November 2010 - Sacramento Republican Women Federated
November 2010 - Sacramento Republican Women Federated
SACRAMENTO REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN WWW.SACRAMENTORWF.ORG A DIAMOND AWARD CLUB The Capitol City Bulletin Editor: Mary Croxen President: Janet Gardner Membership: Beverly Anderson (916) 363-8494 (916) 447-0609 (916) 359-4369 Volume IX, Issue 9 NOVEMBER 2010 OUR NEXT MEETING: ELECTION RESULTS COVERAGE NOVEMBER 3rd By ASSEMBLYMAN Wednesday, November 3, 2010 ROGER NIELLO North Ridge Country Club 7600 Madison Avenue Fair Oaks, California Sign In: 11:30 am Program: 12:00 noon Menu Charred chicken piccata Including dessert, tea or coffee Reservation Deadline: Friday October 29, 2010 At 5:00 pm Cost: $25.00 Reservations After Deadline: Cost: $27.00 Reservation Line: 916 733-1623 Please Note: If you make a luncheon reservation and do not attend or cancel prior to the deadline, you are responsible for paying for your lunch. Born in San Francisco, Assemblyman Roger Niello has lived in Sacramento nearly all of his life. After graduating from Sacramento's Encina High School, Roger attended the University of California at Berkeley for his undergraduate studies, then completed his graduate studies at the University of California at Los Angeles. Roger worked as a Certified Public accountant until he joined his family’s business at Niello Auto Group in 1974 and spent the next 25 years running retail automobile dealerships with his family partners. In 1995, Roger served as the President of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, and was a member of the Capital Area Political Action Committee. As a member of the community, he was an active volunteer. Roger was elected to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in a special election in February of 1999. As a member of the Board of Supervisors, he served Sacramento County on numerous boards and commissions. In 2004, Roger was elected to the California State Assembly and was immediately appointed Vice Chair of the Assembly Banking and Finance Committee and also served in positions on the Assembly Budget, and Transportation Committees. In addition, he served for a brief time on the Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee and the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. In late 2006, Roger was named vice-chair of the Assembly Budget Committee, and served as the key negotiator on budget issues for the Assembly Republican Caucus. Since being reelected to a third and final term in the Assembly, Niello now serves on the Transportation, Insurance, and Business and Professions Committees as well as the Joint Committee on Emergency Services and Homeland Security and the Select Committee on Foster Care. Additionally he is Vice-Chair of the Banking Committee. TERRI LYN ALEXANDER - PROGRAM CHAIR (916) 723-6156 1 President's Message SACRAMENTO REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED 2010 BOARD ”Together…Educated Ambition Members” President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Recording Secretarys Janet Gardner Terri Lyn Alexander Beverly Anderson Marylou Colombo Mary Smothers Treasurer Sue Scott Budget/Auditor Margie DeRow Corresponding Secty Claudia Dickerson Parliamentarian Beverlee Gross Three Victory 2010 headquarters are open and needing our efforts. You can get call sheets and make your calls from home or from one of the headquarters. You can choose to call “Decline to State” in your area if you feel that will have an impact. You can call Republicans that have not voted in recent elections or call Republicans that regularly vote. Call headquarters and get a call list ready for pickup (916) 974-1821 or just show up at one of the headquarters and call from their printed lists. This is an election cycle that Republicans have a chance of winning from the top down and we need to get out the vote to make sure it happens. Please schedule some time to help our Republican candidates. There are so many events and fundraisers going on right now that we can’t list them all. It is even difficult to keep the website updated with current events and debates. If you go to the Sacramento County Republican Party website, you can check on a daily basis: If you are unable to walk precincts or make calls, please support our Republican candidates in any way you can. Our candidates are being outspent in nearly every race and they do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars being funneled from every union in this State! Six of us attended the CFRW Conference in Monterey October 15 through 17, 