Paediatric Fellows - Freemasons New Zealand
Paediatric Fellows - Freemasons New Zealand
!"##$%&'( NEW ZEALAND Issue 4 (Vol. 40) December 2012 Paediatric Fellows Breast milk, sleeping and learning Filipino Brethren bring new life to Lodges Only the name has changed Business as usual for The Freemasons Deposit Scheme There has been a three way partnership between Freemasons and their families, the Depositors, Freemasons New Zealand and the National Bank for nearly 35 years. It came about as a scheme to pool the savings of depositors, within and associated with Freemasonry, to collectively attract higher rates of interest. From small beginnings The Freemasons Deposit Scheme reached nearly 6 million dollars within 5 years. Right now the scheme stands at 130 million dollars in on call and term deposits. Being ‘On Call’, funds are available immediately and can be transferred to a nominated account overnight while interest is calculated daily and is paid quarterly. Term Deposits, ranging from 90 days to 5 years, were introduced more recently, to enable payment of higher interest rates, as New Zealand entered a low interest rate environment. Freemasonry in New Zealand benefits from the scheme through a small commission which is used to support the development of the Craft. 100% of the commission is used to support Freemasonry and the work of the various National Committees. The administration of Freemasons New Zealand and the Board of General Purposes comes only from the capitation fees. Although The National Bank was pur- STOP PRE chased by ANZ New Zealand in 2003 the former brand has been retained until now. Our depositors will have seen the recent announcement that, after almost ten years of operating ANZ and the National Bank, the two brands would be brought together as ANZ. The key points of the ANZ announcement were – New ANZ to remain in all communities now served by ANZ and National Bank. $100 million to be spent on branches, with branch presence in New Zealand from increasing from 75% of where New Zealander’s live to 90% – 15 new communities. ANZ to adopt the National Bank’s technology system and the majority of its products. Customers will continue to be served by the same staff – all frontline staff will remain with the new ANZ All sponsorship and community involvement commtments will continue. Our depositors will continue to be supported by the friendly staff at Freemasons New Zealand who can be contacted on 0800 659 876 every business day of the year. Talk to them about the latest interest rates. Remember it’s your own collective scheme. The commission has enabled Freemasons New Zealand to support Lodges SS – GRA !! with education books, planning books, brochures, promotional material, special activities and, last but not least, this magazine. It has enabled the promotion of Freemasonry, both internally and externally with programmes, past and present, such as the Smoke Free Speech Competition, FAME, Reel Science, the Arts Foundation, Men’s Health, the ‘Live Life Lighter’ Family Health Programmes and The Freemasons Longest Morning Tea. The National Bank so valued its relationship with Freemasons New Zealand and Freemasons, through the Deposit Scheme, that it made a further $20,000 available each year for three $6,000 scholarships, for high school and college students whose father or grandfather is a Freemason. This programme has been very successful and we are pleased to announce that it will continue in 2013 as the ANZ Freemasons Scholarships. The Deposit Scheme is a three way partnership between you as the depositors, Freemasons New Zealand and, now, ANZ. To be a success all three must derive some benefit. Balancing this relationship in a modern technological and highly competitive world is not an easy task but our depositors can be assured that, by supporting the Freemasons Deposit Scheme, they are also supporting Freemasonry. ND INSTA The return address fo r the regis this issue, tratio is PO Box 22 401 Kh n forms, which acc ompany andallah, Wellingto n 6441 LLATION IN THIS ISSUE Editorial 2 A bright future on the Coast 26 New Masonic Centre for Kapiti Hot news 3 Dedication at the Dedication 28 From the Grand Master 4 Laying Freemasonry’s foundation stone in Christchurch New beginnings Grand Installation 2013 5 (0# (1234567 0819: #;2:<=9;5 EDUCATION 12 Easy access to a wealth of Knowledge 29 The Masonic Digital Library News clips 6 OPINION Is the old doublebreasted suit worn out? 10 28 CULTURE Lectures, Ceremonies and Masonic Education 30 !"#$%&'(#$&)$*"#$%+,#-./$0-*1!"#$%$&'% Bro Mozart 12 Inspiration for a Lodge FREEMASONS IN ACTION Freemasonry’s Renaissance in South Canterbury 14 !"#$ "%&&'( HEALTH AND SCIENCE )'*+,-#./ Paediatric Fellows 31 !"#$"%&'()*+&,-".)-)/&,+01$"! Breast milk, sleeping and learning Hope comes from southern initiatives 34 Immunotherapy advances target cancer cells 14 16 Pacific outposts 16 Lodge Calliope in Samoa Rising above the waves 18 Poutasi Community Hall Identifying the smoking gun 36 The dormant and recurring effects of Polio REGULARS The Freemasons Charity in 2012 38 When the sun rises over the Meridian 20 The place of daylight lodges in NZ The Roskill Foundation 40 Royal Arch 43 My father and the Dambuster Squadron Obituary – Jack Edward Warren Initiates 46 Talofa lava – Michael Alofa Beanies, booties and blankets galore 24 34 20 The back page 48 Service awards 49 COVER Freemasons Paediatric Fellows, and Filipino Master Masons in Ashburton. POHUTUKAWA PHOTO flickr/sondyaustin 36 FREEMASONS NEW ZEALAND Level 6, Freemasons House 195-201 Willis Street Te Aro, Wellington 6011 PO Box 6439, Marion Square Wellington 6141 New Zealand Ph: +64 4 385 6622 Fax +64 4 385 5749 Email: The New Zealand Freemason is the official journal of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand. Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed and the advertising content are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy of Grand Lodge. Articles appearing in this journal may be reproduced without permission provided acknowledgement of the source is made and a copy of the publication is forwarded to the Grand Secretary. Queries or comments regarding subscription or distribution should be addressed to the Grand Secretary. Queries and comments regarding content and advertising should be addressed to the Editor. Contributions to the magazine are greatly appreciated and should be of interest to a wide audience. Contributions, including letters to the Editor, may be edited. Photographs should be high quality, preferably in jpg or tiff format. Contributions to the magazine can be forwarded through these people: Northern Division: Jack Leigh, Central Division: Morris Robertson, Southern Division: Rob Cope-Williams, Royal Arch: Gary Kerkin, Magazines are distributed in March, June, September and December. The deadlines for contributions are the first day of February, May, August and November Layout by Matthew Bartlett, Wellington Printed by Wickliffe (NZ) Ltd. Copyright © 2012 Freemasons NZ The Editor at the Poutasi Community Centre. From the Editorial Committee N ot all Freemasons are aware that the jurisdiction of Freemasons New Zealand extends beyond our borders. Our membership includes two overseas Lodges, Calliope No. 252 in Samoa and Benjamin Kneubuhl No. 441 in American Samoa. The former is introduced in an article on page 16 that covers the Installation last August, performed by The District Grand Master and Brethren from North Shore District. This visit was also an opportunity for the visiting team to revisit a project they instigated, which was the rebuilding of the tsunami devastated Women’s Committee House and associated travellers rest facilities at Saleaamua. Further down the coast the village of Poutasi was wiped out by the tsunami. A project, arising from this disaster, was the building of a new community hall. Although not a Lodge project a number of New Zealand Freemasons volunteered time to the project including the former Grand Superintendent of Works, RWBro Barry Millage, as architect. I had the privilege of visiting the completed hall while on holiday in Samoa last August and I was able to see how much it was appreciated and used by the villagers of Poutasi. As this year draws to a close I extend seasons greetings to all readers and my personal thanks to all those who have contributed to, and commented on, the magazine over the past year. Morris Robertson, Editor GRAND MASTER’S VISITS Mar 1-3 Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of NZ, Rotorua. Grand Installation of RE Comp Leslie Borrell Mar 9 The Robert Burns Lodge No. 50, Reefton Installation meeting Apr 27 Lodge Moutoa No. 195, Wanganui Centenary celebration May 11 Shirley Freemasons Centre, Christchurch Dedication ceremony " Just who are the Grand Secretary’s two South American stone faced friends? Is he recounting the details of his midnight feast? Turn to page 48 for the gastronomic evidence. HOT NEWS Moving on From the IT Committee Your opportunity to influence the future of Freemasonry P art of our mission for the new Information Technology Committee is to assist Freemasons New Zealand in the development of a long-term, countrywide IT strategy. Additionally, we will also assist in the implementation of technologybased solutions to complement the strategies formed by the Education, Development, and Communications Committees. We realize, of course, that there is a great deal of IT experience amongst our own ranks along with a lot of good, IT-based ideas that are already being implemented in each of your lodges. We hope you will share your good ideas with us so that we can suggest them to a greater number of lodges and brethren. Please write us at: Brian Nelson, Chairman, IT Committee IT TIP 1: here’s an idea to consider that The Ara Taimau Lodge #1 in Auckland has effectively used: electronic invitations for their events via Lodge members receive invitations to events via their email addresses to which they can either add their names as attending or extend their apologies with a single click. The list is viewable by the entire lodge and the catering numbers are easily gathered. And, the event details can easily be added to Google or Yahoo calendars, iCal (for Apple users), or your Outlook calendar. Best of all, it’s free to sign up and send invitations for all your events. In the September issue of New Zealand Freemason we reported on the planning weekend in June when the Board of General Purposes met to commence the process of establishing a Strategic Plan for the development and enhancement of Freemasonry over the period 2012-2020. The process has now moved into a series of consultative phases where every brother will have the opportunity to have his say. T he first of these phases is that the Chairman of the National Committees and the Grand Superintendent of Works have been briefed and tasked to consult with members of their committees, and any co-opted members they see fit, to address the Seven Pillars and the respective bullet points to formulate their recommendations on supporting and advancing the Strategic Direction. Likewise the Divisional Grand Masters will consult with their District Grand Masters to address the Seven Pillars and their respective bullet points to formulate recommendations on supporting the Strategic Direction. They, and their District Grand Masters will be encouraging all lodges to respond. The method of seeking responses will be as follows. The Chief Executive will distribute the strategic direction to all lodges and will place it on the Freemasons New Zealand web site. A supporting hard copy booklet will also be available. Feedback will be requested from lodges on their ideas on how they could support the Strategic Direction. Responses from individual Freemasons will be encouraged. All responses are to be submitted to the Chief Executive by 28th February 2013. The team will convene and refine the results of responses from lodges and individuals and will use these to prepare a Strategic Plan for further discussion and refinement at the Divisional Conferences in March and April 2013. Following the Divisional Conferences the team will, again, reconvene to make the final recommendations to the Board of General Purposes for the Board to use when launching the Freemasons New Zealand Strategy at the Grand Installation and associated National Communication in November 2013. To all Freemasons, especially those newer brothers with a long future in the craft ahead of them, this is your opportunity to participate in, and influence, the future of Freemasonry in New Zealand where you can expect to play an ever-increasing role. It is your future and that of your organisation, which will evolve through the guidance of the Strategic Plan. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. IT TIP 2: Through the efforts of WBro Russell Pratt the brethren of Eastland, Ruahine, Hutt Wairarapa and Kapiti Wellington Districts receive very effective, personally addressed Newsletters with items, which link directly to a web site for more information. For details contact Russell at Photo: Flickr/johnmuk # FROM THE GRAND MASTER New beginnings There is frequently concern expressed when a Lodge surrenders its charter. Yet, if we consider it to be a reflection of life itself, for whatever reason, a small percentage of Lodges will be destined to join the Grand Lodge above while, elsewhere, new Lodges will be born. Likewise, some of our Lodge buildings, past their use by date, will be disposed of and new buildings, more relevant to contemporary needs and image, will take their place. T On 25th August we welcomed the new Lodge Arowhenua No. 473, based in Winchester, South Canterbury, into our fraternity. This will be followed by Lodge Kauri No. 474, which is to be dedicated in Auckland on Saturday 16 February. One factor in the growth of Lodges, particularly in the Canterbury and Southland Districts, has been the influx of Filipino Brethren, many of whom have come to New Zealand to work in the dairy industry. They are keen, determined to succeed and are breathing new life into older Lodges. We wholeheartedly welcome them to our ranks. Many of our Lodge buildings, which were constructed several years ago, are perhaps run down, expensive to maintain, are too expensive to insure and are under utilised. Frequently, they do not project a positive image of Freemasonry. For some years, endeavours to rationalise the use of our buildings have been resisted by fears of loss of individual identity. The Christchurch earthquakes, and insurance issues which followed, have triggered action on a number of fronts. In this issue we report on new building projects, several of which will result in new, and visible, Masonic Centres. $ Whist our ceremonial is the glue which binds us, not all Lodges fit the same mould, nor should they. On page 12 we report on the highly successful endeavours of The Lodge of the Liberal Arts No. 500 in the musical field. Further on in the issue there is an extensive story on Daylight Lodges. The various contributors to this article have demonstrated that, amongst them, there is some divergence of views as to what their purpose should be. It is an aspect of the craft worthy of our further study and support. The Seven Pillars Strategic Plan, outlined in the last issue, is moving forward to the point where all Brethren will soon have the opportunity to input their views. Knowledge of our aspirations for the future of Freemasonry in 21st Century New Zealand is important to us and I urge you all to take some time to study the plan and let your views be known. While there has been some concentration on getting our own house in order we have remained proactive in fulfilling our many efforts in the field of Charity. Our Research Fellows are contributing to advances in healthcare for both young and old. The work of our Southern Freemasons in launching the Immunotherapy project at the University of Otago is to be commended. Their initiative and fund raising effort, plus a joint grant of $70,000 from The Freemasons Charity and The Freemasons Roskill Foundation, is leading to ground breaking cancer treatment research. As 2012 draws to a close I thank everyone who has contributed so much to the many aspects of Freemasonry over the past year. More particularly, from Brethren and Ladies in support of our visitations to Australasian Installations, the most recent being to Perth early in November. I felt immensely proud of the size of the New Zealand delegation and, for those in attendance, there was an opportunity to form new acquaintances with fellow Freemasons from throughout Australia. Jan and I wish all Brethren and their families a happy Christmas and a positive year ahead. The 2013 Grand Installation is less than a year away. By the end of next year we will have completed our term and a new team will be in place. Let us all strive towards giving them a great start for their three years in office. Selwyn Cooper, Grand Master The Amora Hotel alongside the Michael Fowler Centre Grand Installation 2013 Wellington, November 15–17 Venue: Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington Accommodation: Amora Hotel and West Plaza Hotel, both within 100 metres of Conference venue Three packages: – Registration plus Amora Hotel, two nights including breakfast – Registration plus West Plaza Hotel, two nights including breakfast – Registration only Registration includes Welcome Cocktail Party, Business Session, Seminars, Workshops, Presentations, Ladies Function, The Grand Installation, Grand Banquet, Church Service and Farewell Lunch. See the registration form inserted with this magazine. Take advantage of the early-bird and monthly payments deals. Lodges are encouraged to support the attendance of their Master. Register online or return completed form to PO Box 22 401, Khandallah, Wellington 6441. Once registered you will receive an invoice for payment. West Plaza Hotel % NEWS CLIPS Heather and Mike Cooke present the garments and cheque to Hilary Price, CEO and Founding Trustee of Homes of Hope. Significant donation to Camp Quality The attached picture shows WBro Tony Fryer, Master of Westminster Lodge, presenting a cheque for $15,000 to Alan Knowsley, Programme Director, Camp Quality, Wellington, on behalf of Westminster, Taia-Raukawa, Homewood, Zetland and Aquarius Lodges. This donation arose from $5,000 raised from The Longest Morning Tea, which attracted a 2:1 subsidy from The Freemasons Charity. Mannequin with extras The Ormondville and Norsewood Volunteer Fire Brigades have been presented with a new training mannequin to help teach their members in CPR techniques. This model is an upgrade on its predeces- Bay knitters sail on Homes Of Hope in Tauranga were recently the recipients of knitted garments for the children in their care, and crocheted blankets. These were all made by ladies knitting for Heather Cooke as part of the Special Care Baby knitting programme in the Bay of Plenty. As well as the garments, a cheque for $1,000 was given to them from The Gate Pa Lodge No 407, The Meridian Lodge No 449 and the Masonic Charitable Trust in Tauranga. An additional $422 dollars was then raised to purchase a Cosmic Flag with ‘Homes of Hope’ printed on it, to help draw attention to their office on 15th Avenue Tauranga. sor in that it is computer programmed to display electronically, with sound and lights, that the operator is applying adequate pressure, proper timing, moderate air flow in mouth-tomouth breathing and that their hands are in the correct position, so that the trainee will have maximum impact on the recovery of the patient. At a special afternoon gathering of members of both brigades held in the Ormondville station, Ruahine District Grand Master, Paul Brittin, formally handed over the mannequin on behalf of Ormondville’s Lion Masonic Lodge No114. The mannequin has been named “LEO” in honour of the lodge. The Lion Lodge has, over the past three years, raised the funds to supply the local fire brigade with equipment needed on the brigade’s crash tender vehicle. These items have included a defibrillator, a GPS unit and a stretcher designed to transport accident victims with back injuries. Both Bill Rendle and Terry Ahern, the Chief Fire Officers at the respective brigades, stated that this training aid will get constant use as they keep their members up to date with life saving techniques needed for today’s accident scenario where the fire appliance crew are usually the first to arrive in response to an emergency call-out. Ormondville Fire Brigade members assemble the mannequin. & NEWS CLIPS A very special evening Another Rhodes Scholar It was a very special evening for James Sutherland when he was initiated into New Zealand Pacific Lodge No.2 on 24th October. James was proposed by his father, WBro Gordon Sutherland and seconded by the Grand