65th National Open Exhibition Southport Photographic Society
65th National Open Exhibition Southport Photographic Society
SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS 65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP S65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65S PS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS6 5SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SPS65SP Southport Photographic Society Founded 1890 65th National Open Exhibition Incorporating the Members’ Exhibition and the Young Photographer Competition 10th March to the 1st April 2012 Wayfarers Arcade, Lord Street, Southport PR8 1NT Member of the British Photographic Exhibitions Patronage of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain, No. 06/2012 Buy with confidence... UK stock, UK warranty & UK Duty paid. SOUTHPORT plus FREE VIP card - enjoy exlusive discounts instore and online. 38 Eastbank Street, Southport, Merseyside PR8 1ET Tel: 01704 534534 southport@wilkinson.co.uk sales, service, hire 65th National Open Exhibition Southport Photographic Society Founded in 1890 The 65th National Open Exhibition of Photography Including the Members’ Exhibition and the Young Photographer Competition The Exhibition will be formally opened by The Worshipful the Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Sefton, Councillor Paul Cummins, at 11.00am on Saturday 10th March 2012 at Christ Church, Lord Street, Southport when Awards and Certificates of Merit will be presented to the winners. Exhibition Venue The selected prints for the Open and Members’ Exhibition, together with prints for the Young Photographer Competition, will be exhibited at the Wayfarers Arcade, Lord Street, Southport from the 10th March to the 1st April 2012. Opening Times The Wayfarers Arcade is open seven days a week, Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm and Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Entry is at street level with lift and stair access to the first floor for some images. After viewing the exhibition you can also enjoy a light lunch or coffee in pleasant surroundings, followed by shopping in the arcade, perhaps. SPS Contacts President Les Auld Exhibition Co-ordinator Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE2* Exhibition Administrator Ian McLean ARPS CPAGB E-Mail exhibition@southport-ps.co.uk Exhibition website www.southport-ps.co.uk/exhibition The Photograph on the front cover of this Exhibition catalogue is entitled Kingfisher Passing Fish by Ronnie Gilbert DPAGB of Keswick PS and was placed First in the Open Nature Prints Class and awarded the Atkinson Gallery Trophy. 1 65th National Open Exhibition 2 65th National Open Exhibition Foreword Welcome to the 65th Annual Open Exhibition and SPS Members’ Exhibition The opening ceremony will be held on the 12th March 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at Christ Church. The Worshipful Mayor of Sefton, Councillor Paul Cummins will formally open the Exhibition and then present the awards. A showing of the digital images accepted will be made during the afternoon at approximately 1:30 p.m. They will also be shown at many locations throughout the area during March and April, dates and times are included in this catalogue. I would like to thank the Reverend Stewart Reid for his co-operation in staging the opening ceremony. The print exhibition will be on display in Wayfarers Arcade during March and I would like to thank General Manager, Yvonne Burns, for once again supporting us this year. In total we received over 4000 images, slightly less than last year, from which to select our exhibition in all categories including the Members Exhibition. All these images gave our selection judges a tough task both in time and in the unenviable job of having to decide the award winners from so many excellent entries and my thanks go to all our selectors for their hard work and diligence. Again this year the Young Photographer Competition was a success and I would like to thank the parents and teachers who provided the encouragement to the children to take part and, of course, the young photographers themselves. My thanks go to John Daly for once again judging the competition, the Southport Visiter for providing a venue for judging and the Rotary Club of Southport Links for their sponsorship. It takes a tremendous amount of hard work and organisation to stage an exhibition of this size and we are already starting to think about the next one. To all those people who gave so generously of their time and experience we are truly grateful, without you there simply would not be an exhibition. My final thanks must go, of course, to all those who entered work for the exhibition: if you have been successful in having work accepted, or if you have won an award, congratulations! If you were not successful this time then please do not be discouraged; the standard was exceptionally high and many fine images had to be eliminated; please try again next year. Les Auld - President Southport Photographic Society Selectors’ Comment - Nature prints and DPI, Members’ Prints It was disappointing that the number of prints had fallen as they were mostly of a high standard and choosing the images to be accepted in the exhibition was quite an onerous task. Whilst the accepted and award winning prints prints were of a very high standard, many prints were rejected on technical issues. Karen Berry ARPS, AFIAP Sandy Cleland FRPS, AFIAP Malcom Kus ARPS, DPAGB EFIAP/b By contrast, the DPI section was well supported with a very strong selection of subject matter although botanical subjects were few and far between. We felt that over-cropping was a significant problem and oversharpening was also evident. The higher marked images had a high Natural History content as well as being of excellent quality. We would also like to thank the organisers of the exhibition for their superb hospitality which made the judging weekend a very pleasurable occasion. 3 65th National Open Exhibition Selectors Comments ~ Open Mono & Colour Prints & Open Mono & Colour DPI In the mono prints there were some strong portraits with atmosphere and simple design. We would have liked to have seen a little more sport and reportage work though. We were surprised too, to have so few landscapes in this section. Unfortunately, quite a few prints were let down by poor printing. Entrants in the colour print section should also ensure that colours are credible, as many seemed over-saturated. Despite many strong people pictures again, there was an absence of still life. Barbie Lindsay MPAGB, EFIAP, FBPE Russell Lindsay AFIAP MPAGB FBPE Keith Suddaby FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP, FBPE Peter Rees FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP/p In mono digital, the best entries had a punchy level of darker exposure, together with a satisfactory level of resolution, and they gained from simplification. Unfortunately, many were let down by poor definition at this magnitude of projection on a digital projector Colour digital was delightful, with a great range of subjects and techniques being put before us. A difficult task indeed for us to know what to keep and what to forego. In the end we think that the award winners met the highest of standards and indeed that can be said of all the sections. Many images were fresh and inspirational which will add interest to such a leading exhibition. The exhibition organisation was very efficient and the food was excellent. The hospitality was warm and friendly, which was much appreciated on such a cold winters weekend. Congratulations to all those who had acceptances, especially the award winners; and to those not so fortunate on this occasion, wish them better luck next time. Many were so close to being included. Exhibition Statistics Prints Class A - Open Monochrome Class B - Open Colour Class C - Nature Total Digital Projected Images Class D - Monochrome Class E - Colour Class F - Nature Total Total Images 4 Entered 326 455 163 944 Accepted 81 24.8% 114 25% 47 29% 242 25.6% 922 1286 700 2908 109 188 107 404 3852 646 16.8% Young Photographer Competition Senior Junior Total Entered 191 54 245 Members’ Exhibition A league Prints A league DPI B League Prints B League DPI Entered 56 71 27 