L`Shanah Tovah - Congregation B`nai Israel
L`Shanah Tovah - Congregation B`nai Israel
Congregation B’nai Israel wishes you L’Shanah Tovah May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life. Dear Friends, L’shanah Tovah U’metukah. May you and your family be blessed with continued health, happy surprises, and abiding satisfactions. Our gratitude to each of you for your support and friendship, Elie and Linda Spitz, Joey, Jon, and Anna Wishing all our CBI friends a very healthy and happy New Year Mike and Sheila Lefkowitz L’Shanah Tovah! Wishing everyone in our wonderful CBI community a year of good health, happiness and peace in the New Year. Heather, Stuart, Allison, Justin and Andrew Katz A Happy and Healthy New Year to the CBI community. The Frankels Brigitte, Craig, Eric and Leslie Best wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year! L’Shanah Tovah Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy & Sweet New Year! Neila and Andy Bernstein and Family The Danzig Family Larry, Valerie, Elizabeth, Matthew & Allison Thank you friends and congregants for your support and help: L’Shanah Tovah Wishing all of our family and CBI friends a healthy and happy new year. Donna, Jeff, Melissa and Amanda Punim • Your outpourings of get wells when Leah was in the hospital. • Condolences when she passed and empathy that is ongoing. • The many donations for sanctifying holocaust victims’ internment pits into proper graves that list all available data about their lives and deaths-- thanks to you and the $40,000 you contributed. THEIR EXISTENCES ARE NO LONGER OBLITERATED. • Last, and certainly not least, your efforts to help me feel less alone. Thank you! Wishing Everyone the Best New Year! Jack Pariser A sweet and healthy New Year to our friends at CBI Beverly and Alan Zembrovsky To a healthful and happy New Year The Weiss Family As the New Year Begins May You All Have a Blessed, Joyful and Peaceful Year With Sweet Memories L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu The Roslyn & Joseph Baim Family Foundation Barbara & Joseph Baim Best wishes to the entire Congregation B’nai Israel community for a sweet, happy and healthy New Year! The CBI Board of Directors Shanah Tovah Wishing you a year of peace, health & prosperity Beth and Andy Elster and Family Wishing all of our CBI friends a healthy and happy New Year, from the KuperbergLevin Family Joel, Lydia, Ben, Sabrina, Rebecca, Jeremy and Devin L’Shanah Tovah to my wonderful CBI family. Michael Bare Best wishes for the coming year The Mirowitz Family Wishing all our CBI friends a happy, healthy, & sweet New Year Andy & Esther Dosick Terry, Michelle, Jordy, Lila & Max Ginsburg All the best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year Francine and Ron Morrison L’Shanah Tovah U’metukah! Our wishes for a sweet New Year Rhonda & Hal Hurwitz Wishing all our CBI friends a a healthy and happy New Year The Furst Family Michael, Cindy, Brett, Jen and Stephanie CBI Haverim: Here’s to a healthy, happy, peaceful, contented and successful year, loaded with many hugs and laughs! ROSE and HAL KRAVITZ L’Shanah Tovah to our friends at CBI. May this be a year of peace, health and happiness! Judy, Howard, Mark and Jonathan Brostoff L’Shanah Tovah A Happy, Healthy New Year to all The Sommer Family Steven, Erika, Daniel and Eli L’Shanah Tovah To all our friends at CBI for a healthy and happy New Year! Sheila and Jay Witzling and Family A healthy and happy New Year to all! The Bridger Family L’Shanah Tovah to all our friends at CBI! The Siegel Family Blossom, Helene, David, Seth, Yasuko, Adam and Sam L’Shanah Tovah Wishing all our CBI friends a very healthy and happy New Year! Brian and Sarah Chisick Wishing you a joyful and healthy New Year Deborah and Harris Goodman Wishing all our CBI friends a very healthy and happy New Year Phyllis Abrams and Steve Littman Wishing our CBI family mazel, L’Shanah Tovah! The Shapiros Bruce, Marcy, Matt, Amanda and Molly May your year be filled with health and happiness Michelle and Paul Madick L’Shanah Tovah Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year. Sandy and Robert Klein Happy New Year to our CBI family David and Gloria Friedman Best wishes for sweet New Year Arvin and Beth Katlen