Birthday List - Corvina Base


Birthday List - Corvina Base
Meetings are held on the first Saturday
Of each month at Denny’s Coffee
Shop, 205 E. Nugget Ave. Sparks NV
At 1400 hours.
Newsletter index
Base Officers
Pg. 2
Commanders Log
Secretary Report
Treasures Report
Chaplain’s Corner
Hawthorne Parade
Calendar of Events
Birthday List
Booster Club
Memorial Day
Freedom in America
Classified Ads
Holland Club
Harry Wellman CS1 (SS)
Harry Sembagh EN3 (SS)
Melvin Phillips ET1 (SS)
Boyd Tieslau TM3 (SS)
Russel Scofield TMCS (SS)
Robert Rich EN1 (SS)
Donald Campbell TM2 (SS)
Francis Signore CSC (SS)
Harold Lister EN3 (SS)
Stanley Blair ICC (SS)
James Avitt RM1 (SS)
Richard Burdette LT. (SS)
Charles H. Massie TM1 (SS)
Wayne F. Garrett ET2 (SS)
Elvin L. Morrison FTC (SS)
Larry Garrelts ETCS(SS)
Erick Bjorum CWO(SS)
Melvin Schreckengost ET2
Norm Snyder EM1(SS)
Charles Hyman MM2(SS)
James T. Wright III
Gordon Lane RMC(SS)
Chester E. MacDowell TMI (SS)
Edwin V. Schalbert TMC (SS)
Jerry D. Noma MM2(SS)
Richard Ekenberg , ETC(SS)
Gerald Stratton ENC(SS)
Base Commander
Dave Aunkst
Vice Commander
Dennis Wiley
Pete Akerson
Don Brown
Bob Heaps
Frank Urbani
Paul Allen
Norm Peterson
Assistant Chaplain
Past Base Commander
Terry Bolen
Marcedes Parsons
Dan Moran
Our Creed
To perpetuate the memory of our Shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their
duties while serving their country.
That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation
toward greater accomplishments.
Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.
The meeting attendance for May continues to be great. If you haven’t been able to make an effort to
attend meetings, please do, the more the merrier. If nothing else, the 50/50 raffle prize should be
much more of a draw. May is/was a busy month. On May 10th we had Corvina Base’s seventh annual “Pride Runs Deep” awards ceremony at the Damonte Ranch High School, Mustang Battalion
NJROTC in Reno. This years Cadet was SN Joshua Dimaano, picked by the Unit Commander as
having pride in self, unit, school, community and country. Also, he was recently “Cadet of the Quarter”, seems like a fine young man, and was appreciative of the award. The past recipients of the
PRD award, have done very well according to their accomplishments and awards this year.
We also prepared the Sub Float for the first parade of the year at the Hawthrone Armed Forces Day
celebration. The Parade on May 18th, was great and the weather couldn’t have been better. We
had a very good turn-out of 12 members and at least four ladies. The parade must have lasted for
two hours and was well received by the crowds along the way. Governor Sandoval attended along
with many military, police and fire units. I had heard that there would be no fly-over at the beginning
due to the sequester, but aircraft managed to show up anyway. Thanks to all who attended, and
many thanks to Pete and Nancy Akerson for pulling the float and donating the fuel costs. Their
shiny new truck should be all broken in now.
Hopefully some of you make it to the Fernley Veterans Cemetery for the Memorial Service on May
27th. In past years, I was impressed how the attendance has grown; you have to get there early to
get a close parking space. The new Vietnam War Monument was also dedicated, honoring those
Nevadans “Killed in Action”, built by the Ghost Riders Motorcycle group. It’s a great addition to the
memorials there. Don’t forget the Western District 5, joint base meeting on Saturday, June 22nd.
The purpose is to improve the communications among the district bases, and will include a tour of
the Sub memorial at the nearby San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery at Santa Nella. It is open to
all USSVI members, and they will meet at Espana’s Southwest Bar and Grill in Los Banos, CA at
The Navy's Medal of Honor, authorized December 21, 1861, is the oldest continuous use military
award in America.
Source: US Military Medals: 1939 to Present. Foster and Borts, Medals of America Press.
The Meeting was called to order by Commander Aunkst as COB Heaps sounded this month's version of two blasts on the klaxon. After the Invocation by Chaplain Paul Allen, The Pledge of Allegiance, reading of the USSVI Creed, Tolling of the Bell and moment of silent prayer for all departed
shipmates, friends and family followed in their usual order. There were 26 members and guests present. Since none of the attending members or guests were new, there were no introductions.
The minutes of the April meeting were accepted as published in the Newsletter.