40 11.8% 14.6% 15.3% 13.3% Accepted 35 16 14 12 65th National Open Exhibition Class A Open Monochrome Prints - Awards First Marshall Shield Brian Beaney FRPS Beyond Group 3 Snowbird Second Dianne Owen FRPS Chorley PS 53 Old Blue Eyes Third Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Beyond Group 59 Gotcha Peter Rees’s Medal James Edmondson OVER HADDON 24 Cotashas Water Jug PAGB Ribbon Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Wigan PS 38 Night Stalkers Ross McKelvey ARPS DPAGB Belfast PIC 45 Johnny Fee John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Bristol PS 12 Textures in the Sand Judi Dicks Stafford PS 20 Stealing the Scene David Eaves ARPS Solihull PS 22 Two Trees Alison Fryer DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Stafford PS 29 Ruin in the Dales Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Wigan PS 36 Dark Magic Jane M Lines CPAGB LRPS Chorley PS 40 Stage Door Stephen Lloyd LRPS BPE1* DPAGB Wrexham & District PS 42 Tango Alan Stringer ARPS DPAGB Ross-on-Wye PS 74 Convergence Certificate of Merit Snowbird - Brian Beaney FRPS of the Beyond Group First - Open Monochrome Prints 5 65th National Open Exhibition Old Blues Eyes by Dianne Owen FRPS of Chorley PS Second in the Open Monochrome Prints Gotcha by Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP of the Beyond Group Third in the Open Monochrome Prints. Cotashas Water Jug by James Edmondson from Over Haddon Awarded Peter Rees’s Medal in the Open Monochrome Prints 6 65th National Open Exhibition Class A Open Monochrome Prints - Acceptances Ken Ainscow Paul Ashton Arthur Bower ARPS Sue Brock-Hollinshead ARPS DPAGB Sarah Brooks AFIAP DPAGB Alan Cadman DPAGB BPE2* Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Lytham St Annes PS DAPA Group Heswall PS CAMBRIDGE Burton-on-Trent PS Lytham St Annes PS Cotswold Monochrome Beyond Group 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 The Prior Winchman Air Power Sandwich Terns on the Move First Born Always Carry a Spare Man's Best Friend Waiting for Summer Lone Tree Autumn Mists Breakthrough Times of War Love Is John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Bristol PS Duston CC Smethwick PS Burton-on-Trent PS 16 17 18 19 21 In the Studio In the Shadow of Sibelius Secret Admirer Winners Desert Texture Kiki Down and Dirty Leading the Line Erik Leaning Larches Old Sea Dog Helping Hand Flying the Flag In a Dark Place Groynes Texture Old Boats Resistance My House All the Fun of the Fair Cold War Crossing, RAF Cosford Stephen Trudging Home Morning Read Where is my Tea Skyrider Mike Chapman ARPS MPAGB BPE4* Solihull PS Richard Cherry ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Gerry Coles ARPS BPE2* Bob Dallow Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGB BPE2* James Edmondson Roger Evans BPE2* OVER HADDON DAPA Group Andy Fryer DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Stafford PS Graham Hodgkiss ARPS MPAGB AFIAP Cheltenham CC Gareth Jenkins Dwyfor CC Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Wigan PS Jane M Lines CPAGB LRPS Chorley PS Stephen Lloyd LRPS BPE1* DPAGB Ross McKelvey ARPS DPAGB Ann Miles FRPS FBPE Robert Millin LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Wrexham & District PS Belfast PIC Cambridge CC Lytham St Annes PS Rikki O'Neill FRPS MPAGB FIPF HON SPF Dundee PS 23 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 41 43 44 46 47 48 49 Chorley PS 50 A New Beginning 51 Singing in the Rain 52 Strength Dianne Owen FRPS 7 65th National Open Exhibition Class A Open Monochrome Prints - Acceptances Keith Page Leigh Preston FRPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* FIPF Maghull PS Cotswold Monochrome Fred Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Beyond Group Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Beyond Group Dick Prior ARPS BPE3* Tom Richardson ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Brian Ross Keith Sharples CPAGB Lynda Sharples CPAGB Norman Silver ARPS Stratford PG POULTON-LE-FYLDE Richard Spurdens DPAGB BPE1* Ilkley CC Alan Stringer ARPS DPAGB Gerald D Thompson LRPS Richard Tickner LRPS Ross-on-Wye PS STOCKPORT Battle CC Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB Oldham PS Night Stalkers by Adrian Lines ARPS, DPAGB of Wigan PS Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in the Open Monochrome Prints 8 Leek PC Ross-on-Wye PS Ross-on-Wye PS Beyond Group 54 The Sage 55 Lorry Driver and Son 56 November Night - Gloucester Quayside 57 Alone 58 Highlander 60 Votes for Women 61 Worms Eye view of Cricket 62 Shibboleth Words that Divide. 63 The Four Posts 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Death Valley Oh I Know! Mr and Mrs Silverware In your Dreams Glass and Condensation Laura Lou Jarvis WW2 Navy Rating Actor Interior - Leeds Corn Exchange In Unison Face to Face Home Autistic Anxiety Punk Elements Melancholy Peregrine and Pandora 65th National Open Exhibition First - Class B Open Colour Prints - Awards Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Golden Jubilee Trophy Second Jane M Lines CPAGB LRPS Third Rikki O’Neill FRPS MPAGB FIPF HON SPF Russell Lindsay’s Christine Widdall EFIAP Medal DPAGB PAGB Ribbon Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE Norman Silver ARPS Best SPS Mono/ Les Auld Colour Print Gwyn Lloyd Shield Certificate of Merit Gerry Coles ARPS BPE2* David Eaves ARPS James Edmondson Alison Fryer DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Andy Fryer DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Sonja Haigh CPAGB BPE2* Leigh Preston FRPS EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* FIPF Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Tom Richardson ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE Wigan PS 133 Time Traveller Chorley PS 137 Local Hero Dundee PS 147 11.45 Oldham PS 195 The Collector Wigan PS 135 Venetian Boat Ride Wigan 10 173 Words Unpsoken Beyond Group Southport PS 179 McGovern Institute 84 The New Girl at School Duston CC Solihull PS OVER HADDON Stafford PS 104 109 114 116 Stafford PS 119 Snowdonian Valley Leek PC` 125 The Walkway Cotswold Monochrome 155 Young and Old - Tiblisi Beyond Group 159 Medic on the Front Line POULTON-LE-FYLDE 166 Mountain Light Wigan 10 174 Final Resting Place Summer Breeze Dead Trees - Yellowstone Tas Yashu Tom Time Traveller by Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB of Wigan PS First - Open Colour Prints 9 65th National Open Exhibition Local hero by Jane M Lines CPAGB LRPS of Chorley PS Second - Open Colour Prints 11.45 by Rikki O’Neill FRPS MPAGB FIPF HON SPF of Dundee PS Third - Open Colour Prints The Collector by Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB of Oldham PS Awarded Russell Lindsay’s Medal in Open Colour Prints 10 65th National Open Exhibition Class B Open Colour Prints - Acceptances Ken Ainscow Vic Attfield FRPS MPAGB BPE5* Brian Beaney FRPS Lytham St Annes PS AMERSHAM Beyond Group Doug Bennison LRPS Joan Blease ARPS EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB Maghull CC Warrington PS Jane Borland LRPS DPAGB Cheltenham CC Bob Breach Solihull PS Alan Cadman DPAGB BPE2* Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Richard Cherry ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Lytham St Annes PS Cotswold Monochrome Bristol PS Beyond Group 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 90 The Outsider Rooftop Tree The Dell Early Light Red Barge at Dawn Dawn Useen by the Fallen Fireworks for Victoria Fair Maiden 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Grand Canal Impression Leaving Home Anyone for a 99 The Flute Seller Cambodian Dancers Rehearsing Cuban Cigar Dancing Girl 98 99 Pillars of Stone Birds 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 108 Oliver The Look Sea Creature Farewell Lonely Vigil View of Talacre Lighthouse Stormwatcher Lollypop Girl Evening on the Silk Road Abe Please Africa Charge En Pointes Ancient Wood The Snook in Winter Storm Brewing in Gayle Beck Evening Hunt Lewis Cottage Doggie Bag Jitterbuggin Over Sexed and Over Here.... Blossom Pensive Gerry Coles ARPS BPE2* Paul Cotton Duston CC Tettenhall Wood PC Judi Dicks Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGB BPE2* Stafford PS Burton-on-Trent PS James Edmondson OVER HADDON