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Gone Bear Huntin’
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THE TIMES EXAMINER, 44 Pine Knoll Drive, Suite E-2, Greenville, South Carolina 29609
The Green Dragon
~ See Page 5 ~
VOL. 19, NO. 2 - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012
Santorum “My First Big
Win Was Here”
Thousands Line Streets to Pay
Tribute to Fallen Soldier
Friday Night
By Bob Dill
Several Thousand patriotic mourners surrounded Simpsonville
First Baptist Church, Saturday afternoon before, during and after
the funeral service for U.S. Army PFC Justin Whitmire.
Army Medic
Killed in
By Bob Dill
Church and a journey of three
Private First Class Justin miles through streets lined with
Whitmire was laid to rest at Can- thousands of mourners bearnon Memorial Park on Saturday ing American flags. PFC
following a moving memorial serSee WHITMIRE, Page 16
vice at Simpsonville First Baptist
Rick Perry Visits Stax’s Original
Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas), presidential candidate, greets diners before
speaking at Stax's near Cherrydale, Monday. Gov. Perry was
introduced by David Wilkins, former South Carolina speaker of the
House and U.S. ambassador to Canada under President George W.
Bush. Gov. Perry was also accompanied by Katon Dawson, former
chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party.
“My first big win in this campaign was right here in Greenville
at your County Convention,” said
Rick Santorum after thanking
Gresham Barrett, his campaign
chairman and Greenville County
GOP Chairman Betty Poe for their
“great, wonderful hospitality.’
Santorum won the straw poll at
the county GOP convention last
year as he was launching his campaign.
Barrett is heading up
Santorum’s campaign in South
Carolina. The former Third District
Congressman introduced former
Reagan policy adviser Gary Bauer,
who described Santorum as “the
Reagan conservative” in this
Former Pennsylvania Sen.
Santorum and his wife made two
stops in Greenville, Sunday
evening. The first well-attended
event was at Chief’s Wings and
Firewater. The second was a
sitdown fundraiser for the
Greenville County GOP at Stax on
Woodruff Road. That event was
attended by almost 200 people.
Gov. Perry was in Spartanburg
Sunday and at Stax’s Original at
Cherrydale on Monday evening.
Both candidates are shuttling
back and forth from New Hampshire.
“You have an opportunity here
to speak very loudly. Especially
the Upstate will speak out and say
we don’t need someone who is
just a little better than the incumbent.
“You can send a message. You
See SANTORUM, Page 3
The Reality of Islam
Knowing the Real Enemy
By Mike Scruggs
Just in case you were thinking that the
are not a serious threat to
the continued existence
of Israel, you
with which we harvest the
might want to review some of the
skulls of the Jews…We move
rhetoric spouted at a recent procloser to Allah through
Hamas rally in Gaza. On Novemblood, body parts, and marber 3, 2011, Al-aqsa TV aired covtyrs.”
erage of the Gaza rally. The rally
organizer was frank in his hatred
Here are some excerpts transfor Jews and Israel, saying:
lated from the speaker’s long train
“Islamic Militants in Gaza: of hatred for Jews and the State
Allah’s teachings are the fire of Israel:
“Praise be to you our Lord
(Muhammad), You have
made our killing of the
Jews an act of worship,
through which we come
closer to you.”
“Allah’s prayers upon you,
our beloved Prophet. You
have made your teachings
See SCRUGGS, Page 12
Former Senator Rick Santorum
greets supporters at Stax on
Woodruff Road.
Obama Using
Amnesty as
Campaign Tool
Obama invoked his presidential
powers to grant backdoor amnesty to even more illegal immigrants. As leaked to the press last
week, the Obama administration
will now no longer require illegal
immigrant relatives to return to
their home country during the visa
application process, which is a
requirement of federal immigration
law – or at least it was before
Obama took the reins in Washington.
Obama’s dismantling of federal
immigration law is just one of his
many outrages against America,
and sadly it will only continue as
he gets more and more desperate
for re-election in 2012 since winning the votes of Latino Americans is his best hope.
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and
Education Secretary Arne Duncan
met with a group of illegal immigrant DREAMERS at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC, on Dec. 15 of this past
year. As part of a “Student Voices”
meeting, the illegal immigrants attended the meeting to hear Sec.
Duncan tell them about the
administration’s valiant “efforts to
assist students who are undocu-
mented” through the DREAM –
Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act.
Looking at the bigger picture,
the December meeting was with
“students and members of the
United States Students Association and United We Dream,” the
latter of whose “Vision and Mission” is to develop a grassroots
activists movement to advocate
for illegal immigrant youth. The
United States Student Associate
states its own history “as a nascent national student union in
the late forties, as a cautiously liberal organization in the fifties, as
an increasingly activist federation
of student governments in the sixties, as a radical antiwar outfit in
the early seventies, and as a
broad-based progressive advocacy group in the eighties and nineties.”
The DREAM Act, should it
ever pass Congress and the Senate, would legalize all illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. before their 16th birthday for at least
five years before the law took effect and who had been admitted
to a college or earned a high
school diploma or a general education development certificate.
All incoming and outgoing files
and messages are scanned for virus by the latest version of Trend
Micro Internet Security.
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
ALG Urges Passage of
Sheriff Mack
Speaking in SC Bill Repealing NLRB
Adjudicatory Powers in
Light of Unconstitutional
pervasive forces that are relentlessly driving America towards a
police state. He recounts how he
came to realize, while working as
a beat cop, how wrong the all-toocommon orientation of police officers is when they think of their
job as being "to write tickets and
arrest people." Richard Mack tells
of his personal transformation
from "by-the-numbers" cop to
constitution-conscious defender
of citizens' rights and freedoms.
Sheriff Mack’s story is a wake-up
call for all law-enforcement officers. If you have a friend or relative in law enforcement, make sure
you get them a copy of his book
or better yet, bring them to see
Sheriff Mack in person. You'll be
shocked to learn just how far
American law enforcement has
strayed from its mission!
The sheriff absolutely has the
power and responsibility to defend his citizens from all enemies,
including those in our own Federal Government. History, case
law, common law and common
sense all show clear evidence that
the sheriff is the people's protector in all issues of injustice and is
responsible for keeping the peace
in all matters. He is the last line of
defense for his constituents; he
is America's last hope to regain
our forgotten freedom and return
America to the constitutional republic she was meant to be. Come
hear Sheriff Mack tell you how to
make this happen!
Sheriff Richard Mack, sheriff of
a rural Arizona county, fought the
Brady Bill gun-control law all the
way to the Supreme Court and
won. His latest book, The County
Sheriff: America's Last Hope,
covers decades of research to
prove once and for all that sheriffs in this country are indeed the
ultimate law authority in their respective jurisdictions.
Sheriff Mack is speaking on Jan.
14, 2011, at Chapman High School
in Inman, S.C. at 8:30 am. and that
afternoon at Lexington Middle
School in Lexington, S.C. at 3:00
pm. He is a South Carolina Law
Enforcement Officer certified
trainer which means any officer
who attends his presentation can
receive CLE credits. Participants
are welcome from all areas, including Tech schools and Colleges
(Pre-law or law school, Law Enforcement, Political Science students and more), every police department, sheriff’s office, solicitors’ offices, high schools and of
course activist groups and the
general public. This is an educational seminar on governing from
the local level, so please bring all
elected officials.
"To serve and protect" is the
time-honored mission statement
of American law enforcement, but
it is steadily giving way in police
departments all across the nation
to an ethos of intimidation, military-style siege, and disdain for
citizens' rights. Sheriff Mack gives
us an insider's glimpse into the
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Pawn Exchange
Fairfax, VA—Americans for
Limited Government (ALG) President Bill Wilson today in the following statement urged the
House to pass HR 2978 stripping
the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB) of its quasi-judicial
powers in light of Barack Obama's
extraconstitutional installation of
3 new members to the Board:
"If the House wishes to prevent
the NLRB from issuing rulings
when it has been unconstitutionally filled with phony recess appointments, it needs to act immediately. Legislation by Rep. Austin Scott would strip the Board
of all its judicial and rulemaking
Audio Book Released
Today by the Sons of
Confederate Veterans
Atlanta – The Georgia Division
of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has just released their first
audio book in conjunction with
the Sesquicentennial commemoration of the War Between the
States. Available to middle and
high school history teachers in
Georgia for the past several years
as supplemental written curriculum material, The Other Side of the
Coin: A Southern View of the War
for Southern Independence has
now been produced as an audio
book available to the general public.
The Georgia Division has become the leading organization in
America for supplying historically
accurate information on the
Southern role during the War Between the States. On the reason
behind the release of the audio
book version of The Other Side
of the Coin, Georgia Division
Commander Jack Bridwell said, "It
has been our goal to provide an
accurate version of the facts and
motives surrounding the South's
participation in the War. So many
of the history textbooks currently
being used in high schools and
colleges have adopted a revisionist view of history that is quite
different than the traditional version of history taught for generations throughout America. It is
merely a symptom of the same attack going on against everything
that is good about America's past
-- an attempt to denigrate traditional American values and heroes. There was a time when all
American school children were
taught that Robert E. Lee and the
South were great examples of our
Christian American heritage; now
11 West Lee Road, Taylors
at Wade Hampton
Butch Taylor’s
Service Station
authority, making federal courts
the sole arbiter of alleged infractions of labor law.
"Big labor advocates masquerading as bureaucrats should
never have so much power in the
first place to issue these anti-business rulings, and Rep. Scott's legislation is the only bill that will
do anything about it.
"While federal courts sort out
the unconstitutionality of
Obama's lawless actions to fill
the NLRB with union cronies, the
House can act immediately to
pass legislation that will defang
the Board from issuing any more
rulings on behalf of big labor."
Behind Hickory Point Store
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Give Yellow Gold a White Gold look
our children are taught that they
should be ashamed of their own
heritage. Consequently, our
young people today have no
sense of who they are and are turning to drugs, gangs, and other
types of dysfunctional lifestyles.
We are excited about the effectiveness already of The Other
Side of the Coin in presenting an
alternative to the revisionist history presented in so many of the
textbooks, and we are happy to
make the audio version of it available to the general public."
In keeping with other work of
the Georgia Division, The Other
Side of the Coin is being offered
free of charge to the public as an
immediate mp3 download on the
Division website at www.Georgia The audio book is also
in production on CD and will be
available to the public in the near
future. Teachers, parents, and
homeschool families can download a free printed copy of the
curriculum online, as well. This
project comes after the Georgia
Division recently announced the
sale of 100,000 copies of the CD
"The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag," which is also
available free of charge online.
To obtain a free download of
The Other Side of the Coin as an
audio book or printed curriculum,
please visit
Interviews regarding this or other
projects by the Sons of Confederate Veterans in commemoration
of the Sesquicentennial of the War
may be arranged by calling Georgia Division Commander Jack
Bridwell at at 1-866-SCV-in-GA or
online at
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
... continued from Page 1
are going to be bold. You can
make sure that the election in the
fall is going to be about Barack
Obama and his record.
“We can take one of two paths.
The country is in real trouble and
we need someone in bold contrast.
Ron Paul supporters or someone with Ron Paul bumper stickers defaced Santorum signs
around the restaurant on Woodruff Road, Sunday evening. The
bumper stickers were pasted
across the Santorum signs both
on the roadside and on restaurant
property while the candidate was
speaking inside.
Dr. Paul has been invited to participate in the forum Friday night,
but has not responded at press
“I believe in a strong national
defense. We need to make our
military stronger to make us safer,”
Santorum said.
“I encourage you to look at my
record. It is a Reagan conservative record. If South Carolina does
not stand up and say we want a
conservative to represent us, we
may not have one.”
Gresham Barrett heading
Santorum team in SC.
Most of the Republican candidates will be participating in a forum at Byrnes High School, Friday Night. BBQ will be included
in the price of admission.
The forum will be moderated by
Congressmen Trey Gowdy and
Jeff Duncan.
With the New Hampshire primary over and the South Carolina
Primary set for Saturday, January
21, 2012, the candidates will be
spending a lot of time in the Upstate.
Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, former
Senator from Pennsylvania, at Chiefs on Congaree
in Greenville, Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Cousar, Jr. with
Sen. Santorum at Stax.
Candidate Rick Santorum greeting supporters
at Chiefs Wings & Firewater.
A packed house to hear Santorum at
Stax on Woodruff Road.
Santorum supporters outside Chiefs Wings & Firewater.
Gary Bauer, at right, introduced Santorum at Stax.
Santorum’s sleek campaign bus.
w w w. t i m e s e x a m i n e r. c o m
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Travel With Terry
Gone Bear Huntin' – Part One
By Terry M. Thacker
Well, it's time again. Yes, it's time
to hit the road for another great
adventure into the American landscape. My coffee cup and my gas
tank are both full, and I am raring
to go.
I had a few days off at the end
of last August so I decided to take
another trip: not a long trip this
time, just a hop, skip and a jump
over the mountains to Tennessee
– Gatlinburg, to be exact.
I had planned on heading out
in the morning but it wasn't until
about 5:00 p.m. before I finally hit
the road. By the time I arrived in
Gatlinburg it was dark, so any
sightseeing that I had planned
would have to wait until the morrow.
After checking in at the hotel I
found a nearby Shoney's, where I
had a late dinner. Early the next
morning I set out on a great adventure in search of bear. I had
never before seen a bear in the
wild and I had been told by a friend
that they could be found early in
the morning at Cades Cove, which
is an isolated, secluded valley in
the southwest section of the Great
Smoky Mountains National Park..
After leaving the hotel I drove
through downtown Gatlinburg
and then entered the park. I
stopped in at the visitor center,
which was just opening for the
day when I arrived. One of the
rangers confirmed what my friend
had told me, that the chances are
better to see bears in the morning
when they are feeding.
I then drove a long, winding
road for nearly an hour before
reaching the cove. The scenery
was nothing but trees and, for a
good stretch, a mountain stream
teeming with boulders. Just gorgeous.
Right before reaching Cades
Cove I passed a campground. A
road sign there indicated to me
that I was in the vicinity of my
quarry. It read, “Have you bearproofed your campsight?”
There are several places of interest to see along the 11-mile
one-way Cades Cove loop road.
Cabins, barns and churches from
the 1,800's seem frozen in time.
My first stop was the cabin of
John and Lucretia Oliver, who
settled here in 1818. They and their
descendants lived here for over a
century. Gazing upon the cabin, I
almost expected John and Lucretia
to step out onto the porch of the
cabin at any moment.
As I slowly continued my way
along the narrow road, I kept a
constant eye out for both deer and
bear along the way. I soon came
upon some other tourists who
were looking into the woods and
so I decided to stop as well. I saw
a deer ambling through the trees,
not in any particular hurry. That
was the first of several good
photo ops that I had while at the
My next stop was the Cades
Cove Primitive Baptist Church,
which was established in 1827.
After looking inside for a few minutes I meandered out back and
toured the small cemetery, whose
gravestones had more than one
story to tell.
As I walked along the path that
makes its way through the graveyard, a small grave marker caught
my eye. It read, “Twin daughters
of John W. and Nancy Ann Oliver;
Aug 8, 1912 – Aug 8, 1912.” They
died the same day they were born.
I then noticed a couple of other
markers right next to the first. The
second marker read, “Frona Mae
Oliver, Daughter of John W. and
Nancy Ann Oliver; May 18, 1903
– May 30, 1903.” This child, born
nine years before the twins, survived 12 days before she went to
be with the Lord. The third marker
also indicated the death of a small
daughter - “Irene Ryan Oliver,
Daughter of John W. and Nancy
Ann Oliver; Feb 7, 1905 – Sept 22,
Four young girls in the same
family, two of whom did not live
long enough to be named, had died
before they had had a chance to
live. It was when I looked behind
me that I got, as Paul Harvey used
to say, the rest of the story. I saw
two more gravestones – those of
Elder John W. Oliver and his wife,
Nancy Ann,who lived into their
80's and 70's, respectively.
