Midian Shrine Topics July 2014 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
Midian Shrine Topics July 2014 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
vol. 69 issue 7 Potentate’s Message MTopics IDIAN July, 2014 Touchdowners Golf Tournament Raises over $26,000 for Shriner’s Hospitals The highlight of this year’s tournament was the participation of Wichita State University’s head basketball coach Greg Marshall, who contributed greatly to our total. Two Nobles paid a total of $2500 for the coach to play 9 holes with their team. Marshall has as connection to the Shrine, as his grandfather was a member of Hejaz Shrine Center in Greenville, SC. According to Noble Mike Latimer who arranged the coach’s participation, he will play again next year. If you know Coach Marshall, please be sure to thank him for his help. The Tournament was held at Tallgrass Country Club with really great weather for golf and over 90 golfers participating. Thanks to Touchdowner’s President Noble Justin Robelli and all the members who put on an outstanding event. Also thanks to those Nobles who played and those who helped sponsor this great fundraiser for our great philanthropy, the Shriner’s Hospital for Children. ED DAY On behalf of the Divan and our ladies, we wish you a very happy and safe Fourth of July weekend. Nobles, we need your help!!! We have membership issues that need to be addressed and you can help. We have, as of this writing, 294 members who have not paid their dues for 2014, which is very concerning to your Midian leadership. But what is more concerning is that we have 30 members who paid their Midian dues for 2013, but did not pay their Blue Lodge dues. Therefore they are no longer Shriners and can no longer participate in Midian Shrine activities. As the deadline for automatic re-instatement by the Blue Lodge has passed, they will have to file a restoration petition and be voted on by their lodge for re-instatement. Their membership in Midian will be restored by presenting their current Blue Lodge membership card and paying your current years dues. If you are a life member and have not remitted your $20.00 per capita and hospital assessment, we ask that if possible, please remit these fees. We realize that there are members that are retired and have limited incomes or have had health problems. We have our “Sunshine Fund”, to help those Nobles who are deserving, and genuinely need help paying their dues. We have See Potentate, page 3 Wichita, Kansas Potentate’s Ice Water Challenge! Your Potentate was called out by Noble Dan Cookson to take the Ice Water Challenge by making a $20.00 donation to the Plane of Mercy and then being doused with a five gallon bucket of ice water or make a $100.00 donation to the POM. Illustrious Sir Ed presented his $100.00 at the June stated meeting and told the Nobles that he didn’t have a problem with the ice water being dumped on him and that he had a dollar amount in mind as what it would take for this to happen. A fez was passed around and the $250 that Ed suggested was quickly raised. Not really wanting to get wet Ed said ‘double or nothing “ and another $250.00 was again quickly raised. To see your Potentate soaking wet, please be at the July stated meeting on the 16ththis will take place at 7:00 PM. Noble Nico Domingeuz found this event on-line and brought it to Midian to raise money for the Plane of Mercy. Many nobles have taken the challenge and more are taking it. Over $1,000 has been raised for the POM. Coach Marshall prepares to putt!! Noble Nico taking Ice Bath Challenge Topics Reporters: YOUR ARTICLE FOR THE AUGUST TOPICS IS DUE JULY 15, 2014 e-mail to tdahl@midian.kscoxmail.com 300 words or less in lower and upper case (not all capitals) Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer taking the Ice Challenge Topics Contents: Pg 2 Midian Officers, Annual Schedule; Pg 3 Plane of Mercy; Pg 3 Clubs Articles; Pg 4 Units Articles; Pg 8 Current Month Calendar; Pg 12 Business Directory; Pg 14 Ladies Article; Pg 15 Event Photos Midian Shrine Topics Page 2 2nd Annual Float Trip Those that went on the trip had a fantastic time and plans are already being made for next year’s trip. We learned what to do to make the event even better for all who want to have this great fun. JULY, 2014 2014 APPROVED PARADE LIST JULY Fri. 11........................………………………Wellington Parade Line up at 7:00 pm at City Hall Sat. 25................................................Kansas Shrine bowl - MANDATORY Parade - Pittsburg, KS AUGUST Sat. 2......................Harvey Parade Line up at 5:15 pm at the corner of 9th and Main Sat. 9......................................................................................................Halstead Parade Sat. 9....................................................................................................Harper Parade Sat. 16..........................Mulvane Parade Line up at 10:00 am on 1st Street North of Main Thur 28 - Sat 30.........................CSSA in Tulsa - 30th is MANDATORY Parade in Tulsa, OK SEPTEMBER Sat. 13....................................................................................................Sedgwick Parade Sat. 13............Burden Parade Line up at 9:00 am in the High School parking lot (700 N. Main) Sat. 27......................................................................................Conway Springs Parade OCTOBER Sat. 25.......................................................................................Arkalalah Parade NOVEMBER Sat. 8............................................................Fall Ceremonial - MANDATORY Parade NOTE: All Motorized Unit Leaders please see that all your members that parade have a current liability insurance certificate on file at Midian and a 2013 parade sticker for their vehicle. Stickers are available at Midian at the time proof of insurance is submitted. Hospital Van Drivers May 2014 Dale Hannah & Lee Humbolt Myron Frick & Michael Megonigle Lee Humbolt and Ken Dainty Harvey & Carol Owens Thank you to these men and women for their dedicated service to Midian and the St Louis Hospital for Children. They, as all concerned persons of the Shrine, volunteer for the sake of the children. Thank you for your support. - Vance Burns, Van Unit Commander 2014 MIDIAN TOPICS “I pledge allegiance to my flag and country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” Midian TOPICS (USPS 347-600). Published monthly by the Midian Shriners, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita KS. Printed by Valley Offset, PO Box 298 Valley Center, KS 67147. Under the auspices of Midian Shriners. Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE...$4.00 PER YEAR $4.00 of the Annual Membership Dues is paid as a Year’s Subscription to the Midian “TOPICS” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Midian Topics, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita, KS 67202. Official Publication of Midian Shriners Wichita, Kansas 67202 MIDIAN SHRINE, 130 NORTH TOPEKA tdahl@midian.kscoxmail.com Recorder’s Office........................................................................................265-9676 ext 204 and 205 Oasis............................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 209 Circus Office.................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 206 JULY, 2014 Vol. 69, No. 7 Midian Shrine Tentative Schedule of Events Subject to change JULY Jul. 5-10 Imperial Session - Minneapolis Jul. 11 Wellington Parade Jul. 16 Stated Meeting Jul. 19 Shrine Night at the Wichita Wingnuts Theme Party Jul. 25 & 26 Shrine Bowl - Pittsburg AUGUST Aug. 2 2nd Annual Sportsman Raffle Aug. 9 Parades - Halstead & Harper Aug. 16 Mulvane Parade Aug. 20 Stated Meeting Aug. 23 Pre-CSSA Party Aug. 28-30 CSSA - Tulsa SEPTEMBER Sep. ? Potentate’s Trip Sep. 13 Post CSSA Party - Klown Steak Feed Sep. 13 Sedgwick Parade Sep. 17 Stated Meeting Sep. 20 OB Steak Feed Sep. 27 Conway Springs Parade OCTOBER Oct. 4 Theme Party Oct. 10 & 11 Scottish Rite Fall Reunion Oct. 15 Stated Meeting Oct. 25 Arkalala Parade Oct. 25 Keystone Kops Halloween Party NOVEMBER Nov. 7 Fall Pre-Glow Nov. 8 Fall Ceremonial Nov. 15 New Nobles Party Nov. 19 Stated Meeting Nov. 22 Theme Party DECEMBER Dec. 6 Christmas Express Dec. 17 Joint Meeting Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party JANUARY 2015 Jan. 10 Final Farewell Party ELECTIVE DIVAN Ed Day……...................................Illustrious Potentate Wayne Wells...........................................Chief Rabban Alvin “Bart” Ogden............................Assistant Rabban John “Rocky” McWilliams...........High Priest & Prophet Norm Conley...................................Oriental Guide Bob Bulman......................................................Treasurer David Byerley, PP.........................................Recorder CEREMONIAL DIRECTOR EMERITUS Ron Van Etten, P.P. APPOINTIVE DIVAN Gene Alexander......................First Ceremonial Master Mike Ward...............................Second Ceremonial Master Fred Smith....................................Ceremonial Director George Finley.................................................Marshal Larry Tomes....................................Captain of the Guard Rodney Ott..............................................Outer Guard Kent Butz...........................................................Chaplain TRUSTEES Robert Giesen ~ Randy Brown ~ Lynn Ungles