Roger Evans BPE2* Andy Fryer DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP DAPA Group Stafford PS Alison Fryer DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Andy Fryer DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Brian Goad LRPS Cheryl Greenwood LRPS Sonja Haigh CPAGB BPE2* Joy Hancock FRPS MPAGB Michael Hancock LRPS DPAGB Nick Hilton Graham Hodgkiss ARPS MPAGB AFIAP Michael Howell ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE2* Gareth Jenkins Stafford PS Stafford PS Beyond Group Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Leek PC Norfolk PG Norfolk PG Southport PS Cheltenham CC 110 111 112 113 115 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 LONDON 130 Autumn Leaves Dwyfor CC Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Wigan PS 131 132 134 End of the Road Bryn's Pride and Joy 8 Legged Friends 11 65th National Open Exhibition Class B Open Colour Prints - Acceptances Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Stephen Lloyd LRPS BPE1* DPAGB 136 138 Pink Dress and Cockerel Fire Dance 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 160 161 Appassionata Mask in Memorium Sir Chris Hoy Early Morning Stroll Snow at West Kirby Good Try Josiah Jamison Wins Shining on the Righteous The Guardian The Rain Man Beneath the Blue Guardian Owl Moon Aunty Sally Press Man Peace Seed Heads Try Saving Tackle Three More Points Party Girl POULTON-LE-FYLDE 162 163 164 165 Blast Off Sideways Glances Concern on the Underground Mardale Common Geoff Robinson AFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Brian Ross Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE North Cheshire PS 167 168 169 Cairn and Sunburst Barn Tree and Cloud Tower Bridge at Dusk Diane Seddon LRPS STOCKPORT Norman Silver ARPS Beyond Group Richard Spurdens DPAGB, BPE1* Ilkley CC Brian Tarr Southport PS Diane Thurlow Richard Tickner LRPS Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Battle CC Angie Tucker Dave Tucker BPE1* Walsall Wood CC Walsall Wood CC 170 171 172 175 176 177 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Inch Strand Storm Bikers Phil Jezebel Glam Crossword Enjoying the Weather Mimi Are you the New Cleaner? Avocet Dawn The Night Watchman Reflection Into the Light Black Gold (2) Memory Lane Lonely Meal Ken Lomas Dave McKay ARPS DPAGB BPE3* Ann Miles FRPS FBPE Robert Millin LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Jean Neville CPAGB BPE1* Rikki O’Neill FRPS MPAGB FIPF HON SPF Wigan PS Wrexham & District PS Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Oxford PS Cambridge CC Lytham St Annes PS Bury PS Dundee PS Dianne Owen FRPS Chorley PS Keith Page Gary Parker Fred Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Maghull PS Southport PS Beyond Group Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Dick Prior ARPS BPE3* Alison Rawson Beyond Group Stratford PG Bottisham & Burwell PS North Cheshire PS North Cheshire PS Dorothy Redford CPAGB Tony Redford Tom Richardson ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* 12 Leek PC Wigan 10 65th National Open Exhibition Class B Open Colour Prints - Acceptances Dave Tucker BPE1* Walsall Wood CC John White EFIAP CPAGB BPE4* Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB Tettenhall Wood PC Oldham PS 190 191 192 193 194 The Leatherworker The Candlemaker Waits Bottoms Up The Predator Being Demure McGovern Institute by Norman Silver ARPS of the Beyond Group Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in Open Colour Prints Words Unspoken by Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE of Wigan 10 Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in Open Colour Prints Summer Breeze by Gerry Coles ARPS BPE2* of Duston CC Awarded a Certificate of Merit in Open Colour Prints 13 65th National Open Exhibition Stage Door by Jane Lines CPAGB LRPS of Chorley PS Awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Open Monochrome Prints Johnny Fee by Ross McKelvey ARPS DPAGB of Belfast PIC Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in the Open Monochrome Prints Tom by Alison Fryer DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* of Stafford PS Awarded a Certificate of Merit in Open Colour Prints Medic on the Front Line by Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP of the Beyond Group Awarded a Certificate of Merit in Open Colour Prints 14 65th National Open Exhibition First - Atkinson Gallery Trophy Second Third Karen Berry’s Medal PAGB Ribbon PAGB Ribbon Certificate of Merit Class C Nature Prints - Awards Ronnie Gilbert DPAGB Keswick PS 214 Kingfisher Passing Fish Graham Hilton LRPS BPE2* Gianpiero Ferrari ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Gerald D Thompson LRPS Gianpiero Ferrari ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Keith Gordon BPE2* Stockport PS 221 Great Reed Warbler Sileby PS 212 Stag Beetle Dispute STOCKPORT 243 Great Skuas Sileby PS 211 Sitting Woodpecker Chapel-en-le-Frith CC 218 Migrant Hawker with Exuvia Paul Ashton Alan Cadman DPAGB BPE2* Peter Guy BPE2* DAPA Group Lytham St Annes PS Poulton-le-Fylde PS Stockport PS 196 Kingfisher Presenting Fish 200 Garden Orb Spider Chapel-en-le-Frith CC 237 Crab Spider with Solitary Bee Graham Hilton LRPS BPE2* Anthony Pioli FRPS FBPE 219 Redshank 222 Battle of the Moorhens Great Reed Warbler by Graham Hilton LRPS BPE2* of Stockport PS Second in Nature Prints Stag Beetle Dispute by Gianpiero Ferrari ARPS DPAGB BPE5* of Sileby PS Third in Nature Prints 15 65th National Open Exhibition Class C Nature Prints - Acceptances Bob Breach Alan Cadman DPAGB BPE2* Solihull PS Lytham St Annes PS John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Bristol PS Mike Chapman ARPS MPAGB BPE4* Liz Cutting ARPS DPAGB BPE3 Solihull PS Beyond Group Joanna Davies David Eaves ARPS Gianpiero Ferrari ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Ronnie Gilbert DPAGB Poulton-le-Fylde PS Solihull PS Sileby PS Keswick PS Keith Gordon BPE2* Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Graham Hilton LRPS BPE2* Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Stockport PS Wigan PS Jane M Lines CPAGB LRPS Ken Lomas Chorley PS Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Grace Mason Lichfield CC Dave McKay ARPS DPAGB BPE3* Oxford PS Mark Monckton ARPS CPAGB BPE2* CROYDON Anthony Pioli FRPS FBPE Fred Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Beyond Group Peter Roberts Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Gerald D Thompson LRPS STOCKPORT 197 198 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 213 215 216 217 220 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 Dunlin Foraging Kori Bustard Leopard - Namibia Goshawk Taking Off Snow Goose in Flight Griffon Vultures Fighting Flamingo in Snowfall Brown Hare Scratching Dartford Warbler Calling Red Squirrel in Snow Moss Spores - Tortula muralis Long-tailed Blue Spanish Moon Moth Red Squirrel Long-tailed Duck Take Off Migrant Hawkers Large Banded Grasshopper Corn Bunting Male Fox Nuthatch No.3 Red Squirrel on Branch Angelic Arctic Tern Broad-bodied Chaser Common Hawker on Patrol Male Polar Bear Female Leopard with Cubs Sandhill Cranes White Ibis in the Surf Common Blue 234 235 236 238 239 240 241 Sparassis crispa Six-spot Burnet on Bee Orchid Brown Argus African Grey Flycatcher Crowned Cranes taking Flight Wild Beaver in Brandenburg Flamingos in the Ngorongoro Crater Bittern 242 The Winifred Lorch Trophy is presented to the Southport Photographic Society member who has gained the most points in a single class. This year the joint winners with equal points are: Brian Tarr and Chris Mowatt LRPS DPAGB BPE2* 16 65th National Open Exhibition Class D Monochrome Digital Projected Images Awards First - Southport Trophy Second Third Keith Suddaby’s Medal PAGB Ribbon Certificate of Merit Maurice Jones ARPS MPAGB Leslie Nixon DPAGB BPE4* Kim Bowen EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Pauline Watling Wigan 10 Cuban Elder Bakewell PC Woodland Contrasts Tamworth PC Enchantress f8 IG Into the Void Louis Dawson Joe Kelly Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Warrington PS Bolton Digital PS Wigan 10 On the Button Can I go out Yet The Afghan Race Paul Hoffman CPAGB, BPE2* EFIAP Maurice Jones ARPS MPAGB Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Gloucester