January 2007
January 2007
J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 7 KPETS Keynotes Keeping Pet Therapy Volunteers Konnected! Jay Stutz: Host of Animal Planet’s Good Dog is Coming to Town Everyone mark your calendars for Saturday, April 28, 2007 and make sure you tell anyone who will listen. KPETS is having a fundraising dinner to help with the costs of our continued growth of the valuable service that we provide to the residents of our communities. The Dinner Committee is working very hard to make this event a success, so help us out by spreading the word. The dinner will be held at the Garden Room of the beautiful Felicitia Resort and Spa in Harrisburg. There will be a reception, dinner, silent auction and door prizes. Paul Scott from Smooth Jazz 92.7 will be providing the music and emceeing the event. Last, but not least, there will be an interesting and informative presentation from Jay Stutz, host of Animal Planet’s Good Dog U. The next Dinner Committee meeting is January 15th and we will be finalizing many of the details for the event, as well as increasing solicitations for silent auction items and door prizes. Flyers will be placed in businesses and Public Service Announcements are anticipated to begin in February, so get your tickets now, before they are sold out. Log onto www.kpets.org and look over the website that was just designed specifically for the dinner event. The website will be continuously updated so check back often for more details. If anyone, other than those already on the Dinner Committee, is interested in performing minor tasks the night of the dinner, please contact roslynr@kpets.org. Come one, come all and spend an exciting “Evening with Jay Stutz”! Microchip / Lifetime Dog License Clinic KPETS second annual Microchip / Lifetime Dog License Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, February 3, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It will be held at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Dr. Sloyer from Neffsville Vet Clinic (and KPETS board member) will be administering the microchips. Mr. Craig Ebersole, the Lancaster County Treasurer has agreed to come out and set up remotely to take applications and distribute the life-time dog licenses to those who get the microchip or have proof their dog is already chipped. We are looking into discounting the registra- tion fee through the microchip company for this event, but have not finalized the details quite yet. If your dog is not micro chipped, what are you waiting for! If you can help staff the event, please contact Jenny at 717-808-0143 or events@kpets.org. See you there! Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services OUR MISSION: KPETS is a non-profit organization established to promote Animal Assisted Therapy/Animal Assisted Activities (AAT/AAA) by recruiting, educating, uniting and coordinating volunteers with the facilities, social agencies and special-needs programs whose clients may benefit from the healing and rehabilitating effects of the animal/human bond. The unconditional love of our pets is shared with those of all ages and from all walks of life. KPETS BOARD • Karen Gerth, President • Laura Whitman, Vice President, Secretary • Bill Gerth • Jim Martin • Dr. Andrew Sloyer 590 Centerville Road #107 Lancaster, PA 17601 717.333.kpet (5738) info@kpets.org If you shop on the web, go to www.igive.com. Sign up, and choose KPETS as your cause. A percent of the cost of your order will be donated to KPETS. MANY stores to choose from! PAGE 2 KPETS KEYNOTES Holiday Happenings….A Recap SMIDGEN, GIRL SCOUT HONORARY On October 14th, Smidgen was an honorary Girl Scout for a day. As part of a local Girl Scout animal fair held at Camp Catherine in Hershey, Smidgen and her mom, Nan Hanshaw Roberts, helped promote careers in animal health and the joys of being part of a therapy dog team. Smidgen allowed the With handler, Nan HanshawRoberts CHRISTMAS PARADE scouts to listen