principal colleen matheson


principal colleen matheson
Friday 8 April 2016
# 25 Newsletter
Lyneham High School is built on the traditional lands of the Ngunnawal people.
We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay our respects
to their elders, past, present and future.
TERM 2 ‐ WEEK 1 & 2 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May ANZAC DAY PUBLIC Applica ons open HOLIDAY for prospec ve Year 7—2017 Assembly (Hall) Yr7—2017 Band Informa on Night (LPAC) 5.45pm to 6.15pm Yr7—2017 Informa on Night (Hall) 6.30pm to 8.30pm Yr7—2017 SEAL Informa on Night (LPAC) 6.00pm to 6.45pm Yr7—2017 LEAP Informa on Night (LPAC) 7.00pm to 7.45pm Yr10 Band Primary School Concert 9.30am Yr8 Paul Magee UC Poetry (Hall) Running Fes val (Stromlo Forest Park) Band Tes ng #1 (LPAC) 9.10am to 1.15pm Yr7—2017 LEAP Applica on Close 3.30pm Yr6 LEAP Tes ng #1 (Hall) 9.00am to 1.15pm From the Principal Parent Teacher Nights A big thank you to all those parents and carers who a ended our parent teacher nights this week. From where I was si ng, there was a busy, posi ve feel to the evenings, so I do hope that you felt as I did. Please remember that if you have any concerns about your child’s welfare or progress, do not hesitate to contact the school. A very big thank you to all the staff who had two very long days and were s ll smiling at the end! I am thinking especially of those staff who le on an excursion at 5.30am the morning a er the parent teacher nights and the PE staff who were busy preparing for the athle cs carnival on Thursday this week. They are definitely looking forward to the school holidays. It is hard to believe that this is the last week of term 1. The term has gone very quickly, especially with the last two weeks being punctuated by the Easter break. I have had lots of posi ve feedback from parents, year 10 students and staff about the recent Paul Dillon presenta ons on drugs and alcohol. Parents valued the posi ve nature of Paul’s messages. They also commented on how worthwhile it has been to know what informa on was given to their sons/daughters and on how this has helped to open valuable conversa ons at home. Thank you to Amanda Murtagh for organising Paul’s visit. We are currently looking at whether we can arrange for Paul to visit again next year and possibly follow up with year 11 students and parents at Dickson College. Care Quality CreaƟvity
Since the last newsle er, we have had a year 10 informa on night which was very well a ended by parents and students. We have recently received confirma on of the melines around enrolments, including college enrolments. The informa on given out at the informa on night will be on our website by the end of the term. Last week I had the pleasure of a ending the year 8 Medieval Fair. A lot of fun (if you enjoy medieval torture!) and also evidence of a lot of learning happening in HaSS. I am sure there will be photos to share soon. We all really enjoyed the athle cs carnival on Thursday, with a very high par cipa on rate … and have been congratula ng ourselves on selec ng perfect weather for the carnival. Our STAR girls are helping out at Lyneham Primary School on Friday morning and, to celebrate Youth Week, we are all expec ng great performances in our karaoke and lip synching on Friday a ernoon. Permission notes and medical forms for excursions I wanted to emphasise to parents the importance of submi ng both permission notes and medical forms for excursions, both together, and by the due date. I ask that you encourage your son/daughter to do the right thing in terms of mee ng deadlines. Students who have not submi ed these forms by the due date should never a end excursions, as this places the organising teacher(s) at risk should an accident occur. It is not appropriate for students to a end events and provide these notes and forms on the day. It is important for students to learn that deadlines do ma er and that teachers have responsibili es in rela on to organisa on, finance and duty of care. I would ask that parents support us in emphasising the importance of mee ng deadlines in rela on to excursions. Should any families be experiencing financial difficul es in mee ng the costs of excursions, please feel free to contact me for support before the due date for payment. As excursions are op onal ac vi es, the school may need to cancel excursions if we are not able to the cover costs involved. External Valida on – Parent Forum In term 3 this year our school will undergo an external review. The purpose of this review is to improve school performance and student learning, support the Directorate’s efforts for all schools and meet legisla ve and regulatory requirements. In early August an external panel will visit the school for three days, examine the evidence we have collected to validate our progress over the past four years, meet with staff, students and parents and submit both an oral and wri en report. The report will commend us for what we have done well and make recommenda ons for future improvement. On Tuesday 10 May at 6.30pm we will be holding a parent forum to gather parent views on our successes and possible areas for improvement. While we already receive feedback from parents in system surveys, this will give parents an opportunity to give more school specific feedback. It would be great to see a number of parents a end the forum, which will be followed by a P&C Mee ng. Finally, I would also like to wish parents, carers and students a great autumn break. I feel that we have had a very successful term one. I thank you all for your con nuing support. If staff members are busy, I know that parents and carers are busy too. If you are going away over the school break, I wish you an enjoyable me and please travel safely. Regards Colleen Matheson Care Quality CreaƟvity
