Emissions and Efficiencies of Rural Wood
Emissions and Efficiencies of Rural Wood
Emissions of Rural Wood-Burning Cooking Devices Grant Ballard-Tremeer A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, 1997 Declaration This thesis is my own work. It is being submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not been submitted before for any degree or examination in any other University. Grant Ballard-Tremeer 9th day of April 1997 Declaration i Abstract Approximately 2500 million people are exposed daily to emissions from biofuel-burning cooking sites. Respiratory disease, which is the main cause of death in developing communities, is linked to these emissions. This thesis is an attempt to expand the knowledge of emission testing of cooking devices used by the rural poor so that testing guidelines may be developed. Emissions of a number of cooking devices were measured directly in this study during typical cooking cycles. Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and total suspended particulate concentrations were measured by placing the cooking devices under an extraction hood with controlled extraction characteristics. Four contributions towards the development of emission testing guidelines were made. 1) There was a measurable but small influence of the test rig on carbon monoxide emissions. No effect of extraction could be detected at 95 % confidence for sulphur dioxide and suspended particulates. There was no detectable interaction between stove type and extraction level (at 95 % confidence). An extraction hood can therefore be used with confidence to compare emissions from different stoves provided the extraction level is unchanged between tests. 2) Stove performance was independent of the quantity of water used and wood type. Stove type, the use of lids, and wood size had a significant effect on emissions at 95 % confidence. It is therefore important when testing emissions that these parameters be specified precisely. 3) It was found that the ratio between carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and particulates varied during a test and was dependant on stove type. The prediction of one pollutant from concentrations of another is therefore impossible – each pollutant of interest should be measured separately. 4) The validity of assuming constant emission rate in the indirect ‘chamber’ method favoured by many researchers was tested by simulating numerically the pollutant concentrations which would have been recorded in a chamber using the real time data collected in this study. Chamber method accuracy, it was found, could be improved by regular stove refuelling, and an alternative calculation method. Even so, results were biased (at 95 % confidence) and hence the method cannot be recommended for cooking device comparisons. Abstract ii Acknowledgements I would like to thank Dr HH Jawurek for his tireless help and enthusiasm. He has inspired and challenged me over the years and I have grown through his mentoring. I am greatly indebted to him. Dr DI Banks has provided many useful insights at crucial stages. I thank him for his friendship and invaluable advice. Professor H Annegarn and Mrs M Kneen of Annegarn Environmental Research helped with the calibration of the smoke meter. Dr G Helas of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany introduced the world of atmospheric biogeochemistry to me. Dr K Krishna Prasad and Professor Kirk R Smith gave clarifying comments many of which have been incorporated into this version. The Instituut Voor Milieuvraagstukken of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam generously made their computer and printing facilities available to me. The Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and the University of the Witwatersrand assisted financially. Acknowledgements iii Contents DECLARATION i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii CONTENTS iv FIGURES ix TABLES xii SYMBOLS xiv 1 OVERVIEW 1.1 The extent of the problem 1 2 1.1.1 The health impact of combustion emissions 2 1.1.2 World-wide exposure to biofuel combustion products 3 1.1.3 Lack of alternatives 3 1.2 The gap in stove testing methods 4 1.2.1 The need for stove emission measurement 4 1.2.2 The difficulty of measuring emissions from stoves used by the rural poor 5 1.2.3 Historic focus on efficiency not emissions 5 1.2.4 The existing methods of emission measurement 7 1.2.5 Issues considered in this study 9 1.3 Summary 11 1.4 Thesis organisation 11 2 APPARATUS 13 2.1 Extraction booth 14 2.2 Extraction control 15 2.3 Orifice flow meter 15 2.4 Obscuration meters 17 2.5 Gas analysis 20 2.6 Weighing platform 21 Contents iv 2.6.1 Separation of wood and char 22 2.6.2 Measurement of fuel burn rate and water evaporated 23 2.7 Water temperature 23 2.8 Fire temperature 24 2.9 Data acquisition 25 2.10 Summary 26 3 THE EFFECT OF AN EXTRACTION HOOD 27 3.1 Background and aims 27 3.2 Experimental design 28 3.2.1 Variables and hypotheses 28 3.2.2 Levels 29 3.2.3 Significance 31 3.2.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation 32 3.2.5 Other variables 32 3.3 Results and discussion 39 3.3.1 Fire temperature, power and efficiency 39 3.3.2 Emissions 43 3.4 Summary and conclusions 4 THE SCREENING OF EXPERIMENTAL VARIABLES 4.1 Background and aims 50 52 52 4.1.1 Stove type 53 4.1.2 Amount of water 54 4.1.3 Pot lids 54 4.1.4 Wood type 55 4.1.5 Wood size 55 4.2 Experimental design 56 4.2.1 Variables and hypotheses 56 4.2.2 Levels 56 4.2.3 Significance 60 4.2.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation 60 4.2.5 Other variables 60 4.3 Results and discussion 60 4.3.1 Stove type 60 4.3.2 Amount of water 62 Contents v 4.3.3 Pot lids 64 4.3.4 Wood type 66 4.3.5 Wood size 67 4.3.6 First order interactions 68 4.4 Summary and conclusions 68 5 REAL-TIME EMISSION PATTERNS 70 5.1 Background and aims 70 5.1.1 The definition of the problem and the method of solution 70 5.1.2 Previous studies 71 5.2 Experimental design 73 5.3 Results and discussion 75 5.3.1 The open fires 77 5.3.2 The enclosed stoves 82 5.3.3 Extraction analysis of variance 89 5.3.4 Variable screening analysis of variance 89 5.4 Summary and conclusions 6 THE SIMULATION OF A DILUTION CHAMBER 89 91 6.1 Background and aims 91 6.2 Experimental design 94 6.3 Results and discussion 97 6.3.1 The effect of cooking task on chamber method accuracy 99 6.3.2 The effect of air exchange rate on chamber method accuracy 109 6.3.3 The effect of cooking device type on chamber method accuracy 111 6.4 Summary and conclusions 113 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 115 7.1 The need for this work 115 7.2 The aim of this work 115 7.3 The approach 116 7.4 The effect of the extraction hood on emission measurements 116 7.5 The study of the effect of five experimental variables 117 7.6 The relationship between CO, SO2 and TSP 118 7.7 The validity of assuming constant emission rate in chamber tests 118 7.8 The significance of this work 119 Contents vi 7.9 Areas for further work APPENDIX A EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 120 121 A.1 Included on the diskette 121 A.2 Installing and removing the program 121 A.3 What the analysis program does 122 A.3.1 Emissions 123 A.3.2 Efficiency 128 A.3.3 Smoke and specific optical density and TSP 132 APPENDIX B REQUIREMENTS OF A TESTING METHOD 133 B.1 International standards versus testing guidelines 133 B.2 Absolute versus comparative measurements 135 B.3 Integral versus real time measurements 137 B.4 Indirect versus direct measurements 137 B.5 Water boiling test versus other methodologies 140 B.6 Recommendations 143 APPENDIX C FACTORIAL ANALYSIS 144 C.1 Identifying variables and defining hypotheses 144 C.2 Selection of levels 145 C.3 Level of significance 145 C.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation 146 C.5 Calculation methods 146 APPENDIX D WOOD COMBUSTION 148 D.1 Oxidant 149 D.2 Fuel 149 D.2.1 Moisture 150 D.2.2 Inorganic Materials (Ash) 150 D.2.3 Organic Materials 151 D.2.4 Direct combustion 151 D.3 Pyrolysis 152 D.3.1 Ratio of volatiles to char 152 D.3.2 Initiation reactions 152 D.3.3 Pyrolysis reactions 152 D.3.4 Volatiles 154 Contents vii D.3.5 Char D.4 Combustion 155 155 D.4.1 Reaction Rate 155 D.4.2 Combustion of Activated Carbon 156 D.4.3 Combustion of Volatiles 157 D.4.4 Sulphur Dioxide 157 APPENDIX E CASE STUDY: COOKING DEVICES COMPARED 159 REFERENCES 177 Contents viii Figures Figure 2.1 Schematic arrangement of apparatus 13 Figure 2.2 Extraction booth 14 Figure 2.3 Extraction control and emission measurement devices 15 Figure 2.4 Orifice plate calibration equipment 16 Figure 2.5 Orifice plate calibration curve 17 Figure 2.6 Light obscuration smoke meters 18 Figure 2.7 Optical smoke density calibration curve 20 Figure 2.8 Thermocouple arrangement for measuring the fire temperature 24 Figure 2.9 Computer data acquisition process 25 Figure 3.1 Three extraction levels 31 Figure 3.2 Average fire temperature and extraction level 40 Figure 3.3 CO mass and extraction level 45 Figure 3.4 CO emission factor and extraction level 46 Figure 3.5 SO2 emission factor and extraction level 48 Figure 3.6 TSP emission mass and extraction level 49 Figure 3.7 TSP emission factor and extraction level 50 Figure 4.1 Fire temperature for 1 and 2 litres of water heated 62 Figure 4.2 CO emission mass for 1 and 2 litres of water heated 63 Figure 4.3 CO emission factor for 1 and 2 litres of water heated 63 Figure 4.4 Fire temperatures with and without pot lids in place 64 Figure 4.5 TSP emission mass with and without pot lids 65 Figure 4.6 TSP emission factor with and without pot lids 65 Figure 4.7 Fire powers for eucalyptus and pine 66 Figure 4.8 CO emission mass for eucalyptus and pine 66 Figure 4.9 TSP emission mass for large and small pieces of wood 67 Figure 5.1 Fuel and evaporated water mass 76 Figure 5.2 Fuel mass, evaporated water mass and water temperature 77 Figure 5.3 CO, SO2 and TSP for the open fire 79 Figure 5.4 Burn rate for the open fire 79 Figure 5.5 CO, SO2 and TSP for the improved open fire 81 Figure 5.6 Burn rate for the improved open fire 81 Figure 5.7 CO, SO2 and TSP for the one pot metal stove 84 Figures ix Figure 5.8 Burn rate for the one pot metal stove 84 Figure 5.9 CO, SO2 and TSP for the two pot metal stove 86 Figure 5.10 Burn rate for the two pot metal stove 86 Figure 5.11 CO, SO2 and TSP for the two pot ceramic stove 88 Figure 5.12 Burn rate for the two pot ceramic stove 88 Figure 6.1 ‘Chamber’ mass rate balance 92 Figure 6.2 ‘Chamber’ mass rate balance with stove extinguished 93 Figure 6.3 Room CO concentration for constant E & F 94 Figure 6.4 Fuel mass and burn rate of the one pot metal stove for the chamber simulation, single charge 99 Figure 6.5 CO emission rate for the one pot metal stove, single charge, EF =0.011 g/s 100 Figure 6.6 CO, Csimulated(t) for a 16 m3 room, S=5, one pot metal stove, single charge 100 Figure 6.7 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E simulated calculated using the least squares regression of Ahuja et al (1987) and the simple mean of E(t) proposed in this thesis, one pot metal stove, single charge 101 Figure 6.8 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E simulated (for t=1000s), one pot metal stove, single charge 102 Figure 6.9 Fuel mass and burn rate of the improved open fire for the chamber simulation, single charge 103 Figure 6.10 CO emission rate for the improved open fire, single charge, EF =4.8 10-3 g/s 104 Figure 6.11 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , improved open fire, single charge 104 Figure 6.12 CO emission rate for the one pot metal stove, refuelled, EF =1.1 10-2 g/s 106 Figure 6.13 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , one pot metal stove, refuelled 106 Figure 6.14 CO emission rate for the improved open fire, refuelled, EF =4.9 10-3 g/s, refuelled 108 Figure 6.15 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , improved open fire, refuelled Figures 108 x Figure A1 Emission measurement parameters compared graphically 128 Figure A2 Temperature variations in the Water Boiling Test 131 Figure C1 Selection of variable levels in a factorial design 145 Figure D1 Simple wood combustion model 149 Figures xi Tables Table 2.1 Gas analyser specifications 21 Table 3.1 Influence of extraction hood on emissions: variables and hypotheses 29 Table 3.2 Three cooking devices used in the extraction tests 29 Table 3.3 Three extraction levels 30 Table 3.4 Properties of Eucalyptus grandis 32 Table 3.5 Summary of experimental variables 38 Table 3.6 Fire power (kW) and extraction level 41 Table 3.7 Efficiency (%) and extraction level 42 Table 3.8 Confidence limits for extraction and stove 44 Table 3.9 F factors for CO mass 46 Table 3.10 F factors for CO emission factor 47 Table 3.11 F factors for SO2 emission factor 48 Table 3.12 Summary of results for the influence of the test rig on emissions at the 95 % confidence limit 51 Table 4.1 Five variables and hypothesis 56 Table 4.2 Two cooking devices used in the variable screening tests 57 Table 4.3 Properties of Pinus patula 59 Table 4.4 Sieve sizes for the selection of wood 59 Table 4.5 Performance characteristics of the two stoves 61 Table 4.6 Emission characteristics of the two stoves 61 Table 5.1 Two additional cooking devices used in the real-time emission comparisons 74 Table 5.2 Comparison of average correlation coefficients for the open fires (showing standard deviation in brackets) 78 Table 5.3 Pollutant correlations for the open fire 78 Table 5.4 Pollutant correlations for the improved open fire 80 Table 5.5 Comparison of average correlation coefficients for the three stoves (showing standard deviation in brackets) 82 Table 5.6 Pollutant correlations for the one pot metal stove 83 Table 5.7 Pollutant correlations for the two pot metal stove 85 Table 5.8 Pollutant correlations for the two pot ceramic stove 87 Tables xii Table 6.1 Performance characteristics of the one pot metal stove for the chamber simulation 98 Table 6.2 Performance characteristics of the improved open fire for the chamber simulation 98 Table 6.3 Measured and simulated emission factors for the one pot metal stove, single charge 102 Table 6.4 Measured and simulated emission factors for the improved open fire, single charge 105 Table 6.5 Measured and simulated emission factors for the one pot metal stove, refuelled 107 Table 6.6 Measured and simulated emission factors for the improved open fire, refuelled 109 Table 6.7 Percentage error at different air exchange rates 110 Table 6.8 Percentage error for different cooking devices 111 Table A1 Summary of experimental variables recorded every 10 seconds 123 Table A2 Time intervals for fixed-time emission concentration measurements 126 Table A3 Quantity of water and temperature change to transfer 251 kJ of energy 127 Table B1 International standards versus testing guidelines 135 Table B2 Absolute versus comparative measurements 136 Table B3 Integral versus real time measurements 137 Table B4 Indirect versus direct measurements 140 Table B5 Water boiling test versus other methodologies 142 Table C1 The calculation of a two factor analysis of variance 147 Table D1 Proximate analysis of wood (Shafizadeh 1981:106) 150 Table D2 Ultimate analysis of wood (Cheremisinoff 1992:8) 150 Table D3 Pyrolysis reactions at different temperatures 153 Table D4 Yield of volatile gases at different temperatures (Speight 1993:57) 154 Tables xiii Symbols ΔT Rise in water temperature K ΔTi Rise in water temperature for heating stage i K η Efficiency % σ2 Sample variance C Spatial average concentration of the pollutant in the chamber kg/m³ C Average pollutant emission rate kg/s C& Rate of change of concentration of the pollutant kg/m³s CM Pollutant concentration at time t kg/m³ cp Specific thermal capacity of water kJ/kgK Dx Optical smoke density /m E Pollutant source strength kg/kg Emeasured Mean emission factor calculated using the real time data collected with the hood kg/kg Esimulated Mean emission factor calculated using the solution to the simulated dilution chamber kg/kg e Number of levels of the factor E - factorial experiment F Snedecor's F distribution - test for statistical significance F Fuel burn rate kg/s H Height of the open side above the process covered by a hood m h Step size in Runge-Kutta solution to an ordinary differential equation hco Enthalpy of combustion of the char at the reference temperature Symbols kJ/kg xiv h fo Enthalpy of combustion of the fuel at the reference temperature kJ/kg h fg Enthalpy of vaporisation of water kJ/kg i Heating stage number K Total number of pots k Constant in Runge-Kutta solution to an ordinary differential equation, chapter 6 k Pot number, chapter 3 & Appendix A ME Mass of pollutant emitted kg M Etotal Total mass of pollutant emitted kg & M Etotal Average pollutant emission rate kg/s M Etask Total pollutant mass emitted during the desired task kg/task MS Statistical mean square Mwater Mass of moisture in a sample of wood kg M wood Mass of oven dried wood kg m Mass of water in the main pot at the start of the experiment kg $ m Mass of water evaporated kg &a m Rate of pollutant mass accumulation in the chamber kg/s mc Mass of char remaining at the end of the phase kg mf Mass of fuel used during the phase kg & in m Instantaneous mass flow rate of pollutant into the chamber kg/s mk Average mass of water in each pot kg Symbols xv $k m Mass of water evaporated from each pot kg & out m Mass flow rate of pollutant leaving the chamber kg/s m pot1 Mass of pot 1 kg m pot 2 Mass of pot 2 kg mstove Mass of stove kg & stove m Mass rate of pollutant emission from the stove kg/s mwood Mass of wood kg n Final heating stage number, Appendix A n Number of sample readings, Appendix C n...N Counter used in Runge-Kutta solution to an ordinary differential equation OSD Specific Optical Smoke Density m−1 P Average fire power kW PHU Percentage Heat Utilised % Q Volumetric extraction flow rate through a hood m³/s r Linear correlation coefficient S Air exchange rate in the chamber s −1 Sx Percentage obscuration % SFC Specific Fuel Consumed kg/kg SS Statistical sum of squares s Number of levels of the factor S - factorial experiment T Test duration Symbols s xvi TSP Total Suspended Particulate concentration mg/m³ t Time s t task Time taken to achieve the desired task s V Capture velocity at the process surface under a hood, chapter 3 m/s V Volume of the chamber, chapter 6 m³ v& flue Flue extraction rate m³/s W Width of the open side of a hood m x Wood moisture content % x1 , x2 ,K, xn Observations 1 to n x path Optical path length Symbols m xvii 1 Overview Development organisations attempting to promote improved stoves in rural areas often recognise the need for reduced smoke and other emissions from these stoves. In a survey of improved cookstove programmes (Smith & Ramakrishna 1991:219-241; Ramakrishna 1992:135-146) a significant number of organisations (67%) indicated that smoke reduction was one of their most important objectives. Many stove dissemination programmes have found that users derived the greatest satisfaction from reduction in smoke levels (Karekezi 1992:93; WHO 1992:29). Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated a relationship between air pollution from the combustion of biomass fuel and poor health (WHO 1992:626). Only by measuring the emissions of new stoves and comparing them with those of earlier cooking devices can improvements be assessed and emission levels reduced. There are, however, no accepted guidelines for testing emissions from biomass cookstoves (WHO 1992:28). Objective measurements of stove emissions currently require expensive equipment, as well as significant expertise, and therefore these tests are restricted to large-scale national programmes (Smith & Ramakrishna 1991:227). Current knowledge of emissions from stoves and how to gauge emission levels is severely limited and requires considerably more research (Joseph 1991:154). In this thesis an attempt is made to expand the knowledge of emission testing methods of biofuel cookstoves † . There are two compelling reasons for focusing on emission testing methods – each of these is considered below. The impact of biomass combustion pollution on people is discussed in Section 1.1. We will see from this discussion that improvements in emission levels will have a profound effect on many people. Section 1.2 covers the lack of accepted guidelines for testing emissions and the problems associated with making progress in developing them. † The terms ‘cookstove’ and ‘stove’ are used loosely here to refer to some type of domestic cooking device used predominantly by the rural poor in less developed countries. This includes the most basic of cooking devices, the open fire – a ‘three stone fire’ built on the ground with a pot supported above it. The term ‘biofuel’ or ‘biomass’ is used although this thesis focuses on wood combustion. Biofuels are any fuels from living sources: wood, charcoal, dung and crop residues. 1 Overview 1 1.1 The extent of the problem The health risk associated with exposure to smoke and other products of combustion and the number of people at risk world-wide should be considered. For many rural dwellers there is no possibility of changing to fuels other than wood. 1.1.1 The health impact of combustion emissions In developing countries respiratory disease is the chief cause of death (Krugmann 1989:129; WHO 1992:11). Acute respiratory infections are one of the leading causes of death in black South African children (von Schirnding et al 1991:81). The link between these respiratory problems and emissions from cooking with biofuels however has only recently been made. Below are listed a number of the findings of studies into the long term effects of exposure – specific details lie beyond the scope of this work – more detail can be found in the references given below: • Biomass combustion products are believed to be a major cause of respiratory disease, particularly in young children (Hong 1992:75; Morris et al 1990:105; Pierson et al 1989:341). • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in wood smoke are known to cause bladder and lung problems (Calle & Zeighami 1984:44). • Lung cancer can occur many years after exposure as a result of the carcinogens in biomass fuels (Sobue 1990:63,64; Karekezi 1992:97; Morris et al 1990:105; Kossove 1982:624; Hong 1992:54). Many polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in wood smoke are known carcinogens (Calle & Zeighami 1984:41 list fifteen strong carcinogens). The quantity of one of these carcinogens, benzo(H)pyrene, that a rural woman is exposed to in a day would be equivalent to that from smoking 450 non-filter cigarettes (Sims & Kjellström 1992:151; see Smith 1990:453,454 for a comparison of smoking and rural smoke exposure). • The effects of nitrogen oxides on the immune system may increase the chance of contracting tuberculosis in children exposed to a tuberculous adult (Achmadi 1992:8; Kossove 1982:623). 1 Overview 2 • Adverse effects of exposure on pregnant women and on the birth weight of children have been found (WHO 1992:11). Smoke exposure frequently causes eye infections (WHO 1992:20). 1.1.2 World-wide exposure to biofuel combustion products More than half the world’s population uses biofuels every day for cooking – about 2500 million people (WHO 1992:1,10). In Africa firewood accounts for over 70% of the total energy used (Ellegård 1992:30). In South Africa approximately 60% of the population depend on coal or wood for cooking and heating (Makhudu et al 1994:1). Women, frequently with young children carried on their backs, spend between 1 and 6 hours each day cooking (Vasudevan 1991:203; Sims & Kjellström 1992:151). In some areas exposure is longer because wood fires are used for heat during the night and the winter months (see Achmadi 1992:3-5). 1.1.3 Lack of alternatives There is a pressing need for alternative fuels. Fuel substitution is essential for a number of reasons including (Eberhard 1990; WHO 1992:31; Barnes 1990): • the scarcity of wood in some areas, • health problems associated with the combustion of wood, • woodland loss through poor agricultural practices resulting in the irreversible loss of topsoil, and, • the relationship between energy use and economic growth and development. The scarcity of firewood often leads to substitutes which have higher emission levels than wood, for example crop residues and dung (Crewe 1992:20; Joshi et al 1989). In the vicinity of the South African coal fields, coal is often substituted for wood because of its low cost (Lennon & Turner 1991:5). Emission levels from coal, even ‘smokeless’ coal, are frequently higher than from wood, and therefore the associated health problems may be increased (Lennon & Turner 1991:5; Hong 1992:74,75). For hundreds of millions of people alternative fuels are unavailable owing to cost and supply problems (WHO 1992:1). Although a transition to electricity or gas would be the 1 Overview 3 most healthy solution “the likelihood of a complete transition from biofuels to electricity in the poorer urban and rural communities in the near future is minimal” (Nel et al 1994:5). The large scale use of biofuels, principally wood, will be unavoidable in developing countries in the foreseeable future. 1.2 The gap in stove testing methods Historically research organisations have used efficiency and cost as the primary criteria for rating rural stove suitability. This has provided little incentive to study the emissions from biofuel combustion. Technical difficulties in measuring rural stove emissions have also contributed to this information scarcity. 1.2.1 The need for stove emission measurement The need for the development of emission testing methods is frequently stressed in the literature (WHO 1992:28,36,42; Shukla 1991:179; Smith et al 1992:Section 4D). In a study of the priorities of improved cookstove programmes from around the world, decreasing smokiness scored almost as high as increasing household fuel efficiency (67% as against 70%) (Ramakrishna 1992:138). It has sometimes been assumed that efficiency is a sufficient measure for gauging emissions – that improving efficiency will naturally lead to reduced emissions. A number of studies have shown that this clearly is not the case (Smith 1992:173,182; Ahuja et al 1987:267; Nangale 1992:18). In fact it has been recognised that a conflict exists between high efficiency and low emissions (Shelton 1982:874). The reason for this is simple to understand – efficiency is influenced by two largely independent factors: combustion efficiency, and heat transfer efficiency. Combustion efficiency, a measure of how well the fuel is burnt, relates directly to emissions. Poor combustion efficiency means that the fuel is not completely burnt and therefore the products of incomplete combustion are emitted from the stove. However, heat transfer efficiency (how well the energy released from the wood is transferred to the pot) can be improved while, at the same time, decreasing combustion efficiency. This often yields an improved overall efficiency but increased emissions (See Smith 1992:173,182; and Ahuja et al 1987:267). It is therefore vital to measure stove emissions and not to assume that a high efficiency stove will have low emissions. 1 Overview 4 1.2.2 The difficulty of measuring emissions from stoves used by the rural poor Emissions from the type of biofuel stove frequently used by the rural poor are difficult to measure for a number of reasons (see Ahuja et al 1987:249): • Since stoves used in underdeveloped countries often do not have chimneys there is no easy place to measure emission concentrations. Care must be taken to ensure adequate mixing of the combustion gases and accurate measurement of dilution factors. • Biofuels do not burn evenly and the resulting fire is transient and largely unrepeatable. • Preparing meals on a stove involves a number of different operations. Measurements of emissions need to be made over a range of processes to ensure that results indicate emissions representative of actual usage. 1.2.3 Historic focus on efficiency not emissions During the 1940s and 50s stove development work focused on the four-fold problem of health, cleanliness, fuel economy and forest economy (Kristoferson & Bokalders 1991; Karekezi 1992:91). Smoke removal from the kitchen was often the primary concern for development organisations (Ahuja et al 1987:248). This focus led to the development of large-mass, mud stoves with chimneys. These were assumed to be fuel-efficient, but often used more fuel than open fires (Baldwin 1987). In the 1970s development workers became acutely aware of the global fuelwood crisis (Aprovecho Institute 1984). Studies by Dr Sam Baldwin in West Africa, published in Vita News (1984) set the direction for much of the stove development work in subsequent years. He described a number of ideas which at the time were revolutionary. The largemass mud stoves promoted by many development organisations increased fuel consumption, were time-consuming to build, and were easily broken. Low mass, metal or ceramic chimney-less stoves on the other hand were low in cost, fuel-efficient, and allowed for rapid production (Baldwin 1984; Ouedraogo et al 1983:1-3). Efficiency soon became the principal concern of development organisations (Bialy 1991:3; Joseph 1991:145) – thus technical and scientific issues relating to efficiency became the focus of intensive research (Karekezi 1992:91). 1 Overview 5 Many researchers emphasised the need for standard methods of measuring efficiency and attempted to make suggestions (Joseph & Shanahan 1980; De Lepeleire 1981; Aprovecho Institute 1984; Baldwin 1987). International standards were agreed upon by a number of key stove development workers and were published in 1982. The revised edition (VITA 1985) received fairly wide acceptance (Stewart 1987). A discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods can be found in Appendix B * . It is often assumed that deforestation and the collection of firewood are directly linked. It is also frequently assumed that improved stoves can have a profound effect on slowing deforestation. These assumptions, which formed the foundation for the development of fuel-efficient stoves, have however been questioned. The following arguments have been confirmed by the author through personal experience in rural areas: Clearing woodland for agriculture and the use of wood for building are, in many areas, • the main contributors to deforestation rather than the use of wood for fuel (Krugmann 1989; Kristoferson & Bokalders 1991; Barnes 1990; Liengme 1983). In many areas a progression can be seen: initially fuelwood gathering is confined to dead wood. Rural overcrowding leads to a large demand for wood and a diminishing supply because of the clearance of fields and the cutting of live trees for building. Wood gatherers are soon forced to use wood from the remaining live trees which reduces supplies even further. Commenting on the disappearance of forests in southern Natal, South Africa, Gandar writes: “It is wrong to lay all the blame on the firewood crisis but the chances are that it was the last nail in the forest’s coffin.” (Gandar 1987). Wood used as fuel is therefore not the sole contributor to deforestation. With large population growth rates, savings from more efficient fuel usage are • overtaken in a very short time (Baldwin 1984). The introduction of improved stoves in rural areas leads to changes in cooking • operations and quantities of food prepared and therefore does not directly decrease fuel consumption (Bialy 1991:17; Smith & Ramakrishna 1991:231-232). A stove which is enjoyable to use will usually be used more frequently and for longer periods. This may * Appendix A describes the use of the computer software (provided on the accompanying diskette) for accessing the experimental data and results. 1 Overview 6 lead to better hygiene and nutrition, but seldom decreases overall fuel consumption. An example of the difficulty in predicting the reaction of a population to energy related changes is that in South Africa 75% of coal-using households continue to use coal after having been provided with electricity (Sithole et al 1991:2). The ‘discovery’ of the poor link between deforestation and the use of wood for fuel has led to a re-assessment of the aims of improved stove programmes. Current work in improved stoves is concerned with both socio-economic and technical or scientific factors (Karekezi 1992:91). This broad base is reflected in recent studies which cover subjects as diverse as welfare issues, the need for land redistribution, women’s time, and the effect of smoke – all in relation to rural fuel usage (see Eberhard 1992:20-24). This ‘renewed’ social angle comprises a focus on ‘the consumer not the commodity’ (Viljoen 1991:19). It is emphasised that rural people can recognise and prioritise their own needs (Karekezi 1992:93; WHO 1992:29). 1.2.4 The existing methods of emission measurement A few studies have been undertaken in an attempt to propose methods of emission measurement of stoves used by the rural poor. In contrast, many studies have been carried out on wood-burning stoves used for heating in the homes of the more affluent (these are occasionally referenced in this thesis where findings are relevant). The methods can be divided into two broad categories depending on whether they involve the direct or the indirect measurement of the pollutants. ‡ a) Direct measurement Direct measurement of stove emissions involves measurement at the source – the stove. A hood placed over the stove to capture the emissions is frequently used. Butcher et al (1984) attempted to design a low cost simple measurement system for determining simultaneously the emissions and efficiency of stoves. The method involved the direct ‡ A third category, receptor or exposure measurements involve the study of exposure levels experienced by people within the environment. They are particularly useful in medical studies where health risks can be accurately assessed. Emission levels measured in these types of test are complex functions of person, environment, and stove. 1 Overview 7 measurement of carbon monoxide and total suspended particulates passing through a hood at a measured flow rate. Nangale (1992) repeated this work and included an indicator of hydrocarbon activity by passing the sampling stream through cold water and measuring the change in acidity of the water. b) Indirect measurement Indirect methods measure the influence of the stove on a dilution chamber (a room simulating a rural dwelling). The emission source strength is calculated by performing a mass balance for the pollutant in the chamber. The majority of emission measurement studies relating directly to rural development focus on indirect measurements using the ‘chamber method’: • Initially methods for evaluating rural stoves in terms of emissions for design improvement and development purposes were explored (Ahuja et al 1987). A stove is taken through a combustion cycle in an enclosure (designed to simulate a rural dwelling), and carbon monoxide concentration some distance away from the stove is recorded. Mass balance calculations are used to determine the average air exchange rate in the room and hence emission source strength is calculated. • Joshi et al (1989) studied the performance of a few unvented metal stoves as affected by three different fuels: wood, dung, and crop residues using the chamber method proposed by Ahuja et al (1987). • The effects of common defects in construction and operation of large-mass stoves with chimneys were studied by Joshi et al (1991) using the chamber method. The chamber method has found favour with the Intermediate Technology Development Group in the UK (see Young 1992) and is strongly recommended as the direction for future emission testing work (personal communication: Professor Kirk Smith, Environmental & Health Sciences; Warren Hall; University of California; Berkeley, USA 94720-7360). Indoor pollutant concentrations and exposures were measured in a World Health Organisation (WHO) study into air quality in rural kitchens in Ethiopia, and field workers were trained in chamber method calculations (Usinger 1994). 1 Overview 8 The method is however not used in this study for the reasons discussed below. Some advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect methods, from the point of view of development organisations, are contrasted in Appendix B. 1.2.5 Issues considered in this study In this study we will place the cooking device to be tested under an extraction hood with measured extraction characteristics. This direct method allows the assessment of a number of the fundamental issues related to testing which an indirect method would not facilitate. Emissions and efficiencies will be measured simultaneously, and the cooking devices will be operated in ways closely reflecting rural usage; as far as possible fires or stoves will be refuelled when required. Water will be brought to the boil as rapidly as possible during the heating up phase (commonly called the ‘high power’ phase) and will then be maintained within 5°C of boiling for 30 minutes during the simmering phase (called the ‘low power’ phase). This task is the same as that defined by the Water Boiling Test (VITA 1985). The selection of these parameters are discussed in Appendix B with particular reference to the needs of development organisations. Four issues are considered in this study (detailed background and aims are to be found within the chapter dealing with each issue): a) The effect of an extraction hood (chapter 3) The direct measurement of the emissions using a hood is not the preferred method for testing stove emissions (Nangale 1992). One of the reasons for this is “the potential for the mechanically induced air flow to change the combustion characteristics of the stove” (Ahuja et al 1987:250). In this study the effect of the air flow on stove emissions is examined. b) The screening of experimental variables (chapter 4) It is vital that stoves are tested in ways that reflect actual usage, because both efficiency (see Baldwin 1987:262,263) and emissions (it is conjectured) are highly dependent on stove operation. It is therefore essential to assess the importance of a number of variables that are suspected to be influencing factors in emission tests. 