power generation
power generation
POWER GENERATION AECON POWERS THE INDUSTRY For nearly a century, Aecon has worked on numerous power generation projects, from hydroelectric to nuclear plants to the latest in solar power. And over the years, Aecon has kept pace with the increasingly challenging demands of the industry—the need for more capacity, the need for greater efficiency, and the need for more stringent environmental controls. Aecon delivers an unparalleled range of services for designing, building and commissioning power generation plants. One of the largest publicly traded construction and infrastructure development companies in North America, Aecon Group brings together extensive resources to handle virtually every aspect of gas-generated power plant construction, maintenance and operation: // Heavy civil construction // Structural and pipe fabrication // Module and process system fabrication // Equipment installation and overhaul // Electrical distribution, controls and instrumentation upgrade // Building construction // Infrastructure development // Project financing Today, the discovery of huge reserves of natural gas has focused attention on an affordable stepping-stone to cleaner power. Smaller, more flexible, more efficient and more economical, cleaner burning natural gas power plants provide a competitive source of electricity for base load and peaking power requirements. At the forefront of the drive toward building modern natural gas-fired power plants, Aecon offers far more than traditional construction services. With Aecon, you get a wealth of practical experience to ensure constructability from the ground up; a broad range of services for coordination, efficiency and accountability; and the fiscal strength for innovative approaches to financing and procurement. From concept to completion, Aecon has the experience, the resources, and the expertise to deliver power generation projects, on time and on budget. THE AECON ADVANTAGE SAFE T Y “Safety First” is Aecon’s number one core value. We remain committed to a “zero injury” culture across our company on every project site and in every work environment. Simply put, if we can’t do it safely, we don’t do it at all. E XPERIENCE Aecon has more than 50 years’ experience building electrical generation projects and more than 25 years’ experience in Engineer Procure and Construct projects. From start to finish, Aecon’s constructionled design-build approach ensures even the most complex power projects are built right. PARTNERSHIP In an industry where projects can take years to complete, Aecon is an active partner working with clients as part of their team. From the preconstruction phase to final completion, we offer sound guidance and innovative proposals to improve constructability and meet realistic budgets and timelines. Our integrated team approach, essential for the success of EPC projects, firmly establishes accountability and delivers superior performance. PERFORMANCE Aecon has a well-deserved reputation for quality, safety and delivery. Every project is meticulously planned, capably managed, rigorously controlled and skillfully executed. Our work procedures, training programs, and quality assurance systems, independently audited and verified, meet all relevant industry standards. ENGINEER, PROCURE AND CONSTRUC T Through its EPC contracts, Aecon provides clients with a single point of responsibility for a broad range of services. Taking the lead, our engineering expertise, construction resources and financial credibility drive projects from concept to completion. Aecon’s construction-led EPC contracts: // Manage risk // Improve coordination, control and accountability // Lead to innovative technical solutions // Ensure quality and reliability // Consistently meet budgets and schedules FINANCIAL CAPACIT Y One of the leading construction and infrastructure companies in North America, Aecon’s solid, stable fiscal capacity adds another dimension to its project capabilities. Aecon’s financial resources can be used to advantage to develop innovative project financing and funding options, assess project economics, avoid hidden costs, and ensure each project is an economic success. A E C O N AT A G L A N C E HE AD OFFICES: Toronto, ON; Calgary, AB ANNUAL RE VENUE: $2.9 billion NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 12,000 OPERATING SEC TORS: // Transportation // Resources // Power // Urban Infrastructure // Social and Manufacturing Infrastructure BUSINESS AND AC TIVITIES // Infrastructure Construction // Project Financing // Mining Development // Pipe and Module Fabrication // Once Through Steam Generator Manufacturing and Installation // Nuclear Power Plant Construction and Maintenance // Manufacturing Plant Construction // Petrochemical Plant Construction // Pipeline Construction // Building Construction // Marine Construction and Maintenance // Power Plant Construction // Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Plant Construction and Maintenance // Boiler and Boiler Components Manufacturing “ IT IS UP TO US TO DELIVER THE PROJECT FROM START TO FINISH. IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG, IF WE CAN’T DELIVER WHAT WE SAID WE WOULD DELIVER, THERE’S NO ONE ELSE TO LOOK TO. ” — Jeff Myhal, Aecon Industrial Vice President, Construction COMBINED CYCLE GENERATION PEAKING POWER Efficient natural gas fired power generation The speed and flexibility to generate power on demand Portlands Energy Centre Toronto, Ontario // Construction and installation of cooling water intake and discharge // Pipe modules // Underground utilities and foundation work // Electrical // High energy piping modularization and installation Spy Hill Peaking Station Spy Hill, Saskatchewan // Complete EPC Execution COGENERATION FUEL CONVERSION Capturing waste energy to generate power and heat Conversion of fossil fuel power plants to burn cleaner biomass or natural gas. East Windsor Cogeneration Project Windsor, Ontario // Complete EPC Execution Atikokan Generating Station Atikokan, Ontario // The design and construction of fuel handling and storage systems needed to convert the coalfired generating station to biomass fuel SAFE TY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY QUALITY AND QUALIFICATIONS With a “zero injury” culture firmly established throughout the company, Aecon is committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, our clients, our subcontractors and the public. Aecon fully endorses the electrical power generating industry’s fundamental principles of safety, reliability, quality and predicable performance. Our work procedures, training programs and quality assurance systems, independently audited and verified, meet all relevant industry standards. As a leader in training, Aecon works closely with clients and suppliers to establish comprehensive safety programs that reflect the most rigorous safety standards at every stage of the project // Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) audit ratings of 98% or higher for the past six years // More than 15 years without a lost time injury at our Cambridge fabrication facility // Industry recognized for lowest lost time injury frequency Aecon is committed to protecting the environments in which we do business. Our company follows all applicable government legislation and works to exceed those standards whenever possible. ACCREDITATION Aecon’s manufacturing facilities are accredited by standards and safety authorities in all major Canadian provinces. Our Aecon facilities also have accreditation from North American and European certification bodies, including the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) and Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). Aecon Nuclear, responsible for work at nuclear power plants, has been awarded the highlycoveted ASME N Stamp —the nuclear industry’s standard for quality assurance of materials, design, construction, operation, inspection and continuing maintenance of nuclear facilities. ISO 9001:2008 Aecon’s ISO9001 certification recognizes the quality management policies and procedures in place for customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. It confirms that Aecon has the necessary procedures to control documents and records, deal with nonconforming products and take any requisite corrective actions. A ECON INDUS T RI A L 150 Sheldon Drive Cambridge, ON N1R 7K9 PHONE: 519 740 7477 EM A IL : gbrokenshire@aecon.com aecon.com
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