L’Shanah Tovah Carolyn and Allan David and Family L’Shanah Tovah Harry and Yetty Kaye and Family Shanah Tovah U’gmar Hatimah Tovah Joel and Ingrid Gallin L’Shanah Tovah Anja and Bertil Askelid Best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year Barry and Joanne Hanik L’Shanah Tovah Tony, Jean Andrea and Caroline Kravitz L’Shanah Tovah Toby and Bill Langstaff L’Shanah Tovah David and Phyllis Iser L’Shanah Tovah to our friends at CBI Ingrid, Howard, Hannah and Keren Rosenthal Wishing you a happy New Year Bob and Marsha Sklar L’Shanah Tovah Lisa Heller and Family Happy New Year Phyllis and Al Steinberg Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year Ed and Fredda Sussman L’Shanah Tovah Scott and Bonnie Kirsch L’Shanah Tovah Sylvia and Leonard Garber Shanah Tovah U'metuka Francine and Colin Wenhardt L’Shanah Tovah to our friends at CBI Jonathan and Cynthia Fine and Family L’Shanah Tovah Janice and Harris Shultz Wishing everyone a happy, healthy New Year Earl and Sandy Stein Wishing you health and peace Marcia and Marshall Margolis Shanah Tovah U’metuka Susan Seely L’Shanah Tovah and thank you for your support Joyce Walter L’Shanah Tovah Nancy and Mitchell Moss L’Shanah Tovah Jon and Nanci Patchen May you be inscribed for a year of health and happiness. L’Shanah Tovah ~ The Raskins Shanah Tovah ~ The Adler Family Janet and Anvar Alfi The Cedar Family L’Shanah Tovah ~ The Cortez Family Best wishes to our family and friends ~ Mark and Sue Ann Cross Ann and Gavin Jonas Julian Feldman L’Shanah Tovah to our CBI Family and Friends ~ Elaine & Jack Finkelstein Sandy and John Goodman L’Shanah Tovah ~ Arlene Kaplan Gunther and Frances Kallman Leslie and Matt Kaufman Shirley and Leonard Kessler Carol Lehrer Bob and Edythe Messe The Michaels Family Shanah Tovah ~ Carole Miller Jim Kauss and Pam Pasino Nancy and Arnold Raymon Annie and Jeff Shugarman L’Shanah Tovah to all ~ Batia Swed David and Ofra Willner To our CBI family, L’Shanah Tovah! Erline and Harry Krebs L’Shanah Tovah Wishing everyone peace, health and happiness in the New Year. The Lerners Mark, Noreen, Mariah and Haley Wishing you all a peaceful and happy New Year The Vishny Family Mike, Natalie, Max, Joey and Hanna 40 Days to Becoming Your Best: Jewish Pathways to Wholeness L’Shanah Tovah A Learning Project for Small Groups On Yom Kippur, we as a community will commence a 40-day journey of personal growth. “40 Days to Becoming Your Best” is designed to build on the communal uplift of the High Holy Days into fostering relationships and deepening reflection and personal growth. We will be crafting small groups that will meet once a week over five weeks, basing our learning on Rabbi Spitz’s book Increasing Wholeness: Jewish Wisdom and Guided Meditations. Participants will receive a copy of the book, a daily quote and reflections, and a workbook. Each High Holy Day sermon will cover a facet of the learning process. For hosts, we will have a celebration Friday night dinner at CBI on October 30th. Please go to our website www.cbi18.org to learn more, sign up, and join our Facebook Group (Becoming Your Best), which will allow for sharing reactions to the daily quotes. Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger to all our friends at Congregation B’nai Israel. May 5776 bring you all Peace, Health and Happiness and we wish you an Easy and Meangingful Fast. To Rabbi Spitz, and to all the wonderful CBI staff ~ and especially to the dedicated teachers and staff of the Child Development Center ~ we say THANK YOU for our home away from home! Michael and Jackie Wolf As a child in Germany, Dr. Wollschlaeger was troubled by his parents’ shadowy past in the Nazi party, and was further disturbed by the continuing effects of anti-Semitism after the 1972 Summer Olympics. Join us to hear the personal account of Dr. Wollschlaeger’s history in post-war Germany and his struggles with faith and identity which led to Judaism and acceptance of his own decisions. Sunday, October 25 at 7pm $20 - reserved seating and dessert reception $10 - unreserved seating Underwritten by the Rosyln and Joseph Baim Family Foundation Barbara and Joseph Baim Congregation B’nai Israel 2111 Bryan Ave., Tustin, CA 92782 (714) 730-9693 cbi18@cbi18.org www.cbi18.org