Jain Society of Greater Detroit Gujarati Month: Magshar Vir Samvat


Jain Society of Greater Detroit Gujarati Month: Magshar Vir Samvat
November, 2014
Publication # 5
Executive Committee
Jignesh Madhani
Jain Society of Greater Detroit
29278 W. 12 Mile Road,
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-4108
(248) 851-JAIN (5246)
Tax ID: 38-2368360
Vice President
Rahul Shah
Financial Officer
Ajay Ajmera
(248) 247-5504
Gujarati Month: Magshar
Vir Samvat:
Vikram Samvat: 2071
Prakash Shah
Temple Hours:
Monday - Saturday
9:30am - 12:30pm
5:30pm - 8:00pm
8:00am - 12:30pm
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Aarti & Mangal Divo
11:30am & 7:30pm
Pakshal Puja
Monday – Saturday 9:30am
Sunday 8:30am
Publication Officer
Sanjay Bhandari
(732) 925-7177
Director – Food Service
Shreya Shah
Director - Facilities
Dipen Shah
Board of Trustees
Jay Shah
Vice Chairman
Hemant Shah
Vijay Shah
Jai Jinendra and Pranam!
Respected Society Members,
Winter has arrived sooner than anticipated and so has the snow. Remembering and
thanking those who make the holidays meaningful is the best part. We wish you
warmth and happiness this season.
We celebrated Diwali along with General Body Meeting on Sunday October 26th, 2014
and program details are included in this Jain Vani. Since Paryushan Parva and Das
Lakshan we have had following events at the Temple.
Ayambil Oli started on September 30th, 2014 and Parna was conducted on October
9th, 2014. Several Tapasvis completed their Oli tap in good shaata. We thank the
entire Ayambil Oli event volunteers for their hard work and dedication year after year.
Mahavir Nirvan and Shri Gautam Swami Jaap was celebrated at Temple on October
23rd, 2014 and was attended by large group of people. Hindi Puja Group also had
laddu offering in the morning. Many thanks to Harindrabhai and Mayuriben for divas
and decoration.
Diwali Celebrations were held on October 26th, 2014. These celebrations started with
Snatra Puja in the morning. EC and BOT gave presentation of “State of Society” to
General Body which included following.
Public Relations
Niranjan Modi
Suresh Shah
Jaya Shah
Jignesh Madhani
Finance – EC and BOT Financial Data, Budget, Revenue and Expenses.
EC – Past events, Upcoming events, Initiatives, Building Management, Yatra,
Study Class & Hindi Class updates.
Membership Directory – 2015 -2016 JSGD Membership Directory was
introduced during the presentation and distributed to all the attending
families. We would like to thank all the sponsors and well-wishers in helping
us making this directory project possible. For first time in several years our
membership has grown from 506 to 540 strong.
Membership Directory App – An iOS and Android app for membership
directory was launched and login information was emailed to members
Harindra Shah
EC Sub-Committees
Bipin Shah
Building Maintenance
Pravin Shah
Jai Jinendra,
Jinansh Shah
Strap on your
Shah gear 012.
Here are the
highlights of the
Pravin Shah
Hemesh Shah
Manish Shah
Hall Rental
Rahul Shah
Inventory Management
Shreya Shah
Janki Shah
JOY Advisors
Amit Lathiya
Reepal Shah
Heena Shah
Tarang Shah
Vastupal Shah
Vinay Shah
Kalpesh Shah
Site Management
Dipen Shah
Suresh L Shah
Web Development
Rajiv Maheshwari
BOT Sub-Committees
Bhupendra Shah
Girish Shah
Shreyas Shah
Rajiv Shah
Fund Raising
Shailesh & Jyoti Jain
JAINA Directors
Manish Mehta
Raj Jain
Pritish Shah
JOS & Social Services
Bipin Shah
Vastupal Shah
JOY Group – New JOY Board and Advisors introduced.
MAI Family Services – JSGD pledged support to MAI Family Services for
$1000 each year for next three years.