Master, MWBro Selwyn Cooper. Both took part in the ceremony, as did James’ stepbrother John who had travelled from Australia for the occasion. The Sutherland family has been part of Freemasonry New Zealand since 1913. One of James’ main interests started from nine years of age when he joined the junior ranks of the Onslow/Evening Post Brass Band, now Wellington Brass Band, playing the Euphonium. He was selected to play with the New Zealand Secondary Schools Brass Band for three consecutive years and also had three consecutive years with the New Zealand Youth Brass Band. Five years ago he won the Open Eb section at the New Several recipients of Freemasons NZ University Scholarships have further expanded their academic careers through becoming Rhodes Scholars. The latest in this distinguished line is Louis Chambers, a 2012 Freemasons Scholar. Louis, a top law student, is completing a double degree in economics and environmental management at the University of Otago. Last year he did an unpaid internship with the Environmental Defense Fund in USA, learning about how large NGO’s operate and about global environmental issues. Louis coordinates the Dunedin component of Generation Zero, a climate change campaign with a strong focus on youth involvement and participation. In 2009 Louis attended the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen with the NZ Youth Delegation and was a member of the selection panel, which chose 12 youth delegates to attend the 2011 conference in Durban. The Grand Master pins the lapel badge on James Sutherland Zealand Brass Band Championships in Auckland. He continues to play either Eb or Bbb tuba for Wellington Brass Band and served as their Treasurer for four years. James is also a member of the RNZAF Central Band that performs on official Government occasions and other important events. Thanks to Pauline Sutherland 210 years of Masonic service United Lodge of Otago No. 448 has had a unique year as it has acknowledged the Masonic Service of four Brethren who received Service Badges for their enduring commitment to the Craft. In all, the four Freemasons honoured have collectively given 210 years of commitment and service to the craft The first of the presentations was for VWBro Les Green, Grand Treasurer, to receive his 50-year Service Badge. The occasion in May was very special for Les as MWBro David Mace attended to conduct the presentation. The second occasion was a combined presentation to WBros Lex Donaldson and Bill McKenna when they celebrated their 50 years of Masonic Service in August. The final presentation to acknowledge Masonic Service was in September, a 60 year Service Bar to Bro Jack Paisley. Unfortunately Jack’s health was such that the presentation had to be made at Ross Home. VWBro John Dennison District Grand Master, Wickcliffe, congratulating Jack Paisley on attaining his 60-year Service Bar. LEGO FOR ASD AID Taupo, New Zealand Lego for ASD Aid Project Freemasons Taupo (Lodge Kaiman awa No.426) is collecting LEGO for the local ASD support group, to help children with Autism Spectru m Disorder (ASD) including Asperg er's Syndrome. This Lego will then be cleaned and given to families with children who have an Autism Spectrum Disord er. (Some Lego will be set aside for a play group which the Taupo ASD support group is setting up). All you need to do if your not in Taupo is send Lego to : ASD Aid Taupo C:/ Lake Taupo Hospice Shop Totara Street, Taupo Thank You! ' NEWS CLIPS Goose and Gridiron Club Club members Audrey Wapp, Shirley Roycroft, Lin Roycroft (Head Goose) and Colin Wapp at the handing over of a $500 donation to Westpac Waikato Air Ambulance Trust. A similar amount was donated to the St. John Free Health Shuttle Seventy years of Freemasonry celebrated There was a turnout of 150 Brethren, wives and partners for the presentation, in September at Lodge Tawhiri, of a 70-year service award to RWBro Athol Thorpe. MWBro Barry McLaggan who represented the Grand Master made the presentation. The evening was reported as impressive and included a speech by his grand children. Athol was initiated into Lodge Te Marama No.186 in 1942 and was Master in 1955. He subsequently held a number of Grand Lodge offices including Grand Steward, Senior Grand Deacon, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and Past Grand Warden. ( This special club is a group of elderly Freemasons in the Hamilton area who meet once a month at their local RSA and, among other things, collect money for charity. The club was established by one if its members who had, earlier, been initiated into the Mother Club, Nest No.0, located in Seattle. It is named after the old London alehouse where the Grand Lodge of England took its roots in the early 1700’s. Nest No. 20 of Hamilton was formed to provide a daytime fun outing for elderly or infirm Masons who are reluctant to venture out at night. Their wives and widows are also included. The 40 members are entertained in various ways at their meetings and, before leaving, they make a small contribution to the “Golden Goose Egg.’ Each year this money is used to either fund a project or make a charitable donation. Support for St. John Recently $1,000 was donated to St. John Ambulance, Tauranga from The Gate Pa Lodge No. 407, The Meridian Lodge No 449 and the Tauranga Masonic Charitable Trust. VWBro Mike Cooke presented the cheque to Jeremy Gooders, District Operations Manager for Bay of Plenty, East Cape Central Region. Christmas treats A special Christmas treat is in store for children living with cancer following a donation of $800 from the Havelock Lodge, Blenheim. The money, donated to the Marlborough Child Cancer Group, will be used to pay for Christmas presents being distributed at the children’s picnic. The funds were raised as a result of two golf charity matches. Havelock Lodge members gather with gather with representatives of the Child Cancer Group for the presentation LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Master, WBro CR Askin, and Bro Pablito Pinto The Filipino factor At its October meeting Harmony Lodge No. 325, Ashburton, raised Bro Pablito Pinto to the Degree Master Mason. On the same evening Master Mason certificates were presented to four fellow Filipinos, some of whom had been raised in neighbour lodges. Harmony Lodge has a membership of 54 including 17 Filipino Brethren consisting of 15 Master Masons, a Fellowcraft and an Entered Apprentice. Hello, my name is Conner and I’m 17 years old and I live in Putaruru with my Gran and Grandad. However I go to school in Rotorua to attend John Paul College. I had the great fortune to be the winner of the 2011 Freemasons Scholarship, which has helped me tremendously with my plans to attend University next year. I have applied to attend AUT University with the dream of completing Bachelor of Health Science, Majoring in Paramedicine. I have chosen this, as I believe that helping others is important, and since I am in St John as a Cadet, caring for others is a priority. The scholarship has made a big difference in my life, in the past but also for the future. Last year I used some of the money to buy a small net book laptop for school, to help me with my study. And since I’m going to University next Year I also brought insurance for my car, and a desktop computer so I could have a bigger screen for while I’m studying at home. I still have money left which I will use for other study related items for when I move up to Auckland. So the scholarship from the Freemasons has helped me in so many ways, to achieve in so many ways, and because of that I’m thankful for the support and care the freemasons and the opportunity they have given me to prepare well for future studies. And finally I would like to thank Mr Tom Becker for all the hard work and support he has given me but also him believing in me to achieve this scholarship. Thank You, Conner Gullett FIRST AID LEARNING ONLINE KNOW IT BEFORE YOU NEED IT !"#$%&"!'"'$&"()!*!+$,-.)/"/$0$1-)"$2)""'-1$(!'$&"()!$(3$4-.)$-#!$5(," ,-15)"6"!/*7"$2*)/3$(*'$8$$9$:;<=>$;?@A?B$@BC=?A?D$$ C?E$9$:;<=>$FCGB8H;8FCGB$I=CGHAGC@$>JA@@>$C?E$C>>B>>KB?H $ "//"!3*(&$2*)/3$(*'$0$L$:;<=>$;?@A?B$@BC=?A?D $C?E$L$:;<=>$FCGB8H;8FCGB$I=CGHAGC@$>JA@@>$C?E$C>>B>>KB?H $ )"7(&*'(3*-!$2*)/3$(*'$8$M$:;<=>$;?@A?B$@BC=?A?D$ C?E$M$:;<=>$FCGB8H;8FCGB$I=CGHAGC@$>JA@@>$C?E$C>>B>>KB?H Book now: N$C$F<@@$=C?DB$;F$H=CEAHA;?C@$G;<=>B>$F;=$C@@$2A=>H$(AE$=BO<A=BKB?H> ) OPINION Is the old double-breasted suit worn out? In the December 2011 issue of New Zealand Freemason Bro Matthew Dyer likened aspects of Freemasonry to the “old double breasted suit”. Encouraged by the broader appeal of this magazine, WBro Cecil Hiles-Smith has picked up on the suit analogy to illustrate his strongly held views on the management and future directions of the craft in the contemporary environment. I was particularly taken with the article in the December 2011 issue by Bro Matthew Dyer, “Why I joined Freemasonry”. It was a very interesting and thought provoking article, in which he noted some key aspects as to why he felt we were not attracting members. He went on to imply that we need to make the Craft ‘fashionable’ – it currently being “like an old double-breasted suit that nobody wanted to wear”. What a descriptive turn of phrase, and how close to the mark. In the same issue, our Grand Master MWBro Selwyn Cooper wrote about “Responding to the Challenges”. Page 13 presented details which indicate a loss of over 700 members in the past 12 months – a trend which continues to happen year after year, yet we appear to do little to try and understand the flow of resignations. Now, while I may seem to be a bit of a Don Quixote, tilting at windmills and could also be branded a bit of a heretic, I consider it past time where our Craft should truly modernise and not just talk about it. Rightly enough, I believe that modern society needs Freemasonry more than ever, but we need to find the vehicles by which we can improve our image in the public arena, and once again truly appeal to ‘good men and true’, not with fancy words such as ‘taking good men and making them better’ but by action and demonstration. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend an address on the ‘Workings of *+ the Board of General Purposes by the Chairman, RWBro Graham Wrigley, who laid bare his opinions and his plans for undertaking a reformation of the way the Board manages the affairs of the Craft. It was a very interesting, with no holds barred address, and none of the many questions posed were avoided. Thank you Graham. I note also that he has undertaken an analysis of resignations etc, but I must say, while it’s too late to shut the stable door it could present a blueprint for the future. However, most people will understand when I refer to the ‘pyramid’ of management and communication which, for aeons, was best described as the conventional style with the plebs at the bottom and management at the top. Modern life, modern styles, and sounder thinking, in order to meet the challenges of today have, for many years, recommended that that traditional pyramid should be inverted, with the plebs on the top and management at the bottom, thus giving the plebs more say over their individual and collective destiny. The Craft does not appear to have adopted this model with far too much decision making and organisational control stemming from a few, our hierarchical management style of senior members and those few, I suggest, wear the ‘old double-breasted suits’. I am not being derogatory, that is the Masonic ‘culture’ we learned and now automatically tend to pass on to others. I have, indeed, found myself tending to be guilty of such practice and I could be accused of being old-fashioned. This does not mean moving the landmarks, changing our customs and traditions – heaven forbid, just a change in attitude and control, with the rank and file members participating in the decisions and having the means to tell the Board what we want to do. It is the members, collectively, who form the intellectual capital and assets of the Craft and, hence, need to be recognized as its most valuable resource. The question we must ask ourselves is whether we have, within ourselves, the fortitude to deconstruct the age-old traditional power centres so that more emphasis is placed on the troops instead of with our traditional hierarchical system. Every forward-thinking organisation has to carry out a reality check about its willingness and capacity to change so that it can adapt to the new 21st century communal ecosystem. This raises several points for discussion. Do we have the vision to look upon our Lodges as collaborative and evolutionary life forms that must keep changing along with the marketplace? Do we have the humility to step out of our egos and hand over decision making to our subordinates? Do we possess the courage to unstructure an existing, and somewhat rigid and archaic regime that we have known for generations past, yet one which we may believe no longer works for us? Why do we need a three tier management structure, with all its related costs, to ‘manage’ our Craft? In my Lodge it is costing each member around $80 each to maintain the current ‘external’ management system before we start to pay for our own Lodge administration! The Brethren can only afford so much. The blueprints of Freemasonry were compiled some 300 plus years ago, based on the plans and designs of King Solomons Temple, when kings were kings and serfs were serfs who did as they were jolly well told. This blueprint has changed little, the construction methods are about the same and the decorations of the building could do with remodeling. In effect, little has changed in our management of the Craft in over 100 years, apart from more rules and regulations, and that is my point. Thus we return to that ‘old double-breasted suit’ analogy. We need to change, we need to find and put on a new smart modern suit, still made from the old style cloth, in order King Solomon’s Temple that the general public can see us as the modern organisation we profess to be. What I am talking about is changes to our current management and control system and some of the traditional management thinking. Our Book of Constitution is full of more ‘don’ts’ than ‘do’s’ and rule 13 says it all, in stating that ‘Grand Lodge’ has supreme governing power over the Craft in NZ. What about the workers? – are we still paid with corn and oil? – and define, if you will – Grand Lodge? The freethinking and modern lifestyle of today is no place to control people (members) with a hierarchical style of management, which can be dictatorial and autocratic by nature, and one which could be strangling our very existence. Let me again emphasise, I am not referring to changes of ritual (heaven forbid) or changes in Lodge customs and traditions. After all, these form a large and important part of the landmarks of our Craft. Members need to have much more influence over their destiny and the shape and destiny of their Lodges. Individuality and uniqueness of Lodges will then see the proactive Lodges grow and prosper, while those with the ‘old double breasted suit’ approach will wither and die away The world has changed, lifestyles have changed with it, but unfortunately the practical applications of Freemasonry have, in my opinion, not changed. Has the time arrived come to consider some real changes? Cecil Hiles-Smith as Master. ` WBro Cecil Hiles-Smith Cecil was born and educated in Wanganui. He served an apprenticeship in structural and maintenance engineering before returning to his roots in the country, shepherding and managing farms for many years. With marriage and family responsibilities requiring a more stable lifestyle, he returned part way towards his engineering skills, and became a technical representative for NZ Industrial Gases Ltd, now BOC, with whom he spent the next 28 years. Becoming a Jaycee gave him an interest in community affairs, and he went on to gain a Senatorship, (world life membership) before the enforced retirement at age forty. At that time he joined Freemasonry. He was initiated into The St. Andrew Kilwinning Lodge No. 79, Wanganui, in December 1978 and raised to Master Mason in Herbert Teagle Lodge, Wellington, in May 1979. However a series of employment transfers saw his Masonic interest put on hold for around ten years, at which time he returned to Wanganui to live permanently, and has been active in the Craft since. Cecil has served as Lodge Secretary for the past 16 years, and now, at the age of 75, considers it about time he hung up his quill. Cecil’s passion for Freemasonry has always been ‘on song’, and he is a strong supporter of his 140 year old Mother Lodge, which can lay claim to having two Governors General, a Prime Minister, and a Victoria Cross holder amongst its illustrious members. His other interests include, classic motorcycling on a 1952 BSA B31 350cc machine, the same model as he had back in those halcyon days of the early 50’s, when the milk bars were a favorite hangout for bikies. Although he says that he was not all as ‘pure as the driven snow’, he adds that has no past that he is ashamed of. Always an outdoors man, he was keen on hunting, duck shooting etc, however age and health considerations now restrict those pursuits to nil. Although he is not as physically active as he was, but he still maintains a passion for his chosen pursuits which, as well as Freemasonry, include his Church. He finds it very disturbing that some churches find it necessary to criticise and demean the Craft. Cecil’s opinion is that Freemasonry is actually a lot more Christian in its actions than many of the ‘so called’ religions, and feels that it is a real pity that the two cannot work together for the good of humanity. ** The Auckland Youth Orchestra and the Auckland Youth Choir at their Beethoven 9 performance in July Bro Mozart – Inspiration for a Lodge The Lodge Concert goes professional The Auckland Lodge of the Liberal Arts No. 500 is a relatively new lodge, having been set up in 1996 as the vanguard of a new style of lodge within New Zealand. The lodge places an emphasis on quality and excellence. It has a special focus, as its name might suggest, on music and its performance. Not only do the refectories have a musical focus, but also its own charitable trust is dedicated to give meaningful support to musicians and composers. C lause 1.2 in the Lodge by-laws concern the objectives of the Lodge. Item 1.2(a) reads ‘To uphold the ancient ideals of Freemasonry – brotherly love, freedom and tolerance. Item 1.2 (b) follows, ‘To enhance the reputation of Freemasonry in the Community by supporting the Arts’. When the 56-player-strong Auckland Youth Orchestra, Principal Supporter, The Lodge of the Liberal Arts, opened its concert in the Auckland Town Hall on a Friday evening early in October 2012 to a house of 500 or more, with the overture from Mozart’s ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, the founders of the Lodge could afford a smile of satisfaction. The annual Liberal Arts Concert had come of age and AYO players in Queen St as publicity stunt for the Liberal Arts Concert. *" objective 1.2(b) written in 1996 could fairly be said to have been achieved in the wide context only dreamed of by the men who had such a vision over sixteen years ago. The front cover of the printed Programme for the 5th of October proclaiming ‘The Lodge of the Liberal Arts Presents….’ confirmed for all, that Freemasonry, through this Lodge, was alive and well in our community and was a benefactor with strong ideals. For over ten years the Lodge, with Bro Mozart as its figurehead, has been supporting the AYO through its own Charitable Trust with annual scholarships for players. And in recent years, with the concert, taking place in college auditoriums around central Auckland, the Orchestra was hired as the main attraction. The giant step of getting the Lodge gig into the Town Hall, Auckland’s best performance venue, required a little more resource than the Lodge alone could provide. Based on the Lodge effort over many years Freemasons Roskill Foundation lent a hand. Staging a concert in a commercial environment required some major changes in management methods but much was learnt and plans have already commenced for the 2013 edition. A valuable element in the action on stage and the appeal of the 2012 programme was the inclusion of three Freemasons Resident Artists of The NBR New Zealand Opera, Wendy Doyle, Morag McDowell and Derek Hill, and an outstanding young English organist James Winkley a graduate of Durham University. It should be said that it helps to have Director and Benefaction Fundraiser of The NZ Opera Company, Immediate Past Master, WBro Donald Trott in the Lodge. A fitting development for the Lodge in its association with the Orchestra was the initiation of AYO French horn ABOUT THE ORCHESTRA The Auckland Youth Orchestra is a wholly amateur organisation run by professional standards and dedicated to turning young musicians into the unit of collective instrumental and artistic expression that is an orchestra. It was formed in 1946. As the leading training orchestra in New Zealand it aims to create a stimulating and professional environment which fosters the talent of young musicians from all over the Auckland region. player Bro Rangi Hall into membership just two weeks before the Concert. VW Bro James Morton is delighted to have another horn player’s company. ‘Our singers’ win the Lexus Song Quest A t every Regular Meeting, The Lodge of the Liberal Arts, invites young musicians to perform at the Festive Board. It is now a ‘tradition’ and members and visitors have enjoyed instrumental and vocal entertainment of a very high calibre. Many Youth Orchestra players have performed. All have received some financial reward. But this year the stunning performances of some young opera singers have been simply outstanding. When Amatai Pati and Stephen Diaz were placed winner and runner-up in the 2012 LEXUS SONG QUEST we realised how lucky we had been hearing such wonderful voices at our Refectory, and how we should have been charging an entry fee. Thanks to the talent-spotting ability of Donald Trott and his work over many years recognising young talent, Amatai, the 22-year old tenor from South Auckland, has been helped by the Lodge, with assistance from Freemasons Roskill Foundation, in his touring costs with the University Choir and, earlier this year, in performing with the Auckland Youth Orchestra. Many of us saw him perform at Cambridge, thanks to Lodge Copernicus, with his brother and cousin as the ‘Southern Tenors’. Both he and Stephen (from South Africa) have been students of Donald Trott’s Annual Wanganui Opera School – more than once. As winner, Amatai receives $10,000 cash, $15,000 tuition plus international Lexus winners Stephen Diaz and Amatai Pati with Donald Trott at Holy Trinity Cathedral Auckland. airfares. The judges said he has the potential to become a superstar. He and his brother,Pene, and cousin, Moses, will all study in Wales next year. We’ll charge next time! Noel Ryan *# Freemasonry’s Renaissance in South Canterbury FILIPINO BRETHREN TO THE FORE Freemasonry is reshaping itself in South Canterbury with the formation of a new Lodge in the district, and a new Masonic Centre about to be built in Fairlie. The new Lodge, known as Lodge Arowhenua No 473 and based at the Winchester Masonic Lodge room just north of Timaru, was consecrated at the Ashburton Masonic Centre in September, because the Winchester building is too small to cope with the numbers attending. V WBro Allen Glasson. Grand Master, Midland, says “the new Lodge being based at Winchester, will put Freemasonry back into the centre of South Canterbury where it is well positioned to serve the high level of interest in Freemasonry in the district. Already, there is a waiting list of enthusiastic young men wanting to join the new Lodge.” “There is significant interest in Freemasonry and what it has to offer young men, and this is particularly strong in the rural community,” he says. “In recent years there has been a significant influx of young men into the district from the Philippines to work on dairy farms, as the dairy industry has gone through a phase of huge growth. These are very fine young men who have a very high regard for Freemasonry and who approach their membership with a sincerity and The Consecration. From left at rear: RWBro Neville Patrick, MWBros Stan Barker, David Mace, Raymond Duncan and Selwyn Cooper. In the foreground is VWBro Alex Solomon Divisional GDC. *$ dedication that is heart warming to see. I understand that Freemasonry in the Philippines is very highly regarded with long waiting lists of men wishing to join, so their time in New Zealand gives them a great opportunity to join the Craft.” Allen Glasson has been very impressed with the enthusiasm and sincerity which the Filipino brethren bring to their membership, and the strong sense of community they engender in the Lodges ` The Lodge room in Winchester they have joined in the Midland District through the involvement of their families and large number of social events. South Canterbury has lost a number of Lodges over the years, the most recent being Lodge St. Martin No 162 in Pleasant Point and Lodge St. George No 29 in Temuka. Allen Glasson says there was a need for a new approach in the area, for a new Lodge which would embrace change and particularly the recent initiatives put forward by Freemasons New Zealand and at the same time that would provide an environment suitable for the specific needs of the Filipino candidates. “As District Grand Master, I wanted to see a Lodge that would embrace the initiatives of development through membership, publicity and social activities,” he says. “As others in the District shared my views I was delighted to support the formation of Lodge Arowhenua, well knowing that there were at least seven young men looking to join Freemasonry and that this Lodge would need their needs.” The inaugural Master is WBro Lars Hansen, a PM of Lodge St. Martin and among the founding members are a number of Brethren who share a common objective of providing a Lodge that will meet the needs of its young incoming members and provide real and positive support for its local community, in this case to the young people of the Arowhenua district. Lars Hansen says the Lodge has set up a charitable account and will develop funds to enable it to make meaningful contribution to the young people of the district, particularly in the field of education. Lodge Arowhenua has a foundation membership of twelve and, at its first meeting in September, initiated two young men who are brothers in life. In addition the lodge has a waiting list of five. More than 100 Freemasons attended the consecration ceremony in Ashburton, which was conducted by the Grand Master MW Selwyn Cooper assisted by Past Grand Masters, MWBros Stan Barker, David Mace, Raymond Duncan, the Past President of Board of General Purposes, MWBro Neville Patrick, and the Divisional Grand Director of Ceremonies VWBro Alex Solomon. The Consecration address was given by VWBro Gordon Fraser, Grand Lecturer, who outlined the history of the district and reflected on the Freemasons code of brotherly love, relief and truth. He went on to say, “The Public Challenge, which Lodge Arowhenua and all of us face is expressing, in modern terms, the relevancy of Freemasonry in a world where, increasingly, the cult of the Rebuilding in Fairlie Lodge Mackenzie No 93 is proceeding with plans for the construction of a new Mackenzie Masonic Centre in Fairlie to service the township and the Mackenzie Country. The new centre will be built on land in Gall Street behind the Gladstone Hotel, and will incorporate a Lodge room, a supper room and kitchen and ancillary rooms. Construction of the new Centre is expected to start in the New Year and should be completed towards the end of the year. The Mackenzie Lodge No 93 was formed in Fairlie in 1894, and after meeting at several different venues in the township which proved unsatisfactory, its members decided to build their own Lodge rooms in Gall Street, which were consecrated in November 1898. That building was sold earlier this year. See also New Zealand Freemason March 2012. Today it has a membership of 51, and enjoys a steady flow of new members. individual, rather than the benevolent grouping of associates and people with common interests, seems to be a priority. Freemasonry as an organisation encourages the development of natural talents and abilities and also teaches, or incalculates management and skills of group dynamics. The “Big Mover” in Craft relevancy in recent years is Freemasons Charity, which has become our all-important social dimension, and whose activities and relevance’s share in defining the public boundaries of Freemasonry, as expressed through media reports and increasingly in the hearts and minds of public perceptions.” Gordon Fraser went on to urge Lodge Arowhenua to enjoy Freemasonry, to embrace the electronic age but always to practice and preserve the art of learning and presenting ritual. The celebration banquet was held at the Ashburton Hotel, and was again attended by more than 100 people. Tom Clarke; Photos by Noel Lowe The new Master of Lodge Arowhenua, WBro Lars Hansen, is installed in the Chair by the District Grand Master, VW Bro Allen Glassen. *% PACIFIC OUTPOSTS It may come as a surprise to some readers that the reach of Freemasons New Zealand stretches beyond the shores of New Zealand and even into US territory. Our two outposts comprise Lodge Calliope No. 252 in Apia, Samoa and Lodge Benjamin Kneubuhl No 441 in Pago Pago, American Samoa. The Tsunami, which devastated parts of both countries on 29th September 2009 prompted both New Zealand and Samoan Freemasons to initiate actions which would be instrumental in restoring village communities. This, and the following story, highlight two special projects. Lodge Calliope No. 252 For some years after the turn of the century many of the then residents of Apia, from all quarters of the earth, who were members of the Craft, frequently discussed the possibility of starting a Lodge in Apia. During the years 1920 to 1923 informal meetings were held leading to letters of inquiry being sent to the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand re the forming of a Craft Lodge at Apia. In reply the Grand Lodges agreed unanimously that, if a Lodge were to be established at Apia, it should come under the jurisdiction of New Zealand. Upon receipt of this advice negotiations were continued with the Grand Lodge of New Zealand to such effect that a team of Grand Lodge Officers visited Apia for the purpose of consecrating the Lodge and Installing a Master and his officers from the local members of the Craft. This Installation of Bro HL Halliday duly took place on the 30th August 1923. There were twenty-four Charter Members. When the Lodge was dedicated, Team photo before the Installation a building belonging to the London Missionary Society was leased, but when the lease expired in 1941 a building owned by the Western Samoa Trust Estates Corporation was leased. From 1985 to 1990 the Lodge was dormant. The Lodge Room at Moto’otua, which had been owned for about 20 years, was sold at this time. The Lodge now meets in rented premises at Beach Road, Palolo Rise Twice a year the palolo reef worm rises from the coral and releases a ‘tail’ that contains eggs and sperm – and twice a year Samoans are waiting before dawn with their lanterns and their nets to catch this delicacy called ‘the caviar of the Pacific’. It’s not only prized for its culinary delights, it also sells for a high price. Some will eat it straight from the sea, others prefer the fried alternative. It is likened to an elongated oyster with more wriggling. The actual date for the rising is governed by the moon but it always happens late October and late November. *& Sogi, Apia. In 1997, following the irregular removal of a lodge trustee, the lodge resolved to petition the Grand Lodge of New Zealand with the object of forming a Grand Lodge of Samoa. Their Charter was briefly withdrawn until these matters were resolved amicably, with the Lodge agreeing to continue under GLNZ. Meetings are always held on the Thursday nearest the full moon, which means that thirteen meetings are held each year. Installation is generally held on the last Thursday in August and often the Lodge has the honour of the presence of Grand Lodge officers for the ceremony. The Lodge currently has 32 members, 10 of whom reside overseas. During the Second World War many US Service Personnel were stationed at Apia. Some joined as Joining Members while others were initiated. Lodge Calliope has the honour of being the most northerly Lodge in the Register of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand and, until the shifting of the International Women’s Committee house. Restoring the heart of a village Rest stop at the toilet b lock the team built Date Line, also of being the most westerly Lodge in the World. That honour may now rest with Lodge Benjamin Kneubuhl. Visiting is not very prevalent, except with Lodge Benjamin Kneubuhl in Pago Pago. At some meetings there are visitors from overseas, tourists, travelers representatives, members of relatives visiting Samoa and the crews of various ships. These visitors keep the Brethren in touch with Masonic affairs overseas and always receive a great welcome. Lodge Calliope is named after HMS Calliope, a ship which took part in the early political struggles which eventually led to an agreement called the “ Treaty of Berlin 1899” There has been a recent resurgence in interest in the craft in Samoa, which members think it is due to exposure to media, including the movies and books by Dan Brown, and partly to the discoveries by the grand children or descendents of the earlier members, from the pre independence period, who are now keen to associate with the history of their forefathers Lodge Benjamin Kneubuhl, in American Samoa, was founded in August 1974, under the Grand Lodge of New Zealand as No. 441. There is a membership of 27 and the Brethren meet in their own rooms, within easy walking distance of the Tradewinds Hotel, which is near Tafuna Airport. The March 2011 issue of New Zealand Freemason carried the story of the rebuilding of the Tsunami devastated Women’s Committee house at Saleaumua. This project arose when, in December 2009, six Freemasons from the North Shore District travelled to Samoa to conduct the Installation of Bro Brent Rivers as Master of Lodge Calliope. Following a tour of the Tsunami affected area they decided to identify and establish a project with the intention of providing the materials and labour to complete it. They identified the reconstruction of the damaged Women’s Committee house, and associated travelers rest facilities, as a project, which would restore the village community. The combined effort of a team of North Shore Brethren, Lodge Calliope Brethren and local villagers, in December 2010, ensured that the project was quickly executed and much appreciated by the Past Grand Steward Greg Taylor locals and travelling public alike. Two years on, the members of the Women’s Committee of the village are the caretakers as well as the group that benefits most from the new meeting house, which they use regularly for health clinics, educational meetings as well as for the usual Women’s get-together to discuss village affairs. Lodge Calliope maintains contact with the Women’s Committee and, as the need arises, will assist the committee in converting the building into whatever facility/function they require or what benefits them most. The building also serves as a rest-stop for travelers heading out towards the further reaches of Aleipata. Installation 2012 On 29th August Brethren from North Shore District, led by VWBro Geoffrey Foote, District Grand Master, travelled to Samoa for the 78th Installation at Lodge Calliope. Bro Lyle Moors was installed into the Chair of King Solomon in a dignified ceremony with all travelling members participating. Twenty-six brethren and ladies attended the following Festive Board at a local restaurant. The following day the visiting group ventured across the island to visit ‘their project’ of two years earlier and was delighted to see the finished Women’s Committee house. The visiting group came away very satisfied with the rejuvenation of Lodge Calliope and the connection the Brethren have made with the villagers of Saleaamua. Morris Robertson, with thanks to the several Brethren whose material has been drawn upon District Grand Master, Geoff Foote *' Rising above the waves New Community Hall in Poutasi, Samoa RWBro Barry Millage, former Freemasons New Zealand Grand Superintendent of Works, has not let the grass grow under his feet since stepping down from that position. He maintains his practice as an architect and continues to devote time to voluntary service wherever it can be of benefit. Most recently he was able to make a substantial contribution to the recovery of a tsunami-devastated village in Samoa through the donation of his services for the design of a new community hall. A bout four years ago Locky Mulholland of Oceanic Group, a New Zealand based company involved in setting up broad band and cellular communications in the Pacific, including services to Digicel in Samoa, asked Peter Smith Engineer, Paul Bunkall Quantity Surveyor and Barry Millage Architect to design extensions to the Sinalei Resort, located on the south of Upolu, the main island of Samoa. The extensions were in the form of two three-bedroom units with a shared swimming pool. The units had to be capable of easily being subdivided into six hotel suites. They had two visits to determine the location within the Sinalei complex, a site location was decided and sketch plans were completed. An interesting design requirement was that any habitable floor had to be 3.0 metres above the high tide level to allow for a 20-year tidal surge. Then the earthquake and tsunami happened. The tidal surge in the southeast of *( Upolu was 8 to 10 metres, affecting small coastal settlements including the village of Poutasi. As an aside, the tidal surge further along coast towards the north was exactly 3.0 metres at Sinalei Resort. Poutasi suffered badly, the Catholic Church was demolished and the school severely damaged. Mr Joe Annandale, a paramount chief and owner of Sinalei Resort, who lives at Poutasi, lost his wife and mother in law in the huge wave, which hit the village, and there were several others who also lost their lives. Locky Mulholland said that while his company prefers to work behind the scenes, he felt compelled to do something after seeing the aftermath of the natural disaster. “We are a community focused comPeter Smith and Barry Millage at the opening. pany and we struggled to comprehend what had happened to our colleagues and friends in Samoa and that set us to thinking about what we could do to help.” The result was the Project Heal and Protect (Poloketi Toe Fa’alelei ma Puipuia) Charitable Trust. The Heal part of the project referred to the plan to build a new community centre for the village of Poutasi, which being right on the beach, bore the full brunt of the Tsunami. He formed a group, which he called Project Heal and Protect in order to assist ` the many Samoan people with whom he had earned great respect. He rallied the NZ Government and managed to secure a $250,000 grant towards the cost of building a new community hall in Poutasi. Locky asked Peter Smith, also a Freemason, Paul Bunkall and Barry Millage if they were prepared to donate their services for the building and to become the design team. They readily agreed. There were also several fund raising events and many New Zealand and Samoan businesses, individuals and prominent sports people who pledged financial support. The community centre and its sports fields, which were vital parts of daily life in the village, were rebuilt on higher ground so it could be a safe haven for residents of the village during a natural disaster. A large number of New Zealand and Samoan companies gave time and services gratis to support the project. To quote Locky Mulholland “We had architects, builders, Telco companies, All Blacks, radio stations, lawyers, engineers, project managers, ` “Samoa has been drastically affected by the earthquake and tsunami; however our people remain hopeful and determined to rebuild our island nation. I am truly grateful and applaud Oceanic Holdings (International) Ltd for initiating ‘Project Heal & Protect.’ It is aid, such as this, that reminds us Samoans not to lose hope and to continue to unite to restore Samoa to what it was before September 29. In addition to restoring infrastructure, the National Evacuation Siren System to be implemented by Oceanic thru Digicel, will hopefully improve Samoa’s preparations for any future natural disasters. On behalf of the government and people of Samoa, I convey our appreciation for their invaluable generosity. I would also like to personally thank Mr Locky Mulholland, Director, and partners for their genuine concern and tremendous efforts to bring hope and comfort to Samoa in this time of crisis.” HE Asi Tuiataga JF Blakelock, Samoa High Commissioner to New Zealand. The Rt. Hon John Key speaking at the opening Samoa celebrates 50 years of independence league players, public relations consultants, building supplies companies all supporting us.” The Protect part of the project relates to the purchase and installation of tsunami warning sirens across Samoa. These are being erected on Digicel cellphone towers and will be linked back to the new civil defence headquarters, which is being built by Digicel itself. The local Samoan people are delighted with the result, and the new Poutasi Community Hall was officially opened by To’osavili John Key, (his Samoan title) Prime Minister of New Zealand on August 1 2012, coinciding with his trip to mark the 50 years of cooperation between Samoa and New Zealand. The Prime Minister was accompanied by the Hon. Peter Dunne who proffered the following comments to New Zealand Freemason “The Poutasi community was severely affected by the Samoan tsunami, and the project to redevelop the Community Hall was seen as a key part of the restoration of the village and its return to a normal way of life. The partnership that Project Heal and Protect was able to establish with a number of New Zealand firms that donated time materials and services to the redevelopment was critical to the Poutasi Hall being rebuilt. The reopening was both a highlight of the 50th Anniversary of the Samoa/New Zealand Treaty of Friendship, and a practical example of the friendship between our two countries at work today.” Barry Millage PGW After the Tsunami *) When the sun rises over the meridian The place of daylight lodges in New Zealand C urrently, within New Zealand, there are a special group of lodges which, despite their differences, are true to the origins of Freemasonry, that is they meet during the daylight hours. While for most their main purpose appears to be an opportunity for elderly Freemasons, who are no longer comfortable about going out at night, to meet for some they see a future of a different kind. Given that the initiation of new candidates is almost unknown some daylight lodges have struggled to find their purpose and have difficulties in meeting what they perceive to be their obligations under the Book of Constitution. With the Board of General Purposes Strategic Plan now being opened up for lodge’s contributions, daylight lodges have their opportunity to submit their own views on how this particular group can best be served and how they can best serve their members and their community. This article has been compiled from contributions from a number of lodges that responded to the call for stories about where they came from, what they do, and their perception of the future. As only a small part of what was received can be fitted in, every effort has been made to cover the broad spectrum of experiences and views. My thanks are expressed to all who responded to the call and sent in their stories. Morris Robertson, Editor History Historical references suggest that Medieval Masonic Guilds often met on the "+ Saturday for such business as proving their apprentices. Logic would tell us that, just as the first walls were erected on the north side in order to keep the building area shaded for less time, so would the meeting be during the day because few except the nobility and clergy could afford the luxury of candles and or lamp oil. It was when the Masonic Craft became an urban, upper and middleclass speculative fraternity and meetings moved into taverns that evening meetings started. Most daylight lodges are not large, rely on affiliated membership in one from or another and frequently change officers because of age, health, death or a brother moving away, but they all posses a unique fellowship. Because meetings start often in the morning with a lunch afterwards the medieval Masons would undoubtedly feel right at home thinking that these lodges really meet at the proper time. Recycled Freemasons From Milford Trinity Lodge No. 372, Squire Speedy writes. “There is an old Masonic saying that Freemasonry makes good men better.” For daytime lodges it manifests itself through the re-vitalisation of older members. Those older masons have found a new Masonic life in such lodges. Milford Trinity currently has 32 members with ages ranging from mid 70’s to late 80’s. The particularly friendly ethos of the Lodge may well have contributed to their lengthy Masonic service, or just that they believe that one of the important attributes of Freemasonry is expressed in the word “Brotherhood.” Many Brethren have long and distinguished Masonic records. No growls if a member has the occasional “senior moment”, it simply generates a feeling of sympathetic empathy, as it should. It has been suggested that attendance raises the spirit, keeps the mind alert and improves the quality of life. The important thing is that fine records, Masonic honours and recognition have not created a “stuffy” atmosphere – just the opposite. They have “been there and done that” and, in the process, have become better men. Reconnection After an absence of 30 years from Freemasonry and a night lodge member, I was given the opportunity of rejoining only, this time, a daylight lodge, Milford Trinity. This seemed to me a great hurdle to overcome, such a break with the traditions I knew. However the first meeting allayed my fears and I quickly learned the advantages of not having to drive at night and not arriving home late. My apprehension disappeared quickly. The Lodge appearance was the same, opening and closing the same, the working was the same, and with the only difference being that of going home in daylight. WBro Dennis Robb Lodge Wairoa sees the light Lodge Wairoa No. 55 is an old established Lodge, meeting at the Highland Park Meridien soup kitchen Masonic Complex in East Auckland. In the late eighties discussions took place regarding the future of the Lodge. Membership was falling and attendances were dropping as members were getting older and preferred not to come out at night. We were doing some ritual work, mainly second degrees for other more active lodges but hardly any initiations. Eventually it was decided to take the plunge and become a daylight lodge. Our first meeting was held in April 2001. A tyling time of 10.00 am meant brethren would be travelling at off peak times, going home after a catered lunch. Elderly brethren could maintain their friendships of many years and the Lodge would not lose their knowledge of the ritual and landmarks. What was most important, was that the ladies could come to Lodge too. “Yes a great idea, but what are we going to do with them?” Normally, we find a separate speaker if we are doing any degree work. Otherwise, we try to arrange a speaker of interest to both parties. There can be no doubt that going daylight has possibly saved the Lodge from handing in its charter. At times it hasn’t been easy but we are still meeting, doing some degree work and enjoying the fellowship of our brethren. With aging population and a proven format over ten years Lodge Wairoa No 55 looks positively to the future. WBro Ray Potter Rejuvenation in Tauranga About three years ago Meridian Daylight Lodge was really struggling and, had nothing been done, it was heading towards surrendering its charter. The Lodge used to tyle at 1-30 pm, do the business, receive visitors at 2 pm and then retire to refectory to join the ladies for afternoon tea and the usual Masonic toasts. Usually the activities would be finished and members hitting the roads to head home at between 4pm and 4-30pm. In 2009 a meeting was called to discuss what could be done to help this struggling lodge. I became Master and we looked long and hard at what would make a difference. The first problem I saw was the fact that our members are elderly and to be sending them out onto our city streets just as schools are coming out, which causes a big build up in traffic, did not seem ideal, not to mention the missed afternoon siestas. We now tyle at 11am, do our business and then receive visitors at 11-30am. Lodge is closed and we are out into the refectory no later than noon to join our wives and partners. We have a very simple lunch of soup, sandwiches, and savouries followed by tea and coffee. At 12-45pm we have a speaker for ½ to ¾ hour and so, by 1-30 pm, the activities come to a close and we can depart before the roads get busy. Our main fund raising is a popular Lucky Dip, which we run at each meeting. Projects we have recently supported have been the purchase of a flutter flag for Homes of Hope and, in conjunction with another Tauranga Lodge, a donation of $1,000 to our local St. John Ambulance. Meridian is a Lodge which, when consecrated, had about 130 members. Today it is down to 45 members but we do attract new joining members. We keep our fees down to a minimum, but on the other hand we are one of the more benevolent Lodges in our area. VWBro Mike Cooke Past Dist.GM When the day is right – a rebirth lot of the furniture and other pieces were supplied, and “donated.” In August 1964 land was purchased in Massey Road for the building of a new Masonic Lodge. After four years of continual voluntary labour, expertise, hard work, involving 5,500 man-hours by Lodge members, the new building was completed in October 1967. This Lodge became well known for its social activities, and any function, particularly the famed “Music Hall” nights. Mangere Lodge continued to prosper and, in 1972, reported a total roll of 182. By the 1990s, like other community organisations, the economy and social changes had an impact on the Lodge. With the membership loss gaining momentum, and to try and stem the flow, in 1993 it was decided to form a Lodge of Instruction. This was held on a Tuesday morning, and was considered the forerunner of it becoming a daylight lodge. This did not last long as the younger members had work commitments. With numbers dwindling to 21, the future uncertain and an offer received for the lodge property, a bold step was taken to change to a daylight lodge and meet on a Saturday afternoon. The consequence of this was a growth in membership and the move to new attractive premises. The Mangere Lodge has been recognized as innovative and progressive; always willing to try anything new that would benefit the Lodge and its members. The Lodge involves the ladies, widows and their families at every opportunity with any excuse for a social function. Bus day trips out of town are arranged to visit Lodges in Coromandel and Waikato. WBro Pat Leonard NZOM Papakura Lodge rooms The Mangere Lodge No. 330 was formed in 1947 with the charter members representing 27 different Lodges from a widespread area. It was consecrated and dedicated in the Mangere East Hall with 197 Brethren in attendance. It was amazing and some very tall tales told about how a "* Petone Daylight Refectory Retirement is not always necessary Contemporary daylight lodges were originally created to cater to Brethren who for various reasons couldn’t attend meetings at night. They evolved into lodges where everyone shared the same attributes for membership, age, disabilities, or simply they were unwilling to be away from their homes and loved ones in the evening. It seems many brethren incorrectly think that, if they are still working in their careers, they might be unable to attend such a daylight lodge. However, this is not always the case as can be seen by the increasing numbers of brethren who are still working and attending daylight lodges. A daylight lodge that meets every two months is a major advantage in terms of personal time as a working man may well be able to take a two hour lunch break from his work every two months to attend Lodge. If the time can be managed properly, there is even some time for a committee meeting and/or rehearsal in conjunction with the meeting. Refectory is usually a ‘finger-food’ affair, even warm pies and warm drink. Petone Daylight Lodge has over 50 members. They work candidates, either in simulation, or from other Lodges or even new initiates. The Lodge has received joining members of working age who are happy and able to find the time to attend bimonthly meetings. WBro Steven Elliott Pegasus Daylight Lodge The formation of Pegasus Daylight Lodge No. 450 in 1990 was the brainchild of two Brethren and their wives who conceived the idea while on holiday in Australia and visiting a daylight lodge there. The concept was that, while the brethren had their meeting in hired Lodge rooms, the ladies, including widows, met for their own social meeting in the refectory. This varied from invited speakers, to members relating their life experiences. Over its 22 years there have been a few joining members but 60 of the 81 inaugural group no longer attend and a large number have died. Some had dual membership and joined Pegasus to have somewhere their wives could attend with them. On the death of a wife some of them resigned from Pegasus to retain just a single lodge membership. With now only 21 members survival becomes tenuous. However, the Lodge is in good heart with no desire to hand in its charter. It wants to continue but it needs some sympathetic understanding from Grand Lodge. It is convinced that, while it has a place in benevolence, concern has been expressed at the time and cost needed to fulfil the requirements of the Book of Constitution in the manner of a fully active lodge in the traditional sense. The Lodge places great emphasis on advancement in Freemasonry. It has a “Masonic Thought for Today” at each of its meetings, engages in Masonic education, has guest lecturers including Tracing Board explanations and members give their favourite charges from each of the degrees. Pegasus is involved in a number of charitable activities and aims to keep members fully informed of National, Divisional and District activities and to participate in them wherever possible. Prior to the Christchurch earthquakes the Lodge met in the Idris Road Masonic Buildings but when that could no longer be used, the Lodge temporally met in a Methodist Church building and subsequently moved into the Riccarton Masonic Centre. WBro Derek G Laws THE HENDERSON MERIDIAN LODGE NO. 463 Daylight Lodge Meets second Tuesday monthly – New members and visitors welcome CONTACTS Master WBro Dan Cottrell Phone 09 832 2798 Secretary WBro Peter Nicholson Phone 09 845 4519 "" UNIQUE CELEBRATION IN NORTHLAND The Faber brothers clock up 110 years For two brothers to be celebrating their respective 50 and 60 years of service to Freemasonry on the same day must be a rare event. The fact that the ceremony was held in a daylight Lodge and the brothers are sons of a Past Grand Master possibly makes it unique. L ast March saw the presentation of a 60-year bar and a 50-year jewel to two members of the Okara Daylight Lodge No. 461. Bro Ron Faber OBE and WBro Peter Faber, Past Grand Standard Bearer, are the sons of the late MWBro EO Faber who was the New Zealand Grand Master in 1956-58 and about whom more will be written in a future issue. Over 100 attendees, including several members of the Faber family, were accommodated in the Whangarei Lodge room to watch the proceedings. There was also a large contingent of Square Wheelers, Freemasons who frequently rally together in caravans or motorhomes, a group which the Faber brothers enthusiastically support. Past Grand Master, MWBro Barry McLaggan, assisted by VWBro Bryan Wiig, District Grand Master, made the presentations Ron Faber is the eldest of the three of Edgar Faber’s sons. Ron was initiated, in 1952, into the Ararangi Lodge, Auckland, then, when it went into recess, joined Lodge Edgar Faber, which later amalgamated with Lodge North Harbour. After Ron and his wife Lindsay moved to Northland he joined the Okara Daylight Lodge in August 2006. Ron’s career in business and his other pursuits had previously prevented him from taking Masonic office. However he did serve for many years on the Northern Masonic Trust Board. Now in retirement, he is currently Chaplain of Okara Lodge. Peter Faber was initiated in Whangarei, in 1962, into Lodge Parahaki No. 269. He had the distinction of being obligated by his father, the then Past Grand Master. He was installed as Master in 1972. He also joined the Okara Daylight Lodge where he was Master 2002-2003 and again in 2010-2011. Having served over the years in almost every office available, Peter was appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer in 2000. He has, over the last ten years, organised several Square Wheelers tours including to the South Island (twice), Wairarapa, East Cape and Taranaki, in each case, involving local Masons en route. These have been very popular and well supported. From left: MWBro Barry McLaggan, Raewyn Faber, Peter Faber, Ron Faber OBE, Lindsay Faber, VWBro Bryan Wiig The Travelling Lodge The Okara Daylight Lodge was consecrated on the 16th Square Wheelers in 2007 dressed September 1995 and is the appropriately for Art Deco Festival, Napier youngest Masonic Lodge in Whangarei. It is also a dining Lodge where members may enjoy or travelling warrant that allows it to an inexpensive buffet lunch together conduct its business in other Masonic with their wives after the short business Lodge rooms. Over the years, this has session is completed. This usually follows seen Okara Lodge travel to lodge rooms a guest speaker or entertainer and is a in several Northland Masonic centres, popular attraction for the members and taking its charter to hold a meeting and, their ladies, with several Lodge widows usually, share lunch and entertainment regularly taking advantage of this with members of the local lodge. opportunity. There have been other visits too, of Another aspect of the Lodge that a less formal nature. On one occasion, sets it apart is its peripatetic Charter a number of members and their ladies spent an enjoyable Sunday together in Auckland where they attended a service Square Wheelers at Stonehenge, Wairarapa at the Edgar Faber Memorial Chapel at Mt Roskill followed by a Wurlitzer organ concert at Avondale. The Lodge has been well represented at the annual Lowland Games organised by the Square Wheelers, on one occasion taking away the Games trophy. The benevolent work that is a characteristic of all Freemasons Lodges is well supported in many ways including assisting the local hospice with their Memory Tree appeal at Christmas. WBro Jack Robson "# Beanies, booties and blankets galore Dolls dressed in premature baby garments PHOTOGRAPH – HEATHER COOKE O ur wonderful knitting project has reached its final stages and what a journey we have had. Because of the wonderful buy-in of our ladies who were in turn encouraged by so many of the Freemasons themselves, a venture expected to be a modest undertaking rapidly exceeded all expectations. Thanks to the foresight of Sheila Hicking, Charity Administrator, an informal structure was created to ensure the project ran smoothly. I am quite sure the enthusiasm of the Divisional Coordinators, Gay Goodman, Rosemary Salmon and Robyn Stephen ensured the continued growth in the number of knitters involved. Also, many others also acted in an unofficial capacity to assist with delivery of wool and collection of knitted items. I have been both embarrassed and delighted by stories related to this project. "$ Embarrassed that so many people have lost the use of their dining room, lounge, spare bedrooms, billiards tables and attics. To those wonderfully tolerant husbands, partners and families I say “thank you for your patience”. Delighted in that so many took it upon themselves to visit our less mobile knitters in their homes to deliver wool and collect completed garments. I understand that this social interaction was greatly appreciated. It was due to the combined generosity of The Wool Company of Taihape and The Freemasons Charity that we were provided with over half a tonne, (the calculated equivalent of 1,237km), of beautiful merino wool. In terms of a journey, how far could we travel if this was a New Zealand road trip? Our Mike Cooke helping to label garments. PHOTOGRAPH HEATHER COOKE journey could be from Bluff to Picton via Franz Joseph glacier, or should a northern trip be preferred we could From left: Robyn Stephen (coordinator Northern Division) and Jan Cooper with Diane McEntee, Janis Stockman, Susan Law and Debbie Read the latter representing Auckland area Neo Natal units. PHOTOGRAPH VIC FABIAN strength of the Masonic family in action – the combination of generous donations and the collective actions and team spirit which allowed us to achieve such an amazing outcome. As the end of the project approached many asked the Labelled and ready to go. PHOTOGRAPH VIC FABIAN question of “what next?” Having talked to staff at some of the neonatal units it transpired that they would be grateful to receive ongoing donations of woollen garments for new babies of all sizes. I discovered that colour was really important to young parents. Fathers travel from Cape Reinga to Wellington were often very taken with items knitted via Napier. Either way there would still in black. Woollen blankets were also be sufficient ‘wool kilometres’ to seek out much in demand and, of course, one size the best places to taste wine or eat along