123 (Oct-Dec 2015/Jan-Mar 2016) - Promotional Glass Collectors


123 (Oct-Dec 2015/Jan-Mar 2016) - Promotional Glass Collectors
Collector Glass 123
News Oct-Dec 2015/Jan-Mar 2016
New Glasses & New Issues
End of Run McDonald Glass by Carl Sehnert
PGCA Spring Pennsylvania Meeting
President’s Message by Fred Stepanian
Peanut Butter Glasses Auctions by J Carpenter & D Maxwell .
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses by Brian Callahan …
Along the Glasses Trail by Brian Callahan ………………………….
Classified Ads
Page 3-7
Page 8
Page 9-10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13-17
Page 18-23
Page 24-25
Editor's Notes
This edition of Collector Glass News has New Issues Information, PGCA Spring PA Meeting
information, Classified ads, Club notes. Also included are articles by Carl Sehnert, John Carpenter,
Donna Maxwell, Brian Callahan. Photos by Donna Maxwell and Carl Sehnert, Presidents Message.
Thanks to President Fred Stepanian for the President’s Letter, Donna Maxwell for Secretary Reports
and photos, Mike Vath for help with membership and web site access. Thanks to Mary Gween, Steve
Simek, Donna Maxwell, Bob Pfeffer, Bev Erlich, Marilyn Johnston and other PGCA members for
photos, information and help with the newsletter & website. The newsletter cannot survive without
contributions, so please send articles, photos, new issue information, classified ads and information to
Brian Callahan at 317-345-4547 or bricall@att.net.
This issue of Collector Glass News will be available as a pdf file, accessed through the web site at
www.pgcaglassclub.com/cgn. USER: pgca PASSWORD: waldo This issue of Collector Glass News
is available on-line for those who elected a discounted membership. If you are receiving a copy
through the Postal Service and wish to get the discount, contact Brian Callahan at bricall@att.net
Paper copies in black and white will be sent to members who are getting the paper copy. I’d like to
thank all of the club members, authors, and others who have helped in the last 4 years to put out the
club newsletter. NOTE: There is an index to CGN on the articles page on www.pgcaglassclub.com
It is very important to keep your email address up to date with the club. This will ensure that you will
receive the email announcing the availability of the latest CGN on-line. Use this link to make changes
to your information: fs11.formsite.com/pgcaglassclub/form192302838/index.html
So far we have newsletters on-line going back to issue # 106 (Dec 2010).
GlassnertAuction.com Glasses Auctions can be found at www.glassnertauction.com. The Glassnert
Auction is planning many regular auctions for 2016.
Thanks to PGCA officers Fred Stepanian, Bev Erlich, Marilyn Johnston and Donna Maxwell, as well
as Brent Sehnert. and Matt Stoll, board members. Without their hard work we could not send this
newsletter to club members. Thanks to Bob Pfeffer for helping with our web site. Don't forget to
browse and submit glasses to the glasses database, at www.glass411.info developed and maintained
by Steve Simek.
Collector Glass News is published four times a year by the Promotional Glass Collectors
Association. Subscriptions rates are
2 year - $25 (web access) 1 year - $15 (web access)
2 year - $35 (1st class USPS delivery) 1 year - $20 (1st class USPS delivery)
ALL subscriptions include membership in the PGCA along with all its benefits.
Payment information can be found on the back cover or on the PGCA website. Send changes of
address to: Brian Callahan 4535 Senour Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46239 or use
Staff Committee: Editor: Brian Callahan, Carl Sehnert, Fred Stepanian, Mary Gween
Auctions: Carl & Mary Sehnert AT www.glassnertauction.com
Promotional Glass Collectors Association Officers: President: Fred Stepanian
Vice President: Bev Erlich, Treasurer: Marilyn Johnston, Secretary: Donna Maxwell
Board Members: Matt Stoll, Brent Sehnert, Brian Callahan
Elections for club officers are held each May at the annual meeting. Each office is a two year term.