CC Suzi by Window Wigan 10 Hermitage Wigan PS Uncle Albert Neil Malton DPAGB Robert Millin LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Keith Richardson Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB Graham Worley LRPS BPE2* Peterborough PS Lytham St Annes PS Hidden Identity In the Shadow of Black Mount Barber’s Shop Atherton & District APS Oldham PS The Scarecrow The Secret Duston CC I Can’t Do It Cuban Elder by Maurice Jones ARPS MPAGB of Wigan 10 First, Southport Trophy Monochrome DPI 17 65th National Open Exhibition Woodland Contrasts by Leslie Nixon DPAGB BPE4* of Bakewell PC Second - Monochrome DPI Enchantress by Kim BowenEFIAP DPAGB BPE4* of Tamworth PC Third - Monochrome DPI Into the Void by Pauline Watling of f8 IG Keith Suddaby’s Medal - Monochrome DPI 18 65th National Open Exhibition Class D Monochrome DPI - Acceptances Ken Ainscow Susan Baker AFIAP BPE3* Lytham St Annes PS Wrekin Arts PC Ken Barrett Brian Beaney FRPS Malcolm Blackburn LRPS BPE1* Warrington PS Beyond Group Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Alan Bousfield DPAGB BPE1* Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* THORNTON CLEVELEYS Tamworth PC Kim Bowen EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Tamworth PC Mike Bradshaw AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* Joe Brennan LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Tettenhall Wood PC Kean Brown LRPS John Bulpitt FRPS Ann Burley AFIAP BPE2* Trevor Burley AFIAP BPE3* Belinda Buxton BPE2* David Byrne Hassra Fylde PS Cambridge CC Chelmsford CC Chelmsford CC DAPA Group Cannock PS Peter Campion DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Gwen Charnock MFIAP FRPS Cotswold Monochrome Philip Charnock MFIAP FRPS Wigan 10 Colin Close Louis Dawson Bromsgrove PS Warrington PS Brian Dowdall CPAGB BPE1* Anne Eckersley James Edmondson Mike Edwards ARPS BPE4* Aston & Erdington PS Bracknell CC OVER HADDON Smethwick PS John Elvin LRPS Roger Evans BPE2* Dennis Farrell EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Wetherby & District CC DAPA Group Worksop & Dist PS Sofiya Finbow David Giffin Ann Goodall BPE1* Cheltenham CC Bury St Edmunds PS Bebington PS Julian Grant Vale of Evesham CC Peter Guy BPE2* Sonja Haigh CPAGB BPE2* Martin Henfield Poulton-le-Fylde PS Leek PC Bury PS Wolverhampton PS Wigan 10 The Prior 2 November Morning Riding in the Rain Light and Shade Snow Path Lorenzo Kick Boxer Returning to the Mother Ship The Morticians The Homely Boys Endeavour Helter Skelter Victorian Printer Perspiring Many times my Saviour Smokey Joe Swift Moses leads the Field Distracted from Prayer Suspicious Mind The Intruder Winter Light Grit and Mud One Man & his Dog Drudgery On the Stairway Turbulent Last Train to Auschwitz Portrait of a Young Lady First Blood Rhys Roberts Saltwick Bay Dancing Partners Restin Mudman Maralyn and Me! Mining Country The Boss and the E Street Band The Punk Watching Window Light The Last Ride Herr Flick Fallen Comrade It's my Life Playing the Blues Out of Season Driving Rain Riders in the Storm 19 65th National Open Exhibition Class D Monochrome DPI - Acceptances Graham Hodgkiss ARPS MPAGB AFIAP Paul Hoffman CPAGB, BPE2* EFIAP Anthony Holloway AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* Chris Jesinger CPAGB BPE2* Graham Jones EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE3* Clive Joyner DPAGB BPE3* Roy Lambeth CPAGB BPE1* Cherry Larcombe EFIAP DPAGB ARPS BPE3* Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Don Mallett CPAGB BPE2* Rodney Marsh Ian Meir Roy Millett AFIAP BPE4* APAGB Robert Millin LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Caroline Mockett ARPS Jim Monk Brian Morgan EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Chris Mowatt LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Eileen Murray DPAGB John Powell EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* Cheltenham CC Nan Gloucester CC Holmes Chapel Tempting Stare Hope Valley Mists Sheffield PS Stafford PS The Engineer Photo-finish Pelsall Viewfinders of Romsey DAPA Group A Life in her Face Walking away from the Past Alone Wigan PS Shirley PS Ilkley CC Whitby Club PS Clay Cross PS Lytham St Annes PS Great Notley PC Leicester Forest PS Aldridge PS Southport PS Worksop & Dist PS DAPA Group Mark Power Bill Preston LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Fred Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Jim Price DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP Bolton Digital PS Whitby Club PS Beyond Group Beyond Group Alan Ranger LRPS BPE2* George Reekie BPE5* Paul Reynolds ARPS Keith Richardson Tom Richardson ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Gordon Savill AFIAP BPE5* Geoff Smith ARPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Brian Stephenson Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE DAPA Group Taunton CC Cannock PS Atherton & District APS POULTON-LE-FYLDE Face Off River Mist and Boatman Hellifield Track Racing Donkey Vendor What am I doing Here Card Game Out of Place Spike Walking on Eggshells Oscar Pistorius ......Blade Runner Siblings Muddy Hell Dogs of War It's a Dirty Business Aqua Balance The Fireman Smokey Joe The Tackle Atlantic Ruins Kart Racing Inside Firefly Trotternish Ridge Newark PS Poulton-le-Fylde PS Splashdown Morning Shadows Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS Wigan 10 Dave Tucker BPE1* David Turner Walsall Wood CC Norwich & Dist PS Pauline Watling Ian Wells f8 IG Preston PS David White Brian Wilcox Roger Wotton LRPS BPE1* Derby City PC Bolton Digital PS Amersham PS Yesterday The Look Unfair Competition Artist at Work Invisible Day old Piglets Dark Times The Jurassic Coast Junior Appleby Horse Rider Intensity In the Spotlight Face to Face 20 65th National Open Exhibition Class E Colour Digital Projected Images - Awards First - David Gwynne Memorial Trophy Second Third Barbie Lindsay’s Medal Peter Rees’s Medal Keith Suddaby’s Medal and The Sandgrounder Shield for Best SPS Colour/Mono DPI PAGB Ribbon Certificate of Merit Philip Charnock MFIAP FRPS Wigan 10 The Defenders Gwen Charnock MFIAP FRPS Dennis Farrell EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Sonja Haigh CPAGB BPE2* John Powell EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* Brian Tarr Wigan 10 Black Widow Worksop & Dist PS Off the Bend Leek PC Morning Bathtime DAPA Group Anne - a Brief Encounter Southport PS Aggressive Terns on Farne Islands Sofiya Finbow Brian McMeechan Alan Ranger LRPS BPE2* Ed Roper EFIAP Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Harry Wentworth Cheltenham CC Livingston CC DAPA Group Wigan 10 Wigan 10 Francina Rainbow over Embo Hartland Fingers Ashley Helsby International Skier DAPA Group The Foolishness of Youth Duncan Armour LRPS DPAGB Joan Blease ARPS EFIAP BPE3 CPAGB Al Buntin ARPS David Byrne Graham Heywood EFIAP/P ABPE Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Charlotte Nadin BPE1 LRPS Rikki O’Neill FRPS MPAGB FIPF HON SPF Keith Richardson Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB Gateway CC Cattle on Eigg Beach Warrington PS Venetian Canal Dundee PS Cannock PS Beeston CC Are you Lying Again Riding his Luck Rain Chasers Wigan PS Full Moon Wrekin Arts PC Portrait of a Labrador Dundee PS Rainy Day Atherton & District APS Oldham PS The Last Farewell The Joker Off the Bend by Dennis Farrell EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* of Worksop & Dist PS Third in Colour DPI 21 65th National Open Exhibition The Defenders by Philip Charnock MFIAP FRPS of Wigan 10 First David Gwynne Memorial Trophy - Colour DPI Black Widow by Gwen Charnock MFIAP FRPS of Wigan 10 Second in Colour DPI Morning Bathtime by Sonja Haigh CPAGB BPE2* of Leek PC Awarded Barbie Lindsay’s Medal in Colour DPI 22 65th National Open Exhibition Class E Colour DPI - Acceptances Angela Adams DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Ken Ainscow Les Auld DAPA Group Lytham St Annes PS Southport PS Martin Bailey Royston PS Ken Barrett Warrington PS Brian Beaney FRPS David Bibby AFIAP BPE3* Beyond Group Hassra Fylde PS Jane Borland LRPS DPAGB Paul Boswell Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* Cheltenham CC Bridgnorth & Dist CC Tamworth PC Kim Bowen EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Tamworth PC Joe Brennan LRPS DPAGB BPE3* Ken Bryan John Bulpitt FRPS Wolverhampton PS Shilington CC Cambridge CC Al Buntin ARPS Nick Burley Trevor Burley AFIAP BPE3* Dundee PS Chelmsford CC Chelmsford CC David Byrne John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Philip Charnock MFIAP FRPS Cannock PS Bristol PS Wigan 10 Richard Cherry ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Beyond Group Gerry Coles ARPS BPE2* Duston CC Denise Collier AFIAP BPE3* Tony Collier AFIAP BPE3* CPAGB John Crashley BPE1* CPAGB Sarah Davies Poulton-le-Fylde PS Poulton-le-Fylde PS Preston PS Bury PS Paul Davis Louis Dawson STROUD Warrington PS Len Deeley FRPS, DPAGB, BPE3* Judi Dicks Derek Doar CPAGB James Edmondson Godalming PC Stafford PS Nottingham & Notts PS OVER HADDON Mike Edwards ARPS BPE4* Smethwick PS The Spell Sill Memphis Belle Harrier Landing The Squirrel Fights Back Endlessly Repeating Twentieth Century Modernism Olwen Seeking New Worlds Berthed in Mud Winter Steam Regency Rendevous Telling the Tale Scissor Kick Head On Soloist The Sailing Boat Scarlet Serenity Midwinter Sgurr nan Gillean Abigail Irozuru Posh Totty v Suicide Blonde Couples Dovercourt Lighthouse Paying Respect Woman in Blue with Saucer Warming Down Reflected Light Secret Service Stairway To Heaven Meg's House Nude with Cartoons Passing By Life is but a Dream There was a Crooked Man Splash Down Mist at Biscuit Basin The 6.10 from Euston Seasons Change Wake up with an Egg The Harbour Counter Punch Museum of Liverpool Diver with Glass Fishes Rambo Duffy and Robin Hood Hoar Frosted Birch Atashi Dignity Nut Factory Workers Factory at Obendorf 23 65th National Open Exhibition Class E Colour DPI - Acceptances Dennis Farrell EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Gary Evans DPAGB BPE3* Sofiya Finbow Worksop & District PS Heswall PS Cheltenham CC Chris Forster EFIAP FBPE Irene Froy EFIAP MPAGB HONPAGB Andy Fryer DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP David Gibbins ARPS AFIAP APAGB David Giffin Alan Goldby CPAGB BPE2* Matthew Gomery BPE3* Alan Grant Ray Grover ARPS Peter Guy BPE2* David Harrison CPAGB Terry Hawkins DERBY Wrekin Arts PC Stafford PS NUTHALL Bury St Edmunds PS Kempston CC Cannock PS f8 IG South Manchester CC Poulton-le-Fylde PS BURTON UPON TRENT Tettenhall Wood PC Martin Henfield Graham Heywood EFIAP/P ABPE Bury PS Beeston CC Anthony Holloway AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* Keith Hughes Douglas Insole Paschal Jeveons Graham Jones EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE3* Gillian Jones EFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Maurice Jones ARPS MPAGB Holmes Chapel Battle in the Wet Pack Leader Artistic Expression Casting a Shadow Manchester PS Tonbridge CC Deepings CC Stafford PS Sea Drenched Steps Fogbound Danse Macabre Summers-day in the Falklands Stafford PS Wigan 10 Melanie Jones AFIAP Maurice Jones ARPS MPAGB Peter Jones ARPS DPAGB DAPA Group Wigan 10 Clay Cross PS Barry Justin Chorley PS Tony Kinder CPAGB Leek PC Ian Kippax DPAGB BPE2* Bernadette Kitchingman AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* Ely PC Grange PS Lizzianthus Breakaway Winter Rugby Saluki Racing Missed Tackle High Flyers Face in the Ice Abandoned Beauty Approaching Midnight Lone Tree The Sheep Shed Leaps and bounds Walberswick Weimarana South Georgia Peaks Lee Kitchingman AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* Roy Lambeth CPAGB BPE1* Cherry Larcombe EFIAP DPAGB ARPS BPE3* Kevin Leah Grange PS 24 Cromer at Dawn Herringfleet Mill Diana Red Candle Don't Mess with Me The Whiskey Philosopher Running Free Krystyna Santorini Memories Smock Sails at Sunrise WW 1 Air Battle White Vase Jumping the Waves My Dad Is a Robot High Tide at the Point Waiting The Iron Founders Berneray Sands - Western Isles Viewfinders of Romsey DAPA Group Polar Bear and Kittiwakes King Penguin Chick - South Georgia Friends at Bath Time Cape Gooseberries Camborne & Redruth CC Stunt Rider 65th National Open Exhibition Class E Colour DPI - Acceptances Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB Wigan PS Hazel Manning Jon Martin AFIAP BPE3* Market Harborough PS Breckland IG Norma McDowall Paisley Colour PC Ross McKelvey ARPS DPAGB Belfast PIC Brian McMeechan Ian Meir Livingston CC Whitby Club PS Robert Millin LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Frank Murrell Charlotte Nadin BPE1* LRPS Tony Ng Dianne Owen FRPS John Powell EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* Mark Power Bill Preston LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Alan Ranger LRPS BPE2* Simon Ray LRPS George Reekie BPE5* Paul Reynolds ARPS Lytham St Annes PS Edinburgh PS Wrekin Arts PC Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS Chorley PS DAPA Group Bolton Digital PS Whitby Club PS DAPA Group Lytham St Annes PS Taunton CC Cannock PS Veronica Rice DPAGB Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/B DPAGB Tom Richardson ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3* Geoff Robinson AFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Ed Roper EFIAP Gordon Savill AFIAP BPE5* Kathryn J Scorah MPAGB FBPE Chelmsford CC SALISBURY POULTON-LE-FYLDE Blown Away The Ferry Man The Day we went to Bangor Horses Sparring Horse Reflections Trapped in Travertine Together on a Harris Beach Sofa triptych Cloudy Outlook 2012 The Monk Flamingos Tricky Pass On a Bridge in Udaipur That Knowing Look Shedding Swept Mr Tough Guy Muck and Oil Kick Boxer Ullswater Flying the Flag Tension Stacey High Anxiety Autumn Light - Oxbow Bend Red Arrows at Bournemouth Waiting for the Last Bus Frosty Reed Bed North Cheshire PS Night Encounter Wigan 10 Newark PS Wigan 10 High Jumper Sidecar Duo Iron Cross Jon Sellers Nicola Shepherd Ian Silvester ARPS DPAGB BPE3* Geoff Smith ARPS DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Richard Spurdens DPAGB, BPE1* Wilmslow Guild PS ST ANDREWS Amersham PS Poulton-le-Fylde PS The Journey Aged Anarchist Balancing Act Winter Pavilion End of the Shift - Huanan Casting a Shadow Andrew Stawarz BPE1* Brian Stephenson John Stringer LRPS CPAGB Liz Stringer CPAGB, LRPS Andy Swain Bury St Edmunds PS Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS Ilkley CC Ilkley CC Norwich & Dist PS Ilkley CC Blue Eyes Red Throw The Nervous Drinker Venezia Aspen Forest Mosses and Mountains Broken Tree 25 65th National Open Exhibition Class E Colour DPI - Acceptances Brian Tarr Marilyn Taylor ARPS CPAGB Ron Tear MPAGB ARPS BPE3* Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Southport PS Guildford PS Harlow PS Wigan 10 Tony Thompson David Venables DPAGB BPE3* Marcel Walker David Waterhouse Ian Wells Harry Wentworth Southport PS Shirley PS Worksop & Dist PS Warrington PS Preston PS DAPA Group Ciaran White David White Bury PS Derby City PC John White EFIAP CPAGB BPE4* Charles Whitfield-King DPAGB BPE3* Christine Widdall EFIAP DPAGB Tettenhall Wood PC Ipswich & District PS John Wigmore FRPS EFIAP MPAGB APAGB BPE3* ASHFORD David Wilkinson CPAGB Bury PS Paul Williamson CPAGB Ormskirk CC Anne - A brief Encounter by John Powell EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* of the DAPA Group Awarded Peter Rees’s Medal in the Colour DPI 26 Oldham PS Moonlight Rhapsody Silverback Gorillas Fighting Luskyntyre Beach The Winner Neck and Neck London Occupy Protest Tanglewood Creek Home from Home Moonlight and Stars Shells The Disciples Gardeners World Harvest of the Skies Water Collision A High Tackle Prop in the Wet Winter Twilight At the Controls Scarlett The Offer Temptation Lighting the Mall Highland Winter v2 Race Over Neck and Neck Leading the Pack Skimming the Surface 65th National Open Exhibition On the Button by Louis Dawson of Warrington PS Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in Monochrome DPI Can I Go Out Yet by Joe Kelly of Bolton Digital PS Awarded a PAGB Ribbon in Monochrome DPI Cattle on Eigg Beach by Duncan Armour LRPS DPAGB of Gateway CC Awarded a Certficate of Merit in Colour DPI Are You Lying Again by Al Buntin ARPS of Dundee PS Awarded a Certficate of Merit in Colour DPI 27 65th National Open Exhibition Class F Nature Digital Projected Images - Awards First Nature DPI Shield Second Deborah Armour LRPS DPAGB Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Gateway