MainStay Guidance Manual


MainStay Guidance Manual
SYSTEM GUIDANCE ........................................................................................ 5
ASSESSOR GUIDANCE ................................................................................................... 5
Accessibility of the system for users ................................................................................................................5
Errors & System problems ................................................................................................................................5
Profiles and Permissions ...................................................................................................................................5
Useful References .............................................................................................................................................6
General User Log in ..........................................................................................................................................7
Quick search .....................................................................................................................................................9
Detailed Search Facility for Clients within your service ...................................................................................9
Client Look up and permissions ..................................................................................................................... 10
Add/Search New Client.................................................................................................................................. 10
Consent Affirmed........................................................................................................................................... 13
Closed Cases .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Add Assessment............................................................................................................................................. 15
Referral Tab ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Assessment Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Adding Contacts in the assessment ............................................................................................................... 20
Leaving the assessment ................................................................................................................................. 21
Additional Background Information .............................................................................................................. 21
Adding Events for Information requests ....................................................................................................... 22
Returning back to an assessment to continue sections ................................................................................ 27
Risk Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Needs Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 30
Housing Status Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 32
Completing Form ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Adding and Viewing scanned & saved files to a client record ....................................................................... 33
Adding a Risk/Status alert ............................................................................................................................. 35
View and picking Matches for referral .......................................................................................................... 37
Client Referral Screen .................................................................................................................................... 40
Assessment Waiting Lists .............................................................................................................................. 41
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Refusing Client from Your Assessment List ................................................................................................... 46
Handover of those in danger of rough sleeping ............................................................................................ 47
ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER GUIDANCE ................................................................. 50
Review your accommodation referrals & Accept to waiting list ................................................................... 50
Offering Accommodation .............................................................................................................................. 55
Adding Events for Accommodation Offered ................................................................................................. 55
Book a person into a vacancy ........................................................................................................................ 57
Client leaving ................................................................................................................................................. 60
Auto Vacancy ................................................................................................................................................. 62
Add Vacancy (not via auto vacancy) .............................................................................................................. 63
Close Clients................................................................................................................................................... 65
Moving clients in beds within the same service ............................................................................................ 66
Direct placements (only for use for Transferring Residents within the same service) ................................. 66
Direct Referral ............................................................................................................................................... 68
Not the case owner- Review client referrals ................................................................................................. 70
CASE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................. 72
Tasks .............................................................................................................................................................. 72
Supported by Additional Service ................................................................................................................... 73
Support Plans................................................................................................................................................. 74
Updating Risk once accommodated .............................................................................................................. 74
Adding Events for Case Management ........................................................................................................... 74
MAINSTAY PROCESSES ..................................................................................79
Assessment points ......................................................................................................................................... 79
Assessment Hours/Handover ........................................................................................................................ 79
Rough Sleeper/Hub ....................................................................................................................................... 80
Weekend Rough Sleeper Handover .............................................................................................................. 80
Referral routes to MainStay .......................................................................................................................... 81
Direct referrals to Services ............................................................................................................................ 82
Information regarding ring fenced beds ....................................................................................................... 83
Referrals between MainStay Services ........................................................................................................... 86
Copying Previous Assessments ...................................................................................................................... 87
Consent to disclose/data protection ............................................................................................................. 88
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Client needs interpreter ................................................................................................................................ 89
Additional Background Information .............................................................................................................. 92
Assessment Time frames ............................................................................................................................... 93
Timeframes for Decision Making Based on Housing Status .......................................................................... 94
Risk/Safeguarding .......................................................................................................................................... 94
Vulnerability .................................................................................................................................................. 96
Needs ............................................................................................................................................................. 97
Allocation/Prioritisation ................................................................................................................................ 98
Picking Matches ........................................................................................................................................... 100
Park View/ Supported Lodgings Appear as Top Match ............................................................................... 101
Waiting for a client to arrive for a bed ........................................................................................................ 101
Posting Vacancies ........................................................................................................................................ 101
Advanced Vacancies .................................................................................................................................... 101
Specific Vacancy Rules for Groups of Services ............................................................................................ 102
Prison Resettlement .................................................................................................................................... 103
ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES ........................................105
Whitechapel Guidance ............................................................................................. 105
Ring fenced bed referral .............................................................................................................................. 105
Accepting a Referral to a Floating Support Service ..................................................................................... 106
Parkview & Supported Lodgings Guidance ............................................................... 111
Direct Agency referrals ................................................................................................................................ 111
Clients matched to service .......................................................................................................................... 113
Housing Options Guidance ....................................................................................... 115
Sub-Cases ..................................................................................................................................................... 115
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
System General
To log on to the system please input into your address bar
Recommended Browser
The recommended browser for the MainStay system is Internet Explorer 9 or a later version.
Accessibility of the system for users
All modern browsers allow you to change colours and font sizes.
For advice on changing settings, check out the BBC’s accessibility pages
Errors & System problems
For problems and advice regarding system processes and logging in, please contact the MainStay team on or 0151 600 3542
Profiles and Permissions
Different profiles have been created with various permissions the main areas where permissions differ are
Vacancy Management, Direct Referrals and Direct Placements. Below is a brief summary of which profiles have
the ability to complete tasks in these areas.
Vacancy Management – Provider Manager DP/DR, Provider SuperUser DP/DR, Whitechapel DR, Support
Direct Referrals – MainStay Officer, Provider ManagerDP/DR, Provider Super User DP, Whitechapel DR
Direct Placements - (only needed for internal room transfers) - Provider Manager DP/DR, Provider Super User
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
System General
Sensitivity is available to be set for Client Files, Tasks & Events. Most profiles will be able to set information as
Sensitive or Not Sensitive. Service managers will be able to set information as Very Sensitive.
Very Sensitive – can only be viewed by system administrators and commissioners
Sensitive – can only be viewed by Service managers
Not Sensitive – can be viewed by all users
The system will always default to Not Sensitive but can be changed to sensitive if a system user feels that the
information being input should be restricted to service managers. If further guidance is needed in this area
then you can contact the MainStay team.
Useful References
(Various icons & ways to input information)
Help Icon?
NB scroll to top left to see help text
Drop down
Text box
Quick links
(Always blue
& underlined)
Tick box
Error message
(Always shows if an area is incomplete or incorrect)
PDF (Version to print)
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
System General
General User Log in
All licensed users will be given a username and password from the MainStay team. Users are required to enter
this to access the MainStay system.
Once a User has logged into the system the Home/Welcome page will appear. This homepage will be relevant
to your user profile. Please see details of the Welcome page below.
Click on here for copies of
MainStay Policies & Guidance
Click to Log Out
Your User name
will show here NB
always ensure you
are logged on in
your own User
Search facility
Appropriate quick links will
show for your User Log in
Any relevant Alerts regarding your
clients or User log in will show here
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
System General
The main quick links for general users will include;
My Open Clients- Any Clients of which you are the case owner (on assessment list or key working).
My Open Referrals- Referrals made by you to services (waiting list or assessment list) awaiting a
My Closed Referrals -Referrals made by you which there has been a result.
Our Open Referrals OUT- Referrals made by you to other services awaiting action.
Our Open Referrals IN- Referrals made to your service awaiting action.
Our Closed Referrals OUT- Referrals made by your service which there has been a result.
Our Closed Referrals IN- Referrals made to your service which there has been a result.
My Open Placements-All clients placed with your service in which you are the placement owner.
Our Open Placements-All clients placed with your service.
My Searches- Any saved searches.
NB If you are regularly searching under a particular field.
This can be saved on the search screen under Favourites search title.
(See search facility below for further guidance)
My Tasks- Any tasks set by you, your colleagues, or the MainStay team.
Add Client- To add a new client
You can also use the filter to search under further areas:
For example
Our Closed Placements- All clients who have been placed with your service previously
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
Quick search
Quick search allows for fuzzy searching, Fuzzy searching is the
technique of searching and getting results approximately rather than exactly.
You can search for all clients on the system by Surname. The quick search
may also bring up clients that have similar spelt names via fuzzy search.
If no details are entered into the Quick Search this will bring up all clients that
are placed/previously placed or referred to your service. It will also bring up
any clients that your service are currently case owners or that your service
added to the system.
Fuzzy searching is the
technique of searching and
getting results
approximately rather than
Detailed Search Facility for Clients within your service
The detailed search facility is to be used to conduct more detailed searches for clients within your service or to
search for clients that may now be closed cases on the system. You will be able to search for any client on the
system by using a client’s surname, but using the other fields you will not be able to search and bring up clients
outside of your service (see permissions page 10).
Click on Clients and click into the chosen search field adding in your search criteria then clicking Search.
At this stage you may also
save your search for future
use by adding a unique search
title in the favourites Search
Then press Save. These saved
searches can then be accessed
under My Searches (See
Search title
NB this search screen status will always search on the Status-open clients; you may wish to change this status
to Any if you are aware that a person may have been assessed in the past and then moved out of MainStay
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
Client Look up and permissions
You can only bring up a full list of clients that you have assessed or you service is working with. NB recent items
may show someone you have previously been working with and you may not have access to anymore.
However you may search under surname on the quick search to access a client record outside of this remit.
You will be asked to affirm consent and the case owner of the client will be notified that you have accessed this
record. See message below. (An automatic event will be added to the Client record.)
Add/Search New Client
To add an assessment you must first add the Client details by clicking on the Add client quick link, you will then
enter the client details and click exists, the system will then either set up a new client record or will bring up
the clients existing record. NB. It is recommended that you do a Quick/Fuzzy search on Surname prior to
adding a client.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
If the system recognises that this client already exists on the system the following screen will appear and you
will automatically be taken to their Client record
If the client does
already exist in the
system and this screen
appears continue from
page 15.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
If the system recognises this is a new client the following screen will appear.
At this point you only need to complete all areas on this screen only mandatory * areas must be completed.
NB Grey areas are pre-completed from previous screens.
