Epistle July 2014 - St.Ann`s | Episcopal Church


Epistle July 2014 - St.Ann`s | Episcopal Church
The E pis t le
St. Ann’s Episcopal Church
JULY 2014
Fireworks and Works of Freedom
We are proud of our country. We love the advantages and privileges
we are provided as citizens. They drive our dreams of a nation
becoming a better place for people to live. Here are two stories.
Deadline for August
Newsletter content is July
Inside This Issue
Parish Life
Vestry News
July Calendar
St. Ann’s Episcopal Church
419 Woodland St.
Nashville, TN 37206
The Reverend Richard C. Britton, Jr.
The Reverend Charlie Burdeshaw
Christine Brosend
Supply Musician
Suzan Favreau
Assistant to the Rector
Charlsie Holmes
Doug Jenkins
July 1st is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act.
The Act outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. President John Kennedy began legislation for passage
but was assassinated before it was signed into law. Legislation was
signed under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson. In
President Johnson’s last public address in 1972 he said, "We know
there's injustice. We know there's intolerance. We know there's
discrimination and hate and suspicion. We know there's division
among us. But there is a larger truth. We have proved that great
progress is possible. We know how much still remains to be done.
And if our hearts are right, and if courage remains our constant
companion, then, my fellow Americans, I am confident, we shall
Ten years later a 12 year old girl wanted to play Little League baseball
in Donelson. Her name was Ambra Offutt. Girls could not play
according to the rules of the Little League. A lawsuit was filed and
that rule was changed allowing girls to play. (When the lawsuit was
filed she was already playing and was on the starting lineup).
The images remind me of the dreams I have for our country; a country
that guarantees equality for all people and the opportunity to change
laws and systems that discriminate. My dream is of a nation that is
tolerant and expects efforts to question and change conditions that
exclude people. I dream of a nation that sees itself as a home for
others seeking democracy and opportunity. It is the American Way.
Another image from the Psalms – “May God be gracious to us and
bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be
known upon earth.” (Psalm 67:1- 2a). God’s way is a way of justice,
mercy and peace. May our country be guided by these principles.
Rick Britton
Henry Walker, Sr. Warden
Hank Cardwell
Cathey Gwyn
Diana Naisby
Harold Pinkley
Jeff Smith, Clerk
Kathy Brothers, Jr. Warden
Aaron Campbell
Jenny Ladefoged
Meg Sherrill
John Snyders, Treas.
Music City Incorporated announces 4th of July activities.
The main event is on Friday in downtown with a stage located at 1st and
Broadway. The fireworks will start approximately at 10:15pm. On
Thursday evening, July 3rd there is the Nashville’s Dancin concert. There
will be no fireworks after that concert. On July 4th the Woodland Street
bridge will be closed from 8pm-10:15pm. St. Ann’s parking lots will be
open to observe the fireworks .
A resolution was passed at the Diocesan Convention to
establish this task force to educate direct and encourage all
parishes, missions and other diocesan institutions to stand for
the poor. Bishop Bauerschmidt will select members upon his
return from sabbatical in October. If interested please contact
Amanda Stephenson, the Bishop’s Executive Assistant at
251.3322 or astephenson@edtn.org.
Donations for Altar Flowers. Members are invited to donate flowers for
the altar. Members can also share putting flowers on the altar with another
member. Unfortunately the line item in
the 2014 budget to purchase flowers
for the altar when there is no donation
has been spent.
Musician for Sunday Worship
Christine Brosend has supplied as our musician. Her last Sunday with us is July 6. After her departure we
will have a supply musician through the summer. Sheila Pugh, a local musician, will assist in scheduling a
musician for our Sunday worship at least through the end of August. Sheila is a well- known organist (and
pianist) who has played and directed church choirs. A Search Committee will be formed in the near future.
Cathy Sanford to Manage Parish Website
Cathy has volunteered to manage our website. She will work with Keivan Stassun who has been so helpful
in the past. The current website will be updated while work is being done on the design and content of a
new website.
Parish Canoe Trip on July 26.
Join the fun. The all day trip will be on the Harpeth River. To register visit
or call the parish office or sign the sheet in All Saints Hall.
Pastoral Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry for homebound and ill. J enny Ladefoged is looking for volunteer s
to knit shawls to be given to people as a source of strength and prayer. Patterns for beginners as
well as experienced knitters are available. For more information, and to get the website for
shawl patterns, contact Jenny at momladefoged@gmail.com.
On June 8 the Feast of Pentecost the conference room across from the receptionist’s desk was
dedicated and renamed the Julius Campbell Room. Julius was the sexton of St. Ann’s for 62
years. His family members and friends attended worship.
Congregational Prayers
Members are invited to add people to our prayer list, especially those with long term
illness or treatment.
Contact Charlsie or Rick at 254.3534.
Kathy Brothers
Pearl Joy Brown
Grace Irwin
Marie Pugh
The Rev. Frank Rice
Abbott Stephens
Beau Stroupe
Knox Nash
Lisa Diaz
Under continued treatment for breast cancer.
Infant born with alobar holoprosencephaly (HPE). Friend of Lauren & Hank
Treated for breast cancer. Niece of Viola Miller.
The wife of Viola Miller’s brother, Newell, suffering from pancreatic cancer.
Retired priest of the Diocese of TN who attends St. Ann’s and is homebound with
congestive heart failure; and for his wife, Isabel.
Infant born with serious and multiple birth defects. Great-nephew of Rosemary and
Charlie Burdeshaw.
Former St. Ann’s music director, undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkin's
Treatment of Cancer and his wife Nancy Nash.
Treatment of Cancer. The relative of Donna Britton. Her brother’s sister-in-law.
