July - The Police News
July - The Police News
The Police News Galveston County Edition VOLUME X, NUMBER 7 July 2013 41 Years Later, Whatever Happened to Georgia Allen? Was She Murdered? Is Her Killer Dead? By Marie Beth Jones It has been almost 41 years since 24-year-old Georgia Margurite (Smith) Allen disappeared from her Lake Jackson apartment. Georgia Margurit Allen Although deputies of the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office they hold little hope she is still alive, they continue their efforts to find answers to what happened to her in the early morning hours of August 6, 1972. “We want to find her and return her to her family so she can have a Christian burial,” said Nick Villalona, the criminal investigator assigned to the case when we first published this story in 2009. A tiny woman – five feet, two inches tall, weighing just 88 to 90 pounds – Georgia had bleached blond hair and hazel eyes. On Saturday night, the night before she went missing, she worked as a barmaid at the Holiday Inn in Lake Jackson , Texas and was last seen in the hotel parking lot in the pre-dawn hours of Sunday morning. Investigators – and there have been several of them through the years, including H.L. Cotton, LoRene Blackburn, and Matt Wingo, among others – filed extensive reports about what happened just before Georgia disappeared. Those reports indicate that Georgia; her estranged husband, David Allen; and her friend, Charles Corsentina, had been in the parking lot outside the inn for about two hours. Both of the men told officers that Da- vid told Georgia to make up her mind whether she was leaving with him or with Charles, at which time she replied, “neither one,” that she would walk home. She asked David for his key to her apartment then she set out walking. David said when he went there later that day, she was gone. No one has admitted to seeing her after she left the parking lot. The apartment manager told officers she thought Georgia and her two children – who were with David’s grandparents that night – were living there alone. She had seen David three days earlier when he brought in her check for the rent – and then later picked it up when it bounced. Georgia had filed for divorce on June 5, 1972, but David said they got back together for about two weeks and everything was going well, but when he went to pick her up at work that night she and Corsentina were together in the parking lot. About 9:40 that morning, he said, he went to Georgia ‘s apartment but she didn’t answer the door. The manager let him in and he found his keys. Georgia had at about $200 in cash and several passes for Metro Airlines, which she used to fly from Lake Jackson to Houston and back. Asked if he would take a polygraph examination, David flatly refused. In the days that followed there was no activity in Georgia ‘s bank account and no indication that – if she had taken the shuttle flight to Houston – she had bought an airline ticket there. Georgia ‘s father, who filed the missing person report on August 18th, told deputies he had recently learned that David had threatened Georgia with a pistol and had fired one shot to prove it was loaded. The missing person investigation was closed on August 11, 1972, when investigators learned that Georgia had apparently left the Lake Jackson airport on Metro Airlines, using a free Holiday Inn pass, but she didn’t tell anyone, and a month later when her photo was shown to passengers aboard that August flight, none of them could identify her. A short time later, officers “definitely established” that the person named “Allen” on the passenger list for the Metro flight 41 Years...Cont. on page 3 WANTED FUGITIVES for Galveston County Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2322 or 1-866-248-8477 GARLEJO, SHAWN NIGEL AKA TIGER WM 06/07/1986 507/140 BLK/BRO TAT L LEG/R ARM /L ARM /BACK/R WRS LKA SANTA FE ASSAULT FAMILY MEMBER W/PREV CONV MTRPLKA SANTA FE ASSAULT FAMILY MEMB W/PREV CONV MTRP GLOVER, JESSICA ROSE WF 04/29/1990 502/150 BRO/BRO TAT R SHLD/TAT L HIP/TAT BACK LKA LEAGUE CITY FORGERY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT MTRP HASKINS, CORY DANIEL AKA HAKINS, CORY HASKINS, CARY DANIEL HASKINS, GARY WM 10/03/1983 511/160 BRO/HAZ TAT NECK/AT L ARM/TAT R ARM/ TAT BACK LKA DICKINSON EVADING ARREST W/VEH WARRANT HEROD, DAVID PATRICK AKA HEROD, LITTLE DAVID WM 09/19/1970 602/160 BRO/BLU SC R SHLD/SC CHEST/TAT BACK LKA SANTA FE CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 20K 100K MTRP WORTHAM, MERRILL SETH AKA WORTHAM, SETH MERRILL WM 08-06-1992 507-140 BRO-BRO TAT CHEST-R ARM-R CALF-ABDOM -R WRS-L ARM-R ARM -SC R ELBOW-ABDOM-L ELBOW-LF ARMPRCD L EAR LKA-LA MARQUE BURGLARY OF HABITATION MTRP REYES, EFREN CESAR AKA REYES, CESAR WM 07/11/1994 509/135 BLK/BRO TAT BACK/TAT UR ARM/TAT UL ARM TAT NECK/TAT R ARM/zTAT L ARM LKA DICKINSON MFG DEL DRUGS PG 1 4G 200G