Elder Oliver's tombstone has an
inscription that, unfortunately, did
not show up clearly enough in the
photograph that I took of it, but I
do recall that it said that he was a
Consider for a minute; here was
a couple who had lost four children at a very young age. Think
of the grief they must have endured. Yet they did not give up
on God. He continued faithful in
his calling as a preacher, despite
the losses he had suffered. I can
almost hear them echo Job when
he said through his tears, “The
Lord giveth and the Lord taketh
away, blessed be the name of the
There was yet another marker
next to theirs that added one more
chapter to the Oliver story - “John
Winston Oliver, Son of John W.
and Nancy Ann Oliver; August
30, 1919 – July 27, 1966.” God finally gave them a child who lived
into adulthood.
During the 1920's, when the federal government made plans to
create the national park, Oliver
fought for years to avoid condemnation of his land. He finally had
to bow to the inevitable and ceded
his property in 1937.
Let me add a postscript to the
story – Elder Oliver died on July
9, 1966. Notice that his son died
less than three weeks later.
Another nearby tombstone
made me pause for a moment as
well. It is the grave of a couple –
Elizabeth Oliver Abbott and her
husband, who is listed only as N.
F. He died in 1885, at the young
age of 23. Elizabeth went on to
live until 1951. Apparently never
having remarried, she outlived her
husband by nearly 66 years!
As I continued walking along
the cemetery path I saw a group
of three or four men with pads and
pens, apparently conducting genealogical research. It seems as if
some of these long-ago tombstones had a story for them as well.
Near the end of my stroll a curious inscription on another tombstone stopped me dead in my
tracks. It read, “Russell Gregory,
1795 – 1864; Founder of Gregorys
Bald About 1830; Murdered by
North Carolina Rebels.” I determined that when I had a chance
to get back on the Internet I would
have to look up his name to see if
I could find anything more about
this particular murder victim.
It turns out that, as isolated as
Cades Cove is, it did not escape
the fratricide of the Civil War. Although Tennessee sided with the
Confederacy, there remained
strong Union sentiment, especially in the mountainous regions
of the state.
Gregory, as well others in the
cove, remained loyal to the north
while others, including his son,
Charles, threw in their lot with the
South. One day a group of Confederates, including Charles, carried out a raid in the cove and were
met with gunfire by Russell and
other Unionist supporters. It was
Russell's gun that fired the first
Soon afterward the raiders returned. Charles pointed out to
them his father's cabin. The raiders then took Russell and killed
him right then and there. Apparently Charles did not know what
the other raiders had in mind and
wanted only to scare his father,
not kill him. According to the account that I read, Charles must
have later been forgiven because
he is buried in the same cemetery,
just behind Russell.
-------------------------------------------Next Installment – Gone Bear
Huntin' – Part Two.
Apply now!
Call us:
The grave of
Russell Gregory,
a Unionist
sympathizer who
was murdered by
Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church.
Need Money Fast?
Pay off bills, Improve your
home, Buy a car, Take a trip.
John and Lucretia Oliver, the first white inhabitants of
Cades Cove, built this cabin in the early 1820’s.
Send a
The Times
A Great
Birthday Gift
for a
Friend or
Family Member!
A resident of Cades Cove.
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Loss of
Anderson County Council, administration and staff are deeply saddened at the loss of former Anderson County Sheriff David
Crenshaw. In honor of his many
years of dedicated and selfless
service to Anderson County, flags
will be flown at half-mast on the
day of his funeral.
“This is a great loss for Anderson County,” said Anderson
County Council Chairman Tom
Allen. “David served our community for many years as a Fire
Fighter, first responder, Magistrate, and was recently sworn in
as a Pendleton Town Council
member. David leaves a void that
will not soon be filled. We offer
his family and friends our deepest condolences during this tragic
Pendleton native, Crenshaw
served as the Anderson County
Sheriff from 2004 until 2008.
will be this SATURDAY,
JANUARY 14th, 2012
The Green Dragon and the
Evolutionary Paradigm
The Banquet will begin at 12:00 noon at the Sugar Creek
Clubhouse located at 103 Sugar Creek Rd. and Old Spartanburg
Rd.. Food is provided cover-dish; so, bring your favorites!
There are always great speakers and this year we are pleased
to have Senator Phil Shoopman of District #5, of Greenville
County, share with ACG his insights and updates. Phil is a
professional engineer who has served on the State Board of
Education, chaired the Greer Community Services, chaired the
Regional Air Quality Commission, chaired the Greenville County
Planning Commission, was vice-chairman of the Greer Chamber of Commerce, represented South Carolina as a delegate to
a National Convention, has been awarded the “Friend of the
Taxpayer,” and has served as Majority Whip to the S.C. House
of Representatives during his time as a S.C. House Representative. We look forward to spending this time with him.
These dinners are free of charge and open to the public. We
invite you to take this time to get to know our organization and
meet the people who are often the behind-the-scenes, backbone of this community.
Food, fellowship, and fine people,,, a great way to spend a
Saturday! Hope to see you there!
FAMOUS Quotes ...
“From behind the Iron Curtain,
there are signs that tyranny is
in trouble and reminders that
its structure is as brittle as its
surface is hard.”
Dr. James Wanliss
The Creation Study Group is
excited to invite you and your family to hear The Green Dragon
Man, Dr. James Wanliss, on January 19, 2012. We hope you can
bring a whole busload of friends
to be strengthened in the authority of Scripture.
Title: The Green Dragon and the
Evolutionary Paradigm
Time: Book Table opens at 6:30
pm—NEW Time.
Program starts at 7:00 pm.
Location: Hosted by Second
Presbyterian Church at 105 River
Street, Greenville SC. A Love Offering will be collected to help
sponsor future programs on cre-
ation issues.
Is there a link between radical
environmentalism and evolution?
Are animals, plants, and all of
creation just kin and kissing cousins to humans?
Should churches go “green”?
Why are abortions ok but you
dare not touch that tree or endangered species?
Dr. Wanliss is an Associate Professor of Physics at Presbyterian
College. He recently published a
book on Resisting the Green
Dragon, Dominion, Not Death.
More details are available at
Dr. Wanliss is also an author
and speaker on the application of
the Biblical worldview to science,
education, government, and environmental policy. He has published over 48 scientific papers in
various areas of space physics,
in psychology and medical areas,
and also in popular Christian journals. He is the recipient of several
awards and honors, notably an
NSF CAREER award. His research
work has been almost entirely
supported by NASA, and the
NSF. He has served as a ruling
elder in the Free Church of Scotland, and speaks regularly to
churches, seminars, and other
groups around the country.
Please mark your calendar for
April 19, 2012. Dr. Ronald Marks,
Chemistry Professor with North
Greenville University, will be
speaking on: “Faith and Science:
Biblical Naturalism as a
Worldview of Science.”
Please join us in prayer for our
nation to return to its Christian
Foundation and to its conservative social and financial principles.
Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil
unto you to serve the LORD,
choose you this day whom ye will
serve; whether the gods which
your fathers served that were on
the other side of the flood, or the
gods of the Amorites, in whose land
ye dwell: but as for me and my
house, we will serve the LORD.
As you have been blessed by
the outreach programs of the Creation Study Group and would like
to see more events, please prayerfully consider a donation on-line
or at our meetings.
Please visit the revised and updated CSG website at www to view
written articles and to watch educational and uplifting DVDs on the
creation/evolution issues at no
Please note two new DVDs with
Darek Isaacs are now available for
free viewing on our website.
Psalm 33: 8 Let all the earth fear
the LORD: let all the inhabitants
of the world stand in awe of him.
9 For he spake, and it was done;
he commanded, and it stood fast.
May you and your family be
blessed greatly by our triune God
in 2012!
Air Traffic is Up at the
Greenville Downtown Airport
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Aerial view of Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)
Terminal in Greenville, SC.
Ground view of Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU)
Terminal in Greenville, SC.
“In 2011, air traffic at the
Greenville Downtown Airport rose
6% over year ending 2010!” according to Joe Frasher, Airport
Director at the Greenville Downtown Airport (GMU) in South
Carolina. “In 2010, GMU had
55,267 operations, which are
counted as either a takeoff or a
landing. In 2011, GMU had 58,537
operations,” Frasher added. “I am
happy to see us regain some of
the traffic that was lost during the
last few years of economic decline,” said Frasher.
“Greenville Jet Center sold 5%
more aviation fuel in 2011 than in
2010,” according to Hank Brown,
Owner of Greenville Jet Center,
which provides all the aviation
fuel at the Greenville Downtown
Airport. In 2010, we sold 828,572
gallons and in 2011 sales rose to
864,862 gallons,” according to
Brown. “We still have a ways to
go, but I sure am glad it looks like
we are on the upswing!” Brown
“While we can’t pinpoint exactly what has caused 2011 to be
a better year than 2010, we do
know that in hard economic times
aviation is the first to be hit and
the last to recover,” according to
Frasher. “Hopefully this means
that the economy is improving!”
said Frasher. “We could all use
some good news going into
2012!” Frasher said.
GMU is the busiest general
aviation airport in South Carolina
and is a self-sufficient entity with
financial strength that doesn’t
rely on local taxpayers for funding. GMU is home to Greenville
Jet Center, the largest Fixed Base
Operation (FBO) in S.C., as well
as more than 25 other aviation-
related businesses creating 453
jobs that annually contribute
more than $35.2 million to the Upstate economy. For more information about GMU please visit http:/
/ w w w. g re e n v i l l e d o w n t o w n or contact Joe Frasher
at 864-242-4777 or joe@greenville
Greenville Jet Center has been
in business since 1989. The company has a flight school and owns
two other FBOs in South Carolina: Camden Jet Center in
Camden and Donaldson Jet Center on Donaldson Field which is
part of SCTAC located in
Greenville. For more information
about the Greenville Jet Center,
please contact Hank Brown or Jay
Brown at 864-235-6383 or 864-2327100.
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
We want to
hear from
to stimulate the mind
by Bob Dill
What do you think
about current,
national or local
events? Send us a
letter-to-theeditor. Please
keep letters to
under 500 words.
Letters more
than 500 words
may be rejected.
Basic Formula For
Defeating Obama
ne of the unchanging principles of warfare is: “Know your enemy!” The same applies equally to spiritual and political warfare. This year the United States of America is engaged in a political
battle for the survival of our constitutional republic. If the political
battle is not brought to an equitable conclusion violence could erupt.
Warfare is raging in the spiritual realm, of which only those with
appropriate discernment are aware.
For any Republican candidate to defeat President Obama in the
2012 General Election, the candidate must know all there is to know
about his opponent and have the courage to tell the American people
who Barack Obama is, and what the incumbent president’s plans are
for our republic.
To date we have heard that Obama is a nice man who almost everyone likes, but who simply does not understand our economic system
and therefore isn’t having the success that could be had by a Republican with a better plan.
If this is the Republican approach, all Obama has to do is actually
(or by manipulating numbers) show improvement in the economy and
the President can make the case that he has fixed things and he only
needs more time to continue fixing things that were fouled up by
George W. Bush.
The electorate will conclude that if things are improving, why
change presidents before the incumbent has time to complete the job.
To run a successful campaign against this president, the challenger
must be bold. He must tell the truth about who Obama is and what he
is doing and what he and his cohorts plan to do to this republic and
the free enterprise system that has produced the highest standard of
living the world has known.
The Republican candidate must be honest with the American people
and inform them that Obama is not dumb, stupid or incompetent.
Americans must be informed that Obama is a student and dedicated
follower of Community organizer and neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky. He is
following Alinsky’s book, Rules For Radicals, to the letter.
“True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism,” Alinsky taught.
“They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”
Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In
1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago,
working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities
It should be no surprise that Alinsky dedicated his book to “Lucifer: the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.”
In part, Alinsky wrote that the purpose of his book, Rules for Radicals, was to “create mass organizations to seize power.”
Alinsky explains why his followers are not incumbered by a need to
be truthful: “An organizer working in and for an open society is in an
ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth –
truth to him is relative and changing. Everything to him is relative and
changing... To the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma,
he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations.”
Alinsky emphasizes: “Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, and sensitive enough to the process of
action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics and
forced to travel a road not of their choosing.”
Alinsky concludes: “A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all
evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganizing into a new social order of
the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage – the
political paradise of communism.”
Obama and his political appointees are very skilled in implementing
the teachings of Alinsky and the Cloward-Piven strategy for manufactured crisis. Many Americans are “clueless” and have no understanding of what is happening to our country with the aid of the
liberal media and the timid, cautious approach of elected officials we
depend upon to protect and defend our Constitution and our republic.
Every action by the Obama Administration is a step toward their
ultimate goal. It is clear for those who wish to see.
Only the truth will prevent tyranny and keep us free.
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Letters to the Editor...
Dear Editor,
Travelers Rest Writer Shocked This
Professing Christian
On Sunday, December 18th, a
writer from Travelers Rest did in
fact shock this professing Christian. I believe this gentlemen is
totally wrong in his assessment
of God and would suggest he go
back to the Bible and study what
it says about Satan and Hell.
What he assumes is not only
contradictory to what God says
in His Word, but could be considered a stumbling block to an immature Christian seeking answers
to what God expects of us. The
bottom line is, if there is no sin or
punishment for our transgres-
sions, why would God send His
only Son into this world for one
purpose. That purpose was to die
on Calvary for our sins. He was
the one and only perfect lamb that
God required.
However, this is not the end of
the story - He awaits mankind to
seek Him, turn from their sin, and
believe God raised Him three days
later. He now is waiting for us to
accept Him while taking His rightful place at the right hand of the
I pray that the Holy Spirit will
open this gentlemen’s eyes and
heart for the truth of God’s Word.
Fred King - Simpsonville, SC
Dear Editor,
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Member Newt Gingrich
The purpose of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) is “to
submerge our nation into a socialist, one-world government," according to an article in the May
15, 1995, issue of The New American, titled “The Definition of Tyranny." The full text of the article
is posted at: wvvw.christian
I i f e a n d I i b e r _ t y. n e t l C F R TNAart.doc.
Newt Gingrich is a long-time
member of the CFR, and he is currently listed on the CFR website,
on the CFR’s own Membership
Roster, at: wvvw.cfr.orgIabout
ImembershipIroster.html. The recent past CFR membership of
Newt Gingrich can also be verified on CFR Membership lists for
2006, 2008, and 2009 posted at:
.comIDidYouKnow.html. In fact,
Newt Gingrich is documented as
a CFR member on the June 30,
1991, CFR Membership Roster
printed in the book, “The Insiders, Architects of the New World
Order,” By John F. McManus,
Newt Gingrich voted for
NAFTA on November 17, 1993, as
can be seen on the U.S. House
website at:
govIevsI1993Iroll575.xml. Newt
Gingrich also voted in 1994 for the
creation of the WTO and
America‘s membership therein;
and Newt Gingrich voted in 1998
for Most Favored Nation status
for Communist China. Newt
Gingrich also endorsed pro-abor-
tion, pro-sodomite RINO Dede
Scozzafava in the well-publicized
U.S. House NY District #23
special election in 2009. See
“Newt Gingrich endorses Dede
Scozzafava in NY-23 House race,"
dated October 16, 2009, at: - Type article
title into “Site Search."
May the Lord deliver us from
such false leadership, which leads
to destruction (Isaiah 3:12, Isaiah
9:16, KJV).
Steve Lefemine - Columbia, SC
Dear Editor,
You remember 2008, don’t you?
The Powers That Be (PTB) that
control both politica1 parties
wanted “America’s Mayor,”
Guiliani, as the Republican nominee. Well, he did terrible in the
polls, and pulled out early; we
went through the debating process and all the other ‘rigged’ activities (way too many candidates,
to purposely split up the vote),
until lt was time to orchestrate 5
newspaper endorsements simultaneously for Senator McCam,
who was the back-up and waiting
patiently in the wings. And so the
voters for the Office of the President of the United States had the
choice between two equally unqualified, incompetent and pathetic candidates.
Well, here we are, 2011,and apparently going through the same
rigged campaign process.
However, now we have a ‘polling system’ so fine-tuned as to be
truly unbelievable. And if you
don’t believe that the weekly and
incessant polling results are
rigged (just like the ‘unemploy-
Campaign 2008, Again!
ment rate,’ just like ‘cost-of-living,’
just like any ‘Congressional Commission Report’), you are a fool!
