Type FP-WP Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors
Type FP-WP Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors
Type FP-WP Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors FP·wp Capacitors are designed for + 85°Coperation, through 450 volts, higher voltages designed for + 65°C, and have standard twist-prong mounting lugs with solder terminals. PFP·P'WP types use standard EtA printed circuit terminals and can be used in place of normal solder terminal types. All types use "etched cathode" construction for hum-free operation, and have an exclusive vent and seat design. Standard tolerance, Up to 50 WVOC, -10% to + t50%; 51 to 350 WVOC, -10% to + 100%; 351 WVOC and up - 10% to + 50%. For complete tech nical information request Bulletin 4-101. For prices, reference price sheet No. 300. Replaces: TVl, pel, AA, 88, CC and DO. For FP-WP capacitor hardware and data see page 40 and 42. Singles Duals ,',;~'I WVIIC 2500 10000 1000 2000 3000 5000 10000 500 1000 1500 2000 4000 5000 7500 4700 5000 100 150 500 500 1000 1000 1250 1500 2000 4000 50 100 120 140 150 150 200 300 1200 1400 120 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 45 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 160 175 200 ca.. ""'or No. M G L F PWP031 FP031.8 WP039 WP041 WP042 FP042.6 FP042.8 WP057 WP059 PWP060 FPO&0.2 FPO&0.4 FPO&O.& FPO&0.8 FPO&1.1 FPO&2 WPO&4 WPO&4.2 WPO&5 WPO&& PFPO&&.4 FPO&&.5 PWPO&7 WPO&8 FP070 FP071 FPll5 FP11& FP11 &.5 PFPll&.8 FP117 FP117.5 FP118 FP119 FP123.1 FP1 23.2 FP121 Cod. F G H L F C R G H N G N L L F B B F G F H G L L B B B F F F I N F ,~.I 125 125 160 400 500 950 140 150 160 160 200 750 80 100 1&0 200 30 50 60 80 125 150 200 250 320 15 20 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 125 90 WVDC 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 CIU Cod. Catalol No. B PFPI21.5 B FP122 F PFP122 F PFP122.9 H WP123 H FP123.3 C WP125.5 C WP125.9 0 FPI 25.95M** G FPI31.7 0 FP127 I FP128.1 C FP128' C FP129.1 G WP I31.5M** wpm G L FP135 , B C F G G F G I L M M B C 0 F G G H G FPI3). FP137.2 FP138 FP140 FPI40.& FP140.7 FP140.91 FP141 FP143 FP144 PFPI44, FP145 FPI4& FP147 FP148 FP149 FP150 FP155 FP181' ,~.I 1000-1000 1000-1000 1500-1 000 900-700 500-100 1000-2000 500-500 1000-1000 1500-1500 1000-1000 3000-800 750·750 2000-2000 50-50 100-100 1000-1000 1500-1500 150-47 750-500 20·20 40-40 50-30 50-30 50-50 70-30 80-40 80-40 80-50 100-50 125-100 200-150 200-200 250-200 500-500 470-10 250-100 300-250 400-200 300-300 20-20 40-40 750-100 150-150 .., ··Suffix "MOO designates plastic sleeve. WVDC 15-15 15-15 16-10 16-16 20-20 25-15 25-25 25-25 25·25 35-35 35-35 40-40 40-40 50-50 50-50 50-50 50-50 100-100 125-125 150-150 150·150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 150-150 175-175 175-175 200-200 200-200 200-200 200-200 200-200 250·250 250-250 250-250 250-250 Cau Cod. ,~.I Catalor: No. WVDC 200-200 150-350 40-40 75-75 120-20 150-100 200-100 20-20 30-30 80·40 80-80 100-100 150-20 150-100 150-150 200-200 250-100 250-250' 270-150 150-1500 120-120 80-200 10-50 80-2 10-10 20-10 20-20 30-30 40-40 50-40 50-50 60-20 60-60 80-20 80·80 100-40 100-60 80-160 80-40 80·50 40-40 60-40 F WP200 B WP201-1 F WP200.23 M PFP200.171 L WP200.5 F WP200.2 F FP201.14 F PWP201.15 G PWP201.3 F WP201.5· 0 PSP201.