MTRP STRENGTH, DAVID CLARK WM 09/22/1977 510/175 BRO/HAZ SC R HND/TAT L CALF/TAT R CALF TAT R THGH/TAT L THGH/TAT CHEST TAT ABDOM/TAT BACK LKA SANTA FE SEX OFFENDERS FAILURE TO REGISTER LIFE/ANNUALLY WARRANT THOMAS, LEON JOHNICAN AKA ONE-DOG THOMAS, JOHN BM 07/18/1979 509/215 BLK/BRO TAT RF ARM/SC LF ARM/TAT LF ARM SC UL ARM/TAT L ARM/TAT R SHLD TAT R ARM/SC UR ARM/SC RF ARM/TAT UR ARM LKA DICKINSON MFG DEL DRUGS PG 1 1G WARRANT TREVINO, GREGORY AKA TREVINO, GREG WM 10/21/1980 507/245 BLK/BRO TAT L SHLD/SC FHD/TAT BACK/TAT RF ARM LKA DICKINSON AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON AFFIDAVIT TO SURRENDER WOLFE, GEORGE RANDOLPH AKA WOLFE, RANDY WM 06-02-1954 601-190 BLN-GRN TAT BACK-TAT R ARM SC L ELB-TAT UR ARM TAT L SHLD-TAT CHEST LKA-SANTA FE DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE MTRP SEX OFFENDERS-Galveston Co. These are NOT wanted fugitives, but Registered Sex Offenders. If observed residing at any address other than the one listed below the photo, please notify the Sex Offender Hotline - 409-770-5201 WHERE SERVICE COUNTS LOANS up to $1300 We Specialize in Helping People Who Have NO CREDIT OR BAD CREDIT LOANS ON CLEAR CAR TITLE Loans repaid in installments with no pre-payment penalties. JERRY LEE HENDRIXSON W/M 09/09/1972 RISK LEVEL: LOW VICTIM AGE 11 AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD 915 25TH ST SAN LEON TX 77539 LARRY CURRIE W/M 08/10/1976 RISK LEVEL MODERATE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD 4600 ROSE ST ROOM #124 BACLIFF TX 77518 ROSHAWN (SHAWN) MAEBERRY B/M 09/30/1972 RISK LEVEL MODERATE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD VICTIM AGE 15 707 AVE K SAN LEON TX 77539 CHRISTOPHER JOHNNIE HALL W/M 01/21/1976 INDECENCY WITH A CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT (VICTIM AGE 10 & 12) SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD (VICTIM AGE 10) 715 E. BAYSHORE DR. SAN LEON, TX 77539 TONY GUTIERREZ W/M 03/04/1959 6620 AVE L SANTA FE TX 77510 RISK LEVEL LOW CHARGE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD VICTIM AGE 15 GILBERT JULIAN VELEZ W/M 01/09/1950 1215 POSTON RD SANTA FE TX 77510 RISK LEVEL MODERATE AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD VICTIM AGE 13 ROBERT EARLE LEES JR W/M 03/05/1947 4509 SWAN ST HITCHCOCK TX 77563 RISK LEVEL UNREPORTED (THESE CHARGES ARE OUT OF STATE VA) CRIMES AGAINST NATURE AGGR SEXUAL BATTERY (2 Counts) INDECENT LIBERTIES WITH CHILD BY CUSTODIAN (2 Counts) (VICTIM INFORMATION IS UNKNOWN) GILBERT JOHN GAUTHE JR W/M 05/30/1945 119 3RD ST APT C SANLEON TX 77539 RISK LEVEL UNKNOWN VICTIM INFORMATION UNKNOWN THESE CHARGES ARE OUT OF STATE VA (11 COUNTS) AGGRAVATED CRIMES AGAINST NATURE (11 COUNTS)PORNOGRAPHY INVOLVING JUVENILES CONTRIBUTE TO DELIQUENCY OF A CHILD MURRAY ALLEN WARD JR W/M 12/15/1937 1914 BUNYARD ST SANTA FE TX 77511 RISK LEVEL UNKNOWN AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSSAULT OF A CHILD (2 Counts) VICTIM AGE 4 JIMMY NOLAND JOHNSON W/M 12/04/1946 17702 ELIZABETH #B SANTA FE TX 77511 RISK LEVEL LOW INDECENCY WITH A CHILD BY SEXUAL CONTACT (2 Counts) VICTIMS AGES 2 AND 4 NO TITLE? We also offer COLLATERAL & SIGNATURE LOANS CREDIT STARTERS 2323 Broadway St● Galveston 409-765-5988 Apply by Phone Today! All loans are subject to our liberal credit policy and credit limitations, if any. www.WesternShamrock.com THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC 9118 Jamaica Beach Galveston TX 77554 www.ThePoliceNews.net Editor & Publisher Breck Porter editor@thepolicenews.net Art Director Diane Jolley jolleygraphics@att.net Printing Gulf Coast Shooting Sports Aiming for excellence in all of your CHL and firearms training needs! Call or go online today to insure your spot in an upcoming course. Our Concealed Handgun Licensing Course schedule has been recently updated. 409-939-0867 www.GulfCoastShootingSports.com http://www.facebook.com/GulfCoastShootingSports John.Fernandez@GulfCoastShootingSports.com Owner/Lead Instructor - John Fernandez Jr. Texas City, TX 77592 Mirror Publishers, Inc msblick@mirrorpub.com Galveston News Office 409-762-NEWS Business Office 409-632-0042 Advertising/Distribution 409-632-0082 The Police News is published monthly in Galveston TX. To subscribe or inquire about your subscription call: 409-632-0042 Copyright 2013 – All rights reserved Page 2 - The Police News 6737 Main Street Hitchcock TX 77563 In the Baywood Shopping Ctr. 409-986-2100 Home Cookin’ Busted and Cuffed ASBURY, JACOB JOHNATHON AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON BERKEMEIER, CARLY MACKENZIE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE FRENCHWOOD, MARQUIS LAVELL BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE (2 Counts) GREEN, FREDERICK DWAYNE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE GRIMES, BRODERICK EARL AGGRAVATED ROBBERY HEDRICK, CLYDE EDWIN MURDER JIMENEZ, MARCOS