The second part of the equation is a citizenry who are as
unqual#ied to vote as Obama and
McCain are/were to be the President. (For example, how many
times have you heard, “I’ve been
a conservative all my life and Fm
supporting so-and-so ...” or “...I’m
supporting such and such...”;
which just puts the lie to being
‘truly conservative!!’) So now, we
have rigged polling, and a truly
uninformed citizemy, and what do
we get?
Well, the current flavor of the
month (following Bachmann,
Perry, Cain) is now Newt Gingrich.
Ah, yes, let’s take a look at
some of Newt’s ‘conservative’
credentials: lobbyist for Freddie
Mac/Fannie Mae, and big-time $$
for representing them – pushed
through NAFTA and WTO in special lame duck Congress, late 1994,
which successive trade agreements ultimately cost the US 6
million jobs; and WTO placed in-
ternational trade law above U.S.
Constitution – believes FDR
should be fifth President at Mt.
Rushmore – all those freshman
conservative Congressional representatives of ’94 threw him out
in 1998, due to his arrogance and
non-conservative policies – favors cap and trade – supports
mandated health care – supports
climate change legislation – along
with Clinton, takes credit for the
budget balances in late 1990s
(truly, the result of massive revenues from the dot com bubble –
a futurist, and supports Alvin
Toflzler, and The Third Wave
(which is anything but
conservativel) – believes in illegal/immoral ‘covert’ operations in
foreign countries (as do many warmongering neo-cons) – has no intention of a serious audit of the
FED – for Bush’s prescription
drug plan, with huge deficits –
member of the Council on Foreign
Relations since 1990 (The Council has been a training ground for
progressives and instrumental in
formulating our disastrous foreign
policy initiatives for over 65
Had enough? Let me put one
last nail in the coffin, if you are
still thinking that Gingrich is the
answer to a true conservative as
President. In 1995, he delivered a
speech to the Center for Strategic
and International Affairs, in which
he said, "The American challenge
in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution ...
either we are going to have to rethink our Constitution, or we are
going to have to rethink our process of making decisions."
In conclusion, a rigged polling
system, and uninformed citizenry
or, at best, a misinformed citizenry,
appear to come together at this
critical time in history to produce
Newt Gingrich as the possible
'conservative' nominee of the Republican Party, for President of
the United States. As a guy who
called into Limbaugh a few days
ago, said, "Gingrich is truly the
RINO's RINO!" Boy, that hit the
nail on the head!
John Utz - Greenville, SC
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Past and the Present
I Love Greed
hat human motivation
gets the most wonderful
things done? It's really a silly question, because the answer is so
simple. It turns out that it's human greed that gets the most
wonderful things done. When I
say greed, I am not talking about
fraud, theft, dishonesty, lobbying
for special privileges from government or other forms of despicable
behavior. I'm talking about people
trying to get as much as they can
for themselves. Let's look at it.
This winter, Texas ranchers may
have to fight the cold of night,
perhaps blizzards, to run down,
feed and care for stray cattle. They
make the personal sacrifice of caring for their animals to ensure that
New Yorkers can enjoy beef. Last
summer, Idaho potato farmers
toiled in blazing sun, in dust and
dirt, and maybe being bitten by
insects to ensure that New Yorkers had potatoes to go with their
Here's my question: Do you
think that Texas ranchers and
Idaho potato farmers make these
personal sacrifices because they
love or care about the well-being
of New Yorkers? The fact is
whether they like New Yorkers or
not, they make sure that New Yorkers are supplied with beef and
potatoes every day of the week.
Why? It's because ranchers and
farmers want more for themselves.
In a free market system, in order
for one to get more for himself, he
must serve his fellow man. This is
precisely what Adam Smith, the
father of economics, meant when
he said in his classic "An Inquiry
Into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations" (1776), "It is
not from the benevolence of the
butcher, the brewer, or the baker,
that we expect our dinner, but from
their regard to their own interest."
By the way, how much beef and
potatoes do you think New Yorkers would enjoy if it all depended
upon the politically correct notions of human love and kindness? Personally, I'd grieve for
New Yorkers. Some have suggested that instead of greed, I use
"enlightened self-interest." That's
OK, but I prefer greed.
Free market capitalism is relatively new in human history. Prior
to the rise of capitalism, the way
people amassed great wealth was
by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become
wealthy by serving one's fellow
man. Capitalists seek to discover
what people want and then produce it as efficiently as possible.
Free market capitalism is ruthless
in its profit and loss discipline.
This explains much of the hostility toward free market capitalism;
some of it is held by businessmen. Smith recognized this hostility when he said, "People of the
same trade seldom meet together,
even for merriment and diversion,
but the conversation ends in a
conspiracy against the public, or
in some contrivance to raise
prices." He was hinting at government-backed crony capitalism,
which has come to characterize
much of today's businesses.
Free market capitalism has other
enemies -- mostly among the intellectual elite and political tyrants.
These are people who believe that
they have superior wisdom to the
masses and that God has ordained
them to forcibly impose that wisdom on the rest of us. Of course,
they have what they consider to
be good reasons for restricting liberty, but every tyrant who has
ever lived has had what he considered good reason for restricting liberty. A tyrant's agenda calls
for the attenuation or the elimination of the market and what is implied by it -- voluntary exchange.
Tyrants do not trust that people
acting voluntarily will do what the
tyrant thinks they should do.
They want to replace the market
with economic planning and regulation.
The Wall Street occupiers and
their media and political allies are
not against the principle of crony
capitalism, bailouts and government special privileges and intervention. They share the same
hostility to free market capitalism
and peaceable voluntary exchange as tyrants. What they really want is congressional permission to share in the booty from
looting their fellow man.
------------------------------------------To find out more about Walter
Williams, and read features by
other Creators Syndicate writers
and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at Dr. Williams
has served on the faculty of
George Mason University in
Fairfax, VA, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics, since 1980.
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The Times Examiner
#1 Conservative Voice
Iowa-Bashing Snobs
and Sore Losers
he Iowa caucuses may not
have much predictive value,
but they did a wonderful job of
unmasking both elitist whingers
on the left and incompetent whiners on the right.
As they do every presidential
election cycle, progressives of
pallor wore their indelible disdain
for Middle America on their
sleeves. Pale-faced University of
Iowa journalism professor
Stephen Bloom launched a 6,000word jeremiad, littered with factual errors, against his home
state's residents. The abridged
version: Raaaaaaaacists! Hicks!
Christians! Argggh!
In the safe harbors of The Atlantic just a few weeks before
Tuesday's electoral event, Bloom
sneered: "Those who stay in rural Iowa are often the elderly waiting to die." The rest are "(a)n assortment of waste-toids and meth
addicts with pale skin and rotted
teeth or those who quixotically
believe, like Little Orphan Annie,
that 'the sun will come out tomorrow.'" One of the poison-tongued
prof's own former journalism students, Kirsten Scharnberg Hampton, took him to task for citing
faulty demographic statistics, derisively stereotyping hunters and
falsely accusing a local newspaper of "splashing" the headline
"He Is Risen" across its front page
(it was a small, boxed quotation
marking Easter Sunday).
But the damage was done; the
bait dangled. And at the overwhelmingly white "NBC Nightly
News" on Sunday, Andrea
Mitchell swallowed the Iowabashing chum whole -- and then
dutifully regurgitated the attack
on the state as, "Too white, too
evangelical, too rural." She was
quick to slip in a "critics say" disclaimer, of course. But let's not kid
ourselves about the network's
This is the same news organization that attempted to conduct
Islamophobia stings at NASCAR
races to expose how racist racing
fans supposedly were; whose
"Meet the Press" host David Gregory smeared GOP leaders as
"Grand Wizards" in November;
and whose execs were forced to
apologize last month for MSNBC
goons who falsely linked GOP
candidate Mitt Romney to the Ku
Klux Klan.
One local Hawkeye State veteran journalist, David Yepsen,
tried to correct the coastal myth
of the redneck-hick-outlier Iowa
voter by politely pointing out
Barack Obama's triumph in the
2008 Democratic caucuses at the
hands of, yes, mostly white voters. Moreover, over the past four
presidential election seasons, the
Iowa popular vote has "closely
tracked national preferences."
Census statistics show that the
majority of Iowans are urban, not
rural; the median age is 38 (nationally, it's 36.7); and out of a
population of 3 million people
statewide, some 90,000 are farming families. But snobs and demagogues on both sides of the aisle
eschewed the facts and instead
indulged in racial and class warfare. The Hispanic News website
issued a clarion call: "In Diverse
and Urban Nation, Time to Kick
Iowa White, Racist Farmers to
Curb." GOP strategist Roger
Stone, who spearheaded the
bungled bid to turn statist, probailout, eminent-domain abuser
Donald Trump into a Tea Party/
GOP "Mr. Everyman" candidate,
also jumped ugly. He railed against
Iowans as a "bunch of hayseeds"
who are "not representative of
America today."
More Iowa sins according to
Stone: "The food is awful, the
people are stout, and a lot of them
If only a utopian state of nonsmoking, vegetarian supermodels
See MALKIN, Page 13
f Newt Gingrich were being
nominated for sainthood,
many of us would vote very differently from the way we would
vote if he were being nominated
for a political office.
What the media call Gingrich's
"baggage" concerns largely his
personal life and the fact that he
made a lot of money running a
consulting firm after he left Congress. This kind of stuff makes
lots of talking points that we will
no doubt hear, again and again,
over the next weeks and months.
But how much weight should
we give to this stuff when we are
talking about the future of a nation?
This is not just another election and Barack Obama is not just
another president whose policies
we may not like. With all of President Obama's broken promises,
glib demagoguery and cynical
political moves, one promise he
has kept all too well. That was his
boast on the eve of the 2008 election: "We are going to change the
United States of America."
Many Americans are already
saying that they can hardly recognize the country they grew up
in. We have already started down
the path that has led Western European nations to the brink of financial disaster.
Internationally, it is worse. A
president who has pulled the rug
out from under our allies, whether
in Eastern Europe or the Middle
East, tried to cozy up to our enemies, and has bowed low from
the waist to foreign leaders certainly has not represented either
the values or the interests of
America. If he continues to do
nothing that is likely to stop terrorist-sponsoring Iran from getting nuclear weapons, the consequences can be beyond our worst
Against this background, how
much does Newt Gingrich's personal life matter, whether we accept his claim that he has now
matured or his critics' claim that
he has not? Nor should we sell
the public short by saying that
they are going to vote on the basis of tabloid stuff or media talking points, when the fate of this
nation hangs in the balance.
Even back in the 19th century,
when the scandal came out that
Grover Cleveland had fathered a
child out of wedlock -- and he
publicly admitted it -- the voters
nevertheless sent him to the White
House, where he became one of
the better presidents.
Do we wish we had another
Ronald Reagan? We could certainly use one. But we have to play
the hand we were dealt. And the
Reagan card is not in the deck.
While the televised debates are
what gave Newt Gingrich's candidacy a big boost, concrete accomplishments when in office are the
real test. Gingrich engineered the
first Republican takeover of the
House of Representatives in 40
years -- followed by the first balanced budget in 40 years. The
media called it "the Clinton surplus" but all spending bills start
in the House of Representatives,
and Gingrich was Speaker of the
Speaker Gingrich also produced some long overdue welfare
reforms, despite howls from liberals that the poor would be devastated. But nobody makes that
claim any more.
Did Gingrich ruffle some feathers when he was Speaker of the
House? Yes, enough for it to cost
him that position. But he also
showed that he could produce
In a world where we can make
our choices only among the alternatives actually available, the
question is whether Newt Gingrich
is better than Barack Obama -- and
better than Mitt Romney.
Romney is a smooth talker, but
what did he actually accomplish
as governor of Massachusetts,
compared to what Gingrich accomplished as Speaker of the
House? When you don't accomplish much, you don't ruffle many
feathers. But is that what we
Can you name one important
positive thing that Romney accomplished as governor of Massachusetts? Can anyone? Does a
candidate who represents the
bland leading the bland increase
the chances of victory in November 2012? A lot of candidates like
that have lost, from Thomas E.
Dewey to John McCain.
Those who want to concentrate
on the baggage in Newt Gingrich's
past, rather than on the nation's
future, should remember what
Winston Churchill said: "If the
past sits in judgment on the
present, the future will be lost." If
that means a second term for
Barack Obama, then it means lost
big time.
-------------------------------------------To find out more about Thomas
Sowell and read features by other
Creators Syndicate columnists
and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at Thomas
Sowell is the prolific author of
books such as Black Rednecks
and White Liberals and Applied
Economics. His Website is
Four More Years -- of This?
n what The Washington Post
called "a bold act of political
defiance," President Obama
Wednesday announced the recess appointment of Richard
Cordray to head the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau.
Cordray's nomination had been
blocked by a Senate filibuster.
There was no way he was going
to win approval in 2012.
Enraged Republicans denounced the appointment as an
affront and a usurpation of power,
for the Senate had not formally
gone into recess.
The White House airily dismissed the Republican rage, saying no Senate business is being
conducted during the ChristmasNew Year break, and to argue that
the Senate is still in session is a
Obama seemed to delight in his
Trumanesque contempt:
"I will not sit by while a minority in the Senate puts party ideology ahead of the people they
were elected to serve. ... Not at
this make-or-break moment for
middle-class Americans."
Cordray's appointment will be
contested in the courts. Yet it will
likely stand, though it's in-yourface aspect added appreciably to
the bad blood bubbling in this
The Obamaites seem not to
Indeed, from year-end reports
out of Hawaii, this is the new
Obama strategy. He has given up
on working with Congress and
intends to run a year-long campaign modeled on Harry Truman's
1948 demagogic assault on the
"no-good, do-nothing 80th Congress" -- the one that passed TaftHartley and enacted the Marshall
Details of the Obama strategy
were spoon-fed to the Post and
New York Times. The Times lead:
"President Obama is heading into
his re-election campaign with
plans to step up his offensive
against an unpopular Congress,
concluding that he cannot pass
any major legislation in 2012 because of Republican hostility to
his agenda."
The Post lead: "President
Obama has a New Year's resolution that will shape his re-election
strategy at the dawn of 2012:
Keep beating up on an unpopular
Once he gets a year's extension
of the Social Security payroll tax
cut, said White House deputy
press secretary Josh Earnest, that
is the last "must-do" item, "the
president is no longer tied to
Washington, D.C."
But if the president is about to
barnstorm the nation savaging
Congress for a full year, where
does that leave the country?
If Obama will be proposing
nothing to deal with the fiscal crisis -- trillion-dollar deficits as far
as the eye can see -- how does
America avert the future that Italy
faces? Italy's debt is 120 percent
of gross domestic product; ours,
at 100 percent of GDP, is not all
that far behind.
The U.S. fiscal crisis can be simply summarized. Since 2009, the
federal government has been
spending 24 to 25 percent of gross
domestic product, while tax collections have fallen to 15 percent.
When his first four years end,
Obama will have grown the debt
by $6 trillion.
And if he is giving up on any
solution in 2012, believing he can
win re-election by vilifying the
GOP as toadies to America's top 1
percent, who are icily indifferent
to the middle class, what hope is
there for any political cooperation, should Obama win?
As of today, Obama is running
even with Mitt Romney. He has
lost much of the enthusiasm of
See BUCHANAN, Page 13
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Bill Of Rights Is No More
Obama Gives Gambling a
Christmas Present
ust before sneaking off to Hawaii where he barred news
photos on the golf course, President
longstanding U.S. policy that prohibited internet gambling. In yet
another presidential shenanigan
that bypasses U.S. law, Obama
used the device of a secret Justice Department Office of Legal
Counsel opinion, dated in September and quietly released to the
public on Christmas Eve.
The Justice Department opinion opens the door for all U.S.
states to sell lottery tickets over
the internet, and to encourage
varieties of online web-based
gambling such as poker.