Almighty God, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servant N., and give your power of
healing to those who minister to his/her needs, that he/she may be strengthened in weakness and have
confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [BCP, page 459]
For those who have died
Bud Steward
Mary Pat Boatfield
Dorothy McCoy
James Clark Sanford, III
The brother in law of Jim Hughson
Past member who died unexpectedly on June 18 in Hallsville, Missouri
The grandmother of Steven Moats
The father of Cathy Sanford
Give rest, O Christ, to your servants with your saints, where sorrow and pain are no more, neither
sighing, but life everlasting.
Holy Living. Holy Giving.
Summer Financial Pledging.
This is a reminder to maintain your financial pledge in the midst of summer travel and other activities.
Through May total pledges to date are 12% behind anticipated year to date pledge income.
Childcare Staff Search
Hank Cardwell will be the vestry person
facilitating the search for childcare staff.
If you would like to help, contact Hank at
The students created a
Mural during June on the
ENHE theme, ‘My Family, My
Community, My World.’
Schedule Highlights
Week of June 30
Friday ENHE No program- July 4th holiday
Week of July 7
Acting workshops with Street Theatre
Tuesday Family Engagement. 5-6pm
Wednesday- Water Play
Thursday- Guest Reader Mayor Karl Dean
Field Trip to Beaman Park
Friday– Street Theatre performs, “Behind the Mirror,
A tale of Snow White and Rose Red.”
Week of July 14
Acting workshops with Street Theatre
Tuesday Family Engagement. 5-6pm
Friday. Field Trip to Country Music Museum
Guest Readers: Gerald Watson (Nashville Ballet) Judge Bell,
Dr. Susan West; Vice President of Belmont University,
Lelan Statom-Channel 5
Week of July 21
Monday -Thursday. Student Reading Assessments
and Finale Rehearsal with Street Theatre
Thursday- Program Finale Performance. 6-8pm
Friday- FUN DAY (giant water slides, balloon artist,
face painting, hair painting, pizza, cupcakes
ice cream and watermelon.
Images from their discussions,
drawings and written word were
captured on a giant mural
painted by ENHE students and
facilitated by Andee Rudolf, a
Community Artist living in East
After it is hung at St. Ann’s
during the program, it will be
featured at the Calypso Café,
East Nashville in late July.
Calypso made a donation to this
year’s silent auction and
winetasting fundraiser. Visit
Andee’s website at
Students are also busy
working on a Freedom Quilt
with St. Ann’s member, Sue
Carpenter. The project
connects reading to the concept
of freedom. Students will
continue to work with Sue on
this project during July. The
quilt will be hung in St. Ann’s
and in the community.
The Rescue Mission needs water. A call was
made to the Nashville community to donate
bottles of water for those living on the streets
and being serviced by the Mission.
Donations can be delivered to the Mission at
Lafayette and 7th Avenue. Donations can be
brought to St. Ann’s and will be delivered.
Many of you are conscientious about the use
and disposal of these plastic water bottles.
Please consider giving under these circumstances. These bottles work better for those
living on the streets.
Episcopal School of Nashville. An explor ator y committee is consider ing the possibility
of an Episcopal School to be located in east Nashville. A presentation was made to the
diocesan Bishop and Council at its meeting on June 14th. Rick Britton and Ketch Secor
attended. Members are asked to complete a survey. Visit www.esn.org.
Todd McEachern Financial Stewardship Secretary. Todd will make deposits, keep an accounting of financial giving by members and send out the pledge statements. Todd was our
past Treasurer He remains on the Budget and Finance Committee. Pledges remain confidential.
As a long time member and past Treasurer Todd brings to this ministry experience and trustworthiness. Pledge statements are being prepared for mailing.
A Word from the Wardens
This year on Saturday, October 4, St. Ann’s is going to host a “Blessing of the Animals
Service.” I know we have lots of “pet people” in our congregation. We are looking
forward to celebrating this day with a unique St. Ann’s service.
October 4 is the feast St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals (and the
environment). St. Francis passed away during the evening of October 3, 1226,
reportedly after reciting Psalm 140. He was canonized by Pope Gregory IX in
1228.There are many stories about St. Francis and his unique relationships with
animals, including his preaching to the birds and taming a wolf. His feast day is
recognized in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Episcopal and Lutheran churches.
We need your help! If you would like to volunteer to help plan this delightful service,
please let Rick Britton or any vestry person know. The more volunteers, the merrier
and easier!
In peace and gratitude,
Kathy Brothers and her faithful pet companion Dougie J. Dog.
Highlights of the May
Vestry Meeting
Capital Repairs. Motion passed that requires 2 bids for repairs in excess over
$500 and for Rector to approve capital repairs under $500. Rector will consult with
wardens and refer to operating budget.
 Directed Budget and Finance to continue
negotiations with Image New for book
keeping services
 Thru April pledge income is 12% under
budget. The total of pledge income and
budgeted non pledge income is 5% under
Total operating expenses are under budget
through April
Members can contact the Parish Office for
copies of the Treasurer’s Report and May
adopted minutes.
The Vestry Retreat held May 31
The vestry held a day long retreat at the Diocesan
Center on Woodmont Avenue. Paul Stephens from
the Church Insurance Agency Corporation of the
Episcopal Church was invited. He reviewed the Summary of Coverage in effect for St. Ann’s. The presentation also led to discussions about possible actions
regarding current coverage and liability. The vestry
discussed the establishments of ‘parish committees’
to address congregational needs and to facilitate outreach. This discussion included the review of resources and discussion for congregational development. The retreat ended with dinner for members,
spouses and partners at the home of Henry Walker,
Sr. Warden.