PGCA Web Site: www.pgcaglassclub.com - web site of Promotional Glass Collectors Association
Advertising Rates: Free member classified ads may be submitted to bricall@att.net or
317-345-4547. Display ads or rates contact Brian Callahan at 317-345-4547 or bricall@att.net.
Collector Glass News is the official publication of the Promotional Glass Collectors
Association. Benefits of membership include purchase of club glasses, newsletter, attending
meetings and voting on club issues, free wanted/for sale ads and classifieds and access to printed
auction information in the Collector Glass News newsletter.
NEW Issues
Page 3
Now that the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens has come first to theatres
and then DVD, collectors have been favored with a large assortment of new store
glasses. Along with the usual good guy / bad guy and action scenes, some
interesting graphics and combinations have been presented. First shown below
are several of the store glass sets, with mostly the main characters and a few
storm troopers thrown in the mix.
Another approach for sets was one that has bold graphics showing logos and
slogans – Justice and Courage for the Jedi, then some menacing graphics of ships
and dark lords, etc for the Dark Order.
Page 4
New Issues Continued
Page 5
The most interesting Star Wars glasses from this new movie that I have seen are
from, of all places, M&M candies, which place the animated M&M characters in
Star wars settings.
Another approach is in this set from Kohls where the characters are mixed
together on the glass and to my eye at least, the graphics have a comic book
quality that is very modern and attractive.
New Issues Continued
Page 6
Several issues from 2015 have come to light and are pictured below – a Coke 100
years of the Coca Cola bottle tall clear glass and the horse racing julep glass from
the Indiana Derby.
Finally some neat Disney glass from the various theme parks are shown below.
Many thanks to Mary Gween for sending me links and information on the Star
Wars and Disney glasses.
Shown above is Submarine Voyage and Space Mountain tall glasses.
Below is an etched glass with Pluto that could be personalized with someone’s
name. Also shown to the right is the bottom of the Coca Cola Root glass.
Page 7
Unusual McDonalds Mistake or Test Hamburglar Glass
by Carl Sehnert
A friend and fellow collector recently sent me a McDonald's Hamburglar glass. While the
character is easily recognized as being from the no date, 12 ounce, fit bottom set. It is the color
of the glass that makes this one special. It is red instead of clear. He asked me to find out what I
could about the glass and also to possibly find a buyer.
A lot of my bottle collecting friends have bottles that they refer to as end of run or start of run
bottles. I believe that is the case here. The explanation is that at the end of the run or start of a
run the new glass or old character did not get changed in time, thus resulting in these very
interesting mistakes. The glass used here appears to be the same blank as was used on an early
set of Disney glasses were each glass was of a different color and a characters head was shown
in a circle on the glass.
I may be wrong on the glass as I have questions myself when looking at the coloring however I
feel sure the explanation is the correct one. Look it over and see if you can come up with one
that makes more sense. This could be a learning moment for all of us.
Editor’s Note: Carl showed this glass at the PA PGCA
meeting, it is really a striking red color and most unusual. The end of day explanation would
account for many of the unusual glasses found in extremely small quantities in the hobby.
Promotional Glass Collectors Association PA Meeting Minutes
Page 9
On Friday, April29, 2016 a regional glass club get together was held at the Comfort Inn at Folgelsville,
Pa. There were nine people present.
Brian Callahan called the meeting to order around 7:00 p.m.
themselves and told where they were from.
in the room introduced
Brian reminded everyone about the dates for the upcoming annual meeting in Ohio, May 19 is
early bird night, May 20 is social night and May 21 is the annual meeting. This will be an election year
for president and treasurer. Fred Stepanian will be stepping down as president this year. Marilyn
Johnston has agreed to remain as treasurer. Also, Brian stated that the club newsletter will be late.
He hopes to have a few more articles before printing.
There was some discussion about the glass database. Steve Simek is in charge of that. If you
have any new glasses, please give that information to Steve. There is a Submit New tab on the glasses
database web site where glass information can be submitted.
Brian presented Carl Sehnert with a white and red coffee mug with Carl on it.
a Hagar 1981 King features serigraph saying TGIF.