to her heartbeat and smother her with attention while Nan explained how the KPETS teams help people who are lonely or sick by visiting them in hospitals, nursing homes, and other places. Smidgen’s grandma (and favorite dog sitter) Nancy and her friend Morgan helped distribute KPETS brochures and complimentary dog treats from Pet HQ on a very windy day. Eighty-one Girl Scouts participated in the animal fair. Most of the girls are too young to become certified handlers yet, but many said that as soon as they are old enough, they want to join the group. -Nan Hanshaw-Roberts KPETS Community Night Fundraiser at Isaac’s on Centerville Road was an easy way for KPETS to raise a few dollars. All we had to do is get the word out to come enjoy dinner at Isaac’s on Sunday, November 5 and bring along our special flyer. Then 25% of those checks was donated to KPETS. We received $197.90, slightly above the average according to Isaac’s contacts. Thank you, everyone who came out to enjoy the fine food and support KPETS at the same time! Manor Care in Elizabethtown had a group event on Nov 18. Mary Gottfreid reported that they ended up with only 3 teams: Mary/Murray, Bev Smith/ Rosie, and Bobbie Sayer/Syretta. Barb Kennedy was to come as well but was still recovering from surgery and was in no condition to attend after all. With only three teams, we decided to do visiting rather than a ‘dog-show’. Everyone at Manor Care got a visit that day! Rosie entertained a group of higher-functioning folks in the lounge with tricks, and Murray and Syreeta did bedside visits. Most got to see at least two of the dogs, and for them, this was a real treat. 99% of the people at Manor Care in E-town are in wheelchairs or confined to beds. There are a lot of Alzheimer's and dementia patients. This is a small place with limited resources. Barb and Mary want to do a real 'dog show' after the holidays with at least six teams. Watch KPETS Keynotes for the date. OR if you would be interested in visiting this facility, please contact Barb at BarbnBobK@comcast.net / ( 717)3675637 or Mary 717-361-2507 / weidmama@etown.edu. - THANKS! KPETS orientation on 12/9 had 9 new potential volunteers attending! Community Fellowship Church invited KPETS teams to attend their annual Christmas Community Outreach on December 21. Gini Swatzell and Trey, Karen Gerth and Sammy, and Becki KEYSTONE PET ENHANCED Holiday Happenings..Recap (con’t) Lieberknecht and her husband with Farmer and James ventured out to the main event. With all the people PLUS horse drawn carriages, alpacas, sheep, and donkeys, the pups got plenty of socialization. Sam even got a kiss from one of the donkeys! He/ she was just an inch or two taller than he. There was plenty of food, hot dogs, cookies hot chocolate, and smoores for all to enjoy. Carolers in Charles Dickens's era attire meandered through the crowd. It was a beautiful night to enjoy the celebration of Jesus’ birth around the live nativity scene. Kpets marched in the annual Elizabethtown Santa Clause Parade Sunday evening, Dec. 3rd. Despite the chilly weather, we had a very nice turnout— a total of 10 dogs participated! There was a huge crowd of spectators in the town square. As we passed the review stand, I think every dog thought that the lights, the music, and the candy thrown in their path, were meant just for him or her! All the dogs and handlers were in a festive mood, and Ginny’s float and headgear were real show-stoppers! Thanks to everyone who participated! I think Kpets can be proud of the way they were represented! THERAPY SERVICES PAGE 3 What’s Coming Up? Unless otherwise indicated, contact Jenny Rule at events@kpets.org or (717) 808-0143 to sign up to help with any of these events or if you have any questions. • • • • • ® 2nd and 4th Tuesdays - Dog Obedience Workshops, Mennonite Home, Meadow View Activities Room 6:30 PM Donation per session appreciated. Pre-assessments can be scheduled for the evenings. Contact Wendy at