2 Ben Obst Last week year 10 student and SEAL – Canberra United Academy athlete Ben Obst accepted a scholarship to the Football Federa on Australia (FFA) Centre of Excellence (COE). The FFA COE represents the pinnacle for an U17 player in Australia. It is a direct pathway to the U17 World Cup, professional football and poten ally the Socceroos. Ned Zelic, Carl Valeri, Mark Viduka, John Aloisi and Craig Moore are notable alumni of the program which provides a fully funded full me program for the most talented players in Australia. We are par cularly proud to see Ben progress from SEAL and Canberra United Academy programs and excited to track his progress over the next two years. Ben has accelerated his progress over the past 3 months a er ini ally being overlooked and should be congratulated for responding to this disappointment in such a posi ve and determined fashion. Ben is a great role model for fellow CUA and SEAL par cipants who aspire to play at the highest level. To be offered a scholarship into the COE has been a long term goal for Ben. He had to overcome some challenges late last year recovering from injury, but his hard work, determina on and commitment has enabled him to achieve his goal. Ben specifically wants to point out and thank the SEAL program at Lyneham High for offering him the opportunity to access study me and extra training mes with the Canberra United Academy. The partnership between the Academy and Lyneham High has played a major role in ge ng him to where he is now. Ben is not the first SEAL – Canberra United Academy student‐athlete to reap the benefits of this partnership. Former student‐athlete Kai Trewin accepted an offer in 2015 to join the Centre of Excellence this year. This is a significant achievement and we wish Ben and Kai all the best in their football careers. Care Quality CreaƟvity
3 SEAL 60 Second Shootout with….. Ben Obst Who did you play for as a junior? Weston Creek Dragons. What or who has inspired you to achieve what you have so far? My grandfather has inspired me to be successful in the sport as he bought the family over from South Africa to have a be er life. So now I want to make him and my family proud. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? With a contract at a professional club, either in Australia or Interna onally. Who is your favourite sportsperson/people? Novak Djokovic and Neymar. What is your favourite home cooked meal? Grandma’s Chicken Pie. What would you rather, no elbows or no knees? And why? No elbows because I can’t play football with no knees! Name the 5 people you would love to have over for dinner –
Barak Obama, Seth McFarlane, Zach Galifianakis, Will Smith & Serena Williams. What is the best thing about being a SEAL student‐athlete? Being able to put in extra me around my sport so I can be ahead of the rest and to stay on top of my school work due to my spor ng commitments. When you are not training for football, what do you most like doing? Playing golf & chilling. Care Quality CreaƟvity
4 Important SEAL Informa on It has been an extremely busy start to the year within the school and for SEAL with students gaining selec on in school sports, representa ve ACT School sports and out of school representa ve teams. A couple of important reminders for our SEAL students to ensure they are following next term.  SEAL students are to wear their SEAL Training shirts at their training sessions. Uniform breach no c‐
es will be issued for students not in the correct uniform. A SEAL Strike is issued the next me they are out of uniform at training.  Students are to ensure they are signing out and in correctly, signing out themselves and wri ng the me at which you are signing out. The same applies when they sign back in. Consequences will apply Junior Fed Cup Selec on for Staines Former SEAL—Individual (Tennis) student‐athlete Kaitlin Staines has been selected to represent Australia at the Junior Fed Cup Asia/Oceania final qualifying in India from 11 to 16 April 2016. We wish Kaitlin all the best. Former SEAL—Individual (Equestrian) student‐athlete Hannah Klep received an award from Equestrian NSW to Overall Champion at State Interschool’s 2015 in the dressage and show jumping—riding for Lyneham High School. Only twelve awards were issued to students in total for all of NSW/
ACT. It was a very special night and Lyneham High School has made it onto Equestrian records along with the more decorated private schools with Equestrian teams. Care Quality CreaƟvity
5 Uniform Please ensure the SEAL uniform is being adhered to. Acknowledgment of wearing the correct SEAL uniform was in the contract students and parents signed at the beginning of the year. SEAL student‐athletes must wear their polo shirt to and from the training venue and change into their training shirt and suitable training shorts/bo oms whilst training, along with any other safety equipment associated with that sport. Denim shorts are not an op on. Golfers and swimmers are the only excep on to this. SEAL Individual student‐athletes are s ll required to wear their training shirt whilst training during school hours. It is essen al we are iden fied as SEAL Lyneham High School students while in the community during school hours. The SEAL team will begin monitoring uniform at training sessions in our drop‐ins and uniform breeches will be applied. 