DANIEL AGGRAVATED ROBBERY JOHNSON, AUSTIN BRET ALLAN LEE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE MADRIA, ANDREW DASHAWN AGGRAVATED ROBBERY and UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE PARKER, KEVIN LYNN BURGLARY OF BUSINESS (3 Counts) and BURGLARY OF A RESIDENCE (1 Count) SCOTT, ANDRE WAYNE ORGANIZED RET AIL THEFT SEBESTA, MARCIE DARLENE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON SIERRA, TONY INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT STARNES, KEVIN SCOTT ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM TILLOTSON, GARY MCENERY FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY TURNER, JERMAINE EDWARD POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE and TAMPERING W/ PHYSICAL EVIDENCE WALKER, DATRICK D’MON AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/ DEADLY WEAPON KIRBY, JOHNNY RAY AGGRAVATED ROBBERY 41 Years...Cont. from page 1 from Lake Jackson was not Georgia . It was a 14-year-old girl who was put on the flight by her grandmother. Georgia ‘s mother and stepfather, Lila and Marshall Hopkins of Huffman , Texas drove to Brazoria County to see what they could find out About the same time Sheriff’s I.D. Officer T.O. Bock was checking Georgia ‘s apartment and despite a painstaking search, he found nothing that indicated foul play. Questions posed to people in neighboring apartments revealed little of value. On September 27th, David’s sister, who was a close friend of Georgia , told officers that David would “rather lie than tell the truth.” She also reported that Georgia had told her David had threatened her with a gun, and that she would not go back to him because she was afraid he would kill her. Then, the day after that, Georgia went back to him, David’s sister said, adding that he had been in trouble several times, but his folks had “bought him out.” Another friend verified that Georgia also told her David threatened her with a gun and almost choked her to death. This woman described Georgia as “a good mother” and said she “would not have left her kids.” His sister told them that on one occasion when he was discussing Georgia ‘s disappearance with other family members, he said that if he had wanted to kill her, he would have taken her out in the Gulf and thrown her overboard. As investigators continued to question David and to check into his activities, they learned he had purchased a boat in June of 1972, two months before she disappeared. In another interview with authorities, David told them he was not worried about Georgia , saying she was upset because she was two months pregnant and didn’t know if he or Corsentina was the baby’s father. Asked again if he would take a polygraph, David refused, saying the request was insulting. An interview with Corsentina followed. He told them he started going with Georgia in May of 1972. She was then planning to file for divorce from David, who had gone to East Texas following the gun threats. According to Corsentina’s statement, David came back to Brazoria County about July 28 and Georgia called to say she was going back to David. He saw her that night at the Holiday Inn, and took her home from work, he said. “She told me … she loved me and wanted to stay with me,” Charles said, adding that she told him “many times about David beating her” and threatening to kill her if she ever went with anyone else. Charles said he was with her on the nights of July 28-31. She was off work for the first three days in August, and she and David moved things into her apartment and took their kids to Astroworld. Charles was with her again on the night of August 4th and took her home about 3:30 in the morning. At the club on the night of August 5th she told him David had been waiting up for her that morning and had followed them to Charles’ beach house. She said David threatened to kill her if she left him. Charles also told investigators that when David came to pick Georgia up after work on August 6th she didn’t want to leave with him. “She wanted me to stay and go outside with her,” he said. She told him “she didn’t want to be alone with David and didn’t want him coming to her apartment.” According to Charles’ statement, Georgia “begged David to let her go” but David “was calm, and just kept saying, ‘I told you what I’d do,’ or ‘remember what I told you.’” At that point Charles said, Georgia told them she wanted to be by herself and asked David for his key. When he gave it to her she set out walking to her apartment. Charles said he went to work the next morning and when he got off at five o’clock he went to the Holiday Inn. Finding that Georgia wasn’t there, he went to her apartment and knocked on the door, but no one answered. He said the door was closed but wasn’t “caught,” so he went inside, and found David asleep on the mattress with no linens. David told him he didn’t know where Georgia was, and