VEBEG INTERNET AUCTION OF U.S. Government Vehicles Auction


VEBEG INTERNET AUCTION OF U.S. Government Vehicles Auction
Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 75897-0  Fax: +49 69 75897-479
U.S. Government Vehicles
Auction No 1663270
On behalf and for account of EURO-IFMS we offer for
sale by the way of Internet auction the vehicles listed in
the attached sales catalog.
TEL: +39 050 54 8274
TEL: +39 050 54 8271
See attached sales catalog
By appointment only. Please call +39 050 54 8274.
No access to the depot for certain ID-card holders, e.g. Belarus,
Ukraine, Russian Federation.
End of Auction
14 August 2016.
Only online bids are accepted. To place bids you must have
registered on our website
All vehicles listed are offered for sale "as is" and "where is".
Potential bidders are invited, urged and cautioned to inspect the
vehicles prior to submitting a bid.
Vehicles purchased must be paid in Euro within 8 days of date of
Purchasers must clear vehicles through the local Italian customs
office prior to vehicle pick-up. Please have your Invoice ready.
Vehicle removal must be arranged with EURO-IFMS staff and
must be completed by Wednesday, 7 September 2016.
Terms & Conditions
As made public on our website along with “Important Notice to
Successful Bidders” (attached).
For further information please contact our office in Frankfurt or
visit our website
Auction Terms and Conditions
for IFMS Vehicles
A General
1. VEBEG Live-Auctions of U.S. Government Non-Tactical Vehicles are
governed exclusively by the following conditions.
2. All auctions of U.S. Government Non-Tactical Vehicles are conducted on
behalf and for the account of VEBEG's client EURO-IFMS. In individual
cases, items can be subject to an Export License.
3. EURO-IFMS is a federal agency of the U.S. Government. IFMS provides
fleet management services to U.S. federal agencies in Europe and conducts sales open to the public of Non-Tactical IFMS exchange vehicles.
4. IFMS is not an enterprise in the sense of § 14 German Civil Code (BGB).
B Participation
1. Participation is limited to individual persons of full legal capacity (consumer) and legal entities, who have registered and whose user-account
has been activated.
2. For further information on how to register please click the link below.
3. There is no claim for registration. VEBEG reserves the right to exclude
bidders and to cancel registration.
C Procedure
1. All vehicles are offered with a start price in EURO. Bids below the start
price are not accepted.
2. A bidder is bound to his bid until it is exceeded by another bid.
3. Bid Increment:
Current Price
Up to
50,00 €
Up to
100,00 €
Up to
500,00 €
Up to
1.000,00 €
Up to
2.000,00 €
Up to
5.000,00 €
5.000,00 €
Bid Increment
1,00 €
2,00 €
5,00 €
10,00 €
20,00 €
50,00 €
100,00 €
4. Bidding on VEBEG works via VEBEG's automated server bidding system.
You enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay for the item. Your
maximum bid is kept confidential to other bidders.
The system bids on your behalf an amount just high enough to equal the
start price or to beat the highest bidder's maximum bid. When you are
outbid, the system will automatically bid on your behalf up to your maximum bid. The system increases your bid by increments only as much as
necessary to maintain your high bid position.
If another bidder has placed the same bid before you or a higher maximum bid, we will notify you that you have been outbid so that you can
place another bid if you want. However, if no other bidder has a higher
maximum bid at the end of the auction, you win the item even if your bid
does not go as high as your maximum bid.
5. Auctions end as per fixed date and time. Only VEBEG's server time applies.
6. The contract is awarded to the highest bid at the conclusion of the auction. However, a claim for acceptance of the highest bid does not exist.
VEBEG reserves the right to cancel a running auction.
7. The successful bidder will be notified on the acceptance of his bid via
email and will receive an invoice annotating the specific vehicle awarded
and its price in EURO.
D Consumer Rights
A consumer has the right to cancel his contractual offer without giving any
reason in writing by letter, fax or email within a period of fourteen (14)
days. For further information please click here.