The Justice Department opinion reverses decades of previous
policy that included civil and criminal charges. It undermines the
U.S. Wire Act of 1961, which up
to now has prohibited all wagers
via telecommunications across
state lines or international borders.
Eric Holder's lawyers invented
the argument that the Wire Act
applies only to bets on a "sporting event or contest," but not to a
state's use of the internet to sell
lottery tickets to adults within its
The Assistant Attorney General who wrote the opinion, Virginia Seitz, claimed that the Wire
Act's legislative history shows
that Congress was mainly interested in internet transmission of
betting information on baseball,
basketball, football, boxing, and
other sports-related gambling
such as off-track betting on horse
races. She jumped from that assertion to write that lotteries are
not included in the Wire Act's prohibitions.
Seitz ignored the Wire Act's provision that gives prosecutors the
power to shut down phone lines
engaged in interstate or foreign
gambling. Gambling law experts
say that the Justice Department's
opinion would eliminate almost
every federal anti-gambling law
that could apply to gambling that
is legal under state law.
For example, Nevada and the
District of Columbia have legalized poker within their jurisdictions. Under the Seitz opinion,
federal law can no longer stop similar forms of gambling from expanding to other states.
Many of our 50 states may look
to varieties of online gambling,
such as online lotteries, to solve
their budget deficit problems.
Once states become dependent on
gambling dollars, they search for
more and more ways to entice the
weakest among us to pour more
of their money down the drain of
Poker, which involves elements
of skill and luck, has been illegal
online for real money since a 2006
law forbade financial institutions
from processing funds for online
wagering. Despite the U.S. ban,
one survey shows that the global
online gambling industry grew to
$30 billion last year.
The gambling industry has become a major contributor to political candidates and parties. As
one example among many, the man
who invented the instant scratchoff lottery ticket is funding the
campaign to replace our Electoral
College with his "national popular vote."
The Justice Department's opinion is part of a multifaceted, bipartisan effort to legalize internet
gambling. A House subcommittee
held hearings in October and November with testimony by gambling supporters such as Frank
Fahrenkopf, CEO of the American
Gaming (Gambling) Association
and former Republican National
Committee chairman, and Rep.
Barney Frank (D-MA), who tried
to repeal the 2006 law when Democrats controlled the House in
Fahrenkopf predicted how the
Justice Department opinion will
enable the gambling industry to
hit the jackpot. He said, "It's now
clear that not only can lotteries
sell tickets online, but also games
that look like slot machines and
On the other hand, Rep. Frank
Wolf (R-VA) said that ending the
federal ban on internet gambling
would enable the spreading of
gambling to every computer, iPad,
See SCHLAFLY, Page 13
What Establishment?
ampaign season is not a time
for truth. It's a time for the
candidates, the press and the voters to tell themselves fables.
The Democrats' fable this year
is straightforward: President
Obama has been a failure at reviving the economy because the hole
dug by George W. Bush and the
Republicans was so deep that it
will require a second Obama term
to fully reverse the damage. Further, the obstructionist Republicans in Congress are blocking the
kind of "progressive" reforms,
such as new taxes on the rich, that
would solve our budget and deficit emergencies and boost economic growth.
Democrats fondly imagine that
merely taxing the rich will balance
the federal budget. A few facts:
The president got everything he
asked for from the Democratic
House and Senate in 2009 and
2010. This included a massive
stimulus that was supposed to
"create or save" 3.5 million jobs,
an elephantine new health care
entitlement and financial regulation. Since the midterm elections,
it is not the Republicans alone
who have blocked Obama. The
Democratic-controlled Senate has
failed to pass a budget resolution
since April 29, 2009. In May of
2011, the Senate voted 97-0 to
defeat the president's budget proposal.
As for taxing "millionaires and
billionaires" to solve our budget
problems, this is fantasy. As The
Wall Street Journal reminds us,
even if we confiscated all of the
wealth of the richest Americans,
we'd net only about $938 billion,
"which is sand on the beach amid
the $4 trillion White House budget, a $1.65 trillion deficit, and
spending at 25 percent as a share
of the economy . . ." Even if we
confiscated the wealth of everyone earning more than $200,000,
"it would yield about $1.89 trillion,
enough revenue to cover the 2012
bill for Medicare, Medicaid and
Social Security -- but not the same
bill in 2016, as the costs of those
entitlements are expected to grow
Republicans are telling themselves fables, too. One suggests
that the "Republican establishment" is attempting to foist Mitt
Romney on an unwilling electorate, just as it "always" forces Republicans to accept moderate,
squishy nominees.
The Republican establishment,
like the "international community"
is more of a figment than a reality.
Whom did the so-called establishment support in 2008? Do conservative voters believe that Republican elites somehow engineered
the selection of the least loyal and
reliable Republican in the U.S.
Senate? And how did that work
exactly? John McCain was considered the frontrunner in early
2007. Yet by the summer, he was
languishing in the polls and so
broke that he was forced to take
out loans. Was it the establishment that earned McCain the
nomination or was it the fact that
Rudolph Guiliani ran a terrible
campaign, Fred Thompson never
got airborne and Mike Huckabee
undermined Mitt Romney's Iowa
slingshot strategy?
What about 2000? Did the establishment pick George W.
Bush? It might seem so, based on
primogeniture. But the comfort
with Bush came from the grass
roots up, not from the top down.
Bush himself acknowledged that
he was enticed to run not by fat
cats at a private club but by the
polls. Yes, he was certainly aided
in the money chase by his pedigree. But if money determined the
outcome of primaries, we'd have
been treated to the nomination of
Phil Gramm in 1996.
Speaking of 1996, Dole won the
primaries because his opponents
-- Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes
-- were not perceived as presidential and carried only 6 states between them compared with 44 for
the winner. (Memo to file: Find
better candidates.)
In 1988 and 1992, the Republican Party nominated George H.
W. Bush. Was that the work of
the establishment or of Ronald
Reagan, who elevated Bush by
choosing him as vice president?
This year, most of the Republican field is strongly conservative.
But some disgruntled conservatives are convincing themselves
that Ron Paul is a more authentic
See CHAREN, Page 13
hile most Americans were
celebrating the holidays,
President Barack Obama quietly
signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), otherwise known as the “Indefinite Detention Act,” into law. Obama had
initially said he would veto the bill
which contains the draconian language authorizing the US military
to seize and incarcerate US citizens without warrant, due process, trial, etc. Of course, Obama
quickly changed his mind after the
bill passed both houses of Congress.
When signing the NDAA into
law, Obama issued a signing statement that in essence said, “I have
the power to detain Americans…
but I won’t.” See this report: http:/
Americans should realize that,
coupled with the Patriot Act, the
NDAA, for all intents and purposes, completely nullifies a good
portion of the Bill of Rights, turns
the United States into a war zone,
and places US citizens under military rule. And what is even more
astonishing is the manner in
which the national press corps,
and even the so-called “conservative” talking heads, have either
completely ignored it, or have actually defended it. The likes of
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et
al., should be ashamed of themselves!
At this juncture, I want to highly
encourage my readers to review
two columns written by my constitutional attorney son, Tim
Baldwin. He has written two masterful columns explaining the draconian provisions of the NDAA
and responding to those irresponsible journalists who fail to understand and warn the American
people regarding the horrific implications of the NDAA.
This is Tim’s column explaining the NDAA: http://
And this is Tim’s column, which
rebukes journalists who choose
to stick their heads in the sand
regarding the NDAA: http://
Mike Adams at Natural has also written a great
piece regarding the seriousness
of the NDAA. He begins his report saying, “One of the most extraordinary documents in human
history–the Bill of Rights–has
come to an end under President
Barack Obama. Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the
Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the
President’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA), a law that grants the
U.S. military the ‘legal’ right to
conduct secret kidnappings of
U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder. This is all
conducted completely outside the
protection of law, with no jury, no
trial, no legal representation and
not even any requirement that the
government produce evidence
against the accused. It is a system of outright government tyranny against the American
people, and it effectively nullifies
the Bill of Rights.
“In what will be remembered as
the most traitorous executive
signing ever committed against
the American people, President
Obama signed the bill on New
Year’s Eve, a time when most
Americans were engaged in the
consumption of alcohol. It seems
appropriate, of course, since no
intelligent American could accept
the tyranny of this bill if they were
“This is the law that will cement
Obama’s legacy in the history
books as the traitor who nullified
the Bill of Rights and paved
America’s pathway down a road
of tyranny that will make Nazi
Germany’s war crimes look like
child’s play. If Bush had signed a
law like this, liberals would have
been screaming ‘impeachment!’”
Adams is absolutely right! Liberals are as bad as conservatives
when it comes to overlooking traitorous behavior when it is perpetrated by one of their own.
Adams goes on to say, “Even
while committing an act of pure
treason in signing the bill, the
unindicted criminal President
Obama issued a signing statement
that reads, in part, ‘Moving forward, my administration will interpret and implement the provisions
described below in a manner that
best preserves the flexibility on
which our safety depends and
upholds the values on which this
country was founded…’
“Anyone who reads between
the lines here realizes the ‘the flexibility on which our safety depends’ means they can interpret
the law in any way they want if
there is a sufficient amount of fear
being created through false flag
terror attacks. Astute readers will
also notice that Obama’s signing
statement has no legal binding
whatsoever and only refers to
Obama’s momentary intentions on
how he ‘wishes’ to interpret the
law. It does not place any limits
whatsoever on how a future President might use the law as written.”
See Adams report at: http://
Signed into law by President
George W. Bush, the Patriot Act
and Military Commissions Act effectively eviscerated the Fourth
Amendment to the US Constitution. Now, the NDAA of 2012,
signed into law by President
Barack Obama, has effectively
eviscerated the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth amendments to
the US Constitution. Note that it
has not mattered one whit
whether it was a Republican or
Democrat President or Congress
in power at the time. Both parties
in Washington, D.C., have superintended over the deliberate and
unabashed dismantlement of the
Bill of Rights. And, of course, we
must all realize that for all intents
and purposes–and with very few
exceptions–both parties in Washington, D.C., have ignored the
Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution for decades.
We should also add that the
First Amendment was pretty much
expunged in 1962 and 1963 when
the US Supreme Court outlawed
the public acknowledgment of
God. And the Second Amendment
suffered a major setback with the
passage of the Nazi-like Gun Control Act of 1968. And, of course,
the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision also effectively annihilated the right to life
clause of the Fifth Amendment to
the US Constitution.
Therefore, it doesn’t take a
rocket scientist to figure out that,
over the past several decades, the
US Congress, the US Supreme
Court, and the US Presidency have
collaborated together to strip the
American people of the protections and safeguards of their liberties contained in what must be
recognized–along with the Declaration of Independence–as the
Holy Grail of liberty: the Bill of
So, how long will it be before
the President of the United States
will actually act upon the power
that has been granted him under
the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the NDAA of
2012? How long will it be before
the US military is ordered to turn
their guns on the American citizenry? How long will it be before
American citizens begin disappearing in much the same way that
the people in Stalin’s Russia,
Hitler’s Germany, and Mao’s China
disappeared? What will be the
“national emergency” that triggers the implementation of these
Hitlerian laws? Another 9-11-style
attack maybe? Who knows? One
thing is certain: these laws are not
painstakingly written, debated,
and passed into law for the fun of
it! These laws are on the books
for a reason: the federal government fully intends to implement
these laws at some point! You can
count on that!
And once more I need to remind
readers that the only Presidential
candidate that is sounding the
alarm regarding this persistent
and deliberate erosion of our liberties is Congressman Ron Paul.
I am reminded of the sagacious
words of America’s most celebrated jurist Daniel Webster. He
said, “God grants liberty only to
those who love it, and are always
ready to guard and defend it.” So,
I guess it’s time to start asking
the question: Just who is left
within these States United that
truly love liberty and are willing
to guard and defend it? Because
one thing is certain: the vast majority of the miscreants in Washington, D.C., sure aren’t going to
do it.
------------------------------------------Chuck Baldwin is a syndicated
columnist, radio broadcaster, author, and pastor dedicated to
preserving the historic principles
upon which America was
founded. He was the 2008 Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. He and his wife,
Connie, have been married for 37
years and have 3 children and 7
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The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Roosevelt and Obama
Traitors of Freedom
Anti-Semitism in Arab Spring
Dr. Al
he bravery of the youth of
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen,
Libya and Syria cannot be denied.
It isn't pepper spray they have
been facing. Nor can the original
idealism of the Arab Spring uprisings be denied. Many people of
the Middle East are awakening to
the hope of greater freedom and
There is another truth, however, that should not be overlooked. The desire of the Arabs
to be free from the cruel rule of
their spiteful dictators has sometimes included expressions of grotesquely anti-Semitic language.
On the surface, this makes no
sense. Arabs are rising up against
Arabs, so what does this have to
do with the Jews and Israel?
There has long been a tendency in the Arab Middle East to
blame the general wretchedness
of life on the hidden malevolent
hand of Israel, or more generally,
on the Jews. But the Arab Spring's
approach at first seemed radically
different. Tunisians, Egyptians.
Libyans, and Syrians were seemingly engaged in demonstrations
against the actual causes of their
day-to-day miseries, rather than
against Israel. In Cairo's Tahriri
Square in the early days of the
revolution, Israel seemd to be an
afterthought. But now in Cairo and
across the Middle East, Israel and
the Jews are serving once again
as the universal badman.
Once dictators used antiSemitism to divert their citizens'
attention away from their own
problems, now widespread expressions of the most ridiculous
conspriacy theories have risen
Libya provides an interesting
example. Its late dictator,
Muammar Qaddafi, was a terrible
anti-Semite, and often argued for
the elimination of Israel. At the
beginning of his reign, he expelled several thousand Jews. His
regime confiscated Jewish property, converted synagogues into
mosques, and razed Jewish cemeteries. And yet some of the revolutionaries who overthrew him
fomented the charge that he was
part Jewish and that his regime
operated on behalf of Zionism.
When a Libyan Jew in exile returned to Tripoli earlier this year,
he was nearly lynched by a mob
that surrounded the shuttered
synagogue he was hoping to restore. "There is no place for Jews
in Libya," read demonstrators'
Syrian ruler Bashar Assad is
also utterly hostile to Israel and
to the Jews. He supports
Hezbulleh and Hamas, each of
which seeks the annihilation of
the Jewish nation and people. Yet
the Syrian oppposition finds it
beneficial to spread the lie that
Assad is a Jewish agent. According to a translation posted by the
Middle East Media Research Institute, Syrian writer Osama AlMalouhi wrote that "Jews want
that sucker of Syrian blood to remain in power and to continue to
enjoy the sight of more Syrian
blood being spilled."
Even in Tunisia, which is commonly thought of as the most
moderate of the Arab states, the
leader of the supposedly moderate Ennahdha party stated that he
brings "glad tidings that the Arab
region will get rid of the germ of
Eyypt is also rife with antiSemitism. Leaders of the liberal
parrties claimed that the Jews were
conspiring to bring about the collapse of the Egyptian economy something that Egypt's military
rulers are already accomplishing
by themselves. One suggested
that George Soros, Benjamin
Netanyahu and other Jews were
working jointly to buy the Suez
Canal from Egypt.
Expressions of anti-Semitism
are common even at the higher
reaches of Egyptian politics. Presidential candidate Tawfiq Okasha,
speaking on the TV station he
owns, said recently, "Not all the
Jews in the world are evil." Asked
what is the ratio, he replied, "The
ratio is 60-40 percent. Sixty percent are evil to varied degrees, all
the way to a level that words cannot describe, while 40 percent are
not evil." Okasha added, however,
that "among the 40 percent of
non-evil Jews, only one in a million is blameless."
The widespread courageous
uprisings of the so-called Arab
Spring, which seemingly started
out as true grass roots efforts to
liberate people from their oppressive rulers in the hopes of greater
freedoms and even democracy,
have already developed somewhat differently. It seems that
hard-core Moslem elements are
maneuvering into control in each
of these revolutionary Arab nations, and it seems that the new
hard-core Moslem leaders have
all latched on to the age-old tactic
of trying to blame Israel and the
Jews for all their troubles.
(Condensed from an article in
the Bloomberg News Service by
Jeffrey Goldberg.)
