2100 - King Hiram`s Lodge
2100 - King Hiram`s Lodge
King Hiram’s Lodge Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Provincetown, Massachusetts Chartered 12 December 1795 by M. W. Paul Revere “May your Love be reciprocal and harmonious. While these principles are uniformly supported, this Lodge will be an honor to Masonry, an example to the World, and thus a blessing to Mankind.” - Revere 1795 2100 th Regular Communication of King Hiram’s Lodge—14 May 2011 Wor. John Robert Lundborn, 94th WM RW James Anthony Gilrein, II President, KHL Business Association Wor. Charles Phillip Morton, Secretary Wor. Ralph Edward Desmond, 93rd WM—Historian/Editor 2100th Program Saturday 14th May 9:00am-11:00am Public Open House Foyers & Lodge Hall 1:00pm Lodge Members Only Photographs 1:30pm Open Lodge - Business Meeting Lodge Members Only 2:00pm Recess To Admit non-Masonic Guests & Receive Distinguished Masonic Visitors Memorial Service Our Departed Brothers Recognition of: Veterans Long Term Members Affiliated Past Masters Past Masters of KHL Remarks by Master & Distinguished Masons Close Lodge Social Hour KHL Dining Room Sponsored by Anchor & Ark 4:30pm Dinner Members & Guests Dining Room $21.00 RESERVATIONS REQUIRED 508 487-7175 Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts MW Richard James Stewart District Deputy Grand Master 21st Masonic District: R. W. Henry P. Burke District Deputy Grand Secretary: Wor. Andrew Walker District Deputy Grand Marshal: Wor. John Eldredge Grand Lodge Website: www.glmasons-mass.org District Website: www.capecodmasons.org www.EducateMasons.org Overlook Masonic Health Center 866 657-7000 OverlookInfoSource.org Members of King Hiram’s Lodge, AF & AM Brothers All Act Upon the Square Let Brotherly Love Prevail Special Masonic thanks to Wor. Charles P. Morton, Wor. Dave C. Hunt, Wor. William H. Amaru Bros. Austin P. Knight, William A. Benoit, and David B. Adao for work in the Quarry Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant Thank You to all King Hiram’s Lodge’s Veterans of our Armed Services, past & present, for their devotion & service 1907-1910 Pilgrim Monument 2007-2010 1907-1910 Pilgrim Monument 2007-2010 Some of our Friends and Supporters Masonic Friends and Visitors Masonic Friends and Visitors 6010—2010 Worshipful Master Wor. John Robert Lundborn P.O. Box 82, Truro, MA 02666 774 836-5576 lundborn@truropolice.org Senior Warden Wor. William H. Amaru P.O. Box 1019 Orleans, MA. 02662-1019 508-255-0619 joamaru@comcast.net Junior Warden Bro. Richard Worthington Vining III 143 C Bradford Street Provincetown, MA 02657 garthptcc@gmail.com Organization King Hiram’s Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Service Committee Wor. John Robert Lundborn Bro. Richard Johnson-Wollschleager Trowel Representative The Master Lodge Ambassadors Wor. Ralph E. Desmond Bro. Richard Johnson-Wollschleager Lodge Auditor Wor. Michael J. Janoplis Masonic Awareness Chairman The Master Lodge Photographer Bro. Charles Fields DeMolay Representative Bro. Bligh W. Gaus Lodge Website Bro. Daniel Llatta Treasurer Bro. Peter (Eliot) Denault