XO/Recruiter Dennis Wiley reported no new members for this month and urged all members to carry
a few Corvina Base Cards with them to hand out to submariners they might meet who sre not members of Corvina Base or USSVI. Please see Dennis if you need any Base cards.
Secretary Pete Akerson reported that we have not received any new mail requiring action by the
Treasurer Don Brown reported that the Base is still in very sound financial condition.
Storekeeper Frank Urbani reported that no new items have been added to the Ship's Store and that
he is still seeking someone to relieve him as SK.
Chaplain Paul Allen reported no additions to the Binnacle list.
Newsletter Editor Norm Peterson reported that with the addition of one more ad in the Newsletter,
the ads will have provided enough funds to cover the Newsletter postage for the current year
COB Heaps reported that the May Lunch Bunch gathering will be at Black Bear Diner, 2323 S. Virginia St., Reno on May 17, 2013.
There was no Member-at-large report.
THe Seventh Annual "Pride Runs Deep" Award will be presented to a worthy NJROTC Cadet in the
gymnasiun at Damonte Ranch High School at 1900 on Fiday,
May 10, 2013. Corvina Base proudly supports the Damonte Ranch NJROTC Mustang Battallion
throughout the year.
Corvina Base will be participating in the annual Armed Forces Day parade in Hawthorne, NV on Saturday, May 18, 2013. THe parade starts at 1200, but we are required to be in place by 1000 for
judging. Info regarding car-pooling will be published as it becomes available.
Thus far, Corvina Base is the only bidder to host the 2016 USSVI Convention. Don Brown will keep
us advised on the status of our bid. Please be prepared to offer some assistance in this effort.
After a brief recess, the monthly 50/50 raffle was conducted with the following results: First Aid Kit Primo Quarisa Car Magnet - Marcedes Parsons Flashlight - Primo Quarisa Wine - Dan Moran
Lithograph - Frank Urbani Brandy - Dave Porras Wine - Yerry Bolen Lap Robe Mary Ellen
Schwichtenberg Cash ($52.00) - Frank Kenyon.
After the Benediction By Chaplain Allen, the meeting closed at 1444 as COB Heaps sounded his
newest version of three blasts on the klaxon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pete Akerson - Secretary
1. All account balances are available at Base meetings.
2. Deposits for May
From May meeting
3. Checks issued in May
Bob Heaps (website fee)
Frank Urbani (stores)
NAVY MASCOTS The navy mascots name is Bill XXVIII (28), there has been 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 carrier pigeon.
Goats have been the mascot since 1904.
Binnacle List
Lowell Wapelhorst: Lowell, one of our WWII Corvina Base members, had a birthday on May
18, and is now 87 years old. He qualified on the USS Angler (SS/SSK/AGGSS-240) in 1944.
Lowell was on the Binnacle List in the December newsletter after an over-night trip to the
Carson City Hospital and finally agreed with his family that he would move into an assisted
living facility in Carson City. His third floor room has a big window facing west toward the
beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains which he loves. Also, there’s a dining room with three
meals a day and no dirty dishes which he appreciates.
New mailing address: The Lodge, Lowell Wapelhorst, #351, 2200 E. Long St., Carson
City, NV 89706
Jack Quade: Jack is one of our WWII Corvina Base members who qualified on USS Skipjack
(SS-184) in 1943 and on May 7, celebrated his 87th birthday. In April he broke his hip and had
to spend three weeks in Manor Care Rehab in Reno after having two screws put in his hip to
help it heal. He is driving himself to therapy and doing great. Jack is thankful for the cards
that you have sent and appreciates your friendship.
Mailing address; 646 Riverview Circle, Reno, NV 89509-1101
Don Brown: A follow-up on Don Brown’s blood tests for congestive heart failure are still being analyzed by the doctors to determine his future treatment. So far it appears the doctors
do not agree on the type of treatment, but it doesn’t seem to be holding Don down because
he just made a trip to Las Vegas. NEWS FLASH! We just found out that Don Brown is going
into surgery tomorrow (Mon. May 26) to have his gall bladder removed. Our prayers are with
you Don.
Mailing address: 13730 Algonquin Trail, Reno, NV 89521-7220
A few notes about music and the military. During the Revolutionary War when the British
General Charles Cornwallis surrendered to the new United States military under General
George Washington on October 17, 1781, Cornwallis sent a young drummer boy onto the
field to play a song of truce. One soldier recorded that a British unit played bag pipes while
they waited for the surrender terms to be completed and a French unit responded to the
bagpipes by playing their own song. I remember one time when the USS Blackfin (SS-322)
pulled into Pearl Harbor, about 1964, after a six month Westpac and meeting us on the pier
were Hawaiian hula dancers and a Navy Band. To see and hear this event as a young submariner made me feel proud to be a US Navy sailor defending the freedom of the United States
of America. As an engineman I still wonder how I got to see this but we probably had time to
shut down our Detroit Diesel rockcrushers and go topside and see part of the ceremony. Of
course we probably looked at the hula girls with more interest than the Navy Band.
