September 2007 - USS Yosemite AD-19
September 2007 - USS Yosemite AD-19
1 September 2007 USS YOSEMITE AD-19 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Letters from Crew Members Members e-mails (not listed—send it to me) Officers with Contact Information Obituaries Ship’s Store SHIPMATES HEARD FROM: Last Name Bardes Dalton Fitzgerald Ganss Hogue Jardine Jorgensen Kavanah Kohout Krampf Lizee McClaflin Morris Nordman Scheips Schriver Vaitiskis Williams First Name John Frederick Jean Lloyd Leeland Carrie Art Frank Dee Raymond Donald James Gene Ronald Charles Walter Chuck Mike Address 7026 State Highway 29 1816 Ohio Ave 2100 S Ocean Ln # 706 100 Stallings Rd G24 3790 Desert Marina Dr G24 12 Burnside St 2508 Groveway Dr 5115 Dahlia St 837 S Ashland Ave 758 218th St PO Box 647 56 Bluebonnet Loop 451 Cracraft Rd #1 1577 Hawthorne St 638 Park Rd 199 Palm Blvd. 550 NH Rt 119E 604 Lucien Rd City Dolgeville Joplin Ft Lauderdale Taylors Laughlin Lowell Valrico Pinellas Park LaGrange Pasadena Mansfield State NY MO FL SC NV MA FL FL IL MD CT Morgans Point Resort TX Washington PA Wabash IN West Hartford CT Parrish FL Fitzwilliam NH Goodlettsville TN Send all newsletter correspondence to: Jerry McWaters, Editor 2068 Urbine Road, Powhatan, VA 23139 Zip 13329 64804 33316 29687 89029 01851 33956 33782 60525 21122 06250 76513 15301 46992 06107 34219 03447 37072 Years 50/52 66/68 70/72 61/63 50 Hon 63/65 52/54 Hon 56/59 56/57 61/63 45/46 83/86 47/47 51/55 63/64 58/65 2 U S S Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 Nicholas M. (Mike) Williams, President USS Yosemite (AD19) Association 604 Lucien Rd. Goodlettsville TN 37072-1230 e-mail: Sept. 16, 2007 A few words from the PREZ A little blurb about the Williams Clan: As I sit and write this I am looking over the Atlantic Ocean at our Time Share (which is finally open after 3 years of repairs due to 3 hurricanes) and the weather is wonderful, hot but breezy. Ann had to have more surgery after we returned from the reunion. The first part of June the wound care doctor said she couldn’t do anything more till the bones were repaired so off to the orthopedic doctor and on June 18th had her foot reconstructed. It was like a broken jig saw puzzle. Healing up nicely and she is having a good time in the ocean and pool (as am I). Now maybe we can stop the blood poisoning. The Association is in good stable condition. The funds have been transferred from Lou Mingo to Lloyd Johnson our new treasurer and he now has control of all monies of the Association. Shipmate Stan Galloway is going to put in the newsletter soon about the actual setting up of the 2008 reunion. He also will include a questioner about who would like a cruise reunion in 2009. If you are interested you must make your feelings known. Stan is only trying to get an idea of where he stands when he starts to bargain with the travel agents. The outline that Stan sent to us at the reunion was only an outline of what could be. It wasn’t set in stone. The contract for the rooms is already signed and sealed by me. Bob O’Hara has some shirts and jackets for sale in the ships store at fantastic prices. Go on the website and give it a try and it is right there for you to peruse. Please keep the members of our armed forces that go in harms way, and the members for the association in your prayers. Please register with Stan Galloway as soon as you can when he notifies us that he is ready to start setting up final arrangements for the reunion. All the officers and directors are working to keep our assn. viable and running for the benefit of all members. If you have a problem let them know and it will get due consideration. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, AND GOD BLESS AMERICA Mike Williams, President, USS Yosemite Assn. Shipmate’s E-mail Addresses, if I do not have you listed please send me your e-mail for future inclusion. LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME E-MAIL_ADDRESS ACKERMAN ARP ATTKISSON ATWATER AUBLE BANAGAN BARNETT BISH BONCHU RONALD SIEGMUND JOHN DANIEL EDWARD EDWARD RONALD E. DONALD GENE Shipmate’s E-mail Addresses, cont. 3 LAST NAME FIRST NAME E-MAIL ADDRESS BROTHERS HAROLD H. BROWN I JAMES n s i d e S t o r y H e a d l i n e BUONOMO DONALD BURDEWICK ROBERT G CAPPELLO SALVATORE Departed this life March 17, 2006. At March 17, 1947 and they lived in New CHAMBERLAND ROBERT Bay State Medical Center after a brief Orleans for four years while he atCHAMPION FREDERICK R illness. She was born in Perth, Austratended Tulane School of Medicine and CHRZANOWSKI FRANK lia, but spent most of her childhood she worked writing and recording raCHYLINSKI RICHARD and young adulthood in Sydney, Ausdio scripts. She and Bill subsequently CLOUTHIER EUGENE E. tralia. In the 1930's she was a fashion moved to the Panama, Canal Zone, CONRAD WILFORD where L. she held a variety of model using the name Jean Lorraine positions COONEY PATRICK and worked with the photographer including reporter for the Panama COTE RICHARD A. Max Dupaine. American, stringer for Time Magazine, CROMLING RICHARD and Public Affairs Officer for the InterCaption describing picturefor or graphic. During WWII she worked the USO, CUTRER MRS TILLYAmerican Geodetic Survey. which is where she met her future DALTON FREDERICK husband, William T. Bailey, then a first DECAPUA DOMENIC lieutenant in the 503rd Parachute DOLAN JOHN A. Infantry Regiment. They married on DONAHUE GARY W DURR I n s i dJOHN e SJ. t o r y H e a d l i n e FEDAK WALTER FERNADEZ RICHARD If the newsletter is distributed This story can fit 100-150 rial. You can also profile new FIELDS HOWARD words. internally, you might comment employees or top customers or FITZGERALD JEAN upon new procedures or imvendors. FLORIMONTE VITO The subject matter that approvements to the business. FORTNEY pears in newsletters is virtuallyLARRY Sales figures or earnings will FRITZ RON endless. You can include stoshow how your business is FRYSINGER JR JESS ries that focus on current techgrowing. GALLOWAY nologies or innovations in yourSTANLEY GANSS LLOYD Some newsletters include a field. GIBBS ROBERT columnL.that is updated every You may also want to note issue, for instance, an advice GOULDING MARSHALL S. business or economic trends, column, a book review, a letter GRANZOW W. D. "BILL" or make predictions for your from the president, or an edito- GUAY WALLACE customers or clients. HAHN JOSEPH L. HARPER CECIL HAW ROBERT HESS I n s i d e GEORGE S t o r y H e a d l i n e HIGHMAN MERLE HONERMANN GILBERT "SMOKEY" B Microsoft Publisher includes This story can fit 75-125 ISGRO JAMES thousands of clip art images words. JACKSON KENNETH from which you can choose JERRELS JR or graphics DONALD Selecting pictures and import into your newsletJOHNSON FRANKLIN W is an important part of adding ter. There are also several JOHNSON JAMES content to your newsletter. tools H. you can use to draw JOHNSON LLOYD Think about your article and JORDON SAMshapes and symbols. ask yourself if the picture supJORGENSEN ARTHUR R. Once you have chosen an imports or enhances the mesKAVANAH FRANK W it close to the arti- age, place sage you’re trying to convey. KOEPKE ALAN cle. Be sure to place the capAvoid selecting images that KRAUSS ELMER E.the image near the im- tion of appear to be out of context. KURTZ THOMAS age. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” Caption describing picture or graphic. Shipmate’s E-mail Addresses, cont. 4 U S S LAST NAME FIRST NAME LANDRY LANGFORD LASER LAWSON LELAND LESOWSKI LIZEE LOWDEN MARCUS MARK MARKS McAFEE McCLAFLIN McGUIRL McINTOSH McWATERS MEYER MILLER MILLER MINGO MOSHER NORDMAN O'HARA OWEN PETERS POLLOCK POLYNIAK PRIOLO RAMALEY RANDALL REDMON REIFSCHNEIDER RIDDLE RIPSOM SCHEIPS SCHRIVER SCHWARZ SEGUIN SHAW SIMONELLI ST JEAN STACY STEWART SULLIVAN TURICIK VAITISKIS WERNER WILLIAMS ZUG JOSEPH ROBERT ALFRED W. LEE MRS SAMUEL FRANK T DONALD JOHN G. ROBERT E LEONARD E. CHARLES WILLIAM S. JAMES