P.O. Box 692 Provincetown, MA. 02657 petercapecod@juno.com 617 429-6598 Secretary Wor. Charles Philip Morton 508 274 4020 c cpmorton2@earthlink.net Associate Secretaries Wor. LeRoy E. Atkins P.O. Box 1474 Orleans, MA 02653 GraceNroy@comcast.net Bro. Vernon G. Porter vernonporter@verizon.net 508 487-7198 Chaplain Dr. Bro. Philip Lieb Bro. Gregory C. Banks Marshal Wor. Rex McKinsey Senior Deacon Bro. Matthew R. Coleman Junior Deacon Bro. Austin P. Knight Bro. Michael E. Pratt (assoc) Senior Steward Bro. Donald R. Loupe, Jr. Junior Stewards Bro. Mario P. Criscuolo Bro. Daniel D. Llata (assoc) Inside Sentinel/Electricain Wor. Michael Janoplis Bro. Bligh W. Gaus Organist R.W. Leland D. Cobb, Jr. Tyler Bro. Kevin A. Harte Ritualist R.W. Southard Lippincott Proxy to Grand Lodge Wor. Charles P. Morton Representative Masonic Home Bro. Brian Flanangan KHL 2100 Lodge Notice & Historian Wor. Ralph E. Desmond Birthday Program Wor. LeRoy E. Atkins Development Chairman Bro. Peter (Eliot) Denault Masonic Angel Fund Trustees Wor. Rex McKinsey 774-353-8669c Wor. Michael A. Janoplis Wor. John R. Lundborn Mason of the Year Wor. Charles Philip Morton –2007-08 Bro. Peter (Eliot) Denault –2008-09 Meritorious Service Certificate Wor. LeRoy E. Atkins Wor. Donald A. Belisle Bro. Hersey D. Taylor Wor. Rex McKinsey Living Fifty Year Veterans Medal Wor. Leroy E. Atkins Wor. Clifford E. Brautigam Bro. Howard W. Burch RW Leland D. Cobb Bro. William Finkel Bro. Kenneth R. Johnson RW Southard Lippincott Bro. Robert E. Livingston Wor. Nathan S. Nevins Bro. Cliffton R. Smith Bro. Herbert W. Stranger, Jr Bro. Hersey D. Taylor Joseph Warren Medal Wor. LeRoy E. Atkins Wor. R. E. Desmond RW James A. Gilrein, II Wor. David C. Hunt Wor. Chronis G. Kalivas R. W. W. Bradford Morse Wor. Charles P. Morton Wor. Vartkes A. Perperian Wor. Paul E. Sweetser Rt. Wor. John Young Award Wor. William F. Reade, Jr. Wor. Edward J. Rooney Wor. James J. Bennette d - deceased Masonic Building Association Pres. James A. Gilrein Treas. Steven M. Garran Clerk: Dr Phil Lieb Asst: Jeffrey L. Putnam Honorary Members M.W. Albert T. Ames M.W. Edgar W. Darling M. W. Jeffrey B. Hodgdon R.W. James Anthony Gilrein II Wor. LeRoy E. Atkins R.W. Richard D. Gates, Sr. M.W. Roger W. Pageau Wor. William F. Reade, Jr Bro. Walter I. Rogers Affiliated Past Masters Wor .William H. Amaru Wor. Paul H. Andrews Wor. James J. Bennette R. W. Gerald A. Bergeron Wor. Clifford E. Brautigam Wor. Herbert G. Bell R.W. Leland D. Cobb, Jr. Wor. Louis A. DeMelo Wor. Robert W. Dubis Wor. Sam Fallas Wor. Luke H Furey Wor. Randall Gifford R.W. James A. Gilrein II Wor. Donald L. Haden Wor. Erik R. P. Houser R. W. Robert E. Howes Wor. David C. Hunt Wor. Chronis G. Kalivas R.W. Herbert B. Kinney Wor. Donald V. Kochka, Jr. Wor. David P. Konigsburg R. W. Southard Lippincott R. W. James T. Morse R. W. W. Bradford Morse Wor. Charles P. Morton, Jr. Wor. Nathan S. Nevins Wor. Vartkes A. Perperian Wor. Robert W. Proctor Wor. William F. Reade, Jr. Wor. Stephen L. Reid Wor. Edward J. Rooney Wor. Paul E. Sweetser R.W. David R. Thomson Wor. Clarence B. Whichard III Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts: M. W. Roger William Pageau District Deputy Grand Master 21st Masonic District: R. W. James A. Gilrein, II District Deputy Grand Secretary: Wor. Paul E. Sweetser District Deputy Grand Marshal: Wor. David C. Hunt Grand Lodge Website: www.glmasons-mass.org District Website: www.capecodmasons.org www.EducateMasons.org Overlook Masonic Health Center 866 657-7000 OverlookInfoSource.org 6011—2011 Past Masters 1796 - 99 John Young d 1800-01, 1805 - 07 Jonathan Cook d 1802-03 Allen Hinckley dw 1804 Henry Paine d 1807-10, 1817-21 OrasmusThomas d 1810-12 Ephraim Blanchard d 1812-14 Daniel Pease d 1818-17 Simeon Conant d 1821-27 Joseph Sawtelle d 1828-29 Henry Willard d 1829-30Jonathan Cook, Jr. d 1831-34, 1847-48 Barzilla Higgins d 1835-47 Waterman Crocker dw 1849-50 Godfrey Ryder d 1851-54, 1859-64 Joseph P. Johnson dw 1855 Peter F. Doliver d 1856 Lewis L. Sellew d 1857-58 Reuben F. Cook d 1865-66 Elijah Smith d 1867-70 John W. Atwood dw 1871-72 Joseph S. Atwood d 1873-74 E. Parker Cook d 1875-76 John M. Crocker d 1877-78 Artemus P. Hannum d 1879-80 Moses N. Gifford d 1881 F.A.H. Gifford d 1882 Joseph H. Dyer d 1883 Harvey O. Sparrow d 1884 Thomas Lowe d 1885 Hezekiah P. Hughes d 1886 Lewis H. Baker d 1887-88 James A. Small dw 1889 Andrew T. Williams d 1890-91 Jerome S. Smith d 1892-94 George W. Holbrook d 1895-96 William w. Johnson d 1897-98 William H. Young dw 1899-1900 Irving R. Rosenthal d 1901-02 Daniel M. McKay d 1903-04 Simeon C. Smith d 1905-06 John W. Small d 1907-09 Henry A. Wippich d 1910-11 George W. Cashman dw 1912-13 William McIntyre d 1914 William W. Taylor dw 1915-16 E.A. DeWager dvw 1917 Fred L. Dearborn d 1918-19 Charles N. Rogers dw 1920-21 John P. Silva dws 1922-23 Lloyd H. Higgins d 1924 Charles H. Scudder d 1925-26 Lawrence N. McKenzie d 1927-28 George F. Miller d 1929-30 Ephraim J. Rivard d 1931-32, 38, 45-46 George S. Chapman, Jr. dws 1933 Harry L. Eastman d 1934 E. Hayes Small d 1935 Ernest H. Small, Jr. dv 1936-37 Ralph C. Tinkham dwv 1939-40 Irving H. MacNayr dv 1941-42, 44 Gustav Aust dv 1943 Rev. Charles E. Garran d 1947-48 Irving A. Horton dv 1949-50 William N. Rogers d 1951-52 Churchill T. Smith dv 1953-54 Clifford B. Taylor d 1955-56 Henry B. Fisk d 1957-58 Burton Kenney d 1959-60 Wesley G. Felton d 1961 Rev. Gilman L. Lane dv 1962-63 John R. Patrick wd 1964-65 William W. McKeller ds 1966-67,79 George R Felton d 1968-69 LeRoy E. Atkins s Sr PM 1970-71 William D. Hersey d 1972-74 Irving R. Wheeler d 1975-76 John S. Barros d 1977-78, 80-81, 89 - 90 Donald A. Belisle 1982-84 Marc W. Belisle 1985-86 Fredrick E. Young 1987-88 Robert J. Walther 1991-92 Chronis G. Kalivas s 1993 Mario B. Mere X 1994 Scott J. Alden 1995, 2001,04 Walter B. Pollock, III 1996, 2006 EXPELLED 1997 Michael A. Janoplis 1998, 2000 David R. Thomson w 1999 Southard Lippincott w 2002-03 Matthew E. Monroe 2005 Mark A. Finley 2006-07 W. Rex McKinsey 2008-2009 Ralph E. Desmond w - Right Worshipful v - Veterans Medal s - Dist. Service Medal X– demitted SP– suspended
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