?JÏ J?BCQ ÄÄÄjÄ , 7 ×k ×k 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( VÐ.OSHNM@KÐ.!Ð#@LODQ ×k #4"3Ä2(9$Ä ÄÙk +HRSÄ/QHBDR +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÄ ÄÜÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE $ENOTES,AY)NNOSCREWHOLES -ULTIPLEDAMPERSECTIONSREQUIRED 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Bars spaced on 3/4” centers • Model T70: horizontal bars, 0º fixed deflection • Model T80: vertical bars, 0º fixed deflection • Model T70D: horizontal bars, 35º fixed deflection • Model T80D: vertical bars, 35º fixed deflection • Steel construction • Standard grille finish is white (WH), standard finish for SOBD is mill Face view 1" 9/16" DUCT SIZE MINUS 3/4" DUCT SIZE PLUS 1-3/4" T70D DUCT SIZE PLUS 1-3/4" T70 T70D T80 T80D DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/4" 2-3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 35∞ T70D SOBD T70 T70 SOBD T80 SOBD T80D SOBD MODULE SIZE - 1/4" DUCT SIZE + 1-3/4" 2" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1/4" 1-1/4" 1/4" FRAME LT FRAME SF (SURFACE MOUNT) (LAY-IN T-BAR) Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. JOB NAME: LOCATION: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 8-1-00 T70 & T80 SD-1324.1 Fixed Bar Return Grilles & Registers 3/4” Bar Spacing CONTRACTOR: Tuttle & Bailey • 1200 Executive Drive East • Suite 125 • Richardson, Texas 75081 • 972-497-0471 Phone • 972-497-0481 Fax PRODUCT DIMENSIONS T70, T70D, T75, T75D GR *When using a module for Lay-in T-Bar ceiling, this is the maximum neck size for specified module DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 41 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Steel construction • Controls air over entire diffuser • Maximum size 24” x 18”; larger sizes available in multiple sections • Damper can be operated with screwdriver • Standard damper is SOBD with mill finish • For black damper specify BOBD SOBD Open SOBD Closed 1-9/16" DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/2" ACTUATOR SECTION A A A Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. JOB NAME: LOCATION: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 8-01-00 SOBD SD-1367.1 Opposed Blade Damper Neck Mounted CONTRACTOR: Tuttle & Bailey • 1200 Executive Drive East • Suite 125 • Richardson, Texas 75081 • 972-497-0471 Phone • 972-497-0481 Fax 1DSTQMÐ&QHKKDR ,NCDKÐ"1$ KTLHMTLÄÙÄWÄÙÄWÄÙÄ$FFÐ"Q@SDÐ&QHKKD ® $ , 5 '&, 6$&7$$ 57/, $%2/8*27 * ,62(,1& 17'3,(52;21'6 8 & 7 6 VÄ.OSHNM@KÄ2SDDKÄ.!Ä#@LODQ +HRSÄ/QHBDR #TBS 2HYD "%,Ä1@MFD &QHKKD .! #@LODQ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄ ÄÜÄÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE &EATURINGÔWIDEBORDER $ENOTESLAYIN -ULTIPLEDAMPERSECTIONSREQUIRED B J +MBCJÏ!0# /K@RSHBÐ$FFÐ"Q@SDÐ-NÄ%Q@LD /K@RSHBÄÄØÄÛÄØÄÛÄØ +HRSÄ/QHBDR 2HYD /K@RSHB ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES ,NCDKÐ$"1#Ð$FFÐ"Q@SDÐ&QHKKD VÄ(MSDFQ@KÄ/KDMTL +HRSÄ/QHBDR -DBJÄ2HYD ÄWÄ ÄWÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES /NEPIECEGRILLEANDPLENUMASSEMBLY "LACKINTERIOR 4OPROUNDDUCTCOLLARSAREÚLONG /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL +MBCJÏ#!0" SUBMITTAL DRAWING • • • • • Aluminum construction (frame and core) Available sizes: 6”x4” to 48”x48” Available in three grid core sizes: 1/2”x1/2”x1/2”, 1/2”x1/2”x1”, 1”x1”x1” Optional damper (SOBD-Steel, AOBD-Aluminum) is factory mounted Standard finish is white (WH) Duct plus 1 3/4" Model Duct minus 3/4" 1 1/4" ✔ 3/16" A B Optional Opposed Blade Damper Duct minus 1/2" B A CRE 500 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" grid core 1-1/4" 2-1/2" CRE 510 1/2"x1/2"x1" grid core 1-1/4" 3" CRE 1000 1"x1"x1" grid core 1-1/4" 3" Nominal Duct Size Side View / Damper Detail, SF Frame *minimum wall or ceiling opening for SF is Duct plus 1/8" SF - Surface Mount Frame ✔ LT - Lay in T - Bar Frame C B A Ceiling Module Size minus 1/4" A = 5/8" B = 1" C = 3/8" Ceiling Module Size minus 1/4" LT - Lay in T - Bar Detail U - Frame Detail H = 1/2" for 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" Grid Core H H = 1" for 1/2"x1/2"x1", and 1"x1"x1" Grid Cores Duct - 1/4" Duct - 1/4" C - Core Only Detail Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 7/16/01 SD-1815 ARCHITECT: CR/CRE Series ENGINEER: Eggcrate Return Grilles CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: PRODUCT DIMENSIONS CRE, CR SF Margin Style Models: CRE500, CRE510, CRE1000 Duct plus 1 3/4 Duct minus 3/4 1 1/4 3/16 A B Optional Opposed Blade Damper Model A B CRE500 1/2 x 1/2 x1/2 grid core 1-1/16 2-9/16 CRE510* 1/2 x 1/2 x 1 grid core 1-9/16 3-1/16 CRE1000 1x1x1 grid core 1-9/16 3-1/6 GR *CRE510 core consists of two 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 cores stacked Duct minus 1/2 Nominal Duct Size U Frame Core Only Models: CR500U, CR510U, CR1000U Models: CR500C, CR510C, CR1000C C B A H = 1/2 for 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 Grid Core H Ceiling Module Size minus 1/4 H = 1 for 1/2 x 1/2 x 1, and 1" x 1" x 1" Grid Cores Duct - 1/4 A = 5/8 B=1 C = 3/8 Duct - 1/4 NR Margin Style Models: CRE500, CRE510, CRE1000 24 Duct - 1/2 LT Margin Style Models: CRE500, CRE510, CRE1000 Optional Opposed Blade Damper Ceiling Module Size minus 1/4 Duct - 3/4 23-3/8 23-3/4 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 119 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Steel construction • Controls air over entire diffuser • Maximum size 24” x 18”; larger sizes available in multiple sections • Damper can be operated with screwdriver • Standard damper is SOBD with mill finish • For black damper specify BOBD SOBD Open SOBD Closed 1-9/16" DUCT SIZE MINUS 1/2" ACTUATOR SECTION A A A Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. JOB NAME: LOCATION: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 8-01-00 SOBD SD-1367.1 Opposed Blade Damper Neck Mounted CONTRACTOR: Tuttle & Bailey • 1200 Executive Drive East • Suite 125 • Richardson, Texas 75081 • 972-497-0471 Phone • 972-497-0481 Fax 2ODBH@KSXÐ1DFHRSDQRÐÐ&QHKKDR ,NCDKÐ3#%! 2SDDKÐ+NTUDQDCÐ%HKSDQÐ&QHKKDÐVÐ%HKSDQ "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄ 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( #TBS 2HYD !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE &EATURINGWIDEBORDER $ENOTESLAYIN .PGACGLAJSBCQNJC?RCBjJRCP +MBCJÏ2"$ $GJRCPÏ%PGJJC ® ,NCDKÐ 5% KTLHMTLÐ#NNQ3Q@MREDQÐ&QHKKD +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ +MBCJÏ4$ "MMPÏ%PGJJC Listed Size + 1½” 2HYD "%,Ä ÄÄ%/,Ä -DBJÄ5DKNBHSX !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISCLEARANODIZED ® ½” 1 9/64” Min 2¹⁄ 8 Max 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄ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✔ ✔ 7)% 7')% 7)% 7')% +LQJH2SWLRQV ✔ 7851)$67(1(5 ),/7(5)5$0( ✔ )LOWHU 3URYLGHG E\2WKHUV &RUH8QLW )UDPH ),/7(5)5$0( 7RS %RWWRP /HIW 5LJKW 1RQH )LQLVKHV ✔ :+:KLWH $3$OXPLQXP3DLQW 2:2II:KLWH )%)ODW%ODFN 030DWFK3DLQW .185/('.12%)$67(1(5 'LPHQVLRQVLQLQFKHV -RE /RFDWLRQ $UFKLWHFW (QJLQHHU &RQWUDFWRU 7DJ 7)%')%7)%')% 5HWXUQ*ULOOHZLWK)LOWHU)UDPH %DU6SDFLQJ6WHHO 6XEPLWWHG%\ 6' 5HY$ 7KHVHGUDZLQJVGRQRWGHWDLOHYHU\DVSHFWRIWKHSURGXFW7KLVVXEPLWWDOGHPRQVWUDWHVJHQHUDOSURGXFWGLPHQVLRQVGUDZLQJVDUHQRWWRVFDOH 7XWWOH%DLOH\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHFKDQJHVZLWKRXWQRWLFH&RS\ULJKW7XWWOH%DLOH\ZZZWXWWOHDQGEDLOH\FRP PRODUCT DIMENSIONS T70FB, T80FB, T70DFB, T80DFB T70FB w/ 1" Filter Frame GR NOMINAL DUCT 2 1/2 QUARTER TURN FASTENER HINGE VERTICAL DUCT SIZE PLUS 2 3/8 TYP SUPPORT MULLION (TYP) 8" MAXIMUM SPACING BAR SPACING 3/4 DUCT PLUS 2 3/8 TYP Face View / Side View (Model T70FB shown with 1" filter frame) SF Margin Style w/ 2" Filter Frame LT Margin Style w/ 1" Filter Frame NOMINAL DUCT NOMINAL DUCT EQUALS PANEL SIZE LESS 4 Filter Frame FILTER FRAME 3 1/2 2 1/2 MARGIN PANEL SIZE LESS 1/4 DUCT PLUS 2 3/8 Knurled Knob Fastener LT Margin NOMINAL PANEL SIZE FILTER RETAINER TYP FOUR SIDES CORE UNIT MARGIN NOM CORE DUCT SIZE FILTER FILLER PANEL NOMINAL PANEL LESS 1/4 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 146 02/08 PRODUCT DIMENSIONS A980, A990 A980WF A980W A980C GR LISTED SIZE PLUS 1 1/2 LISTED SIZE MINUS 1/4 LISTED SIZE MINUS 1/32 1 1 1 5/16 1 1/4 3/16 1 1/8 min. 2 1/8 max. 1 1/16 A990VF A990C A980F LISTED SIZE PLUS 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 LISTED SIZE MINUS 3/16 LISTED SIZE MINUS 1/32 1 5/16 1 1/8 1 1/4 3/16 1 1/8 min. 2 1/8 max. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 02/09 129 2KNSÐ#HEETRDQR ® ,NCDKÐ25/2 2SDDKÐ(MRTK@SDCÐ/KDMTLÐ2KNSÐ#HEETRDQR $ , 5 '&, 6$&7$$ 57/, $%2/8*27 * ,62(,1& 17'3,(52;21'6 8 & 7 6 +@X(M #HLDMRHNM@KÄ#@S@ ÄNEÄ 2KNSR ,NCDK Ä2KNS +DMFSG 'DHFGS 6HCSG (MKDS .5 + .5 + "%, 1@MFD +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÄ ÄÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES Ð"QNRRÐ3DD +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BG Ð"QNRRÐ3DD +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BG +MBCJÏ14.1 ,NCDKÐ+-2# KTLHMTLÐ+HMD@QÐ2KNSÐ#HEETRDQRÐ +@X(MÄÄ2TQE@BDÄ,NTMS +DMFSG ÄNEÄ 2KNSR -DBJÄ2HYD "%,Ä 1@MFD 6HCSG ÄÄ ÄÄ +DMFSG +HRSÄ/QHBD +MBCJÏ*,1" !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES SLOTWIDTH WIDEFACE 2TQE@BDÐ,NTMSÐ$MCÐ"@OR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BG ,NCDKÐ(/ (MRTK@SDCÐ/KDMTL +DMFSG 1SPD?ACÏ+MSLR 0COSGPCQÏ1SPD?ACÏ+MSLRÏ#LBÏ!?N -DBJ 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD .5 + .5 + !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES Ø *?WÌ'L 1R?LB?PB /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL .JCLSK 1CARGMLÏ4GCU SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Single vane gasket tipped blade, adjustable • Available in 1, 2, 3, or 4 slots, and 3/4”, 1”, or 1-1/2” slot widths (3 and 4 slot diffusers only available in 1” width) • Standard nominal lengths: 24”, 36”, 48”, 60” • 24” length has 1 blade per slot, 36”, 48” and 60” lengths have 2 blades per slot • 1 and 2 slot diffusers are 8” high (optional 11” available), 3 and 4 slot diffusers are 11” high • Internal insulation available (end caps are not insulated) • Standard finish is black exposed surfaces, black controller, white optional tees • Steel Construction 1/2" 11" 11" 8" 8" 1/2" Typical 1" Typical S Typical W W W 1-Slot 2-Slot 3-Slot 4-Slot Available Inlet Sizes Dimensions W A B 5" Round 4-7/8" – 6" Oval 8" Oval 10" Oval 12" Oval 6-1/4" 9-3/8" 12-1/2" 15-5/8" 5-1/4" 5-1/4" 5-1/4" 5-1/4" 12" inlet size not available on 8" high plenums. Optional Center T-Bars (1" wide) are shown above Slot Width (S) Diffuser Width (W) 1-Slot 2-Slot 3-Slot 4-Slot 1" 1-3/4" 2" N/A 6" N/A 8" 1-1/2" 2-1/2" 3-1/2" 4" 5" N/A N/A 3/4" A Optional Internal Insulation B 3/8" (Typ) Optional T-bar L-1/4" Notes: SVPS is designed for standard T-bar ceiling systems. For SVPS accessory options and details, refer to submittal SD - 1856 Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 5-28-02 SVPS SD-1850 Plenum Slot Diffuser Adjustable, Gasket Tipped Blade PRODUCT DIMENSIONS SVPS 1/2 11 11 8 8 PS (Typ) 1/2 1 (Typ) (Typ) S W W W W 1-Slot 2-Slot 3-Slot 4-Slot Available Inlet Sizes (in.) Dimensions (in.) A B 5 Round 4-7/8 - 6 Oval 6-1/4 5-1/4 8 Oval 9-3/8 5-1/4 10 Oval 12-1/2 5-1/4 12 Oval 15-5/8 5-1/4 Optional center T-bars (1” wide) are shown above. Center channels are provided on 2, 3 and 4 slot models when T-bars are by others (LT0). (S) (Slot Width) 3/4 12” inlet size not available on 8” high plenums. (W) (Diffuser Width) 1-Slot 2-Slot 3-Slot 4-Slot 1-3/4 3-1/2 5-1/4 7 1 2 4 6 8 1-1/2 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10 A Optional Internal Insulation B 3/8 (Typ) Optional T-bar L-1/4 Available lengths (L): 24", 36", 48", 60" DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 2 02/09 SUBMITTAL DRAWING • Optional factory mounted T-bars are 1” wide • On option LT0 (no T-bars), center channels are provided on 2, 3, and 4 slot units (models SVPS, ITPS & PSDR). • Optional inlet damper (ID) is shipped loose for field installation • Earthquake tabs (ET), not shown, are available as an option; standard is 2 tabs per diffuser T-Bar Configuration (must specify when ordering) 1-4 Slots 2-4 Slots LT0 No Tee Bars Diffuser Ceiling The PF (plaster mounting frame) is shipped loose for field installation. Height of the PF is 1-1/2" LT1 Center Tees only, no outside Tees 1" 1-4 Slots LT2 Tees on both sides 2-4 Slots LT3 All Tees PF (plaster frame) Details 1-5/8" 4" 1-4 Slots 1-4 Slots 2 Slots Only 2 Slots Only PROJECT: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: LOCATION: LT4 Tee opposite inlet 5/8" CN (cross notch) Detail LT5 Tee on inlet side ID (inlet damper) Detail 1/4" LT6 Tees center and opposite inlet 1-7/8" 1-3/8" Mounting Tabs (Two per side) Inlet Mounting Tab Detail LT7 MO (mtg. tab opposite inlet) Tees center and MB (mtg. tab on both sides) inlet side Dimensions are in inches. Product information subject to change without notice. SUBMITTED BY: DATE: 5-28-02 SD-1856 SVPS, ITPS, APPS, PSDR Accessories 1DRHCDMSH@KÐ&QHKKDR #TBSÄ2HYD 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( ,NCDKÐ, 3VN6@XÐ2HCDV@KKÐ2TOOKXÐ1DFHRSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ +MBCJÏ+ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE 3TEELCONSTRUCTIONÚlNSPACING ,NCDKÐ 2S@LODCÐ1DSTQMÐ HQÐ&QHKKD #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ +MBCJÏ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISWHITE 3TEELCONSTRUCTIONÚFINSPACING ,NCDKÐ# 2S@LODCÐ1DSTQMÐ HQÐ&QHKKD VHSGÄ#@LODQÄ RRDLAKX #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ PMULÏ$GLGQF !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &INISHISBROWN (EAVYSTEELCONSTRUCTIONWFOOTOPERATEDDAMPER 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL +MBCJÏ" /GNMD %@W Product Data Sheet • Steel construction • Sidewall or ceiling application • 1/2" fin spacing • Easy operating multi-louver damper • For heating or cooling • Powder coated white finish • 1, 2, 3, and 4 way patterns • Riveted Damper Sidewall Ceiling Supply Register Models: 101M - One Way 102M - Two Way 103M - Three Way 104M - Four Way 101LM - One Way Left 1/3" spacing 1132M - Two Way 1133M - Three Way 102M shown 102M 101M 101LM 3/8" 11/16" 1 1/8" 103M (1133M) 104M 6/08 5 Grilles • Registers • Diffusers Dampers • Fire Dampers • Louvers Steel Grilles & Registers SERIES 100M Series 100 Performance Data / Available Sizes 102M - Two Way CFM Outlet Size 8" x 4" 10" x 6" 12" x 6" 14" x 6" 12" x 8" 50 Neck Velocity PS Throw 225 .006 6 100 Neck Velocity PS Throw 450 .023 9 240 .006 7 200 .004 7 150 Neck Velocity PS Throw 675 .051 12 360 .015 10 200 Neck Velocity PS Throw 900 .091 15 250 300 .010 9 257 .007 9 225 .006 8 480 .026 12 400 .018 11 343 .013 11 300 .010 10 257 .007 10 Neck Velocity PS Throw 600 .040 14 500 .028 13 429 .021 12 375 .016 12 321 .012 11 300 Neck Velocity PS Throw 720 .058 16 600 .040 15 514 .030 14 450 .023 13 386 .017 13 350 Neck Velocity PS Throw 840 .079 17 700 .055 16 600 .040 16 525 .091 15 450 .023 14 400 Neck Velocity PS Throw 800 .091 20 686 .067 19 600 .051 18 514 .038 17 450 Neck Velocity PS Throw 900 .112 21 771 .082 20 675 .063 19 579 .046 18 500 Neck Velocity PS Throw 857 .100 21 750 .76 20 643 .056 19 550 Neck Velocity PS Throw 825 .091 22 707 .067 20 600 Neck Velocity PS Throw 900 .107 23 771 .78 22 650 Neck Velocity PS Throw 836 .091 23 700 Neck Velocity PS Throw 900 .096 25 Available Sizes: 101M • 8" x 4" • 10" x 6" • 12" x 6" • 14" x 6" Available Sizes: 102M • 8" x 4" • 10" x 4" • 12" x 4" • 14" x 4" • 8" x 6" • 10" x 6" • 6” x 6” • 12" x 6" • 14" x 6" • 8" x 8" • 10" x 8" • 12" x 8" • 14" x 8"• 16” x 6” 6 6/08 14" x 8" Steel Grilles & Registers Model 1400 Product Data Sheet • Steel construction • Designed for flush installation • 1/2" fin spacing • Fixed fins at 50° angle • Standard White finish 1/2" 1/2" 1" Return Air Grille 3/8" 1" 3/8" 1 1/8" 1/2" 1/2" Listed Size Plus 2 1/4" Listed Size = Duct Size 3/8" 3/8" 1/8" 1/4" Grilles • Registers • Diffusers Dampers • Fire Dampers • Louvers 6/08 19 Model 1400 Performance Data / Available Sizes Face Velocity CFM 12” x 12” 24" x 18" 30" x 16" 200 200 300 300 150 400 400 200 500 500 250 167 150 600 600 300 200 180 150 700 700 350 233 210 175 800 400 267 240 200 160 900 450 300 270 225 180 1000 500 333 300 250 200 1200 600 400 360 300 240 1400 700 467 420 350 280 1600 533 480 400 320 1800 600 540 450 360 2000 667 600 500 400 Available Sizes: 24" x 12" 24" x 24" 30" x 24" 1400 HEIGHT 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 25" 30" 36" 6" x x – – – – – – – – – – – 8" x x x – – x – – – – – – – WIDTH 10" 12" 14" 16" x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x – x x x x – x x – – x x – x x – x x x x x x x x – – x x – x x x – x x x 18" x x x x x x x x x x – x – 20" 24" 25" 30" 36" x x – x – x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x x – x x x – x – – x x – x x x x – – x NOTES: Face Velocity - The average face velocity is in feet per minute as measured 1” from the face. Stated performance is for most popular sizes; complete performance for all sizes is available upon request. Ordering Information All of USAIRE stamped steel return air grilles are listed with the horizontal (width) dimension first, vertical (height) dimension second. Minimum size for Model 1400 is 6" x 4"; maximum is 36" x 36". For selected sizes, this grille is designed to accept a standard 1” filter as filter grille Model 1400F. Refer to the appropriate Data Sheet for details. 20 6/08 Product Data Sheet Standard Floor Register • Steel construction • Ideal for perimeter heating and Models: 1500 1510D 1510DX 1510X 1520M cooling applications • Ideal for manufactured or mobile home applications • - Grille Only w/mounting holes - Damper Assembly (no screw holes) - Damper Assembly w/screw holes - Grille and neck w/screw holes - Multi-louver Damper Heavy gauge rolled fins provide smooth surface • Multi-angle fin setting • Foot operated dial control for opposed blade damper • Standard Brown finish • Optional White finish 1520M shown Listed Size -1/4" Listed Size +1/4" 1500/ 1510D 13/16" 1" 1 5/8" Listed Size Equals Duct Size 1510D (with optional damper) 2 1/4" 1510DX Listed Size -1/4" Listed Size +1/4" 3/16" 1" 1 5/8" Listed Size Equals Duct Size 1510DX with Damper/Screw Holes 2 1/4" Listed Listed Size Size Equals -1/8" Duct Size Listed Size +1 1/2" 1520M 1" 1/8" 1 5/16" Grilles • Registers • Diffusers Dampers • Fire Dampers • Louvers 1520M with Multi-louver Damper 2 3/8" 6/08 27 Steel Grilles & Registers Series 1500 Series 1500 Performance Data • 1500 • 1510D • 1510DX • 1510X CFM Outlet Size 25 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 160 .007 3 2 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 320 .029 6 4 267 .020 5 4 229 .015 5 4 180 .009 4 3 150 .006 4 3 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 480 .066 7 6 400 .046 7 5 343 .034 7 5 270 .021 6 5 225 .014 6 4 193 .011 5 4 180 .009 5 4 150 .006 5 4 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 640 .117 9 7 533 .081 8 6 457 .060 8 6 360 .037 7 6 300 .026 7 5 257 .019 7 5 240 .011 6 5 200 .011 6 5 171 .008 6 4 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 800 .183 11 6 667 .127 10 7 571 .093 9 7 450 .058 9 6 375 .040 8 6 321 .030 8 6 300 .026 8 6 250 .018 7 5 214 .013 7 5 800 .183 11 6 686 .135 11 6 640 .083 10 7 450 .058 9 7 386 .043 9 7 360 .037 9 6 300 .026 8 6 257 .019 8 6 800 .183 12 9 630 .114 11 8 525 .079 10 8 450 .058 10 7 420 .050 9 7 350 .035 9 7 300 .026 8 6 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 720 .188 13 10 600 .130 12 9 614 .096 11 7 480 .083 11 8 400 .058 11 8 343 .043 10 6 225 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 810 .232 14 10 675 .161 13 10 579 .118 12 9 540 .103 12 9 450 .072 11 8 386 .053 11 8 250 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 900 .261 15 11 750 .195 14 10 643 .143 13 10 600 .125 13 10 500 .067 12 9 429 .064 11 9 275 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 825 .232 15 11 707 .170 14 10 660 .148 14 10 550 .103 13 10 471 .076 12 9 300 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 900 .272 16 12 771 .200 15 11 720 .174 14 11 600 .121 13 10 514 .089 13 10 325 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 836 .232 15 12 780 .202 15 11 650 .140 14 11 557 .103 13 10 350 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 900 .232 15 12 840 .202 15 11 700 .140 14 11 600 .103 13 10 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 2" x 10" 2" x 12" 2" x 14" 4" x 10" 4" x 12" 4" x 14" 6” x 10” 6” x 12” 6” x 14” Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw CFM Outlet Size Free Area 4" x 8" 4" x 10" 22 28 (.152 sq.) (.195 sq.) 50 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 225 .015 54 180 .009 4 3 75 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 338 .034 7 5 270 .021 6 5 100 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 450 .060 8 6 360 .037 7 6 125 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 563 .093 9 7 450 .058 9 6 150 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 625 .135 11 8 540 .083 10 7 175 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 788 .183 12 9 630 .114 11 8 200 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 900 .239 14 11 720 .188 13 10 225 Face Velocity PS Spread/Throw 810 .232 14 10 Available Sizes: 1500, 1510D, 1510DX 2" x 10" • 2" x 12" • 2" x 14" • 4" x 8" • 4" x 10" • 4" x 12" • 4" x 14" • 6" x 10" • 6" x 12" • 6" x 14" Available Sizes: 1520M 4" x 8" • 4" x 10" NOTES: Static Pressure - Static pressure readings are in inches water gauge. Throw - Throws indicated are based on total number of feet of projected air when a terminal velocity of 50 feet per minute is reached. Spread - Horizontal spread is measured in feet when a terminal velocity of 50 feet per minute is reached. Face Velocity - The face velocity is in feet per minute. Ordering Information All of USAIRE stamped steel floor grilles are listed with the horizontal (width) dimension first, vertical (height) dimension second. Grille fins have their axis parallel to the short (width) dimension; multi-louver damper blades on register models have their axis parallel to the long side. The damper is built-in for economical applications, and the blades are dial-operated for foot control. 