WAEF 2015 Annual Report - Wyomissing Area Education Foundation


WAEF 2015 Annual Report - Wyomissing Area Education Foundation
FY 2016
Board of Directors
Executive Director
Karen Moser
Mark Miller
Joe Jurgielewicz & Son Ltd.
Vice President
Helene Zintak
Anna Ferguson, Attorney
Ann White
Barrer & White
Orthodontists Ltd.
Lesa Butera
School Board Representative
Erin Croft
Wyomissing Area
Education Foundation
2015 Report to the Community
630 Evans Avenue, Wyomissing, PA 19610 | (610) 374-0739, ext. 1171 | www.wyoarea-foundation.org
Celebrating 20 years of service…
the beginning of WAEF
Bernard Elzer III
Grafika Printing, Inc.
Michele Fischetti
Michael Gaza
Lisa Geyer
Carol Helinek
Kathryn Magrane
Heidi Masano, Esquire
Masano Bradley
Jody Menon
PTA Representative
Susan Molinaro
Berkshire Hathaway
Julia Nickey
Penn State Health St. Joseph
Nancylee Schlegel
WAEA Representative
Natalya Spadafora
Customers Bank
Marty Stallone
Metropolitan Management
Bryan Stephen
Berkshire Investment Group
Julia Vicente
Superintendent, WASD
Student Representatives
Ben Croft
Laura Whitmoyer
Directors Emeriti
Barbara Homsher
John Rothenberger
Clover Farms Dairy
Left photo: Barbara and Fred Homsher, Jr.; Center photo: Gloria and John Rothenberger; Right photo: David and
Jeraldine Kozloff with Samuel R. Kozloff Scholarship recipient Marguerite Emma Thornton (center).
To say that Wyomissing Area Education
Foundation has continued a steady path of
growth would truly be an understatement.
In the beginning, founders of the organization spent countless hours discussing the
need to provide additional opportunities
for education in the Wyomissing area
community. The conversations were of
community interest, and quite predictably
centered on the supercharged development of technology. The dot.com boom
was taking off in 1995. Microsoft was
moving fast and furious. Java “became the
name” for computer program language.
Founders of WAEF knew that timing was
crucial to respond to the new age of technology; however, true to its core values,
WAEF sought to hear the voice of the
community first.
The first step, originated by the trustees of
WAEF, was to conduct a community survey. From that review, the initial strategic
objective was proposed. The first strategic
objective supported what many founders
thought would be the primary focus of
need-education and access to technology.
Other survey results suggested that areas of
focus include continuing education, fine
and performing arts, and sports and leisure.
In June 1996, WAEF announced a lofty
initiative, fondly referred to at the time
as ‘hooking up the district schools to the
Internet’. WAEF funding contributed to
the first stage of internet technology for
teachers and staff. Also, the Foundation
announced a six-course technology seminar for the community, as well as a Fall
Technology Expo.
In August 1997, WAEF named Jeri Kozloff
as the first Wyomissing Area Education
Foundation Executive Director. Jeri, a
committed WASD educator, had previously served as the WAEA representative on
the steering committee that established
WAEF. As the faculty representative,
Jeri served on the first WAEF board. As
Executive Director, she added a second
...continued on page 3
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
letter from the
When I consider what makes Wyomissing Area School
District so exceptional, dedicated teachers, eager students,
and a committed community come to mind. The Wyomissing Area Education Foundation has been on a mission
for 20 years to enrich the educational opportunities in our
district. Knowing that student success yields community
success, WAEF works diligently to fund programs, equipment and scholarships that help students experience educational initiatives that otherwise would not be available.
During the 2014-2015 school year, WAEF awarded more
than $53,000 to teacher-initiated grants across all
disciplines. Among them, WAEF supported the purchase
of basses for the music department, Android tablets for
the computer science department, and global atmospheric instrumentation for the science department. WAEF
also supported curriculum enrichment programs like the
World Heritage Festival at West Reading Elementary
Center and the Writer-In-Residence Program at the
Junior/Senior High School. In addition, WAEF helped
fund studio upgrades for the student-run television
studio, WYO 5 Live.
The Wyomissing Area Education Foundation is a
community-based organization dedicated to expanding
knowledge and enriching learning in the Wyomissing Area
School District. To achieve its mission, the Foundation will
provide grants for programs, projects and equipment that
will have a significant impact on students, and scholarships that reward academic achievement and other
significant accomplishments.
The Wyomissing Area Education Foundation (WAEF)
was formed in 1995 to support the educational
activities of the Wyomissing Area School District and to
help extend some of those activities to school district
residents. The foundation is a non-profit corporation,
independent of the school district but working in
cooperation with its board and administration.
WAEF President
You’ve probably read the studies;
strong schools require several key ingredients:
•Talented teachers and administrators
•A broad curriculum and a commitment to teaching
all students to their highest possible level
•An environment conducive to learning
•A high level of parent and community support
WAEF works to enhance student achievement by growing
the partnerships between our families, our schools, and
our community. We partner with individuals, businesses
and educators to make investments in education, picking
up where public budgets fall short.
We hope you share our goals and continue to support
WAEF in its mission to achieve an outstanding education
in the Wyomissing Area School District.
Mark Miller, WAEF President
E-mail or call us:
Karen Moser
Executive Director
630 Evans Avenue
Wyomissing, PA 19610
610-374-0739 ext. 1171
(24-hour access)
Contact us!
To support its efforts, the Foundation will create
partnerships within the community to identify areas of
need, facilitate programs and encourage charitable
giving. The Foundation will maintain a trusted and
independent status in the administering of grants and
scholarships, while honoring the objectives of the
school district.
WAEF helps seed, through an increasing number of post-secondary
scholarships, future educational
opportunities for our students as
well. Through generous donations, these ten scholarship
benefactors have established a
legacy of learning for students
pursuing college or career and
Mark Miller
technology education.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
message from the
Executive Director
Happy 20th Anniversary to WAEF!
The mission of WAEF has become a part of who I am.
It is somewhat hard to describe in actual terms because
it is more of a feeling. There is a certain intrinsic
reaction I have when I am visiting the school sites.
How education happens at WASD is that feeling. It is
the experience of attending an Open House and
listening to the passion of the teachers; it is when the
school Principal greets parents and students at the
building entrance; it is that moment when the Music
Department instructor enters the stage to conduct a
school concert; that is when I get that feeling.