EDITORIAL STAFF Darren Schopf Richard C. Schopf P.P. RECORDER EMERITUS Michael J. Kelley, P.P. LIVING PAST POTENTATES Judge Tom Raum........................................................P.P. 1969 Les H. Brown.............................................................P.P. 1970 Leslie D. Hostetler......................................................P.P. 1978 W. Nolan Artz..........................................................P.P. 1981 V.E. “Gene” Lygrisse.................................................P.P. 1982 James B. McNerney...................................................P.P. 1984 Stephen A. Wolf...........................................................P.P. 1985 Jack U. Russell..........................................................P.P. 1989 Douglas G. Roland..........................................................P.P. 1990 Tonk Mills, D.D.S..........................................................P.P. 1992 William K. Himebaugh...................................................P.P. 1993 Berkley Conn...............................................................P.P. 1995 Warren R. Rensner D.D.S...............................................P.P. 1998 Martin L. Sharp............................................................P.P. 1999 Roger G. Snellen...........................................................P.P. 2000 Michael J. Kelley............................................................P.P. 2001 Ron L. Capps...............................................................P.P. 2002 David A. Schopf...........................................................P.P. 2003 Jeffrey L. Sowder........................................................P.P. 2004 Gary K. Gates...........................................................P.P. 2005 John Auch..............................................................P.P. 2006 Ron Van Etten.......................................................P.P. 2008 David Byerley........................................................P.P. 2009 Richard C. Schopf....................................................P.P. 2010 David Pate...............................................................P.P. 2011 Terry Schrant............................................................P.P. 2012 Lonnie Nichols......................................................P.P. 2013 ENDOWMENT/WILLS/GIFTS HUGH GILL, IV PUBLIC RELATIONS ALEXANDER ROSELL STATEMENTS OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code of MIDIAN SHRINERS of Wichita, Kansas, for October 1, 1988 State of Kansas, County of Sedgwick Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2014 ”PLANE OF MERCY” DONATIONS MAY 15, 2014 - JUNE 15, 2014 GARY K. GATES, P.P. CHAIRMAN Midian Ice Challenge Honor Roll Midian Dodge City Shrine Club Douglas Bogart Albert Hawkins David “DJ” Brown Donations Pam Byerley Benton Lions Club Nikki Brown Girls Scouts - Derby Rose Frick Midian Bowlers Sherry Hawkins In honor of Jeff Breault Ron & Janis Parr $100 Club Rodney Ott Mel Hambelton/Alan Oliver Reiford & Judy Acord Scott & Nikki Shirkey Get Wells Midian Antique Autos Randy Edwards Midian Provost Guard Steve Towns & Richard Gierre Midian Classics Bob Griffith Secret Sister Greeting Jeanette Luckner Page 3 Warehouse Cleanup Saturday July 12th 8:00 AM We would ask that if your unit has an area in the warehouse that someone from your unit be present to tell us what is junk and what should be kept. If you haven’t touched it in three year, you probably don’t need it and should be disposed of in some manner. For things that you don’t need that have value, we will set up an area for garage sale items. We respectfully hope that no errors are made listing these donations. It is never our intent to make errors, but they can happen. Each donation is important for the Plane of Mercy to exist and is deeply appreciated. MEMORIAL DONATIONS IN MEMORY OF Joan Culler Jim & Carolyn Corbin Bruce & Teresa Detwiler Melanie Garten Intrust Bank Employees Dave & Pat Pate NAME Robert Blankenship Marvin Collins Richard Fougeron Lyle Powers Orin Hilton Karen Sherer Lorene Whitcomb Pat Sauble Donald Kind Ron & Dorie Van Etten P.P. Paul Younkin Midian Bowlers Colleen Mccollough Pat Sauble May 15, 2014 - June 15, 2014 CREATED BORN 04/01/1965 01/24/1927 05/13/1961 02/28/1921 04/29/1995 07/05/1942 05/23/1970 06/12/1940 Potentate guidelines in place where we will give this help. If you sincerely wish to continue to be a Shriner and need this help, please contact us so we can make arrangements to help if at all possible. Listed elsewhere in the Topics is a list of those Nobles who have been suspended in the last three years for non-payment of dues. I would ask, that if you as a Noble, were a top-liner of any of them, that you contact them to see why they have dropped their membership and find out what we can do to get them to become active again. We have a terrific opportunity to get a large number of new members since the Grand Lodge of Kansas is allowing a “Chance to Advance Class’ on August 9th. A candidate must take his Entered Apprentice Degree is his home lodge to be in the class and bring a certificate of proficiency with him to the class. He will receive his Second and Third Degrees that day, and after a reception, we will hold the First Section Shrine Ceremonial. Following the degree, we will have a “Midian Afterglow”. This is a great opportunity for a man who has expressed interest in being a Shriner and who does not have time to become one in the traditional manner. It is also a great opportunity for someone who DECEASED 06/06/2014 05/17/2014 06/06/2014 06/05/2014 From page 1 is a Mason already. WE need your help in finding those men!!! CSSA is Tulsa is fast approaching and we received word late on the 24th that the deadline for registering without penalty has been extended to July 15th. We already have over 150 Nobles registered to attend along with their ladies. Bedoiun Shrine Center, the host this year assures me their still are rooms available in our hotel. Get your registration in and don’t miss out on the fun of CSSA!!! The annual Kansas Shrine Bowl All Star Football Game will be played in Pittsburgh on July 26th, hosted by Mirza Shrine Center. Your support by buying some or all of the tickets sent to you supports our great Philanthropy, Shriners Hospital for Children, with a small portion of the proceeds going to our Plane of Mercy Transportation Fund. The parade starts at 10:00 AM with great hospitality with your fellow Midian Nobles and the opportunity to become friends with other Nobles and ladies from the other Shrine Centers in Kansas. Please help and attend if possible. Ed Day Potentate 2014 Sumner County Limited news came to this reporter because we are not active during the summer months and no one tells me anything to post anyway, therefore you get what I got. The Sumner County club purchased some of the chairs that were for sale through the temple, they are being stored at the Gene Alexander, farm in Belle Plaine where we use them the most. Next function is at Belle Plaine, we are calling it the Rib Feed, it will be held Oct. 18th, this year and of course it will be at Harvey County Club & Hobo Unit The usual Hobo parade crew is enjoying an unexpected vacation as this is written…Toter engine problems while enroute to McPherson for the All-schools parade resulted in more than a little inconvenience and a long tow back to Newton and the shop. Unit President Noble Don Dody says no firm diagnosis as yet, nor exact details on what outings might have to be skipped. Assuming no major faults, next event is the Kechi parade June 28th, the Harvey County Fair event August 2nd, and the traditional Halstead Old Settler’s parade August 9th. The Unit will not go to CSSA. Happy 95th birthday to our long-time Treasurer, Noble Byron Brittain. Noble “By,” famous for his “We had some, we spent some…we still got some” reports, has had some medical plumbing and mechanical issues corrected, says he feels great and plans to be back on the golf course by the Butler County Welcome to July. With the fourth on Friday, many will get to enjoy a three day weekend. Time again to gather with family and friends and celebrate the birthday of the United States. Just remember to exercise a little caution and make it safe. This article will be submitted before our Chuck Wagon Feed, but I’m sure it was another wonderful time at this now annual event. The Chuck Wagon crew has been feeding us at Noble Jim Reeves’ place since 2006. A big Thank You to Noble Jim Reeves for hosting this great event. The next meeting will be in Latham at DEL WHARTON Reporter Noble Gene Alexander’s farm. Mrs. Alexander will be doing many things to make this a great feast (as she always does). There will be plenty to eat and visit about. This will be an easier function this year due to lack man hours required of members to help set up. Who knows there may be some strong stories floating around when it is over. Mark your calendars for a great time on the farm. By the way most of the farm nails have been collected from the driveway on the farm. JOHN HECKMAN Reporter time you read this. He tells us he welcomes birthdays because each one makes it easier to “shoot his age!” Also anxious to return to the links is Noble Tom Petersen, recent recipient of a heart pacemaker. Noble Tom says he feels great, but every once in a while when he’s excited his garage door goes up! Noble Lyle Powers, Jr, long-time police