BOT – 2014 Activities, Temple Extension Proposal. Core Team was
announced during presentation.
Family Recognition – Two families were recognized for their dedication,
volunteerism, altruism and generosity. These families were awarded
plaque by EC and BOT on behalf of the society.
1. Shri Jagdish & Smt. Shaila Shah
2. Shri Dharmendra & Smt. Rachna Parakh
Professional Recognition – JSGD recognized one family for professional
help to temple in maintenance and cleaning activities.
1. Shri Amar & Smt. Jyoti Shah
Special recognition was given to Shri Himanshu & Minaxi Kothari for their
assistance in Jiv Daya Fund distributions to various institutes in India.
Nomination Committee – Bhupendrabhai Shah and his Nomination
Committee Team introduced new BOT members and new EC Team. We
welcome the new members and thank the outgoing members for their
JAINA 2015 – Atlanta Jain Sangh is hosting the 2015 JAINA convention
and members were given presentation on it by JAINA Directors.
Study Class and Hindi Class Teachers were recognized for their efforts and hard
work. JOY Group had organized, managed and successfully conducted “Diwali
Rangoli” and Live Diya Decoration” activities. Kids of all ages made Rangoli and
members got to enjoy their work and take family pictures.
Diwali Celebrations were concluded by delicious lunch and over 750 members
enjoyed the feast. We want to thank volunteers, our Food Director Shreya Shah
and all EC Ladies for their hard work in preparing food. Dwar Opening for New
Year Vikram Samvat 2071 was well attended on Friday morning.
Bhajan Program by Ramesh Mangrulkar and his talented group on November
14th, 2014 was well attended by several Society members, friends and invitees.
Society presented them a check of $500 as small token of appreciation. Many
thanks to Jayprakashbhai Shah and Hemantbhai Shah in taking the lead.
Annual Day event was celebrated on November 16th, 2014 with fervor and joy by
the Study Class kids, teachers, parents and committee. Many congratulations to
Jaimik Shah and Nirali Shah for directing the play which was followed by dinner
and the event was attended by over 300 members.
Thanksgiving Navkar Jaap by JOY Group on Thursday November 27th, 2014 was
a huge success. JOY had an innovative approach to early morning breakfast and
collected a record sum of $1150.00. Over 150 society members stayed till the last
Navkar and gave well deserved congratulations to entire JOY Board and
Final event of the year Shri Antraya Karma Nirvan Puja will be held on Sunday
December 14th, 2014.
You should have received Member Statements and we request to pay your dues
before December 22nd, 2014. Please feel free to contact Ajay Ajmera or Vijaybhai
Shah if you have any questions regarding your Statement.
Current EC has completed two years of its tenure and would like to sincerely
thank all members of our great society for their co-operation, support,
constructive criticism, guidance and volunteerism. If we have erred or hurt
anyone knowingly or unknowingly, we ask for forgiveness and say Michhami
Jignesh Madhani
President, Executive Committee
Jay Shah
Chairman, Board of Trustee
Message from the Chairman
Jai Jinendra!
As the year comes to end, I want to thank all BOT members for initiating and completing
several projects and to EC members for successfully executing variety of religious
activities. Recently the Study Class children presented an outstanding performance and on
a short notice we conducted a Bollywood Bhajan program in the Social Hall that was very
well received as well. We at Jain Society are grateful to Ramesh Mangrulkar Music Group
for their terrific performance in our Temple. It was melodious, rhythmic and best of all
connected well with the audience (and perhaps the Bhagvan above). The captivated
audience of over 200 completely immersed themselves in to the concert and enjoyed the two
plus hours of the devotional music. The program was a grand success in spite of a few
challenges. Following members helped behind the scene to make this an extraordinary
We thank Shailaben and Mahendrabhai (Guruji) for starting the program with Jain stavans
and introduction to Jainism. We are fortunate to have an excellent sound and lighting
system in our Social Hall however without the help from Rajesh Jain who coordinated it, it
would not have been possible to have a great music concert. Saurabh Shah videotaped the
program and will be preparing an edited version for all to enjoy. Harindrabhai/Mayurikaben
and Vishal Doshi helped with the chairs and stage set up and Hemantbhai/Veenaben
provided stage decoration. Niranjan Modi and Sanjay Bhandari publicized the event reaching
out to our members and various media. Additionally Chairmen of Bhartiya and Hindu
Temples and several community leaders enable us to showcase our Temple and help
develop better understand of Jain principles for our guests. We thank them all.
