AD Henderson University School
AD Henderson University School
A. D. Henderson University School K-8 Enrollment Packet 2014-2015 All forms must be completed by the parent/guardian of newly selected students. Student Name: Entering Grade: Dear Parent/Guardian, It is our pleasure to invite you to apply for admittance of your child for the 2014-2015 school year. Your child’s admission is contingent upon prompt receipt and review of the following documentation as outline in our Admissions Policy. Failure to return all necessary documentation within 5 business days of invitation acceptance will result in repeal of your invitation. Please return all forms to the ADHUS/FAU High main office, attention C. Raducanu (Registrar), 777 Glades Road, Bldg. 26, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Faxed or emailed forms will not be accepted. Date Received (Office only) Document/Form Registration Checklist Format Needed Birth Certificate Social Security Card Copy Copy Annual Admission Agreement Student Information Form FAUS Health Forms Blackboard Connect/AlertNow Form Immunization Record (DH-680 Form) or Permanent Religious Exception (DH-681 Form) Original Original Original Original Original Form These forms can be obtained at your child Physician’s Office. Students will not be allowed to start school without a complete/appropriate Form. Physical Exam (DH-3040 Form) Original Form The form can be obtained at your child Physician’s Office. Students will not be allowed to start school without DH-3040 Form Important Notes Parents of students entering kindergarten must bring in the original and allow the office to make a copy for the student’s file. Do not leave any areas blank; use N/A where needed. If the student has an incomplete Immunization Form, please make an appointment w/the Physician’s Office when the child is due for the yearly physical exam and follow up with the updated/complete Immunization Form after the physical. (DH-680) Form should include the dates of immunization. If the student’s last Physical Exam was made prior 08/19/13, please make an appointment w/the Physician’s Office when the child is due for the yearly physical exam and follow up with the new form after the physical. Exam must be performed after August 19, 2013. Form has two pages and must be completed on both sides, page one completed by the parent, page two completed by the doctor. If applicable Students under suspension at their current school must finish the terms of their suspension before enrolling. Students under expulsion are not eligible to enroll at A. D. Henderson. The following records should be dropped off or mailed AFTER THE END OF THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR. Individual Educational Plan (IEP) Discipline Status Report, as applicable Copy Copy Final Report Cards Original FCAT Scores-2012-2013 and 2013-2014 Copy (Reading, Math, Writing, and Science as applicable) End-of-Course Assessment Results as Copy applicable (Algebra I, Geometry, and/or Civics) Incomplete Forms/Documents will be returned for completion. All documents received on: _____________________________ 2013-14 and 2012-2013 For students from Private Schools, please provide relevant standardized assessment scores for the previous two years. 1st incomplete noticed mailed home: 2nd incomplete noticed mailed home: 3rd incomplete noticed mailed home: ANNUAL ADMISSION AGREEMENT- 2014-2015 This agreement must be completed (one per family), signed and returned to the school by July 1, 2014 for returning students, or the date indicated in your lottery selection information. If all forms are not received by this date, we assume admission or continued enrollment is not desired. By applying for admission/continued enrollment of: Student: Grade: Student: Grade: Student: Grade: Student: Grade: to A. D. Henderson University School/Florida Atlantic University High School, we the parents/guardians agree to the following conditions for the duration of the above listed students’ enrollment. 1. Pay all costs and fees in a timely manner according to the guidelines below. A. Annual Activity Fees as follows: Grades K-5: Three hundred dollars ($300) per student or one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per student if approved for reduced lunch. No charge if approved for free lunch. Grades 6-8: Four hundred fifty dollars ($450) per student or two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225) per student if approved for reduced lunch. No charge if approved for free lunch. Grades 9-12: Five hundred fifty dollars ($550) per student or two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275) per student if approved for reduced lunch. No charge if approved for free lunch. B. C. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. First half of payment due July 1, 2014. Fees not paid by July 31, 2014 may result in your student(s) not being allowed to attend school. Second half of payment due December 1, 2014. Fees not paid by December 31, 2014 may result in your student(s) not being allowed to attend school. FAU Transportation Access Fee: Grades 9-12: $76.90 for Fall, $76.90 for Spring, and $32.04 for Summer. See attached letter for additional details. Any and all incidental costs which may accrue, including lunch fees. Furnish a health history, including immunization record of the student. For all children entering school, an official birth certificate and social security card are required. Arrange safe transportation to and from school for the student. Permit the filming and/or taping of our child in a school activity for teacher training and research purposes. Permit direct (live) and remote (video) observation of your child by university students