2010. Carpooling to these events is so much fun! We always learn something new at our conferences and three of the six of us were able to attend the U.S. Constitution Workshop. While we all tried to attend, the workshop was overflowing into the hall due to the overwhelming interest in attending. Please see the President’s Report for a description of our conference experience. You can still go to the CFRW Northern Division Conference in Santa Rosa November 12-14, as a reward for all your hard work during this campaign cycle. Our paperwork has been submitted for this event, but if you are interested, you can still register online: If you register online, you will need to submit an expense voucher for re-imbursement for the registration, to our Treasurer, Sue Scott. Don’t miss our November General Meeting luncheon: We will have Assemblyman Roger Niello to give us coverage results on the election. We will also be electing our 2011 Executive Board so this is a meeting not to be missed. Janet Gardner, President (916) 447-0609 447-0609 723-6156 359-4369 635-1003 631-8499 635-0419 638-1652 631-7677 635-0835 DIRECTORS Caring for America Jan High 635-0419 Military Support/Appreciation and additional Community Projects. Committee: Jan High, Ann Dunn, Sandy Stultz Communications Barbara McCarthy 852-8855 Bulletin Editor, Internet Updates/Blasts and Publicity Committee: Barbara McCarty, Mary Croxen, and Rowena Hubbard Education Karen Klinger 481-1071 Advocacy Workshop, Legislation (California, Local and National), Scholarships Young Republican Club Liaison. Committee: Karen Klinger, Naomi Johnston Elections Ruth Crone 987-7916 GOVT/Precinct Walking, Voter Registration and Running for Office Assistance. Committee: Ruth Crone, Beverly Acker, Sondra Rogers Membership Outreach Internet Advisor, Satellite Clubs organizer & Virtual Club organizer. Committee: Vacant Special Events Kay Burton 635-5590 Christmas Events/Whistle Stop w/1st Vice President/ Membership Celebration w/ 2nd Vice President, Fund Raisers and Ways & Means. Committee: Kay Burton, Nell Greenbaum, and Jenny Mitchell COMMITTEE CHAIRS Americanism Awards Birthdays Bulletin Circulation Central Com Liaison Chaplain Historian Hospitality Reservations 2 Fran Kruger Nancy Sharp Mariluz Buchanan Bobbie Prindle Janet Gardner Glenda Thompson Colleen Fitzpatrick Autom Underwood Cammie Hottinger Yvonne Bowers 638-5984 791-0761 771-5268 635-4330 447-0609 481-5593 333-4547 296-6001 939-9560 483-6653 Members are Sponsors! Please welcome six new SRWF members this month: Bene Alexander, Kay Carrigan, Christine Deterding, Lisabeth Dolwig, Erin Greene and Cindy York. Sacramento Republican Women Federated ended the 2010 membership year with 198 members, just two shy of our goal. Regular membership included 184 women, while associate members totaled 14 people. The new 2011 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION is now available in this issue of the newsletter. You may begin submitting the application form and $30 membership fee to Bev Anderson, 1619 El Nido Way, Sacramento, Ca. 95864 or enroll online at Of course, renewals may also be turned in at monthly SRWF luncheon meetings. If you wish to be included in the 2011 Membership Directory, applications MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MARCH 1, 2011. Remember, membership gift certificates are also available. Contact Bev Anderson, 2nd Vice President of Membership, at 916-359-4369 or for information. Bev Anderson, Membership Chairman (916) 359-4369 or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you are involved in a business, SRWF has a deal for you! For a reasonable fee, you can become a sponsor of the 2011 SRWF directory. Our conservative members can show their appreciation by patronizing your business….a win-win situation. Contact Bev Anderson at 359-4369 or if interested in participating. In addition, a sponsorship form is included in this newsletter. NOTE THE SPONSORSHIP DEADLINE IS MARCH 1, 2011. NO ON 22: REJECT THE REDEVELOPMENT POWER GRAB Assemblyman Chris Norby August 15, 2010 Proposition 22 is a power grab by California redevelopment agencies. It protects agencies from legislative and voter oversight, allowing them to spend more tax dollars, seize more land and sell more bonds. Redevelopment agencies now control 30% of all urbanized land and spend 12% of all property taxes, starving local agencies of needed revenues for essential services. Proposition 22 would make the following big government abuses worse: EMINENT DOMAIN: All properties within a redevelopment areas are presumed to be blighted and can seized