It is always a special moment. In appreciation, I begin
to think of ways that I can support WASD. As a parent
in the district, I am involved in education at school
and home. I respond to the teacher’s needs for my child
and every student in the classroom. Sometimes, it is
essential supplies. Other times, it is weeks of planning a
project for many students. And, when it comes to
supporting education through WAEF, a donation
benefits every student in the entire school district. In
March 2011, WAEF asked parents to consider an “In
Honor” donation as a thank you to teachers for their
dedicated work. I liked that idea very much and made
my first donation to WAEF in honor of a Wyomissing
Hills teacher. That was my beginning with WAEF.
WAEF’s beginning in 1995 held
great importance to Wyomissing
Area for many reasons, most importantly to create new opportunities for education, and also
to retain the culture of a school
district known for excellence in
education. In the last ten years,
economic changes have altered
the approach to achieving this
Karen Moser, WAEF
goal. WAEF has taken many
Executive Director
strides forward by supplementing
curriculum costs to provide a top-rated education to
all students. WAEF Grants and Scholarships have
provided an avenue to respond to this need. WAEF
Grant proposals are faculty-initiated and reviewed
by WAEF to ensure that educational impact of the
contributions is maximized. WAEF coordinates the
funding of private donations, business donations, and
EITC program donations. In two decades, WAEF has
provided $244,021.82 in grant awards to Wyomissing
Area’s three public schools, bringing new technology
and innovative instruction into the classroom only
possible through the support of our generous donors.
In 2014-15, WAEF provided a significant contribution
of $53,256.16 to fund grants. If you haven’t donated to
WAEF before, here is your beginning. If you are already
a WAEF donor, this is your story too.
Karen Moser, WAEF Executive Director
Celebrating 20 years, continued from page 1
Technology Expo to the educational endeavors, as well as
a Fine and Performing Arts program by the Pennsylvania
Dance Theatre. “Cosmos” was held from September 1622 of that year.
WAEF honors the founding trustees who completed
the efforts to formally indoctrinate the Articles of
Incorporation on April 21, 1995: Nancy Hemmerich;
Barbara Homsher; Barbara Kline; Jeraldine Kozloff;
Edward J. Kuhn, Jr.; Stephen Murray; John Rothenberger;
Charles Sullivan; Charles Walker; Ruth Walker; and J.
William Widing III.
Donate your gently-used instruments to support students who want to learn.
Contact WAEF at 610-374-0739 ext. 1171
or aknopsnyder@wyoarea.org
Supported by RMF
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Foundation awards grants
During the 2014-2015 school year, the Foundation awarded $53,256.16
in grants to teachers. The twenty projects that were funded included:
Grade Level Sensory Kits @ WHEC,
Grades K-4-$2273.92
This grant provided kits for sensory development, with
the purpose of improving student behavior and cognitive
engagement in the classroom.
Submitted by Caitlin Gibbs, WHEC Autistic Support Teacher
Basses for Music @ JSHS-$2700.00
Tack Strips @ WREC-$1176.00
This grant provided tack strips for the Art Department
artwork displays.
Submitted by Michael Miller, WASD Art Teacher
Slab Roller @ WREC and JSHS-$500.00
This grant provided a slab roller for clay production at
This grant provided two ¾ Basses for the Music Department of Wyomissing Area Junior/Senior High School.
The basses will be used on site for various instrumental
programs and events conducted at the Junior/Senior High
School. Concerts and Musicals will have full access to
these instruments.
Submitted by Michael Miller, WASD Art Teacher
Submitted by Jessica Godek, WASD Music Teacher
Submitted by Michelle Filippini and Dr. John Yoder, JSHS
Science Teachers
Environmental Science project,
Water bottle-filling station @ JSHS-$950.00
This grant provided a Water bottle-filling station adjacent to
the HS Gym. Students in the Environmental Science class
can research the use of this device for conservation and recycling improvements in the school.
Global Atmospheric Instrumentation
@ JSHS-$150.00
This grant provided Digital thermometers and oven mitts
for the GLOBE Program.
Instrument Humidifier @ JSHS-$95.00
This grant provided a humidifier to protect Basses and
other string instruments in classroom storage.
Submitted by Jessica Godeck, WASD Music Teacher
Submitted by Michelle Filippini, JSHS Science Teacher
Environmental Science
Project, Water bottle
filling station in the
Android Tablets @ JSHS-$1600.00
This grant provided Android tablets for Honors Software
Design courses that instruct designing, developing, testing,
and producing Android applications.
Submitted by Curtis Minich, JSHS Technology Education
Android Tablets used for Honors Software
classroom assignments.
...continued on page 5
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Foundation awards grants, continued from page 4
World Heritage Festival @ WHEC-$1500.00
Writer in Residence @ JSHS-$2500.00
Submitted by Kami Fecho, WREC 6th Grade Teacher
Submitted by Joelle Ostrich, JSHS English teacher
Environmental Science and Art program
@ WREC-$225.00
Technology Grant @ WHEC-$16,799.04
This grant provided a new opportunity to expand the World
Heritage Day to include music from around the world.
This grant provided a science writing block on Bald eagles
as well as art programming, culminating in a live Raptor
This grant will provide a Writer in Residence at the JSHS
for the 2015-16 school year.
This grant provided an 8:1 technology enhancement for
grades K-2. This grant was funded through the support of
WAEF donors Peter and Alissa Carlino and WAEF.
Submitted by Michael Miller, WASD Art Teacher
Submitted by Kelly Keim, WHEC 2nd grade Teacher and
WHEC Teachers grades K-2
Raspberry Pi @ JSHS-$3330.00
Creative Reading Center @ JSHS-$1000.00
Submitted by Curtis Minich, JSHS Technology Education
Submitted by Jennifer Yetter, JSHS English Teacher
This grant provided a technology enhancement for students.
This grant provided a reading center geared toward
support of the Read 180 curriculum.
Reading Fluency Station @ WREC-$925.00
EITC Grants
Submitted by Jodi Wirebach, WREC LS Teacher
EITC funds (Educational Improvement Tax
Credit) totaled $14,610.01 for the 2014-15
school year. The projects funded through
this program included:
This grant provided a reading fluency station in the
learning support classroom for small group learning and
individual support.
Global Chart Clouds @ JSHS-$400.00
This grant provided cloud charts for global atmospheric
Submitted by Michelle Filippini and Dr. John Yoder, JSHS
Science Teachers
WYO 5 LIVE Teleprompters @ JSHS-$2758.62
This grant funded teleprompter system upgrades to the
WYO 5 Live studio (in coordination with EITC support).