Training@kpets.org or if you don’t have email call Karen at 717333-5738 to schedule pre-assessment. ® January 6 - 13 - Farm Show: Discover What Dogs Can Do: Learning Booth. Our first Info Booth at the Farm Show! Saturday, January 20 - Volunteer Round Table, Mountville, PA 9 a.m. RSVP Carl at misskatiesdad@webtv.net or (717) 397-7882. Saturday, February 3 - Microchip/Life-time Dog License Clinic, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. That Pet Place / That Fish Place, Lancaster. Help needed to staff the event. Saturday, April 28 - An Evening with Jay Shultz 5:30 p.m.. At the beautiful Felicitia Resort and Spa in Harrisburg. Get your tickets early. You won’t want to miss this event. Our first major fundraiser dinner! Be sure to check www.kpets.org on the KPETS Kalendar page for additional updates! Note: Due to insurance purposes, events designated ® are only open to REGISTERED therapy teams (KPETS, Delta, TD Inc. etc.) OR teams who have taken KPETS Orientation and are working on evaluations. Volunteer Round Table - New Location! On December 7 we held our Volunteer Roundtable at a new location Moveable Feast in Mountville. We were extremely pleased with their hospitality and the scrumptious dinner! Several volunteers have suggested we try a different time so folks who work evenings may attend. We will be trying this for the next couple times to see if this will work out better. It will be held at 9 am on the third Saturday of odd numbered months so our next on will be January 20. Please contact Carl Speros if you plan to attend: (717) 397-7882 or misskatiesdad@webtv.net. Hope to see you there! It’s a great way to meet other volunteers and to just enjoy a great time with folks with common interests! Directions to Round Table at Moveable Feast - 350 Highland Dr # 150. From 30, take Mountville exit. Turn onto Stony Battery Rd. (North - away from town). Make first left onto Highland Drive at Getty Station. Restaurant is located in the office complex. You’ll see the sign when you turn in. PAGE 4 KPETS KEYNOTES Documentation Necessary! Andy and Linda Euclide have been working hard at keeping our membership database current and up-to-date. On top of all that work, they are also keeping track of the number of volunteers hours! We cannot stress enough the importance of documenting and sending in your volunteer hours and additional information each month or at a minimum of each quarter. This data is very important for our 501c3 status and is necessary for any grants we apply for. But note that, not only are the hours spent volunteering needed, but also the type of volunteering AND the number of people who benefit from you service. KPETS is not just about our dogs; it’s about helping PEOPLE who are less fortunate. This is imperative for stats needed in grant applications. It brings authenticity to what we do. It suggests we are serious about what we do, not just a group of dog-crazy people looking for things to do with our pets. The benefits of our visits will no longer be abstract but show actual numbers of our efforts. Below is a section of the actual form to be used with examples of how to report your efforts. The form is located on our website under Forms and Documents. It is available in MSWord or in Acrobat Reader format. Of if you need a few mailed to you please contact Linda at the address below. Please submit this data to Linda at volhours@kpets.org or call 717-355-5232 or mail to: Linda Euclide, 208 Willow Ridge, New Holland, PA 17557. Thank you much for the extra effort needed to complete and submit this information. -Karen Gerth Type of visit is V – one-to-one, G – Group, A – Administrative, E – Event Location Date Type Hours Travel Time V Number visited 8 1 1/4 hours 40 minutes Miles traveled 24 miles Mennonite Home, Lancaster ,PA Neffsville Elementary, Neffsville, PA Admin, Newsletter Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, PA 12/24/06 11/21/06 E 150 6 hours 30 minutes 16 miles 