& T PSP201.7 G FP202 L WP202.1 L WP202.5 G FP202.9 G FP204 M FP20&M N FP207.5 L FP208 L FP21l L FP213 L PFP213.1 L FP214 B PFP214.3 M FP21&.2 B PWP214.4 B WP21&.24 B PFP214.7 R FP215 F FP21&.3· G FP21&.4 F FP21&.42 I FP21&.51 G PFP21&.2 G FP21&.7 G FP216.71 G FP216.81 I FP216.9 L FP2l1 M FP221 S FP217.81 G FP2l1.7 250-250 300-150 300-300 300-300 300-300 300-300 300-300 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 350-350 400-50 400-400 4~0-250 450-350 450-350 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450·450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 450-450 475-250 475-475 475-475 500-500 500-500 elSe Cod. CatalOI No. H FP2l1.74 H FP2l1.863 F FP2l1.87 G FP2l1.9 G FP218 H FP219.7 J FP219.9 B FP227 C FP227.3 G FP227.5 H FP277.& J FP227.7 J FP227.9 J J FP227.9& PFP227.97 FP228.2 FP227.98 FP228.4 WP229.52 FP230.21 FP230.5 PFP230.7 FP231 FP231 .3 FP234 FP237 FP238 FP239 FP240* FP242 FP242.5 FP245.2 FP245.5 FP247 FP248 FP253 FP264.5 FP266 FP288 FP290 H FP228.3 H FP227.95 N N I I I 0 H M B B G G G H G H H J J I N H J G J FP - WP AND PFP - PWP Case Code Chart Oil. LiII>. B C 0 I" 2" E F 1" '"G 2W' I" 3" H 1" 4" IV." 2" 1 J K DI•• LiII>. Pit" 1%" tv," 1%" 1" 2W' 3" '"L M 4" 3W' 3W' N R S T tean ungrounded for photoflash. DII. LiII>. I" l W' !W' 4V2" PN' 1" IVa" 1¥o" 13/8" 1%" 5" IVz" Consult your local Mallory distributor for price in formation . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 18 CONTINUED----<~ Specifications subject to change without notice. Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors Type FP-WP Triples (c,:~) 850·400·4 500·450·100 500·500·500 2000·2000·50 1900·1900·1900 750·700·500 750·1500·500 500·500·100 1500·1500·200 80·60·250 40·40·20 50·50·20 400·400·500 'l0·50·40 40·40·40 50·30·20 50·50·50 60·40·20 70·40·40 80·40·20 80·60·40 120·80·40 300·100·80 390·109·47 50·250·250 250-200·10 700·500·150 ,1'l>-1jifu.l'll 200·50·400 400·500·500 60·200·40 200·200·40 400·50·100 60·60·40 160·150·80 250·100·5 250·200·10 250·200·50 250·200·50 150·1 50·200 250·150·200 500·200·50 150·150·80 100·100·600 100·100·750 100·100·150 20·20·20 40·20·20 40·40·40 80·80·60 100·400·400 100·100·1000 4-80·10 40·200·200 100·60·20 140·100·60 80·40·40 150·30·30 140·100·20 200·100·2 50·500·1000 50·500·2500 30·500·500 150·100·100 250·250·50 100·150·80 50·50·1000 40·40·40 150·100·200 150·5·100 150·100·100 125·20·20 400·80·40 100·60·20 10-10·10 20·20·20 WVDC 16·16·11.5 16·16·16 16·16·16 40·40·40 40·40·40 50·40·40 50·40·40 50·50·50 