Variations in the surface texture of suspended quartz - INFO-SED
Variations in the surface texture of suspended quartz - INFO-SED
Sedimentology (1987) 34,495-5 10 Variations in the surface texture of suspended quartz grains in the Loire River: an SEM study S . M A N I C K A M * and L . B A R B A R O U X t Laboratoire de Gkologie Marine, Universite de Nantes, 2, rue de la Houssiniere, 44072 Nantes cedex, France ABSTRACT Statistical size distribution and scanning electron microscopic studies of suspended sand grains in the Loire River at Montjean, France were carried out over a period of a year (hydrological cycle) to discern seasonal variations. The sand fraction in suspension is better sorted during winter (average mean=0.69 mm, median = 0 6 5 0 . 9 5 mm, sorting value, u = 1.1-1.35) and is dominated by quartzo-feldspathic minerals. During summer, on the contrary, this fraction is rich in mica minerals and is poorly sorted (average mean = 1.21 mm, median = 0.33-0.95 mm, sorting value, u = 1.4-2.0). The grain size of the coarser fraction shows a tendency to increase with river discharge up to an optimum discharge of about 1000 m3 s - and thereafter decreases. Scanning electron photomicroscopy of quartz grains from the suspended sand population indicates that both mechanical and chemical features occur. The former (conchoidal fractures, mechanical fractures and breakage) dominate in the samples collected near the water surface during winter floods and the latter (solution pits, vermicular features, silica flowers, neogene silica and diatoms) in the samples from the bottom during low summer flows. During summer, chemical action takes place on sediments prior to or upon their deposition. Sediments that are resuspended during winter floods undergo mainly physical processes (attrition/abrasion). Mixed surface features are, therefore, observed during average and low river discharge. Inheritance of these surface features from the source area is, however, not completely excluded. Thus, the history of quartz grains in suspension can be reconstructed from SEM exoscopic studies: therefore, it can be proposed that the fluvial quartz grain surface textures result from a combination of alternating chemical and physical processes. ’ RESUME Cet article portera sur les variations mensuelles pour un an de la granulometrie, de la mineralogie et de l’etat de surface (par MEB) des grains de quartz dans les fractions grossitres en suspension de la Loire a Montjean, France. Les suspensions grossieres montrent le meilleur classement (moyenne = 0,69 mm, mediane=0,65 a 0,95 mm, deviation standard, u = 1,1 a 1,35) lors de la periode hivernale ou elles sont a dominante quartzo-feldspathiques. Elles ont, par contre, le classement le plus mavais (moyenne = 1,21 mm, mediane = 0,33 a 0,95 mm, deviation standard, u = 1,4 a 2) en phiode estivale avec une richesse accrue en micas. En outre, on observe une corr6lation positive de la valeur des medianes en fonction de l’augmentation de debit, jusqu’a une valeur critique d’environ 1000 m3 s-’ au dela de laquelle cette relation disparait. L’etude des surfaces des quartz au microscope Clectronique a balayage, revele des variations saisonnieres Present addresses: *Ocean Data Centre, C. W.R., College of Engineering, Anna University, Madras 600 025, India. TUniversite de Provence, Laboratoire de Stratigraphie et de Paleoecologie, Centre de Recherche sur l’evolution des systemes biosedimentaires, J.E. CNRS No. 334 and CNRS GRECO I C.O. No. 52, 13331 Marseille cedex 3, France. 495 496 Surface texture ofsuspended quartz nettes. Les traces les plus rtcentes etant seules prises en compte, pour tliminer les effets d’htritage de traces anciennes likes au contexte geologique et pedologique, on note que les traces de chocs et d’abrasion mecanique dominent en ptriode hivernale, en crue. Les traces chimiques de faGonnement s’instaurent en periode estivale, aux faibles debits d’etiage. Un faGonnement mixte s’exprime lors des saisons de transition (automne, printemps). Une zonation verticale est de surcroit visible; ainsi, dans la tranche d’eau proche de la surface, lors des premieres crues les traces mecaniques fraiches sont plus frequentes qu’en profondeur. La reponse des sediments en suspension