S Safe ety R Rep port ting
S Safe ety R Rep port ting
Safe S ety Rep R portting Dirrection ns, Tip ps, and d Errorr Fixess Captain n Michael G illen 7/24/2012 7 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports ofConten nts Tableo Filing a n new FSAP orr Irregular Operations Report (IOR) .............................................................. 2 Detaile ed Instructio ons for Filingg ......................................................................................................... 5 Other Screens in EtQ Q .................................................... ............................................................ 11 ews ....................................................................................................................................... 11 EtQ Vie My FFiled Reports ..................................................................................... ................................................ 12 Common n Issues with h EtQ .............................................. ............................................................ 13 EtQ and the iPad ........................................................... ............................................................ 15 ettq@united.com Page 1 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports Filing an a FSAP or o Irregullar Opera ations Rep port (IOR R) Welcome to safety reporting. This new n software platform is re eplacing the ccurrent system ms in place att both sCO and sUA. The pro ogram is calle ed EtQ (Excellence throug h Quality). EtQ suppo orts the follow wing browsers s (other versio ons may workk with limited functionality)) IE E 7 and 8 Firefox 3.5 and d 3.6 Popular browsers b that will be suppo orted in Q4 20 012 Chrome C Safari ad – The curre ent browser in n the iPad is not n supported d in this versio on of EtQ, ho owever the ne ext Note: iPa version which w is sched duled for Q4 2012 2 will have e full support ffor the iPad. You may stilll be able to su ubmit a reporting using the iP Pad with some e degradation n in functiona ality. A confirm mation email indicates thatt the report was s successfully y submitted. Please see iP Pad specific n notes at the e end of this doccument. Please co omplete the fo ollowing proce edure to file a report online e: T at http://flyingto h ogether.ual.c com All pilots may submitt via Flying Together n page select the “my work kplace” tab From the main C on the lefft panel to open up the “Sa afety” dropdow wn. Click pplication can be accesse ed directly at http://safe ety.ual.com//reliance_sm ms/reliance Or the ap ettq@united.com Page 2 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports ettq@united.com Page 3 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports Legacy CAL C pilots ma ay also subm mit via CCS Notte for L-CAL Pilots: P Pilots have the abillity to review tthe status of submitted rep ports at any tiime within n EtQ and to receive email notifications s. Email for L--UAL pilots de efaults throug gh company e email. For all a pilots, emails may be dirrected to pers sonal accountts by completting the Altern nate Email fie eld on th he report form m. Please sign s in with yo our regular L--CAL employe ee number, in n the backgro ound EtQ changes your L-C CAL emp ployee numbe er to a “u” num mber which yyou may see iin the report. ettq@united.com Page 4 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 1. This is the EtQ Q page that yo ou should land d on after sel ecting FSAP or IOR from e either CCS or Flying Togethe er. Your name and employ yee number w will be displayyed. Note: If you y landed on n any other page please e continue to o step 2 otherrwise you ca an skip to sttep 5. 2. This is the maiin EtQ page. Depending on o the computter that you u use (companyy or personal)) you may m come to th his page or yo ou may just get g the flyingto ogether login page. In eith her case, login is th he same as Flying Togethe er (employee number and password) ettq@united.com Page 5 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 3. From the ETQ home page 4. , selectt Safety Repo orts My Appliccations tab From F the Safe ety Reports ta ab, select FSA AP or Irregula ar Operationss Report- Drafft FSAP IOR ettq@united.com Page 6 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 5. C Click on Com mplete Form.. This will allow you to sselect the fligght that the incident occurred during. Once a flight is sele ected the repport will auttomatically p pre‐populatee all of the flight related information inclu uding other ccrew members. If your report is fo or a nt, please click on “otherr” non‐flight related inciden Note: Flights are generally g avaiilable shortly after block-in n. Your last 12 flight segments should b be listed.. If your flightt is not listed, or your reporrt is not flight specific, sele ect “other” and d manually popullate the data. Note2 2: EtQ has a type-forward feature which h means that if you know w what should b be in a drop d down just sttart typing and the selectio on will begin to o populate. E Example: If yyou are an A3 320 pilot in the e aircra aft box start by y typing A..3... and A319 an nd A320 will d display, clink on the correcct one. ettq@united.com Page 7 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 6. Fill out all applicable boxes for Operation nal Effects, Th hreats, and E Events and an ny secondary bo oxes that are triggered afte er the primary y selections. A Add a narrativve describing g the event(s), ad dding any add ditional details and perspe ectives not cap ptured in the boxes, recom mmendations,, or an ny other inforrmation you would w like to be b reviewed b by the Aviation n Safety Depa artment. Note: N Not all re eports will con ntain entries for f all fields b but all must co ontain a narra ative. You ca an allso upload atttachments forr the associatted report. ettq@united.com Page 8 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 7. EtQ automatically saves all of your reporrts, however iif you would liike a copy forr your personal re ecords you ca an print a PDF F copy of the report. Pleasse click “save e” before trying to print, ottherwise the print p to PDF button b will nott appear. Note: N The co omputer that you y are using g must have A Adobe Acroba at Reader insttalled in order o to view the printed re eport. 