1 Overview 9 An example from personal experience § : pot lids are generally used in the Mpumalanga Province. The determination of efficiency is complicated by the use of lids because the amount of water evaporated when lids are used is partly dependent on how well the lid fits, and partly dependent on the fire power. Simmering efficiency (the efficiency of a stove while simmering water), in particular, becomes a function of the ‘goodness-of-fit’ of the lid and the skill of the operator. The effect of pot lids on stove emissions is unknown – it seems likely that pot lids would reduce total exposure if cooking time or fire power were reduced. The effect of five variables (stove type, wood type, wood size, the use of lids, and the quantity of water heated) on efficiency and emissions are considered in this study. It is hoped that this will contribute to the formulation of emission testing guidelines. c) Real-time emission patterns (chapter 5) In some studies complicated and costly experiments using gas chromatography are used to quantify individual hydrocarbons in the particulates (see for example, Cooke et al 1982, McCrillis et al 1992, and Smith et al 1993). In simplified tests carbon monoxide (CO) and Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) are measured, CO being an indicator of acute hazard and TSP of chronic hazard (see for example Butcher et al 1984, Ahuja et al 1987, Joshi et al 1989, and Nangale 1992). It is commonly accepted that equipment for measuring even these pollutants is excessively expensive. If it were possible to measure only one pollutant and from this measurement infer the others, great reductions in experimental costs could be achieved. In this study we assess whether this simplification is valid. d) The simulation of a dilution chamber (chapter 6) The determination of emission source strength using the chamber method requires the solution of a first order differential equation which is formulated from a mass balance § All field-work was carried out in the Mhala district of Mpumalanga Province (formerly the Eastern Transvaal) where the University has a rural facility. The School of Mechanical Engineering has been involved in stove design and dissemination projects in this area since 1990. 1 Overview 10 within the chamber (Ahuja 1987:257,258). In order to solve the differential equation it is necessary to assume, among other things, that fuel burn rate and emission source strength are kept constant. To ensure that they are constant it has been suggested by Ahuja et al (1987) that the stove be operated in a specific way (without refuelling, by bringing water to the boil and keeping it boiling for 15 minutes, and by tending the fire in such a way as to ensure a steady flame) which differs substantially from operation during a real cooking cycle. Even so, it is questionable whether it is possible to operate the stove in such a way as to ensure constant burn rate, and whether a constant burn rate implies a constant emission rate. In this study, since we can measure directly the burn rate and the emission rate, we can calculate the average room concentrations for any combination of room volume and air exchange rate. In this way it will be possible to check the validity of the assumptions that are made in the chamber method. 1.3 Summary In this chapter we have considered the background to this study. The formulation of emission testing methods that are suited to the needs of development organisations is important for two reasons: the number of people affected by exposure to combustion products is very large; and there is clearly a gap in accessible methods for the measurement of emissions. Four specific needs are considered in this thesis: • The effect of an extraction hood on stove emissions and operation; • the selection of experimental variables; • the comparison of real-time emission patterns; and • the validity of assuming constant burn rate and emission rate in the chamber method. 1.4 Thesis organisation Chapter 2 describes the experimental apparatus. The four chapters which follow this contain the four contributions made by the thesis. Each of these chapters has four subsections: background and aims, experimental design, results and discussion, summary and conclusions. Mathematical methods are introduced and discussed where they are used in the text. Chapter 7 summarises the thesis and provides conclusions for the entire work. 1 Overview 11 The appendices cover subjects which may be useful to the reader, but which interrupt the flow of the body of the thesis. The reader is referred to the relevant appendix in the text. 1 Overview 12 2 Apparatus The experimental apparatus used to measure the direct emissions from a number of stoves is described below. It allows the simultaneous real-time measurement of efficiency and emissions. The relationships of the various parts can be seen in Figure 2.1 below. Centrifugal fan Extraction control Damper Light obscuration meters Gas Analysis Probe Orifice flow meter Extraction hood Thermocouples Pot Not to scale Stove Weighing Platform Figure 2.1 Schematic arrangement of apparatus 2 Apparatus 13 2.1 Extraction booth The entire stove, the pots, and the scale were enclosed in a three sided extraction booth. Booths such as this one are typically used for the extraction of fumes where a low capture velocity is sufficient – typically of the order of 0.5 m/s (Committee on Industrial Ventilation 1982:4-5). Extraction duct Dimensions in mm 800 Figure 2.2 Extraction booth 2 Apparatus 14 2.2 Extraction control Flue gases are removed from the hood through a duct of 200mm diameter. The duct is connected to a centrifugal fan and a three phase motor. Flow rate is controlled by means of a butterfly damper. The emission measurement devices are supported in the straight section below the fan and their position can be seen in Figure 2.3 below. Centrifugal fan 200 OD Damper Access door Smoke meters Gas analysis probe d pressure tapping Orifice Dimensions in mm Figure 2.3 Extraction control and emission measurement devices 2.3 Orifice flow meter The flow rate of the flue gas was measured with a calibrated 130 mm diameter orifice plate and an electronic micro-manometer (Air Neotronics MP6KS with a DC output of 1 mV/count). The pressure drop was converted to a digital signal for computer processing. The orifice plate was fitted to the inlet within the extraction hood, making it an ‘infinityto-pipe-diameter’ type. It was fitted with a d/2 pressure tapping (a tapping half a diameter from the orifice plate). 2 Apparatus 15 Calibration over the full working range against a standard orifice (BS 1042:1981) was carried out at the beginning, three times during and again at the end of the testing programme. The total change in response was less than 0.1 % over the entire range and was therefore considered to have remained constant for the duration of the tests. The calibration wind tunnel is shown in Figure 2.4 below. The orifice to be calibrated was connected to the inlet of the wind tunnel so as to emulate the ‘infinity-to-pipe-diameter’ arrangement of the extraction hood. Flow direction is shown by the arrow. Test section 130 mm orifice ½d tapping BS Orifice 101.59 mm corner tappings Variable speed centrifugal fan Figure 2.4 Orifice plate calibration equipment The measured data had a linear regression correlation coefficient of 1.0000 to the measured accuracy. The incoming pressure drop from the micro-manometer was converted into a standard pressure drop with a look up table. Calculated mass and volume flow rates were corrected for flue temperature using the correction equations given in BS 1042 (1981). Figure 2.5 shows the orifice calibration curve measured at 25°C. 2 Apparatus 16 450 Standard orifice BS1042 (Pa) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 Non-standard orifice (Pa) Figure 2.5 Orifice plate calibration curve 2.4 Obscuration meters Since the particulates emitted by wood fires are essentially all in the respirable size range (Butcher et al 1984; Calle & Zeighami 1984) it is appropriate to measure total suspended particulates (TSP). TSP were measured by means of a light obscuration (or an attenuation) meter. Two different light obscuration smoke meters were designed and built and are shown in Figure 2.6. The first meter – which was used for most of the experimental work – operated in the visible light spectrum and used a high intensity red Light Emitting Diode (LED) and light dependent resistor. A second meter was built because it was suspected that the condensation of volatiles on optical surfaces (‘window contamination’) led to drift and unreliable results. A 180° slit was cut into the tube to allow a small amount of clean air to pass in front of the lens to keep it clean. The whole tube was enclosed in a sheath to ensure that no outside light entered through this slit. The second meter used a high intensity infrared LED and a photo-transistor operated in the linear regime. An operational amplifier was used to convert the gain reading to volts and to ensure that the load on the transistor remained constant. Tests showed that the meters gave almost identical results (±5 % deviation). A number of stove tests from those already completed using only the first obscuration meter were repeated using both smoke meters. Drift of the earlier instrument was indeed present but much smaller than was originally suspected (of 2 Apparatus 17 the order of 1 % over the entire burn cycle – that is, the older smoke meter indicated 1 % at the end of a test after the fire had been extinguished). The new instrument had a drift of less than 0.1 %. The effect of steam was not visible on obscuration plots when the water was boiling vigorously – the approximately 1m distance between the pot and smoke meters appears to be sufficient for the vaporisation of the visible steam leaving the surface. The voltage drop across the light detectors was converted into a digital signal for computer processing. Lens path length 200 Infra-red LED Photo-transistor Slit to generate air curtain path length 180 Red LED LDR Dimensions in mm Figure 2.6 Light obscuration smoke meters The British Standard Specification for Smoke Density Indicators and Recorders (BS 2811:1969) defines the optical density of a medium as 100 100 − S x where S x is the percentage obscuration, and D x is the optical density (dimensionless) over a path length x D x = log 10 Optical density is proportional to the length of the path between transmitter and receiver. A specific optical smoke density (OSD) can be defined as the optical density divided by the path length. 2 Apparatus 18 It is pointed out in BS 2811 (1969:7) that the logarithmic absorption law (called Lambert’s law) which is the basis of the above equation is followed by all but very dense smoke. Additionally the relationship does not hold if the light source is not monochromatic, the smoke is of varying colours, or the particles of varying sizes (Nader 1976: 608-611). The science of the formation and structure of smoke is complex and the reader is referred to Bartok and Sarofim (1991) for a general introduction to the field. The aerosol particles from the burning of biofuels (and fossil fuels) have, however, been shown to possess a fairly narrow size distribution (Haynes 1991:293; Nader 1976:608). There is a valid linear correlation (better than 97%) between the optical density and mass concentration, and light obscuration equipment can therefore be calibrated in terms of mass concentration (BS 2811:1969:15; Nader 1976:608). The calibration of the smoke meters was carried out by collecting particulate samples on acid etched 47 mm diameter membrane filters and measuring the change in mass. Fine particles range in size from 0.01 μm to 1 μm – particles from fuel combustion sources smaller than 0.01 μm rapidly coagulate and grow; it has been found, however, that they do not grow larger than about 1 μm (Godish 1991:56). These particles, therefore, are in the respirable range (Nader 1976:608). Coarse particles emitted from a fire, in contrast, are predominantly produced by mechanical processes, and are larger then 2 μm (Godish 1991:56). An 8 μm pore size Nuclepore membrane filter formed the first collection stage and was used to remove the coarse particles. This filter size has roughly a 50% collection efficiency at 2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter (Lippmann & Harman 1989:193). The second stage was a 0.4 μm pore size Nuclepore membrane which collects essentially all the fine particles that pass through the first filter (those with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm). A 0.4 μm pore size Nuclepore filter has roughly a 50 % collection efficiency at 0.01 μm (Lippmann & Harman 1989:193). The two stages were connected in series in open face Stacked Filter Units mounted in the middle of the airstream 0.1 m above the beam of the higher smoke meter. Sampling rates varied between 5 and 20 litres per minute, and therefore sampling was not strictly isokinetic: sampling speed was marginally lower than extraction speed and consequently a small overestimation can be expected due to impaction on the first stage of the filter unit. The filters clogged rapidly (within 1 to 5 minutes) and were therefore changed regularly. 2 Apparatus 19 Most of the particulates were collected on the 0.4 μm filter (10 times the mass collected on the 8 μm filter). This confirmed the narrow size distribution of the particulates and the fact that most wood smoke is in the respirable range (see Nader 1976:608). In addition it demonstrates the small error due to the non-isokinetic sampling. An air volume (dry gas) meter with a 0.0001 m3 resolution was used to record the total volume which had passed through the filter in the specified time. The particulate mass figures were related to the integral of the OSD over the sample time (the time mean OSD). From this a conversion factor for OSD to mass concentration could be determined. The calibration curve (with a correlation coefficient, r, of 0.98 and a slope of 9.4) is given in Figure 2.7 below. Particulate mass concentration (mg m -3) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time mean optical smoke density (s m -1) Figure 2.7 Optical smoke density calibration curve 2.5 Gas analysis An electrochemical flue gas analyser manufactured by Industrielle Mess- und Regelsysteme für Umwelttechnologie, Heilbronn, Germany, the IMR 3000P, was used to measure carbon monoxide (CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). The analyser carries out automatic corrections for the cross sensitivity of the cells and is specifically calibrated for the measurement of flue gases. Room temperature and gas temperature are also measured 2 Apparatus 20 by this device. During a test gas concentrations and temperatures were downloaded to a computer via a serial RS232 interface and were recorded every 10 seconds. The analyser performs automatic zero calibration. Calibration against reference gases was carried out at the beginning, middle and end of the testing programme. Total change in response was less than 2 % during the entire test period and was therefore taken to have remained constant during the tests Table 2.1 Gas analyser specifications Variable Principle Range Resolution Accuracy CO electrochemical 0 – 6000 ppm 1 ppm ±2% SO2 electrochemical 0 – 4000 ppm 1 ppm ±2% Room T PTC resistance -20 – 99 °C 1 °C ±1% Gas T Ni/Cr-Ni thermocouple 0 – 1200 °C 1 °C ±2% 2.6 Weighing platform In this study efficiency was determined by carrying out the Water Boiling Test (WBT) recommended by VITA (1985). Efficiency of a cooking device is defined as the ratio of energy entering the pot to the energy content of the fuel consumed. In this study separate efficiencies were determined for the heating up and the simmering phase. The determination of such efficiencies requires that the masses of wood and char be separately known at the beginning and end of each phase. Furthermore, the burn rate was to be determined continuously. These measurements were determined by weighing as outlined below. A digital battery-operated scale (single loadcell type) with a 100 kg range and 0.01 kg resolution supported the entire stove, fuel and pots. Mass readings were downloaded regularly to a computer via an RS232 serial interface and were recorded every 10 seconds. The measurement of stove efficiency presents two particular problems. The first is a problem caused by the nature of the fuel – the separate burning of volatiles (pyrolysis 2 Apparatus 21 products of the wood) and char. The second is a problem caused by the stove – the fuel is contained within the stove making the measurement of amount burned difficult. These problems are discussed in Section 2.6.1 below. In addition, fuel mass is difficult to measure because of the superimposed change in the mass of water being heated (as a result of evaporation). This difficulty is discussed in Section 2.6.2. 2.6.1 Separation of wood and char Upon heating, biofuels are converted into a mixture of volatiles and carbonaceous char which burn with entirely different characteristics. The volatile products mix with air and burn with flames (this is called wood pyrolysis); the carbonaceous char glows as it burns (this is called char combustion). These two modes of combustion have entirely different chemical mechanisms and kinetics (Shafizadeh 1981:103,104). Within a stove, during burning, the proportions of wood, pyrolising solid, and char are unknown. Efficiency can only be determined by separating the wood and char and by measuring the proportions of each, and hence calculating the energy released. To do this without disturbing the fire is impossible. The second problem involved in measuring the efficiency of biofuel stoves is caused by the stove. Since all the fuel is inside the stove it is usually required that the fuel be removed from the firebox, measured and replaced. Combined with the added problem of separating the unburned wood and the char this presents major practical problems. A common solution is to place the entire stove on a scale (Baldwin 1987:83). Any wood in the firebox is removed, the stove is weighed with the charcoal, and then the wood returned. In this study this approach has been followed for the open fire and the improved open fire. (These fires were fed radially, following traditional practice. The char can thus be broken off from the unburned wood without drastic disturbance of the fire.) For enclosed stoves it is impractical to remove unburned wood. To get a good indication of the energy released from the fuel it is better to operate the stove in such a way that only char remains at the end of an experiment (or heating phase). This means operating the stove in a way that does not entirely reflect rural practice. The equivalent mass of fuel burned, on an energy basis (with reference to the unburned wood), can then be calculated in the following manner: 2 Apparatus 22 Taking, m f as the mass of fuel used during the phase (kg), m c as the mass of char remaining at the end of the phase (kg), hco as the enthalpy of combustion of char at the reference temperature (kJ / kg), and h fo as the enthalpy of combustion of the fuel at the reference temperature (kJ / kg). * we have m f h fo = energy released by the wood if it were burned completely m c hco = energy released by the remaining char if it were burned completely ∴ energy released = m f h fo − m c hco Dividing by h fo we obtain m f − m c hco h fo that is, the effective fuel burned. 2.6.2 Measurement of fuel burn rate and water evaporated Fuel burn rate is usually calculated as an overall figure during the heating up phase and the simmering phase. Having the stove resting on the scale suggests that burn rate can be measured continuously. The difficulty is that both the water mass in the pots and fuel mass are decreasing at different rates, neither of which is constant. Since the mass of the stove and pots are known, lifting the pot from the fire for a fraction of a second (until the scale has become stable) makes it possible to calculate the interim fuel and water masses. A few tests conducted with the pots lifted in this manner at 2 minute intervals (more frequently near the boiling point) showed that the evaporation rate was essentially constant (but of different value) for each phase. For most of the tests the pots were lifted at the beginning and end of each phase only. In these cases burn rate was estimated on the assumption of a constant evaporation rate for the phase in question. More detail is given in Chapter 5. 2.7 Water temperature Water temperature in the pots was measured continuously using type J unsheathed thermocouples suspended in the centre of each pot 10 mm from the bottom. A computer * For all practical purposes h o may be taken as the (lower) calorific value as determined by means of a bomb calorimeter. 2 Apparatus 23 with a thermocouple card was used to record the water temperatures every 10 seconds throughout the test. 2.8 Fire temperature The measurement of the temperature of a fire is not easy. A fire is typically very transient and temperatures are unevenly distributed across its area as well as its height. An indication of fire temperature is at best approximate – it is commonly recognised that there is no complete solution, and that the “indicated temperature is probably not the temperature of anything except the thermocouple hot junction, but is a compromise value related to fire temperatures in a potentially useful manner” (Gilchrist 1963:135). For the present purpose it is useful to have an indication of the temperature to which the saucepan or pot is exposed, and at the same time to obtain some measure of the evenness of the fire temperature below the pot. Three type K sheathed thermocouples (310 stainless steel sheaths) were placed 10 mm below the base of the pot – well below the boundary layer of the gases and flames passing across the base and around the pot (this was verified visually). The thermocouple junctions were positioned on a 100 mm diameter spaced at 120° as shown in the following diagram. Pot diameter 250 Base of pot Thermocouple Side view Bottom view Dimensions in mm Figure 2.8 Thermocouple arrangement for measuring the fire temperature 2 Apparatus 24 2.9 Data acquisition A 386 SX computer was used to monitor the experiment and gather and store data for later analysis. The interface equipment consisted of a PC-30 A/D converter, a PC-73 thermocouple card with cold junction compensation (both Eagle Electric, Cape Town, South Africa), and two RS232C interfaces. The control and data acquisition process was as follows: 1 Initialisation - thermocouples - A/D converters - RS232 interfaces 2 Calibration - smoke meters - gas analyser - micromanometer 3 Set up test - pot masses - initial water masses - initial wood masses 4 Read equipment - thermocouples 2 water temperatures 3 fire temperatures 1 scale temperature - A/D converter 1 micromanometer 2 smoke meters - scale mass stable or unstable combined water & wood mass - gas analyser room temperature flue gas temperature CO, SO2 5 Display and record data end? YES 6 Respond to user actions - add more wood to the fire - separate fuel and water - separate char & unburned wood - change experimental phase - add a comment to the data end? NO Figure 2.9 Computer data acquisition process 2 Apparatus 25 2.10 Summary The experimental apparatus has been described. The direct source emissions of unvented cooking devices were measured by placing the stove under an extraction hood. A calibrated orifice plate was used to measure extraction rates continuously during a test. Carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide were measured with an electrochemical gas analyser and a calibrated light obscuration meter was used to measure total suspended particulates. The stove was placed on a digital weighing platform which was used to measure fuel burned and water evaporated during a test. Thermocouples measured average fire temperature and water temperatures. A computer was used to record the experimental variables at 10 second intervals. 2 Apparatus 26 3 The effect of an extraction hood One of the problems with placing a stove under a hood is “the potential for the mechanically induced air flow to change the combustion characteristics of the stove” (Ahuja et al 1987:250). This issue must be investigated before an extraction hood can be used with any degree of confidence. 3.1 Background and aims In 1984 Butcher et al proposed and tested a method for measuring the direct emissions from rural stoves. Since most rural stoves do not have chimneys (Ahuja et al 1987:249) it is not possible to measure the pollutant concentrations in the flue and it is therefore necessary to place the stove under a hood into which all the flue gases are drawn. Butcher’s study determined the emissions of rural stoves for the first time. The chamber method, where the effect of the stove concentrations are measured in a dilution chamber and the source emissions are calculated (Ahuja et al 1987), was developed in response to perceived difficulties with the hood method. These difficulties are: 1. The measurement of air flow rates is costly and prone to errors. 2. The method is limited to the laboratory setting. 3. The hood could interfere with the tending of the fire. 4. The forced extraction of the emissions through the hood could change the combustion characteristics of the stove. There have never been any investigations into the validity of these objections. It is not the intention of this thesis to investigate the first three in any detail. It is argued however in Appendix B, that absolute measurements of air flow rates may in fact be unnecessary. If this is true, the cost of the experimental equipment would be greatly reduced. Furthermore, there seems no reason to assume that suspending a hood over a stove 3 The effect of an extraction hood 27 requires laboratory facilities. A portable extraction hood could easily be designed † . Such a system could potentially be used to measure both indoor and outdoor emissions. It is important to design the hood carefully so that it does not interfere with tending the fire – this however is not an insurmountable problem. The presence of a hood could change stove emission measurements in the following ways: 1. The extraction may change the wood combustion characteristics – independent of the type of stove (all stoves are influenced in the same way). 2. The extraction may interact with the stove type. The design – particularly the type of air inlet – may respond to the forced extraction in different ways. In this chapter we aim to investigate and quantify the influence of a hood on stove performance (in terms of fire power, fire temperatures, and efficiencies) and stove emissions. 3.2 Experimental design The experimental design takes the form of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with two factors each at three levels. The mathematical methods as well as some definitions relating to an analysis of variance (such as factors, levels, and null hypotheses) are covered briefly in Appendix C. 3.2.1 Variables and hypotheses Two variables are considered: stove type and extraction rate. The interaction of stove type and extraction rate is particularly important since the presence of this interaction would make stove comparisons impossible – it would not be known whether the influence of an † The design of a portable hood forms part of an ongoing undergraduate project. Initial results show that the hood method can be extended to a field setting. The Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry has conducted field tests in Zimbabwe successfully using an extraction hood in an attempt to characterise rural biofuel combustion in terms of global warming potential (personal communication: Dr Günter Helas, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry; Biogeochemistry Department; PO Box 3060; D-55020 Mainz; Germany). 3 The effect of an extraction hood 28 extraction hood (if any) was consistent between any stove. The variables and hypotheses are given in Table 3.1 below. Table 3.1 Influence of extraction hood on emissions: variables and hypotheses Variable Null hypothesis Stove type Emissions are independent of stove type. Extraction rate Emissions are independent of extraction rate. Interaction There is no interaction between stove type and extraction rate – all stoves are influenced equally by extraction. 3.2.2 Levels a) Stove type Three types of cooking device were selected for these tests. The selection was based primarily on the need for having a range of common stoves which could be expected to be influenced by the mechanically induced air flow in different ways. Thus stoves with different air inlet characteristics were selected. The improved open fire, an open fire raised on a grate, has the least restricted access to outside air and, as such, could be expected to be the most susceptible to the influence of the forced air flow. Raising a fire allows primary air to reach the fuel bed from below. The one pot metal stove has a small air inlet with a sliding door. The two pot ceramic stove is the most enclosed, having fixed primary and secondary air inlets. Table 3.2 Three cooking devices used in the extraction tests Improved open fire: An improved ‘three stone fire’ – with a 10 mm square grate supported 10 mm above the ground; the pot is supported 100 mm above the grate. The fire is built on the grid. The grate area (the maximum fuel bed area) is approximately half the pot floor area. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 29 One pot metal: One pot ‘Mbaula’ – A one pot metal stove manufactured in Malawi, with ceramic insulation. The stove is top fed (the pot must be removed to add fuel), and has an adjustable damper to control air inlet. The diameter of the firebox is 200 mm Two pot ceramic: A two pot stove designed at the University and manufactured by a rural potter in Mpumalanga (Ballard-Tremeer & Trickett 1991; Ballard-Tremeer et al 1992). The stove is top fed. A tunnel connects the two pot holders and combustion gases escape from around the second pot. The diameter of the firebox is 250 mm. b) Extraction rate Three levels of extraction rate are considered. Extracting at an insufficient rate to remove the emission gases is impractical since gases would then escape around the sides of the hood. With the stove removed a lit match was held 50 mm above the experimental platform – the position of the centre of the fire within a stove – and the extraction rate was adjusted to one of three levels as shown in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.1. Table 3.3 Three extraction levels Mass flow rate (kg/s) Volume flow rate (m3/s) [average during tests] [average during tests] 0.056 0.049 Clearly discernible effect. 0.076 0.065 Setting midway between the 0.065 0.056 Extraction level No noticeable effect on flames, but sufficient to capture all emissions. above two extraction rates. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 30 0.08 0.07 Mass flow rate (kg/s) Volume flow rate (m³/s) Flow rate 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 No noticeable effect on flames Midway Clearly discernible effect Figure 3.1 Three extraction levels An empirical hood design equation was used to calculate the air ‘capture’ velocities at the stove (Committee on Industrial Ventilation 1982:5.101) which correspond to the above extraction rates. Calculations are made according to the formula Q = WHV where: Q is the volumetric extraction flow rate (m3/s), W is the width of the open side, in this case 800 mm, H is the height of the open side above the process surface, in this case 600 mm, and V is the capture velocity at the process surface (m/s). In this experiment Q is measured, and therefore V can be calculated: V = 2.083Q. Capture velocities for the three extraction levels used ranged from 0.10 to 0.12 m/s. These capture velocities are lower than typical air currents in a closed room which are usually taken to be 0.25 m/s (Committee on Industrial Ventilation 1982:4.5). 3.2.3 Significance A level of significance of 10 % (a 90 % confidence that the null hypothesis is true) is common for experiments of this nature (Baldwin 1987:206,207). The level of significance chosen for this study is 5 % (a 95 % confidence level) because of the importance of these investigations in the early stages of developing stove emission testing guidelines. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 31 3.2.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation A 3x3 factorial design with 2 repetitions per treatment was used. This meant that 18 tests were conducted. The tests were fully randomised. Please refer to Appendix C for a brief discussion on the importance of these parameters. 