and educators. Permit the teaching and/or tutoring by our non-faculty members who have been approved by the administration and faculty of ADHUS. Comply with all policies and procedures implemented by the school. Parents/guardians of all students attending A. D. Henderson University School/FAU High School must read and accept the following2013-2014 school policy documents posted on the school website or you may obtain a paper copy from the school office: Student/Parent Handbook Attendance Policy Code of Student Conduct Dress Code and Uniform Policy Technology Policy & Guidelines Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Fee Policy Furthermore, it is understood that the experimental nature of the instructional program at ADHUS or FAU High School may not be advantageous to or in the best interest of the student. If this should be the case, parents/guardians may wish to or be asked to withdraw the student. It is understood that standards of conduct and behavior are high and that close cooperation between home and school in these matters is required. Serious misbehavior or repeated unacceptable conduct constitutes grounds for dismissal of a student from school. I (We) have read the entire admission agreement and the Admission Policy. I (we) understand all of the conditions for admission, including the school’s right to request withdrawal of a student or to dismiss a student once admitted. Signature of Parent/Guardian Print Parent/Guardian Name Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Print Parent/Guardian Name Date Complete ALL AREAS of the form. STUDENT LEGAL NAME - LAST NAME FIRST NAME PRIMARY RESIDENCE (If multiple addresses, fill out two information forms) APT. # MIDDLE NAME ALSO KNOWN AS CITY STATE ZIP CODE YES NO MAILING ADDRESS IF DIFFERENT (House Number, Street Name, Apartment Number, City, State, Zip Code) STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER IF APPLICABLE ______ - ________ - _________ SEX (M/F) ENTERING GRADE ________ - ________ - ___________ DATE OF BIRTH (MM/DD/YEAR) PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) RACE/ETHNIC ORIGIN a) Is your child Hispanic or Latino? (Please, mark only one) b) What is your child’s race? (Check all that apply) I – American Indian/Alaskan Native P – Native Hawaiian or (Please provide the Document that Other Pacific Islander Confirms the Affiliation to a Tribe) A – Asian B - Black or African American W - White USA ENTRY DATE US CITIZEN (MM/DD/YEAR) □ NO □ YES □ NON-RESIDENT ALIEN □ PERMANENT RESIDENT ALIEN ________/________/____________ _______/_______/_________ RESIDENT STATUS Foreign Exchange Student Out-of-Country Resident Out-of State Resident In-County Resident Out of County Resident Preschool Enrollment Information (Check each program attended. Indicate with an asterisk [*] the program your child was in the longest.) Fee for Services Title I Pre-K Head Start Teenage Parent Program Pre-K Disabilities Private Pre-K None Migrant Pre-K VPK Program Other _____________________ MOTHER/GUARDIAN – LAST NAME FIRST NAME FATHER /GUARDIAN – LAST NAME FIRST NAME OCCUPATION PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT OCCUPATION PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT HOME ADDRESS IF NOT THE SAME AS STUDENT (House # , Street Name, City, State, Zip) HOME PHONE IF APPLICABLE WORK PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS HOME ADDRESS IF NOT THE SAME AS STUDENT (House # , Street Name, City, State, Zip) (Please print) HOME PHONE IF APPLICABLE WORK PHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS (Please print) Provide the name(s) of person(s), other than the parent/guardian, allowed to pick up student and/or be contacted in an emergency. NAME (last, first, middle initial) RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT BEST PHONE NUMBER TYPE Cell Home Work Cell Home Work Cell Home Work Provide a PASSWORD the person allowed to pick up the student will use. (Limit 10 Characters) TRANSPORTATION: The student listed on this form has permission Car Walk Public Bus Train Other to use the following method(s) of transportation: __________ This questionnaire is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11435. Children or youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including: sharing the housing of others due to loss off housing, economic hardship, or similar reason (“doubling up”); living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds due to the lack of adequate alternative accommodations; living in emergency or transitional shelters; abandoned in hospitals Is your current address temporary living? YES NO Is this temporary living arrangement due to economic hardship? YES NO FEDERAL IMPACT SURVEY Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No A. B. C. D. E. The student resides on federal property. The student resides in low rent housing. The parent is employed on federal property located in Palm Beach County. The parent is employed on low rent housing located in Palm Beach County. The parent is in the uniformed services of the United States. If "E" is YES, is the parent on active duty? (Check service below) Air Force Army Coast Guard National Guard Navy Marines TRANSFER INFORMATION Name of the last school attended ___________________________________________________________________________________________ A. City __________________________________________ State _______________ Public School_____________ or Private School____________ B. County______________________________________________ Country___________________________________________________________ C. Last grade level completed (or will be completed at the end of the school year) ______ Last attendance date (at the above mentioned school) ______/_______/_______ Please use this format MM/DD/YEAR D. Does your child have Individual Education Plan (IEP) 504 Plan English language Learners Plan (ELL) Education Plan (EP) Progress Monitoring Plan (PMP) Other Plan? None (If any plan checked, copy of plan is required) HEALTH SCREENING INFORMATION Students will receive non-invasive health screenings pursuant to Florida Statue § 381.0056(7)(d). Non-invasive screenings may include vision, hearing, scoliosis, height, and weight. These tests may be given individually or in groups. Parents or guardians, however, have the right to request an exemption in writing. (This exemption will cover all types of screenings.) If you DO NOT want your child to receive the screenings, write the words "Do not screen" here: _________________________ Does your child currently have health insurance? Yes No If YES, check insurance plan: Medicaid Healthy Kids/Kid Care Private HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY for NEW STUDENTS to ADHUS and FAU HIGH SCHOOL All new students to ADHUS and FAU High School are required to answer the following home language survey questions. Yes No A. Is a language other than English used in the home? If YES, what language? _______________________ Yes No B. Does the student have a first language other than English? If YES, what language? _______________________ Yes No C. Does the student most frequently speak a language other than English? If YES, what language? _______________________ Important: Answering “Yes” to any of the above questions, will require an ELL screening or documentation of a previous ELL plan. If you have questions about this section, please email Lyndsay Tolerton at Date Student Entered United States School (First Time Elementary, Middle, or High School) / / Please use this format MM/DD/YEAR Student lives with: (check one) Both Parents Mother Father Custody Status of Student (check one): Foster Mother Please circle days of the week for shared custody: Group Home Student is a ward of the state Other Father Shared Custody Other DAYS WITH MOTHER - MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN DAYS WITH FATHER - MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN Is There A Court Order Barring Either Parent From Removing Or Contacting The Student During The School Day? Yes No If Yes, Provide The School With A Copy Of The Court Order. Phone: Person Responsible for payment: Name Address Verification of Student Registration Information I verify that the information given on this student registration is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and agree to update the school’s main office in the event that any of this information changes. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Registration is not valid without a signature and date. All parents/guardians MUST complete an information form annually. Blackboard Connect/AlertNow Dear Parents/Guardians, Keeping you informed, especially in emergency situations, is a top priority at A.D. Henderson University School/FAU High School. As many of you know, the school uses a call out system that allows us to send telephone and/or e-mail messages to you with important information about school events or emergencies. We use this system to notify you of school delays or cancellations due to inclement weather, as well as remind you about various events, including report card distribution, open house, field trips, and more. In the event of an emergency at school, you can have peace of mind knowing that you will be informed immediately by phone. What you need to know about receiving calls sent through Blackboard Connect/AlertNow: Caller ID will display the school’s main number when a general announcement is delivered. Caller ID will display 411 if the message is a dire emergency. The system will leave a message on any answering machine or voicemail. If the message stops playing, press any key 1-9 and the message will replay from the beginning. The successful delivery of information is dependent upon accurate contact information for each student, so please make certain that we have your most current phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Please fill out your current information below and return to school as soon as possible. All numbers and email addresses listed on your student information form will receive standard and emergency messages. Additional phone numbers and email addresses listed below will also be contacted. All numbers will be dialed simultaneously. Thank you for your cooperation. If any of your contact information changes during the year, please contact Kimberly Oliver at or 561297-3077 to let us know immediately. Sincerely, Dr. Tammy Ferguson Principal/Director Student Name Student Name Student Name Student Name FAU High Student’s cell number FAU High Student’s email address E-mail address(es): list as many as you would like to receive messages Grade Grade Grade Grade ( ) Smart Phone? Y or N Text Messages? Y or N Health Information and Emergency Notification/Permission for Treatment School Year: 2014-2015 Date Submitted: Date Revised: Instructions: A separate form is completed for each child in the family who attends ADHUS/FAUHS. A current health information and emergency notification form must be on file in the Health Center when school begins or upon enrollment. Information is updated annually. Additional information changes may be added at any time. It is critical to maintain current contact information at all times. Any information shared is confidential and will be kept in your child’s private health care file in the Health Center. It does not become part of the permanent school record. Student’s Name: M or F (Last name, First Name) Grade: DOB: (14-15) A. Contact Information: 1. Please indicate which parent should be contacted first in case of illness or emergency AND which phone number should be used first (cell, home, work). First Contact: Relationship to student: Telephone: Home ( ) Cell ( ) Work ( ) Address: Child lives with: Both Parents Best Contact # Best Contact # Best Contact # Mother Second Contact: Relationship to student: Telephone: Home ( ) Cell ( ) Work ( ) Address: Father Best Contact # Best Contact # Best Contact # Other: 2. Additional people who are authorized to pick up my child from school if I can’t be reached. (Valid picture ID will be required.) Name Relationship Telephone Location/Address (approx. 