page 5 Large Power Station “Terra Nova” - page 16


page 5 Large Power Station “Terra Nova” - page 16
Expansion and works
planning in Lahnau - page 5
Motion Business Unit
much enlarged - page 12
Large Power Station
“Terra Nova” - page 16
INNOVATION – The customer magazine of the LTi Group
April 2014
We are on the move!
Dear reader,
SystemOne CM
Smart Energy Conversion
In the year 2013 we wrote a special chapter in the history of
the LTi group of companies. It was a year shaped by dynamic
development and many milestones: The integration into the
strong Körber Group brought many things into movement.
This was the initial spark for innovations, developments and
numerous changes with the result that a „jolt“ went through
each company.
- 11
One-cable motor feedback
- 13
Business Unit Motion
There were not only advances in the form of technological
innovations, but also organisational changes with the
objective of increasing our proximity to the customer. We report about both of these developments in this issue of INNOVATION.
Both management and staff accepted the challenge.
Sensitec was also well underway in 2013. Last year saw the birth of a new generation of magnetoresistive (MR) sensors with improved
performance characteristics in SMD packages. Further highlights were distinctions in the technical field in the form of the technology
ISO container stations
Sensor Packages
award SUCCESS and the Innovation Prize of Rhineland-Palatinate, as well as in the organisational field as participant in the DemografieFit Project, which had the target to be prepared for the effects of the demographic change. Considering the worldwide trend
towards „sensorization“ we venture the prognosis that the market for sensors will continue to grow strongly. This is a positive
development, which offers Sensitec the basis for continued dynamic growth this year.
This good morale can be felt throughout the entire LTi Group. Even if we are still only in the early days of the new organisation within
the group, the first changes are already bearing the first fruits.
- 17
Large Power Station
We are on the move!
Dr. Rolf Slatter
CEO Sensitec GmbH
Publisher: LTi DRiVES GmbH · Gewerbestraße 5-9 · 35633 Lahnau · Germany · Phone +49 6441 966-0 · Fax +49 6441 966-137
Mail: · · Editorial staff: Anni Tonigold, Thomas Stach, Marion Fürstenberg · Layout: Joëlle Heinsch
Works planning in Lahnau
Changed market situations demand that state-of-the-art production methods be safeguarded. LEViTEC is responding to
that challenge by implementing the new LTi production system
as pilot project for the LTi Group as a whole.
The objectives are clearly defined: to make production leaner;
to create low-cost workflows; and to adapt the complete
system to customers' cycles. Thanks to intensive planning and
analysis, and based on wide-ranging practical simulations, the
project team was able to implement the production reorganisation after just a short time. The pilot project will additionally
serve as a practical learning island, paired with a comprehensive
quality concept, for the gradual extension of the production
system to all other production units.
This will make us stronger than before on the market, and will
The diggers are rolling –
LTi headquarters is being
create potential for further growth.
On March 4th, 2014 work began on the much-needed extension to LTi's headquarters complex in Lahnau. The new
building is scheduled to be ready to occupy by autumn this
year, and will house the state-of-the-art, LEAN-compliant
production facility of the Motion Business Unit.
Please visit us!
Linked to the relocation of the automation drives operations
Hall 9 · Booth G32
from Unna to Lahnau, and with a view to the increase in sales
volumes based on the expansion of the sales and marketing
organisation, the existing production facilities are being updated to the necessary capacities and in line with state-of-theart production methods. New manufacturing islands are being
created for the SystemOne CM automation system in order to
fulfil the high production volumes of the revolutionary multi-
SystemOne CM
Compact. Safe.
axis system.
Future projects further ahead are also in hand: The plans for
the second phase of construction works on the production
facility have been drawn up, and their implementation will
make possible the growth planned for the entire LTi Group over
the coming years.
SystemOne CM
ServoOne – a cool system
Liquid-cooled servocontrollers
for single- and multi-axis applications
Air cooling
The ServoOne servo drive system from LTi featuring rated
currents from 2 to 450 A offers the right cooling method for
SystemOne CM
every application. In the lower power range internally cooled
servocontrollers tend to be used, whereas liquid-cooled systems
are the more common choice for the higher end of the range.