------------------------------------------Dr. Al Snyder is a former professor of Communications at Liberty
University in Virginia and North
Greenville University. He has
done extensive missionary work
in Israel and Africa.
resident Franklin Roosevelt
and Barack Obama came into
power during an economic crisis.
Economically depressed times
have always been an open door
for dictators to seize political
power. They also give the opportunity to change a governing republic of "We the People," to "We
the Government." We are being
governed more and more by a
dominant federal government
ruled in large measure by
unelected and appointed bureaucrats. We are being politically
shackled by the Federal Government in its disregard for the Tenth
Amendment (States Rights) in our
Roosevelt's and Obama's political
philosophy is the same because
Obama has been a disciple of
Roosevelt's presidency.
Roosevelt said the rights of the
people are "The right to a useful
and remunerative job in the industries, or shops or farms or
mines of the Nation; the right to
earn enough to provide adequate
food and clothing and recreation;
the right of every farmer to raise
and sell his products at a return
which will give him and his family
a decent living; the right of every
businessman, large and small to
trade in an atmosphere of freedom
from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or
abroad; the right of every family
to a decent home; the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy
good health; the right to adequate
protection from the economic
fears of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment; the right
he Global Positioning System (GPS) has become a part
of our everyday life. We climb
into the car and use the GPS to
help us to find our vacation destination. Or maybe closer to home,
you have heard about a new store
or restaurant that you want to try
out and you plug in the address
to the GPS to locate it. The GPS
gives us directions to where we
want to go. However, we still must
choose to follow those directions
or try to go a different way.
The GPS system is powerful
because of two very important
types of data it contains and a
computer that can analyze things.
The first type of data comes from
the sensor in the system which
communicates with several satellites to precisely determine your
location on the face of the earth.
(It’s just geometry – have your
kids work out the formulas.) The
second type of data is the map of
all the roads and addresses that
are stored in your GPS. The GPS
then takes your current position
(where you are), the desired location (where you want to be) and,
using the map, determines how to
get there.
It would be wonderful if everyone had a GPS for life. Where am
I right now? Where do I want to
be? What are the directions to
get there? Well, as your
homeschool child’s parent – you
are the GPS for your children.
As your child’s parent, you
know your child better than anyone else. You know what they
can do well and what they can’t
do. You know their habits and
interests. You know their character in both good times and bad
times. You know where your child
really is. Your child may think he
or she knows, but their opinion is
often clouded by their inexperience and their self-image. Some
children think they are further
along in life than they really are.
Other children don’t recognize
how much progress they have
made. As their parents, you can
help them to understand their
“current location.”
As parents, we will also often
have a better idea of the “map” of
life. We have the experience of
years of growing and learning.
Most of us have had the opportunity to both do some things
right and make some mistakes.
You have found a spouse, started
a family, started a career, probably
moved several times, maybe you
have even started a business. In
addition, we have family and
friends who have done the same.
There is no place you can go to
buy a map of all of life’s options
and consequences. However,
through your experiences and
what you have observed, you
have a pretty good idea of many
of the routes that your children
could take. You can recommend
some good approaches, and you
can warn them when they go
down the wrong road.
As your children grow and develop their own goals for life, you
can be the GPS that recommends
the paths they take to reach those
goals. Just like a GPS, you can
help them find the fastest route,
the cheapest route, or the route
that is most scenic. When they
find themselves stuck in traffic,
you can advise them on alternate
paths to still get to their goals. If
they need help along the way, you
can guide them to the nearest service station. You can assist your
children to develop realistic options for how they achieve their
goals in life.
Now we all know that sometimes when we are driving somewhere, the plans change and we
need to change our destination.
Our GPS will redirect us to the new
location from wherever we are—
once we give it the new destinaSee HOMESCHOOL, Page 12
See RADDISH, Page 12
As We View Things
Your Child’s GPS
to a good education."
Does this sound familiar? It
should, because this is what
Obama kept saying while campaigning for President and is now
repeating as President. These ideals of Roosevelt are the goals of a
socialist government welfare system. There is nothing wrong with
attaining material wealth as individuals through personal initiative
in a free society, but Roosevelt
and his disciple Obama believe
that the government is responsible to provide material wealth for
every individual (socialism) at the
expense of we the taxpayers.
Nikolai Lenin would be proud
of Roosevelt and Obama.
Roosevelt's speech about the
rights of the people is filled with
nothing but socialist protections
and programs that will smother the
free-enterprise system of economics. It takes away personal ingenuity and produces loss of freedom. In Roosevelt's speech, one
finds the proposals for universal
healthcare, government mandated
Social Security participation, and
excessive public education funding with taxpayer dollars without
parental control over the curriculum that is used in the schoolhouses. President Obama and his
Capitol Hill socialist cohorts have
been very busy mirroring
Roosevelt's socialist agenda in
these areas. Our Constitution calls
for a limited type of government
ruled by we the people. President
Obama has openly violated our
Constitution as well as did
Roosevelt under the guise of protecting the people. Both of their
political philosophies create a socialist welfare state of slavery that
can be manipulated by those who
are in political power at the time.
The first turn from limited gov-
ernment as set forth in our Constitution came during and after the
War of Northern Aggression. The
next turn from a limited government happened with Roosevelt's
"New Deal" political agenda of
socialism. President Obama has
made Roosevelt his political mentor in applying his socialist blueprint for America. The socialists
in our government have consistently pushed the boundaries of
our Constitution outward so that
the Constitution has been robbed
of its authority, and we the people
have had our independent political power stolen from us that is
granted under the Tenth Amendment. Have we become subjects
of the State?
President Obama lost his socialist bully pulpit over Congress
when the Democrat controlled
House lost its majority during the
2010 mid-term elections. The new
strategy for Obama and his socialist friends has been to use the
Justice Department under the control of Eric Holder to slash and
burn the 10th Amendment right
of the states and force their leftist
agenda on we the people.
President Ronald Reagan said
in his First Inaugural address, "In
this present crisis, government is
not the solution to our problem;
government is our problem."
President Reagan was speaking
about the serious economic
trouble our nation was having
when he took office. President
Reagan also said this about the
government trying to control the
economy, "...the full power of centralized government was the very
thing the Founding Fathers
sought to minimize. They knew
that governments don't control
things. A government can't control the economy without control-
"In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed
be Your name. Your kingdom
come. Your will be done on earth
as [it is] in heaven” (Matt. 6:910 NKJV).
y meditation with regard
to the opening of the New
Year has been on that prayer often referenced as “The Lord's
Prayer” but more accurately
should be designated “The
Model Prayer.”
Though it is an appropriate
prayer to be prayed, the content
of the prayer was intended by
Jesus to be didactic (teaching).
The prayer first teaches us to
focus upon purpose and priorities of life. From it we learn to keep
first things first. If we're honest,
we'll have to admit as to how natural it is for us to make purpose
and priorities of life focused upon
ourselves. However in the Model
Prayer before we are invited to
pray “give us,” “forgive us,” and
“deliver us,” we are taught to intercede for a greater purpose and
higher priorities (i.e. God's Name,
God's Kingdom, and God's will).
By focusing on these we are
actually acknowledging that these
things are needed (and missing)
in the world. We are in a manner
making confession that God's
name is not honored as it should
be, nor is His rule fully established
as it could be. Neither is His will
being considered as it ought to
By praying in this manner we
are making a commitment of heart
to something greater than ourselves. We are seeking a relationship that will honor God's name,
submit to God's authority, and
seek to follow His will.
Hence we recognize that an answer to our petition will require a
responsibility on our part. This
responsibility requires us to remain focused upon these concerns while guarding our hearts
against earth-bound passions and
The focus of life has to be toward heaven so that earthly responsibilities might be resolved
in light of the eternal. If indeed we
are to be profitable to earth, we
will need to be as heavenly
minded as we can possibly be.
N.T, Wright in his book, Surprised by Hope, observes: “The
street-level problem is the old jibe
about being 'so heavenly minded
that we are no earthly use.' I say
it's old jibe; I haven't heard it so
much recently, perhaps because
these days many practicing Chris-
tians bend over backward in the
other direction and are often so
earthly minded, so concerned with
practical details and nuts and
bolts, that one wonders if they are
any longer of any heavenly use.
However, that's not the point. The
jibe only works in a world where
heaven and earth are assumed to
be detached from each other, having nothing to do with each other.
But in the Bible, heaven and earth
are made for each other (Cf. Gen.
1:1). They are the twin interlocking spheres of God's single created reality. You really understand
earth only when you are equally
familiar with heaven. You really
know God and share his life only
when you understand that He is
the creator and lover of earth just
as much as of heaven. And the
point of Jesus' resurrection, and
transformed body He now possesses, is that He is equally at
home in earth and heaven and can
pass appropriately between them,
slipping through the thin curtain
that separates us from God's blinding reality.”
Christians are to be a reflection,
though admittedly a dim replication, of heaven on earth, as Christ
is represented in their lives (cf. I
Cor. 13:12; Col 3:4).
That's the way we view things.
-------------------------------------------Summit View Baptist Church is
located at 31 N. Highway 25 Bypass, just south of Furman
University’s golf course.
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Has Thomas Sowell
Lost His Mind?
John D.
Why Rick Santorum Should Be
President of the United States
ame on.” Those two
words, spoken by Rick
Santorum as he addressed a room
full of Iowa supporters on the
night of his stunning come from
behind near victory, shook the establishment Republicans right
down to their socks. In a moment,
the coronation of Mitt Romney as
the undefeatable choice to unseat
President Obama was put on hold.
A premature victory pronouncement was snatched from the mouth
of the mainstream media as Iowans realized they didn’t have to
bow to the inevitable. They really could make a choice and the
choice they made was to turn their
collective backs on the pundits
and the political prognosticators
and pick Rick.
For months, polls reflected a
strong resonance with Santorum
as a man, his morals and his message. So why couldn’t he slog
his way out of single digits and
into the top tier of the Republican
field? Over and over the answer
was “I like Santorum but he just
can’t win.” Then Bob Vander
Plaats decided to step out of the
shadows of the evangelical community and endorse Santorum.
Like some kind of political energizer bunny, Vander Plaat’s endorsement keeps going and going and going. It brought others
off the bench and into the game,
as people were encouraged to suit
up and follow his example.
What began as “game on” for
conservatives could quickly become “game over” if South Carolina repeats the mistake of 2008.
For those who need a refresher
course, Mike Huckabee came out
of nowhere in Iowa winning a
great victory. He lost in New
Hampshire, setting up a must win
situation for him in a state that
was made for his conservative
message and evangelical values.
But there were at least four candidates on the ballot with conservative credentials and the conservative vote was split just enough
to give John McCain the victory
and ultimately, Barak Obama the
keys the White House.
It’s beginning to feel like déjà
vu all over again. The surge
Santorum received in Iowa will
likely be blunted by a Romney win
in New Hampshire. Once again,
South Carolina will decide
whether the Republican Party will
return to its roots in Reagan or if
we will turn to another moderate
who offers “pale pastels over bold
colors.” If conservatives unite we
can give the Tea Party patriots
who stormed into Washington in
2010 a Chief Executive who will
stand with them in their fight to
reign in an out of control government.
Rick Santorum should be president for three basic but important
reasons. First, his policies are
sound. His economic recovery
plan includes a reduction of federal non-defense discretionary
spending to 2008 levels by enacting across the board spending
cuts. He has called for and
pledged to sign into law the repeal of ObamaCare and to replace
it with market based healthcare
innovation and competitive, market based solutions that will leave
healthcare choices where they
belong.... between doctors and
their patients. Santorum has
called for a Balanced Budget
Amendment to the Constitution
and a capping of government
spending to 18% of GDP. Just this
past week the debt to GDP ratio
crossed 100%. Without these
bold economic moves within a
very few years America will be reduced from a world economic
leader to a third world economic
Santorum has proposed reforming Social Security and putting it
on a path to sustainability by a
host of measures including moving back the retirement age for
younger workers, offering voluntary alternatives for retirement
funding, and making sure Social
Security payroll taxes are dedicated to Social Security. His plan
to restore America’s place as the
undisputed leader in manufacturing includes reducing the corporate income tax on manufacturers
from 35% to 0%. The tax on repatriated taxable corporate income
will drop from 35% to 0% for companies that invest those repatriated funds in domestic business
Rick Santorum has promised to
secure the border, enforce immigration laws, support states that
are trying to deal with illegal immigration, and to make sure those
who hire illegal workers are punished. He would defund Planned
Parenthood while supporting
adoption programs and defend the
Defense of Marriage Act and a
constitutional amendment to protect marriage as an institution that
is solely between a man and a
On foreign policy Santorum has
promised to stand by Israel, stop
Iran from getting a nuclear
weapon, and to restore the role of
American leadership and respect
in the world.
The second reason to support
Santorum is the stability of his
personal life. His commitment to
his wife and family as a husband
and father reveals a man of character who is willing to keep his
word. You can’t be pro-family
when your family is in disarray.
Show me a man who is willing to
lead in the home and I will show
you a man who is a leader in the
Finally, Santorum deserves our
support because of his passion
for God. He has had his faith
tested in the crucible of personal
trial and in the pressure cooker of
public attacks against him because of his strong stands on
moral issues. His personal relationship with Jesus Christ has in
the past and continues in the
present to sustain and strengthen
him. The book of James says,
“Count it all joy my brothers,
when you meet trials of various
kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness
have its full effect, that you may
be perfect and complete, lacking
in nothing” (James 1:2).
All of the candidates for the
Republican nomination have their
strengths. But only one can be
the standard-bearer of true conservatism. As Gary Bauer said in
his endorsement of Santorum the
next Ronald Reagan has been right
in front of us. We need to unite
behind him and lift him to victory.
-------------------------------------------Dr. Tony Beam received his Bachelor of Arts Degree at Limestone
College, Gaffney, SC, 1980; his
Master of Divinity from Southeastern Seminary, Wake Forest,
NC., 1990; and his Doctor of Ministry from Southern Seminary,
Louisville, KY, 2002. Dr. Beam is
currently Director of Christian
Worldview Center at North
Greenville University. Dr. Beam
is Host of Christian World View
Today, AM 660 from 7 - 8 a.m.,
Mon. - Fri.
n The Tunes Examiner, January
4 opinion piece entitled Republican Voters’ Choices, Mr. Sowell
takes a position that a candidate's
past should be discounted in favor of voting for the candidate
who "knows how to get the job
done in Washington." I read with
dismay as Mr. Sowell, a normally
strong and sensible conservative
voice, suggests we vote for "the
candidate who has the best track
record of accomplishments" regardless of the character of the
candidate. Sowell states that
"most of the things for which
Gingrich has been criticized are
things he did either in his personal life or when he was out of
office." Do you really think that a
person's character in his personal
life doesn’t carry over into his professional life? Gingrich has stated
he is for reducing/eliminating
American’ sovereignty for the
purpose of creating a central
world government (New World
Order). Does this sound like a man
who wishes to restore America as
we know it? Do we really want Mr.
Gingrich to get this job done? Mr.
Sowell, have you no discemment?
And, speaking of discernment -In the same paper, an article by
Raquelle Sheen discusses the
topic of proper discernment, defining this as "the ability to perceive correctly." She says discernment can have "hidden meanings"
and she illogically presents snippets of conversation showing improper uses of the word "discerning,"
Examples of people twisting
meanings to suit their purposes.
In addition, Sheen asks, "What if
the Bible is silent on a specific issue‘?" Let me ask you to name
just one! Pick any issue! I promise you, the Bible will always have
an answer. There is nothing new
under the sun (Ecclesiastes I :9).
She further states that the Bible
forbids murder while allowing for
capital punishment and war killing, as if these were the same.
They are not. Murder is the unlawful taking of a life, whereas
capital punishment is justice for
the unjustifiable taking of a life.
Furthermore, war killing in a justifiable war (i.e. WWII when we
were defending ourselves) is to
prevent further injustice. Sheen
talks about being discerning without "offending others." She wor-
ries about "participating discretely
so that I don't offend." She's talking about being a Christian as if
Christians ought not offend!