15 from ADHUS) ( ) ( ) ( ) - B. Permission to Treat or Administer Emergency Medical Care/Authorization to Release Medical Information: 1. 2. I/We, the undersigned Parents/Guardians, in the event of an emergency or injury occurring during school hours, give permission for the evaluation and treatment, in our absence, of the above named student as deemed necessary by a currently licensed health care provider, hospital, emergency medical services or school staff. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian. Care of the injured student will be provided as needed. Care will not be withheld until parent arrives or are notified. I/We understand that the parent/guardian is completely responsible for the financial costs incurred with treatment. I/We, the undersigned, authorize the release of medical information, gathered in the course of a school emergency, to the listed medical care providers and emergency response personnel. I/We authorize the listed medical providers to share any “personal health care information” that will support the health of the student while in school with the designated Health Care staff. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date 3. Health Care Provider Information: Pediatrician/Primary Health Care Provider: Dentist: Insurance Coverage: Yes No Company/Carrier Name: Signature of Parent/Guardian Telephone: Telephone: Date C. Medical History: 1. My child will take daily or emergency medication during the school day. Yes No Name of drug, dose, frequency, time to be given, date drug therapy started or to be started for each med to be given. 2. A current “Authorization to Administer Medication in School” form is completed by parent and healthcare provider and is in the Health Center. Yes No (This form is available in the Health Center and Main Office. It must be completed before any medication, including over the counter medications such as Motrin, Tylenol, or cough drops may be given by the school nurse during school hours. A handwritten note from a parent is not sufficient to provide medication authorization.) 3. Does your child routinely take daily medication at home? Yes reason for administration, and any known side effects. 4. Does your child(ren) have any disease or chronic illness we should know about? Please list below. 5. Does your child currently have Asthma? Yes meds taken: 6. Does your child currently have Allergies? Yes No If your child has a strong allergic reaction to any substance, you are encourage to bring in a completed “Authorization to Administer Medication in School” form for oral Benadryl and/or an injectable Epi-pen, Epi-pen Jr. These will be kept locked in the Health Center. a. Food/Medication Allergies: Treatment: Reaction/Reaction Time: b. Contact Allergies (bug bites, airborne vapors, dust, pollen, lotions, latex, etc.): Treatment: Reaction/Reaction Time: c. All students receive milk as part of the school dietary program. If your child may not drink milk, state law requires a note from your child’s health care provider. My child may drink milk provided by the school. Yes No 7. Has your child been diagnosed or treated for a vision, speech, or hearing impairment? Yes Does your child wear glasses/contacts or hearing aids: Yes No Explain: 8. Has your child been diagnosed or treated for behavioral, developmental, or learning disabilities? Yes If yes, please explain: 9. Does your child require assistance as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act? Yes If yes, please explain: No No If yes, list the name, dose, time given, If yes, list frequency of asthma attacks, date of last attack and No No No D. Medication Policy: All routine, regularly scheduled or as needed medications and treatments administered in the school setting must be authorized in advance by a licensed health care provider. This includes nebulizer or inhaler treatments for asthma, medications, ointments, or dressing changes to the skin and all over the counter medication (OTC’s) such as Tylenol, Motrin, Cough Medicine, and Cough Drops. A note from the parent/guardian does not authorize the school nurse or nurse designee to provide these treatments. Before the nurse can administer any medications or treatments the “Authorization to Administer Medication in School” form must be completed by the parent/guardian and the student’s health care provider. This form must be given to the nurse and filed in the Health Center. The parent/guardian must provide to the Health Center the prescribed medication stored in the original container with an appropriate pharmacy label on each bottle. All labels must include the student’s name, dose, route and time of administration of the medication. No student is permitted to carry any medication in his/her pocket or backpack unless special permission is granted. All medication will be kept secure in a locked cabinet in the Health Center and dispensed by the School Nurse or designee. I/We have read and will abide by the ADHUS/FAUHS medication policy. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Authorization to Administer Medication in School Student Name: DOB: Grade: Last Name, First Name Part I Dear Parent or Healthcare Provider, When considered medically necessary, students may receive medications and treatments as ordered by a licensed healthcare provider, during the school day. Please complete the following information. Be advised that: Orders are valid for one school year. NO MEDICATION OR TREATMENT may be given by the school nurse or designee until this form is completed and properly labeled medication is received. THIS INCLUDES OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS SUCH AS TYLENOL, MOTRIN, AND COUGH DROPS. A physician signature and a parent signature must be on this form. All mediations must be stored in their original containers with an appropriate pharmacy label on each bottle. All labels will include the student’s name, does, frequency, route, time of administration of the medication. Part II Dear Healthcare Provider, The parent initiates this request and has the responsibility for supplying medication and/or treatment supplies. Should the student display any adverse reactions, the parent will be contacted immediately, emergency care will be provided as needed and the medication/treatment discontinued. The parent will be responsible for contacting you for follow-up care as you deem necessary. Please sign below, acknowledging that you understand the procedure for management of side effects to prescribed medications or treatments. Thank you for your assistance. Part III Medication Treatment #1: Name of Drug/Treatment Dosage Route Frequency Medication form pill/capsule inhaler ear drops Known adverse reactions/side effects Prescribed treatment for side effects, if other than as outlined above Medication Treatment #2: Name of Drug/Treatment Dosage Route Frequency Medication form pill/capsule inhaler ear drops Known adverse reactions/side effects Prescribed treatment for side effects, if other than as outlined above Medication Treatment #3: Name of Drug/Treatment Dosage Route Frequency Medication form pill/capsule inhaler ear drops Known adverse reactions/side effects Prescribed treatment for side effects, if other than as outlined above eye drops (include times and duration) liquid injectable eye drops (include times and duration) liquid injectable eye drops (include times and duration) liquid injectable Part IV Parent Permission: I hereby give permission for my child to receive the above medications/treatments during school hours. I understand that medications may be administered by the school registered nurse or designee. This designee may be a non-medical person. If a treatment requires a medical or nursing assessment prior to administration, and a licensed medical person is not available, the medication and/or treatment will not be given. This medication and/or treatment is considered a medical necessity and ordered by a licensed healthcare provider. I hereby release the FAUS District, its agents and employees from any and all liability that may result from my child receiving this medication and/or treatment. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Healthcare Provider Signature Date Parent/Guardian Name (Print) Phone # Healthcare Provider Name (Print) Phone # Do Not Write Below This Line-School Use Only Comments: Medication/Treatment Received Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Date: Amount: Approved by: Logged in Medical Administration Book: Yes No (School Nurse Signature) (School Nurse Signature) (School Nurse Signature) (School Nurse Signature) (School Nurse Signature) (School Nurse Signature) Secured in locked cabinet: Yes No Clinic Policy and Procedures 2014-2015 The ADHUS/FAU HS Policy and Procedures the nurse must follow in the clinic are listed below. We strive to keep all our students healthy and safe. Please keep your child/children home if they are sick. In the event of the following, students are ALWAYS sent home or should NOT come to school: Diarrhea: This is very contagious! Vomiting: To Be Determined by Nurse (gagging on something or sick). Fever: 100 degrees or more (Please DO NOT give your child medication before school that will wear off by the afternoon. Student must have a normal temperature for a period of 24 hours before returning to school. Lice/Nits: We have a NO LICE/NITS POLICY! If your child is suspected of having lice/nits, you must take them to your physician and have them checked. Your child MAY NOT return to school without a note from your physician stating that they do not have either lice/nits. Lice are very contagious just like an illness; we need to keep our students healthy. Please DO NOT send you child to school if you suspect they have lice or nits. Pink Eye: If the teacher and the nurse suspect pink eye, you must have a note from your child’s pediatrician Stating they are not contagious before they return to school (as long as it’s not chronic allergies TBD by the Nurse). Sore/Red Throat: To be determined by the Nurse, unless the child has known chronic allergies and no fever they may not remain in school. Constant cough/Wheezing: Including chest pain. This can be something serious (TBD by nurse). Head/Face Injury: If serious, after 911 is called the parent will be called. Nosebleed (or any other bleeding): Bleeding that does not stop within a reasonable amount of time (15-20 minutes). Skin Eruptions: Contagious or questionable (TBD by nurse). Constant Sneezing (with anything but clear secretion): If the child has only clear secretions and no fever they may remain in school, as long as they use a tissue and wash their hands frequently. When a child becomes