March 2012 - American Hosta Society
March 2012 - American Hosta Society
Mid-South Hosta Society Hosta Hotline March 2012 Volume 15, No. 2 Michael Shadrack, internationally known hosta expert and photographer, will speak at our March 15 meeting at the Memphis Botanic Garden. He is an informative and engaging speaker and sprinkles his presentations with bits of British humor. We are in for a real treat! Mike has been a member of The American Hosta Society since 1992 and is currently VicePresident of Awards and Honors. Also a 22-year year member of the British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society, he is their former chairman and current executive bulletin editor. There are more than 6,000 hosta images in Mike’s photographic library. Many of these photographs are in The Color Encyclopedia of Hostas (which was named 2005 Reference Book of the Year by The British Garden Writers Guild) and Timber Press Pocket Guide to Hostas, both coauthored with Diana Grenfell. He and his wife, Kathy Guest Shadrack, co-authored The Book of Little Hostas: 200 Small, Very Small , and Mini Varieties which was published in 2010. Mike has been growing hostas since 1986 and has been trying to hybridize almost as long. He was drawn to hostas through his other hobby, fish-keeping, when he saw the beauty of hostas reflected in a garden pond. He now has many more hostas than fish. He and Kathy maintain a large collection of modern cultivars and a garden devoted to small hostas at their home in Western New York. Visit to get a glimpse of their garden. As a qualified London Tourist Board Guide, Mike organizes tours of private gardens both in the United Kingdom and in the United States. He is now the “Hosta-expert-atlarge” for Bowden Hostas in Devon, England, the UK's largest hosta supplier. Through their website (, Mike is available to answer your hosta questions. Mark your calendar for a great evening. Come early at 6:30 to welcome the Shadracks to Memphis. This meeting will also be a book-signing event for Mike and Kathy, who will have their Book of Little Hostas available for purchase. Judith Hammond ‘Hey, little darlings, it’s time to wake up’ By LARRY TUCKER What prompts our hostas to wake up in the spring? Most factors are obvious, but some may surprise you. Unlike many frigid regions in the North, the traditional MidSouth hosta parade starts in March. Sometimes these guys and gals poke their noses above ground in late February. In the wake of an unusually mild winter, some hostas have already broken dormancy. For the past two weeks, pips of the usual early-risers have been restless, peeking from undercover to see if they can safely jump out of bed. Jack Frost, you know, may be lurking around the corner. Remember several years ago when he nipped early growth? Most of my in-ground hostas are still snoozing, but recent wet and mild conditions are sure to change that. I expect to see them waving at me before I’m finished clearing those ubiquitous winter weeds. There’s not a whole lot I can do to hold back the hosta parade. Air and ground temperatures play big roles in rousing hostas from their slumber. Once the air warms to a sustained average ‘Little Treasure’ saw the light and led the parade into spring. of 50 degrees and the ground reaches 40, there’s no holding our hostas back. Some delay their arrival because of genealogy, but most join the parade within a couple weeks. Those playing the blues are generally near the back of the procession. Wind can also coax hostas out of dormancy. A nice warm breeze combined with a little rain can tease those with exposed rhizomatous tendrils and persuade them to hasten growth. While cold winter rains are normal in the Mid-South, they do keep the ground porous and ready for the spring warm-up and eruption of plant life – unlike northern states where ice and snow tend to keep everything in a deep freeze until the vernal equinox (about March 21, the calendar’s official first day of spring). There’s no question that a stretch of sunny days will warm the ground rapidly. Sunlight is essential to help hostas ring in spring. That’s one reason I park patio pots in my darkened garage over the winter. By putting these potted hostas in cold storage and depriving them of light, I guarantee that they’ll have a longer winter nap and a more energized spring. But I remain awake to their needs. I sprinkle these dormant darlings twice a month to simulate occasional outdoor showers. Another good reason for seclusion is to keep fine pottery from cracking during our typical freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw winters. Imagine my surprise last week when I ventured into the garage and found a hosta desperately stretching its