E Payment
1. Payment of the purchase price in EURO must be received on one of
VEBEG's accounts within eight (8) days of invoice date.
2. After payment the buyer will receive a release-note authorizing removal of
the vehicles purchased.
3. If a buyer fails to pay the full amount of the purchase price in the required
time, VEBEG is authorized to cancel the contract, to sell the vehicle elsewhere, and, to hold the original buyer liable for any financial damages related to the contract cancellation.
F Property Removal
1. Purchased vehicles must be removed within twenty-one (21) days of invoice date by presenting the received release-note.
2. Buyers are requested to contact the IFMS staff at the storage location at
least one (1) day in advance to arrange vehicle removal. Contact details
are given on the release-note.
3. To drive away purchased vehicles from the Sales Lot Holding Area, buyers must have all required motor vehicle registration documents, insurance and licence plates in their possession.
4. If a buyer fails to remove purchased vehicles within the required time he
may be held liable for storage charges in the amount of ten (10) EURO
per day per vehicle.
5. VEBEG is also authorized to cancel the contract and to sell the vehicle in
a subsequent auction and offset the proceeds from the subsequent sale
against fees and/or expenses incurred and/or accrued as a result of the
original buyer's failure to remove the property in the allotted time.
G Customs
1. All vehicles offered for sale were either acquired or imported by IFMS
under the customs exemption afforded to IFMS by the NATO Status of
Forces Agreement and are not in free circulation of the European Union
2. Buyers, who are not U.S. Military or U.S. Government Employee Identification Card holders, must clear vehicles through the local customs office
prior to removal. Please have your invoice ready and assure payment for
the customs duties and taxes which can amount up to 40 % of the purchase price. Exports outside of the EU will require a T-form for which a
deposit is to be paid in the same amount.
H Warranty Claims
1. All vehicles offered for sale are flawed and in used condition, showing
considerable signs of previous usage and shall be sold "as is" and "where
is". In order to restore operational function, extensive repairs could be
necessary. It is the buyer's responsibility to inspect vehicles prior submitting bids.
2. The vehicles are sold to the exclusion of any warranty claims whatsoever.
The seller gives no warranty for quality, condition, completeness, suitability for use and licensing, undamaged history, non-existence of apparent
or hidden defects, other damage or special characteristics.
3. IFMS solely warrants to the original purchaser that the IFMS property
listed in VEBEG auctions will conform to its written description.
I Liability
1. VEBEG's liability for culpable injury to life, body or health, and the lack of
a guaranteed characteristic or malicious concealment to quality is governed by law.
2. In all other cases VEBEG is liable for intent and gross negligence by its
legal representatives and persons used to perform obligations.
3. Any further liability claims by contractors against VEBEG do not exist.
4. In case of slight negligence VEBEG is only liable to consumers and if an
essential obligation for the accomplishment of the contract purpose is violated. In this case, the liability is limited to the amount of the purchase
price only for foreseeable, typically occurring damages whose appearance could be anticipated with regards to transfer for use. Any further liability for defects or consequential damages is excluded.
5. The aforementioned liability limitations shall also apply for VEBEG's legal
representatives and persons used to perform obligations.
6. VEBEG does not guarantee the permanent availability of its website and is not liable for technical uncertainties associated with
the internet medium.
J Place of Execution, Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
1. Place of Performance for all payments is Frankfurt am Main.
2. If the Buyer is a contractor or legal entity under public law, place of venue
and jurisdiction for all disputes shall be Frankfurt am Main.
3. Exclusively the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. The
UN Sales Laws are excluded.
4. If any of the above provisions shall be held to be invalid, the remaining
provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall not in any way be affected
or impaired thereby and stay binding.
Auction Terms and Conditions for the Sale of IFMS Vehicles (Edition March 2016)
Not binding translation. In case of disputes the German Version prevails.
Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 75897-0  Fax: +49 69 75897-479
Governo degli Stati Uniti
Auction No 1663270
TEL: +39 050 548274
TEL: +39 050 548271
Programa dei lotti:
Vedi catalogo di vendita allegato
Ispezione Veicoli:
Ispezione solo su appuntamento chiamando il numero:
+39 050 54 8274
Chiusura dell’ Asta:
14 agosto 2016.
Sono accettate solamente le offerte online. Per fare un'offerta,
bisogna prima registrarsi nel nostro sito
Tutti I veicoli citati sono offerti in vendita nelle condizioni in cui
li trovate. I potenziali offerenti sono invitati a ispezionare con
cautela I veicoli prima di presentare un’ offerta.
Veicoli acquistati devono essere pagati in Euro entro 8 giorni
dalla data della fattura.
Rimozione dei Veicoli:
Procedure Doganali dovranno essere completate prima della
rimozione previa presentazione fattura. Rimozione dei veicoli
verrà fatta solo su appuntamento e preavviso di 24 ore con il
personale del EURO-IFMS e deve essere completata entro il
mercoledi, 7 settembre 2016.
Termini & Condizioni
Vedi Retro
Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23
60489 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 75897- 0  Fax: +49 69 75897- 479
U.S. Government Vehicles
AUCTION No 1663270
Directions to Successful Bidders
If you are the successful bidder on the VEBEG
internet auction…
Successful bidders will receive a Notice of Award /
Commercial Invoice. This document annotates the specific vehicle awarded to you and it’s price in EURO. The
price is net and does not include VAT or any duties.
Vehicles purchased must be paid in Euro within 8 days of
date of invoice in favour of VEBEG to one of the following
Deutsche Bank Frankfurt/Main, Germany
IBAN DE06 5007 0010 0096 6564 00, BIC DEUTDEFF
Commerzbank Frankfurt/Main, Germany
IBAN DE82 5004 0000 0739 0214 00, BIC COBADEFF
Please make reference to the invoice number.
Vehicle Release Document
After you have transferred the full amount of the contract
price you will receive a Release-Note to authorize you to
pick up the vehicles purchased.
Vehicle removal must be arranged with EURO-IFMS staff
and must be completed by Wednesday, 7 September 2016.
Purchasers must clear vehicles through the local Italian
customs office prior to vehicle pick-up. Please have your
Invoice ready.
Certificate of Ownership
This document will be handed over to you at the storage
location while pick-up.
For further information please contact our office in Frankfurt
or visit our website
Interagency Fleet Management System
Regional Office
Wichtige Hinweise an erfolgreiche Bieter
Wir möchten Sie nochmals auszugsweise auf die Bedingen für Online-Auktionen
beim Verkauf von IFMS Fahrzeugen sowie auf die besonderen Punkte 5-9 hinweisen.
1. Erfolgreiche Bieter erhalten eine Auftragsbestätigung und Rechnung für das
jeweilige Fahrzeug.
2. Die Rechnung muss innerhalb von 8 Tagen ab Rechnungsdatum bezahlt sein.
3. Bei Zahlungsverzug ist die VEBEG berechtigt, die weitere Leistung des Käufers
abzulehnen, das Fahrzeug anderweitig zu veräußern und den Käufer auf
Schadenersatz in Anspruch zu nehmen.
4. Nach Zahlung erhalten Sie eine (gelbe) Abholvollmacht, die Sie berechtigt und
verpflichtet, das Fahrzeug innerhalb von 21 Tagen ab Rechnungsdatum abzuholen.
5. Die Abholung muss vorher mit dem IFMS-Personal telefonisch vereinbart
werden. Bitte verwenden Sie die auf der Abholvollmacht angegebene TelefonNummer des Lagerortes.
6. Die Öffnungszeiten des Lagerortes für die Abholung von Fahrzeugen sind:
Montag bis Freitag von 09.00-11.30 und 13.00-15.00 Uhr.
