Simon School Information Technology Handbook for Students


Simon School Information Technology Handbook for Students
Quick Reference ............. 2
Network Credentials ...... 5
Wireless Access .............. 6
myIdentity Service ......... 7
E-mail System ............... 10
Blackboard ................... 11
Simon Exchange ........... 12
Simon Dashboard ......... 13
Library Resources ......... 14
Simon School Information
Technology Handbook for
An informational IT guide to assist students with their technological
needs, security, inquiries, and Simon resources.
Outlook Configuration . 15
Outlook Forwarding ..... 17
Outlook Archiving ........ 22
Mac Outlook 2011........ 25
E-mail Web Access ....... 28
Configuration ............... 29
Android Configuration . 32
Blackberry Configuration
..................................... 35
Simon School Printers .. 36
Frequently Asked
Questions ..................... 37
Computing Center Contact Information
Phone: 585-275-4407
Fax: 585-276-2995
Please find below a list of applications and advice concerning your computing needs. Many of the
applications can be downloaded via their associated webpage or installed by the Simon School
Computing Center’s Help Desk.
Please ensure that you have an anti-virus program on your computer and that it is up to date. The
University of Rochester has an anti-virus for download if you do not have one. Please go to to download the installer. You will
be required to input your NetID (see page 5 for network credential description) and password to
begin the install. The Sophos Anti-virus is free to all University of Rochester students. Only one antivirus is usually needed on a computer so please do not install multiple anti-virus programs.
Malware & Spyware
We ask that you have at least one malware and one spyware program on your computer. More
than one each may slow your computer speed so we suggest utilizing only one. We suggest Spybot
and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Spybot and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can be downloaded from Use the search bar at the top of the cnet webpage and it will direct you to
the install. These are free programs so please be sure not to download or install any that ask you to
purchase them.
Adobe Reader
Make sure that your Adobe Reader is the newest reader and is up to date. If you do not have Adobe
Reader or are not sure if it is the newest edition, you can install the Adobe Reader at
Adobe Digital Editions
Some of your library resources will require the use of Adobe Digital Editions. Please download and
install Adobe Digital Editions from
Internet Browser
We ask that you carry at least two internet browsers in case one of your internet browsers becomes
compromised or unusable. Please make sure you have a combination of the following browsers:
Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, or a browser you prefer. We recommend
the Internet Explorer browser and Mozilla Firefox browser for ease of compatibility with University
of Rochester websites and resources. Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser for Blackboard.
Virtual Private Network
Access to some of the University’s resources require the use of the VPN. The VPN is a secure
connection between your laptop and the University’s servers and can be downloaded from Choose River Campus on the left side of the page and then
choose the VPN for your operating system. When logging on, remember to use your NetID.
Simon Printers
The Simon printers run through a Print Server on campus. To add the printers you must be on
campus and using a University network connection (any besides Guest Wireless). The Simon
Printserver instructions are below on page 36.
Windows Operating System
We ask that your Windows Operating System be up to date with Windows Updates and that it be in
English. Windows 7 or Windows 8 is preferable.
Desktop Shortcuts
There are several shortcuts that we recommend you put on your desktop for the most used Simon
resources. To do so you will right click on your desktop -> New -> Shortcut. In the box for location
you can type in the address of your shortcut. We suggest you make a shortcut for the following
Simon Webmail:
Simon Exchange:
Simon Print Server: \\
Microsoft Office
Office 2010 is required. Please ensure you have Office 2010 installed and updated.
Risk Solver
Risk Solver is an Excel add-in that is required for a few of your classes. You will need to visit the
Simon School Computing Center’s Help Desk on the 4th floor of Schlegel Hall to have the install done.
Unfortunately this program is not available to students for self-install so please be sure to see the
consultants at the Help Desk for the install.