CC Queue to Jump Wigan 10 Gazelle’s Last Breath Wigan 10 Swallows Shouting Sandy Cleland’s Medal Malcolm Kus’s Medal Best SPS Nature, The Rimmer Shield Mike Lane FRPS SOLIHULL Black-necked Grebe Neil Malton DPAGB Peterborough PS Redshank in Rain Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE2* Southport PS Black Guillemot with Butterfish PAGB Ribbon Anne Adams LRPS BPE2* Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE Geoff Walsh DAPA Group European Brown Hare Wigan 10 Little Owl Running Chorley PS Royal Terns Mating Duncan Armour LRPS DPAGB John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE Wendy Collens DPAGB Lisa Dearnley-Davison Bill Hall AFIAP DPAGB ABPE Phillip Hodson EFIAP Gateway CC Frozen Wave Bristol PS Sandhill Crane Landing Farnborough CC Lytham St Annes PS Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS Polar Bear Feeding on Seal Orange Bell Jellyfish Waxwing Poulton-le-Fylde PS Tony Kinder CPAGB Jon Martin AFIAP BPE3* Carol Minks DPAGB Geoff Walsh Leek PC Breckland IG Keswick PS Chorley PS Wild Red Deer - New Born Calf Grebes Displaying Walrus Family Leaping Fox Royal Terns Third Certificate of Merit Queue to Jump by Deborah Armour LRPS DPAGB of Gateway CC First, Nature DPI Shield 28 65th National Open Exhibition Gazelle’s Last Breath by Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE of Wigan 10 Second in Nature DPI Swallows Shouting by Austin Thomas EFIAP FBPE of Wigan 10 Third in Nature DPI Black Necked Grebe by Mike Lane FRPS from Solihull Awarded Sandy Cleland’s Medal in Nature DPI 29 65th National Open Exhibition Class F Nature DPI - Acceptances Anne Adams LRPS BPE2* Deborah Armour LRPS DPAGB Duncan Armour LRPS DPAGB Jonathan Ashton ARPS Nigel Atkins LRPS CAPGB Malcolm Blackburn LRPS BPE1* Joan Blease ARPS EFIAP BPE3* CPAGB Jonathan Bowcutt AFIAP, BPE2* Dave Bowen MPAGB EFIAP BPE5* DAPA Group Gateway CC Gateway CC Birkenhead PA Sileby PS Chapel-en-le-Frith CC Warrington PS Pair of Bearded Tits Three's a Crowd Squabble In the Surf Jay with Acorn Feeding Desert Elephant Annas Hummingbird 2 Willett Lutterworth Co-op PS Tamworth PC Kim Bowen EFIAP DPAGB BPE4* Tamworth PC John Bulpitt FRPS John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE John Childs ARPS CPAGB Denise Collier AFIAP BPE3 Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE2* Joanna Davies Len Deeley FRPS, DPAGB BPE3* Cambridge CC Bristol PS Farnborough CC Poulton-le-Fylde PS Southport PS Grass Snake Swimming in Pond Female Roe Deer Peregrine with Prey Black Kite with Fish Great Owl in Blizzard Great Crested Grebe Family Azure Damselfly At Dawn Alert Ground Squirrels Puffin with Sand Eels Great Crested Grebes White Satin Moth on Horsetail Ken Dickenson DPAGB BPE3* Derek Doar CPAGB Anne Eckersley Roger Evans BPE2* Dennis Farrell EFIAP MPAGB BPE5* Gianpiero Ferrari ARPS DPAGB BPE5* Gerald Hall EFIAP,MPAGB BPE5* PSA4* Graham Hilton LRPS BPE2* Mid Cheshire CC Nottingham & Notts PS Bracknell CC DAPA Group Worksop & Dist PS Sileby PS Tim Hutchin Shirley PS Graham Jones EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE3* Stafford PS Melanie Jones AFIAP Patricia Kearton LRPS CPAGB Tony Kinder CPAGB DAPA Group Northallerton CC Leek PC Mike Lane FRPS Kevin Leah Adrian Lines ARPS DPAGB SOLIHULL Camborne & Redruth CC Wigan PS Neil Mackie LANARK Neil Malton DPAGB Jon Martin AFIAP BPE3* Peterborough PS Breckland IG Diane McCudden CPAGB Gordon Mills ARPS Isle of Man PS Warrington PS 30 Poulton-le-Fylde PS Godalming PC Worksop & Dist PS Stockport PS Male Kingfisher A Shoal of Snappers - Ras Mohammed Lioness and Cub Grass Snake Sealion Silver-studded Blues Mating Sedgewarbler Singing Harvest Mouse Late Spring Hoverfly Redshank Feeding Red Backed Shrike Blue Tit on Amelanchier Chameleon Steller's Sea Eagle Gentoo Penguin Surfing Ashore Gentoo Retreat From Sandstorm Pelican Trio Polar Bears Red Kite Waxwing with Second Bite Brazilian Ruby Red Kite in Flight Nuthatch No.2 Puffin in Flight Crested Tit White-tailed Eagle Red Deer in Rain Shower Grey Seals Flamingo Take Off Grey Heron Landing Cheetah Marking his Territory Black-bellied Plover - USA 65th National Open Exhibition Carol Minks DPAGB James Moore Class F Nature DPI - Acceptances Keswick PS Cromarty CC Mike Muddiman BPE3* CHESTERFIELD Reg Mullard Eileen Murray DPAGB Jean Neville CPAGB BPE1* Richard Nicoll Mark Power Dick Prior ARPS BPE3* Stacey Purkiss George Reekie BPE5* Cranleigh CC Worksop & Dist PS Bury PS ELY Bolton Digital PS Stratford PG Stevenage PS Taunton CC Veronica Rice DPAGB Chelmsford CC Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP/B DPAGB Ed Roper EFIAP SALISBURY Wigan 10 Gordon Savill AFIAP BPE5* John Scotten ARPS DPAGB BPE3* Stephen Shaw Newark PS Woodley PC Rolls-Royce (Derby) PS Ian Silvester ARPS DPAGB BPE3* Nigel Spencer Amersham PS Market Harborough PS Mike Stew LRPS Norfolk PG Alan Storey Joyce Streets CPAGB Margaret Tabner DPAGB Poulton-le-Fylde PS North Cheshire PS Tettenhall Wood PC Robert Tunstall DPAGB BPE3* Geoff Walsh Michelle Walsh Ciaran White David Wilkinson CPAGB Sue Wilson CPAGB WORCESTER Chorley PS Chorley PS Bury PS Bury PS Clay Cross PS Snowshoe Hare Pine Marten Bottlenose Dolphin calf Male Red Grouse Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris Water Vole - Arvicola terrestris Gerenuk White Ibis Feeding Kestrel Mobbing Short-eared Owl Common Frog Pale Tussock Moth Larva Flesh Fly Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Slaty-backed Gull in Blizzard Spotted Hyaena Fighting Black Rhino on the Offensive Leopard with Kill 2 Sanderlings at Roost Calopteryx Splendens - female Pulsatilla Alpina Brimstone Barn Owl European Brown Hare Chum Salmon with Brown Bear Jay Black Grouse Black-tailed Godwits Leaving Roost Male Brimstone Stoat Bobcat Cougar in a Blizzard Polar Bears Wrestling European Brown Bear Reflections Kingfisher in the Frost Osprey with Sheepshead Fish Eastern Meadowlark calling Kingfisher Great Crested Grebe with chick Artic Fox Redshank in Rain by Neil Malton DPAGB of Peterborough PS Awarded Malcolm Kus’s Medal in Nature DPI 31 65th National Open Exhibition BRITISH PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITIONS CROWN AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS Acceptances in this exhibition count towards the above awards. Exhibitors are invited to aggregate their acceptances in the affiliated exhibitions and upon reaching the accepted aggregate to apply, without charge, for a crown award rating. Those achieving the five crown award become eligible to aggregate further acceptances and awards to gain the Associateship and Fellowship distinctions of British Photographic Exhibitions. Further details on www.b-p-e.org.uk A copy of the regulations for BPE Crown Awards may be obtained from (SAE please): Cliff Thompson Hon.FRPS EFIAP FBPE BPE Crown Awards Officer Kintra, 79 Belfry Drive, Wollaston, Stourbridge, DY8 3SE The current member exhibitions of the BPE are as follows: Basingstoke Camera Club Exhibition [DP (5)] Bebington Salon of Photography [DP (4)] Beyond Group Open Exhibition [DP (3)] Bromsgrove Open Exhibition of Photography [P (3), DP (3)] Cotswold Salon (Monochrome) [P(8)] Dingwall National Projected Image Exhibition [S (2), DP (2)] Frome Wessex Salon of Photography [DP (3)] GDPU Digital Exhibition [DP (4)] Great Barr Open Exhibition [S (2), P (3), DP (1)] Great Barr PS Panels Exhibition [P (4), DP (4)] Guernsey Salon of Photography [DP (4)] Havant National Open Exhibition [P (3), DP (3)] Rushden Open Photographic Exhibition [DP (4)] Robin Hood Open Digital Exhibition [DP (4)] Shrewsbury Open Photography Exhibition [S (1), DP (2)] Solihull Open Exhibition of British Photography [S (2), DP (3), P (3)]] Southport National Exhibition of Photography [P (3), DP (3)] Vale of Evesham National Photographic Exhibition [DP (4)] Yardley photographic Society Exhibition [P (4) DP (2)] Key: S = slides, P = prints, DP = digital projection Numbers ( ) indicate number of sections. See entry forms for section details. To obtain a copy of Entry Forms of all BPE exhibitions for one year please forward four 9in.x 6in. stamped addressed envelopes to: Mrs. Marion Thompson FRPS EFIAP ABPE Exhibition Coordinator, British Photographic Exhibitions Kintra, 79 Belfry Drive, Wollaston, Stourbridge, DY8 