them by eminent domain. This has included small businesses, homes, churches and farmland. In the infamous Kelo vs. New London decision, a 5-4 liberal Supreme Court majority allowed a Connecticut redevelopment agency to take Suzette Kelo’s home for a private development—that was never built! All attempts to end eminent domain abuse have since been been fought by the California Redevelopment Association. GROWING PROPERTY TAX DIVERSIONS: Redevelopment’s share of property taxes continues to grow without voter approval. Fully 12% of local property taxes are now diverted into redevelopment schemes, a figure that has doubled since 1990. That’s $6 billion annually in funds diverted from counties, cities, school districts, special districts and fire service districts. IMPACT ON SERVICES: Counties have lost nearly $5 billion in the past 15 years. California’s 350 fire service district stand to lose millions more if Proposition 22 passes, which is why the California Professional Firefighters strongly opposes it. Local school districts are major losers, as tax dollars intended to build classrooms now build Costcos. Proposition 22 would make this revenue shift permanent, pressuring tax increases to make up the difference. (CONTINUED PAGE 5) 3 ELECTIONS/VOTER REGISTRATION Voter Registration We will assist new citizens register to vote on October 20th. Last month, the democrats out-numbered us 2 to 1. This is a great opportunity to be an ambassador for our party and club, demonstrate Republican support for legal immigration, and share in one of the best processes of our country. Depending on your schedule, you can help from 6 am – 7 am: set-up, 7 am – noon: handing out literature, flag pins, etc. and help with registrations, 9 am – noon: help with registrations. Future opportunities: Wed, Nov 17th and Dec 15th, Naturalization Ceremonies, Memorial Auditorium. Recently, Ann Coulter suggested that when people say that they want illegal immigrants to have a pathway to citizenship, we should reply that we already have that - It is legal immigration. Precinct Operations The SCRP is looking for volunteers for Precinct Representatives. The ultimate goal is to get out the vote, but the added benefit of building community unity and assisting your friends and neighbors with their election needs and questions is critical to our future political success. Please consider volunteering for this important role or encouraging someone you know to take part. Elections We have just a few weeks until the election. I know that all of you realize how important this election is. You may already be receiving emails about campaign precinct walking and phone bank work. Most campaigns are coordinating with each other to make the most efficient use of those volunteers who are helping to get their name and message out. A few hours each week can make a huge difference. If you haven’t been contacted and would like to help, let me know. If you don't have time or are otherwise unable to walk or phone, use your checkbook. There are many candidates locally and nationally that can use your financial help. Ruth Crone, (916) 987-7916 Director - Elections/Voter Registration CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Gracious Heavenly Father, We thank you for the opportunity to discuss the concerns of our nation, our State and local community. We understand the future of our republic is in jeopardy. We also believe that through your grace and steadfast partnership, dear Lord, America will find her way back to liberty, fiscal discipline and responsible government. Every law, judicial ruling and executive order ultimately comes down to We The People standing up for the rights YOU have given to us. With the most important election in our nation’s history less than a month away, we ask You to inspire us in our activism and commitment to rescue our “shining city upon a hill”. We humbly ask Your blessing on our members. In Your Holy Name, Amen Glenda Thompson, Chaplain (916) 481-5593 MORE ON JUDGES… A NO VOTE FOR CARLOS MORENO if you voted for Proposition 8! 4 AMERICANISM On November 11, 1918, an Armistice was signed ending WWI. This was the “War to end all wars.” Victory was achieved when the United States entered the war that was being fought between Germany on one side and England, France and Russia on the other. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month an Armistice—a temporary cessation of hostilities—was entered into. World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France, and Victory was declared. Victory! Wars weren’t fought in those days with the end result being the withdrawal of troops as was the end of our “campaign” in Iraq. A President and Congress does not send our young American men and women to fight and die in another country promising that the outcome will be the eventual withdrawal of troops. No! Men and women are sent to fight for Victory. Just because the United States didn’t achieve victory doesn’t mean that no country achieved victory. We need to explain what our intention was when we invaded Afghanistan and what our enemy risked invasion for. We were fighting “terrorism.” Our enemy was fighting to expand Islam with the final outcome to bring every country under Sharia Law. Which side has won? Our government lives in fear of doing anything that will offend the sensibilities of the Muslims. They are going to build a mosque as their symbol of Victory on the site of the bombing of the Twin Towers in NYC with the full cooperation of the local Republican mayor Bloomberg. Who has achieved Victory? November 11 was changed from Armistice Day to Veterans Day on June 1, 1954, and became a day to honor American Veterans of all wars. Honor our proud Veterans of every war on November 11 for they always fought to Win and be Victorious no matter what the aims of their political leaders. Fran Kruger, Americanism Chair (916) 638-5984 NO ON 22 PROPOSITION (Continued from page 3) CORPORATE WELFARE: Republicans believe in a free market that functions best without government controls or subsidies. Yet redevelopment agencies pour billions of tax dollars into private malls, auto plazas, movie multiplexes, hotels and stadiums—many of which now sit empty. Team owners shake down cities for public money for new stadiums and arenas. The Santa Clara Redevelopment agency is spending $14 million in public funds to lure the 49ers out of San Francisco and the Chargers are also eying public giveaways elsewhere. Proposition 22 locks in the wasteful spending and continues to enrich politically favored developers. DEBT: Redevelopment agencies have total statewide debt now topping $93 billion and continue to sell bonds without voter approval. Proposition 22 locks in this abuse, assuring that future debt will extend well above $100 billion. That’s why the National Tax Limitation Committee and Silicon Valley Taxpayers Association oppose Prop. 22. Proposition 22 makes it impossible for the legislature to reform the worst abuses of redevelopment agencies. Their big government powers of land use, eminent domain, subsidies and uncontrolled debt will be enshrined in our constitution. As a conservative elected official for 26 years, I have seen redevelopment abuses at all levels. As a Fullerton City Council Member I watched nearby Buena Park lure away our auto dealerships with lavish tax subsidies. As an Orange County Supervisor I saw the Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency demolish an entire neighborhood, then leave the fenced off lots vacant for years. I saw millions in property tax revenues diverted from public safety to redevelopment schemes. As a state legislator I seek controls on redevelopment spending, bond debt and property tax growth. Proposition 22 would prevent any and all such reforms. Based on my experience and research, I wrote the manual “Redevelopment: The Unknown Government” with the aid of conservative philanthropist Howard Ahmanson. Call 714-813-5899 for your copy. Redevelopment agencies were originally created to cure urban blight and then be abolished. They were never intended to be a permanent drain on public services, nor a cash cow for private interests. Proposition 22 will constitutionally guarantee the worst abuses of redevelopment agencies. Republicans support property rights, free enterprise, fiscal responsibility and public accountability. We must oppose Proposition 22. Assemblyman Chris Norby represents the 72nd Assembly District. He also serves as State Chair of Municipal Officials for Redevelopment Reform (MORR) and moderates regional meetings seeking to curb abuses. 