The revolution in automation
A key feature of these products is their highly compact design,
replacing bulky heat sinks with a flat cooling plate. Also, the
power loss of the drive controllers is discharged directly out of
the cabinet. This means the need for complex and costly cabinet
SystemOne CM is the new benchmark in terms of compact de-
The safety functionality needed to make machines safe in confor-
ventilation or air-conditioning systems is eliminated. This cooling
sign, dynamics, safety and cost. It combines a motion controller,
mance to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC is integrated into
method cuts operating costs compared to water return cooling
safety control, central power supply and multi-axis controller to
the SystemOne CM automation system in a scaleable way. The
by reducing power consumption, so shortening the amortisa-
create a perfectly coordinated system. With an edge length of
functionality extends from simple safety features such as STO and
tion period. If the machine is already fitted with liquid cooling,
275 mm, the system can easily accommodate nine axes and a
SBC, through safe single-axis motion such as SLS and SLP, to col-
it can be quickly and cost-effectively upgraded for cooling of
motion controller, including a safety control.
lision protection for multiple axes and safe monitoring of a work-
the servocontrollers.
It has three key features which make it the most compact auto-
space. SystemOne CM thus meets the safety needs of present-
mation system in its class. Firstly, the integration of the safety
day machine generations while at the same time providing the
The variable design featuring straight or angled coolant con-
control into the motion controller; then, the integration of a
flexibility to meet the challenges of the future.
nections means the servocontroller can be optimally integrated
500 W switched-mode power supply into the supply unit; and
Cold plate
into the machine's cooling circuit. Protection against over-
finally, the use of twin and three-axis controllers. In this way, the
The motion controller features PC-based scaleable computing
heating due to malfunctions in the fluid circuit is provided by
System-One CM saves as much as 40% of the cabinet space
power, integrating the technology packages for standard PLC
a fluid separation sensor integrated into the servocontroller. It
taken up by standard commercially available multi-axis systems.
and motion control conforming to PLCopen as well as for CNC
monitors the gradient of the cooler temperature and disables
and robotics on one software platform. This creates enormous
the power stage in the event of any sudden change.
The greater integration inside the SystemOne CM not only saves
flexibility, making SystemOne CM suitable for a wide range of
space, it also cuts costs. In a three-axis controller, for example,
Jörg Brinkemper, Product Management, LTi DRiVES
Push-through cooling
three driving axes share one housing, one field bus interface, one
power connection and one switched-mode power supply, resul-
Typical applications for SystemOne CM:
ting in a significant reduction in cost. Also, fewer components are
needed than in other standard commercially available systems, so
 Machine tools
the cost of assembly and installation is lower.
 Wood processing machinery
 Packaging machinery
A key element in the system's high degree of integration is the
 Machinery for semiconductor and
new control ASIC, which combines all the necessary drive control
functions on a single chip. This means the encoder and current
 Beverage bottling machinery
evaluation can be implemented with higher resolution and much
 Textile machinery
electronics manufacturing
Liquid cooling
better signal quality than was previously possible. In conjunction
with the high-end control structure featuring compensation and
Andreas Kling, Product Management, LTi DRiVES
observer functionality, this creates unmatched levels of dynamism
and precision in application.
Smart Energy Conversion
The quiet battery trailer
One-cable motor feedback:
The LeiseMelk is power for on the move. With direct current
The main purpose of the research and development project
from a saline battery (23 kWh), it generates 400 V of 3-phase
being undertaken by InGrid AG, however, is to develop a
alternating current.
distributed storage facility for the public power grid.
The battery trailer is fitted with a "dual inverter" from the
The LeiseMelk is able to store power from the low-voltage
SEC (Smart Energy Conversion) product range which is able to
grid and feed it back in later. This makes it possible to smooth
feed the power from the DC link into the public grid as well as
both spikes in consumer demand and the sharp, variable spikes
powering a synchronous or asynchronous machine, a generator
resulting from the irregular power generation of photovoltaic
International market research organisations and industry
or motor, via the drive controller. The battery is connected to the
plants. So PV production can be integrated efficiently into the
experts back his prediction. Recent studies by US information and
DC link and is charged and discharged via the SEC controller.
