Parade Information Parade and Event Parking
Parade Information Parade and Event Parking
SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Connection In THis Issue: Page 2 • Mayor’s Corner • Calendar Page 3 - 8 • City News Page 9 • Housing News Page 11 • Business & Development News Don’t miss this fun family tradition! The Coon Rapids Fourth of July Community Celebration is coming up July 2-4 at Boulevard Park, on the grounds of the Coon Rapids Ice Center located at 11000 Crooked Lake Boulevard. NEW this year: the “Firecracker 5K” and craft show! You also won’t want to miss the parade, carnival games, rides, live music, bingo, pull tabs, car show, food and drinks and some of the best fireworks in the Twin Cities! This event is sponsored by the North Star Lions Club, the Coon Rapids Fire Social Group and the Coon Rapids Community Strength Foundation. Page 12 • Business Spotlight Page 13 • Police News Page 14 • Fire News Page 15 • Seniors’ Corner Page 16-17 • Recreation News Page 18 • Community Connection Page 19 • Recycling Review Page 20 • Events • Service Directory Details on page 10 Parade Information Follow city news @ The parade will take place at 4 p.m. Saturday, July 2. The parade route will begin at 111th Avenue and Mississippi Boulevard, travel down Mississippi Boulevard to Direct River Drive, travel along Direct River Drive until turning on Flora Street where the parade will then end back near the Coon Rapids Ice Center grounds on 109th Lane (see map at left). Parking will not be allowed in the parade route area or other streets near the parade route from 2-6 p.m. Watch for posted signs. Sign up for Notify Me Parade and Event Parking PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Anoka, MN Permit No. 192 ECRWSS Postal Patron Public parking is available in the parking lots at Anoka-Ramsey Community College. Other nearby businesses may offer their parking lots for additional public parking as well (either free or for a fee). No parking areas will be well-marked with signage. Fireworks Information Expect an even bigger and better show this year, with many aerial fireworks July 4! The fireworks launch site itself is located across the street from Anoka-Ramsey Community College. Event schedule on page 10 Community strength...for generations Mayor’s Corner Welcome to summer! The weather is bringing us some beautiful Minnesota summer weather, and A LOT of construction. This year the City is reconstructing 7 ½ miles of Minnesota State Aid roads, which means most of us will be impacted, as these are some of our most used streets. Although we will all have to endure some inconvenience, it will be wonderful to be driving, walking, and biking on the new streets. Please take advantage of Coon Rapids’ website, as it is a great way to keep up with construction around town; weekly construction updates are posted Friday afternoons. This summer, be deliberate about planning outdoor fun by using the many miles of great trails and plentiful parks Coon Rapids has to offer! Shortly, our newest trail connection should be open along 85th Avenue, connecting Kennedy Park to the trails near Fridley’s Springbrook Nature Center, and the timing couldn’t be better, as the grand re-opening of Springbrook is scheduled for July 30th. Summer also brings another year of “Summer in the City” meetings, and I encourage one and all to get these dates on your calendar. The meetings provide a marvelous opportunity to speak directly with City staff and members of the Coon Rapids City Council. If you are ever wondering about “why” something is done a certain way around Coon Rapids, stop out to one of the meetings to get an answer. SUMMER 2016 Newsletter 2016 Coon Rapids City Council I look forward to seeing you at the Fourth of July celebration and parade near the Coon Rapids Ice Center. After many years at Sand Creek Park, the celebration moved back to Coon Rapids Boulevard last year. It was a fabulous event, and after a few tweaks, it should be an even better event this year – please plan to make it out. The fire department has promised another amazing year of fireworks on the 4th that you will not want to miss! Look for more information in this newsletter about other summer opportunities and events. Be sure to spend some quality evenings listening to the concerts in the park, and enjoy family time watching the movies in the park. Coon Rapids truly is a place for all seasons, so be sure to get out and enjoy all that the summer season has to offer here. You could live anywhere – thank you for making Coon Rapids your home. Mayor Jerry Koch 763-767-1811 COUNCILMEMBERS Ward 1 Denise Klint 763-576-8488 Ward 2 Ron Manning Mayor Jerry Koch 763-755-9128 Ward 3 City Meetings Calendar Wade Demmer 612-616-0900 (All meetings held at the Coon Rapids City Center unless otherwise noted) City Council Meetings June 7, 21, July 5, 19, August 3 (Wednesday), 16 September 6, 20 • 7 p.m. Arts Commission June 21, August 16, September 20 • 6 p.m. Board of Adjustment and Appeals June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1 • 6:30 p.m. Historical Commission June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15 • 7:30 p.m. Parks and Recreation Commission June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12 • 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15 • 6:30 p.m. Safety Commission September 8 • 7:15 p.m. Sustainability Commission June 16, July 21, August 18 September 15 • 6:30 p.m. City offices will be closed: July 4 (Independence Day) September 5 (Labor Day) Schedule subject to change. Contact the staff liaison at 763-755-2880 to confirm. Public notices are published in the City’s official newspaper, The Anoka County UnionHerald, and on the website: Ward 4 Jennifer Geisler 763-422-1814 Ward 5 Brad Johnson 763-767-4684 At Large Steve Wells 763-323-4984 Notify Me! Use the NEW Coon Rapids Notify Me system to receive information about a variety of topics including important alerts, community news, events and other information. Sign up online at or use the NEW Coon Rapids mobile app. Page 2 Wonder who represents you? Find your address on the Ward and Precinct Map online at Ward-Map. Then match your ward number with the councilmember that represents that ward. Community strength...for generations | City News SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Backyard Chickens Now Allowed The Coon Rapids City Council recently approved an ordinance that allows the raising and keeping of chickens in the city. The ordinance went into effect May 23. A permit process is required to keep chickens on property which includes applying for a permit, paying a fee, providing a site plan and site inspections of the property and coop. Highlights of the code requirements: • Maximum of 4 chickens • No roosters allowed • Food material must be stored in a covered, metal container to avoid pests (kept either inside or outside) • The area where chickens are kept must be cleaned at least weekly • No slaughtering or processing of chickens allowed • No chickens are to be kept inside a house or garage, except during brooding • Dead chickens must be disposed of according to Minnesota Board of Animal Health rules • Specific standards for the construction and maintenance of coops and runs include: - Maximum size of 60 square feet - Be located in the rear yard only - Prohibited within the first 100 feet of lot depth for properties along the Mississippi River and Crooked Lake •F ully enclosed run with fencing and netting •L ocated at least 10 feet from side and rear lot lines, 30 feet from adjacent property owner’s house, 50 feet from any well, and at least 6 feet from the house or other accessory structures on the property. •C oop and run must be removed if the keeping of chickens is discontinued for more than 12 months. To get a chicken permit you need to do the following: •F ill out and sign the Chicken Permit Application form (which can be found online or picked up at City Hall). •F ill out and sign the Supplement to Chickens Permit form (which can also be found online or picked up at City Hall). •P rovide a site plan of the lot indicating: lot lines, dimensions of the lot, property address, all existing structures (house, detached garage, shed, well, etc.), location of the chicken coop and run, distances between the lot lines and proposed placement of coop and run, distances between any buildings/ structures and proposed placement of coop and run and the proposed portable coop locations. A sketch of the proposed coop is also required. •P ay a $100.00 permit fee. •M ail or deliver, in person, the following items to Coon Rapids City Hall: the Chicken Permit Application form, Supplement to Chickens Permit form, site plan and payment. Check payments can be made out to City of Coon Rapids. If mailing your materials, send the paperwork to Coon Rapids City Hall, 11155 Robinson Drive, Coon Rapids, MN 55433. If delivering your materials in person, business hours at City Hall are from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Credit card payments can be taken at City Hall only. Credit card payments are not accepted over the phone. After the application forms and site plan is reviewed, a time will be set up to conduct a site visit of the resident’s property. Once the site visit is completed, the resident can build the chicken coop according to City Code specifications. After the coop is built, another inspection will occur to make sure all regulations are met and then the chicken permit will be issued. The proposed ordinance does allow City staff to inspect the property on an as-needed basis if there is concern about code compliance. If violations are found on site, the permit can be revoked and/or the property owner could be subject to administrative citations and/or criminal action. To read the complete City Code (6-700), visit the City’s website at Backyard Chicken Class Native Plantings Approved by City Council The City Council recently approved an ordinance that allows native plantings and landscapes for homeowners. City Code 8-500 outlines specifications for native planting areas. Traditional turf grass must be under eight inches in height, however, native plantings can be can be taller than eight inches. Native plantings may not be within the public right of way (unless a permit is obtained) or within a Sight Triangle (intersection formed by two roads that must be clear of obstructions) and may not include weeds. Read detailed City Code information at Be sure to follow the code