28 6/08 3GDQL@KKXÐ/NVDQDCÐ#HEETRDQR $ , 5 '&, 6$&7$$ 57/, $%2/8*27 * ,62(,1& 17'3,(52;21'6 8 & 7 6 ,NCDKÐ3%'"Ð!K@CDÄ#@LODQÄ'D@SHMFÄÄ"NNKHMFÐ 3GDQL@%TRDQpÐ3GDQL@KKXÐ/NVDQDCÐ5 5Ð#HEETRDQR +@X(M 3GDÄ BTSGDQLÄ3GDQL@%TRDQpÄLNCTKDÄHRÄ@Ä5 5ÄYNMDÄNEÄSDLODQ@STQDÄ BNMSQNKÄOQNUHCHMFÄBNLENQSÄHMÄANSGÄGD@SHMFÄ@MCÄBNNKHMFÄÄ!THKSHMÄ SGDQLNRS@SRÄRDMRDÄ@UDQ@FDÄQNNLÄ@HQÄSDLODQ@STQDÄEQNLÄ@ÄÄR@LOKDÄNEÄ @HQÄHMCTBDCÄHMSNÄSGDÄTMHSÄÄ(SÄBNMSQNKRÄ@HQÄEKNVÄSNÄOQDBHRDKXÄL@SBGÄSGDÄ BNLENQSÄQDPTHQDLDMSRÄNEÄSGDÄQNNLÄNQÄONQSHNMÄNEÄSGDÄQNNLÄRDQUDC %D@STQDR l l l l l l (MCHUHCT@KÄ3DLODQ@STQDÄ"NMSQNKÄENQÄ'D@SHMFÄÄ"NNKHMF +NVDRSÄ"NRSÄ/DQÄ9NMDÄNEÄ"NMSQNK +NVDRSÄ$MDQFXÄ5 5Ä3DQLHM@K +NVÄSNÄ-NÄ,@HMSDM@MBD $@RHKXÄ C@OS@AKDÄSNÄ.EÆBDÄ+@XNTSÄ"G@MFDR .OSHNM@KÄ!XO@RRÄ1DKHDEÄ1HMFÄ U@HK@AKD /DQENQL@MBDÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF +HRSÄ/QHBDR 2HYD "%, 1@MFD ,NCDKÄ 3%'" ,NCDKÄ1 1DKHDEÄ1HMF ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÄ +MBCJÏ2$Ì&! !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES ,#!)Ï1#!2'-, ',*#2 -" ',*#2 !-**0 Û j j -" j j *'. j j +MBCJÏ0Ï0CJGCDÏ0GLE 'LQR?JJ?RGML Ü j j 1/30# +MBCJÏ2$Ì&!Ï2FCPK?Ì$SQCPo #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ ,NCDK 3%'" .#Ä ,NCDKÄ1 1DKHDEÄ1HMF (MKDS .# 1 1 1 Ä !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES /GNMD %@W Ï+-3,2',% 0!)#21 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL FORM 12.4 REV 0611 SUBMITTAL MODEL F TF 2’ x 2’ (600mm) Square VAV Diffuser w/ Blade Damper Type F F F F F -HC VAV Heating & VAV Cooling -CW VAV Cooling & Warm Up -C VAV Cooling Only -D Manually Adjustable -RA Return Inlet Designation OD INCHES F F F F -6 -8 -10 -12 r1/16 515/16 715/16 915/16 1115/16 mm r3 150 200 250 300 F -595MM *595r2mm Square with 16r2mm Lip available Options Remote Set Point F -DA1 One (Type –C/-CW) installed Resistance Heater for use with Digital Wall Adjuster or BMS F -DA2 Two (Type –HC) installed Resistance Heater for use with Digital Wall Adjuster or BMS F -B2 Two (Type –HC) installed Resistance Heater wired separately for use with BMS only F -I Insulation F -S Silk Screened Appearance Panel Minimum Flow Stop F -FR 20% Fixed F -FS Adjustable Screw Percent F -H Security Hangers % F Head Up Page 1 of 2 F Head Down FORM 12.4 REV 0611 SUBMITTAL F TF (continued) Relief Rings Bypass supply air to ceiling plenum when VAV diffusers turn down F -R6 6” supply duct F -R8 8” supply duct F -R10 10” supply duct Blow Patterns – Directional Baffles F -D3 F -D2 Three Way Blow F -D1 F -D2C Two Way Blow Two Way Corner One Way Blow Page 2 of 2 2HMFKDÐ#TBSÐ5 5Ð!NWDR ,NCDKÐ2#5Ð 2HMFKDÐ#TBSÐ3DQLHM@KÐ4MHSRÐÐ!@QDÐ!NW "%,Ä1@MFD #HLDMRHNM@KÄ #@S@Ä 6ÄÜÄ'ÄÜÄ+ +HRSÄ/QHBD !@QDÄ!NW ÄÄ ÄÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄØ ÄÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄØ ÄÄ ÄÛÄØÄÛÄØ ÄÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄØ ÄÄ ÄÛÄØÄÛÄØ ÄÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄØ ® 7$(, 5 0 '6&, 6$7 $ 5 &/,2%218*'7,,672(, 12 &1 73,65222 1')6 8 6&$7/6( 2HYD !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES (MBKTCDRÄÄ"NMSQNKÄDMBKNRTQDÄGNROHS@KÄFQ@CDÄHMRTK@SHNMÄBKNRDCÄBDKKÄÆADQÄEQDD 1NVÐ'NSÐ6@SDQÐ"NHKRÐ ENQÐ2#5Ð!NWDR +MBCJÏ1"4 %NQÄ4RDÄ6HSGÄ !NWÄ2HYD #HLDMRHNM@KÄ #@S@Ä 6ÄÜÄ'ÄÜÄ+ +HRSÄ/QHBD 1NVÄ'6Ä"NHK ÄÛÄÄÛÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄ ÄÛÄØÄÛÄ ÄÛÄÄÛÄ ÄÛÄØÄÛÄØ ÄÛÄÄÛÄØ Ì0MUÏ&MRÏ5?RCPÏ!MGJÏ DMPÏ1"4Ï MV !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES (OTWATERCOILINSLEEVEFORlELDMOUNTINGINDUCT 0IPECONNECTIONIS)S /$SWEATCONNECTION 5 5Ð!NWÐ"NMSQNKR /@BJ@FDCÄ"NMSQNKR /QNUHCDCÄÄ(MRS@KKDCÄNMÄ5 5Ä!NW "NMSQNKÄ2XRSDL /MDTL@SHB M@KNF $KDBSQNMHB "NNKHMFÄ.MKX "NLONMDMSRÄ(MBKTCDCÄHMÄ/@BJ@FD +HRSÄ/QHBD /MDTL@SHBÄ BST@SNQÄ/MDTL@SHBÄ"NMSQNKKDQ M@KNFÄ$KDBSQNMHBÄ"NMSQNKKDQ BST@SNQÄ@MCÄ 3GDQLNRS@S .LCSK?RGAÏ!MLRPMJJCP .LCSK?RGAÏARS?RMP L?JMEÏ#JCARPMLGA ARS?RMP!MLRPMJJCP L?JMEÏ#JCARPMLGA 2FCPKMQR?R "NMSQNKRÄ2NKCÄ2DO@Q@SDKX "NMSQNKÄ2XRSDL /MDTL@SHB M@KNF $KDBSQNMHB "NNKHMFÄ.MKX BST@SNQ +HRS "NMSQNKKDQ +HRS 3GDQLNRS@S +HRS ÄÄ$MPRFCPKMQR?RQCJCARGMLQ NJC?QCAMLR?AR MSP!MLRPMJ"GTGQGML?R BBDRRNQHDR 3Q@MRENQLDQÄÄ5 "ÄÄ5 Ä +HRSÄ/QHBD "NMSQNKÄ$MBKNRTQDÄENQÄ5 5Ä!NW +HRSÄ/QHBD 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W Tuttle & Bailey SUBMITTAL DRAWING STANDARD FEATURES: 1. 22 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL CASING CONSTRUCTION 2. 1 " DUAL DENSITY LINING 2 3. ROUND INLET COMPATIBLE WITH NOMINAL RIGID AND FLEX DUCT CONNECTIONS 4. SLIP AND DRIVE DISCHARGE CONNECTION 5. PATENTED FLO-CROSS MULTIPOINT FLO SENSOR 6. DAMPER SHAFT WITH DELRIN BEARINGS AND POSITION INDICATOR 7. LOW LEAKAGE DAMPER WITH SEAL 8. RIGHT OR LEFT HAND CONFIGURATIONS AVAILABLE (RIGHT HAND SHOWN) SLIP & DRIVE CONNECTION 6-1/2 18 F G 12-3/8 H D A F L W SIDE VIEW INLET VIEW UNIT SIZE 4 CFM RANGE MIN TO MAX 0/45 - 230 15 1 5 0/70 - 360 15 1 6 0/100 - 520 15 1 7 0/140 - 710 15 1 8 0/185 - 925 15 1 10 0/290 - 1450 15 1 L H 12 0/420 - 2100 15 1 14 0/580 - 2900 15 1 16 0/740 - 3700 15 1 CONTROL ENCLOSURE OPTIONAL W A D F G 3 7 21 71 8 12 5 2 8 12 5 38 4 78 2 18 7 14 2 8 12 3 38 5 78 2 18 7 14 2 10 12 3 38 6 8 1 18 7 14 2 10 12 3 38 7 78 1 18 7 14 2 12 1 2 14 3 38 9 78 - 5 14 3 8 - 5 14 8 - 3 14 8 - 3 14 8 7 8 2 15 16 3 11 7 2 17 1 2 20 3 3 8 13 7 2 18 24 3 3 8 15 7 JOB NAME: ________________________ LOCATION: ________________________ ARCHITECT: _______________________ ENGINEER: ________________________ CONTRACTOR: ____________________ WWW.TUTTLEANDBAILEY.COM 3 2 8 8 4 LINER OPTIONS: 1 " DUAL 2 DENSITY 1" DUAL DENSITY ENVIROSEAL INSULGUARD NO LINER GAL. SHEET METAL LINER SEE SUBMITTAL SD-7005 FOR LINER PROPERTIES SUBMITTED BY: DATE: AUGUST '02 DRAWING NUMBER: SD-7006 CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORIES: 20 GUAGE CONTROL ACCESS DOOR ENCLOSURE CAM DISC. SWITCH LATCHES DUSTTIGHT SEAL CAM LATCHES HANGER BKT REQUIRE AN TRANSFORMER ACCESS DOOR 120V / 24V 208V / 24V 240V / 24V 277V / 24V 480V / 24V SDV - SINGLE DUCT TERMINAL UNIT BASE UNIT SD-7006-7-22-02 6XEPLWWDO 'UDZLQJ / ' % &HQWHUHG RQKHLJKW + $ & : 2IIVHWGLUHFWLRQPD\EHHLWKHUGLUHFWLRQIURPWKHSODQW 2SWLRQV ✔ 'LPHQVLRQVLQLQFKHV -RE /RFDWLRQ $UFKLWHFW (QJLQHHU &RQWUDFWRU 6XEPLWWHG%\ 9HQWDQG'UDLQ +RW:DWHU&RLOV 6'9 6' 5HY% 7KHVHGUDZLQJVGRQRWGHWDLOHYHU\DVSHFWRIWKHSURGXFW7KLVVXEPLWWDOGHPRQVWUDWHVJHQHUDOSURGXFWGLPHQVLRQVGUDZLQJVDUHQRWWRVFDOH 7XWWOH%DLOH\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHFKDQJHVZLWKRXWQRWLFH&RS\ULJKW7XWWOH%DLOH\ZZZWXWWOHDQGEDLOH\FRP 2GDDSÐ,DS@KÐ/QNCTBSRÐ 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 %HSSHMFRÐÐ2SHBJ.MÐ2SQ@HFGSÐ@MCÐ!DKKÐ,NTSG 'HFGÐ$EEHBHDMBXÐ.Ð1DBS@MFTK@QÐ2SHBJ.MÐ*"NKK@QÐ@MCÐ2SHBJ.MÐ2@CCKD 2PT@QDÐSNÐ1NTMCÐ3Q@MRHSHNMR 2M@OKNBJÐ/HODÐ@MCÐ%HSSHMFR 2OHQ@KÐ/HODÐ@MCÐ&@RJDSDCÐ%HSSHMFR 1NTMCÐ#TBSÐ#NNQRÐ/2 Ð6Q@O &QHOOKDÐ'@MFDQR %KDWÐ#TBSÐ2S@MC@QCÐ(MCTRSQH@KÐ'NRDÐ/HODÐ2KDDUDRÐ@MCÐ2SQ@OR %KDWÐ#TBSÐ,DCHB@KÐ&Q@CDÐ %HQDÐ#@LODQRÐ1@CH@SHNMÐ#@LODQRÐ@MCÐ%HQDRSNOÐ2D@K@MS BBDRRÐ#NNQR !@BJCQ@ESÐ#@LODQR !K@RSÐ&@SDR "NMSQNKÐ#@LODQRÐ@MCÐ BST@SNQR +NTUDQRÐ@MCÐ!QHBJÐ5DMSR 3NNKRÐ2D@K@MSRÐ%KDWÐ2SQ@ORÐ@MCÐ,HRBÐ BBDRRNQHDR /HODÐ/NQS@KRÐ@MCÐ BBDRRNQHDR 1NNEÐ"TQARÐ@MCÐ$PTHOLDMSÐ2TOONQSR "NMSQNKÐ#HUHRHNM /HSSRATQFGÐ HQÐ2XRSDLRÐ"NMSQNKÐ#HUHRHNMÐOQNUHCDRÐ@ÐU@QHDSXÐNEÐ(M2SNBJÐ@MCÐBTRSNLÐ CDRHFMDCÐBNMSQNKÐBNLONMDMSRÐ@MCÐRXRSDLR (M2SNBJÐ(SDLR lÐ #@LODQÐ BST@SNQR lÐ 5 5Ð!NWÐ"NMSQNKKDQRÐ$KDBSQNMHBÐ /MDTL@SHBÐ@MCÐ##" lÐ 3GDQLNRS@SRÐ$KDBSQNMHBÐ @MCÐ/MDTL@SHB lÐ 5@KUDRÐÐ'NSÐ@MCÐ"GHKKDCÐV@SDQ lÐ 9NMDÐ"NMSQNKÐ553Ð2XRSDLR lÐ 1DEQHFDQ@SHNMÐ"NMSQNKR lÐ 6@SDQÐ1DFTK@SHMFÐ5@KUDR lÐ )NGMRNMÐ##"Ð"NMSQNKR "TRSNLÐ#DRHFMR lÐ 9NMDÐ"NMSQNKRÐ553 lÐ !NHKDQÐÐ/TLOÐ"NMSQNKÐ/@MDKR lÐ "TRSNLÐ"NMSQNKÐ/@MDKÐ%@AQHB@SHNM lÐ "NMSQNKÐ2XRSDLÐ#DRHFMÐ @MCÐ/QNFQ@LLHMF lÐ 2S@QSTOÐ@MCÐ3QNTAKDRGNNSHMFÐ RRHRS@MBD %NQÐLNQDÐHMENQL@SHNMÐBNMS@BSÐNTQÐL@HMÐNEÆBDÐ@SÐÐ NQÐDL@HKÐSNÐÐ"NMSQNKR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 2GDDSÐ,DS@KŸ,DBG@MHB@KП (MCTRSQH@KÐ Ÿ %HKSDQRÐ Ÿ "NMSQNKR /GNMD %@W Ð Ð ÐÐ Ð 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 2SHBJ.MÐ%HSSHMFR ,NCDKÐ" 3Ð" 3#Ð6HSGÄ#@LODQ #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF .UDQ@KKÄ'DHFGS #H@ ,NCDK " 3 ,NCDKÄ " 3 ,NCDKÄ " 3# +MBCJÏ!2 +MBCJÏ!2"ÏUGRFÏB?KNCP ,NCDK " 3# +HRSÄ/QHBDR Ø Ø !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES -OUNTINGFLANGEISÚWIDE ,NCDKÐ!,Ð!,#Ð6HSGÄ#@LODQ D C 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 B A +MBCJÏ +"ÏUGRFÏB?KNCP #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF +HRSÄ/QHBDR .UDQ@KKÄ+DMFSGÄ! %KDWÄ2HYD ,NCDKÄ !, ,NCDKÄ !,# 'NKDÄ2HYD " #H@LDSDQ # ,NCDKÄ !, ,NCDKÄ !,# Ø × × Ø Ø × Ø ÄÄØ Ù Ù ÄÄØ Ù Ø × Ø × !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W SUBMITTAL DATA 106 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 MODEL: CAT / CATD 603-224-9680 603-224-2695 D Construction 26 Gauge Galvanized Steel .125 Double Stick Neoprene Gasket Pre Punched Holes H Models CAT - No Damper CATD- With Damper OD Diameter “D” 4” 5” 6” 7” 8” 9” 10” 12” 14” 16” 18” Height “H” CAT 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” 3.5” Height “H” CATD 3.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” 6.5” Outside Dia. “OD” 7” 8” 9” 10” 11” 12” 13” 15’ 17” 19” 21” Options 2” Shaft Extension Handle 2” As part of our committment to continous improvement AAP reserves the right to change specifications,dimensions,and materials without notice. JOB NAME____________________________ DRAWN BY LOCATION____________________________ ENGINEER____________________________ CONTRACTOR________________________ ALL PRODUCTS PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA BY SMWIA LU-17 DATE REVISION DRAWING NUMBER 3@ORÐÐ3@JD.EER ,NCDKÐ'$3Ð'$3#Ð6HSGÄ#@LODQ #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF +HRSÄ/QHBDR # #H@LDSDQ ÄWÄ! 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JOB NAME____________________________ DRAWN BY LOCATION____________________________ ENGINEER____________________________ CONTRACTOR________________________ ALL PRODUCTS PROUDLY MADE IN THE USA BY SMWIA LU-17 DATE REVISION DRAWING NUMBER 3Q@MRHSHNMR Pittsburgh Air Systems Your source for Variable Frequency Drives and other Motor Controls Yaskawa is the world’s largest Variable Frequency Drive manufacturer with over 30 years of Building Automation System and HVAC experience. Manufactured in the United States, Yaskawa variable frequency drives are designed for HVAC applications. ,NCDKÐ201 2PT@QDSN1NTMCÐ&QHKKDÐ!NWDRÐ VHSGÐ%K@MFDR The Drive for Quality™ For more information on Variable Frequency Drives, Motor Controls, or any of our other products, please contact our Control Division at 412-539-1234 or 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄWÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄÄ 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 Cerus designs and builds motor starters specifically for HVAC applications. Designed with ease of installation, use and long product life in mind. Cerus includes many intelligent features that are standard, such as: solid state overloads & circuit breakers; Hand-Off-Auto Switch; (5) indicating lights; control power transformer; smoke purge, emergency shutdown input and damper/end switch control logic. +MBCJ +MBCJÏ1/0ÏÏ"CCN ÄÜÄÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ ÄÜÄÄÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES $ENOTESSIZENOTAVAILABLEWITHmANGE /KDMTLÐ!NWÐ-NÐ-DBJ !K@BJÐ(MSDQHNQ 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄWÄ ÄWÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W 2M@OKNBJÐ/HODÐÐ BBDRRNQHDR 2M@OKNBJÐ/HODÐÐÐF@ +HRSÄ/QHBD 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 $MCÐ"@O -NM"QHLODC CIÐÐ$KANV +HRSÄ/QHBD #H@LDSDQ #H@LDSDQ Ä& #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄF@ ÄF@ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES .SGDQÐ(SDLRÐ8NTÐ,@XÐ-DDC #HEETRDQRÐ Ð Ð Ð 2SHBJ.MRÐ@MCÐ3@JD.EERÐ %KDWÐ#TBSÐ Ð Ð Ð %KDWÐ2SQ@ORÐÐ Ð Ð 2D@K@MSRÐ /GNMD %@W Ð Ð /@FDRÐÐÐ /@FDÐÐ /@FDRÐÐÐ /@FDRÐÐ /@FDRÐÐ 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 2M@OKNBJÐ/HODÐÐ BBDRRNQHDR 3DD #@LODQ +HRSÄ/QHBD #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄWÄÄWÄ ÄÜÄÄÜÄ ÄWÄÄWÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &OR USE WITH SNAPLOCK PIPE AND SHEETMETALlTTINGS !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ ÄSNÄ 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð 2HYD 3@ODQDCÐ1DCTBDQ -NM"QHLODC !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W 2OHQ@KÐ/HODÐÐ&@RJDSDCÐ%HSSHMFR .GNCÏ!MSNJGLE "NTOKHMFR /HOD 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 -Ï#J@MU !CLRCPÏ*GLCÏ0?BGSQÏÏÛÏVÏ"G? $GRRGLEÏ!MSNJGLE -Ï#J@MU !CLRCPÏ*GLCÏ0?BGSQÏÏÛÏVÏ"G? 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A simple formula to determine the correct hanger size is: 7EIGHT¬PER¬FT¬X¬DISTANCE¬BETWEEN¬HANGERS $ISTANCE¬BETWEEN¬HANGERS¬IS¬¬FT EXAMPLE¬¬LBS¬LOAD¬PER¬FOOT 0LAN¬6ERTICAL ¬X¬¬¬¬LBS 3IZE¬WILL¬BE¬.O '2)00,%¬(!.'%2¬¬$/3 '2)00,%¬(!.'%2¬¬$/.43 s Ensure that the cable protrudes at least 3 inches from the Gripple housing s Use Gripple hangers for suspending static loads only s Use the hanger within it’s stated load range s Check that the self-locking fastener is fully engaged s Ensure all hangers are evenly loaded s Keep the hanger components clean s Follow the manufacturers recommendations s Consider the effect of an angle, or forming in-line joins, has on the SWL s Follow health and safety guidelines and best practice recommendations in the workplace s Ensure appropriate PPE is worn when handling cable s s s s s s s s s s s s Exceed the product’s Safe Working Load Use the hanger for lifting Use the hanger for moving services Splice together two Gripple hanger kits, or any other joining device Walk on any suspended service Use the self-locking fasteners on coated wire of any kind Apply paint to the Gripple faster. Ensure that the Gripple is in it’s final position and protected with a Decor cover prior to applying any paint to the cable assembly. Do not move the Gripple after painting. Apply lubricants or other coatings to the Gripple or cable Use standard hangers in a chlorinated or humid atmosphere Exceed an angle of 60º Attempt to use the setting key when the suspension is under load Re-use Gripple hangers; they are designed for permanent installations 'RIPPLE¬)NC | 1611 Emily Lane | Aurora, IL 60502 | USA 4EL +1 866 474 7753 &AX +1 800 654 0689 EMAIL PI-01-USA WWWGRIPPLECOM %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐÐ"K@RRÐ $JCVÏ 34Ì'LFG@GRCBÏ.MJWCRFWJCLCÏUÏ 4?NMPÏ ?PPGCP T?GJ?@JCÏGLÏ0ÌÏÏ0ÌÏ2FCPK?JÏ 'LQSJ?RGMLÏ4?JSC $JCVÏ +CR?JGXCBÏ.MJWCQRCPÏUÏ4?NMPÏ ?PPGCP 0ÌÏ2FCPK?JÏ'LQSJ?RGMLÏ4?JSC $JCVÏ 3LGLQSJ?RCBÏ +CR?JGXCBÏ$JCV %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐ3DBGMHB@KÐ#@S@ 3DLODQ@STQDÄ1@MFD (MSDQM@KÄ6NQJHMFÄ/QDRRTQDÄ1@MFD ÄØÄVF ÄÄVF ,@WHLTLÄ5DKNBHSX "NMSHMTNTR (MSDQLHSSDMS %K@LDÄ2OQD@CÄÄ 2LNJDÄ#DUDKNODC ÄEOL .Ä%ÄSNÄ.Ä% .Ä%ÄSNÄ.Ä% Ä $3+Ä+HRSDC OOQNUDCÄSNÄ4+Ä2S@MC@QC OOQNU@KR -%/ Ä2S@MC@QCRÄ Ä@MCÄ! 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 (MRTK@SDCÄÇDWÄLDDSRÄ'4#%' Ä2S@MC@QCRÄÄ/@Q@FQ@OGÄ! +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ/DQÄÄ2DBSHNM %KDWÄ !K@BJ %KDWÄ %KDWÄ 2HKUDQ 4MHMRTK@SDC #H@LDSDQ 1 1 1 !LLDIAMETERSAREININCHES ,MRC0ACKAGEDINLENGTHS /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL SUBMITTAL DRAWING VAPOR BARRIER - The Quietflex UV-Inhibited Black Jacket Flex Duct has a UV-Inhibited polyethylene vapor barrier - A high tensile fiberglass roving is used under the jacket to provide additional strength tear resistance - Vapor transmission: 0.11 perms for black poly jacket and 0.07 perms for mobile home jacket FIBERGLASS - R4.2, R6 and R8 certified by ETL and the Air Diffusion Council using ASTM C-518 at installed thickness of insulation - Made of formaldehyde free materials CORE - Two layers of film encapsulate a galvanized wire helix - Rated positive pressure is 10" W.C. and negative pressure is 1/2" W.C. per the UL 181 standard - Rated maximum air velocity is 6000 FPM SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS - Flame spread: Less than 25 - Smoke developed: Less than 50 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE - -20 deg F to 180 deg F - Continuous - -20 deg F to 200 deg F - Intermittent CONFIGURATIONS - Diameters available: 4"-10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" - Lengths available: 25 ft APPROVALS - ETL Listed/Approved to UL 181 Standard - NFPA standards 90A and 90B - HUD/FHA standards 515.2.1 Paragraph B - Meets most federal, state and local codes and standards Job Name Location Contractor Engineer Architect Submitter: Made in the USA Date: Class 1 Insulated Flexible Air Duct PE vapor barrier/black jacket QFSD-001-01 Quietflex Manufacturing Company LP, 4518 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77041, Telephone: 713.849.2163 Fax: 713.849.0753 Toll Free: 877.694.3669 0110 SUBMITTAL DRAWING VAPOR BARRIER - The Quietflex Rip Stop Silver Jacket Flex Duct has a metalized polyester-vapor barrier with a special "rip stop" scrim reinforcement. - Vapor Transmission: at or below 0.05 perms FIBERGLASS - R4.2, R6 and R8 certified by ETL and the Air Diffusion Council using ASTM C-518 at installed thickness of insulation - Made of formaldehyde free materials CORE - Two layers of film encapsulate a galvanized wire helix - Rated positive pressure is 10" W.C. and negative pressure is 1/2" W.C. per the UL 181 standard - Rated maximum air velocity is 6000 FPM SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS - Flame spread: Less than 25 - Smoke developed: Less than 50 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE - -20 deg F to 180 deg F - Continuous - -20 deg F to 200 deg F - Intermittent CONFIGURATIONS - Diameters available: 3"-10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22" - Lengths available: 25 ft APPROVALS - ETL Listed/Approved to UL 181 Standard - NFPA standards 90A and 90B - HUD/FHA standards 515.2.1 Paragraph B - Meets most federal, state and local codes and standards Made in the USA Job Name Location Contractor Engineer Architect Submitter: Date: Class 1 Insulated Flexible Air Duct Metalized Polyester vapor barrier/ Silver jacket QFSD-00 -01 Quietflex Manufacturing Company LP, 4518 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77041, Telephone: 713.849.2163 Fax: 713.849.0753 Toll Free: 877.694.3669 0110 SUBMITTAL DRAWING Core CORE - Two layers of film encapsulate a galvanized wire helix - Rated positive pressure is 10" W.C. and negative pressure is 1/2" W.C. per the UL 181 standard - Rated maximum air velocity is 6000 FPM SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS - Flame spread: Less than 25 - Smoke developed: Less than 50 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE - -20 deg F to 180 deg F - Continuous - -20 deg F to 200 deg F - Intermittent CONFIGURATIONS - Diameters available: 4"-10", 12", 14", 16", 18" and 20" - Lengths available: 25 ft APPROVALS - ETL Listed/Approved to UL 181 Standard - NFPA standards 90A and 90B - Meets most federal, state and local codes and standards Made in the USA Job Name Location Contractor Engineer Architect Submitter: Date: Class 1 Uninsulated Air Connector QFSD-00 -01 Quietflex Manufacturing Company LP, 4518 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77041, Telephone: 713.849.2163 Fax:713.849.0753 Toll Free: 877.694.3669 0110 %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐ'NRDÐÐ/HODÐ2KDDUDR 1HFHCÐ%KDWHAKDÐ#TBS KTLHMTL ,NCDKÐ23' (MCTRSQH@KÐ1TAADQÐ'NRD (MRTK@SDCÐ/HODÐ2KDDUD !K@BJÐ)@BJDSÐÐ1 OOKHB@SHNMRÄÄ 'D@SHMFÄÄ@HQÄBNMCHSHNMHMFÄRXRSDLRÄ UDMSHMFÄRXRSDLR OOKHB@SHNMRÄÄ #TRSÄBNKKDBSHNMÄNMÄVNNCVNQJHMFÄ DPTHOLDMSÄETLDÄDWSQ@BSHNMÄ GD@SHMFÄÄ@HQÄBNMCHSHNMHMFÄ RXRSDLRÄKHFGSÄL@SDQH@KÄG@MCKHMFÄ RXRSDLR OOKHB@SHNMRÄÄ /QNUHCDRÄDWBDKKDMSÄSGDQL@KÄ DEÆBHDMBXÄSNÄQNTMCÄCTBSÄ RXRSDLR 3DBGMHB@KÄ#@S@ÄÄ 3DBGMHB@KÄ#@S@ lÄ "NMRSQTBSDCÄNEÄ SGDQLNOK@RSHBÄDK@RSNLDQ lÄ 3DLOÄQ@MFDÄÄÄ %ÄSNÄ Ä% lÄ U@HK@AKDÄHMÄÄKDMFSGR /QHBHMF /QHBHMF +HRSÄ/QHBD 3DBGMHB@KÄ#@S@ÄÄ lÄ 45ÄHMGHAHSDCÄ/NKXDSGXKDMDÄ U@ONQÄA@QQHDQ lÄ 1ÄÆADQFK@RRÄHMRTK@SHNM lÄ U@HK@AKDÄHMÄÄKDMFSGR 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð lÄ 3GHBJMDRRÄÄ lÄ 3DLOÄQ@MFDÄÄ %ÄSNÄ ÄÄ% lÄ "NLOQDRRDCÄSNÄÄENQÄ D@RXÄRSNQ@FDÄÄRGHOOHMF lÄ U@HK@AKDÄHMÄÄKDMFSGR /QHBHMF +HRSÄ/QHBD +HRSÄ/QHBD #H@ Ä+DMFSG #H@ Ä+DMFSG #H@ Ä+DMFSG "K@LORÐÐ2SQ@OR 2S@HMKDRRÄ2SDDKÄ"K@LOR 'D@CÄRVHUDKÄVNQLÄCQHUDÄ@BSHNM +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BGÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BGÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ %KDWÄ2SQ@ORÄÄ9HOÄ3HDRÄ2NKCÄ/@BJ ! !'