power supply grid. The shift in energy policy towards renew-
consulting organisation IHS, for example, highlight the fact that
The "charm of innovation"
ables is underway, and we will be increasingly confronted by
one-cable technology is currently one of the megatrends in drive
The battery trailer has all kinds of uses, including for milking
this challenge. The battery trailer is run on a special control
engineering, alongside safety.
cows – hence its name: "LeiseMelk", or "quiet milker", meaning
algorithm from InGrid which is able to control the power flow
Michelle Figgs, Senior Analyst with IHS, reports that "in recent
the cows and the farmer are not disturbed by the unpleasant
on a distributed basis. Power utilities can nevertheless influence
droning of a diesel generator.
the charging and discharging operations. They thus assume a
Before milking can start, the LeiseMelk's battery is charged
Bernd Appel
Klaus Oberkötter
Joachim Albach
feedback solutions with one-cable technology has increased
new role as a "power hub" within the changed energy mix,
The LTi DRiVES Drive Engineering and Automation division is
significantly".(1) In Germany and around Europe, too, insiders
enabling them to develop new business models.
currently experiencing strong demand for one-cable multi-axis
confirm that the all-digital motor feedback protocol is the future,
automation systems. Since the company was an early adopter
"because the new HIPERFACE DSL® interface saves money
at the socket of an island-type hydro power plant. Then the
farmer tows the battery trailer to the barn, which has no mains
InGrid is negotiating with a number of power companies
of HIPERFACE DSL®, it was able to integrate the innovative
and space, and at the same time offers the maximum currently
power supply. There he connects an electric milking machine
in Germany and elsewhere on pilot projects which will be
motor feedback interface optimally into its new SystemOne CM
possible security of investment and machine safety".(2)
to the motor output of the SEC, which milks the cows virtually
launched this year.
automation system and so gain a technology edge.
But why is that? Let's look at the technology behind it! HIPER-
silently. The unit provides power for three days at a milking rate
One-cable technology is currently one of the hottest topics in
FACE DSL® is the first all-digital interface capable of working
the electric drive engineering industry. Joachim Albach (Dipl.-
with just two strands, so enabling it to be transmitted robustly
With the kind approval of:
Ing.), head of Product Management at LTi DRiVES in Lahnau,
and free from interference in one hybrid motor cable.
InGrid AG ·
agrees: "SICK's HIPERFACE DSL® has changed the market,"
HIPERFACE DSL® transmits power and data over one cable. To do
But they had soon found their rhythm, and adapted to the
he asserts, adding: "In five years' time, we will look back and
so, the communication is modulated up to the supply voltage of
virtually silent milking routine. The unit saved 1,200 litres of
ask why we ever used two cables to interconnect a motor and
the motor feedback system, such as an EKS36 single-turn mo-
diesel in its first four months in operation.
drive controller."
tor feedback system or an EKM36 multi-turn variant from SICK.
of 50 cows twice a day. However, it did take time for the cows
Martin Brawand, Managing Director, LTi DRiVES Switzerland
to get used to no longer hearing the accustomed sound of the
diesel generator starting up as a sign to start producing milk.
years the number of drive manufacturers offering motor
More performance, less space, optimum economy – those were
therefore the basic technical demands in the development of
"Charm of innovation" generates wideranging demand
critical machine units do not have to be preventively inspected and
replaced, but rather their full service life can be utilised, without
losing out on the remaining life of intact components. "So it is
SystemOne CM. "The magic formula was increasing integration at both circuit and assembly level," Joachim Albach
As right and important as it is to enjoy the benefits of HIPER-
no wonder," Joachim Albach sums up, "that more and more
recalls. "What emerged was an automation system, featuring
FACE DSL® in practically halving the cost of plugs, cables and
customers from widely differing sectors are actively demanding
an integrated three-axis controller, which is the most compact in
integration, among other attributes, an equally appealing factor
the one-cable solution." LTi is the right port of call for them:
its class, takes up 30 % to 40 % less space in the cabinet, and
for end-user customers is, as Joachim Albach puts it, the "charm
The SystemOne CM is shipped as a complete unit comprising a
makes installation much easier thanks to one-cable tech-
of innovation" – and for quite differing reasons. For robot
motor with encoder and cable, drive controller, control system and
nology." And performance was not neglected either: "System-
manufacturers, for example, one-cable technology is interesting
switched-mode power supply unit, and is immediately ready
One CM easily handles high-speed positioning tasks at up to
because it simplifies the cabling through to mobile compo-
to run.