Jesus said that the world hated
Him and would hate those that
follow Him. In other words, to be
a Christian is to offend the world.
These two articles identify the
roots of the problem we face in
America today -- the tendency of
Americans to prefer being on the
winning side, even if it means voting for the lesser of two evils, and
the general lack of discernment
among American voters who seem
to have an inability to tell truth
from falsehood or right from
wrong. Voters seem unable to tell
when politicians are lying to them.
Remember Martin Luther King
asked that we judge by the content of a person's character?
Character matters! Mr. Sowell
and Ms. Sheen may be offended
by my discernment, but then the
truth hurts sometimes, doesn’t it?
-------------------------------------------John Dalen is a residential contractor in Westminster, SC. He was
a candidate for U.S. House District
3 on the Constitution Party ticket
in 2010. He is currently District 3
leader for G.O.O.O.H. (Get Out of
Our House)
He can be reached at johndalen
The Conservative Case
arly in the primary process,
Sen. DeMint urged Republicans in SC not to commit too
early to a candidate, in the hopes
that conservatives in SC could
unify behind one candidate later
in the process and prevent a moderate from winning SC and then
going on to win the nomination. I
thought that was good advice and
so I held off from committing to a
candidate until late October, when
I settled on Rick Santorum. It is
somewhat fitting that the main reason I chose Santorum is because
I thought he was the candidate in
the race most comparable to Sen.
Now that Iowa has voted, conservatives in SC have approximately 2 weeks to rally behind a
candidate that can beat both Mitt
Romney and Barack Obama. With
Herman Cain and Michele
Bachmann out of the race, the
choices for conservatives have
been narrowed considerably. If
conservatives cannot get behind
one of the remaining candidates,
we risk Romney winning SC and
then the nomination, much as
McCain did 4 years ago.
It is now time to choose and
commit, and I believe the best conservative in this field is Rick
Santorum, for the following reasons.
First, Sen. Santorum is an expe-
rienced leader. Some candidates
have strong ideas, but might have
trouble getting their policies implemented. Others candidates have
leadership ability, but they are erratic conservatives, and might end
up getting the wrong things done.
We need an experienced, steady,
and consistent conservative who
can implement an agenda like
Ronald Reagan did. Rick
Santorum served 4 years in the
House and 12 years in the Senate.
He understands how Washington
works and has a record of substantial accomplishments, but he
has not been co-opted by Washington. I believe in Rick
Santorum’s leadership ability to
get things done, and also in his
judgment to get the right things
Second, Santorum is a full spectrum conservative. He is a proven
social conservative, who authored
and championed the legislation to
ban partial birth abortions. Last
year in Iowa, Santorum was active in the campaign to defeat 3
activist judges who had ruled in
favor of same-sex marriage.
Santorum is a proven fiscal conservative. He opposed the TARP
bailout, was a key leader in the
Welfare Reform Act of 1996, and
fought for a balanced budget
amendment. And he is a proven
national security conservative. He
served 8 years on the Senate
Armed Services Committee, and
authored both the Iran Freedom
and Support Act and the Syrian
Accountability Act. Rick
Santorum has been at the forefront
of warning about the threat of radical Islam.
Third, Santorum has outstanding character. Rick Santorum is a
devoted family man and a devout
Christian. Throughout this campaign and indeed his entire career,
he has consistently championed
traditional family values. Even
more importantly, he has lived
Finally, he is highly electable.
Rick Santorum is from the swing
state of Pennsylvania, and he has
proven that he can win swing
states in a general election.
Santorum is not prone to gaffes,
and he has the ability and passion to articulate a compelling
conservative vision and program
in contrast with President
Obama’s failed policies.
The Republicans in this race all
have admirable qualities and any
one of them would be preferable
to Barack Obama, but Rick
Santorum is the most complete
conservative in the field. Let’s
rally behind him and make sure
that SC Republicans send a clear
signal to the rest of the nation that
Rick Santorum should be the standard bearer for the GOP in 2012.
-------------------------------------------Richard Cash is a small business
owner in Powdersville and
former candidate for Congress.
He serves as the volunteer Anderson County Captain for Rick
Santorum for President and can
be reached at richardcashsc if you wish to help.
Just can’t help myself, I get totally engrossed in
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w w w. t i m e s e x a m i n e r. c o m
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Practiced Pharisaism - Part 15
Reconstruction of the South
or two years, 1865-1867, the
South was compelled to
knuckle under to Presidents
Lincoln’s and Johnson’s Reconstruction plans, though merely
passive procedures compared to
that had come down the pike,
spring of 1867. That March, Radical Republicans bypassed the Executive and Supreme Court
branches of government and piled
on several bills, disenfranchising
most Southern white men from
natural rights guaranteed by the
U.S. Constitution. To encourage
and enforce each act, the point of
a bayonet was used. Minus a
white majority, which by 1867 was
normal, alien carpetbaggers and
native scalawags seeking state
legislative posts and high level
Federal offices bargained with
Negroes, enticed the ignorant
knowing not purpose of vote, to
cast ballots for them and special
friends. This practice paid such
dividends that by end year of
1868, twenty elected senators
were newly seated in the U.S. Senate, representing the South. The
buzzards had come back home to
roost. The editor of the Cincinnati Enquirer wrote the following,
after visiting the Senate in late
“We all remember with what
touching pathos the venerable
and variable Secretary Seward alluded to ‘these vacant chairs’ and
how he hoped the erring brethren
would come back and fill them.
Well, the erring brethren haven’t
come back to any extent, but the
vacant chairs are filled, nevertheless. And what a ‘fill’ is there, my
“There is no need of any searching investigation into personal
histories to reveal the type of men
these carpet baggers are. It requires no very astute student of
human nature to pick them out.”
The editor of the Enquirer was
not solitary in his opining. The
New York Herald wrote: “The
miserable and dishonest carpet
baggers—five eighths of them the
foulest scum of hypocritical New
England—who now claim to represent the Southern states in Congress, the Convention will utterly
repudiate, denouncing their
names as a moral emetic to the
consciences of all decent men.
“They are not the representatives of States—not the representatives of anything but theft and
tyranny, ignorance, brutality, and
violence. They were elected by
constituents not much more intelligent and far less virtuous than
gorillas; while the true citizens of
our blood and race lay pinned to
the earth under the bayonets of a
soldiery, no longer discharging its
proper functions, but now compelled to act as jailors, torturers,
and tyrants over a people who
fought us gallantly, and who surrendered in good faith confiding
in the promised clemency of the
conquerors.” *2.
One simple fact of history is
that throughout man’s life on
earth the black race had been followers, unlike leaders in progress
made by other civilizations. Then
again, in what age and location,
when the black man has engulfed
a white man’s borders and threat-
ened whites with his great numbers, has the white man failed to
resist? Only in the nineteenth
century during Reconstruction
has such occurred. Through malice of political experiment, vengeance was wrecked upon the
white race by men of their own
race and blood. Enabled by the
military might of the U.S. Army,
power was given to millions of
emancipated slaves to rule over
white people. Had Lincoln lived,
would he have condoned such
radical behavior? In an August
14, 1862 conference with free Negroes, Abraham Lincoln had said:
“You and we are different races.
Your race suffers very greatly by
living among us while ours suffers from your presence. Even
when you cease to be slaves, you
are yet far removed from being on
equality with the white man…Go
where you are treated the best,
and the ban is still upon you. I do
not propose to discuss this, but
to present it as a fact. It is better
for us, therefore, to be separated.”
Had Radical Republicans’ paid
heed to such sentiment from the
North’s dead but former leader,
most likely, there would have been
sparse Southern resistance. Even
South Carolina’s carpetbagger
Governor D.H. Chamberlain, disapproved of radical Steven’s actions: “Minds were never more
ruthlessly set upon a policy than
were Steven’s and Morton on
putting the white South under the
heel of the Black South.” *4.
The abuse of the Southern
white was reality hard to swallow,
a social and political misuse of
justice that Southern people refused to believe had happened,
and it would continue. Hope held
to Southern belief that humanitarianism was more common among
northern people than that exhibited during the war. On January
10, 1868, the Selma, Alabama
Daily Messenger printed the following: “We are confident that the
Africanization of the Southern
states through the enforcement of
the misnamed Reconstruction
Acts of Congress will be defeated.
The success of this monstrous
scheme is an improbability in this
age. No civilized country can be
driven back to barbarism—the
Caucasian can never be replaced
by the African.”*5.
This editor had much to learn
about his enemy. The radicals of
the North had no desire to heed
anyone’s advice. A devout crusader for abolition and seeking
the Vice-Presidency, Frank Blair,
made this speech before Congress: “The same usurping authority has substituted as electors, in the place of men of our
own race, thus illegally attainted
and disfranchised, a host of ignorant negroes who are supported
in idleness with the public money,
and combined together to strip the
white race of its birthright…And
to complete the oppression, the
military power of the nation has
been placed at their disposal in
order to make this barbarism supreme.” *5.
Many people in the South began to see the charade as it really
was, a race struggle, white against
black for political supremacy. This
viewpoint had some legitimacy. It
wasn’t that the Radicals loved the
Negro so much; it was that they
hated the white southerner more.
The professed concern for blacks
was secondary to hammering
whites into submission. Though
the Republican platform of 1868,
on the surface, cried for Negro
suffrage publicly, attached to the
instrument was this proviso,
“while the question of suffrage in
all the loyal states belongs to the
people of those states.” *6.
What makes Radicals’ pretense
at Negro suffrage smell bad is the
way they put the ballot in the
hands of millions of southern
blacks, most who could neither
read nor write, or had an understanding of politics. Yet in the
North and West, they had chosen to disenfranchise a few thousand colored men from right to
vote. Pennsylvania was a northern state that denied Negro suffrage. Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota also rejected it. “In October 1867, the people of Ohio”, to
the tune of a “majority fifty thousand strong, were overwhelming
a proposed constitutional amendment to enfranchise the state’s
colored population.” *7.
The Princeton Standard, a New
Jersey newspaper, editorialized
this opinion in 1867: “Since Congress prescribed negro suffrage
in the Southern states…it would
seem inconsistent that we should
approve what it has done, and yet
withhold the right of suffrage from
our handful of colored citizens.
Still, it is not by any means certain that the people of New Jersey are ready to restore negro
suffrage in this state.” *8. Ten
days later, the Standard wrote:
“On the day before yesterday the
lower house of the New Jersey
legislature refused to strike the
word ‘white’ from the voting qualification, this by a vote of thirtyfive to twenty—thirteen Republicans voting against the proposition.” *9.
Two weeks before the New Jersey vote, the Mobile Advertiser
& Register carried the results of
the Negro suffrage vote in the Illinois legislature. The body was
three-fourths Radical. The result
was defeat of “a proposition to
amend the constitution of the
state so as to permit negroes to
vote—less than half of the Radicals voting for it.” *10. Kentucky
had remained neutral in the war,
but in the spring of 1867 the editor of the Louisville Journal
jumped on the issue: “One might
think that the Radicals of the
North would feel the shame of a
detected sheep-stealer when they
force negro suffrage upon the
South, calling it ‘an inalienable
human right’, and yet refuse it
within their own states.” *11.
All the while in the voting process of the South, carpetbaggers
and scalawags accelerated claims
of prospective economic independence of the Negroes, promising
each man forty acres and a mule.
Appropriately, in March 1867,
Congressman Thaddeus Stevens
introduced such benevolence in
his bill. The black man was promised also his own bank, The
Freedmen’s Bank, a satellite institution of the Freedmen’s Bureau
which even claimed Lincoln’s endorsement. The bank collapsed
in 1874, “owing depositors approximately three and one-third
million dollars.” *12. A congressional investigation had declared;
“It degenerated into a monstrous
swindle. The whole concern became a whited sepulchre.” *13.
The union of carpetbagger,
scalawag and Negro ushered in
an era of political corruption and
intimidation in the South that challenges human understanding.
Interference from Congressional
By Keith Crowe
Heralders Quartet
his week’s feature is about
a group from the North,
Michigan to be exact. In 1963
the Heralders Quartet was
formed when four men and a
piano player took the gifts of
singing that the Lord had given
them, and blended them in harmonies to the glory of God.
Since 1963, the Heralders have
traveled to twenty-two states
and Canada carrying God’s
message of salvation to high
schools, colleges, prisons, stadiums, fairs, churches, civic auditoriums, and any place that
people have gathered to hear
good Southern Gospel Music.
It has been a wonderful
blessing to each of the members, not only spiritually, but
personally, as many new friends
were acquired through their
travels. To all these friends and
followers, the Heralders have
dedicated their many songs on
albums to show their appreciation of their fans’ kind words,
prayers, and the interest they
have shown over the past fortytwo years.
Now for a look at the members of the group. Chad Ruger,
tenor, began singing Southern
Gospel music as a youngster
with his three brothers. His major influence was the Cathedrals
Quartet. My mom would wake
us for school each morning by
playing a Cathedrals record.
Chad joined the Heralders in
October, 2005. It is a privilege
to sing with a tremendous
Radicals had turned economic,
social and political arenas into
chaos. John Burgess in Reconstruction and the Constitution
said it was a “blunder crime.” Five
of ten Southern state legislatures
lacked the necessary intelligence,
and were powerless, caused by a
majority black vote. Burgess
writes: “Hideous bodies of men
constituted the membership of
certain of the constitutional conventions.” *14. Louis Pendleton
added: “Such whites as gained
group of guys who are using their
gifts to send a wonderful message. Chad is an avid
outdoorsman. His most memorable experience is proposing to
his wife Angie on top of Mt.
Whitney. They now live and teach
in Middleville, Michigan.
Ken Dykstra sings the lead part
and is also an original member of
the group. He sang tenor in the
group for twenty-three years before taking a leave because of his
extensive travel schedule with
American Greetings for whom he
worked for forty years. In 1996,
Ken helped start the Heritage
Quartet and still travels with them
today. He has spent most of his
adult life traveling across the Midwest in a bus singing Gospel
Music and is dedicated to lifting
up the name of Jesus wherever he
performs. Ken and his wife Bonnie
have five children, thirteen grandchildren, and live in Grandville,
Hank Vander Loon sings the
baritone part and also is the promotional manager for the quartet.
Hank has been singing Southern
Gospel Quartet music most of his
life and is an original member of
the Heralders Quartet. He also
started, managed, and sang bass
for the Anchormen of Fair Haven
for eleven years. Hank loves the
Lord and is committed to sharing
the Gospel through his gift of
music. Hank and his wife Jan are
members of Fair Haven Ministries
and reside in Hudsonville, Michigan.
Bill Sterk, bass, is the senior,
original member of the Heralders.
Bill got his start in the church choir
at age fourteen. His quartet career began at South Christian High
School, singing bass with a barbershop group. His exposure and
inspiration to sing Southern Gos-
pel came while still in high
school, when he heard the
Rebels Quartet from Florida
singing in his home town of
Byron Center, Michigan. Bill
states, “Their enthusiasm and
joy in singing the Gospel message left an indelible impression
on me. That evening I prayed,
‘Lord, just once let me sing with
a group such as the Rebels.’
The Lord has answered my
prayer in a wonderful way after
singing with the Heralders for
some forty years!” Bill and his
wife Marlene are blessed with
four children, twelve grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
They live in Holland, Michigan,
and attend Central Wesleyan
Church where Bill is a member
of the choir.
Morrie James plays piano and
also does some solo singing for
the group. He became a member with the Heralders in 1974
after the original piano player
(Jim Dykstra) left the group because of his busy job schedule. Morrie started playing piano at a young age, and then
later began playing in nightclubs and taverns until his conversion in 1962. In 1964 he
played piano for the Jubilaires,
and then in 1967 he played and
sang in the Gospel Tone Trio
until his start with the Heralders
in 1974. Morrie has quite a testimony of how he came to know
the Lord on a personal basis.