Submitted by Andrew Siggins, JSHS Technology Teacher
TI-Nspire Calculators/JSHS/$5000.00
TI-Nspire graphing calculators and the accompanying Navigator System allows students to explore mathematics using
the most current technology available. Students use the TINspire calculators, with their menu-driven, touch pad technology and color graphics, to investigate mathematics. With
the Navigator system, every student is required to interact
directly with the lesson. Students can take turns leading the
class by serving as the classroom presenter, and all students
participate in a meaningful way by responding to polls and
communicating both questions and results to the teacher.
Wyo 5 Live High Definition Television
Studio/JSHS/ $8611.01
Broadcasting with high definition hardware allowed the
capability to live stream the video signal via the Internet.
This upgrade allowed students to watch the announcements
on white boards throughout the JSHS building. This webbased alternative is far more cost efficient than updating
Wyo 5 Live Morning Crew for April 14, 2015.
...continued on page 6
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Foundation awards grants,
continued from page 5
WAEF Financial Report
Fiscal Year ending 6/30/15
Contributions received
Total Equity
Restricted Equity
Unrestricted Equity
Berks County
Community Foundation
Endowment Fund
current coaxial signal throughout the building. The new
equipment provided digital and electronic changes to the
current system. The equipment needed to create this new
studio includes new cameras and cables, new software, new
computer /encoders’ stream, and LED lights for the studio.
The WYO 5 Live Crew has expanded eight additional
members, with two new members needed for teleprompter
operations in 2015-16.
Software for Robotics was purchased to provide a
perpetual team license to the current version of ROBOTC.
The software allows use for up to 30 students and will
require no future renewal costs.
A special thank you to our
EITC Donors for 2014-15
Capital Blue Cross
First Priority Bank
Fulton Bank
Giant Food
National Penn Bank
Phillips Facilities Management Group
Riverview Bank
Susquehanna Bancshares Inc.
Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn
UGI Corporation
Weis Markets
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
WAEF and The Toast Committee wish to extend a
BIG THANK YOU to the Wyomissing community for
helping to make the 2015 season of The Toast
a very successful season of celebration!
Last spring, community members attended eight fabulous Toast events to honor wonderful educators from the
Wyomissing Area School District and raised a whopping total of $13,674.76!! WOW!! Every dollar of the proceeds
will be used to enhance education in the classrooms.
We are truly grateful to all who participated to keep education great in the Wyomissing Area School District.
CHEERS to you!
Special thanks to our very generous hosts and congratulations to our dedicated honorees!
2015 Honorees
Wyomissing Area
School District
Dr. John Yoder
Michelle Filippini
Shirley Gashi
Brenda Phillips
Gwen Gibson
Pete Beck
Faye Warmkessel
Dr. Andrew Kuhn
Julie Vicente,
Rose Sneeringer
Nancy Boyer
Regina Hart
2015 Hosts
WAEF Toast Committee
WAEF Student Committee
Kate and Mike Cirulli
Tracy and Mark Weiss
Lisa and Steve Banco
Rachel and Michael Kuhn
Lesa and Peter Butera
Michelle and Scott Davis
WREC Student Council
Alissa and Peter Carlino
Pictured left to right: Jean Heinly with Toast Hosts Alissa and Peter Carlino.
2015 WAEF Toast SponsorS
John and Gloria Rothenberger
Lebanon Imaging Associates
Barrer & White Orthodontists
Broadway Brunch Toast honoring Pete Beck and Faye Warmkessel, hosted by Lisa and
Steve Banco.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Memorial donations make a difference
Dr. Nirav Patel Memorial Endowment Fund Sean M. Flannery Memorial Scholarship
The Dr. Nirav Patel Memorial Endowment Fund was
established to provide a scholarship to a graduating senior
of Wyomissing Area School District who has shown
perseverance in coping with an ongoing medical disability
or condition and is planning to attend a post-high school
institution. The Dr. Nirav Patel Foundation was created in
memory of Dr. Nirav Patel, who cared deeply about medicine
and public health. He was passionate about addressing health
issues and developing changes to improve people’s quality
of life and thereby improving whole communities. Dr. Patel
dedicated his research career to advancing the understanding
and awareness of the public health impact of sleep disorders.
He strived to improve health policy, patient outcomes and
encourage personal achievement of those around him.
Donations to WAEF can be made in his memory to support
this scholarship.
James R. Houck Memorial Fund
The James R. Houck Memorial Fund has reached full endowment and will provide grants to programs and students
of WASD. This fund was established to honor Mr. Houck’s
dedication to teaching others the constructs of Business and
Leadership. Mr. Houck was an incredible mentor to rising
business leaders and an amazing contributor to the early years
of the Wyomissing Area Education Foundation. Donations
in his honor will provide grants to students and programs for
educational enrichment in Business and Leadership.
Thank you to this year’s donors:
Ann Houck
Vincent and Ann Paolini
Douglass and Ruthann Woll
In November 2012, the Sean M. Flannery Memorial scholarship fund met a fundraising goal of $25,000. This scholarship
is established in memory of Sean Flannery, a 1999 graduate
of WAHS, who died in action in Afghanistan. His memorial
fund was created through the efforts of several classmates,
family, and friends of Sean to recognize a student who, like
Sean, dedicated himself to honorable duties.
The Sean M. Flannery Memorial Scholarship was increased
to a $1,000 award in 2014. A donation to WAEF can be
designated to the Sean M. Flannery Memorial fund in his
honor to continue to award a graduating senior who
exemplifies leadership and sportsmanship.
Samuel R. Kozloff Scholarship creates
Over the years, the Samuel R. Kozloff scholarship has benefited a total of 15 students, each of whom has achievement and
a special interest in social studies or foreign languages. During
his years at WAHS, Sam acquired a love of Social Studies,
language (French and Latin), music (saxophone and clarinet)
and travel (Camp Conrad Weiser Voyager Program).
A special bond continues with these recipients, as they join
the Kozloff family during their semester break for an annual
gathering to share their higher education experiences. David
and Jeri Kozloff look forward to this time to hear their stories,
and it is a special way to create fellowship within their shared
interests. A donation to WAEF can be designated to the
Samuel R. Kozloff Scholarship fund
to support this award.
Anne McCullough Endowment Fund
In 2011, WAEF announced the inception of the Anne
McCullough Endowment fund established in memory of
Anne McCullough, a 1987 graduate of WAHS.
