2 The Oak Ridge Poinng Dog Club welcomes you to the 2015
2 The Oak Ridge Poinng Dog Club welcomes you to the 2015
2 The Oak Ridge Poin ng Dog Club welcomes you to the 2015 Na onal Walking Shoo ng Dog Futurity. We hope you’ll enjoy your experience today— and be eager to come back again in the future. The Oak Ridge Poin ng Dog Club is an organiza on dedicated to training all breeds of poin ng dogs to hunt and to compete in AKC and American Field sanc oned performance events. Members of Oak Ridge Poin ng Dog Club enjoy 300+ acres of fields and woods to train and exercise their poin ng dogs. We offer training seminars for poin ng dogs and their owners. Members o en train in groups sharing training equipment and working their poin ng dogs together. We also have members who par cipate in NAVHDA performance events, some members enjoy showing their dogs in AKC conforma on events. Whatever the game, we’re here having fun with our great dogs. We are always interested in new members, and we invite you to join us at our annual events and training seminars. Whether you own a Poin ng Dog or not; from pet owners, to serious compe tors, everyone is welcome to join our club. We have a wonderful group of individuals who love, enjoy and compete in all disciplines and aspects with their poin ng dogs. For more informa on about membership or use of the grounds, please contact our club secretary and membership chairperson, Cindi Chilbert at cindi@oakridgepoin ngdogs.com Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 3 In pu ng together this Na onal Walking Shoo ng Dog Futurity Booklet, we wanted to introduce you to the officers who spend a lot of me working in the background to assure that this event runs smoothly and efficiently. I asked each of the officers to write a brief bio for the book. Both Chris and Roger responded and talked about what they love most— their dogs. Al McKinney doesn’t do computers so I interceded and wrote his myself. But what I wanted our readers to remember was that back when the Futurity was in Mississippi and had fallen to disinterest and neglect, Chris Catanzarite made it HIS “mission” to resurrect the Futurity and bring it to Pennsylvania to be run, cherished and appreciated. Chris had the tenacity of a pit bull; his persistence and never surrender a tude carried the day and brought the Futurity here. He didn’t do it alone, many people and organiza ons helped with the project and we thank them all. To Chris, Purina, The American Field, the Pennsylvania Walking Shoo ng dog club and every person who helped along the way— we thank you! Today we celebrate the 25th running of the Na onal Walking Shoo ng Dog Futurity— we celebrate in style— right here in Pennsylvania, the Futurity’s forever home. About the Officers of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Chris Catanzarite— President I bought my first English Se er puppy when I was 15 years old that was 40 years ago, and we hunted everything that was in season. My last English Se er was with me un l about 20 years ago. With that first dog I soon learned what bird hun ng ( grouse and pheasants ) was like in SW Pa.. I started with English Pointers about 27 years ago with a couple of young dogs from Roy Sisler of Hun ng Hills. Soon a er that John Pa erson brought me a young dog by the name of Lakeview Ruff Nikki to run in Derby Stakes and at that me the walking stakes in this area was all NBHA. I put several Derby placements and then 3 of her first shoo ng dog placements in the fall. I fell in love with this dog and the breed with this li le female with excep onal ground speed, bird finding ability and trainability. She was a grand daughter of Fiddlers Ace and then she was bred back to Fiddlers Ace. I bought 2 puppies out of this li er, one of them I named Backcountry Aces Full. He was the first winner of the Mid States Walking Shoo ng Dog Championship in Faye eville, Ohio. His name s ll appears in the pedigree of every dog in my kennel today. I also have a portrait of Ace ( from him winning the Amateur Shoo ng Dog of the Year in Pa. ) s ll hanging over one of our fireplaces in our house. I have been fortunate to have won this futurity 4 mes with Backcountry Molly, Backcountry Peach, Backcountry Sid the Kid, and Backcountry Bonnie. I am proud of what we have been able to do with this Futurity. And I am looking forward to helping it to con nue here in Pa.. Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity 4 Vice President Al McKinney Al McKinney was a painter and cabinet finisher during his tour with the ARMY. He knows how to build things and likes to work with his hands. Al McKinney has been involved with the Futurity since it was resurrected and brought home to Pennsylvania back in the early 90’s. It had laid dormant in Mississippi for several years and Chris Catanzarite spearheaded an effort to get it going again. Al supported Chris’s efforts and got pulled into the process along the way. He helped rebuild the Futurity and has remained ac ve in the group. Al currently serves as Vice President— an Office he has held for many years. Al enjoys the outdoors and loves working with the dogs. When he was growing up, Al’s grandpap had beagles and he enjoyed hun ng with them at his grandpap’s side. When he decided to get his own dog in the six es, everyone told him he should get a se er. Al made his way to Dr’s Pet Shop and purchased an English Se er. Unfortunately, it had no interest in birds or hun ng. Before long, Al found his way to Pointers and he s ll has them today. He ran Pat’s dog in the first futurity held in Pennsylvania back in 1994. Pat’s dog, PMS placed 4th— in case you’re smiling about that dog’s name, it was abbreviated for Pat McKinney’s Star! Al had come a long way in dog success since that first se er he got 30 years earlier!! He and Pat are very ac ve with the Beaver Valley Pointer and Se er Club in Rochester Pa. When there is a trial in progress, Pat is in the kitchen cooking up a storm and all the contestants can a est to her excep onal cooking skills. In the early days of Beaver Valley there was no clubhouse— mee ngs were held in old broken down barn situated near the road. Things were so bad in that building than on one occasion a rat crawled over one of the member’s heads during a mee ng. That rat became the catalyst to build the wonderful clubhouse they have today. Al put in his share of sweat equity in ge ng that clubhouse constructed— and he’s there on the grounds all the me working to keep things fixed and opera ng at the best capacity. Besides construc ng buildings and helping put the Futurity back together, Al also knows how to build membership. When someone new shows up to a end a trial at Beaver Valley, Al makes a point to meet them and introduce himself. He not only makes the person feel welcome, he usually finds something they can do to help out. People like to feel needed and appreciate being no ced when they are new. Needless to say, many return to Beaver Valley and are happy to be a part and find a way to serve. We’ve been fortunate to have Al McKinney amid our midst— his hands on approach has touched each one of us in one way or another. We thank him for his service . Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 5 Secretary/Treasurer Roger McPherson I grew up hun ng wild quail in the Southeast with English Pointers. My father was an avid bird dog enthusiast. I was fortunate to marry Sue Gabriel, whose grandfather, Joe Gabriel, was an avid bird hunter as well. Grandpa Joe was also friends with Paul Long. These three gentlemen were influen al in my development of a passion for good bird dogs. It was my father who gave my wife a Bri any puppy when we were first married in 1972, and we have had primarily Bri anys since that first puppy. In the 1990’s my companion hun ng dog, Rebel died and I searched for a new partner. My wife and I went to North Carolina in 1998 to John Edwards to purchase a pup. That purchase changed our life and began an adventure that con nues today. We named her Suemac’s Carolina Belle. Belle was a natural, finding and poin ng Grouse and Woodcock at the age of five months. A professional trainer and handler in nearby Oil City, PA, John Yates encouraged us to campaign her in Wild Bird trials and the rest is history. When Belle won the New England Grouse Derby Classic with a near broke find on a Grouse in the callback, we were hooked. Since 2001, our dogs have placed on Grouse and Woodcock and planted