wings. ‘Little Treasure’ was the beneficiary of light leaking through a crack in window shutters. While every other hosta slept, this one reached for the slightest sliver of sunlight. According to my records, it woke up three weeks early. This lance-leafed lovely and other treasures have since been moved back to the patio, While warmth, sunlight, precipitation and wind encourage emergence of hostas, more factors are involved – particularly parentage. Hostas native to Southern climates around the world can be expected to show their colors early. That’s why many of our fragrant friends – descendants of the Chinese species plantaginea – lead the parade into March Madness. And that’s why my little ‘Dixie Chickadee’ is already strutting out front. Page 2 A Note from the President My winter to-do list is done and my countdown to spring has begun. While trimming my roses last weekend, I was surprised to see my hostas are already stirring – along with a bunch of green, healthy weeds! That’s a good indication that spring is near. Although you have to wonder if another serious cold spell is lurking around the corner. March has been known to play tricks on us like that. Plant catalogs are arriving. My project list for the upcoming year is growing as is my plant wish list. I can’t wait until the Club Specials that I ordered arrive in April. I have scouted my garden and know just where to plant them. If you haven’t ordered yours yet, you still have time at the March meeting. As crazy as it sounds, I am getting excited about the prospect of spreading mulch soon. That’s a true gardener for you! I would encourage all of you to get more involved in the society. Don’t be bashful. Tell us what you do well. Tell us how much time you can commit. We will find a place for you to participate. The more helping hands the better. Being the host for the 2013 Dixie Regional Convention will require as many volunteers as we can get. Finally, if you have never heard Mike Shadrack speak, you are in for a real treat. You will definitely laugh while you learn about hostas. Do not miss the March meeting. Bring your friends. Happy Gardening! Linda Linda’s Tips for March: CLEAN UP: Clean any remaining leaves from your beds. FERTILIZE: When the hostas’ tips start showing, add a well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Spread it around the root zone, but outside of the crown. Cover with compost or manure. Do the same for your potted hostas. SLUGS: If you have trouble with slugs, now is the time to start baiting. WATERING: This month is extremely important for watering your hostas. Keep them well hydrated. SHARING: Now is a great time to think about dividing your hostas. It not only helps your hostas, but divisions can make great gifts to friends. Book Signing Event The Book of Little Hostas: 200 Small, Very Small, and Mini Varieties by Kathy Guest Shadrack and Michael Shadrack will be for sale at the March meeting for $28 and the authors will be glad to sign it for you. To be sure you get a copy before they run out, let Judith Hammond know that you want one. Email her at To find out more about this wonderful book, visit the “Other Publications” page on the American Hosta Society website. Page 3 “Hostas, Friends & Music” American Hosta Society 2012 Convention June 13-16, 2012 at the Nashville Airport Marriott “Hostas, Friends and Music” will be a time for visiting with old friends, making new ones, experiencing Nashville and seeing Middle Tennessee gardens. The Scientific programs will include: • a panel on Hosta Tips to Grow By • Don Dean sharing his hybridizing experience Where Did That Trait Come From • George Schmid, the Key Note speaker, presenting his work on Hosta Species • Mike Shadrack will address hostas in Europe with Eric Smith, Master Hybridizer • Bob Solberg talking on The Future of Hostas • Jerry Weeks with From Yon to Here, a discussion on how hostas made their way from Asia to the New World • Warren Pollack leading a breakout session on recent hosta DNA work by Dr. Ben Zonnerveld, University of Leiden, The Netherlands • Flo Chaffin of Specialty Ornamentals discussing Shady Characters - Japanese maples, hydrangea & conifers. There will also be two non-scientific sessions: • The Rise of the Southern Biscuit and • Adelicia Acklen, Mistress of Belmont (Plantation). This is only a sampling of the events of the convention. Other events include a musical review on Wednesday evening, optional tours of Nashville gardens, the Parthenon, and three historic Civil War sites in Franklin, Tennessee. The hat contest is back on Saturday evening and currently there are more than 8oo leaves expected for the leaf contest. Check out the website for the complete lineup of this wonderful