par rapport aux divers changements du milieu de transport est donc acquise tres rapidement dans la nature; ceci est en bon accord avec les exptriences de laboratoire recensees dans la litterature rtcente. L’ttude permet de preciser qu’il s’etablit tres vite un tquilibre saisonnier d’ete et d’hiver, rompu lors des saisons de transition. Notre ttude a ete delicate, et ses rtsultats ni simples ni univoques n’ont pu Ctre interprttts qu’en raison de travaux anttrieurs et fond& sur une connaissance prtalable suffisante du contexte gtologique qui alimente le systeme fluvio-estuarien. INTRODUCTION Studies of detrital minerals, especially quartz grains, with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) called ‘exoscopy’ (Le Ribault, 1975) are commonly applied to the interpretation of depositional settings. Diverse physical and chemical processes which attack quartz grains are identified by examining the surface features of these grains. These features have been analysed and classified with respect to environmental and hydrodynamic parameters by Barbaroux et al. (1972), Krinsley & Doornkamp (1973), Le Ribault (1975) and Prone (1980). By observing these surface textures, many workers have tried to reconstruct ancient sedimentary environments. In the Loire River of France, Barbaroux et al. (1972) noted three types of population. First, a small population of unabraded quartz grains with regular pits, fissures, cracks and slices of silica, which originated from volcanic rocks (Upper Loire). Secondly, a population of grains with neogenic silica on one side and solution pits on the other came from pedogenic soils, and a third group with ‘v’ marks of marine origin were derived from Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks (Middle Loire). Barbaroux (1980, 1982) and Brossk (1982) determined the pattern of quartz sand surface features through Loire River including its estuarine section by undertaking SEM studies on bed-load sand deposits. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the seasonal variations in surface features present on quartz grains in suspension. STUDY LOCALITY A N D METHODS This study was carried out in the Loire River at MontjeanILoire, France where thelast gauging station is situated at the point where the river enters a 90 km- long estuary. Montjean/Loire is situated 972 km downstream from the river’s source, and 140 km from the Atlantic Ocean. At the sampling station the flow is unidirectional and saline intrusion does not occur. The small study area was chosen after consideration of previous work on the Loire River (Barbaroux, 1980; Brosse, 1982) because it is a transition zone between the estuary and the river. Bulk water sampling Every month, nearly 10001 of water was collected from 0.5 m above the river bed and 0.5 m below the water surface of the river using a teflon pump. The water was transported in 120 1 barrels to the laboratory and decanted or centrifuged immediately for turbid sediment extraction. During each sampling, velocity and water level in the river were measured with a current meter and a permanent level mark in the channel respectively. The sampling period (May 1981May 1982) spanned a complete hydrological cycle which included three major floods. Separation of sand fractions Turbid sediment or total suspended matter (TSM) recovered from 1000 1 of water was wet sieved through a 45 pm sieve (mesh). Only the coarser fraction (CF > 45 pm) is considered here. The finer fraction (FF< 45 pm) is described elsewhere (Manickam 1982a, 1983; Manickam, Barbaroux & Ottmann, 1985; Barbaroux, Manickam & Yvon, 1983). The coarser fraction (CF) was first dried and then treated with dilute H 2 0 2to remove organic and inorganic matter. Recovered sand grains were slowly attacked with dilute HCl to remove coatings. These treatments left merely a few grains of sand in the sample studied. Only by measuring and counting individual grains could the mean of median size of the sands in 497 S . Manickam and L. Barbaroux winter is narrow [median > 06-0.95 mm, sorting index (a)= 1.1-1.35, So= 1-25, variance (aZ)=0.20.61, whereas the curve for summer is broad [median = 0.33 to 0.95 mm; sorting index (a)= 1.4-2.0, So=1.6, variance (a2)= 0.2-0.61. These results can be