The mandatory areas include;
Registration date- The date the client has been added to the system
Housing Status- always set as Awaiting placement when entering a new client
Housing Status date- Today’s date
Case Owner- Your own name from drop down
Waiting List- Your service assessment list
And Consent affirmed should be ticked when the MainStay consent to disclose has been signed. See details
You may then save your client. If you have not ticked consent affirmed. You will be prompted to ask you client
to sign the consent to disclose form.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
Consent Affirmed
Prior to adding referral and assessment details for your client please ensure they have signed the MainStay
consent to disclose form. (You can find further information regarding this process including blank forms
under the policy & guidance tab on the system and also see page 88 for further guidance.)
This form must be scanned and added to the client record under the files tab. (See section adding scanned
and saved files to client record for further guidance page 33.) You will be asked to tick to confirm that
consent has been given on the client general page.
If this tick box is ticked it will also populate the consent given question in the referral form section.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Searching and Adding Clients
Closed Cases
NB There may be occasions when the client you need to assess has been closed to MainStay as they have
moved on from MainStay services, this client record will appear, you will see the client general screen below.
Persons with a Service Manager or Super User/Admin Profile will be able to open the case so that you can
continue to the assessment.
To Reopen a Closed Case you remove the closed reason and closed date
NB If you have a situation where a client already exists but there are still placed/case owned by another
service, the recommendation to assessors is to contact the client’s service to discuss organising an assessment.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Add Assessment
Once you have saved the new client screen further tabs for your client will appear including an Assessment tab.
At this stage you should scan and add a copy of the original referral form and consent to disclose under the
files tab. (See section adding scanned and saved files to client record for further guidance page 33.)
Click on the Assessments tab
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
The assessment tab will then show if the client has had any previous assessments, which you can click in to
review. To add a new assessment click Add Assessment.
Under new assessment please tick in to the service to be assessed for (Accommodation Based
Then save the new assessment screen.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
A new tab called forms will then appear
Click in to the forms tab
Click on this icon to print
assessment when
To create a new
To copy previous assessments answers.
Only if appropriate
For further guidance regarding when to use copy previous
please see page 90
To create a new assessment click on new as above
NB Housing Options assessment is to be used by Housing options team only
There are some occasions where you would copy previous assessment (please see process guidance page 87.)
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
This will then take you to the MainStay Assessment Form screen. With assessment tabs. NB Each section must
be completed in the order of tabs. After each section you must Save the Section.
Assessment tab
Risk section tab
Housing status tab
Needs section tab
Referral tab
Referral Tab
The first section of the assessment is the referral tab. Once verified with the Client the information in this
section can be copied from the referral form. The grey areas cannot be edited and are mapped from other
areas within the system.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Once you have completed the referral section you can save or press save and next to continue to the
assessment screen.
Assessment Tab
The second section of the assessment is the assessment tab. This section is completed with the client; the
answers are added directly on to the system. You will see further questions may appear as you go through the
assessment adding in your client’s answers.
The assessment is split into 14 sections;
Circumstances, Accommodation history, Economic/Legal Status, Physical Health, Emotional & Mental
Wellbeing, Alcohol, Drugs, Abstinence, Offending, Life Skills, Meaningful Use of Time, Cultural/Language,
Vulnerability, Family/Relationships.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Adding Contacts in the assessment
Contacts are added at various points of the assessment, in the contacts tables. Click Add a new contact
The following Dialog box will then appear to add in the Contacts details. Global contacts are useful contacts
that have already been added to the system. Please do not add your contact as global unless authorised to
do so.
Contacts will only appear in the top contacts box within the section until the assessment section is saved.
Once you have completed all of the assessment sections you should save and close. Information can be edited
on the assessment up until referrals have been made.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Leaving the assessment
There are times during the assessment when the assessor will need to go in and out of the assessment to
access the client’s other tabs. In order to access the other tabs when in the assessment form you will need to
click on the client’s name at the top underlined in blue. Always ensure that you have saved the sections of the
assessment you have been working on before leaving the assessment.
Additional Background Information
At this stage assessors should use contact information collated under the client general section Contacts to
gain supporting background information.
Click on contacts
All clients contacts will show in a list as below, Assessors should try to contact those who are most relevant to
gain additional background information. The assessor should use the MainStay information request form to
send to the person providing information or record information via the Telephone Information Request form.
These forms can be found on the website or under the policy & guidance tab. See further guidance for
scanning documents on page 33.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Adding Events for Information requests
Events can be added against client record
Before sending a referral the assessor should complete an events log to record “References Received” and
“References Requested” so the service receiving the referral can see what references have been received and
what references are still outstanding.
After a referral has been made accommodation providers receiving the referral should record all attempts and
progress to gain addition information under events to prevent two accommodation providers chasing the same
Click on the Events tab and click Add Event
Add in the appropriate Category & Event type and comments, then press Save.
There are various Categories and Event types Please see all event below.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Information requests will be made prior to completing assessment and sending referrals to accommodation
Event log for- References received
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Event log for- Outstanding References Requested (Any that you were not able to get back within the
assessment guidance time)
NB Accommodation provider can then do any further background requests post assessment & matching.
(Please see additional background guidance in processes page 21)
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Completed forms should be scanned and added to client files. (For further guidance see page 33 adding
scanned files).
Returning back to an assessment to continue sections
When you come out of an assessment to the client general tabs you may then need to return back to continue
assessment sections. Click back on to assessments. You will then see all assessments for your client. You can
click onto the relevant assessment by clicking the date.
Then click into the forms tab.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
You will then see the last updated MainStay form, you can click into this by clicking onto the blue underlined
This will then take you back to your form will the original 5 sections, you can click into the appropriate tab to
continue your assessment.
Risk Tab
The third section of the assessment is the risk tab (You can find further guidance regarding this under Risk
Page 94)
This section is to be completed by the assessor based on their judgement of the risk a client poses in the
specified areas. The assessor would be expected to use the answers to the questions in the previous section,
any references received and the clients views when completing this section.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
The Risk section is split into 15 risk areas.
(This may current/past use, substances used, frequency and method of use, length of time used, serious incidents relating to drug misuse and periods of
abstinence and any treatment the client is accessing.) Please include any risk of overdose and abuse of medication if known.
(This may include amount/frequency of alcohol use, length of time used and any serious incidents relating to alcohol, periods of abstinence).
Physical Health
(This may include any physical health problems, recent periods of hospitalisation, disabilities, mobility issues and sensory impairments)
Mental Health
(This may include any diagnosed mental health problems, concerns in this area, and any medication needed)
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
Self Harm
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
(This may include any previous vulnerability that you consider relevant, indicators of vulnerability could include learning difficulties, history of abuse,
harassment, bullying, violence, social service involvement ,sex work)
(This may include the details of any previous offences known, how long ago they occurred and where possible the details of sentences, please also
comment on any known current risks in relation to Offending)
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
Sex Offences, and
Offences Against a Person Under the Age of 18.
Violence/Aggressive Behaviour If Yes Give further details
(This may include the details of any incidents of violence or aggression and the outcome of these incidents including eviction or convictions)
(this may include the details of any debts, rent arrears, Gambling Problems and ability to manage their own finances)
(this may include any difficulties in forming relationships and any particular relationships that may pose a potential risk)
Risk of Accommodation Breakdown
(this may include any previous accommodation breakdowns and support needs in self care and living skills)
These areas must then be scored using the MainStay risk level definitions:
Low - No significant current indicators of harm.
Medium - There are identifiable indicators of risk or harm.
The person has the potential to cause harm but is unlikely to do so unless there is a change in
circumstances, for example a failure to take medication, loss of accommodation, relationship
breakdown, substance misuse.
High - There are identifiable indicators of risk or serious harm. The potential event could happen at
any time and the impact would be serious.
Very High - There is an imminent risk of serious harm. The potential event is more likely than not to
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
NB It is extremely important that assessors add as much detail as possible regarding any risks and any known
triggers, as this section will provide essential information for services to start to write their risk management
Once you have completed the section you can save or press save and next to continue to the assessment
Needs Tab
The fourth section of the assessment is the Needs tab. This section is completed with the client. (You can find
further guidance regarding this process under Needs process page 97).
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
The Needs section is split into the following 10 areas.
Motivation and Taking Responsibility
Moving forward and actively making positive changes.
Self Care and Living Skills
Independent living skills and self care.
Managing Money
Managing money/benefits, budgeting, paying bills, managing and reducing debt.
Social Networks and Relationships
Relationships, social groups- Positive/Negative
Drug and Alcohol Misuse
Substance Misuse, Impact on life, harm reduction.
Physical Health
Looking after yourself/living a healthy lifestyle, dealing with health issues
Emotional and Mental Health
Emotional health, feeling low/depressed, stressed or anxious, self-harm/suicide, a diagnosed or suspected
mental health issue.
Meaningful Use of Time
Use of time, interests, hobbies, building skills, interest in training & developing.
Managing Tenancy and Accommodation
Complying with the terms of your accommodation/tenancy, paying rent/charges and bills, neighbours/visitors.
Problems with the law, complying with probation/legal orders, ongoing offending.
Needs are assessed as Low to High with the following Need definitions:
None – No history or evidence of Support Need in this area
Low – Person may need minimal support in this area. Some history or evidence of past need.
Medium – Person has support need in this area that is manageable/currently being met.
High – Person has support need in this area that is not being managed/met.
This may include an immediate need.
Assessors will need to provide as much information as possible
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Addition Matching Questions under needs
There are also additional needs questions that must be completed within the needs tab.
Please see extra help sheet for further details regarding Additional Needs Questions.
Housing Status Tab
The fifth section of the assessment is the Housing Status tab. This section is completed with the client. Using
the definitions listed in this manual you must enter a Housing status for the client and enter the relevant
priority level number.
Override-Override can be used by the MainStay team only.
Statutory Homeless-'Statutory homelessness', is where local authorities have defined a household as homeless
within the terms of the homelessness legislation. This option is for Housing Options teams only.
