THE DISTRIBUTOR - FJ Holden Owners Club of NSW
THE DISTRIBUTOR - FJ Holden Owners Club of NSW
THE DISTRIBUTOR 37th YEAR OF PUBLICATION CATERING FOR UNMODIFIED 48 & FJ HOLDENS ISSUE 429 PO BOX 5261, GREYSTANES N.S.W. 2145 EMAIL: FEBRUARY 2012 Page 2 FEBRUARY 2012 CLUB DIRECTORY CLUB NAME POSTAL ADDRESS AIMS OF THE CLUB CLUB MEETINGS CLUB RUNS MEMBERSHIP NOTE AFFILIATIONS LIFE MEMBERS GOLD MEMBERS 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED (est 1973) PO BOX 5261 GREYSTANES, N.S.W. 2145 The restoration, preservation and use of unmodified 48 series & FJ Holden vehicles made 1948 - 1956, as well as providing a meeting place for owners to obtain and exchange technical advice. Held on the 3rd Monday of each month, commencing at 8pm. At the Scout Hall, in Boothtown Reserve, Gipps Rd, Greystanes, NSW. Visitors are always welcome. Usually held 3rd Sunday of each month. For more information refer to “Motoring ‘round” pages in the Distributor magazine each month. In addition to the Annual subscription, a one-off fee of $22.00 is to be paid upon joining the club. The Annual subscription fee is $45.00 due on the 1st January each year (includes monthly Distributor magazine, runs, meetings, displays, sticker, Insurance and technical information). Only vehicles listed as per membership form with this club, are permitted to display at official club displays. General Motors Day, Display Committee - 12/3/1976. Council of Motor Clubs Incorporated. (CMC) - 2/2/1981. Stan Bennett and Graham Bailey. Geoff Smith, Terry Thompson, Bevis Apps, Bryan Horne, Jim Hull, Judith Azzopardi and John Azzopardi. 2012 COMMITTEE - These positions attend Committee Meetings. PRESIDENT: Jim Watts VICE PRESIDENT: Jeff Magnoli SECRETARY: Judith Azzopardi TREASURER: Debbie Smith MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: John Azzopardi GENERAL COMMITTEE: David Stephens, Wayne Smith, John Azzopardi MAGAZINE EDITOR: Kris Magnoli CONDITIONAL PLATES REGISTRAR: Debbie Smith CONDITIONAL PLATES INSPECTOR: Bryan Horne EVENTS DIRECTOR: Ian Young (02) 4823 5619 (02) 4572 3539 (02) 9622 0285 (02) 9864 4403 (02) 9622 0285 (02) 4572 3539 (02) 9864 4403 (02) 4681 9238 (02) 9631 5366 The following positions do not attend Committee Meetings PROPERTY OFFICER: David Stephens CMC DELEGATE: Bryan Horne GM DELEGATE: Ray Rowe PUBLIC OFFICER: James Watts CATERING OFFICER: Pamela Watts WELFARE OFFICER: Pamela Watts CATERING FOR ALL UNMODIFIED 48 & FJ SERIES HOLDENS CLUB MOTTO—”WE KEEP HOLDEN ON” 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 3 FEBRUARY 2012 PRESIDENT’S REPORT “KEEP HOLDEN ON” EVERYONE FEBRUARY 2012 The AGM for 2012 is done and dusted and it was a good result for the retiring committee members, with all committee members being re elected. A big ‘Thank You’ to the members who attended to cast their votes. It is encouraging to the committee to see more members attending each month. It also gives the members an opportunity to ask questions or get help with a car problem. Not to mention a few laughs. Besides the supper provided by the ladies is well worth the drive. Motorfest 2012 was not as well attended as in previous years which could only be attributed to the forecast of a wet day. The numbers were down including the spectators. There is always next year. A reminder to our Social members that they retain all of their rights and benefits they had prior to the acceptance of the new constitution. Members who are considering joining us in participating in the Wagga Rally which is held on the long week end in June, 10th – 13th, should let Pam know as there are a few rooms available but when these rooms are taken, there won’t be any more available as this is a very popular weekend with cars from all over the state. So it is a case of first in best dressed. Also don’t forget the Bay to Birdwood run in September. This is a ‘must do before you die’ event. The important thing is to let Pam know so that she can secure accommodation at West Beach which is always in demand as it is opposite the rally point for all participants. The actual route will be finalised at the end of July and all participants will be given an itinerary which will include motels and tariffs. With the appointment of a Welfare Officer at the AGM , namely Pam, she will be sending ‘Get Well’ cards and making enquiries about members who are unwell and how they are progressing and then passing on the information to the committee and members at the monthly meetings. If you know of a member who is not travelling well let Pam know. President’s address at AGM. Welcome to everyone and thank you for coming to participate in the election of a new committee for 2012. The outgoing committee have worked very hard for the club in the past year and the most memorable achievement was getting a new up-to-date Constitution passed by the membership. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 4 FEBRUARY 2012 Congratulations to everyone and especially the membership for their desire to have a new constitution. The club had a very successful year for events including participating in the 50th Anniversary of the Dish in Parkes. This weekend would have to be one we will all remember. The Wagga Wagga weekend was also enjoyed by all who participated. The Wagga Club do a fabulous job organising the run and feeding all of the participants – Congratulations to their committee. The members who ventured out in the rain to attend the Oberon weekend thoroughly enjoyed themselves, especially the drive to Jenolan Caves and the nice lunch in the dining room. It was good to see Garry O’Reilly travel from Portland to meet up with us. We all enjoyed dinner together on Saturday night. Judith has performed the duties of Secretary in her usual par excellent manner. Thank You. Debbie has kept a very close eye on the club’s monies and her accounting for any expenditure is above reproach. Thank You. Kristina had taken on the duties of Magazine Editor very confidently and made her own changes to add interest. Thank You. Ian is always keeping an eye out for new and different club runs for us all to enjoy. Thank You. To ALL of the members who were very generous with their donations towards the raffle which raised $800.00. A particularly huge ‘Thank You’ because without a collective effort by everyone, it would not have been as successful as it was. Also to Kristina for selling tickets at our Display Day and other members who also sold tickets to family members, friends and others -Thank you. Finally I wish everyone a terrific 2012, enjoying club outings and to you and your families good health and happiness. Jim Watts 433 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 5 FEBRUARY 2012 FROM THE EDITOR... Do you have anything of interest or a short story you would like included in the magazine, please don’t hesitate to contact me via phone or email. Remember - If you would prefer to receive your Club Magazine via email (in full colour) rather than in hardcopy, please let me know – Email: THIS IS YOUR CLUB… so come along to the Club Meetings and enjoy the great events we have organized for 2012. For those members who have not renewed their 2012 membership - this will be your last magazine. Take care, Kris PLEASE NOTE – as I will be taking a holiday in March, there will be no March Magazine. The next magazine will be a combined March/April edition. MARCH BIRTHDAYS 8th 17th 20th 22nd 25th Liam Azzopardi Craig Bennett Ann Gardner Ian Mason Edward Cook David McMurray Stirling Shaw 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 6 FEBRUARY 2012 MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING NO. 453 HELD ON 20th FEBRUARY 2012 AT THE CLUBROOMS, BOOTHTOWN RESERVE, GIPPS ROAD, GREYSTANES, NSW. Jim Watts opened Meeting No.453 at 8.00 pm. Minutes of Meeting No 452 as printed in the January 2012 issue of “The Distributor” magazine. Accepted by Robert Shaw. Seconded by Pamela Watts. Business Arising: Nil Members Present: John Azzopardi, Judith Azzopardi, Matthew Bottle, Ted Ashton, Bryan Horne, David Stephens, Ray Rowe, Jim Watts, Pam Watts, Jeff Magnoli, Geoff Smith, Dennis Gardner, George Paulides, Kris Magnoli, Robert Shaw, Paul Shears, Paul Gianniotis, Graeme Kells, Ian Young, Adam Magnoli, Garry O’Reilly, Warren Ross, Wayne Smith, Debbie Smith. Apologies: Ian Mason, Ian King, Vince Azzopardi, Ken Rodger, Daniel Dersenboom, Howard Smith, Lyn Rowe, Ann Gardner, David McMurray, Kim McMurray, Allan Forbes, Stirling Shaw, John Service, Jennifer Young. Visitors: Melissa Bottle, Terry Smith, George Gianniotis, John Kells. Nominations for the Chairman for the Annual General Meeting were called. John Azzopardi nominated James Watts, seconded by Judith Azzopardi. There were no other nominations received, James Watts accepted the position. There is no conflict as all positions will be vacant. The General Meeting was then paused for the Chariman to begin the AGM. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting was opened by James Watts at 8:10 pm. Minutes of Annual General Meeting dated 21st February 2011 and published in the February 2011 issue of “The Distributor” magazine. Accepted by Kristina Magnoli. Seconded by Adam Magnoli. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 7 FEBRUARY 2012 Business Arising: Nil. All positions were declared vacant. All participants at this meeting are to be financial for the year 2012. The Membership Secretary John Azzopardi verified each member in the room was financial. Voting is by secret ballot, where more than one Candidate is nominated for any Committee position. An appointment for any position would be accepted by a majority of one (1) or more. Two Committee members from the last Committee Meeting have been chosen as Returning Officers they are Wayne Smith and David Stephens. One ordinary member was selected from the floor tonight to Scrutineer, Robert Shaw accepted the position. All the 2011 Committee Members are to remain in their positions until the conclusion of tonight’s Meetings. The Chairman asked if all members had signed the Minute Book and all apologies had been recorded. The list of Nominations and proxy holders were displayed on the Whiteboard behind the President and Secretary. The Committee has approved the position of Welfare Officer. The position will be put forward tonight for nominations. The outgoing President delivered his end of year summary for 2011. This will be printed in “The Distributor” - President Report. The Treasurer, Debbie Smith tabled the 2011 Audit. Debbie then read out her Annual Report as below: This year the Committee and members have done a great job with raising money to keep the club in a good financial position as we head into another year. This has been achieved by donations and keeping our expenditure to a minimum. (Profit of $2243.56.) Fundraising for 2011 (last year): Monthly meeting raffle - to all the members that donated prizes throughout the year and the member’s support purchasing tickets each month, thank you for your support. Chocolate fundraiser- thank you Jim and Pam for selling 10 boxes of chocolates and all the members that helped sell them to their family and friends. Thank you. Display Day Raffle - the support the raffle received by members helping by purchasing tickets and donating items for the baskets, made this raffle the great success that it was. Thank you all. I would like to thank Pam for supplying the tea/coffee and supper throughout the year and all the members who supplied cakes and goodies on the meeting nights. Thank you all. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 8 FEBRUARY 2012 We had a lovely Christmas luncheon with lucky door prizes which were donated by Warren. A big thank you to Warren. Without the support of the members, no matter how small the contribution is, it was very much appreciated, so thank you all. The Secretary gave a brief outline of her year: I have enjoyed my position of Secretary in 2011. My fellow committee members have worked hard to leave the club in a solid state for 2012. Our fundraising has been a success thanks to all the members who donated, and worked in many ways to get our finances in a healthy way to start 2012. The new Constitution has now been lodged and came into effect from the 7th February, 2012. It only had small changes but it is now in an easier format to understand. I look forward to another prosperous Club year. Thank you all Judith. Voting for the 2012 Committee Positions then commenced: Proxy’s were declared and the following members held proxy’s for financial members unable to attend – Ian Young. One proxy to vote on all matters. David Stephens. One proxy to vote on all matters. John Azzopardi. Two proxy’s to vote on all matters. Judith Azzopardi. One proxy to vote on all matters. Pam Watts. Two proxy’s to vote on all matters. Jim Watts, One proxy to vote on all matters. PRESIDENT James Watts nominated by Pamela Watts, seconded by Dennis Gardner. No other nominations received. James Watts elected unopposed. VICE PRESIDENT Jeffery Magnoli nominated by Kristina Magnoli seconded by Debbie Smith. No other nominations received. Jeffery Magnoli elected unopposed. SECRETARY Judith Azzopardi nominated by Ken Rodger seconded by Dennis Gardner. No other nominations received. Judith Azzopardi elected unopposed. TREASURER Debbie Smith nominated by Wayne Smith seconded by John Azzopardi. No other nominations received. Debbie Smith elected unopposed. GENERAL COMMITTEE Wayne Smith nominated by Debbie Smith seconded by John Azzopardi. David Stephens nominated by Howard Smith seconded by Pamela Watts. John Azzopardi nominated by Wayne Smith seconded by Debbie Smith. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 9 FEBRUARY 2012 Ray Rowe nominated by Ian Young seconded by Jeffery Magnoli. Because there were only 3 positions vacant for General Committee a vote was taken. The result was for General Committee is Wayne Smith, David Stephens and John Azzopardi MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY John Azzopardi nominated by Geoff Smith seconded by Paul Gianniotis. No other nominations received. John Azzopardi elected unopposed. MAGAZINE EDITOR Kristina Magnoli nominated by Jeffery Magnoli seconded by Debbie Smith. No other nominations received. Kristina Magnoli elected unopposed. HCRS REGISTRAR Debbie Smith nominated by Wayne Smith seconded by Ann Gardner. No other nominations received. Debbie Smith elected unopposed. HCRS INSPECTOR Bryan Horne nominated by Bryan Horne seconded by Debbie Smith. No other nominations received. Bryan Horne elected unopposed. EVENTS DIRECTOR Ian Young nominated by Ray Rowe seconded by Jeffery Magnoli. No other nominations received. Ian Young elected unopposed. PROPERTY OFFICER David Stephens nominated by Howard Smith seconded by Pamela Watts. No other nomination received. David Stephens elected unopposed. PUBLIC OFFICER James Watts nominated by Pamela Watts seconded by Dennis Gardner. No other nomination received. James Watts elected unopposed. CMC DELEGATE Bryan Horne nominated by Judith Azzopardi seconded by Matthew Bottle. Bryan Horne accepted. No other nominations received. Bryan Horne elected unopposed. Another Delegate was asked for there were no other nominations. Only one Delegate will represent the club. GM DELEGATES Ray Rowe was asked would he continue to be the club’s delegate. Ray accepted. No other applicants nominated. Ray Rowe elected unopposed. ALL HOLDEN DAY DELEGATES Nominations were called for. There were no nominations. The club does not have a Delegate. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 10 FEBRUARY 2012 CATERING OFFICER John Azzopardi nominated Pamela Watts seconded by David Stephens. Pamela Watts accepted. No other nominations received. Pamela Watts elected unopposed. WELFARE OFFICER John Azzopardi nominated Pamela Watts seconded by Judith Azzopardi. Pamela Watts accepted. No other nominations received. Pamela Watts elected unopposed. The Annual General Meeting was closed by James Watts at 8.35PM. We then went straight back to the General Meeting 453. Jim Watts re-opened General Meeting No. 453 at 8.35 pm. CORRESPONDENCE: Magazines Inward – EJ-EH Owners and Drivers Club of NSW. January. The Depender, Austin Motor Vehicle Club of NSW. January & February. FB-EK Car Club of NSW. October (2011). An Original Point of View, Early Holden Club of New Zealand. January. Coota Hoota, Cootamundra Antique Motor Club. February. Holden Torque, 48 – 78 Holden Car Club NSW Hunter Halley. Illawarra Early Holden Club, February. Lions Pride Holden Car Club, January/February. In General Terns, Holdens of Age Club, Victoria. January/February. FX-FJ Car Club of Canberra. February. Twin Fin, FB-EK Holden Car Club of Victoria. February. FX-FJ Holden Club of Australia, Sydney Chapter. January. FX-FJ Holden Club of Australia, Melbourne Chapter. February. Mail Inward – Membership renewals handed to the membership secretary. January Bank Statement handed to the Treasurer. Proxy’s for AGM. Cootamundra Antique Club invitation to long distance run, November, 2012. Entry Form re Highlands Steam & Vintage Fair, Oberon. 