50·50·50 150·150·10 150·150·25 150·1 50·25 150·150·35 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 150·150·150 160· 160·160 160·160·160 175·150·150 175·175·50 \75· 175·150 175·175·175 200·40·40 200·150·150 200·150·150 200·200·100 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 200·200·200 250·200·200 250·250·100 250·250·100 250·250·200 250·250·250 250·250·250 250·250·250 250·250·250 275·200·200 275·275·75 300·175·150 300·175·175 300·250·250 300·300·50 300·300·300 300·300·300 300·300·300 300·300·300 350·40·40 350·40·40 350·50·35 350·50·50 350·175·175 350·200·200 350·300·35 350·300·300 350·350·25 350·350·50 350·350·50 350·350·150 350·350·175 350·350·200 350·350·350 350·350·350 CUll Co" B l l J H R G C H C l M H B M M B B B B C F G F G G H H H G G G F F F G H H H H H G F ) G F M B C F N G l F G H G H ) H G I B F I G G F G ) H H S H M C Cal.loa (i:~'J No. WP300.7 PFP300.l8 PFP300.86 FP303.1 FP303.2 FP303.3 FP303.9 FP310.1 FP310.2 FP302.5, FP310 FP311 FP311.31 PFP311.63 FP311.5. PFP311.62 FP311.65 FP31 1.61 FP311.8 FP311.J1 FP311.J6 FP311.85 FP312.6 FP311 .77 FP312.JII PFP312.61 FP311.J8 FP312.72 PFP312.71 FP312.7 FP312.8 FP314.8 FP318.JI WP318.77 FP318.J2 FP318.81 FP318.8 FP318.85 PFP318.85 FP318.86 PFP318.87 FP318.91 FP318.88 FP318.883 FP318.89 FP318.9 FP31.8 FP321 FP321.5 FP323 FP323.01 FP323.1 FP326.68 FP326.69 FP335 FP326.7 FP326.62· FP326.75 FP326.78 FP326.79 PFP326.79 PFP326.80 FP326.801 FP326.81 FP327.82 PFP327.36 FP331.1 FP327.89 FP330.16 FP330.246 FP330.247 FP330.24 FP330.30 FP330.26 FP330.5 PFP30.6 Can WVDC CatalOI No. Code 30·20·10 350·350·350 40·40·40 350·350·350 80·60·60 350·350·350 100·100·10 350·350·350 140·140·20 350·350·350 160·60·140 350·350·350 200·80·120 350·350·350 80·80·20 400·200·25 80·80·200 400·200·25 80·80· 100 400·200·50 400·350·25 10·4·20 80·40·100 400·400·50 100·10·20 400·400·50 100·40·100 400·400·350 100·30·20 400·400·400 100·100·40 400·400·400 150·100·15 400·400·400 50·160·50 450·250·50 80·2·25 450·350·25 80·50·100 450·350·200 20·20·20 450·350·350 50·10·160 450·400·250 10·10·20 450·450·20 450·450·25 20·20·20 40·40·20 450·450·25 10·10·40 450·450·50 80·20·100 450·450·50 80·80·50 450·450·50 450·450·150 40·40·40 40·40·100 450·450·200 450·450·400 80·80·10 450·450·400 80·80·20 450·450·450 4·20·50 450·450·450 10·10·10 450·450·450 20·10· 10 450·450·450 20·20·20 450·450·450 30·30·30 40·40·10 450·450·450 40·40·20 450·450·450 40·40·40 450·450·450 450·450·450 60·40·40 80·30·20 450·450·450 80·40·20 450·450·450 80·40·30 450·450·450 80·40·40 450·450·450 450·450·450 80·50·30 475·300·50 10·4·100 40·80·)0 475·450·450 475·475·25 50·18·40 80·80·20 475·475·350 10·10·10 475·475·475 30·30·20 475·475·475 40·20·20 475·475·475 40·30·10 475·475·475 80·10·18 475·475·475 80·10·30 475·475·475 30·20·20 500·500·500 40·20·20 500·500·500 ··SuHix. "M" designates plastic sleeve. tean ungrounded for photoflash. C G I J I I S F G H l J F I I 