Entrenched Rough Sleeper-Those who have a long history of sleeping rough.
Rough Sleeper-Those people currently sleeping rough.
In Danger of Rough Sleeping-Those people in imminent danger of rough sleeping.
No Access to Settled Accommodation-Not in imminent danger of rough sleeping but having no access to
settled accommodation and they can be accommodated safely for at least the next three nights.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
No Permanent Accommodation-Not in imminent danger of rough sleeping but having no access to settled
accommodation and they can be accommodated safely for at least the next three nights.
You can only enter the status levels that are accessible for your user profile. (You can find further guidance
regarding this process under Allocation/Prioritisation in the process manual page 98).
Once assessment completed press Save.
Completing Form
Click on form control tab and set to Completed and Save as this will highlight any mandatory field that have not
been completed.
Once these areas have been completed you can then click on the client’s name underlined in blue at the top of
the screen to return to all of the client’s tabs.
Adding and Viewing scanned & saved files to a client record
Once you have saved/scanned a document you can then access this and add it to the client record.
Click on the Files tab on the client general section. Then Click Add File.
You can then Click Browse to search through any Files you have saved or saved & scanned and select the
appropriate file.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
The File will only be saved if a description is added.
For Information Request forms please save your description as info request
For MainStay Referral Forms please save your description as referral form
For Consent to Disclose please save your description as consent
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
To view saved files you must click on the Files tab in the Client general section. You can then order the files
saved by clicking on File name, Description or Uploaded. Arrows will appear to show this area is being ordered
 either numerical or alphabetised. Once you have found the file you would like to review please click in
to the file name (always underlined in blue.)
You must then click on
the document view icon
A message should then pop up asking whether you would like to open or save this file. Click Open to view.
Adding a Risk/Status alert
This section is used for assessors to select any alerts they feel are necessary to alert others about the client.
This can be completed at the end of the assessment prior to sending referrals to accommodation providers or if
needed you can complete during the assessment and then return to the assessment to complete the final
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Completing Assessments
Alerts can be added for any client risks that have been scored Very High or if the assessor feels the risk should
be highlighted.
Click on to the Status Alert tab under the client general section.
There are also additional alerts for if the client is a known risk to or from another and for other specific
accommodation needs that have been highlighted in the assessment.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
View and picking Matches for referral
Depending on the answers to questions and the risk and needs summary a list of Matches will appear showing
the most appropriate services for the Client. You can then refer the Client to the amount of matches available
for their housing status (See Guidance on Picking Matches page 100). The matches will be displayed in the
order of the points awarded so that you can easily view the most appropriate matches (highest points most
Click on the matches tab in the client general section.
You should refer the client to the appropriate matches as per Housing Status,
Entrenched Rough Sleeper/Rough Sleeper – 5
In Danger of Rough Sleeping- 3
No Settled Accommodation- 2
No Permanent Accommodation- 1
(See picking matches page 100 for further guidance regarding choice available to Clients.)
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
To refer a person to a match you click on the relevant match by clicking on the points awarded.
Click on the points
awarded to make
the required
This will then take you to the screen below:
This screen shows the person’s basic details and the service you are about to refer to.
To make a referral press save at the bottom of the screen.
Click save to
make a referral
Once you have clicked save on the previous screen the system will then take you to an additional screen which
is for the accommodation providers to complete when they have made a decision.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
Once you have referred a person to a service the referral will appear under the client’s referrals tab.
The referrals made can then be seen under the referrals tabs under the client general section.
Assessors can use the quick links to view Open & Closed referrals.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
To access Referrals made by you which there has been a result click on- My Closed Referrals
To access Referrals made by your service to other services awaiting action-Our Open Referrals OUT
To view Referrals made by your service which there has been a result- Our Closed Referrals OUT
The Assessor/case owner will be alerted only once the client has been placed.
NB for every refusal you can offer the next appropriate match to your client.
NB The Assessment List for your service will also show in the list of referrals as the Client will be held on your
services Assessment List until accommodated by a service or until their assessment has been transferred to
another service. Previous Referrals made for a person will also appear.
Client Referral Screen
This screen shows that once a client has been accepted and placed in accommodation the client will be
removed from a services Assessment list as Placed Elsewhere.
Client has been accepted and placed
to accommodation and is no longer
on Assessment List and is shown
here as Placed Elsewhere.
The client’s placement will then appear under their Placement screen with their start date. Once placed the
referring service will change the case owner to Admin.service profile so that the accommodation provider can
change the persons case owner to a case owner within their organisation.
Date client moved in to
the bed space shown
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
A record of referrals made, when the client has been accepted and when the client has been placed will all be
automatically generated in the Events tab.
Assessment Waiting Lists
An assessment list is available in order to keep a separate list for assessments completed by a service and to
facilitate the transfer of assessments between organisations each assessing service will have an Assessment
List which will hold any assessments until they have been transferred to another service or until the person has
been accommodated.
When you create a client you will place the person on your Assessment List on the General Client Screen
Select Assessment List
from the drop down
You will then be able to see that the client is placed on your service’s Assessment List.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
View and Picking Matches
After referrals have been made and the client has moved in with another accommodation provider their
referral history will look like below. This shows the client was assessed by Ann Conway but was then placed
elsewhere in Salvation Army.
The person will then no longer show on Ann Conway’s Assessment List.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Transferring Assessments
Transfer of Assessments
On occasion it may be a requirement for you to transfer ownership to a case owner at another organisation.
This will be relevant to the 9-5 services Handover and the rough sleeper handover.
To transfer an assessment from your service when your assessment hours have finished you will need to click
on your service’s waiting list.
You must click on to your services assessment list, you can find your assessment list by using the quick
search and search for services. (Use the drop down box to change the search to services).
This will bring up your service lists including your assessment
This will show outstanding applications who have not been placed. You will then click on the Client and directly
refer the Client to the other service’s Assessment List of who you are transferring the Assessment to by clicking
in their client record and accessing the Referral screen and clicking Add Referral
The New Direct referral screen will then appear please complete the mandatory areas*
Provider name (whom you are referring to)
Service name (Assessment list of whom you are referring to)
Direct referral reason i.e. Transfer of assessment, Rough Sleeper Handover
Referral date & Referrer (Should default to today’s date and your name.)
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Transferring Assessments
Select provider from
the drop down list
Only choose Assessment List
Only choose direct referral
reason as Transfer of
Once you press Save the assessment will be referred to the other provider
The referral details are then saved on the next screen please close.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Transferring Assessments
You can then change the case owner on the client general tab to the Admin profile User at the
organisation you are transferring to. 9-5 services will have a specified 24/7 service they will transfer to
at the end of their assessment hours for each week. (Or you may be transferring to mainstay or Hub)
The Transfer of the Assessment is now complete but you must still refuse the Client from your own
services assessment list.
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Transferring Assessments
Refusing Client from Your Assessment List
You must access the original referral to your services Assessment List
To access this referral you can access the Clients Referrals via their Client record or by returning to
your services assessment list.
If you click on the persons Client Record you will access their Referrals via the Referral Tab then click on the
referral to your services Assessment List
You will then refuse the person from your waiting list giving the reason Assessment Transferred so that they
disappear from your waiting list.
Refuse client and select
reason Assessment
Then press Save and the person should then have left your assessment list.
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Transferring Assessments
Only the original assessor/case owner will be able to refuse the client from the assessment list. If they are not
currently available you could contact the MainStay Team via email and they will refuse persons on your behalf.
Once the handover of assessments between 9-5 services to 24/7 Services has been completed. The service
should check their Assessment list to ensure that there are no applicants remaining.
NB By August 2013 the system Admin profile will be able to reverse previous referral decisions to allow
services to clear their assessment list.
Handover of those in danger of rough sleeping
(See processes page 80 for further guidance)
To complete the handover you should add a direct referral for your client. Click the referrals tab and Add
To MainStay between 3pm & 3.15pm
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Transferring Assessments
To Hub/Sit up after 3.15
After contacting the Hub/Sit Up Service on 0300 123 2041 you can refer the Client to the Hub Service
by selecting the below options
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Transferring Assessments
If the Hub/Sit Up give permission for the person to attend their service You can then change the case owner
on the client general tab to the Admin profile User at the organisation you are transferring to Admin.hub.
For the MainStay handover you can change the case owner to Admin.mainstay.
You must then refuse the applicant from your Assessment list see (Page 46 Refusing Client from your
Assessment list).
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Accommodation Provider Guidance
Review your accommodation referrals & Accept to waiting list
Once a Referral has been made to your service specified persons in your organisation will receive an Alert. This
will be via the system as above and may in some cases be via email.
Alert shown on
user’s homepage
Clients referred to your service will appear on your waiting list. Services will order this via the Priority Level
which is based on the Clients housing status and then by date of referral. If a Client has the same housing
status and date of referral then matching points will be used to decide which person has priority.
Click on the date to
view the client’s
To view the Referral you can click on the Alert (shown on the user’s homepage) or the date of the Client on
your waiting list. This will bring up the screen below. To see the latest Assessment completed for the Client
click on their name which will take you to their Client Record.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Click on the client’s
name to go to the
client’s record
You can then access their assessment via their Client Record.
General screen
on the client’s
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Click on the Assessment tab on the client record which will bring up the screen below.
Click on the date of the
latest assessment
(always at the top of the list)
When the date of the latest assessment has been clicked on the screen below will appear:
Click on Forms which will take you to the screen shown below.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Then Select MainStay Assessment Form. Or if being referred by Housing Options housing options referral form.
When you have made a decision whether to offer accommodation click on the Referral tab on the client’s
general screen and this will take you back to the Referral Decision Screen.
Only complete if you
are a service offering
a secondary
Unless you are offering a Secondary Assessment the Interview date and Interview comments will not apply to
your service. However, you will be expected to complete the other available fields:
Referral Result -Here you will select Accepted or Refused
Result Date – Date of the Decision
Result Provider – Here you will have the option of profiles within your organisation please select your
user identification.