said he had come in at 9:30 that morning and was let in by the landlady. Charles saw the clothes Georgia had worn the night before piled on the floor as though she had just undressed and left them where they fell. He said he couldn’t tell if any of her things were missing. “It just looked like she had left with her purse,” he said. He told deputies that Georgia was “very afraid” of David and seemed to want to be away from him, but when he came back she said she would have to stay with David, that “he just wouldn’t let her go.” Despite David’s claims that Georgia was considering an abortion, he said Georgia had talked to him “as if she really wanted this baby and she knew that it was mine. We were planning to get married, and we wanted the baby. I don’t believe Georgia ever considered an abortion.” Charles said he was convinced that “if Georgia was alive she would contact me. She knows how to get me night or day and I just know that she would let 41 Years...Cont. on page 6 The Police News - Page 3 MISSING ENDANGERED CHILDREN Endangered Runaway: MARIA CORRIEO (TX) 06/13/2013 09:00 AM MARIA CORRIEO, Age Now: 16, Missing: 06/09/2013. Missing From HOUSTON, TX. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Houston Police Department (Texas) 1-713-884-3131. Galveston County Enforcers Winners in Texas Police Games Endangered Missing: ALEXANDRIA LOWITZER (TX) 06/05/2013 09:00 AM ALEXANDRIA LOWITZER, Age Now: 19, Missing: 04/26/2010. Missing From SPRING, TX. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Harris County Sheriff’s Office ( Texas ) 1-713-221-6000. Endangered Runaway: DAELYNN CASTRO (TX) 06/04/2013 09:00 AM DAELYNN CASTRO, Age Now: 16, Missing: 06/01/2013. Missing From RICHMOND, TX . ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office ( Texas ) 1-281-341-4665. Endangered Runaway: KAYLA PUENTE (TX) 05/28/2013 09:00 AM KAYLA PUENTE, Age Now: 16, Missing: 03/20/2013. Missing From HOUSTON , TX . ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Harris County Sheriff’s Office ( Texas ) 1-713-221-6000. Endangered Runaway: MISHELLE WALLACE (TX) 05/15/2013 09:00 AM MISHELLE WALLACE, Age Now: 17, Missing: 05/04/2013. Missing From HOUSTON , TX . ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Harris County Constable ( Texas ) 1-281-376-3472. Endangered Runaway: OMARION WALLACE (TX) 05/15/2013 09:00 AM OMARION WALLACE, Age Now: 7 Month(s), Missing: 05/04/2013. Missing From HOUSTON , TX . ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Harris County Constable ( Texas ) 1-281-376-3472. Have you seen this child?: JAREXY ECHAVARRIA GONZALEZ (TX) 04/25/2013 09:00 AM JAREXY ECHAVARRIA GONZALEZ, Age Now: 7, Missing: 11/12/2008. Missing From WILLIS, TX . ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: NCMEC, Missing Children’s Division, 699 Prince St, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Hood County Deputy Dies Following Shootout Sergeant Lance McLean of the Hood County Sheriff’s Office died of a gunshot wound June 29, sustained the previous day while investigating a disturbance in the Oak Trail Shores community near Lake Granbury. A man who was awaiting trial for sexually assaulting a juvenile girl had shown up at the girl’s home. He was known to officers because of a previous criminal trespass warning at the location. Sergeant McLean was the first officer to arrive at the location. The man opened fire on him, hitting him in his Page 4 - The Police News head. The man then fled in a van and proceeded to the Granbury City Hall. As other deputies and officers attempted to stop him he walked towards them and Sgt Lance McLean opened fired with a semi-automatic rifle, wounding one Granbury officer before being shot and killed. Sergeant McLean was flown to a local hospital where he died the following morning. Sergeant McLean is survived by his wife and two special-needs children. Steve Yaden, DPS: Ronnie Johnson UTMB Police: Andy Monterrubio, Galveston SO: Jeff Milillo , Texas City PD: Todd Phillips, DPS: Gilbert Villarreal, Galveston SO: Vern Sterry, DPS: Richard Ferrino III, Galveston SO: Tony Rogers, Galveston SO: Joe Petrillo, DPS: Sal Chapa , Texas PD: Chris Ham, Texas PD: Justin Popovich, Galveston PD: Jesse Falcon, Galveston SO: Greg Gaona, UTMB Police This year the, “2013 Texas Police Games” were held in the Houston/ Galveston area, hosted by the City of Nassau Bay. In the Softball competition at Big League Dreams Softball Park in League City, the Galveston County “ENFORCERS” a team made up of several law enforcement agencies within Galveston/ Harris County and players from as far away as Memphis, Tennessee entered both the Men’s Open and the Men’s 35 and Up tournaments. “This is the Enforcers seventh year playing in the Texas Police Games,” (Men’s State Softball Tournament) said Richard Ferrino III, a Sergeant with the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office. In 