12/26/06 A 0 2 hours 0 0 10/28/06 G 18 1 hour 1 hour 60 miles Reminders! • • • Your assistance and feedback is appreciated! Contribute your KPETS Keynotes stories, articles, corrections, comments and suggestions to keynotes@kpets.org, to be published in our monthly KPETS Keynotes Newsletter. Please submit all your KPETS volunteer hours and details to volhours@kpets.org or call Linda at 717-355-5232 Therapy teams from other organizations whose registration is expiring are welcome to join KPETS. Read & sign the KPETS manual packet and one supervised visit are all that are necessary. For the $25 registration fee you will have KPETS insurance and receive the KPETS manual and newsletter. Your registration also helps cover ongoing expenses for KPETS. KEYSTONE PET ENHANCED THERAPY PAGE SERVICES We’re getting Visiting Opportunities Famous! Diane Dayton, of Blue Ridge Cable Channel 11’s show, Behind the Lines noticed our Isaac’s Community Night flyers at the UPS Store on Centerville Road. This was the first she heard of KPETS. She contacted Karen after looking at our website. To make a long story short, KPETS was featured in a halfhour program the week of Dec 18 – 22. The taping of the show was done in three segments. The first included an explanation of what KPETS is, where we go, etc. with Karen Gerth and Sammy. The second segment added Haley Turner from Schreiber Pediatric, her therapist Nancy Herrmann, Jenny Rule and Maddy. As you can expect with kids and dogs it was quite an exciting segment (especially when Karen was glued to the couch due to a microphone attachment to her shirt.) The final segment was about how others can get involved. We should be getting the DVD of the program any day now. (Karen MAY get it be posted on the website) Your Pet Connection:Have you noticed the new Your Pet Connection Magazine floating around the area. It a new publication for all of us pet lovers! But you really need to look for the February issue! They will be featuring KPETSl Watch for it at your local pet stores of check it out on line at ypconline.net! Elizabethtown Chronicle Mary Compassionate Care Hospice - Contact Aubrey Smith at (717) 203-7104 or smith9900@comcast.net. Minimal one-hour orientation will be set up at your convenience - even before or after a visit.. Lebanon Teams Cedar Haven, Lebanon Valley Home, Manor Care, Hearthstone Nursing, and Stonebridge. Please contact Sylvia at sylvia_flinchbaugh@yahoo.com or 717-865-2385 Evergreen Estates - Lancaster, PA: Tuesday mornings. Contact Anita at gyanwolfe@dejazzd.com or 717-627-0478. Octorara Elementary School - School Reading program is looking for teams to volunteer one hour every other week or every week. Contact Rita Boryszak (610) 593-8242 x 2008 rboryszak@octorara.org Gottfreid was also featured in the Elizabethtonw Chronicle! Be sure to pick up a copy of the January 4 paper. It was on two pages. It was quite an extensive article. Thanks, Mary for the encouraging comments in the story. Your dedication and enthusiasm was portrayed well! You made KPETS proud! Central PA Magazine Laura Whitman While staffing the KPETS info booth at Woofstock this year, we got a pleasant surprise. A woman introduced herself to me as a freelance writer for Central Pennsylvania magazine. This is a monthly publication that all folks who donate to public television receive. It’s approximate circulation is to 30,000 homes! She was assigned to do a story on KPETS! Was I shocked! The interview was done via e-mail and last week a photographer followed me around Palmyra Nursing Home. The article is to appear in the Central Stories section of the February issue. 