Result Comments – if accepted just put accepted. If refused please add further details.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
If you are refusing a Client an additional drop down will appear stating the reason for refusal.
NB if your service feels another reason for refusal is needed please contact the MainStay Team.
Once accepted to your waiting list they will show as Accepted. You can now offer them a vacancy (offering
vacancies and decisions to short list should be made in the order of your waiting list). If they have been refused
they will disappear from your services waiting list.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Offering Accommodation
You can only offer accommodation to persons accepted to your waiting list.
Adding Events for Accommodation Offered
Before offering a vacancy you should check to make sure they have not been offered a vacancy by another
service by checking the client’s Events Log to see if there is recent “Accommodation Offered” Event and
checking this to see if the Client has already accepted an offer of accommodation with another provider. If they
haven’t you can contact the Client and offer them accommodation. If the Client accepts the offer of
accommodation you should record the details by adding an Event of “Accommodation Offered” to ensure that
other services do not offer the Client accommodation.
Click on the Events tab and click Add Event
There are various Categories and Event types Please see all event below.
Add in the appropriate Category & Event type and comments, then press Save.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Where possible record time arranged for the person to move into the accommodation.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Book a person into a vacancy
You can offer a client accepted on your waiting list an existing vacancy by clicking on Vacancies under your
service. This will bring up a list of vacancies that are filled and those that are not. To book a person into a
vacancy you will select the vacancy via clicking on the Start Date of the vacancy.
Click on the start
date of the vacancy
to offer a person a
Vacant rooms
appear at the
top of the list
with no client
attached to
Filled rooms
shown here with
the names of
clients against
bed spaces.
Once you have clicked on the start date of the vacancy the screen below will be shown.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
You can then offer the client a bed by clicking into the offer client drop down, all clients you have accepted will
appear here. And you will then be able to record the offer result as accepted.
You can then save this screen.
Once the person moves into the accommodation you can book the person into an existing vacancy by clicking
on vacancy offered under the vacancies tab.
Once you have clicked on the start date of the vacancy the screen below will be shown.
Click on the start
date of the vacancy
to book a person in
to the vacancy
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
The only fields that need to be
completed are selecting the filled date
with today’s date and then the client
that you wish to place in the room. The
drop down of potential clients will only
show the client which you have offered
the room to. Select yourself as the
Placement Owner and press Save. A
message should appear stating “The
Vacancy details have been saved” this
means that the person is now in the
room and should now appear in the
correct vacancy on the Vacancy list for
your service. This will also update the
clients Placement and Address screen.
Person offered accommodation no longer requires room
This would be relevant. If the client has declined the accommodation or you have withdrawn their offer, or the
client is a No Show.
Once you have changed the offer result and pressed save the screen will allow you to create a new offer to
another client you have accepted on your waiting list. The person originally offered will be removed.
The system will record that the person was offered the room but the offer was withdrawn.
By pressing the new offer button you will be taken back to the original offers screen.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
NB MainStay have not currently specified a time to wait for a client to arrive, however services are expected to
make reasonable steps to contact the applicant before offering a room to another client and record any failed
attempts via the Event Screen.
Client leaving
To move someone out of a vacancy within your accommodation you would click on the Vacancy via the start
date from your services vacancy list.
Click on the date
relating to the
room you want
to make vacant
Once the date has been clicked the screen below will be shown:
You would then put the
finish date of the
vacancy in the second
date box
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Once the finish date of the vacancy has been inputted this would bring up an additional box of Vacancy End
Reason and MainStay End Reason where you would select the Vacancy End Reason and if needed further
comments. You would then select yourself as the Placement Owner and press Save this will book the client out
of the accommodation.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Select the
vacancy end
reason &
MainStay End
Reason from the
drop down
Auto Vacancy
Once you have clicked save on the previous screen the system will then take you to a new screen automatically
to ask whether you would like to create a vacancy beginning on the day after the client has been booked out.
You can change the date of the Vacancy start date to another date if necessary but you do not need to specify
an end date.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
The start date of the
vacancy will default to
the day after the client
has been booked out
but this can be
By pressing Save you will then automatically create a vacancy. If you do not wish to create a vacancy please
click Close. All vacancies created will then show on a services list of Vacancies.
NB Circumstances when you may wish to click close to ensure a vacancy has not been created would include:
You do not know when the room will be available.
The room will not be available until a date that is outside your services permissions to create an
advance vacancy.
The bed is nominated for a specific referral route.
The bed is being saved for an internal transfer of an accommodated client.
Add Vacancy (not via auto vacancy)
If you choose not to create a Vacancy via Auto Vacancy but wish to create a Vacancy at a later date you would
access your services Vacancies list and click Add Vacancy.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
You will then select the Vacancy address you wish to create the vacancy before and input a vacancy start date
TIP – When selecting a Vacancy Address please note those Rooms which appear with a * next to them are
rooms currently occupied or vacancies already created.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Close Clients
If the reason that your client is moving out means they are moving out of MainStay Services. You must close
you client case. NB Prior to closing a client, you must check if the client has any other placements open with
other MainStay services. For example they may have a floating support worker. If the client has a placement
with a floating support service the record should be left open.
To check placements please click on the client placements tab. Placements will show here.
Client records can be closed on the client general screen. Only some profiles can close a client.
A closed reason and date must be added.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
If your profile cannot close the case please ask your Service Manager/super user within your service.
Moving clients in beds within the same service
Direct placements (only for use for Transferring Residents within the same service)
(To do this you will need to have Direct Placement permissions, for details of permissions see page 5)
You will need to select the Vacancy of the person moving rooms via your services vacancy screen. You will then
book the Client out of the accommodation and select the Vacancy End Reason of “INTERNAL TRANSFER
DIRECT” and MainStay reason of “Planned Move”. (See page 60, client leaving for further details regarding
moving a client out.)
You will then click on the client’s record that you wish to move rooms and access their placement screen and
select Add Placement.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
This will bring you to the Direct Placement screen:
From this you will select the mandatory fields * including the service, address of vacancy and the start date of
the placement which will automatically show today’s date. You will then select yourself as the Direct Placement
Owner and select the Direct Placement Reason as Internal Transfer Direct.
PLEASE NOTE – That to directly place a client you must ensure that the room that you are planning to move the
client into has not already been created as a vacancy. If you have already created a vacancy for the room then
you can close the vacancy adding a reason of Internal Transfer Direct.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
Direct Referral
(To do this you will need to have Direct Referral permissions, for further details regarding permissions please
see page 5)
There are various reasons for direct referral, you may use this for direct referrals to nominated beds i.e. Ring
fenced Bed, Statutory homeless referrals and other nominated beds. You will also use Direct Referrals for
Direct Agency referrals (agency requested one service).
NB Unless specified you must still complete a MainStay assessment for all direct referrals.
To add a direct referral you must first access the Client record and then click on their referral tab.
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Accommodation Provider Guidance
You will then be able to click on the Add Referral
You will then go to the New Direct Referral screen and you can enter your provider and service details and the
Direct Referral reason. You must complete all the mandatory areas* then save and close.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Accommodation Provider Guidance
If you are an accommodation provider directly referring to themselves because an agency has only requested
your service.
You can then add a referral result of accepted on the Direct Referral Screen.
If not please DO NOT complete referral result.
This client will then appear as accepted on your waiting list and you can then progress to add them to a
vacancy (see page 57).
Not the case owner- Review client referrals
If someone turns up out of hours and has been assessed by another Service you can still access their record to
inform them of their referral status and add events to record that they have been in contact and why.
If the Client needs a new assessment completed but is not currently case owned by your Service then you must
directly refer to your own assessment list.
Click on the Clients Referral tab and directly refer the Client to your service’s Assessment List by clicking Add
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Accommodation Provider Guidance
You will then select your provider and service assessment list and then select a direct referral reason. PLEASE
Select provider from
the drop down list
Only choose Assessment List
Once you press Save the assessment will be referred. At this stage you will need to log out of the MainStay
system then log back in. When you log back in you will see the Add Assessment button appear.
You will then see under Referrals your assessment list and you will be able to then access all areas of the client
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
Tasks are linked to a client and can be set by any user and assigned to any user. You can also use tasks to set
for yourself, for you own prompts. To set a task click on the Tasks tab and click add Task.
You can then choose a task category; MainStay or Service Provider (Use Service Provider if the task is related to
your service.)
You can then choose a Task type, Priority and who you would like to assign the task to. Then Save and Close.
Task types include the following:
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
Supported by Additional Service
It may be that a person may receive support from more than one service within MainStay i.e. they are
accommodated with a provider but are also receiving support from a floating support service.
This may be because a person was receiving a floating support service prior to being accommodated or
referred to a floating support service after being accommodated.
To refer someone to a floating support service you click on a clients referral screen and add referral.
You would then pick Floating support referral and add the Service you are referring them to.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
They will then appear on that services waiting list and the floating support service will be able to accept the
For Floating Support Services needing guidance to accept a referral (see page 106 for Whitechapel guidance)
Support Plans
Support plans can be added by any placement owners.
Further information will be provided about Support Planning in a separate extra help sheet after Go Live.
Updating Risk once accommodated
The risk of clients you have accommodated should be updated as and when there is significant change i.e. risk
Adding Events for Case Management
Events can be useful for adding details of support planning notes/reviews, meetings, contacts made with or
regarding client etc.
Click on the Events tab and click Add Event
There are various Categories and Event types Please see all event types below.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
Add in the appropriate Category & Event type and comments, then press Save.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
OPTIONAL TAGS-You can also add a Tag to help find the event quickly using the Tag filter. Once you have
pressed Save a tab called Tags will appear.
You can click on tags and then tick any relevant tag words for your event and Save and close.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
You can see a Tag has been added by clicking back in to an Event.
Where Tags have been added the Tag filter can be used to search.