officer, construction inspector and Shriner was recently visited by the Black Camel. To lady Kay and family we extend sincere sorrow and regrets. NOTE!!! The August 30th date of the Club Annual picnic listed in your Member Directory is incorrect! Actual date is August 24, at the Newton American Legion. Social hour around 4:00, feed at 5:00, and it’s all free. Come smile with us, the fun-iest Club in Midian. ARV KRUMINS Reporter the Latham Bar and Grill. After the meal we will be treated to a tour of the Masonic Lodge. The Latham Lodge was founded in February of 1913. It celebrated its 100 year birthday last year. It is also known for its annual fish fry that draws quite a crowd. So plan to join us July 9th at 6pm in Latham. The location of the August meeting has not been decided yet, but September is in the works for the first Saturday at Noble Richard Wentworth’s place in the early afternoon. The date for the ladies tea party has not been set, but will probably be one of the September Saturdays as well. Page 4 Greenwood County We are now getting into the “Dog Days” of summer, but that hasn’t slowed the 3-Wheelers down a bit. We had a fantastic time at the Riverfestival Parade in Wichita (see picture), it was long, and the crowd was huge. We don’t often get to showcase Shrine and the 3-Wheelers in front of such a large crowd. Yes, we were near the end of the parade, but must they have saved the best for last. Noble Dave Pate PP was having such a good time, he sorry to see it end I’m sure! Our next big outing was our very own Eureka Days. We had an excellent turnout of bikes and took our annual group picture which is included in this month’s article. Thanks to our very own Imperial Sir Noble Jeff Sowder for making time in his schedule to put on his 3-Wheeler fez and join us along with Illustrious Sir Noble Ed Day and of course our other Past Potentates, Nobles Dave Pate and Lonnie Nichols. With this much leadership in our unit, we can’t help but have a successful group. The weather threatened us right up until early that morning which probably attributed to a lighter than normal showing of our Shrine friends, but it turned out to be a gorgeous day and everyone that did Midian Shrine Topics CARL “C.F.” COX Reporter make the trip had a great time at out hospitality and then over to Noble Lonnie and Lady Melinda’s for more fun and fellowship around the pool. We also paraded in Madison and Moline and then rounded off June with a Prospect Night at Midian to show off our unit and try to attract new Nobles that have not yet decided on a parade unit. As usual, this is being submitted before the event, so I hope all went well! We have decided to make the trip to Tulsa at CSSA in August. Reservations are due now, so if you haven’t committed yet, and are thinking about going get with Captain Leroy Moreland and he can get you the information to get signed up. This trip is sure to be another fun weekend. As of now we have 9 bikes committed to go and are always looking to add a few more. Practicing will be starting soon so we can be polished and ready for competition. Keep in mind we still have at least two more Greenwood County steak cookouts and will be doing pancakes again at the fair this year, so it will be another busy summer. Please make time to come and join the “Fez”tivities. Remember OUR success depends on YOU! Dodge City Shrine Club Here we go again – we are in the middle of June 2014 – Half of 2014 is almost over and we continue to keep rolling along through Western Kansas -- Harvest time is out here in most of Kansas – A very special time for many of our Noble Brothers – working long hours out in the fields – getting all the crops harvested and in - - which makes those Dodge City Days just around the corner – The Dodge City Shrine held their June meeting on the 11th June at Central Station Bar and Grill in Dodge City. Even with all the Nobles who are harvesting crops during this time of a season, there was a very nice turn out. It does seem to be that the Noble brothers who get together with their Ladies every month have a nice time sharing together and keeping friendship and relationships strong with this group. Million Dollar Band The first time through the Dixieland march, the ensemble swung the tune passing the lead back and forth after a drum intro by Noble John Heckman, sitting in for the day. Then Noble Steve Schmitter danced around the melody on his clarinet. Variations expanded when Noble Bob Wambold stood for a trombone solo. The next chorus was a lyrical tenor sax solo from Noble Andy Roberts. Noble Martin Geeding then punched the air with a rhythmical trumpet riff. I tooted my soprano sax on the next chorus. Noble Jim Malia played what sounded like a banjo but was, in fact, a guitar. He was followed by Noble Gene Peterson with a driving tuba chorus. The Dixie Katz reformed as an ensemble to swing “Washington and Lee” to a finish. That’s how we ended a gig at Park West Senior Living on June 14. Oh, it was better than I can describe. Krazy Klowns Hello Shrinedom them from the Krazy Klowns Just a note on your calendar keep CSSA post party date open we are doing the steak feed with several silent auctions. If you have any items to donate contact Klum-Ze. Speaking of CSSA it is fast approaching make sure you have you JULY, 2014 “Doc” McCosh Reporter The Dodge City Shrine Circus for 2015 will be held on Saturday, 07th February with 3 performances and Sunday, 08th February with 3 performances which will be at the Dodge City Civic Center. So please put this on your Calendar and mark it for 2015. The DC Shrine Club will hold their JULY meeting at the Casey’s Cowtown Club – 503 E. Trail St., Dodge City, KS. Phone: (620) 227 – 5225 -- The meeting is on the 9th of July (Wednesday) at 6:30 pm for social hour and dinner served at 7:00 pm. May All Your Days Be Circus Days Have a truly blessed and wonderful month. Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen Good night America wherever you are. RICK MILHON Reporter Also in June, the Polkatz played as Shriners and Ladies gathered on Stated Meeting night. The band is preparing for the Central State Shrine Association meeting in Tulsa in August. You won’t see band members at most of the CSSA meetings because we are involved in the Central States Shrine Band Association rehearsals and meetings. You might see and hear us as the Ladies gather for the Ladies Luncheon, or in the Marketplace or in the parade. We will be part of a “massed band” of Shrine musicians from the seven state area. We are making arrangements to get our parade trailer to Tulsa so some of the Shrine musicians can ride on it while others ride on another Temple’s trailer. In the meantime, the Dixie Katz are playing for the three Textron Aviation plants: Beech, Cessna Pawnee and Cessna West during July. Brian Chestnut Reporter registration turned in. The teacher I prayed was a hoot with Klum-Ze and Clip Clop spreading smiles along the route. Keep those sports media event tickets coming in as you sell them so they can keep an account of everything. Until next time... Williams Construction TRANSMISSION INC. ONE OF MIDWESTS OLDEST & LARGEST (316)263-8232 All Transmission PARTS 1730-1746 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 263-8484 RON FISHER President General Contractor Commercial - Industrial New Construction Remodeling METAL BUILDINGS Allen Williams, President 316-264-1964 JULY, 2014 Motor Patrol Motor Patrol’s June meeting was at Ciao in west Wichita. The meeting went well …as a unit we had a “nice” discussion about membership and the implementation of a membership program sponsored by the Motor Patrol. Ill Sir Ed Day attended the meeting. We also discussed how great Noble Reiferd Acord’s health was coming along. Horst Hiller is said to be having his gallbladder removed. We are ramping up to really sell a lot of gun raffle tickets. We will be attending the Sam Adams Beer tasting in the Oasis as a unit on June 27th I believe is the date. We are looking to have a great time at the Kechi Parade too. Noble Kip Hawkins purchased Noble Cy Lampe’s other Jeepster. Kip and his Lady Kristi also just had their first baby…it was a boy! Congratulations to them. The Captain is sure that young man will make a fine Motor Patrolman someday. Captain Jerod’s goal is to have more Jeepsters in Tulsa for CSSA on August 27th-30th. The Nut Fry hospitality at Noble Cy Lampe’s was great. Cy is a great cook, but don’t let it get out. Cy had his Jeepster and Kips soon to be Jeepster out front of his house. Midian Shrine Topics NORM CONLEY Reporter Eureka Days Parade was fun. Motor Patrol Members driving in the parade were Captain Jerod Cox, PP John Auch, Robert Ragsdale, Jeff Breault, Trustee Lynn Ungles, Cy Lampe, and Paul Mayfield. The unit saw Noble Reiferd Acord and Lady Judy and they are doing well. Thanks to PP Lonnie Nichols for hospitality. Membership is the key. That and sell Sportsman’s Event tickets. That will be a great way to get ready for CSSA. We have Jeepsters looking for new owners. If you are curious about joining the Motor Patrol contact Capt. Cox at 316.322.3572. Noble Ron Stowell had his spleen removed. Noble Ron Stowell was doing very well and is at home now. Noble Reiferd Acord is at home. Noble Charlie Kelly still has back problems. Word has it Noble Charlie bought himself a Harley to ride. Keep Noble Archie Moon in your prayers. Jeepster pictures, new pictures, what to wear, and