explained in the following way. The winter floods have coarser sand in suspension because of their SEM analysis substantial carrying capacity and because soil erosion is more active in contributing coarser material. The method followed here is outlined by Barbaroux et However, during summer, the carrying capacity of the al. (1972). Acid-treated quartz grains were classified river is less and also becomes more variable. Sources both morphologically and by size (Cailleux & Tricart, also vary with local inputs and produce, by way of 1959), coated with gold by cathode pulverisation aggregation of particles broader and more segmented method (Selcier & Barreau, 1977) and scanned with a curves with major breaks at 0.5 and 0.3 mm. As Leroy JEOL scanning electron microscope at various mag(1981) has pointed out, line segments in cumulative nifications. curves may be mathematical artifacts, but here, where the same procedure was applied for all samples, only the summer group shows such segmentation; thereRESULTS fore, we suggest that the breaks in the cumulative curves reflect some contribution from local subGranulometry of sand grains in suspension populations (Manickam, 1982b). General granuloDue to the meagre quantity of sand obtained in each metric results are given in Table 1 and in Fig. 2. The sample, size analyses (granulometry) by measuring coarsest grain transported in suspension in the Loire and counting-as described by Berthois (1954) & River at Montjean was 5 6 m m in diameter. The Barbaroux (1970)-were performed on the coarser median size shows a slight tendency to increase with fraction. In this method, grain size is measured with a river discharge (Fig. 2) i.e., the maximum occurs binocular microscope and grains are counted individduring the winter and the minimum during the ually by size and classified into various size fractions. summer. Statistical investigations (Table 2, Fig. 3) These size fractions are then converted into cumulashow that for a whole population (including maximum tive frequency curves and subsequently regrouped size variations) the summer mean (8=0.69 mm) and into two enclosed (enveloped) curves (Fig. 1) reprevariance (a2= 0.6) are about half of the winter values senting summer and winter. The enclosed curve for 1.21 mm; a2= 1.54); whereas for the central population (excluding the extreme variations) the difference between the summer and winter means declines and variance is far less pronounced (8 summer =0 5 6 mm; winter =0.8 1 mm ; cr2 sum?m mer=0.5; a2 winter=0.4). This difference can be understood by examining the frequency curves in Fig. 3. The curves for summer are smooth and platykurtic without dominant modes, whereas for winter they are leptokurtic with dominant primary modes. Another main difference is also observed for the whole winter population, i.e.a bimodal curve in which the secondary mode is related to the coarser fractions of the peak E, 20 flood of January 1982. u During the spring-summer period, the sand fraction is more micaceous (Table 3) and if the total suspended 0 30 2.0 1.0 0-5 0-2 0-1 coarser fraction is plotted against mica content an inverse relationship is seen (Fig. 4a). On the contrary Diameter d sand grairr (mm) a positive correlation exists between the quartzoFig. 1. Enclosed (enveloped) granulometric curves (25) of feldspathic content and the total coarser fraction (Fig. sands in suspension in the Loire River at Montjean (by measuring and counting the grains). 4b). Thus, the mica and quartzo-feldspathic fractions suspension be determined (it was impossible to find out mean grain size for all samples, therefore median is reported). However, as pointed out by Krinsley & McCoy (1977), a very small number of sand grains are sufficient to obtain representative surface textures. (x= t 8 r t x 1150 670 338 235 770 810 2320 3354 1360 1300 940 440 June 1981 July 1981 Aug. 1981 Sept. 1981 Autumn Winter Oct. 1981 Nov. 1981 Dec. 1981 Jan. 1982 Feb. 1982 Mar. 1982 Spring April 1982 May 1982 1.9 9.9 48 9.2 11.9 11.1 11.9 14.4 13.1 51 53 23 49 33 56 60 11.1 4.8 42 39 6.6 10.9 54 46 11.0 11.0 Dissolved silica (mg1-l) 63 51 TSM (mg I-') S = Surface, B = bottom, 8=average. *Mainly micaceous sand. B + 1550 Average monthly river discharge (m3 s-') Spring