quail in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Iowa, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and New England; with nearly 30 championship placements. In 2014 Sky, a Bri any Male won the American Bri any Club Na onal Shoo ng Dog Championship and Covey, our English Pointer Female won the Na onal Grouse Championship for handler Dick Brenneman. Recently I have campaigned English Pointers with some success. We have a derby, Bama, that has done well both in shoo ng dog and all age derbies. Sue and I are now living full me in South Carolina, near our son and grandson. We con nue to be ac ve in field trials although trending more to horseback these days Our Philosophy Although we are not a breeding kennel, it is our mission to produce top quality hun ng companions and future field champions. We believe that dogs tested on wild birds under the gun produce class shoo ng dogs. 6 History of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity by Mike Huesentis In 1991, The Pennsylvania Walking Shooting Dog Association completed a successful endeavor when the organization was able to obtain the rights to The National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity, a trial that had been dormant since 1988. The Deep South Walking Shooting Dog Circuit founded the futurity in 1983. The initial running took place in 1986 near Sumrall, Mississippi, held at Majors Reb Time Farm. The winner of the first running (War Bond) was owned and handled by Buddy Smith. The judges were Billy Busby and Carl Dooley. After the third renewal in 1988, the Deep South organization discontinued holding the trial. Enter the Pennsylvania Walking Shooting Dog Association in 1991. Through the efforts of Pa. organization members, including Ronnie Breckenridge, Chris Catanzarite, Joe Collura, Joe Cammisa, Mike Husenits, Barry Leezer and Al McKinney, all played a role in completing the transition from the Deep South organization and with the approval of The American Field brought the event to Pennsylvania. Through the efforts of Pat Lamantia and Bob West, Nestle Purina agreed to help sponsor the Futurity. Without the generosity provided by Purina, it would have been difficult to re-new this event. Chris Catanzarite served as Futurity Secretary and received litter nominations for the fourth renewal that took place in April 1994. The following pages lists the results since the beginning. We are missing a few and if you know those placements, please get in touch with me (Mike Husenits) so we can fill in the gaps! Thanks. The following pages list all of the Futurity placements since 1994 Year Judges Judges Reporter Starters Loca on 1994 Mike Husenits Ernie Saniga Bob West Mike Husenits 21 Burge stown PA 1. 2. 3. 4. Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Wrongway ESM owned by Anne Hughes, bred and handled by John Brown Galway’s Pride PM owned, bred and handled by Ron Breckenridge Baron’s Buddy Bugsy PM owned by J. Marselese, bred by Howard Kerr and handled by Victor Wojciek P M S PF owned by Pat McKinney, bred by Jim Hughey and handled by Al McKinney Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 7 Year Judges Judges Reporter Starters Loca on Year Judges Judges Reporter Starters Loca on 1995 Mike Husenits Ernie Saniga Pat Laman a Mike Husenits 24 Burge stown PA 1998 Merv Eisenhart Bob Friedl Barry Leever 11 Burge stown PA 1. 2. 3. 4. Dakota Ridge PM owned/bred by Margaret McCartney w/ Dave Hughes handling Coldstream Country Boy ESM owned/bred by James Mason w/ Dave Hughes handling Tomoka’s Pleasure ESF owned by Jill Balmer, bred by Don Wooten w/Jill Balmer Handling Tug Hill Ghost ESM owned by Tom Pastula, bred by Matt Mentz with Robert Ecker Handling 1996 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Mike Husenits Roger Hoover Mike Husenits 32 Mike Husenits Roger Hoover Mike Husenits 34 2. 3. 4. Flattery’s Dream PF owned and bred by Carl & Collin Bishop and handled by Collin Bishop D U I PF owned, bred and handled by Al McKinney Northern Delight PM owned and bred by Dean & Linda Conklin and handled by Dean Conklin Beaver Meadow Bullseye PM owned and bred by Carl & Collin Bishop and handled by Collin Bishop 1999 1. 2. 