fits all. the way. Of course, if we take into account Jan Cooper the unknown amount of wool that our own knitters provided the journey may Journey’s end have taken us quite a bit further. rd September, The Incredibly, over 600 knitters produced On Sunday 23 more than 16,000 garments and blankets. Grand Master, Selwyn and Mrs Jan I understand our output was in excess Cooper, along with Terry McConnell, of two garments per Freemason. I do Superintendent of the Freemasons believe this demonstrates the collective Charity, travelled to Utiku, to make a presentation to Margot Riach of The Wool Company in recognition of her generous contribution to the Freemasons Charity and her support of the knitting project for premature babies. Jan Cooper presented The Wool Company with a cake with knitted garments iced onto it and bottle of wine to thank them for their support for the knitting project. The Wool Company made a presentation to Jan of an Ultra fine Merino rug as thanks for her coordination in ensuring the smooth running of the project, and for getting wool out into the community. Commenting at the presentation, Margot Riach said, “Wool regulates body temperature by removing moisture from the baby’s skin to cool it down and replacing it to warm them up, ideal for little people who can’t control their own Big boots to fill. The Grand Master displays his multi-team Super Rugby support scarf. temperature for the first 12 weeks of life and they won’t wake because they are cold.” The Cooper’s and McConnell’s enjoyed a luncheon at The Wool Company with the Riach family and then travelled back to Taihape for a Gumboot Throwing experience. From left: Janet Riach, Terry and Vicki McConnell, Selwyn and Jan Cooper, Margot Riach and Gordon Riach "% A BRIGHT FUTURE ON THE COAST New Masonic Centre for Kapiti T he last of the trailers had gone and the old building was finally empty. I moved from room to room taking one long last look at the bare shell that had been our Masonic home for nearly 50 years. I was struck at once by the dowdiness of it all. How gloomy and forlorn it looked, paint that was long past its use by date, curtains that had not been updated for some time and, everywhere, the dust and the musty smell that went with it. I thought back over the last nine months since our District Grand Master, Jim Watt, had issued both Tawera-OKapiti Master, Reg Hurley, and myself, then Master of Lodge Waikanae, the challenge to take a hard look at our Lodge buildings and to see if there was a better solution to the duality that we were currently operating under. We started out our journey with each Lodge having similar issues. These included facilities and interior décors that were long past their use by date but, on the positive side, both buildings were owned by the respective Lodges, neither of which was very old. The evaluation teams visited each other’s Lodge to see if we could sell and move into their building. However, it soon became obvious that neither building offered more than their current locations and that the respective members would not be happy moving to the other’s site. This left us with a third option to find a new location in either suburb for both Lodges to move to. The hunt was then on over the Paraparaumu and Waikanae districts to find a building to suit our needs. The new building was to be big enough to support both Lodges, to house a small number of side orders, have good storage, parking, night lighting, transport connections and have a solid commercial aspect to its operation. Easy! The Waikanae evaluation team then called a special meeting of the Lodge at which a remit was placed before those present to sell the current building and consider the purchase of a building at third site to house both Lodges. At the meeting all our members were given the opportunity to speak and after a short debate all of the questions were discussed and answered. Finally the motion was put and without exception it was passed. This was a very satisfying moment for our review group, as, in only five months, we had been successful in moving our lodge forwards. The Waikanae building was offered for sale to our next door neighbours, the local Baptist church and, following some negotiation, a price satisfactory to both the buyer and the seller was agreed and the Lodge building was sold. Very soon thereafter we were advised that the owner of a building, which is located in the Waikanae village and housed the Olive Tree Café down stairs and professional offices upstairs, was looking to sell. The review group visited the site and looked at the building as a possibility. It offered the upstairs space to build a new Lodge with storage, generous crush facilities, toilets and the ability to take a small lift, while keeping the Café downstairs as a catered refectory. The Tawera-OKapiti (TOK) group were also shown the building and purchase was discussed. While the Waikanae Lodge was further The new Kapiti Lodge building in Mahara Place, Waikanae "& along the way than Tawera-O-Kapiti their enthusiasm for this building was also evident. Although Waikanae Lodge could not buy the building without TOK support, it would be possible to buy it initially with Grand Lodge assistance as long as TOK agreed in principle to come on board, which they did. From this time things moved quickly and a submission was made to Grand Lodge for the money to purchase the building, including the refurbishment of the upper floor. As soon as this was approved the offer on the Olive Tree building was accepted and Kapiti Freemasons had a new home. The Kapiti Freemasons Centre Ltd. will be managed on behalf of its owner Lodges by a Hall Company, especially set up for the purpose. Currently the Trustees from TOK and Waikanae lodges fill the Director positions in the new Company and meetings of the company are under way. Action to sell the Paraparaumu Lodge building is also progressing to fit in with the development of the new Lodge, which is expected to be finished early in 2013. Since taking over the building in June of this year the development of the new Lodge has been progressing on a number of fronts. Resource consent for the building is required and this is under way, a fire engineer to Murray Kennett and Reg Hurley shake on the deal prepare the fire consent documents has been secured and as there will be engineering work that needs to be undertaken and a quote for that work has been sourced. Finally, because of a 16-week lead time to source a suitable lift, one has been found and ordered for the project. What has made this project a success where others have failed? I believe it has all been possible because there is a new willingness by Kapiti Brethren to be in harmony. To agree to agree and ensure that Freemasonry on the Coast is in a place where it can grow and best meet the needs of future Kapiti Freemasons, to encourage younger thinking and willing to move in a way membership and support Masonic which can only be good for the craft in families. I congratulate the members of the future. both Kapiti Lodges for being forward WBro Murray Kennett, Lodge Waikanae "' When the southerly wind is driving heavy rain almost horizontally rather than vertically and the life expectancy of an umbrella is about 30 seconds, it takes a brave soul to venture out of the house. Dedication at the Dedication Laying Freemasonry’s foundation stone in Christchurch W hen there’s a ceremony in a very exposed and partly built building with an inch of water on the concrete floor and rain water pouring through gaps in what will later become the second floor plus make shift tarpaulins flapping in gale force winds it is a very dedicated soul who ventures out. However, that’s exactly what a band of brave souls did when the corner stone was being laid for the new Freemasons centre in Shirley, Christchurch. The new building has been mooted for about seven years, but the earthquakes in Christchurch brought the matters to a head, resulting in a complex that will house a commercial component on the ground floor and two lodge rooms, a refectory and other rooms upstairs. With the land being ‘donated’ by The Avon Shirley Lodge No 185 the venture quickly attracted support from a raft of lodges Safely indoors at a local primary school. "( which had either lost their own rooms, or wanted to be part of a modern and very impressive symbol of Freemasonry in the city. The fact that there hadn’t been a new Masonic building built from scratch for 83 years added to the importance of the event. As required, there was an official meeting held to allow the dedication of the corner stone being laid. That was held in a nearby primary school classroom before a bedraggled group of Masons and their partners made their way to the building site. Once there the sight that greeted them was one of despair. The conditions were simply miserable. Ladies were offered what dry chairs there were there, and inches of rain water were swept away with squeegee brooms. The sound system had to be very loud to be heard over the thrashing rain and howling wind, and those with umbrellas that has survived the trip from the school huddled under them to reduce the water cascading down from the building above. Despite the conditions those who attended called on their pioneering spirit and the sounds of solid singing and hearty support were heard. That certainly would have surprised anyone passing by if there had been any! So, in true heroic style the ceremony was duly performed and it was declared by the Grand Master, MWBro Selwyn Cooper, That the foundation stone to be well and truly formed, levelled and placed, in accordance with the rules of the Antient Craft. A dash back to the school took out most of the remaining umbrellas before the wrapping up of the meeting and an afternoon tea. Suffice to say the hot savouries were gratefully received. It was agreed by all who attended that the official opening of the building next May is likely to be a lot more civilised as there will be walls and a roof in place. Rob Cope-Williams Easy access to a wealth of knowledge THE MASONIC DIGITAL LIBRARY IS LAUNCHED W ould you like to know a bit more about Freemasonry? Our Research Lodges have a wealth of information, with presentations designed to help explain Freemasonry to lodge members. Unfortunately, until now, most of those presentations have not been easy to access; finding information is now much easier. Recently over 800 members of Masonic research organisations from various countries received their personal username and password for free access to the Masonic Digital Library, which contains over 4,000 articles, talks and presentations from around the world. The library is largely the inspiration and work of WBro Ed Robinson of the Research Lodge of Wellington. When undertaking some research while living in England a decade ago, Ed was told, while completing his paper, of other papers on a similar topic published by Research Lodges in New Zealand that he had not been aware of, by the Research Lodge of Wellington, prior to his joining that lodge, and also by another New Zealand Research Lodge. While there are many of books written about Freemasonry and a lot of information available through the Internet, for those with a specific query, or just wanting to browse through different subjects, these may be difficult to access by many members of Lodges. The catalogue of the Freemasons New Zealand Library is available through the Freemasons website and books may be requested by email. A number of Research Lodges operate libraries as well, and members of those lodges know that the publications of ‘research lodges’ cover the whole range of Freemasonry and, that within that huge range of material, are some real gems – information to cover most general enquiries, talks that have inspired, discussions that have clarified uncertainty and topical lectures that illustrate matters of concern to freemasons through the last century. The problem is that finding material from past transactions has been very difficult – often even to members of respective organisations. The Masonic Digital Library gathers a file for each ‘paper’ or item of Masonic interest, collects these in electronic form and enables lists by author, title, subject or searches by any word or phrase. A search on “Apron,” for example, gives more than 25 talks specifically about the apron, with many more including the word. The Library contains files from a number of research organisations from New Zealand, Australia and other countries. It also contains the 25 and 50year histories of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand and other publications of interest to members of lodges, including some lectures from Past Grand Lecturers, and talks to meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canterbury. With many research lodges approaching their centenary, the Masonic Digital Library offers a way to make past papers accessible to members as well as an ability to share future presentations with members of other research organisations. The Masonic Digital Library is promoted by the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council (ANZMRC), and is now available through its website ( Access to the library is restricted to members of Masonic Ed Robinson Research organisations participating in the library as these organisations have committed to sharing future publications in electronic form and providing past publications as they become available. Other organisations, including the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, have also provided files for the collection. Members of the following Lodges already have access to the Masonic Digital Library: Research Lodge of Wellington, Research Lodge of Otago, Hawke’s Bay Lodge of Research, Waikato Lodge of Research, Research Lodge of Ruapehu, Top of the South Research Lodge and Research Lodge of the Taranaki Province. If you would like access, see the website for the participating Research Lodge most convenient to you, or talk to your research organisation as it may already have limited temporary access to evaluate participation. This library is already a desirable reference collection and it can only get better as more publishers participate. If you are a member of a Masonic research lodge or association, interested in widening your horizons, make sure someone contacts the ANZMRC through the link above to discuss participation. The ANZMRC acknowledges and thanks Freemasons New Zealand for hosting the library and assisting with related programming. d Robinson E ro B W te la tu We congra f ANZMRC o w o ll e F a e d a on his being m S S E R P P O ST ") Lectures, Ceremonies and Masonic Education M y last article asked you to try to get your Lodge committee to agree to 20 to 30 minutes in each Masonic meeting for Masonic education. The feedback from many Brethren indicates that this is expecting too much and that maybe 30 minutes every 3 months might be OK, that’s less than 2 hours per year on Masonic education. Consequently, this article looks at the amount of learning we do in Lodge when we watch a ceremony or listen to a Masonic lecture. The majority of our watching and listening is at a superficial level – we see the actions and hear the words and, unless we really concentrate, our brain will not gain much of an understanding behind the story or the demonstration. We learn about 5% of what we hear and about 15% of what we see. During a degree ceremony or Masonic lecture lasting one hour we will take in less than 10 minutes of useful information. A lecture is regarded as Masonic education but I would suggest that, although it is a teaching platform, not much learning results in our typical Mason from the average lecture. It should be acknowledged that there are some excellent Past Grand Lecturers who hold the attention and impart large quantities of interesting Masonic knowledge whenever they perform. The Master, Wardens and Deacons have a responsibility to teach the candidate the proper steps, hand positions and words. However, there is a difference between teaching and learning. Learning is an increase in knowledge by acquiring facts and information so we ‘know a lot’. We do this by memorizing information so we can reproduce it in our ceremonies. This is known as ‘surface learning.’ Deeper learning helps us make sense of meaning and enables us to relate the subject matter to the real world. In Masonic education we need to relate our degree rituals to our everyday lives. We will do this better if we really learn the words, steps and hand positions physically AND understand the hidden meanings metaphysically, but don’t be frightened #+ off by this word – it just means ‘beyondthe-physical.’ In other words we need to think about why we do the things we do. We learn about 80% from taking part and actually ‘doing’ something, so a good way to deeper learning is by being involved in small group discussions instead of simply listening to someone’s explanation. Three or four Masons in a small group can talk through their own understanding of the meanings in our ritual and each will grow in knowledge and understanding because of that discussion. Try this in your Lodge: 1. Use the 1st degree working tools, write each on a separate piece of paper making enough copies for one between three at a Lodge meeting. 2. Get the Master to put the Lodge at ease and rearrange everyone into small physical groups of three or four Masons around the Lodge room so they can speak to each other. 3. Hand each group one piece of paper with a working tool on it and give them 5 or 6 minutes to tell each other what that tool could mean in their day-to-day lives. Tell them to stay away from the physical meanings and think about the allegory in everyday real life. As this can be difficult for some people, have patience. 