1 I 1 H I 0 1 B C G B H H G 1 H N E C 0 F G G H H FP330.7 PFP330.8· FP331.3 FP332.4 WP332.44 PFP331.4 FP331.91 FP332.451 FP332.452 FP332.47 FP332.51 FP332.2 FP333.14 FP336.86 FP333.95 FP33 3.971 FP337 FP341 .6 FP342.75 FP342.8 FP343.5 FP343.2 FP345.2 FP345.8 FP346 FP365 FP368.3 FP368.61 FP369.1 FP375 FP375.73 FP375.75 FP375.45 FP375.8 FP376.3 FP376.5 FP376.7 FP376.8 FP376.9 FP3JJ.1 FP3JJ.7 FP3JJ.71 FP378 FP378.1 FP378.4 FP378.45 FP384.16 FP385.5 FP385.51 FP385.7 FP394 FP396 FP396.1 FP396.12 FP396.22 FP397.1 FP399.4 FP399.5 ) G I I I H B ) G H l G G G H ) G H FP - WP AND PFP - PWP Case Code Chart 'oy ala. lith. 8 1" 2" C I" I" I" 1%" 2V2" 0 E F 3" 4" 2" ", ", Ola. lith. G H I¥a~ I 1 1%" 2W' 3" 4" 3W 3W' K I¥.~ I W' I" l M H R S T Oia. lith. I" I" 1%" Pl.t lW 4111" I :v.~ I¥.t I %~ 5" l W' 13/," Consull your local Mallory distributor for price information. 1111111111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 11 1111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111111 111111 CONTIN UEO--_ Specilicat ions subject to change without notice. 19 Type FP-WP Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors Quads Cap. (Mill) 850-400-100-15 400-600-120-80 400-600-200-60 200-500-500-500 400-400-500-500 400-400-40-500 250-250-20-100 300-200- 10-100 300-200-200-10 250-100- 10-5 300-100-20-20 300-100-100-1 0 100-100-60-30 100-100-100-30 310-180-60-10 150-650-50-10 5-300-550-100 250-400-50-5 350-350-150-500 200-200-100-10 240-140-160-5 250-200-10-10 450-160-60-5 80-400-400-500 280-100-300-40 150-100-10-10 150-200-40-10 115-5-120-100 10-20-50- 1000 250-50-400-2000 100-10-200-30 140-10-200-30 150- 100- 10-10 150-150-30-30 50-500-500-200 100-500-500-100 100-400-200-500 40-100-100-300 100-150-5-100 180-100-150-100 200-50-50-20 150-200-20-50 120-100-100-100 40- 100-1-50 100-80-250-100 40-80-10-10 160-60-10-4 100-15-5-25 40-40-50-50 200- 150-100-100 40-20-100-100 150- 100-20-1 00 4-4-50-500 4-50-50-100 4-40-100-100 10-10-100-20 10-10-40-100 10-10-140-100 10-30-100-40 10-100-150-60 10-100-150-100 20-40-50-100 60-100-100-100 90-30-5-100 5-10-30-100 10-160-200-80 10-50-150-200 40-20-20-10 40-40-30-20 40-40-40-40 80-60-40-20 100-100-50-50 150-100-20-20 150-100-50-10 80-80-4-100 80-80- 100-100 WVDC 16-16-16-11.5rms 100-100-100-100 125- 100-50-40 125-100-60-35 150-150-35-35 150- 150-150-35 165-1 50-150-50 175- 150-150-1 50 175-150-150-1 50 175-1 60-150-150 175-175-1 50- 150 175- 175- 150- 150 175-175-175-175 175-175-175-175 175-175-175-175 200-175- 175-150 200-175-175-175 200-175- 175-175 200-200-100-100 200-200-200-200 200-200-200-100 200-200-200-200 200-200-200-200 250-150-150-35 150-150-175-175 250-250-250-250 150-150-250-250 300-100-175-75 300-300-50-35 300-300-150-3 5 300-300- 150- 150 300-300-150- 150 300-300-300-300 300-300-300-300 350-50-25-25 350-50-15-15 350-175-175-40 350-175-175-175 350-100-150-50 350-100-100-100 350-100-200-100 