3. Burge stown PA Backcountry Molly PF owned by Chris Catanzarite, bred by F L Richards and handled by Chris Catanzarite Betterman PM owned by Roger Neri, bred by Jim Zimmerman and handled by Roger Neri Vanguard PM owned by Larry & Barbera Davidson, bred by Rob Frame and handled by Larry Davidson Night Rebel ESM owned by Roger Neri, bred by Tim Perske and handled by Roger Neri 1. Burge stown PA Beaver Meadow Bette PF owned by Paul & Aaron Horchen, bred by Carl Bishop and handled by Dave Hughes Concord Mike PM owned by Antonio Dattolo, bred by John Brown and handled by Robert Ecker Jeb’s V D PM owned and bred by John Brown and handled by Dave Hughes Stokley’s White Cliff ESM Rick Oliveri Owner, Tom Burke Breeder, Robt. Ecker Handler 1997 8 4. 2. 3. 4. 2. Good Luck to all the 2015 Futurity Contenders Robert Ecker, Trainer (570) 778‐3009 PO Box 84, Wertman Road, Quakake, PA 18245 25 years Experience Grouse Dogs, Walking Shoo ng Dogs Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Burge stown PA Chris Rider Roger Hoover Mike Husenits 15 Burge stown PA Chris Rider Roger Hoover Mike Husenits 18 Florence Devil May Care PF owned and bred by Bob & Meredith Kennedy and handled by Roger Neri Chips Tarquato ESM owned and bred by Steve & Ginny Chiappini and handled by Steve Chiappini Sky High Samantha PF owned by Jim Frost, Bred by Busty Ventura and handled by Jim Frost Grouse Patch Thunder ESM owned by Grouse Patch Kennel, bred by Steve & Ginny Chiappini and handled by Joe Collura 2002 1. 35 Play Back PM owned by Dale Martin, bred by Carl Bishop and handled by Dale Martin Right of Way ESM owned by Jeff Crum, bred by Steve Chiappini and handled by Jeff Crum Yough River Jewel ESF owned by Tim Swonger, bred by Steve Chiappini and handled by Tim Swonger Wycoff Run Sally ESF owned, bred and handled by Dave Bogle 2001 1. Mike Husenits Waybetter Rip PM owned and bred by Carl & Collin Bishop and handled by Carl Bishop Eldorado PM owned by Antonio Dattolo, bred by Jack Brown and handled by Robert Ecker Beaver Meadow Ivanna PF owned by Joe & Tim Cammisa, bred by Paul Horchen and handled by Dave Hughes Backcountry Buck PM owned, bred and handled by Chris Catanzarite 2000 1. Mike Husenits Roger Hoover Dick Brennaman Rollin Swank Mike Husenits 21 Florence PA BACKCOUNTRY PEACH, 1513512, pointer female, by Rail Dancing Jarp—Sparky. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. WAYBETTER PATCH, 1519698, pointer female, by Erin’s Southern Justice— Flattery. Carl & Collin Bishop, owners; Collin Bishop, handler. GOVERNOR SAM HOUSTON, 1518585, setter male, by Blue Chief—Thornapple Smokey Bell. R. P. Malloch, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. FORTY CHERRY DEWEY, 1515626, setter male, by Chip’s Super Chunk—Sassy’s Topper. J. W. Crum, owner and handler. Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 9 Year 2003 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Jim Reardon Judges Tim Swonger Reporter Mike Husenits Starters Loca on 21 Florence PA Serial Thriller PF owned and bred by Joe & Tim Cammisa and handled by Dave Hughes Keystone’s Red Ryder ESF owned by Craig Peters, bred by Maggie Maier and handled by Robert Ecker Bit O Bette PF owned and bred by Joe & Tim Cammisa and handled by Dave Hughes Long Gone Spaz ESF owned and bred by Lloyd Murray and handled by Dave Hughes 2004 1. Judges Chris Catanzarite Joe McCarl Mike Husenits 25 Burge stown PA Timber Dancer PF owned by Brad Finegan, bred by Jim Emerson and handled by Brad Finegan Swank’s Blackbeard ESM owned by Rollin Swank, bred by Steve Groy and handled by Rollin Swank Awsum Madness PF owned by Bob Leach, bred by John Stolgitis and handled by Bob Leach Swank’s Silhouette ESF owned, bred and handled by Rollin Swank 2005 Mike Husenits Roger McPherson Mike Husenits 23 Burge stown PA 10 Year Judges 2008 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. Iwinsky PM owned, bred and handled by Al McKinney Kelly’s Rainbow Heidi ESF owned by Kelly Shepard, bred by Lloyd Murray and handled by Dave Hughes Black Hills Gabby PF owned by Gary Pritts, bred by Al McKinney and handled by Gary Pritts Wycoff Run Gemstone ESM owned and bred by Dave Bogle and handled by Joe McCarl 2006 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Dave Blakley Mike Husenits 36 Tim McClurg Tim Perschke Mike Husinits 23 2. 