Summer May 1981 + Date 10 13 8 17 9 12 14 10 18 Coarse Fraction (%) 28 10.5 24 2s 37 25 28 39 22 38 41 32 40 41 (%) Micas 17 8.5 8 6 4 21 22 17 33 20 18 23 24 22 Feldspars (%) 24 - (7% Carbonate 49 57 68 69 42 71 so 44 45 (%I Quartz 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.9 5.6 2.4 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 S 1.0 B 1.0 S 0.9 B 0.8 B S S B S B S B S B S S B S B S B S B S B S S B S B 0.62 0.60 0.50 0.48 0.98 0.90 0.80 0.68 0.85 0.78 0.78 0.88 0.83 0.94 0.68 0.697 0.490 0.610 0.810 0.855 0.830 0.780 0.740 0.938 Maximum Median size Average size (mm) ofMedians (mm) (mm) * 1.210 Mean size (mm) Table 1. Average monthly river discharge, TSM, Dissolved silica content Composition and Size measurements of sands in the Loire River at Montjean, France (Mainly after Manickam, 1982a) B;; R % 3 S . Manickam and L. Barbaroux I 1 1982 1 1982 I I I I 499 discharges which gives a lower sand content whereas curve 2 is related to increasing stream flow which gives more coarser material. Both curves 1 and 2 have similar shapes with their respective maximum sand supply in suspension (62% and 78%) near the mean discharge of about 1000 m3 s - I . From the crest to 1500 m3 s-' a dilution effect is seen on the coarser fraction and below 750 m3 s-' the river competence is not enough to carry coarser sediments in suspension despite the fact that there is a well-known trend towards increasing total suspended material concentration. It seems that the supply of more quartzofeldspathic sand during winter becomes mainly micaceous during summer due to small discharge. The average median value of sand in suspension is 0.7 mm, contrasting with previous studies (Berthois, 1971) which found a negligible percentage of suspended sand grains in the Loire River greater than 0.5 mm. This may be an indication of a new cycle of erosion which might have started since last decade. In conclusion, quartzo-feldspathic grains with maximum diameters of approximately 1 mm (although sometimes reaching 6 mm) could be transported in suspension during large floods in the Loire River at Montjean. The daily average velocity maximum of 1.74 m s - ' (January 13,1982-peakof flood) provides sufficient competence. $ 1 Exoscopy of quartz grains with the scanning electron microscope 0 0 1 Median grain size (mm) Fig. 2. (a) Plot of the median grain size of suspended sand and dissolved silica content with respect to river discharge in the Loire River at Montjean; (b) Tentative correlation between river discharge and granulometry of suspended coarser fraction with respect to seasonal mineralogical changes. are inversely related. A closer look at the dischargemineralogy curve (Fig. 4c) shows that the river discharges affect the suspended coarser-fraction variations, especially the quartzo-feldspathic supply. Curve 1 is related to a group of decreasing river Since only a few grains were present in each sample, only two classes, large and small, were examined. The number of grains studied varied with each season and environment (Fig. 5). In total 520grains were scanned. Morphologically, grains were categorized as wellrounded, rounded, sub-angular and angular (Cailleux &Tricart, 1956).Only major characteristicsare shown, synthesized and discussed here. Principal grain-surface characters are summarized in Fig. 6 and three main types of action are inferred : physical, chemical and combined (or mixed) (Barbaroux et al., 1972; Le Ribault, 1975). Dominant physical action During winter floods (December-February) the TSM concentration (121 mg 1- I ) attains its maximum value (Manickam, 1982a; Manickam et al., 1985). The turbulent currents (1.74 m s- ')occurring in this period could fragment the suspended grains (see Moss, 500 Surface texture of suspended quartz Table 2a. Statistics upon whole population xfx xf General statistical parameters used = X Class limits 7.93-3.17 3.17-2.00 2.00-1.41 1.41-1.00 1.004.71 0.7 1-0.50 0.504.35 0.35-0.25 0.25-0.177 = -; Mean class Frequencies A 5.55 2.59 1.70 1.20 0.86 0.60 0.42 0.30 0.21 30.8 6.68 2.90 1,452 0.73 0.366 0.180 0.090 0.044 c AX, Cf;m2 AX2 Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer f;X~IW, Ax,2(,, A X 2 ( W , - 2 2 - 11.1 5.17 0 10.845 16.245 3.025 0.850 - - 0 9 19 5 1 10 9 4 1 - 2 - 25 39 1.205 8.55 5.445 1.70 0.30 - - 17.2 47.2 - - 1.452 7.30 3.29 0.72 0.09 Winter 61.6 13.4 0 13.1 13.9 1.8 0.36 - - 12.85 Summer Winter V;XJ2l., v;XJZ1W) - 123.2 26.7 0 117.7 263.9 9.15 0.72 - 1.45 73.10 29.64 2.89 0.09 - - 104.2 107.2 541.37 Winter Summer A K 2 ( W , V ; ~ J Z l S ) Summer: Mean x~,,,,,,,=O~688; Variance uz (,,,,,,,=0~597. 