+ÄÄÄ+DMFSG ! +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ !'+ÄÄÄ+DMFSG +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL ÄD@ ÄD@ /GNMD %@W SUBMITTAL DRAWING Polyethylene vapor barrier Fiberglass insulation VAPOR BARRIER - The Quietflex UV-Inhibited Black Jacket Sleeve has a UV-Inhibited polyethylene vapor barrier - Vapor transmission: 0.11 perms FIBERGLASS - R4.2, R6 and R8 certified by ETL and the Air Diffusion Council using ASTM C-518 at installed thickness of insulation - Made of formaldehyde free materials SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS - Flame spread: Less than 25 - Smoke developed: Less than 50 OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE - -20 deg F to 180 deg F - Continuous - -20 deg F to 200 deg F - Intermittent CONFIGURATIONS - Diameters available: 4"-10", 12", 14", 16" - Lengths available: 5 ft APPROVALS - Conforms to ASTM E84 - NFPA standards 90A and 90B - HUD/FHA standards 515.2.1 Paragraph B - Meets most federal, state and local codes and standards Made in the USA Job Name Location Contractor Engineer Architect Submitter: Date: PE vapor barrier/black jacket sleeve QFSD-00 -01 Quietflex Manufacturing Company LP, 4518 Brittmoore Rd, Houston, TX 77041, Telephone: 713.849.2163 Fax: 713.849.0753 Toll Free:877.694.3669 0110 ,DCHB@KÐ&Q@CDÐ%KDWHAKDÐ#TBS SAIÏ"SARÏ "&%Ì+ &MQNGR?JÏ%P?BCÏAMSQRGA?JÏ*MUÌ.PCQQSPCÏ $JCVG@JCÏ"SARÏUGRFÏ+CR?JGXCBÏ(?AICR 0ÌÏÏ2FCPK?JÏ'LQSJ?RGMLÏ4?JSC %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐ3DBGMHB@KÐ#@S@ (MSDQM@KÄ6NQJHMFÄ/QDRRTQDÄ1@MFD ÄÄVF ÄÄVF 1@SDCÄ5DKNBHSX .ODQ@SHMFÄ3DLODQ@STQDÄ1@MFD %K@LDÄ 2OQD@CÄ 2LNJDÄ #DUDKNODC ÄEOL .Ä%ÄSNÄ .Ä% Ä Ä $3+Ä"K@RRÄÄ+HRSDC OOQNUDCÄSNÄ4+Ä2S@MC@QC OOQNU@KR -%/ Ä2S@MC@QCRÄ Ä@MCÄ! 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 ,DDSRÄ'4#%' Ä,(-Ä/QNODQSXÄ2S@MC@QC /GNMD %@W .OTE4HEBENDRADIUSSHOULDBEKEPTASLARGEASPOSSIBLE(OWEVERTHESMALLESTBENDRADIUSSHOULDBEATLEASTDIAMETERS /QHBHMF -NHRDÐ1DCTBSHNMÐ#@S@ #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD 'DQSY -NHRDÄ1DCTBSHNMÄ C! "ASEDONgLENGTHDIAMETER !LLDIAMETERSAREININCHES ,MRC0ACKAGEDINLENGTHS !TBJKDXÄ ,@MTE@BSTQHMFRÄ ,DCHB@KÄ &Q@CDÄ BNTRSHB@KÄ 3QHOKDÄ +NBJÄ #TBSVNQJÄ RS@QSRÄ VHSGÄ @MÄ@KKÄ@KTLHMTLÄODQENQ@SDCÄÇDWHAKDÄBNQDÄVHSGÄ @ÄEQDDÄNODMÄ@QD@ÄNEÄÄÄ3GDÄRDLHQHFHCÄ @MCÄ KHFGSVDHFGSÄ @HQÄ CTBSÄ HRÄ L@MTE@BSTQDCÄ AXÄ TRHMFÄ @Ä CD@CÄ RNESÄ @KTLHMTLÄ RSQHOÄ VGHBGÄ HRÄ ROHQ@KKXÄ VNTMCÄ ODQENQ@SDCÄ @MCÄ LDBG@MHB@KKXÄ KNBJDCÄ ENQÄ RSQDMFSGÄ @MCÄ CTQ@AHKHSXÄ Ä 3GDÄ ÆADQFK@RRÄ AK@MJDSÄ HRÄ SNS@KKXÄ HRNK@SDCÄ EQNLÄ SGDÄ @HQRSQD@LÄ AXÄ 4+Ä @OOQNUDCÄ @BNTRSHB@KKXÄ SQ@MRO@QDMSÄRD@LKDRRÄONKXDSGXKDMDÄKHMDQÄÄ 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄ 3QHOKDÄKNBJDCÄ@KTLHMTLÄODQENQ@SDCÄBNQDÄ ÄNODMÄ@QD@ lÄ HQRSQD@LÄOQNSDBSDCÄEQNLÄSGDQL@KÄI@BJDSÄAXÄ 4+Ä@OOQNUDCÄ@BNTRSHB@KKXÄSQ@MRO@QDMSÄRKDDUD lÄ "NLONMDMSRÄVHKKÄMNSÄATQMÄRDKEÄDWSHMFTHRHMF lÄ MSHLHBQNAH@KÄOQNODQSHDRÄHMGHAHSÄSGDÄFQNVSGÄ NEÄLNKCÄ@MCÄLHKCDV lÄ U@HK@AKDÄHMÄÄKDMFSGR lÄ 1ÄSGDQL@KÄHMRTK@SHNMÄU@KTD 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL #XM@LHBÐ%HQDÐÐ1@CH@SHNMÐ#@LODQR ,NCDKÐ#%#Ð3XODÐ #XM@LHBÐ%HQDÐ#@LODQR #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ +MBCJÏ"$"ÌÏ2WNCÏ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &RAMEDEPTHIS ,NCDKÐ"1#Ð 1NTMCÐ"DHKHMFÐ1@CH@SHNMÐ#@LODQ #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES &RAMEDEPTHIS +MBCJÏ!0"Ì 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð ,NCDKÐ#%#Ð3XODÐ"1Ð #XM@LHBÐ%HQDÐ#@LODQÐVÐ1NTMCÐ3Q@MRHSHNM !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES +MBCJÏ"$"ÌÏ2WNCÏ!0 3GDQL@K %HQDÐ!K@MJDS %TRHAKDÐ+HMJR 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD 3DLODQ@STQD 1@SHMF ÄWÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES (MSTLDRBDMSÐ %HQDRSNOOHMFÐ 2D@K@MS 3TADÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄNY (OUR2ATED +HRSÄ/QHBD 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W Model DFD-150 Dynamic Rated Fire Damper APPLICATION Model DFD-150 is approved for use in walls, floors and partitions with fire resistance ratings less than 3 hours. This model carries a 11/2 hour UL fire damper label. UL 555 classifies dynamic rated fire dampers for use in HVAC systems that are operational in the event of fire . RATINGS UL555 Fire Resistance Rating Fire Rating: 1 1/2 hours Dynamic closure rating Maximum Velocity: 4000 fpm (20.3 m/s) vertical mount only, up to 24in. x 24 in. (610mm x 610mm) 2000 fpm (10.2 m/s) vertical or horizontal mount, on all sizes. Maximum Pressure: 4 in. wg (1 kPa) CONSTRUCTION Galvanized steel (in gauges required by UL listing R-13317) 11/2 Hour Fire Resistance Rating Model DFD-150 meets the requirements for fire dampers established by: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA Standards 80, 90A & 101) Underwriters Laboratories Standard 555 (Listing #R-13317) IBC International Building Codes New York City (MEA listing #260-91-M) California State Fire Marshall (Listing #3225-981:102) “UL CLASSIFIED (see complete marking on product)” “UL CLASSIFIED to Canadian safety standards (see complete marking on product)” Standard 555 (Listing #R13317) INSTALLATION All fire damper installations require the use of sleeves, angles and methods described in Greenheck Fire Damper Installation Instructions #452763, included with every damper shipment. Sleeves can be field fabricated or factory furnished as a complete damper/sleeve assembly. See Factory Sleeve Option below for details. W* FEATURES t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMDMPTVSFTQSJOHT t'VTJCMFMJOLT'$ TUBOEBSE'$ BOE '$ BWBJMBCMF t7FSUJDBMPSIPSJ[POUBMNPVOUBWBJMBCMF H* Fusible Link (replaceable) 165ºF [74ºC]Standard (212º) [100ºC]available) Stainless Steel Closure Spring OPTIONAL FEATURES t4FBMFEUSBOTJUJPOTBOETMFFWFT t4FDVSJUZCBST t0OFQJFDFSFUBJOJOHBOHMFT10$ t5SBOTJUJPOT##$$0$33 3 11/16 in. (94mm) “K” side Vertical mount HORIZONTAL MOUNT * These dimensions are furnished approximately 1/4in. (6mm) undersize. Sleeve FACTORY SLEEVE OPTION DFD-150 Fire Dampers are available in factory furnished sleeves. Sleeves are galvanized steel and are available in 10 thru 20 ga. (1mm- 3.5mm) thicknesses and lengths up to 36 in. (914mm). Damper “K” dimension specifies location of damper within the sleeve. Minimum is 4 in. H* (102mm), maximum is “L” less 4 in. (102mm), which allows for mounting angle installation and duct connection at each end of the sleeve. If “K” dimension is not specified, it will be provided as one half of “L” dimension (damper centered in sleeve). Note: If using access doors, the door should be installed on the “K” side of the damper. K Damper Location CL Damper Frame W* L Overall Sleeve Length 8IFOTFBMFEPQUJPOJTTFMFDUFE#USBOTJUJPOT will need to be field sealed in the area where duct to sleeve connection is made. 5ZQF#XJUITMFFWF 5ZQF#DPSOFSQSPmMF Installation instructions available at DFD-150 Type A Dampers larger than maximum single section size are supplied in 2 or more sections of equal size. If ordered with a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers are factory assembled ready for installation. If ordered without a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers require field assembly. (See Greenheck Fire Damper Installation Instructions #452763) P The following chart shows minimum and maximum damper sizes. Dimensions are in inches (mm in parentheses). H* H* Size Limitations Type A Inches (mm) Type B & B2 Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 4x4 (102 x102) 36 x 36 (914 x 914) 4x3 (102 x 76) 36 x 32 (914 x 813) Mulit Section** Vertical NA 72 x 48 (1829 x 1219) or 60 x 60 (1524 x 1524) NA 72 x45 (1829 x 1143) or 60 x 56 (1524 x 1422) Single Section Horizontal 4x4 (102 x 102) 30 x 30 (762 x 762) 4x3 (102 x 76) 30 x 26 (762 x 762) Multi Section** Horizontal NA 48 x 36 (1219 x 914) NA 48 x 32 (1219 x 813) Single Section Vertical W* W* **Consult factory for number of sections. Type A Maximum Single Section Dimensions Multi-Section Limitations Maximum damper height is 48 in. (1219mm) when combination width is 72 in. (1829mm) or less. 36 in. (914mm) max. 48 in. (1219mm) max. 36 in. (914mm) max. 72 in. (1829mm) max. DFD-150 Type B & B2 Dampers larger than maximum single section size are supplied in 2 or more sections of equal size. If ordered with a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers are factory assembled ready for installation. If ordered without a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers require field assembly. (See Greenheck Fire Damper Installation Instructions #452763) The following chart shows minimum and maximum damper sizes. Dimensions are in inches (mm in parentheses). Type B & B2 Overall Damper Dimensions Type B Maximum Single Section Dimensions O* H* O* H* 32 in.(813mm) Max. W* W* Type B2 Type B 36 in.(914mm) Max. Type B2 side view varies 1 1/2 in. H* O* H* O* 3 (76) 5 (127) 30 (762) 34 (864) 4 (102) 6 (152) 31 (787) 35 (889) 5 (127) 7 (178) 32 (813) 36 (914) 6 (152) 8 (203) 33 (838) 36 (914) 7 (178) 9 (229) 34 (864) 37 (940) 8 (203) 10 (254) 35 (889) 38 (965) 9 (229) 11 (279) 36 (914) 39 (991) 10 (254) 12 (305) 37 (940) 40 (1016) 11 (279) 13 (330) 38 (965) 41 (1041) 12 (305) 14 (356) 39 (991) 42 (1067) 13 (330) 15 (381) 40 (1016) 43 (1092) 14 (356) 16 (406) 41 (1041) 44 (1118) 15 (381) 18 (457) 42 (1067) 45 (1143) 16 (406) 19 (483) 43 (1092) 46 (1168) 17 (432) 20 (508) 44 (1118) 47 (1194) 18 (457) 21 (533) 45 (1143) 48 (1219) 19 (483) 22 (559) 46 (1168) 50 (1270) 20 (508) 23 (584) 47 (1194) 51 (1295) 21 (533) 24 (610) 48 (1219) 52 (1321) 22 (559) 26 (660) 49 (1245) 53 (1346) 23 (584) 27 (686) 50 (1270) 54 (1372) 24 (610) 28 (711) 51 (1295) 55 (1397) 25 (635) 29 (737) 52 (1321) 56 (1422) 26 (660) 30 (762) 53 (1346) 57 (1448) 27 (686) 31 (787) 54 (1372) 58 (1473) 28 (711) 32 (813) 55 (1397) 59 (1499) 29 (737) 33 (838) 56 (1422) 60 (1524) 1 1/2 in. K dim. sleeve length varies Multi Section Limitations Maximum damper height is 45 in. (1143mm) when combination width is 72 in. (1829mm) or less. 45 in. (1143mm) Max. 72 in. (1829mm) Max. "MMNVMUJQMFTFDUJPOEBNQFSTXJUI#USBOTJUJPOTXJMMJODMVEFB factory installed 8 in. (203mm) sleeve. * Dimensions in inches (mm).These dimensions are furnished approximately 1/4 in. (6mm) undersize. (All ‘H’ dimensions larger than single section height are two sections high. Refer to chart. 5IFUPQTFDUJPOJTB5ZQF#BOEUIFCPUUPNTFDUJPOTBSF5ZQF" DFD-150 Type CR, CO, C, & R Dampers larger than maximum single section size are supplied in 2 or more sections of equal size. If ordered with a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers are factory assembled ready for installation. If ordered without a factory sleeve, multi-section dampers require field assembly. (See Greenheck Fire Damper Installation Instructions #452763) The following chart show minimum and maximum damper size. Dimensions are in inches (mm in parentheses). Overall Damper Dimensions Type CR Type R*1 Type CO & C D*+2 inches (mm) Minimum Single section Vertical Multi Section** Vertical Maximum 3 (76) 31 (787) NA 55 (1397) Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 3x3 (76 x 76) 34 x 31 (864 x 787) 3 (76) 34 (864) NA 70 x 44 or 58 x 55 (1778 x 1118) or (1473 x 1397) NA 58 (1473) Type CR O* D* W*+2 Single Section Horizontal 3 (76) 25 (635) 3x3 (76 x 76) 28 x 25 (711 x 635) 3 (76) 28 (711) Multi Section** Horizontal NA 31 (787) NA 46 x 31 (1163 x 787) NA 34 (864) Type CO O* H* *1 With 2 in. (50mm) offset. Sizes adjust with 0 offset & 1 in. (25mm) offset. ** Consult factory for number of sections. W* W*+2 Type C C, CO, CR transitions are positioned 1 in.(25mm) from bottom of sleeve. O* H* Maximum Single Section Dimensions W* Type C Type CO 31in. (787mm) Max. 31 in. (787mm) Max. 34 in. (864mm) Max. 34 in. (864mm) Max. Type R 34 in. (889mm) max. Type CR 31 in. (787mm) Max. Type R transition is centered on damper frame. (Dimensions are with 2 in. (50mm) offset.) * All multiple section dampers, with transitions, will include a factory installed 8 in. (203mm) sleeve. H* or D* O* H* or D* O* 3 (76) 6 (152) 27 (686) 32 (813) 4 (102) 7 (178) 28 (711) 33 (838) 5 (127) 8 (203) 29 (737) 34 (864) 6 (152) 9 (229) 30 (762) 35 (889) 7 (178) 10 (254) 31 (787) 36 (914) 8 (203) 11 (279) 32 (813) 36 (914) 9 (229) 12 (305) 33 (838) 37 (940) 10 (254) 13 (330) 34 (864) 38 (965) 11 (279) 14 (356) 35 (889) 39 (991) 12 (305) 15 (381) 36 (914) 40 (1016) 13 (330) 16 (406) 37 (940) 41 (1041) 14 (356) 17 (432) 38 (965) 42 (1067) 15 (381) 19 (483) 39 (991) 43 (1092) 16 (406) 20 (508) 40 (1016) 44 (1118) 17 (432) 21 (533) 41 (1041) 45 (1143) 18 (457) 22 (559) 42 (1067) 46 (1168) 19 (483) 23 (584) 43 (1092) 47 (1194) 20 (508) 24 (610) 44 (1118) 48 (1219) 21 (533) 25 (635) 45 (1143) 50 (1270) 22 (559) 27 (686) 46 (1168) 51 (1295) 23 (584) 28 (711) 47 (1194) 52 (1321) 24 (610) 29 (737) 48 (1219) 53 (1346) 25 (635) 30 (762) 49 (1245) 54 (1372) 26 (660) 31 (787) 50 (1270) 55 (1397) are in inches (mm in parentheses). * Dimensions These dimensions are furnished approximately 1/4 in. (6mm) undersize. (All 'H' dimensions larger than single section height are two sections high. Refer to chart.) Copyright © 2010 Greenheck Fan Corporation DFD-150 Rev. 15 Nov 2010 CRD-2 Ceiling Radiation Damper Application and Design Round The CRD-2 has been UL tested and labeled for protection of ceiling openings in fire-rated floor/ceiling assemblies with fire resistance ratings of 3 hours or less. This product can also be applied to steel lay-in style diffusers up to 24 in. (610mm) diameter maximum size when installed with an approved thermal blanket. Construction Frame Standard Optional Galvanized Steel* - Standard Top, Bottom, or Top/Bottom Extension Frame Type - 165°F (74°C) 212°F (100°C) Under 115.46 sq. in. (10 3/4 in. diameter) Not required - Over 115.46 sq. in. (10 3/4 in. diameter) Non-asbestos UL classified - Fusible Link Temperature Blade Insulation “UL CLASSIFIED to Canadian safety standards (see complete marking on product)” Standard 555C (Listing #R13446) Galvanized Steel* Blades “UL CLASSIFIED (see complete marking on product)” National Fire Protection Association: NFPA Standards 90A and 101 New York City MEA Listing #260-91-M CSFM California State Fire Marshal Fire Damper Listing (#3225-0981:0101) * in gauges required by UL listing R13446 W&H Minimum Size Maximum Size Inches 5 24 mm 127 610 D* C A *D dimension is actual O.D. of damper. Specify “ 1/4 in. (6mm) under size” for dampers to be installed inside steel ducts. D Volume Controller Option B A volume controller is used to manually set the blades at a given angle to regulate the airflow (24 in. [610mm] maximum). Adjusting the cap screw will open and close the blades. Frame Option Dimensions Diameter (in.) A B C D CRD-2 Standard Frame 5 - 24 3 7⁄16 - - - CRD-2B Bottom Extension 5 - 24 - 4¾ - - Damper Model CRD-2T Top Extension CRD-2BT Bottom and Top Extension 5 - 11¼ - - 7½ - 11½ - 17¼ - - 10 ½ - 17½ - 24 - - 13 ½ 5 - 11¼ - - - 9 15⁄16 11½ - 17¼ - - - 12 15⁄16 17½ - 24 - - - 15 7⁄8 Thermal Blanket Option Ceramic fiber or mineral wool thermal blanket available. Installation instructions available at Copyright © 2011 Greenheck Fan Corporation CRD-2 Rev. 7 June 2011 TB-24 TB-24 is a non-asbestos mineral wool thermal blanket. This mineral wool thermal blanket material is Iisted with UL to be used as an accessory to Greenheck’s ceiling radiation dampers or to be used as batt and blanket material. TB-24 is UL listed for openings up to 576 square inches. Mineral Wool Thermal Blanket 3 Hour Fire Resistance Rating Ceiling Radiation Damper Specifications: Size..................... 24 in. x 24 in. x 1½ in. (610mm x 610mm x 38mm) Cut-out ............... 5 in. (127mm) diameter. May be cut for larger diffuser necks. Material .............. non-asbestos mineral wool Density ............... 3½ lb/ft3 (56 kg/m3) Thermal blanket (around perimeter of damper) Cut slits in the blanket, so it lays flat on top of the diffuser. Copyright © 2010 Greenheck Fan Corporation TB-24 rev. 2 April 2010 #TBSÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQRÐÐ/@MDKR ,NCDKRÐ" #ÐÐ' # "@L+@SBGÐ2SXKDÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQ 'HMFDCÐ2SXKDÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQ #NNQÄ2HYD 1NTFG .ODMHMF +HRSÄ/QHBDR ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ ÄWÄ 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄ ÄF@TFDÄF@KU@MHYDCÄRSDDK lÄ (MRTK@SDCÄVHSGÄÄKAÄÆADQFK@RRÄKHMDQ lÄ -DNOQDMDÄF@RJDSRÄADGHMCÄEQ@LDÄ @MCÄCNNQÄENQÄ@HQSHFGSÄHMRS@KK@SHNM lÄ 9HMBÄBN@SDCÄB@LÄK@SBGDR lÄ /H@MNÄRSXKDÄGHMFDÄNMÄ,NCDKÄ' # +MBCJÏ!" !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 1NTMCÐ#TBSÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQRÐ U@HK@AKDÐNMÐ/@FDÐ ,NCDKÐ4% 4MHUDQR@KÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQ 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄÄÄF@TFDÄEQ@LDÄÄÄF@TFDÄCNNQÄO@MDK lÄÄ2BQDVCQHUDQNODQ@SDCÄÇTRGÄB@LÄK@SBG lÄÄ/QHLDÄBN@SDCÄVGHSDÄÆMHRG lÄÄ"NMSHMTNTRÄBNMBD@KDCÄGHMFD #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄÄÄF@TFDÄEQ@LDÄÄF@TFDÄCNNQÄO@MDK lÄÄ4+Ä@MCÄB4+ÄØÄGNTQÄ"K@RRÄ!ÄÆQDÄQ@SHMF lÄÄ2DKEÄBKNRHMFÄRDKEK@SBGHMFÄCNNQ lÄÄ/QHLDÄBN@SDCÄFQ@XÄÆMHRG #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF #NNQÄ2HYD 6@KK .ODMHMF ÄNEÄ +@SBGDR +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ËÄÛÄË #NNQÄ2HYD 6@KK .ODMHMF +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÄÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÄÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË ÄÜÄ ËÛÄË !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES +MBCJÏ3$ /GNMD %@W ,NCDKÐ%! %HQDÐ1@SDCÐ BBDRRÐ#NNQÐ %NQÐ6@KKR !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES +MBCJÏ$ 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL W Square Framed Access Doors Access Door For Rectangular Duct Specifications x x x x x x x x x x x x x High density fiberglass insulation with UL classification: FHC25/50 Consist of two, 24 gauge galvanized steel panels, mechanically locked together Tested to 10” static pressure with minimal leakage. R-Value of 5 Meets SMACNA requirements for low pressure doors High density, closed cell gasket, which has a service range of – 20° to 100°, is bonded to both the inside and outside of the dovetail frame and on the inside only of the press-on door frame. Press-on frame has a double sided adhesive gasket on the outside fo the door frame that has a service range of -100° to 200° Dovetail Frames 6x6 to 12x12 are manufactured from 24 gauge Galvanized steel. Dovetail frames 14x14 to 24x24 are manufactured from 22 gauge galvanized steel. All frames are manufactured with spotwelds at each corner for increased stength Press-on doors have a durable double sided adhesive gasket that allows an easy installation to metal ductwork Hinges are full length galvanized piano hinge secured to both the frame and door with three spot welds Cams are manufactured from 16 gauge galvanized steel and secured to the door with a rivet Latches are manufactured from 20 gauge galvanized steel and secured to the frame with two spot welds Access doors available with chains upon request Profile Hinged Doors - 6”x 6” through 14” x 14” have one CAM lock 16” x 16” through 24” x 24” have two CAM locks CAM Doors - 6” x 6” through 14” x 14” have two CAM locks 16” x 16” through 24” x 24” have four CAM locks Metal Door 24 gauge Cam Door Hinge Door Press-On Door Packaging Door Size # Per Carton Lbs. Per Carton 6” 20 31 8” 20 45 10” 10 30 12” 10 39 14” 10 50 16” 5 30 18” 5 38 20” 5 45 24” 5 60 Door Size (W x H) Fiberglass Insulation 1” Metal Frame 24 ga - 6x6 to 12x12 22 ga - 12x12 to 24x24 1/2” Closed Cell Neoprene Gasket Dovetail Tabs 1502 Industrial Drive Unit 2 Monongahela, PA 15063 888.973.7600 W Square Framed Access Doors Access Door For Rectangular Duct Installation Dovetail 1. Trace the dovetail frame of the access door onto the duct. 2. Using a hand held plasma cutter or by conventional methods, cut the hole for the frame. 