He was also given
Both were given to Carl in appreciation for his work with the club and newsletter.
Carl said that due to health problems, he did not hold as many auctions as he had hoped to.
However, there is an auction planned for the near future. Brian asked Carl how glass prices were
holding for the auctions. Carl replied that he thought that over the last two years the higher end
glasses were selling for a bit less, and that the lower end glasses were selling for a bit more. Overall ,
he thought the prices were down.
collection was taken to cover the cost of the conference room.
A total of $65 was taken in.
Thanks to Brian Callahan and Ron Royer for providing an assortment of refreshments.
Tom Mugnano started the show & tell session.
including quite a few Flintstones glasses.
He had many interesting and unusual glasses,
Bob LaSalle brought a Pepsi Hot Stuff button bottom glass that was shorter than the usual glass.
Carl Sehnert showed an Iron Man toon tumbler glass. It was signed by someone, possibly by the
artist. He also had two boxed sets of four glasses of the cabbage patch kids. In one set , the glasses
were filled with candy. The other set had no candy. The glasses were the same in both sets. Also,
he had a very red glass with the Hamburglar on it. Carl thought it might be an end of run glass.
Sean Will showed the newspaper ad for the Burger King five glass set
‘The Kings Reward’,
from 1979. He also had a Camp Snoopy tray liner from McDonalds advertising the camp Snoopy
glasses, and a tray liner from Burger King showing the Star Wars glasses that were available. Also, a
worn food bag from Hardees showing the Flintstones, the First 30 years. This was a really neat item.
Brian Callahan brought a small Drink Dr. Pepper fantasy glass. He also had a small glass, Drink
Reyners Blend, possibly from the 1930’s or 1940’s. There was also a really nice six glass boxed set of
beverage glasses showing a chicken with a Florida flag, “I’m a good Florida egg”. Next was a Betty
Boop glass with a dog and Coke logo, an unusual green contoured Coke glass, and two cute Japanese
glasses in boxes, Bibinba and Minna de Tsukurou. Brian also had an Indianapolis 500 glass that was
given away with a card stating appreciation to the receiver of the glass.
Donna Maxwell showed an assortment of plastic cups. There were four plastic Snoopy on the
dog box cups with different sayings, five Family Circus cups with the family members and Wylers , and
two stacks of McDonalds Happy Milk cups from the 1980’s.
Ron Royer showed a six glass Davy Crockett set in a box, beverage tumblers by Jeannette.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Maxwell
Page 11
Hello fellow members,
Another year has begun and I like many other club members are wondering what
interesting and never seen glasses will be discovered. I have never been disappointed in
years past and I am sure this year won’t be any different. If anyone does discover an
interesting glass, please post it on website and if possible, bring it to our regional or
annual meeting for other club members to see. We would all appreciate it.
Speaking of our Annual Meeting. The dates are Friday May 20th and Saturday May 21st.
The host hotel will again be the Best Western at 1133 Evans Way Court in Columbus,
Ohio. Their phone number is 614 870-2378. We have blocked off additional rooms for
this year because of all the club member want to attend but reservations must be made
early. Mention that you are with the PGCA when making your reservations.
Any club member who has never attended this event, this would be a great year to
experience it. There is tons of room hopping; checking out all the different glasses
members bring to trade or sell. We also have a club get together on Friday evening.
There is a membership meeting on Saturday plus other things of interest. We also hold
our meeting the same weekend as the Springfield Antique Show and Flea Market.
Besides that, there are many antique and collectible malls within driving distance from
the hotel.
Lastly, I will be retiring as Club President. It was great being your President. This club has
the friendliest, knowledgeable and helpful members of any club that I have ever
belonged to. I leave knowing that with the members we have, whoever decides to run
for this office, our club will be in good hands. And this doesn’t mean I am losing interest
in glass collecting. On the contrary, I will still be attending club events, volunteering on
committees, as well as acquiring glasses to add to my collection and selling glasses at
several shows within driving distance of where I live. I wish the person who decides to
run for this office the best of luck and know that they can count on me in any way that I
can help.