The interest from this fund continues to support students in
need within the district. This year, $1,630.43 was awarded to
Wyomissing Area students. Students in need of financial
assistance received grants in the areas of student testing,
BCTC course fees, and college entrance fees.
Donations can be made to the foundation in memory of
Anne to continue educational opportunities for students in
Wyomissing Area schools.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
2015 Scholarship & Award Celebration
Left photo: 2015 WAEF Scholarship recipients; Right photo: Dr. Nirav Patel Memorial Scholarship winner Brett Driben pictured with Minal and Ariyan Patel.
On April 29th, 2015, WAEF presented the award of
$10,450.00 in annual scholarships to Wyomissing students at its 2015 Scholarship & Award Celebration hosted
at Wyomissing Area High School, underwritten by an
Anonymous donor. The event was attended by 100 guests,
including WAEF Board members, Wyomissing Area School
District Board members, Wyomissing Area Faculty and
Administrators, Scholarship presenters, family and friends.
The honored students, already well accomplished in academics, service organizations, and athletics, were joined by
an additional honoree, the 2nd WAEF Distinguished
Alumni award recipient. The celebrated award was
presented to Carolyn Rae Holleran (see page 10).
The Gertrude K. McGonigle Scholarship
A $1,100 scholarship provided to an adult who is at least
24 years old and is re-entering education after at least a
1-year lapse in time. This includes GED, vocational,
baccalaureate and masters programs.
2015 winner: Steven Holst
The Sean M. Flannery Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a senior who demonstrates leadership, has been rostered on a varsity sport and
is in good academic and disciplinary standing.
2015 winner: Peter Bonino
The Women’s Club of Wyomissing Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a senior who has performed outstanding service to school and community, and
demonstrated academic achievement.
2015 winner: Christine Chau
The Koullias Family Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a senior planning to study
electrical engineering, math or science.
2015 winner: Alexander Bonino
The Samuel R. Kozloff Scholarship
A $2,100 scholarship awarded to a senior who has demonstrated
achievement and interest in social studies or foreign languages.
2015 winner: Marguerite Emma Thornton
The Dr. Nirav Patel Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a senior who has shown
perseverance in coping with an ongoing medical condition
and is planning to attend a post-high school education
2015 winner: Brett Driben
The Class of 1959 Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to the senior with the most
improved GPA between 9th and 12th grades.
2015 winner: Michalynn Colon
The Class of 1946 Memorial Scholarship
A $1,000 scholarship awarded to a meritorious member of the
senior class who has shown academic and leadership potential.
2015 winner: Alexander Shields
The West Reading High School Alumni Scholarship
A $1,250 scholarship awarded to a meritorious senior who is a
resident of the Borough of West Reading.
2015 winner: Najaia Combs
...continued on page 10
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
What people say
about WAEF...
Scholarship & Award Celebration
continued from page 9...
Here are a few complimentary comments from supporters
of the foundation. WAEF thinks that they are great too!
About Scholarships…
Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into
organizing the WAEF Dr. Nirav Patel Memorial Scholarship and scholarship reception. As my senior year draws to
a close, the ceremony was a truly memorable experience
that I value even more now as I come to terms with the
limited time I have left at the high school before I leave
for college. The event meant a lot to me.
Brett Driben, Class of 2015
About the Toast…
WREC Student Choice Toast honoring Nancy Boyer and
Rose Sneeringer, Science teachers of West Reading Elementary Center. Hosted by the WREC Student Council
and Sponsored by Barrer & White Orthodontists.
Thank you so much. I am so blessed to work with the
amazing families of the Wyomissing Area. What a fun
way to end the school year.
Nancy Boyer
Thank you for all of your hard work that went into this
Toast! I am humbled by this experience, and so blessed
to work with teachers who are dedicated to their students. It was a fabulous time! Many thanks.
Rose Sneeringer
About Grants…
In regards to the success of the Quiz Bowl Buzzer
Grant…We went to the county championships this year,
something not achieved in 5 years! (The new equipment
did not break or falter during student response to answers, as it had in the past.) Thanks.
Joelle Lamboley Ostrich, M.S.Ed., M.A.L.S.
WAEF’s 2nd Distinguished Alumni
Award Recipient, Carolyn Holleran
Carolyn Rae McGonigle Holleran, a 1956 graduate of
Wyomissing High School, has been giving back to her
schools and community for many years. She has been
instrumental in establishing programs for and providing leadership to a host of non-profit organizations and
educational institutions throughout Berks County and
beyond. Her extraordinary vision and generosity are
evident in many of the organizations that were graced
by her leadership, notably the United Way of Berks
County, Berks Women in Crisis and the Girl Scouts.
The opportunity of education has always been paramount
in her desire to improve the quality of life of others. She
has given back generously to her alma mater Connecticut
College for Women and our local Alvernia College, not
only providing scholarships but also endowing the
Holleran Center for Community Action and Public
Policy. She has generously funded a scholarship here at
Wyomissing in honor of her late mother Gertrude
McGonigle, also a community leader in her day.
Carolyn is a hands-on volunteer. She is currently a
volunteer tutor of 3rd graders at 10th & Penn Street
Elementary School in Reading and has knitted dozens
of colorful winter hats for the students who often come
to school without one.
One could go on and on about the many ways that
Carolyn has improved the lives of so many, in so many
different ways. She is the quintessential citizen, a true
leader, a devoted volunteer, a role model to be
emulated, and a gift to our community and this school.
Thank you and congratulations to the 2015
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation’s Distinguished
Alumna…Carolyn Holleran. Written by, Martha Hafer
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
The Purple Parade
WAEF participates in the Wyomissing 4th of July Parade
For the fifth year, the Wyomissing Area Education
Foundation participated in the borough’s annual
Fourth of July parade. The parade was held on July 5th
due to weather conditions on July 4th. As it turned
out, the day was excellent and perfect for a parade.
Over 40 participants walked with WAEF through Wyomissing, including teachers, WAEF and WASD Board
Members, WASD Administrators and staff members,
and their families. A special thanks to our very generous sponsors who provided donations to cover the
costs of the parade event, and to our parade committee including Jill Scheidt, Helene Zintak, Bernie and
Athena Elzer.
Parade Sponsors
William G. Koch & Associates
Masano/Bradley LLC
Tom and Heidi Masano
Chris Heslop and Jill Scheidt
Bryan Stephen
Tom Masano Auto Group
Pictured left to right: Harper and Joelle Ostrich are
prepared for the parade!