3. 4. Burge stown PA ALLEGHENY SHADY, 1566664, setter female, by Shady Hills Billy—Starlite Jessy. Roger & Sue McPherson, owner Dave Hughes Handling LONG GONE MADISON, 1569001, setter female, by Grouse Ridge Reroy—Long Gone Agnes. L. B. Murray, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. BACKCOUNTRY CHARLIE, 1569993, pointer male, by Backcountry Bud— Backcountry Peach. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. RICHFIELD AMY, 1563957, pointer female, by Mrawsum—Richfield Abbey. R. A. Giulliano, owner and handler 2007 1. Al Fazenbaker 1. 4. Loca on Dave Bogle Dave Anderson Mike Husenits 42 Florence PA Dave Hawk Greg Yutzey Mike Husenits 18 McDonald, PA Chris Rider Mike Husenits Mike Husenits 17 McDonald, PA LONG GONE BUCKWHEAT ESM owned and bred by Lloyd Murray and handled by Dave Hughes HIGH DESSERT DREAN PF owned and bred by Gus Piperis and handled by Scott Forman BACKCOUNTRY HOSS PM owned by Chris Catanzarite, bred by Mark and Sarah Sekerak and handled by Chris Catanzarite JAR’S SECOND CHANCE ESM owned and bred by Greg Yutzey and handled by Dave Hughes 2011 1. 2. 3. Starters JOY’S SUNSET STAR, 1599776, pointer female, by Pineywoods Running Rebel— Lace Awsum Attitude. Ed Bartlett, owner and handler. 2d—GLENN RAVEN’S SHADY BILLIE, 1591856, setter female, by Shady Hills Billy—Grouse River Princess. Jim Harris, owner; Scott Forman, handler. 3d—LITTLE MADNESS, 1593400, pointer female, by Calico’s Thrillogy—Awsum Madness. Bob Leach & Chris Lumbra, owners; Bob Leach, handler. 4th—MY COUSIN VINNY, 1597670, pointer male, by Beaver Meadow Benjamin— Serial Thriller. Joe & Tim Cammisa, owners; Dave Hughes, handler. 2010 1. 2. Reporter L B HORCHEN, 1588336, setter male, by Been’s Great Day—Kendal Hills Meg. Tim Perschke & Tim Tufts, owners; Marc Forman, handler. 2d—BOLD MOVE, 1589383, setter male, by Pennstar—Sorber Run Serena. Richard Brenneman, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. 3d—CHIP’S OLD HICKORY, 1590404, setter male, by Keystone’s Red Rage— Chip’s Peppie Lepew. Chip’s Kennel, owner; Steve Groy, handler. 4th—LANSDALE MIKE, 1588961, pointer male, by Mrawsum—Backcountry Peach. Larry Craig, owner; Robert Ecker, handler 2009 1. Judges Chris Rider Mike Husenits Mike Husenits 18 McDonald PA GROUSE HILL BELLE owned by John Capocci and handled by Marc Forman COVERCHARGE CRUSADER owned and handled by George Crumlich HILO SUGAR TIN bred by Andy Johnson. Owned and handled by Chris Howerton BAD RIVER FRANKY owned and handled by Tom Vanacec Our sponsors have great products— Please buy them for your dogs! Burge stown PA ? Grouse River Ace PM owned and bred by Bryan Wood and handled by Mark Forman Rachel Ray PF owned by Dale Martin, bred by Carl & Collin Bishop and handled by Lance Bressler Grouse Ridge Digit ESM owned and bred by Grouse Ridge Kennels and handled by Dave Hughes Long Gone Murphy ESM owned by Lloyd Murray, bred by Kelly Shepard and handled by Dave Hughes Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 11 Year Judges 2012 Richardson 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. 2. 3. 4. Starters Loca on 26 McDonald PA Chris Rider Mike Husenits Mike Husenits 22 Rochester PA MONTERA’S LITTLE DEMON, 1644073, setter female, by Montera’s Rock— Keystone’s Best Bette. Bill Henke, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. BACKCOUNTRY POLLY, 1629923, pointer female, by Mac’s Silver Dollar— Backcountry Dolly. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. LONG GONE STUDLY, 1629613, setter male, by Long Gone Buckwheat— Oscaloosa Allie Cat. J. R. Banks & Lloyd Murray, owners; Dave Hughes, handler. ANNA LAKE KIAH, 1626739, setter female, by Long Gone Boston—Bog Brook Daisey. Robert Matson, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. 2014 1. Russ Steve Swonger Reporter BACKCOUNTRY SID THE KID, 1622094, pointer male, by Serious Threat— Mackenzie. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. SHADY HILLS BILLY TOO, 1621549, setter male, by Serious Threat—Mackenzie. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. SWANK’S CELLO, 1620144, setter female, by Long Gone Buckwheat—Texas Copper Top. R. N. Swank, owner; Dave Hughes, handler. A CAROLINA SHADOW, 1622817, pointer male, by Numark Go Boy—Chasing Joe’s Shadow. John Roswech, owner; Garry Malzone, handler. 