3. Open the door and place the frame into the hole you cut in step 2. 4. Bend over all of the dovetails on the frame with a hammer to ensure a tight fit. Press-On 1. Without removing the cover from the adhesive backed gasket, place the opened doorframe on the duct and trace around the inside of the frame. 2. Using a hand held plasma cutter or by conventional methods, cut the hole for the frame. 3. Remove the cover from the adhesive backed gasket tape. 4. Open the door and place the frame over the hole you cut in Step 2. 5. Using zip screws, permanently attach the frame to the ductwork. Doors 16” and smaller require one screw at each corner and one at center on each side. Doors 18” to 24” require one screw at each corner with two screws evenly spaced on each side of the frame. 6. Close the door and latch. Cam Door Hinge Door Press-On Door 1502 Industrial Drive Unit 2 Monongahela, PA 15063 888.973.7600 !@BJCQ@ESÐ#@LODQR ,NCDKÐ!## KTLHMTLÐ&Q@UHSXÐ!@BJCQ@ESÐ#@LODQ #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD #TBSÄ2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄWÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ +MBCJÏ "" !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð lÄÄ%Q@LDÄÄÄSGHBJÄDWSQTCDCÄ@KTLHMTLÄ lÄÄ!K@CDRÄÄÄSGHBJÄENQLDCÄ@KTLHMTL lÄÄ3DLODQ@STQDÄÅÄ% lÄÄ5DKNBHSXÄÄÄ%/, lÄÄ/QDRRTQDÄÄÄVF lÄÄ$/#,ÄQTAADQÄAK@CDÄRD@KR lÄÄ-XKNMÄATRGHMFR lÄÄ%NQÄGNQHYNMS@KÄNQÄUDQSHB@KÄ@OOKHB@SHNMR ,NCDKÐ6#1 1NTMCÐ!@BJCQ@ESÐ#@LODQ #TBS #H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBD +MBCJÏ5"0Ì !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄÄ%Q@LDÄÄÄF@TFDÄF@KU@MHYDCÄRSDDK lÄÄ!K@CDÄÄÄ@KTLHMTL lÄÄ3DLODQ@STQDÄÄÅÄ% lÄÄ5DKNBHSXÄÄÄ%/, lÄÄ/QDRRTQDÄÄÄVF lÄÄ"KNRDCÄBDKKÄMDNOQDMD$/#,2!1ÄAKDMCÄAK@CDÄRD@K lÄÄ%NQÄGNQHYNMS@KÄNQÄUDQSHB@KÄ@OOKHB@SHNMR 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W WDR-53 Round Backdraft Damper APPLICATION Model WDR-53 is a round backdraft damper which may be mounted horizontally for airflow down or up, or mounted vertically for horizontal airflow. RATINGS Pressure: Velocity: Temperature: 3 in. wg (.7 kPa) 2000 fpm (10.2 m/s) 180°F (82°C) STANDARD CONSTRUCTION Frame: Blades: Blade Seal: 20 ga. (1mm) galvanized steel .020 (.5mm) aluminum Closed cell neoprene/EPDM/SBR blend SIZE LIMITATIONS Minimum Size: Maximum Size: (available in 1 in. [25mm] increments) 4 in. (102mm) 24 in. (610mm) OPTIONAL FEATURES Diameter is approximately 1/8 in. (3mm) undersize. Extended Frame Extended Frame Frame Dimensions Damper Model Length WDR-53 Standard Frame 3.25 in. (83mm) WDR-53 Extended Frame Damper Diameter Length “L” 5 in. - 10.999 in. (127mm - 279mm) 7.25 in. (184mm) 11 in. - 16.999 in. (279mm - 432mm) 10.25 in. (260mm) 17 in. - 24 in. (432mm - 610mm) 13.25 in. (336mm) L 3.25 in. (83mm) Airflow Seal Springs Frame Copyright © 2008 Greenheck Fan Corporation WDR-53 Rev. 2 October 2008 !K@RSÐ&@SDR ,NCDKÐ!& KTLHMTLÐ!K@RSÐ&@SDÐ%TKK #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ÐÐ/QHBHMF 2HYD ! 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Ratings Pressure: Velocity: Leakage: Temperature: 2 in. wg (.5 kPa) - pressure differential. 1500 fpm (7.6 m/s) 6 cfm/ft2 @ 4 in. wg (110 cmh/m2 @ 1 kPa) 3 cfm/ft2 @ 1 in. wg (55cmh/m2 @ .25 kPa 180°F (82º C) Construction Standard Optional Frame Material Galvanized Steel - 16 ga. - Frame Type 5 in. x 1 in. Channel - Blade Material Galvanized steel - 16 ga. - 3V - Opposed Parallel TPE - 1/2 in. dia. Plated Steel - Synthetic Bronze, 304SS Frame Thickness Blade Thickness Blade Type Blade Operation Blade Seals Axle Axle Bearings Linkage Material Jamb Seal Plated Steel - 304SS - H* W* * W&H dimension furnished approximately 1/4 in. (6mm) undersize. Blade Operation 11/4 in. max. (typical) 11/4 in. max. (typical) Size Limitations WxH Minimum Size Inches mm Maximum Size Single Section Multiple Section 6x6 48 x 60 84 x 60 152 x 152 1219 x 1524 2134 x 1524 5 in. 5 in. Parallel Blades Opposed Blades Features & Options • Blade seals - pressure activated to produce tighter sealing. • Linkage concealed in the frame • Low profile head and sill are used on sizes less than 17 in. (432mm) • Wide range of electric (120V, 24V, 240V) actuators, manual quadrant and pneumatic actuators available. Factory installation available. • Sleeves available • 5/8 in. - 2 in. (16mm - 51mm) flange available • Retaining angles R Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the model VCD-18 shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Programs. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Installation instructions available at Pressure Drop Data VCD-18 This pressure drop testing was conducted in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D using the three configurations shown. All data has been corrected to represent standard air at a density of .075 lb/ft 3 (1.201 kg/m3). Actual pressure drop found in any HVAC system is a combination of many factors. This pressure drop information along with an analysis of other system influences should be used to estimate actual pressure losses for a damper installed in a given HVAC system. AMCA Test Figures Figure 5.3 Illustrates a fully ducted damper. This configuration has the lowest pressure drop of the three test configurations because entrance and exit losses are minimized by straight duct runs upstream and downstream of the damper. Figure 5.2 Illustrates a ducted damper exhausting air into an open area. This configuration has a lower pressure drop than Figure 5.5 because entrance losses are minimized by a straight duct run upstream of the damper. Figure 5.5 Illustrates a plenum mounted damper. This configuration has the highest pressure drop because of extremely high entrance and exit losses due to the sudden changes of area in the system. 5D 6D 5D D 4 (W) (H) 3.14 AMCA 5.2 Pressure Drop VCD-18 5D Figure 5.2 * 12 in. x 12 in. (305mm x 305mm) Velocity (fpm) Pressure Drop (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.04 0.14 0.31 0.55 0.86 1.24 1.69 2.20 24 in. x 24 in. (610mm x 610mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.02 0.07 0.16 0.29 0.45 0.65 0.89 1.16 R 36 in. x 36 in. (914mm x 914mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.16 0.25 0.36 0.49 0.64 12 in. x 48 in. (305mm x 1219mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the model VCD-18 shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Programs. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. 0.01 0.06 0.13 0.23 0.36 0.52 0.70 0.92 48 in. x 12 in. (1219mm x 305mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.03 0.10 0.23 0.41 0.63 0.91 1.24 1.62 AMCA 5.3 Pressure Drop VCD-18 5D 6D Figure 5.3 12 in. x 12 in. (305mm x 305mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.02 0.09 0.20 0.36 0.56 0.81 1.10 1.44 24 in. x 24 in. (610mm x 610mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.16 0.25 0.35 0.48 0.63 R 36 in. x 36 in. (914mm x 914mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.33 0.42 12 in. x 48 in. (305mm x 1219mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the model VCD-18 shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Programs. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. 0.01 0.04 0.10 0.17 0.27 0.39 0.53 0.70 48 in. x 12 in. (1219mm x 305mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.02 0.07 0.16 0.29 0.45 0.64 0.88 1.14 AMCA 5.5 Pressure Drop 12 in. x 12 in. (305mm x 305mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.06 0.22 0.50 0.89 1.39 2.00 2.72 3.55 24 in. x 24 in. (610mm x 610mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.03 0.14 0.31 0.54 0.85 1.22 1.66 2.17 R VCD-18 36 in. x 36 in. (914mm x 914mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.03 0.12 0.26 0.46 0.73 1.05 1.42 1.86 12 in. x 48 in. (305mm x 1219mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the model VCD-18 shown herein is licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Programs. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. 0.03 0.13 0.30 0.53 0.83 1.19 1.62 2.11 48 in. x 12 in. (1219mm x 305mm) Pressure Drop Velocity (fpm) (in. wg) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.04 0.17 0.38 0.67 1.04 1.50 2.05 2.67 LEAKAGE SPECIFICATIONS Leakage Data 8.5 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 Static Pressure Difference (in. wg) Model VCD-18 is available with TPE blade seals and stainless steel jamb seals only. Leakage testing was conducted in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D and is expressed as cfm/ft2 of damper face area. All data has been corrected to represent standard air at a density of 0.075 lb/ft3 (1.204 kg/m3 ). 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 Air Leakage (cfm/ft2) Multi-Section Assembly Dampers larger than the maximum single section size, will be made up of a multiple of equal size sections. Multiple section dampers will be connected together (in the field) by a crossover bracket so that all sections operate together as shown. NOTE: Dampers larger than 48 in. x 60 in. (1219mm x 1524mm) are not intended to be structurally self supporting. Additional horizontal bracing is recommended to support the weight of the damper and vertical bracing should be installed as required to hold against system pressure. NOTE: Temperatures in excess of 180°F (82ºC) require special consideration. Specifications Control dampers meeting the following specifications shall be furnished and installed where shown on plans and/or as described in schedules. Damper blades shall be 16 ga. (1.5mm) galvanized steel 3 Vee type with three longitudinal grooves for reinforcement. Blades shall be completely symmetrical relative to their axle pivot point, presenting identical resistance to airflow and operation in either direction through the damper (blades that are non-symmetrical relative to their axle pivot point or utilize blade stops larger than 1/2 in. [13mm] are unacceptable). Blade seals shall be TPE. Linkage shall be blade-toblade concealed in jamb (out of the airstream) to protect linkage and reduce pressure drop and noise. Damper frame shall be 16 ga. (1.5mm) galvanized steel formed into a structural hat channel shape with reinforced corners. Bearings shall be corrosion resistant, permanently lubricated, synthetic (acetal) sleeve type rotating in extruded holes in the damper frame for maximum service. Axles shall be square and positively locked into the damper blade. Jamb seals shall be stainless steel compression type to prevent leakage between blade end and damper frame. The Damper Manufacturer’s submittal data shall certify all air performance pressure drop data is licensed in accordance with the AMCA Certified Ratings Program for Test Figures 5.2, 5.3 and 5.5. Damper air performance data shall be developed in accordance with the latest edition of AMCA Standard 500-D. Damper manufacturer's printed application and performance data including pressure, velocity and temperature limitations shall be submitted for approval showing damper suitable for pressures to 2 in. wg (.5 kPa), velocities to 1500 fpm (7.6 m/s) and temperatures to 180°F (82ºC). Testing and ratings to be in accordance with AMCA Standard 500-D. Basis of design is Greenheck model VCD-18. Copyright © 2010 Greenheck Fan Corporation VCD-18 Rev. 8 May 2010 KTLHMTLÐ+NTUDQR ,NCDKÐ$2# $WSQTCDCÐ KTLHMTLÐ#Q@HM@AKDÐ!K@CDÐ+NTUDQR 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ 2S@SHNM@QXÄAK@CDR ,HKKÄÆMHRG ØÄWÄØÄ KTLHMTLÄAHQCRBQDDM "G@MMDKÄEQ@LD ÄCDDO 3GDÄADFHMMHMFÄONHMSÄNEÄV@SDQÄ ODMDSQ@SHNMÄENQÄ,NCDKÄ$2#Ä HRÄÄEOLÄEQDDÄ@QD@ÄUDKNBHSX +MBCJÏ#1"Ì +MBCJÏ#1"Ì #TBSÄ2HYD VÄWÄG %QDDÄ QD@ 2PÄ%S +HRSÄ/QHBD ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ ÄÜÄ !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES JJJMSTCPQ?PCSLBCPASR@WÔ ,NCDKÄ$7 !QHBJÄ5DMS ,NCDK %NQÄ4RDÄ6HSGÄ ,NCDKR2HYDR ! " +HRSÄ /QHBD $7 67 Ù $7 Ù $7 7 Ù A B !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES lÄ lÄ lÄ /GNMD %@W #DRHFMDCÄENQÄHMRS@KK@SHNMÄHMÄL@RNMQXÄV@KKR "KD@QÄ@MNCHYDCÄ@KTLHMTLÄBNMRSQTBSHNM !THKSÄHMÄ@KTLHMTLÄLDRGÄHMRDBSÄRBQDDM C 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL +MBCJÏ#6 ESD-435 Stationary Louver Drainable Blade Application and Design ESD-435 is a weather louver designed to protect air intake and exhaust openings in building exterior walls. Design incorporates drain gutters in the head member and horizontal blades to channel water to the jambs where water is further channeled through vertical downspouts and out at the sloped sill. The ESD435 is an extremely efficient louver with AMCA LICENSED PERFORMANCE DATA enabling designers to select and apply with confidence. Standard Construction Frame . . . . . . . .Heavy gauge extruded 6063-T5 aluminum, 4 in. x 0.081 in. nominal wall thickness Blades . . . . . . . .Drainable design, heavy gauge extruded 6063T5 aluminum, 0.081 in. nominal wall thickness, positioned at 37.5º angles on approximately 3 ¼ in. centers Construction . . .Mechanically fastened Birdscreen. . . . .3/4 in. x 0.051 in. flattened expanded aluminum in removable frame, inside mount (rear) Finish . . . . . . . . .Mill Minimum Size . .12 in. W x 12 in. H Maximum Single Section Size . . . 120 in. W or 120 in. H (limited to 70 ft. sq.) Options (at additional cost) • A variety of bird and insect screens • Blank off panel • Clip angles • Extended sill • Filter rack • Flanged frame • Glazing adaptor • Hinged frame • Security bars • Welded construction • 0.125 nominal wall thickness • A variety of architectural finishes including: Clear anodize Integral color anodize Baked enamel paint Kynar paint *Width and height dimensions furnished approximately ¼ inch under size. PERFORMANCE DATA ESD-435 Stationary Louver Drainable Blade Extruded Aluminum Free Area Chart (Sq. ft.) Louver Width in Inches Louver Height Inches 12 18 30 36 48 54 66 72 84 90 102 108 120 12 0.29 0.48 0.85 1.04 1.41 1.56 1.93 2.12 2.49 2.68 3.01 3.20 3.57 18 0.54 0.89 1.59 1.94 2.64 2.91 3.61 3.96 4.66 5.01 5.62 5.97 6.67 24 0.79 1.31 2.33 2.85 3.87 4.26 5.29 5.80 6.83 7.34 8.24 8.75 9.78 30 1.05 1.72 3.08 3.76 5.12 5.63 6.98 7.66 9.02 9.70 10.88 11.56 12.92 36 1.30 2.15 3.84 4.69 6.38 7.01 8.70 9.55 11.24 12.09 13.57 14.41 16.10 42 1.56 2.57 4.59 5.60 7.62 8.38 10.40 11.42 13.44 14.45 16.22 17.23 19.25 48 1.84 3.03 5.41 6.60 8.98 9.87 12.25 13.44 15.82 17.01 19.10 20.29 22.67 54 2.10 3.46 6.19 7.55 10.28 11.30 14.03 15.39 18.12 19.48 21.87 23.23 25.96 60 2.35 3.88 6.93 8.46 11.51 12.65 15.71 17.23 20.28 21.81 24.48 26.01 29.06 66 2.61 4.29 7.67 9.36 12.74 14.01 17.39 19.08 22.46 24.15 27.11 28.80 32.18 72 2.86 4.72 8.43 10.29 14.00 15.39 19.11 20.96 24.67 26.53 29.78 31.64 35.35 78 3.12 5.14 9.18 11.20 15.25 16.76 20.81 22.83 26.87 28.89 32.43 34.45 38.50 84 3.38 5.57 9.96 12.15 16.54 18.19 22.57 24.76 29.15 31.34 35.18 37.38 41.76 90 3.66 6.04 10.79 13.16 17.92 19.70 24.45 26.82 31.57 33.95 38.11 40.48 45.23 96 3.91 6.45 11.53 14.07 19.14 21.05 26.13 28.66 33.74 36.28 40.72 43.26 48.34 102 4.17 6.87 12.27 14.97 20.38 22.40 27.81 30.51 35.91 38.61 43.34 46.04 51.45 108 4.42 7.29 13.02 15.89 21.62 23.77 29.50 32.37 38.10 40.97 45.98 48.85 54.58 114 4.68 7.71 13.78 16.81 22.88 25.15 31.22 34.25 40.32 43.36 48.66 51.70 57.77 120 4.93 8.13 14.53 17.73 24.13 26.53 32.92 36.12 42.52 45.72 51.32 54.52 60.91 Airflow Resistance Pa (Standard Air - .075 lb/ft3) Water Penetration ml/m2 1 0.9 0.8 Test Size 48 in. x 48 in. 0.7 Standard Air - .075 lb/ft oz/ft2 0.30 3 Test Size 48 in. x 48 in. Test Period 15 minutes 0.6 80 Water Penetration per Unit Free Area 0.5 100 90 0.4 80 0.3 70 0.2 Inta ke 40 ust 30 0.1 0.09 20 Exh a Static Pressure Drop 60 50 (Standard Air - .075 lb/ft3) Test size 48 in. x 48 in. Test duration of 15 min. in. wg 200 Greenheck Fan Corporation certifies that the ESD435 louvers shown herein are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown are based on tests and procedures performed in accordance with AMCA Publication 511 and comply with the requirements of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal applies to air performance and water penetration ratings. 0.08 0.07 0.25 Standard Air - .075 lb/ft 3 0.20 60 0.15 40 0.10 20 0.05 0.06 0.05 0 10 9 0.04 0.00 ft/min: 1000 8 7 m/s: 0.03 5.2 5.3 1100 5.4 5.5 5.6 1150 5.7 5.8 1200 5.9 6.0 6.1 1250 6.2 6.3 6.4 1300 6.5 6.6 Free Area Velocity 6 5 5.1 1050 0.02 ft/min m/s 200 300 400 2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 3 4 5 2000 6 7 8 3000 9 10 Free Air Velocity Model ESD-435 resistance to airflow (pressure drop) varies depending on louver application (air intake or air exhaust). Free area velocities (shown) are higher than average velocity through the overall louver size. See louver selection information. The AMCA Water Penetration Test provides a method for comparing various louver models and designs as to their efficiency in resisting the penetration of rainfall under specific laboratory test conditions. The beginning point of water penetration is defined as that velocity where the water penetration curve projects through .01 oz. of water (penetration) per sq. ft. of louver free area. *The beginning point of water penetration for Model ESD-435 is 1151 fpm free area velocity. These performance ratings do not guarantee a louver to be weatherproof or stormproof and should be used in combination with other factors including good engineering judgement in selecting louvers. INSTALLATION DETAILS Maximum Size and Installation Information ESD-435 Stationary Louver Drainable Blade Extruded Aluminum Maximum single section size for model ESD-435 is 120 in. W x 84 in. H or 84 in. W x 120 in. H (70 sq. ft). Larger openings require field assembly of multiple louver panels to make up the overall opening size. Individual louver panels are designed to withstand a 25 PSF wind-load (please consult Greenheck if the louvers must withstand higher wind-loads). Structural reinforcing members may be required to adequately support and install multiple louver panels within a large opening. Structural reinforcing members along with any associated installation hardware is not provided by Greenheck unless indicated otherwise by Greenheck. Additional information on louver installation may be found in AMCA Publication #501, Louver Application Manual. Minimum Single Section Size 12 in. W x 9 in. H Maximum Single Section Size 70 ft. sq. PRODUCT DETAILS ESD-435 Stationary Louver Drainable Blade Extruded Aluminum OPTION DRAWINGS ESD-435 Stationary Louver Drainable Blade Extruded Aluminum FINISHES Finish Type Description/Application Color Selection Standard Colors: Any of the 24 standard colors shown can be furnished in 70% or 50% KYNAR 500®/HYLAR 5000® or Baked Enamel. Standard Warranty (Aluminum) 10 Years (Consult Greenheck for availability of extended warranty) 2-coat 70% KYNAR 500®/HYLAR 5000® AAMA 2605 – Dry film thickness 1.2 mil. (AKA: Duranar®, Fluoropon®, Trinar®, Flouropolymer, Polyvinylidene Fluoride, PVDF2) “Best.” The premier finish for extruded aluminum. Tough, long-lasting coating has superior color retention and abrasive properties. Resists chalking, fading, chemical abrasion and weathering. 2-coat 50% KYNAR 500®/HYLAR 5000® AAMA 2604 – Dry film thickness 1.2 mil. (AKA: Acroflur®, Acrynar®) “Better.” Tough, long-lasting coating has excellent color retention and abrasive properties. Resists chalking, fading, chemical abrasion and weathering. Baked Enamel AAMA 2603 – Dry film thickness 0.8 mil. (AKA: Acrabond Plus®, Duracron®) “Good.” Provides good adhesion and resistance to weathering, corrosion and chemical stain. 2-Coat Mica: Greenheck offers 9 standard 2coat Mica colors. Other colors are available. Consult Greenheck for possible extra cost when selecting non-standard colors or special finishes. Integral Color Anodize AA-M10C22A42 (>0.7 mil) “Two-step” anodizing is produced by following the normal anodizing step with a second, colorfast process. Light, Medium or Dark Bronze; Champagne; Black 5 years Clear Anodize 215 R-1 AA-M10C22A41 (>0.7 mil) Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coating that resists weathering and chemical attack. Clear 5 years Clear Anodize 204 R-1 AA-M10C22A31 (0.4-0.7 mil) Clear, colorless and hard oxide aluminum coating that resists weathering and chemical attack. Clear 1 Year Industrial coatings Greenheck offers a number of industrial coatings such as Hi-Pro Polyester, Epoxy, and Permatector®. Consult a Greenheck Product Specialist for complete color and application information. Mill Materials may be supplied in natural aluminum or galvanized steel finish when normal weathering is acceptable and there is no concern for color or color change. 