8. Finally, F save the t report if it is unfinished, or submit th he form and approve the su ubsequent dia alog bo ox. ettq@united.com Page 9 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 9. Click C OK to submit the repo ort, this will se end the reportt to the submiitted phase fo or the analyst to re eview, you willl receive a co onfirmation em mail with a lin nk to the filed report. The report sub bmission is no ow complete. Notifications will be sent vvia email as th he FSAP/IOR R is prrocessed. Pilots should ex xpect an ema ail when the re eport is finallyy closed. All reports filed by a Flight Deck Crewmember will w remain ava ailable for the e author to vie ew by signing into EtQ and d lo ooking under “My “ Reports” tab. ettq@united.com Page 10 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports Other scrreens in EtQ: This is considered the EtQ home pa age. It contains application ns that are asssigned to you ur particular w work group. Fo or pilots, the only o applicatio on available is s “Safety Rep ports”. It will a also contain yyour name, employee e number and EtQ number (which is only for referencce). In this ca ase the EtQ n number is 116 6539 Views Ta ab This page e (tab) will hav ve a list of all of your filed reports r (both FSAP and IO OR). From the e EtQ main p page, click on th he “Views” tab b. ettq@united.com Page 11 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports EtQ alway ys displays th he “save” and “submit” func ctions on the top bar to red duce scrolling g. Actions associated with the rep port can be se elected from either e the end d of the reportt or by selectiing the button ns along the top bar. EtQ alway ys displays th he phase bar at a the top of the t documentt. This bar sh hows the view wer what phasse the report is in n. Normally if you are the submitter, yo ou will be in th he “draft” phasse of the repo ort. As with buttons att the top and bottom of the e form, you ca an clink on the e arrow in the e phase bar to o submit the report. ettq@united.com Page 12 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports Viewing your y submittted reports By clicking g on the “Safe ety Reports” button will tak ke you to the “views” page e where you ccan review you ur submitted d reports, inclu uding drafts, and a compose e new reports as described d above. All rreports submiitted to EtQ are e available to be viewed att any time from m the menu b below. The b best ways to vview your repo orts are by sellecting one off the views cirrcled below. You Y can also o open up the drop down m menus under tthe report type (FSAP / IOR) to view your reports. ettq@united.com Page 13 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports Common n Issues with EtQ The EtQ reporting r systtem is designe ed to be simp ple and reliab le to use, how wever there a are some simp ple fixes if you are having issues either viewing or su ubmitting you r report. With h any issue, p please save tthe report firs st this will pre event you from m losing whatt you have typ ped in so far. The T first simplle fix is to make sure that you y logout of EtQ. Simply closing the b browser windo ow do oes not often accomplish this. t If you arre having prob blems click on n “logout” in tthe upper righ ht ha and part of th he screen and d then log bac ck in. 2. The second sim mple fix is to clear browserr cache. Doin ng this clearss out data thatt is being storred by yo our browser. Each browse er has a way to t clear the ccache, and the e pictures below describe how to o do it using In nternet Explorer. a. IE – up pper right corrner click on th he cog 1. b. Next click c on “Interrnet Options” c. y under brows sing history, click c delete Finally 3. Common C brow wser related is ssues. The sc creen locks u up after submiitting a reportt. This is the most co ommon issue e regarding an n unsupported d browser. Syymptoms of tthis issue include a slightlyy grreyed out screen (especially when using FireFox) an nd an unrespo onsive browse er window. A After waiting w a few minutes, m try cllicking on the page refresh h, which will o often fix the isssue. A co onfirmation em mail ensures that the report was properrly submitted.. Often with iss issue after tthe re efresh, the submitter will re eceive an erro or message. Again a confiirmation email ensures tha at the re eport was sub bmitted. (see screen shots below). ettq@united.com Page 14 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports ettq@united.com Page 15 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports EtQ and the t iPad This section describes submittion via an iPad. The iPad will n not be fully su upported unitl Q2 2012. Th his has to do with the Safa ari browser no ot being supported by EtQ,, however pillots should be e able to file reports wiith the issues notes below.. 1. When W selecting g a flight an error e message e appears wh hich can be cleared by clickking ok. (see picture below).. D fields must be manually entered or an error messsage will app per. (see belo ow) 2. Date ettq@united.com Page 16 7/2 24/2012 FSAP an nd IOR Rep ports 3. Use U of Captain n’s Emergenc cy Authority (F FSAP) will nott prompt the p pilot that theyy must also file an IO OR report. 4. Attachment A fun ntionaliy does s not work. 5. When W submitting the report, the page does not autom matically close e and in fact u usually returnss to th he report with the top half of o the screen greyed out (ssimilar to issu ues using Fire eFox). Please e en nsure that you have receiv ved the confirmation email before closin ng the browse er. Refreshing the pa age brings up p the same errror as noted above with F ireFox. to prov Please ta ake a moment m vide fee edback k to the dev velopme ent team at ettq@unitted.com m ettq@united.com Page 17 7/2 24/2012