Macintosh Computers
Many of the programs for your classes require a Windows Environment. It is HIGHLY recommended
that you use a Windows Operating System computer for your studies here at Simon. If that is not
feasible, there are some options available to install Windows on your Macintosh. The two most
readily available options are a Virtual Machine application or Bootcamp. Parallels and VMware
Fusion are examples of Virtual Machine applications and can be purchased from almost any
electronic/computer store. Bootcamp is free and available through the Macintosh OS X operating
system. You can learn more about Bootcamp at, more
about Parallels from, and more about VMware Fusion from The Simon School Information
Technology Department recommends Parallels. Please see our Computing Center Help Desk for any
questions about Macintosh Computers.
E-mail Setup
Please follow the instructions on page 15 to configure your Simon e-mail client to begin sending and
receiving e-mail messages from professors, school administrators, and colleagues.
Software Available
Simon offers all their students the following software for free:
 Windows Operating Systems (currently Windows 7 and Windows 8)
 Office (currently Office 2010 and Office 2013)
 Risk Solver
 Mac Office (currently Mac Office 2011)
 Other programs requested by professors for use in certain classes
Class Recordings
In cases where you must miss class due to interviewing, a recruitment trip, or an out-of-town Simon
School sponsored event, the Information Technology department can record the missed class. The
student must request and receive permission from the professor to have the class recorded. The
student’s request, along with the professor’s permission, must be sent to with cc’d in on the email. It is best
to submit your request as early as possible to ensure all criteria have been met for the class
All students are issued a set of network credentials. From here forward they will be referred to as
“Simon Credentials” and “NetID”
Simon Credentials
The Simon Credentials require the username to be pre-pended with “ur\” at all times, unless
specified (such as course registration). These credentials will be used for your Simon Exchange,
Simon Webmail, Simon Printserver, and Simon Servers log in. EXCEPTION: The e-mail system
requires a student to log in with a username that includes the extension “”
Example: (E-mail System unless instructions
specify otherwise)
Example: ur\FirstName.LastName (All systems unless specified otherwise)
 How do I get my Simon Credentials?
When an account is created, the student will receive an e-mail from the Simon School Information
Technology department with their Simon username, Simon e-mail address, instructions for setting
their password, and an informational outline regarding their Simon credentials and NetID.
The e-mail will be sent to a secondary e-mail account designated by the student during the
admissions process. If you have any questions about your Simon credentials or did not receive the
e-mail with the Simon credentials, please contact the Simon School Computing Center at 585-2754407 or
Blackboard, UR_RC_Internalsecure Wireless, and University wide servers/sites are accessed via the
NetID. The NetID IS NOT pre-pended with “ur\” and will look similar to the example below. For
more information about obtaining a NetID, go to:
Example: asmith1
 How do I get my NetID?
Once you have your URID, (eight-digit University Student Identification number), go to the
University’s main website’s NetID page at:
Your “Student ID number” is equal to/same as your “University ID number”.
Enter your “Student ID number” and your birthdate to learn your NetID and set your password for
the first time. If you already know your NetID but have forgotten your password, you may reset
your password using your secret questions and answers.
The University of Rochester broadcasts 3 wireless signals which can be used by Simon students:
 UR_RC_Guest
 UR_Connected
 UR_RC_Internalsecure
Only allows access to the internet and has limited bandwidth. Does not allow access to many of the
Simon School resources. Best used for internet access only.
Allows for full access to internet and Simon School resources. You will be asked for your log in
credentials when chosen. You must use your Simon Credentials.
 Ur\Firstname.Lastname
 Password (Your Simon Credential password)
Allows for full access to internet and Simon School resources. You will be asked for a single
password to log on.
 URWireless (The password is case sensitive so please make sure the URW is
capitalized while the ireless is lower case)
Once you have logged on with the URWireless password, you must open up your browser. The
browser will be directed to another log in page where you must enter your NetID Credentials
 asmith1
 Password (Your NetID Credential password)
You should now be re-directed to your home page
myIdentity is the Identity Management System for the University of Rochester. From the myIdentity
page, one can manage passwords and accounts. Simon students can access the myIdentity site
using their NetID Credentials.
 Go to:
 When you click on/or manually insert the link above into the address bar of your
browser, you will be prompted to log in with your NetID and password.