In a short time with the help of our Board members, we were able to organize an enjoyable
evening for our members and guests. We have received a very positive feedback from
people who attended; requesting repeat performances in the future. This event has opened
up many opportunities for the Jain Society to serve our membership having varying
interests! To that end, thank you for being part of our success.
Lastly the issue of Bhajan without Bhojan! In planning of the recent Bhajan program, we had
initially included serving light refreshment prior to the 7 PM start. This was to help folks
coming directly from work on Friday to participate. However due to very early sunset
(unfortunately in Michigan we have many short cloudy days!) we could not serve
refreshments in the Social Hall. This challenge will be discussed at the next BOT meeting to
investigate practices in other Jain Centers and to provide clarity to everyone for the use of
the Social Hall. Hopefully we end the year in a positive note!
Jay Shah, Chairman
Board of Trustees
Table of contents
EC and BOT Corner
Upcoming Events
Election update 2014-16
JAINA Convention Updates
2014 Diwali Gheeboli, Anniversary, Directory sponsors/well wishers, Jiv Daya
Achievement and high Excellence Award, Fund Raising dinner 2015
Comic Book – Bhagwan Rishabhdev
JSGD Library news, Study Class Corner
Review on Mahavira Swami Janma & Chauyah Kalyanak Mahotsav – Dancing
drama play
2014 Diwali, Annual Day and Navkar Jaap picture
JOY Update followed by Advertisements
Dev Vandan 1:00-4:30 Pm
Maun Agyaras
09:45 AM - 10:45 AM
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Hindi Class , Yoga Class
Hindi Puja
Study Class
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Shri Antraya Karma Nivaran Puja # 6
09:45 AM - 10:45 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Hindi Class. Yoga Class
Study Class
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Snatra Puja
09:45 AM - 10:45 AM
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Hindi Class, Yoga Class
Study Class
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Snatra Puja
Note: For any updates in the schedule, please check the weekly newsletter or the schedule at
Besto Mahino - Posh
Besto Mahino - Posh
Jai Jinendra!
JAINA Convention in Atlanta from July 2-5, 2015
Theme - Jainism: World of Non-Violence
Registration fee is only $ 179/adult and $ 149/youth
Convention Updates:
 More than 2,100 people registered – a record in 35 years of JAINA Conventions history
 Over 800 Hotel rooms have been booked already. Please note hotel room will be booked through
Convention website only either during the registration process or afterwards by modifying your Travel
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver a video Key Note message
 Key Note Speaker - Nipun Mehta, winner of several awards, founder of Service Space, a volunteer
organization focused on kindness projects, and inspiring people to be the change they wish to see
 Invitation letter for participation in Cultural Program is attached. Please contact your Jain Center if you wish to
The time of learning and celebration will include:
 Lectures by Acharya Chandanaji, Gurudev Shree Rakeshbhai Zaveri, Gurudev Chitrabhanuji and Pramodaji,
Roop Chandraji Maharaj,
 Shree Manekmuniji, Shree Bhattarakji, Acharya Shree Lokesh Muniji, Swami Shree Shrutpragnyaji, Shree
Chandrasen Guruji and many more.
 Key Note Speakers - Andrew Young and Congressman John Lewis - Civil Rights leaders with Dr. Martin Luther
 Entrepreneurship, Professional Networking, Family and Community reunions
 Jain Milan, JNF/YJP,JAB, Youth programs and Kids Club in Marriott Hotel next door
 Evening Entertainment Programs – Raas-Garba, Cultural programs, a major entertainment evening.