Happy glass hunting,
Fred Stepanian
Summary of Peanut Butter Glass Auction March 2016 – John Carpenter
A successful public auction of 424 lots
of peanut butter glasses and other collectible tumblers was held on March 19
at Brindles Auction, Willow Hill, PA.
The main feature of the auction was
Boscul flower peanut butter glasses popular in Pennsylvania and the East.
Top selling glasses: unique Orchid $800, unique Daffodil $675, Yellow
Perch/Crappie fish glass $650, Chihuahua dog glass $350, Santa juice glass
$320, red Clematis $310, fancy blue Columbine $230, no name Iris $220,
Kingfisher bird glass $220, dark red Dianthus Pink $210.
Also, a set of 8
"Mom & Pup" dog glasses by Libbey Glass sold for $310.
glasses sold averaged $40 on the day.
The individual
Other popular series included western
with 14 Davy Crocketts in various sizes and styles, some hard to find,
selling from $32.50 to $67.50, along with three Wyatt Earps @ $40 each and a
Buffalo Bill juice glass @ $75; complete 1957 Disney Sleeping Beauty series
sold individually from $50 to $100 and five of the Winkies series sold
(Swift's Oz peanut butter) @ $20-$80.
Another large and diverse sale is
tentatively planned for the same location next spring.
Nearly all the
glasses sold can be found in the recently published book PEANUT BUTTER
GLASSES AND MORE by David Grayson & John Carpenter.
PGCA members Ron Royer and Donna Maxwell attended a later auction in PA of primarily Peanut
Butter Glasses – April 2016 in Annville, PA. They noted on the auction catalog all of the prices realized
and those results have been posted as an article on the PGCA web site – www.pgcaglassclub.com
Click on the Articles on left side of the main page and then at the bottom click on Peanut Butter Glasses
Auction April 2016. The direct link is http://www.pgcaglassclub.com/articles_archives/pbgauct.html
Page 12
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses
Brian Callahan
Many collectors are familiar with several popular 1960’s glass sets that feature
black and white cartoons, with a humorous slant. One of the more popular is the
Dennis the Menace series, which has eight different scenes – the general theme is
that Dennis is causing trouble and making comments to his mom or friends. This
set is DENDE01in the glasses database. I have slowly but surely been finding and
enjoying other sets and single glasses from this era which have cartoon drawings,
on frosted glasses – always with actual or intended humor, some are bawdy or
risqué and some have pointed reflections on the trends of the times. One name
that is commonly found is W. Steig – William Steig who was a prolific cartoonist,
sculptor and illustrator. His children’s books include Shrek, which was the basis
for the movie of the same name. He drew over 2600 drawings and 117 covers for
the New Yorker magazine, starting in 1930. Several mentions of his glasses on the
internet reference The Lonely Ones but I am not sure what that is.
I am Blameless; Public Opinion no longer bothers me;Who are all those others?
AND People are no damn good, … is to be left alone. This set, probably 8 glasses in
total can also be found on a different glass round bottom blank. Other series with
more normal looking characters can be found, at least one set is on glasses with
multiple color backgrounds.
Page 13
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses
Page 14
Once you get started looking for these, there are quite a few to be found, many
on frosted glass, some on clear glass, but all have that 1950’s or 1960’s look to
them and various oddball characters and situations. Here is a “French” theme set.
Party Critters #1, #2, #3 AND #4 reflect the common drinking theme often found.
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses
Page 15
Party Critters #3 and #4 shown below. At bottom is Dennis the Menace glass.
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses
This glass is from a 6 or 8 glass set, with racy humor.
Page 16
Humor Black and White Cartoon Glasses
Page 17
The glass to the left is an example of clear glass comic, and says “All I said was
we’ve got to do something about those hips”. The glass on the right, a frosted
panel scotch on the rocks glass has “I work well under pressure” and is signed
Herb Gardner 1959. I believe this is from his comic series The Nebbishes which
was popular from 1959 to 1961. The Nebbish characters were on many different
items including barware, posters, statuettes and napkins. There are probably
hundreds of different glasses and sets similar to these and it can be a challenge to
find the entire set, instead of a single here and there. Ones signed by more well
known cartoonists like Gardner and Steig, or with logos like Playboy are often
more expensive. A quick search on Ebay found quite a few with Steig characters,
only a couple Gardner Nebbish glasses and one glass ashtray.