 Once logged in, you will see the Self Service page of the myIdentity site:
 When resetting a password or if you have forgotten your password, you will use the My
Password section on the myIdentity page. This is where it can get a little tricky – You will
see the following page when changing your password but you will also see two Account
Types. By default both accounts are checked which will reset your password for your Simon
Credentials (Seen here as the UR Active Directory Account in the below picture) as well as
your NetID Credentials. Please make sure you are aware of the account password(s) you are
resetting. If you have difficulty or need assistance please call (585) 275-2000.
Only Check The
Accounts You
Want To Reset
Your Password
Enter Your
NetID Password
Here – Do Not
Use Your Simon
Email, calendaring, and contact systems are fully functional through web interface as well as through
an outlook client.
Please see pages 15 through 35 for email access, setup, and usage.
 Email Storage Space
Student e-mail accounts are given 50GB of storage. The system will begin to warn
the user that they are approaching the limit at and after 45GB. At 50GB the user will
not be able to send additional emails until their account is brought below 50GB.
Email receiving will never be interrupted or blocked due to account size overages
 E-Mail Forwarding
Some students do not want to maintain a mailbox separate from their already
existing personal or work account. In these cases, SSIT can, by request, point the
student’s Simon address to another account specified by the student. (Note: SSIT
will support forwarding or a Simon mailbox, but not both). Please submit your
forwarding request to
 “Global Address Listing” (GAL)
As a student of the Simon School, your name and e-mail information are published
electronically within the University of Rochester’s “Global Address Listing”, or
“GAL”. This is the comprehensive e-mail address book of the University and is
accessible via Outlook.
The GAL is used extensively by Simon faculty and staff to communicate with
students regarding program and academic issues.
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Blackboard ( is the University’s portal for accessing course materials.
Simon students can access the Blackboard site using their NetID Credentials.
Some of the information you will find on Blackboard:
 Enrolled courses
 Course grades
 Links to SimonWorks, Simon Exchange, course evaluations, Bursar’s information, and the
Financial Aid office
 News on Simon School events and organizations
 Organization Catalog
 Library resources
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Simon Exchange ( is the Simon School’s intranet portal for
accessing departmental materials and information. Simon students can access the Simon Exchange
site using their Simon Credentials.
Some of the information that can be found on Simon Exchange:
Simon faculty and staff phone directory
Photo Rosters
News on Simon publications
Simon alerts regarding outages and maintenance
Club sites
Links to departmental news and links
Shortcut links to e-mail, registration, and Blackboard
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The Simon Dashboard is a very important resource for Simon Students. The dashboard is located at and encompasses class information, career information, student life
information, and links to the most used resources by Simon students.
Make sure to visit the Simon Dashboard regularly for event information, career planning, and
resources to help you navigate your time here at Simon.
Some of the information that can be found on Simon Dashboard:
Course management
Career management
News on Simon publications
Simon School events calendar
Link to the room reservation system
Student feedback
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Simon students can access library materials, including e-journals, databases and
course reserves using their NetID.
 Go to:
When you click on the link of a library resource with restricted access, you will be prompted
to login with your NetID and password.
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NOTE – You must be on campus or connected to a University Lan/Wireless connection (GUEST
Wireless will not work for this purpose) or connected to the VPN for these instructions to work if you
are setting up your email for the first time.
 IF On campus and using a University Lan/Wireless connection: go directly to the Outlook
2010 Configuration steps found below.
 IF Off campus or not using a University Lan/Wireless connection: please use the instructions
directly below to download and use the Virtual Private Network Cisco Client before
configuring your outlook client:
Go to
Click on the RIVER CAMPUS link to the left of the page
Input your NETID Credentials
Click on CLIENT DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS 7 OR VISTA (32 or 64 bit depending
on your Windows)
Run the install
Reboot your computer
Input your NETID Credentials to start the VPN CLIENT
Once it is connected you can now follow the Outlook Configuration Steps.
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 Either right-click on the Outlook icon on the desktop and choose Properties, or double-click
on Mail inside the Control Panel. Either way, you should see the following screen:
 Now click on Show Profiles to begin. In the choices that appear, click Add….
 In this next window, type SIMON MAIL into the Profile Name: box, click OK.