convention. Don’t forget that the Mid-South Hosta Society will host the Hostatality Suite on Friday night. Y’all come! Members-Only Club Special Hosta Sale Orders will be taken at the March meeting for our members-only special hosta sale. The hostas will be ordered from Bob Solberg with Green Hill Farm. They are bare root divisions that have been grown to quart or larger size. Bring your checkbook or cash, because you will need to pay at the time you place your order. Your plants will be delivered to you at the April meeting. ‘Appletini’ $14 ‘Bailey’s Cream’ $9 ‘Mouse Trap’ $13 ‘Blue Tooth’ $16 ‘Smiley Face’ $18 ‘Blueberry Waffles’ $18 ‘Spring Shower’ $10 ‘Brutis’ $15 ‘Star Power’ $16 ‘Candy Dish’ $13 ‘Sugar Plum’ $16 ‘Lemon Ice’ $16 ‘Winter Snow’ $18 Page 4 by Percival Picklebottom Chapter Eight Hello all! This is Percival Picklebottom with new news about our favorite slug, Sylvester. You see, Sylvester the slug has had such a busy schedule lately. His near death experience last year has forced him to find a new home. He arrived at his new garden a few weeks ago and has not been sluggish about surveying his new surroundings. It is very different from his old garden, and it took so long to travel. How did Sylvester arrive in his new home? Well, after he packed his belongings last year and left the redshoed gardener's yard, he found a new place to call home. He only traveled two yards down and was amazed to find another garden just brimming over with an abundance of hostas. (Of course, they were sleeping at the moment.) Yes, he had moved across the street to the Green garden. But, just as he settled into a nice little burrow, he was scooped up and placed into a flower pot. Well, that is all we have time for in this issue. I'll finish up the story of poor Sylvester's journey next time. Made in the Shade book selling briskly Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s Party!” -Robin Willliams In a report to the board Feb. 21, Larry Tucker said more than half of his new Made in the Shade books sold in the first month and gross receipts covered the cost of printing. Projected sales this spring, he said, will undoubtedly require a second printing. Made in the Shade: More Confessions is the second edition of Larry’s sold-out 2009 book. The new publication includes everything in the first edition plus 24 more chapters, hosta tips, color covers and pictures. Revenue again is destined for the Memphis Botanic Garden’s Hosta Trail, an American Hosta Society National Display Garden. In the book’s introduction, longtime MSHS member David Sams commends Larry for all that he has done for hostas nationally and locally. “He donates all of his book profits and speaking fees to the endowment fund that supports the hosta garden.” Others can help support the Hosta Trail by purchasing Larry’s book at club activities this spring for $15 or by mail order for $18. It will also be available March 2324 in the hosta society’s booth at the Master Gardeners’ Spring Fling at Agricenter International. Checks should be made payable to Mid-South Hosta Society (with the notation Made in the Shade). Mail orders should be sent to Larry Tucker, 2927 Geoffrey Drive, Southaven, MS 38672. The Dabney Nursery Thousands of Hostas in Stock 5576 Hacks Cross Road 755755--4037 755-4050 755 Mon--Sat 812--5 Mon 8-5 Sun 12 Page 5 Pick Up Your Osmocote at March Meeting Those of you who placed orders for Osmocote should plan to pick up and pay for your order at the March 15 meeting. If you are unable to attend, please make arrangements with a friend to pick up your order. Gloria Green can assist you with any questions. You may call her at (662) 342-1518. Mid-South Hosta Society 2011 Financial Report The Society began 2011 with a cash balance of $4,880. Our income for last year was $20,837 and our expenses were $17,937, leaving us with a year-end balance of $7,780. If you are interested in seeing the detailed report, it will be available at the March meeting. MSHS 2012 Board President: Linda Pittman Phone: 901-230-0230 Email: VP Programs: Judith Hammond Phone: 901-276-2819 Email: VP Members: Kristy Waldo & Berta Morgan Phones: (662) 342-5806 / (662) 393-5222 Email: Director at Large: Cheryl Lockhart Phone: 662-393-6247 Email: Secretary: Sheryl Casanova Phone: 901-517-5548 Email: Treasurer: Ian Edward Phone: 901-754-7955 Email: Ways & Means: Gloria Green Phone: 662-342-1518 Email: Hosta Trail: Tommy & Glynda Whitlow Phone: 901-388-1218 Email: Hospitality: Rosa Wooddy Phone: 901-873-1093 Email: Historian: Larry Tucker Phone: 901-652-7747 Email: Are you a member yet? See details and benefits at Newsletter Editors: Bill & Janet Ferrell Phone: 901-753-6473 Email: Webpage Editor: Debbie Robinson Phone: 