1.54. Winter: Mean W(wlnter)=1.210; Variance u2 Table 2b. Statistics upon central population Class Limits Mean class Frequence Summer Xm 1-41 1.OO 1'00-0.71 0.71-0.50 0.5C0.35 0.35-0.25 0.25-0.17 - XI x, 1.205 0.855 0.605 0.425 0.30 0.2135 1-452 0,730 0.366 0.180 0.090 0.044 Winter Summer A(,, 0 3 8 5 2 0 AX, AX, J; 0 9 2 0 - Winter Summer Axl(s) Ax,(w, Lx,2,s, (f;XJ' Winter Cf;XJ2w - - - - - - 2.57 4.84 2.125 0.60 - 7.7 1.21 6.6 0.73 6.6 23.4 4.5 0.36 59.3 1.46 - 2.2 2.93 0.9 0.18 - - - 8.9 6.21 7.33 - - ~ - - ~ c 18 11 10 34.86 60.76 Summer: Mean su summer) = 0.56; Variance = 0.50. Variance u2(W,nte,) Winter: Mean = 0.81 ; =0.42. Same general statistical parameters as table 2a. z(,tnter, Walker & Hutka, 1973). Thus, more angular grains are observed with conchoidal fractures (Fig. 7A) mechanical fractures (Fig. 7D & F) and single mechanical breakage (Fig. 8A). Inheritance of these surface features from the source of the winter floods, however, is not excluded (Barbaroux et a{., 1972). Chemical destabilisation (dissolution - pH >> 8.3) = Solution pits (Fig. 7B and E ; Fig. 8C), surface solution features (Fig. 7C; Fig. 8B and D), and vermicular features (Fig. 8D). Dominant chemical action Chemical growth (precipitation - pH < 8) = silica flowers (Fig. 8E), neogene silica coatings (Fig. 7F; Fig. 8A), and trapped diatoms (Fig. 8A and F). In the case of grains sampled during the summer, many chemical features are observed which can be attributed to two dominant subclasses, dissolution and precipitation. The monthly abundance of the above features is shown in Fig. 6. The warm conditions (maximum temperature of water measured in the Loire River on July 6, 1982 was 26°C-see Manickam, 1982a) linked 501 S. Manickam and L. Barbaroux A fi , Summer I I I I *. 1 I I , TI Winter I I I 1 I I I 1 I Jan.-March 1982(3354- 1300m3/s k 0-6 0.3 B fi 15 ° 0.3 0.6 I I 2.6 5.5 Xi 1 *2 Winter I I I I I i 7 1.2 1.7 Xi Fig. 3. (a) Frequency curves for whole population; (b) Frequency curves for central population. this dominant chemical action with algal bloom conditions (phytoplankton), high organic content and catastrophic eutrophic events in the downstream reaches during the summer. In addition to this, precipitation of silica in the form of diatoms (Fig. 8A & F) and silica flowers (Fig. 8E) takes place in the Loire River when the pH is below 8 and this is often followed by calcite precipitation when the pH increases beyond 8.3 (Manickam, 1983; Manickam et a/., 1985). This is also suggested by a deficit budget in dissolved silica (upstream to downstream for a distance of about 50 km, the deficit in dissolved silica is - 6.5%) during the same periods (Barbaroux, 1980; Manickam, 1982a; Manickam et a/., 1985). These chemical textures have been reported in the Loire estuary by Barbaroux et al. (1972), Barbaroux (1982) and in the upper Loire by BrossC (1982) on the deposited grains. Hence, it is concluded that the chemical processes take place either on deposited sediments and or just prior to their deposition. Combined action During the periods of low and average river discharge, all of these features were observed, but in low abundance (Figs 6-8), which means that these processes complement each other due to their (seasonal) weakness. These features can also occur via reworking effects on previous deposits (Barbaroux et al., 1972). In general, more mechanically derived features (Figs 7D, 8A, 9A, B & C) are observed on grains obtained from near the water surface and more chemical features (Figs 7E, 8B, 9D, E & F) on grains from the bottom of the river. Moreover, more rounded grains (Fig. 9D & E) are observed near the bottom of the river than near the surface (Figs 8A & 9A). Table 3. Mineralogical variations in the suspended coarser fractions with respect to seasons in the Loire River, France. (Values are given in percentage) Mineral Quartz Feldspar Micas Spring-Summer 