Scripture: Isaiah 38:20 “The Lord will save me, and we will sing with stringed instruments all
the days of our lives in the temple of the Lord.”
Prayer: Our loving Father, thank you for creating music for us to enjoy and soothe our souls.
As we celebrate the coming 4th of July, maybe with music such as the Star Spangled Banner
or America the Beautiful, we are thankful to you God for our freedom we have here in America, paid for by the blood of many patriots. We pray for our members on the Binnacle List
that you will walk with them through healing and restoration. Thank you Lord for hearing and
answering our prayers. Amen!
Hawthorne Parade
The following 12 members were at parade.
Bill Desormier, Robert Talbert, Pete Akerson, Dan Moran, Dave Aunkst, Wes Rece, Terry Bolen, Ed Brandenburg, Frank
Urbani, Norm Peterson, Dennis Wiley, Mark Hogan. (Plus at least four ladies)
Birthday List
1- Base Meeting 1400hrs
21- Lunch Bunch I 130hrs
11 Dave Miller
2- BOD Meeting 0900hrs
15 Harry Cousins
4- Independence Day Parade
17 Primo Quarisa
(Reno/ Alt. Virginia City)
18 Fred Hamilton
6- Base Meeting 1400hrs
27 Jeffery Woodward
l9- Lunch Bunch I 130hrs
28 William Parsons
30- BOD Meeting 0900hrs
Dan Steele
Steve Warner
Mark Hogan
Jack Quade
Terry Bolin
Leonard Stefanelli
Jim (Smokey) Jordan
Bill Parsons
Bob Heaps
R. Dennis Wiley
Dan Moran (2)
Dave Aunkst
Don Brown
Oscar Rambeau
Terry Sheldon-Brown
Bill Desormier
Scott Stanfill
Pete Akerson
Frank Kenyon
CLOTHES STOPS A small diameter cord, approximately 12 inches, used to tie laundry to a clothes
line -- the early Navy clothes pin. Issued in recruit training until 1973.
Stop To Salute On Memorial Day
EAGLE BASE, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- It was raining "cats and dogs" and I was late for
physical training.
Traffic was backed up at Fort Campbell, Ky., and was moving way too slowly. I was probably
going to be late and I was growing more and more impatient.
The pace slowed almost to a standstill as I passed Memorial Grove, the site built to honor the
soldiers who died in the Gander airplane crash, the worst redeployment accident in the history of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).
Because it was close to Memorial Day, a small American flag had been placed in the ground
next to each soldier's memorial plaque.
My concern at the time, however, was getting past the bottleneck, getting out of the rain and
getting to PT on time.
All of a sudden, infuriatingly, just as the traffic was getting started again, the car in front of
me stopped.
A soldier, a private of course, jumped out in the pouring rain and ran over toward the grove.
I couldn't believe it! This knucklehead was holding up everyone for who knows what kind of
prank. Horns were honking.
I waited to see the butt-chewing that I wanted him to get for making me late.
He was getting soaked to the skin. His BDUs were plastered to his frame. I watched-as he ran
up to one of the memorial plaques, picked up the small American flag that had fallen to the
ground in the wind and the rain, and set it upright again.
Then, slowly, he came to attention, saluted, ran back to his car, and drove off.
I'll never forget that incident. That soldier, whose name I will never know, taught me more
about duty, honor, and respect than a hundred books or a thousand lectures.
That simple salute -- that single act of honoring his fallen brother and his flag -- encapsulated
all the Army values in one gesture for me. It said, "I will never forget. I will keep the faith. I will
finish the mission. I am an American soldier."
I thank God for examples like that.
And on this Memorial Day, I will remember all those who paid the ultimate price for my freedom, and one private, soaked to the skin, who honored them.
~ Captain John Rasmussen ~
Freedom in America
Freedom in America
Isn't really free;
We often pay a price
To keep our liberty.
Remember those we loved,
Who fought for us, and died;
And those we never knew
For whom others mourned and cried.
At home our "war" for freedom
Is sadly overdue;
We've let corruption stage
A sad and grievous coup.
No longer can we brush off
Dishonesty and greed,
Lust for wealth and power;
We can't, we won't concede.
Complacency is weakness
Patriots can't afford;
We have to act on wrongs
That cannot be ignored.
We must give up some time,
Spent on other pleasures,
To restore America's freedom,
To keep America's treasures.
Money spent on trifles
Must now go to our cause:
Get rid of the offenders,
Constitutional outlaws.