history of our activities are found on the www.motorpatrol.us website. RECRUIT A SHRINER Keystone Kops Happy Independence Day to everyone out there in Midian Shrine land! We once again celebrate the birth of our great nation. One nation under God with liberty and justice for all! Hey ain’t it great to be a Shriner in America. The ole Keystone Koppers are busy, busy, busy. I have something on my plate for every weekend coming up through July and into August. We will all be busy parading, camping, fishing, golfing and having a big gun raffle around Midian. It is going to be a summer of fun. Then when you think it is about over, along comes CSSA August 27-30 held down in Tulsa town once again. I have a few memories from down there, oh yeah, but more to make this year. The Koppers made the River Festival parade this year for the first time in many years. How many? I am not sure, but it was a ways back. The Koppers are sometimes a little high strung for this type of parade, but remained in control this year and brought it on home without any incidents. Well maybe one at the end when Howard Brooks told the Kops “you throw confetti on me one more time and I’ll kill ya!” (something like that anyway….. lol) We also made the Eureka parade and afterglow at Past Potentate Lonnie Nichols’ house. Highlighted with Scotty’s half gainer off the high board! You still got it Scotter! I have to say to Kyle Rhorer, “what a golf tournament you put on at Winfield!”. I know you had some outstanding helpers but you got Golden VIP’s Midian’s Golden VIP’s met at the Kansas Masonic Home, Thursday June 12, 2014 at 11:30 am. There were 24 persons in attendance. This meeting was the VIP’s Annual Picnic meal before going dark in July and August. Meeting was called to order by President David Pate, PP. After the flag salute led by Noble Bill Weber and the invocation by Joanne Harris, all members of the Golden VIP’s enjoyed the Picnic lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, all the condiments, potato salad and dessert. Thanks to Illustrious Sir Dave Byerley, PP, and Recorder our Liaison giving the members a count of what’s going on at Midian. This included the new non-smoking area of the Oasis Lounge. Illustrious stressed the upcoming Sportsmen’s Event at Midian August 2nd. Encouraged all to attend this 2nd annual event at Midian Shrine. President Dave Pate, PP spoke to the membership of the needed items for the Midian Shrine Car Show & Swap Meet “goodie bags”. He explained their purpose Page 5 “MOON” Reporter it done right. I also have to say that “Midian leaders you have got to keep this golf tournament going”. I firmly believe that golf and golf activities associated with Midian Shrine are the gateway to get more men into the Shrine! Just look how big the Chippers unit is and how many guys attend this Winfield tournament. Please keep your eyes and budget open to golf. Everyone had a blast at the Winfield tournament and some guys even got an “X” tra bonus while there. I know a lot of you have seen the ice water challenges on Facebook. Wow! They do send shivers down my neck and I am sure Casey Garner looks at them and knows how “thrilling” they can be. You see he is the original ice water challenger. It was preformed many years ago on him in Viola, MO by Scotty Clark and Jackie Broyles early one morning. Allen Williams and yours truly (the Mooner) were eye witnesses to this awesome feat! We were trying to be “very, very quiet” for Casey and Mike Brittain and BAM it happened! He looked a little startled at first, as he couldn’t seem to speak, but snapped out of it and said “we’ll have another pitcher of Zombies over here” and at that he said goodnight! A sure all time Midian Keystone Kop Classic!! I Wonder?? Did you know the Kops are the first “ice lobbers” also?? I Wonder?? Who are Greg Stowbard and Hank White?? I Wonder?? Does anyone know what X stands for?? I Wonder?? DAVID PATE Reporter and the free advertising to the company that donated any items for the car show. Asked if the members knew of a business that could contribute such items and to seek the item(s) and bring to the Shrine for the car show. It was good to have Pat Rank, widow of Hiram Rank PP, at the luncheon. Pat is recovering very well from the open heart surgery to replace a heart valve. She continues with her therapy. There were no illnesses or birthdays to report for June. However, Happy birthday to Noble Andy Roberts in July as well as Glenda King. Noble Bill Weber & Cindy celebrates their anniversary in July. Scott Kahler and Lady Sue will celebrate their 47th Wedding Anniversary in July. And Noble Glenn Holmes and Lady Carol celebrate their 63rd Wedding Anniversary in August. Lady Pat Pate was thanked for the table decorations of Fireworks in honor of July 4th as the VIP’s will be dark in July. Midian Shrine Topics Page 6 Oriental Band The Midian Keystone Kops pulled into the Silver Dollar in Eureka, after the big parade to help the OB faithful consume a little camel’s milk! Guess what, they were nowhere to be found, having stayed home that fateful day. This is a sad story and the koppers are still thirsty! Chief Aide and outstanding cymbal player Noble Hose Kasenberg’s lady Liz underwent some heart surgery last month. We are happy to report she is recovering and by this publication is probably back in action! With her ticker repaired I don’t know how the Mr. is going to keep up with a woman who feels like 30 again? The OB will have their pre-CSSA party at the Nomads shelter house at Lake Afton “OUT OF TOWN” Reporter on August 17th. Also it’s not too soon to start planning to attend the Fall Steak Feed in Clonmel on September 20th. Gather up a few friends, Shriners or prospects and get your tickets from your favorite bandsmen! Nobles Veteran Bill Bailey and Bill Johnston made their way to Texas in June to help judge the Oriental Band competition at the Texas Shrine Association get-together. I didn’t hear any hair raising stories this year so I assume everything went well! The OB will be helping out again with the games at the Gun event. This has become a major fund raiser for our Shrine Center. Maybe I’ll win something this year! The picture this month is an old one …. The OB in Ark City in 1954! JULY, 2014 Midian Classics We had a good turnout for the River Festival Sundowners Parade. Nobles Cliff Premer, Jim Groff, Ron Boese, Bob Giesen, Bob Wolf and Jerry Mason were in attendance and enjoyed the large turnout. It was wall to wall people for most of the parade route and was a nice evening for a parade unless you were Noble Cliff’s Firebird. Sitting and idling for nearly 90 minutes during the parade isn’t what a big block Pontiac was designed for, so there may be some investing in some additional air flow in the engine compartment in the near future. The Classics are well on our way to making plans for CSSA in Tulsa. Several of us are planning to attend and are looking forward to a great time. We are also in early planning stages for a road trip with our Classic cars for probably the early part of September. We’ll Cliff Premer Reporter keep everyone posted as we get more details. Reminder, the Automobilia car show is right around the corner. If you want to show your car make sure and get registered at Automobilia. Space will be available on the west side of Topeka right across from the Shrine Center for us to show our cars. Be in the Scottish Rite parking lot prior to the event and they’ll let us in early so we can all park beside each other. Happy birthday wishes to Ladies Deb Feekes and Janet Wolf. Are you interested in Classic Cars? Come join the fun with the Midian Classics. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Pyramid Room at 7:00 PM. If you’re interested in finding out more about the Classics, contact Noble Bob Giesen at 316-721-4178, or stop by during one of our meetings. Directors Staff Provost Guard I am happy to report that Steve Towns continues to make improvements with his health status, post his motorcycle wreck. He told me that he will be back with us soon and plans to be at CSSA in Tulsa in August. His beautiful Harley Davidson is being repaired and should be ready to go very soon. Just a reminder that CSSA is just around the corner. We will be in Tulsa, OK on August 27-31 2014. Be sure to check in the Midian office with Tracy Dahl regarding Richard Bennett Reporter registration. Little Dan won Top Gun last year and I am sure he will be trying to repeat his performance again this year. On August 2, 2014 the second Annual Sportsman Event will be held at Midian. This was a big success last year and raised a lot of money. This year should be no different The Provost will be in charge of security. Please let the Provost Marshall know if you can work this day, thank you. Hospital Van Drivers Well Parade season is in full swing. We had a few out to the Wichita Sundowner’s parade. Where the Midian Divan rode along on our Hospital Van float. There are several other parades scheduled so come on out and enjoy. Our June Van driver’s unit Picnic was held June 8th Good food and a good time was had by all. If you haven’t at- Farold Hoover Reporter tended one of the picnics plan on doing so in the future. Trips to St Louis have been down this year, but we have some coming up. Be sure to attend the unit meeting to get a trip and help the kids. If you haven’t done so check out the Midian van drivers Facebook page to keep up to date on happenings