5 Years 1 Year Consult Greenheck n/a Finishes meet or exceed AAMA 2605, AAMA 2604, and AAMA 2603 requirements. Please consult for complete information on standard and extended paint warranties. Paint finish warranties are not applicable to steel products. ESD-435 July 2007 Rev. 1 Copyright © 2007 Greenheck Fan Corporation Greenheck Fan Corporation reserves the right to make product changes without notice. MODEL “EX” Order Height Order Height plus ¼” 4”Deep Channel Frame EXTRUDED ALUMINUM BRICK VENTS Insect Screen Water Stop 4” deep QTY MODEL # ORDER SIZE FINISHED DIMENSIONS (+1/4” to order height for top and bottom ribs) MINIMUM OPENING REQUIRED x Extruded aluminum to be 6063 - T5 Alloy. Minimum .125” thick. x Blades are 1” deep, set at 45qq angles, 1” on center. x For any unit over 30” wide - do not mortar jamb sections. FINISH: SCREENS: 18 X 14 aluminum mesh SUNVENT INDUSTRIES PROJECT: By SYLRO SALES CORP. 1 Industrial Drive, #26 Pelham NH, 03076 Toll Free: 1-800-325-4115 In NH: 603-595-4556 Fax: 603-595-4778 LOCATION: ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: JOB NO: AGENT: ORDER NO: DATE: REVISIONS: DWG NO: EX 3NNKRÐÐ BBDRRNQHDR #NTAKDÐ6@KKÐ5@MD 6HCSG +DMFSG ÄES #QHKKÐ"GTBJR 2HYD +HRSÄ/QHBD × 7RF &@TFD /QHBD ÄF@ ÄF@ #QHKKÐ/NHMSÐ2BQDVR +HRSÄ/QHBD #NTAKDÐ6@KKÐ5@MDÐ1@HK 6HCSG +DMFSG ÄES &@TFD ÄF@ /QHBD #H@KÐ#@LODQÐ1DFTK@SNQÐ2DSR ×Ä+NMFÄ!D@QHMFR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄ2DSRÄ/DQÄ/JF 2HYD Ä/@BJ ÄÜÄÚ ÄÜÄÚ %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐ"NMMDBSNQ ÄWÄÄWÄÄ5HMKNMÄ"@MU@R +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄESÄ1NKK %KDWHAKDÐ#TBSÐ"NMMDBSNQÐ%@RSDMHMF 2S@OKDQÄENQÄ%KDWHAKDÄ"NMMDBSNQ +HRSÄ/QHBD 2S@OKDR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ!NWÄNEÄ "K@LORÐÐ2SQ@OR 2S@HMKDRRÄ2SDDKÄ"K@LOR 'D@CÄRVHUDKÄVNQLÄCQHUDÄ@BSHNM +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BGÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BGÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ %KDWÄ2SQ@ORÄÄ9HOÄ3HDRÄ2NKCÄ/@BJ 0T@CQ@MSÐ#@LODQÐ1DFTK@SNQÐ2DSR 7 Ä2PT@QDÄÄ+NMFÄ!D@QHMFR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ$@BG ! !'+ÄÄÄ+DMFSG ,NCDKÐ(2.Ð(MRTK@SHNMÐ2S@MC.EE .OSHNM@KÄENQÄ@KKÄC@LODQDCÄÆSSHMFR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄ 2G@ES 2HYD 2G@ES 2G@OD /QHBD Ù 1NTMC 7 2PT@QD ÄÄD@ ! %KDWÄ2SQ@OÄ3DMRHNMHMFÄ3NNK +HRSÄ/QHBD 0T@CQ@MSR ÄÄD@ +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ !'+ÄÄÄ+DMFSG +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ4OÄSNÄÄ#H@LDSDQ 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð '@LLDQ.MÐ1DFTK@SNQÐ2DS +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄ2DSRÄ/DQÄ/JF 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 3NNKRÐÐ BBDRRNQHDR /2 Ð2GQHMJÐ6Q@O /QDRRTQDÐ2DMRHSHUDÐ CGDRHUD /NKXDSGXKDMDÄÆKLÄVHSGÄ@CGDRHUDÄHRÄ TRDCÄSNÄOQDUDMSÄNTSRHCDÄCDAQHRÄEQNLÄ DMSDQHMFÄCTBSVNQJÄÄÄLHKÄSGHBJMDRR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄWÄÄESÄ1NKK +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄWÄÄESÄ1NKK +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄWÄÄESÄ1NKK #TBSÐ6Q@OÐ(MRTK@SHNM ÄWÄØSGHBJMDRRÄÄÄCDMRHSX +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ/DQÄÄ1NKK 3@ODÐ5@QHNTRÐ3XODR KTLHMTLÄ3@ODÄÄWÄÄ8CR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ/DQÄ1NKK %2*Ä%@BHMFÄ3@ODÄÄWÄÄ8CR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ/DQÄ1NKK #TBSÄ3@ODÄÄWÄÄ8CR +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ/DQÄ1NKK $9Ð+N@CÐ"@TKJHMFÐ&TM +HRSÄ/QHBD 2D@K@MSR '@QCB@RSÄ#2Ä(MCNNQ.TSCNNQÄ6@SDQÄ!@RDC +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄNYÄ3TAD +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ.MDÄ&@KKNMÄ/@HKÄVÄ!QTRG '@QCB@RSÄÄ2NKUDMSÄ!@RDC +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄNYÄ3TAD +HRSÄ/QHBDÄ.MDÄ&@KKNMÄ/@HKÄVÄ!QTRG (MSTLDRBDMSÄ%HQDRSNOOHMFÄ2D@K@MSÄÄ'NTQÄ1@SDC +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄNYÄ3TAD Ä2HKHBNMDÄ2D@K@MSÄ(MCTRSQH@KÄ&Q@CD +HRSÄ/QHBDÄÄNYÄ3TAD /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL DUCT-SEAL™ 321 Indoor/Outdoor Water-Based Duct Sealant PART NUMBERS DUCT-SEAL 321 is an all-purpose industrial-grade 304159 1 Case w/ (25) 11-oz. Cartridges duct sealant for all types of metal duct, ¿berglass 304156 1 Case w/ (4) 1-Gallon Pails duct board, duct fabric and Àex duct. It includes UV 304157 1 2-Gallon Pail inhibitors for extended outdoor exposure and built-in 304158 1 5-Gallon Pail ¿ber reinforcement for added strength. This non-toxic water-based product is solvent free and is suitable for TECHNICAL DATA Color Gray Consistency Smooth creamy texture Base Synthetic latex residential use. APPLICATION Temperature 35°F to 110°F (1.7°C to 44°C) Method Brush, putty knife, caulk gun Preparation Surface must be dry and free of dirt, oil and grease. Rate Apply at joints and fasteners to 20-mil-thick wet ¿lm Solvent Water Weight per Gallon 10.6 lbs. Solids Content 65% Viscosity Thixotropic Coverage (per gal.) Up to 320 lin. ft. at 3" width, 20-mil thickness Shore A Hardness >20 Clean Up Wet Soap and water Flexibility Passes ¼-in. mandrel bend Clean Up Dry Time to Test 48 hours* UN-TACK™ or Solvent (Use safe hanlingPractices) Service Temperature -20°F to 200°F Painting Only latex or epoxy paints Weather Resistance Weather resistant Mildew Resistance Mold & mildew resistant VOC Exempt: 0 g/l Non-Exempt: 93 g/l (less water) Pressure Classes SMACNA ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 10 inches w.g. Seal Classes SMACNA A, B, C Packaging 11-oz. cart., 1-, 2- & 5-gal. pails Freeze/Thaw Stability Passed 5 Cycles *May vary according to temperature and humidity PRECAUTIONS Surface must be clean and free of moisture, contamination and foreign matter. Do not allow this product to freeze. Apply when temperatures will not fall below freezing for at least 36-48 hours, depending on temperature and humidity. Do not apply this product where temperatures will exceed 200°F. Keep out of the reach of children. Review MSDS for complete safety information prior to use. DO NOT use where acidic or alkaline chemicals are present (ie., lab fume hood, vents, etc.). For Industrial Professional Use Only. CAULKING AND SEALANTS 94PF STORAGE Temperature 35°F to 110°F (1.7°C to 44°C) DO NOT FREEZE Shelf Life One year (unopened) Flammability Non-Àammable SPECIFICATION/STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Property Method Results Freeze Thaw & Heat Cycling ASTM C-731 Pass Slump Test ASTM D-2202 Pass VOC Limitation SCAQMD Rule 1168 Pass Extractant Testing NSF Pass Compounds for use in Construction of Federally Inspected Meat & Poultry Plants FSIS Pass Acceptable Indoor Air Concentrations Michigan Department of Quality Criteria Pass (Part 201/213) SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS FLAME SPREAD ...................................... 0 SMOKE DEVELOPED.............................. 0 US EPA 17NF UL 181B-M Mastic closure systems for use with Àexible duct systems or connectors. Pass NSF/AWSI Standard 61 Pass *Applied to inorganic reinforced Cement Board *Tested as applied in one 3 in. (76.2 mm) wide strip, on center covering 16.7 percent of the exposed test sample area) at a coverage of 80 sq. ft/ gal (2 sq. M/L). Flash point of ¿nished sealant, closed cup : No Àash to boiling. City of Los Angeles Approval RR #8069 USDA Pass FDA Pass Pass USA: 900 Hensley Lane, Wylie, TX 75098 • (877) 495-4822 | Canada: 2100 Remembrance Road, Lachine, QC H8S 1X3 • (800) 544-5535 P/N 601242 - DUCT-SEAL 321 TDS 01/13/12 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: DuctSeal 321 Synonyms: Water-Based Mastic Manufacturer/Supplier Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Incorporated 900 Hensley Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Internet Address: Fax Number: (972) 442-0076 Phone Numbers Medical Emergency: CHEMTREC (USA): (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC (International): MSDS Assistance: (972) 442-6545 Fax On Demand: NA Technical Assistance: (888) 229-2199 Customer Service: (888) 229-0199 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. COMPONENT INFORMATION Component CAS No. Percent Range Hazardous in Blend Methanol 67-56-1 0.5 – 3.45 This product is not hazardous according OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200. Hazards: Flammable/Combustible No Acute No Chronic No Carcinogen No Toxin Toxin Pressure No Reactive No Exposure Limit Target Organ Other 2A. OTHER INGREDIENTS Greater than 3% Component Latex Co-polymer Calcium Carbonate Clay Chlorinated Paraffin CAS No. Mixture 1317-65-3 1332-58-7 63449-39-8 Blend _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency and Hazards Overview: May cause moderate irritation to eyes. May be harmful if swallowed. Read and understand all health and safety information on the product label and Material Safety Data Sheet before use. Ratings Health 1 Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 Primary Route of Exposure: Skin x Inhalation x Eye x Ingestion x Health Effect Information Eye Contact: May cause eye irritation if wiped or rubbed into eyes. Skin Contact: May cause mild skin irritation on prolonged or repeated contact. Inhalation: Breathing high concentrations of vapors may cause nausea & irritation of nose, throat, & respiratory tract. Respiratory symptoms associated with pre-existing lung disorders may be aggravated by exposure to this material. DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 1 of 6 Ingestion: Ingestion of large quantity may cause initial central nervous system stimulation, followed by depression. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: Prolonged exposure to vapors could aggravate pre-existing disorders in lungs, kidney and liver. 4. FIRST AID INFORMATION Eye Contact: Flush with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Skin Contact: Wipe off and wash skin with soap and water. Promptly remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. Oxygen may be administered. Consult physician immediately Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a physician. Consult a physician immediately. Notes to Physician: This product contains ethylene glycol, Hexahydro-1, 3,5-triethyl-s-triazine (not in a reportable amount). 5. FIRES AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION Flammable Properties Flash Point: No flash to boiling Flame extension: NA Flammable Limits in Air Upper Percent: NA Lower Percent: NA Auto ignition Temperature: NA Test Method: Closed cup Test Method: NA Test Method: NA NFPA Classification: H 1 F 0 R 0 Extinguishing Media: CO2, foam, dry chemical or water spray. Fire Fighting Measures Special Fire Fighting Procedures and Equipment: Firemen must wear full-face air-supplied masks and full protective clothing. Unusual Fire and Explosion Conditions: This product is not sensitive to physical shock or static discharge. Exposure of closed container to temperatures above the boiling point could cause pressure buildup and container rupture. Hazardous Combustion By-Products: CO, CO2, unburned hydrocarbons, or nitrous oxides. DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 2 of 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personnel Safeguards: Evacuate non-essential personnel to safe areas. Clean-up responders should wear proper protective clothing and gloves before entering the affected area. Regulatory Notifications: Certain component of this product is defined as hazardous according to U.S. EPA. Spill reporting requirements and reportable quantities vary by region. Consult all applicable state and local regulations. For Canada, observe all precautions noted above. Containment and Clean up: Prevent product from entering drinking water supplies or streams. Observe above precautions, collect liquid with inert, noncombustible material and remove for disposal. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE INFORMATION Handling: Normal use condition doesn’t produce respirable Silica. However, sanding, grinding, and burning might release respirable Silica. Keep out of reach of children. Launder contaminated clothing. Wash hands with soap and water after use, especially before eating or drinking. Storage: Store in a dry, well ventilated environment away from heat, above 35 deg F and below 110 deg F. Keep containers closed when not in use. Do not pressurize, cut weld or grind containers. Empty Container Warnings Drums: Drums may be reused after wash. Plastic: Plastic containers may be reused after wash. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Exposure Limits and Guidelines Component Methanol CAS No. 67-56-1 Exposure Limit 200 ppm OSHA PEL 200 ppm ACGIH TWA, 250 ppm STEL Personal Protective Equipment Eye/Face Protection: Wear safety goggles or face shield. Contact lenses should not be worn. Skin Protection: Use protective rubber gloves (Hycron, neoprene, or nitrile). Respiratory Protection: Provide adequate ventilation to maintain vapors below PEL/TWA. If vapor levels are exceeded, use NIOSH approved respirator, both during and immediately after application, until vapor levels are below limits. Personal Hygiene: Avoid rubbing eyes during handling. Use good personal hygiene practices to avoid incidental ingestion. Engineering Controls / Work Practices Ventilation: Provide local exhaust or area ventilation to maintain concentration of vapors below PEL/TWA. Other: Source of clean water should be available in the work area for flushing eyes and skin. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after use and before eating. DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 3 of 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES?? Appearance: Gray Mastic Odor: Typical latex with slight ammonia odor Physical state: Mastic pH: 8.4 – 9.5 DOT Corrosivity: NA Boiling Point: 212ºF Melting Point: NA Specific Gravity: 1.34-1.41 Pour Point: NA Solubility in Water: Miscible with water Octanol / Water Coefficient: Log Kow = NA Vapor Pressure: 17 mm Hg @ 20ºC Vapor Density (air=1): <air Percent Volatile by Weight: 28-32 Volatile Organic Content: 93 g/l (according to SCAQMD calculation) Molecular Weight: NA Average Carbon Number: NA Viscosity @ 77 F: >300 K cps ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INFORMATION Chemical Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: Avoid extreme heat, fire and temperature. Incompatible Materials to Avoid: Avoid strong acids, strong oxidizers. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (will only print available data) Primary Eye Irritation: Irritating Primary Skin Irritation: NA Acute Dermal Toxicity: Product toxicity has not been determined. Subacute Dermal Toxicity: NA Dermal Sensitization: NA Inhalation Toxicity: Product toxicity has not been determined. Inhalation Sensitization: NA Oral Toxicity: Product toxicity has not been determined. Mutagenicity: NA Carcinogenicity: NA Reproductive Toxicity: Product toxicity has not been determined. Teratogenicity: NA Immunotoxicity: NA Neurotoxicity: NA No other toxicological information available ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Aquatic Toxicity: Not known Terrestrial Toxicity: Not known Chemical Fate and Transport: Not known No other ecological information available ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. DISPOSAL INFORMATION Regulatory Information: Consult all regulations (federal, state, provincial, local etc.) or a qualified waste disposal firm when characterizing waste for disposal. DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 4 of 6 Waste Disposal Methods: Recover free liquid. Absorb residue and dispose of according to local, state and Federal EPA regulation. Empty container: may contain explosive vapors. Do Not cut, puncture or weld on or nearby. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Highway / Rail: Not regulated by DOT The DOT description is provided to assist in the proper shipping classification of this product and may not be suitable for all shipping descriptions. Other: No other information available. ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Regulatory Lists U.S. TSCA Inventory: All components of this material are on the US TSCA Inventory or exempt from listing on the TSCA Inventory. Sara Section 313: This product contains the following Sara, Title III, Section 313 Chemicals: Chemical CAS Number Percent in Product Methanol 67-56-1 0.5 – 3.45 IARC Group: NA Regulatory Lists Searched This product contains a mixture of one or more components found on the following State List at or above OSHA de minimis quantities Health & Safety: NA Environmental: NA International: NA State: FL, MA, MN, PA, NJ, WA National Inventories: NA SARA 311 / 312 Categories (For the chemicals above) Yes Yes Acute: Chronic: Yes Fire: Pressure: Regulated: No No Reactive: No California Proposition 65 Information: Warning! None in the list Canadian WHMIS Classification Methanol Class: Class B2 and D2B This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). This MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR. Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 5 of 6 All reportable chemical substance is listed on the Domestic Substances List (DSL) or otherwise complies with CEPA new substance notification requirements. National Pollution Release Inventory (NPRI) This product contains the following chemical subject to the reporting requirements of the CEPA subsection 16(1), NPRI. Chemical CAS Number Percent in Product Methanol 67-56-1 0.5 – 3.45 Other Regulations: No other information available. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. OTHER INFORMATION Health and Environmental Label Language All ingredients contained in this product are included on the US EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory or exempt from listing on the TSCA inventory. All ingredients contained in this product comply with the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and are listed on the Domestic Substance List (DSL) or Non-Domestic Substance List (NDSL) MSDS Revisions Previous Version Date: 04/06/10 Section Old Information: New Information: Revised VOC Prepared By: R&D Department Date: 03/01/11 Disclaimer of Warranty: The information contained herein is based upon data and information available to us, and reflects our best professional judgment. This product may be formulated in part with components purchased from other companies. In many instances, especially when proprietary or trade secret materials are used, CCWI Company must rely upon the hazard evaluation of such components submitted by that product’s manufacturer or importer. No warranty of merchantability, fitness for any use, or any other warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of such data or information. The results to be obtained from the use thereof, or that any such use does not infringe any patent, since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions of use beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar, we do not assume responsibility for the results of such application. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular use. DuctSeal 321 Issued: 03/01/11 Supersedes: 04/06/10 Page 6 of 6 SURE-GRIP™ 404 Solvent-Based Duct Sealant DUCT SEALANTS & INSULATION ADHESIVES SURE-GRIP 404 is a ¿ber-free, solvent based, PART NUMBERS 302014 1 Case w/ (25) 11-oz. Cartridges synthetic rubber duct sealant. It’s exceptional 302009 1 Case w/ (4) 1-Gallon Pails strength, fast drying time and unmatched Àexibility 302020 1 5-Gallon Pail make it ideal for those applications requiring a solvent based sealant. SURE-GRIP’s low-viscosity, no-drip, no-string formulation allows fast application TECHNICAL DATA Color Gray for labor savings and extended coverage for lower Consistency Heavy Brush On installed cost. Base Synthetic Rubber Resin Solvent Toluene and Heptane Weight per Gallon 8.8 lbs. Solids Content 65% Viscosity 150K - 200K cps Coverage (per gal.) Up to 320 lin. ft. at 3" width, 20-mil thickness Shore A Hardness > 60 Flexibility Excellent Time to Test 24 hours Service Temperature -20°F to 200°F Water Resistance Excellent Mildew Resistance Mold & mildew resistant STORAGE VOC 360 g/l Temperature Below 90°F (32°C) Pressure Classes SMACNA ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 10 inches w.g. Shelf Life One year (unopened) Seal Classes SMACNA A, B, C Flammability Flammable. Store according to local code. Packaging 11-oz. cart., 1- & 5-gal. pails Freeze/Thaw Stability Passed 5 Cycles APPLICATION Temperature 35°F to 100°F (1.7°C to 38°C) Method Brush, putty knife, caulk gun and trowel Preparation Surface must be dry and free of dirt, oil and grease. Rate Apply at joints and fasteners 20-mil-thick wet ¿lm Clean Up UN-TACK™ or Solvent (Use safe handling practices.) Painting Allow 72 hours SPECIFICATION/STANDARDS COMPLIANCE Property Method VOC Limitation PRECAUTIONS FLAMMABLE liquid and vapor. Keep away from open Àame. May cause Àash ¿re. Contains heptane and toluene solvents. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled. May cause eye irritation. Do not apply this product in areas where intense overexposure is anticipated, or where temperatures will exceed 200°F. Keep out of the reach of children. Review Material Safety Data Sheet for complete safety information prior to use. DO NOT use where acidic or alkaline chemicals are present (ie., lab fume hood, vents, etc.). For Industrial Professional Use Only. ASTM D-2202 11-oz. Cartridges: LEED Compliant Results Pass UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC.® CLASSIFIED ADHESIVE Surface Burning Characteristics 294U *Applied to inorganic reinforced cement board FLAME SPREAD ..................................10 SMOKE DEVELOPED ...........................5 *Tested as applied in two 1/4 inch wide strips 8 inches on center at a coverage of 320 lin.ft./gal. Flash point of ¿nished adhesive, closed cup: less than minus 14OC. 17NF UL 181B-M Mastic closure systems for use with Àexible duct systems or connectors. USA: 900 Hensley Lane, Wylie, TX 75098 • (877) 495-4822 | Canada: 2100 Remembrance Road, Lachine, QC H8S 1X3 • (800) 544-5535 P/N 601238 - SURE-GRIP 404 TDS 01/18/12 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: SG 404 Synonyms: Solvent-Based Mastic Manufacturer/Supplier Carlisle HVAC Products 900 Hensley Lane Wylie, TX 75098 Internet Address: Fax Number: (972) 442-0076 Phone Numbers Medical Emergency: CHEMTREC (USA): (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC (International): MSDS Assistance: (972) 442-6545 Fax On Demand: NA Technical Assistance: (888) 229-2199 Customer Service: (888) 229-0199 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. COMPONENT INFORMATION Ingredient Name CAS Number Toluene Heptane Amorphous Silica Hydrocarbon Resin Hydrated Alumina Calcium Carbonate Clay Hazardous Ingredients: OSHA PEL Ingredient TWA STEL Toluene 200 ppm 150 ppm Heptane 400 ppm Amorphous Silica 80 mg/m3 (as dust) 108-88-3 142-82-5 7631-86-9 68132-04-7 21645-51-2 1317-65-3 1332-58-7 ACGIH TLV TWA STEL % wt or % vol 10-15 20-30 5.0-8.0 NIOSH REL TWA STEL NIOSH IDLH 150 ppm (skin) none estab. 100 ppm 150 ppm 500 ppm 500 ppm 50 ppm (skin) none estab. 85 ppm 440 ppm 750 ppm None estab. 10 mg/m3 None estab. 6 mg/m3 None estab. 3000 mg/m3 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency and Hazards Overview: May cause moderate irritation to eyes. May be harmful if swallowed. Read and understand all health and safety information on the product label and Material Safety Data Sheet before use. Ratings Health 1 Flammability 4 Reactivity 0 Primary Entry Routes: Skin contact, skin absorption, eye contact, inhalation, ingestion. Target Organs: Acute Effects Inhalation: Nose and throat irritation on short term exposure to liquid or vapor. Eye: Irritation on short term exposure to liquid or vapor. Skin: Irritation on short term exposure to liquid or vapor. Solvents may be absorbed through the skin in toxic amounts. Ingestion: Ingestion can cause gastrointestinal irritation. Carcinogenicity: IARC, NTP, and OSHA do not list this product as a carcinogen. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Long-Term Exposure: SureGrip 404 Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 1 of 7 Chronic Effects: Overexposure may result in headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and loss of consciousness. Chronic exposure may cause reversible kidney and liver injury. Moderate irritation of skin, eyes and mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract on prolonged/repeated contact. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air and provide oxygen if breathing is difficult. Give artificial respiration if not breathing. Get medical attention immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with running water and remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. Note to Physicians: This product contains organic solvents (Heptane and Toluene). Special Precautions/Procedures: Whenever possible, remove the worker from the source of contamination. 5. FIRES AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION Flammable Properties Flash Point: -13.5 deg C Flame extension: NA Flammable Limits in Air Upper Percent: 7.5% by vol Lower Percent: 1.0 % by vol Auto ignition Temperature: 222.5 deg C Test Method: Closed cup Test Method: NA Test Method: NA NFPA Classification: H 1 F 4 R 0 Flammability Classification: Division 2. Ignition can occur when this product is exposed to heat, sparks, or flame. Extinguishing Media: In case of fire, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or foam. Water may not be effective as an extinguishing agent. Water fog or spray may be used to provide a smothering effect on fire and to cool fire-exposed container and surrounding combustibles. Do not use a solid stream of water because it can scatter and spread the fire. Unusual Fire or Explosion Hazards: Extremely flammable. Store and use away from all sources of heat, flame, or sparks. Do not smoke while applying. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel along ground to a distant ignition source and flash back. Hazardous Combustion Products: Toxic gases or vapors, such as carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, may be released in a fire. Fire-Fighting Instructions: This product contains solvents that are dangerous fire and explosion hazards when exposed to heat or flame. Fire fighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. Fire-Fighting Equipment: Because fire may produce toxic thermal decomposition products, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with a full face piece operated in pressure-demand or positive-pressure mode. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Spill /Leak Procedures: Remove all sources of ignition. Avoid breathing vapors. Use self-contained breathing apparatus in enclosed area. Ventilate area. Contain and remove with inert absorbent materials and non-sparking tools. Large Spills Containment: For large spills, dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Do not release into sewers or waterways. Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 SureGrip 404 Page 2 of 7 Cleanup: Clean-up spill as soon as possible. Collect any excess material with absorbent pads, sand or other inert non-combustible absorbent materials. Place into appropriate waste containers for later disposal. Comply with all laws and regulations. Regulatory Requirements: Follow applicable OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.120). 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE INFORMATION Handling Precautions: Use away from all sources of heat, flame, or sparks. Do not smoke while using. Handling equipment must be grounded to prevent sparking. Handle with non-sparking tools. Wash with soap and water before eating or drinking. Launder contaminated clothing. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Storage Requirements: Keep containers cool, dry, and store away from all sources of heat, flame, and sparks. Keep containers tightly closed and store with adequate ventilation. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, or grind the containers or empty containers which may contain residual product and solvent vapors that may ignite explosively. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Engineering Controls: Do not use in enclosed areas without proper explosion-proof ventilation. General and local exhaust ventilation must be sufficient to control vapor concentrations and keep the PEL below 100 ppm. Ventilation: Provide general or local exhaust ventilation systems to maintain airborne concentrations below OSHA PELs (Sec. 2). Local exhaust ventilation is preferred because it prevents contaminant dispersion into the work area by controlling it at its source. Administrative Controls: Respiratory Protection: Approved respirator must be used if PEL is 100 ppm or above. Protective Clothing/Equipment: Hycron gloves recommended. Glasses or goggles recommended. Industrial shoes to protect feet from adhesive contact. Long sleeves, long trousers to protect skin from adhesive contact. Protective skin creams and emollients useful. Safety Stations: Make emergency eyewash stations, safety/quick-drench showers, and washing facilities available in work area. Contaminated Equipment: Separate contaminated work clothes from street clothes. Launder before reuse. Remove this material from your shoes and clean personal protective equipment. Comments: Never eat, drink, or smoke in work areas. Practice good personal hygiene after using this material, especially before eating, drinking, smoking, using the toilet, or applying cosmetics. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: Gray Mastic Odor: Mild hydrocarbon odor Physical state: Mastic pH: NA Evaporation Rate: 3.7-2.1 Boiling Point: 209ºF (98.5 deg C) Melting Point/Freezing Point: -90.5 C Specific Gravity: 1.0-1.2 Pour Point: NA Solubility in Water: Negligible Octanol / Water Coefficient: Log Kow = NA SureGrip 404 Vapor Pressure: 36.7 mm Hg @ 30ºC Vapor Density (air=1): 3.14 -3.45 Percent Volatile by Weight: 30 - 40 Volatile Organic Content: 395 gpl Molecular Weight: NA Average Carbon Number: NA Viscosity @ 77 F: Thixotrophic Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 3 of 7 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INFORMATION Stability: Stable. Polymerization: Will not occur. Chemical Incompatibilities: Strong oxidizing agents, acids, bases, heat, sparks, and flames. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, sparks, and flames, ignition sources. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Toxic gases or vapors such as carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, may be released in a fire. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (will only print available data) Toxicity Data: Eye Effects: Irritating Skin Effects: Irritating Acute Inhalation Effects: Product toxicity has not been determined. Following are the component data: TC50: Toluene: Rat > 26,700 ppm 1 hr; Mouse 400 ppm 24 hr Heptane: Human TCLo: 1000 ppm/6 minutes Acute Oral Effects: Product toxicity has not been determined. Following are component data: LD50: Toluene: Rat 5000 mg/kg Heptane: Rat, ivn, 222 mg/kg Chronic Effects: May cause skin sensitization in some people. Carcinogenicity: Not listed in IARC or NTP. Mutagenicity: Some evidence in animal exposure to Toluene. Teratogenicity: Some evidence in animal exposure to Toluene. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: Not known Environmental Fate: Not known Environmental Degradation: Not known Soil Absorption/Mobility: Not known ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13. DISPOSAL INFORMATION Regulatory Information: Consult all regulations (federal, state, provincial, local etc.) or a qualified waste disposal firm when characterizing waste for disposal. Waste Disposal Methods: Recover free liquid. Absorb residue and dispose of according to local, state and Federal EPA regulation. Empty container: may contain explosive vapors. Do Not cut, puncture or weld on or nearby. SureGrip 404 Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 4 of 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT Transportation Data (49 CFR 172.101): Shipping Name: Adhesives, 3, UN1133, III Shipping Symbols: Flammable Hazard Class: 3 ID No.: UN1133 Packing Group: III Label: red caution label required Special Provisions (172.102): 149, B52, IB2, T4, TP1, TP8 Packaging Authorizations a) Exceptions: 173.150 b) Non-bulk Packaging: 173.173 c) Bulk Packaging: 173.242 Quantity Limitations a) Passenger, Aircraft, or Railcar: 5L b) Cargo Aircraft Only: 60L Vessel Stowage Requirements a) Vessel Stowage: B b) Other: --- ______________________________________________________________________________ 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION EPA Regulations: RCRA Hazardous Waste Number (40 CFR 261.33): Not listed RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification (40 CFR 261): Not classified TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) Status: TSCA (United States) – The intentional ingredients of this product are listed. CERCLA Hazardous Substance RQ – 40 CFR 302.4 (a) Component RQ (lbs) Toluene 1000 CERCLA RQ – 40 CFR 302.4 (b) Materials with a “listed” RQ may be reportable as an “unlisted hazardous substance”. See 40 CFR 302.5 (b). SARA 311/312 Codes: Immediate (X) Delayed (X) Pressure ( ) Fire (X) SARA 313 Components (40 CFR 372.65): Section 313 Component(s) Toluene Reactive ( ) CAS Number 108-88-3 Sudden Release of % 10 – 15 SARA EHS (Extremely Hazardous Substance) (40 CFR 355): Not listed, Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) OSHA Regulations: Air Contaminant (29 CFR 1910.1000, Table Z-1, Z-1-A): Not listed OSHA Specifically Regulated Substance (29 CFR 1910): None listed EPA Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68): None listed SureGrip 404 Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 5 of 7 State Regulations: California Proposition 65: The following statement is made in order to comply with the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986: This product contains the following substance(s) known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm: Toluene Delaware Air Quality Management List: Chemical Name DRQ: Toluene 1000 State? Must be reported to the DRQ Florida Toxic Substance: The following components are listed as a toxic substance by the state of Florida: Toluene Heptane Amorphous Silica Massachusetts Hazardous Substances List: Chemical Name CAS # Toluene 108-88-3 Heptane 142-82-5 Amorphous Silica 7631-86-9 Codes 2, 4, 5, 6, F7, F8 2, 4, 5, 6 2, 4, 5, F5 Michigan Critical Materials Registry: Chemical Name CAS # Toluene 108-88-3 Minnesota Hazardous Substance: Chemical Name Codes Hazards Toluene ANO skin Heptane ANO -Silica ANOR -New Jersey RTK Label Information: Chemical Name EHS Toluene New York List of Hazardous Substances: Chemical Name RQ – Air Toluene 1000 Class -- Carcinogen No No *T* CAS # Substance # DOT # TPQ 108-88-3 1866 1294 -- RQ – Land 1 Pennsylvania RTK Label Information Chemical Name CAS # Benzene, Methyl 108-88-3 Heptane 142-82-5 Silica 7631-86-9 SureGrip 404 Report -- Note none Code E --- Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 6 of 7 Washington Air Contaminant: TWA (ppm): 100 (Toluene) TWA (mg): 375 (Toluene) STEL (ppm): 150 (Toluene) STEL (mg): 560 (Toluene) Ceiling (ppm): None listed Ceiling (mg): None listed Skin: None listed ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. OTHER INFORMATION Health and Environmental Label Language All ingredients contained in this product are included on the US EPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory or exempt from listing on the TSCA inventory. All ingredients contained in this product comply with the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and are listed on the Domestic Substance List (DSL) or Non-Domestic Substance List (NDSL) MSDS Revisions Previous Version Date: 07/01/08 Section Old Information: New Information: Prepared By: R&D Department Date: 05/01/11 Disclaimer of Warranty: The information contained herein is based upon data and information available to us, and reflects our best professional judgment. This product may be formulated in part with components purchased from other companies. In many instances, especially when proprietary or trade secret materials are used, CCWI Company must rely upon the hazard evaluation of such components submitted by that product’s manufacturer or importer. No warranty of merchantability, fitness for any use, or any other warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of such data or information. The results to be obtained from the use thereof, or that any such use does not infringe any patent, since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions of use beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar, we do not assume responsibility for the results of such application. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular use. SureGrip 404 Issued: 05/01/11 Supersedes: 07/01/08 Page 7 of 7 FIRESTOP-814+ INTUMESCENT FIRESTOPPING SEALANT TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Product Description Firestop–814+ is a UL Classified, intumescent firestop sealant designed to resume the integrity of 1 & 2 hour fire rated floors and walls when penetrated by plumbing, electrical, and other mechanical items. In fire conditions, Firestop-814+ forms an effective barrier to prevent the spread of flames, smoke, and toxic gasses. Firestop-814+ is a one part, intumescent, latex based sealant that is suitable for adhesion to many substrates. Firestop-814+ has been tested and approved to be used as a filler for “Through-Penetration” firestop systems. Testing, Standards & Applications PRODUCT FEATURES ¾ Great Adhesion Firestop-814+ has been tested to UL1479/ASTM-E814 for use in “Through-Penetration” firestop systems encountered in commercial and multi–dwelling residential construction. Firestop-814+ fulfills and exceeds the commercial and residential firestopping requirements specified in all model building codes. Primary sealing applications include: • Electrical wiring • Steel, iron & copper pipes • Wood floors ¾ Excellent Freeze/Thaw • HVAC Ducts • EMT and conduit • Gypsum Walls ¾ Non Shrinking • PVC & CPVC Pipes • Head of wall • Concrete Floor and Wall Systems ¾ Non Sag Application Procedures ¾ Smooth Consistency 1. Clean area to be protected so that it is clean of wood shavings, dust particles and debris. 2. Refer to the manufacturer’s UL specified application procedures to ensure proper application of the firestop sealant. 3. Cut the cartridge nozzle to desired bead width. 4.Fill the annular space or void with Firestop-814+ to the required depth 5. When encountering multiple wires or cables through a single penetration, be sure to apply caulking between and around the wires to ensure complete contact of filling material with the wire substrates and annular space surface. 6. There should be no visible air passage upon completion of firestopping application. ¾ Identifiable Color ¾ Low V.O.C.’s ¾ Easy Clean-up Packaging Part#: FS-814+ FS-814+28 FS-814+5 Description 10.3 oz tube 29 oz tube 5 Gallon Pail Pack 12/ Cs 12/ Cs Each Limitations, Storage & Cautions • A two year shelf life is expected of unopened containers. • Store between 35ºF and a max. of 120ºF. • Containers should be tightly sealed when Not in use. • Ensure proper rotation of stock. • Do not take internally. • Keep out of reach of children. Flame Tech Inc. 5180 Indiana Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Ph: 1-800-638-3160 Fx: 1-336-661-7969 Physical Properties Color: Physical Uncured State: Physical Cured State: Tack Free Time: Cure Time: Odor: Freeze/Thaw: Shelf Life: Weight per Gallon: Percent V.O.C’s: Volume Coverage: Coral Red Glossy Paste Rubbery Solid 30 Minutes 3 to 4 weeks Slight Odor Excellent 2 years 12 lbs < 10% 10.3 oz tube / 18 In³ FIRESTOP-814+ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Manufacturer: Flame Tech Inc. 5180 Indiana Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Phone: 1-800-638-3160 Fax: 1-336-661-7969 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Firestop-814+ HMIS Codes Health Flammability Reactivity PPI 1 0 0 B Chemical Family: Organic/Inorganic Emergency Telephone No: 800-638-3160 Use: Firestopping Sealant Technical Service: 800-638-3160 Date of Preparation: April 5, 2006 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS % by WT CAS No. INGREDIENT UNITS None as defined by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard CFR 1910.1200. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY OF ACCUTE HAZARDS:May cause skin irritation INHALATION: Not a respitory irritant EYE CONTACT: May Cause eye irritation INGESTION: Possible irritation to mucus membrane of the mouth, throat, and stomach. SUMMARY OF CHRONIC HAZARDS: None Known MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Persons with pre-existing skin conditions of chemical allergies may be more susceptible to contacts of cured elastomer. FIRST AID MEASURES If INHALED: Not a respiratory irritant. If on SKIN: Wash with soap and water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. If in EYES: Immediately flush with large amounts of water. If irritation occurs, seek medical attention. If SWALLOWED: If swallowed, call a physician immediately. Only induce vomiting at the instruction of a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Wipe up spills to prevent footing hazard. Avoid drains, waterways and soil. Wear protective clothing during clean up. flushing into sewers, HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Keep container closed and upright when not in use. To prevent freezing and possible rupture of container, do not store below 40 F. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin or clothing. Empty containers may contain residues and vapors; treat as if full and observe all product precautions. Do not reuse empty containers. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (SPECIFY TYPE): None required. VENTILATION - LOCAL EXHAUST: Acceptable SPECIAL: N/A MECHANICAL (GENERAL): Preferable OTHER: N/A PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Wear rubber gloves. EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses (ANSI Z-87.1 or equivalent) OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT: Coveralls recommended. WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Where use can result in skin contact, wash exposed areas thoroughly before eating, drinking, smoking, or leaving work area. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: 212 F (100 C) @ 760mm Hg SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20 = 1): 1.1 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg): 17 @ 68 F (20 C) MELTING POINT: N/A VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): N/A EVAPORATION RATE (ETHYL ACETATE = 1) : >1 APPEARANCE/ODOR: Red Paste/Mild Odor SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Soluble STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: None INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIALS TO AVOID): None known. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: CO, CO2 and fragmented hydrocarbons. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARDS No ingredient in this product is an IARC, NTP or OSHA listed carcinogen. TOXICOLOGY DATA Ingredient Name None Ecological Information ECOLOGICAL DATA Ingredient Name None Food Chain Concentration Potential WATERFOWL TOXICITY BOD AQUATIC TOXICITY N/A N/A N/A N/A DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Classification: Non-regulated solid waste Disposal Method: Approved landfill Waste from this product is not considered hazardous as defined under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261.Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State, and Local regulation regarding pollution. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT: OCEAN (IMDG): AIR (IATA): WHMIS (CANADA): Non-Regulated Non-Regulated Non-Regulated Non-Regulated REGULATORY INFORMATION REGULATORY DATA Ingredient Name None SARA 313 TSCA Inventory CERCLA RQ RCRA Code N/A All components listed N/A N/A OTHER INFORMATION This document is prepared pursuant to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). The information herein is given in good faith, but no warranty, expressed or implied is made. Please contact Flame Tech Inc. for further information:800-638-3160 RTV SILICONE INDUSTRIAL GRADE - RTV 100% ACETOXY SILICONE SEALANT TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PRODUCT FEATURES ¾ Great Adhesion ¾ Non Sag ¾ Smooth Consistency ¾ Excellent Weather, Ozone & Chemical Resistance ¾ Long Life Reliability ¾ Mildew Resistant ¾ Low Temperature Flexibility ¾ High Temperature Performance Product Description Industrial Grade 100% Silicone Adhesive Sealant is a paste-like, one component material which cures to a tough rubbery solid when exposed to moisture in the air. Since it will not flow of its own weight, this sealant can be applied overhead or on sidewall joints and surfaces without sagging, slumping or running off. It will adhere to clean metal, glass, most types of wood, silicone resins, vulcanized silicone rubber, ceramic, natural and synthetic fiber, as well as painted and many plastic surfaces. Industrial Grade 100% Silicone has good resistance to weathering, vibration, moisture, ozone and extreme temperatures. It may be applied in sub-zero weather without loss of extrusion or physical property characteristics. Fully cured 100% Silicone can be used for extended periods at temperatures up to 450˚F (232˚C), and for shorter periods as high as 500˚F (260˚C). Test have shown that even after two months at 450˚F (232˚C), or up to one week at 500˚ (260˚C), the sealant remains rubbery. ¾ Meets FDA Regulation No. 21 CFR 177.2600 Typical Uncured Properties Industrial Grade Silicone ¾ Meets Federal Spec TT-S-00230C Consistency Specific Gravity 1.04 ¾ NSF Standard 51 Application Rate, g/min 410 ¾ MIL-A-46106A, Amend. 2 Tack-Free time, minutes 25 ¾ ASTM C-920 Mechanical: Color Translucent, Clear Soft, Spreadable paste Typical Cured Properties Industrial Grade Silicone Hardness, Shore A 23 2 2 Tensile Strength, kg/cm (lb/in ) Elongation, % 20.6 (300) 450 2 2 (1) Shear Adhesion, kg/cm (1b/in ) (2) Peel Adhesion, kg/cm (1b/in) 10.8 (150) 6.6 (37) Electrical: Dielectric Strength,kv/mm(v/mil) 20 (500) Dielectric Constant @ 60 Hz 2.9 Dissipation Factor @ 60 Hz 0.0026 Volume Resistivity, ohm-cm 2.5 x 1014(1) (1) (2) At 100% cohesive failure To anodized aluminum Application Procedures APPLYING THE MATERIAL: TACK-FREE-TIME INDUSTRIAL GRADE 100% SILICONE Adhesive Sealant is supplied ready-to-use. Under pressure it flows readily from its container. The paste-like consistency makes it easy to work; a spatula or wooden paddle can be used for tooling the surface. The cure progresses inward from the surface. At conditions of at least 75˚F (24˚C) and 50% relative humidity, the sealant forms a tackfree skin within 20 minutes. Tooling is not practical after this skin begins forming and should be completed within 5 to 10 minutes of application, even though this may require alternate periods of applying and tooling. Likewise, if masking tape has been used to mark off the area, it should be removed before the tack-free skin forms. Cure Time Cure time is affected by relative humidity, degree of confinement and cross-sectional thickness of the sealant. Sections up to 1/8” thick become rubbery solids in approximately 24 hours at room temperature and 20% relative humidity. Less moisture content reduces it slightly. In applications where 100% Silicone RTV silicone sealant may be partly or totally confined during cure, the time required for proper cure is generally lengthened by the degree of confinement. It is possible, with absolute confinement, that the cure will not be completed. The result is the softening of the sealant at elevated temperatures. Metal-to-metal bonds should not overlap more than one inch. Every application involving confinement during cure should be thoroughly tested before commercialization. Curing time increases with the thickness of the sealant. A 1/2” cross-section, for example, may require 3 or 4 days for complete solidification. However, the cure will have penetrated the outer 1/8” in about 24 hours. After 72 hours at room temperature, sealant adheres to glass, metal and most woods. The odor given off during cure is due to the liberation of acetic acid. This odor disappears as the cure progresses, and is not detectable after the cure is complete. Bonding 1. Thoroughly clean and degrease metal and plastic surfaces, then rinse all surfaces, except plastic, with acetone. Rubber surfaces should be roughened with sandpaper, and then wiped with acetone. Follow the precautions given on solvent container label. 2. For Stronger, more uniform bonds, apply a thin film of A-120 prime coat to all surfaces except rubber and silicone rubber. Allow to air-dry for 30 to 45 minutes at room temperature. (Full instructions are provided with the prime coat) Caution: A-120 prime coat is flammable and has no FDA status. Keep away from heat and open flames. Use only with adequate ventilation. 3. Apply 100% Silicone to the prepared surface in a uniform thickness. Best adhesion is obtained with a 15 to 30 mil glue line. In those cases where the adhesive is used between surfaces, put the second surface in place, using enough pressure to displace the air but not the adhesive. 4. Let the unit stand undisturbed at room temperature to cure. Sealing Using 100% Silicone in sealing applications follows approximately the same step-by-step procedures as outlined for bonding applications. After preparing the surface and priming where required, the sealant is applied by forcing it into the joint or seam to obtain full contact between sealant and surfaces. FDA STATUS – Industrial Grade Silicone can be used in food contact applications when FDA regulations apply. Contact your Flame Tech Inc. sales representative to refer to publication no. (4319) “Food Contact Applications, Silicone Rubber Compounds” for specific regulations, limitations and conditions of use. USDA STATUS – Industrial Grade Silicone may be used on equipment which may contact edible products in official establishments operating under the Federal Meat and Poultry Products Inspection Program. Contact your Flame Tech Inc. sales representative to refer to publication no. (4319): “Food Contact Applications, Silicone Rubber Compounds” for specific details. NSF INTERNATIONAL STATUS Industrial Grade Silicone meets NSF International Standard No. 51 (Plastic Materials and Components for Use in Food Equipment), as satisfactory for use on food contact surfaces. Limitations: Structural silicone glazing Joints where physical abuse or abrasion is likely to be encountered Prolonged water immersion Porous surfaces, such as masonry Building materials that might bleed oils, plasticizers or solvents – materials such as impregnated wood, oilbased caulks, green or partially vulcanized rubber gaskets or tapes Totally confined spaces, because the sealant requires atmospheric moisture for cure Surfaces sensitive to corrosion by acetic acid vapors (a byproduct of sealant cure) Surfaces that will be painted (paint will not stretch with the extensions of the sealant and may crack and peel); complete all painting prior to using sealant Bonding to secondary seal of insulating glass units sealed with two-part silicone sealants This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses Shelf Life and Storage: When stored in the original unopened container at or below 90˚F, and above freezing, 100% Silicone has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of shipment. Containers should always be kept sealed when not in use. Ensure stock is rotated. Keep away from children!!! Packaging Part#: STI-RTV 100C STI-RTV 100W STI-RTV 100B STI-RTV 100A STI-RTV 100MR Description 100% Silicone Industrial Grade 10.3 oz tube- Clear 100% Silicone Industrial Grade 10.3 oz tube- White 100% Silicone Industrial Grade 10.3 oz tube- Black 100% Silicone Industrial Grade 10.3 oz tube- Aluminum 100% Silicone Industrial Grade 10.3 oz tube- Mildew Resistant Clear Pack 12 tubes / Case 12 tubes / Case 12 tubes / Case 12 tubes / Case 12 tubes / Case Legal Disclaimer The information contained herein is offered in good faith based on research and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods or use of our products are beyond our control, this information shall not be used in substitution for customer's tests to ensure that Flame Tech Inc. products are fully satisfactory for your specific applications. Our sole warranty is that the product will meet its current sales specifications. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. Flame Tech Inc. specifically disclaims any other express or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability unless Flame Tech Inc. provides you with a specific, duly signed endorsement of fitness for use. Flame Tech Inc. disclaims liability for any incidental or consequential damages. Suggestions of use should not be taken as inducements to infringe any particular patent. Everkem Diversified Products 5180 Indiana Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Ph: 1-800-638-3160 Fx: 1-336-661-7969 RTV 100% Silicone Adhesive Sealant Flame Tech, Inc. 5180 Indiana Avenue Winston Salem, NC 27106 1-800-638-3160 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET I. Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: RTV 100% Silicone Sealant Chemical Name: Elastometric Silicone Sealant Molecular Formula: Mixture Proper DOT Shipping: Not subject to DOT (49 CFR172.101) DOT Hazard Classification: None Manufacturer: Flame Tech Inc. 5180 Indiana Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Manufacturer’s Phone Number: 1-800-638-3160 II. Hazardous Ingredients Name: Methyltriacetoxysilane CAS Number: 4253-34-3 Percentage by Weight: 1.0-5.0 See acetic acid comments. Name: Ethyltriacetoxysilane CAS Number: 17689-77-9 Percentage by Weight: 1.0-5.0 See acetic acid comments. Acetic acid is formed upon contact with humid air or water. Adequate ventilation is needed to control exposures of the vapor to within the guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 10ppm and ACGIH TLV: TWA 10 ppm, STEL 15 ppm. The above components are hazardous per 29 CFR 1910.1200. III. Hazards Identification HMIS Hazard Rating: Health 2 Flammability 1 Reactivity 0 Note: The HMIS rating involves data interpretation that varies from company to company. This information is intended for general identification to specific hazards. To safely handle this material, all of the information in this MSDS should be considered. 1 IV. First Aid Measures ROUTES OF ENTRY: Primary Routes of Entry: Skin and Inhalation Inhalation: Slightly irritating. Skin: Moderately irritating Eyes: Direct contact may cause moderate irritation Ingestion: Not expected to be a hazard in normal use. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: Medical conditions generally Aggravated by Exposure: No evidence of adverse effects from available information. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Primary Routes of Entry: Skin and Inhalation Inhalation: Remove subject to fresh air. No emergency care anticipated. Skin: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Eyes: Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes Ingestion: No first aid should be needed. Comments: Treat according to specifics of exposure. Carcinogen: No NTP: No IARC Monographs: No OSHA Regulated: No V. Fire Fighting Measures Flash Point: N/A Autoignition Temperature: not determined Flammability Limits in Air: not determined Extinguishing Media: Foam, Dry Chemical, and Water Spray Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Breathing apparatus required when fighting fires involving chemicals. Use water spray to cool exposed containers. Determine if evacuation is needed based on your emergency plan. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon Oxides, Formaldehyde, silicone dioxide, and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds may be evolved after exposure to very high heat. Containment/ Clean Up: Observe all PPE requirements set forth in section 8. Scrape up and contain material for disposal. Observe all locals, state and federal laws and regulations regarding the disposal of this material. You will need to determine which federal, state and local laws applicable for disposal. VI. Accidental Release Measures Restrict area to only those personnel needed. Major spills should be collected for disposal. 2 VII. Handling and Storage Use with adequate ventilation as product evolves acetic acid upon contact with humid air or water. Provide ventilation to control exposures of the vapor to within the guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 10pp, and ACGIH TLV: TWA 10ppm, STEL 15 ppm or use respiratory protection. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Storage: Store material in a cool dry place. Avoid contact with water, humid air, and oxidizing materials. VIII. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Component exposure Limits: Acetic acid is formed upon contact with humid air or water. Adequate ventilation is needed to control exposures of the vapor to within the guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 10ppm and ACGIH TLV: TWA 10ppm, STEL 15 ppm. Engineering Controls: Local Ventilation: Recommended General Ventilation: Recommended Personal Protective Equipment: Eyes: Safety glasses as a minimum Skin: Wash at meals and end of shift. Chemical protective gloves are recommended. Contaminated shoes and clothing should be removed and cleaned before reuse. Ventilation: Good general ventilation should be sufficient. Respiratory Protection: If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations of hazardous ingredients below limits in Section II of this MSDS, then a NIOSH/ NSHA approved organic vapor respirator should be used. IX. Physical and Chemical Properties Boling Point: not determined Specific Gravity: 1.032 Vapor Pressure (mmHg): not determined Color: Various Vapor Density (AIR=1): not determined Viscosity: not determined Solubility in Water: not determined Freezing Point: not determined Appearance: paste Volatile organic Content: 32 g/L Odor: Acedic acid odor (vinegar like) X. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Conditions to Avoid: None Materials to Avoid: Oxidizing agents, water, moisture, and humid air 3 XI. Disposal Considerations As received, this material is not classified as a hazardous waste per RCRA Hazard class (40 CFR 261). State and local laws may impose added requirements regarding disposal. XII. Transport Considerations Marine pollutant components: None DOT (USA): Not subject to DOT DOT Hazard Classification: None UN/ NA Number: Not applicable Label Required: None Ocean Shipment: Not subject to IMDG. Air Shipment: Not subject to IATA XIII. Regulatory Information TSCA: All chemical substances found in this product comply with the Toxic Substances Control Act inventory reporting requirements. DSL: All ingredients are listed on the DSL SARA 302: No components subject to 40 CFR 370 SARA 312: Acute: Yes Chronic: No Fire: No Pressure: No Reactive: No SARA 313: None present or none present in regulated quantities ACGIH: not classifiable as a human carcinogen Supplemental State Compliance: California: Warning: This product contains the following chemical(s) listed by the state of California under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) as being known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. None known Massachusetts: CAS Number 7631-86-9 Component Name Silica, amorphous % by Weight 10 4 New Jersey: CAS Number 70131-67-8 7631-86-9 4253-34-3 17689-77-9 Component Name % by Weight dimethylsiloxane, hydroxyl terminated 87 Silica, amorphous 10 methyltriacetoxysilane 1.0-5.0 ethyltriacetoxysilane 1.0-5.0 Pennsylvania: CAS Number 70131-67-8 7631-86-9 Component Name dimethylsiloxane, hydroxyl terminated 87 Silica, amorphous % by Weight 10 XIV. Other Information Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those of qualified experts within Accumetric. We believe the information contained herein is current as of date of this MSDS. Since the use of the product is not within the control of Accumetric, it is the user’s obligation to determined the conditions of safe use. 5 /HODÐ/NQS@KRÐÐ BBDRRNQHDR /HODÄ/NQS@KÄÄ2HMFKDÄ.ODMHMF (MBKTCDR lÄ ÄWÄÄÄ'HFG lÄ ÄWÄÄ !2Ä/K@RSHBÄ"NUDQ lÄ ,NKCDCÄ$/#,Ä1TAADQÄ"@OÄVÄ"K@LOR +HRSÄ /HODÄ/NQS@KÄÄ#NTAKDÄ.ODMHMFÄMNSÄOHBSTQDC +HRSÄ (MBKTCDR lÄ "TQAÄ.#Ä2HYDÄÄØÄKNMFÄWÄÄVHCDÄWÄÄ'HFG lÄ #NTAKD'NKDÄ !2Ä"NUDQ lÄ (MBKTCDRÄ MXÄÄ/NQS@KÄ"@ORÄVÄ"K@LOR "NLOKDSDÄ/HODÄ /NQS@KÄ2XRSDL -Ä"@O -Ä"@O -Ä"@O (SDLRÐ2NKCÐ(MCHUHCT@KKX MXÄ"@OÄVÄ"K@LOR 2HMFKDÄ !2Ä"NUDQ +HRSÄ +HRSÄ #NTAKD'NKDÄ !2Ä"NUDQ #NTAKD'NKDÄ"TQA +HRSÄ +HRSÄ %NQÄ4RDÄ6HSG - ÄÄSNÄÄ/HOD - Ä7 ÄSNÄÄ/HODR - ÄÄSNÄÄ/HODR - Ä7 ÄSNÄÄ/HODR ÄÄSNÄÄ/HODR +HRSÄ KTLH%K@RG ,HRBÐ/NQS@KÐ2XRSDLR 3GDÄ/HODÄ!NNSÄÇ@RGHMFÄHRÄ@MÄ DBNMNLHB@KÄÇ@RGHMFÄTRDCÄNMÄRHMFKDÄ OKXÄQTAADQÄQNNER "@O ,NCDK !