Freedom in America
Isn't really free
It's up to American patriots;
It's up to you and me.
By Joanna Fuchs
The following business have generously donated to defray the costs of
printing and distributing the Corvina Base Newsletter.
Please consider using them if you need one of their services and
let them know you saw it in the newsletter.
Holland Club members are those submarine veterans of USSVI
(United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.) that qualified on a
submarine 50 or more years ago. When qualified, a sailor earns
the right to wear, and responsibility of, the dolphin insignia of
submarine service.
Russell Noragon MMC (SS)
James Tiernan QMC(SS)
Frank Urbani EN2 (SS)
USS Segundo SS-398
USS Irex SS-482
USS Gudgeon SS-567
Qual Date 1963
Qual Date 1958
Qual Date 1958
Clyde Webber ETNSN (SS)
Phillip Zeddies ENFN (SS)
Lowell Wapelhorst MOMM2(SS)
USS Angler SSK-240
USS Trumpefish SS-425
USS Caiman SS-323
Qual Date 1944
Qual Date 1954
Qual Date 1960
Arthur Akerson LCDR
Gerald Baer ENFN (SS)
Richard Barringer SOSN (SS)
USS Carbonero SS-337
USS Charr SS-328
USS Bang SS-385
Qual Date 1949
Qual Date 1959
Qual Date 1952
Joseph Casten EM3 (SS)
Dave Craig ETC (SS)
Terry Critchett EM3 (SS)
USS Baya AGSS-318
USS Croaker SS-246
USS Bluegill SS-242
Qual Date 1954
Qual Date 1961
Qula Date 1955
Richard Dentino EM3 (SS)
Paul Allen EN1 (SS)
Bruce Hedrick EM2 (SS)
USS Tigrone SS-419
USS Blackfin (SS-322)
USS Sea Dragon SS-584
Qual Date 1955
Qual Date 1963
Qual Date 1961
Donald Johnson RMC (SS)
James Jordan TMSN (SS)
Frank Kenyon EM3 (SS)
USS Charr SS-328
USS Toro SS-422
USS Skate SS-305
Qual Date 1958
Qual Date 1948
Qual Date 1944
Walter Lewis IC1 (SS)
Frank Lipera EM2 (SS)
Kenneth Anderson EMC (SS)
USS Rasher SS-269
USS Greenfish SS-351
USS Perch USS-313
Qual Date 1961
Qual Date 1960
Qual Date 1963
Holland Club Members (cont)
Kenneth McCray EN1 (SS)
Daniel Moran EN3 (SS)
Raoul Noland EM2 (SS)
USS Blackfin SS-322
USS Jallao SS-368
USS Trutta SS-421
Qual Date 1951
Qual Date 1959
Qual Date 1945
William Parsons RM1 (SS)
Jack Quade SN (SS)
Primo Quarisa EN3 (SS)
USS Thresher SS-200
USS Skipjack SS-184
USS Aspro SS-309
Qual Date 1941
Qual Date 1943
Qual Date 1952
Oscar Rambeau Qm3 (SS)
James Saunders SOS3 (SS)
Dennis Wiley E9 MMCM(MDV/SS/SW
USS Carp SS-338
USS Greenfish SS-351
USS Medregal (AGSS-480)
Qual Date 1954
Qual Date 1960
Qual Date 1963
Lionel Schmidt STS1 (SS)
Jon Schoenfeld ET2 (SS)
Delmar Schwichtenberg CWO3 (SS)
USS Seafox SS-402
USS Sea Cat SS-399
USS O6 SS-67
Qual Date 1955
Qual Date 1960
Qual Date 1941
Albert Skidmore YN2 (SS)
Herbert Starmer HMC (SS)
Leonard Stefanelli QM3 (SS)
USS Diodon SS-349
USS Cobia SS-245
USS Catfish SS-339
Qual Date 1947
Qual Date 1944
Qual Date 1954
David Aunkst ET1 (SS)
Rod Friedline STS1 (SS)
Gabriel Fretias SK3 (SS)
USS Rasher SS-269
USS Pomfret SS-391
USS Wahoo SS-565
Qual Date 1962
Qual Date 1962
Qual Date 1962
Harry Cousins LT
Norman Peterson IC2 (SS)
Robert Heaps IC2 (SS)
USS Chopper SS-342
USS Growler SSG-577
USS Grampus SS-523
Qual Date 1962
Qual Date 1962
Qual Date 1962
Bill Desormier SK3 (SS)
Wayne Levie SN (SS)
Elmer Hopson
USS Plunger SSN-595
USS Bashaw AGSS-241
USS Pomfret SS-391
Qual Date 1963
Qual Date 1963
Qual Date 1963