 In the next window, choose the E-mail Account option and enter your information (see
example below):
 Click Next. The Outlook Client will now search for the server settings.
 When asked to enter your username and password please note that your username will
include the extension “” and is NOT pre-pended with “\UR.” See
example below:
 Once Outlook has found the account and server settings, click Finish.
 Click OK.
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The instructions below will assist you in setting up the forwarding rule in the Outlook client. Please
note, these exact steps may not match your client; however, the settings are consistent.
 Open Outlook - You should see your e-mail. If not, make sure Outlook is configured with
your account first.
 Click on File Tab->Info ->Rules and Alerts... The Rules and Alerts Dialog box will come up. It
lists your mailboxes and all your rules.
 Select New Rule…
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 Ensure that Move messages from someone to a folder is selected and Click Next>
 Ensure that all Select Condition(s) are NOT checked (if there are then uncheck them) and
Click Next >
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 A warning box will appear with the message “This rule will be applied to every message you
receive. Is this correct?” Click Yes
 Click redirect it to people or public group and unclick any other boxes that may be clicked.
Note: The Redirect action only forwards a copy of the incoming mail to the specified
destination. The original message will remain in your Inbox.
Click on the blue underlined phrase "people or public group" to set the address to send the
messages to. The Rule Address dialog box will be displayed. An internal address can be
selected by choosing it from the list in the opened pane and clicking on the To: button. An
external address can be typed directly into the bottom of the opened pane.
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 Click OK and then Click Next >
 Add any exceptions (if necessary) and Click Next >
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 Name the forward rule Forward Simon Mail and Click Finish
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An efficient way to reduce the size of your mailbox is to regularly archive old items. Archived items
are moved to a separate file (.pst) on your local hard drive. NOTE – Any archived item is moved
from the server to your local hard drive and is therefore only accessible from the machine housing
your .pst file.
 Open the Outlook Client (NOT Webmail)
 Click FILE on the standard toolbar at the top of the page and OPTIONS
 Click ADVANCED and then Click the AUTOARCHIVE SETTINGS… button under the
AutoArchive heading
22 | P a g e
 Make sure that your settings match the picture below except uncheck Delete Expired Items
option – One note about MOVE OLD ITEMS TO: - The setting will default to your user profile
but you can direct it to any place on your computer you wish to. After you have checked the
settings and directed the archive files to a location of your choice, Click APPLY THESE
 Click OK
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 Click OK
 Now in your window pane to the left you will see an ARCHIVE FOLDERS
 The emails that fall within the parameters we configured in step 4 will now be archived into
 You can change the CLEAN OUT ITEMS OLDER THAN setting in step 7 depending on how
recent the emails are you would like to archive
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NOTE – You must be on campus or connected to a University Lan/Wireless connection (GUEST
Wireless will not work for this purpose) or connected to the VPN for these instructions to work if you
are setting up your email for the first time.
 Open up Outlook 2011.
 Click on Tools and choose Accounts...
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 Click + in the lower left hand corner and choose Exchange…
 Use the template below for what the Exchange account should resemble. Here we are using
a username of simon365.
 Type Rochester into the Account description box.
 Type your first and last name into the Full name box
 Type your full email address into the E-mail address box
 Choose Username and Password for the Method authentication
 When asked to enter your username and password please note that your username will
include the extension “” and is NOT pre-pended with “\UR.” See
example below:
 Type your password into the Password box
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Click the Advanced… option in the lower right corner of the page.
Under the Server heading, type in the Server box.
Click on Use SSL to connect
Click on Log in with my Exchange account credentials
 Click on the Security heading tab.
 Ensure that the Encryption algorithm is AES-256 (more secure)
 Click OK
 Exit out of Outlook 2011
 Launch Outlook 2011
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Internet Explorer is recommended for access to the full range of features.
Open your web browser (ex. Internet Explorer)
In the Address field, type in “”
Enter your Simon Credentials username and password (ex. ur\Firstname.Lastname)
If you see a lot of weird characters when you log in on Internet Explorer 9 or later, please
click the compatibility button next to the url and return to the site for the page to display
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Keep in mind there are many different versions of iOS. These exact steps may not match your
device; however, the settings are consistent.