carefully to ensure your yard meets all of the requirements. Once established, environmental experts say native plants require less maintenance, less water, less fertilizer/pesticides and provide habitat to pollinators including bees, butterflies and more. The use of native plants can be a great option for residents looking for something different in their yards while providing numerous environmental benefits. These landscape areas require careful planning, precise species selection, plus time and money to become properly established. Typically they take about three years to become established, but once complete, little maintenance is required. Requirements for Native Planting Landscape Areas: • Must be in well-defined areas with borders, no overgrown yards • No turf grass • No noxious weeds • May include higher-growing plantings • Setbacks include: 20 feet from front lot line and 5 feet from side and rear lot lines • Soil erosion must be controlled during and after plantings are established • Must be maintained to industry standards • No permit is required Thursday, June 23 • 6 p.m. Coon Rapids Civic Center, 11155 Robinson Drive FREE of charge. Registration required. Sign up on the City website at The City has partnered with local chicken grower and instructor, Tom Tidrick, to offer Coon Rapids residents a class on raising backyard chickens. Learn the basics of starting a flock of chickens, including discussion on breeds, general care of poultry and preparing your coop. This class will also cover City Code requirements, including the permit application and inspection process. | Community strength...for generations Native plantings are now allowed in Coon Rapids after recent changes to City Code adopted by the City Council on May 3, 2016. Page 3 City News CenturyLink Franchise Agreement The Coon Rapids City Council approved CenturyLink as a second provider of cable television late last year. Since then, residents in certain areas of the city have been able to receive PRISM TV service. Availability of this service depends on the internet speeds in your neighborhood area. Check with CenturyLink for more information. Many residents have asked if CTN- the Coon Rapids Community Television Network is available on CenturyLink PRISM TV service. The answer is yes. The local CTN channels are now available on the CenturyLink mosaic channel 20. The community channels can also be directly accessed in standard definition on 8046-8051 and in HD 8546 and 8547. CTN-Coon Rapids Community Television Network features news, sports, events, local government meetings and other programming in the Coon Rapids area. Additionally, PRISM TV service members can receive CTN broadcasts anywhere in the metro area. CTN community television programming is only on the PRISM TV service. CenturyLink also offers service packages that feature DIRECTV service, however, DIRECTV does not carry the CTN local channels. For more information about CenturyLink’s PRISM TV services, visit Xfinity (Comcast) is also a cable television provider in the city of Coon Rapids and carries CTN local government and community programming. The community channels can be found in HD on channels 799 and 859. Xfinity service descriptions can be found at Railroad Safety According to Operation Life Saver, someone is hit by a train every three hours in the United States. Don’t become a statistic! Operation Life Saver is a non-profit group whose mission is to reduce collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on railroad property by providing FREE public education through a statewide network of authorized volunteers. Some facts about train safety from Operation Life Saver: • Just like an aircraft, a train’s size causes an optical illusion making it difficult to judge its actual speed. • Even with its emergency braking system, it takes the average freight train a mile or more to stop. That’s the length of 18 football fields! • Railroad tracks are private property. Walking on them is trespassing – it’s illegal and dangerous; you risk being ticketed and fined, seriously injured or killed. • The only legal and safe place to cross railroad tracks is at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings. Page 4 SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Community Survey Arriving This Fall You could be one of 1500 households randomly chosen to participate in The National Citizen Survey, set to be mailed out in September. The National Citizen Survey gathers resident opinion across a range of community issues and has been developed through a partnership with the International City/County Management Association and the National Research Center, Inc. The City of Coon Rapids will customize the survey questions to represent our community. The results will become a powerful tool to help improve service delivery as well as identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget discussions. Questions will represent a variety of topic areas including public safety, transportation, recreation, land use and more. If you receive a survey, mailed to your home in September, please take the time to answer the questions as your feedback is important! The data collected through the surveys will be presented to the Coon Rapids City