 Family, Friends and Community reunions
 Delicious Jain and Vegan Food
If you have never been to a JAINA CONVENTION, it is an experience you will cherish forever.
Ashok Domadia
Convener / JAINA First VP
Please Register at convention.jaina.org NOW
Shobha Vora
Chairwoman - Marketing/PR
Diwali & New year day Gheeboli
October 23rd - 2014
Hemant & Vina
Bipinbhai &
Vijayaben Shah
Dipen & Kavita
October 26'th- 2014
Manish &
Varsha Mehta
& Paresh
Shirish &
Vidhya shah
Dimple & Dipa
$ 601.00
$ 1,203.00
Diwali - 2014 Swamivatsalya - Sponsorship- 10/26/2014
Sponsors Name
Shivani & Bhavesh
Ankit & Bina Shah
Ronak & Samkit
Niranjan & Vibha
Niranjan & Bharati
Bipin & Vijaya Shah
Vadiben Valchand
Sponsors Name
Hema & Pradip Shah
Lalit & Usha Doshi
Rashmi & Hemalata
Pravin & Jyoti Shah
Nilesh & Hina Shah
Vikram & Minal Doshi
Anand and Mona
Generous Donation
Arvin & Jaya Shah
Gift & Award
Food Sponsors
Food Sponsors
Study Class Annual Day Sponsors
Dimple & Dipa Shah
Dimple & Dipa Shah
Jagdish & Bhanu Shah
$ 401.00
$ 201.00
2015-16 Directory Advertisement Sponsors and Well-Wishers
eDealinfo.com Inc.
Jaya Travel & Tours
Piyush Dave
Highglow Jewelers
Suburban Collection
Sylvan Lake Family Practice
Family Dentistry, P.C.
Achieve Rehab, Inc.
American Gem Corporation
Choice Real Estate
Services(Neal Parikh)
Doshi & Associates
Global Marble & Granite
Mango Mortgage
Perfect Marble and Granite
Real Estate One
Saloni Gems
Sistar Mortgage
T.L.C. Family Dentistry
Transphere Inc.
Troy Dental Care
Affordable Roofing
Gala Associates
Rita Travel Services, Inc.
Nikhil & Smita Kothari
Rajesh and Vanitha
Bhavesh & Shivani
Jeet & Rama Sanghvi
Mahendra & Indira
Atul & Jagruti Patrawala
Mahendra J
Navin & Sheela Shah
Niranjan & Vibha Shah
Rajiv & Reepal Shah
Names of Panjrapole
Shree Adeshwar Jivdaya Panjarapole
P.O.Adesar, Taluka: Rapar; Dist: Kutch
Gujarat. 370155, India
Shree Becharaji Panjarapole Sanstha
opp. ST Bus Stand, becharaji; Dist: Mehsana
Gujarat 384210. India
Modhera Jivdaya Panjarapole Sanstha
P.O.Modhera, Ta: Becharaji; Dist: Mehsana
Money Distribution
Gujarat. 384 210 India
Shree Mahavir Gaushala Kalyan Sansthan
Shreeji Chawk, Bara 325205
Shree Sayala Mahajan Panjarapole
Sayala, Dist: Surendranagar; Gujarat 363430
Shri Jiv Kalyan Panjarapole Trust, Godhra
Godhara-Dahod Highway, Opp.Yamuna Proteins
P.O.Parwadi, Ta: Godhara; Dist: Panchmahal
Gujarat 389120 India
Shree Babra Panjrapole,
Amreli, Babra-365421
Gujarat, India
Vinchhiya Mahajan Panjarapole
Vinchhiya , Tal-Jasdan
Pin.360 055 , Dist : Rajkot
Gujarat , India
Shri Jeev Daya Khata Ajodar
Post Ajodar, Via Raniwada
Pin code: 343040
District: Jalore Dist:-Rajastan, India
Patadi Panjarapole
Near Viramnagam Darwaja Patadi
Tal- Dasada Dist:-SurendraNagar
Gujarat, India
Near Risala Jain Temple, Risala Bazar,
Deesa 385 535, Dist: Banaskantha Gujarat
Share with the World Foundation
1417 Joliet Place, Detroit, MI 48207
MAI Family Service
Livonia, Michigan
As we approach the end of the year, Finance team requests all members to make their payments
by December 22, 2014 to take advantage of the tax deduction for this year. We need your payments by this
date to allow processing and prepare year end statements as well as 2014 Tax receipt in time. We asking for
your co-operation in this matter. Thank you all the members for your support and understanding through
out the year. Please DO NOT call us with your credit card information for your payment. Credit Car
payments must be made at the temple office.