Along the Glasses Trail
by Brian Callahan
Page 18
I have found some interesting glasses in the last few months, several were variations on ones I
had seen before and some glasses that I was not aware of. A new attraction in Indianapolis,
quite unusual, is the Teeny Statue of Liberty Museum, admission 50 cents. Probably one of the
better deals in town, it has lots of Statue stuff including some glasses and mugs. The owners
run a resale shop specializing in restoration and building items, but they have a few collectibles
and I found this Elsie glass shown below, with the original label from Borden’s Dutch Chocolate
Flavored Syrup. This explains the Dutch costume and scenes on this Elsie glass. Another cool
find was a Mop Heads YEA! YEA! Mug – the same images as the black letter drinking glass, but
with red colors on a Federal glass white Mug. Awhile ago I found another nice Beatles items,
this time an authorized glass probably from the 60’s era, with what I will call the “drum kit”
picture of the group. I would say that both of these Beatles glasses are quite hard to find.
Above: Borden’s Concentrated Dutch Chocolate Flavored Syrup glass w. label, showing front
with label and back with Elsie in Dutch costume. Next page Mop Heads mug & Beatles glass.
Along the Glasses Trail
by Brian Callahan
Page 19
Two glasses that I found were unusual due to the packaging. One was a Kentucky Derby glass all
dressed up for a Derby party – the other was a Norman Rockwell glass with original insert from
Anchor Hocking letting the owner know NOT TO USE DISHWASHER. Judging from all the faded
glasses that I see not everyone has got that message yet! Pictures on page 20.
Another glass that is in the same category of interesting packaging is a Coke candleholder style
glass, a pretty common glass – this one included a boxed candle showing how the glass was sold
at the stores. I found one of these candle holder Coke glasses a long time ago with candle wax
inside and I broke the glass trying to get the wax out – so now I have the glass again in mint
condition. Pictures on Page 20.
Shown on Page 21 are a couple glasses or glass go withs that are quite a few steps above the
odd ball glasses I usually find. First is a Donald and Bambi jelly jar style glass, one that I had not
seen before and could not find in the excellent glasses database maintained by Steve Simek.
The other is a Disney milk bottle; the milk bottles with Disney characters were prominently
shown in the original Tomart Markowski/Hoder glass reference book but they are hard to find,
this is the only one I have. I found it at an Ohio antique mall where the entire showcase was
devoted to early Disney collectibles, all desirable and somewhat expensive.
Page 20
Along the Glasses Trail
by Brian Callahan
Page 21
Along the Glasses Trail
by Brian Callahan
Page 22
Continuing to add to my collection of box sets I found several nice older ones this year, a Gala
Glass set of 4 from Hazelware with Pepsi, Coke, Dr. Pepper and 7-UP glasses on white milk glass.
Another cool box set shown Page 23 is from Flying A Service – a refinery. This set would have six glasses
in the box – sadly I am missing one glass. Shown after that is a Florida Eggbert the Egg box set of 6
glasses, all the same, that promote Florida Egg Industry. I would guess they date from 1950’s or so.
Along the Glasses Trail
by Brian Callahan
Page 23
Page 24
NEW ISSUES – Additional
We received a note from David Lester that “ the 2016 A&W mugs are available.
Got mine this morning.” Nice to see a new glass come from a restaurant, as new
issues outside of stores and web sites are scarce these days.
Deacon Kane was kind enough to respond to my request for “new” glasses – sets
or single glasses for characters that had not been pictured in drinking glasses
before …
I thought of glass that would be a good one to be done...The Great Gazoo with
Hoppy, Dino, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm...homage to the 'Stones and all "dumdums" everywhere.