10th to 12th February, 2012. Invitation to Moonbi/Kootingal Motor Show & Historic Machinery Exhibition, 10th & 11th March, 2012. Chiltern Tourism re 13th Annual Chiltern Cancer Cruise 15th April, 2012. CMC Affiliation Renewal Form. Fair Trading – Receipt for lodgement of our new Constitution. Fair Trading confirming our new Constitution became effective from the 7th February, 2012. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 11 FEBRUARY 2012 Mail Outward Magazines to Corresponding Clubs. Emails Inwards – Cudgegong Cruisers Invitation to Can Cruise, 10th March, 2012. J. Rinkin re meeting at Bunnings Warehouse, Villawood, to discuss BBQ fundraiser. Kristina Magnoli informed us she would attend the Bunnings Meeting. Emails Outward Nil. REPORTS: Treasurer – The Treasurer presented the report, there were no questions. Approval was given to pay any outstanding accounts. The report was tabled for members to view until the end of the meeting. Accepted – David Stephens. Seconded – Ted Ashton. Membership Secretary – Membership Renewals received. $495.00 handed to Treasurer for banking. Tonight is the final night for 2012 Membership renewals as per new Constitution. There will be a 21 day period of time to renew the membership (12th March, 2012) because this is the first year of the rule. CMC – Nothing to report. Bryan reminded us the Federation Meeting is on Sunday 26th February, 2012. GM Display Day– Nothing happening since last month. Everything is ready to go, Ray said this year’s special display will be commercial vehicles. Ray said he would like to contact Frank Robinson and invite him to display his Panel Van. Entry will be from 8am. Cost $10.00 per car. Please bring correct money to save giving change. Historic Conditional Plate Movements – 26/1/2012 10-12/2/2012 20/2/2012 36757H 25574H 36757H 35870H 25574H Goulburn to Sydney (NRMA Motorfest) and return. Menai to Sydney (NRMA Motorfest) and return. Goulburn to Oberon and return. Glossodia to Oberon and return. Menai to Greystanes (Club Meeting) and return. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 12 FEBRUARY 2012 Events – Please see Motoring ‘round section of ‘The Distributor’ for all club runs and events. Ian asked Pam Watts to give us an NRMA Motorfest story. It seems our Pam was a media star on the day. She caused some laughter in the telling. Ian then asked David Stephens to give us a report on the Oberon weekend. It sounded like they all had a good day at Jenolan Caves. David said going down the hill towards Jenolan Caves he heard a tick, tick, tick from the rear of his car. He was told to turn his hubcaps a little and see if that did the trick, David did that and silence prevailed from then on. It is surprising that such a small thing could cause concern. Geoff Smith said that had happened to him but his hubcap actually came off. Both these runs will be in the club magazine. Ian said this month’s run is to Oakdale on the 26/02/2012. On 25th March, 2012 we are joining another club for our monthly run. We are going to Mittagong for lunch at the lake. Meeting place will be Service Centre on the M5 at Pheasants Nest to leave at 9AM sharp. Ian has Entry Forms tonight for the Wagga Wagga Weekend on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, if you wish to join those going, please see Ian tonight for a form or get in touch with him and he will post you a form. We leave on Friday Morning and return on Monday. Geoff Smith thanked Pam for booking his accommodation for him at Oberon when the Big Trout lost our booking and the rooms were not available at the last minute. Geoff said he really enjoyed the company and had a good weekend. Geoff asked if the run to the Birdwood Classic in South Australia was still happening, Pam Watts said yes, the accommodation has been booked and if anyone would like to go please see her. It is a must do run at least once. Paul Gianniotis said he will be in Canberra with his hot air balloon from the 9th till the 18th March in case anyone is interested. He said depending on the weather and the amount of customers he has, you could get a free flight. He will be flying over the lake and the Canberra suburbs. Paul explained the balloon goes up very early in the morning and customers do have to help. General Business – Jim Watts announced that the Committee has awarded a Gold membership this year to John Azzopardi. He gave a brief outline of John’s commitment to the club in the 15 years he has been an ordinary member and a Committee Member for 11 years. A badge will now be ordered. John thanked Jim for the kind words. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 13 FEBRUARY 2012 Ray Rowe asked for the count of the Constitution he said it was not in the Magazine. Jim Watts said it was in the Official Minutes Book which is on display during every General Meeting for any member to view. Jim explained the result and mentioned we do not have to display any private business for all other clubs who receive our magazine to view. That is why the Treasurers Report is not presented in the magazine. Club magazines which our club receives, only give an outline of their minutes for the same reason. Ian Young said he has been to visit with John Service, and found out John has now finished his radiation and is not feeling very good after a very bad time. John is now hoping he can start to improve as time passes. All our members wish him well. Tech Talk – Paul Gianniotis had two large bolts which he passed around for members to view they were the bolts that secure the sub-frame to the chassis. Paul asked the members if they had an outside mirror, he needs a round mirror for his car as his is broken - he is prepared to buy one if one is available. Ian Young asked if anyone knew how many bird emblems where made for the FJ bonnet. He had three with him tonight all marked GMH but none are interchangeable with each other. A lot of ideas were discussed. Ian left them on the table in front of him for members to look at later. Warren Ross said his father had several sets and they were not interchangeable either. Geoff Smith passed around a strip of compressed cardboard and asked did anyone know what it was used for. The answer was it was for tacking the windlace and the headlining to the car around the doors. Geoff also found a badge that he knew he had somewhere from many years ago and has now found it. It was a 1928 badge that Holden attached to Holden bodies. Ray Rowe has Bosch points and 6 watts globes still available. Robert Shaw had heard that when putting a metal replacement timing gear in your vehicle it could be noisy as the teeth did not mesh with the small gear. Robert said Rare Spares are selling the two gears together as a set which should solve the problem. John Azzopardi said his Austin A90 ‘Atlantic’ does not have seatbelts. He said he has the solution to make it safe. He then handed around a joke with two old people in a car and the female passenger had a mouth gag. Obviously meant to be wife Judith. As we all know Judith does like to talk! 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 14 FEBRUARY 2012 Geoff Smith when he put his new engine in his Ute, noticed when he got to 45 on his speedo the car would almost stall. After putting a new carby kit on it now starts first time and after sitting for weeks it will kick over first time. Raffle 1st Prize – Jim Watts. 2nd Prize – Matthew Bottle. 3rd Prize – John Azzopardi. Before closing the meeting the President said he had good news. Matthew and Melissa Bottle who are with us tonight are having their first baby later this year. The members are extremely pleased to hear this news as all our new arrivals seem to be Grandchildren. Congratulations Matt and Mel. Your life will change forever in a wonderful way. Meeting closed by Jim Watts at 9:40 pm. UPCOMING SWAP MEETS Sunday, 11th March 2012 Oberon Swap Oberon Showground, Ross Street, Oberon Entry - $2.00 Sunday, 11th March 2012 Morisset - Central Coast Swap Morisset Showground, Ourimbah Street, Morisset Take Morisset exit from the F3 and turn left at McDonalds). Gates open 6:00 am. Sunday, 18th March 2012 Hunter Valley Swap Cessnock Showground Sunday, 1st April 2012 Goulburn Swap Goulburn Showground, Braidwood Road, Goulburn Entry - $4.00. Gates open 6:00 am. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 15 FEBRUARY 2012 The Red Centre Tour (another long drive in an old car – part V) Story by Robert Shaw Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow And the trumpets began to sound. Joshua commanded the people to shout And the walls came tumbling down. In the morning, after an oil change and grease in the pub’s back yard, we talked some more with the Jericho publican. It was only then that I read the name “Jordan Valley Hotel”, and then asked him, “I thought you’d have had a ram’s horn trumpet on the back wall of the bar.” The publican said not a word, and handed me the Jericho Crystal Trumpet. Some of the locals got together a few years back, and erected this big monument-cum-roadside attraction telling the story of the Exodus and Conquest. I really should have been paying more attention. There had been some rain overnight, but as we headed east through Alpha and then on to Emerald, the rain hurled down, and the passenger’s rear floor filled with water from a perished grommet under the back seat. And yes, Emerald was very green indeed. From Emerald, the road led south through uneven and very green countryside to the Carnarvon Gorge turnoff. The road in was paved only for a few miles, but by now I wasn’t worried about mud and potholes. If you stay at Carnarvon Gorge, it’ll most likely be at the Takarakka Bush Resort, which aims for the eco-friendly luxury camping experience. The on-site accommodation is Safari Tent: raised wooden floor, steel framed, with mains power, but canvas walls. Takarakka had a large outdoor camp kitchen/dining area, which we shared with other campers (and the local birds). As the evening progressed, the wind howled, the rain hurled, and it got seriously cold. I became worried about having the car parked under trees, and got up during the night to move it out into the middle of the oval. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 16 FEBRUARY 2012 Next morning I found a good-size branch on the ground where I’d first parked the car next to the tent. We drove up to the visitors’ centre in the National Park to find, not surprisingly, that the walking tracks up the Gorge were closed because of the last night’s rain, and the causeway in the access road was running at 0.9 m, and we were, as a result, stranded. There were some shorter walks outside the gorge proper, which were spectacular nonetheless. We decided to go back to the flooded causeway and assess the situation for ourselves. I pushed some sticks into the sand at the water’s edge, and we watched and waited over lunch. The water level was about 18” and dropping at an inch per hour, which meant we weren’t going to be crossing Carnarvon Creek any time soon. Sanity prevailed, and we returned to Takarakka and a different Safari Tent. It was here that I could just hear an occasional soft “squeak” coming from the engine, and my fears were confirmed. This was the sound of the generator’s rear bush chewing out from lack of lubrication. The main business for the next few days would be keeping the generator alive long enough to get back home. Every time I stopped the car, from now on, I put a drop of oil into the oiler. Next morning, day 15, the sun came out, the waters abated, and we were able to leave Carnarvon Gorge. The ranges just south of the gorge still have their native vegetation, amongst which the famous boab trees. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 17 FEBRUARY 2012 The Central Queensland towns went by as we drove south. Injune and Surat, particularly, had classic rural Queensland public buildings, for example, the Surat Shire Hall. In the low-lying areas between Roma and St George (which is everywhere), the trees still bore the high-water marks from the 2010 floods. Everything’s bigger in Queensland, including introduced pests, like the prickly pear cactus. St George to Mungindi is cotton country, and the cotton fields have been laser-levelled, with big levee banks around them. And they are huge. I wanted to get to Moree for the night, preferably before the sun went down, but that didn’t happen. I delayed as long as possible, but finally I had to turn the headlights on. And with the headlights came the unmistakable sound of the generator poling. The load on the rear bush increases with current draw, you see . . . I tried driving with no headlights for a while, but it gets difficult to see in the dark. I stopped to disconnect one headlight, and with one headlight, made it to Moree. The motel proprietor at Moree knew about old cars, and without asking offered us a flattened cardboard box to put under the car and keep the oil off the forecourt. In the motel room I disassembled the generator. It was not a pretty sight. The armature shaft was badly worn, and to hide the fact, the guy who reconditioned it packed the bushing with grease. The grease dried out in the Northern Territory heat and the bush got chewed out. No alternative now but more grease, and with the fan belt set at minimum tension, we set off for Narrabri. In the Woolworths car park a couple of locals told us to pass by Allan Cooper’s Holden dealership and check out the FJ in the showroom. The sales manager saw us coming and said, “So you want to trade up to a newer model? How much warranty’s left on yours?” 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 18 FEBRUARY 2012 I can’t drive anywhere in Australia without passing by a radio telescope. So I presented myself at the office of the Australia Telescope at Narrabri, waved my staff pass, and asked if Stirling and I could get a tour over one of the antennas. Robin, the site manager, was happy to oblige us. It would have been good to drive up Mt Kaputar, but the access road was closed because of the recent storm. At Boggabri, just to put my mind a little more at ease, we stopped at a park, I pulled the generator apart (again), found a Coke can, and wound a strip of aluminium around the armature shaft, which was just enough to hold the bits which turn apart from the bits which don’t. Quirindi seemed like a reasonable option for the last night’s accommodation, and we found a classic old pub, which had been converted into a B&B. On the way back home, the inner geologist got the better of Stirling, and we stopped at Burning Mountain, and walked up the trail to see it. It’s quite a sight, although probably not everyone’s cup of tea. It looks like a volcanic vent, but in fact it’s an underground coal seam which caught fire about six thousand years ago, and will burn for some time to come. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 19 FEBRUARY 2012 And from Quirindi, the engine sounded even more rattly than usual, so the last day’s drive was more about nursing the car along than anything else. But even so, I decided that when I returned home, I’d revive a literary genre that has fallen into disuse: the testimonial letter to Holden. Summary 17 days, 5004 miles, 164.3 gallons of fuel, 30.3 mpg average. No breakdowns. The engine noise was a loose camshaft timing gear. Below is a copy of the letter Robert sent to Holden after his Red Centre trip and Holden’s reply to Robert 11 November 2010 Mr Mark Devereux Chairman & Managing Director GM Holden Limited GPO Box 1714 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Dear Sir, This letter probably arrives about sixty years too late, but nonetheless In early October this year, I took my 1950 Holden sedan (NSW registration JX-408, engine number 17954) on a trip through Central Australia, covering Broken Hill, the Flinders Ranges, Marree, Coober Pedy, Ayers Rock, Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Mt Isa, Longreach, Carnarvon Gorge, Roma, Narrabri, and return to Sydney, a trip of 5,000 miles in 17 days. During this voyage, which included long stretches of rough and washed-out dirt roads, and an extremely muddy and boggy section of the Oodnadatta Track, the vehicle required no attention other than regular lubrication. Its reliability (sixty years on!) pleasantly surprised me and is testimony to Holden’s designers and engineers. Wherever I went, the car attracted attention. Anywhere I stopped, other motorists would come and tell me their own Holden stories. In any town where I stayed overnight, by the next morning I had usually met other owners of early model Holdens. This is the reputation Holden enjoys in the consciousness of the general public, particularly in the outback. Yours sincerely, Robert Shaw 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 20 FEBRUARY 2012 Holden’s reply - 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 21 FEBRUARY 2012 HOW OBSERVANT WERE YOU #5??? I hope you enjoyed and managed to solve last month’s observation challenge – CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM MAGNOLI & ROBERT SHAW– who were the first to provide me with the correct solution(s) – there were in fact 2 errors in last month’s observation challenge!! So, did you also find the errors?… The magnifying glass was located on Page 19. Did you find it? The 2 errors on Page 19 were 1. The word ‘Easter’ in my statement ‘Due to the Easter break, there are no Club Run Reports for this month’s magazine’. Should have been ‘Christmas’; 2. In the article ‘Still Holden on: Gemini clocks 1,000,000 km’ the year in the date of the article was incorrect and should have been December 14, 2011 – not December 14, 201. CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE WHO SOLVED THE CHALLENGE! Don’t forget to check next month’s magazine for another challenge! GEOFF SMITH’S ‘WHY IS IT SO? QUESTION’... Why is it so… that the Windsor exhaust Centre is located at Richmond? If you have a question you would like entered in the ‘Why Is It So?’ section, please contact me via email – 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 22 FEBRUARY 2012 NRMA Motorfest, Sydney Thursday 26th January 2012 (story provided by Jim Watts) The day didn’t look very promising weather wise, but as we got closer to the city from Goulburn, the weather seemed to lighten up a little. Arriving at the assembly point in the Domain car park at 8:00 am (which is more convenient than having to be there at 6:30 am as in previous years), there didn’t seem to be as many cars as in earlier years. Things seemed almost calm compared with other years. Our call up time was 8:30 am to be directed to our allocated parking spot which was almost the same spot as last year, in front of the Mint Building. The ladies very quickly took advantage of the covered area opposite our cars just in case it did rain. Tables and chairs were unpacked and cuppas were the order of the day, after which we all left to peruse the other cars. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 23 FEBRUARY 2012 Looking at the number of cars displaying, it was obvious that the forecast of rain had kept quite a number at home. No, it didn’t rain although we did have a few very light sprinkles on and off during the day. Hyde Park was busy as usual with entertainment and a huge variety of culinary delights. Although again the pedestrian traffic didn’t seem as congested as in previous years. At about 9:30 am, John Flower of the NRMA came up to speak to Pam and myself and said that he wanted one of us to do a live-to-air interview with ABC 702. Of course, I very quickly volunteered Pam to undertake this arduous task. After the interview a photograph of Pam standing beside ‘Blondie’ was taken and posted to their twitter page. We then resumed our position under the covering to have something to eat and a welcome cuppa. About an hour later, John Flower arrived back to ask Pam to go over to ‘Blondie’ as he had a film crew from Sky News wanting to do an interview with Pam immediately. Pam duly obliged and when she got to the car there were a million spectators all looking to see what was happening which required a film crew. I think by this time Pam was feeling like an old hand at this interviewing business. At the end of the interview the gentleman conducting the interview asked his last question, which was – “Pam, now tell us what is the difference between an FJ, a 48-215 and an FX?” She very quickly latched onto the FX and stated that “there has never been a model of car called the FX, that it was a prefix given to the 48-215 in the early fifties”. The response from the interviewer was “Well Pam, you do know something about the cars” to which she very promptly replied “Yes I do and I am educating the world”. With a little chuckle the interviewer then ended the interview – much to her relief. Pam now feels that she has had her Andy Wahl’s 15 minutes of fame! We all had to be back at our cars at 4:30 pm to wait for the instruction to leave at about 5:00 pm which ended Motorfest for another year. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 24 FEBRUARY 2012 Oberon Weekend, Oberon Friday 10th to Sunday 12th February 2012 (story provided by David Stephens – photos by Howard Smith) We met Geoff Smith at Lapstone Information Centre then started up the highway, in the rain. At Lapstone, Jeff Magnoli was going to work in his truck, there was lots of horn sounding and waving as we passed. Geoff Smith later said he didn't know it was Jeff, he was just waving too! We arrived at Oberon about 9.45 am and stopped for morning tea at a coffee shop in town. Kim McMurray just happened to come in for her morning coffee break from the Craft shop when we were there. We then went to the ground to meet Jim & Pam Watts. By this time the rain had stopped and the sun was out. Then off on the run down to Jenolan Caves. We had lunch and a tour of a cave for $20 per head, very good value. Lunch was served in the Dining room in Caves house - a nice roast and lots of yummy sweets. At 4 pm the road out was closed to incoming traffic so we went on the return run to Oberon. Saturday was the big parade through Oberon and display day. Ray & Lyn Rowe and Garry O’Reilly came up for the day. We also caught up with Hector Rodgers. Many locals came out to watch the parade through town. On the return trip to the grounds (and as we were behind a very slow steam engine), I suggested that Pat & Helen could get out so they could stay downtown. Unfortunately as Pat went to get out she couldn't get out as her seat belt was still on, the result was the parade was held up for a few moments. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 25 FEBRUARY 2012 In the afternoon we had a very heavy storm which lasted about 1/2 hour but we all managed to stay dry thanks to the Rowe’s tent. We left the ground about 4 pm. Lyn &Ray went home and the rest of us went with Kim & David McMurray to the hotel for dinner. We had a very enjoyable evening together. Garry O’Reilly then left for home. On Sunday Jim& Pam drove home and we met Geoff at the ground where he had been on a trip around the block on a steam engine. We had a trouble free run home. I think all who went had a most enjoyable weekend. If at any time you have doubts as to whether a run/event is on, ring me – we are normally up and about by 6:30 am. My phone number can be found on the inside cover of the Distributor – Ian. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 26 FEBRUARY 2012 As all events on the Motoring ‘round page permit Conditional Plate vehicular movement, the Motoring ‘round section is now written by the Committee. Anyone wishing to add an outing to these pages must do so by submitting the event to the Committee (in writing) allowing enough time for consideration/approval, prior to the Committee submitting the event to the Editor for publication on this page. 25th March 2012 Lake Alexandria, Mittagong On this run we will be meeting up with the Illawarra Early Holden Club at Mittagong. I have challenged them to a backyard cricket match. There are BBQ’s on site if you wish to cook a bbq. We will meet at the Servo on the M5 extension at Pheasants Nest and depart from there at 9:00 am. 22nd April 2012 GM Display Day – Panther’s Club, Mulgoa Road, Penrith Gates open at 8:00 am and the entry fee is $10. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 27 FEBRUARY 2012 MEETINGS March 2012 9th (Friday) - 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club Committee Meeting to be held at Wayne and Debbie Smith’s – 8 pm start. 19th (Monday) – 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club NSW Inc. General Meeting to be held at Greystanes – 8 pm start. Visitors welcome. April 2012 1st (Sunday) - 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club Committee Meeting to be held at Jim and Pam Watt’s. Lunch 12:00 pm. Meeting commencing at 2:30 pm. 16th (Monday) – 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club NSW Inc. General Meeting to be held at Greystanes – 8 pm start. Visitors welcome. May 2012 Date and time to be confirmed - 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club Committee Meeting to be held at to be advised. 21st (Monday) – 48 & FJ Holden Owners Club NSW Inc. General Meeting to be held at Greystanes – 8 pm start. Visitors welcome. Vehicles on Conditional Plates are only permitted to attend Runs and Meetings listed on the Motoring ‘Round pages and only on the dates listed on these pages. For service requirements refer to your Club Conditional Registration Scheme (HCRS) Rules and Regulations. All other movements by vehicles on Conditional Plates will require prior notification through the Club Conditional Plates Registrar. 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED Page 28 FEBRUARY 2012 CLUB MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Green/yellow polo shirts 3 x medium 1 x large $35.00 ea Baseball caps with club logo $20.00 ea. 50th Anniversary FJ T-Shirts 3 x medium 1 x large $10.00 ea. 60th Anniversary 48-215 T-Shirts All sizes $15.00 ea. $10.00 ea. Club logo patch for jacket etc. $6.00 ea. Obsolete yellow club shirt (Ladies Size 12) $5.00 ea. Club logo self sticking window badge $3.00 ea. Windscreen banner $25.00 ea. Grille Badge $25.00 ea. Australian flags x 2 $5.00 ea. Set of 5 scrap books $20.00 set Air cleaner decal $2.00 ea. IF YOU WISH TO MAKE A PURCHASE PLEASE SEE PAM 48 & FJ HOLDEN OWNERS CLUB OF NSW INCORPORATED