3.2.5 Other variables a) Fuel Type, ash content, burning characteristics. The wood, Eucalyptus grandis, which is used in these tests is an exotic wood indigenous to Australia, and is grown extensively in South Africa on a commercial basis. Amid considerable controversy, Eucalypts have been introduced in Africa more widely than any other species: They grow quickly, but consequently have high water consumption. Many of the negative ecological effects that have been blamed on Eucalyptus are however increasingly being attributed to poor management systems (Munslow and Katerere 1988:162,163). Relevant properties of Eucalyptus grandis are listed below (CSIR, Forestek departmental database; Eberhard 1990:21, chemical analysis of a number of samples was carried out to determine the sulphur content): Table 3.4 Properties of Eucalyptus grandis Botanical name: Eucalyptus grandis Hardwood / Softwood: Hardwood Trade name: Saligna Original distribution: Eastern Australia Texture: Course and even Grain: Straight Average density at 10% moisture content: 615 (500-800) kg/m3 Gross lower calorific value: 19.76 MJ/kg average sapwood 19.82 MJ/kg heartwood 19.69 MJ/kg 3 Calorific value by volume 11700 MJ/m3 Percentage sulphur content, S2 by mass 0.04 ± 0.01 % The effect of an extraction hood 32 Calorific value by volume has been included here since calorific value in itself is not a good indicator of usefulness for fuel – studies have indicated that a volume basis may give a better indicator of rural user preference (See Eberhard & Poynton 1986:28.5,6). Ash is composed mainly of compounds of alkali metals and alkali earths. Mineral content varies considerably according to the species, locality and soil contamination (Shafizadeh 1981:106). Bark in general contains more ash than wood so all wood was debarked before use. The wood did not contain any blue stain or rot. Eucalyptus grandis is considered a ‘good’ fuelwood (for barbecuing, for example). It is, however, not used extensively in rural areas of Southern Africa because it is seldom grown outside commercial plantations (see Eberhard & Poynton 1986:28.6-8 for commonly used wood species). Fuel size. Large pieces of wood burn more slowly than small pieces (Joseph & Shanahan 1980:11). The use of ‘sieves’ for the size selection of coal for the testing of domestic cooking appliances is described in SABS 1111 (1976). The method is based on BS 1016 (1979:part 17). The selection of wood ‘diameter’ used in this study is based on the same principle. Three rings with internal diameters of 60 mm, 30 mm and 15 mm were used to sort the split wood pieces. Pieces greater than 60 mm were split further. Pieces smaller than 15 mm were used as kindling in the ignition process. Pieces which were greater than 30 and less than 60 mm were used for these tests, while those between 15 and 30 mm were rejected. The selected wood was cut to 100 mm lengths. Moisture content. Moisture in the wood acts as a heat sink and lowers combustion efficiency and hence increases emissions (Shafizadeh 1981:105). The moisture content of the batches of wood was measured daily. A randomly chosen piece of each size was weighed, heated at 105 °C for 24 hours, and re-weighed. Moisture content can then be calculated as described in Baldwin (1987:56) or VITA (1985:30): Moisture content x = Mwater mass of moisture in sample Mwood mass of oven dry wood sample Measured moisture content was 11% ± 1% over the entire testing period. Consistency. The combustion properties of wood vary with the part of the plant used (Cline-Cole 1990:79). One of the reasons however for the popularity of Eucalyptus grandis in South Africa is its consistency (Green Heritage Committee 1978:7). Although this refers 3 The effect of an extraction hood 33 specifically to the commercial timber and paper industries it is a good indicator of combustion consistency too. Batches of 20 kg were prepared using sieves as described above. Each batch was then thoroughly mixed to give each piece an equal chance of being selected. b) Stove Control. The only stove which has an air inlet control is the one pot metal stove. The stove was lit with the vent completely open and it remained open during the high power phase. The inlet opening was set at 25 % during the low power phase. c) Process / task Amount of water. In the VITA standards (1985:2) it is recommend that the pots be filled to two thirds capacity. The pots used in this study have a capacity of 5.5 litres; two thirds would therefore be 3.67 litres. The South African Bureau of Standards (1403: 1986) use one litre of water. The amount of water is directly related to the time to reach boiling point. Two litres were used as a convenient amount (just over one third capacity) which would prevent excessively long boiling times (in the range 15-25 minutes depending on the stove type). The effect of different amounts of water is considered in Chapter 4. Purity of water. Municipal tap water was used. It was assumed that this was consistent throughout the experiment. Cooking duration. The WBT entails bringing the water in the main pot to boil and then simmering it for 30 minutes (VITA 1985:2,3). Power levels required. The power levels used during a cooking task are mainly operatordependent and partly dependent on stove and wood type. The VITA standards specify that during the ‘high power’ phase the operator should “control the fire with the means commonly used locally to bring the first pot to a boil as rapidly as possible”, and, during the ‘low power’ phase, “maintain the fire at a level just sufficient to keep the water simmering. Use the least amount of wood possible and avoid vigorous boiling.” (1985:2,3). With traditional open fires, power level or wood burning rate is frequently controlled by manoeuvring sticks of wood arranged in a star shape around the fire. Particularly high powers are obtained by adding small chips of wood, accompanied by vigorous blowing. The following comments on this method can be made: 3 The effect of an extraction hood 34 • very precise control of the fire temperature is possible – when using an enclosed stove without air dampers control is more difficult. • pre-heating of wood – with stoves the fire is often quenched when new wood is added and hence fire temperature initially decreases before the wood starts to burn. • wood size is usually adjusted to suit power requirements – the VITA standards state that the wood should be “preferably pieces of uniform size” (1985:1). For these tests the wood size was specified as described above (sub-section a) and therefore the fire temperature had to be controlled in other ways. The fuel feed rate (dependent on when wood is added and how much is added) is particularly important in the control of fire temperature, and hence of power levels. It has also been found that the quantity of wood added to a fire greatly effects emissions (Cooke et al 1982:147). Different procedures for wood addition were followed during the heating up phase and the simmering phase. During the heating up phase wood was added only once, 5 to 6 minutes after ignition. At this time the firebox of the enclosed stoves was filled to capacity. Wood was placed on the grate of the improved open fire in such a way as to maintain the ‘star’ shape – not all the fuel in the open fire was thus exposed to flames immediately and pre-heating of the wood occurred. One piece of wood at a time was added during the simmering phase as and when required. To maintain the water temperature one piece was added to the enclosed stoves soon after the flames died down (all the volatiles were consumed) – the water temperature can be maintained in the stoves with glowing char alone, but new wood cools the fire appreciably. To maintain the water temperature using the improved open fire, however, flames are continuously required. Wood was added before the flames died and in such a way that the fire was not quenched. As the flames eventually died down, this new piece of wood could be manoeuvred into the fire until it started to burn with flames at one end. Since it was required that only char was present when boiling point was reached (so that efficiency could be determined, see section 2.6) a piece of wood was always required at the start of the simmering phase. Fuel feed rate, even using the above guidelines, is a subjective process (see sub-section e below). With a randomised factorial design small variations can be ignored since they have a random influence evenly distributed across the tests. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 35 d) Pots Type and size. Two aluminium saucepans 250 mm in diameter and 120 mm high, 1 mm thick were used (capacity 5.5 litres). These pots are typical of those used by rural dwellers in Mpumalanga (Kennedy 1990:53), although this is not a specific requirement for this study. Heat transfer characteristics. The same two pots were used throughout the testing programme. The pots were cleaned thoroughly after each test to ensure that heat transfer rates to the water remained consistent. Pot lids. No pot lids were used during these tests to avoid errors associated with the goodness of fit of the lids and with lid orientation in (generally) non-circular pot rims (see also VITA 1985:1). The use of pot lids is an important part of efficient cooking practice, and is practised by many different cultures – the effect of lids is considered in Chapter 4. e) Operator Ignition method. A 420 x 580 mm sheet of newsprint was crumpled to form the kindling. Further kindling, 0.03 kg exactly, was placed in a ‘wigwam’ arrangement evenly around the paper. The test wood (sized as described in sub-section a above) was then added to make a combined mass of approximately 0.15 kg. The paper was lit in two places (on opposite sides of the fire). Skill, stacking of wood. A number of trial runs were conducted with each stove until effective methods of stacking, adding wood and operating the stove were discovered. These were then kept the same during the tests. Wood was added in such a way as to maintain the basic ‘wigwam’ shape and to keep the fire evenly distributed in the firebox. Fire attendance. Variations in fire attendance can make a big difference in stove performance (up to 100%) (Joseph & Shanahan 1980:7). Two precautions were taken: using a consistent method, and careful recording of each intervention (what was done and when it was done). During the rapid heating phase from room temperature greater intervention from the tester is required than during the simmering phase. Fuel feed rate. The fuel feed rate has been described above under the section power levels required (sub-section c). 3 The effect of an extraction hood 36 Definition of ‘boiling’. A thermocouple was suspended at the centre of the saucepan 15 mm from the bottom. The water in the pot was considered to be boiling when the thermocouple indicated 94.4 °C (the boiling point at the local altitude) for at least 10 seconds. Definition of ‘simmering’. Water was kept simmering for 30 minutes once boiling point had been reached. The fire was maintained at a level sufficient to keep the water bubbling gently – within 5 °C of boiling point. The water did not boil vigorously at any time during the simmering phase. Definition of ‘end of test’. In accordance with the VITA test definition the test was ended 30 minutes after the start of the simmering phase (1985:3). f) Environmental Wind speed. Even small amounts of wind can affect stove performance significantly (Baldwin 1987:85). Since the testing rig was situated indoors and each stove was shielded from room winds on three sides the only effect of ‘wind’ would be caused by the extraction hood, which is an experimental variable. Temperature. Room temperature was recorded throughout the experiment. Relative humidity. Variations in humidity were ignored. Wood moisture content which varies with relative humidity and wood species (VITA 1985:30) was measured daily. It did not vary by more than 1 % during the whole test period (more than a year). Atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure during the tests was not measured. The influence of changing atmospheric pressure on boiling temperature was considered to be negligible. Altitude. Johannesburg, where all the tests were carried out, is at an altitude of about 1700 metres above sea level. Baldwin (1985:85) points out that high altitudes will have a small effect on efficiency as determined by the Water Boiling Test and a large effect on field test efficiencies due to longer cooking times at lower boiling temperatures. McCrillis and Burnet (1990:100) found a decrease in unburned hydrocarbons (specifically polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons at a 90% confidence level) with a 735 m increase in altitude. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 37 g) Experimental Influence of enclosure on stove operation. The enclosure (a hood plus three walls) will effect the fire in two ways: Air flow patterns will be more constrained than from those in an open area; and the reflection from the test rig walls of radiation from the stove will increase the fire temperature slightly. Reflection from the test rig walls was ignored. Influence of ‘ease of access’ on skill. The arrangement of the testing rig means that only one side of the fire is easily accessible. This has an unmeasured effect on the way the fire is arranged and controlled – and hence on stove performance. Experimental variables can be divided into those that can be controlled and those that cannot. Uncontrolled variables are either measurable or immeasurable. Variables which cannot be measured remain unknown (Wilson 1952:38). The following table summarises the experimental variables and indicates whether they are controlled, measured or are believed to be insignificant (and are thus ignored). Note that variables which are believed to be insignificant may in fact be important – a fully randomised design, as used here, largely avoids this problem (see Appendix C). In addition to the variables mentioned here there are an infinite number of other variables (Wilson 1952:38; Fisher 1951:18,19) considered to be irrelevant. Table 3.5 Summary of experimental variables Parameter Approach Fuel type Controlled. One type of fuel used, mixed and randomly selected. Fuel size Controlled. Two diameters used, 100 mm lengths, randomly selected. Fuel moisture content Measured. Random samples collected and measured on a daily basis. Fuel consistency Ignored. Fully randomised design. Stove control Controlled. Damper on one pot metal stove fully open during heating up, 25 % open during simmering phase. Task, Quantity of water Controlled. 2 litres used. Task, Purity of water Ignored. Fully randomised design. Cooking duration Measured and Controlled. Time to boil measured, simmered for 30 minutes. Power levels required Measured and Controlled. Cooking devices operated consistently and at the same time with respect for traditional subjective practices, all interventions recorded. Pots, type and size Controlled. 5.5 litre capacity aluminium saucepans. Heat transfer characteristics Controlled and Ignored. Pots thoroughly cleaned after each test, fully randomised design minimises the effect of pot deterioration. Pot lids Controlled. No pot lids used. Operator, ignition method Controlled. 420 x 580 mm sheet of newsprint, 0.03 kg of kindling, and 0.11 kg of larger pieces arranged in wigwam, fire lit at two places. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 38 Fire operation skill Controlled. Trial runs to learn consistency. Fire attendance Controlled and Ignored. Consistent approach, with a fully randomised design. Definition of boiling Controlled. Thermocouple indicates 94.4 °C for at least 10 seconds. Definition of simmering Controlled. 30 minutes, gentle bubbling within 5 °C of 94.4 °C. Wind speed Controlled. Ensured the absence of wind. Temperature Measured. Room temperature measured continuously during test. Relative humidity Ignored. Randomised design and daily measurement of wood moisture content. Atmospheric pressure Ignored. Fully randomised design. Altitude Controlled and Measured. All tests conducted in Johannesburg at 1700 m above sea level. Effect of hood Measured. Experimental variable. Effect of enclosure Ignored. Fully randomised design. Effect of ‘ease of access’ on skill Controlled. Access to the stoves remained consistent. 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Fire temperature, power and efficiency For both fire temperature and fire power, the effect of extraction level cannot be detected at the 95 % confidence limit. This is true for the heating up phase as well as the simmering and overall figures – during any phase the three stoves operate at different temperatures and powers. Figure 3.2 shows the average overall fire temperature for the three stoves at the different extraction levels. The one pot metal stove reaches the highest temperatures and the improved open fire the lowest. The enclosed firebox of the one pot stove ‘focuses’ and contains the fire thus leading to higher fire temperatures. The two pot ceramic stove has a greater thermal inertia than the one pot stove due to its large mass (18 kg) and therefore it takes longer to heat up. It is clear that extraction level does not have an effect on the fire temperature. The fire temperatures for the heating up phase as well as the simmering phase follow similar trends. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 39 540 550 470 600 510 Fire temperature (°C) 520 410 500 450 400 380 300 370 200 High 100 0 Medium 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.2 Average fire temperature and extraction level The fire power (the ratio of the energy content of the fuel consumed during a test or phase to the duration of the test or phase) follows similar patterns to fire temperature. The fire power of the two pot ceramic stove is relatively high. A large proportion of this energy goes into raising the temperature of the stove itself. P= m f h fo − m c hco T where P is the average fire power (kW) m f is the mass of fuel (kg) h fo is the enthalpy of combustion of the fuel (kJ / kg) m c is the mass of char remaining (kg) hco is the enthalpy of combustion of char (kJ / kg) T is the test duration (s) 3 The effect of an extraction hood 40 Table 3.6 Fire power (kW) and extraction level Low Medium High 1 pot metal stove 3.9 3.8 4.3 2 pot ceramic stove 4.2 3.9 3.8 Improved open fire 3.4 3.5 3.3 Stove efficiency (calculated according to the following equation) is defined as the ratio of energy entering the pot to the energy content of the fuel consumed. The energy entering the pot produces two measurable effects: raising the temperature of the water and evaporating water. For the one pot cooking devices the stove efficiencies are for all practical purposes identical to the widely used ‘Percentage Heat Utilised’ (Baldwin 1987). Baldwin uses initial rather than average mass of water in the first term of the numerator. A correction relating to temperature dips during the simmering phase is recommended, but in fact not applied by Baldwin (1987); the correction is retained in this study but its effect is very minor. For the two pot stoves the energy absorbed by the second pot is included in the efficiency calculation. Baldwin (1987) recommends that the second pot be ignored since “The additional heat recuperated... is ineffective in actually cooking food because it is too low in temperature and because it cannot be easily controlled”. From the author’s personal experience in the field this has not been the case: the second pot is frequently used effectively on the stoves tested here. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 41 $k⎤ ⎡ c p m k ( ΔT ) k + h fg m ⎥ m f h fo − m c hco ⎥⎦ k =1 ⎢ ⎣ where η is the efficiency k is the pot number K is the number of pots c p is the specific thermal capacity of water (kJ / kgK) K η = ∑⎢ m k is the average mass of water in each pot (kg) ΔT is the rise in water temperature (K), with correction (see Appendix A.3.2(d)) h fg is the enthalpy of vaporisation of water (kJ / kg) $ k is the mass of water evaporated from each pot (kg) m m f is the mass of fuel used during the phase (kg) h fo is the enthalpy of fuel combustion at the reference temperature (kJ / kg) m c is the mass of char remaining at the end of the phase (kg) hco is the enthalpy of char combustion at the reference temperature (kJ / kg) Table 3.7 Efficiency (%) and extraction level Low Medium High 1 pot metal stove 22 22 18 2 pot ceramic stove 23 26 24 Improved open fire 21 20 22 The efficiency of the two pot ceramic stove was greater than that of the improved open fire and the one pot stove but the means were not separable at the 90% confidence level (calculated using Student’s t test). At the 95 % confidence limit no interaction between stove type and extraction level can be detected for fire temperature, fire power or efficiency. This indicates that to the desired level of significance the different stove types did not react in different ways to the three extraction rates. The fact that the forced extraction had no detectable effect on the stove fire temperature, fire power and efficiency indicates that extraction did not alter the stove operation appreciably. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 42 3.3.2 Emissions The total emission mass and the emission factors for the three pollutants, CO, SO2 and TSP are discussed below. Emission masses per test or cooking task relate directly to human exposure. They are calculated using the following equation: ⎡T ⎤ M E = ⎢ C M v& flue dt ⎥ ⎢⎣ t = 0 ⎥⎦ where M E is the mass of pollutant (g) T is the test duration (s) ∫ C M is the pollutant concentration at time t (g / m 3 ) v& flue is the flue extraction rate (m 3 / s) Pollutant levels are usually quoted in the literature as emission factors. The pollutant emission factor is defined as the ratio of the mass of pollutant to the mass of fuel burned ‡ . Since the denominator of emission factor is the mass of fuel burned a stove which is inefficient, but releases a similar mass of pollutant to another, will have a reduced emission factor. Emission factors therefore include the effects of efficiency and thus favour the less efficient stove. Emission factors are useful in environmental studies, where the total emissions in a community are to be calculated, or in source apportionment studies (for example Smith et al 1992 and 1993). In a study where stoves are being compared the total emission mass seems a more useful indicator of potential hazard. Ahuja et al (1987:260) suggest that to compare stoves a ‘standard task’ should be defined and then emission masses can be compared (the standard task was defined as the raising of 3.5 kg of water by 60°C – the transfer of 879 kJ to the pot). Here the task is the raising of 2 kg of ‡ Note that emission factor E = ME m f − m c (used, for example, by Macumber & Jaasma, 1982) is not exactly the same as the emission factor used by some researchers (Ahuja et al 1987, Joshi et al 1989, Joshi et al 1991) where the denominator m f − hco h fo m c is used. To relate the emission of a pollutant to the ‘equivalent wood consumed’ defined according to the enthalpy of combustion of the fuel and char is deceptive from a mass balance perspective and would lead to higher factors (generally about 25%) than those reported here. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 43 water by approximately 70 °C for the heating up phase followed by 30 minutes simmering. During the heating up phase this represents 585.7 kJ transferred to the water. Snedecor’s F factor, which is used as an indication of the confidence limit for the rejection of the null hypothesis in the analysis of variance, is given below in Table 3.8 (df1 and df2 are the degrees of freedom of the source and error terms respectively). F factors higher than those tabulated indicate that the null hypothesis is rejected. The greater the F factor the greater the degree of confidence in the rejection of the null hypothesis * . F factors depend on the number of degrees of freedom in the terms being assessed. Table 3.8 Confidence limits for extraction and stove Applies to... Extraction level or Stove type Interaction Snedecor’s F distribution Snedecor’s F distribution 95 % confidence limit 90 % confidence limit 9 F = 4.26 F = 3.01 9 F = 3.63 F = 2.69 df1 df2 2 4 Each factor with a rejected null hypothesis at 95 % confidence (5 % significance level) has been shaded in the tables below. Wood combustion is complex and emission levels are dependant on numerous factors. The reader is referred to Appendix D for an introduction to this subject. Here we merely point out the basic processes: • CO is a product of incomplete combustion which forms where there is insufficient oxygen or where the temperature is high. At lower temperatures and in the presence of sufficient oxygen the formation of CO2 dominates (see Shafizadeh 1981:123). We therefore would expect CO to increase with increasing burn rate and fire temperature. * The null hypothesis states that the factor in question has no detectable effect. For example, that emissions are independent of stove type. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 44 • SO2 on the other hand is usually considered a product of complete combustion. We therefore expect SO2 to decrease as CO increases. If burn rate increases substantially however, SO2 and CO may both increase, the smaller variations being masked. Organic or inorganic sulphur in the wood is either emitted as SO2, is emitted in the particulates as sulphates, or remains in the ash also in the form of sulphates (Myers et al 1973:6). • TSP are products of incomplete combustion and are made up predominantly of complex unburned organic compounds or elemental carbon (soot). At high temperatures, and in the presence of insufficient oxygen, carbon monoxide may react to form carbon dioxide and elemental carbon. We would expect, in general though, that TSP will increase with burn rate and fire temperature. a) Carbon monoxide The effect of the extraction on the emission mass can be clearly seen, although this effect is smaller than the changes in emission levels between stove types. 51 50 CO mass (g) 34 45 60 21 40 28 30 34 10 20 12 10 0 High 15 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Medium Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.3 CO mass and extraction level 3 The effect of an extraction hood 45 The F factor for the extraction level was much smaller than the F factor for the three stoves. Thus extraction has a much smaller effect on CO emissions than does stove type. Table 3.9 F factors for CO mass Source F Extraction 7.5 Stove 56.3 Extraction x Stove .76 71 80 CO emission factor (g/kg) 47 78 70 31 60 41 50 40 17 43 30 20 17 High 10 24 0 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Medium Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.4 CO emission factor and extraction level The effect of the forced extraction can be clearly seen for the CO emission factor, with the general trend of a decreasing emission factor for increasing extraction rate. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 46 Table 3.10 F factors for CO emission factor Source F Extraction 23.6 Stove 169.3 Extraction x Stove 5.8 Interaction of extraction and stove type could be detected for the emission factor at 98 % confidence – this indicated that different stoves were affected by the extraction to different degrees. b) Sulphur dioxide Typical results for sulphur dioxide are shown in the figure and table below. The effect of the forced extraction cannot be detected at the 95 % confidence limit and the differences between the three stoves are particularly clear. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 47 0.94 1.35 SO2 emission factor (g/kg) 1.4 1.01 1.2 1 0.25 0.8 0.6 0.33 0.13 0.4 0.2 High 0.33 0.09 0 Medium 0.15 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.5 SO2 emission factor and extraction level Table 3.11 F factors for SO2 emission factor Source F Extraction 2.2 Stove 152.1 Extraction x Stove 0.6 Stove type strongly affected SO2 emissions but there was no detectable effect of extraction at 95 % confidence. The extraction did not change the SO2 emission characteristics. SO2 is usually considered a product of complete combustion but here the stove with the highest levels of CO (a product of incomplete combustion) also had the highest levels of SO2. The reason for this is not known although there is a relationship between the formation of SO2 and fire temperature (see Figure 3.2). It is further possible that burn 3 The effect of an extraction hood 48 rate is the dominating factor in the SO2 emission levels – the one pot stove has the highest burn rate of the three stoves tested. Chemical analysis of the wood, char and the ash showed that sulphur remained in each of these – all the sulphur in the wood is not converted to SO2 during combustion (percentage sulphur, S2, by mass, 0.04 ±.01 % in the wood, 0.09 ±.01 % in the char, and 0.23 ±.01 % in the ash present as sulphates). c) Total suspended particulates TSP mass is shown in Figure 3.6 below. There is no systematic decrease in TSP mass with an increase extraction level. A medium extraction level yielded the lowest TSP readings. The reason for this is not known and would need further investigation. 1.17 1.2 0.97 TSP mass (g) 1 0.79 0.57 0.53 0.8 0.6 0.56 0.4 0.34 0.43 0.61 0.2 High 0 Medium 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.6 TSP emission mass and extraction level 3 The effect of an extraction hood 49 1.6 TSP emission factor (g/kg) 1.6 1.5 1.2 0.83 1.4 0.85 1.2 1 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.98 0.72 0.62 0.4 High 0.2 0 Medium 1 pot stove 2 pot ceramic stove Stove type Low Extraction level Improved open fire Figure 3.7 TSP emission factor and extraction level The effect of stove type on the TSP emission factor can be detected at 99 % confidence. The effect of extraction on TSP emissions was not significant at 95 % confidence. 3.4 Summary and conclusions In this chapter we have discussed the results of the first set of tests which involved the measurement of the influence of the test rig on the stove operation and on the measurement apparatus. A summary of the findings for the 95 % confidence limit are shown below in Table 3.12. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 50 Table 3.12 Summary of results for the influence of the test rig on emissions at the 95 % confidence limit Parameter Significant effect of Significant effect of Significant effect of extraction level stove stove and extraction level interaction NO YES NO Efficiency NO YES NO CO emissions YES YES NO SO2 emissions NO YES NO TSP emissions NO YES NO Power and fire temperature Fire power, fire temperature and efficiency are not affected by the rate of extraction used in these tests. SO2 and TSP show no significant effect of extraction; although there is a measurable influence of extraction on CO emissions it is considerably smaller than the effect of the stove. There is however the potential for the forced extraction to influence these emission measurements. Care must obviously be taken to extract the combustion gases at the lowest rate possible to capture all emissions. There is no detectable interaction between stove type and extraction level (at 95 % confidence). This indicates that the influence of the extraction is independent of the type of stove. If measurements are influenced by the extraction they are all affected to an equal extent. An extraction hood can therefore be used with confidence to compare emissions from different stoves provided the extraction level does not change between tests. 3 The effect of an extraction hood 51 4 The screening of experimental variables The five experimental variables examined in this study are believed to be important parameters in emissions tests and therefore must be carefully specified when such tests are carried out. The variables are screened to find out if they influence emissions. 4.1 Background and aims The VITA efficiency testing ‘standards’ (1985), which were intended to allow international comparisons of stoves, have been questioned on a number of levels (Bialy 1991:5): 1. The tests may not be sufficient for the right choices to be made; 2. The methods are not as widely used as intended (see variations in Baldwin 1987:84; Stewart 1987; Butcher et al 1984:3; Jayaraman et al 1989:121; Joshi 1989:764; and Ahuja et al 1987:249,254); and 3. As a basis for international comparison they are lacking because they do not specify some important parameters. A method intended to allow comparison between different stove programmes around the world would need to be far more specific than that given in the VITA standards. There is no one perfect stove for all areas (Kristoferson & Bokalders 1991). A successful stove in one area may be a disaster in another since stove performance is a function of many variables (Bialy 1991:9). Internationally standard tests are of no use to development organisations attempting to find the most “effective and desirable stoves for a specific social and economic context” (VITA 1985:vii). In the design of tests for emissions a similar tension exists between methods which allow inter-programme comparisons and methods which are specific to a local context. “It makes little sense to establish stove efficiency and emission rates based on fuel types and burning rates that have little if any relationship to the fuel and burn rates normally used.” (Sanborn & Blanchet 1982:198) It seems clear that recommendations or guidelines for stove emission measurement are required rather than strict ‘standards’. The purpose of these recommendations would be to ensure that any results were consistent (giving the same results each time under the 4 The screening of experimental variables 52 same local conditions) and representative (giving some indication as to what can be expected in the field, that is, within a specific context). The variables to be examined are listed below: 1. The type of stove (included for the purpose of studying the interaction between it and the other four variables), 2. The amount of water used in the pot, 3. The use of pot lids, 4. The type of wood, and 5. The size of wood. 4.1.1 Stove type A number of studies have been carried out in which different stoves are compared in terms of their emission characteristics. Here we are concerned more with the interaction between the type of stove and the four other variables; the reader is referred to Appendix E for a detailed comparison of all 5 cooking devices mentioned in this work. Brief mention is made below of studies in which low-cost cooking devices intended for use in underdeveloped countries have been compared: Butcher et al (1984) compared the emissions from three stoves using an extraction hood. They do not, however, provide any details of the individual emission characteristics of these stoves. Joshi et al (1989) compared four metal stoves fuelled with wood, crop residue or dung. It was found that increasing stove power level led to reduced efficiencies. They measured increasing CO and TSP emission factors with increasing efficiency, but no correlation was found with emission mass per task. Nangale (1992) compared a traditional ‘three stone fire’ and an ‘improved’ metal stove. Emissions for the stove were greater than those from the traditional open fire by factors of about 5 for carbon monoxide and total suspended particulates and 2.2 for hydrocarbon acidity. Two stoves are compared in this section, an improved open fire and a one pot metal stove, but the differences between the emission characteristics of the stoves are not of primary importance here – they are considered in Chapter 5. The variable has been included here 4 The screening of experimental variables 53 because a knowledge of the interaction between the stove and the other four experimental variables could be important in the validity of comparative tests. 4.1.2 Amount of water In the VITA standards (1985:2) it is recommend that the pots are filled to 2/3 capacity. The South African Bureau of Standards (Number 1403 – 1986) use 1 litre of water. No references could be found in the literature to studies into the effect of different quantities of water on efficiency or emissions. It seems probable that, during the heating up phase, heating more water will increase total emission mass because of the longer time to reach boiling point, and leave the emission factor unchanged. During the simmering phase (which lasts for 30 minutes irrespective of the quantity of water heated) emissions would not be expected to change. 4.1.3 Pot lids All emission studies reported in the literature have been conducted using lids on pots but efficiency studies are usually conducted without pot lids. The use of pot lids in efficiency measurements has been the subject of considerable debate. Initially the VITA standards recommended the use of lids (December 1982 first edition). It is recommended that lids are not used in the revised edition (VITA 1985). The reasons (suggested by Baldwin 1987:262,263) are that “lids proved to be cumbersome in practice and additionally did not reduce the scatter in the data but rather increased it.” The amount of water evaporated when pot lids are used is partially dependent on how well lids fit, and partially dependent on the fire power. If the water temperature during the simmering phase is below boiling very little water vapour will escape, but if the water boils the lid will be pushed open. The Specific Fuel Consumed (SFC), the ‘standard’ measure of efficiency, which is defined as fuel used during a test divided by the mass of water evaporated (VITA 1985:7) is extremely sensitive to the use of lids. The VITA standards, however, erroneously allow the use of lids “if they are needed to reduce the effect of drafts on evaporation rate” (1985:4). Baldwin points out that “by not using a lid, evaporation rates are higher and the stove must be run at a somewhat higher power to maintain the temperature than is the case 4 The screening of experimental variables 54 with a lid.” (1987:263). This means that without a lid low power is not really achieved during the simmering phase. Lids are, however, used by a large proportion of the rural cooks in Mpumalanga, South Africa where the author has conducted field studies. 4.1.4 Wood type Emissions from different fuel types in rural stoves have been compared in two studies, but very little work has been done in this field: Butcher et al (1984) compared emissions from 9 different fuel types – six tropical tree species, cow dung, coconut husks and charcoal. He does not, however, give any details of the different emissions characteristics of the fuels. Joshi et al (1989) compared emissions from three different fuels: wood, dung and crop residues. Dung and crop residues gave far higher emissions than the wood. For metal heating stoves in developed countries a difference in emission factor between species of wood has been recorded although this difference is not statistically significant (Smith 1987:269). Emission differences between hardwoods and softwoods do not appear to be large and as Smith points out “the variation of emissions with combustion conditions is much larger than that due to differences in the fuel contaminants of most biofuel” (1987:268). 4.1.5 Wood size No research into the effect of wood size on emissions from rural stoves could be found in the literature. In a study into the effect of size on emissions of metal heating stoves however, it was found that the smallest pieces of wood had the highest emission factors and the largest pieces had the lowest emissions (Cooke et al 1982:151). The reason suggested for this was that smaller pieces have a shorter distance for the pyrolysis products to diffuse, a larger surface area to mass ratio, and a reduction in the time required to heat the entire piece of wood. This finding is also reported by Smith (1987:288). Smaller pieces of wood also burn faster than large pieces (Joseph & Shanahan 1980:11). 4 The screening of experimental variables 55 In a study on the amount of wood loaded into the combustion chamber it was found that, at the same burning rate, emissions increased with increasing quantity (Cooke et al 1982:147). The reason given is that an increased quantity of wood is then subject to preburning pyrolysis. We would expect the same to apply to the use of smaller pieces of wood which increase the surface area of fuel directly exposed to the heat. 4.2 Experimental design 4.2.1 Variables and hypotheses Five variables are considered: stove type, amount of water heated, whether pot lids are used or not, wood type, and wood size. Each variable with its null hypothesis is stated in the table below: Table 4.1 Five variables and hypothesis Variable Null hypothesis Stove type Emissions are independent of stove type. Amount of water Emissions are independent of the amount of water in the pot. Pot lid Emissions are independent of whether a pot lid is used or not. Wood type Emissions are independent of the type of wood used. Wood size Emissions are independent of the size of the wood used. In addition to the effects of the single variables listed above the factorial design indicates the ten first order interactions. Second and higher order interactions are grouped and used as an indication of error. 4.2.2 Levels Each of the variables are set at two levels as described below. 