5 2010 CFRW FALL CONFERENCE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Beverly Acker, Beverlee Gross, Karen Klinger, Fran Kruger, Dottie Linden and I attended the CFRW Fall Conference in Monterey. We all arrived on Friday and most of us had time to have wonderful but huge crab sandwiches and wander the shops in Cannery Row before getting together that evening. It is so nice to have time to visit while eating and drinking in a casual atmosphere. What great ladies we have in this club! We all had a great time visiting with many of the over 200 in attendance. There was a US Constitution Workshop by Mike Winther on Saturday morning. Several of us did not get there in time to get a seat or find a standing room only location. Everyone that did get in was thoroughly impressed with the workshop. Can you imagine, our Americanism Chair Fran Kruger even said she learned something about our Constitution. I learned you need to walk right by all the vendors and get to some workshops early! We all met Linda “Ellie” Black, Republican Candidate for the 27th Assembly District and another impressive Congressional District 1 Candidate Loren Hanks. We heard from the California Republican Party 2011 candidates and that afternoon, voted on endorsements. The following were overwhelming voted for: CRP Chairman – Tom Del Beccaro, CRP Vice Chairman – Steve Baric. CRP Secretary – Patricia Welch and CRP Treasurer – Mike Osborn. Senator Mimi Walters spoke to us during the Ambassador’s event and Gregory D. Lee, (Nationally Syndicated Columnist and Criminal Justice Consultant) was our banquet featured speaker. Mimi discussed her campaign for California Treasurer and was open and optimistic. Mr. Lee was very informative and discussed California’s illegal immigration problems. We all were impressed with CFRW President Ronald Reagan Scholarship Award Winner, Kristin Gilbart. She is a remarkable young woman with goals of being an anchor on Fox Network News some day. I’m sure she will achieve that goal! I could go on and on about what we learned and what a great time we had, but I’ll just say…the next CFRW Conference is February 5-6, 2011 at the Marriott in Burbank. If we have enough interested in going, we can always do what Truckee does and rent a mini-bus! Don’t miss it! WRITE IN CANDIDATE Please take a pen & WRITE-IN DIANE LENNING for CA State Superintendent of Public Instruction! This office is HUGELY important. Please let ALL Republicans know. DIANE LENNING is the "Only" Republican Candidate to qualify as a WRITE-IN Candidate for this office! As this race is “non-partisan,” the June Primary resulted the top two votegetters for Nov.- both liberal Democrats. DIANE LENNING is the far more qualified candidate. Write her in and be sure to spell her name correctly, DIANE LENNING and you MUST fill in the bubble for it to be counted. Senate Republicans' Weekly Address Senate Republicans' Weekly Address Unemployment is almost 13 percent. Two point three million California residents need a job. Many of this state’s current economic problems can, and will be solved, if we regain a healthy private sector and put people back to work. Sadly, Democrats and many regulatory agencies, like the California Air Resources Board (better known as CARB), have tied the hands of entrepreneurs and made California one of the most expensive states in the country to do business. No one is suggesting that we scrap regulations that protect California residents. What we do expect are reasonable regulations that make sense, do what they are supposed to do and don’t kill jobs. Unnecessary regulations from out-of-control state agencies are what we don’t need. For example, take the regulations CARB imposed on diesel vehicles in 2007. They were later discovered to be based on faulty research that over-estimated diesel emissions by 340 percent. (For more information go to: 6 CFRW Makes Recommendations for the November Ballot Propositions Prop 19: NO Prop 20: YES Prop 21: NO Prop 22: NO Prop 23: YES Prop 24: NO Legalize Marijuana and Allows It to Be Regulated and Taxed Redistricting of Congressional Districts by the Redistricting Committee Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge for State Parks/Wildlife Programs Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010 California Jobs Initiative to Suspend AB 32 Repeals Recent Legislation That Would Allow Businesses to Carry Back Losses, Share Tax Credits, and Use a Sales-Based Income Calculation to Lower Taxable Income Prop 25: NO Changes Legislative Vote Requirement to Pass a Budget from Two-Thirds to a Simple Majority. Retains Two-Thirds Vote Requirement for Taxes Prop 26: YES Increases Legislative Vote Requirement to Two-Thirds for State Levies and Charges. Imposes Additional Requirements for Voters to Approve Local Levies and Charges with Limited Exceptions Prop 27: NO Eliminates State Commission on Redistricting. Consolidates Authority for Redistricting with Elected Representatives Sacramento Republican Women, Federated 2011 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION Name________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ E-mail/Website: _______________________________________ Please