 On the home screen of your iPhone / iPod Touch, tap the Settings icon.
 Scroll down until you see Mail, Contacts, Calendars and tap the option.
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 Tap the Add Account icon.
 Tap the Microsoft Exchange option.
 Enter your e-mail address in the Email field, leave blank the domain
field, enter in the username field When asked to
enter your username and password please note that your username will include the
extension “” and is NOT pre-pended with “\UR.” (See example below),
your password in the password field, UR Exchange in the description field, and ensure Use
SSL is set to On. Tap Next.
 The device will try to auto-verify the Exchange server, but may fail. If it fails, tap accept and
enter in the Server field and Tap Next again.
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 Go back to the top level Mail, Contacts, Calendars option and ensure Time Zone Support
(scroll all the way to the bottom) is set to New York.
 Adjust any additional options, such as how many recent messages to show, create a
signature, or the number of mail days to sync.
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Keep in mind there are many different versions of Android. These exact steps may not match your
device; however, the settings are consistent.
 On your Android device, tap the Settings icon.
 Scroll down until you see Accounts.
 Tap the Add Account icon.
 Tap the Exchange ActiveSync icon.
 Input your email address and password. (If they are asked for)
 Tap the Manual Setup option.
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 Input the following settings:
 Email address -> (your Simon email
 Server address ->
 Domain\username -> (Please note that your
username will include the extension “” and is NOT pre-pended
with “\UR.”)
 Password -> Input your Simon Credential password
 SSL Encryption -> Make sure to check the option for server requires an encrypted
SSL connection
 You will be prompted to allow remote security administration. Tap OK to allow setup to
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 Adjust your Email checking frequency, Amount to synchronize, and other options to your
liking; Click Next.
 You will be required to acknowledges the mobile security policy that is being applied to your
hand held device; Click Next.
 Finished
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Keep in mind there are many different versions of Blackberry OS. These exact steps may not match
your device; however, the settings are consistent.
 Email Account Name:
 Reply To:
 Your Name:
 First & Last Name
 Username:
 Password:
 Your Simon Password
 Email Server:
 Email Server Type:
 IMAP 4
 Port:
 993
 Make sure you use SSL
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Please note: Access to the lab printers are subject to the Simon School Computing Center’s hours of
operation. The satellite printers located throughout the school’s hallways (1st floor of Schlegel near
the women’s bathroom, 1st floor Gleason in room 126, 3rd floor Gleason near the study rooms, and
the 4th floor of Schlegel near the men’s bathroom) are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
 Click Start -> Run, type \\ – If you are unable to find your Run
command you can open your IE web browser and in the address bar type
 You may have to log in to the Printserver (\\ with your Simon
(ex. ur\john.smith)*BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR PASSWORD*
 Right-click and choose Connect to the following printers:
 GleasonHP_3rdFloor
 Gleason_HP(in room G126)
 Schlegel 1st Floor Print
 SchlegelHP_4thfloor
 Lab Printers 1 – 8
 The printers are now added to your laptops.
 You will only have to do this once – The printers are now permanently attached to your
 *IMPORTANT*You must be logged into the Printserver to print so if you experience any
difficulty printing please check that you are logged in to the Printserver.
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A compilation of the most frequently asked questions by past and present Simon students.
What are the suggested specifications my computer should
have while attending Simon School?
The Simon School Information Technology Department can make the following suggestions:
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Operating System
CPU – Any should be fine as long as the computer is not older than 3 years
2GB RAM minimum, 3GB – 4GB RAM optimal
80GB hard drive or greater
Wireless Card
Windows 8 Operating System
CPU – Any should be fine as long as the computer is not older than 3 years
4GB RAM minimum, 4GB – 8GB RAM optimal
120GB hard drive or greater
Wireless Card
If you are planning to buy a new laptop we, suggest that you purchase it through the University of
Rochester Computer Store. As a student you are eligible for a discount on Dell and Macintosh
computers through the University of Rochester Computer Store. (See below for information
regarding Mac support.) You can find more information about purchasing a laptop and the student
discount at,, or (585) 275-8353.