4. When each group is ready, call attention to the middle of the Lodge room and ask each group to say, in two minutes, what they came up with. Get everyone to listen in and comment (still being active). The same framework can use the three Perfect Points of our Entry or the four Cardinal Virtues. At the end of a recent session a Past Grand Director of Ceremonies stood up and said he had really enjoyed the education session and had learned more in 45 minutes than in the last 15 years in Masonry, a compliment to the framework indeed. The question might be; who should lead/facilitate such an educational I ask you to spend more Lodge time on Masonic education by allowing Masons to discuss points of ritual and learn the hidden meanings of nature and science instead of sitting, listening and being taught. session? An answer could be the Master or the Lodge Education Officer, but anyone could lead/facilitate so long as they keep one eye on timekeeping and the other on how each group is doing. There are three important points to watch for: avoid any person monopolizing his group; try to allow each person a go by encouraging people who are very reserved and quiet because they may relapse into just listening (if this is their earnest desire we have to respect it but usually a small amount of encouragement is rewarded appreciatively); allow feedback from each group but limit it to about 2 minutes per group. Being involved is more fun than sitting listening and members feel more respected and useful when they are involved. For these reasons we learn much more from doing than from just listening. This is my basis for asking you to spend more Lodge time on Masonic education by allowing Masons to discuss points of ritual and learn the hidden meanings of nature and science instead of sitting, listening and being taught. Try it Brethren and let me have some feedback from your Lodge Education Officer through your District Education Officer. George Allan, Chairman, National Education Committee PAEDIATRIC FELLOWS Breast milk, sleeping and learning The importance of the University of Otago Paediatric Fellowships Programme cannot be overstated. New Zealand has a strong reputation as a clean, green, safe place to bring up a family. In some ways that is very true but, in the case of the health of Kiwi kids, New Zealand is in the lower third of the rankings for OECD nations in child health indicators particularly those of injury and immunisation. A Capital Fund of $500,000 was established and the proceeds of the investment of that Fund continue to provide funding to Otago University post graduates to conduct research in such relevant areas in child health that otherwise would not have occurred. Mee-Yew Chen, Katie Appleyard and Rebekah Luo are Research Fellows who, with the support of The Freemasons Charity, are making a significant contribution to this valuable area of paediatric research. Dr Mee-Yew Chen “The Freemasons Fellowship has given me an opportunity to contribute to new medical knowledge. Without it, I couldn’t have embarked on research.” Dr Mee-Yew Chen decided she wanted to work with children after embarking on a Diploma in Child Health in 2002. “After six months working as a paediatric junior doctor and studying for the Diploma, I realised I wanted to stay working with children,” she says, “With children you can impact on their health long-term. You can really make a difference.” Mee-Yew has been working in the medical field since graduating with a MB ChB from the University of Otago in 1999. After completing a Diploma in Child Health and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) exams in Paediatrics, Mee-Yew embarked on a Masters in Medical Sciences at the beginning of this year. She has a busy workload – as well as researching her Masters, she is also involved in outpatient clinical work in the Paediatric Department at Dunedin Hospital. Her Masters research looks at maternal antibodies to rotavirus and its effect on rotavirus vaccine uptake. She is undertaking this project in collaboration with the Murdoch Children’s Research given me an opportunity to contribute Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne. The to new medical knowledge, without it I Institute is developing a RV3 Rotavirus couldn’t have embarked on research.” vaccine that is being trialled in Dunedin. Mee-Yew is passionate about working “I look at rotavirus antibodies that are in paediatrics and child health. “It’s an passed from mothers to babies,” she immensely rewarding field,” she says, explains, “through breast milk and cord “many people think it’s difficult working blood, and how that affects a baby’s with children but that’s not the case. It’s response to the rotavirus vaccine.” certainly not something I regret.” Mee-Yew is currently collecting breast milk and storing it for transport Dr Mee-Yew Chen to Melbourne, where it will be analysed. She will spend the next year collecting specimens and then will be able to start her analysis and writing up process. Where does Mee-Yew hope her Freemasons Fellowship will lead? “I’d love to become an academic general paediatrician in the future,” she says, “I’d like to be involved in teaching and research at the same time as doing clinical work.” Receiving the Freemasons Fellowship has been a fabulous opportunity for Mee-Yew. It has allowed her to bridge the gap between clinician and researcher. She is really enjoying learning how to do research and she feels very fortunate to be able to research and work in Child Health. “The Freemasons Fellowship has #* Katie Appleyard Katie Appleyard “Receiving the Freemasons Fellowship has been the most amazing opportunity of my academic life. I get to do what I love!” Katie Appleyard was having a gap year on the Gold Coast in 2010 and looking for work, when she realised she wanted to research sleep. “I applied for a job as a polysomnographer – someone who measures overnight sleep patterns,” she explains, “and missed out on the job to a master’s student. I realised then that sleep was a fascinating field, but that I would need to up-skill if I wanted to work in this area. Doing a postgraduate qualification made sense – instead of working on someone else’s research I could be doing my own!” Katie then completed a PGDipSci in Neuroscience at the University of Otago, where she developed an interest in the developing brain. This led her #" to paediatrics and the decision to embark on a PhD. She now researches the association between infant sleep maturation and behaviour, cognitive and motor development at thirty months of age. “I’m studying the sleep patterns over the first two years of life,” Katie says, “to discover if there is a link between sleep patterns and IQ, sensory, behavioural and social development.” She began her PhD at the beginning of 2011, and has started the lengthy task of data collection and completing a systematic review for publication. This research project has taught Katie how to manage her time and prioritise tasks, as well as learning how to deal with the challenges and setbacks associated with research. However, the most important revelation for Katie was discovering that it is possible to have a job you love. Katie emphasises that receiving the Freemasons Fellowship has been “such a gift”. It has freed her up to concentrate on her research completely so that she has not needed to make sacrifices in other areas of her life. As such, she treats it like a job rather than study. “Receiving the Freemasons Fellowship has been the most amazing opportunity of my academic life,” she emphasises, “I get to do what I love!” For Katie, the best thing about studying Paediatrics and Child Health is getting to work with children and families. “I get first-hand information from mothers and wonderful interaction with two year-olds. I love being out in the community – it’s by far the most interesting aspect of my job!” In the future, Katie would like to continue with paediatric sleep research, perhaps in the North Island, where the sleep and paediatrics field is still being opened up. Katie feels that she is working in a growing, highly relevant field. She wants to be able to provide guidance and support for young children. “Children can’t speak for themselves,” she explains, “they can’t communicate their needs so it’s up to us to be their spokesperson.” Rebekah Luo “It has been a great learning experience, and I am thankful for all the opportunities and challenges that this Freemasons Fellowship has given me.” Rebekah Luo doesn’t hesitate when asked to define the subject of her research: “I’m focusing on sleep disordered breathing in children,” she explains, “I look at habitual snorers versus those children who don’t snore, and whether there is any difference in their learning and behaviour.” What was Rebekah’s motivation to undertake a PhD in the study of sleep disorders and their link to learning difficulties? Her response is just as clear – Rebekah loves working with children and feels this research is vital to child health. “Research into the link between sleep disorders and learning difficulties in children is really important,” says Rebekah, “Sleep problems commonly occur in 25-40% of children, and habitual snoring (snoring on most nights) is the most common form of sleep disorder. It is unclear whether this impacts on children’s learning and behaviour, and if so, when and how should we intervene?” This research project was started four years ago when Amelia Gill, a previous Freemasons Fellow, began studying a group of three year-olds to investigate the link between breathing problems during sleep and learning difficulties in young children. These children are now six years old and Rebekah is continuing the work that Amelia initiated. Rebekah came to Paediatrics and Child Health from an honours degree in Psychology. She made her decision to focus on child development after completing a research project on early literacy skills in children and taking a Health Psychology paper in her final year. She is now in the second year of her Fellowship. “I spent the first year going out to schools and homes of children and doing a lot of data collection,” she explains, “I measured their sleep using a pocket device that measures how loud the child snores, as well as a finger monitor which measures oxygen saturation in the blood.” Her data collection also involved doing a number of psychological, reading and numeracy assessments. This year, Rebekah has been busy analysing the information she gathered in 2011. She is also preparing a followup survey, which will be sent out to eight hundred families. She has thoroughly enjoyed the past two years and is grateful that the Freemasons Fellowship has allowed her to concentrate on her research 100%. “It has been a great learning experience, and I am thankful for all the opportunities and challenges that this Freemasons Fellowship has given me.” What are Rebekah’s future plans? Next year will be spent writing up her findings and completing her PhD. After that, Rebekah would like to pursue a career in paediatrics that involves research and clinical work. She also hopes to obtain training and a qualification in clinical psychology. However, there’s one thing she is adamant about – whatever direction her career takes in the future “it will involve kids!” Sheila Hicking Rebekah Luo ## Hope comes from southern initiatives Immunotherapy advances target cancer cells University of Otago researcher Dr Sarah Young is optimistic that innovative forms of immunotherapy will soon become new weapons against Otago-Southland’s internationally high rates of colorectal cancer. Dr Young, of the Otago Pathology Department, and other university colleagues are leading research, which aims to develop new therapies directed at stimulating a much stronger immune response to cancer. This research has been made possible through the initiative of Southern Freemasons and the generous support from The Freemasons Charity and the Freemasons Roskill Foundation. Dr Sarah Young speaking about the research project, flanked by Estelle Peyroux, Simon Pelham, Braeden Donaldson, Melanie Grant and Kunyu Li. T he story begins with a commitment by our Southern brethren to the Live Life Lighter Programme by conducting a charity walk. The level of support was such that they began to look around for a way to utilise the funds they had gathered. Thus, the Freemasons Oncology Research Project was launched. The local brethren purchased a cell counter for use in the laboratory. Prior its introduction laboratory staff had to view a sample through a microscope and count the cells manually with a hand held clicker. The Freemasons Charity partnered brethren in their endeavours and, as a result, two Postgraduate research posts have been filled and the work on Immunotherapy has begun in earnest. More than one year on, around fifty Freemasons from the three Southern districts of Wickcliffe, Otago Lakes and Southland gathered at Manor Place Lodge rooms in Dunedin to witness a presentation, to Dr Sarah Young, of a flow Left: David Mace presenting Freemasons Roskill Foundation donation $35000 to Dr Sarah Young. Right: Melanie Grant explaining what her research entails. #$ cytometer, a further aid to the ground breaking research being conducted in the Dunedin laboratory. There is an expectation that, within 18 months to two years, actual clinical trials of the procedure will begin. If successful, standard treatment of cancer could be revolutionised with present treatment methods, some of which kill the good cells along with the bad, becoming redundant. The presentation was especially important as it marked the first such partnership between The Freemasons Charity and Freemasons Roskill Foundation, the two Masonic charitable entities sharing the lion’s share of the cost of this vital piece of equipment. The Chairman of Roskill Foundation, MWBro David Mace, and the Superintendent of The Freemasons Charity, RWBro Terry McConnell, were pleased to make presentation of $35,000 each to Dr Young who was fulsome in her praise for the continuing support by Freemasons of the local districts, generously supported by the two charities. Prior to the presentation Dr Young gave a very interesting overview of the work that is being conducted and how it might revolutionise cancer treatment. The rapt attention in the room was proof of, and credit to, her abilities as a scientist to explain the work in terms that all present could understand. She introduced The Freemasons Charity Postgraduates and they too outlined the work that they are currently undertaking. Sarah explained how, Fundraising Committee Chairman, John Steele, standing, potentially, the two main with Secretary, Les Brenssell. new forms of immunotherapy being developed at the university could reach clinical valuable, were blunt instruments which trials. “One approach adds proteins killed healthy cells, such as hair cells, and other immunoactive molecules to as well as the tumour cells. The new a virus-like particle (VLP) derived from therapies could provide a much more the rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus, targeted approach.” “This research had which was introduced to also been supported by the Health Otago in the late 1990s Research Council and the Cancer Braedon, Melanie, Kunyu Li Estelle, and Simon listen attentively. to control the rabbit Society,” she added. population. The outer There is real excitement in the air shell of the virus only is about this project, as per capita, the local used, without any of the area has the highest rate of colorectal genetic material con- cancer in the world. This is a great tained within, making it example of locally relevant research. very safe for human use, The Freemasons Charity has reconresearchers say. A second firmed its commitment to this research cell-based approach uses programme for the next 5 years. However, killer-T cells removed the major share of the credit must rest with from a cancer patient’s local brethren, their Project Managing lymph nodes, and Committee and their fundraising skills. returned to the body in a Their unshakeable belief in what could super activated form.” be achieved cannot be overstated. Take She said, “Existing a bow Wickcliffe, Otago Lakes and forms of chemotherapy Southland, we applaud you. and radiotherapy, while Sheila Hicking There is real excitement in the air about this project, as per capita, the local area has the highest rate of colorectal cancer in the world. This is a great example of locally relevant research. #% Identifying the smoking gun The dormant and recurring effects of polio Ms GM Jegasothy [Jega], Malaysian born of Sri Lankan descent and a long-time Perth resident, is passionate about her work. In September she toured New Zealand, as the Freemasons Travelling Scholar, with her visit funded by the Freemasons Roskill Foundation. She spoke at a series of special Support Group meetings with a focus on aspects of Post Polio Syndrome. In addition she held four meetings specifically for medical professionals, including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotic providers, clinicians, massage therapists and general practitioners. J ega qualified as physio- Jega therapist in 1972 from Curtin University, Western Australia. She worked in Malaysia and Cambodia before returning to work at the Royal Perth Hospital. She has been a Senior Physiotherapist in the field of Acquired Brain Injury for 25 years. During the last seven years Jega has concentrated on developing the Late Effects of Disability Clinic, which includes the field of Post Polio Syndrome. Remembering Polio Poliomyelitis, or polio, is a highly contagious viral disease. It was responsible for killing and disabling large numbers of people in the early 20th century. It is transmitted orally and initially infects the small intestine. Most people who contract the disease do so when they are very young, between three and five years old. The initial symptoms of polio are flulike. In a small minority of cases, the infection spreads beyond the intestine, into the blood stream and invades the central nervous system. In this case, called paralytic polio, the disease is far more serious and can cause floppy limbs or paralysis, which can be permanent. It is this form of polio that may later lead to post polio syndrome. A vaccine for polio was developed in 1955 and intensive immunisation campaigns worldwide have successfully #& eradicated the disease from much of the world. Immunisation in New Zealand began in 1957 and the last reported case due to wild poliovirus was in 1962. Since then there have been nine known vaccine-related cases. However, in 2002, immunisation was switched to the inactivated polio vaccine, which is not associated with vaccine related infections. Polio/Post Polio Syndrome Polio/Post Polio Syndrome, known as PPS, is a set of symptoms experienced by many people who have had polio at an early age. The symptoms can be quite debilitating and may compromise health and independence by leading to immobility. This syndrome generally begins to appear 20 to 45 years after initially recovering from polio. Although New Zealand is now free of the virus, post polio syndrome continues to affect many New Zealanders with 75–80% of survivors showing symptoms of the syndrome, or late effects of polio. These Additional information and resources are available through Polio New Zealand. Freephone 0800 4 POLIO (0800 476 546) Jega with Post Polio group – Barry Holland, Anne Mace (at rear), Diane Matthews, Johanna Korent (on crutches) and Nancy Blackstock (front). effects may include increasing muscle weakness, significant levels of fatigue, joint and muscle pain, cold intolerance, breathing and or swallowing difficulties. The syndrome can be difficult to diagnose and can require a management regime to deal with its symptoms. Adding to the difficulties of diagnosis are the similarities of symptoms, which can also point to other inflictions such as Huntingtons and Motor Neurone Disease, both of which have been traversed in recent issues of New Zealand Freemason. Jega’s experience, and what she is disseminating through her educational programmes, are vital aspects in enabling identification and treatment of the symptoms. Polio/Post Polio Syndrome is caused by prolonged overuse of muscles, whose nerve supply, initially damaged in the original occurrence of polio, can no longer take the strains placed upon them. The overworked muscles then ache and the joints hurt after decades of too much work with too little muscle support. When the muscles decide that enough is enough PPS results. Symptoms are caused by the nervous system equivalent of plugging too many appliances into one electrical outlet. Polio survivors need to unplug some of the ‘appliances’ to decrease this abuse of their damaged The iron lung T he enduring image of earlier epidemics is that of the dreaded iron lung. Physicians who treated people in the acute, early stages of polio saw that many patients were unable to breathe when the virus’s action paralysed muscle groups in the chest. Death was frequent at this stage. Nothing worked well in keeping people breathing until 1927, when researchers at Harvard University devised a version of a tank respirator that could maintain respiration artificially until a person could breathe independently. The pump changed the pressure inside an airtight metal drum, pulling air in and out of the lungs. Inside the iron lung the patient lay on a bed that could slide in and out of the cylinder as needed. When the patient was placed into the central chamber a door, allowing the head and neck to remain free, was closed, forming a sealed, airtight compartment enclosing the rest of the body. Pumps controlled airflow periodically decreasing and increasing the air pressure within the chamber, and particularly, on the chest. When the pressure was below that within the lungs, they expanded and atmospheric pressure pushed air from outside the chamber in via the person's nose and airways to keep the lungs filled; when the pressure went above that within the lungs, the reverse occurred. Iron lung ward filled with polio patients, Rancho Los Amigos Hospital, California (1953) nerves, weakened muscles and painful joints. Pacing and careful management of bodies becomes a way of life. Polio New Zealand inc. Polio New Zealand is an incorporated society dedicated to seeking support for people who have had poliomyelitis. It does this through information sharing and, where possible, assistance to members and their families, whether or not they are experiencing problems at present. The aims of the Society are in particular: to collect and distribute information that will enable members to understand and moderate the changes occurring in their conditions; to inform medical practitioners of the reality of post-polio syndrome and help update them on advances in research and treatment; to work towards the establishment of assessment and treatment clinics for polio survivors and the establishment of at least one centre of excellence in New Zealand for the study and treatment of post-polio syndrome to encourage a level of immunisation that leads to the eradication of poliomyelitis in New Zealand and worldwide. Immunisation is still essential New Zealanders over 70 will well remember the polio epidemic, which swept the country in the late 1940s, with its travel restrictions and schooling by correspondence. Subsequent vaccines and the progress towards total elimination of the virus have precluded it from recurring. However, a degree of complacency has arisen. With the memory of the epidemic fading into history there has been a reduction in the perceived need for immunisation of children. Although New Zealand is now polio free it would only take one traveller to arrive overnight from an affected area of the world to trigger off a new epidemic amongst those who