indicate size of desired Ad Space and ATTACH SAMPLE LISTING: *Simple listing (business card size) - $30 _____ *Graphic listing - $60 _____ *Over-sized graphic listing - $70 _____ Please make checks payable to: SRWF % Bev Anderson, Membership 1619 El Nido Way Sacramento, Ca. 95864 _____ I am a member _____ I would like to become a member Did you know that our members support you? _____________________said to tell you hello. *Deadline: March 1, 2011 7 2010 CFRW NORTHERN DIVISION FALL CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 13-14, 2010 Hilton Sonoma Wine Country 3555 Round Barn Boulevard Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-523-7555 Our club registration package has been submitted but you can still attend this event. You can go on and register on line. Janet NFRW CALL TO ACTION: GOTV 2010 Capital Connection NFRW News for the Week of October 11, 2010 Our NFRW members are turning out all over the country to join the RNC as the FIRE NANCY PELOSI bus tour comes through their state. Thanks for your help in getting out the word that REPUBLICAN WOMEN are painting their community, state and country RED in November! Sacramento Republican Women, Federated 2011 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY SPONSORSHIP APPLICATION Name________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Telephone Number: _____________________________________ E-mail/Website: _______________________________________ Please indicate size of desired Ad Space and ATTACH SAMPLE LISTING: *Simple listing (business card size) - $30 _____ *Graphic listing - $60 _____ *Over-sized graphic listing - $70 _____ Please make checks payable to: SRWF 8 WAYS AND MEANS Don’t forget to start your Christmas Shopping at our desk. We have many beautiful items that would make great presents. For information call Nell Greenbaum (Jewelry/Accessories) (916) 393-8475 TREASURER—SUE SCOTT Sue’s report is given at each meeting. Should you wish more information you may contact her at: (916) 635-0419 or see the report under Members Only on our website. HAPPY SRWF BIRTHDAY - NOVEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 5 8 Mary Ann Henrikson Peggy Grenz Joan Criddle Tia Gemmel Mary Croxen Carolyn Winters Barbara Kutscher 9 Barbara Koenigsmark 13 Geneva Carrol 15 Maryann Pagano 16 Carol Lewis 18 Vanessa McCarthy-Olmstead 21 Leona White 25 David Sander FLOWER CHRYSANTHEMUM 25 Maureen Work 26 Mary Lou Colombo 27 Joyce Ruby 27 Helen Robinson 29 Silvia Russell 30 Colleen Fitzpatrick SRWF Members: If your Birthday was this month but your name is NOT on this calendar please call me. We love to sing to you our Birthday Song. Marliluz Buchanan (916) 771-5268 Sacramento Republican Women Federated Nominating Committee Report The Nominating Committee submits the following nominations for 2011: President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Budget/Auditor Janet Gardner TerriLyn Alexander Bev Anderson Marylou Colombo Marlene Coy Margie DeRow Directors: Kay Burton Ruth Crone Suzanne Jones Barbara McCarthy Sue Scott Sandra Sinclair Elections will be held at the November 3, 2010 Luncheon meeting. Thank you to those who served on Nominating Committee: Chairman Kay Burton, Beverly Acker, Marlene Coy, Beverlee Gross, Dottie Linden, Barbara McCarthy, and Sandra Sinclair. SUNSHINE We wish for better days ahead for Bobbie Prindle. She has had some health problems lately. Get well wishes to Patty Benkel who recently had hip surgery. Barbara McCarthy has also had surgery. We continue to hold Naomi Johnston in our prayers as she continues to battle serious health issues and deal with Medicare at the same time. In her work and life, she has cared for others and now it is time for us to pray for her Please continue contact me with member information, (916) 631-7677. Claudia Dickerson, Corresponding Secretary 9 LET THEM HEAR FROM YOU! FEDERAL OFFICES Barack H. Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20500 202 456-1414 Vice President Joe Biden The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington D.C. 20500 202 456-1414 U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer [D] 501 I Street, Suite 7-600 Sacramento, CA 95814 202 224-3553/916 448-2787/Fax 916 448-2563 Dan Lungren 3rd Congressional District 11246 Gold Express Drive Gold River, CA 95670 916 859-9906 Ted Gaines - District 4 3300 Douglas Blvd., #430 Roseville, CA 95661 (916) 774-4430 Assemblymember.gaines@ Susan Peters – Dist. 3 700 H Street, #2450 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 874-5471 Diane Feinstein [D] One Post Street, Suite 2450 San Francisco, CA 