2007, the Police Games were held in the Houston/Galveston area, and Ferrino decided to get a team together from within Galveston County , made up of law enforcement and correction officers and firefighters. ers placed third in the Men’s 35 & Up Tournament, and finally won a medal on their third attempt. June 12th and 13th was the Men’s Open tournament and they placed second. From 2007 through 2013, The Enforcers have played in seven state tournaments and have earned a medal in five of them; taking second place three times, third place two times, and finished fourth in 2010. The Enforcers have traveled all over the State of Texas to play in these tournaments, including Brownsville, Austin, Dallas and Conroe. “As much as I hate to say it,” Ferrino said, “we were in the championship game three times, twice undefeated only to lose two in a row to take second place. “That still kind of stings, because we were so close to being state champs and the best law enforcement softball team in Texas , but I have to say we have put Galveston County on the map as being (L-R Standing) Roy Brenham, Federal Bureau of Prisons: Brandon Champagne, Memphis , Tenn. PD: Gilbert Villarreal, Galveston SO: Pete Rosenbaun, Federal Bureau of Prisons: Ladimer Howell, Memphis Tenn. PD: Greg Gaona, UTMB PD: (L-R Kneeling) Jeremy Wells, Memphis Tenn. PD: Chris Ham, Texas City PD: Brian England, Memphis Fire Dept: Sal Chapa , Texas City PD: Richard Ferrino III, Galveston SO In June of that year the team entered the tournament to try their luck and see how they would match up with some of the best law enforcement softball teams in the State of Texas. They did better than they expected and placed third out of 25 teams in their first year. This year, June 11, 2013, The Enforc- a contender and one of the best softball teams in Texas.” “Until you win the tournament and the Gold Medal you have to keep playing hard and playing together as a team. As the old saying goes, ‘there’s always next year!’ Cont. on next page Man Set To Die For Killer of Two Truck Drivers to Die June 31 Double Murder On January 21, 2001 the bodies of Texas Tech assistant dean of libraries Douglas Birdsall, a 53year old white man, and Viola Ross, an 18-year Vaughn Ross old black woman, were found in Birdsall’s car near Canyon Lakes No. 6. Both had multiple gunshot wounds. Lubbock police reviewed “shots fired” calls from the previous day; they found two blood pools, shards of auto glass and a spent shell casing in the alley behind Vaughn Ross’ house. The evidence there matched evidence recovered from Birdsall’s car. Prosecutors indicated the motive was jealousy involving Vaughn Ross, a 29-year old black man, his girlfriend Liza Ross McVade and her former boyfriend Clarence Garner. Viola Ross, who was also McVade’s sister, called Ross’ home several times in the hours before the shooting to speak with her sister. She put Garner on the phone with McVade at least once. Vaughn Ross is schedule to die by lethal injection in Huntsville, Texas on July 18, 2013. Enforcers...Cont. from previous page “We are going to keep fighting and hopefully win that Gold Medal in the near future. “I would like to thank Galveston County Precinct Two Commissioner Kevin O’Brien for sponsoring our team this year. He was a big help to us . “And also our thanks to Greg Gaona of the University of Texas Medical Branch Police Department for finding a sponsor to cover the entry fee for the 35 and Up Tournament. And another thanks to Sal Chapa of the Texas City Police Department for his dedication to the team and all the help he puts into the team each and every year. “Since placing second in this tournament, this qualifies us to go Las Vegas to enter the Police Games Law Enforcement World Series in August.” Agencies that participated in this year’s games where: Galveston County Sheriff’s Office, Galveston Police Department, Texas City Police Department, Texas Department of Public Safety, UTMB Police Department, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Memphis Tennessee Police Department, Memphis Tennessee Fire Department. POLICENEWSLINK.COM For late breaking police news! On August 24, 1998, during the nighttime, in Plan, Texas, Douglas Feldman fatally shot the driver of an 18-wheel truck. Witnesses observed Feldman ride up beside the truck Douglas Feldman on a motorcycle and fire multiple shots into the cab of the truck, dropping back and again returning and firing additional shots into the cab of the truck. Reports indicate that a total of 12 shots were fired into the truck resulting in the death of driver. About 30 minutes later, in Dallas, Texas, Feldman rode up beside a parked 18-wheel truck and fatally shot the driver. Four shots were fired on this occasion, resulting in the death of the victim. On August 23, 1998, approximately 9 shots were fired into the Central Volkswagen Dealership