Click on Event Tags writing None Selected of 50
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Case Management
You can then tick Event tags that you would like to search for and press Apply.
The relevant tagged events will then show.
Please be aware that not all users may be using tags so some events you may be looking for may not show
using the Tag filter.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Assessment points
Maps via the website will be used to demonstrate assessment Points for each day. Each specific day will
always have the same Assessment points.
Assessment Hours/Handover
Assessment Hours – During Assessment Hours services will be expected to conduct assessments by offering an
interview within one hour of receiving the MainStay referral. During Assessment Hours services will be
expected to take ownership of clients which will include making the referral to accommodation provider,
checking on its progress and updates whether the client’s referral has been accepted or refused. Once a
decision has been made to accommodate a Client you must ensure that the Client is aware of that decision and
how to get to the accommodation. If an application is rejected you must ensure that the Client is referred to
another accommodation provider taking into account the service user choice where possible. (Please refer to
picking matches page 100 for further guidance.) Services will inform Clients of the status of their application
and record any contact or attempts to contact the Client.
NB If someone turns up out of hours and has been assessed. You will not be able to edit their record if you are
not the assessor/ case owner. But you can view referrals and referral status, Events and add events. If you
need to add an assessment you must directly refer to your own assessment list. (Please refer to guidance page
If an assessor within an organisation still has outstanding Clients and they are finishing their shift they must
ensure that they hand over the case to another available assessor within their service.
organisations conducting Assessments between 9-5) NB Your handover organisation will always be the same.
When one Organisation’s agreed assessment hours have finished and they still have outstanding applications
they will then contact the agreed organisation and make a direct referral and change the case owner to that
service admin. There are different processes depending on the risk of the client rough sleeping. See below.
NB The Client must always be informed that there application has been transferred and will have been
informed of the exact process that may take place in advance. (See system guidance on transferring
assessments page 43)
Those who will not be rough sleeping
The Admin profile within your organisation will be used to refer the person to your handover
organisation when your Assessment Hours finish for the week (i.e. 5 o’clock on the day your
Assessment hours finish for the week). This will be the same service each week.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Those faced with Rough Sleeping that night
At 3 o’clock Services will be expected to check on their open clients (of which they are the case owner) and
those who have been classed as “rough sleeping” or “in danger of rough sleeping” should be reviewed to
establish whether they will be definitely rough sleeping that night. These clients will be referred to the
MainStay team by 3.15 each week day.
Rough Sleeper/Hub
Entrenched Rough Sleepers will be already on the system with Whitechapel as the case owner. If a person
presents to your service and they are already on the system and categorised as an entrenched rough sleeper
they are to be referred to the Whitechapel Day Centre.
At 3 o’clock a person whose assessment is owned by your organisation and has been categorised as in danger
of rough sleeping has not been accommodated the following actions will be completed.
The assessing service will confirm with the Client whether the person is going to be rough sleeping and add
details regarding contact or attempts to contact to the Events screen.
Those who have been confirmed as rough sleeping can be referred before 15:15 to the MainStay team. (If you
are a Whitechapel or Basement worker you will transfer to an appropriate colleague who is working with the
hub team.)
If after the handover of rough sleepers to the MainStay team (after 15:15) has taken place, your service
assesses a person as rough sleeping that night. The service will contact the Hub team via phone 0300 123 2041
and refer the person. After being given permission by the Hub team the person will be notified where the Sit
up service is and told to attend if permission is not granted the person can be allowed to remain in the service
or asked to leave depending on risk assessment by the assessing service. (See system guidance on transferring
assessments page 43)
Weekend Rough Sleeper Handover
The rough sleeper handover will continue to take place at weekends. The handover will take place after 8pm;
the service will contact the Hub team directly via phone and refer the person using the Admin profile. After
being given permission by the Hub team the person will be notified where the Hub/sit up service is and told to
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Referral routes to MainStay
A referral for a Client may be either an agency referral or a direct presentation referral.
Agency Refers
Direct to
To service via
MainStay team
Direct to Service
Agency Referral
There are two ways in which a service may receive an agency referral for a Client:
Agency Referral via MainStay team
Agency refers
team reviews
referral &
adds applicant
and forwards
receives and
contacts client
1. If an agency referral is received by the MainStay Team. The MainStay Team will then forward the
referral to the most appropriate service depending on the date required for assessment and taking in
to account any disclosed risks on the referral form.
2. The service will receive the referral form as a Task and some general client details already recorded
including the referral form scanned and attached to the client record.
3. Once a service receives this referral they will then need to contact the Client and/or referral using the
Client’s contact details from the referral form. The service should let them know that their referral has
been received and that they can come in for an assessment on the date they had specified.
4. If ‘today’ has been ticked on the referral form (for the question ‘When they would like assessment’) the
assessing organisation would be expected to offer an assessment to the Client that day.
5. Before inputting the referral information on to the system the assessor will need to verify the
information. NB An assessor may choose to input this information without the Client as if the client
has known risks they may pop up as alerts at this stage.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
6. Once the referral has been inputted and the assessor has completed all fields click save and next. At
this point the assessor is now ready to complete the assessment with the client.
Agency referral direct to service
Agency refers
contacts client
1. If the service receiving the referral is not an assessment point on the day requested by the Client then
this referral will need to be forwarded to the MainStay team (unless the service has prior arrangements
with the referring agency). The service can also forward the referral to the MainStay team if they feel
the Client could place their staff or service users at risk.
2. The service must contact the Client using the Client’s details or further contact details from the referral
form to let them know that their referral has been received and that they can come in for an
assessment today. If the Client does not require an assessment that day then the assessment point will
check that they can offer an assessment within the agreed time frame specified. NB If they cannot offer
an assessment within the timeframe this referral should be forwarded to the MainStay team.
3. Follow steps 5 and 6 mentioned previously.
Direct referrals to Services
Individual Direct Referrals
Agencies referring to MainStay services can also specifically refer to one particular service if they request this
via their MainStay referral form. All referral forms will be attached to the client’s record.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
By making a direct referral the referral agency will understand that they are opting out of the wider MainStay
network and that the assessment conducted will only be used to refer the Client to one particular service and
not consider them for all MainStay services. Again the amount of bed spaces filled through direct referrals
would be monitored and reviewed regularly with services and the MainStay manager.
NB This would only apply to agency referrals all self presentations will be accommodated via the Matching
Facility. All direct referrals would still be processed via the MainStay IT System and the MainStay assessment
would still be completed unless prior referral arrangements have been agreed. Direct Referrals will only be
able to be completed by certain authorised persons within your organisation and can be completed outside of
your assessment hours.
Information regarding ring fenced beds
Whitechapel will still link up with services to refer to ring fenced beds. Whitechapel staff will call and liaise
with the service prior to a referral, the direct referral will then be processed via the MainStay system and once
agreed, staff will be able to access the Client record via their waiting list, accept and fill the allocated bed.
Vacancies for this bed should not be created. But can be accessed via the Add new vacancy screen the bed will
appear with no Star. (See guidance Add vacancy not via auto vacancy page.) All paperwork completed
regarding the ring fenced bed should be scanned and added to client files.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Direct Presentation Referral
The process for a direct presentation referral is similar to an agency referral.
Not an assessment point
When an Client presents at a service which is not an assessment point that day the service will need to refer
the Client to the nearest open assessment point.
Assessment Point
1. The Client may arrive at your service having already completed the direct presentation referral form
or may need to fill one in. Services will need to have a designated area where Clients can complete
this form.
2. Once the Client has completed the referral form the service must then be able to offer an
assessment to the Client within an hour.
3. Follow steps 5 and 6 mentioned in previous processes.
Referrals between MainStay Services
As the main aim of the MainStay is to reduce homelessness it is important that people remain within the
MainStay services until finding suitable move on accommodation. It is also important that services do not
use MainStay Assessments as a way of passing on high need and risk residents to other services with similar
criteria instead of attempting new and creative ways of working with residents within their own
If a person for whatever reason needs or wishes to leave a service and still needs supported
accommodation within Liverpool MainStay that service would be expected to complete a new Assessment
for that service user. Certain fields will be populated by answers from previous assessments and then
checked and updated by the assessor. However, a number of questions will need to be asked again to
reflect any changes in circumstances. Information gained from this assessment and any information
provided by the current service provider will be recorded and used to form the basis of a new risk and
needs assessment showing the current level of risk and need.
Before completing the assessment the assessor would be expected to select the relevant housing status of
the Client.
If you would like to recommend a client to a specialist service within the MainStay please refer to the
MainStay team.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Copying Previous Assessments
Please note services would not be expected to copy a previous assessment over 6 months old, however core
data will always be automatically copied over to the client record and will appear within any new assessment.
If a person has already been assessed via the MainStay Assessment the assessor will have the option of copying
their previous assessment. The assessor may choose to do this to help them populate basic details and tables
containing a large amount of data. However the assessor must still verify and correct the details within the
Referral section to ensure that the referring information is correct and that up to date contact details have
been taken.
The questions within the Assessment would need to be asked again to reflect any changes in circumstances
and where needed answers would be changed or updated. A fresh Risk and Needs Summary would also need
to be completed and the assessor would need to ensure that they have assessed each area themselves. The
additional matching questions would also need to be answered again to ensure the Client matched to the
service that best meets their current needs.
Consent to disclose/data protection
On first presentation to the MainStay all Clients will be required to consent to the disclosure of information to
MainStay services. There is an information sheet available to Clients listing the services that will be sharing
information within the MainStay.
On signing this the Client is consenting to the disclosure of information and that their information may be
shared with organisations within the MainStay and with those organisations in which the MainStay has an
information sharing agreement in order to assist their application for housing and to provide support.
This consent to disclose information will be scanned on to the Clients records. (See System Guidance under
scanning and saving to client files page 33)
Copies of the consent to disclose & relevant Information Sheet can be found under Policies & Guidance tab.