Council in the beginning of 2017. Update on Hanson Boulevard Overpass State funding for the Hanson Boulevard grade separation (overpass) is uncertain due to the recent legislative session. The Bonding Bill did not receive approval during the regular 2016 legislative session, which ended on May 23. However, if a Special Session is called by Governor Dayton, and a Bonding Bill is passed, the Hanson Boulevard Railroad Overpass could still be built next year. As of the time of this publication, Governor Dayton has not called a Special Session. The 2016 Bonding Bill contained approximately $12 million to help fund half of the project’s $25.2 million cost. The remaining half will be paid for through partnership funding from CTIB (Counties Transit Improvement Board, 30%), Anoka County (10%), the City of Coon Rapids (5%) and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railway (5%). The Hanson Boulevard grade separation was the number one funding priority for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) due to safety concerns, along with rail improvements in Moorhead and Red Wing-Sturgeon Lake Road at Prairie Island. The Hanson Boulevard crossing has one of the highest exposure rates (high potential for crashes to occur) in the state due to high traffic volumes competing with the high volume of trains. Staged trains frequently block the crossing for 6-8 minutes (best case scenario) to 25 minutes or more at a time, which was having a negative impact on public safety response. The Hanson Boulevard crossing is part of the busiest segment of rail line in the state, with an average of 81 trains a day. The grade separation (overpass) will improve safety by separating vehicle and rail traffic, reduce vehicle delays due to blocked crossings, improve response time for emergency vehicles and improve safety and mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists. The next public information open house event about the project will take place Wednesday, June 15 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Church of the Epiphany, 11001 Hanson Boulevard. 2016 Election Information Election Judges Needed Election Judges are needed to help with the upcoming Primary and General Elections. The Primary Election will take place on Tuesday, August 9 and the General Election will take place Tuesday, November 8. Election Judges are vital to the election process! It takes over 250 people to help out at 22 polling locations in Coon Rapids! • These are paid positions averaging $9.50/hour. • By law, your employer must allow you time off to work on Election Day, and your employer must pay you. The employer must receive 20 days notice of your intention to work as an Election Judge and the City Clerk’s Office can provide a signed certificate verifying your position as an Election Judge. Check with your employer for other details. • A 2-hour training session is required (you will be paid to participate in training) and NEW THIS YEAR: Training will be available online! • Students age 16 & 17 can also serve as Election Judges, working after school hours. We also need alternate Election Judges who can be on-call to fill in as needed. If you are interested in being an Election Judge, please email or call 763767-6493 for more details. Who’s on the Ballot? Several elected positions will be on the ballot this year, including four Coon Rapids City Council seats in Ward 1, 2, 4 and the At Large seat. Candidate filings began May 17, and June 2 was the last day to withdraw from the ballot. To see a complete list of the City Council candidates on the ballot for the Primary Election, visit the City’s website at www. When is the Primary and General Election? A Primary Election will take place on August 9. Polling locations will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. To find out where to vote, visit and look up the polling locations map or the State of Minnesota Precinct Finder. If you are not able to make it to the polls on Primary Election Day, you can vote by absentee ballot. Absentee voting by mail or in person at Coon Rapids City Hall begins June 24. Absentee voting takes place during normal business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). The Primary Election will determine which candidates are the final choices on the November ballot. Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016. If you have questions about the election, contact the City Clerk’s office at or 763-767-6493. Election Hotline Call 763-767-4688 Starting June 24 thru August 9 Community strength...for generations | City News Coon Rapids Farmers Market Wednesdays from 3 – 6 p.m. beginning July 13 through the end of the growing season Located at the Coon Rapids Ice Center 11000 Crooked Lake Boulevard NEW THIS YEAR: Special Event Days! July 27 – Health & Wellness – Blood pressure checks, glucose screening and more! August 24 – Kids Day – Fun for kids and learn about youth activities in the community! September 21 – Senior Day – Information tailored to senior citizens! All vendors are part of the Anoka County Growers Association. Calling all animal lovers! You are invited to the Coon Rapids Love My Pet Fair! Sunday, September 25 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Riverview Park, 