L. DANIEL T HERBERT E JAMES J. DAVID E. DELMER "DEE" S. GLORIA LOU ANDREW C. RONALD M ROBERT ROBERT ROBERT DONALD C MICHAEL GARY DONALD DONALD D. CLYDE HAROLD DAVID GEORGE A. CHARLES WALTER JOHN ALBERT W. JOHN W NORMAN W. DONALD A O. SHERMAN RUSSELL E STEPHEN WILLIAM A. CHARLES F GEORGE NICHOLAS "MIKE" RICHARD W. Y O S E M I T E E-MAIL ADDRESS Daniel_McGuirl@Brown.Edu drandall899@mjn A D- 1 9 5 U S S I n s i d e This story can fit 150-200 words. While your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful Caption describing picture or graphic. newsletter is making it useful to your readers. A great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients. uHaera i delsi your own articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product. One benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports. I n s i d e i ty SO t b o r Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 n e finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a Web site and post it. You can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short. Much of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Microsoft Publisher offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when you’re S t o r y H e a d l i n e If the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing. “To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” rial. You can also profile new employees or top customers or vendors. Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an edito- I n s O i d e Tender S t ostrong r y and H sure e a d l i n e Battle Commissioned for to serve The helpmate of a ship in need Based on God’s Holy Word Yosemite, Yosemite of our own selves we give That brotherhood and liberty Throughout the world may live Written by Chaplin Brown – sung to the tune of America the Beautiful Submitted by Harold Reifschneider Caption describing picture or graphic. 6 Letters from Shipmates U S S Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 Ron Nordman 9/1/07**83/86 Hi Jerry, I just wanted to drop you a bit of information on another USS Yosemite Plankowner. I live in Wabash IN, and was eating in a restaurant, wearing my Yosemite ball cap, when an elderly gentleman approached me and asked if I was stationed aboard the Yosemite? I told him I had been from 1983-1986. He advised me he was a plankowner, when the ship was commissioned. Very sadly I read in the newspaper he has passed away. His name is Lee R Lenker; I thought some former shipmate may like to know of his passing. Mr. Lenker was a Reverend. Jerry, if you wish I may be able to find his obituary, if you would like one mailed to you. Take Care The Late William F Jardine 8/17/07 My father William F Jardine had served on the USS Yosemite. My mother Gertrude Jardine (HON) receives the newsletter books you send out from the USS Yosemite Association. Her address has since changed from 91 Donahue Rd Unit 19 Dracut, MA to 12 Burnside St Lowell, MA 01851. If you could start to send her booklets here it would be gratefully appreciated. Daughter of William Jardine, Carrie Jardine Ron Nordman 6/25/07**83/86 Hi Jerry, I just received my newsletter and saw where you wanted any corrections. I have listed mine below. I will just give you the whole nine yards again. The list of all current shipmates in the upcoming newsletter would be great ideal. Will look forward to that. Take care and God Bless Captain Jean Fitzgerald 6/24/07**70/72 Dear Mr. President, Greetings! I’m sorry I missed the reunion in Baltimore, but I had some second-hand contact with it when my sister-in-law and her husband docked their boat in Annapolis, saw some Yosemite hats or badge, and chatted with a few of the group. My two in-laws are on a lengthy trip to the Finger Lakes, the Great Lakes, and Canada, down through the Mississippi, and back to Jacksonville, their hometown—a voyage of nearly a year altogether, and they recognized my dear old ship’s name. I write to ask if the Association would like two photos