in the shrine. Drive safe, we care precious cargo. The Directors Staff’s Annual Unit Steak Feed and Auction has now past and it was epic. If you are a part of the Directors Staff and have not attended the Annual Steak Feed you are truly missing out on great time filled with food and fellowship. It was an amazing day, the cooks did a phenomenal job and only lost a little hair in the process. The auctioneer was struggling to keep his voice but powered through the auction with grace. Thanks to all the came out and a special thanks to Noble JR and Lady Denise Gelvin for allowing the Directors Staff to invade their garage for the event. We also need to thank Noble Steve Morrison for helping Procure and Deliver the Grill? The Annual Midian Shrine Float Trip is now one or the books! A great time was had by all that attended, the weather was beautiful and the water was. . .ok maybe a little cool, but you got use to it if you were in it all day. There will be stories galore floating around (yes, pun intended) from our travels for years to come, some may possibly be true and others should never be believed. There are definitely some new tan lines that will arise from the trip and a few Nomads MIKE WARD Reporter might be a little disturbing, thank god a lot of what happens on the river, stays on the river. If you want to know, sign up to attend next year, and even though there may be a few battles scares, a few suffering from hypothermia (ICE CHALLENGE), a few sore muscles, a few hangovers, and maybe even a broken toe, the event is not one to be missed. The fun and fellowship, along with the Scavenger Hunt and Naughty Santa / White Elephant gift exchange makes a person forget all that ails them! Last but definitely not the least, the directors staff would like to welcome several new members to the Shrine Family and congratulate the families. Noble Mark Butterfield became a new Grandpa, on 2/15/2014. Mark’s Grandson James Butterfield was born to Noble Brett Butterfield and his Lady Andrea. Then the Latest addition, Finley Frederick Lane Smith was born 6/5/2014 to Noble Scott Smith and his Lady Stacie, yes that means our very own Noble Ross Smith and Noble Fred Smith are again a Great-Grandpa and Grandpa respectfully. Congratulations to all the families. TURTLE-AT-LARGE Reporter At the June Nomads camping weekend there were 11 camping families with many more members arriving for the meeting, auction and potluck dinner. Please keep the following in your prayers; Noble Guy Cobert has now had his knee replacement, Lady Willodene Kauffman is currently in ICU with a blood clot, and Lady Mary Brown has a collapsed lung. We wish all a speedy recovery. The next camp out will be July 11 & 12 at Lake Afton Shelter #1. The Ladies of Arami Court #101 will be serving breakfast on Saturday the 12th. The Midian Nomads camping unit is open to all shrine families, please join us. If you have any questions please contact Noble Roscoe Taylor at (316) 8414569. See ya at the lake! SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK •Main Bank, Douglas & Topeka •Motor Bank, First & Emporia •Towne East Bank, 225 S. Armour •Towne West Bank, Tracy & Taft Member IBBA Member FDIC www.dignitymemorial.com Page 7 Antique Autos The Riverfest Sundown Parade was May 30th. There was a large crowd and beautiful weather. Fred Booher, Kent Butz, Grant Richecky, Ray Richecky, Joe Matthews, Wayne Orr, Curtis Gilbert, Ed Chrisco, Gary Gelvin, Jerry Elscott, and Vernon Kafka brought their cars out for the festivities and had a great time. May 31st saw several AA members in Howard for the Elk County Shrine Club Stag. Dale Gibson, Gary Gelvin, Kent Butz and Ed Chrisco enjoyed the hospitality of Elk County Shrine Club. There was a lot of fun, food and sporting activities at the lake. Antique Autos will not be having their monthly meeting on July 7th. Instead, we will meet July 19th at Two Brothers BBQ at 6730 W. Central Ave. Social at 6:30 p.m. and Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Please bring your Lady. Horse Patrol We would like to welcome our newest member. He is Noble Michael Megonigle and I know that he will be a great asseite to our unit. His first Parade was in Eureka and he did a great job. Along with Noble Michael, Nobles DeWane Ewert, Gary Mason and George Finley also Paraded there. Our next Parade will be the Shrine Yoshi The warm month of July is here and the year is half over already. Time continues to fly almost as fast as the Yoshi go-karts fly over the streets during parades. Which is fast, faster, fastest? Practice has begun for CSSA as we work on our routine and the obstacle course. Can Noble Brian Chestnut be beaten this year on the obstacle course? If so we hope it is by someone in our own group that does it. If we can’t beat him, then no one should. Best of luck C-Nut on your efforts to retain the title of fastest kart alive. One of Brian’s closest competitors, our own Noble Chris Hurt, has moved to North Carolina to pursue a new job. We wish him the best as he changes careers and employer. Darn jobs always get in the way of having fun when we are young. As practice goes, we have a good commitment of Yoshi members to CSSA this Chippers These are the leaders for the first month of Chippers golf Flight A: Max & Terry Pennington 16.5, Kyle Rhorer & Terry House 14.5, Richard Anderson & Paul Keely 13, Tom Troutman & Loyd Geist 12.5. Midian Shrine Topics RUSTY BUCKET Reporter The 2014 Sportsmen’s Event will be here soon. Keep selling tickets and remember to turn them in to the office as they are sold to help those with the job of data entry keep up. It is time for C.S.S.A. August 28th30th. Turn in your registration as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so. Antique Autos will have a planning meeting on August 16th at Solo’s Diner at 6815 W. Kellogg at 6:00 p.m. Randy Edwards is providing an undercarriage wash and preinspection on Sunday August 3rd at 1:00 p.m. The new license plates are to be here in time for C.S.S.A. Any nobles interested in our Antique Autos unit are welcome. You do not have to have an antique car to become part of AA. Come see us at one of our meetings or at one of the parades. GEORGE FINLEY Reporter Bowl in Pittsburg, Ks on July 26th. We would like to invite any new Nobles as well as any other Nobles that would like to Join us to come to our next meeting, which will be July 10th. We will meet for Social/dinner in the Oasis at around 6:00 PM then have our meeting at 7:00 PM. Until next time. TORRIN REED Reporter year. Practice is on Sunday evenings at an undisclosed location. (Just ask if you’d like to come and watch). The more we practice, the better we will perform. Past problems have been the reversal of fields once we get there as well as kart break downs. It’s easy to get turned around when they mirror the course on you. Start thinking about uniforms, banquet wear, and dusting off the Fez. CSSA will be here before you know it. We will discuss those items and more at our next few meetings. Welcome to new Yoshi member Noble Daryl James and Lady Monique. We hope you will enjoy your new unit. Congratulations to Noble Patrick Kennedy on being voted in as a Yoshi lifetime member. Patrick has committed many years and time to our unit and it is greatly appreciated. Thank you Patrick! RODNEY Reporter Flight B: Rob Ott & Mike Smith 15, Alvin Ogden & Dean Lauterbach 14, Steve Travis & Larry Tomes 13, Bob Martin & Ken Lofflan 13. Please repair your ball marks plus one. Perkins, Smart & Boyd, Inc. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Steven R. Boyd Sr. Vice President 1050 East First Street, Wichita, Kansas 67214 316-263-8444 ~ 800-369-2920 Member NASD/SIPC Nascarts Let me start this article by giving a warm welcome to Nascarts newest member and rookie driver Noble Taylor Gelinas. Taylor started his Shrine membership this spring and knew he wanted to join a winning team, so he came to a Nascarts meeting and joined that night. He started his driving career right away by driving in the Riverfest parade and having a great time! It only took a week to wipe the smile off his face! Taylor is a great addition to a fine unit. Last years Riverfest parade took out two veteran drivers, however, this year claimed no casualties. Charter member and Relief driver Noble Gary Dix got caught up in the action. See his impressive photo on the Midian Shrine Nascarts page. A big thanks to the Greenwood county Arab Patrol Lady Jackie would like to thank all the ladies who provided the snacks for the May Stated Meeting. Special thanks to Lady Lise Fisher, Lady Bernie Sanders, Lady Anita Simpson, Lady Tracy Danler and Lady Michelle Tomes for their help in setup and serving the snacks. The snacks you ladies provided was well received with very little leftovers, if any, to take home. May started the Midian Chippers golf season and it’s nice to see many of the patrolmen playing. A few patrolmen also made their yearly trek to Winfield for a weekend of golf and fellowship while other patrolmen attended the wedding of Patrolman Greg Barley and Lady Jessica. Still other patrolmen were at the Midian Pig Roast and celebrate Illustrious Sir Ed Day’s birthday. May was closed out with the Patrol marching in the Wichita Riverfest Sundowner’s Parade. Along with drummer Warren “Doc” Rensner, PP, and myself, the marching unit included Foster Smith, Greg Barley, Kyle Rhorer, Brian West, Mike Smith, and Alan Geist. The parade