8,500 cycles per minute, with precision movement in the micro-
nents, and opens up the possibility to eliminate the otherwise
metre range," Joachim Albach adds.
often used encoder box mounted on the robot's base to
HIPERFACE DSL® points the way ahead
collect all the encoder signals. Another aspect is the actual
HIPERFACE DSL simplifies the encodercontroller interface
robotic mechanism. "The space for cabling is often very tight,"
Cable as a control variable has enabled a key optimisation
says Joachim Albach. "So it's a key benefit if there is only one
within LTi's multi-axis automation system. HIPERFACE DSL® one-
cable that has to be fed through a narrow opening. In other
cable technology plays a key role in attaining the high levels of
The SystemOne CM is shipped as a complete unit comprising a motor with encoder
and cable, drive controller, control system and switched-mode power supply unit,
and is immediately ready to run.
A key factor enabling the high integration and power density
areas, too, it can be difficult to wire up a motor. They include
integration which SystemOne CM delivers. Machinery manu-
of the SystemOne CM was the choice of one-cable technology
vacuum applications, for example, as well as feed-throughs in
facturers and end-users are discovering in ever-expanding new
Alongside a dedicated cable shield, special techniques and
from HIPERFACE DSL®. This means the encoder cable can be
stainless steel housings. In both cases, the cost and availability
ways that this interface technology really is the future in electric
the use of pulse transformers ensure that the encoder signal
omitted altogether, so making the installation process simpler.
risk tend to rise in line with the number of cables. One-cable
drive engineering – especially as component suppliers such
is isolated from the interference on the motor power cable
For the purpose, LTi even uses a special controller connector in
technology enables the number of feed-throughs to be mini-
as cable and drag chain manufacturers are now also offering
and transmitted without disturbance. "Consequently, electric
the SystemOne CM for power and signals, which additionally
mised," says Joachim Albach.
matching products in line with the market trend.
drive solutions with motor feedback systems and HIPERFACE
provides improved signal shielding.
DSL® are outwardly identifiable by the fact that they have only
The HIPERFACE DSL® interface also makes it possible to make
one motor plug and one motor cable," comments Joachim
the complete drive controller electronics leaner in design. "Digital
Albach, also referring to his own company's multi-axis auto-
technology is very easy to integrate, and is getting ever
Other users in turn are primarily concerned with the availability
mation system SystemOne CM.
smaller as technology advances," states Joachim Albach. "Future
of their systems. In applications featuring travelling axes, such as
system generations will be more cost-effective because there
in machine tools or handling systems, cable breaks are among
LTi is committed to continually extending
will no longer be a separate encoder interface; the encoder
the most frequent causes of failure. Fewer cables = less like-
cable and plug on the motor will be eliminated."
lihood of failure is the equation which generally works for
Since April 1st, 2013 the LTi Group, with its workforce of some
One-cable technology as a strategic innovation project
Digital interface improves availability
moving cables. Availability becomes even more of a key issue
900 people worldwide, has been part of the Körber Group.
monitoring environment. "That is increasingly an argument,
particularly when you consider that machines are normally in
Körber is a group of some 50 leading international technology
companies in the tobacco, tissue, automation, intralogistics,
Since SICK launched HIPERFACE DSL® in 2011, the all-digital
service for many years," Joachim Albach confirms.
mailing, machine tools and pharmaceutical packaging systems
interface has gradually developed into the market standard. LTi
HIPERFACE DSL® offers the possibility to record a wide range
sectors. With some 11,000 employees, Körber generates sales
also recognised the benefits of the innovative new solution at a
of motor data – including operating hours, motor temperature,
of € 2 billion.