of the ship I have, black-andwhite, undated, and framed. In one photo she is completing what looks like it will be a 180 degree turn to starboard, leaving a rather beautiful wake. In the other, she is in the background with a Navy YTM alongside to port, and, in the foreground, some railing and a fire hose putting out what may have been a welcoming full spray from a second tug. Nothing fancy, but perhaps someone would like to have them. The first photo measures 8x10 inches, the second 9x11. I will be glad to mail these to anyone who might want them. Please let me know, and there is no rush on this. Respectfully Mike William 6/24/07**58/65 Hi Capt Fitzgerald. If you have no further use of the said photos I would love to have them. As I hope you know that we have a webpage and a newsletter that is sent to members of the Yosemite Association. The website is There’s a wealth of info on the ol’girl. I was on board from 1958 to 1965, worked in the foundry, and fell head over heels in love with the ship and her outstanding crew. I am sending a copy of this letter and yours to the Secretary for his knowledge. The website will tell you when and where the next reunion is going to be and would be proud if you would attend it and others. We are lucky enough to still have some plank owners that attend the reunions, but we are losing them very fast, 2006-2007 we lost 11 men totally, but not all plank owners. It was good to hear from you and please don’t let this be the last time. God Bless the USA Leeland Hogue 6/18/07**50 Hi Jerry, in preparing for a move, I came across an old Yosemite News letter that might be of interest to other crewmates. Hopefully the enclosed copies will reproduce ok to include in a newsletter of course if there’s room. Regards to all. 7 U S S Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 Letters from Shipmates Cont. Frank Kavanah BOARD OF DIRECTORS 5/23/07**52/54 Hi Jerry & Paulette, We were so happy to make the re-union in Baltimore. We had a great time, enjoyed all the trips we went on they were interesting and something new. We had a great flight home and hope that you had a safe trip on your return home also. It was so nice to see you both and also you have 2 beautiful grandchildren. It was nice to meet your daughter and son-in-law. The hotel was very nice and no complaints the room service was very good also they were very helpful whenever we needed to find out something. I want to say that President Mike Williams and his Board did a fabulous job and everything went very well, also I feel that Ann and Eileen deserve a lot of credit for what they do and we applaud them. Looking forward to the next re-union in St Louis and seeing everyone we know and also some of the new members that we met. Sincerely Chuck Vaitiskis 7/12/07**63/64 Hello Jerry, after the wife and I got home from the Baltimore reunion, I found out I have esophageal cancer. The symptoms were extremely hard swallowing. I was told that that is the worst case scenario from acid-reflux disease. For the past 4 weeks I’ve been undergoing chemo therapy radiation treatment with one more week to go. In September I’m slated to go under the knife and spend 9 days in ICU. I just hope I’m up and about to make that Mizzu reunion next year. Well, I’ll say so long for now Jerry and hope to see you again. Hallie Morris 8/10/07**45/46 After the second WW ended the Yosemite left Sabebo, Japan and went to Nagasaki to see the damage the atomic bomb did. The army took us through the town to see the damage done by the bomb. Over the years I’ve had four unexplained tumors. Thank God none of the tumors were cancerous. From the time period from 1949 my 1st one was on my lower gum & it was the size of a marble. The 2nd one in 1962 I had one in the roof of my mouth. The 3rd one in 1973 was under my eyelid. The last one I had in 1988 was the worst one. I had a brain tumor that wrapped around the pituitary gland. It required a very serious operation that