route was pretty JULY, 2014 RICK N BOBBY Reporter three-wheelers and PP Lonnie and Melinda Nichols for the super terrific hospitality at the Eureka parade. It would seem that they outdo themselves every year! The second annual Midian Sportsmens Event is right around the corner. If you need tickets, see any Nascarts member. We will once again be teaming up with the Provost Guard to help with security and setting up, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Happy birthday to Lady Ruth Lauterbach on July 16th and her husband Noble Dean Lauterbach on July 30th. Happy birthday to Lady Stacie Smith also on July 30th. Happy anniversary to Noble Scott and his Lady Stacie Smith on July 11th. C-ya on the track! I’m Rick N Bobby and I’m out! LARRY WILSON Reporter long, starting on Main Street at Central to Douglas Avenue, then west to Waco and back north to Central. We were fortunate to get relocated behind the Hospital Van trailer that carried the Divan so we had a ride back to Scottish Rite where we parked before the parade. Drill practice has been progressing very well. We are practicing with an eight as well as a twelve men drill team until we determine what will work best. Nick Rhorer, son of Veteran Patrolman Kyle and Jo Rhorer, got married. Congratulations, Nick. Veteran patrolman Ron Smith is in good spirits and progressing well with his cancer treatments. Patrolman Devon Olson’s father-in-law is under hospice care for his stage four cancer and Honorary Past Captain Ray Ramos’ Lady Peggy is also undergoing treatment for her cancer. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. The black camel did visit the Patrol with the passing of veteran patrolman Bob Blankenship. Our thoughts and prayers to the family. Until next time, keep in step! Page 8 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2014 JULY, 2014 Midian Shrine Topics Page 9 Midian Shrine Night at the Wingnuts!!! Saturday July 19th 7:05 PM Wichita Wingnuts Baseball vs Sioux City Explorers Lower Box Seats $10 each Price includes free hot dogs, pop, and peanuts in the parking lot prior to the game with your ticket purchase!!!!! Advance Tickets only at Midian Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2014 Page 10 Their Membership is Important As of June 25th the following Nobles have not paid their per capita and hospital assessment and/or their dues. Casey Alexander Brent Allen Robbins Allen Leslie Anderson Onofre Astorga Brady Ayers Jareth Bailey Kyle Bailey Mark Baldwin Brent Ballard Donald Ballard Roy Bandhauer, Jr Charles Barber Christian Barlow Harold Belt Gary Bertram Thomas Blair William Blanks Harry Bledsoe Lloyd Boles John Bossi Gary Boyd Bruce Bradley Kevin Brady Jack Brewer Bradley Brodersen Lyle Brothers Eugene Brown Orby Brown John Buche Charles Bundrick, Jr Billy Bunyard Brad Burns Larry Burns Brian Burnside Michael Camacho Billy Campbell Bob Campbell Thomas Carr Dr Steve Cauble Charles Cauthon Kenneth Chaffin Frank Charles Roger Chrislip Roth Christopherson Vincent Clark John Cleaver Dennis Clifton Albert Cooper Donald Corning Dru Coulson James Culbertson James Daily Charles Davis John Davis Johnny Davis James Day, Jr John Day, Jr Eric Deyle Daniel Diefenderfer Kenneth Divall James Dorsett Harold Downing Dennis Doyle Blaine Dreitzler Jason Duncan Kenton Elley Laurence Engler Larry Erne Lonnie Erwin Ruben Espinosa Earl Everitt, Jr Kevin Farlow C P Farr Ernest Feeler, Jr Doyle Ferguson James Fischer William Fischer H Doyle Fisk William Fitzgerald Michael Flannery William Foley James Frank Edwin Frazer Kennith Galloway Jason Gibson David Gilbert Terry Gillespie Richard Gordon Galen Gose David Grant Randy Gregg David Griffin Richard Guthrie Donald Hagbom Howard Haines Donald Hamill Norman Hammergren Norman Hampanier Will Hanna John Harding Phillip Hatfield Steven Heft John Hill Horst Hiller Andrew Hilton Albert Hogoboom Larry Holden Robert Holder Christopher Hollon Stan Howard James Huebert Leon Huff Richard Huff Kenneth Hughes Robert Hyde Danny Hypse Burl Ingle Michael Inman Gerald Isaacson Gary Jacobs John Jones Raymond Jones Ronald Kammerer Richard Kane Scott Kane James Kapp Jeffrey Kellogg Patrick Kennedy Dallas Kenney Ralph Kimzey Michael Kinslow David Kirby William Kizzire Donald Klein Dean Kline Ronald Kloefkorn John Knotts, Jr Keith Koontz Gary Kraisinger J. Derwin Langley Orville Lanier Jason Lee Robert Lee Kenneth Leu Kenneth Lewellen Leslie Linneman Jeff Logan Jack Long Phillip Marr, Sr John Marshall Harry Marshall, IV Richard Martin Danny Mason Chad Mast Jerry May Leon May Harold McBride, Jr Dr Kenneth McCanon Billie McCreary Carl McFadden Jack McInteer, Jr Scott McNett George McPeak Aaron Medina Jon Medlam Donald Meyers Donald Miller Matthew Miller James Mills Roy Minor Nolan Mize Bill Moore Lonnie Morris Howard Morton,III Darol Moseley Paul Moses James Murphy John Myers Ronald Nance Ronald Neumayer James Newby Rex Noel Kevin Norton Johnny Nugent Mark Nunley Kevin O’Crowley Lynn O’Donnell Burnell Oman Herbert Ottaway Kevin Otto Tom Page Lloyd Pappan Carlos Parrales John Patton Wayne Payne Jerry Pennington Jarrett Perry Dennis Peterson Michael Porter Gary Potter James Putnam Jared Ragsdale Edward Raney, Sr Robert Raymos Franklin Reed Donald Rensner William Reuschel Edwin Roach Justin Robelli John Rogers Roger Rollmann Luis Rosado Leroy Roseberry James Rowe Dr John Rumisek Michael Rutherford Joel Schaffer Walter Scheib Michael Schilling Loren Schleining Michael Schmitz Clifton Schopf Daniel Schopf Harvey Scott Thomas Scott Douglas Seaberg V Steve Shaffer Loren Sheets Brandon Simon Howard Sims Jeffery Skinner Randy Slaughter A Wesley Smith Jeremie Smith Joel Smith Matthew Smith Vaughn Smith Warren Smith Winston Smith Kenneth Snook Andrew Snow Willis Sorensen Justin Sorrell Buford Spiers, III Jason Stanton Jerry Stein Paul Stenger John Stewart, III Charles Stickney George Stover Anthony Striffler Francis Strong Douglas Sumner Robert Tanner Fred Taylor Clint Teinert Nathan Teter Maurice Thomas Steven Thornburg Joel Tinsmon Fred Travis, Sr Christopher Trenary Ronald Trenary Thomas Turkle Lyle Turner Dane Volkman Jerome Volm, Jr Richard Wade Dale Walker Jerry Walton Leroy Ward Jimmy Warren Travis Watson Eldon Watts Craig Weaver Billy Weber Dr Curtis Wheeler David L. White David H. White Derik White Lawrence White Dwight Wiebe Edward Williams Lon Williams Richard Williams Charles Willis, Jr Dennis Wilson John Winchell Richard Wortman Wilford Wyckoff Solen Yanda Jeffrey Zitlow William Zuercher Suspended Members The following members were suspended for non payment of dues in the years, 2011, 2012, and 2013. If you know any of these members and know that they still have interest in being a Shriner please contact them and find out what we need to do to have them rejoin. Jimmie Alcorn Thomas Anderson Robert Archer William Atherton James Atkins Richard Augustus John Bagley Timothy Bailey Aaron Beck Kenneth Becker Scott Becker Donald D Bedell Dean Beebe Billy G Bell Franklin Bergquist David Blair Luke Blankenship Robert Bonat James Brant Lonnie E Brown Daryl Burnham Earl F Jr Callison Kenton Campbell Larry Carey Frank L Carson III John Chambers Daniel Clark Donnie Clark Donald W Clary Gerald Cleverley Jeffrey Cook Randell Cook Richard Cook Kevin Coons Sr Kevin Coons Jr Terry J Cox Aaron Cunningham Charles Dannenfelser Coe V Darling Armando Davila Melvin L Davis Brian Dickinson Denis Dieker Richard Dixon Wendell Dodd Steven Dorfman George Downum Rodney Durham David Eaton Refell Edwards Timothy Englett Greg R Esping David Finley James Foraker Mike Foster James E Foster Benjamin Fuller Daniel Gary Rodney Gates Earl Gatz Philip Giebler Jeffrey Gorcos Darrin Green Gary Gregory Terry L Haas Darrin Harding Marvin Harman W Floyd Harper Bradley Harris Arthur Hawk Richard Haywood John Hein Jack Hensley James Herd Wayne E Herzog Bradley Hewitt Jerry Himebaugh Chester Hockett Lonnie Hoepfinger Corrin E Holden Larry A Holland Jack Hosler Harold E Hoss Robert Houston George Jaso Edward Jennings Jack Johnson Jeffrey Johnson Robert Johnstone Charles L Jones Francisco Judilla James Kaminsky Jordan Kentzler Richard Knowles Sammy Kouri Douglas Krogh James D Lane James D Lazelle Larry Leatherman Bennie M Lee Greggory Lewis Fred Liebau Charles L Liles Mathew Limpscomb Leroy L Loggins Joel Lovesee Jack L Lowry Leif Macmartin Mark Mahieu Gene Manning Donald Martin Paul D Maxwell Gary Mazurek William Mccurdy Todd Mcfarland Randall Mcintosh Charles Mcvay Lonny Mendenhall Lawrence Miller Scott Montoya Donald Moore Rex Moser Gene Mudd Clyde Nicks Jason Nixon Alan Oliver Chadwick Owings Richard Palmer Keith Parish Douglas Pate Darrell Patterson William Peckham Gregory Pickering Homer Price Tom Redinger Michael Rice Hugh E Richards Kenneth Rinke Richard Riopelle Howard Roe John Royston Hugo Sanchez Jack Shaffer Norman D Sherman Steve D Sixkiller Daniel Smith Douglas Smith Frank Solomon Frank Spangler James Steele Benjamin Steinmetz Kyle Stockham Jack Stonehocker Rick Stout Dennis R Stover Trent Stringer Jason Strunk Richard W Sybert Stephen Thomas Claude Thompson Jack Verbeck Randell Voth Donald Wasielewski Ray Westfall Curtis White Douglas Williams Harold H Wilson Paul Witt Robert S Wunsch Page 11 Cartoon Oh my what a month it has been. It was so busy I forgot to write last months notes and want to take the time right now to thank John Gracy for bailing me out! With that being said John seems to be healing up just fine, he was able to make it