have not had the benefit of the protection afforded by immunisation. Until the world is finally declared polio free [see box] immunisation is essential or the crippling paralysis of polio could once again be a reality. Morris Robertson The Rotary contribution P olioPlus, the most ambitious program in the history of Rotary International, is the volunteer arm of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. For more than 25 years, Rotary has led the private sector in the global effort to rid the world of this crippling disease. Rotary’s leadership, beginning in 1985, inspired the World Health Assembly to pass a resolution to eradicate polio, which paved the way for the formation of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in 1988. To date, Rotarians, worldwide, have contributed more than US$1 billion to the cause. Rotary’s partners in the Initiative include UNICEF, the US Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organisation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the latter being a substantial contributor. Mindful of what could happen if polio returns to this country the New Zealand Government has made generous grants to the programme through Rotary New Zealand World Community Service. Rotarians have not only contributed money but also their personal participation in National Immunisation Days whereby millions of children in endemic areas receive vaccine drops as teams of volunteers move from village to village. The ‘Plus’ in the title refers to the added ingredients in the vaccine to immunise against diphtheria, red measles, tuberculosis, tetanus and whooping cough. Rotary International’s ‘End Polio Now’ campaigns have largely reduced epidemic occurrences but the risk of epidemics remains while un-vaccinated people are still present in society. End Polio now is the campaign for the final push to ultimate eradication. Since 1988 the number of cases has dropped by 99%. There remain a few endemic hot spots where, through political or religious objections, completion of this worldwide achievement is proving difficult. Nevertheless, the goal is in sight. #' The Freemasons Charity in 2012 For a full copy of this Annual Report go to and click on The Freemasons Charity Annual Report icon The tradition continues The Freemasons Charity strives to ensure it adheres to its ‘tradition of caring’ – caring for the elderly, for those in need, for our communities, for the future of our country, for our future leaders, for research and development of our society and for our stakeholders. Any organisation is only as good as the people that support and work for it, and so it is that The Freemasons Charity could not continue its work the way it does without the wonderful support of local brethren and our tireless Almoners network. The level of support for Lodge Almoners has been raised by way of such tools as the Almoners Information Pack and the Gifts for our Widows programme. The number of lodge projects undertaken by local brethren has grown for a second year in a row and, in the past year, donations by brethren to the Charity exceeded budget expectations by more than 13%. contents of their Hospital Packs and we were delighted to welcome our Taranaki brethren to the programme this year. Since 2008 our team has distributed over 16,000 units in the North Island alone. Getting to the heart of matters privately funded programme in New Zealand, which has operated since 1978. The Right Honourable Sir Don McKinnon presented the scholarships to students selected from our eight major universities. Our criteria is twofold, good academic grades combined with a strong community involvement. At the completion of presentations the gathering was addressed by Max Harris, a recipient in 2010 and now a Rhodes Scholar. In 2007 we launched a National Defibrillator Project placing over 60 units in local communities throughout the country. That number has now grown to over 90. The meaningful month of May Under the radar The Hospital Pack Programme, a quiet achiever amongst projects, rolls on and we continue to receive letters of thanks and some donations from different parts of the community from people who went out in the morning not knowing that they would, through some emergency, find themselves in hospital at the end of the day. The work of our local brethren who make up and deliver the packs to hospitals with emergency units provides comfort and support to such people arriving at hospital in shock and in pain. The Charity supports our Southern brethren in covering the cost of the #( At each of the Divisional Conferences we detailed the work of the Charity to brethren. Many were surprised by the breadth of the work undertaken on a daily basis and we received many expressions of the pride in what was being done in the name of Freemasons. Copies of the entire powerpoint presentation, or smaller more focussed versions,are available by contacting the Charity Administrator Recognition for tomorrow’s leaders In May we gathered at the Grand Hall in Parliament for the presentation of Freemasons University Scholarships 2012. Freemasons in New Zealand have now contributed more than $4 million toward the education of the leaders of tomorrow through these Scholarships. This is the largest Providing the bridge The Freemasons Scholarships Programme, very generously funded by the ANZ [formerly National Bank], has rapidly increased in popularity in just two years. Through this we have been able to offer something very special to children and grandchildren of Freemasons, supporting the transition from secondary education to the first year of university. Presentations were made at the Divisional Conferences by local ANZ National Bank managers. Small steps foster a giant leap Support for The Freemasons Oncology Post Graduate ground breaking research grew from the proceeds of a sponsored Getting the best start in life walk as part of the Live Life Lighter programme by the Freemasons of Southland Wickliffe and Otago Lakes that enabled the funding for a crucial piece of equipment at Otago University. This was supported by The Freemasons Charity committing to a five year partnership to enable oncology research via the endowment of a Post Graduate Scholarship. The work of the two Post graduate researchers selected, Doctors Sarah Young and Chris Jackson, is recognised internationally. It is hoped that actual clinical trials may soon be conducted which, if successful, will revolutionise cancer treatment. A Cytometer, presented in September, has brought Freemasons Roskill Foundation into the partnership.. Like young minds gather FREESTA – The Freemasons Charity Science Travel Awards, launched in the last year has enabled more than 50 secondary students, who otherwise could not have attended, to register and attend Science Camps in Dunedin and have access to a great learning opportunity. In our sights We celebrated our 30 year relationship with the University of Auckland and the Freemasons Chair of Gerontology at a function in Auckland last year. At that time we entered a partnership with Freemasons Roskill Foundation to support a three year research project in Aged Macular Degeneration at the Department of Ophthalmology to test the role of inflammation in the origin and progress of this disease that currently affects as much as 30% of Kiwis over 60 years of age. When compared with similar countries New Zealand is not doing as well for children as it could as it sits in the bottom third in OECD rankings for most indicators and near the bottom for immunisation coverage and injury rates. These kind of statistics prompted, in 1988, the creation of the Chair of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Otago. Since then Freemasons have funded 25 Paediatric Fellows allowing them to complete research that directly reflects these and other issues in child health. To celebrate our Silver Anniversary it is intended to bring 1992 Fellow, and world recognised paediatric neurologist Dr Terrie Inder, to Dunedin in 2013 as a keynote speaker at a world conference on paediatrics. Age shall not defeat us The University of Auckland Chair of Gerontology was established in 1986 to teach about the care of the elderly and to conduct research into the process of ageing. This was the first full professorial chair established and funded by a community group in New Zealand. The current Freemasons Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Martin Connolly, has completed ground breaking research into improving the care of our elderly in residential care. Professor Connolly and his staff have now launched the ARCHUS Project to research ways of providing specialist care within these residential care units aimed at avoiding the potentially life threatening trauma for an elderly resident of having to leave their familiar living environment to go to hospital for treatment. Continuing the tradition When one looks back at the 2012 year we can justly say Freemasons have continued broad support for our brethren, our communities, and our country. May we take this opportunity to thank you for your support again in this wonderful year where, through your continued practicing of the tenets of freemasonry – brotherly love, relief and truth you enable The Freemasons Charity to continue in its tradition of caring. RWBro Terry McConnell, Superintendent, The Freemasons Charity #) Freemasons ROSKILL FOUNDATION Dementia - a growing problem in our ageing population The Foundation has made a further grant to Alzheimers Auckland for their Carers education programme to enlarge its coverage and expand its scope. Just a few years ago when the Carers education classes began, only six courses were held throughout the greater Auckland area covered by the Auckland Branch of Alzheimers NZ. But next year our $75,000 grant will allow 40 courses, helping to satisfy the surging demand from families and friends - the carers for more than fifty percent of sufferers for information and knowledge. The statistics on the disease are frightening. A report released earlier this year by the World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed the incidence of dementia is exploding with the rapid growth in ageing populations worldwide. In New Zealand, dementia is expected to increase to epidemic proportions in the very near future. Today there are 48,182 recorded cases of dementia (Dementia Economic Impact Report 2012), but the true figure could be significantly higher than this as only 60% of people are diagnosed. By 2026, the figure is estimated to grow to 74,821. A new Alzheimers NZ campaign encourages people to talk to their doctor as soon as possible if they are concerned about unusual behaviours, which might be the beginnings of Alzheimer’s disease. It asks people to be more open about $+ dementia and overcome the sense of anxiety that can lead to a delay in seeking medical help, Alzheimers New Zealand executive director Catherine Hall says. ‘The message is “the sooner we know the sooner we can help” because a timely diagnosis will often mean a person can keep living independently for much longer’. Care of Elderly a Foundation priority Remaining true to its founders aims is a continuing objective of Freemasons Roskill Foundation. In this report we update you on the work of two organisations we support, dedicated to the care of our older citizens. Freemasons & Geriatric Medicine A new appointment To get in touch with your local organisation, phone 0800 004 001, or visit Alzheimers New Zealand website Professor Martin Connolly Professor Martin Connolly has been appointed as the first Assistant Dean of the Waitemata Clinical School. Based in the North Shore Hospital, the school provides an environment for health professionals to train, work and develop professionally as researchers and educators. Martin was the stand out selection to head this initiative. The DHB and The University of Auckland both recognise his passion and commitment to academic medicine. He will remain in his role as Freemasons Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University a position he has held since 2006. His research interests include chronic care management, quality of life for older adults and the care of the elderly. The Foundation can be contacted at PO Box 113144, Newmarket, Auckland 1149. REPORT From small acorns how our help has grown With financial support from both the Freemasons Charity and the Foundation, the Freemasons Department of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Auckland has, over more than 20 years, conducted extensive research within the residential aged care sector (rest homes and private hospitals) in New Zealand. The latest survey, in 2008, showed a decreasing proportion of older people resident in residential aged care facilities but their average age had increased from 82 years in 1988 to 86 years. Disability and dependency had increased dramatically in the same period. The number of private hospital places has increased but rest home places has decreased, although the total number of rest home and hospital places has remained essentially constant. Professor Connolly and his team then used the results from the 2008 survey to conduct large-scale studies. This research, at a cost of $1.5m, was funded by the Research Council of New Zealand. In 2010 it looked at ways of maintaining high quality care in residential aged care facilities and reducing the need for avoidable acute hospital admission. They are now looking at the application of the research findings across all residential aged care facilities within the Waitemata District Health Board. The results will be used in the five-year strategic health plan for the whole of the Northern Region of New Zealand. The Professor makes the point that without the Freemasons initial funding these very large and complex consequent studies could not have taken place. He says the 2008 study is continuing to yield further results which will be valuable in maintaining and improving the quality of residential aged care provision, both in New Zealand and internationally. Telephone: (09) 520 6414 or email: Opera Interns working hard Freemasons Roskill Foundation’s financial support for The NBR New Zealand Opera Internship programme allows the twelve current interns to experience the full gamut of what it takes to be a professional singer. This ranges from learning the language, the libretto and the music, to working with the Director and Conductor alongside other members of the current opera’s cast - not just in Auckland, but also in Wellington and from 2013, in Christchurch too. Freemasons funds also provide allowances for tutors, vocal coaches and other associated materials. The number of Freemasons Interns now being cast in roles and garnering success in external competitions, concerts and other opera events is a key indicator for how well the programme is currently doing. Many of these fine young singers feature in the productions scheduled for 2013. Artistic Administrator of NZ Opera, Jude Froude says “It has been such a pleasure to work more closely with the Freemasons this year and to see the tangible benefits that their on-going support is providing to the singers on the programme - enhanced performance skills, better understanding of the professional opera scene, competition wins, job offers and much more. It’s exciting to see so much enthusiasm around this internship!” David Mace says in his Chairman’s Report in the Foundation 2012 Annual Report ‘We have received very favourable comment in the wider community as a result of this activity’. 2013 Mainstage Programme: ACIS & GALATEA Handel The Woolshed at Tipapa, North Canterbury - February MADAME BUTTERFLY Puccini Auckland – April; Wellington – May DON GIOVANI Mozart Christchurch – August THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Wagner Wellington – September; Auckland – October Enquiries and bookings: 0800 696 737 / Professor Connolly and all the members of his Department would again like to thank the Freemasons of New Zealand wholeheartedly for their generous and ongoing support. $* The Masonic Exchange Ltd Freephone: 0800 668 435 Est. 1926 Under New Management Manufacturers & Importers of Regalia for Masonic, Fraternal, and Friendly Societies Makers and distributors of quality Masonic Regalia & Supplies for all Constitutions: CO NTACTS: Peter Trewern (Manager): 06 364 5346 Terry Meekan: 09 263 8240 Phil Ivamy: 03 548 0725 POSTAL ADDRESS: P O Box 727 Paraparaumu 5254 For a full & comprehensive range of our products and services check our website at: We also deal in second-hand regalia, sales on behalf, and the disposal of unwanted Lodge furniture & equipment. We pride ourselves on the local manufacture of many of our products by an experienced team of craftsmen & women. We are committed to ~ Quality ~ Service ~ Choice STOP PRESS Chambers e report on Louis In addition to th nd 2012 co lighted that a se (page 7) we are de en awarded rsity Scholar has be ve ni U s on as m ee Fr facio, He is James Boni p. hi rs la ho Sc es a Rhod Honours elor of Science with who holds a Bach versity of ysics from the Uni in mathematical ph followed is a PhD in physics al go is H y. ur rb te Can aching career. by a research and te spoken years James has For the past two ts about high school studen of ps ou gr e rg of la to part of a College as s ic ys ph p hi rs schola university He is involved with Science initiative. make the g first year students tin sis as g, rin to en m sity life. transition to univer terbury member of the Can James is an active ed his in unity, having atta taekwondo comm e 2011 e 15. Following th ag at lt be k ac bl first ber of ke he was a mem ua hq rt ea ch ur ch Christ eer Army. the Student Volunt es will both Louis and Jam Detailed articles on aland xt issue of New Ze ne e th in ed ish bl be pu Freemason. $" !"