1981 36-45 (R= 40) 18-24 ( 8 ~ 2 1 ) 32-41 ( 8 = 3 8 ) Winter 1981-82 42-71 (R= 54) 4-33 (8= 17) 22-39 (R=29) Total coarser fraction Surnmer=7; Winter= 13.3 Surface texture of suspended quartz 502 2 20 40 30 50 18 f - I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 quartz Ro1at increasing discharge I I I - c$~artzP/d at decreasing ischarge Winter mean valutot quartz +feldspar Winter mean value ot quartz I I v c I quartz +feldspar('/.) '4- 0 I 50 70 80 Quartz + feldspar content (*Io) Mica corrtent (%) I Small discharge 0 - A' r A ' 30 10- 1 L + In Summer mean value of quartz t teMspar l Summer mean value of quartz L - 01 L 2 1 5 70 90 30 40 50 60 Feldspar + quartz content (%) 80 Fig. 4. (a) Relationship between the coarser fraction and mica content in the TSM; (b) Relationship between the coarser fraction and quartz+ feldspar content in the TSM; (c) Effect of discharge on quartzo-feldspathic supply in coarser fraction. S . Manickam and L. Barbaroux ' 1 I h 1 A B Fig. 5. Approximate distribution of grains studied with the SEM with respect to (a) seasons, and (b) inferred processes. Therefore, there is a selective action in the river with respect to season and depth, correlated with granulometric and mineralogic data (Tables 1-3). DISCUSSION AND GENERAL CHEMICAL PROCESSES It is necessary to consider in more detail the chemical processes involved in previous sections. At 25°C the 503 solubility level of quartz in natural waters ranges from 0.03-30 mg 1- S O 2 , and some geochemical investigations seem to preclude either dissolution or precipitation of quartz in fresh surface water (pH < 9) because of kinetic constraints (Berner, 1971). But, as summarized by Yariv & Cross (1979), in natural suspension as well as in experiments, different results can be obtained. Henderson, Syers & Jackson (1970) show that mechanical grinding increases quartz surface's reactivity (solubility?); thus, the well-known observations about quartz stability of Krauskopf (1957) are not valid. Kamiya, Ozaki & Imahashi (1974) confirm these results by getting the highest solubility of quartz near pH 7 in the presence of organic matter. On the other hand, Mackenzie & Gees (1971) crystallized quartz directly from sea water at 20°C. Kastner, Keene Gieskes (1977) insist upon the importance Of quartz neoformations at Ordinary pressure and temperature from an opal CT. Our observations are in good agreement not only with the above-mentioned results showing a silica mobility but also with those of Jones & Uehara (1973) for coating quartz evolution, Henderson et af. (1970) for quartz-surface modifications, Hall (1974) and Moriyama (1976) for the role of organic polyelectrolyte in protecting colloidal silica * , n i x e d action Fig. 6. Relative abundance of the principal characters of surface features of suspended quartz grains. Fig. 7.SEM photomicrographs of quartz grains collected during floods: Scale bar on A, B, D, E & F is 10 pm; on C it is 1 pm. A-Winter flood. Angular grain with conchoidal fractures which could have been transported locally and recently. Dominant mechanical action population; B-Winter flood. Subangular grain with solution pits which shows neogenic residues at the bottom. This could have been transported from a long distance and/or reworked. Dominant chemical action population; CWinter flood. Well-rounded, large grain which shows numerous ‘v’ marks with solution features. Mixed mechanical and chemical action populations; D-Winter flood. Sample from the river surface, angular small grain showing fractures. Dominant mechanical action population; E-Winter flood. Sample from the river bottom, abraded large grain with solution pits. Dominant chemical action population; F-Flood resulted from snow melt. Mechanical, conchoidal fractures representing a relict surface carved by numerous small ‘v’ pits. Remains of neogene deposits (silica and diatoms) were dissolved on the trough of the grain. This grain was probably resuspended. S. Manickam and L. Barbaroux 505 Fig. 8. SEM photomicrographs of quartz grains collected during summer and at times of average river discharge: Scale bar is 10 pm. A-Spring. Sample from the river surface; angular grain with fixed diatom showing neogenesis in one side and fresh fractures on the other sides. Indication of reworked sediment; B-Spring. Sample from the river bottom, rounded grain with solution features and without diatoms; C-Summer. Small grain with more solution pits. Dominant chemical action population ; D-Summer. Well-rounded, large grain displaying the vermicular texture. Sampled during an algal bloom (maximum chemical activity); E-Autumn. Abraded subangular grain with dendritic silica overgrowths. Probably a resuspended grain originally deposited at the end of summer; F-Autumn. Reworked sediment; subangular abraded grain with abundant debris and diatoms (in trough) attacked during summer. 