Please accept our "Michchami Dukkadam" for any errors in your statement during the year.
Vijay Shah - JSGD Treasurer
Ajay Ajmera - JSGD EC Finance Officer
Good News to share..............
International Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) will be awarding Sureshbhai (Binaben) Shah,
BOT Member, 2015 "Research/Engineering Technology Award". This is one of the highest
honors SPE bestowed upon an individual.
The award will be given at Gala night dinner at SPE ANTEC Conference (largest SPE Annul
Technical Conference) and NPE Exhibition in Orlando, Orange County Convention Centre,
Florida on March 22nd, 2015.
Sureshbhai was nominated by SPE’s Automotive Division/Detroit Section. The nominations came
from more than SPE’s 80 sections and 25 divisions in over 70 countries.
JSGD congratulates Sureshbhai and wishes him many more awards in his career.
Research/Engineering Technology Award
This international award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in the
fields of polymeric material development, processing, design, the innovative application of
polymer engineering principles, and/or the fundamental understanding of the science of
polymeric materials and their behavior (creation of new polymer structures, characterization and
understanding of polymer structures, properties, performance and processing).
Please Save Date
FRD Chair Shailesh & Jyoti Jain request you to save the date
for 2015 Fund Raising Dinner Event is on March 21st, 2015 @
SCS Novi, Michigan.
Comic Book – Bhagwan Rishabhdev
Please see the remaining story at http://jainworld.com/general/prem/Cartoons/cartoon.htm
JSGD Library News
Our JSGD Temple Library is in full functioning order.
We had an 'Open House' on Nov 1st and 2nd to explain the members about the books we have (in
three languages Hindi, Gujarati and English), its listing on JSGD Web Page and Books Check out &
Return process.
Members are requested to make the use of JSGD.org Web Page and by looking in 'more' tab and
Library page you will find all the infro.
We appeal the members to make a good use of our library.
Thanks to the members who helped with their time, ideas and sponsorship support
Jain Study Class Corner
Quote for the month:
Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day."
- Sally Koch
Diwali Program
The study class students participated in temple decoration for the Diwali program. The effort was led by the
teachers of Hindi class. Later the students created beautiful Rangoli presentations as well as decorative “diyas” in the
event led by JOY. The study class co-ordinators presented the status report at the Annual General Body Meeting on
Diwali day.
Annual Day
The 2014 Study Class Annual Day was held on Nov 16 at 1 PM. More than 110 students participated in the
themed dance drama based on Mahaveer Bhagwan’s Janma and Chyavana Kalyanak. Jamik Shah and Nirali Shah led
the production effort and did an outstanding job bringing together the program in a short amount of time. Thanks to all
the students, teachers and volunteers who helped prepare the students for the program. All students received a T-Shirt
and a medal recognizing their participation sponsored by Dimple and Dipa Shah. They also sponsored the meal at the
conclusion of the program as well props for stage decoration. Our Anumodana to the family.
Annually, we recognize the students with perfect attendance during the past year. This year there were a record eight
students who won the award: Kavya Jhaveri, Rishabh and Rishit Sheth, Siddharth Khapra, Aarna Madhani, Keval Shah,
Anagha Shah and Mihir Zaveri. Congratulations! Thanks to Dimple and Dipa Shah for sponsoring the awards.
Look for Annual Day DVD availability and 2015 Calendar announcements in the JSGD newsletter in the near future.