sick at school, the nurse will call any and all phone numbers listed on the Emergency Notification form you have completed. Please make sure this form is current. You will have 1 hour to one hour to pick up your child (unless other arrangements have been made with the nurse or the front office personnel due to an unforeseen circumstance). If you do not return the nurse’s call or pick your child up within the stated time, the nurse has the right to call the proper authorities which may include 911. We greatly appreciate your full cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Nurse Deborah at (561) 297-2076. Student Name Thank you. Deborah Baltzer RN Rev. 2/13 Parent Signature Photo/Video Release Name of Student (please print): School Year: Grade: Address: City: State: Zip: Name of Parent/Guardian(s): Phone Number: Email: As a parent/guardian of an A. D. Henderson University School and FAU High School, I understand that my student may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed by the news media or the school. I understand that pictures and interviews may be used on the school’s website, in internal and external publications and electronic/social media as indicated below. If no choice is marked, or this form is not received, it will default to choice #1. I hereby grant permission for A. D. Henderson University School and FAU High School to use my child's name, likeness, and biographical material solely for the purposes of school-related promotional material and publications and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. Possible uses may include, but are not limited to, photograph and video images in annual yearbooks, graduation programs, playbills, school productions, web sites, social media outlets, school approved news media interviews, releases, articles, photographs and similar school sponsored publications. I hereby withdraw permission for A. D. Henderson University School and FAU High School to use my child's name, likeness, and biographical material solely for the purposes of schoolrelated promotional material and publications and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto. Possible uses may include, but are not limited to, photograph and video images in annual yearbooks, graduation programs, playbills, school productions, web sites, social media outlets, school approved news media interviews, releases, articles, photographs and similar school sponsored publications. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Henderson After School Program Enrollment Form School Year: _____________ (Please complete one form PER CHILD) Please email your enrollment form(s) to or drop off the completed form(s) to the front office. If you are emailing this form, you will need to sign a hard copy in the After School office upon your child’s first day in aftercare. Email or contact us at (561) 297–3952 if you have any aftercare questions. We are looking forward to having your child(ren) attend our program! SECTION 1: Child & Parent Information Student Name (Last, First): __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________ Entering Grade Level :________________ Attendance Package: ____ 5 Days until 6:00 P.M. ____ 5 Days until 4:30 P.M. ____ 3 Days until 6:00 P.M. ____ 3 Days until 4:30 P.M. ____ 2 Days until 6:00 P.M. ____ 2 Days until 4:30 P.M. Please check the days your child will attend: __Monday __Thursday __Tuesday __ Friday __Wednesday __ Half Days Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _______ Zip Code :_____________ Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________ Cell Phone(s): ____________________________________________________________ BEST contact number for after school hours: ___________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name: __________________________________________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________________________________________ Father’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________________________________________ Person responsible for paying fees: ___________________________________________ SECTION 2: Authorization of Student Release In addition to parent(s) / guardian(s) listed above, A.D. Henderson University School officials are authorized to release my child(ren) to the following: 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ *Anyone other than parents or guardians MUST show proper identification when picking up your child(ren). Custodial arrangements that prohibit students from being released to any particular party must be on file with the After School office. I understand that my child(ren) will NOT be released to anyone not on this list without prior written authorization from myself to A.D. Henderson University School. SECTION 3: Health and Emergency Information Allergies (food, medications, etc.):____________________________________________ Special health needs/ medications:___________________________________________ In case of emergency I give permission to have my child treated at the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Emergency Room in case of a serious illness or injury. (Every effort will be made to contact the parent immediately.) Insurance Company: _______________________________________________________ Policy Number: ___________________________________________________________ I hereby attest that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and that I am the legal guardian of the student listed. SECTION 4: Parent Signature I acknowledge and agree to all the above stated policies as well as the policies stated in the Henderson After School Program Handbook. Parent Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________