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What is included in the configuration and do I need to have
my laptop configured?
Configuring your laptop allows the Simon School Computing Staff to provide all students with the
necessary tools and applications required for their courses; the configuration also aids the
Computing Staff with circumventing laptop issues that may arise in the future.
 The following is a list of the tools and applications included in the configuration:
 Microsoft Office Enterprise Edition
 Sophos Anti-Virus
 Spybot (an anti-spyware application)
 Malwarebytes (an anti-malware application)
 Adobe Reader
 Adobe Digital Editions (for viewing and managing eBooks and business cases)
 Mozilla Firefox Browser (best to have an alternate browser in case your primary
browser is hijacked)
 Virtual Private Network (required for some library resources)
 Simon Printers
 Desktop Shortcuts for Simon Exchange, Simon Webmail, and Simon Printers
Do I need to use the University’s Anti-Virus?
You are not obligated to use the University’s anti-virus but it is strongly recommended. The
University’s anti-virus is less intrusive than an anti-virus you may have, has been shown to work well,
and requires no subscriptions. You of course can keep your present one if you so choose.
How/Where do I ask for computer assistance?
There are three ways to get assistance with any computer issue you are experiencing. The first is to
call the HelpDesk at 275-4407. The second is to email your request to The third way is to come to the Computing Lab located on the
fourth floor of Schlegel Hall. The Computing Lab is open for the period of September to May from
7:00am-11:00pm Monday through Friday and 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday. During the summer
quarter the Computing Lab is open 7:00am-7:00pm Monday through Friday and closed on the
weekends. The Computing Lab’s hours are subject to change so please read all signs on the board
outside the Computing Lab and check the Information Technology section on Simon Exchange for
*Issues regarding your NetID are handled by University IT. Please call 585-275-2000 for University IT
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How do I use the printers at Simon and where are they
The printers at Simon are situated on our Printserver (\\ and must be
connected to your laptop before you are able to print to them. Instructions on how to connect your
laptops to the printers can be found on page 36.
The Simon School has Printers in the lab as well as 4 satellite printers. The Lab Printers can be found
in the Computing Center on the 4th floor of Schlegel. The 4 satellite printers are found at the
following locations: 1st floor of Schlegel near the women’s bathroom, 1st floor of Gleason in room
126, 3rd floor of Schlegel near the study rooms, and 4th floor of Schlegel near the men’s bathroom.
Does the Simon School Computing Center lend out laptops?
The Computing Lab does not lend out laptops. There are 22 Lab Computers located in the
Computing Lab for student use and can be used while your laptop is being repaired.
What other services does the Simon School Computing
Center offer?
The computing Lab has 2 scanners, a color printer, staplers, a large paper cutter, and tape.
Does the Simon School Computing Center work on
Macintosh computers?
To a certain extent; the Computing Lab Employees are able to install Office for Mac (which is offered
free of charge to all students) as well as help with the installation of VM Fusion, Bootcamp, and
Parallels. We do not help with Macintosh issues or errors. If the emulator stops working, the
Computing Lab staff will help you reinstall it but cannot retrieve any lost data.
Does the Simon School Computing Center work on foreign
The Simon School Information Technology Department prefers that all students use an English
language operating system. Computing Lab Employees may refuse service to any student without
an English language Operating System if they are unable to read the words/characters. The same
applies to applications and programs.
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Can the Simon School Computing Center retrieve my data
for me?
The Computing Lab does not retrieve data from a student’s laptop. The Simon School Information
Technology Department highly encourages students to back-up their data every day. We cannot
stress this enough and please make sure to back-up to an EXTERNAL media source. Some suggested
applications and tools to help you with your backup can be found below:
 Microsoft Windows Operating System Backup Application (located in the system
tools folder under accessories – very simple to use and allows for a full system
 Simon Exchange (the Simon School’s intranet is capable of saving documents to
document repositories but cannot save settings or programs).
 Norton Ghost (similar to the Microsoft Windows Operating System Backup
Application but is more robust and costs money).
 Manual (manually copy and paste your documents to an external hard drive or flash
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