And the consent to disclose on the Client general section will be ticked to confirm consent has been granted.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Client needs interpreter
If you are aware of a specific language need prior to referral. The referral form is available on the MainStay
website in a format that can be easily translated. You can find guidance below on how you can translate a
document via Microsoft word & the internet. NB Machine translation can be helpful for communicating the
basic subject matter. However, human translation will always ensure the full meaning and tone of the text is
Or for more help try
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Question regarding communicating in English
If you become aware of this via a completed referral form you have received (see question on previous form.)
Does the Client communicate in English? You may wish to arrange an interpreter to support you with the
Your organisation may have its own process for organising an interpreter but here are some useful contacts
Please see below good practice- Hints & Tips for organising an Interpreter below.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
NB The MainStay team will try to ensure that when allocating MainStay referrals to services for assessment
those who require interpreters are equally distributed amongst services and reports will allow us the team to
monitor this area.
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Additional Background Information
Begin Assessment with client
(Prior to Risk & Needs) start Background requests
Use contact details collated from referral &
Send out information request forms or complete
telephone request
Add on to the system (under events) any
requests pending and those completed
Completed information request forms, should be
scanned and saved to client files
Risk and Needs Summary completed
Assessor process
Assessors will record any relevant contacts within the assessment questions i.e. agencies working with the
client; these can then be contacted to provide additional supporting background information for the client.
Contacts can be seen under contacts tab on client general screen.
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The requests for additional info can be progressed and any completed within the guidance times for
assessment (1hr 30 mins).
Services should use the Information request & Telephone Information request Forms.
Copies of these should be added to the system under client files before progressing to risk/needs.
Services should add an event to detail References Requested (Outstanding) and References received. (See
System guidance page 27) to prevent multiple services chasing the same reference.
Further checks by accommodation provider (After Matching)
The matching accommodation providers receiving the referral can follow up any outstanding supporting
background information.
The accommodation provider receiving the referral will still be expected to make a decision within the same
After accepting the Client on to their waiting list it is still possible to request/receive background information
but services would only be expected to then refuse any clients if there had been a significant change of risk
compared to the original risk assessment and the service felt it was likely to cause significant harm. NB
Information regarding a Client’s potential risk received after accepting a Client would generally be used to help
form an effective risk management plan.
Adjustment of risk assessment
There may be times when information is disclosed following the completion of the full assessment and a
person’s risk assessment may then need adjustment, this must be recorded via the Events screen and a task
sent to the case owner, so that the risk can be updated.
Saving Information to client files (Please see system Guidance adding scanned & saved file to client record for
further guidance page 33.) Persons receiving references would attach any background information to the
clients file.
Ongoing Background information
Finally, a service can continue to check for additional background information after moving a Client in. They
would then be the case owner and would be able to change the risk assessment. Again they would scan the
background check on to the client’s record.
Previous background checks and assessments for that Client can be accessed so the information held on Clients
will grow during the lifetime of the Gateway.
Assessment Time frames
The guidance time for completing an assessment within 1hr 30 mins however we understand that those times
may vary.
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Timeframes for Decision Making Based on Housing Status
Services will accept and reject referrals within the specified timeframes persons accepted will be placed on that
services waiting list in order of housing status, then date and then matching points. Services will be expected to
offer accommodation in the order of their waiting list.
Statutory Homeless – within 1 hour
Entrenched Rough Sleeper- within 1 hour (this timeframe can be extended when agreed with referrer)
Rough Sleeping – within 1 hour
In danger of rough sleeping – within 2 hours
No Access to Settled Accommodation – Within one working day, so by the same time the next day. If
referred after 1am on the Friday the decision will be expected to be made by 1 am on Monday
6) No Permanent Accommodation – Within one working day, so by the same time the next day. If
referred after 1am on the Friday the decision will be expected to be made by 1 am on Monday
All Services will continue to receive referrals until their waiting list is frozen by the MainStay team.
After their waiting list is frozen they will not receive any more referrals via the matching facility but may still
receive some direct referrals.
NB The criteria used to assess when a waiting list is frozen will be reviewed on a regular basis by the MainStay
Specific Process for 24/7 Services if Waiting List Active
1) During the hours of 8am to 8pm 24/7 Services will continue to make decisions within the specified
timeframes whether they have a vacancy or not.
2) From 8pm to 8am Services will only make decisions within the specified timeframes if they have a vacancy, if
they are only accepting for a waiting list the timeframe for the decision will be as if the referral has been
received at 8am the following day.
Specific Process for 9-5 Services if Waiting List Active
To help prevent persons who are rough sleeping or in danger of rough sleeping from being referred to
9-5 services outside of these hours. A service’s hours for receiving all referrals will be contained within
their name on the system to help assessors when making referrals helping to ensure that only
referrals with a housing status with a 1 working day decision timeframe are sent to 9-5 services
outside of these timeframes. If a referral has been received for a person rough sleeping or in danger
of rough sleeping after 4 o’clock the organisation will respond as if it has been received at 9 o’clock
the following morning. Guidance around this will be given to all assessors.
Risk details on agency referral form The agency referral form will include some details of risk and needs of the
Risk on arrival to assessment point All Organisations would conduct MainStay Assessments subject to a risk
assessment, although an assessment would be expected to be offered within an hour, if the service felt that by
offering an assessment they were placing their staff or service users in risk an assessment would not be
offered. This might be due to previous knowledge of the service user, his current conduct or because of an
incident that has happened or has just happened within that service resulting in staff resources not being
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
available. In cases where the risk identified is particular to the service the person would be referred to the
nearest alternative and appropriate MainStay point after checking that it is okay to do so where possible.
However if the persons conduct suggests that they would be a risk at any organisation in which they presented
an assessment would simply be refused.
Status/Risk alerts on client It is good practice for an assessor to input the referral section of the assessment
without the Client, if the Client is already on the system this will give assessors the opportunity to check for risk
alerts and read any previous relevant information on the client record. The assessment is designed to be
completed with one assessor but if appropriate and particularly where there are risk alerts it could be
completed with two assessors.
Risk tab in assessment The Risk section is split into 15 risk sections, details below.
(Please see system guidance on Risk tab for further guidance page 28)
(This may current/past use, substances used, frequency and method of use, length of time used, serious incidents relating to drug misuse and periods of
abstinence and any treatment the client is accessing.) Please include any risk of overdose and abuse of medication if known.
(This may include amount/frequency of alcohol use, length of time used and any serious incidents relating to alcohol, periods of abstinence).
Physical Health
(This may include any physical health problems, recent periods of hospitalisation, disabilities, mobility issues and sensory impairments)
Mental Health
(This may include any diagnosed mental health problems, concerns in this area, and any medication needed)
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
Self Harm
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
(This may include any previous vulnerability that you consider relevant, indicators of vulnerability could include learning difficulties, history of abuse,
harassment, bullying, violence, social service involvement ,sex work)
(This may include the details of any previous offences known, how long ago they occurred and where possible the details of sentences, please also
comment on any known current risks in relation to Offending)
( This may include details of any previous incidents known and the dates of any incidents )
Sex Offences, and
Offences Against a Person Under the Age of 18.
Violence/Aggressive Behaviour If Yes Give further details
(This may include the details of any incidents of violence or aggression and the outcome of these incidents including eviction or convictions)
(this may include the details of any debts, rent arrears, Gambling Problems and ability to manage their own finances)
(this may include any difficulties in forming relationships and any particular relationships that may pose a potential risk)
Risk of Accommodation Breakdown
(this may include any previous accommodation breakdowns and support needs in self care and living skills)
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These areas must then be scored using the MainStay risk level definitions:
Low - No significant current indicators of harm.
Medium - There are identifiable indicators of risk or harm.
The person has the potential to cause harm but is unlikely to do so unless there is a change in circumstances,
for example a failure to take medication, loss of accommodation, relationship breakdown, substance misuse.
High - There are identifiable indicators of risk or serious harm. The potential event could happen at any time
and the impact would be serious.
Very High - There is an imminent risk of serious harm. The potential event is more likely than not to happen.
Adding alerts
Where a risk has been scored very high the assessor should add a risk alert to that area. (Please see system
guidance adding risk alert for further information page 36.) These alerts will then pop up to all users on
entering a client record for the first time.
The MainStay assessment section on vulnerability is a free text box for assessors to add any relevant detail in
this area.
For guidance in this area assessors can refer to definitions of a vulnerable adult, this information can then be
used to help an assessor to identify any history or indicators of vulnerability.
Definition’s of Vulnerable Adults, as defined by
(Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act, No Secrets (DH 2000) & Who Decides, Lord Chancellors Department
A vulnerable adult is defined as a person who, “may be in need of services by reason of mental or other
disability, age or illness: and who may not be able to take care of him or herself against significant harm”.
A person is vulnerable in context of the setting in which they are situated or a service they receive.
Those in residential accommodation, provided in connection with care or nursing or in receipt of
domiciliary care.
Those receiving healthcare.
Those in lawful custody or under the supervision of a probation worker.
Those receiving a welfare service of a prescribed description or direct payments from a social services
Those receiving services or taking part in activities aimed at people with disabilities or special needs
because of their age or state of health.
Those who need assistance to conduct their affairs.
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Clients outside of this definition may still be vulnerable due to various reasons this may include: low self
esteem, social exclusion, domestic violence, ethnicity, immigration status, history of sex work, social service
involvement, history of being abused (including, sexual, physical, financial, emotional, institutional), history of
neglect, a victim of harassment and/or vulnerability to violence, aggression or bullying, addictions or
behaviours that require support including eating disorders. This list is not exhaustive.
If during or prior to assessment you become alerted to a safeguarding issue please refer to your organisations
safeguarding policy and process and add any information or outcomes to the clients events log (for example if
you have contacted careline.)
Once accommodated by a MainStay service that service would be responsible for ensuring that any changes in
risk whilst in their service were recorded this would include updating a residents risk assessment when any
significant changes in risk and ensuring that their risk assessment when leaving their service was correct and up
to date
The Needs section is split into the following 10 areas.