901-272-9959 Email: FaceBook Editor: Tina Wideman Email: Page 6 Spring Fling The Mid-South Hosta Society will have a booth at this year’s MAMG Spring Fling. We need your help to man the booth. There will be a sign-up sheet at the March meeting. If you can help for an hour or two, it will be appreciated. You can shop, attend the different talks and help the society, as well. Spring Fling will be at the Red Barn at the Agricenter on Friday, March 23rd, 10AM to 6PM and Saturday, March 24th, 9AM to 5PM. E-mail Rosa Wooddy at rwooddy @ if you can help but won’t be at the meeting to register on the sign-up sheet. WELCOME - 24 New Members This MUST be a new record! We had 24 new members join at the February meeting. A BIG Hosta Welcome to each of you! Faye de las Flores Margie & Tommy Densford Jack & Deb Edwards Shelia & Jack Jayroe Marylane Johnson David Whitehead Candice Vaneyck Denny Garner Janet Futrell Susan Quinn Gwen Tubb Pamela Shelley Carol Symeon Glenda Mendina Isobel R Ritch Susan Edwards Sheila Gist Katy Terrell Lynda Terry Susan Porche Hosta Trail Workday is March 17 The workday will be devoted to cleanup (very little is needed) and preparation for growing our hostas. Volunteers are asked to bring their shovels and rakes and assemble before 9:00 a.m. in front of the Pudwell Horticultural Building. We will be transported to the trail where we will spread mulch and fertilize the hostas. Please come help and see our new rock mini bed and sign bed. Many thanks to the Memphis Botanic Garden and especially to Kyle McLane and Monico Oritz for their part in construction of these new beds. Tommy & Glynda Whitlow, Hosta Trail Coordinators Hospitality We have another great speaker for our March meeting, so I know you will be planning to attend. I hope that you’ll continue to share your baking and/or shopping talents with our members. Come early, mingle, sample the goodies and maybe get some recipes. I’m looking forward to seeing you! Rosa Wooddy, Hospitality We Want Your Clutter ! Spring is a great time for housecleaning. Nothing makes you feel quite so good when it's done: closets pared down to only the things you love, cupboards cleared of clutter. While you’re emptying those closets, remember that the MidSouth Hosta Society will be having a Garage Sale in April to raise funds for hosting the 2013 Dixie Regional. Your donated items can help make our sale a success. Co-ordinate dropoff/pick-up of your donations with Monti McCauley (767-8661) or Lisa Kennedy (761-5001). Page 7 P.O. Box 30902 Memphis, TN 38130 2012 Mid-South Hosta Society Important Dates to Remember Mar. 15 Society Meeting - 7PM at the Memphis Botanic Garden Speaker Mike Shadrack, Internationally known hosta expert & author Topic “Miniature Hostas” Mar. 17 Hosta Trail Work Day - Memphis Botanic Garden Society Meeting - 7PM at the Memphis Botanic Garden Mar. 23-24 MAMG Spring Fling, The Red Barn @ Agricenter, Int’l Apr. 19 Society Meeting - 7PM at the Memphis Botanic Garden Speaker Rick Blake, MSHS founding officer Topic “Growing Hostas in the California Desert” May 12 Annual MSHS Hosta Sale and Garden Tour ...seeking a volunteer host June 13-16 American Hosta Society 2012 Convention at the Nashville Airport Marriott “Hostas, Friends and Music” Sept. 20 Society Meeting - 7PM at the Memphis Botanic Garden Speaker Troy Marden, garden designer and TV host Topic “Mid-South Gardens” Oct. 18 Society Meeting - 7PM at the Memphis Botanic Garden Speaker Bob Solberg, hosta breeder and garden designer Topic “Building a Shade Garden Around Hostas for Year-Round Interest” Oct. 20 Hosta Trail Work Day - Memphis Botanic Garden Page 8 2012 CLUB SPECIALS Mini/Small Size Hostas 'Mouse Trap' (Shady Oaks Nursery) - ('Blue Mouse Ears' sport) - Mini, (6" X14") Best growing of the white-centered sports of 'Blue Mouse Ears', 'Mouse Trap' emerges with a pure white center with a few scattered green flecks. Summer leaves may green up in extreme heat so there is never any melting out! Lavender flowers on cute white scapes in June. The centerpiece of your hosta "mouse" collection. Mouse Trap Appletini Smiley Face µ6PLOH\)DFH¶ (Solberg 2011) - (H. clausa normalis F2 seedOLQJ;µ6WUDZEHUU\%DQDQD6PRRWKLH¶6PDOO´;´,W has the cutest round leaves that are full of personality and a unique rich yellow color. It has pink petioles and surprisingly heavy substance. It makes a small tight mound perfect in a pot or a special place in the garden. Red scapes and rich purple flowers with reddish tubes appear in July. Fertile both ways and makes a great parent. µ$SSOHWLQL¶ (M. Zilis, M. Vanous 2009) ± (Yellow sport of 'Blue Dimples' X 'Shining Tot') ± 0LQLWR6PDOO´;´$JUHDWQHZPLQL PD\EHWKHEHVWRIWKH³WLQL´VHULHVIURP0DUN=LOLVLWKDVWKHEULJKW yellow color, the