in Richardson, Texas, breaking windows and other items. On September 5, 1998, a man was shot two times in the parking lot of a restaurant in Dallas, Texas. Ballistics reports verified that all of the attacks were performed by the same 9-millimeter weapon that Feldman possessed. Feldman is schedule to die by lethal injection in Huntsville, Texas on June 31, 2013. Officer Killed by Hit-and-Run Driver Police Officer William Jason Sprague died of injuries June 15, sustained the previous night when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver while investigating a disturbance at Justin Wingo Grady T. Wallace Park in Texarkana. Officer Sprague had responded to reports of the disturbance, involving approximately 100 people, and was attempting to make contact with the driver of an SUV. The vehicle suddenly accelerated, struck Officer Sprague, and then fled the area. Officer Sprague was transported to a local hospital where he died of his injuries the following morning. The driver who hit Officer Sprague was arrested the following day after being interviewed by detectives. Officer Sprague had served with the Texarkana Police Department for two years and had previously served with several agencies in Arkansas. He is survived by his wife and son. GOLD BUYER TWO LOCATIONS: Galveston 5102 Broadway 409-763-4653 M-F 10-7 SAT 10-4 Gold Silver WE PAY TOP $$$ Coins Jewelry Watches Platinum Scrap Broken Jewelry SOUTHTEXASGOLDBUYER.COM Frank's PAINT & BODY SHOP Complete Auto Body & Collision Repair Frame Repair - Custom Body & Paint Work We Do It All - Insurance Claims Welcome Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed 2027 39th, Galveston 409-762-4106 The Police News - Page 5 law office of Margaret “maggie” Hindman Office: The Fassler Building, 1004 Broadway Galveston TX 77550 Mail: PO Box 517, Galveston TX 77553 2404 FM 517 Rd E. Dickinson, TX 77539-8625 FAMILY, CRIMINAL, JUVENILE & PROBATE LAW H & R Grocery & Meat Market 1428 35th St. Galveston • Custom Meat Orders • Italian Sausages • Marine & Restaurant Open 7 am to 8 pm Mon. – Sat. 8 am to 8 pm Sunday Since 1984 409-762-4510 Meat Market 409-762-3765 409-770-9797 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE CRIMINAL DEFENSE FAMILY LAW FORMER ASSISTANT CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY FORMER ASSOCIATE PROBATE JUDGE “Demand the best in and out of the Courtroom” A&A–D&P 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE • • • • • • • Heavy Duty Unlock Any Car NO JOB TOO FAR Jump Start or TOO SMALL! RV Towing Off Road Service Out of Town Towing Emergency Auto Repair Operated by the Anderwalds 409-740-0581 - 409-740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 Booker T. Price, 80 41 Years...Cont. from page 3 me know something if she could.” Almost 41 years later, Georgia is still missing. David Allen died of a heart condition in 1996. Many of the witnesses in the case are in ill health or dead. No one is expecting that Georgia Allen will suddenly appear, alive and well, but BCSO officers are unwilling to forget that she is still missing. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office, 3602 County Road 45, Angleton, TX or call 979-864-2217 (Angleton), 281-766-2217 ( Houston ) or 979388-2217 (Brazosport). MARTIN, GARZA & FISHER, L.L.P. George D. Martin Attorney at Law Mediator 1100 Rosenberg Galveston TX 77550 409-765-5705 281-488-7929 Fax: 409-765-7570 DEFENSA CRIMINAL 17 años de experiencia en casos criminales Octavio M. Riveria 832.296.6048 Booker T. Price, 80, longtime Galveston Police Officer and Sergeant, passed from this life into eternity leaving an enduring legacy of devotion to his family and service to the community of Galveston, Texas. Sergeant Price served many years with the Galveston Booker T. Price Police Department retiring with the rank of Sergeant. After retirement he returned to public life and was elected several times to the Galveston City Council. Many will remember him as the owner of JoJo Burgers and later the owner of the popular nightspot, The Parakeet Club. An active member of the community he loved, he continued giving of himself until his health failed him. Sergeant Price was an easy going individual with a heart of the people and he demonstrated that spirit throughout his career as a public servant and elected official. His funeral service was June 27, 2013 at the Macedonia Baptist Church, 2920 Avenue M 1/2. Burial followed at Lakeview Cemetery. INMIGRACIÓN • Drogas Consulta • Casos federales Gratis • Felonías • DWI • Deportación • Visas de todo tipo • Acción Diferida • Residencia permanente • Cuidadanía 6420 Hillcroft Ave, Ste 117 Houston TX MATINEE $5.75 ANY SHOW PRIOR TO 6:00 P.M. Page 6 - The Police News Grand Jury Indictments - Galveston County The following persons were indicted by a Galveston County Grand Jury for the offenses indicated in June 2013 ARMSTRONG, CASEY