Morrie and his wife Peg live in
Zeeland, Michigan, and are
blessed with three daughters,
ten grandchildren, and eleven
great grandchildren and are still
admission were for the greater part
the recognized political experts of
the carpet-baggers.” *15.
and the Constitution, p. 207
7. Ibid., Burgess, p. 148
8. Copied in Advertiser & Register,
Mobile Ala., April 2, 1867
9. Ibid., Advertiser & Register, (Issue
of April 13, 1867)
10. Ibid., Advertiser & Register,
March 29, 1867
11. Ibid. Advertiser & Register, April
5, 1867
12. House Misc. Doc. No 16, 39
Cong. 2 Sess. Pp. 61, 91
13. House Rep. Doc. No. 502, 44
Cong. 1 Sess.
14. Ibid., Burgess, Reconstruction
and the Constitution, p. 150
15. Louis B. Pendleton, Alexander
H. Stephens, p. 363
1. Copied in Montgomery Advertiser,
Dec. 23, 1868
2. Ibid., July 4, 1868
3. Abraham Lincoln, Speeches and
Writings, Vol.2, 1859-1865—date
Aug. 14, 1862, pp. 353-357
4. Woodrow Wilson, History of the
American People, V., p.50
5. Appleton’s Annual Cyclopedia,
1868, p. 752
6. John W. Burgess, Reconstruction
----------------------------------------I can be contacted at (864)
979-9626 or (864) 895-1287.
The Times Examiner
Greenville Chapter of the SC
Genealogical Society's January meeting
The speaker of the January
meeting of the Greenville SC Genealogical Society was Anne Sheriff, who is the curator of the Faith
Clayton Family Research Center
at Southern Wesleyan University,
which is located in Central, SC.
The Clayton Room houses a collection of history about upstate
South Carolina. Ms. Sheriff is
Just can’t help myself, I get totally engrossed in
The Times Examiner
... continued from Page 1
into constitutions for us—the
light with which we dissipate
the darkness of the occupation, and the fire with which
we harvest the skulls of the
“Yes, our beloved brothers,
even though the entire world
moves closer to Allah through
fasting, through hunger, and
through tears, we are a
people that moves closer to
Allah through blood, through
body parts, through martyrs.”
“Oh sons of Palestine, oh sons
of the Gaza Strip, oh mujahideen
(holy warriors)—wage Jihad,
wreak destruction, blow up and
harvest the heads of the Zionists.
Words are useless by now. The
lie of peace is gone. Only weapons are of any use—the path of
(recently killed) Yousuf and Ali,
the path of martyrdom and Jihad.
Only our wounds talk on our behalf. We speak nothing but the
... continued from Page 9
ling people. And they knew when
a government sets out to do that
it must use force and coercion to
achieve its purpose. They also
knew, those Founding Fathers,
that outside of its legitimate functions, government does nothing
as well as or as economically as
the private sector of the
economy." President Reagan had
the right vision for America to remain great as a World power. He
well understood that it was we the
people and not we the government
that would keep America the envy
of the World. Our Founding Fathers knew that a government in
control is really out of control because the people are not in control. Big government is not a friend
to we the people; it is an enemy to
our Constitutional freedoms.
President Reagan in his final
State of the Union Address said,
"The most exciting revolution
ever known to humankind began
with three simple words: "We
the People," the revolutionary
notion that the people grant government its rights, and not the
other way around."
Greenville County EMS Earns
Accreditation as an Emergency
Medical Dispatch Center of Excellence
Greenville County EMS has
earned an Accreditation of Excellence from the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch
(IAED). Greenville County is one
of only 155 Emergency Medical
Dispatch Centers in the world to
be awarded this highest distinction for comprehensive implementation and compliance with the
Medical Priority Dispatch System
(MPDS) and associated “20 Points
of Excellence.”
“Greenville County is committed to operational and clinical ex-
Members also come from other
states for the reunion and renew
friendships that began years ago
and make new friends and receive
new information relative to their
families. At the Reunion, genealogists tell about Old Pendleton history, a time table of how it grew
and changed through the years.
They tell stories that they have
heard from descendants of these
early families.
Mrs. Sheriff is a co-author of
several cemetery books. Also, she
is editor of “Pendleton Messenger Abstracts,” which were
printed in the Old Pendleton District chapter of the SC Genealogical Society. Her other books include histories of Easley, Liberty,
and Central.
New officers for the Greenville
of the SCGS are:
President-Tad Riddle
Vice-President-Judy Long
Recording Secretary-Laura Taylor
very knowledgeable about the Old documents, etc. There is a big
Treasurer-Dot Hawkins
Pendleton District, consisting of screen television set up in one area
Parliamentarian-Herb Clark
Archivist-Brenda Myer
present-day Anderson, Pickens that “loops” or rotates pictures
State Representative-Brenda Myer
and Oconee counties.
(with the surname in a caption)
Member At Large-Dr. Charles Lee
Ms. Sheriff spoke of the upcom- throughout the day so more
Publicity-Wanda Randle
ing “Reunion of Upcountry Fami- people can see them. The next
Past President-Patsy Swygert
lies that have lived in the area for “100 Year Reunion of Upstate
The next meeting will be Febru- ... continued from Page 9
at least 100 years.” She said that Families” will be held on June 22people pay a small fee for a table 23, 2012 at Southern Wesleyan ary 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the First tion. Likewise, sometimes your
to display their family artifacts. It University. Contact claytonroom Christian Church-704 Edwards children will change their goals.
As their GPS, you can assist them
can be a personal item, pictures, for further information. Road, Greenville, SC.
to become reoriented in the new
direction in life. They may be frustrated and feel they “wasted” their
time going down the wrong path
and just want to give up, but you
can coach them and guide them
to get them moving down the new
Another thing about a GPS—it
gives us directions, but we have
cellence,” says EMS Director John for patients, and dispatch the Suite 2400, Greenville, SC 29601- a choice whether to follow those
directions or not. Just knowing
Zaragoza. “This award recognizes proper assets.
3681 Fax (864) 467-7151
that we provide quality emergent
“We strive to provide the best
Dispatch says “…this accom- where something is located does
care even before we place a para- for our community in all we do,” plishment demonstrates to not not mean you can get there. For
medic at bedside. We are capable says Zaragoza. “This award vali- only each individual within the instance, I know that Chicago is
of evaluating a 911 call through a dates two years of intense train- communication center, but also to located on the shores of Lake
precise set of questions executed ing and can really be seen as a administration, community, and Michigan. But if I just hopped in
by highly trained professionals.” starting point for an even higher the word, that Greenville County my car and started driving, I would
Greenville County EMS Com- level of care in the future.”
EMS is compliant with all interna- probably not arrive in Chicago.
munication Specialists use MPDS
Earning the IAED Accreditation tional practices standards for However, if I put Chicago into my
GPS and followed the directions,
policy and protocol when han- award is voluntary and involves Emergency Medical Dispatch.”
dling 911 calls. Proper execution completing a detailed self-study
For additional information I have no doubt I would arrive
of these standards allows the call and analysis. The National Acad- please contact Bob Mihalic at 864- there. (For the record – I have NO
desire to go to Chicago.) Your
takers to evaluate the emergency, emies of Emergency County 467-7055.
children must choose whether
provide pre-arrival instructions Square - 301 University Ridge they will follow your advice on
reaching their life’s goals. They
may choose to turn off and take a
side road. When that happens,
we don’t give up on them. Rather,
we provide advice to assist them
to returning to the right path. On
Your #1 Conservative Paper of South Carolina
more than one occasion I have
Anne Sheriff speaks to the Greenville Chapter of the SC
Genealogical Society during their January meeting.
By Wanda Randle
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
language of struggle, of Jihad, or
rockets, of bombs, of cannons
and of martyrdom-seekers. This
is the language in which we talk
and negotiate with the Zionist
“We say to the Zionists; Like
a bad seed, we shall uproot
you from our land, so that it
can blossom in the light of the
everlasting sun of our Jihad,
and our invincible religion.
Jerusalem is not yours—get
out of it! Haifa is not yours—
get out of it! Tel Aviv is not
yours—get out of it! Oh Zionists, get out before we expel
you. These are the words of
the mujahideen (holy warriors)”
Two major political parties compete for power among the Palestinians: the terrorist groups
Hamas and Fatah. Hamas was established by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a way of making
political and armed conflict
against Israel. With the Muslim
Brotherhood gaining power in
Egypt, Israel’s survival has been
So far, President Obama has
tried to solve the Middle East’s
terrorist proclivities by reaching
out to the Islamists. In domestic
politics, he has tried to erase every sign that the United States is
threatened by any form of Islamic
terrorism. Even the “War on Terror” is out the door. Several past
presidential administrations tried
to disconnect any association
with Islam and Jihad with terrorism. But the rhetoric that Islam is
“a religion of peace and tolerance”
is beginning to wear thin with the
American people. Americans
have become more realistic about
the nature of Islam. Far from
peaceful and tolerant, the teachings of the Koran and Muhammad
are filled with passages calling
Muslims to dominate the world by
whatever means necessary.
Muhammad’s favorite method was
the sword.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration is trying to ban any
recognition that modern terrorism
is closely linked to Islam, the Ko-
The Republicans in the House
and Senate must unite and be determined as ever to fight for all
freedom-loving Americans against
the socialist designs of President
Obama and his socialist henchmen such as Reid and Pelosi. We
have been facing relentless attacks upon our freedoms as never
before. The Republicans on Capitol Hill must not be duped into
going along with Obama and
friends under the guise of being
non-partisan for the common
good of America.
Edmund Burke said, "All that is
necessary for evil to triumph is
for good men to do nothing."
The Bible says in Isaiah 59:14,
"And judgement is turned away
backward, and justice standeth
afar off: for truth is fallen in the
street, and equity cannot enter."
(King James Bible)
-------------------------------------------Pastor Franklin D. Raddish is
Founder and Director of Capital
Hill Independent Baptist Ministries. He holds weekly Bible studies at the U.S. Capital, Justice Department, and Pentagon. He attended Bob Jones University and
graduated from Tabernacle Baptist College in Greenville, S.C.
With a degree in Bible.
missed a turn that my GPS was
directing me to make. My GPS
didn’t tell me I was stupid or refuse
to help, but instead it told me
where to turn next in order to return to the right road.
One last point, occasionally the
GPS is wrong. This usually happens when road construction has
changed the map and my GPS has
not been updated. If your
children’s goals will take them to
a destination that you don’t know
about, then you need to do your
homework and update the “map”
that you have. Find others who
have been down that route and
learn from their experience so you
can provide good advice to your
So as the new year starts and
new goals are being set, be your
children’s GPS. If you haven’t
been doing this, “Turn around at
the next intersection …..”
-------------------------------------------Ray Sheen has been involved
with homeschooling for over 25
years. He and his wife, Holly,
homeschooled their daughters
from birth through high school,
and advised them through their
college-at-home experience.
Their daughters have now earned
their Bachelors Degrees. He has
also served in leadership positions for several homeschooling
organizations at the local, state,
and national level.
ran, and the teachings of
Fortunately, several Republican
presidential candidates are now
insisting that the American people
should know the truth about Islam and Jihad.
In the January 7 New Hampshire Presidential Debate, candidate Rick Santorum first criticized
the results of the President’s conciliatory approach to Islamic terrorists:
rectness in denying the reality of
what we must do to stop
Islam, strongly implying that
Obama’s decision processes to
In 512 BC, when Chinese Genget out of Iraq and Afghanistan
eral Sun Tzu said that knowing
were based on political correctyour enemy is key to victory in
ness rather than truth:
war, he was speaking of knowing
“…you make that decision realities rather than politically corbased on an analysis of un- rect fiction.
derstanding how virulent the -------------------------------------------threat of radical Islam is. And Mike Scruggs is a decorated Air
you confront that threat not Force combat veteran of the Vietjust militarily, and impor- nam War and the author of a retantly not just militarily. You cently published books: Lessons
“He has been making misconfront it first by being hon- from the Vietnam War: Truths the
takes at every turn in Iran, in
est with the American public Media Never Told You and The
Egypt, I would argue, Libya,
about what this threat is. This Un-Civil War: Shattering the HisSyria, Israel. All of these
president has sanitized every torical Myths. The books, a
places, he has made mistakes
defense document, everything. unique combination of personal
on the ground that have
There’s no — the — the word experiences and a military and
shown the people in that reradical Islam doesn’t appear political overview of the war, can
gion that we are the weak
be obtained by calling The
horse. That is something that
Times Examiner at (864) 268Why? Because we are fightcannot happen because it will
cause events like you’re seeing political correct (ness) —
ing in the Straits of Hormuz.
we’re trying to fight this poSubscribe to
There will be push, push.
litically correct war and not
America is soft and so they can
being honest with the Ameribe pushed around.”
can public as to who the enemy is, how virulent they are
Then he took issue with the
#1 Conservative Voice
and why they hate us and
President’s extreme political cor-
The Times
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
... continued from Page 7
the young and the minorities that
he had in 2008. College-educated
whites who had hopes for him
seem disillusioned.
Assuredly, he may still win. But
should Obama win, how, after a
campaign like the one he intends
to conduct, does he unite the
How does he work with a Republican Party that will likely still
hold the House and will have
made gains in the Senate, after he
has spent a year castigating that
And what happen to the nation
if we have five more years of political gridlock?
If the president failed to broker
a budget compromise with the
GOP in 2011 and has given up on
2012, how does he work with a
Republican House in 2013? How
does he, in a second term, resolve
this budget crisis when his bottom-line demand for higher taxes
is poison to a party he has just
trashed for 15 months as a tool of
Wall Street?
Resolving our fiscal crisis
seems today beyond the capacity of the U.S. government, as currently constituted. We appear to
be in a crisis of the regime rooted
in an irreconcilable ideological
conflict between two parties of
relatively equal strength.
Republicans who refused to
raise taxes in 2011 are not going
to agree to raise them in 2013 in
response to a request from an
Obama who defeated them by
portraying them as the party of
the 1 percent in 2012.
If Obama is re-elected, the crisis endures.
It will then be resolved when
the world realizes that the U.S.
deficit and debt are beyond the
capacity of this U.S. government
to bring under control.
At that point, the ratings agencies and world markets will begin
to treat the U.S. debt the way they
treat the debts of Italy and Spain.
To find out more about Patrick
Buchanan, and read features by
other Creators Syndicate writers
and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at
... continued from Page 8
conservative than Mitt Romney.
Really? On the one question that
ought to define a candidate's seriousness -- grappling with entitlements -- Paul is trafficking in
fairy tales while Romney has proposed far-reaching reforms. Campaigning in Iowa, Paul told voters
that we "don't have to give up"
any of the ruinous entitlement programs. It would all be made affordable, he explains, by waving the
magic wand of drastic defense
cuts, which is false. Romney, by
contrast, along with the other Republican candidates, has pro-
posed changing Medicare to a
premium support model and returning Medicaid to the states.
There is no shortage of fable
peddlers in an election year. But
the voters have to shake off their
own misconceptions as well. We
have seen the establishment, and
it is us.
-------------------------------------------Mona Charen is the author of
Useful Idiots. To find out more
about Mona Charen and read
features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists,
visit the Creators Syndicate web
page at
The Times Examiner
Subscribe to
The Times
#1 Conservative Voice
Times Examiner Word Search
by Terry M. Thacker
Cryptic Quote
by James Spurck
J T U U Z G V K H V L C G Y R C YA .
- H C V G H C S Z M P T Y H AV Y
... continued from Page 8
... continued from Page 7
iPhone, Blackberry, Android and
Windows phone. It would be like
having a casino at everyone's fingertips, 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year.
A warning also came from the
world's richest casino owner,
Sheldon Adelsen. He announced
his opposition to internet gambling because the available technology is not good enough to
prevent teenagers from making
A report from Loma Linda Medical School in California showed
that at least one out every five
young people has a serious gambling-related problem, and the rate
of gambling among the young is
now almost double the 1988 rate.
Some people seem to think that
no harm is done by lotteries; it's
just individual choice. But here is
the wisdom of our forefathers in
an 1879 U.S. Supreme Court decision: "Lotteries ... are a species of
gambling, and wrong in their influences. They disturb the checks
and balances of a well-ordered
community. Society built upon
such a foundation would almost
of necessity bring forth a population of speculators and gamblers,
living on the expectation of what
... might be 'awarded' to them from
the accumulations of others."