4 The screening of experimental variables 56 a) Stove type Two types of stove were selected. The selection was based on the need for two significantly different stoves principally in terms of emissions. Table 4.2 Two cooking devices used in the variable screening tests Improved open fire: A metal tripod frame 100 mm high with a 10 mm square grid supported 10 mm above the ground. One pot metal stove: One pot ‘Mbaula’ – A one pot metal stove manufactured in Malawi (with ceramic insulation). The stove is top fed (the pot must be removed to add fuel), and has an adjustable damper to control air inlet. b) Amount of water Two levels of water were used – 1 litre and 2 litres. These quantities may appear to be small for a pot capacity of 5 litres, but in order to keep the heating up phase under 25 minutes the volume had to be less than 3 litres. c) Pot lids Here, the question of pot lids is once again investigated. Emissions and efficiencies were measured using pots with lids and without. A small hole (4 mm) was drilled in the lid of the pots through which the thermocouple could be fitted. d) Wood type Wood is commonly divided into two main groups: softwoods and hardwoods. These names do not refer to strength or density of the wood as is commonly assumed. Softwood trees produce naked seeds borne on cone scales; and their leaves are usually needle-like. Hardwood trees, on the other hand, produce seed in ovaries, bear fruit and have broad leaves (CSIR 1993:13.3). Not all types of wood are good fuel woods. In rural areas wood selected for cooking is based on a number of important criteria. Those particularly important to stove evaluation are (Cline-Cole 1990:77): 4 The screening of experimental variables 57 • Equilibrium moisture content • Drying rate • Smoke quality – agreeable or foul smelling • Smoke quantity • Combustion speed • Combustion character – steady or requiring continuous attention • Ignitability • Calorific value • Ash production • Ease of splitting • Ease of felling • Strength – hard or soft • Density • Charcoal production – the amount of char produced Fuelwood species are selected by the user according to the specific purpose to which they will be put (Eberhard & Poynton 1986:28.6). It is not the intention of this study to provide culturally relevant information on particular stoves, but rather to explore emission testing methods. The wood types were therefore not chosen for their local Southern African relevance. Wood types which represent broad categories according to their burning properties and which were freely available were selected. For the measurement of the influence of the test rig on the emissions only one type of wood was needed. Two wood types selected for this study were Eucalyptus grandis, as used in the previous chapter, and Pinus patula. Relevant properties of Eucalyptus grandis have been given in Table 3.4. Pinus patula is one of the eight most important pine species in South Africa. It was first introduced from Mexico in 1907. Pines are evergreens and are softwood trees that grow in summer rainfall areas – mainly in north eastern areas of South Africa. Pine is not a preferred fuelwood in rural areas (because it burns too quickly and does not make good coals) even though, as a softwood, it has a slightly higher gross calorific value than most hardwoods (but a lower calorific value by volume) (Eberhard & Poynton 1986:28.5). 4 The screening of experimental variables 58 Properties of Pinus patula are listed below (CSIR, Forestek departmental database; Eberhard 1990:22): Table 4.3 Properties of Pinus patula Botanical name: Pinus patula Hardwood / Softwood: Softwood Trade name: SA Pine Original distribution: Central Mexico Texture: Fine, clearly visible growth rings Grain: Straight Average density at 10% moisture content: 450 (350-610) kg/m3 Gross lower calorific value: 20.42 MJ/kg average sapwood 19.94 MJ/kg heartwood 20.90 MJ/kg Calorific value by volume 8633 MJ/m3 Baldwin (1987:178) gives typical gross calorific values of average hardwood (19.734±0.981 MJ/kg) and average softwood (20.817±1.479 MJ/kg). e) Wood size Wood of two sizes was sorted using sieves as described for coal sizing in Analysis and testing of coal and coke: Size analysis of coal (BS 1016:Part 17:1979). Three rings with internal diameters of 60 mm, 30 mm and 15 mm were used to sort the split wood pieces. Table 4.4 Sieve sizes for the selection of wood Size (diameter of sieve) Use d > 60 mm Split into smaller pieces d < 15 mm Kindling used during ignition 15 to 30 mm The smaller pieces 30 to 60 mm The larger pieces The selected wood was cut to 100 mm lengths. 4 The screening of experimental variables 59 4.2.3 Significance A level of significance of 5 % was chosen as described in Section 3.2.3. 4.2.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation Five variables each at two levels, gives 32 treatments. No treatment repetitions were performed. The design was once again fully randomised. 4.2.5 Other variables A detailed description of each of the additional variables has been given in Section 3.2.5 above and they remain the same for this section. 4.3 Results and discussion Snedecor’s F factors greater than 4.49 indicate the rejection of the null hypothesis at 95 % confidence. Note that each result presented is a mean for that variable over 16 tests. 4.3.1 Stove type The performance characteristics of the two stoves are given in Table 4.5 below. More precise control of the one pot metal stove than of the improved open fire was possible as can be seen in the ‘turn down’ ratio from heating up to simmering phase for fire power (turn down is the ratio of heating up power to simmering power; 1.5 for the improved open fire and 2.6 for the one pot metal stove). The fire temperature of the one pot metal stove did not decrease from heating up to simmering phases – the stove had become hot by the start of the simmering phase and retained this heat during simmering. The difference between the two cooking devices for overall and heating up efficiencies was not statistically significant at 95 % confidence, however, simmering phase differences were significant. 4 The screening of experimental variables 60 Table 4.5 Performance characteristics of the two stoves Improved open fire One pot metal stove Heating up Simmering Overall Heating up Simmering Overall Efficiency (%) 20.9 17.2 19.6 20.6 31.0 22.6 Power (kW) 3.5 2.4 2.7 4.4 1.7 2.5 ‘Fire temperature’ (°C) 440 260 350 480 470 470 Time to reach boil (min) 12:30 12:00 The one pot metal stove emitted much higher levels of CO and SO2 than the improved open fire but statistically equal quantities of TSP at 95 % confidence. These characteristics are shown in Table 4.6. The TSP mass for the improved open fire increased during the simmering phase whereas those of the one pot stove decreased (the emission rate remained roughly constant – the simmering phase was approximately 4 times as long as the heating up phase). It is suspected that this has to do with the uniform temperatures which developed in the one pot metal stove during the simmering phase. In contrast, in the improved open fire some wood smouldered and some burned with flames throughout the simmering phase. In the one pot metal stove the simmering phase was predominantly the burning of the char without flames. This ‘glowing combustion’ was not hot enough in the open fire to keep the water simmering – flaming combustion was necessary (see Appendix D for an introductory discussion of combustion principles). Table 4.6 Emission characteristics of the two stoves Improved open fire One pot metal stove Heating up Simmering Overall Heating up Simmering Overall Total CO (g) 3.6 6.5 10.1 15.1 11.9 26.9 CO emission factor (g/kg) 17.3 41.2 26.2 62.5 103.2 71.6 Total SO2 (g) 0.03 0.006 0.04 0.16 0.11 0.27 Total TSP (g) 0.14 0.41 0.55 0.23 0.13 0.36 4 The screening of experimental variables 61 In general the one pot metal stove had higher emissions than the improved open fire. The primary reason is the restricted air supply to the one pot metal stove. It has also been found that emissions can be reduced by the operator adding small quantities of wood more frequently (Cooke et al 1982:149,150). The open fire arrangement favours this type of combustion whereas the one pot metal stove encourages the user to add as much fuel as possible at one time and then control the fire with the damper. 4.3.2 Amount of water It can be seen from Figure 4.1 that, to a large extent, changing the amount of water used in the pot had a very small effect on the overall operation of the stove in terms of fire temperature. Fire power and efficiency behaved in a similar way. Only a fractionally higher average fire temperature for 2 litres was reached during heating up phase than for 1 litre. This would mean that the time to reach boiling point would be almost double for double the quantity of water, but we would expect there to be very little effect on the stove emissions. 470 500 450 440 410 370 Fire Temperature (°C) 400 410 360 350 300 250 200 150 1 litre 2 litres 100 50 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.1 Fire temperature for 1 and 2 litres of water heated The CO, SO2 and TSP emission factors were statistically independent of the amount of water used. The heating up phase CO, SO2 and TSP mass demonstrated the effect of the 4 The screening of experimental variables 62 increased time needed to bring twice the quantity of water to the boil. A comparison for CO is shown in Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3. 19.3 20 1 litre of water 18 2 litres of water 16 CO emission mass (g) 17.7 14 12 10 10.6 9.64 8.06 8.74 8 6 4 2 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.2 CO emission mass for 1 and 2 litres of water heated 80 CO emission factor (g/kg) 70 1 litre of water 70.3 74.1 2 litres of water 60 48.2 50 40 39.5 49.6 40.3 30 20 10 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.3 CO emission factor for 1 and 2 litres of water heated 4 The screening of experimental variables 63 4.3.3 Pot lids It was found that pot lids reduced simmering and overall stove efficiencies (overall efficiencies of 23.9 % without lids, 18.3 % with lids). This result, which appears to run contrary to common sense, serves to illustrate the problem with the usual method used to calculate efficiency. The evaporation of water, in the numerator of the efficiency equation, is not the real aim of cooking: lids reduced evaporation which made a significant contribution to the calculated simmering efficiency. It should be stressed that the fires were tended sensibly and thus differently with and without lids as is evident from the fire temperature data. A pot lid had the greatest effect on fire temperature operation during the simmering phase (illustrated in Figure 4.4). It is clear from this graph that to maintain simmering requires a much lower fire temperature when pot lids are used. 500 460 450 460 450 450 Fire Temperature (°C) 400 360 350 280 300 250 200 No pot lids Pot lids 150 100 50 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.4 Fire temperatures with and without pot lids in place The lower fire temperature required when simmering with pot lids in place means that stove emission masses were reduced during the simmering phase, and for the overall mass. An example of the effect of the pot lids for TSP is given in Figure 4.5. 4 The screening of experimental variables 64 0.58 0.6 Pot lids not used TSP emission mass (g) 0.5 Pot lids used 0.4 0.35 0.34 0.3 0.22 0.2 0.19 0.15 0.1 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.5 TSP emission mass with and without pot lids The CO, SO2 and TSP emission factors increased with the use of pot lids during the simmering phase. The reason is that very little wood was needed to keep the water simmering when lids are used (the fuel burn rate was 0.12 g/s without lids as against 0.04 g/s with lids during the simmering phase). TSP emission factors are shown in Figure 4.6. TSP emission factor (g/kg) 2 1.86 1.8 Pot lids not used 1.6 Pot lids used 1.46 1.4 1.19 1.2 1 0.8 0.87 1.17 0.78 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.6 TSP emission factor with and without pot lids 4 The screening of experimental variables 65 4.3.4 Wood type The two types of wood could not be statistically separated for fire power, fire temperature or any of the emission parameters (CO, SO2 and TSP emission masses and emission factors). To all intents and purposes they were the same. Figure 4.7 and Figure 4.8 show this graphically. 3.99 3.99 4 Eucalyptus 3.5 Pine Power(kW) 3 2.62 2.5 2.07 2.57 2.01 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.7 Fire powers for eucalyptus and pine 18.8 20 Pine 16 CO emission mass (g) 18.2 Eucalyptus 18 14 12 10 9.59 9.04 9.24 9.14 8 6 4 2 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.8 CO emission mass for eucalyptus and pine 4 The screening of experimental variables 66 The reason for the similarity between the woods, especially in terms of emissions, is unknown. The consistency of this finding is particularly remarkable. The factorial design ensures that the experimental basis for findings is broad – here we have 16 repetitions at each level under four different conditions. The two wood types are appreciably different, one being a hardwood and one being a softwood. Are fuel woods basically the same with respect to emissions and efficiency? This question cannot be adequately answered from this study, but indications are that the type of wood used is not critical provided the wood is recognised as a ‘usable’ fuelwood. This is consistent with the findings described by Smith (1987:269). 4.3.5 Wood size Figure 4.9 shows a typical example of the effect of using larger pieces of wood in the stoves. Larger pieces of wood reduced CO, SO2 and TSP emission mass and emission factors. These reductions were significant at the 95 % confidence level for the heating up phase and at 85 % for the overall result. This finding has been reported in urban wood combustion studies (Cooke et al 1982:151) – where it is suggested that smaller pieces have a shorter distance for the pyrolysis products to diffuse, a large surface area to mass, and a reduction in the time required to heat the entire piece of wood. 0.6 0.53 TSP emission mass (g) 0.49 Small pieces of wood 0.5 Large pieces of wood 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.24 0.23 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 Heating up Simmering Overall Phase Figure 4.9 TSP emission mass for large and small pieces of wood 4 The screening of experimental variables 67 4.3.6 First order interactions There is a strong interaction between the size of wood used and the stove type for power, fire temperatures, and heating up phase CO and SO2 emissions (but not for efficiency). It is probable that a particular type of stove has an optimum fuel size – this would relate to the firebox size. There is a very strong interaction between the use of a lid and the stove type for the simmering phase and overall CO and SO2 emission mass and emission rate, but not for the emission factor. The reason for this is not known. Since both of these interactions involve stove type it is important to specify the size of the wood to be used and whether to use pot lids, as far as possible, according to local practice. Where possible an analysis of variance should be used to determine the best combination of variables for a particular stove. 4.4 Summary and conclusions In this chapter we have considered 5 experimental variables. The findings have been considered in detail in Sections 4.3.1 to 4.3.6. The findings are: 1. The two stoves had similar efficiencies but very different emission characteristics. CO and SO2 were emitted at much higher quantities for the enclosed stove. TSP was statistically equal at 95 % confidence. It is suspected that the reason for this is the tendency of the improved open fire to smoulder almost continuously. 2. Stove performance was independent of the amount of water used in the pots. 3. Pot lids reduced overall efficiency by reducing water evaporation in the calculation of simmering efficiency. The use of a pot lid reduced total emission masses, but increased emission factors – emission factors are highly dependent on the quantity of fuel consumed, and lids reduced the fuel consumed during simmering by a factor of three. 4. Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus patula were virtually identical with respect to power, efficiency and emissions. 5. Larger pieces of wood reduced emissions. 4 The screening of experimental variables 68 Stove performance was independent of the quantity of water used and the wood type. Further work should be conducted in order to compare other hardwood-softwood combinations as well as other biofuels such as dung and crop residues. The other factors (stove type, the use of lids, and wood size) had a significant effect on emissions at 95 % confidence for either part or all of the test. It is therefore important in designing an emissions testing method that these parameters are specified precisely. Comparisons between cooking devices cannot usefully be made where these parameters are not kept constant. 4 The screening of experimental variables 69 5 Real-time emission patterns The overall aim of stove testing is to “identify the most effective and desirable stoves for a specific social and economic context” (VITA 1985:vii). When testing a number of stoves for emissions the tester would want to be able to rank the stoves in order of hazard. Of high priority in the development of emission testing guidelines is to “specify which pollutants need to be measured” (WHO 1992:36). Three pollutants have been measured in this study. This chapter attempts to answer the question: “Is it sufficient to measure only one pollutant rather than all three and still rank the stoves correctly in order of hazard?” 5.1 Background and aims On the surface it would appear that the above question is easily answered. In Figure 3.4 the worst stove in terms of CO emission factor is the one pot metal stove, it is also the worst stove in terms of SO2 emission factor (Figure 3.5) and TSP emission factor (Figure 3.7). The other two stoves (the improved open fire and the two pot ceramic stove) are ranked in the same order according to CO and SO2, but the TSP emission factors are roughly equal (not statistically different at the 95 % confidence level). 5.1.1 The definition of the problem and the method of solution In order to simplify the following discussion the hypothesis that it is sufficient to measure only one of the pollutants is defined. We can state that the hypothesis is true for the CO and SO2 emission factors of the three stoves considered in Chapter 3. We could consider the hypothesis to be substantially true for TSP (according to the needs of development organisations). It does therefore seem to be sufficient to measure only one of the pollutants rather than all three and still rank the stoves in order of hazard. These observations have not however answered the question sufficiently for the finding to be generalised. The reason for this is as follows. The task defined within the water boiling test (bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes) simulates common cooking practice. Within different contexts different tasks may reflect common practice more closely. For example, in Mpumalanga, during field work, simmering times frequently lasting over an hour were observed. The WBT is still a good general basis for testing and it is not being 5 Real-time emission patterns 70 argued here that it should have been changed in this study (although the WBT should be adapted for local conditions as argued in Appendix B). We recognise however that in attempting to reach a general conclusion from a specific example we must be extremely careful not to make erroneous conclusions. For the hypothesis to be generally true it must be true for any task. We can test the hypothesis for different tasks by subdividing the task which has been used here. For the hypothesis to be generally true in stove comparisons it must be true for each stove in any subdivision of the testing cycle. For example CO and SO2 should be well correlated for each stove over the whole test cycle. The hypothesis is therefore tested in the following way: We calculate the correlation of the pollutants for every moment through the test. If the pollutants are well correlated for all the stoves under consideration then the hypothesis is true for any task. The most simple pollutant formation model – that emission factor is a constant during a test – would imply that emissions are directly proportional to fuel burn rate. If this were true then each pollutant would follow exactly the same trend as burn rate. The hypothesis would then be generally true. If emission factor varies then the hypothesis can still be generally true as long as the emission factor varies equally for each pollutant. Even if the emission factors varied independently the pollutants could still be predominantly influenced by burn rate, provided it varied very much more than the emission factors, and the hypothesis could then still be true for the general case. 5.1.2 Previous studies In rural cookstove emission tests it is common to measure carbon monoxide (CO) and total suspended particulates (TSP). The reason for choosing these pollutants is medical: Carbon monoxide is acknowledged as a good indicator of acute (short term) hazard and TSP of chronic (long term) hazard. No studies aiming to determine which pollutants should be measured from a pollutant emission point of view have been conducted on rural stoves. In an attempt to produce testing methods which do not require costly equipment it has been suggested that it is necessary to measure only one pollutant and from this measurement infer the others (Young 1992). Results from a few rural studies suggest that this inference is valid – Butcher et al (1984) found that stoves with a high CO emission factor had a high TSP emission factor; Nangale (1992) found that high CO emissions 5 Real-time emission patterns 71 implied high TSP emissions and high hydrocarbon acidity. Ahuja et al (1987), however, did not find a consistent correlation between CO and TSP. There is a world-wide interest in emission contributions to global warming and a number of studies on biofuel emissions have been conducted. Lobert et al (1991) studied carbon and nitrogen compounds emitted from biomass combustion on an inclined burning table. These fires were intended to emulate large scale biomass fires, and to measure emission ratios between compounds for use in emission predictions (for example, the CO/CO2 molar ratio measured from a savannah fire flyover is used to predict CH4 emissions for that fire from a knowledge of the laboratory CH4/CO2 ratios. CO/CO2 ratios are determined from grab samples during flyovers (Helas et al 1995:230)). Ratios for two distinct combustion stages were measured: flaming and smouldering combustion (these terms are defined in Appendix D) – a sudden transition between flaming and smouldering combustion was encouraged so that mixed combustion was not present (Lobert et al 1991:294). CO2 and SO2 were found to relate closely to fire temperature and were emitted mostly during the flaming stage – they are substances in a comparatively high oxidation state. CO and unburned hydrocarbons were emitted predominantly during the smouldering stage – they are products of incomplete combustion (Lobert et al 1991:294,295). A number of studies into emissions from enclosed heating stoves (usually intended for use in more affluent communities) in which more than one pollutant has been measured have been conducted – some of the findings are listed below since the general chemical makeup of the wood smoke can be expected to be similar to that from the cooking devices examined in this work: The ratios of hydrocarbons (CH4, C2’s such as C2H4 and hydrocarbons >C3’s) vary depending on temperature although there is a general trend to lower concentrations of unburned hydrocarbons with higher temperatures (Thornton & Malte 1982:861-864). The formation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) peaks at about 790 °C (Cooke et al 1982:144,145). Temperatures above 900 °C act to reduce both PAHs and total organic emissions, while low temperature combustion between 280 °C and 600 °C yield high total organic emissions while producing only limited amounts of the PAHs (Cooke et al 1982:141). Emissions were found to be inversely proportional to burn rate – a high burn rate leads to low emission rate and emission factor (Peters et al 1982:208). 5 Real-time emission patterns 72 In real time SO2, CO and NOx comparisons for a hand fired residential stove, SO2 and CO were found to follow the same general trends (both increased soon after refuelling), but NOx did not (Macumber & Jaasma 1982:328,329,331). Although the overall correlation between pollutants for different stoves (total emission factor or emission mass per task) is important, it is essential to look at the real time variations of these pollutants and the real time correlations for a number of different stoves (as has been argued in Section 5.1.1. The aim of this chapter is to determine for CO, SO2 and TSP whether it is sufficient to measure only one pollutant rather than all three and still rank the stoves in order of hazard for any task. 5.2 Experimental design Data from the 18 tests described in Chapter 3 and the 32 tests described in Chapter 4 was analysed in terms of the correlation between the three pollutants which were measured. Two additional sets of experiments were also conducted to broaden the range of type of stove considered. A two pot metal stove with a chimney, and a traditional open fire were added to the stoves tested. They are described in Table 5.1 below. 5 Real-time emission patterns 73 Table 5.1 Two additional cooking devices used in the real-time emission comparisons The two pot metal stove had galvanised steel inner and outer walls, ceramic insulation, a removable heavy-gauge steel cooking plate, a stainless steel firebox and a chimney. The stove was 350 mm wide at the firebox end, 650 mm long and 200 mm deep. Five tests were conducted on this stove. The starting mass of wood was far greater than that used for the other stoves because of the much larger fire box (1 kg of wood was used, and the stove was not refuelled before boiling point was reached). The extraction rate of 0.056 m3/s was constant for all five tests † . Emissions and efficiencies of a traditional open fire were also measured using the same fuelling techniques as used for the improved open fire (described in Chapter 3) and an extraction rate of 0.056 m3/s. Six tests were carried out. The open fire was built on a sand base 50 mm thick, with the pot supported on a metal tripod 100 mm above the base. The side lengths of the triangular frame were 250 mm. The correlations between the real time curves of burn rate, CO, SO2, and TSP were calculated. This involved six combinations: CO to burn rate; SO2 to burn rate, TSP to burn rate, CO to SO2, CO to TSP, and SO2 to TSP. The linear correlation coefficient, r is given by: n ∑ (x i − x )( yi − y) i =1 n ∑ i =1 ( xi − x) 2 n ∑(y i − y) 2 i =1 where x is the mean of the x co - ordinates y is the mean of the y co - ordinates n is the number of data points † These tests were conducted with the assistance of Mr D. Evans, a final year BSc student. 5 Real-time emission patterns 74 The correlation coefficient always lies between +1 and -1. If r = 0 there is no relationship between x and y. A correlation of +1 is a perfect positive correlation; all points lie on a straight line and x increases as y increases. A coefficient of -1 is a perfect negative correlation; a straight line joins all the points, but the slope of the line is negative; x increases as y decreases (or visa versa). The average correlation is calculated by averaging the correlation coefficients for each test. This value indicates whether, for a particular stove, the correlation coefficients are consistent. In addition, it is possible to calculate the overall correlation coefficient by combining all data pairs for all the tests on a particular stove. This coefficient indicates whether the curve fitted to the data for the individual tests has a consistent slope – it indicates whether there is a simple conversion factor from the concentration reading of one pollutant to that of the other. The correlation results for the 18 extraction test, and the 32 five factor tests were processed using the analysis of variance techniques already described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. From this analysis the effects of these factors on the correlations can be assessed. 5.3 Results and discussion The sum of fuel mass and water mass was measured continuously. A plot of fuel mass and water evaporated for a test of the one pot metal stove is shown in Figure 5.1. The evaporated water mass shown in the figure was measured by briefly lifting the pot from the stove at regular intervals throughout the test (every 2 to 3 minutes). The curve ‘unsmoothed fuel mass’ has been corrected for the evaporated water mass but has not been smoothed. The discontinuities were removed as shown in the curve ‘smoothed fuel mass’ by combining all wood additions made at intervals through the test with the preceding fuel masses. 5 Real-time emission patterns 75 Fuel & evaporated water mass (kg) 0.8 Unsmoothed fuel mass Smoothed fuel mass Evaporated water mass 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (seconds) Figure 5.1 Fuel and evaporated water mass It can be seen from Figure 5.2 that the water evaporated from the pot during the heating up phase and during the simmering phase was approximately linear even though the water temperature did not remain steady. It was therefore considered sufficient to measure the water evaporated only at two points – when boiling point was reached and at the end of the simmering phase in the tests described below. It was assumed that the evaporation was linear for the calculations of burn rate given in the sections below. Burn rate is the same as the rate of change of fuel mass but it is always positive. 5 Real-time emission patterns 76 100 0.7 Mass of fuel in stove Evaporated water mass Water temperature 0.6 0.5 90 80 70 60 50 0.4 40 0.3 30 0.2 Water temperature (°C) Fuel & evaporated water mass (kg) 0.8 20 0.1 10 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (seconds) Figure 5.2 Fuel mass, evaporated water mass and water temperature It was found that the open fires and the enclosed stoves had fundamentally different emission characteristics and correlations. The discussion below commences by examining the open fires (Section 5.3.1); the enclosed stoves are examined in Section 5.3.2. In Section 5.3.3 and Section 5.3.4 we look briefly at the analysis of variance conducted on the correlation data. 5.3.1 The open fires The improved open fire and the traditional open fire showed remarkable similarity. In particular TSP followed the trend of increasing emission throughout the test. The correlations between TSP and burn rate, and between SO2 and TSP were reversals of the trends for the stoves. Table 5.2 shows the average correlations for the open fires (each calculated over 6 tests). The number in brackets following the coefficient is the standard deviation of the parameter for all the tests conducted on that stove. 5 Real-time emission patterns 77 Table 5.2 Comparison of average correlation coefficients for the open fires (showing standard deviation in brackets) Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Open fire 0.2 (0.2) 0.3 (0.2) -0.01 (0.1) 0.5 (0.3) 0.02 (0.4) -0.6 (0.1) Improved 0.1 (0.2) 0.6 (0.2) -0.09 (0.1) 0.3 (0.4) 0.5 (0.4) -0.4 (0.1) open fire a) Traditional open fire The open fire had the worst correlations between the four parameters. Burn rate was not correlated to the three pollutants and there was a poor correlation between the pollutants. The overall correlation coefficients were similar to the average coefficients and indicated generally poor correlations. Table 5.3 Pollutant correlations for the open fire Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Test shown in 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.4 -0.6 0.2 0.3 -0.01 0.5 0.02 -0.6 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.3 -0.01 0.7 -0.3 0.2 Figure 5.3 & Figure 5.4 Average over 6 tests Standard deviation Overall (combined) The fuel burn rate showed that the same effect of radial feeding of the fire was evident for the improved open fire. The peaks visible in the burn rate graphs for the other three stoves did not occur for the fires. 5 Real-time emission patterns 78 9 250 8 7 6 150 5 4 100 3 Carbon monoxide 50 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) CO concentration (ppm) 200 2 Sulphur dioxide Total suspended particulates 0 1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 3000 3500 Time (seconds) Figure 5.3 CO, SO2 and TSP for the open fire 8E-4 7E-4 Burn rate (kg/s) 6E-4 5E-4 4E-4 3E-4 2E-4 1E-4 0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (seconds) Figure 5.4 Burn rate for the open fire 5 Real-time emission patterns 79 b) Improved open fire The improved open fire had fairly poor correlations between the 4 parameters. The correlation coefficients for the improved open fire are listed in Table 5.4. SO2 however correlated well with burn rate and CO with TSP. Carbon monoxide and TSP increased gradually during the whole test, whereas SO2 returned to approximately zero as burn rate decreased to zero. It can be seen from Figure 5.5 that CO and SO2 were well correlated up until the last 15 minutes when CO continued to climb whereas SO2 decreased. There was a recognisable negative correlation between SO2 and TSP, that is, as SO2 increased, TSP decreased. Standard deviations in the pollutant correlations were high which indicated high variability in the correlations. Table 5.4 Pollutant correlations for the improved open fire Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Test shown in 0.2 0.7 -0.06 0.5 0.7 -0.1 0.1 0.6 -0.09 0.3 0.5 -0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1 -0.1 -0.03 -0.1 Figure 5.5 & Figure 5.6 Average over 6 tests Standard deviation Overall (combined) Fuel burn rate decreased to zero when fresh wood was added. The open fires were fed radially and therefore ‘new’ wood started to burn gradually throughout the test. 5 Real-time emission patterns 80 250 9 Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide 8 Total suspended particulates 7 6 150 5 4 100 3 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) CO concentration (ppm) 200 2 50 1 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.5 CO, SO2 and TSP for the improved open fire 6E-4 Burn rate (kg/s) 5E-4 4E-4 3E-4 2E-4 1E-4 0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.6 Burn rate for the improved open fire 5 Real-time emission patterns 81 5.3.2 The enclosed stoves The one pot metal stove and the two pot ceramic stove were very similar in their correlation patterns. All the enclosed stoves had an excellent correlation between CO and SO2 over each test. This finding is unexpected since these gases are predominantly formed during different combustion phases – CO and SO2 have been found to be poorly correlated in fires emulating large scale biomass burning (an open physical geometry similar to an open fire) (Lobert et al 1991:295). In contrast, experiments on an enclosed stove showed good real time CO and SO2 correlations (Macumber & Jaasma 1982:328,329,331) as has been found here. Table 5.5 shows the correlations for the three stoves. The number in brackets following the coefficient is the standard deviation of the parameter for all the tests conducted on that stove. Table 5.5 Comparison of average correlation coefficients for the three stoves (showing standard deviation in brackets) Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP One pot metal 0.8 (0.1) 0.9 (0.1) 0.7 (0.3) 1.0 (0.01) 0.8 (0.2) 0.8 (0.2) 0.6 (0.1) 0.8 (0.1) 0.5 (0.1) 0.8 (0.1) 0.8 (0.2) 0.6 (0.2) 0.3 (0.2) 0.3 (0.2) 0.1 (0.3) 1.0 (0.01) 0.5 (0.2) 0.5 (0.2) stove Two pot ceramic stove Two pot metal stove 5 Real-time emission patterns 82 a) One pot metal stove The one pot metal stove had very high correlations (individual and overall) between all 4 parameters for all the tests. The correlations between the pollutants and burn rate which can be seen in Table 5.6 indicates that the emission factors were roughly constant. For this stove measuring only one of the pollutants would be a sufficient indicator of the others. Table 5.6 Pollutant correlations for the one pot metal stove Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Test shown in 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.01 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.7 Figure 5.7 & Figure 5.8 Average over 6 tests Standard deviation Overall (combined) Fuel burn rate (shown in Figure 5.8) had two peaks which corresponded to the stove refuelling. These peaks were reflected in the pollutant emissions. 