very early stage, and launched an in-house project to establish
current consumption, speeds, velocities and the respective
the fundamentals. "The project involved gathering experience,
changes in those variables – with the aid of the motor feedback
LTi, based in Lahnau, operates in three separate business fields:
clarifying marginal conditions and specifying technical require-
system. Continuous condition monitoring enables this data to be
Energy Technology; Sensor Technology; and Motion Technology
ments, such as for shielding or the conversion of signal levels,"
utilised for diagnostic purposes as well as for preventive mainte-
(Drive Engineering and Automation Technology). The business
recalls Joachim Albach.
nance. Altogether, it provides an information resource on pre-
"With HIPERFACE DSL® SICK has really changed something in the market", says Dipl.Ing. Joachim Albach, Head of Product Management at LTi DRiVES (l.), in conversation
with Klaus Oberkötter, Managing Director of TBO GmbH.
sent condition and on projected future trends in the conditions
unit offers an extensive, mutually complementary modular
when the drive systems are to be integrated in a condition
Joachim Albach, Product Management, LTi DRiVES GmbH n
of drives and machines. This entails two main benefits for users.
portfolio of products and services. One of its strengths lies in the
"SICK provided us with comprehensive system backup and
type of multi-axis automation systems which are employed
support in every phase." The project delivered key information
in many different industrial sectors.
which LTi was then able to use in developing SystemOne CM.
The first is protection of the machine, avoiding expensive
"Customers increasingly expect systems which deliver out-
Other input during that period came from the market, as
consequential damage by using a fast-reacting safety system,
standing dynamics and precision while at the same time
Joachim Albach reports: "The early drive solutions featuring one-
such as an emergency shut-off.
offering maximum compactness, simplicity, safety and
cable technology, such as with our servo amplifier ServoOne
economy," reports Joachim Albach, highlighting the key
junior, immediately led to some intensive customer feedback.
The second benefit is optimised machine efficiency, attaining
(2) "Erstmals Motor-Feedback-Kommunikation via Stromkabel" [For the first time motor feedback communication via features which innovative new developments and upgrades to
That was when we discovered the benefits of one-cable tech-
maximum possible production availability and capacity. This
power cable], by Gerd Kucera, editor,, 30.11.2011, Copyright © 2012 - Vogel
existing solutions must provide.
nology from an applications viewpoint too."
offers major potential for savings on operating costs, as
Business Media.
Klaus Oberkötter, TBO GmbH
(1) Michelle Figgs, IHS, on the guest blog of the trade journal and online portal Automation World, 14th November 2013.
Sales structure
department's application engineers will also support the field
application engineers locally at the sales centres with their technical know-how and skills in control and safety engineering,
as well as with their industry-specific knowledge. Both departments are headed by Oliver Klees.
Ralf Prechtel heads the Global Key Account Management
department, supporting our key accounts, cooperation partners
and Körber AG group companies. They often have development
and manufacturing facilities at multiple international locations.
The key account managers will support our customers with
their extensive know-how, providing valuable ideas for allencompassing drive engineering and automation solutions.
With international service and logistics concepts, LTi is always
on hand where our customers need us.
Global Marketing Communications encompasses the entire
selling and marketing organisation. It communicates all our
expertise to the outside world in order to enhance LTi's market
presence. Department head Bianca Schneider summarises its
role: "All our activities are oriented to the needs and wishes
of our customers. Identifying, communicating and successfully
marketing them is the focus of everything we do."Alongside
concerted selling efforts to generate new business leads,
Global Marketing Communications provides creative support
to the entire team in order to represent LTi successfully in all
Motion Business Unit much enlarged
The new order fulfillment and shipping centre headed by Martin
standing f.l.t.r.: Oliver Klees, Volker Exner
sitting f.l.t.r.: Bianca Schneider, Jens Thielmann, Ralf Prechtel, Martin Beel
A bonus for customers
Beel ensures smooth logistics processes, enabling LTi to
continue guaranteeing ever higher volumes with shorter delivery
lead times. The complete series delivery process from order
entry, to scheduling and control of all built-in functions to the
final delivery to the customer is coordinated and carried out
Growth is the primary goal of the LTi Group. LTi has invested
market, recording its needs, and so enabling us to offer our
customers, building capacity, good staff, strong new products
extensively in expanding its sales and marketing operation to
customers optimal solutions and products, as well as complex
and systematic support from Global Industry Management and
make it fit for the future. Our customers are already profiting
technical advice and support. And our industry experts also
Global Sales Support are the keys to our future expansion on
This new organisational structure will also be implemented by
from the move, as it has created more time for custom solutions
keep a keen eye on the technology of the future." This is LTi's
the market."
our subsidiaries in Italy, Austria and Switzerland. In China the
and focused us more closely on customers and their needs.
claim: Together with our customers, we develop innovative
sales structure will be applied to the national market, with a
automation solutions for future machine generations.