506 Surface texture of suspended quartz Fig. 9. SEM photomicrographs of quartz grains sampled from surface to bottom of the river channel: Scale bar on A, D & E is 100 pm; on B, C & F it is 10 pm. A-Spring 1981. Sample from the river surface angular grain with numerous mechanical features; B & C. Details of previous photo with abundant nail impressions, crescent shaped features (chattermarks) and traction marks (glacial origin?). D-Autumn 1981. Sample from the bottom of the river; well rounded abraded grain with dominant chemical features; E-Spring 1982. Sample from the bottom of the river; well rounded abraded grain; F-Detail of previous photo reveals dominant chemical solution processes. 507 S . Manickam and L. Barbaroux followed before entering the studied area. The pH and temperature ranges (7.5-8.0 and 20-28"C, respectively) are also smaller than those given by Kennedy (1971) and many others in such a medium. A conceptual model which, in trying to explain the observed variations in textural features in the Loire River suspended-sediments, emphasizes seasonal change is shown in Fig. 11. In addition to this study, more investigations are needed to confirm and enhance these statements. deposits on quartz grains, Kranck (1973,1975) for the role of particulate aggregation in these processes, and Snoeyink & Weber (1972) for the speed of quartz surface mobilization (a few hours to some months). In estuarine environments not only the work of Barbaroux (1980) but also of Edwards & Liss (1973) and Burton & Liss (1 973) affirms the suspended quartz reactivity for buffering of silica (Friedman & Sanders, 1978).Kennedy's (1971)seasonal silica concentrationdischarge results from the Mattole River, North Carolina are in good accord with this study (Table 1, Fig. 2a). Consideration of studies such as those mentioned suggests that it is reasonable to assume that the chemical stability of quartz grain surfaces can be rapidly modified in natural waters by grinding and coating during their transportation. The SEM results obtained during the present study provide direct evidence of these changes. Comparisons with the quartz surface textures of deposited sediments (Fig. 10) reveal many seasonal variations integrated by sedimentation, where the latest features (by hierarchy) are the mirror image of the last environmental impact. The features are in good agreement with the possible origin of quartz and with the evolutionary steps CONCLUSIONS Sand grains in suspension in the Loire River at Montjean, analysed statistically and studied with scanning electron microscope, during a complete hydrological cycle, seem to show the following seasonal variations. The sand fraction (CF >45 pm) in suspension is better sorted (average mean = 0.69 mm, median = 0.65-0.95 mm sorting index, u = 1.1-1.35) with unimodal homogeneous (quartzo-feldspar) transport in suspension during winter and polymodal heterogeneous (micaceous sand) transport during summer ations, I conchoidal s t ti LOWER LO! -*-0 y l f e a Utes fractures 1 / UPPER LOIRE v ti ssures, OC /" 0J -' \ ./ i'stLary outer estuary v PttS, L rhombohedra1 m a r k s I Fig. 10. Evolution of quartz grains with various textures sampled along a continent-ocean transect (modified from Barbaroux, 1982, fig. 9, page 65). Approximate distances: Upper Loire-Middle Loire, 510 km; Middle Loire-Lower Loire, 240 km; Lower Loire-Inner estuary, 160 km; Inner estuary-Outer estuary, 70 km (upper limit of tidal effect); Outer estuary-delta, 20 km. Surface texture of suspended quartz 508 (a) INNER ESTUARINE INTERFACE OCEAN I more loial input CONTINENT less long distance fluvial