350-100-200-200 350-300-150-75 350-300-175-50 350-300-175-150 350-300-300-300 350-300-300-300 350-350-50-25 350-350-50-50 350-350-175-100 350-350-200-50 350-350-350-15 350-350-350-35 350-350-350-35 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-50 350-350-350-75 350-350-350-200 350-350-350-200 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 350-350-350-350 400-200-150-50 400-350-15-15 taSl! Code R J J J N N H I J G G G H J J N N H S I I H I I I H H H F S H G J I H H N H G N G H J G H G J F F N F H F F H G F H G H I F I H F N N F G H J H N I I I C,/'; CaUIDI No. FP401.9 FPF404 FP407.4 FP407.6 FP407.7 FP411.33 PFP412.01 PFP412.07 FP412.09 PFP412.08 FP412.092 FP412.21 WP412.1 FP412.14 FP412.11 FP412.06 FP412.144 FP412.143 FP412.145 FP412.13 FP412.13 PFP412.17 FP412. 19 FP412.19 FP41 2.191 FP412.9 FP412.91 PFP419.05 FP417.4 FP417.41 FP419.4 FP417 .5 FP419.55 WP419.52 FP419.m PFP419.599 FP41 9.10 FP414.10 FP419.565 PFP414.2 PFP414.11 FP414.1 FP417.26 FP418.1 PFP417.27 WP419. 51 FP419.65 FP419.615 FP419.635 FP419.642 FP419.649 FP419.311 FP419.31 2 FP419.313 WP420.25 FP420.23 PFP420.17 FP420.28 FP419.89 FP420.281 FP419.895 FP420.18 FP420.273 FP420.29 FP420.33 FP420.341 FP420.409 FP420.35 FP420.36 FP420.38 FP420.4 FP420.37 FP420.365 FP420.406 FP420.407 FP420.43 C.llalol No. Can WVDC 1M I Codl FP420.438 PFP420.439 PFP420.3SS FP420.6 FP420.1 FP420.97 FP421.3 FP421.81 FP421.86 FP422.05 PFP422.06 FP422.11 FP423.2 FP423.21 WP423.5 FP424.3 FP426 FP427.5 FP427.66 PFP427.68 FP427.67 PFP427.69 FP427.695 FP427.74 fP42H FP427.75 FP427.90 FP428 FP428.4 FP428.5 FP429 FP433.3 FP450.01 FP432.9 FP450.2 FP433.4 FP434 FP434.5 FP444 FP444.5 FP444.8 FP444.95 FP447 FP447.5 WP447J FP450 FP450.08 FP450.16 FP454.4 FP454.5 FP454.8 FP456.5 FP460.5 FP470 FP471.1 FPm FP474.5 FP475 FP476 FP472.5 FP494 F J 400-350-150-25 10-4-4-20 400-350-150-50 40- 100-5-100 400-350-350-350 150-100-20-20 400-400-50-25 80-40-100-20 400-400-50-50 100-10-30-20 400-400-300-50 80-40-40-100 400-400-350-50 100-10-10-20 400-400-400-50 80-10-4- 100 400-400-400-150 110-20-4- 100 400-400-400-400 100-80-10-30 400-400-400-400 100- 100-10-1 450-150-75-50 10- 160-50-50 450-350-15-25 80-2-15-100 450-350-250-50 80- 110-150-50 450-350-300-300 10-140-100-10 450-350-350-50 10-80-50-100 450-450-15-25 10-15-20-10 450-450-100-50 10-10-60-100 450-450-150-25 80-50-20-150 450-450-250-15 110-50-10-150 450-450-250-50 80-50-20-50 450-450-250-150 30-20-160-40 450-450-250-250 10-30-10-160 450-450-350-15 80-20-2-25 450-450-350-150 20-30-4-200 450-450-350-150 80-30-40-40 450-450-350-100 80-80- 120-70 450-450-350-350 40-10-35- 10 450-450-350-350 40-40-30-30 450-450-400-400 100-100-10-3 450-450-450-15 40-30-10-20 450-450-450-150 80-30-20-40 450-450-450-150 10-80-80-20 40-10-10- 100 450-450-450-150 450-450-450-300 80-50- 10-20 450-450-450-350 40-20-20-20 450-450-450-450 10-10-10-10 450-450-450-450 20-10-10-10 450-450-450-450 