Direct line to the customer
dedicated headquarters organisation.
The sales offensive
In order to meet the needs of our customers even more closely,
The sales centres will receive technical and commercial support
It is important to us at LTi that you – our customers – gain a
Anyone looking to grow has to know what their customers
successfully win new customers, respond more rapidly and in
at all times from LTi head office in Lahnau through the new
competitive edge from the new structure. You know us; take us
want. The needs of our customers are very important to us.
a more targeted way to complex projects, we will have tripled
Global Sales Support department. The sales centres will be able
at our word, and test us out. We are ready!
Focused on selected industries, we offer optimal automation
our field sales team by the end of 2014. As part of that expansi-
to devise the optimal solution for any automation task required
solutions delivering high levels of customer benefit. To that end
on, we are establishing three regional sales centres in Germany:
by our customers in conjunction with Global Sales Support.
also, we recently established our new Global Industry Manage-
North (Hanover), Central (Lahnau) and South (Stuttgart). Field
Thanks to fast, expert response, Sales will gain more time to
ment department, to be headed by Jens Thielmann.
application engineers will also be on hand at the sales centres
help customers fulfil their needs.
to assist the sales engineers: meeting customers' needs where
"It brings together LTi's industry-specific experts," Thielmann
they can do so best. Volker Exner, Sales Director Germany,
The Global Application Engineering department brings toge-
comments, adding: "Our experts are always right there on the
comments on the new sales organisation: "Being close to our
ther all the technical experts in the various product ranges. The
Sensor technology
ISO container stations
Picture source: Fitcraft s.r.o.
for large-scale projects over 60 MW in UK
Total cumulative power of over 3 GW had been installed in the
acknowledged. The very light-weight ISO container stations are
UK by the end of 2013. The huge boom in photovoltaic power
transported on conventional low-loaders, enabling them to be
plants propelled the UK to 5th place in the world rankings in
brought to their destination quickly and easily.
first-quarter 2013. That enormous growth was primarily driven
by installations of large-scale power plants.
The last project in Milford Haven was completed in mid-February
LGA Sensor Packages
for SMD Mounting
2014. Comprising 20,000 solar panels with a total installed
The biggest photovoltaic plant, at Wymeswold in Leicestershire,
power of 5.3 MW, it will provide power to around 1,000 households
Sensitec offers new, extremely compact packages for SMD
to the sensor chip. By combining FREEPITCH®- or FIXPITCH®-
itself has an installed power of 33 MW, and produces some
a year. In addition, the saving of an estimated 1,800 tonnes of
assembly which combine simple handling with high robustness.
sensors with the compact STINT 20 interpolation ASIC a highly
30,650 MWh of electricity a year – enough to power about 8,000
carbon dioxide is equivalent to taking about 267 cars off the road.
The magnetoresistive sensor chips are completely enclosed and
integrated sensor module with differential digital A/B output
four-person households. The major project was completed in
LTi REEnergy designs and manufactures large-scale inverters for
the packages allow operation up to +125 °C. An integrated
signals is created.
just eight weeks, incorporating a total of 133,000 solar panels
medium to large-sized photovoltaic plants, as cabinet or turn-
redistribution of the internal connections means that all the
on an almost 60 hectare site. LTi REEnergy supplied it with ISO
key station solutions up to 2 MW. The intelligent architecture
sensors within one package size have identical external
container stations. Among other accolades, the UK's biggest
of the large-scale inverter solutions enables easy, cost-effective
connections, so avoid-ing the need for different PCB layouts for
photovoltaic power plant was nominated as the most success-
transportation and quick installation on-site. The large-scale
different sensors in a family.