7. Vor der Abholung des Fahrzeugs müssen Sie dieses beim zuständigen Zollamt
abfertigen lassen. Bitte legen Sie beim Zollamt Ihre Rechnung und Abholvollmacht vor und beachten Sie, dass die Abgaben bis zu ca. 45 % des Kaufpreises
betragen können. Falls das Fahrzeug ausgeführt werden soll, verlangt der Zoll in
der Regel eine Sicherheit in gleicher Höhe in Form von Bargeld oder einer
8. Wenn Sie das Fahrzeug auf eigener Achse wegfahren wollen, benötigen Sie ein
Überführungskennzeichen und die entsprechenden Dokumente. Andernfalls
müssen Fahrzeuge zum Abtransport verladen werden.
9. Bei nicht fristgerechter Abholung können Ihnen Lagergebühren von zehn EURO
pro Tag und Fahrzeug berechnet werden.
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Bedingungen unbedingt einhalten. Sollten
Sie hierzu Fragen haben, stehen wir Ihnen gern telefonisch oder per E-Mail zur
Page 1 of 3
Interagency Fleet Management System
Regional Office
Important Notice to Successful U.S. Government Vehicle Auction Bidders
Bidders are reminded of VEBEG Online-Auction Terms and Conditions for the
sale of IFMS vehicles along with the additional items noted below (items 5-9).
1. Successful Bidders will receive an Invoice annotating the specific vehicle
awarded and its’ price in EUROs.
2. Vehicles purchased must be paid within 8 days of invoice date.
3. If a buyer fails to pay the full amount of the purchase price in the required time,
VEBEG is authorized to cancel the contract, to sell the vehicle elsewhere, and, to
hold the original buyer liable for any financial damages related to the contract
4. After payment the buyer will receive a Release-Note authorizing removal of the
vehicles purchased. Purchased vehicles must be removed within 21 days of the
invoice date.
5. Successful bidders are requested to contact the EURO-IFMS staff in advance to
arrange vehicle removal. To make an appointment, please call the phone#
provided on the Release-Note.
6. IFMS-EURO vehicle storage lot hours of operation for vehicle removal are:
Monday through Friday, 09:00 - 11:30 and 13:00 - 15:00 hrs.
7. Buyers, who are not US Identification Card holders, must clear vehicles through
the local customs office prior to removal. Please have your invoice ready and
assure you can pay for the customs duties and taxes which can amount up to
45 % of the purchase price. Exports outside of the EU will require a T-form for
which you have to pay a deposit in the same amount or to provide a performance
8. To drive away purchased vehicles from the Sales Lot Holding Area, Buyers must
have all required motor vehicle registration documents, insurance, and license
plates in their possession. Failure to do so may result in local police authorities
preventing removal of the vehicle from the storage lot location.
9. Buyers who fail to remove purchased vehicle(s) in a timely manner may be held
liable for storage charges in the amount of Ten (10) EUROs per day per vehicle.
Please assure you can fulfil all of these conditions prior to bid submission.
Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact VEBEG either
by phone or mail.
Page 2 of 3
Interagency Fleet Management System
Regional Office
Informazioni importanti per tutti gli Aggiudicatari dei Veicoli Usati del
Governo USA venduti all’asta
Gli offerenti devono seguire i termini e le condizioni di vendita elencate dalla Ditta
VEBEG cosi’ come i termini sotto elencati (punti 5-9).
1. Gli aggiudicatari riceveranno una fattura in cui verra’ specificato il tipo di veicolo
acquistato e il prezzo in EURO.
2. I veicoli acquistati devono essere pagati entro 8 giorni dalla data della Fattura.
3. Se l’acquirente non paga l’intero ammontare nei tempi richiesti, la Ditta VEBEG e’
autorizzata a cancellare il contratto, a rivendere il veicolo ad altri e a richiedere il
rimborso delle spese derivate dalla cancellazione del contratto.
4. Dopo aver effettuato il pagamento, l’acquirente ricevera’ il “RELEASE NOTE” che
l’autorizza a rimuovere il veicolo acquistato. Il veicolo deve essere rimosso entro 21
giorni dalla data della fattura.
