Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” - HEP
Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” - HEP
ICRC ICRC2015, 2015,3030Jul Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Status of the LHCf experiment • Physics background • Experiment and current results • LHC 13 TeV run and future STE Lab. / Kobayashi-Maskawa Inst., Nagoya University Yoshitaka Itow ICRC2015 1 30th Jul 2015 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” 1017 eV :Crossroad of accelerators and UHECRs AUGER Telescope Array Air shower experiments HEAT TALE 2nd Knee? Knee Colliders 0.5 0.9 Cosmic rays 1014 2.76 AUGER, TA 7 Ankle GZK 13TeV 1017 1020eV • LHC covers 1014 – 1017 eV cosmic rays • LHCf measures forward particle spectra relevant t air showers. 2 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” The LHCf experiment *,**Y.Itow, *Y.Makino, *K.Masuda, *Y.Matsubara, *E.Matsubayashi, ***H.Menjo, *Y.Muraki, *Y.Okuno, *,**T.Sako, *M.Ueno, *Q.D.Zhou *Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan **Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Japan School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan ***Graduate K.Yoshida T.Iwata, K.Kasahara, T.Suzuki, S.Torii Waseda University, Japan Y.Shimizu, T.Tamura Kanagawa University, Japan N.Sakurai Tokushima University, Japan M.Haguenauer Ecole Polytechnique, France W.C.Turner LBNL, Berkeley, USA O.Adriani, E.Berti, L.Bonechi, M.Bongi, G.Castellini, R.D’Alessandro, M.Delprete, M.Grandi, G.Mitsuka, P.Papini, S.Ricciarini, A.Tiberio INFN, Univ. di Firenze, Italy A.Tricomi J.Velasco, A.Faus A-L.Perrot INFN, Univ. di Catania, Italy IFIC, Centro Mixto CSIC-UVEG, Spain CERN, Switzerland ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” The LHCf experimental setup 140m calorimeter Arm2 IP1 n Front Counter g p0 D1 D1 calorimeter Arm1 Front Counter Arm1 Arm2 44X0, 1.6 lint 16 tungsten + pl.scinti. layers 25mmx25mm+32mmx32mm 4 Silicon strip tracking layers 16 tungsten + pl.scinti. layers 20mmx20mm+40mmx40mm 4 SciFi tracking layers 4 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Calorimeter performance Gamma-rays (E>100GeV, dE/E<5%) Neutral Hadrons (E>a few 100 GeV, dE/E~40%) Neutral Pions (E>700GeV, dE/E<3%) Shower incident position (170mm / 40mm for g, Arm1/Arm2) ( 1mm for hadron showers) p0 g-like Had-like 5 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Brief history of LHCf • May 2004 LOI Jul 2006 construction Jan 2008 Installation Sep 1st LHC beam • Feb 2006 TDR • June 2006 LHCC approved Aug 2007 SPS beam test Dec- Jul 2010 0.9TeV& 7TeV pp Detector removal Dec2012- Feb 2013 5TeV/n pPb, 2.76TeVpp (Arm2 only) Detector removal May-June 2015 13 TeVpp Detector removal 6 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” h>10.94 ICRC 2015, 30Jul 7 & 0.9 TeV pp photon h> 10.76 PLB 703 (2011) 128-134 PLB 715 (2012) 298-303 7TeV pp neutron Submitted PLB LHCf published results 7TeV pp p0 PRD 86 (2012) 092001 5TeVn pPb p0 PRC 89 (2014) 065209 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Very forward neutron at 7TeV p-p • h>10.76 : QGSJET03 good, 8.99>h>9.22 DPMJET3 good • Larger neutron / gamma ratio than expected Submitted to PLB 40% E res. unfolded 8.99<h<9.22 Data 3.05±0.19 DPMJET3.04 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 QGSJET II-03 SYBILL 2.1 1.05 1.80 1.27 2.34 0.88 n / g ratio n / g ratio h> 10.76 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Data 1.26±0.08 DPMJET3.04 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 QGSJET II-03 SYBILL 2.1 0.76 0.69 0.82 0.65 0.57 8 LHCf Type-I and Type-II p0 analysis Type-I Type-II ICRC 2015, 30Jul Type-II Type-I PTp0(GeV/c) Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” 1 0 0 Ep0(TeV) 4 0 Ep0(TeV) 4 9 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Pz spectra Type-I + Type-II 0 p ICRC 2015, 30Jul To be submitted PRD 10 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf p0 yields vs collision energies To be submitted PRD RHICf 510GeVpp planed Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” • • • • • LHC 13TeV LHCf run 2015 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Week24, Jun 9~13, LHCf dedicated low-lumi run Total 26.6 hrs w/ L=0.5~1.6e29 cm2s-1 ~39 M showers, 0.5 M p0 obtained Trigger exchange with ATLAS Detector removal on Jun 15th during TS1 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” First look from 13 TeV data 13 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul ATLAS-LHCf trigger exchange • Non-diffraction tagging by Ntrk>=2 in ALTAS |η|<2 (PT>100 MeV/c) • Diffraction : 10 % of LHCf data Prescaled Hadron(neutron) MC by PYHITA ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Future prospects • RHICf ( LHCf detector at RHIC zero degree) – Participate Run-17 510 GeV pp at the STAR site – Comparison to 7&13TeV data with same pT coverage RHICf Ep0 expected 510 GeV pp 6.36<y<6.70 h>5.8 p RHICf 18m – • And also LHC p-Pb run, and future LHC p-Oxygen … Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Summary ICRC 2015, 30Jul • The LHCf : particles spectra at very forward of LHC • h > 8.4, with nice performance for PID, EM energy and PT • So far g, p0 ,n from 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV p-p, and p0 5TeV p-Pb • Energy spectra for very forward neutron • Bump at large XF, data shows more neutron yield than models • New p0 analysis • Add Type-II p0, complete acceptance coverage • Comparison of 7 TeV and 2.76 TeV p-p • LHC 13 TeV pp and Future • 13 TeV run successfully done in Jun 2015, analysis on-going • RHICf 510 GeV pp in 2017, LHC p-Pb, and more 16 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Backup 17 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf average PT of Type-I + Type-II p0 400 350 250 200 T <p > [MeV] 300 To be submitted PRD LHCf ( s=7TeV) LHCf ( s=2.76TeV) LHCf ( sNN=5.02TeV) UA7 ( s=630GeV) 150 DPMJET 3.0.6 (p+p) 100 50 0 DPMJET 3.0.6 (p+Pb) QGSJET II-04 (p+p) RHICf planed QGSJET II-04 (p+Pb) -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 y -y beam 0.5 1 1.5 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Rapidity vs Forward energy spectra Gamma-rays @ √s=14TeV 450mrad 310 mrad θ [μrad] h= 8.7 h= ∞ η 310 8.7 0 ∞ Viewed from IP1 (red:Arm1, blue:Arm2) Projected edge of beam pipe 19 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Rapidity vs Forward energy spectra θ [μrad] h= 8.7 h= ∞ η 8.7 Viewed from IP1 (red:Arm1, blue:Arm2) ∞ Projected edge of beam pipe 310 0 20 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf single g spectra at 7TeV None of the models agree with data Data within the range of the model spread h>10.94 8.81<h<8.99 ICRC 2015, 30Jul PLB 703 (2011) 128-134 0.68 (0.53)nb-1 on 15May2010 DPMJET 3.04 QGSJETII-03 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 21 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf single g spectra at 900 GeV PLB 715 (2012) 298-303 DPMJET 3.04 8.77 <h<9.46 QGSJETII-03 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 h>10.15 May2010, 0.3nb-1 (21% normalization uncertainty ) MC/Data MC/Data 6 5 4 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 50 E(GeV) 450 50 E(GeV) 450 22 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf p0 PT spectra at 7TeV PRD 86 (2012) 092001 Type-I Type-II 1 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” LHCf nuclear modification factor (-11.0>h > -8.9) Very large suppression (~ 0.1) at PT ~ 100MeV region Models also show similar large suppression, but PT dependence ? <Ncoll>=6.9± 0.7 Ratio to pp • • 3 2 1 24 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul LHCf EM(p0) energy flow vs rapidity (7TeV) Plot by N.Sakurai 25 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul LHCf neutron energy flow vs rapidity Plot by N.Sakurai 26 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ATLAS ND Tagged LHCf g and neutrons 13 TeV pp MC (PYTHIA) g Hadron(neutron) Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul XF scaling of very forward neutron A. Adare, et al., Phys. Rev. D, 88, 032006 (2013) RHIC PHENIX (200GeV), ISR (30.6-62.7 GeV) K.Kawade PhD thesis (2014) LHCf 7TeV neutron (Arm1 only) 0<PT<0.11xF GeV/c 28 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” PTp0 spectra Type-I + Type-II p0 ICRC 2015, 30Jul To be submitted PRD 29 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Feynman scaling in p0 production To be submitted PRD preliminary preliminary • LHCf π0 spectra at √s= 2.76 and 7 TeV (preliminary) • Soon compared w/ LHC 13 TeV, and future RHICf (510GeV) Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul Detector performance Ehad resolution Eg resolution 4% Number of event 100 200 GeV electrons 200 E(GeV) 350GeV protons sx=172 mm Position resolution For hadron, Dx~2.5 mm x-pos[mm] 31 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul PID (SPS energy) EM shower (SPS) Hadronic shower (LHC MC) JINST, 9, P03016 (2014) energy resolution (%) position resolution (mm) position resolution (μm) energy resolution (%) NIM, A671 (2012) 129-136 JINST, 5, P01012, 2010 32 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” ICRC 2015, 30Jul Hadron shower reconstruction Check by SPS 350GeV p beam 33 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Expected Results (single photons) 6.26<η<6.49 7.40<η<7.83 6.87<η<7.40 8.27<η • Photon spectra at 4 rapidity samples • 12 hours statistics (12 nb-1 effective luminosity; 360nb-1 delivered) • Statistical error is almost negligible except at the highest energy bins 34 ICRC 2015, 30Jul Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” Expected Results (single neutrons) 6.26<η<6.49 6.87<η<7.40 7.40<η<7.83 • 8.27<η • Neutron spectra at 4 rapidity samples 12 hours statistics (12 nb-1 effective luminosity; 360nb-1 delivered) • RHICf resolution not considered; true spectra • Statistical error is almost negligible 35 Y.Itow “Status of LHCf” • • • • ICRC 2015, 30Jul Possible future p-Oxygen run Important missing information ; nuclear shadowing Large suppression 0.1 for p-Pb for very forward p0 at low PT Less expected for p-Light Ion, but model dependent (~25%) Oxygen beam is technically feasible in LHC p-p p-N QGSJET II-04 All hs p-Pb Energy8.81<h<8.99 flow h>10.94 By T.Pierog By S. Ostapchenko 36
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