#$%&' D D. B Qualified Gemologist, Diamond-Grader, Internationally Qualified Jewellery Appraiser 04 566 3668 Laings Rd, Lower Hutt My father and the Dambuster Squadron First Grand Principal, Bruce Hebbard’s father served in 617 Squadron (The Dambuster) as a bomb aimer from August 1944 to the end of the war in Europe flying on 18 raids dropping Tallboy and Grand Slam bombs including the raid on the Tirpitz at Tromsø. His last raid appears to have been to drop a Grand Slam on the naval guns on Heligoland The recent unveiling of the monument to Bomber Command has revived memories important to Bruce who writes: My father, Warrant Officer Loftus (Lofty) Hebbard, flew in 617 Squadron from August 1944 until the end of the Second World War and as family of air crew, we are invited to 617 Squadron Association commemorations. Two are held each year, one in May commemorating the raids on the Ruhr dams and one in November commemorating the raid on the German battleship Tirpitz. The latter coincides with Remembrance Sunday. The commemorations include a dinner at Petwood Hotel in Woodhall Spa which is where the officers were housed during the war. My father was training in Canada as part of the Commonwealth Air Training Scheme when, following the formation of the squadron in March 1943, the famous bouncing bombs, designed by Barnes Wallis, were dropped on the Möhne, Eder and Sorpe dams in the Ruhr valley on 17 May. A bomb aimer, he completed his training in England, Lancaster bomber his crew achieving such accuracy that it was one of the few ever to join 617 Squadron without previous operational experience. He afterwards said that his first reaction was that they were joining “that suicide squadron”! After my father joined the squadron it continued its specialist and precision bombing roles particularly using the Tallboy and Grand Slam groundpenetrating bombs, the main targets of which were U-Boat pens, bridges and canals. Dad flew 18 operations with Tallboy bombs probably the most notable being the attack on the Tirpitz, a sister ship to the Bismark, which was sheltering in Tromsø Fjord in Norway. The attack involved Lancaster bombers from 617 and 9 Squadrons and he recalled that they flew from Lossiemouth in the north of Scotland to Tromsø via Sweden, the return journey taking 13 hours, and achieving a fuel consumption of 1.1 miles per gallon. During the raid one Tallboy suffered a “hang-up”, a delay releasing from the aircraft, missing the Tallboy bomb ship and hitting an island making a 100 by 30 feet deep crater in the solid rock. The Tallboy bombs weighing 10,000 lbs were also designed by Barnes Wallis and were subsquently followed by his Grand Slam bomb weighing 22,000 lbs. On the Squadron’s second last raid of the war Dad dropped a Grand Slam on the naval guns in Heligoland in the North Sea. Subsequent to the Second World War the Squadron flew Lincolns, Canberras, Vulcans and currently flies Tornados. It has seen service most recently in Afghanistan. Bruce Hebbard Grand Slam bomb facts Crater formed by Tallboy that missed Grand Slam was fatter and longer than the Tallboy and was manufactured by Vickers and Co at their Sheffield and River Don works. It was a deep penetration bomb 26.5 feet long by 6.5 feet in diameter. The tail section measured 13.5 feet. It had a total weight of 22,000 lb with a warhead containing 9,135 lb of Torpex explosive. Hot molten Torpex was poured in the casing and allowed to cool and set for a month.The nose was manufactured from hardened molybdenum steel, 7 inches thick to give it sufficient strength to penetrate deep into the ground before exploding. After release the bombs approached a speed of 320 m/s, close to sonic velocity. A total of 42 were dropped. The Tallboy cost about the same as a Lancaster bomber and the Grand Slam half as much again. $# Jack Edward Warren 30 July 1931 – 24 September 2012 J ack Warren was born in Plimmerton on 30 July 1931, the son of Hoani Pikiwera Warren and Hazel Ngaru Gunson. He was educated at Plimmerton Primary and Wellington Technical College. He started his working life in 1951 as an apprentice refrigeration engineer welder but a shift in interest saw him take on an apprenticeship in carpentry Tribute to Jack Warren On 24 September 2012 Freemasonry lost a well-loved and respected Brother and Companion—Most Excellent Companion Jack Warren, Past First Grand Principal, Past District Grand Master, 32° Rose Croix Mason. This much respected and widely admired Mason was farewelled at his home Marae in Porirua surrounded by Whanau and many Masonic friends. At least 160 Masons stood when a sprig of acacia was placed on his casket. Approximately 850 persons attended on the Marae. Companion Jack lived a full life and was known throughout New Zealand as a kind, considerate man, steeped in Maori history and wellversed in Masonic lore. He was involved in many Masonic activities and was always there to help, as attested by many Lodges and Chapters, offering advice and always with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. He was at ease when talking with an Entered Apprentice or strongly debating Masonic issues with Grand Masters. Jack was a personal friend, a Brother, and a Companion. His influence will be sorely missed. The Bryan Scott/Jack Warren era has ended but the memories will live well into the future. Denise and family, thank you for sharing Most Excellent Companion Jack with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. MWBro Barry McLaggan, Past Grand Master $$ in 1957 ultimately becoming a selfemployed builder. From 1969 he spent a decade as a Building Supervisor and in 1980 formed a partnership with his good friend and Brother Mason, Brian Scott, a partnership which continued until Brian was no longer able to work. Jack married Mata Hariata Rei on 7 October 1956 and started a family which swelled to two sons, two daughters, ten grandchildren and six great grandchildren. His Masonic career commenced with his Initiation into Lodge Windsor No 377 in April of 1964, having been proposed by Brian Scott and Bob Blair. He progressed through the Chairs and was installed as Master in 1977. This was not to be the only time he sat in the Chair of a Lodge, or other Masonic organization. He received Grand Rank in 1993 rising to the rank of Assistant Provincial Grand Master and, later District Grand Master, after the restructuring at the end of the last century. Keenly interested in Masonic education and knowledge, he was also a member of the Research Lodge of Wellington No 194. In 1968 he was Advanced, Acknowledged and then Exalted into the Brooklyn Royal Arch Chapter No 24, and was Installed as its First Principal in 1980. He was appointed Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1985 and promoted in to Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1987. In 1990 he was appointed Grand Superintendent of the Wellington District. Four years later he was promoted to Second Grand Principal and in 1997 was elected to the office of First Grand Principal, as high as it is possible to go in Royal Arch Masonry. Jack was Perfected in the Hinemoa Chapter No 276 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, becoming Most Wise Sovereign in 1988. He was also a member of the Harwood Chapter No 1062 and the Aurora Chapter No 1057, serving as Most Wise Sovereign of the latter in 1990. He was rewarded for his contribution to the Ancient and Accepted Rite in New Zealand with higher degrees, ultimately joining those of the 32° in the Order. Continuing his Royal Arch interests he joined the Russell Cryptic Council in 1985, serving as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1994. He often commented that Freemasonry was his support following the loss of his wife in 1993. Always a contributor and leader in the society in which he lived has was a keen sportsman excelling in rugby, golf, table tennis and dinghy sailing. He was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in while undertaking compulsory military training in Waiouru and other camps and he was Chairman of the Takapuwahia Marae from 1971 to 1974 as well as being strongly involved in the Hongoeka Marae. For a number of years he exercised his leadership as Patron of the Maori Brethren Association, an organization which was very dear to his heart. He often expressed his great admiration of astute Maori Brethren such as the late Worshipful Brother Witemu Te Awe Awe and his team who travelled to many Lodges undertaking ceremonies for Maori Brethren. His enthusiasm and love of Freemasonry was shown in his performance of ritual with a passion that few have surpassed. He was a prolific visitor to Lodges and Chapters, often accompanied by his long-time partner, Denise. He has left a legacy which we shall remember for many years to come. A singularly appropriate Maori saying tells us: Ki mai ki ahau, he aha te mea nui o tenei Ao? maku e ki atu, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata! If you were to say to me “What is the greatest thing in this World?” I would say to you “it is people, it is people, it is people!” Jack Warren was one of those people. Gary Kerkin with thanks to Barry McLaggan and Bill McRoberts <=>?@A? BGHH,+I!"#$%&'(%)*'+"#%&,#-(("+#.%/-&0)#%&,#1+%*"+&%2 +"3%20%#/'4420"/#(-+#%22#.%/-&0)#-+,"+/ !"#$%&$'(")#'*+,-"# .)/'01'232'4564 7"8/'029'243'62:2 1-+#)-&*%)*#,"*%02/#-(#5-'+#2-)%2#%3"&* %&,#*-#60"7#-'+#-&20&"#/8-49#3-#*- ***;<=>?@A?BC..@A=B;!D;EF The 121st annual Royal Arch Grand Convocation On behalf of the Companions of the Northern Division, and especially the members of the Hauraki District, it is my privilege and pleasure to invite Ladies and Companions to the 2013 Grand Convocation on 1st—3rd March 2013 in the interesting City of Rotorua when RE Companion Les Borrell PGH will be installed as 1st Grand Principal of NZ and the Grand Chapter Officers Designate will be invested. A very experienced committee is working diligently to ensure the Convocation is well organized and all who attend are well catered for and enjoy their sojourn in the Bay of Plenty. We extend a very warm cordial welcome to our visitors from Australia and wish you an enjoyable stay in New Zealand. A full programme of events are set out at as well as a list of the Committee members who will be available to assist if required. Jack Benfell, Grand Superintendent $% TALOFA LAVA Profile of a new initiate T alofa lava and warm Pacific Fraternal greetings to you all. My name is Michael Alofa and my Samoan High Chief title is ‘Mauga’ from the village of Falealili. In Samoa there are two types of Chiefs, a ‘High Chief ’ and a ‘Talking Chief ’. But, if you’re anything like me, married to a Palagi Kiwi Police woman, I concede both Chief titles in my household. Now age 44 years I was born in Apia, Samoa. I come from a small family, in Samoan terms, of six children. In 1977 our parents, seeking a better education and future for us all, moved the family to New Zealand. Although English was a difficult language to learn I persevered, taking advantage of the many courses that were available to me through employers over the years. Although I’ve come a long way, so my wife tells me, the journey of personal learning is an on-going one for me. We lost our father in 1998 and our wonderful mother in February 2010. I still visit them both every week at our local Waikumete Cemetery. Mum was a strong lady, a pillar of our family when dad died. Our only sister is a Catholic Nun of 25 years, is currently stationed at the Vatican. I’m part of a police family having two brothers in the Auckland Police and my wife Kelly, a Detective of 14 years in Waitemata. Kelly’s father also served in the Police for almost 30 years and semiretired in 1999. So as you can see I’m surrounded by the buggers!...hence I had to get a different job. We’re blessed with two beautiful children, our daughter Isabella-Jane 5 years and son Gregory-James of 3 years. Our children are named after our parents as they have been special people in our lives and we’re ever so grateful for all their support. Our children provide us with the positive energy and strong will to attend work every day in doing what we do, protecting and serving our community, including its children from bad elements in our society. I’ve been the Crime Prevention Project Leader for Auckland Council West for the last five years. I’m the conduit $& between the Council and our local Police. It is an operationally flexible role with a strategic focus. I’m blessed with the opportunity it affords me to influence the decision making process towards safety decisions for our communities. As a believer in helping people through community service and, as a Marriage Celebrant for seven years, I use this life opportunity to promote the course. Prior to my Council role I was a security specialist specialising in project management and private investigation, including protection of the rich and famous in Auckland, followed by four years in charge of surveillance detection Alofa family for the US Government Office based in Auckland I like to think that I’m an old fashion traditionalist with strong family values and, through our parents teaching with their strong beliefs of respect, truth and honour being their legacy. Over the years I’ve heard many rumours and mis-information about the Freemasonry. Some claimed Freemasons were ‘devil worshipers, witch craft believers or an anti-religious sect’. I feel I was spiritually drawn to finding the organisation….so my journey started like this….just before Christmas 2011, on a Saturday afternoon in West Auckland, NEW INITIATES James Sutherland Joshua Taia Lodge Titirangi Mt Albert No. 204 Scinde Lodge No. 5 Andrew Matheson Lodge Titirangi Mt Albert No. 204 Leon Hobbs The Caledonian Lodge No. 16 Angelino Panahon Lodge Titirangi Mt Albert No. 204 Martin Godwin The Caledonian Lodge No. 16 Rodelio Silvestre Lodge Switzers No. 223 Galelio Chiu Jnr Lodge Switzers No. 223 Guy Robieson Danny Boon Raymond McKenzie Alfonso del Rosario Briene Salosagcol Daniel Eason Joel Thompson New Zealand Pacific No. 2 The Canterbury Kilwinning Lodge No. 23 Hercules Lodge No. 36 The Concord Lodge No. 39 Joseph Stewart Empire Fergusson Lodge No. 225 Mathew Todd Lodge Waverley No. 226 The Belmont Albion Lodge No. 45 William Te Kira Lodge Gisborne No. 233 The Manawatu Kilwinning Lodge No. 47 Nicholas Topp Lodge Doric Brighton No. 236 The Ponsonby Lodge No. 54 Brett Ward Hokianga Lodge No. 69 John Abraham Otangaki Lodge No. 70 Simon Reilly Lodge Riccarton No. 276 Rhys Attwood Lodge Tuakau No. 278 Joshua Grimmett Lodge Kumeu No. 279 James Abbott Lodge Arrow Kilwinning No. 86 Rodrigo Ballaminut Richard Hutchens Lodge Arrow Kilwinning No. 86 Valentin Bura Herbert Teagle Lodge No. 300 Richard Price Lodge Te Papa No. 316 Callum McNiel The Eketahuna Lodge No. 92 Allan Campbell The Cromwell Kilwinning Lodge No. 98 George Swanepoel Peter Bedborough Jefferson Vasallo Aaron Dyson Andrew Marshall Lodge Whangarei No. 102 The Havelock Lodge No. 104 Lodge Winton No. 108 Lodge Manuherikia Kilwinning No. 109 The Waitohi Lodge No. 111 Lower Hutt Lodge No. 299 Efmil San Gabriel Harmony Lodge No. 325 Roger Smith Harmony Lodge No. 325 Nigel Head Ngatiawa-Russell Lodge No. 345 Stephen Mycroft Browns Bay Lodge No. 346 Thomas Walker Browns Bay Lodge No. 346 Brian Foord Lodge Albany No. 404 Robert Green Lodge Torea No. 121 Andre Prassinos Lodge Arawa No. 406 Rana Phillips Lodge Torea No. 121 Michael Brown Lodge Te Atatu No. 414 Renalto Catalan James Pullan Shannon Marshall Andrew Winter Pilardo Non Warwick Dalbeth The Coronation Lodge No. 127 The Crown Lodge No. 138 Gareth Green Lodge Kaimanawa No. 426 Richard Wickens Lodge Hatea No 431 Lodge Ahurewa No. 181 Leslie Eldridge Lodge Waikanae No. 433 Lodge North Harbour No. 182 James Lindsay Stokes Valley Lodge No. 460 Lodge Clinton No. 183 The Avon Shirley Lodge No. 185 Marlon Lalas The United Lodge of Wanganui No. 468 Bruce Riach The United Lodge of Wanganui No. 468 Larry Puputi Lodge Waihopai No. 189 Owen Harris Benedict Daleon Lodge Waihopai No. 189 Crezylti Ocon Lodge Arowhenua No. 473 Ariel Ocon Lodge Arowhenua No. 473 Andrew Bryenton Pono Lodge No. 203 I was driving along Great North Road when my mobile phone rang, a call I had to take. I pulled over by taking the next side road. After taking the 30 minute call I discovered, unbeknown to me, I had stopped directly outside the Waitakerei Lodge Rooms. There, mounted at front of the building, was a notice board that included an after hour number for queries. After several minutes of hesitation the curiosity took the better of me and I plucked up enough courage to call the number. I, thus, spoke to my (later) Proposer, Jack Morris. Having been in the curiosity industry for many years I could sense that Jack was sounding me out at the other end of the of the phone. He told me to enjoy Christmas and that he would be in touch early in 2012. Jack phoned in January and I was subjected to three lots of interviews with more members each time and, finally, was initiated in May 2012. I’m looking forward to my life long journey with the organisation and my fellow Brethren. A special acknowledgement to all those from across Auckland who attended my initiation…what a daunting moment that was for me, but I did trust and obeyed the team. It was a pleasure subsequently meeting the Grand Master, Selwyn, and Jan Cooper at the Longest Morning Tea. I proudly acknowledge the wonderful guidance which has led me to the Freemasonry. Thank you Lodge Lodge Waitomo No. 469 Waitakerei No.170, WBros Ray Wilson and Jack Morris and the rest of the Brethren for their warm welcome in making me feel part of the family. I believe I’ve finally found my life time calling in an honourable organisation I had been seeking for some time. This will be proud gift for me to hand down to my son in years to come. I truly believe it was the guidance of the Supreme Being and my late mother that I’ve become the first Freemason in our family’s history. O le tele o sulu e maua ai faigota, ae mama se avega pe a ta amo fa’atasi (My strength does not come from me alone but from many)…an old Samoan proverb. Magua Michael Alofa $' The Back Page Chairman installs Chairman in Chair On 16th October the Chairman of the National Communications Committee, Past District Grand Master VWBro Duane Williams MBE, had the pleasure of installing WBro George Allan, Past Grand Tyler and Chairman of the National Education Committee, into the chair of Hutt Valley Lodge No. 176. Masonic gastronomy Where in the world can you feed four Freemasons and two wives a top class steak and chip meal with wine or beer for $15 a head plus place the order at midnight? The answer of course is Buenos Aires, Argentina. The idea to visit Chile and Argentina originated with some of the members of Lodge Mana earlier this year and by the end of August they had tickets booked and accommodation arranged, more importantly though we were also in contact with the Grand Lodges of both countries. Their two-week tour of these Latin American countries included meetings with the local Freemasons and attendance at local Lodge meetings albeit in Spanish. A full article will be in the next issue. Meanwhile, back to the picture on page 2. Is this the Grand Secretary recovering from the night before by choosing companions who have no ability to proffer comments? Media stars Otago-Southland Freemasons, John Steele, Alistair Cowan and Les Brenssell starred on both the front and second pages of the October 3rd issue of the Central Otago Mirror. For the full story see page 34. Brief Mention The Back Page concept is not new. The New Zealand Craftsman of February 16 1893 contains a Brief Mention section. From time to time we will reprint extracts from it. This magazine, published monthly, comprised 170 pages. From that issue: The Grand Superintendent’s expenses for the past financial year reach nearly pounds per week. Of this nearly half has been absorbed by the District of Wellington. A Master in Nova Scotia was suspended by the Grand Lodge for initiating a man who had lost his left arm. Poor fellow! The candidate we mean. Application will shortly be made for a Warrant to open a new Lodge at Ellerslie, Auckland. In our opinion there are too many Lodges in New Zealand already. It is sad and discouraging to see the sere and yellow Past Masters oftentimes rewarded with high office, whilst hardworking energetic occupants of the dais, ready to go anywhere and do anything, are often passed over. $( SERVICE AWARDS 70 YEARS RWBro Herbert Athol Thorpe PGW Bro Ronald Gilbertson MM WBro James Owen Young PM Lodge Tawhiri No. 166 Lodge Moutoa No. 195 The Lodge of Remembrance No. 318 60 YEARS WBro Peter Klue PM WBro John Raymond Stewart PM WBro Ronald John Bingham PM RH WBro George Miller PM Bro John Hamish Roake MM Bro John Booth Livingstone MM WBro Robert Hewitt Fletcher PM WBro John Charles Nicholson PM WBro Harry Tennant Baron PM WBro William Frank Wright Tucker PM Bro Ian Richard Kaywood MM Bro John Robert Paisley MM Lodge Rangitikei No. 38 The Concord Lodge No. 39 Ikaroa Lodge No. 115 Hinemoa-Kairangi Lodge No. 122 The Tauranga Lodge No. 125 Lodge Tawhiri No. 166 Onehunga Maungawhao Lodge No. 168 Roslyn Morning Star No. 192 Taia-Raukawa Lodge No. 229 Lodge Haeata No. 272 Lodge Homewood No. 447 The United Lodge of Otago No. 448 50 YEARS WBro Peter James Lillico PM WBro Mervyn Sydney Pryor PG Std B Bro Russell Hamilton Blakeman MM Bro Robert Joseph McMiken MM WBro Lawrence Thomas Kennett PM Bro David Raymond Morgan MM WBro Graham Clive Ellery PGBB WBro Stephen Winstone C Wallace PM WBro Neville Louis Wahrlich PM WBro Edward James Manson PG Swd B RH WBro George Barclay Hall PGIG VWBro Frank Charles Andrew PG Lec Bro Allan Gilbert Burns MM Bro Harold Leslie Lancaster MM VWBro Robert Neil Hind P Dist GM WBro Brian Hauauru Jones PM WBro Alan Millar Parker PM WBro Raymond Alexander Wylie PGS WBro George Henry Bragg PM Bro Maxwell William Lawson-Smith MM WBro Leslie Stalker Allan PM RWBro Ian Leonard Crawshaw P Prov GM WBro Mervyn Frederick Jones PM WBro Donald James Johnston PGBB WBro Colin William Young P Asst GDC WBro Donald Barrie Gibson PM WBro Alan Stanley Watkins PM WBro Harry Hulmes PM WBro Norman Albert Freeman PM WBro Lyle Athol Harold Smith PM WBro John Trevor Bickers PM VWBro Joseph Ronald Potter P Asst Prov GM WBro Lex William Donaldson PM WBro Terence Robert Putt PM MWBro John Michael Pope PGM New Zealand Pacific No. 2 Scinde Lodge No. 5 The Sir Walter Scott Lodge No. 15 The Franklin Lodge No. 58 The Ngapara Lodge No. 68 Hokianga Lodge No. 69 The Heretaunga Lodge No. 73 Lodge Arrow Kilwinning No. 86 The Mount Ida Lodge No. 97 The Mount Ida Lodge No. 97 The Mount Ida Lodge No. 97 The Waipa Lodge No. 119 Hikurangi Lodge No. 140 Teviot Lodge No. 148 Lodge Waikaremoana No. 158 Nau Mai Lodge No. 177 Lodge North Harbour No. 182 Roslyn Morning Star No. 192 Lodge Doric Brighton No. 236 United Forces Lodge No. 245 Lodge Tawera-O-Kapiti No. 253 Lodge Kaikohe No. 255 Harmony Lodge No. 325 Ngatiawa-Russell Lodge No. 345 Lodge Mana No. 352 Lodge Frimley No. 359 Lodge Rangitane No. 369 Lodge Kerikeri No. 402 The Gate Pa Lodge No. 407 The Gate Pa Lodge No. 407 The Pakuranga Lodge No. 416 Lodge Hatea No. 431 The United Lodge of Otago No. 448 Geyserland Daylight Lodge No. 462 New Zealand Pacific No. 2 $) Commodores Lodge The Strand, Russell, Bay of Islands 09 403 7899 C ommodores Lodge is situated on Russell’s picturesque waterfront. We are within walking distance of licensed restaurants and many popular tourist attractions. We offer fully self-contained, spacious, luxury studios opening onto a sub-tropical garden, or stay in one of our waterfront studios. For your relaxation we provide a swimming pool, a children’s pool, a spa and a barbecue. There is also access to the tennis court, kayaks and bicycles which are all complimentary. ~ Your hosts, Bill and Pat Noble %+