shine, good substance, and cute leaf shape to make this fast growing hosta a star in the garden or in a container. It also has nice lavender flowers in July. M Medium Size Hostas 'Candy Dish' (Summers, Wrede 2003) ('Urajiro Hachijo' seedling) - Medium, (12" X 24" or larger) This may be as close to the perfect hosta leaf as there is. Start with heavy substance and dark green color, then add a deeply ruffled margin to a broad heart-shaped leaf with purple petioles. Pretty lavender flowers top off this dense, flat mound in August and September. %DLOH\¶V&UHDP¶ (Beilstein 2009) - µ6HD3UL]H¶;µ%OXH $QJHO¶0HGLXP´;´ This hosta has clean pure white margins and Irish green centers in addition to its not quite round, shiny leaves. It looks a little ³XQKRVWD´PD\EHPRUH tropical. Nice lavender flowers in mid-summer. µ %DLOH\¶V&UHDP /HPRQ,FH¶ (Solberg 2011) - (H. clausa normalis F2 seedling X µ6WUDZEHUU\%DQDQD 6PRRWKLH¶- Medium, ´;´7KLVLVWKH beginning of the next generation of red and yellow hostas. It is the largest of this very excellent and varied group of seedlings and has bright yellow leaves with bright red petioles and scapes. It keeps its yellow color very well and will be better in the shade garden as too much light will bleach it white. Nice purple flowers on red scapes in July. µ Candy Dish Lemon Ice Sugar Plum Spring Shower 'Sugar Plum' (Solberg 2011) ± (Seedling X 'One Man's Treasure') ± 0HGLXP´;´ This is the one!!! The ultimate goal of breeding purple-petioled hostas is to produce an upright plant with rich regal purple color that runs up into the veins at the base of the leaf. Add a bright white back to the leaf and you have the perfection of the purple running all the way into the white. This is that dream plant. It has purple scapes as well and blooms in late August and September. It is a prolific seed producer. 'Spring Shower' (Solberg 2007) - (H. sieboldiana X 'One Man's Treasure' F2 seedling) - Medium, (14" X 30" or larger) A welcoming sight in a special place in the garden, this light blue "Longiana" has classic heart-shaped leaves with strong venation and most resembles a "Tardiana". It has light lavender flowers in July. Try it next to 'Camelot'. Large/Huge Size Hostas 'Blueberry Waffles' (Sandy Brown 2008) ± ('Spilt Milk' × 'Abiqua 'ULQNLQJ*RXUG 9HU\/DUJH´; ´ This is the one you have all been waiting for!!! Maybe it is the huge almost perfectly round leaves, or their deep blue color, the color of blueberries, with all the perfect puckering, or maybe just the impressive mound of foliage that makes it the perfect specimen, or probably all three, but this is a spectacular hosta that you can't get out of your mind. It flowers with its H. sieboldiana kin in June. It's destined to be one of the hottest hostas of the year. 'Brutus' (D. Beilstein 2007) - ('Sea Drift' X H. venusta) - Very Large, (36" X 65") 'Brutus' is a hugeleafed, dark green monster that is a little unruly. At maturity, every leaf has an intricate pattern of ridges and valleys that draw closer inspection. It is topped by pretty purple flowers in early summer on tall scapes. Makes an impressive specimen if raised above ground level. 'Brutus' is a beast! :LQWHU6QRZ¶ (Winterberry Farms and J. Anderson 2003) ± 6SRUWRIµ6XPDQG6XEVWDQFH¶ ± +XJH´;´7KLVZRQ GHUIXOVSRUWRIµ6XPDQG6XE VWDQFH¶PDNHVDKXJHVSUHDG LQJPRXQGRIURXQG´FKDU treuse leaves that have exquisite wavy white margins that are consistently evenly wide. It has the typical tall scapes and lavender flowers in July that generally need early pruning. More impressive than its parent. Blueberry Waffles 'Star Power' (D. and M. Beilstein 2009) - ('Komodo Dragon' X 'Super Bowl') - Medium to large, (20" X 48") Looking for an impressive upright yellow hosta with large heart-shaped leaves that are ruffled and somewhat puckered? This one from great parentage has good color and a sturdy stance that will brighten up any shady corner. It has lavender flowers in June and is fertile. Star Power Brutus ¶ Blue Tooth Winter Snow µ%OXH7RRWK¶ (D. and M. Beilstein 2011) ± µ-XQH¶;µ$]XUH6QRZ¶± /DUJH´;´$ power blue hosta that has long, narrow leaves ZLWKORWVRIYHLQV7KHOHDYHVDUH´;´ and it has 12 pairs of veins! It also has light lavender Bird of Paradise-like flowers in August. It makes a large symmetric mound. Michael Shadrack to Speak at Mid-South Hosta Society “Miniature Hostas” Thursday March 15, 2012 6:30 PM Memphis Botanic Garden Hosta Expert, Photographer, & Author Open to the public. Members free, visitors $5.00 The Mid-South Hosta Society meets on the third Thursday Feb, Mar, Apr, Sept, & Oct. Membership is $10.00. Join the Hosta Society and order new and exciting hostas! Club Exclusive Sale, tonight only!
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