WAEF recognizes Board Members
The Wyomissing Area Education Foundation welcomed
new members to the Board for 2015-16. Joining us as new
board members are Anna Ferguson, Michele Fischetti,
Michael Gaza, Julia Nickey, and Lisa Geyer. We are thrilled
to have these talented individuals join us to support excellence within the Wyomissing Area School District. We
extend a warm welcome to them and thank them for their
willingness to volunteer.
We would also like to thank Board Directors Fred Hafer,
Jr., Jill Scheidt, and Student Representative Alexander
Shields, who completed their terms with WAEF in June.
Each of these board members donated many hours to the
foundation, and they will be missed.
Special thanks to Heidi Masano and Natalya Spadafora,
who served on the Executive Committee. Their tremendous dedication to WAEF contributed to policy and
program modifications needed to accommodate the growth
of the foundation. We are grateful for their continued guidance as members to the FY2016 Board.
For the 2015-2016 school year, we look forward to working
together to reach the goals of our mission to support education in Wyomissing Area schools.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
WASD Jeans Day Fundraiser
raises $3110.00 for WAEF!
The Jeans Day fundraiser organized by WAEA provided an excellent opportunity for staff engagement with the
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation. Every student benefits from a grant provided by WAEF. Thank you for
your generous support.
Brian D. Ackerman
Kristen Albright
Joe and Kristin Allen
Keith and Jennifer Arnold
Dan and Jennifer Auman
Corbett and Natalie Babb
Laurie Balatgek
Scott and Crisanne Bansner
Michael and Regina Barletta
Cathryn Barra
Cynthia Behr
Ryan and Christine Beidler
Shana Bellairs
Barry and Linda Bentz
Matthew and Andrea Boerger
Nancy Boyer
Steven and Courtney Branham
Steve and Kristie Brunner
G Christopher and Lindsay Rada
Patrick and Michele Ciemiewicz
James Comerford
Andy and Amy Cush
Barbara Cuttler
Ray and Nancy Dotter
Scott and Shauna Easteadt
Kami Fecho
Frank and Kelly Ferrandino
Emidio and Michelle Filippini
Nicholas and Lauren Fiorentino
David and Donna Fischer
Mark Flannery
Zachary Frantz
Ronald and Cara Frederick
Mary Freymoyer-Keller
Lee Gallagher
Shirley Gashi
Caitlin Gibbs
David and Gwen Gibson
Timothy and Michele Hetrich
Amy Himes
Derek and Erika Homan
Donald and Karen Houck
Russell and Madeline Humes
Sarah Hungerford
Eileen John
Charles and Greta Jones
Thomas and Diane Kaag
Kent and Barbara DeMoss
Chris and Michele Kersikoski
Akim and Ashlynne Khaldoui
Russell and Robin Kline
Valarie Knauer
Jennifer Kohler
Timothy and Amanda Kraft
Andrea Kupiszewski
Kim Lally
Brent and Andrea Landrum
Michael and Amy Latourelle
Tonya Lawrence and Andrew Kuhn
Barry and Susan Lehr
John and Kara Les
George and Amy Lutz
Edward and Jennifer Mangold
Ryan and Kristy Martin
Joan Mathews
Bob and Kelly McClennan
Bernie and Sally McNichol
Rick and Anne Melcher
Rob and Danielle Metzger
Christopher Miller
Nathaniel Miller
Curtis Minich
William and Mary Muir
Chris Nugent
Steven O’Neil
Geoffrey Osman
Karen Ostrander
Joelle Ostrich
Steve and Loni Pottieger
Donna Putt
Jeff and Jeannie Reid
Kent and Nancy Robinson
James and Kathleen Rohm
Cheryl Santoro
Robert and Betsy Santoro
Joseph and Lori Scargle
Peter and Nancylee Schlegel
Douglas and Sarah Shuey
Frederich Siegfried
Andrew and Brittany Siggins
Tetiana Sklepkovitch
John and Rose Sneeringer
Chris Stanchek
Richard and Kimberly Tetley
Shawn and Elizabeth Tollin
Randy and Dawn Weidner
Andrew and Toni Wengerd
Jill Werley
Teresa Wood
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
A Special Honor
Gifts in Honor / Memorial and Planned Giving
Gifts in Honor and Memorial are given to the foundation to acknowledge a loved one’s commitment to enriching education in
the Wyomissing area. Establishment of Scholarship and Endowment funds provide greater opportunity to designate funds in a
particular interest area of education, often valued by the honoree,
and recognized by his/her family and friends.
Planned Giving programs are designed to give individuals the
opportunity to make a gift that will create a legacy for themselves, while at the same time allow a charitable organization to
continue its mission for many years to come. Since planned gifts
are given from a donor’s life assets rather than through earned
income, they require “planning” and are often transmitted to a
nonprofit organization through a legal instrument such as a will
or trust. All of the following planned giving vehicles can have
significant income tax implications. Please note WAEF is not
engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. For advice and
assistance in specific cases, services of an attorney, accountant or
other professional advisors should be obtained.
2014-15 In Honor and Memorial Gifts to WAEF
In Honor of Donations
Robin Gaul
Mark Christy and Kelley Crozier
Al and Hallie Guiseppe
Allan and Robin Sodomsky
White Star Tours
Bernard and Patricia Donahue
Bernard and Patricia Donahue
David and Jeri Kozloff
Paul Lamboley
Bernard and Patricia Donahue
Mary M. Palmer
In Honor of Martha Hafer
In Honor of Amy Stewert-Himes, Nancy Boyer, Gina Hart, Mike Miller and Joelle Ostrich
In Honor of Andrea Bensusan
In Honor of Ariel and Sam
In Honor of Dr. Corey Jones
In Honor of Dr. Corey Jones
In honor for Gwen Gibson
In Honor of J. William Widing, III, Esquire
In Honor of Joelle Ostrich
Creighton Bieber
In honor for Mrs. Boyer
Memorial Donations
In Honor of the Class of 1969
The family and friends of Creighton
Beiber have honored his memory with
a memorial gift to WAEF. The followGeoffrey and Judy Stoudt
In Memory of Darrin Love
ing donors contributed to this gift:
Karen Moser
In Memory of Franklin Simons, Jr.