almost killed me. I was wondering if anyone else had any similar problems that I’ve had. I was always curious that our visit to Nagasaki may have caused these tumors to occur. If anyone has had any similar experiences about this please contact me at 724-228-8526. John Bardes 6/22/07**50/52 Hi Jerry & Paulette, Didn’t make last get together due to stay in the hospital 65 days. I was burning trash left over from storm. When I set fire to my clothes by accident! I should know better being a 30 year volunteer fire fighter. Did not get to go by helicopter $13,000 ride one way. I am on the mends now. This is the third time I have had to learn to walk. Gloria is being okay at present time. I have to make the next one. As ever bye Art Jorgensen 6/22/07**63/65 Jim Isgro, Attached is a photo of the YO-YO at Pier 2 Newport circa 1964. I was the ships photographer from 19631965. At the time, LCDR Earl Day was the repair officer and Lt Roy Gomer was the assistant RO. I have many fine memories of the Yosemite. I went with her to the Bethlehem Steel yards in East Boston for the refit. Then to Gitmo for training and port visits. I was onboard for the trip to New Orleans. We were tied up to the most dilapidated pier at Headquarters Supply Activity in Algiers, LA. We had a fire in the galley and the pier could not even support a fire truck. As I said it was a good time. I have recently retired to Fl. My last home was in RI and I worked as a contractor for the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport. The building I worked in overlooked Pier 2 and I made frequent trips to NUWC’s periscope facility which was added to the end of the building on Pier 2. Now there are Coast Guard buoy tenders tied up where YO-YO used to be. In the winter when the pier was covered with snow I would remark where is X division when you need them. I really miss the great bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches they used to make in the Geedunk on the pier. I think the holiday photo will bring back fond memories for all who served in her. 8 U S S Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 To see items in color visit the Yosemite Website at : T-SHIRT 10.00 $7.00 S, M. XL, ONLY GOLF SHIRT W/POCKET $23.00 PERSONALIZED ADD $5.00 S, M. L, XL, XXL ONLY BLACK JACKET W/SHIP SEAL $53.00 PERSONALIZED ADD $5.00 S, M. L, XL, XXL (SPECIAL ORDER) OFFICERS CAPS $ 10.00 YOSEMITE SEAL 5” DIA $8.00 YOSEMITE SAM 5” DIA $8.00 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST WINDBREAKER JACKET $45.00 PERSONALIZED ADD $5.00 S, M. L, XL, XXL (SPECIAL ORDER) CHIEFS INSIGNIA $ 10.00 8” CAR MAGNET $8.00 SHIPS SILHOUETTE $ 10.00 SHIP SHILOUETTE $3.50 YOSEMITE SAM $3.00 PLANK OWNERS $ 11.00 LONG SAILOR KEY CHAIN $5.00 9 U S S Y O S E M I T E A D- 1 9 U.S.S. Yosemite Ships Store Items Yosemite Hats Black with ship's silhouette BOARD OF DIRECTORS Plank owners on Black with ship's silhouette Black with various chiefs insignia Officers caps Each Number Total $8.00 $11.00 $10.00 $10.00 T - Shirts Black ship with Yosemite Sam- S, M, XL (note: no large) While supply last (reduced price from $10.00) $7.00 Golf Shirts Golf Shirt with / pocket (Navy Blue) S M L XL XXL Personalized Name on Shirt ______________________ $23.00 $5.00 Jackets Windbreaker Jacket (Navy Blue) S M L XL XXL Personalized Name on Jacket ______________________ Black Jacket (Lined) S M L XL XXL W/ship's 5" Seal (or Yosemite Sam while Supply Last) Personalized Name on Jacket ______________________ $45.00 $5.00 $53.00 $5.00 Patches Yosemite Seal 5" Diameter Yosemite Sam 5" Diameter (while supply last) $8.00 $8.00 Car Magnet Yosemite Seal Car Magnet 6" Diameter $8.00 Hat pins USS Yosemite miniature Yosemite Sam miniature (while supply last) Lone Sailor key chain $3.50 $3.00 $5.00 Shipping & Handling Fees $5.00 for first item and $2.00 for each additional large item like a second shirt, Jacket ect. The small items like Patches, Hat Pins, Key Chain, Only require $3.00 shipping SHIPPING TOTAL Send all checks and money orders, made out to USS Yosemite Association or Robert O'Hara Send orders to: Robert O’Hara 10951 Avenida del Gato San Diego, CA. 92126-2115 E-mail orders To: SHIP TO: Phone No. E-mail Please include your comments regarding the choice of items and /or service of ships stores with order. 