Brian, Hoppy is the Rubble's pet...kind of a kangaroo/dinosaur...pets and kids
are the only ones who can actually see Gazoo(besides Fred and Barney)...
Margie Smith wrote me to explain that the Blackwood Brothers, who were
featured on a forest green glass set that was pictured in the last issue of CGN, are
known as country gospel singers, not country music. She loaned me a CD of their
music, which was very nice – I can see why they have lasted as a group for a long
Wanted - Advertising Measuring Glasses
I'm looking for Advertising Measuring Glasses, (NOT glass measuring cups with
handles). Seeking glasses with 7 oz. to 10 oz./1 cup capacity. They can be local or
from anywhere in the U.S. & Canada that show any kind of Advertising from any
kind of Company, along with the different measuring increments. Glasses should
have Good to Excellent color(s) & gloss. Dirty glasses okay...I can clean them.
Especially interested in Frigidaire Measuring Glasses.
Matt Stoll classified CONTiNUED”
Page 25
Take a moment and visit my site - "A Measure of Time"
@www.ameasureoftime.com and take a look at my Collection, Wanted List, and
my For Sale/Trade list. It gets updated often. Please respond with your email, a
list, and any pictures. Also, please be sure to put either "Measuring Glass" or "A
Measure of Time" in the subject box. I'll respond accordingly. My email address is:
foxyguy66@yahoo.com Thanks! Matt Stoll
Collector GLASSES WANTED - will BUY or TRADE Brian Callahan
Fantasy SMALL SIZE (4 3/4") - Pirate
Simpsons Glasses - unusual or new Simpsons glasses
FIRE KING 1969 Chicago Cubs MUGS - ALL but Phil Regan/Ted
Abernathy and Ernie Banks/Jon Garito (sic)
Frosted Ice Tea Chicago Cubs - Banks, Beckert, Holtzman, Santo,
Small Lady and the Tramp - Bull, Jock, Toughy, Si & Am
Peter Pan Lids - Mr. Smee
BC Johnny Hart PLACEMATS - Olympics 1932 - Red color
background, Green color background
(each Olympic placemat has BC characters in Olympic
sports scenes, there are 4 different color backgrounds available
for each scene, I only want the color backgrounds for the Olmpic
year posters noted above )
American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting glasses from various
1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1945, 1949, 1973, 1980,
1981, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 or newer
Gullivers Travels 1939 JAR SIZE - Gulliver, King Bombo, King
Little, Twinkletoes. SMALL 4 1/2 size - Princess Glory, King
Bombo, King Little, Twinkletoes. MEDIUM size - Sneak.
Gullivers Travels bowls - various sizes, characters, colors
Childrens Character bowls, Disney bowls, Cowboys bowls, Movies
bowls,etc (various sizes, colors, in clear glass and milk glass)
Walt Disney double color Snow White - Bashful, Doc, Dopey,
Grumpy (any size)
PGCA Membership Application
Collector Glass News is the official publication of the Promotional Glass
Collectors Association. As a member, you are eligible for all the benefits of the
PGCA. These benefits include:
· The purchase of club glasses (limited edition we only make 144!)
· Attend club meetings
· Voting on club issues
· Place free wanted/for sale ads
· You may also bid in the club auction by phone or email. This is a great
opportunity to add to your collection without extensive travel.
· The opportunity to meet great people!
- Club Newsletter Collector Glass News sent 4 times a year
To join or renew your membership, fill out the information below:
City ___________________________ State____ Zip Code_________ __
Phone (
Email Address __________________________________
Collecting Interests/Main Interest
Secondary Interest
Do you wish to have your name published in the PGCA Membership List? Please
check payment option you are sending and mail to address below:
$15.00 for 1 year (Collector Glass News – internet web access )
_____$20.00 for 1 year (Collector Glass News sent postal mail)
$25.00 for 2 years (Collector Glass News– internet web access )
_____$35.00 for 2 years (Collector Glass News sent postal mail)
Send to:
PGCA Treasurer, Marilyn Johnston, 528 Oakley, Central Point OR 97502
You can join or renew online at
Revised 04/2013