David and Jeri Kozloff
Peter and Alissa Carlino
Susan Kline Hart
James Fahl
Herb and Martha Hoelter
Helen Daugherty
Barbara O’Connor
Candis, Deborah, Michael, Olivia, Sarah Ann, & Maggie
Elizabeth Rothermel
Larry and Alison Rotenberg
John and Ellen Shapiro
Dennis and Kathleen Burkhart
David and Jeri Kozloff
Ali and Patricia Amin
Bob and Laura Rader
Greg and Pat Purcell
Aleko and Colleen Zeppos
Michael and Rachel Kuhn
Patrick and Melissa Schoennagel
Susan Kline Hart
Martha Hafer
Geoffrey and Judy Stoudt
Alfred K. White, Jr.
Jennifer Noll
In Memory of J. Frederick Keeler, Jr.
and Lee W. Erdman
In Memory of John and Betty Walborn
In Memory of Lee Erdman
In Memory of Mary Beth Lieb
In Memory of Richard Ginn
In Memory of Richard Ginn
In Memory of Richard Ginn
In Memory of Richard Ginn
In Memory of Samuel R. Kozloff
In Memory of Samuel R. Kozloff
In Memory of Samuel R. Kozloff
In Memory of Samuel R. Kozloff
In Memory of Samuel R. Kozloff
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sean M. Flannery
In Memory of Sidney D. Kline, Jr.
In Memory of Sidney D. Kline, Jr.
In Memory of Sidney Kline, Esq.
In Memory of William H. Simon
In Memory of Irv Noll
Joseph and Joyce Brice
Tom and Beth Dougherty
East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Matthew Ecker
Mark and Pamela Farrell
Gail Freymoyer
Daniel and Jennifer Helinek
Nancy Hemmerich
Margaret Kopp
Betty Little
Katie Marweg
Tom and Heidi Masano
Gene and Pauline Opiloski
John and Shirley Palmer
Christopher and Robin Pruitt
Randy and Dawn Weidner
Bill and Ann Wellock
David and Dina Wert
Doug and Ann White
Warne and Jan White
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Generous donations help foundation reach goals
Donations received from July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015* including in kind donations. WAEF would like to thank the 2015
Toast Hosts for their generous support in the form of hosting a Toast event. Acknowledgment is noted on page 8.
$10000 +
Grafika Commercial Printing
Superintendent’s Circle
Peter and Alissa Carlino
Dr. Nirav Patel Foundation
Martha Hafer
Ann Houck
John and Gloria Rothenberger
Weis Markets
Principal’s Circle
Riverview Bank
Tompkins Insurance
Reynolds H2O Plus Inc.
Fulton Bank
Lyle and Erin Croft
Fred and Susan Hafer
Phillips Office Solutions
Capital Blue Cross
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher Certified Public Accountants
Susquehanna Bancshares Inc.
Giant Foods
First Priority Bank
Doug and Ann White
Bernie and Athena Elzer
Mark and Maggie Miller
Philip and Maureen Brumbach
Marty and Terri Stallone
Peter and Susan Molinaro
Chatty Monks Brewing Co.
Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center
Nancy Hemmerich
Kurt and Carolyn Bamberger
Wells Fargo Bank Commercial Banking
UGI Corporation
Elizabeth Rothermel
RM Palmer Co
National Penn Bank
Lebanon Imaging Association
Ico and Cindy Koullias
Ernest C. Kotsch
William and Vicki Combs
Educator’s Circle
Ali and Patricia Amin
Brett and Christin Bagenstose
Robert and Paula Brigham
Peter and Lesa Butera
Nancy Campbell
Citizens Social Committee Of Wyomissing Hills
Compleat Baldwin Brass Center
Customers Bank
Matthew Ecker
Gary and Caryl Wilkerson
GE Foundation
Susan Kline Hart
Thomas and Carol Helinek
Jeffrey and Laurie Herb
Frederick and Barbara Homsher
Edward and Lorraine Houseman
Adrian and Ruxandra Jadic
David and Jeri Kozloff
Edward and Patricia Lentz
LH Companies
Tom and Heidi Masano
Joey and Kelli Maturi
Savage L&B Dodge Chrysler Inc.
Patrick and Melissa Schoennagel
Bryan and Karen Wang
Steve and Vicki Whitmoyer
Helene Zintak
Partner $100-$499
AEM Architects, Inc.
Saeeduddin and Melvia Ahmed
Dave and Anne Ambarian
Carolyn Auman
Elaine Balkiewicz
Stephen and Lisa Banco
Bank of America
Chuck and Mary Barbera
John and Venus Becker
Bed Bath and Beyond
Brian and Corina Blackford
Carl and Christie Botterbusch
Glenn and Carol Bowman
Conchita Braun
Brentwood Industries, Inc.
Scott and Michelle Brower
Ann Brugger
Thomas and Kelly Brugger
Douglas and Andrea Brunner
Jason and Shelby Brunner
Deborah, Michael, Olivia, Sarah Ann, Maggie, and Candis Coxe
Moiz and Laila Carim
Carter and Kirsten Cheskey
Mark Christy and Kelley Crozier
Elizabeth Kann and Uday Dasika
Helen Daugherty
Judith Davis
Scott and Michelle Davis
Jonathan and Linda Day
Miles and Elizabeth Dechant
Jon and Brittany Decker
Mark and Joyce Di Pillo
Bernard and Patricia Donahue
Thomas and Elisa Dooley
Jeffrey and Lynn Driben
Colin Duncan
Benjamin and Keera Dwulit
East Penn Manufacturing Co. Inc.
Edward J. Kuhn Funeral Home
H. Anderson and Judith Ellsworth
Tom and Michelle Endy
James Eschbach and Karen Moser
Eric and Michelle Esterbrook
James Fahl
Frank and Kelly Ferrandino
Rick and Renee Ferry
Christian and Meghan Filoon
Marc and Marcia Filstein
Michael and Michele Fischetti
Gage Personnel Service
John and Lisa Gallen
Kelley Gallen
Joe and Noel Garapola
Robin Gaul
Mark and Marina Gehman
Eleni Geishauser
David and Lisa Geyer
Go Fish!