2007 KPETS Kalendars Our first attempt at professionally printed versions of the KPETS Kalendar was a success with sales for each version reaching close to 100 kalendars! These Kalendars feature pets and teams from KPETS. There is the main KPETS Kalendar and then a Hershey Medical Center version. It’s not too late to get yours! For the main Kalendar, contact Jenny Rule at 717-8080143 or events@kpets.org. For the Hershey Medical Center version, contact Laura Whitman at lauraw@kpets.org or 717–368-9993. Get ready for next years! We’ll be starting early to get photos and ideas! Ideas and suggestions are welcome! Thank you everyone for your time, efforts and support of these two projects! 5 PAGE 6 KPETS KPETS Key Konnectors KEYNOTES Save these pages (6 & 7) these will be quarterly only. Volunteer Roundtable Planner: Carl Speros 717-397-7882 or GrayGhostYankee@webtv.net - 6:30 p.m. - NEW DAY/TIME - Third Saturday of odd numbered months - Next on January 20 at Moveable Feast near Mountville. 9 a.m. Phone Buddy Coordinator: If you do not have email, contact Bobbie to get set up with a phone buddy to keep you informed between newsletters. Bobbie Sayer 717-733-0929 or jsayer@dejazzd.com New Recruit Contact: Guiding and helping potential volunteers get lined up with orientation by responding to questions via emails and phone calls. Bev Smith 717-350-6175 or info@kpets.org or *Chris Bordner 717-567-3852 or team.mytherapypets@bluetie.com Orientation Follow-up Guide: Guiding volunteers through the registration process once orientation has been completed. BJ Shollenberger 717-397-9384 or bjshollen@juno.com or *Gini Swartzell 717 732-5772 or vpompoo@aol.com Volunteer Hours Tracking & Membership Files: Please be sure to report your volunteer hours and travel time (as a separate amount) each month to Linda Euclide at 717-355-5232 or volhours@kpets.org. Events Coordinator: Coordinating and staffing KPETS events. Jenny Rule 717 808-0143 or events@kpets.org Pre-assessment Testers: Wendy McKelvy 717-285-9719 or training@kpets.org and Mary Merrell 717-259-8759 or marym@kpets.org KPETS Team Evaluators for On-Site Supervised Visits Laura Whitman Wendy McKelvy Roslyn Rhodes Jody Rosser Leanne Spurlin Bill Townsend 717-368-9993 717-285-9719 717-243-6972 717-725-4522 717-898-6418 610-932-4401 or or or or or or lauraw@kpets.org tig143ger@aol.com roslynr@kpets.rog jrosser@lnpnews.com lspurlin28@yahoo.com wptownsendoxford@yahoo.com Harrisburg / Carlisle Area Visits Facility Day of Week Time City Facility Team Leader Bosler Library Fridays* 6:30pm Carlisle Roslyn Rhodes Bridges at Bent Creek Alt Tuesdays* Saturday 2nd 10:00am 10:00am Mechanisburg Roslyn Rhodes Church of God Home Claremont Nursing Home Alt Tuesdays* Sunday 1st 6:30pm Misc times Carlisle Carlisle Roslyn Rhodes Roslyn Rhodes Country Meadows Tuesday 1st & 3rd Saturday 4th 6:30pm 11:00am Mechanicsburg Roslyn Rhodes Frederickson Library Messiah Village Mondays* Sunday 2nd Tuesday 1st Tuesday 4th 6:30pm 3:00pm 6:30pm 6:00pm Camp Hill Mechanicsburg Roslyn Rhodes Roslyn Rhodes Thursday 2nd 6:30pm Perry Village every Thursday Alt Tuesdays* 9:00am 1:30pm New Bloomfield Roslyn Rhodes Stonebridge Health & Rehab Cntr Sunday 1st & 3rd 3:30pm Duncannon Roslyn Rhodes every Monday Thursday 3rd 10:30am 6:15pm KEYSTONE PET ENHANCED THERAPY PAGE SERVICES KPETS SCHEDULE OF VISITS (Please contact events@kpets.org if you are interested in any “*” visits.) Facility *Acadia Adult Day Care Audubon Villa *Barnes Hall Day of Week Tuesday Tuesday 2nd & 4th Wednesday 1st Thursdays 1st & 3rd Time 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. City Lancaster Lancaster Lititz Lancaster Berkshire Commons Brethren Village Thursdays Tuesday 1st & 3rd 11:00 a.m. Wyomissing 6:30 p.m. Neffsville Cambridge Colonial Hall Colonial Lodge Conestoga View Country Meadows Misc times Monday Misc times Sunday Twice monthly Misc times 2:30 p.m. Misc times 3:00 p.m. Lancaster Denver Lancaster Lancaster Facility Team Leader *Carol Hopwood BJ Shollenberger Frank & Ginni Fossa Mark Stoner Ann Palmer Darlene Creighton (Leanne Spurlin) BJ Shollenberger Bobbie Sayer Pat Wood Luann Rittenhouse (see website for dates) Ephrata Manor Wednesday 1st & 3rd 6:30 p.m. Ephrata Kim Michener Evergreen Estates Village Tuesday 1st & 3rd 10:00 a.m. Lancaster