5. All’aggiudicatario e’ richiesto di contattare il personale dell’EURO-IFMS in anticipo per
coordinare la rimozione del veicolo. Per prendere un appuntamento si prega di
contattare i numeri telefonici riportati nel Release-Note.
6. L’orario di apertura per la rimozione dei veicoli dal parcheggio di vendita dell’EUROIFMS e’ il seguente:
Dal Lunedi al Venerdi, 09:00 - 11:30 e 13:00 - 15:00.
7. Il compratore, ad eccezione dei Dipendenti Americani (US ID Cards Holders), deve
provvedere a ottenere i documenti doganali dalla Dogana locale prima della rimozione.
Pregasi presentarsi alla Dogana con copia della fattura per poter pagare le relative
imposte, che possono ammontare fino al 45% del prezzo di offerta. L’esportazione fuori
dall’ EU potra’ essere fatta richiedendo la T1, per la quale e’ richiesto il pagamento di un
deposito dello stesso ammontare.
8. Per poter guidare il veicolo fuori dal parcheggio di vendita dell’EURO-IFMS, l’acquirente
deve essere in possesso dell’ assicurazione, la targa e i relativi documenti rilasciati dalla
Motorizzazione civile o dall’ ufficio Vehicle Registration, se trattasi di dipendenti
Americani. In caso contrario, le autorita’ locali potrebbero impedire la rimozione del
veicolo dal parcheggio.
9. L’acquirente che non rimuovera’ il veicolo nei tempi richiesti dovra’ pagare una penale
giornaliera di EURO 10 per veicolo.
Prima di presentare l’offerta, l’acquirente e’ pregato di assicurarsi di poter adempiere
a tutte le condizioni sopra elencate. Per ulteriori chiarimenti pregasi contattare la Ditta
VEBEG sia telefonicamente che per via e-mail.
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Page 1 of 4
AUCTION No 1663270
Lot-Number: 001
2008 Ford E350, Blue
8 Cylinder, 5,4 Ltr. Gasoline Engine, Automatic
Est. 64948 KM
VIN 1FBNE31L08DB44495, Tag # G43 0292E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Engine hood panel - surface paint scratches, right
side passenger door - paint scratches
Lot-Number: 002
2006 Opel Vivaro, Blue
4 Cylinder, 2,5 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 29103 KM
VIN W0LF7PDBH6V658834, Tag # G42 0953E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Engine hood panel - paint crack, right side fender paint scratch, right rear quarter panel - paint scratch, right
side passenger door jamb - paint chips, rear cargo door paint chips, driver's chair upholstery - worn
Lot-Number: 003
2009 Ford Mondeo, Silver
4 Cylinder, 2,0 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Manual
Est. 187811 KM
VIN WF0GXXGBBG9C54296, Tag # G21 0177E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right side front passenger door - paint rub marks,
right rear quarter panel - paint worn/damaged, rear bumper
fascia - paint scraped. NOTE*** Windshield stone chip
received certified repair. A cosmetic blemish remains visible
Lot-Number: 004
2006 Opel Vivaro, Orange
4 Cylinder, 2,5 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 13841 KM
VIN W0LF7BDBH6V633634, Tag # G42 0364E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right front wheel cover - missing, right side
passenger door - paint chips, rear cargo door - paint
scratches, rear bumper - damaged
VEBEG GmbH  Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23  D-60489 Frankfurt
Tel +49 69 75897-0  Fax +49 69 75897-479  
Page 2 of 4
AUCTION No 1663270
Lot-Number: 005
2007 Mercedes Sprinter, White
4 Cylinder, 2,2 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 36523 KM
VIN WDB9062111N355703, Tag # G42 1320E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Rear cargo bed liner - worn, right side cargo body dent
Lot-Number: 006
2007 Mercedes Sprinter, White
4 Cylinder, 2,2 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Manual
Est. 63268 KM
VIN WDB9061111N361179, Tag # G41 0982E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right side passenger mirror light cover - broken,
rear passenger cab - corrosion spots, left rear taillight lens