5 Real-time emission patterns 83 600 35 Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide CO concentration (ppm) 30 25 400 20 300 15 200 10 100 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) Total suspended particulates 500 5 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.7 CO, SO2 and TSP for the one pot metal stove 8E-4 7E-4 Burn rate (kg/s) 6E-4 5E-4 4E-4 3E-4 2E-4 1E-4 0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.8 Burn rate for the one pot metal stove 5 Real-time emission patterns 84 b) Two pot metal stove The two pot metal stove had low correlations between burn rate and the three pollutants, a very good correlation between CO and SO2, and a fair correlation between TSP and CO or SO2. The low correlation with burn rate indicates that the emission factors are not constants for the tests, although, since the pollutants vary together, the emission factors vary together. The correlations are given in Table 5.7 below. The overall correlation coefficients were strikingly different from the average coefficients in that, on an overall basis, the pollutants were not correlated. This indicates that, while, for example CO and SO2 follow the same patterns within a test, the relationship between them across different tests changes. For this stove therefore it is not possible to infer one pollutant from another even though they follow similar emission patterns. Table 5.7 Pollutant correlations for the two pot metal stove Correlation... CO: burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Test shown in 0.3 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.1 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.01 0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 -0.08 -0.2 -0.2 Figure 5.9 & Figure 5.10 Average over 5 tests Standard deviation Overall (combined) 5 Real-time emission patterns 85 Total suspended particulates 300 CO concentration (ppm) 14 Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide 12 250 10 200 8 150 6 100 4 50 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) 350 0 4000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.9 CO, SO2 and TSP for the two pot metal stove 2.5E-03 Burn rate (kg/s) 2.0E-03 1.5E-03 1.0E-03 5.0E-04 0.0E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.10 Burn rate for the two pot metal stove 5 Real-time emission patterns 86 c) Two pot ceramic stove The two pot ceramic stove had good average and overall correlations between the 4 parameters, but the correlations were not as high as for the one pot metal stove. The correlation between TSP and burn rate was the weakest – TSP increased gradually during the duration of the test as it did for the open fires. CO also gradually increased during the test although the peaks are greater than for TSP. CO and SO2 were generally well correlated except for the start and end of tests where SO2 decreased to zero and CO remained high. These effects are shown graphically in Figure 5.11. Table 5.8 Pollutant correlations for the two pot ceramic stove Correlation... CO:burn rate SO2:burn rate TSP:burn rate CO:SO2 CO:TSP SO2:TSP Test shown in 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.7 Figure 5.11 & Figure 5.12 Average over 6 tests Standard deviation Overall (combined) Peaks corresponding to fuel additions were clearly visible for the two pot ceramic stove as can be seen in Figure 5.12. 5 Real-time emission patterns 87 Carbon monoxide 300 12 Sulphur dioxide 250 10 200 8 150 6 100 4 50 2 0 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) CO concentration (ppm) Total suspended particulates 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.11 CO, SO2 and TSP for the two pot ceramic stove 6E-4 Burn rate (kg/s) 5E-4 4E-4 3E-4 2E-4 1E-4 0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 5.12 Burn rate for the two pot ceramic stove 5 Real-time emission patterns 88 5.3.3 Extraction analysis of variance The analysis of variance performed on the correlation data for the three sets of six tests confirmed that the ‘goodness’ of correlation was strongly stove dependant (frequently the confidence level was better than 99%). There was no effect of the forced extraction, nor were there any interactions between stove type and extraction level. 5.3.4 Variable screening analysis of variance The stove type strongly affected all the six combinations of correlation that were considered for the five factor analysis of variance. The correlations of CO and SO2 to each other and to burn rate were also strongly influenced by the fuel size. There was a significant interaction between the size of the wood and the type of stove. The reason for these correlations is unknown although it is suspected that the rate of diffusion of pyrolysis products, and the differences in surface area to mass, account for the differences in emission of the three pollutants. The ratios of combustion products depend strongly on reaction temperature (Shafizadeh 1981:107; Speight 1993:57; Thornton & Malte 1982:861864). The enclosed stoves have higher average fire temperatures than the open fires (537 °C compared to 390 °C). The combination of these two effects could be responsible for these correlation trends. The presence of the pot lid had an effect on the correlation of TSP to burn rate and TSP to CO and SO2. There were occasionally significant interactions (better than 90 % confidence) between lid and stove, and lid and size. 5.4 Summary and conclusions The correlations between CO, SO2, TSP and fuel burn rate were calculated for five different types of cooking device. Particular cooking devices were found to have specific correlation characteristics. The cooking devices can be divided into two categories according to these correlations: the open fires and the enclosed stoves. The open fires had generally poor correlations between the four parameters. TSP increased gradually throughout the test and had a negative correlation to SO2. TSP and burn rate for the fires did not correlate. 5 Real-time emission patterns 89 The stoves had particularly good correlations between CO and SO2 and good correlations between all the combinations of pollutants and burn rate. The two pot metal stove is a notable exception in that, although the pollutants follow similar trends within a test, the relationship between the pollutants is not constant across tests. The correlation between the three pollutants measured in this study is dependent on the type of stove. It is therefore necessary to measure each pollutant separately. 5 Real-time emission patterns 90 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber The measurement of stove emissions using a dilution chamber is known as the chamber method. In this method it is necessary to assume that the emission rate is constant throughout a test. The aim of this chapter is to compare the emission factors calculated by assuming constant emission rate with the numerical solution using the emission rate measured in this study and thereby to assess the validity of the chamber method. 6.1 Background and aims The chamber method for measuring unvented cookstove emissions was first proposed by Ahuja et al (1987). The method was developed in an attempt to reduce the cost and complexity of measuring emissions, and avoid some of the errors assumed to have been caused by suspending an extraction hood above a stove. There are two parts to the chamber method. Firstly the stove is operated according to a pre-defined task in a dilution chamber, and concentrations of the pollutants in this chamber are measured. The air in the room is mixed by means of fans to avoid stratification of the gases or smoke. Before the stove emission factor can be calculated the air exchange rate in the chamber must be measured – this constitutes the second part of the method. The fire is removed from the room and the gas or smoke concentrations continue to be measured. The air exchange rate is calculated from the measurements of the pollutant concentration decay. The mathematical basis for the method is shown below. An ordinary differential equation can be derived from a mass balance for the volume. If the emission factor (E, kg/kg) and the fuel burn rate (F, kg/s) are assumed to be constant, this equation can be solved algebraically. The differential equation is derived as follows. Consider a chamber of volume V (m3). We perform a mass balance of the pollutant over the control volume. We assume that no & in = 0 where pollutant enters the room from the outside (that is, m in = 0 , and therefore m & in is the instantaneous mass flow rate of pollutant into the room.) In Figure 6.1, at any m & a is the rate of pollutant mass accumulation in the chamber, m & stove is the mass time t, m & out is the mass flow rate of pollutant rate of pollutant emission from the stove, and m leaving the chamber (all these units are in kg/s). 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 91 Figure 6.1 ‘Chamber’ mass rate balance Since mass is conserved, and assuming that none of the particular pollutant condenses, we have: Rate of mass accumulation = Mass flow rate of pollutant into the chamber + mass rate of pollutant generation in the chamber − mass flow rate of pollutant out of the chamber &a =m & in + generated − m & out = m & generated − m & out m & a = F ( t) E( t) − m a S ∴m or, by dividing through by the volume, we get F ( t) E( t) C& ( t) = − C( t) S V where, at time t (6.1) m a is the mass of pollutant in the volume V (kg) & a is the rate of change of mass accumulated in the chamber (kg / s) m F is the fuel burn rate (kg / s) E is the source strength (kg pollutant / kg fuel ) V is the chamber volume (m 3 ) S is the air exchange rate in the chamber (exchanges / s) C is the concentration of the pollutant in the chamber (kg / m 3 ) C& is the rate of change of concentration of the pollutant (kg / m 3 s). The solution to this first order ordinary differential equation, when F, E, and S are constant, is: C( t ) = FE(1 − e − St ) VS (6.2) C( t)VS F (1 − e − St ) (6.3) or E= 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 92 To determine the air extraction rate, the stove is extinguished and removed from the room after it has been operating for some while (at the end of the test period). The mass balance & stove = 0 becomes: when m Figure 6.2 ‘Chamber’ mass rate balance with stove extinguished Rate of mass accumulation &a m &a ∴m or C& ( t) = − Rate change of mass leaving the chamber & out = −m = −ma S = − C( t) S The variables of this first order ordinary differential equation are easily separable. For constant S the solution becomes: C(t) = K e − St For two known concentrations, C1 and C2, (measured at times t1 and t2) we can calculate the air exchange rate S: S= ln C1 (t1 ) − ln C2 (t2 ) t2 − t1 For typical constant E and F, a room volume of 16 m3 and an air extraction rate of 5 exchanges per hour, equation 6.2 predicts room concentrations as shown in Figure 6.3. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 93 1 CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.3 Room CO concentration for constant E & F Using the procedure described below it is possible to calculate the error introduced by assuming E and F to be constant – the aim of this chapter is to examine the validity of these assumptions. 6.2 Experimental design Experiments on the one pot metal stove and the improved open fire were conducted under the hood using the stove operating conditions of Ahuja et al (1987). “Three and a half kilograms of water were boiled in a covered, flat bottomed, aluminium vessel of 5 litres capacity with a thermometer (0.5 °C accuracy) inserted through a rubber stopper in the lid. Just enough wood was used in each experiment to bring this water to the boil and to keep it boiling for about 15 minutes” (Ahuja et al 1987:254). In an attempt to “minimise variations in emission characteristics” a single charge of fuel was used (Ahuja et al 1987:254). The fire was tended only to ensure a steady flame. In addition to these tests using a single charge of fuel, chamber pollutant concentrations were simulated for the one pot metal stove and the improved open fire operated in a way which related closer to rural practice. The method was the same as that described in 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 94 Chapter 3 (where the stove was refuelled during the test and 2 litres of water was heated and simmered for 30 minutes, no pot lids were used). Ahuja et al (1987) measured carbon monoxide continuously and determined the constant mean emission factor using a least squares optimisation procedure to fit the room concentration curve. The ratio of this mean to the equilibrium room CO concentration curve was applied to the mean particulate concentration since TSP was not measured continuously. This, it should be noted, could lead to errors since CO and TSP correlate differently for different cooking devices as was demonstrated in Chapter 5. (Additionally the two pollutants interact differently with their surroundings (personal communication: Professor Kirk Smith, Environmental & Health Sciences; Warren Hall; University of California; Berkeley USA 94720-7360)). The least squares optimisation procedure entailed calculating z(t) 1 e St for all t and doing a linear regression of C(t) and z(t) forcing the intercept to zero (personal communication: Professor Chandra Venkataraman; Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering; Indian Institute of Technology; Powai; Bombay 400 076; India). The slope gave the equilibrium concentration Ce from which E simulated can be calculated ( C e FE simulated VS ). A somewhat simpler method than the least squares one for determining the mean emission factor could however be used. Considering equation 6.3 we know C(t), t, V, S, and F, and therefore E(t) can be calculated for each C(t). The mean emission factor is then simply the mean of E(t). For comparison in the following simulation we will use three estimation methods: the least squares regression used by Ahuja et al (1987), referred to here as the ‘least squares method’; the calculation of the mean of E(t) as described in the previous paragraph, referred to as the ‘simple mean method’; and the pollutant room concentration C(t) at 1000, 1500 and 2000 seconds after the start of the fire substituted into equation 6.3, referred to as the ‘substitution method’. The chamber volume V used by Ahuja et al (1987) was 16 m3 and the average air exchange rate S calculated over a number of tests was approximately 5 exchanges per hour (when mixing fans were used), which is equivalent to 80 m3 per hour. These figures were used in the chamber simulation described below. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 95 The simulation involves the following: 1. Using F(t) and E(t) measured in this study (which vary over time) we can find a F ( t) E( t) − C( t) S (equation 6.1) which we will call numerical solution to C& ( t) = V Csimulated(t). We calculate this room pollutant concentration at regular intervals (every 10 seconds) throughout the experiment. The curve of simulated concentration against time which can then be plotted is equivalent to that which would have been measured if the stove had been operated in a chamber with perfect mixing and a constant air exchange rate. 2. The room pollutant concentrations Csimulated(t) calculated in 1 above can be used to determine the mean stove emission factor according to the least squares method, the simple mean method, or the substitution method described above where F and E are assumed to be constant. We will call this emission factor E simulated . It is an average emission factor for the test. 3. The emission factor E simulated is compared to E measured the average emission factor calculated by integrating the product of the pollutant concentrations ( C M ) and the flue extraction rate ( v& flue ) measured with the hood over time t, and dividing by the total T mass of fuel burned, E measured = ∫C & flue dt Mv ( m f − m c ) (as described in more detail in t=0 Section 3.3.2 and Appendix A.3.1(a)). It may be pointed out that in this process the hood measurements are the basis for E simulated and E measured and therefore errors in these measurements are carried through to both results. This however is not problematic since the simulation only aims to allow the assessment of deviations of the emission rate from constant and the impact of these on the accuracy of the chamber method. It is however assumed that the emission rate variations measured using the hood reflect the ‘real life’ emission rate variations. F ( t) E( t) − C( t) S , when E(t) and F(t) are not The ordinary differential equation C& ( t) = V constant must be solved numerically. The fourth order Runge-Kutta method, a single-step method for the solution of the initial value problem y ′ = f ( x, y), y( x 0 ) = y 0 at equidistant points, was used. The algorithm is as follows (see Kreyszig 1988:1068-1072): 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 96 for n = 0,1,L , N − 1 we define k1 = hf ( x n , y n ) k2 = hf ( x n + 12 h, y n + 12 k1 ) k3 = hf ( x n + 12 h, y n + 12 k2 ) k4 = hf ( x n + h, y n + k3 ), and x n +1 = x n + h the solution is then y n+1 = y n + 16 (k1 + 2 k2 + 2 k3 + k4 ) where h is the step size In summary: we operate the stove under the hood, measure E(t) and F(t) throughout the test, and calculate the room pollutant concentrations which we would have measured had we operated the stove in a chamber of known volume and air exchange rate. We use this simulated room pollutant concentration to calculate the stove emission factor E simulated according to three methods. We then compare these simulated emission factors to the emission factor E measured calculated from the hood test. 6.3 Results and discussion For the tests conducted using the stove operating conditions of Ahuja et al (1987) the one pot metal stove required 0.6 kg of wood to complete the task whereas the improved open fire required 0.5 kg. The performance characteristics for these tests are given in Table 6.1 and Table 6.2. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 97 Table 6.1 Performance characteristics of the one pot metal stove for the chamber simulation Heating up Boiling Overall Power, kW 4.8 1.2 3.3 Efficiency, % 20 42 23 Average fire temperature, °C 520 450 490 Burn rate, g/minute 14.7 3.6 10.0 Duration, minutes 21:45 15:47 37:32 Table 6.2 Performance characteristics of the improved open fire for the chamber simulation Heating up Boiling Overall Power, kW 3.6 3.4 3.6 Efficiency, % 21 18 20 Average fire temperature, °C 410 340 370 Burn rate, g/minute 11.1 10.3 10.8 Duration, minutes 24:54 15:07 40:01 Section 6.3.1 describes the dilution chamber simulation results for the one pot metal stove, the improved open fire operated with a single charge of fuel and for the same two cooking devices operated according to the VITA water boiling test (1985) as was described in Chapter 3. From this discussion it will be possible to assess the impact of the cooking task on the accuracy of the chamber results. In section 6.3.2 we will consider the impact of the air exchange rate on the accuracy of the chamber results, and in section 6.3.3 the discussions will focus on the accuracy of the chamber method with reference to the type of cooking device being tested. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 98 6.3.1 The effect of cooking task on chamber method accuracy Figure 6.4 shows the fuel mass and the burn rate for the one pot metal stove operated with a single charge of fuel. Burn rate reached a peak after 500 seconds. The emission rate (equivalent to EF, the emission factor multiplied by the fuel burn rate) is shown in Figure 6.5. It can be seen, as we would expect, that the emission rate was far from constant. Averaged over the whole test the emission rate was 0.011 g/s (this is the mean emission T rate, EF = ∫ EFdt T ). The emission factor E measured was 56 g/kg. t=0 The simulated room CO concentration Csimulated(t) is shown in Figure 6.6. It is clear from this figure that the CO concentration in the room did not tend to an equilibrium value. The emission factors calculated using fixed times for C(t) in equation 6.3 (the substitution method) can be expected to vary depending on the time t at which Csimulated(t) is calculated. 0.5 -600.0E-6 0.45 Fuel mass Fuel mass (kg) 0.35 -500.0E-6 -400.0E-6 0.3 0.25 -300.0E-6 0.2 -200.0E-6 0.15 0.1 d(fuel)/dt (kg/s) Burn rate 0.4 -100.0E-6 0.05 000.0E+0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.4 Fuel mass and burn rate of the one pot metal stove for the chamber simulation, single charge 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 99 0.05 0.045 CO emission rate (g/s) 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.5 CO emission rate for the one pot metal stove, single charge, EF =0.011 g/s 0.9 CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.6 CO, Csimulated(t) for a 16 m3 room, S=5, one pot metal stove, single charge The results for the simulation are shown in Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.8 below. A constant E simulated calculated according to each of the 3 methods has been substituted into equation 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 100 6.2 to generate the exponential curves of C(t) (least squares), C(t) (simple mean) and C(t) (substitution t=1000s). Table 6.3 summarises the results for these methods and indicates the percentage error of the simulated emission factors compared to the measured emission factor. 0.9 C simulated (t) 0.8 CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.7 C(t) (least squares) 0.6 0.7 C(t) (simple mean) 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.7 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E simulated calculated using the least squares regression of Ahuja et al (1987) and the simple mean of E(t) proposed in this thesis, one pot metal stove, single charge 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 101 1 CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.9 0.8 C(t) (substitution t=1000s) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 C simulated (t) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.8 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E simulated (for t=1000s), one pot metal stove, single charge Table 6.3 Measured and simulated emission factors for the one pot metal stove, single charge Emission factor (g/kg) CO Error E measured 56 — E simulated (least squares) 91 39 % over E simulated (simple mean) 80 31 % over E simulated (t=1000s) 111 98 % over E simulated (t=1500s) 52 7 % under E simulated (t=2000s) 28 50 % under Turning now to the improved open fire operated with a single charge of fuel, we note that it had a more steady burn rate and emission rate than the one pot metal stove. One of the 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 102 reasons for this is that the fire could be tended more easily than that of the enclosed one pot metal stove. The burn rate during the test can be seen in Figure 6.9 and the CO emission rate in Figure 6.10. The CO room concentration is shown in Figure 6.11, the curve for constant E and F follows the true curve fractionally more closely than that for the one pot metal stove and consequently the errors in estimation of all three methods are not as great. Note that C(t) is given for constant E measured ; the two curves intersect at a time t which would make E measured = E simulated . Error in the result for the improved open fire using the least squares method (28 %) was less than that for the one pot metal stove (39 %, see Table 6.4). -500.0E-6 0.7 -450.0E-6 0.6 -400.0E-6 -350.0E-6 -300.0E-6 0.4 -250.0E-6 0.3 -200.0E-6 d(fuel)/dt (kg/s) Fuel mass (kg) 0.5 -150.0E-6 0.2 Fuel mass 0.1 -100.0E-6 Burn rate -50.0E-6 0 000.0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.9 Fuel mass and burn rate of the improved open fire for the chamber simulation, single charge 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 103 0.03 CO emission rate (g/s) 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.10 CO emission rate for the improved open fire, single charge, EF =4.8 10-3 g/s 0.35 C simulated (t) CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 C(t) using E measured 0.1 0.05 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.11 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , improved open fire, single charge 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 104 Table 6.4 Measured and simulated emission factors for the improved open fire, single charge Emission factor (g/kg) CO Error E measured 22 — E simulated (least squares) 30 28 % over E simulated (simple mean) 30 27 % over E simulated (t=1000s) 32 45 % over E simulated (t=1500s) 23 5 % over E simulated (t=2000s) 15 32 % under Emission rates for the one pot metal stove and the improved open fire when they are refuelled are far less transient than for a single fuel charge. We would therefore expect the chamber method to give more accurate results under these conditions because the assumptions of constant E and F are less erroneous. The CO emission rate for the improved open fire is given in Figure 6.12 below and the simulated room concentration in Figure 6.13. The simulated emission factors are given in Table 6.5. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 105 0.035 CO emission rate (g/s) 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.12 CO emission rate for the one pot metal stove, refuelled, EF =1.1 10-2 g/s 0.7 C simulated (t) CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.6 0.5 0.4 C(t) using E measured 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.13 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , one pot metal stove, refuelled 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 106 Table 6.5 Measured and simulated emission factors for the one pot metal stove, refuelled Emission factor (g/kg) CO Error E measured 41 — E simulated (least squares) 49 16 % over E simulated (simple mean) 41 1 % under E simulated (t=1000s) 53 29 % over E simulated (t=1500s) 52 27 % over E simulated (t=2000s) 49 20 % over The CO emission rate for the improved open fire is given in Figure 6.14 and the simulated CO room concentration in Figure 6.15. Estimation errors are particularly low for this cooking device when it is refuelled (see Table 6.6). This type of fire, as has already been noted in Chapter 5, is fed radially, new wood being added to the sides of the fire and gradually introduced into the combustion zone. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 107 0.009 0.008 CO emission rate (g/s) 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.14 CO emission rate for the improved open fire, refuelled, EF =4.9 10-3 g/s, refuelled CO room concentration (g/m³) 0.3 0.25 C(t) using E measured 0.2 0.15 0.1 C simulated (t) 0.05 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Time (seconds) Figure 6.15 CO, Csimulated(t) and C(t) using constant E measured , improved open fire, refuelled 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 108 Table 6.6 Measured and simulated emission factors for the improved open fire, refuelled Emission factor (g/kg) CO Error E measured 23 — E simulated (least squares) 23 1 % over E simulated (simple mean) 20 12 % under E simulated (t=1000s) 18 22 % under E simulated (t=1500s) 20 13 % under E simulated (t=2000s) 24 4 % over The importance of a carefully defined cooking task in the accuracy of the chamber method has been illustrated through the above discussions. Operating the stoves with a single fuelling leads to greater errors for both cooking devices considered, than operating them with refuelling. It may be concluded from this that, as we would expect with the chamber method, the tester is not free to operate the stove in any way desired but is constrained by the need to achieve as constant an emission rate as possible. Fortunately this limitation is not as serious as it may seem since a refuelled cooking device, which generally reflects common cooking better than a single charge of fuel, has reduced error. It logically follows that frequent, small charges of fuel will lead to greater accuracy when using the dilution chamber method than occasional refuelling with large quantities of fuel. The ability to assess real-life emissions accurately however may be limited if local practice deviates significantly from this. 6.3.2 The effect of air exchange rate on chamber method accuracy The simulation was repeated for other air exchange rates and the resulting percentage error calculated for the least squares and simple mean methods. The results are summarised in Table 6.7 below. For each cooking device at each air exchange rate two 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 109 numbers are given – the first being the percentage error for the emission factor calculated according to the least squares method and the second being that calculated according to the simple mean method. Table 6.7 Percentage error at different air exchange rates % error least squares (simple mean) One pot metal, single charge Improved open fire, single charge One pot metal, refuelled Improved open fire, refuelled 2.5 /hr 5.0 /hr 30 /hr 39 over 36 over 56 over (36 over) (31 over) (10 over) 26 over 28 over 45 over (32 over) (27 over) (8 over) 14 over 16 over 26 over (1 under) (1 over) (4 over) 2 under 1 over 8 over (17 under) (12 over) (2 under) Error is generally reduced at higher exchange rates according to the simple mean of E(t) estimation method, but increases according to the least squares method. These trends should be considered carefully by the researcher intending to use the chamber method in the field where widely differing air exchange rates between tests may be encountered. An example is that of the WHO (Usinger 1994:30) where air exchange rates in excess of 2000 m3/h were measured during chamber tests with a mean for 11 tests of 1204 m3/h (compared with the 80 m3/h used here). Care should be taken not to misinterpret comparative tests (on the same slightly modified stove, perhaps) where exchange rates differ. Although not given here, we would expect the error when the emission factor is determined at discrete intervals using the substitution method to be larger and vary over a wider range. Here it is assumed that air exchange rate is constant during each test and that the emissions are evenly mixed, conditions which may not be realistic, especially at high air exchange rates. Where air exchange rates are high the simple mean calculation method should clearly be used. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 110 Further research should be conducted on air exchange rate issues: in particular, before the method can be used in a field setting studies should be conducted to determine the effect of a non-constant air exchange rate, the degree of variation encountered in different field settings, and conditions necessary for adequate mixing of the chamber pollutants. 6.3.3 The effect of cooking device type on chamber method accuracy The simulation has been extended to the data collected for the studies in Chapter 3, 4 and 5. From the tests of Chapters 3 and 5 we are able to compare five cooking devices each tested six times (five times for the two pot metal stove). From Chapter 4 we have 16 tests under varying conditions for two cooking devices. This data is included here for comparison. Simulation results are given in Table 6.8. Two rows for each cooking device are given; the first lists the results for the least squares method and the second for the simple mean method. The second column of this table shows the mean percentage error of the simulated emission factors for the 5 stoves. Errors are usually overestimations of the true result. The open fires have lower errors than the enclosed stoves (as we have seen in earlier sections) because of the more steady emission rates of these devices. This is particularly evident in the comparison of the improved open fire and the one pot metal stove in the last two rows of the table, a result based on the mean of 16 repeated tests. Table 6.8 Percentage error for different cooking devices Cooking device type (no. of tests) Mean error (%) Standard Deviation Range (%) Statistical differing means at 95 % confidence between Emeasured Ranking Emeasured Ranking Esimulated and Esimulated Traditional open fire (6) Improved open fire (6) 1 pot metal stove (6) 2 pot metal stove (5) 2 pot ceramic stove (6) Improved open fire (16) 1 pot metal stove (16) 6 6 over 2 over 1 over 10 under 13 over 3 over 20 over 11 over 11 over 3 over 7 over 6 over 27 over 16 over 4 6 2 12 7 5 6 6 5 5 6 8 8 7 -11 to -1 -11 to 6 -4 to 2 -9 to 25 -18 to 1 -6 to 7 -28 to -14 6 to 21 -22 to -8 -6 to 7 -20 to 1 -21 to 10 -44 to -18 -29 to -7 The simulation of a dilution chamber yes no no no yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 111 The statistical significance of the variations is given in the 5th column. Here it can be seen that the difference between the measured emission factors and the simulated ones are significant, according to the least squares method, for all the cooking devices except the improved open fire. According to the simple mean method simulated emission factors very less from the measured emission factors that with the least squares method; only the two pot metal stove, and the results for the improved open fire and the one pot metal stove at the bottom of the table, have statistical differing means at 95 % confidence. Within this column the dashed lines between entries for a cooking device indicate a statistically significant difference at 95 % confidence between the emission factor results of each calculation method. In the final column of Table 6.8 the stoves are ranked according to their simulated emission factors. The ranking is given on a scale of digits where 1 rates best (lowest emission factor); where two (or more) devices have the same rating their differences in emission factor are not significant at the 95 % confidence level (the ranking given in Table 1 of Appendix E is identical to the one in the second last column here, but in Appendix E it is expressed at the 90 % confidence level). Discrepancies between measured and simulated emission factors are clearly evident, the two pot metal stove rates (tie) first according to E measured but third according to E simulated for both calculation methods – this is a result of significant overestimations by the chamber method for this cooking device, in turn a result of greatly varying emission rates. The best cooking device however, the improved open fire, is the best according to all three emission factors – overestimations of emission factor calculated with the least squares method was small (because of the relatively constant emission rate pattern of this stove), and emission factor calculated according to the simple mean method underestimated the measure emission factors by 10 %. The ranking according to the least squares calculations is different from that for the simple mean calculations, the later being closer to the measured emission factor ranking than the former. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 112 6.4 Summary and conclusions In order to calculate the pollutant emission factor using the chamber method it is necessary to assume that the burn rate and the emission factor do not change during the test. The validity of this assumption has been tested by simulating the pollutant room concentrations which would have been recorded in the chamber method using the real time data collected using the hood method. Simulated and measured emission factors for two cooking devices, the improved open fire and the one pot metal stove, operated in the same way as is recommended by Ahuja et al (1987) for the chamber method, were compared. The same cooking devices operated according to the VITA (1985) water boiling test were also compared thus allowing an assessment of the impact of the simulated cooking task on the accuracy of chamber tests. The air exchange rate may also have an effect on the accuracy of these tests and this was assessed by recalculating the simulated emission factors at 3 different air exchange rates. Finally, the usefulness of the chamber method as a means of comparing the emissions of various cooking devices has been assessed by comparing simulated emission factors for the 5 cooking devices considered earlier in this work. The results may be summarised as follows: • There is a relationship between the cooking task used in chamber tests and the accuracy of the results. The more constant the pollutant emission rate, the more accurate the method. Refuelled cooking devices lead to better accuracy for that reason. • The air exchange rate has an influence on the accuracy of results. Of the two methods compared for calculating emission factors from data collected in chamber tests the accuracy of the least squares method deteriorates with increasing air exchange rate and that of the simple mean method improves. • The open fires are favoured by the chamber method since emission rates are more close to constant than for the other cooking devices considered. Differences in emission factors between those of the simulated chamber method and the measured emission factors are statistically significant at 95 % confidence for 6 of the 7 sets of tests for the least squares calculation method, and 3 of the 7 for the simple mean calculation method. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 113 In conclusion care should be taken in the use of the chamber method: Cooking devices should be refuelled regularly and not operated with a single charge of fuel as was suggested in earlier studies using the chamber method. Attention should be given to the rate of air exchange in the test chamber: particularly at high air exchange rates the simple mean method should be used to calculate emission factors rather than the least squares method. Comparisons between tests conducted at differing air exchange rates is problematic. Because the accuracy of chamber method tests depends on a constant emission rate, and since the method tends to overestimate emission factors when emission rates vary widely, results are biased. The simple mean method of calculating emission factors gave better results than the least squares method and should therefore be used. The chamber method may certainly be useful in some situations such as for determining emission factors in climate change studies or perhaps in medical studies. Further study and discussion appear to be necessary before the method can be recommended to development organisations for use in comparing emissions from cooking devices. 