2013 1. Judges 12 Chris Rider Steve Swonger 15 Rochester PA BACKCOUNTRY BONNIE, 1647576, pointer female, by Backcountry Sid the Kid— Backcountry Dolly. Chris Catanzarite, owner and handler. PHILLIPS HALF MOON, 1648257, setter female, by Long Gone Boston—Grouse Ridge Comet. Mathew Phillis, owner; Mark Hughes, handler. BACKSTEP RUDY, 1648229, setter male, by Stillmeadow’s Jim—Kelly’s Rainbow Daisey. Kevin Lahoda, owner and handler. JOE’S LITTLE SAMURAI, 1647557, pointer male, by Joe’s Big Mac—Blackhill’s Hope. Joe Berardi, owner; Gary Pritts, handler. Write in the 2015 Futurity Placements here, once they are announced: Year 2015 Judges Judges Reporter Starters Loca on Oak Ridge Pointing Dog Club 1. 2. 3. 4. Thank you for joining us at the 2015 National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity POINTER PURINA RAINGEAR REDSETTER BITCH BREEDER BRIDLE BRITTANY SADDLE SCABBARD SHOOTINGDOG SHORTHAIR SIRE SPORTDOG VACCINES WEIMARANER CHECKCORD COLLARS DOGDISH ENGLISH GORDON HARNESS IRISH LAUNCHERS NEUTER Drawing to be held 4/30/15 To be placed in a drawing to win a prize…. Good Luck! flushingwhip@yahoo.com Email the puzzle solu on to: play Let’s CHAMPIONSHIP RESPONSIBLE PHEASANTS ALL AGE Cross out the words on the list and use the remaining le ers to solve this puzzle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Paid for by the “Friends of Dave Hughes Committee,” Joe Cammisa Chairman 13 14 Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity 15 16 When dog people get together and the discussion moves to questions like—“how can we improve our dogs?” the one answer that should resound loud and clear is this: Register and run your dogs in the FUTURITY. While some folks don’t understand the importance of participating in a futurity, it really is vital to the future of our breeds. Many dog organizations have created a breeder’s stake or some similar type of competition to support the breeding of BETTER dogs. For example, some groups (such as NAVHDA, the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) offer a “Breeder’s Award” to encourage best breeding practice. The NAVHDA award is based upon a minimum number of puppies from the litter performing at a required level of competence. The pups must prove that they have versatile hunting qualities by passing a “natural ability” test. In pointing dogs, a “Futurity” is a popular method of supporting the improvement of the breed. Whether you are a hunter or a field trial competitor, futurity testing encourages improvement of our bloodlines. If you decide to breed a litter of pups, take it a step further and “do the right thing.” Nominate your litter for the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity. For those of you who do not nominate your litters for the Futurity, here are a couple reasons to use the futurity. First of all, you should only breed to make a BETTER dog. Just because you own a dog that you are “fond of,” doesn’t necessarily mean that your dog’s genes should be passed on to future generations. If you don’t breed high quality dogs who have a proven record of success, it isn’t long before the breed begins to slide back into mediocrity. Remember, it’s easy to breed dogs of low quality. The challenge is to continue to improve the breed and create dogs of high quality. There is no such thing as a “perfect” dog— but if you think your dog is worthy enough to breed, you should find it an equally suitable mate whose strengths complement the breeding in a manner to offset any faults you hope to correct. When the pups are born, nominate the litter for the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity. Tell the new puppy owners that the litter is nominated and you expect them to run their dog in the assigned futurity. Encourage them to train and prepare for that test. The American Field strongly advocates testing our breeding programs through a Futurity. They published an exceptional article last year about the importance of futurities. We thank them for allowing us to share part of here. “Futurities: Foundation of Better Bird Dogs. Back at the turn of the 20th century, 