Anita Wolfe Fairmont Homes 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 6:30 p.m. Ephrata Rick/Jen Cammauf Garden Spot Village Wednesday 3rd day New Holland Ned Taylor Hamilton Arms Wednesday 2nd & 4th 6:30 p.m. Lancaster BJ Shollenberger and Carl Speros Harrison House Friday 3rd 2:00 p.m. Christiana Serve Us Canines Hearthstone, Monday 2nd & 4th 10:00 a.m. Mount Joy Connie McCarthy LRMC Adult Day Care Tuesdays 10:00 a.m. Lancaster BJ Shollenberger *Lititz Library - Paws to Read Saturdays Morning Lititz *Anita Wolfe Luther Acres Wednesday 3rd 6:30 p.m. Lititz Frank & Ginni Fossa ManorCare Wednesday (every other) 6:30 p.m. Elizabethtown Barb Kennedy ManorCare Thursdays 1st & 3rd 6:30 p.m. Elizabethtown Mary Gottfried Masonic Village Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Elizabethtown Joyce Grix Masonic Village Friday 12:30 p.m. Elizabethtown Bobbie Sayer Mennonite Home Monday 6:30 p.m. Lancaster Joe & Crystal Hess Moravian Manor Wednesday 2nd 6:30 p.m. Lititz Frank & Ginni Fossa Oak Leaf Manor Monday 1st & 3rd 3:00 p.m. Millersville Tiffany Zook *Phil Haven 1st Monday 6:30 p.m. Mt Gretna Andy/Linda Euclide *Phil Haven Group Home Saturdays Mt Gretna *Bev Smith Reidenbaugh Elementary TBD Lititz June Wise Rheems Nursing & Rehab Cntr Wednesday 1st & 3rd 6:30 p.m. Rheems Wendy McKelvy *Schreiber Pediatric Thursdays 10:30 a.m. Lancaster *Karen Gerth *Schreiber Pediatric Thursdays 2:00 p.m. Lancaster *Jenny Rule Susquehanna Rehab & Nursing Sunday every other Columbia Becki Lieberknecht The Glen, Willow Valley Friday every other 6:30 p.m. Willow Street Jody Rosser & Carl Speros Twin Oaks Thursdays 1st 6:30 p.m. Campbelltown Lisa Hetzel Twin Oaks Sunday Campbelltown Nan Roberts United Zion Wednesday 4th 6:30 p.m. Lititz Frank & Ginni Fossa *Upper Bay Counseling Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Elkton, MD *Linda Please check this list and send any changes or additions to kareng@kpets.org or Bunch call 717.333.5738. Village Vista Wednesday 3rd Thanks 6:30 p.m. Lancaster Nancy Thomas so much Ware Presbyterian Village Wednesday 1st & 3rd 6:30 p.m. Oxford Bill Townsend Westminster Ridge Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. Westminster, Mary Merrill MD 7 KPETS Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services 590 Centerville Road #107 Lancaster, PA 17601 Phone: 717-333-kpet (5738) KPETS Mailing address has changed (see above) Please make a note of it. The PO Box 8752 and 618 Springton Way addresses are no longer valid. Thank you! Help Wanted! Keynotes Editor is needed asap: This position is desperately needed to be filled! There are a lot of administrative duties that go on behind the scenes of KPETS operations. In order for us to stay all-volunteer and to continue to function efficiently and grow, we do need help with jobs like this. We are extremely grateful to all who volunteer at all levels. KPETS wouldn’t be here if not for all our dedicated volunteers. But if you have computer skills and like to be in the loop of what’s happening with KPETS and our volunteers, PLEASE consider pitching in at this level. We can set you up with a KPETS email account designated just for newsletter emails, etc. Board Treasurer Our board is up for officer elections this month and we do know that *Pam Formica will not be able to continue to serve. This positions requires someone who will be able to monitor the financial aspects as well as make sure we are current with all filings, etc. Grant writing or resources a plus! Please contact Karen at 717-333-5738 or kareng@kpets.org for additional information on either position. Thank you so much! Don’t forget to see Laura at her new pet store: Pet HQ 501 E Main St Palmyra, PA (717) 838-7387 *Thank you Pam! for all your hard work to keep KPETS in the black! Your organizational skills, knowledge and guidance for the past two years has been invaluable to us! We wish you and your family a wonderful and prosperous 2007! (and beyond!)