6 The simulation of a dilution chamber 114 7 Summary and conclusions This thesis has attempted to contribute to the knowledge of emission testing of woodburning cooking devices used by the rural poor so that testing guidelines can be developed from a strong technical foundation. 7.1 The need for this work About 2500 million people in developing countries are exposed daily to biofuel combustion emissions (WHO 1992:1,10). Respiratory disease, which is the main cause of death in developing communities, has been linked to these combustion products (Krugmann 1989:129). For many people alternative fuels are not available (WHO 1992:1) and consequently the development of improved biofuel cookstoves which reduce emissions is essential (WHO 1992:28). Only by measuring the emissions of new stoves and comparing them with those of earlier cooking devices can improvements be assessed and emission levels reduced. Guidelines for measuring the emissions from these stoves must therefore be developed. 7.2 The aim of this work The aim of this thesis has been to contribute to the knowledge of emission testing so that guidelines can be developed from a strong technical foundation. There were four specific aims: 1. To measure the effect of an extraction hood on emission measurements. 2. To measure the effect of five experimental variables (stove type, wood type, wood size, the use of lids, and the quantity of water heated) on stove emissions. 3. To consider the relationship between carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and total suspended particulates (TSP) with a view to answering the question: “Is it sufficient to measure only one of these pollutants?”. 4. To test the validity of assuming constant burn rate and emission rate in chamber tests. 7 Summary and conclusions 115 7.3 The approach Each stove to be tested was placed under an extraction hood with controlled extraction characteristics. Flow rate in the duct above the extraction hood was measured with a calibrated orifice flow meter and controlled with a fan and damper. The velocities at the stove were less than typical air currents in a closed room (0.10 to 0.12 m/s). An optical smoke density meter calibrated in terms of mass density (measuring TSP) and an electrochemical gas analyser measuring CO and SO2 were used to measure emission concentration in the duct throughout the test. The test entailed operating the stove as described in the VITA efficiency testing standards (1985). Water in a pot was heated on the stove as rapidly as possible and, once boiling point was reached, was simmered for 30 minutes. Efficiency and other performance characteristics of the stove were calculated from fuel mass and evaporated water mass, measured by placing the whole stove on a digital weighing platform under the hood. The water temperature, the temperature of three points in the fire, and the temperature of the flue gas were measured using thermocouples. The data was collected every 10 seconds throughout the test. 7.4 The effect of the extraction hood on emission measurements A 3 by 3 analysis of variance was used to detect the effect of extraction on the emission measurements. Three extraction levels were used (0.049, 0.056 and 0.065 m3/s) on three cooking devices (an open fire built on a grate, a one pot metal stove and a two pot ceramic stove). It was found that fire power, fire temperature and efficiency were not affected by the rate of extraction used. There was a measurable influence of the test rig on the CO emissions although it was small and sometimes not detectable. No effect of extraction could be detected at 95 % confidence for SO2 and TSP. 7 Summary and conclusions 116 The potential therefore exists for the forced extraction to influence the stove emissions. Care must be taken to extract the combustion gases at the lowest rate sufficient to capture all emissions. There was no detectable interaction between stove type and extraction level (at the 95 % confidence limit). This indicated that the influence of the extraction was independent of the type of stove, that is, if measurements are influenced by the extraction they are influenced to an equal extent for any stove. An extraction hood can therefore be used with confidence to compare emissions from different stoves provided the extraction level is not changed between tests. 7.5 The study of the effect of five experimental variables Five experimental variables were compared using a 5 by 2 analysis of variance. The effect on emissions of two stoves (an open fire built on a grate, and a one pot metal stove), the amount of water used in the pots (1 or 2 litres), the use of pot lids, the type of wood (Eucalyptus or Pine), and the size of wood (15 to 30, and 30 to 60 mm effective diameter) was studied. The principal findings were: 1. The two stoves had similar efficiencies but very different emission characteristics. CO and SO2 were emitted at much higher quantities for the enclosed stove. TSP was statistically equal at 95 % confidence. 2. Stove performance was independent of the amount of water used in the pots. 3. Pot lids reduced overall efficiency by reducing water evaporation in the calculation of simmering efficiency. The use of a pot lid reduced total emission masses, but increased emission factors. 4. Eucalyptus and Pine were virtually identical with respect to power, efficiency and emissions. 5. Larger pieces of wood reduced emissions. Stove performance was independent of the quantity of water used and the wood type. The other factors, stove type, the use of lids, and wood size had a significant effect on emissions at 95 % confidence for either part or all of the test. It is therefore important in designing an emissions testing method that these parameters are specified precisely. 7 Summary and conclusions 117 Comparisons between cooking devices cannot usefully be made where these parameters are not kept consistent unless they are included in the statistical design. 7.6 The relationship between CO, SO2 and TSP The correlations between CO, SO2, TSP and fuel burn rate were calculated for five different types of stove. Particular stoves were found to have specific correlation characteristics. The cooking devices can be divided into two categories according to these correlations: the open fires and the enclosed stoves. The open fires had generally poor correlations between the four parameters. The stoves had particularly good correlations between CO and SO2 and good correlations between all the combinations of pollutants and burn rate. It was found that the correlation between the three pollutants measured in this study was dependent on the type of stove. It is therefore necessary to measure each pollutant separately. 7.7 The validity of assuming constant emission rate in chamber tests In order to calculate the pollutant emission factor using the chamber method it is necessary to assume that the burn rate and the emission factor do not change during a test. The validity of this assumption has been tested by simulating the pollutant room concentrations which would have been recorded in the chamber method using the real time data collected using the hood method. The cooking task in chamber tests was found to have an effect on the accuracy of results. In particular, it was found that cooking devices should be refuelled regularly and not operated with a single charge of fuel. Air exchange rate, it was found, has an important influence on accuracy and this particularly depended on the calculation method used to determine emission factors from the raw data of chamber tests. Dividing the concentration data C(t) by F (1 e St ) and multiplying by VS and then simply taking the mean gave better results than the least 7 Summary and conclusions 118 squares method used by Ahuja et al (1987). The least squares method was particularly inaccurate at higher air extraction rates. The chamber method appears to be biased towards cooking devices with consistent emission rates. This bias is statistically significant at the 95 % confidence level. Comparisons between cooking devices can therefore not be made confidently. In view of these problems associated with assuming constant burn rate and emission factor for the cooking devices considered here the chamber method should be used with care when measuring stove emission factors. The correct application of the method however appears to lie outside the reach of development organisations attempting to compare cooking devices. Further study and discussion is required before the method can be recommended. Further work is also required before the method’s applicability in the field can be assessed. 7.8 The significance of this work “There are currently no commonly accepted guidelines for testing emissions from simple biomass cookstoves, the most common combustion device in the world. It is therefore necessary to establish these procedures and specify which pollutants need to be measured. These guidelines should lead to the rating of the stove’s level of cleanliness under laboratory and field conditions.” (WHO 1992:36) In direct response to the above statement this thesis has attempted to contribute to the framework for the establishment of emission testing guidelines. As a result of this work anyone attempting to define acceptable guidelines should: 1. Realise that an extraction hood can be used in such a way that emission comparisons can be made and should therefore not dismiss the use of a hood in emission testing. 2. Ensure that development organisations realise the part played by each experimental variable and the importance of comparing emissions (and efficiencies) under the same conditions. Valid comparisons can only be made where important variables such as the use of pot lids and the size of the fuel are held constant or are varied intentionally in an analysis of variance experiment. 3. Realise that as many pollutants should be measured as can be afforded. 7 Summary and conclusions 119 4. Recognise the problems associated with assuming constant burn rate and emission rate in ‘chamber method’ tests and not recommend that development organisations use this method for comparing cooking devices until further work has been done. An example of the use of the hood in comparing five different stove models has been included in Appendix E; this paper has been accepted for publication in Biomass and Bioenergy, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Great Britain. 7.9 Areas for further work The following areas require further study: • The design of a portable extraction hood. • The examination of other types of wood to determine whether, for fuel woods, emissions are independent of wood type. • An examination of the emission characteristics of other biofuels. • A re-examination of the VITA international standards (1985) for measuring efficiency in the light of the findings on emissions. • An in-depth look at the emission characteristics of the five stoves discussed in Chapter 5 with a view to discovering the cause of the different emission patterns. This may lead to a better understanding of how to design low emission stoves. • The air exchange rate is assumed to be constant in the dilution chamber method for measuring emission factors. This assumption should be tested from a practical perspective, particularly in a field setting under various frequently encountered conditions. • Standard methods for measuring emissions from biofuel cooking devices urgently need to be developed taking into consideration the findings of this study and world-wide experience. 7 Summary and conclusions 120 Appendix A Experimental results The enclosed computer diskette contains the full experimental results for all tests carried out in this work. This Appendix is a description of the data stored on the diskette, instruction for installing and removing the analysis program from the hard disk drive, and the methods used by the program to analyse the data. A.1 Included on the diskette The diskette contains: • An installation program INSTALL.BAT which creates the necessary directories on your fixed diskette and decompresses and copies the data and program files. • A compressed data file TESTS.EXE. This file automatically decompresses when it is run. It contains the experimental data files. These files are named according to the date of the test as follows: File name: Tmmddyy.Vxx where mm is the month, dd is the day, yy is the year, and xx is the experiment number performed on that day. The data files are in TAB delimited ASCII format and can be loaded into any word processor of spreadsheet. It is, however, easiest to analyse and view the data using the enclosed analysis program. • A compressed program file PROGRAMS.EXE. This file contains the data analysis program ANALYSIS.EXE and a support program BRUN45.EXE which provides modules for the main program. The program can be run (once decompressed) by typing ANALYSIS (and pressing enter) at the DOS prompt. A.2 Installing and removing the program The analysis program will only work if the files are decompressed to a fixed diskette. They occupy about 4 MB. The installation program creates a directory on your fixed diskette called \stovephd and decompresses and copies the program files analysis.exe and brun45.exe to this directory. It then creates a sub-directory \stovephd\tests and decompresses and copies the test data files to this directory. Appendix A Experimental results 121 The files and program may be removed by deleting the contents of the directories created by the installation program and then removing the directories. The batch file uninstal.bat, which can be executed by typing uninstal from within the \stovephd directory, deletes and removes these automatically. To execute the installation program insert the enclosed diskette into drive a (or drive b) and from the C:\ prompt type a:install (or b:install if drive b is used) and press enter. You may exit the installation program once it has started by pressing Ctrl+C. Installation takes approximately 5 minutes. The analysis program can be run by typing analysis in the c:\stovephd\ directory. Operating instructions are given in the program. A.3 What the analysis program does • Allows the user to select a data file for analysis according to a description of the test. • Loads the file and allows viewing of the data. • Analyses the data according to the methods described below. The raw data was recorded every 10 seconds in a table of experimental variables. This is the file Tmmddyy.Vxx stored in the \stovephd\tests directory. The following variables were recorded: Appendix A Experimental results 122 Table A1 Summary of experimental variables recorded every 10 seconds Time elapsed since the start of the experiment (seconds) Mass of water and wood (kg) Temperature of room (°C) Temperature of flue gas (°C) O2 (%), CO, SO2, NOx, NO2, and H2S concentration (ppm) Temperature of pot 1 (main pot) and pot 2 (secondary pot) (°C) Temperature of fire probe 1, 2 and 3 (°C) Temperature of weighing platform (°C) Output of the light obscuration smoke meters 1 and 2 (%) Orifice pressure drop (Pa) Comment including mass of wood added, and user comments The analysis program smoothes the experimental data using Spencer’s 15-point summation formula (Guest 1961:354). Concentrations of NOx, NO2, and H2S were below the detection limit of the equipment and, although recorded, are not displayed or analysed in the program. A.3.1 Emissions The analysis programme calculates emission parameters in seven different ways and outputs them to the file stovephd\COemis.txt, stovephd\SO2emis.txt and stovephd\TSPemis.txt for later use. During a session the emissions of all the files which are viewed are stored one after the next in the above files. These files are overwritten each time the program is restarted (the file names could be changed before restarting to preserve the data). Some of the calculation methods have been used in other studies whilst others have not been used for emission comparisons before. The parameters can be calculated for each pollutant measured – in this case CO, SO2 and TSP. a) Pollutant emission factor (or source strength) The pollutant emission factor, or the pollutant source strength, is the most commonly used measure of emission level and has been used in both direct and indirect measurement studies (see, Smith et al 1992; Ahuja et al 1987; and Young 1992:12 for indirect calculation Appendix A Experimental results 123 of source strength; and Nangale 1992; and Butcher et al 1984 for direct measurement calculations). Basically, determining the pollutant emission factor involves the calculation of the mass of pollutant emitted from the source per kilogram of fuel burnt (gpollutant/kgfuel). The test is conducted in such a way that no wood remains at the end of each phase, or that wood and char are separated and weighed separately. The source strength is calculated as shown below: ⎡T ⎤ ⎢ C M v& flue dt ⎥ ⎢⎣ t = 0 ⎥⎦ E= m f − mc ∫ where E is the pollutant source strength (kg / kg) T is the test duration (s) C M is the pollutant concentration (kg / m 3 ) v& flue is the flue extraction rate (m 3 / s) m f − m c is the fuel consumed (kg) ⎞ ⎛T ⎛ T ⎞ Strictly speaking, the definite integral is a sum: ⎜⎜ C M v& flue dt⎟⎟ is ⎜ C M v& flue Δt⎟ since the ⎝ t=0 ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ t =0 ∫ ∑ pollutant mass concentration is not continuous, but a series of discrete measurements (every 10 seconds). The sum approximates the integral as 't tends to zero. The integral has been used here to distinguish this sum from the simple average given in sub-section g where the concentration every minute is used. Numeric integration involved Romberg Integration, using the Composite Trapezoidal Rule and Richardson h2 and h4 extrapolation (Q= h1/h2 was taken to be 0.5). b) Total emission mass The total emission mass per WBT standard task involves the calculation of the mass of pollutant emitted during the heating up phase and during the simmering phase. Total emission is used in the comparison of fuels for domestic cooking by the British Standards Institute (BS 3841:1972). The total emission mass is directly related to the two common Appendix A Experimental results 124 cooking tasks simulated in the WBT, and possibly gives a better indication of exposure than the emission factor. The emission mass is calculated as shown below. T M Etotal = ∫C M v flue dt & t =0 where M Etotal is the total mass of pollutant emitted (kg) The flue extraction rate is essentially constant throughout a test and therefore the total pollutant emitted is directly proportional to the area under the concentration – time curve. c) Maximum concentration The maximum concentration of the pollutant during the heating up phase and during the simmering phase is very easily measured, and needs no calculations – complex or simple. South African Standards (SABS 1403:1986) specifies the measurement of average and peak levels of light obscuration in the chimney of the stove. d) Emission rate The emission rate, as used in British Standard PD 6434 in the measurement of smoke reducing characteristics of domestic appliances burning solid fuel, is calculated as the total emission mass (as calculated in sub-section b) divided by the measurement duration. & M Etotal ⎡T ⎤ ⎢ C M v& flue dt ⎥ ⎢⎣ t = 0 ⎥⎦ = T where & M Etotal is the average pollutant emission rate (kg / s) ∫ e) Measurements at fixed times When gas samples are collected and analysed later in a laboratory decisions must be made as to when in the burn cycle the samples should be taken. In the case of the study by Smith et al (1993 and 1992) in Manila, three samples, which each took about two minutes to collect, were collected for each stove “just after lighting, after ten minutes, and at the end (at approximately thirty minutes when only char was left)”. Appendix A Experimental results 125 In this study, ‘instantaneous’ measurements (rather than average or total emission over a two minute ‘collection’ time) were considered. Readings immediately after lighting are strongly dependent on many variables such as lighting method and instrumentation reaction rate, and therefore were not considered. Four measurements were used to cover the wood and char-burning phases: Table A2 Time intervals for fixed-time emission concentration measurements Time Phase 5 minutes after ignition Heating up 10 minutes after ignition Heating up 5 minutes after boiling point is first reached Simmering 10 minutes after boiling point is first Simmering reached f) Emission mass per defined task In an attempt to “compare stoves using a composite index that incorporates both efficiency and emissions” Ahuja et al (1987:260) defined a standard task as one that raises the temperature of 3.5 kg of water (the amount they used in their pot) by 60°C. This means the transfer of 879 kJ of energy to the contents of the pot. The use of a defined standard task is similar to the calculation of a total emission mass as described in sub-section b. The definition of the task as an energy transfer, however, would lead to very different results when different quantities of water are used in different experiments. Tests in this study use a maximum of 2 litres of water, and therefore a transfer of 879 kJ would mean raising the water temperature by 105°C (and 1 litre by 210°C)! The transfer of 251 kJ, however, would be possible for both 1 and 2 litres. For a two pot stove (which would require 4 litres of water) the total temperature change (for temperature changes in both pots added) should be taken together as in the example below: Pot 1: 2 litres – 15°C change; and Pot 2: 2 litres – 5°C change; this would mean that 2 litres of water have been heated by 20°C. Appendix A Experimental results 126 Table A3 Quantity of water and temperature change to transfer 251 kJ of energy Quantity of water Temperature change for 251 kJ energy transfer 1 litre 60°C 2 litres 30°C Pollutant mass for this task defined above can obviously only be calculated for the heating up phase, but similar tasks, possibly based on a quantity of water which evaporated during the simmering phase, could easily be defined (but would not be easy to calculate accurately). M Etask ⎡T ⎤ ⎢ C M v& flue dt ⎥ ⎢⎣ t = 0 ⎥⎦ = . t task T where M Etask is the total pollutant mass emitted during the task (kg / task) ∫ t task is the time taken to achieve the desired task or the time to heat the water in the pot by 60 o C for 1 litre, and by 30 o C for 2 litres. g) Simple average When computers are not used, and measurements are made by hand, emission concentration cannot be recorded as frequently as every 10 seconds. The average concentration during a particular phase could easily be calculated by adding together all the evenly spaced readings and dividing by the total number of readings. This case, where electronic monitoring is unavailable, can easily be simulated using the following equation. The time interval was taken to be 1 minute, that is, every sixth reading was used, the others ignored. Appendix A Experimental results 127 C = ⎡T ⎤ ⎢ C M Δt ⎥ ⎣ t =0 ⎦ ∑ T Δt where C is the average pollutant emission rate (kg / s) Δt is the time interval (s) T Δt is the number of time divisions h) Comparison of emission parameters Figure A1 shows the relationship between the different emission testing parameters which have been described above for the heating and simmering phases. Heating up phase Simmering phase 300 Simmering phase Peak concentration 250 Heating up phase Concentration (ppm) 200 150 Average heating up 100 Proportional to emission mass & emission rate for simmering phase 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Concentration 5 and 10 minutes after ignition and boiling Figure A1 Emission measurement parameters compared graphically A.3.2 Efficiency The calculation of stove efficiency has been the subject of considerable debate. Two methods (the calculation of Specific Fuel Consumed (SFC) and the calculation of Percentage Heat Utilised (PHU)) have been widely recommended, with most researchers calculating both. Appendix A Experimental results 128 The definition of efficiency, although important, is not the focus of this study. Nevertheless various methods of calculating stove efficiency have been compared; these are discussed below. a) Fire Power VITA (1985), Stewart (1987) and Baldwin (1987) all emphasise the importance of recording either the burn rate or the fire power for each SFC or PHU value. Fire power is calculated as follows: P= m f h fo − m c hco T where P is the average fire power (kW) b) Specific Fuel Consumed (SFC) The Specific Fuel Consumed (SFC) for each phase as well as an overall combined figure is frequently calculated according to the following formula (VITA 1985): SFC = fuel used water evaporated mf − = hco h fo $ m mc where $ is the mass of water evaporated from the main pot (kg) m At times SFC is calculated using the initial mass of water (Stewart 1987:19,20) or the final mass of water (Baldwin 1987:84) in the denominator of the above equation instead of the mass of water evaporated. Stoves designs fall into two broad categories – single pot stoves (ones where only 1 pot can be heated at a time); and multipot stoves (more than one pot can be heated at a time). The mass of water used in calculating the SFC is measured for the main pot only in a multipot stove although water is placed in each pot. Appendix A Experimental results 129 c) Percentage Heat Utilised (PHU) Baldwin (1987:84) recommends the calculation of Percentage Heat Utilised (PHU) rather than SFC. In effect PHU is a simplified calculation of efficiency – the ratio of the output energy to the input energy for the defined task.: PHU = $ c p mΔT + h fg m m f h fo − m c hco .100 where c p is the specific thermal capacity of water (kJ / kgK) m is the mass of water in the main pot at the start of the experiment (kg) ΔT is the rise in water temperature (K) h fg is the enthalpy of vaporisation of water (kJ / kg) During the simmering phase the water temperature rise 'T is usually taken to be 5°C. d) Improved efficiency equation In order to make comparisons between the various calculation methods, a technically more complete equation for the stove efficiency has been developed in the present study. The efficiency of a cooking process is difficult to define in technical terms. Even using simplified tasks, such as the heating of a quantity of water to boiling point as rapidly as possible, or the simmering of a quantity of water for a period, efficiency is difficult to define. Here we measure the ratio of the energy into the pot to the energy liberated by the fire – similar to the PHU. This ratio is not entirely related to the task. For example, the ‘loss’ of energy by evaporation is used as a partial measure of the energy transferred to the pot, not as ‘lost heat’. The purpose of simmering food is usually not to evaporate water, but to maintain the food temperature until it is cooked. There are two notable omissions in the PHU equation given by Stewart (1987): • the mass of water evaporated and the mass of water heated is measured for the main pot only (the second and subsequent pot are ignored); and • water temperature fluctuations within each phase are ignored, that is, during the simmering phase the water temperature tends to fluctuate as in Figure A2. Appendix A Experimental results 130 100 B1 80 Temperature °C B3 B 90 B2 C B4 70 60 Temperature drop (exaggerated scale) 50 40 30 A 20 10 0 Time Figure A2 Temperature variations in the Water Boiling Test Each stage during which the temperature rises should be included in the calculation. The change in temperature 'T during the simmering phase in the example shown above is given by: ΔT = ΔTB3 − B2 + ΔTC − B4 Baldwin (1987) in fact recommends the measurement of temperature fluctuations, and makes provision for them to be included in the PHU equation. Baldwin recommends that the second and subsequent pots should be ignored in the calculation of efficiency. The equation he uses is that given in Section c above. He writes: “... the additional heat recuperated by the second and subsequent pots increases the laboratory PHU, but is ineffective in actually cooking food because it is too low in temperature and because it cannot be easily controlled.” “... the performance of multipot stoves in actual cooking of food is better predicted by their first pot PHU than by their total PHU.” (Baldwin 1987:92). The full efficiency equation, including all pots and water temperature fluctuations in each pot, as well as average rather than initial mass of water in the first term of the numerator, is as follows: Appendix A Experimental results 131 ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ n ⎞ $k⎥ c p m k ⎜ ΔTi ⎟ + h fg m ⎢ K ⎝ i =1 ⎠k ⎥ ⎢ η= ⎥ ⎢ o o m f h f − m c hc k =1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎦ ⎣ where k is the pot number K is the number of pots c p is the specific thermal capacity of water (kJ / kgK) ∑ ∑ m k is the average mass of water in each pot (kg) ΔTi is the rise in water temperature (K) i is the heating stage number n is the final heating stage h fg is the enthalpy of vaporisation of water (kJ / kg) $ k is the mass of water evaporated from each pot (kg) m m f is the mass of fuel (wood) used during phase (kg) h fo is the enthalpy of fuel combustion at the reference temperature (kJ / kg) m c is the mass of char remaining at the end of the phase (kg) hco is the enthalpy of char combustion at the reference temperature (kJ / kg) A.3.3 Smoke and specific optical density and TSP Specific Optical Smoke Density (OSD), which is independent of optical path length can be defined for black smokes, and monochromatic light as in the equation below. log 10 OSD = 100 100 − S x x path where OSD is the Optical Smoke Density (m -1 ) S x is the smoke obscuration (%) x path is the optical path length (m) Total Suspended Particulate mass concentration is calculated by multiplying the OSD by 9.4, the calibration coefficient described in Section 2.4. Appendix A Experimental results 132 Appendix B Requirements of a testing method In this appendix we consider five major choices which must be made by anyone attempting to develop emission testing guidelines. The guideline developer must decide whether to use: • International standards or testing guidelines; • absolute or comparative measurements; • integral or real time measurements; • indirect or direct measurements; and • the Water Boiling Test or some other experimental method. B.1 International standards versus testing guidelines After many years of controversy over the definition of efficiency and test methodology the publication of a ‘standard’ for Testing the efficiency of wood-burning cookstoves by the Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA) in 1985 produced a “generally accepted ... test procedure that can be applied universally.” (Stewart 1987). The laboratory test is known as the Water Boiling Test (WBT). Should international standards similar to those for efficiency be produced for emission testing? The VITA standards state the primary purpose of stove testing in the following way (page vii): “Stove testing is the systematic measuring of the advantages and limitations of a particular stove model. Its primary aim is to help identify the most effective and desirable stoves for a specific social and economic context. With ongoing stove production, a testing program provides essential quality control and may lead to important design modifications.” This is similar to the purpose of testing as defined in this study: testing so that different stove models can be compared and hence improved within a specific context. The group involved in setting the standards felt it important to stress that “a distinction should be made between testing done for local use only (for stove users and others) and testing where the results are intended to be transmitted to other places.” (VITA 1985:viii). Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 133 They hoped that “by imposing a scientific standard in stove testing, ..., [they would] assure a high degree of uniformity in stove test results from around the world. The widespread use of standardised testing procedures will permit the comparison of stove designs on a more systematic basis...”. It seems clear that the VITA method is intended to allow comparison of stoves between different stove programmes – an international standard. Problems with the VITA standards are discussed by Bialy (1991:5). He questions them on a number of levels: the tests may not be sufficient for the right choices to be made; the methods are not as widely used as intended (see variations in Baldwin 1987:84; Stewart 1987; Butcher et al 1984:3; Jayaraman et al 1989:121; Joshi 1989:764; and Ahuja et al 1987:249,254); and, as a basis for international comparison they are lacking because they do not specify some important parameters. A method intended to allow comparison between different stove programmes around the world would need to be far more specific than that given in the VITA standards. A successful stove in one area, may be a disaster in another. Stove performance is a function of many variables and therefore must be area specific (Bialy 1991:9). This is demonstrated in tests which have shown that even altitude has an effect on emissions from wood-burning stoves (McCrillis & Burnet 1990:692). There is no one perfect stove for all areas (Kristoferson & Bokalders 1991). Internationally standard tests would be of no use to development organisations attempting to find the most “effective and desirable stoves for a specific social and economic context”. It seems impossible to design tests which allow both international comparisons and provide useful data for a specific social context. In the design of tests for emissions a similar tension exists between methods which allow inter-programme comparisons and methods which are only specific to a local context. It seems clear that recommendations or guidelines for stove emission measurement are required rather than strict ‘standards’. The purpose of these recommendations would be to ensure that any results were consistent (giving the same results each time under the same local conditions) and representative (giving some indication as to what can be expected in the field, that is, within a specific context). Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 134 Table B1 International standards versus testing guidelines SUMMARY OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES International Standards Testing Guidelines Allows international comparisons Can relate to specific socio-cultural practice Requires very specific controlled conditions Guidelines ensure control where it is which limit local area applicability necessary, but are flexible for non-critical factors Two objections to using guidelines rather than standards are frequently made: • The above discussion implies that an organisation using these guidelines to choose between two stoves, for example, would need to test both stoves and not rely merely on results from other testing programmes. • It would also be difficult for a development organisation to choose the best design from those available elsewhere. The organisation would need samples from other programmes and would need to test them according to their own specific socioenvironment. Both of these observations are true and should, in fact, be stressed – stoves in general are not directly transferable to different contexts. Test results from other socio-environments are, however, useful indicators of a stove’s strengths and weaknesses and are not completely worthless provided the development worker considers both the origin and destination environments carefully. B.2 Absolute versus comparative measurements Technical studies on stove emissions, using sophisticated equipment have been used in the environmental (see Smith et al 1992 for work on determining greenhouse gas emissions), medical (Calle & Zeighami 1984; van Houdt et al 1986; McCrillis, Watts & Warren 1992), and combustion fields (Islam et al 1986; Islam & Smith 1989). The results are intended to be general – indicating the extent of the problem, and at the same time absolute – given in units which are internationally recognised. These complex tests usually cannot be carried out by development organisations interested in finding the best stoves for their particular area. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 135 Tests for use within development organisations, on the other hand, are used to compare designs in order to choose the best; to improve a design; and to measure the effect of modifications on emission characteristics. When comparing stoves it is not necessary for the results to be given in absolute units. Relative units (for example, one stove emits 20% less carbon monoxide per task than another) would be sufficient for a development organisations’ needs. Absolute units would be a nice luxury – but they are clearly not vital for these types of measurement. In experimental design it is often recognised that comparative measurements are better than absolute. “It is generally advisable to make comparative observations or measurements where this is possible, instead of relying on absolute measurements. In most cases it is some comparison which is the real object of the experiment, and it is usually better to make this comparison directly...” (Wilson 1952:38.) Two stoves cannot be tested simultaneously thus allowing just one measurement to be made, but since a universal absolute is not required, as long as measurements for each stove are made in the same units and using a common ‘zero point’, comparisons can be made. Table B2 Absolute versus comparative measurements SUMMARY OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Absolute Measurements Useful for international comparison Comparative Measurements Relates directly to the object of the experiment. Useful for international conclusions – for Limited usefulness of data beyond local example environmental management context Higher cost Lower cost Calibration to international standard Internal calibration necessary Once again it must be stressed that the above argument implies that in order to compare two stoves both designs must be available for testing using the same apparatus and test procedure. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 136 B.3 Integral versus real time measurements Efficiency and emissions from fires vary greatly with time. Integral measurements involve the measurement and recording of ONLY the sum or average of a variable over a defined time period, usually of a long duration. Real time measurements involve the measurement of the value of a variable at a particular time. The distinction between the two measurement types can become confusing when samples are collected and analysed later. The greater the sample size the ‘more integral’ the measurement. Often sensitivity requirements of equipment are less demanding for integral measurements since a larger sample is collected. Since exposure potential is the important value in health risk assessment long term measurements are frequently used. These integrate short term fluctuations and provide a time-weighted exposure indication (Hawthorne et al, 1984:16). Table B3 Integral versus real time measurements SUMMARY OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Integral Measurements Integrates short term fluctuations Real Time Measurements Records all fluctuations – real as well as errors Comparisons direct and easy Difficulties in interpretation – requires detailed analysis Can loose important interactions and Allows for detailed analysis and calculation relationships through averages of integral as well as real time conclusions Less demanding sensitivity requirements Background noise problematic For development organisations integral measurements are better than real time measurements provided it has been verified that the proposed method is internally consistent. B.4 Indirect versus direct measurements The choice between indirect or direct emission measurement basically means choosing between the chamber method type of experiment (as described by Ahuja et al 1987) or the Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 137 hood method – using a hood to capture all the emissions and measure flue concentrations (as in Butcher et al 1984). The chamber method (Ahuja et al 1987), involving the indirect measurement of emissions, seems to be growing in popularity. It has, however, the following problems: • The emission measurement, requiring absolute real time measurement of at least one pollutant may be costly. Real time concentrations of carbon monoxide or some other pollutant are required even though only a single emission factor for the stove can be calculated from the data collected. • The air exchange rate in the room must be constant during the test. To meet this requirement a hut with a secondary outer wall which encloses the entire hut is built – the cost of such a construction could be high. • The need for a double wall enclosure would make field usage a problem; the method has apparently not been assessed in the field. • To ensure that the pollutants are uniformly mixed in the room fans must be strategically placed between the inner and the outer wall. These fans must be carefully placed so as not to influence the stove combustion characteristics. • The emission source strength is assumed to be constant. It is sometimes presumed that this implies a constant burn rate (see Young 1992). There are three problems with this assumption: - emission source strength is seldom constant; - a constant burn rate is virtually impossible to achieve; and - a constant burn rate may not imply a constant source strength. • The operators must expose themselves to the pollutants while tending the stove and recording data from the instruments. High levels of carbon monoxide from poor stoves could be dangerous. • The calculations required to interpret the data are particularly complicated and prone to error. • A single charge of fuel is used, and the fire is tended only to ensure a steady flame – this limits the relevance of the results to predictions of performance by rural users. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 138 This of course is not central to the method and could easily be changed. The fire would then need to be rearranged and tended. This issue is considered in Chapter 6. • The amount of information yielded by the study (an integral result over the whole test) is small compared with the effort required, and the cost involved. The hood method, involving direct measurement of emissions, as proposed by Butcher et al (1984) has a number of problems: • Pollution measurement equipment is costly. Since absolute measurements are not really required it seems possible to simplify the equipment and to use cheaper methods. • Determination of air flow is costly and complicated. Again, since absolute measurements are not required, measurements of flow rates in the flue are unnecessary. All that is required is some assurance that flow rate is constant during experiments and between experiments – this would be neither costly nor complicated. • The induced flow in the hood could change the stove combustion characteristics. This is potentially a major problem with the method. This issue is examined in Chapter 3. • The extraction system is fairly expensive in the form used by Butcher et al (1984). Cheaper methods, for example using a hair dryer fan, and a twelve volt battery for the gas extraction, could be designed, depending on flow rates required. • The method in its present form is limited to the laboratory setting. It would be possible, however, to design a battery powered extraction system, and a simple portable hood to enclose the stove and protect it from outside influences such as wind. Such apparatus, if carefully designed and tested, could be used indoors or outdoors, and in the field as well as in the laboratory. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 139 Table B4 Indirect versus direct measurements SUMMARY OF ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Indirect Measurements Direct Measurements Requires costly real time measurements, but Although real time equipment is desirable it only gives integral results – large expense is not required. with a small payback. Assumes that room air exchange rate is Extraction may influence stove combustion constant, and requires careful mixing of characteristics. room air. Very complicated experimental method and Although still complex the interpretation of calculations. results is simpler than in the chamber method. The experimental method is simpler than that of the chamber method. Emission strength is assumed to be constant Does not rely on constant emission strength – this is clearly not the case. or fuel burn rate. Limited to indoor studies. Applicable in the field and laboratory settings, indoors or outdoors. B.5 Water boiling test versus other methodologies Should emission tests be based on the Water Boiling Test (WBT) used in the measurement of efficiency? It has already been stated that the VITA methods are not as widely used as was intended. Not one of the emission tests, described in the sections above, used the WBT method, with the tests by Butcher et al (1984) a possible exception (perhaps using something similar to the provisional standards of 1982). A distinction must be made between the method recommended for the WBT and the methods of analysis given in the VITA standards. The WBT described in Testing of the efficiency of wood-burning cookstoves by VITA (1985) and in two books (Stewart 1987 and Baldwin 1987) which are based on the standard method use slightly different efficiency definitions – all three use the same experimental method but different analytical methods. Here we are discussing whether to use the recommended experimental method, not a particular analytical method. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 140 Testing a stove in the laboratory according to the WBT involves operating the stove under two conditions, heating and simmering, using water to simulate food. Water is brought to the boil as rapidly as possible during the heating up phase (commonly called the high power phase) and then maintained within 5°C of boiling for 30 minutes during the simmering phase (commonly called the low power phase). The fuel consumed for these tasks is then measured. The Specific Fuel Consumed (SFC) for each phase as well as an overall combined figure is then calculated. The heating up phase and the simmering phase are intended to mimic the two most common cooking tasks (VITA 1985:viii), boiling and simmering. There are a large number of different test methods which have been used in previous studies. These are compared in the following table (spaces indicate unspecified information): Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 141 Table B5 Water boiling test versus other methodologies Reference Ignition VITA (1985) As normally done in households of the area SABS 1403:Gr 10:1986 30 minute ignition period before test begins As recommended by appliance manufacturer PD 6434 (BSI) BS 3841:1972 Ignition gas at set rate, fire must reach 1.17 kW in 50 minutes for valid test. Defined fuel charge for ignition McCrillis & Burnet (1990), McCrillis et al (1992) Newspaper and kindling, refuelled after 10 minutes Smith et al (1993), Smith et al (1992) Butcher et al (1984) Small amount of kerosene Refuelling As required Control As required As recommended by appliance manufacturer Steady state operation at rated output Refuelled when power output drops below a defined level. 20 seconds before and after refuelling emission measurement is reduced. Refuelled as necessary to maintain desired burn rate Single charge – no refuelling Three or four refuel charges Pre-set controls are not adjusted unless manufacturer states that adjustments are necessary Preliminary tests are used to set controls which then remain unchanged for the duration of the test Fuel added when necessary Heating 2 litres of water, boiling for 15 minutes and simmer for 30 minutes Heat water in pots with lids – pollutant monitors started when a steady flame had been established Nangale (1992) One charge of fuel – no refuelling Islam et al (1986), Islam & Smith (1989) Ahuja et al (1987), Joshi et al (1989), Joshi et al (1991), Young (1992) Single charge End of each piece of wood dipped in a measured amount of kerosene Task Heat water 2/3 pot capacity to boil as rapidly as possible, simmer for 30 minutes 6 hour heating period Single charge of fuel – no refuelling End point 30 minutes after boiling Time Predetermined time with fire maintained at desired burn rate Heating 2 litres of water Dependant on appliance and manufacturers advice Power drops below defined level after third or fourth radiation peak Test completed after 8 hours 30 minutes duration Rearranged and blown with a blowpipe as needed 30 minutes after boiling Minimal fire tending End point when water temperature started dropping steadily Controls unchanged 3½ litres of water heated in pots with lids, and maintain boiling for 15 minutes Appendix B Requirements of a testing method Fire tended to ensure a steady flame Fire removed from room when water temperature dropped by 0.5 °C (about 15 minutes after boiling) 142 In the development of emission testing guidelines it seems wise to use the WBT as the starting point. Ignition, refuelling and stove control may need to be controlled more carefully than in the VITA standards. A contribution to this area is made in Chapter 4. B.6 Recommendations Based on the above discussions five suggestions are made. 1. Testing guidelines as opposed to rigorous international standards are required. 2. Comparative measurements are sufficient for the purposes of development organisations – equipment for absolute measurements is an unnecessary expense. 3. For development organisations integral measurements will be sufficient to allow stove comparisons. 4. The direct measurement of emissions from the stove yields far more information than indirect measurements. Basic assumptions made for the ‘chamber’ method (Ahuja et al 1987) which involved indirect measurement of emissions seem to be questionable and the experimental and analytical methods are complex. 5. The WBT method as described by VITA (1985) which involves two phases: heating up to boiling point and simmering for 30 minutes should be used as the starting point for the development of emission testing methods. Appendix B Requirements of a testing method 143 Appendix C Factorial analysis The experimental design is often the most critical area of research. This appendix briefly describes the design of a factorial experiment. When there is more than one independent variable, emphasis is laid in classical methods on varying the experimental conditions only one variable at a time. Observations are repeated under exactly the same conditions. With factorial designs replicate observations are not carried out under exactly the same conditions, and a number of variables are changed simultaneously (see Fisher 1951:91; Wilson 1952:48). There are three specific advantages to using a factorial design in experimentation rather than classical methods (see Fisher 1951:99): 1. Greater efficiency – a number of factors (or variables) are evaluated with equal precision with a fraction of the number of observations that would otherwise be necessary. 2. Greater comprehensiveness – in addition to the determination of the effects of single factors, interactions of the factors are also evaluated. 3. Wider inductive basis (Fisher’s term) – conclusions based on an experiment in which many factors have been varied have been tested under a broader range of conditions than if only one variable had been changed at a time. Designing a factorial experiment involves firstly identifying important variables (or factors) which are to be studied, and formulating an hypothesis. Secondly, levels at which the variables will be tested are selected. A level of significance should be chosen before the data is analysed, and the treatment combinations should be fully randomised. The method of statistical analysis especially suited to factorial experiments is called the analysis of variance (ANOVA). C.1 Identifying variables and defining hypotheses Independent variables which are believed to be significant are selected for study. A null hypothesis is written for each variable – an hypothesis stating that the factor in question has a negligible effect. A null hypothesis is specific enough to allow it to be disproved. It is Appendix C Factorial analysis 144 important to note that a null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved. As Fisher (1951:16) puts it: “Every experiment may be said to exist only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the null hypothesis”. If the null hypothesis is disproved the alternative hypothesis is not in fact proved. During analysis the null hypothesis is proved false at a certain level of significance. C.2 Selection of levels Since each factor is set to predetermined levels for a particular experiment the selection of the levels must be made carefully. When selecting levels of the experimental factors the typical range of the variable must be considered. Levels should not be set to extreme values – using extreme values could lead to serious misinterpretation since frequently response curves change drastically at the ends, as can be seen in Figure C1 which illustrates a predominantly linear response to a variable. Figure C1 Selection of variable levels in a factorial design C.3 Level of significance The statistical level of significance at which the null hypothesis is accepted or rejected should be chosen carefully (Wilson 1952:59). The choice is usually based on the cost of misinterpreting the result, and on previous experience. At times the term ‘confidence Appendix C Factorial analysis 145 limits’ is used instead of level of significance. A confidence interval of 95 % is taken as being equivalent to a significance level of 5 %. This is not strictly precise but for practical purposes the term can be used in this way (Brownlee 1949:34). C.4 Treatment combinations, repetition and randomisation Repetition within each treatment should be considered – greater accuracy is an obvious advantage of repetition. Variation within repeated treatments is used as a measure of error. Without repetition high order interactions (usually 4th, 5th, and higher) are used as an indication of experimental error. There are an infinite number of variables in any experiment which are usually considered to be irrelevant (Wilson 1952:38; Fisher 1951:18,19). Variables which seem to be insignificant may in fact be important. These seemingly unimportant variables vary in either an unknown way or with unknown effect, and their effects can never be completely eliminated. These variables, and their effects, can however be randomised by randomising the order of the experiments (Wilson 1952:54). C.5 Calculation methods Analysis of variance is based on a property of variance that if a process has a number of factors each contributing to the final result, than the total variance is equal to the sum of the component variances (Brownlee 1949:51). This is not the case for the standard deviation, σ , of a set of data. The variance, σ 2 , is computed according to the following formula (Crow et al 1960:13): 2 ⎡ n ⎛ n ⎞ ⎤ 1 2 ⎢n x i − ⎜ x i ⎟ ⎥ σ = n( n − 1) ⎢ i=1 ⎝ i =1 ⎠ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ where 2 ∑ ∑ σ 2 is the sample variance n is the number of sample readings x1 , x 2 ,..., x n are the observations For a two factor analysis, as in the case for the measurement of the influence of the test rig on stove emissions, an ANOVA table can be constructed as shown in Table C1. Appendix C Factorial analysis 146 Table C1 The calculation of a two factor analysis of variance Source Degrees of Sum of squares Mean square F ratio freedom (df) (SS) (MS) Stove (S) s-1 σ 2s+ e + nσ 2se + neσ 2s SSS s−1 MSS MS Error Extraction (E) e-1 σ 2s+ e + nσ 2se + nsσ 2e SS E e −1 MS E MS Error Interaction (SxE) (s-1)(e-1) σ 2s+ e + nσ 2se SSS + E ( s − 1)( e − 1) MSS + E MS Error Error se(n-1) σ 2s+ e SS Error se( n − 1) Total sen-1 where s is the number of levels of the factor S (stove type) e is the number of levels of the factor E (extraction level) n is the number of repetitions of each combination of factors Snedecor's F distribution is used to test for statistical significance. The size of the F factor relates directly to the confidence at which the null hypothesis can be rejected - the larger the factor the greater the confidence of the statistical inference. Appendix C Factorial analysis 147 Appendix D Wood combustion It is not sufficient merely to study the emissions from a stove without looking in some detail at the processes which are taking place within the stove. The combustion of the wood relates to the fuel burn rate (or the reaction rate), the combustion products (or the emissions), the required excess air for complete combustion, and the fire temperatures. The processes are extremely complicated, principally because the fuel has a complex physical and chemical composition and is burnt in an uncontrolled environment. The burning of hydrocarbons is frequently chaotic. “Above a certain temperature objects can suddenly burst into flame, burn furiously, then when the heat produced drops off, the flames can suddenly cease. The reaction can choose between two stable modes... chaos” (Scott 1992:108). To simplify things use is often made of a Simple Chemically-Reacting System (SCRS) where all factors except oxidant, fuel, and products are removed (Spalding 1979:101). This has led to descriptions of the combustion process which are overly simplified – usually the combustion of carbon in oxygen. These descriptions are useful in the basic understanding of the process, but are severely limited when one attempts to understand the formation of the emissions from wood fires. We look at the fuel and the way it burns in some detail in this chapter – even so, this is only a brief introduction to the subject. A simple combustion model is given in Figure D1. Appendix D Wood combustion 148 HEAT OXIDANT air FUEL > Moisture > Inorganic materials > Organic materials COMBUSTION COMBUSTION PRODUCTS WATER Figure D1 Simple wood combustion model D.1 Oxidant Oxygen deficiency leads to incomplete combustion and the formation of many products of incomplete combustion. Excess air cools the system. The air requirements depend on the chemical and physical characteristics of the fuel. The efficiency of the combustion process and the system as a whole also depends on the intake and temperature of the air which contains approximately 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen (Shafizadeh 1981:120). D.2 Fuel Both the chemical and the physical composition of the fuel are important determining factors in the characteristics of combustion. Wood can be analysed by breaking it down into structural components (called proximate analysis) or into chemical elements (ultimate analysis). Below are given average results of the two types of analyses. Appendix D Wood combustion 149 Table D1 Proximate analysis of wood (Shafizadeh 1981:106) Species Ash (%) Extractives (%) Lignin (%) Hemicellulose (%) Cellulose (%) Softwood 0.4 2 27.8 24 41 Hardwood 0.3 3.1 19.5 35 39 Table D2 Ultimate analysis of wood (Cheremisinoff 1992:8) Carbon (%) Hydrogen (%) 50.5 6.0 Oxygen (%) 42.4 Nitrogen (%) 0.2 Sulphur (%) Non-combustibles 0.05 1.0 D.2.1 Moisture Moisture in wood (and other biofuels) is stored in spaces within the dead cells and within the cell walls. When the fuel is dried the stored moisture equilibrates with the ambient relative humidity. Equilibrium is usually about 20% in air dried fuel (Shafizadeh 1981:105). The moisture in the fuel acts as a heat sink, lowering the combustion efficiency. It also promotes the formation of carbonaceous char (that is char, water and carbon dioxide) (Shafizadeh 1981:118). D.2.2 Inorganic Materials (Ash) Inorganic materials in plants depend on the type of the plant and the soil contamination in which the plant grows. On average wood contains about 0.5% ash. Insoluble compounds act as a heat sink in the same way as moisture, lowering combustion efficiency, but soluble ionic compounds can have a catalytic effect on the pyrolysis and combustion of the fuel (Shafizadeh 1981:106) – more detail is given below. The presence of inorganic compounds favours the formation of char (Shafizadeh 1981:118). The ash is typically composed of the following compounds: Appendix D Wood combustion 150 CaO (±50%), K2O (±20%), Na2O, MgO, SiO, Fe2O3, P2O5, and SO3 (Baldwin 1987:175). The SO3, as reported in an ash analysis, is in the form of a sulphate (for example, CaSO4 or K2SO4). D.2.3 Organic Materials The organic compounds in wood are principally in the form of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin. A small proportion are solvent soluble extractives (lipids and terpenes). a) Cellulose Cellulose is the same in all types of biofuel - except for the degree of polymerisation. It is composed of D-glucopyranose units linked linearly with I-(1Æ4) glycosidic links. Cellulose is the main component of wood (Shafizadeh 1982:749). b) Hemicellulose Acetyl-4-O-methylglucuronoxylan forms the main hemicellulose of hardwoods. Glucomannan forms the main hemicellulose of softwoods. These carbohydrates easily break down at the glycosidic link. They have a lower heat of combustion than cellulose because they contain several molecules of water in their chemical composition ([C6(H2O)5]n or [C5(H2O)4]n). Hardwoods have a greater proportion of acetyl and methoxyl groups than do softwoods. This explains why they are used in distillation to obtain acetic acid and methanol. c) Lignin Lignins have an approximate analysis of C10H11O2 for both softwoods and hardwoods (Shafizadeh 1981:112). In addition to the same compounds as hemicellulose, hardwoods have syringyl propane units, and softwoods contain guaiacyl propane units. On combustion, lignin yields mainly char (Shafizadeh 1981:107) although the quantity of char depends strongly on the burning conditions. D.2.4 Direct combustion Biomass fuels never burn directly: Solid biomass fuels are thermally degradable and under the influence of a sufficiently strong energy source they break down into a mixture of volatiles and carbonaceous char. The two modes of combustion (solid char, and gaseous Appendix D Wood combustion 151 volatiles) have completely different chemical mechanisms and kinetics. The thermal degradation of the fuel is called pyrolysis. D.3 Pyrolysis Cellulose and hemicellulose form mainly volatile products on heating due to the thermal cleavage of the sugar units. The lignin forms mainly char since it is not readily cleaved to lower molecular weight fragments (Shafizadeh 1981:110). The discussions of pyrolysis below focus primarily on cellulose because it is the largest component of the wood forming volatiles (Shafizadeh 1982:749). D.3.1 Ratio of volatiles to char The proportion of volatiles to char is a complex interaction of temperature, heating rate, particle size and the effect of catalysts. Yield is highly dependent on the pyrolysis temperature (the heat treatment temperature), the nature of the substrate, and the presence of incombustible materials (Shafizadeh 1982:758). Addition of an acidic catalyst or slow heating promotes the dehydration and charring reactions. It follows that a higher temperature and smaller particle size, leading to increased heating rates, promotes the production of volatiles, whereas lower temperatures and larger pieces of wood promotes the formation of char (as well as water and CO2). The presence of water, and inorganic materials also promote the formation of char because of the ‘heat sink’ they provide. D.3.2 Initiation reactions Cellulose and hemicellulose initially break into compounds of lower molecular weight. This forms an ‘activated cellulose’ which decomposes by two competitive reactions – one forming volatiles (anhydrosugars) and the other char and gases. D.3.3 Pyrolysis reactions The thermal degradation of the activated cellulose and hemicellulose to form volatiles and char can be divided into categories depending on the reaction temperature. Within a fire all these reactions take place concurrently and consecutively. The reactions are highly complex - they are briefly described in Table D3. Appendix D Wood combustion 152 Table D3 Pyrolysis reactions at different temperatures Condition Processes Products Below 300°C free radical initiation, elimination formation of carbonyl and carboxyl, of water and depolymerisation evolution of CO and CO2 and mainly a charred residue 300-450°C breaking of glycosidic linkages of mixture of levoglucosan, polysaccharide by substitution anhydrides and oligosaccharides largely in the form of a tar fraction Above 450°C dehydration, rearrangement and variety of carbonyl compounds fission of sugar units such as acetaldehyde, glyoxal and acrolein which evaporate easily Above 500°C a mixture of all above processes Condensation unsaturated products condense and a highly reactive char residue cleave to the char Appendix D Wood combustion a mixture of all above products containing trapped free radicals 153 D.3.4 Volatiles The yield of gases within two different temperature regimes is given in Table D4. Table D4 Yield of volatile gases at different temperatures (Speight 1993:57) <400°C >1000°C 125 >550 CO2 30 20 CO 25 25 CH4 14 12 CnHm 4 2 H2 20 35 N2 7 6 Yield of gas (m3/ton) Composition (vol. %) The organic compounds in the biofuel break down and evaporate into (Shafizadeh 1981:107). 1) 2) a gas fraction containing: • CO • CO2 • some hydrocarbons • H2 a condensable fraction containing: • H2O • low molecular weight organic compounds - aldehydes - acids - ketones - alcohols Appendix D Wood combustion 154 3) a tar fraction containing: • higher molecular weight sugar residues • furan derivatives • phenolic compounds • airborne particles of tar and charred material which form the smoke. Gaseous emissions are predominantly a product of pyrolitic cracking of the fuel. If flames are present, fire temperatures are high, and more oxygen is available from thermally induced convection. The lower temperatures of the smouldering stage results in a lower oxygen supply from diffusion into the fuel bed – gases in this phase which leave the fuel bed are not oxidised further (Lobert et al 1995:295). D.3.5 Char The char which is formed is highly reactive because of the trapped free radicals, and porous. This means a large surface area which has a large absorptive capacity. The properties of the char are related to the pyrolysis conditions as well as the physical and chemical properties of the fuel. Cellulose chars are most reactive and have the greatest surface area when formed at 550°C (Shafizadeh 1981:122). D.4 Combustion The pyrolysed products, volatiles and char, burn with completely different characteristics. The burning of the active carbon (the char) to form CO2 in the presence of sufficient oxygen and high enough temperatures is known as glowing combustion. Where temperatures are too low, or where there is insufficient oxygen for complete combustion smouldering occurs (characterised by smoking or emission of unoxidised pyrolysis products). The burning of the volatiles is known as flaming combustion. Flaming dominates at higher temperatures and smouldering at lower temperatures. D.4.1 Reaction Rate At lower temperatures, that is for glowing and smouldering combustion, the rate of combustion is controlled by the pyrolysis and combustion kinetics. At higher temperatures, for flaming combustion, the reactions take place very rapidly and heat and mass transfer factors dominate (Shafizadeh 1981:120). Appendix D Wood combustion 155 Determining the reaction rate of even a simple solid (such as a carbon sphere) is complex and involves at least the following five steps (Kanury 1975:201): 1. Oxygen has to diffuse to the fuel surface, 2. Diffused oxygen has to be absorbed by the surface, 3. Absorbed oxygen has to react with the solid to form absorbed products, 4. Absorbed products have to be desorbed from the surface, and 5. Desorbed products have to diffuse away from the surface. These steps, which must occur in order, determine the reaction rate. The slowest step, under the reaction conditions determines the burning rate. For carbon combustion steps 2 and 4 are known to be extremely rapid. Step 3 is the slowest when the particle temperature is low, and hence kinetic processes dominate. In this kinetic regime, the burning rate is exponentially related to temperature. When temperature is high step 3 is faster than steps 1 and 5 and therefore the reaction rate is controlled by mass transfer processes. In this regime, burning rate depends weakly on temperature and strongly on particle size. The formation of the volatiles at temperatures greater than 400°C is a highly endothermic process and consequently higher temperatures do not necessarily lead to greater reaction temperatures (Shafizadeh 1982:757). The formation of an ash layer on the char slows combustion appreciably (Baldwin 1987:183). D.4.2 Combustion of Activated Carbon Char is very different from pure carbon compounds like graphite. Cellulose chars have a formula of approximately C6.7H3.3O (Shafizadeh 1982: 758). It is useful however to consider the burning of a pure carbon particle because it can give us an indication of what can be expected from complex compounds. The burning of a carbon particle has been studied in some detail (See Spalding 1979:371392). Carbon can oxidise to form either carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide according to the following two equations: Appendix D Wood combustion 156 C + O2 Æ CO2 C + ½O2 Æ CO At lower temperatures, and in the presence of sufficient oxygen (Shafizadeh 1981:123) the formation of CO2 dominates. At higher temperatures CO is formed preferentially, and either escapes or burns later, well away from the solid carbon. The ratio of CO to CO2 is influenced by various anions and cations (Shafizadeh 1981:123). Phosphates and borates (anions) increase the formation of CO and decrease CO2. Sodium and potassium ions (cations) reduce CO and increase CO2 and therefore promote smouldering combustion. At very high temperatures no oxygen reaches the carbon and it therefore ‘burns’ in carbon dioxide according to the following reaction equation: C + CO2 Æ 2CO The flame produced by this reaction is pale blue and envelopes the char particle. Oxygen diffuses inwards, and CO or CO2 move in the opposite direction. Outgoing pyrolysis products also react with the carbonaceous layer (Kanury 1975:200). Frequently inert gases are absorbed on the char surface (gases such as N2 and CO2). These reactions are rapid and reversible. D.4.3 Combustion of Volatiles The volatiles burn with flames. Many free radical reactions are involved in all phases of this process. The transformations are extremely complicated and include further fission, dehydration, and disproportionation of the sugar units (Shafizadeh 1981:121). Further pyrolysis of the volatiles can cause char particles to form in the gas. This is the cause of soot. Soot is also formed at temperatures of around 700°C according to the following reaction: 2CO Ù CO2 + C. D.4.4 Sulphur Dioxide Whereas CO is a product of incomplete combustion, SO2 is the result of perfect combustion (Myers et al 1973:3). Appendix D Wood combustion 157 Sulphates are frequently emitted as particulates (Myers et al 1973:6). Sulphur can exist in the fuel in an organic or inorganic form. In coal there is usually more organic sulphur than inorganic (Speight 1993:6). Organic sulphur groups are usually oxidised to sulphates (van Krevelen 1961:171) whereas inorganic sulphur is oxidised to pyritic sulphur FeS2 (Speight 1993:147, 150). Appendix D Wood combustion 158 Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared This paper was accepted subject to revision by Biomass and Bioenergy on 1 December 1995. This revised version was submitted on 21 May 1996 and was subsequently accepted for publication. The full reference is: Ballard-Tremeer G & Jawurek H H (1996) Comparison of Five Rural, Wood-Burning Cooking Devices: Efficiencies and Emissions, Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol 11, No 5, pp. 419-430, Elsevier Science Ltd, Great Britain. Comparison of Five Rural, Wood-Burning Cooking Devices: Efficiencies and Emissions G. Ballard-Tremeer 1 and H. H. Jawurek 2 School of Mechanical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, P. O.WITS 2050, South Africa Abstract The following cooking devices were compared: An open fire built on the ground, an ‘improved’ open fire built on a raised grate, a one-pot metal stove, a two-pot ceramic stove and a two-pot metal stove. Efficiencies (ratios of energy entering the pot to the energy content of the fuel consumed) were determined by carrying out a computer-controlled version of the standard Water Boiling Test. Emission concentrations of smoke, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide were measured by means of a fume extraction hood, an optical smoke density meter and an electrochemical flue gas analyser. Average emissions of smoke were lowest for the improved open fire and the two-pot ceramic stove, with the remaining devices higher-emitting by factors of 1.5 to 3. Emissions of carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide were lowest for the two open fires; the stoves were higher-emitting by factors ranging from 2 to 3 for carbon monoxide and 3 to 10 for sulphur dioxide. Average efficiencies were 14% for the open fire, 21% for the improved open fire, and (with no statistically significant difference) 20 to 24% for the stoves . Key words: Stoves, woodstoves, cooking fires, efficiency, emissions, biomass. 