New polo $30.00 New training tee $25.00 Shorts $25.00 Hoodie $65.00 To join, enter the class code:
If you have a SEAL student athlete currently a ending Lyneham High or have previously a ended Lyneham High and are achieving some success in their spor ng life, I would like to hear from you. Please email me or contact me on the number below so I can include them into future Lyneham High newsle ers. Eric Morris Health & PE/SEAL Coordinator cpe8v
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6 SEAL ‐ Term 2 2016 Calendar Care Quality CreaƟvity
7 NAPLAN 2016 ‐ Lyneham High School The Na onal Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will take place at Lyneham High School for years 7 and 9 students from Tuesday 10 May to Thursday 12 May, with Friday 13 May being a catch up day for those students who are absent from a scheduled test session. In the coming weeks further informa on will be provided to parents and students regarding the tes ng schedule. Students will be required to bring a pencil, eraser and sharpener to each of the tests. They will also need to bring a calculator on Thursday for one of the numeracy tests. If parents require further informa on they are encouraged to visit the government’s NAPLAN site (see link below) and read the Informa on for Parents booklet. h p://‐carer‐support/parent‐carer‐support.html If parents/carers have any ques ons they should contact Leanne Claridge, Execu ve Teacher, Special Needs and Literacy & Numeracy. Student Forum World Wildlife Fundraiser Students decided (through vo ng) during forum mee ngs that they will fundraise for the World Wildlife Fund this term. On Friday 1 April, some students and staff wore animal onesies or head pieces for a gold coin dona on. For addi onal gold coin dona ons, students could have their face painted as an animal during lunch. Forum students were trained in face pain ng at lunch me sessions leading to this event. Forum students produced fabulous results with their face pain ng and are to be commended for their staunch fundraising efforts and receiving house points. Anne Flynn, Youth Worker.
Tenille Maher (year 9) Care Quality CreaƟvity
8 Belle Flanagan (year 8) and Tahlia Creighton (year 7) working hard at face pain ng Isabella Bae & Kirra Wallner, (both year 9)
Natasha Lyall (year 9)
Mahony Davis & Vishwa Joshi (both year 9)
Bradley Waddell (year 9)
Care Quality CreaƟvity
9 Ross Macdonald is one of our highly commi ed mathema cs teachers. He has been at Lyneham High for ten years and prior to this he worked for six years at Calwell High. When asked to describe himself using four posi ve terms he chose enthusias c, helpful, realis c and commi ed. His enthusiasm is evident in his classroom where he passes on his passion for maths to all. He is realis c in recognising that maths can be a difficult subject and o en a real mental block for some students. Ross works relessly to find different paths and strategies that allow a student to development the necessary skills to solve mathema cal problems. Ross describes the best part of his job as the lightbulb moments when students ‘get’ what is happening in mathema cs. His commitment and his willingness to help all was never more evident in his role of year coordinator. I would add a fi h a ribute ‐ organised. Ross never lets you down. He is always on me and well prepared, quali es appreciated by all and envied by many. Ross really enjoys working with the great professional staff at Lyneham, however, he iden fied being a year coordinator as another highlight at Lyneham. In his words “my me as a year coordinator had it all!” Outside of school Ross loves to ride his motor bike if me allows. However with ac ve kids of his own he more o en than not runs the family ‘taxi service’ with his wife, transpor ng them to numerous sports and hobbies. His greatest passion is his family and the many things that they do. Arts Faculty Report Visual Art and Ceramics One of our term 1 year 7 classes explored the ‘Zentangle’ drawing method which is a style of drawing using repe ve pa erns to fill a space. The students were given the theme of a bird to work from and then had to create interest by adding a range of different pa erns. The results were very successful. Care Quality CreaƟvity