DEAN BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE ASBURY, JACOB JOHNATHON AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON BECK, STEVEN FITZGERALD AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON (2 Counts) BERKEMEIER, CARLY MACKENZIE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE CAPTAIN, COURTNEY RAYNARD AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING EDENFIELD, GEORGE LEE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON FORTESON, DENISE YVETTE DRYG POSSESSION FRENCHWOOD, MARQUIS LAVELL BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE (2 Counts) GALLEGOS, JUAN MENDOZA III BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE GREEN, FREDERICK DWAYNE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE GREEN, MALCOLM LAWAYNE MURDER GRIMES, BRODERICK EARL AGGRAVATED ROBBERY HEDRICK, CLYDE EDWIN MURDER JIMENEZ, MARCOS DANIEL AGGRAVATED ROBBERY JOHNSON, AUSTIN BRET ALLAN LEE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE MADRIA, ANDREW DASHAWN AGGRAVATED ROBBERY MADRIA, ANDREW DASHAWN UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE MONROE, ALYSIA RACHELLE INTOXICATION MANSLAUGHTER W/VEH MURRAY, JUSTIN LEE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE PARKER, KEVIN LYNN BURGLARY OF BUSINESS (3 Counts) BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE (1 Count) PENLEY, TYLER COLTON BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE (2 Counts) SHABAZZ, KHALIL JIHAD AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING TWYMAN, AUSTIN WAYNE BURGLARY OF RESIDENCE UTLEY, CARL WAYNE SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD ARREAZOLA, GILBERT AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CAUSES SERIOUS BODILY INJ AZBILL, STEPHEN JOHN FELONY POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA (2 Counts) BISHOP, AMANDA DAWN FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED W/CHILD UNDER 15 BISHOP, RICHARD STOREY FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE BOURGEOIS, ALEX DAVID ASSAULT FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD MEMBER W/PREV CONV BRADFORD, CATHERINE JESSICA ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT and POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BROOKS, NORITA ANN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE BROOKS, PURIAUNO DAVANTA BURGLARY OF HABITATION and CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE BROWN, KENDALL DEWAYNE BURGLARY OF HABITATION BULLARD, LLOYD ERIC FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY (2 Counts) BURKE, RAE LEE FRAUD POSS CS/PRESCRIPTION SCH III/IV CARPENTER, AMIE LEE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE CORNISH, JASON DEE FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED W/CHILD UNDER 15 COURTNEY, JEFFREY LYNN FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY DAVIS, MILTONISHA MYRONDA FORGERY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT DENNIS, MELVIN CRAWFORD TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE DENTON , TRISTAN TYRELL POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE DURANT, WESLEY ACHAN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EPPS, KENNETH EARL AGGRAVATED ROBBERY FELIX, PEPPER JEAN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON and CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE FREDERICKSEN, ROBERT JAMES POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE FULKS, JEFFERY LYN FRAUD POSS CS/PRESCRIPTION SCH III/IV GOMEZ, JOHNNY JULIAN UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE HALL, TRAYVON RENARD POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE HARRIS, ADRIAN LYNN ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV CONV HARRIS, DARNELL JR POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE and TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE HART, CRYSTAL JEAN-NICOLE FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY HARTMANN, JOHNATHAN ALEXANDER POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE HEARN, JAMES DUDLEY FELONY DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED W/CHILD UNDER 15 HENDERSON, DON ALVIN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CAUSES SERIOUS BODILY INJ HERRERA, JONATHAN MICHAEL FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY HOPKINS, JEFFREY ALLEN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE HOYELER, PHILLIS JEANNE ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT JACKSON, MARTIN JAMES AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON JARRETT, JAMES RYAM POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE KEEFER, JEREMY LEE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE KELLY, DAMIEN DESHAWN POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE KIRBY, JOHNNY RAY AGGRAVATED ROBBERY JAIL MARTINS, KENNETH JOSEPH POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE NEALY, JAARON ALEXANDER MURDER NELSON, JOSEPH AGGRAVATED ASSAULT DATE/FAMILY/HOUSE W/WEAPON ORTIZ, ILAN SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER W/ PREV CONV PLANTZ, ALLISON MARANT POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE POWERS, RICHARD JEFFREY POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE PRICE, EDDIE BENARD AGGRAVATED ROBBERY RAMIREZ, FEDERICO POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE RODEA, ALFONSO VALERIANO FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY RODRIGUEZ, ROGER FRAUD USE/POSS IDENTIFYING INFO ROMERO, ALFREDO POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SALZANO, PEDRO LESCAILLE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SANTINI, MELANIE MARIE POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE SCOTT, ANDRE WAYNE ORGANIZED RETAIL THEFT SEBESTA, MARCIE DARLENE AGGRAVATED ASSAULT WITH DEADLY WEAPON SIERRA, TONY INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT STARNES, KEVIN SCOTT ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV CONV THOMPSON, DANEYEA DEMONT POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TILLOTSON, GARY MCENERY FELONY THEFT OF PROPERTY TOLBIRT, CYNTHIA JO POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TURNER, JERMAINE EDWARD POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE and TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE WALKER, DATRICK D’MON AGGRAVATED ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON WALLACE, JACOB BURGLARY OF HABITATION WINDHAM , BEVERLY JEAN FRAUD USE/POSS IDENTIFYING INFO YOUNG, NATHAN SCOTT POSSESSION OF A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Disclaimer: A grand jury indictment is not an indication of guilt. Guilt is determined by a final judgment in a court of law. Employment Except where otherwise indicated, the following cities are accepting applications for police officer City of Hill Country Village City of Hill Country Village , TX City of Savoy , TX Savoy Police Dept. City of Castroville (Police Chief) Castroville, TX City of Stratford Police Department Stratford, TX City of San Angelo San Angelo, TX City of Luling Luling, TX City of El Campo (Police Dispatcher) El Campo, TX City of Alamo Heights Police Dept (Dispatcher) San Antonio, TX City of Allen (Police Dispatcher) Allen, TX CITY OF DAYTON (Police Chief) Dayton, TX City of Terrell (911 Dispatcher) Terrell, TX Town of Little Elm (PD Records Clerk) Little Elm, TX City of Llano Police Department Llano, TX City of New Boston , TX New Boston Police Department Hearing Impaired Driver One day a certain lady was driving on the Highway. She frequently checked her speed gauge to make sure she stayed within the speed limit. However, when she looked into her rear mirror, much to her dismay, she saw a police car not far behind! And, to make matters worse, the police car turned on his flashing lights. She thought to herself, “Uh-oh, what have I done now? I’m not speeding. I’m not drinking. I have my seat belt on! I have kept my license current and everything!” So, she pulled over and the police car pulled over to the side right behind her car. She drove her car slowly to a stop, slowly rolled down the window, and prepared for a ticket when she knew she didn’t deserve it. A policeman walked up to her window, and spoke to her. The lady pointed to her ear and shook her head, meaning she was deaf. The policeman smiled slightly, and knowing sign language, signed back, “I know. I’m here to tell you that your horn is stuck.” ESCO PEST CONTROL WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping 409-737-3200 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 www.escopestcontrolinc.com Funeral Planning Paul S. Day, Representative 934 Halewood Dr. Houston, TX 77062 713-269-8229 Cell 800-438-7180 Office $100 All Inclusive www.tomestepshooting.com Email: paulsdayusmc@att.net The Police News - Page 7 CAFE BACK TO SCHOOL BASH SATURDAY, AUGUST 17 3:00-5:00 2302 CHURCH STREET GALVESTON ISLAND TH FREE VACCINE(S) FOR ALL SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN ADMINISTERED BY TEEN HEALTH CLINIC (please bring shot record) THE CHILDREN’S CENTER, SAFE PLACE, BOYS & GIRLS CLUB, FREE ROAD GAMERS VIDEO TRUCK, MOONWALK, OBSTICAL COURSE, KIRBY KANGAROO, BALLONS, BUBBLES, POPCORN, SNOW CONES AND COASTAL WILLGIVE AWAY FREE SCHOOL SUPPLIES, while supplies last. OPEN A KIRBY KANGAROO CLUB OR CU SUCCEED ACCOUNT AND RECEIVE A FREE BACK PACK! Open Monday – Saturday 6am-2pm 413 24th Street Galveston 409-763-9289 Open fOr BuSineSS WelcOMe Back! T Electric Company Electric Company Love them. Protect them. Immunize them. Vaccination: An Act of Love $89.95 FOR LIVING RM, SHAMPOO & STEAM CLEANING Additional Rooms $18.95 DINING & HALL Commercial - Residential Industrial - Troubleshooting TECL #22987 TECL #22987 Stanley Marinos 281-317-1430 409-762-5511