to a couple outings and it is always good to have his support. Also, want to wish Roger Snellen PP and his lady Pat a very Happy Anniversary! This last month was full of outings. Riverfest was in full swing and that means the Sundown Parade. We had a great turn out to support one of Wichita’s biggest traditions. Thanks to Mike Ward for driving the tractor and Tigger, Pooh, Scooby, Raphael, Mario and Luigi for coming out and braving the heat. The Toons want to wish a Happy Happy Birthday to Wichita’s own Spinner of the Wingnuts! Thanks for the invite to celebrate your Birthday with all your other Mascot friends. The games were great and I still think that the tug of war was rigged. The truth will come out when this scandal is made public! Please checkout the Midian Shrine Midian Shrine Topics COLE ROBINSON Reporter Cartoon Unit Facebook Page to watch the video and tell us what you think! Daffy took a spill so that will be worth the watch. We also had a chance to help with Wal-Mart’s March of Dimes charity. Had a good turnout of Toons and Ladies. Made the day, of almost, everyone that walked into the store! Be looking for us on the People of Wal-Mart! If you can’t stomach People of Wal-Mart, Facebook as a great selection of Walmart photos also! Thanks Michelle Tomes for asking and allowing us to help! Lastly, we helped with another charity at Auntie Mae’s Café for The American Diabetes Association! For those of you that have not had the chance to eat there you need to! Add it to the new places to try list. Scooby and Mario made the appearance and had lots of fun meeting the staff and customers for this cause. I think Auntie Mae’s Café may be looking for more help from us in the future! Lets keep the momentum up! And as always thanks for all your support! “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” --Dr. Seuss Hillbilly Band Time to be serious for a moment; sorry about the recent missing columns; in over thirty years of writing these I’ve only missed a couple, but my lady “Bert” underwent major surgery twice and spent three weeks in the hospital. She’s doing fine now and we sincerely thank all who sent cards, phoned and visited during her ordeal…it meant a lot. That, coupled with some less serious medical issues of my own combined to absorb most of what little spare time was available. Or could it be that I’m just disorganized? Nah! “Vacations, get thee away!” Nobles Cecil Goldsmith, Jim Malia, Rick Milhon, John Heckman and Al Brumbaugh have been or shortly will be absent from stage. Thanks to those who have filled in…many times on short notice…(can you say Riverfest Parade?) for the first time in a decade. On that subject, special thanks to trumpeter Noble Martin Geeding, who took the seat his late father Noble Wilbur occupied for so many years on the Model T. Noble Martin is a fine musician, but seldom ventured into the “ad lib, Electraglide Elite No excuses from this Reporter on the June Topics Bro’s and Sis’s, just ran completely out of time but back in business now and there’s plenty going on! The most important thing missed in no EE message in that issue was the fact that three of our Members tangled with four-wheeled vehicles and lost the fight and all within a couple of days in May. The good news is that Brothers Rick Whiteside, Bert Hawkins and Steve Towns are all still with us and doing well. That’s the most important thing of all!! As you read this, the Midian Bug-O-Rama paperwork should be wrapping up. We all have Brother Robert Hoch to thank for what he did to put this together! This could be a platform for the EE and Midian for quite a while and that would be way out there beyond great. Lots of hard work from everyone on this and as Captain Steve said, “Sportman’s Event and MSKR are just ahead” with plenty more to do. No doubt that both these projects are important to Midian, Shriners Hospitals for Children and JULY, 2014 JOHN HECKMAN Reporter play by ear, improvisational” world of the Hillbillies. Unknown to us, to honor his late father he memorized the charts of the songs we planned to perform in the parade, then showed up, went to work and did well! “Pops” Geeding would have been proud! Thanks also to drummer Noble Ronnie Maynard for handling chores in that parade so “regular” drummer Noble John Heckman could drive in the absence of vacationing baritone sax man and “regular” parade driver Noble Cecil Goldsmith. Finally, Bassman Noble Bob Bergman has taken Veteran status in the HBB, citing ongoing health reasons for retiring from active participation in our group. This has to hurt…Noble Bob has been and still is a solid and reliable performer and we hope when his health improves he’ll join us for a gig from time to time. Welcome guest tuba player Dennis Schmidt, along with newcomer Noble Don Klein, who can sub on both bass and guitar. N. B. Forrest, K.G.C. Reporter of course the Electraglide Elite! Like the rest of you, this Reporter is very proud to say he’s a Member and supporter of all three!! Let’s not forget to thank Brothers Bill Bailey, A.J. Hawkins, Greg Reida, Don Richards and all who helped with the Bad Boar Degree. It definitely shows the strength and unity of our “thing” as this came together under some pressure, and why the Electraglide Elite is one of the largest and strongest Units in Midian Shrine! Brother Dan Krenke is doing yeoman’s work on upcoming activities and keeping us informed! Evidence of this was the Breakfast Ride to Benton Airport in early June. Thanks Dan, terrific way to start a day and even the weather played fair with us. Even the worst day of riding beats the best day of working and this was a good day so you know how that figures in. Until next time…be safe. Willie G. Davidson says “There’s a little outlaw in all of us”…it doesn’t hurt to let him out once in a while. I would like to thank you for your helmets. Six weeks ago today I was run over by a pickup. I have a lot of injuries, but feel your helmet saved my life. I belong to the Shriners of North America and Midian Shrine Center of Wichita, KS. I see on your web site that you support several charities. Our bike unit is having a poker run to support the 22 Shrine Hospitals across North America. All donations are tax deductible. I hope you can help us by supporting our efforts. The hospitals spend about $28 per second 24 hours a day and charge on the parents ability to pay. Once again thanks for your great helmets. MIDIAN Midian Shrine Topics Page 12 JULY, 2014 CONTACT RANDY BROWN FOR PLACEMENT randy@dmprinters.com BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SPONSOR DIRECTORY AEROSPACE MANUFACTURING Capps Manufacturing Ron Capps 212 S Edwards Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-9351 AUTO COLLISION REPAIR Frick Body Shop Myron Frick 1346 S. Mosley Wichita, KS 67211 316-263-2825 AUTO SALES AND LEASING Dave Johnson Sales “The Gunner” See Dave, Mike or Rusty Johnson Tyler & Kellogg 316-721-0442 www.davejohnsonsales.com USED OR NEW CARS & TRUCKS Davis-Moore Chevrolet Used & New Cars & Trucks “Big Al” Ceynar 8200 W. Kellogg Wichita, KS 67209 DECORATIVE CONCRETE OVERLAY ReDeckIt Kansas, LLC Chris Nelson redeckitkansas.com nelson.chris86@gmail.com 316 648-3775 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS SALES & SERVICE B & B Electric Motor Co. Bob Giesen 332 Lulu Wichita, KS 67211 316-267-1238 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS/PERSONAL LIFE AND LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE The Hawkins Group, Inc. Dan Hawkins 9406 Harvest Ln Wichita, KS 67212 316-371-1667 FINANCIAL PLANNING/INVESTMENTS 316-749-4058 Cell: 316-706-6888 CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Home Safe Hearth and Chimney Bart and Lesa Ogden Come visit our showroom!! Wood - Gas - Pellet - Electric - Tools - Doors - Caps - Accessories 504 S St. Francis Wichita, KS 67202 316-265-9828 Carey, Thomas, Hoover & Breault Jeff Breault - Vice President 8080 E. Central Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67206 316-634-2222 FINANCIAL SERVICES Strategic Financial Concepts Inc. Vance A. Burns 216 N. Waco Wichita, KS 67202 316-262-2929 JT Enterprises Inc John Auch - President 6320 E. Crestmark Wichita, KS 67220 Jack Bunyard Richard Burke Vance Burns John Carmichael Clarence Carter Clarence Cash Paul Cauthron Kenneth Chaffin Larry Cheever Jr Roth Christopherson Richard Clark Donald Corning Paul Courson Mark Cox Charles Cramb David Cross Harry Dalvine Glen Davidson John Davis Jonathan Davis Richard Dennis Gary Denniston Bruce Detwiler Eric Deyle Richard Dickerhoff Jr. Leslie Dolbow Daniel Dreese Earl Dunagan Taylor Durr Craig Dutton Christopher Eddy Jerry Elscott Ruben Espinosa Herbert Farabough Gregory Farber Eagle Financial Services O J Lichlyter, CLU 1033 N Buckner Suite 1033 Derby, KS 67037 316-788-6303 INSURANCE Damien Cook Agency Farm Bureau Financial Services Property-Casualty-Life-Business-Farm 1786 S. Seneca Suite #1 - Wichita, KS 67213 damien.cook@fbfs.com 316-425-0918 Gary Tomes Farm Bureau Financial Services 300 W Douglas Ste 120 - Wichita, KS 67202 316-866-2100 gary.tomes@fbfs.com - garytomes.fbfs.com (f) 316-978-9953 (c) 316-204-8208 PET FOOD & SUPPLIES CW Feed Products Jeff Sowder 1009 N. Mosley Wichita, KS 67214 Kenneth Johnson Loren Johnson Evan Jones Glenn Jones Henry Kersting Jr. Ralph Kimzey David Kirby Donald Klein Keith Koontz Edward Kroll Michael Latimer Dean Lauterbach Lawrence Lee Richard Lemaster Jr. Billy Lemasters Thomas