David and Debbie Goldberg
Penny Golden
Andrea Graham
Al and Hallie Guiseppe
Robert and Judith Hahn
Constantine Harris and Ann Boulis
Christopher and Jean Heinly
Scott and Angel Helm
John and Jill Henry
Chris Heslop and Jill Scheidt
Fred and Dee Hiehle
Cynthia Hix
Herb and Martha Hoelter
Joseph Homsher
Stephen and Colette Huber
Eric and Marty Jaxheimer
Barry and Margie Jozwiak
Heath and Jocelyn Kearney
Dosik and Seung-Ah Kim
Morgan and Susan Koch
Kopicki Photography
Ronald and Karen Krol
Mike and Cyndy Kuczala
Michael and Rachel Kuhn
Paul Lamboley
Gary and Jan Larsen
Dr. and Mrs. William Laubach
Jeffrey and Jessica Lengle
Brad and Natalie Loeb
Steve and Lisa Longenecker
Charles and Carole Lusch
Michael and Kathy Magrane
Kevin and Lori Maluchnik
Kevin and Cynthia Manbeck
Jack and Mary Mancuso
Phil and Traci Marez
Michael and Angela Marroccoli
Matthew and Jody Maryniak
Masano Bradley LLC
Attorneys -At-Law
John and Kelly Masano
Max Crema’s Expresso &
Coffee Bar
John and Ann Mazzo
Richard and Linda McCrae
Stewart and Tina McDonough
Michael J. Smychynsky
Consulting LLC
Alan and Kim Miller
Curtis Minich
Fred and Denise Mogel
Barry and Virginia Mohler
Morris Pace Assisted Living, Inc.
Nabil Muallem and Najla Bathish
Steve and Kathleen Murray
Christopher and Julia Nickey
Brian and Donna Nugent
Barbara O’Connor
David and Jo-Ann O’Rourke
Mary M. Palmer
Vincent and Ann Paolini
Scott and Ruza Piette
Steve and Loni Pottieger
Jeff and Betsy Power
Christopher and Robin Pruitt
Bob and Laura Rader
Red Dragon Karate
Brian and Sarah Reedy
Jeff and Sandy Reese
David and Barbara Reeser
Gene and Jenny Reilly
Thomas and Polly Reinhart
James and Katie Restrepo
Rita’s Water Ice - Sinking Spring
Kent and Nancy Robinson
Dan and Sarah Rothermel
Joseph and Lori Scargle
Eric and Kathleen Schippers
Margaret K. Schumo
Scott and Tracy Gust
Jermiah and Heidi Sensenig
Paul and Virginia Shipper
Bruce and Sarah Smith
Charles and Annelise Smith
Steve and Stephanie Smith
Michael and Laurene Smychynsky
Allan and Robin Sodomsky
Steve and Kayleen Soffer
Matteo and Natalya Spadafora
Bryan Stephen
Stoudt Heating and Air
Geoffrey and Judy Stoudt
Tom and Diane Strauss
Phillip and Nancy Tietbohl
Tom Masano Inc.
Tomlinson Bomberger Lawn Care & Landscape, Inc.
Bruce and Janine Ure
Pablo and Julia Vicente
Kevin Wagner
Andrew and Laurie Waxler
Stephen and Dianne Weber
Weidenhammer Systems Corp.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
Randy and Dawn Weidner
Wayne and Kathleen Weidner
Mark and Tracy Weiss
Paul and Margaret Welliver
Bill and Ann Wellock
David and Dina Wert
West Lawn Quoiting Association
White Star Tours
Alfred K. White, Jr.
Warne and Jan White
William Koch & Associates
Scott and Betsy Williams
Bob and Sheri Wolfrum
Wyomissing Area Community Prevention Partnership
Mark and Wendy Yourkavitch
Raymond and Cynthia Zdradzinski
Aleko and Colleen Zeppos
George and Eleny Zeppos
Rodger and Maria Ziolkowski
Gerd and Nancy Zweig
Friend Up to $100
Brian D. Ackerman
Marisa Aikman
Kristen Albright
Joe and Kristin Allen
Kurt and Allison Althouse
Gonzalo and Constance Arauz
Keith and Jennifer Arnold
Art and Amy Auchenbach
Dan and Jennifer Auman
Corbett and Natalie Babb
Brad and Wendy Baker
Laurie Balatgek
Tom and Diane Baldwin
Scott and Crisanne Bansner
Michael and Regina Barletta
Cathryn Barra
Richard and Beth Barron
Charmaine Beck
Lauren Beck
Cynthia Behr
Ryan and Christine Beidler
Steven and Kathy Bell
Shana Bellairs
Andrea Bensusan
Barry and Linda Bentz
Rosemary Bestwick
Body Zone Sports and Wellness Complex
Matthew and Andrea Boerger
Alex Bonino
Alice Botvin
Blake and Rebecca Botvin
Nancy Boyer
Paul Boylan
Steven and Courtney Branham
Joseph and Joyce Brice
Steve and Kristie Brunner
Stefanie Bubnis
Dennis and Kathleen Burkhart
Donald and Carol Burns
Charles and Janine Busack
Mike Cafoncelli
Connie Cammarano
Tom and Stacey Campbell
Lisa Carson
Anthony Cataldo
Jeffrey and Nancylee Chaiko
G. Christopher and Lindsay Rada
Mark and Laura Cibulsky
Patrick and Michele Ciemiewicz
Mike and Kate Cirulli
James Comerford
Andy and Amy Cush
Barbara Cuttler
Leonard and Carla D’Addesi
Ted and Geraldine Dando
Chris and April D’Angelo
Eric and Lauren Darr
William and Leslie Davidson
James and Beth Delp
Stephen and Debra Delucas
Dale and Susan Derr
Robert and JoAnne Doleva
Pankaj and Pragna Doshi
Ray and Nancy Dotter
Tom and Beth Dougherty
Dunmore and Heister
Scott and Shauna Easteadt
Jason and Michele Eberhart
Mark and Pamela Farrell
Kami Fecho
Mike and Kristin Feightner
David and Shelley Filer
Emidio and Michelle Filippini
Nicholas and Lauren Fiorentino
David and Donna Fischer
Mark Flannery
Timothy and Kate Fleischood
Peter and Hilary Folga
Zachary Frantz
Ronald and Cara Frederick
Gail Freymoyer
Mary Freymoyer-Keller
Lee Gallagher
Ginger Gantert
Shirley Gashi
Michael and Mary Anne Gaza
Debbie Gentry
Caitlin Gibbs
David and Gwen Gibson
John and Marsha Gleason
Goggleworks Center For The Arts
Robert and Carol Greenberg
John and Kate Harenza
Daniel and Jennifer Helinek
Jeffrey and Laurie Herb
Steph Herbein
Paul Hessemer, Jr.