input I ! average iocal input - Rveraae lona I Octobe; to February -. '\ 7 out immediately-/ more long distance I March to April B B o t t o m sediments =Suspended sediments (b) Surface more angular 1more rounded Bottom abundant solution pits more mechanical features dominant chemical corrosion fewer mechanical features abundant solution pits Surface more neogene silica and diatoms selection of small angular grains pt3iMEF less neogene silica and diatoms selection of bic rounded grains Bottom Fig. 11. Model depicting seasonal changes of quartz grain surface features in river suspension as determined by scanning electron microscopic observations. a From continent to ocean. b General trends between surface and bottom at the inner estuarine interface. 509 S . Manickam and L. Barbaroux (average mean= 1.21 mm, median=0.33-0.95 mm, sorting index, u = 1.4-2.0). The median size of the sand fraction in suspension shows a broad tendency to increase with river discharge, and a seasonal variation in mineralogy from quartz during winter to mica during summer. An intensive SEM photomicrographic study on the quartz grains reveals that two principal actions take place in the Loire River which vary seasonally; mechanical processes are dominant during the winter floods and chemical processes dominate during the summer and whenever small river discharges occur. However, combined action takes place at times of average river discharge possibly with reworking of sediments from previous winter and summer seasons. More mechanical features are observed on grains sampled near the surface of the water, whereas more chemical characteristics are found on grains obtained near the bottom of the water body. During summer, chemical processes apparently take place on suspended materials immediately prior to their deposition and continue thereafter : these could be correlated with the catastrophic eutrophication (after-spring algal bloom) and the deficit silica budget. These deposited sediments are reworked during winter floods and, hence, suffer physical processes resulting in the dominance of mixed features during average river discharge or during post-floods. This work clearly shows that fluvial sands do not have unequivocal characteristics and during fluvial transport, quite different features can co-exist. The overall distribution of fluvial quartz grain surface features is a combination of alternating chemical and physical processes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge, with thanks, the assistance rendered by Mr Alain Barreau in taking SEM photomicrographs and also the service provided during field trips by the Fluvial Navigation of Angers in bulk water sampling. Many thanks are due to Professor FranGois Ottmann of Nantes University for his valuable suggestions and help during the thesis works of the authors. Professor R. M. Garrels of the South Florida University is also thanked for his comments on the thesis of L.B. Professor Michel Colchen of Poitiers University is warmly acknowledged for his kind coordination with the Centre International des Etudiants et des Stagiaires (CIES) and the Ministry of External Relations of France who financed S.M’s research activities in Europe. Partial financial support by the Comiti: Scientifique de ]’Environment et de 1’Estuaire de la Loire (CSEEL) and the French CNRS is also acknowledged. This article was prepared while S.M. was in Shizuoka University, Japan as a Post-DoctoralFellow. Suggestions and comments by Professor Hakuyu Okada (Shizuoka University) and David Krinsley (Arizona State University) were appreciated ;Doctors K. 0. Stanley (EXXON Production Research Company, Houstan), R. H. Blodgett (Ohio State University), E. Merino (Indiana University), J. H. Tellam (Birmingham University), D. Crerar (Princeton), M. M. Smith (South Carolina) and P. H. Bridges (Derby) greatly helped in improving the standard of the manuscript. REFERENCES BARBAROUX, L. (1970) Essai de granulometrie par computeur analyseur d’image. Comparaison avec la methode pondtrale. Bull. Inst. geol Bassin Aquitain, 9, 157-166. BARBAROUX, L. (1980) Evolution des propriitts physiques et chimiques des stdiments dans le passage Continent-Ocban. 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