ful large-scale plant at last October's Solar Energy UK show. The
inverter stations, designed according to a scaleable value-added
award was based on an assessment of factors including the site
model, meet local-content demands and so can be erected
Those MR sensors for angle and length measurement, which are
selection; how the project harmonises with its environment; the
easily in their destination regions.
typically mounted at the edge of the PCB, are available in two
Ellen Slatter, Marketing, Sensitec
package sizes: LGA6S (small) and LGA6L (large). The distance
system design; yield; the complete project management; and the
ROI (return on investment) of the installation.
from the active edge of the sensor chip to the outside edge
Jennifer Grohs, Strategic Marketing, LTi REEnergy
of the package has been kept to a minimum, to avoid any
The success of such a large-scale project relies essentially on a
significant loss in the permissible air gap between sensor and
skilled team ensuring punctual connection to the grid on the
magnetic scale.
deadline date. And LTi's inverters will ensure high, reliable yield
over the long term. Alongside the demands of efficiency, the
Another variant, the LGAmulti, provides a flexible package, in
importance of an optimised container concept is widely
which further signal processing may be integrated in addition
Even smaller is nearly impossible: two LGA components with extremely small
Picture source: Aertssen
considerations? “Our many years of experience with power
to using closed systems – which have been used in wind
electronics of large photovoltaic plants was equally important,”
power installations for many years, overall dust exposure in
says Steffen. “We can offer project-specific solutions, which
control cabinets has decreased significantly. “The PVmaster
significantly reduce the planning effort for the customer.”
II combines two key factors. Firstly, the technology produces
maximum efficiency. Over 98 percent of generated energy
Design flexibility
are processed and fed into the grid. This is an outstanding
value for power plants of this size. Secondly, the liquid cooling
LTi technology was custom designed for the Belgian project,
helps to provide a continuous and stable output,” Bianconi
as the required 60 central inverters, including a closed cooling
explains. “These are obviously crucial economic factors,
system, are used in stations (incl. medium-voltage transformer,
especially for systems of this size.”
medium-voltage switchgear and
distribution board) that the client
Large Power Station “Terra Nova”
Tailor-made solar solution on difficult terrain
THV Solar Construct designed
Five key facts
themselves. “This was an impor-
PVmaster II central inverter
tant consideration for awarding
possibilities of modern technology and intelligent land use for
modules, 60 central inverters and
as much added value as possible
maximum efficiency of more than 98 percent
a capacity of 16.5 megawatt was
in Belgium when constructing the
built within just eight months. In
plant. This is why many of the used
from local companies,” explains
Steffen. The designers were exten-
liquid cooling system with high and stable
early August the system with its
connected to the Belgian grid. The
can be used with any common photovoltaic
module type
extensive monitoring features was
fact that the LTi client utilizes an
existing monitoring system is no
alternative energies are becoming apparent in Belgium: The
The solar power plant's elaborate construction and design pro-
sively supported by the LTi speci-
site of a former gypsum landfill near Zelzate, close to the town
cess, amongst other aspects, meant that performance was the
alists – for example with regards
of Gent, is home to a new solar power station. Central inver-
key focus for the planners. All system components must ensure
to the development of the station
ters from LTi make it an extremely efficient, yet robust instal-
that the high investment costs pay off as quickly as possible.
design, creating and testing the
lation. Specialists customized technology specifically for this
The calculation is simple: The more electricity is produced from
circuit layout and in relation to
project in Belgium.
the beginning, the faster the system and its extensive construc-
approval tests for key compon-
tion efforts pay for themselves. “At this point, everything
ents, such as medium-voltage
The rise of the photovoltaics market is a European success
comes down to the central inverters,” explains Thomas Steffen,
transformers. “The crucial factor was the close cooperation of all
nection. Advanced analysis features enable the managers and
story. No other current power generation technology is
Head of PV Engineering for LTi REEnergy. “The key component
stakeholders. We were able to incorporate our expertise pur-
LTi service team to detect and correct any performance issues
increasing as fast within the EU. According to the latest figures
of any solar power plant must transform the resulting direct
posefully and offer maximum support to our Belgian
of the European Wind Energy Association, new installations
current into alternating current with as little loss as possible.