Assessors only need to summarise needs in comments box if scores are medium to high.
Motivation and Taking Responsibility
Moving forward and actively making positive changes.
Self Care and Living Skills
Independent living skills and self care.
Managing Money
Managing money/benefits, budgeting, paying bills, managing and reducing debt.
Social Networks and Relationships
Relationships, social groups- Positive/Negative
Drug and Alcohol Misuse
Substance Misuse, Impact on life, harm reduction.
Physical Health
Looking after yourself/living a healthy lifestyle, dealing with health issues
Emotional and Mental Health
Emotional health, feeling low/depressed, stressed or anxious, self-harm/suicide, a diagnosed or suspected
mental health issue.
Meaningful Use of Time
Use of time, interests, hobbies, building skills, interest in training & developing.
Managing Tenancy and Accommodation
Complying with the terms of your accommodation/tenancy, paying rent/charges and bills, neighbours/visitors.
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Problems with the law, complying with probation/legal orders, ongoing offending.
Needs are assessed as Low to High with the following definitions:
None – No history or evidence of Support Need in this area
Low – Person may need minimal support in this area. Some history or evidence of past need.
Medium – Person has support need in this area that is manageable/currently being met.
High – Person has support need in this area that is not being managed/met.
NB Needs may include any immediate need. It is important that assessors provide as much information
as possible. This section will provide valuable information to services including forming the basis of future
support plans.
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Statutory Homeless – 'Statutory homelessness’, is where local authorities have defined a household as
homeless within the terms of the homelessness legislation. Where they are found to be in priority need and
not intentionally homeless then local authorities will have a duty to offer accommodation. This can include
families with dependent children, pregnant women and adults who are assessed as vulnerable.
The legal provisions are contained in the 1996 Housing Act, the Homelessness Act 2002, and the Homelessness
(Priority Need for Accommodation) (England) Order 2002.
This option would be able to be selected by Housing Options who could use the MainStay to refer to
nominated beds within Green Lane/Geneva Road or to other services. Statutorily Homeless would be
prioritised above all others for all available beds first and for all upcoming vacancies. Housing Options can
monitor placement of these persons through the MainStay.
Rough Sleeping – Those assessed as currently known to the services as rough sleeping. These would be
prioritised 2nd behind Statutory Homeless and may only be able to be selected by certain specific organisations.
Again these would be allocated to available beds first. If not accommodated by 3pm and confirmed as rough
sleeping that night they will be referred as rough sleeping to the Hub/Sit-Up Service.
In danger of Rough Sleeping – These would be defined as those people in imminent danger of rough sleeping.
These people would be prioritised third and would be referred to available beds. If not accommodated by 3pm
and confirmed as rough sleeping that night these persons will be referred to the Hub/Sit-Up Service.
No Settled Accommodation – These could be defined as those people not in imminent danger of rough
sleeping but having no access to settled accommodation. Although they may be in danger of rough sleeping in
the future they can be accommodated safely for at least the next three nights. These would be prioritised
No Permanent Accommodation –These are people who could be defined as currently temporarily
accommodated and although needing to move from this accommodation can remain in this accommodation
for at least the next 7 nights. These would be prioritised last and would match up to all types of
accommodation no option to use the assessor override to select accommodation with a more suitable date
would be necessary as advance vacancies will not be more than 7 days in advance.
Entrenched Rough Sleepers – There is an additional category for those entrenched rough sleepers so that
assessments may be carried out and then the application is frozen until the person is ready to be
accommodated or enough additional support has been put in place to allow them to be safely accommodated.
This option would only be available to be selected by certain services. Guidance times for conducting
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assessments may not be realistic for this category. Timeframes may be extended and this would be agreed
between the service and the referrer.
Picking Matches
The procedure specified below aims to strike a balance between finding the most appropriate supported
accommodation for an individual and ensuring that they are quickly accommodated to prevent the possibility
of rough sleeping.
Within the guidance the term “current referrals” is used this applies to referrals that have either been accepted
by an accommodation provider or where they are awaiting a decision.
Statutory Homeless (Housing Options only) For persons who are statutory homeless housing options can use
the matching facility via the assessment to generate the most suitable matches or make direct referrals to
services. The amount of referrals to services for persons of statutory homeless would not be expected to
exceed 8 current referrals although may do so in emergency circumstances.
Entrenched Rough Sleepers/ Rough Sleepers (Whitechapel and Basement staff only) For persons who are
currently rough sleeping assessment staff can select up to 5 current referrals from the first 5 matches. For each
refused referral assessment staff can then refer to the next appropriate match on the list of matches. If the
service user does not wish to be referred to all 5 of the top matches or does not want to be referred to the
next appropriate match after a referral refusal then provided there are current referrals still active for the
Client the process of referring is complete. If further referrals or guidance is needed then the assessor should
contact the MainStay team.
In danger of rough sleeping (All Services) For persons who are in danger of rough sleeping assessment staff
can select up to 3 of the first 3 matches where there are more than 3 services within the top matches due to
services having equal matching points the service user will select which 3 services they are referred to. For
each refused referral assessment staff can then refer to the next appropriate match on the list of matches. If
the service user does not wish to be referred to 3 of the top matches or does not want to be referred to the
next appropriate match after a referral refusal then provided there are current referrals still active for the
Client the process of referring is complete. If further referrals or guidance is needed then the assessor should
contact the MainStay team.
No settled accommodation (All Services) For persons who have no settled accommodation assessment staff
can select up to 2 of the first 2 matches where there are more than 2 services within the top matches due to
services having equal matches then the service user will select which 2 services they are referred to. For each
refused referral assessment staff can then refer to the next appropriate match on the list of matches. If the
service user does not wish to be referred to 2 of the top matches or does not want to be referred to the next
appropriate match after a referral refusal then provided there are current referrals still active for the Client the
process of referring is complete. If further referrals or guidance is needed then the assessor should contact the
MainStay team.
No permanent accommodation (All Services) For persons who have no settled accommodation assessment
staff can select up to 1 of the first matches where there are more than 1 services within the top matches due
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
to services having equal matches then the service user will select which service they are referred to. For each
refused referral assessment staff can then refer to the next appropriate match on the list of matches. If the
service user does not wish to be referred to the top match or does not want to be referred to the next
appropriate match after a referral refusal then the assessor should contact the MainStay team.
Service User Choice
In the circumstances where the top matches or next appropriate matches have equal points with other services
the assessor will help the service user to make an informed choice using the Services Directory provided. The
service user will then be permitted to select the match or matches available for their housing status (amount
of referrals allowed can be viewed in Picking Matches page 37).
Assessor Input
Although there is an expectation that the above process will be adhered to by all assessing services it may on
occasion be necessary for the assessor to not pick one of the top matches or after refusal by a service not
select the next appropriate match. Where a referral has been made to a service outside of the agreed process
the assessor will select “Earlier Match Not Picked” within the Events screen and then record the reason for not
selecting an earlier match.
The circumstances in which this would happen is where the assessor is aware of a specific reason why a match
is unsuitable for the Client for example the person has just been evicted from the service or is a risk to or from
a person within that service.
Park View/ Supported Lodgings Appear as Top Match
If Park View or Supported Lodgings appear as the top match then with the Service Users permission a referral
will be made to this service in addition to the amount of referrals allocated to each housing status. The
simplest example of this would be if the person was of no permanent accommodation (allowing them one
current referral) but Park View was the most appropriate match the assessor could refer the person to Park
View and the next appropriate accommodation provider. If refused by that accommodation provider the
assessor would continue to work their way down the list of matches referring to accommodation providers
despite the fact that the person had been referred to Park View. The reason for this is that Park View and
Supported Lodgings will be operating a secondary assessment and that whilst the Client is waiting for this
assessment they will still need to be accommodated. Once accommodated within another provider Park View
or Supported Lodgings would then still offer an interview, if accepted place the person on their waiting list, and
offer a room when one became available.
Waiting for a client to arrive for a bed
MainStay have not specified a time to wait for a client to arrive, services can decide on what is appropriate and
deal with this on an individual basis. The time may vary depending on the Clients situation, location, client
needs, previous no-shows etc.
Posting Vacancies
Advanced Vacancies
All advanced vacancies will state the day in which accommodation would be available. The accommodation
must be available for 11am on the day specified. If for any reason an advance vacancy is not available by
11oclock that day the provider must contact the MainStay team Vacancy must be a definite vacancy that the
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
organisation is sure will be vacant (further guidelines will be provided in this area below). Permission to submit
advanced vacancies may be withdrawn if vacancies not available.
Once an advance vacancy is submitted the accommodation provider will be able to offer accommodation to
Clients in the order of their waiting list. Attempts to contact Clients and contact made with Clients will be
detailed via the Events log; providers will be expected to make reasonable attempts to contact Clients before
moving onto the next match. The accommodation provider would ensure that the date of accommodation was
suitable for the Client and would then create an Event “Accommodation Offered” to prevent another provider
from offering them accommodation. All Accommodation providers will be expected to check the Events log
before offering accommodation. (see page 55 adding Events)
All advanced vacancies could only be posted in the following circumstances:
1) Eviction (where appeal has already been held and lost or there is no right to appeal)
2) Tenancy (move on accommodation that has already been signed for and confirmed with Accommodation
providers that person will definitely be moving in on day in question)
3) Planned move to another MainStay service confirmed by both parties.
4) Person has already moved out but accommodation subject to routine maintenance with a definite
completion date.
Specific Vacancy Rules for Groups of Services
All Advance Vacancies must be available by 11 o’clock on the specified day.
Low Level Support (Dispersed Housing) = 7 nights in advance, may be posted one week prior to vacancy being
available. This is largely due to the need to set up gas and electric, sign tenancies with external RSLs.
Park View and Supported Lodgings = 7 nights in advance may be posted one week in advance to allow them to
give definite move in dates via the MainStay for person’s accommodated within other MainStay services
allowing other providers to prepare for future vacancies.