3SE 32 Young Photographer Competition The Young Photographer Competition As in previous years it has been a pleasure and a privilege to judge the ‘Young Photographer Competition’ and I have really enjoyed looking at your images. Both the junior and senior entries are up on last year, and my thanks go to the parents and teachers who encouraged the Young Photographers to produce and submit their work to the competition. At the same time the standard is getting higher and higher and more difficult to judge. The range of subjects from a young persons point of view is always interesting to see. Year on year we have noticed that some of you keep coming back to support the competition which is excellent and shows a continued interest in photography. If you have been successful in winning one of the prizes, very well done and congratulations. For those of you who have not quite got into the winners this time we hope you will try again next year. John Daly, Former Group Chief Photographer Weekly Titles, The Liverpool Daily Post and Echo Ltd. Foul ( World Paralympic Games) by Emily Morey First Place in the YPC Senior Section Eye Ore by Daniel Kolita First Place in the YPC Junior Section 33 Young Photographer Competition First Second Third Daniel Kolita Lewis Hayes Antonio Berisha Junior Section - Awards Acton Bridge St Johns Primary School Southport 104 Eey Ore 91 Middle C 15 Autumn Apple Commended Connor Atherton Alex Cropper Luc Doran Olivia Dowling Claudia Hastings Lewis Hayes Holly Lineton Tom Lomax Henry Mackey Marcel Marciniak Sophia Packwood Lydia Porter Leo taylor Christ the King Catholic High School Kings Meadow Primary School Wootton Bassett St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School 4 St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School Pinfold Primary School Holmeswood Southport Pinfold Primary School Christ the King Catholic High School Kings Meadow Primary School Red Admiral 43 54 61 86 88 90 107 110 121 124 151 153 My Sisters Stormy Sunset Reading with Grandpa Baby Birds Venice Goodies and Baddies Charlie the Pigeon Rain on a Lock Red Admiral Crazy Bird Pen Pals Spokey Dokey 175 The Santa Special Steam Train Middle C by Lewis Hayes Second Place in the YPC Junior Section Autumn Apple by Antonio Berisha Third Place in the YPC Junior Section Junior Section - Entries Mae Addison St Johns Primary School Connor Atherton Imogen Ayres Christ the King Catholic High School St Johns Primary School 34 1 2 3 5 6 7 Bounce Morning Surprise Gardeners Delight Green Green Grass Life in the Grand Hotel Sunset in the Evening Young Photographer Competition Junior Section - Entries Imogen Ayres Abbie Baker St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Sunrise in the Morning Pink Delight Smile Wow Hanging on in there! Grey and Gorgeous White Dahlia Dazzling Dahlia Eye Can See You! Give us a Kiss Group Hug Purple Sunset Book Shelf The Hex Snow Cones Stairwell Full Time Bare Branches Difference Josh Turtle1 Turtle2 Winter Fruits Lush Mushrooms Peep Hole Pipe Fishing Friends Dirty Diaper Foreshores fire Lego Time Quack Time Fireworks Elliot Berisha Southport Antonio Berisha Eden Birch Southport St Johns Primary School Heather Bond Pinfold Primary School Eleanor Bradshaw Christ the King Catholic High School Patrick Brocklebank Christ the King Catholic High School Georgia Brown Kyra Bull St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School Alex Butcher Christ the King Catholic High School Mia Cates St Johns Primary School Ben Cook-Haigh St Johns Primary School Emily Cook-Haigh St Johns Primary School William Cook-Haigh St Johns Primary School Alex Cropper Kings Meadow Primary School Jackson DarkesSutcliffe St Johns Primary School 41 42 44 45 46 Jackson DarkesSutcliffe Anya Day St Johns Primary School 47 An Armfull of Love 48 Tournesol Norwood Primary Sol Doran Wootton Bassett Luc Doran Wootton Bassett George Dowd Kings Meadow Primary School 40 Disney Dog 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 Mini Kingdom Mini Wedding Bird in Flight My Toys Mimi Road Side Beauty Tropical Beast Life Breaks Through Mountains Beyond Ants Eye View Bright Blue Sky Icicles & Popsicles Fish in the Sky 35 Young Photographer Competition Junior Section - Entries George Dowd Kings Meadow Primary School Olivia Dowling St Johns Primary School Megan Edward Christ the King Catholic High School Joe Fearon Emma Finch St Johns Primary School Pinfold Primary School Jessica Foster Pinfold Primary School Kian Galt Pinfold Primary School Natasha Galt Pinfold Primary School Leah Grass Pinfold Primary School Megan Grass Pinfold Primary School Oliva Hall Christ the King Catholic High School Claudia Hastings Lewis Hayes Joseph Hyland St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School St Johns Primary School Rachael Hyland St Johns Primary School Ella Kearns-Smith Christ the King Catholic High School Ernie Kent Pinfold Primary School Daniel Kolita Acton Bridge Elena Lineton St Johns Primary School Holly Lineton St Johns Primary School Tom Lomax Pinfold Primary School Kieron Lucas Christ the King Catholic High School 36 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 87 89 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 108 109 111 112 113 114 Curious Kipper My Cute Brother Alphie Man in Our Garden Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy Festive Sparkle Dead Wood Sunset The Rainbow Door The Golden Snake The Blue Sky Trees Flower Bush Climbing Legs A Pudding for the Chimney Sweep The Book Shelves The Train Set The Playground Purple Forest The Dancing Women Wild Play Coloured Trophy Stand Wild Bamboo Shimmering Field Recyclable Eye Magic Spirals Party Princess Castle Motor Wheel Wild Walk A Day at Safari Park Ice Fishing Throw my Ball Absence of Sun The Beauty of Nature A Comfy Spot A Furry Friend Very Berry Landfill Peek inside Sunnyside beach Book Collection Speeding Round the Bend Watch Your Speed A Bear Full of Love Christmas Scuba in Rhodes Cookie Green Jazz Hat Golden Black Plaque Score Canopy Young Photographer Competition Junior Section - Entries Jessica Lunt Kings Meadow Primary School Sam Lunt Kings Meadow Primary School Henry Mackey Marcel Marciniak Holmeswood Southport Ethan Marsden Pinfold Primary School Ella Marsters St Johns Primary School Ruby McDaid Birkdale Primary School Rebecca McIntegart St Johns Primary School Amelia McIntegart St Johns Primary School Rachel Merrill St Johns Primary School Josh Moynihan Christ the King Catholic High School Eleanor O’Brien Christ the King Catholic High School Libby O’Brien Pinfold Primary School Sophia Packwood Pinfold Primary School Lydia Porter Ben Purcell Christ the King Catholic High School Christ the King Catholic High School Szymon Radola Christ the King Catholic High School Jasmine Regan Kings Meadow Primary School Sophie Rimmer Charlotte Rood Chelsea Shearer St Johns Primary School Christ the King Catholic High School St Johns Primary School Amber Smith St Johns Primary School 115 116 117 118 119 120 122 123 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Wobbly Tree Pretty Stream Fairy Waterfall The Mud Swamp Portal Slippery Rock Dinner for Two Demons Shell A Loving Pair The Mystery The Spark The Nightmare Odd One Out Too Close Dad ! In the Jungle Lake Lamp Post Box Good Morning Little Survivor End of the Line A Splash of Colour Dinner Time Can You Spot the Ladybird Danger Ducks Overhead Glittery, Green Ghost Worm's Eye View Netless Hoop Waterfall Urban Jungle Water world Flower Power Mr Pinky Book Boarder Tree Trunks Dandelion clock White Tree Posts Tangled Brambles Evergreen Mixed Stone Blue Budgie Cloudy Canal Cool Kitties!! Twit Twoo Super Sugar Terrific Todd Cheeky Ruco A Fishy Tail Fruit-astic 37 Young Photographer Competition Junior Section - Entries Macey Stanley Greenbank High School Aron Streeter Katelyn Streeter Leo Taylor Kings Meadow Primary School Kings Meadow Primary School Kings Meadow Primary School Alex Thompson Alia Todd Kiri Tupou St Johns Primary School Christ the King Catholic High School St Johns Primary School Jack Waddell Christ the King Catholic High School Daniel Waddell Christ the King Catholic High School Emma Willis St Johns Primary School Thomas Wright Pinfold Primary School Jackson Yates Christ the King Catholic High School My Sisters by