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES )NCLUDESSTAINLESSSTEELCLAMPS #DJSHSDÄ@MÄ@KKHMNMDÄRHMFKDÄOHODÄ Ç@RGHMFÄRXRSDLÄHRÄCDRHFMDCÄSNÄRD@KÄ GNSÄNQÄBNKCÄÇTDRÄ@MCÄOHODRÄNMÄLDS@KÄ NQÄQTAADQÄQNNER ,DCHTLÄ/HODÄ!NNS ,DCHTLÄ/HODÄ!NNSÄVÄ"K@LOR lÄ ÄÄSNÄÄ/HODR +HRSÄ 0T@CQ@2D@KÄ1ÄVÄ"K@LOR MNSÄOHBSTQDC lÄ ÄÄSNÄÄ/HODR lÄ ÄÄSNÄÄ/HODR +HRSÄ 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7 $ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6Ð KTLH%K@RGÄ!@RDÄ.MKX QDPTHQDRÄNMDÄ/NQS@KÄ"@OÄRNKCÄRDO@Q@SDKX -Ä"@O /HODÄ%K@RGHMFÄ1NTMCÄ!@RD ,NCDK %HSRÄ/HODÄ 2HYDR !@RD #H@LDSDQ +HRS /QHBDR #, ÙÄÄ #, ÄÄ× × #, ÄÄ Ø #, ÙÄÄ× Ø !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES )NCLUDESSTAINLESSSTEELCLAMPS 4EMPERATURERANGE/&TO/& 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL /GNMD %@W Pipe Flashing Systems Technical Product Information Pipe Portal® Cover and Caps For pipe penetrations from 3/8" to 12" PIPE LAYOUT REFERENCE CHART 3" A B B 4.25" A 4.25" CAP MODEL N28 N21 N18 C .375" 1" .375" A D .75" 1.5" .75" E 1" 2" 1" C 1" 1" .375" ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS • 815 KIMBERLY DRIVE • CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 © Copyright, August, 2009, Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. B D 1.5" 1.5" .75" E 2" 2" 1" • TEL: (800) 624-8642 • FAX: (866) 466-9335 All information is subject to change without notice. Dimensions and specifications shown are within manufacturing tolerances. Pipe Flashing Systems Technical Product Information Pipe Portal® Systems Single & Multi Openings STANDARD CONSTRUCTION P.O. NUMBER • STANDARD RPS ROOF CURB • 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL • 1-1/2", 3LB. DENSITY FIBERGLASS INSULATION • WOOD NAILER • MOLDED ABS PLASTIC COVER • MOLDED EPDM RUBBER CAP(S) • STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP(S) CUSTOMER PROJECT LOCATION ARCHITECT PIPE PORTAL STYLE QTY. CURB QTY. 1 Opening O.D. = 12" x 12" ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 2 Openings O.D. = 12" x 27-1/2" N62- For one- 2" to 6" pipe . . . 13" x 13" I.D. reinforced ABS plastic cover . . . single nippled EPDM rubber cap . . . one large adjustable stainless steel clamp N18- For four- 3" to 1" pipes . . . N21- For four- 1" to 2" pipes . . . N28- For two- 3/8" to 1" and two- 1" to 2" pipes . . . 13" x 13" I.D. reinforced ABS plastic cover . . . four nippled EPDM rubber cap . . . two pairs adjustable stainless steel clamps 3 Openings O.D. = 12" x 43" ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 4 Openings O.D. = 12" x 58-1/2" ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ N62 N18 N21 N28 ○ ○ N62 N18 N21 N28 ○ ○ N62 N18 N21 N28 ○ ○ N62 N18 N21 N28 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ N62 N18 N21 N28 5 Openings O.D. = 12" x 74" PROJECT REQUIREMENTS RC-2A TOTAL CURBS (FROM ABOVE) CURB STYLE RC-2A RC-3A RC-3A * RC-4A "R" TOTAL PIPE PORTALS OVERALL DIM. (FROM ABOVE) HEIGHT 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 1234567 RC-4A N62 N18 N21 N28 N62 N18 N21 N28 N62 N18 N21 N28 ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS • 815 KIMBERLY DRIVE • CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 © Copyright, August, 2009, Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TAG • TEL: (800) 624-8642 • FAX: (866) 466-9335 All information is subject to change without notice. Dimensions and specifications shown are within manufacturing tolerances. 1NNEÐ"TQARÐÐ$PTHOLDMSÐ2TOONQSR ,NCDKÐ1" %K@SÐ1NNEÐ"TQARÐ2DKEÐ%K@RGHMF +HRSÄ/QHBD "TQAÄ'DHFGS 2HYD .# 2HYD 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ 1" ÄWÄ ,NCDKÄ1" !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR 6 + ( ( 7 0 ( 7$ / 3 5 2 ' 8 & 7 6 lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ Ä&@TFDÄ&@KU@MHYDCÄ2SDDK ØÄÄKAÄ#DMRHSXÄ%HADQFK@RRÄ(MRTK@SHNM "NMSHMTNTRKXÄ6DKCDCÄ"NQMDQÄ2D@LR 6NNCÄ-@HKDQ ,NCDKÐ$1 $PTHOLDMSÐ2TOONQSR ,NCDK +DMFSG +HRS /QHBD $1 $1 $1 $1 !LLDIMENSIONSININCHES 2S@MC@QCÐ"NMRSQTBSHNMÐ%D@STQDR lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ lÄ Ä&@TFDÄ&@KU@MHYDCÄ2SDDK &@KU@MHYDCÄ"@OÄ%K@RGHMF 2DKEÄ%K@RGHMF "NMSHMTNTRKXÄ6DKCDCÄ"NQMDQÄ2D@LR 6NNCÄ-@HKDQ Ä'HFG ØÄ1@HKÄ6HCSG Ä"@O Ä%K@MFD ,NCDKÄ$1 /GNMD %@W 6@QDGNTRD2@KDR/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL 5HDVÄ.TQÄ"@S@KNFÄ.MKHMDÄ@SÄVVV/HSSRATQFG HQ2XRSDLRBNL RC-2A & B SURFACE MOUNT OR BULB TEE STYLE FOR LIGHTWEIGHT FILL, TAPERED INSULATION, OR SINGLE-PLY ROOFING SPECIFY RPS FOR ALL ROOF OPENINGS CUSTOM FABRICATED... to fit all manufacturers' skylights, power roof exhausters, intake and relief vents, smoke hatches, flues, or job fabricated items,... Provides uniform curb construction, method, and quality, with watertight design... Simple to detail... Convenient to contractors... Minimum architectural supervision... Low known cost. • WOOD NAILERS... The sure way of attaching roof felts... eliminating felts from slipping, sagging or buckling... Helps eliminate vibration hum. • INSULATION... 3# density rigid fiberglass board... built-in where it can't be omitted... provides condensation free openings... Has sound absorption qualities. • WELDED CORNERS... Continuous welded corners... monolithic construction... designed to meet all weight requirements. • GALVANIZED STEEL... Provides maximum strength with minimum expansion and contraction. • OPTIONAL FEATURES... Other heights... Roof pitch requirements... Built-in burglar bars... Extended base plate for damper installation... Heavier gauges... Liners... Aluminum construction... Neoprene gasket. • SPECIAL APPLICATIONS... Refer to the appropriate Tab Section. SPECIFICATION Furnish and install prefabricated roof curbs as manufactured by Roof Products & Systems Corporation at all roof openings as shown on drawings. Curbs shall be of Box Section Design, 18 gauge galvanized steel with continuous welded corner seams, factory installed wood nailer, and shall be insulated with 1-1/2" thick, 3# density rigid fiberglass board. Standard curb height to be 11" unless otherwise shown on drawings. On single-ply roofing, lightweight fill, or tapered insulation use RPS Model RC2A. Use RPS Model RC-2B if additional field installed exterior insulation is required. Burglar bars, other heights, roof pitch, liners, and other options shall be furnished where detailed and/or specified in accordance with Roof Products & Systems Corporation details. CAD Drawing TO RC-3A & B RC- 2A & B SUBMITTAL SHEET TO RC-4A & B Conventional Roof Curbs Technical Product Information RC-2A & RC-2B Styles P.O. NUMBER STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CUSTOMER • 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL • 1-1/2", 3LB. DENSITY FIBERGLASS INSULATION • WOOD NAILER "A" STYLE FLUSH "B" STYLE __________ OVERHANG • UNITIZED CONSTRUCTION • CONTINUOUS WELDED CORNER SEAMS PROJECT LOCATION ARCHITECT NOTE: STANDARD LUMBER OVERHANG 1/2" UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE RC-2A STYLE RC-2B STYLE * NOTE: STANDARD OVERALL HEIGHT 11" UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN BELOW PROJECT REQUIREMENTS ACTUAL DIMENSIONS QTY. STYLE O.D. I.D. "B" STYLE OVERALL NAILER HEIGHT OVERHANG * PITCH REQUIREMENTS LONG SIDE SHORT SIDE TAG ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS • 815 KIMBERLY DRIVE • CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 • TEL: (800) 624-8642 • FAX: (866) 466-9335 © Copyright, August, 2009, Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All information is subject to change without notice. Dimensions and specifications shown are within manufacturing tolerances. SPECIFY RPS FOR ALL ROOFTOP SUPPORTS RPS EQUIPMENT RAILS are a sure, economical, roof equipment pedestal with continuous wood nailer for the proper attachment of roofing felts, along with removable counterflashing which offers maximum assurance of a watertight installation. • ELIMINATES THE MAKESHIFT AND AVOIDS OVERDESIGN RPS EQUIPMENT RAILS provide a standardized support fabricated from heavy gauge galvanized steel with continuous welded corners and designed with the structural integrity to support the majority of all roof mounted equipment. ER-2A & B STYLE (Straight-sided) ER-3A & B STYLE (Built-in Cant) ER-4A & B STYLE (Raised, Built-in Cant) STANDARD LOAD TABLES FOR RPS EQUIPMENT RAILS All information is subject to change without notice. Dimensions and specifications shown are within manufacturing tolerances. © Copyright Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc., November 2007. All Rights Reserved. Equipment Rails Technical Product Information ER-2A & ER-2B Styles P.O. NUMBER STANDARD CONSTRUCTION CUSTOMER • 18 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL • GALVANIZED CAP FLASHING • WOOD NAILER "A" STYLE FLUSH "B" STYLE __________ OVERHANG • UNITIZED CONSTRUCTION • INTERNAL REINFORCEMENT • CONTINUOUS WELDED CORNER SEAMS PROJECT LOCATION ARCHITECT NOTE: STANDARD LUMBER OVERHANG 1/2" UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ER-2A STYLE ER-2B STYLE * NOTE: STANDARD OVERALL HEIGHT 11" UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SHOWN BELOW PROJECT REQUIREMENTS QTY. STYLE LENGTH WIDTH "B" STYLE NAILER OVERHANG HEIGHT * OVERALL PITCH REQUIREMENTS LONG SIDE ROOF PRODUCTS & SYSTEMS • 815 KIMBERLY DRIVE • CAROL STREAM, IL 60188 © Copyright, August, 2009, Commercial Products Group of Hart & Cooley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SHORT SIDE TAG • TEL: (800) 624-8642 • FAX: (866) 466-9335 All information is subject to change without notice. Dimensions and specifications shown are within manufacturing tolerances. 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Greenheck’s reputation for reliable performance data and unmatched quality allows you to specify with accuracy, confidence and peace of mind. niche CENTRIFUGAL & VANE AXIAL FANS: ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATORS: Greenheck offers a wide range of AMCA-licensed products for commercial, industrial, and lab ventilation applications. Our reliable products will add value through innovative designs that maximize efficiencies while reducing sound. Improve indoor humidity, meet ASHRAE 62 ventilation requirements and maximize energy savings with a solution that is easy on your first cost budget. Check out our comprehensive line of energy recovery products. is... MAKE-UP AIR UNITS: KITCHEN VENTILATION: DAMPERS & LOUVERS: Choose from the industry’s broadest selection of high quality and economical makeup air products for commercial, industrial, food service and warehouse applications. A variety of heating and cooling options are available for your 100% make-up air or recirculation needs. Specify the industry leader in grease extraction technology. Your single source for complete ventilation, fire suppression and utility distribution systems that easily accommodate changes in cooking equipment layout. Provide proven performance when you specify the widest selection of AMCA-licensed dampers and louvers in the industry. Greenheck offers the most UL-certified dampers. 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The Greenheck Vari-Green Motor blends technology, controllability and energyefficiency into a low maintenance package that is changing the way the industry designs, specifies and operates air movement equipment. CONTR OLLA B LE | EFFI CI ENT ® THE T HE F FUTU UTUR R E OF A I R M OV EM ENT Greenheck’s new electronically commutated (EC) (VG) Motor combines motor technology, Vari-Green (VG controllability and a energy-efficiency into one single low maintenance maintenan unit and is the industry’s first fully controllable motor. mo Advantages E L E C T RON ICA LLY CO MMUTA TED CONTR OLLA B LE | Comparison: Belt, Direct Drive with PSC and Direct Drive with Vari-Green | EFFI CI ENT Constant Volume Life Cycle Analysis 600 t t t 500 410 Watts 189˚F (87˚C) t Watts 400 Not Recommended with VFD 300 200 t 156 Watts t 93 Watts 228˚F (109˚C) 100 t t t t 200 600 9 Watts 86˚F (30˚C) 0 0 400 t t 49 Watts Vari-Green® t 800 t Belt Drive 1000 RPM 1200 t t $2,000 450 Watts 124˚F (51˚C) Better than a PSC 1,750 1,500 1,250 t t 285 Watts 108˚F (42˚C) 1000 750 500 250 $0 Belt Drive 1400 1600 1800 2000 Direct Drive with Speed Control Length of each curve indicates the practical turndown range. Data is based on Series C fan with 1/2 hp motor and load of 0.35 Bhp at full speed. Green Three Year Cost Comparison 525 Watts 167˚F (75˚C) Greener Direct Drive VariGreen Initial Dost Maintenance cost over three years Operating cost over three years Analysis is based on operating costs for a period of three years where the fans operate continuously at 1725 rpm, 24/7, with an energy rate of $0.10 kWh. Maintenance on the belt drive is estimated at $65/yr. Note: Example is based on a relative cost. Use and installation variables may produce different results. Greenest More Efficient than Belts Easier than VFD’s t Potentiometer dial pre-mounted on motor for speed control t Potentiometer dial pre-mounted on motor for speed control t 0-10 volt control wires pre-installed in motor t 80% usable turndown vs. 30% t No belt and pulley losses t 30% energy savings t Higher efficiency motor t No speed controller to wire t Lower up-front cost t Comparable up-front cost t 20%-70% energy savings t No maintenance required t Eliminates stray current and carrier frequencies t Full speed range for better adjustment t No VFD to buy or install Reliability Models Available with Vari-Green Motors With industry leading technology comes a new standard in motor reliability. t/PTIBGUHSPVOEJOHSFRVJSFESFHBSEMFTTPG the turndown t#FBSJOHMJGFJTHSFBUFSTJODFUIFNPUPSSVOT cooler at lower speeds t/PWPMUBHFPSDVSSFOUTQJLFTBTJO7'% controlled motors Electronic Commutation Max RPM 80-95 1725 101 121 131 97-99 103 103HP 123 133 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 2500 1725 1725 1550 1725 2200 1200 1725 1000 1400 Motor HP 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 1 2 1 2 SE1 8-440 10-440 12-426 12-432 12-436 14-432 14-436 14-440 16-421 16-426 16-428 16-436 18-424 18-429 20-420 Max RPM 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1725 1550 Motor HP 1/6 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 SFD Max RPM 1725 1725 Motor HP 1/4 1/2 143 Electronic commutation uses electronic circuitry to control the motor’s functions: 143HP 163 Solid state circuitry controls the output of power and the speed of rotation. 183 Internal circuitry converts AC power to DC voltage for increased efficiencies and full controllability of speed. Motor Information HP 1/6 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 2 G RPM Volts Phase FLA Enclosure 1725 115 Single 3.1 TENV 1725 115 Single 3.9 ODP 1725 115 Single 6.2 ODP 2500 115 Single 6.5 ODP 1725 115 Single 10.1 ODP 2200 115 Single 11.3 ODP 1725 115 Single 12.4 ODP TEFC 1725 115/208-230 Single 12.0/6.0 1725 208-230 Single 12.0 TEFC 6 7.5 LD CUE/CW Max RPM 80-95 1725 98 99 101 101HP 121 131 1725 1725 1725 2500 1725 1725 1550 1725 2200 1140 1300 1725 1550 1725 875 1000 1400 141 141HP 161 161HP 180 SQ 60-75 Max RPM 1725 80-95 1725 100 120 130 1725 1725 1725 1550 1725 1140 1300 1725 140 160 LD/LDP Max RPM 80-95 1725 100 120 1725 1725 Motor HP 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 3/4 1 2 3/4 1 3/4 1 2 Motor HP 1/6 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 1 2 Motor HP 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/2 LDP SE1 SFD SQ CUE G CW Vari-Green Motor A Turn for the better! green — It’s not just what we make. It’s where we work. How we work. Who we are. LEED Greenheck is driving the fan industry in the Green Building and LEED charge. As one of the first manufacturers in the air movement industry to join the United States Green Building Council in 2005, we have been actively researching how our products can be applied. This commitment to the green movement continues with product development that qualifies within the LEED rating system—it’s prerequisites and credits. The Vari-Green Motor is equipped to play a large role in the green building movement, specifically Prerequisite Two; Minimum Energy Performance and Credit One; Optimize Energy Performance. EC Motor Specification Motor to be an electronic commutation (EC) motor specifically designed for fan applications. AC induction type motors are not acceptable. Examples of unacceptable motors are: Shaded Pole, Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC), Split Phase, Capacitor Start and 3 phase induction type motors. Motors shall be permanently lubricated with heavy-duty ball bearings to match the fan load and prewired to the specific voltage and phase. Internal motor circuitry shall convert AC power supplied to the fan to DC power to operate the motor. Motor shall be speed controllable down to 20% of full speed (80% turndown). Speed shall be controlled by either a potentiometer dial mounted on the motor or by a 0-10 VDC signal. Motor shall be a minimum of 85% efficient at all speeds. for better air — specify Greenheck fans. To learn more about the Vari-Green Motor, contact your nearby Greenheck representative or visit our Web site to view the video at Prepared to Support Green Building Efforts 10#PY]4DIPGJFME8*64" 1IPOF]'BY HSFFOIFDLDPN 7BSJ(SFFO.PUPS#SPDIVSF]'7/#3*8]$PQZSJHIU© (SFFOIFDL'BO$PSQ "DMSQHETF@KÐ$WG@TRSÐ%@MR ) $ 1 3 5&2$&' 7$$87/&$27/*62 * 6 ( ,$& 1&7'&,(2 (;1 6 6 2 5 , ( 6Ð ,NCDKÐ&! 1NNEÐ$WG@TRSÐ%@M !DKSÐ#QHUD 3GDÄ&QDDMGDBJÄ,NCDKÄ&!ÄHRÄ@ÄADKSÄCQHUDMÄBDMSQHETF@KÄQNNEÄDWG@TRSÄE@MÄÄ 3GDRDÄE@MRÄ@QDÄRODBHÆB@KKXÄCDRHFMDCÄENQÄQNNEÄLNTMSDCÄ@OOKHB@SHNMRÄDWG@TRS HMFÄQDK@SHUDKXÄBKD@MÄ@HQÄÄ%@MÄVGDDKRÄ@QDÄBDMSQHETF@KÄA@BJV@QCÄHMBKHMDCÄ@MCÄ BNMRSQTBSDCÄNEÄ@KTLHMTLÄÄ CITRS@AKDÄLNSNQÄOTKKDXRÄ@KKNVÄENQÄÆM@KÄRXRSDLÄ A@K@MBHMF #HLDMRHNM@KÐ#@S@ ,NCDK ! "Ä 1NNEÄ.ODMHMF &! B 2DDÐ5@QH&QDDMÐ2DKDBSHNMRÐNMÐ/@FDÐ &! &! &! 7 Ù ØÄWÄØ &! 7 Ù ØÄWÄØ &! Ø ØÄWÄØ &! Ø ØÄWÄØ &! 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System Override Mode (Fireman's, Occupancy or Manual) • Initiates smoke purge sequence during emergency situations for safety and code compliance or use for occupancy sensor run input (dry contact) Wide Range Class 10 Electronic Overload • Prevents ordering confusion and eliminates call backs due to mis-sized heaters. • Advanced protective features including anti-cycling, manual/auto reset, etc. Standard Single Gang Box Installation • Easy to install in any location • Surface or flush mount capability • Heavy duty motor-rated switch and control relay • No thermal elements to fail • All units include a 5-Year warranty • UL 508A Listed Special Instructions: Date/Time Field Project Contractor Engineering Firm BAS 1P Specifications Wiring Diagram Date/Time Field Project Contractor Engineering Firm Physical Dimensions Date/Time Field Project Contractor Engineering Firm Submitted Equipment Schedule QTY TAG PART# VOLTAGE HP PHASE UL TYPE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,@MT@KÐÐ"NLAHM@SHNMÐ2S@QSDQR ,NCDKÐ! 2 "NLAHM@SHNMÐ,NSNQÐ2S@QSDQ ENQÐ3GQDDÐ/G@RDÐ OOKHB@SHNMR "DQTR "NLAHM@SHNMÄ ,NSNQ 2S@QSDQ ! 2)& Ú ! 2)& Ù Ù ! 2)& Ú Ú ! 2)& Ù ! 2)& )7$(15 0 35 6&2 $' 7 $& 8/2 &271*6',67(,$2 &&1 7&,62 ( 2 1 6 )6 265$,/((6 "DQTRÄ ,NCDKÄ ! 2 ,NSNQÄ'/ +HRS /QHBD 4RDQÄ(MSDQE@BD '@MC.EE TSNÄJDXO@CÄVHSGÄ+$#R 6@SDQSHFGSÄLDLAQ@MD +$#ÄOHKNSÄKHFGSR '@MCÄ.EEÄ TSNÄ1TMÄ.UDQKN@C 2S@MC@QCÄ"NMSQNKÄ.ODQ@SHNMR /QNSDBSHUDÄ%TMBSHNMR (MOTSR .UDQKN@CÄ3XOD 5NKS@FDÄ TSNÄ1TM #QXÄ TSNÄ1TM OOKXÄÄ5 "#"ÄSNÄDMDQFHYD -.ÄCQXÄBNMS@BSÄBKNRTQD %HQDL@MRÄ.UDQQHCD OOKXÄÄ5 "#"ÄSNÄDMDQFHYD "TQQDMSÄ2DSSHMFÄ1@MFD 3QHOÄ"K@RR 1DRDS #@LODQÄ/NRHSHNMÄ2VHSBG -.ÄCQXÄBNMS@BSÄBKNRTQD /G@RDÄ4MA@K@MBDC /DQLHRRHUDÄ TSN -.ÄCQXÄBNMS@BSÄBKNRTQD /G@RDÄ+NRR 2GTSCNVM -"ÄCQXÄBNMS@BSÄBKNRTQD 2S@KKÄ"NMCHSHNM .TSOTS "XBKDÄ%@TKS #@LODQÄ,NSNQÄ"NMSQNK Ä5 "Ä ÄL@W .ODQ@SHNM@K 1DRS@QSÄK@RSÄLNCDÄMNÄCDK@XÄCDE@TKS 1DRS@QSÄVHSGÄCDK@X 1DRS@QSÄ.EE+$#ÄÇ@RGDRÄK@RSÄLNCD ! 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1-30 Electronic Overload • Prevents ordering confusion and eliminates call backs due to mis-sized heaters • Advanced protective features including anti-cycling, manual/auto reset, etc. Flexible Control Transformer (CPT) • Multi-tap CPT input accepts all common motor voltages • Integrated secondary protection – no fuses required High Reliability Contactors for Long Life • 2.5 million contactor electrical cycles at full rated current • 25 to 50% longer life than typical units Combination Versions Include Disconnect • Motor circuit protection disconnect provides branch & short circuit protection • High interrupting ratings for maximum electrical system compatibility • No fuses required – save time and money • Lockable handle for safety Date/Time Field Project Contractor Engineering Firm Specifications & Wiring Diagram Date/Time Field Project Contractor Engineering Firm Submitted Equipment Schedule QTY TAG STARTER TYPE NEMA SIZE BAS PART# HP VOLTAGE PHASE ENCLOSURE RATING Date/Time Field 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