10 Another of our term 1 year 7 classes has been experimen ng with foam core prin ng where they have developed fundamental skills in prin ng. A er crea ng an image of an Australian animal, they etched the image into a piece of foam core and used this like a stamp to create a print using the prin ng press. They learnt the process of a three colour print with excellent results. The year 8 visual art students were presented with the challenge of designing and producing a shoe out of clay. Students examined the sculptural works of pop ar sts to look at everyday objects as large 3D art forms. This task allowed the students to gain the necessary skills and understanding in slab building and how to create a form from flat two‐dimensional pieces of clay. These works are s ll in the produc on stage and we look forward to the finished result once the colour glaze designs have been applied. The year 9/10 visual art students have been inves ga ng the technique of slab work in ceramics and through considerable research and planning they are busy crea ng ‘pop art ceramic pla ers’ inspired by the works of well‐known pop ar sts such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Their pla ers are looking fantas c and will be well worth the me and effort once they are fired and finished. Care Quality CreaƟvity
11 This week our year 9/10 ceramics students par cipated in the ‘Poten al of Clay’ workshop offered to us through the ANU School of Art Academic Outreach Program. Our workshop instructors, Jo and Nathan offered the students demonstra ons and hands on ac vi es to learn about the techniques of wheel throwing, newspaper transfer, ssue transfer, photocopy transfer and texture stamps. The students had a fabulous me experimen ng and exploring and came away from the a ernoon with new knowledge and apprecia on for clay processes. We would like to remind parents and students that these workshops offer addi onal learning opportuni es to complement the learning taking place in the classroom. They are offered as an incursion and take place in the classroom at no cost to the students. We encourage all of our students to take advantage of the opportunity to par cipate in the workshops offered to them and return their permission notes as soon as possible. Care Quality CreaƟvity
12 Lyneham High School Running Fes val Thursday 5 May 2016—Week 2, Term 2 The Lyneham High School running fes val is fast approaching. This is an important and enjoyable day in the school’s calendar where achievement, opportuni es for leadership, team work and par cipa on for everyone are important goals for the day. We expect all students to a end the Lyneham High School Running Fes val as it is a whole school event. Students are encouraged to par cipate to the best of their abili es and support the range of ac vi es offered. The event will take place at Stromlo Forrest Park. All students will have the opportunity to par cipate in both their cross country race as well as partake in the fes val events. Other events on the day include an inflatable obstacle course, face pain ng, handball compe on, student bands and house chant compe ons. Transport: Cost: Students will be transported to and from Stromlo Forrest Park via Ac on buses. Students must a end home group first to get their name marked off the roll and board the buses with their home group teacher. At the end of the day students will be returned to school in me for usual transport arrangements home. The cost is $11.00 per student. This provides transport to and from the venue and access to the other events available on the day. To assist with receipt of payment it is encouraged that payment is made as soon as possible to avoid the rush before the day. Notes and money must be returned to the front office by Wednesday 4 May, week 2,term 2. Any parent who is experiencing financial hardship should contact the Principal. What to bring: Money to support the Where’s Your Head At? hot food stall, which is to raise money to conduct Life Line Mental Health Ambassador training. Please ensure your child brings a water bo le and ample healthy food and snacks. Please note there will be no canteen facility at the venue. Students must dress for all weather condi ons as well as bring hats, sunglasses and sunscreen. House Colours: Students are encouraged to wear house colours for the day, these are: STURT – Yellow BLAXLAND – Green HUME – Red MITCHELL – Blue Weather: In the event of inclement weather, a usual school day will run. Postponement of the Lyneham High School running fes val will be announced on FM 104.7 and FM106.3. Important: As the Lyneham High School running fes val is a whole school event, there will be no supervision at school on this day. We thank you for suppor ng the Lyneham High School running fes val and warmly invite you to a end and share the day with your child. Please do not hesitate to contact the PE staffroom on 6205 6394 should you have further enquiries. Care Quality CreaƟvity