10 U S S Y O S E M I T E 2006-2007 Association Officers Nicholas "Mike" Williams, USN (Ret) President 604 Lucien Road Goodlettsville, TN 37072-1230 (615) 859-6616 Michael Braidwood Chaplain 18718 Kendell Court Clinton Township, MI 48035 (810) 791-6530 Harold H. Brothers, USN (Ret) Vice President 1518 Balmy Beach Drive Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 295-8824 Ronald Fritz Master-at-Arms 15401 Sparta Ave Kent City, MI 49930 James "Jerry" McWaters Secretary/Editor 2068 Urbine Road Powhatan, VA 23139-7914 (804) 794-7607 GB "Smokey" Honermann Historian 819 NE 13th Avenue Rochester, MN 55906-7153 (507) 289-4854 Lloyd Johnson Treasurer 7914 Donlson Street Alexandria, VA 22309-1358 (703) 780-5423 Jim Isgro Webmaster 4098 East Amy Lane Johns Island, SC 29455 (843) 557-1177 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phillip Preston Director 3 Year 212 Country Landing Blvd Herbert McIntosh Director 3 Year 814 11th Street Apopka, FL 32703-5020 Port Huron, MI 48060-5228 (407) 814-9924 (810) 982-8784 Frank Bramlett Howard Fields Director 2 Years Director 2 Years 47 Bramlett Place 203 S Greenstone Lane Fincastle, VA 24090-4180 Duncanville, TX 75116-4420 (540) 473-1144 (972)567-8389 Robert O'Hara Albert Seguin Director 1 Years Director 1 Years 10951 Avenida Del Gato 421 Fruit Hill Avenue San Diego, CA 92126-2115 North Providence, RI 02911-2603 (858) 271-7936 (401) 353-3061 A D- 1 9 Your USS Yosemite Webmaster, Jim Isgro, on weekend Guard duty for the South Carolina State Guard Please contact Jim if you have any questions about the website at USS YOSEMITE ASSOCIATION James J (Jerry) McWaters Secretary 2068 Urbine Rd Powhatan, VA 23139-7914 Membership officially runs from Jan 1 thru Dec 31st. Send application along with $15.00 membership fee to: $335.00 $307.00 $280.00 $252.00 $225.00 $197.00 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Dues 25-29 Age $32.00 $15.00 85 & UP $60.00 $87.00 $115.00 $142.00 $170.00 Dues 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 Age Life Time Membership Dues below: Additional Info (Hobbies & other Interests)_____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Total Length of Service__________________Retirement Rank/Rate_________ Military Service dates from_______________________to__________________ Yosemite Rank/Rate_____________ Yosemite Division____________________ USS YOSEMITE from______________________to______________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Ship’s Names & dates served E-Mail___________________________________ Date of Birth__________ Place of Birth________________________________ Telephone (____)____________ Member of US Navy Memorial? Yes/No Street____________________________ City___________ State___ Zip______ Name___________________________________ Spouse___________________ USS YOSEMITE ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 11 Return to: USS Yosemite Association James J McWaters 2068 Urbine Road Powhatan, VA 23139 This is a photo of the YO-YO at Pier 2 Newport circa 1964. Art Jorgensen, PHCS USN Ret Make plans to join us in St Louis, MO. for the 2008 USS Yosemite Association Reunion. Membership in the USS Yosemite Association is open to all shipmates who have served on her. “We are dedicated to the mission of keeping the memory of the USS Yosemite AD-19 alive through the use of documented historical information, photographs and the living memories of those who served aboard "The Busy Lady".” USS Yosemite AD-19 Website: You can contact the Association by emailing to: To apply for Association membership, see the membership page.
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