10-10-10-10 450-450-450-450 30-20-10-10 450-450-450-450 30-30-10-10 450-450-450-450 40-20-10-10 450-450-450-450 40-40-20-20 450-450-450-450 40-40-30-30 40-40-40-40 450-450-450-450 80-10-10-10 450-450-450-450 80-40-20-10 450-450-450-450 80-40-20-10 450-450-450-450 475-350-350-350 10-130-20-10 475-400-300-25 30-10-4-1 00 475-400-400-50 10-80-40- 100 475-450-400-50 10-60-30- 115 50-40-4-40 475-475-150-25 475-475-450-450 80-80-4-4 30-4-4-100 475-475-4 75-15 80-4-4-100 475 -475-475-25 475-475-475-475 20-10- 10-10 475-475-475-475 20-10-20-10 40-10-10-10 475-475-475-475 80-30-4-4 475-475-475-475 10- 10-10-10 500-500-500-500 " Suffix "M" designates plastic sleeve. N H H J J F I N J J H I I J F F H N I J J H I I N G J S H I J H I H F F G H H H J J H H I I J F J J H N F H F F G H F ;Can ungrounded for photoflash. FP - WP AND PFP - PWP Case Code Chart Ko, Oil. l illl. 8 C 0 E F I" I" I" I" 1%" 2" 2W' 3" 4" 1" ,., G H I J K Oia. IVa" Pia" Ilia" 1%" I" 2112" '" L 3" 4" 3W' 3W' H R S Lith. M T Dia. l"". I" I" 1%" PIa" t W' lW' 4112" lW' Ilia" 1%" 5" Consull your loca l Ma llory distributor for price in formation. 20 Specifications subject to change without nolice. l W' Metal Can Electrolytic Capacitors Type FP-WP Information r FP/wP - PFP/PWP Case Codes (inches) O.E.M. case Code B C 0 E 1X 1X 1X 1X Pis X IVa X IVa X 1% X IVa X 1X I X 1X IVa X IVa X IVa X N2A N2J N3A N4A R2A R2J R3A R4A R3J N3J NlJ NIN R4J RIN R5A F G H I J K l M N R S TERMINALS Dimensions DxL Case Code 1" & 13/8" DIA. 2 2V2 3 4 2 2Y2 3 4 3Y2 3Y2 IV2 1% 4 Ph 5 1 Chassis-Mounting Solder Terminals .50112.11 T .02l.5ITHICK ~DI=l{.~ (~1.61 I FP .2SO 1" and 1%" diameter FP and KFP lugs are twist-tab self-mounting 032 1.11) THICK STANDARD TERMINAL CODE 1 -1" DIA. CODE 3 -1~" DIA. I 1 PFP Printed CKT-Mountlng Printed CKT Terminals .00011.5) 1" Terminal Cod. 1 2 .110 :I: .015 12.781 f~~7 a 1~" DIA. Total In.ert Tota' Blad. Length Blad. 3 H 8 H .148 (3.8) .234 (5.9) .310 (7.9) .105 (2.7) .191 (4.8) .268 (6.8) .148 (3.8) .234 (5.9) .310 (7.9) CAH .02 UI THICK 4 032UITHICK TERMINAL ASSIGNMENT TERMINAL IDENTIFICATION SINGLE SECTION 13/8" DIA. IndO, Indec Ind0 Indee Inde0 Indee Indee 1" DIA. Lug Lug , TRIPLE SECTION r QUADRUPLE SECTION Lug § NEGATIVE CASE Lug § Single Section Dual Sections Triple Sections Blank 0 0 6 6 Lug ~o~ eo c8004t tJ°"', Lug e. Single Section Blank Dual Sections Triple Sections Quadruple Sections 0 0 C 6 0 0 6 6 Blank <DO 4(; Lug 1%" DIA. 1" DIA. a DUAL SECTION .392 (10.0) .627 (15.9) .392 (10.0) .627 (15.9) 5 Blank FLOATING CASE 0 0 0 6 6 (Neg.) Blank (Neg.) c8004f 6 (Neg.) a 0 C 0 0 6 b" (Neg.) Blank (Neg.) HIGHEST-TO-LOWEST VOLTAGE TERMINAL SEQUENCE (If identical voltages use highest to lowest capacitance.) Consult your local Mallory distributor for price information. Specifications subject to change without notice. 21
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