Lewis Michael Lillibridge Don Lock Keith Mae Patrick Maloney Jack Marinelli Harry Marshall IV Darin Mason Gary Mason Joseph Matthews Ronald Maynard Jonathan Mcconnell David Mcdaniel George Mcevoy Jr. Darrel Mcnamar Jefferis Mead Michael Megonigle Laurel Menefee Eric Menne Ronald Metzger Camelot Realty, Inc. Dahl R. Carmichael 920 N. Tyler, Suite 104 Wichita, KS 67212 Off: 316-773-9400 Cell: 316-650-2014 Realty World Alliance The John Head Team 8414 W 13th St Wichita, KS 67212 JohnHeadTeam@cox.net 316-734-2609 Signs, Banners, Decals & Graphics Signs & Design Mike Janzen 4545 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 www.signsdesignwichita.com 316-264-7446 SIGNS, FABRICATION - INSTALLATION - SERVICE Dynamic Sign Solutions Dave Branson/Owner SERVING THE SIGN INDUSTRY FOR OVER 40 YEARS 800 W Maple St. Wichita, KS 67213 Cell: 316-641-8948 dave@dynamic.kscoxmail.com Office: 316-440-6429 TREE SERVICE 316-265-5263 PRINTING/MAILING/COPIES Direct Mail Printers Randy Brown 231 S. Ida Wichita, KS 67211 Cecil Fauchier Ernest Feeler Lynn Finley James Fischer Ronald Fisher Carl Fraley James Frank Donald Fromong Ryan Furlong John Garrison Benjamin Gelinas Rodger Gracey Billy Griffin Philip Griffith Jack Grubb Lawrence Gurney Gerald Guthrie Edward Hakenholz Roger Hawk Kip Hawkins Roland Hayden Landon Haydock Jr.. John Head Jr. William Heath Alan Heine Robert Hekel Jack Herron Joseph Hilyard Gerald Hoepfinger George Holland Larry Holmes James House Terry House Stan Howard Kenneth Hughes Ilo Joachim 316-652-9200 HEALTH INSURANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Billy Aday Dale Allen Michael Argabright Ronald Arnett Mark Ashenfelter Nickolas Baldi Clair Banta Marvin Banwart Billy-Joe Bardin Christian Barlow Gailand Bartlett Alfred Bass Michael Beard Garland Bell Steven Bell Jack Bender Kenneth Bergman Ronald Betzen Frank Bible Daniel Bird Harry Bledsoe Gary Blevins Alfred Blocher Joel Blount Douglas Bogart James Bolinger Edgar Bonar Steven Boyd Wilbur Bradley Scott Branscum James Branstetter Robert Brill Roy Brown Jeffrey Bryant Bruce Buehler REALTORS FUNDRAISING AND ADVERTISING DLM Tree Care Complete Tree Care Derrick Metzger Wichita, KS 316-207-5703 WINE & SPIRITS 316-262-0211 R & J Discount Liquor Matt Hess - Manager 3015 E Douglas 316-681-3761 JULY BIRTHDAYS: Jerry Middleton Daniel Miller Donald Miller Paul Miller Robert Miller Jim Molz Jimmy Montgomery Archie Moon Jr. Albert Moore Lonnie Morris Paul Moses Carl Moss Robert Murdock Charles Neff Donald Nelson Jon Nicolet Sr. Ronald Oliver Ralph Oringderff Leslie Osterman Rodney Ott Kevin Otto Tye Pameticky Larry Papps John Patton Max Pecht II Scott Perkins Ray Peterson Leland Pontius Andrew Porter Lavern Powers Harold Purkey Duane Rasmussen Jack Rasmussen Robert Raymos Lester Reiter Steven Richard Grant Richecky Troy Riner Andrew Roberts Keith Roberts Patrick Robinson Richard Rodriquez David Roe Roger Rollmann Bruce Rose Todd Rostetter William Royse Darrel Ruth Arthur Rutledge Raymond Ryman Norman Sauder Edward Schauf Michael Schilling Jakie Schoenhals Gail Schroeder Beryl Scranton Mark Seaman John Sheaks Phillip Shrack Thomas Simons Howard Sims Wesley Smith Billy Smith Robert Smith Ronald Smith Ross Smith Vaughn Smith Wallace Smith Robert Smith Jr. Roger Smith Jr. Kenneth Snook Ronald Sontag Justin Sorrell Everett Stephenson Jr. Mikey Strong James Sullivan Finace Taylor Roscoe Taylor Clint Teinert Drew Teinert Kyle Thorer Chuck Thurston Joel Tinsmon Brent Traylor Christopher Trenary Martin Updegraff Heber Villers Jr. Richard Wade Bret Walker Joe Walker Starnes Walker Jr. Willard Walpole Jr. Jerry Walton Billy Weber Michael Weekley Eugene West Joel Westbrook Joshua Whiteside Max Whitson Danny Wickham Richard Williams Robert Williams John Wooley Gary Young Melvin Zeman Daniel Zimmerman Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2014 FROM YOUR WICHITA SCOTTISH RITE JULY – 2014 Every Tuesday Donuts & Coffee 8 – 9:30 AM Everyone is welcome, come and enjoy the fellowship Tue – Jul 1 Elmo Lodge Meeting 7:00 PM Fri – Jul 4 Happy 4th of July!! Office Closed Thurs – Jul 31 Free Lunch 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Page 13 If your Unit, Club, Lodge or any affiliate body has a function you would like in this free listing, then just get the information to Tracy Dahl tdahl@midian.kscoxmail.com. functions functions other other than than midian midian derby lodge #365 biscuit & Gravy 4th sat every month - 7am - 10am - 125 E. Market, derby HAYSVILLE LODGE #112 200 S. MAIN - HAYSVILLE 2ND SAT. EVERY MONTH -7AM - 10AM MENU CHANGES MONTHLY BELLE PLAINE LODGE #173 AMERICAN LEGION, 421 1/2 N. MERCHANT BREAKFAST - $7.00 DONATION 1ST SUN. EVERY MONTH - 7AM - 10AM AUTOMOBILIA’S MOONLIGHT CAR SHOW & STREET PARTY SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 6:00 PM - MIDNIGHT DOWNTOWN DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE ICE CREAM SOCIAL SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2014 KANSAS MASONIC HOME - 410 SOUTH SENECA 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM FOOD SPECIALS FOR JULY Monday - California Burger Tuesday - Meatloaf Wednesday - Steak Kabobs Thursday - Grilled Chicken Salad Friday - Steak Dinner MIDIAN HI-LIGHTS FOR JULY JULY 6-10 IMPERIAL SESSION IN MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA JULY 11 WELLINGTON PARADE JULY 12 SEDAN PARADE KEYSTONE KOPS 11TH ANNUAL CO-ED GOLF TOURNAMENT JULY 16 STATED MEETING LADIES MEETING JULY 25-26 KANSAS SHRINE BOWL - PITTSBURG KANSAS JULY, 2014 Arami Court Well, the 100th Grand Council Session – “Honoring the Past, Looking to the Future” has come and gone. And though the convention has ended and all our 660 guests have gone home, there is still work to complete. Decorations and paraphernalia must be sorted out and returned to their owner or storage, the final accounting must be completed and the books closed out and the task of thanking dozens of groups and people must be done. Arami Court could not have successfully produced such a huge convention without the help of lots of folks. Our heartfelt gratitude is extended to: •Wichita Scottish Rite Center staff and stage crew •Midian Directors Staff •Cowboy poet Donna Penley, and everyone who carried a flag for our unusual Sunday cowboy service •Midian Antique Autos •Hotel at WaterWalk and shuttle driver Bob Hiebert •Illustrious Sir Jeff Sowder and our Lady Cheryl for their educational and informative seminars •Illustrious Sirs Ed Day & his lady Marilyn and Lonnie Nichols & our Lady Melinda for their support •Midian Divan and their ladies •Midian Oriental Band for a rousing kick off to the opening night •Lady Suzan Kelly, PR Specialist at Shriners Hospital St. Louis and a Shrine Child •Shrine Child Justin Bowman, Jr and his parents Justin and Beth •Direct Mail Printers •Go Wichita Convention & Visitors Bureau, especially VP Maureen Hofrenning and Convention Service Manager Susan Cohrs •Hyatt Regency staff •Arami Courts’ Nobles (our Trailers) •I hope I didn’t forget any! On a personal note, I owe a huge debt of gratitude for all the support and love given me by the small but mighty Arami Court. Midian Shrine Topics Page 14 Jan Hiebert Reporter This group of dedicated Ladies worked their b**ts off not just for the 10 days of the convention but for the 8 years leading up to it. They were smiling, gracious hostesses working from first light to way after midnight each day and always with a smile. THANK YOU! The Grand High Priestess of LOSNA picks a special project each year which our members across North America work to support. The 2013-2014 project was to replace an obsolete, outdated Multi-Channel Analyzer which is used to diagnose the very rarest metabolic bone diseases. I am pleased and proud to announce that the goal of $90,000 was met and a check for that amount will be presented on July 18 to Dr. Michael Whyte at the Shriners Hospital St. Louis. The actual total raised was $96,988.63. The $6,988.63 will be donated to the St. Louis unit for furnishing family room/s in the new Shriners Hospital which will open next year in St. Louis. Arami Ladies and their Nobles are invited to join us for the presentation on Friday, July 18. We have a trailer again, so Arami Court will be parading in Kechi on June 28. The Kandyland Klowns served breakfast at Lake Afton to the Nomads in June. The Krafty Krew will be cooking for the July outing. Lady Nadine Bruner and Noble George Finley turned in 360 pounds of aluminum cans recently. The funds collected go annually to the Plane of Mercy. Thanks to everyone for collecting cans. Congratulations to Lady Doreen Foster, PHP who has been appointed an Honorary Aide and Ladies Terri Wells & Louise Kabler, both PHPs, who have been appointed Honorary Pages by this year’s Grand High Priestess. Good job, Ladies! We have a ceremonial coming up soon. If you would like to join this fun group of Ladies who work the help the kids, contact me or one of our members. Until next time, it’s the year of the Graceful Swan! SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 5TH, 2014 MIDIAN SHRINE FAMILY DAY ADVENTURE SPORTS DETAILS TO FOLLOW JULY, 2014 Midian Shrine Topics Page 15 Shrine child Lilly May and her mother Melissa donate a check to Plane of Mercy at the June Stated Meeting Riverfest Parade 2014 The current WuShock with the original WuShock Noble Dave Johnson!!! JULY, 2014 Midian Shrine Topics Page 16
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