1 Graduate student 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed e-mail: hhjaw@hertz.mech.wits.ac.za Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 159 1 Background and Aims The cooking devices to be compared in this study are: an open fire, an ‘improved’ open fire built on a raised grate, a commercial one-pot metal stove, a prototype two-pot ceramic stove and a prototype two-pot metal stove. The open, wood-burning fire built on the ground with a pot supported above it − the ‘three stone fire’ − is the most basic of cooking devices, and in many rural areas of the world the most common. It is thus a natural point of reference in a comparison of stove types. Open fires are widely held to have low heat transfer efficiencies (ratios of energy entering the pot to that liberated by combustion) and high levels of pollutant emission. It is to be expected that raising an open fire onto a grate would lead to reduced heat losses to the ground and, by supplying primary air from beneath the fuel bed, to increased completeness of combustion. This would favour both increased efficiency and reduced emissions. Krishna Prasad1 further mentions that a grate ‘helps in defining the combustion space better, thereby promoting the use of compact fires’ (as opposed to wastefully large ones). The only quantitative study of open fires with and without grates appears to be that of Visser and Verhaard of the Eindhoven Woodburning Stove Group, reported in summary form by Gopalakrishnan2. For wood (white fir) of 10% moisture content and with the pot elevated 110 mm above the fuel bed (both reasonable values in practice) the efficiencies were 20.5% for the open fire and 22% for the fire on a grate. The corresponding figures for oven-dried wood were 21% and 24%. These are not large improvements. However, the test methods that were employed differed from the VITA (Volunteers in Technical Assistance) tests that are currently accepted as standard3,4 and this may have biased the results; certain test methods are known to favour certain stove types5. Baldwin6, on the other hand, in dealing with West African uninsulated metal (‘malgache’) stoves, reports that the fitting of a grate increased their efficiency from about 18 to nearly 25%. Emissions were not measured in either study. Early stove work was aimed largely at increasing fuel efficiency. The last decade, however, has seen an increasing awareness of the problem of emissions. In 1992 the World Health Organization7 stated that emissions from rural, biomass-burning cooking sites were a health hazard affecting half the world’s population (approximately 2500 million people). Emissions are now considered at least as important as efficiencies. The commercial one-pot metal stove used in this study is a typical example of current trends in stove design. It has light-gauge steel inner and outer walls, ceramic insulation and an adjustable damper to control the inlet air flow. The stove is chimneyless and top-fed (the pot has to be removed to add fuel). The stove was advocated as being fuel-efficient, but there was no information on its emission Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 160 characteristics. Presumably many buyers − perhaps even the manufacturers − share the widely-held view that any stove must be lower-polluting than an open fire. In fact, the opposite is more likely. Increased efficiency (‘Percentage Heat Utilised’) is frequently achieved at the cost of reduced completeness of combustion and thus of increased emissions8. Nangale9 in comparing a three stone fire with an ‘improved’ metal stove obtained an increase in mean efficiency from 22.8 to 24.2% and increases in emissions by factors of about 5 for both carbon monoxide and total suspended particulates, and 2.2 for hydrocarbon acidity. The two-pot ceramic stove of this study is similar in design to the TERI (TATA Energy Research Institute, Bombay) Improved Chimneyless Woodfuel Cookstove4. It consists of two pot holders; the first contains the firebox and is the main cooker; a tunnel connects the first to the second pot holder; combustion gases escape from the latter around the second pot which is intended for simmering and for maintaining food at temperature. The design respects the two-pot cooking that is practised in many parts of the world where meals consist of a starch-based main dish and a smaller dish of vegetables or meat. Additionally, the second pot recuperates energy from the flue gases, thus improving efficiency. Emissions were not considered at the time of design (1990). The two-pot metal stove represents an attempt to provide, at low cost, the features of a ‘proper’ stove − the widely desired cast iron range. The features are: durability − the result of construction in appropriate metals, the ability to accommodate two (or more) pots, a flat cooking surface, operation at waist height, refuelling without removal of the pot(s), and a chimney. The two-pot metal stove of this study has galvanised steel inner and outer walls enclosing a layer of ceramic fibre insulation, a removable heavy-gauge steel cooking plate (hob), a stainless steel fire box, and a chimney. We are informed (by an associate who has worked on this stove) that a stove of strikingly similar design is widely used in Lapland. The two-pot ceramic stove and the two-pot metal stove were developed in the School of Mechanical Engineering in co-operation with the Wits Rural Facility (WRF), an interdisciplinary unit of our University concerned with rural upliftment and operating in Mpumalanga (previously Eastern Transvaal) province. The ceramic stove was designed to be manufactured by rural potters using locally available materials and traditional techniques, and several units were successfully manufactured in this manner. Field tests were conducted in the vicinity of the WRF, our study area. Despite initial community enthusiasm for the stove, it failed to achieve long-term acceptance10. The stove remains of interest, however, because it represents a recognised type of cooking device that is in use elsewhere. The two-pot metal stove was designed after extensive consultation with the inhabitants of our study area. The design was modified a number of times (for improved operation and greater ease of local manufacture) and appears to have community acceptance. For purposes of the present comparison the stove is an example of a distinct class of rural cooking device − the rangetype stove. Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 161 The aims of the present study are to compare the efficiencies (determined by standard VITA tests) and the emissions of the five rural cooking devices of markedly different design discussed above. 2 Apparatus and Procedure 2.1 The cooking devices (‘stoves’) These are shown in Figure 1. The open fire was built on a sand base 50 mm thick and beneath the tripod shown. The tripod supported an aluminium pot of 250 mm diameter and of 5 litre capacity, filled at the beginning of each test with 2 litres of water. The same pot size and charge was used throughout, also as the second pot in the case of two-pot stoves. The improved open fire was of the same dimensions as the open fire, but was fitted with a wire grate of 10 mm square pitch on which the fire was built. The grate area (maximum fuel bed area) was approximately half the area of the bottom of the pot. The main features of the three stoves have already been discussed. Note that the two-pot metal stove is drawn to a smaller scale than the other cooking devices. Ø200 Open fire 1 pot metal stove Improved open fire 180 200 250 2 pot ceramic stove 650 2 pot metal stove Figure 1 The cooking devices Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 162 2.2 Efficiency Efficiency was determined by carrying out the Water Boiling Test (WBT) recommended by VITA3. Stewart4 describes this as a ‘generally accepted ... test procedure that can be applied universally’. The WBT involves operating the stove under conditions of heating up and simmering, using water to simulate food. Water is brought to the boil as rapidly as possible during the heating-up phase (commonly called the ‘high-power phase’) and is then maintained within 5oC of boiling for 30 minutes during the simmering phase (called the ‘low-power phase’). In this study the efficiency of each phase was determined (though only the overall efficiency over the entire test is reported here). In order to determine the separate efficiencies it is necessary to know the energy content of the combustibles remaining at the end of each phase. At the end of the simmering phase (end of test) this presented no problem. The wood and the char (each of known calorific value) were separated and weighed. At the end of the heating-up phase and with open fires wood and char were separated and weighed rapidly, the fire was reassembled and the test was continued into the simmering phase. With enclosed stoves, however, the removal of combustibles at the end of the heating-up phase proved too problematic. The stoves were thus fuelled in such a way that char only remained at the end of the heating-up phase. The required control of the fire was difficult to achieve with both procedures and repeatability was inherently low, as also noted by Nangale9. Efficiency is defined as the ratio of energy entering the pot to the energy content of the fuel consumed. The energy entering the pot produces two measurable effects: raising the temperature of the water to the boiling point and evaporating water. The former was measured by a thermocouple (others measured fire temperature), the latter by a digital weighing platform on which the stove rested. Initial mass of wood, added wood, and char (and where applicable, wood) remaining at the end of each phase were similarly determined by weighing. Thus the energy content of the fuel consumed could be calculated. For the one-pot cooking devices efficiency was given by η= c pm ΔT + hfg m fg m f hf − mc hc where η is efficiency (fractional) c p is the specific thermal capacity of water (kJ kg-1 K-1) m 1 is the average mass of water in the pot during the heating-up phase (kg) ΔT is the rise in water temperature for the heating up phase (K) hfg is the enthalpy of vaporisation of water (kJ kg-1) Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 163 m fg is the mass of water evaporated (kg) m f is the mass of fuel (wood) used during the test (or phase) (kg) hf is the enthalpy of combustion (lower calorific value) of the fuel (kJ kg-1) mc is the mass of char remaining at the end of the test (or phase) (kg) hc is the enthalpy of combustion of the char (kJ kg-1) The resulting efficiencies are for all practical purposes identical with the widely used ‘Percentage Heat Utilised’ of Baldwin’s6. (He uses initial rather than average mass of water in the first term of the numerator.) For the two-pot stoves the numerator terms − the energy absorbed − were summed over both pots. Baldwin6 recommends that the second pot be ignored since ‘... the additional heat recuperated ... is ineffective in actually cooking food because it is too low in temperature and because it cannot be easily controlled’. This has not been our experience during fieldwork: we have seen the second pot used very effectively on our stoves. The efficiencies of cooking devices are frequently reported as a function of ‘fire power’. Fire power is defined as the ratio of energy content of the fuel consumed during a test (or phase) to the duration of the test (or phase). 2.3 Direct versus indirect measurement of emissions The direct measurement of emissions involves measurement at the source − the stove − and uses an extraction hood to capture the emissions11. Indirect methods measure the influence of the stove on a dilution chamber (simulating a dwelling) and calculate the ‘source strength’ (emission rate) on the assumption that it is constant12. The ‘hood method’ was used in the present study. It requires fewer assumptions than the ‘chamber method’ and it has the potential of providing more information. The question whether ‘the mechanically induced air flow [changes] the combustion characteristics of the stove’12 was addressed in preliminary tests discussed below. 2.4 Extraction rate The stove and the weighing platform were placed beneath an extraction hood fitted with a butterfly damper and an orifice plate flow meter. The volumetric extraction rate was set at three different levels, 0.049, 0.056 or 0.065 m3 s-1, in order to study the effect of extraction on stove performance. The lowest of these rates was one that was sufficient to capture all smoke, but that had no visible effect on the flame of a lit match held in the position normally occupied by the stove. The highest rate was one that had a small, but clearly discernible effect on the flame. Statistically designed experiments (analysis of variance) showed that extraction at the above levels had no effect (at 95% confidence) on stove efficiency, fire power, fire temperature and the emission of all pollutants measured with the Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 164 exception of carbon monoxide (CO). There was a small decrease in CO emissions with increasing extraction, but there was no interaction (at 95% confidence) between this and stove type. This means that the CO emissions of all stoves were equally influenced by extraction. An empirical hood design equation was used to calculate the air (‘capture’) velocities at the stove13 corresponding to the above extraction rates. The velocities ranged from 0.10 to 0.12 ms-1. Typical air currents in a closed room are 0.25 ms-1 13 . The hood method can therefore be used with confidence, provided that the extraction rate is appropriately low and is not changed between tests. 2.5 Pollutants measured The pollutants measured were particulates (smoke), carbon monoxide (CO) sulphur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) as well as carbon dioxide (CO2). Among these CO constitutes both a short and long term health hazard, while particulates, SO2 and NOx have long term health effects. Hydrocarbon emissions were not measured. However, the most hazardous group of these, the polyaromatic hydrocarbons − many of which are known carcinogens − are emitted as particulates14. Since the particulates emitted by wood fires are predominantly in the respirable size range11,14 it is appropriate to measure total suspended particulates (TSP). TSP were measured by means of a light obscuration (attenuation) meter consisting of a light-emitting diode and a light-dependent resistor operating in the linear range. The meter was mounted in the exit duct of the extraction hood. Obscuration was expressed in terms of specific optical smoke density (OSD, m-1) which is defined as OSD = log 10(100 / 100 - S x ) x-1 where Sx is the light obscuration (%) over the path length x (m). The correlation between OSD and mass concentration of TSP was established by use of a standard filter sampling system as employed in air pollution measurements. Flue samples were drawn through two Nucleopore acid etched membrane filters in series, the first of 8 μm pore size, the second of 0.4 μm. These filters had 50% collection efficiencies for particles of 2.5 and 0.01 μm aerodynamic diameter respectively15. Sample volume (over a sampling period of a few minutes) was measured by means of an air volume (dry gas) meter. Particulates collected were measured by weighing the filters. (The masses collected on the fine filters were ten times those collected on the coarse filters; this confirms the largely respirable nature of the particulates.) Eleven such calibration data points were established at different naturally-occurring stages of smokiness of a stove. The correlation between mass concentration and OSD, time-averaged over each sampling period, was linear (correlation coefficient 0.98), as also found in other studies16,17. Gas was sampled from the exit duct of the extraction hood and concentrations (above background) of CO, SO2, NOx and CO2 were measured by means of an electrochemical flue gas analyser manufactured Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 165 by Industrielle Mess- und Regelsysteme für Umwelttechnologie, Heilbronn, Germany, the IMR 3000P. The emissions of NOx encountered in this study were frequently close to or below the detection limit of the unit and are thus not reported. 2.6 Data acquisition, water evaporated, fuel burned and burn rate The concentrations of the gaseous pollutants, light obscuration, orifice plate pressure drop and mass (stove, fuel, pot and water, combined) were recorded digitally at 10 second intervals throughout the test. Additionally, at the start of the test and at the end of each phase the pot was briefly lifted off the stove. From these mass records, and with wood and char treated as discussed in Section 2.2, the separate masses of wood supplied, char (and where applicable, wood) remaining, and water evaporated could be determined for each phase. In a number of tests the pot was briefly lifted off the stove every two to three minutes throughout both phases. This provided records versus time of water mass, and hence fuel mass, and thus the burn rate. It was found that the mass of water decreased essentially linearly with time during the simmering phase (as expected) and nearly linearly during the heating-up phase. Furthermore, the mass of water evaporated during the heating-up phase was a small fraction of the mass of fuel burned. Thus for those tests in which total mass evaporated only was measured, a linear change in mass was assumed for both phases. Thus the instantaneous burn rate could be estimated for these cases also. 2.7 Fuel and fuelling The wood used for testing was Eucalyptus grandis, a non-indigenous plantation wood. The wood is not used in rural areas, but is considered a good barbecue fuel by urban dwellers. It is a hardwood, as are the types of wood preferred by rural users. Its moisture content was 10.7(±1.3)%. The effect of type of wood on stove performance was studied in a separate set of experiments. The improved open fire and the one-pot metal stove were used to compare Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus patula a softwood considered too fast-burning for satisfactory cooking. There was no difference (at the 95% confidence level) in the efficiency and emissions results for the two types of wood. This would seem to indicate that wood type is not a critical factor in this study. (The calorific values of the woods were obtained from a database of the Forestek Division of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; the values were 19.69 MJ kg-1 for E. grandis and 20.90 MJ kg-1 for P. patula. The calorific value of char was taken as 28.0 MJ kg-1, the value given by Baldwin6.) Pieces of wood chopped to a ‘diameter’ of less than 15 mm (capable of passing through a ring of 15 mm internal diameter) were used as kindling. Pieces of diameter 30 to 60 mm were used as main fuel. All pieces were 100 mm in length. The initial fuel charge consisted of 0.03 kg of kindling and approximately 0.12 kg of main fuel for the four smaller devices, and 0.75 kg for the larger two-pot Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 166 metal stove. The open fires were fed radially and semi-continuously, following traditional practice. The stoves were fed intermittently, generally once during the heating-up phase and one to three times during the simmering phase. 3 Results and Discussion It was found that for the one-pot metal stove, TSP, CO, and SO2 follow similar emission patterns during a test (see Figure 2). Thus, if the ratios of the instantaneous concentrations of TSP and of SO2 to that of CO were to be calculated they would approximate to constants. In the terminology of atmospheric chemistry18, the emission ratios of TSP and SO2 to CO, are essentially constant over a test. Such behaviour has been noted by Lobert et al18 and Helas (personal communication, see also19) for TSP, CO and various hydrocarbon products of incomplete combustion emitted from real and simulated savannah fires. This finding has important implications for the taking of ‘grab samples’ of fire plumes and in the estimation of the emissions of trace gases affecting atmospheric chemistry and climate19. It should therefore be noted that considerably more variable emission ratios than those for the one-pot metal stove are exhibited by the two other stoves of this study, and that this variability is even more marked in the case of the open fires. Figure 3 shows the emission patterns of the improved open fire; the SO2/CO emission ratio, for example, varies with time from 0.17 to 1.2; if the emission ratio were to be based on mean concentrations, or on cumulative masses emitted, its value would depend on the duration of the test. Care must therefore be exercised when using emission ratios in the study of stoves and cooking fires. 600 Carbon monoxide 35 Sulphur dioxide CO concentration (ppm) 30 25 400 20 300 15 200 10 100 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) Total suspended particulates 500 5 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 2 Instantaneous concentrations of CO, TSP and SO2, one pot stove Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 167 The TSP data shown in Figure 3 have the appearance of including a superimposed drift to higher values with time. It was initially thought that this was due to condensation of volatiles on the optical surfaces during a test. Subsequent checks, however, showed that such ‘window contamination’ amounted at most to 1% obscuration over a test. Further, the drift-like effect was absent in numerous tests, see for example Figure 2. 250 9 Carbon monoxide Sulphur dioxide 8 Total suspended particulates 7 6 150 5 4 100 3 SO2 (ppm); TSP (g/m³) CO concentration (ppm) 200 2 50 1 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 3 Instantaneous concentrations of CO, TSP and SO2, improved open fire The TSP emission patterns for the traditional open fire were very similar to those of the improved open fire. These fires therefore become increasingly smoky with time. (In absolute terms, however, they are low-smoke-emitting devices − compare the TSP concentration scales in Figures 2 and 3.) A possible explanation for this might be the following: The fires were fed semi-continuously; they thus always contained ‘new’ wood which means that there was always some smoke; the wood was fed radially inwards; this caused accumulations of ash in the combustion space in the middle of the fires, leading to the progressive reduction of air supply and thus to increased smoking. By the same argument, CO, also a product of incomplete combustion, should display a trend to higher concentrations with time. This trend is clearly discernible in Figure 3, superimposed over emission peaks somewhat sharper than those for TSP. It may well be that the dying away of SO2 emissions in the later stages of this test is attributable to the same reduction in combustion air that caused the increased emissions of TSP and of CO. The traditional open fire displayed similar CO and SO2 emission patterns. The above behaviour is very different from that exhibited by the one-pot metal stove (Figure 2) for which the products of incomplete and complete combustion − CO and TSP, and SO2 − respectively, varied ‘in phase’, as already noted. (In phase emissions of CO and SO2 have also been reported for a Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 168 residential coal stove20.) Figure 4 shows the burn rate of the one-pot metal stove for the same test as that of Figure 2. The burn rate varied very sharply with time (for example by a factor of 15 between 1000 and 1500 seconds) and it seems that this masked any changes in emission factor (mass pollutant emitted per mass fuel burned) that occurred during the test. (The three main peaks relate to the addition of fuel, one during the heating-up phase and two during the simmering phase.) The open fires on the other hand were operated more closely to steady state; they were thus less burn-ratedominated and this allowed the changes in emission factor discussed above to be detected. The burn rate effect was, however, not absent; thus the simultaneous peaks in CO and SO2 at 1000 and 2000 seconds in Figure 3 correspond to peaks in burn rate. 8E-4 7E-4 Burn rate (kg/s) 6E-4 5E-4 4E-4 3E-4 2E-4 1E-4 0E+0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Time (seconds) Figure 4 Instantaneous burn rate, one pot metal stove The presentation of the main results starts with efficiencies. Figure 5 shows overall efficiency (over the heating-up and the simmering phases) versus fire power for the 29 tests that were conducted. Focusing attention initially on the one-pot devices (open data points) we note a general trend to reduced efficiencies with increasing fire power. This was also reported by Joshi et al21 in their study of four metal stoves fuelled with wood, crop residue or dung. It would appear that for our devices and those of Joshi et al and for the ranges of power that were studied, the higher the power of a fire, the more of its energy is lost to the surroundings, rather than transferred to the pot. Further, some cooking devices are inherently more prone to losses than others. The open fire is thus doubly penalised: It has high losses to the ground, it therefore needs to be built quite large if it is to achieve boiling and it therefore suffers the additional size-related losses. (We should like to stress that our open fires were sensibly operated; considerably lower efficiencies could have been achieved by building larger fires.) The improved open fire has reduced losses to the ground and can therefore be built Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 169 economically small. Additionally it is self-limiting in power, the grate being able to accommodate no more than a finite amount of wood at a time. Compared with the improved open fire the one-pot metal stove, being insulated, has reduced losses to the surroundings, but it incurs the added loss (as do all stoves) of raising its own mass to operating temperature. The stove does not, as might perhaps have been expected, outperform the improved open fire. 30 25 Efficiency (%) 20 15 Open fire Improved open fire 1 pot metal 10 2 pot ceramic 2 pot metal 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Power (kw) Figure 5 Efficiency and fire power Turning now to the two-pot stoves (solid data points) we note that they also obey the ‘economy of smallness’ rule noted above. The data lie roughly parallel to those for the one-pot devices, but displaced to slightly higher efficiency. This would appear to be due to the energy recuperation by the second pot. The efficiencies of the improved open fire and of our stoves are slightly higher than those of Joshi et al21 at the same power and with wood-fuelling. However, Joshi et al extended their measurements to powers as low as 2 kW and achieved efficiencies of 30 and 37% with their ‘TARA’ and ‘CP’ stoves respectively. Our devices were difficult or impossible to operate at such low powers. The averages of the efficiencies shown in Figure 5 are given in the first row of data in Table 1. Alongside each entry and in brackets is given the standard deviation, and beneath this the range of data for the (generally) six tests per cooking device. To the right of the dotted line in each cell is given a rating on a scale of digits where 1 rates highest; where two (or more) devices have the same rating, Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 170 their differences in efficiency (or other performance data) are not statistically significant at the 90% confidence level. Table 1 Performance characteristics of the cooking devices Improved open fire (6) 1-pot metal stove (6) 2-pot ceramic stove (6) 2-pot metal stove (5) Stove type (no. of tests) Open fire (6) Efficiency, % (st. dev.) 14 (2.1) 11.6–16.8 2 21 (1.3) 19.7–23.1 1 20 (3.1) 16.0–24.7 1 24 (3.1) 18.1–26.2 1 22 (3.0) 18.2–25.9 1 Total CO per test, g 15 (2.1) 12.9–18.0 1 12 (2.2) 10.0–15.5 1 43 (9.8) 32.7–54.4 3 28 (6.1) 20.1–37.5 2 30 (11) 17.5–41.1 2 CO emission factor, g kg-1 19 (3.7) 13.3–23.4 1 19 (3.7) 15.4–25.0 1 66 (15.2) 43.6–80.5 3 38 (9.9) 23.4–52.8 2 22 (8.0) 12.0–31.6 1 Total SO2 per test, g 0.058 (0.025) 0.082 (0.034) 0.694 (0.114) 1 1 0.03–0.09 0.05–0.13 0.50–0.80 3 0.218 (0.062) 0.14–0.33 2 0.303 (0.113) 2 0.17–0.42 Total TSP per test, g 0.891 (0.160) 0.523 (0.198) 0.976 (0.278) 2 1 0.65–1.08 0.28–0.78 0.46–1.12 2 0.492 (0.122) 0.34–0.61 1 1.595 (0.306) 3 1.22–1.94 Time to reach boil, min 22 (3) 18–25 2 22 (3) 17–27 2 16 (2) 13–19 1 22 (2) 19–25 2 32 (5) 26–39 3 CO to CO2 mol ratio, (%) 1.30 (0.16) 1.08–1.56 1 1.02 (0.12) 0.85–1.17 1 5.25 (1.39) 3.64–7.60 3 1.83 (0.32) 1.48–2.42 2 1.00 (0.62) 0.31–1.88 1 The fire built on a grate with an efficiency of 21% is a substantial improvement on the open fire at 14% (the corresponding reduction in fuel consumption is 32%) and it competes successfully with the one-pot metal stove at 20%. The two-pot stoves had slightly higher efficiencies, but the differences between these figures and that for the improved open fire were not significant at 90% confidence. In presenting results on emissions we prefer the use the total mass of pollutant emitted per test (cooking task). This mass is directly related to human exposure. Emission factors, because of their denominator term (mass of fuel burned) include the effects of efficiency. (Emission factors for CO are shown in Table 1 for purpose of comparison.) Joshi et al21, 22 also prefer the use of mass emitted per task, but generally report both it and emission factor. However, they define the task not as the simulated cooking cycle of the WBT, but the transfer of a fixed, and much smaller, amount of energy − 879 kJ − to the pot. Figure 6 shows efficiency as the abscissa and total CO emissions as the ordinate for the 29 tests under discussion. The figure is not intended as a ‘plot’ in the functional relationship sense, but as a Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 171 ‘performance map’ on which the top left-hand corner is the region of good performance and the bottom right hand corner the region of poor performance. 30 25 Efficiency (%) 20 15 Open fire Improved open fire 10 1 pot metal 2 pot ceramic 5 2 pot metal 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Total Emissions (g) Figure 6 Efficiency and total CO emissions Clearly the improved open fire is a good overall performer, with efficiencies not significantly different from that of the stoves and emissions significantly lower, see also Table 1. Its CO emissions are also marginally lower than those of the open fire, but not statistically so at 90% confidence. (The use of emission factor eliminates the difference between the two fires, the less efficient device, the traditional open fire, being unrealistically favoured.) Table 1 shows the stoves to have had CO emissions (mass per task) higher than those of the fires by factors of 2 to 3, with the one-pot metal stove the highest emitter. CO emission factors ranged from 19 to 66 g kg-1; this is in close agreement with Joshi et al21 whose mean values were 17 to 62 g kg-1. Also shown in Table 1 is the CO to CO2 mol ratio (ratio of total moles emitted during test). It is included partly because it is of interest to atmospheric chemistry19, and partly as a further indicator of incompleteness of combustion. The ratio is by far the highest for the one-pot metal stove. It would appear that the incompleteness of combustion was due not to a shortage of primary air, but rather due to quenching associated with the very narrow gap between the top of the stove and the bottom of the pot − there was a visible reduction in smoke emissions when the pot was briefly lifted off the stove. The SO2 emissions were lowest for the open fire and the improved open fire; the stoves were higher-emitting than the (averaged) fires by factors of 3 to 10, with the one-pot metal stove again the worst emitter. Emissions of TSP were lowest for the improved open fire and the two-pot ceramic Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 172 stove; the other devices were higher emitting by factors of 1.5 to 3. It should be noted that the health hazard of the two-pot metal stove is reduced by the presence of the chimney which removes the emissions from the immediate vicinity of the cooking site. Joshi et al21 observe increasing emission factors for CO and TSP with increasing efficiency, but observe no such correlation for emission mass per task. The correlation is also absent in the present study (see Figure 6). The positive correlation between emission factor and efficiency would thus seem to be due to the fact that the two quantities have denominators that are proportional to each other − mass of fuel burned, and energy content of fuel burned. This, together with the (real) negative correlation between efficiency and power, explains the negative correlation between emission factors and power observed by Joshi et al21, and the absence of correlation between emission mass and power observed in the present study. Figure 6 shows the performance points of the open fires to be considerably less scattered than those of the stoves. Data of the Aprovecho Institute23 similarly shows open fires to behave more consistently than enclosed (‘Louga’) stoves. We believe that the reason for this is that open fires are tended near-continuously, they are visible and allow immediate intervention in the event of any irregular or undesired behaviour. Stoves are fed intermittently and operate in a highly transient manner. This favours irregularities of combustion which, because the devices are closed, go uncorrected for extended periods. Taking a final and broad look at the ratings shown in Table 1 we note the following: The improved open fire rates first, or jointly first, in all categories except time to reach boiling. The one-pot metal stove rates first in time to reach boiling (this would endear it to users), jointly first in efficiency, and last with respect to emissions (which, smoke excepted, are invisible). Clearly, efficiencies and emissions need to be determined before a stove design is disseminated. The traditional open fire is not the disaster it is generally held to be; while less efficient than the other devices it rates second in overall emissions. The remaining two stoves rate joint first in efficiency, but are overall higheremitting than the traditional open fire. 4 Summary and Conclusions For the one-pot metal stove the emission ratios TSP/CO and SO2/CO were approximately constant over the duration of a test. The behaviour of the other two stoves was more variable, and for the open fires emission ratios changed with time by factors of up to 7. Care must therefore be taken when using emission ratios in the context of biomass-burning stoves and fires. Care is also required in dealing with grab samples (for subsequent analysis) of the flue gases of such devices. The one-pot metal stove exhibited very sharp variations in burn rare. It seems that these overshadowed any changes in emission factor with time, thus leading to essentially constant emission Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 173 ratios. The open fires were semi-continuously fed and operated more closely to steady state; this permitted additional factors influencing emissions to be detected. The average emissions of TSP were lowest for the improved open fire and the two-pot ceramic stove; the other devices were higher-emitting by factors of up to 3. The emissions of CO and SO2 were lowest for the two open fires; the stoves were higher emitting by factors of up to 3 for CO and up to 10 for SO2. Overall, the improved open fire was the lowest-emitting device and the commercial one-pot metal stove the highest-emitting. It is thus important that new stove designs be tested for emissions before being disseminated. Mean efficiencies were 14% for the traditional open fire, 21% for the improved open fire and 20 to 24% for the stoves, with no statistically significant difference (at 90% confidence) between the latter four devices. Acknowledgements The authors offer their thanks to the following: The Director and staff, particularly Mr. E-J. P. Harvey, of the Wits Rural Facility (WRF) for their support and for facilitating field work related to this study; Dr D. I. Banks, previously of the WRF, for design input, student supervision, friendship, advice and criticism; Dr H. Annegarn and Mrs M. Kneen of Annegarn Environmental Research for help with the calibration of the smoke meter; Dr G. Helas of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, for advice and helpful discussions; the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and the University for financial assistance. References (1) K. Krishna Prasad, Analysis of some stove designs, in: A Woodstove Compendium, G. de Lepeleire (ed), The Woodburning Stove Group, Eindhoven Technical University (1981) (2) N. K. Gopalakrishnan, Experiments on cooking stoves, in: Cookstove Handbook, Pilot Edition, TATA Energy Research Institute (TERI), Bombay (1982) (3) VITA, Testing the Efficiency of Wood-burning Cookstoves: International Standards, Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Arlington, Virginia (1985) (4) B. Stewart, Improved Wood, Waste and Charcoal Burning Stoves − A Practitioners’ Manual, Intermediate Technology Publications, London (1987) (5) S. Baldwin, New directions in woodstove development, VITA News, January Issue, pp3-23, Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Arlington, Virginia (1984) Appendix E Case study: cooking devices compared 174 (6) S. Baldwin, Biomass Stoves: Engineering Design, Development & Dissemination, Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Arlington, Virginia (1987) (7) WHO, Epidemiological, Social and Technical Aspects of Indoor Air Pollution from Biomass Fuel, World Health Organisation, Geneva (1992) (8) Editorial comment, Boiling Point No 28 (August Issue) p18 (1982) (9) G. F. 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