94104 202 224-3841/415 393-0707/Fax 415 393-0710 U.S. Representatives Tom Mc Clintock 4th Congressional District 4230 Douglas Blvd. Granite Bay, CA 95746 916 786-5560 STATE OFFICE Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Sacramento, CA 94249 916 445-2841 Doris Matsui [D] 5th Congressional District 501 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916 498-5600 State Senators (vacant) 1st Senate District 4230 Douglas Blvd., #300 Granite Bay, CA 95746 916 969-8232 Darrell Steinberg [D] 6th Senate District 1020 N Street, #576 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 951-1529 State Assembly Roger Niello - District 5 State Capitol, Room 4160 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 319-2005 Assemblymember.niello@ Board of Supervisors Roberta MacGlashan - Dist. 4 700 H Street, # 2450 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 874-5491 Alyson Huber - District 10 State Capitol, Room 5175 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 319-2010 assemblymember.huber@ Don Nottoli - Dist. 5 700 H Street, #2450 Sacramento, CA 95814 916 874-5465 Stay Informed Web Sites of Interest: Sacramento Republican Women Federated Sacramento County Republican Party or (916) 925-1850, Fax (916) 925-0933 California Republican Party or (818) 8415210, fax (818) 841-6668 Republican National Committee or (202) 863-8500, fax (202) 8638820 California Federation of Republican Women Advocacy Officee-mail address:, or (916) 442-4084 National Federation of Republican Women (703) 548-9688, Fax (703) 548-9836 CFRW Northern Division The White House: California Assembly: No Child Left Behind: California Secretary of State: The Federalist: Heritage Foundation: Dr. Terry Paulsen: Pacific Justice Institute: US Senate: CA Governor: govsite/gov_homepage.jsp Left Coast Report: Rich Galen: Grassroots: www. California Secretary of Consumer Affairs: California Republican Veterans of America: Bill Leonard-State Board of 10 2011 MEMBERSHIP FORM – DUES STATEMENT Join online at Home Phone Name Address Work or Cell Phone City State Occupation* Employer* Zip Sponsor Birthday (month-day) *These fields are legally required for reporting of PAC donations SRWF sends out a monthly newsletter & occasional announcements by e-mail. You can help reduce club costs and still stay in touch with important happenings by providing us with your e-mail address: ___________________________________________________ I WANT TO VOLUNTEER! I WANT TO JOIN! _____ CARING FOR AMERICA NEW MEMBER - $30 I am registered to vote as a Republican woman Over the age of 18 Military support/Appreciation Community Projects _____ COMMUNICATIONS Bulletin Editor - Publicity Internet Updates/Blasts _____ EDUCATION Advocacy Workshop; Scholarships Legislation; Young Rep. Liaison _____ ELECTIONS GOTV; Precinct Walking Voter Registration; Assistance For running for Office _____ MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH Satellite Clubs organizer Virtual Club organizer _____ SPECIAL EVENTS Christmas Event; Whistle Stop Membership Celebration _____ COMMITTEE CHAIR Americanism; Awards; Birthdays, Bulletin Circulation; Central Committee Liaison, Chaplain; Historian; Hospitality; Internet Advisor; Reservations RENEWING MEMBER - $30 I paid SRWF dues in 2009 AFFILIATE MEMBER - $30 I am not female but want to support and Be involved in SRWF ASSOCIATE - $15 I belong to and want to meet with SRWF RWF $ Membership Total I want to Donate to help SRWF in their Mission $ $ Total Due Mail to: Membership Chair 1619 El Nido Way Sacramento, CA 95864 OFFICE USE ONLY Check # Amount P C Rpt Mo Date 11 Sacramento Republican Women Federated Affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Women A Diamond Award Club Bobbie Prindle SRWF Newsletter Circulation 2021 Promontory Point Lane Gold River, CA 95670 DATE SENSITIVE MATERIAL ADDRESS CORRECITON REQUESTED FORWARDING POSTAGE GUARANTEED CALENDAR OF EVENTS… Mark your Calendars and look for details in the bulletins! November 2, 2010 November 3, 2010 November 11, 2010 November 12-14, 2010 General Election SRWF General Meeting and Luncheon, 1:30AM—North Ridge Country Club SRWF Board Meeting, 10AM—Eskaton CFRW Northern Division Fall Conference, Santa Rosa Hilton Saturday, December 4, 2010 SRWF Annual CHRISTMAS Program December 9, 2010 SRWF In and Out Board Meeting Contact Bev Anderson;, or Janet Gardner if you would like to be added to our newsletter by e-mail list, with any changes to your e-mail addresses, or have friends’ e-mail addresses that you would like to encourage to join by introducing them by way of our bulletin. 12