(Stone v. Mississippi)
We should not permit the
Obama Administration to surreptitiously change federal law in order to vastly expand the gambling
-------------------------------------------Phyllis Schlafly has been a national leader of the conservative
movement since the publication
of her best-selling, 1964 book, A
Choice Not An Echo. She has
been a leader of the pro-family
movement since 1972 and has
authored numerous books.
and "Apprentice" reality-show
contestants had first-in-the-nation status. Imagine how much
better off we'd all be.
Joking aside, I'd have no problem with a rotating, kick-off caucus slot. But intermingled with the
bi-coastal bigotry against Iowa is
the distinct odor of sore-loserdom. Split voters in Iowa simply
reflected the wider discontent
among grassroots conservatives
and tea party activists with the
current Pageant of the Imperfects.
Besides, Iowa caucus critics
have had years to change the status quo. Like some of Tuesday's
big losers, the whingers and whiners who complain about the process have failed to get their act
together. All talk, no followthrough.
Take Newt Gingrich. The
vaunted intellectual field marshal
of the GOP whose campaign
bubble quickly burst under the
weight of his own gross incompetence blamed his fall on money,
staff, a "failed system," negative
ads and the electorate's inability
to appreciate "big ideas."
But if you can't convert a surge
into an electoral win, if you can't
effectively rebut opponents'
charges without resorting to tears
and tantrums, and -- most damaging for Gingrich -- if you can't put
people on the ground in places
like Iowa and Virginia who can
deliver votes and signatures when
it counts, how can you win a general election? Frankly, to use a favorite Gingrich verbal crutch, the
fault lies in just one place: on
Gingrich's shoulders.
When I was a kid, we took something called the Iowa Test of Basic Skills -- a nationally standardized test of minimum competence
in core subjects. The Iowa caucuses serve a similar purpose.
When campaigns fail to meet the
most elementary requirements of
organizational politics, don't blame
the messengers. Blame the testtakers.
------------------------------------------Michelle Malkin is author of
"Unhinged: Exposing Liberals
Gone Wild." Her e-mail address
GREER, SC 29651
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The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
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Mitchell Road Christian
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Resurrected Christian
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Shannon Forest Christian
School, 829 Garlington Road,
Greenville, SC 29615. 288-0436.
Southside Christian School,
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Tabernacle Christian School,
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with six chairs, solid walnut for $950.
Call 423-8226 or 268-5364.
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ST 07-13-11
Spinet Piano
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834-4349 • 905-5504
For Sale
Antique clock. Made by the Sessions Clock
Company, Forestville, Conn. Keeps good time.
$75.00. Call 848-0368.
Handcrafted Barbie Doll Dresses. Over 100
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an offer for all. Call 848-0368.
For Sale
Oak/Other Low-Boy w/Oak Mirror - detailed with
green stain - $500. 834-2691 & leave message.
David J. Van WinklePiano Tuner & Technician
201 Old Batson RoadTaylors, SC 29687
ST 7-28-10
Call 414-3189
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1961 Chevrolet Pickup Truck
6 cylinder - Fleet Side Body with short bed
Runs good, needs some body work
Selling Price - $995 Black Book Value - $2,725
Fair / $5,950 Good --- 864-292-5001
2 Car Ramps • $45 or best offer
Call - 244-2084 or 908-7301 ST-9-14-11
1/4 mile from Bob Jones University. Brick two
bedroom CONDO. 1.5 bath. Asking $72,700.
Includes use of on-site in-ground pool. Never
had pets or smokers. Fresh paint. New
carpeting. Cement rear patio. Electric newer
central air and heat. Spacious sunny living
room with nook. Large kitchen has stainless
steel double sink & granite-look countertops.
Modern 18cu fridge; self-cleaning stove;
dishwasher, and microwave included. Half-bath
off kitchen just remodeled. New washer/ dryer.
Spacious sunny Master bedroom. Upper bath
has tub, shower, and new pedestal sink. Large
second bedroom. Electrical and plumbing very
well-maintained. Call Daniel or Loni at 864-5671946, or 864-275-8491. To see, call
Mr. Wilson at 864-567-1946, or 864-275-8491.
LOT - Sherwood Forest, Sub Division near
Greenville Tech. Call: 419-2797
Gifted writer with both radio and newspaper
experience plus journalism degree able to help
with any writing project or assignment.
Call Mark at 271-1018.
GRANDFATHER CLOCK - Howard Miller 2002,
Cherry Finish, Moon Face. esminister Melody.
Cost $1,100 - egotiable. Call 864-325-0466
Ammo .223 FMJ - 1,000 rounds
$375 negotiable - Call: 864-242-3850
1 suite length & 1 dress length garment bag
Both $10 - 241-0921
Piano Teaching
Church Pianist Teaching Piano
in Boiling Springs - (864) 814-4648
For Sale
$10 --- 241-0921
Experienced Seamstress & Alteration
Part Time / Full Time in Greenville Shop.
For Sale eighty-nine Louis L’Amour books,
including 18 of 19 in the Sackett Series. $2 each
or $150.00 for all. Call 848-0368.
ONE CEMETERY LOT - Graceland West Side
with headstone. $995 • Call: 864-862-6809
$600.00 per Month 292-1298
For Sale
Two Adjoining Nitches inside Mausoleum at
Greenville Memorial Gardens - Below Market
price - call 864-235-2397
Gallery Centre
(864) 232-6578
1 male and 1 female 18 weeks old vet checked
English Bulldogs for free to a good home,
please contact if
interested or for more information.
Hidden Treasure Christian
School, 500 W. Lee Road,
Taylors, SC 29687. 244-2273.
24" x 30," for sale, (can be hung either way)
$85. Please call 864-968-980, Greer.
One lot in highly desirable section “G” Near
Mausoleum - $2,795.00 Call: 864-848-0368
A 2 bedroom, 1 bath, about 750 sq.ft., recently
renovated. 5 miles from Furman and Bob
Jones - $45,000. Please call: 864-232-3127
Located in Sans Souci area.
Grandview Memorial Gardens - Praying
Hands Section - 2 lots with Vaults valued at
$5,580 - Will sell for $4,380 Call 895-6116
Hampton Park Christian
School, 875 State Park Road,
Greenville, SC. 232-5691.
Harbor Christian Academy,
26 2nd Street, Woodside,
Greenville, SC 29611. 242-3096.
ST 12-21-11
Calvary Christian School &
Child Development Center,
100 Duke Street,
Greer, SC 20650. 877-0597.
In the Heart of Gatlinburg, TN. Two Condos one
block off Main Oak Square at Gatlinburg. Courtyard
Pool w/Jacuzzi. Indoor Heated Pool Open YearRound. Two Night Minimum. (864) 878-2962
ST 4-24-11
Blue Ridge Christian
424 Highway 101
(between Hwys 414 and 11),
895-9008 •
For sale Weber Gas Grill; “Genesis Silver ‘B’
Model” with cover, booklets, and instructions
included. Purchased in 2002. Used less than one
season. Been in storage since. Paid $500. Will
sale for $250. Call 848-0368.
1961 Chevrolet Pickup Truck - 6 cylinder - Fleet
Side Body with short bed Runs good, needs
some body work - Selling Price - $1595
Black Book Value - $2725 Fair / $5950 Good
1 Sleeper-sofa - $250
Call (864) 801-1383, and leave a message.
TRILOGY, The Centennial History of the Civil
POSTER called a “lobby card,” of To Hell and
Back, starring Audie Murphy for $25.
Call 423-8226 or 268-5364.
Cemetery Lots
Cemetery Lots - Cannon Memorial Fountain Inn, SC
2 lots, side by side with vaults
$1500.00 EACH - Call: 864-246-9034
1870’s Historic Victorian Farmhouse
on 4 acres and unrestricted in Belton, SC
Beautiful, many updates - to view slideshow
go to: and scroll down to
#HW160. For more information call: 864-2425660 or 864-363-5746 ST-05-11-11
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retired. Lots of misc. greenware
Call: (864) 232-8684 or 346-1143
ST 7-22-09
You crave it, we make it
Cemetery Plot Graceland Cemetery
$1795.00 • Call: 299-1329
If no answer leave message.
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Near downtown. 1.5 mi. from BJU.
Nearly New 2 BR, 1.5 BA., 2 floors. New carpet.
Dishwasher. $675/mth. plus utilities. Parking.
Yard. No pets. Call: 901-6584
VIZIO 37” flat-screen TV. Brand new
baught in June. $300.00
19” Color TV/VCR Combo - $50.00
Two wooden swivel bar seats
with backs - $30 each
Chandelier Matte Brass Finish
Eight “arms.” - $40.00
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The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Holidays Around the World!
Next Week on Nite Line
Dove Broadcasting
NITE LINE broadcasts live Monday through Friday on WGGS TV-16 from
8:00 pm until 9:30/10:00 pm. The program features local and/or nationally
known guests who share their testimonies and talent. Our goal is to be an
inspiration to our viewers as well as inform them of Christian and community
events in the Upstate.
The programs are designed to inform and encourage viewers.
Prayer Partners are available to pray with any caller who has a need. For information
on becoming a volunteer prayer partner or a monthly partner, call 864-244-1616 or 1800-849-3683.
Audience seating is FREE, but limited. Please arrive no later than 7:30 p.m.
The studio is located at 3409 Rutherford Road, Ext. Taylors, SC 29687.
Washington Center students Jamie Rodriguez (left) and
Justin Simmons are pictured creating passports for their
virtual classroom trip around the world.
Recently, Mrs. Nardia
Lloyd’s Washington Center
class went on a virtual trip
around the world. Students
were able to learn about different countries and how they
celebrate the holidays and
winter season using the
Promethean Board and Scho-
lastic virtual classroom sites. The
Promethean Board and touch
screen computers, increased students engagement and ability to
navigate certain websites. Students also worked on fine motor
skills by making crafts for each
stop on their trip. Using adaptive
scissors, paint brushes and mark-
ers, helps our students become
more independent with their
crafts and daily skills. Students
created passports, plane tickets and different symbols that
represent the holiday and winter seasons in each country.
Area Students Named to
Honor Roll at Brevard College
BREVARD, NC (readMedia) –
The following students have been
named to the Honor Roll for the
fall semester of the 2011-2012 academic year at Brevard College in
Brevard, North Carolina.
• Rashad Dirton of Greenville
• Jerard Sloan of Greenville
To be eligible for the Honor Roll,
students must be enrolled full-
time and earn a grade point average of 3.0 to 3.49 during the semester.
Brevard College (www.brevard
.edu) offers a range of distinctive
baccalaureate degree programs
on a beautiful residential campus
in Brevard, North Carolina. Curriculum at Brevard combines
small-classroom instruction with
creative internships and immersion experiences, provides a
strong core in the liberal arts and
offers great strength in fine arts
as well as in interdisciplinary programs that educate for leadership
and service and draw on the natural resources of the College's
mountain setting.
What do you think about current national or local events?
See page 6 for our address and send us a letter-to-theeditor. Please keep letters to under 500 words.
We want to hear from you!
Let Your Conservative Voice Be Heard!
Monday, January 16, 2012 - Host, Dante Thompson, is joined by
Pastor Lloyd Morgan and they will see what “Unite”, Greenville's
biggest event, sponsored by Redemption World Outreach Center of Greenville, is all about. Pastor Tavner Smith will share all
the details about this community outreach. Also on the program is Overseer, Curtis Johnson, Chairman of this year's
MLK Dream Weekend, whose theme is All.Together.Now. Tune
in to hear what collaborative events took place in the Upstate.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Hosts Donnie & Dana O'Shields
will hear the wonderful testimony of Beverly Chesser, of Beverly
Exercise, an exercise, nutrition and health facts program that
she has developed and brought to the TV air waves for over
twenty years. Beverly is very energetic and knows how to
keep our bodies working properly for as long as possible.
Other guests include George D. Devereux IV and Truly Blessed
providing tonight's music.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - Evangelist Dave Walton will
host tonight's Nite Line and is joined by Andrew Butler who will
discuss his book, “Managing the Miracle, Living the miraculous Life.” Dr. Butler will share the purpose of the book and
how to balance your life and see the miraculous look at the
wonders of God's extraordinary creation, mankind. Richard
South is the music guest and will be joined by the Hallelujah
Time Singers.
Thursday, January 19, 2012 - Join Great Campbell as she is
joined with Rev. Garrett Hart and Andy Ellis, of Little River
Baptist Church in Honea Path, SC. Also Pastor Phillip Hart,
Flatwoods PH Church of Elberton, GA, will be on tonight's
program. Music by the Kevin Jones Family of River of Life
Church of God, Anderson, SC.
Friday, January 20, 2012 - Hosts Gwen & Wade Hall will have a
great time of sharing in song, the word of God and praising
the King of Kings and Lord of Lord. Don't miss tonight's Nite
*The Guest appearance is subject to change without notice.
Dove Broadcasting is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization operating from
WGGS TV-16’s studios at 3409 Rutherford Road Ext. Taylors, SC 29687,
P.O. Box 1616, Greenville, SC 29602. Visit us on the web:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 800-849-3683
or 864-244-1616, FAX 864-292-8481. Our physical address is WGGS
TV 16, 3409 Rutherford Road Taylors, SC 29687 and also mailing address
is P.O. Box 1616, Greenville, SC 29602 ATTN. Nite Line.
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The Times Examiner
We are now STREAMING LIVE 24/7 on Please tell
your friends and family that are out of our viewing area, to watch.
#1 Conservative Voice
20 Sharon Drive, Greenville, SC 29607
(864) 232-1486
SUNDAY SCHOOL – 9:45 a.m.
WORSHIP SERVICE – 10:30 a.m.
Hope Presbyterian Church
Sunday School ............................................ 9:45 a.m.
Worship Service ......................................... 11:00 a.m.
Larger Catechism Class ............................... 6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship .......................................... 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Service .......................... 7:30 p.m.
Mark W. Evans, Pastor
Preaching the Doctrines of Sovereign Grace
ST 11-04-09
The Times Examiner
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Candidate Forum
with BBQ
Friday, January 13th
6:30 p.m.
Byrnes High School
Moderated by
Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Jeff Duncan
All proceeds go to Greenville County Republican Party
RSVP Linda Weeks at
The Times Examiner is the Ideal Birthday Gift
Give your relatives & friends The Times Examiner!
Thousands of patriotic citizens and veterans lined both sides of the street
from Simpsonville First Baptist Church to Cannon Memorial Park where US
Army PFC Justin Whitmire was buried with full military honors.
... continued from Page 1
Lunch Specials
Monday - Friday
11 am - 3 p.m.
6140 Wade Hampton Blvd.
Taylors, SC 29687
864-877-5080 (fax)
Monday - Saturday
11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Pick Up Window Available
The Times Examiner
44 Pine Knoll Drive, Suite E-2
Greenville, SC 29609
Lunch - Tuesday through Sunday
Dinner - Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Come by for Ice Cream & Cold Drinks - any time!
We cater for all occasions and welcome Church groups, Office
parties, Birthday parties, Anniversaries, etc.
Yolanda & Marty Pollock, Owners & Hosts
8101 Geer Highway (Rte. 276), Caesar’s Head, SC 29635
Whitmire, an Army Medic, lost
his life while on duty in Afghanistan on Tuesday, December 27,
2011. He was 20 years old.
He was the son of Donald
(Donnie) Craig Whitmire and Jennifer Yeargin Whitmire. He was a
2010 graduate of Hillcrest High
School and served on the Speech
and Debate team. He helped to
start the Broadcast Journalism
program at the school.
Surviving in additional to his
parents are a brother, Craig
Whitmire and a sister Jessica
(Jessi) Whitmire.
Funeral services were conducted by Pastors Terry Rogers
and Stephen Morton. Burial was
with full military honors.
Memorials may be made to the
Faith Renewed Outreach Center
Building Fund, 505 S. Main St.,
Mauldin, S. C. 29662.
The Times Examiner
is South Carolina’s conservative newspaper
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