1900, the status of the pointing dog in the United States was not bright, not bleak, but not bright. Bird dog enthusiasts decried the quality, or the lack of, in their dogs, style and endurance of particular concern. In 1903 The American Field introduced the Futurity to address these concerns. The focus was selective breeding, selecting sires and dams with the potential to produce superior offspring. Guidelines for the stake called for breeders to nominate dams after having bred with a modest forfeit fee, and when the resultant litter was whelped, keep the nomination alive with a second forfeit fee payment and enrollment of the litter in the Field Dog Stud Book. These three steps ---nomination, forfeit fees and enrollment of the litter---would accord to all the puppies in the litter eligibility to be entered in the futurity. The first running was held in the fall of 1905 in southeast Illinois, at Robinson. The weather---heavy rain---caused a bit of a glitch but when all was said and done, the effort was deemed a success. The stake grew and prospered, and in 1932 a second Futurity---for pheasant dogs---was introduced, and first held in 1934. What followed was the inauguration of other Futurities: Grouse and Woodcock, and the popular Shooting Dog breeders’ classics, and those for specific breeds---Brittany, German Shorthaired Pointer, Red Setter, et al., each with the primary purpose of improving the pointing dog breeds. To encourage breeders and owners to engage in this enterprise--be it for all age, shooting dog or a particular breed---attractive purses and other awards are offered for both the breeder and the owner. (Con nued on page 16) (Con nued on page 17) What’s the purpose of a Futurity?? Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 17 18 st The 21 century, more than 100 years after the first Futurity was held, finds these breeders’ classics at the “crossroads.” There is no denying the benefit the field trial sport has derived from the Futurities. The class competitors of the past 75 years or more are the direct result of breeders’ thoughtful and selective breeding, and owners’ support of these young dogs whose first taste of major stakes competition are the Derby stakes, especially the Futurities. Breeders and owners are responsible for the longstanding success of the Futurities. Remember that the end of the nomination period for the Futurities is July 1st. If promising breedings have not been nominated, there is still time to do this. The nomination fees are modest, but the rewards for both breeders and owners are significant, personally with purse monies and other awards, as well as the benefit to the sport---better bird dogs that will enhance future field trial competitions. An oft’ asked question: How can the field trial community nurture & contribute to the field trial sport? The answer is simple: Support the Futurities!!” Best Wishes to all participants in the 2015 National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Lloyd, Tammy, Ruthanne, and Colleen Murray 26 Madore Rd., Stark, NH 03582 Visit us online at: longgonesetters.com Cell 603-723-4020 E-Mail: murraylt@together.net Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 19 20 Class hunting and Field trial dogs For ALL your Bird dog Training Needs Good Luck to all in the 2015 National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Contact: Roger Neri Allen and Deborah Fazenbaker Kingsville, Ohio 44048 Proud members of the National Red Setter Field Trial Club Our dogs are products of “The Purest Challenge….” Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity ...with over 35 years experience 570-470-4262 1136 Bell Road, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 salneri.sn@gmail.com Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 21 22 Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers 23 24 Awaken the CHAMPION Within Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity The Na onal Walking Shoo ng Dog Futurity thanks Purina for their generous support Official publication of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity Materials herein cannot be used without the expressed written consent of the National Walking Shooting Dog Futurity officers