World Sabbath
The upcoming World Sabbath is to be held on Sunday, January 25th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Adat Shalom
Synagogue in Farmington Hills. This special service is a celebration of our religious diversity in the Detroit Metropolitan
area and an interfaith effort to work toward breaking down barriers and pursuing peace. Students from group 6A will
represent the study class led by volunteer Ami Lahkani.
Study Class Sponsorship:
Lifetime sponsorship is $1001 and you can select a month of your choice for lifetime. The monthly sponsorship
is $125. For sponsoring study class, please contact Hemesh Shah or email studyclass.jsgd@gmail.com
New Life Time
Sunita and Dinesh Dagli
Monthly Sponsors
Nitin and Bindu Golechha
Mahendra and Indiraben Doshi
Lunch Sponsors
Aashi (Anand and Mona Bora)
Rikhav (Jaimik and Reenal Shah)
Priyal (Peenal and Niral Shah)
Mihir (Manish and Sunita Zaveri)
Dharmendra & Rachna Parakh
Rajesh and Meghna Chauhan
Saurabh and Prachi Shah
REMIND101: The study class emergency communications system for weather cancellations and such.
1. To receive sms notifications, Send a SMS to (906) 984-4176 with the message @jains
2. You will receive a reply from Remind101 asking you to reply with your Name
3. You can opt-out at anytime by replying “unsubscribe @jains”
1. To subscribe by e-mail, send an e-mail to jains@mail.remind101.com
Hindi Class time is 9:45 am – 10:45 AM
Jain Study Class time is 11:00 – 1:00 PM
Study Class Dates for 2014/15
Dec 7th(Jain Bucks Store)
11th Jan
25th Jan
A Review on Mahavira Swami Janma & Chauyah Kalyanak
Mahotsav – Dancing drama play
Besides Jaina Convenstion 2013 glorious success, here come our kids with proven skills and awful performance
giving an account of +33 years' tireless hard work poured to preserve the value of Jainism and culture in US. This
symbolic excellent performance left the imprint that will be written in golden print in the history of JSGD for
successive generation.
Highlights of the play:
- Very appropriate stage decor for every episode resembling the act; it was at apex for 'Jnmabhishek' episode !
Thanks to Deepa & Dimple Shah for sparing their valued articles.
- The lighting, music & sound effect was demonstrated in consonance with the theme of every episode.
- The cast & costumes selected were sober (not over luxurious) and the combination matching with event.
- The script (Niral) for back ground voice and commentary (Reepal & Peenal) narrating the summary of the
Up coming episode was understandable with desired clarity.
- The choreography by Parul Shah & Mona Bora was well received and applauded by viewers. The practice and
Rehearsals were capped up in just 3-4 weeks.
- Their huge contribution paved the path for delightful success of the play.
- The lead characters Sidhdharth (Vinit Shah) & Trishla Mata (Shreya Shah) were appropriately dressed, acted in
full conscious and their live action with speech aloud was the glory of the play.
- The supporting actors Indra ( Nirav), Mantries (Pravinbhai & Jyotiben + Harendrabhai & Mayurikaben),
Sapnapathak (Ankit) and Priyavanda (NIrali) : they all were the important organs of the play.
Key Players of the Act:
- It was written, directed & spoken in our regional native language Gujarati. Surprisingly the US born kids
delivered their speech with utmost patient and very clear pronunciation was well appreciated by the audience.
- All the episodes were eye catching, especially the explanation of 14 dreams by Sapna pathak Team,
Janmabhishek on Merushikhar and the last episode 'Trishla Zulave Parnu' were so well directed with empathetic
view that the last scene was concluded with all participants and their choreographers, directors,
teachers, study class coordinators team grooming around Sidhdharth and Trishla Mata, hailing the swing
wherein newly born Vardhman was sleeping. All the spectators with tears in eye creditably gave a standing
ovation to express their whole hearted gratitude!