Alex Cropper Commended in the YPC Junior Section Pen Palls by Sophia Packwood Commended in the YPC Junior Section 38 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 Self Portrait with a Twist Winter Wonderland Make-up Mayhem Under the Sea Sun Set Jasmine the Rabbit Shelley the Tortoise Holidays Winter Branches Cat Robin Tyred Ready, Set, Go Stallion's Eye Bridged The Day's End Stargazing I'm a Blenny, Get me out of Here Garden World Garden Herb Green Rosemary Bush Rock Pool Berrylicious Young Photographer Competition First Emily Morey Second Third Senior Section - Awards Southport PS 229 Katie Kolita Hannah Ellis Acton Bridge Range High School 220 215 Foul ( World Paralympic Games) I Believe I Can Fly Surrealism Sophie Chalkley Sam Davis Chapel Camera Club Derbyshire Alex Davis Ellie Jones Emily Morey Weronika Stefanaska Derbyshire Range High School Southport PS Greenbank High School 197 206 207 210 216 230 234 First Time Model Which Way Uphill Struggle Nice and Easy Portrait 1 Race to Finish Reflections of a Bridge Commended I Believe I Can Fly by Katie Kolita Second Place in the YPC Senior Section Nice and Easy by Alex Davis Commended in the YPC Senior Section Surrealism by Hannah Ellis Third Place in the YPC Senior Section 39 Young Photographer Competition Senior Section - Entries Alice Banner Range High School Grishma Bijukumar Greenbank High School Sophie Chalkley Chapel Camera Club Jake Cliff Lytham, St Annes Kirsten Davis Ainsdale Sam Davis Alex Davis Derbyshire Derbyshire Hannah Dodgson Range High School Hannah Ellis Ellie Jones Range High School Range High School Katie Kolita Acton Bridge Austin Austin Mikolaj Marciniak Range High School Southport Amy Marshall Christ the King Catholic High School Emily Morey Catherine Skelton Southport SPS Range High School Weronika Stefanaska Greenbank High School Kamila Szewczyk Greenbank High School Jade Townsend Greenbank High School Yasmin Wentworth Greenbank High School 40 192 193 194 195 196 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 208 209 211 212 213 214 217 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 231 232 233 235 Alfie Flowers Morning Sunrise Best Helper Hindu Temple Noah Holes Glitter Ball Rudebeckia Tranquillity Sunflower Coloured In Lost in the woods Paddling Hit or Miss Off the Bat Butterfly Flowers Piano Portrait 2 Portrait 3 Belly Flop An Amaryllis Flower Frozen Grass Horses on the Beach 60 Years Ago Skate Park Scene Double Jump Pedal Pusher Farm in the Trees Outlook Enchantment My Hometown at Night 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Icicles Nemo Nature Old and New Angelic Delight Enchantment The Dream Rhapsody in Blue 43rd Floor SPS Members Exhibition A League Prints - Awards First Brian Tarr David Gwynne Trophy Second Mike Pollitt ARPS Third Peter Pauwels CPAGB Certificate of Merit 680 The Little Evacuee 677 Blocking Move 673 Yak Herder Les Auld Sheila Davis DPAGB 651 657 658 663 664 Nick Hilton Five Ladies Laughing Waiting for Water No Fishin’ on a Sunday British Museum Pier Head - Liverpool The Little Evacuee by Brian Tarr First, David Gwynne Trophy - A league Prints Les Auld A League Prints -Acceptances Norma Bellini LRPS LDPS David Coleman LRPS Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE2* Sue Dewhurst Tony Duffey CPAGB Tony Howard LRPS CPAGB Ian McLean ARPS CPAGB Chris Mowatt LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Gary Parker Peter Pauwels CPAGB Mike Pollitt ARPS Brian Tarr Tony Thomas Tony Thompson 649 650 652 653 654 655 656 659 660 661 662 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 674 675 676 678 679 681 682 683 684 Come Here Boy The Swimming Lesson Camilla The Duchess's of Cornwall and Cambridge Pale Tussock Moth Man from the Rolling Mill Long-necked Woman of the Karen Tribe No1 Moorish Alcove Red, White and Blue Arctic Tern with Catch Weathered Faces, Cienfuegos, Cuba Jon Caen enters the Ditch Michael Rutter Ducati 1198cc Indian Country Cyclamen persicum Vapourer Moth Caterpillar Out of the Bend Stained Glass - St Mawes Parish Church Grey Seal Traveller Boy Neglected Off Roading Blue Bayou The Beachcomber Lining Up the Shot Kissock Scores Again Admiration Boy at the LFC Window 41 SPS Members Exhibition A League Digital Projected Images - Awards First Nick Hilton Digital Exhibition Salver Second Robert Yelland Third Nick Hilton Certificate of Merit Chris Mowatt LRPS DPAGB BPE2* Mike Pollit ARPS Sheila Davies DPAGB Tony Duffey CPAGB Nick Hilton Fiona Lea Peter Pauwels CPAGB Mike Pollit ARPS Brian Tarr Red Umbrella Beech Trees and the Foggy Sunset Peach and Blueberries Delivery Back Off A League DPI - Acceptances Pair of Collared Nightjars Wild Orang Utan Baby Nursing Man of Trinidad, Cuba Brothers Chinese Mountain Girl Banded Demoiselle In the Thick of It Nostalgia Road Moon Shadows Swan at Sunset The Black and White Arrows The Red Umbrella by Nick Hilton First, Digital Exhibition Salver in A Leaguue DPI Sea Holly - Seed Heads by Sarah Thompson First in B League DPI 42 SPS Members Exhibition First, Society Shield Second Third Certificate of Merit Mike Kirk CPAGB B League Prints - Awards Mike Kirk CPAGB 687 Street Scene Kit Robinson LRPS 694 Happy Feet 696 Leander Pulls the Christmas Fellsman Emily Morey Pat Parker Kit Robinson LRPS 690 Dancing with the Stars 691 Alliums 695 The On drive B League Prints - Acceptances 685 686 688 689 692 693 Paddler Cuban Farmer A Calm Pool Trust Autumn at Forest of Bowland Natural Bridge Yoho National Park Canada 697 Wayfarers Arcade 698 Large Skipper Butterfly Bob Mehew Emily Morey Margaret Powley Ted Stevens Katherine Thomas Street Scene by Mike Kirk CPAGB First in B League Prints B League Digital Projected Images - Awards First Sarah Thompson New Jubilee Trophy Second Peter Ackers Third Alan Thomas Certificate of Merit Richard Jones Ian Kent Pat Parker Sarah Thompson Peter Ackers Sea Holly - Seed Heads Street Fighter Out of the Mist The Grand Mosque B League DPI - Acceptances Rajasthani Lady Child and Dogs - Kolkata Eye in the Sky You Looking at Me Global Warming Aunt Hester’s Crystals Dream Smoke Patterns 43 Location of Mitchell and Wright Advertisement Digital Image Projection Venues 2012 The accepted Digital Images will be shown at the following venues. Southport Christ Church, Lord Street, PR8 1AA Saturday 10th March at 1.30pm Leyland RAF Club, Golden Hill Lane, Leyland PR25 3NN Wednesday 14th March at 7.30pm Preston Fulwood Conservative Club, Blackpool Road, Preston, PR2 3AE Thursday 15th March at 7.45pm Southport New Hall, Emmanuel Church, Cambridge Road, PR9 9PR Monday 19th March at 7.45pm Lytham St Annes Heyhouses C.of E. Junior School, - Clarendon Road North, St. Annes, FY8 3EE Thursday 22nd March at 7.30pm Keswick Methodist Church Room, Southey Street, CA12 4EF Wednesday 28th March at 7.30pm Poulton Le Fylde Methodist Church Hall, Queensway, FY6 7ST Thursday 29th March at 7.30pm Stockport St. George’s Church Parish Room, off Buxton Rd, SK2 6NU Tuesday 3rd April at 7.30pm Birkenhead Prenton Bowling Club, Prenton, Birkenhead CH42 9PZ Wednesday 4th April at 7.30pm Bury Fishpool Liberal Club, Nelson Street, BL9 9HZ Thursday 5th April at 7.45pm Warrington Quays Community Centre, 233 Thelwall New Road, - near Latchford Locks, Grappenhall, WA4 2XT Tuesday 10th April at 7.30pm South Liverpool CADWA Hall, Bowland Avenue (Off Rocky Lane), Childwall, Liverpool L16 1JP Thursday 12th April at 8pm Visitors are welcome at all the venues. There may be a small charge. Aggressive Terns on Farne Islands by Brian Tarr of Southport PS Keith Suddaby’s Medal and The Sandgrounder Shield for Best SPS Colour/Mono DPI The New Girl at School by Les Auld of Southport PS Best SPS Mono/ Colour Print Gwyn Lloyd Shield Black Guillemot with Butterfish by Trevor Davenport ARPS DPAGB BPE2* of Southport PS Best SPS Nature, The Rimmer Shield Southport Photographic Society Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through membership of the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union. The Society meets on a Monday evening from September to April at Emmanuel Church New Hall in Cambridge Road starting at 7.45pm. Prospective members and visitors are welcome at all meetings. More details may be found on our website at: www.southport-ps.co.uk. Registered as a Charity, No. 510342 £1 When Sold