Young People Services, Substance Misuse Services, 2nd Stage Move On = 3 days in advance
Vacancies can be input a maximum of 3 nights in advance. All Clients can be matched up to these vacancies
although the provider will ensure that those offered accommodation in advance can be safely accommodated
until the day of move in.
24/7 Direct Access Single Homeless Hostels
Mon- Thurs hostels would only be able to submit vacancies one day in advance however on Friday they could
submit vacancies for Monday allowing Hub workers and 24/7 services over the weekend to match up Clients to
The only occasion when an advanced vacancy could be submitted outside of advance vacancy rules is to offer
accommodation for a prison referral.
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Prison Resettlement
Referral Procedure
The Prison Release Date for a Prison Resettlement will be included on the MainStay Referral form, completed
by the person referring the applicant. Referral could then be sent to MainStay team or an Assessment Point
Client Record Created if referral sent to the MainStay team this will be forwarded via the Capita system and
the referral scanned and attached to the client record.
The Assessment Point upon receiving the referral will then contact the preferred contact details to arrange an
Prioritisation of Referrals
Prison Referrals assessed will be categorised by the relevant housing status. Giving the relevant priority and
amount of referrals.
Those persons who are not due for release within 7 days will therefore be categorised as no permanent
accommodation but there is realisation that this status can quickly change upon release and that therefore
additional processes must be put in place.
The MainStay team will identify prison referrals daily and with permission from the referring service can make
up to two additional referrals for completed Assessments of persons needing release from prison. This will
ensure that the person will be referred to more services than normally allowed for that housing status
(normally 1 referral).
The MainStay will also identify those prison referrals which have not been accommodated and whose
release date is within the next 7 days and that will change their housing status to in danger of
rough sleeping to increase prioritisation upon services waiting list at this point they will also make an
additional referral 2 referrals.
Advance Vacancies
Services within MainStay have been asked to restrict the time in advance in which they submit an advance
vacancy to ensure that there are enough available beds each day for persons who are currently rough
This differs for groups of services but currently the maximum in advance a vacancy can be submitted is 7 days
again this is not ideal for prison resettlement and although they can make multiple referrals and receive
acceptance from services vacancies can only be offered 7 days in advance and less in some cases.
If a prison referral is the top of a services waiting list where possible the service will offer the vacancy
submitted, however if the day is not suitable services will be asked to do the following
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If the date the vacancy is available is before the release date
The service would be asked to contact the referrer to see if the room could be paid for until release and the
referrer would submit confirmation that it would be.
If the date of the vacancy is after the release date
The service would contact the referrer to see if this date may be suitable.
If neither of these situations is possible then the service would be allowed to create a known advance
vacancy outside of the normal timeframes for the sole purpose of offering a vacancy to a prison referral
thus giving a release date.
Direct Referrals to one service
On occasion in specific circumstances Probation/Prison could request that timeframes for decision making will
not apply in order to arrange meetings with particular services once accepted by that service an advanced
vacancy could be created for the purpose of providing a release address.
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Whitechapel Guidance
Ring fenced bed referral
To make a referral for a ring fenced bed via the system the following procedure should be followed. This does
not replace any of the current procedures i.e. telephone calls to check availability of ring fenced beds and
progress of ring fenced beds referrals.
Services with ring fenced beds will not make ring fenced beds available as vacancies after a person has moved
from that bed.
For persons needing Ring Fenced Beds ideally a MainStay assessment would be completed by Whitechapel
prior to referral. However if a MainStay assessment could not be completed with the person the current
paperwork that has been agreed with that service for them to make a decision should be scanned and attached
to the client record before referral.
Whitechapel will then directly refer to the service with the ring fenced bed by clicking on the client’s record
and then the referral tab via the Add Referral Tab.
Select the service the
ring fenced bed is in
Always select ring fenced bed
The client will then appear on the services waiting list.
A telephone call will still need to be made to the service that has been sent the referral to inform them that a
ring fenced bed referral has been made so that they can accept the person and create the relevant vacancy.
Accepting a Referral to a Floating Support Service
Floating support services can create as many vacancies as they need via vacancies screen. These are not actual
vacancies for accommodation but vacancies for support placements.
When creating a vacancy you will always use the service address so that you may have multiple placements
under the same address.
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Referrals to the service can be viewed via the waiting list.
NB Referrals to Floating Support Services may be made by an accommodation provider or by the floating
support service themselves.
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To accept a client click on to the referral date of the client on your waiting list screen
You will then be taken to the screen below where you can give a referral decision.
You can then book the client into one of the vacancies that you have created. By clicking on the vacancy start
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The clients name will show in the offer client drop down box
The section below allowing you to book the person into the vacancy will now appear
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Once placed in the Floating service you can change their placement owner to their case owner by clicking on
the relevant placement and changing the owner.
This will allow the user to view all their clients by My Open Placements (see quick links page 8) and complete a
support plan.
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Placed Outside of MainStay
For Whitechapel workers who are supporting clients; if clients are accommodated outside of MainStay a POM
Form (Placed Outside of MainStay) should be completed. This will be used to correlate HUB statistics. To
access the form staff should click into the Client record and click the Forms tab and Add Form.
You will then be able to Select the POM form complete and save.
Parkview & Supported Lodgings Guidance
Direct Agency referrals
Due to the specialist nature of Park View and Supported Lodgings services a separate procedure has been
created. The purpose of this is to ensure that Park View and Supported Lodgings can complete a secondary
assessment to ensure suitability and motivation to their projects. It also ensures that those persons with an
imminent need for accommodation can be safely accommodated and still remain on either services waiting list
after accommodation.
Firstly Park View and Supported Lodgings have authorised direct referral routes from regular referrers who are
not looking for general hostel accommodation but wish to refer to specifically to Park View or Supported
Lodgings. These are existing routes that have been used to refer to both organisations.
Examples may be that a specialist drug agency such as the DDU may specifically wish to refer to Park View or
that Social Services Leaving Care team may specifically wish to refer to Supported Lodgings.
Referrals and Assessments will still be conducted in the same way a Referral form will still be completed by the
referring agency and a MainStay assessment will also be completed.
It is also possible for those agencies outside of those agreed to request a referral to only one service and not all
MainStay services on a case by case basis.
Agencies will still need to indicate on the referral form that they require a direct referral to a specific service.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
If however a person being directly referred is in danger of immediate homelessness
(Rough sleeping – no settled accommodation see definitions) then they should be considered as a MainStay
Unless a bed can be offered suitable to their housing need.
I.e. within 3 days – no settled accommodation, immediately – rough sleeping.
Direct referrals should have a housing status of “no permanent accommodation” on the system this is
priority level 7.
NB. Please note that self presentations will always be considered as (Wider) MainStay referrals and should
always go through the Matching process. However if a self presentation meets your criteria and is most
suitable for your service then your service should still appear as the first match.
The amount of direct referrals and referrals via the matching facility placed in each service will be regularly
reviewed and monitored by the Main Stay team and commissioners.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Clients matched to service
When Park View or Supported Lodgings are the first match following a MainStay Assessment then all assessors
have been informed (with the service users permission) to refer to either Park View or Supported Lodgings as
well as the amount of referrals for each housing status. (See picking matches for amounts of referrals page 37)
These persons will then appear on ParkView and Supported Lodgings waiting list which will also display the
relevant housing status
If accommodated by another accommodation provider that person will then disappear from ParkView and
Supported Lodgings waiting list as placed elsewhere.
However a report has been created and scheduled to run twice a day that will allow the MainStay team to
establish any persons that have disappeared from either services waiting list due to being accommodated. The
MainStay team will then immediately refer that person back to ParkView or Supported Lodgings selecting a
Housing Status as “placed awaiting specialist service” and changing their priority level to 7 indicating that their
MainStay status is “no permanent accommodation”.
Both ParkView or Supported Lodgings will then order their waiting list by Housing Status placing people with
the lowest priority 7 at the top and then in date order. All persons with other priority levels will be ignored by
ParkView and Supported Lodgings meaning that secondary assessments will only be booked for those with
priority level of 7. This ensures that those persons with an imminent need for accommodation can be safely
accommodated and still remain on either services waiting list after accommodation.
The only exception to this is as mentioned earlier for those direct referrals that can be immediately offered a
bed suitable for their housing need. However it would be expected that as Park View and Supported Lodgings
are working from a waiting list that this would only be in exceptional circumstances.
To action those clients on the waiting list who are priority 7, an Interview will be booked via the system.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Secondary Assessment can then be completed and scanned on to client on to client record. (See guidance on
scanning files page 33)
Following this assessment a decision can be made Client - shortlisted /refused
When a suitable room becomes available ParkView/Supported Lodgings will offer via the Offer Screen (where
necessary informing the case owner if already accommodated via tasks).
Once accommodation offered an Event should be created.
Once the client has presented at your accommodation they can then be booked into the Accommodation a
task sent to current case owner if already case owner to change case ownership. (See page 50 system
guidance regarding Accept to waiting list and offer accommodation.)
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Housing Options Guidance
By adding a yourself as a sub case this means you can continue to access your clients details not only during the
assessment referral process but once they have been placed with an accommodation provider.
Click into the Clients record and click on Sub- Cases tab. You can then click Add Sub-Case.
You can then add a Category of Housing Options,
Type=Stat Homeless or Homeless Investigation.
Approach method= (method of contact) Direct Housing Options or Via Agency or Via Provider.
The Sub-Case owner will default to your own name. There is also space to add comments.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
Once Sub case owner you will be able to view these clients under My Open Clients; My Sub Cases, you can
close a case by clicking back into sub-cases and adding an End date.
You can close a Sub Case by going back into the screen and adding an end date.
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013
This manual is subject to change. Please check the MainStay website for the latest version.
If you find something is incorrect or missing please let us know by emailing
MainStay Guidance Manual version 1 July 2013