Jeffrey and Shelly Hill
Amy Himes
Derek and Erika Homan
Donald and Karen Houck
Kathy Hu
Russell and Madeline Humes
Sarah Hungerford
Juche and Tsehay Jackson
Cynthia Jimenez
Eileen John
Charles and Greta Jones
Corey and Alison Jones
Thomas and Diane Kaag
Elizabeth Kann
Scott and Elizabeth Kaufmann
William Keim
Julie Keller
Kent and Barbara DeMoss
Chris and Michele Kersikoski
Akim and Ashlynne Khaldoui
Russell and Robin Kline
Valarie Knauer
Alice Knox
Jan Knudsen
Christina Koch
Jennifer Kohler
Kopicki Family
Margaret Kopp
Timothy and Amanda Kraft
Edward and Linda Kuhn
Andrea Kupiszewski
Kim Lally
Brent and Andrea Landrum
Mackenzie Lantz
Terrance and Susan Larkin
Michael and Amy Latourelle
Tonya Lawrence and Andrew Kuhn
Barry and Susan Lehr
Catherine Lentz
Joe and Peggy Leoni
John and Kara Les
Adam and Margarita Levin
Walter and Joyce Line
Betty Little
Jennifer Littlefield
Barbara Lofgren
Gerard and Carol Lubitz
Lucy Croft
George and Amy Lutz
Leigh Maddux
David and Judy Magill
Grant and Jill Mahon
George and Dawn Main
Edward and Jennifer Mangold
Ryan and Kristy Martin
Katie Marweg
Joan Mathews
Christopher Mazza
James and Karen McAvoy
Bob and Kelly McClennan
Bernie and Sally McNichol
Carol McStay
Rick and Anne Melcher
Michael and Sharon Mendel
Trudy Mertz
William and Lora Metri
Rob and Danielle Metzger
Brian and Holly Michelson
Christopher Miller
D. Scott and Susanne Miller
Nathaniel Miller
Morgan Stanley
Barbara Moyer
James Munroe, Jr.
Paul and Elizabeth Murray
Arthur and Edwina Naylor
John and Linda Nickey
John and Trish Nierle
Daniel and Holli Noll
Chris Nugent
Janice O’Brien
Paul and Nancy O’Leary
Steven O’Neil
Gene and Pauline Opiloski
Geoffrey Osman
Karen Ostrander
Joelle Ostrich
John and Shirley Palmer
Robert and Beverly Pattillo
Colleen Paulson
Jamie Piersol
Roberta Porter-Kunkel
Mark and Hanne Proudfoot
Greg and Pat Purcell
Donna Putt
Sophia Reck
Jeff and Jeannie Reid
Kelsey Reiden
Jeannette Reigel
Eric and Renee Riddle
James and Kathleen Rohm
Christine Ross
Larry and Alison Rotenberg
Jeffrey and Virginia Rush
Michael and Pamela Sachenik
Cheryl Santoro
Robert and Betsy Santoro
David and Janet Schlegel
Peter and Nancylee Schlegel
Thomas and Nancy Schreck
Scott and Elizabeth Kaufmann
Patrick and Rachel Sebastian
Alan and Anne Seltzer
John and Ellen Shapiro
Douglas and Sarah Shuey
Frederich Siegfried
Andrew and Brittany Siggins
James and Bridget Simmons
Mike Simmons
Jeffrey and Colleen Simons
Tetiana Sklepkovitch
Robert and Lori Smerek
John and Rose Sneeringer
Curtis Snyder
Chris Stanchek
Matthew and Melissa Steber
Charisse Steffy
Anna Stephen
Josh and Melanie Taylor
Richard and Kimberly Tetley
Lynn and Kathryn Thiel
Thomas and Lucille Tirdell
Peter and Karen Thomas
Timothy and Michele Hetrich
Shawn and Elizabeth Tollin
Scott and Sue Tonneslan
John and Karen Tripolitis
Richard and Betty Villforth
Earl and Carol Walborn
David and Ann Walton
Andrea Watkins and Jeff Sternlieb
J. Andrew and Kathy Weidman
David and Joanne Weller
Mary Wells
Martin and Donna Welsh
Andrew and Toni Wengerd
Jill Werley
Kevin and Terri Wickman
William and Jody Widing
William and Mary Muir
James and Judith Williamson
Jodi Wirebach
Wishes Entertaining & Event Designs
Douglas and Ruthann Woll
Teresa Wood
Lauren Yelinek
Despite every effort to provide
accurate information, mistakes
and/or omissions can occur. Please
accept our apologies and contact
us so that we can publish correct
information in the future.
Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community
EITC Programs provide innovative
curriculum to WASD
EITC programming through Wyomissing Area
Education Foundation contributed over $14,000.00
to the Wyomissing Area School District in 2014-15.
EITC programs have grown expeditiously in the last five
years. Through cutting-edge opportunities, WASD students can flourish with expanded programming. Without
EITC funds, many ideas on the district Wishlist would
simply be ideas and never come to fruition for students.
WAEF provided funding to three current programs
approved by the EITC of Pennsylvania: TI-Nspire
Calculators; WYO 5 Live High-Definition Television
Studio; and Robotics/3-D printing Software.
Funding for these programs is acquired through a simple
application process by a qualified business for the
tax-credit program. The EITC program provides
Mr. Curtis Minich and students attend the Pennsylvania STEM Competition in Harrisburg, PA. Pictured with State Senator Judith Schwank.
demonstrably tangible benefits at all levels of its
implementation. If you are a business owner/CEO and
would like to contribute to the educational future of
Wyomissing students, a simple application process can
be found at www.newpa.com.
Special thanks!
A special thank you is extended to the 2015 Toast
Committee for their work on the Toast Season 2015.
Your dedicated work and support to our generous
Toast Hosts and Sponsors created a wonderful
experience for honorees and guests.
Meghan Filoon
Michele Fischetti
The following scholarships are offered to students from
donations received in acknowledgment of these awards:
Class of 1959 Memorial Scholarship
Erin Croft, Chair
Athena Elzer
Special scholarships honor students
in a meaningful way
Women’s Club of Wyomissing Scholarship
Class of 1946 Scholarship
West Reading High School Alumni Scholarship
Marina Gehman
Koullias Family Scholarship
Susan Hafer
Gertrude K. McGonigle Scholarship
Laurie Herb
Karen Moser
Thank you to the scholarship principals for their support
of students.
Vicki Whitmoyer
@ www.wyoarea-foundation.org.
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Wyomissing Area Education Foundation 2015 Report to the Community