13 Year 7 Ancient History Using rolls of toilet paper to compare Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt with Aboriginal Australia. Using their me lines to make mummies BYOD update and informa on #2 Hello again parents and students. Here is another update on where we are at with BYOD a er 10 weeks of rolling it out with year 7. We have finally managed to get just about all student BYOD devices connected to the school’s Wi‐Fi. A small number are s ll having issues so if your child is s ll having issues with ge ng their device connected please ensure that they seek advice from our ITO, Philip Meldrum in the library. He is available before and a er school and during lunch. Care Quality CreaƟvity
14 We are finding that a number of students are bringing devices to school with a low charge that is not las ng the day. Therefore please remind your child to connect their device to charge each evening before the next school day. We also wish to remind students and their parents in other year groups to hop on board to help with the transi on to BYOD. Our School ICT plan is for the whole school to be fully BYOD in 2018, when our current networked devices (desktops in classes, the library and computer labs) will be removed due to their age. Year 8 students and parents especially need to take note as this will happen when they are in year 10, so start considering now to make the change before then. Google Classroom and other Google Apps are being widely used with students accessing classwork and submi ng assessments as well as consul ng their teachers using the portal. We are also currently planning for some extensive PL for staff in the near future on using this online learning portal. A form to allow students to get access to a free version of Microso Office is almost completed and should be out early next term. A number of parents have already given us permission for this and if this is the case your child’s digital backpack web page will have an ‘Install Office’ icon (see picture at le ). If this icon is not present on their Backpack page then permissions have not been granted and the form will need to be signed and returned to the school before access can be gained. We understand that not all families can afford to supply their child with a suitable BYO device. Currently staff have access to a small number of devices to loan to students in the classroom and we have set up a small number of school purchased devices for long term loan to students of families who cannot afford to purchase a device. Exact procedures for reques ng a loan device are currently being finalised and we will provide informa on about this in future newsle ers and via email. Please contact the school if you need to take up this offer. All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence. If you have any other ques ons regarding BYOD or any other aspect of ICT at Lyneham High then please consult the school website but also do not hesitate to contact me at the school. Simon Spine ICT coordinator Ph.: 6205 6399 E: simon.spine Year 7 technology students using their devices in the metal workshop to check up on design specifica ons provided in Google Classroom Care Quality CreaƟvity
15 Recite Pi π Competition 2016
We conducted our annual Pi Recite compe on a er the Canberra Day long weekend on Tuesday 15 March. This was close to one of the world‐wide celebrated Pi Days which is 14 March. This is from the American date format of month before day of March 14 = 3/14 which are the first three digits of pi 3.14. We are excited to be in our sixth year of this compe on at Lyneham High School. Our recite pi event a racted devoted reciters and performers alike with Jasmine Leong playing the first 64 digits of pi on the recorder! Last year Rhys Frame broke our record at Lyneham High and this year was no different which a recita on of the first 800 decimal places! Year 10 filled the podium with Johnny and Aisling reci ng pi to an amazing 205 and 172 places respec vely. We had an interested audience who were respec ul and suppor ve of students compe ng – it was fun to watch and amazing to see the concentra on of the compe tors. Congratula ons to all compe tors and thank you for your hard work and support. Our place ge ers were: 1st Rhys Frame (10) 800 2nd Johnny Hajdu (10) 205 3rd Aisling Doyle (10) 172 4th Saranjot Melli (7) 139 5th Stanley Li (8) 112 6th Roy Prosser (7) 88 7th Jessica Hill (8) 79 8th Jus n Tieu (8) 61 Pi and Pi
girl hood9th Benjamin Guo (8) 39 ies for
2016 !