- The soul of the event Nirali & Jaimik Shah were sitting on their toes amidst the artists & lead characters with
pride and emotional feeling that ' The Show Must Go On!'
- "This unique success of this program would not have been possible without the inspiring support from BOT,
Executive committee, expertise in light ,music & sound, numerous unspoken volunteers and of course the
study class coordinators team. The backstage volunteers were so dedicated that the settings for the upcoming
episode were assembled with the pace of time" appreciated by Jaimik Shah.
- Gift card were awarded to eight students with 100% attendance - sponsored by Deepa & Dimple Shah. Thanks.
The evening was concluded with tasty light dinner and very surprisingly the food was prepared by our
performers of 'Dasi' role alike Two in One!, namely RachnaParakh & Pratiksha Shah.
May the Lord Mahavira Swami Bless JSGD Study Class to Grow & Flourish!
* No critics or not to derail but for resounding the ultimate success of the hard worked performannce, it's a
worthy suggestion:
- to deploy professional beautician for lead characters make up
- absolute time management
- audience discipline in all respect for the show in session
- To enjoy the clarity of sound for intermittent commentary, preceded by alert bell the curtain may be operated
at very gradual speed until the commentary is readout.
Glimpses of JSGD Diwali Celebration – 2014 (Shared by Pritish Shah and Sanjay Bhandari)
Pictures link: http://tinyurl.com/mjmgn7p
Glimpses of Annual Day- 2014 (Thanks to Chandreshbhai/Jinaansh/others for taking the pictures)
Glimpses of Navkar Jaap – 2014 (Thanks to Kunaal Shah for sending the pictures)
Pictures link: http://tinyurl.com/lqlf9dt
JOY Board 2013-14
Umang Lathia
Vice President
Sheily Shah
Jai Jinendra,
JOY has started the year off with great success! JOY has executed many activities and those
activities have become great successes.
Rishi Mehta
Riya Shah
Public Relations
On October 12th, JOY had its annual General Body Meeting. That was a huge success
where we had a great turn out. JOY started off by introducing the new board through some ice
breakers. The main event took place at Country Lanes, where JOY members bonded through
bowling. There were several snacks and it was a lot of fun for all of the members.
Bhumika Jain
Another successful event that JOY had was the Diwali program. We had a lot of
participation in the Diwali program that took place on October 26th. JOY planned a lot of
activities geared towards the kids of the community. We had live Rangoli for the kids to put their
creative minds to use. We had a great turnout for that and many kids enjoyed experimenting
with the bright colors and intricate designs. Along with the live Rangoli, we had a Diya
decorating station for kids to design their own Diyas. They had a variety of sequences and
stickers to choose from as they decorated their Diya’s according to their wish. It was a really
enjoyable event for both the younger and older kids. Essentially, all these events were a huge
Mira Sanghvi
Media Manager
Utsav Lathia
Amit Lathia
Reepal Shah
JOY Web Page
JOY had one of its most popular, which was the Navkar Jaap. This took place on
Thanksgiving Day, where we had a Navkar Jaap for the lives of all the turkeys that will have
been killed for Thanksgiving.
You can check out all of the pictures from our events at
https://sites.google.com/site/jainorganizationofyouth/home. Thank you for your continued
support towards JOY!
JOY Board 2014-2015
Professional, Economical & Reliable
One Contact, One Agent, Any Airline,
Tel #: 734-454-1441
Email: ameh786@aol.com
Jain Vani Advertisement Rates
We are taking new advertisements in Jain Vani. We publish around 6 Jain Vani in a year, which reaches to more than 500 member's
family. We have also started to take one time advertisement in Jain Vani. Please contact any EC member if you or anyone you know
would like to publish their advertisement.
Diamond Level (Full Page) – $1,400 for full year
Platinum Level (Half Page) – $800 for full year
Gold Level (Quarter Page) – $500 for full year
Silver Level (1/8 Page - business card size) – $300 for full year
Bronze Level : ONE TIME Publication
a. 1/8 Page - business card size – $100, b. 1/4 Page - $150, c. 1/2 Page - $200