cover - broken, driver's chair upholstery - worn
Lot-Number: 007
2007 Opel Vivaro, Blue
4 Cylinder, 2,5 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 50794 KM
VIN W0LF7BJBH8V604236, Tag # G42 1085E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right side front passenger door - door opening
mechanism - defective (does not open from the outside),
interior plastic cup holder assembly - missing, left front
speaker grill cover - missing -Front bumper fascia - scraped,
Front plastic grill trim - paint scratch
Lot-Number: 008
2007 Opel Vivaro, White
4 Cylinder, 2,5 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 36874 KM
VIN W0LF7AJAH8V606124, Tag # G41 0968E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right side body plastic trim molding - missing, right
side front door/rear quarter panel - paint scrapes, rear
cargo door - dent
VEBEG GmbH  Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23  D-60489 Frankfurt
Tel +49 69 75897-0  Fax +49 69 75897-479  
Page 3 of 4
AUCTION No 1663270
Lot-Number: 009
2009 Ford Focus, Silver
4 Cylinder, 2,0 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 80385 KM
VIN WF0HXXWPDH9C61160, Tag # G13 0555E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Front/rear bumper fascia - paint scrapes, right front
fender - paint scrapes, right side door - paint scratch,
AM/FM radio antenna - missing
Lot-Number: 010
2010 Ford Focus, Blue
4 Cylinder, 2,0 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 43062 KM
VIN WF0SXXGCDSAM38366, Tag # G20 1159E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
Lot-Number: 011
2007 Mercedes Sprinter, White
4 Cylinder, 2,2 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 124475 KM
VIN WDB9066131S230990, Tag # G43 0144E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Engine hood panel - dent, right side body - dents
(rocker panel, cargo door), rear quarter panel plastic trim scraped, left rear body panel - dents, rear cargo door missing MB emblem, driver's chair upholstery - worn
Lot-Number: 012
2007 Mercedes Sprinter, Orange
4 Cylinder, 2,2 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Manual
Est. 60064 KM
VIN WDB9066131S231629, Tag # G43 0147E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Right side cargo door - paint scratch, driver's door paint chips, driver's chair upholstery - worn
VEBEG GmbH  Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23  D-60489 Frankfurt
Tel +49 69 75897-0  Fax +49 69 75897-479  
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AUCTION No 1663270
Lot-Number: 013
2004 Freightliner FL60, Blue
4 Cylinder, 4,3 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 20596 KM
VIN 1FVABPCP94HM99036, Tag # G82 0003E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Engine hood panel - paint cracked/chipped, Bumper
paint - peeling, right front fender - paint scraped, roof paint
- peeling, tire changing tools - missing
Lot-Number: 014
2009 Ford Focus, Silver
4 Cylinder, 2,0 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 86443 KM
VIN WF0HXXWPDH9R51107, Tag # G13 0552E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Engine hood panel - paint scratches, chips, right
front/rear passenger doors - paint chips, rear bumper fascia
- paint scratches, left side rocker panel - dent, driver's door
- paint chips
Lot-Number: 015
2009 Ford Focus, Silver
4 Cylinder, 1,6 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Automatic
Est. 71173 KM
VIN WF0HXXWPDH9C61161, Tag # G13 0556E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
wear) - Front/rear bumper fascias - paint scrapes, right
front fender - dent, paint scrapes/chips, right side rocker
panel - dent
Lot-Number: 016
2010 Ford Focus, Grey
4 Cylinder, 1,6 Ltr. Diesel Engine, Manual
Est. 26829 KM
VIN WF0SXXGCDSAM38368, Tag # G20 1161E
Remarks: Known Repairs Required (Age and use related
VEBEG GmbH  Rödelheimer Bahnweg 23  D-60489 Frankfurt
Tel +49 69 75897-0  Fax +49 69 75897-479  