Jasmine Leong—Played first 64 places on the recorder! Care Quality CreaƟvity
16 Year 10 2016 Key Dates Date Event Cost Details Tuesday 15 March Tuesday 29 March CIT visit CIT visit year 10 classes. Year 10 Informa on Night LPAC Wednesday 11 May and Friday 13 May College Informa on Session On or before Tuesday 14 June Monday 27 June Tuesday 28 June to Thursday 30 June Friday 1 July Year 10 Formal Deposit Due $100.00 6.30 to 8.00pm WEX, college transi on and Year 10 Cer ficate informa on. In HaSS classes Line 4 ‐ 11 May 9.00am to 10.00am Line 1—13 May 10.00am to 11.00am Paid through front office. Boys/Girls Health Day Details TBA. Road Ready $20.00 Located at Dickson College. Road Ready Tes ng Tuesday 2 August Pathways Wednesday 3 August Careers Expo $TBA Wednesday 10 August Dickson College Interviews Friday 12 August Dickson College Interviews Friday 2 September Dickson College Enrolments Tuesday 6 September Dickson College Enrolment catch up Various mes throughout the day at Lyneham High School. Normal classes. Pathways planning and careers discussions. At school for whole day. Cost to be advised. During the school day @ EPIC. By appointment in careers room, parents welcome. Course advice from Dickson College staff. By appointment in careers room, parents welcome. Course advice from Dickson College staff. In school library enrol in classes at Dickson College by appointment. At Dickson College. Care Quality CreaƟvity
17 On or before Year 10 Formal Balance Due $Balance Thursday 15 September On or before 18 Year 10 pool a ernoon payment due $TBA November Friday 2 December Final Year 10 School Assembly + Pool A ernoon [students only] Cost to be advised. Paid through front office. Cost to be advised. Paid through front office. Assembly at Lyneham High School, walk to Dickson pool, students dismissed at 2.30pm. 6.00pm to 11.00pm. Wednesday Year 10 Formal at The Na onal 7 December Arboretum Monday Year 10 Gradua on 1.30pm at Lyneham High ***Permission notes, medical consent forms and full payment are required prior to a
ending all excursions. 12 December School. Please confirm all costs, dates and mes prior to events.*** Monday Presenta on Night 6.00pm at Lyneham High 12 December School. College Open Nights 2016 College Details Hawker College Wednesday 6 April 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Tuesday 3 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Melba Copland Lake Ginninderra College Erindale College Narrabundah College Tuesday 10 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Canberra College Dickson College Tuesday 17 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Thursday 19 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Gungahlin College Thursday 19 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Thursday 19 May 5.30pm to7.30pm h p:// Lake Tuggeranong College Thursday 12 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Thursday 12 May 6.00pm to 8.00pm h p:// Second Hand Uniform Shop Lyneham High School Hoodie CLEARANCE SALE Lyneham High School Hoodies cost $2.00 (Sale only for sizes 10, 12 and adult size S hoodies)
Order process through emailing: Care Quality CreaƟvity
18 Dear Parents/Guardians We cordially invite you to the Inaugural Lyneham High School Science Fair. The Science Fair will take place in the first floor science labs and corridors from 4.00pm to 6.00pm on Thursday, 2 June, 2016. Year 7 and year 9 students will be showcasing their science inquiry projects. You are invited to drop by between 4.00pm to 6.00 pm on 2 June to see the work of our young scien sts. Thank you for your con nued support of our Science programs and we look Forward to seeing you at the Fair! Accident Insurance Cover for Students—important informa on for parents Insurance and Ambulance Transport. The ACT Educa on Directorate does not provide any insurance cover for injury, disease or illness to students resul ng from school ac vi es or school organised excur‐
sions. Claims for compensa on are met where there is a legal liability to do so. Liability is not auto‐
ma c and depends on the circumstances in which any injury, disease or illness was sustained. As there is no automa c insurance cover for personal injury if your child is injured at school or during a school organised ac vity/excursion, you should consider whether taking out personal insurance cover for your child is warranted. This insurance might cover con ngencies including medical/hospital expenses, ambulance transport outside the ACT, and cancella on of transport/accommoda on or loss damage to luggage. The ACT Ambulance Service provides free ambulance transport for students who are injured or suddenly become ill at school or during an approved school organised ac vity within the ACT. Disclaimer “Informa on provided by outside en es is not endorsed or recommended and is not guaranteed
correct, by the school, its staff or the ACT Government”.
Care Quality CreaƟvity
19 Care Quality CreaƟvity