colleagues," says Steffen.
with a total output of 16,700 MW were built in 2012. (In
The efficiency of the central inverter determines the effective-
comparison, the total output of new wind power stations
ness of the entire system,” said the expert.
during the same time was only 11,800 MW.) One installation
approximately 57,500 photovoltaic
building and transformers, come
Efficiency of the power plant in focus
The entire solar power plant with
the project. The aim was to keep
components, such as the station
Highly effective electricity generation at an unusual site – the
Perfect monitoring
problem thanks to the open
from three-phase low voltage connections to turnkey
solutions for medium-voltage connections
interfaces of the PVmaster II. In ad-
Perfect fit
the integrated standard PVmaster
available for a nominal AC output of 45 kW to 1,220 kW
dition, the operators benefit from
monitoring function which can
be used to access each inverter in
real time using a secure VPN con-
High efficiency, robust cooling systems, and an extremely
LTi technology ensures system efficiency
and stability
flexible technical design – LTi specialists see a great market
potential for their central inverters. These inverters can be used
in Belgium that has just been finished is especially interesting.
When it comes to high-performance central inverters for
This solar power station was built on the site of a former
medium-sized and large systems, LTi REEnergy – with head-
In addition, the actual technical design of the high-per-
compact design simplifies transport on longer routes to the site
gypsum landfill, which posed a number of unusual construc-
quarters in Unna near Dortmund – is a world leader. The
formance inverters plays a key role in the entire project. The
of the power plant. “We are convinced that this powerful, fle-
tion-related challenges. For example, the ground had to be
power electronics specialists have produced over one milli-
location of the solar power plant is another important aspect
xible technology will become the norm,” concludes Bianconi.“
specially prepared to ensure that the solar modules could be
on inverters, and in recent years they made significant pro-
as the planners had to expect higher dust exposure at the
We cannot afford to ignore this technology, when trying to
anchored firmly. A particular type of clay soil and a sophisti-
gress on the development of this key technology. LTi inverters
site of a former gypsum facility – a risk factor for the stability
achieve a return of the large investment in a solar power plant
cated drainage system were used. More than 20,000 tons
with their high-quality components and sophisticated control
of the system in control cabinets, for example. “Against this
as quickly as possible.”
of soil were moved, which is why the Belgium planners aptly
algorithms secure maximum yields for photovoltaic power
background, our closed cooling system scores highly,” says
called their solar project “Terra Nova”.
plants all over the world. One such development highlight is
Marco Bianconi, European Sales Key Account. “Power electro-
now used in Belgium – the PVmaster II. But was the decision
nics and filter choke are liquid cooled. These components will
of the Belgian authorities simply based on technological
also determine the efficiency of the power plant.” Thanks
in challenging climates, for example in Asia or America. Their
LTi REEnergy
Date / Location / Exhibitor
Hannover Messe
07. – 11.04.2014 Hanover, Germany
International Industrial Fair
LTi DRiVES | LEViTEC | Sensitec
11. – 13.04.2014 Istanbul, Turkey
Fair for Solar Technology and Photovoltaics
LTi REEnergy
20. – 22.05.2014 Nuremberg, Germany
International Fair for Power Electronics
Heinz Fiege | Sensitec
20. – 22.05.2014 Parma, Italy
Fair for Electric Automation Technology
03. – 05.06.2014 Nuremberg, Germany
Fair for Measuring
Intersolar Europe
04. – 06.06.2014 Munich, Germany
International Fair for Solar Technology
LTi REEnergy
17. – 21.06.2014 Beijing, China
International Machinery and Tools Exhibition
Heinz Fiege
08. – 13.09.2014 Chicago, USA
International Manufacturing Technology Show
Heinz Fiege
16. – 20.09.2014 Stuttgart, Germany
International Fair for Metalworking
LTi DRiVES | andron
18. – 21.09.2014 Shanghai, China
International Bearing Industry Exhibition
Heinz Fiege
IAS Shanghai
04. – 08.11.2014 Shanghai, China
Industrial Automation Show
LTi DRiVES Shanghai
11. – 14.11.2014 Munich, Germany
International Fair for Electronic Components,
Systems and Applications /