2420 105th Avenue This event showcases local resources, vendors, products and services for pet lovers! Enjoy K-9 demonstrations, participate in a dog parade, costume contest, pet art and more fun activities! Information will be updated on the City website and on the Coon Rapids Love My Pet Fair Facebook page. Vendors are also welcome to sign up for the event! Find a complete vendor registration packet online at If you have questions, call Liza at 763-767-6410 or email SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Summer in the City Neighborhood Meetings Plan to come out for one of this year’s “Summer in the City” neighborhood meetings! Councilmembers and City staff invite you to one of the upcoming events at a park near you. This annual series is a great opportunity to meet your councilmembers and talk with City staff about projects going on in your neighborhood and throughout the city. Tuesday, June 14. . . . . . Thorpe Park 2691 Carlson Drive Tuesday, July 12. . . . . . . Sunrise Pond Park 125 124th Lane Tuesday, July 26. . . . . . . Vineyards Park 11947 Vintage Street Tuesday, August 23. . . . Kennedy Park 8490 East River Road The events take place from 6:30 - 8 p.m. Presentation at 7 p.m. Fire trucks, police cars, public works equipment and other displays from various City departments will also be at the events. Love Photography? Calling all amateur photographers! Enter the Coon Rapids Arts Commission 2016 Photo Contest! The contest period is June 1, 2016 – September 16, 2016. This year’s theme is architecture. Who is eligible? Amateur photographers (some exclusions apply; read complete details online). What photos qualify? Photos of architecture taken in Coon Rapids. How do I enter? Visit the City’s website at www. to print out an entry form and see a complete listing of contest details. Contest sponsored by The Coon Rapids Arts Commission, promoting local arts events and activities in the community. 2015 1st Place Winner 18 years and older: Walt Huss “Lunch Time – Green Heron Catches Lunch at Bunker Hills Golf Club” 2016 Kids Safety Camp The Coon Rapids Fire and Police departments are teaming up to teach kids a variety of skills that will help them stay safe. Safety camp is a chance for Coon Rapids students entering 4th and 5th grades in the fall of 2016 to learn important safety skills including: water, fire and electrical safety, basic first aid and how to use 911. A graduation ceremony will take place July 20. Dates: July 19 and 20, 2016 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Location: Coon Rapids Ice Center, 11000 Crooked Lake Blvd. Class fee: $40 registration fee* (fee covers supplies, a t-shirt, snacks, lunch, and transportation to and from the swimming pool). *Scholarships are available to children using the free and reduced lunch program. Call 763-767-6429 for more information about scholarships Host Your Next Event at the Civic Center Are you looking for great banquet space to host your next event? Look no further than the Coon Rapids Civic Center! Come check out the newly remodeled outdoor space featuring a gazebo, grilling space, beautiful flowers and more! A 10x10 pergola and 18 foot custom gazebo have been installed, as well as new seating areas and grilling area with plenty of counter space. Flower gardens add color and beauty to the outdoor area and additional lighting is perfect for evening gatherings. Whether it be a wedding, bridal shower, birthday party or other special event, consider renting space at the Coon Rapids Civic Center. Open for tours! Call 763-767-6522 or visit for more information. To register: visit the City’s website at, then visit Parks & Recreation, then Class Sign ups. Online registration and credit card payment is available this year. | Community strength...for generations Page 5 City News Plan B for Northdale Boulevard Improvements The City of Coon Rapids, Anoka County and the Anoka-Hennepin School District joined forces to submit a “Safe Routes to Schools” infrastructure grant application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation earlier this year, which would have made safety improvements to Northdale Boulevard in front of Coon Rapids High School, and on-campus enhancements for improved safety. The City was notified recently that the project was not chosen for the grant. The City will continue to work with Anoka County and the school district to secure funding for these improvements. The grant money would have paid for half of the project costs. Proposed safety improvements near the high school included parking lot enhancements, relocating the pedestrian crossing, adding flashing signals, installation of medians on portions of Northdale Boulevard, relocating parking lot access, reconfiguring parking lots and adding additional lighting. The pedestrian crossing in front of Coon Rapids High School will remain unchanged for now. The City, County and school district did not receive a state grant which would have helped pay for half of the project cost. 2016 Street Reconstruction The City will be reconstructing 7.5 miles of streets this year as part of an aggressive street maintenance program. These streets are all on the City’s State Aid system, which means they are typically higher volume collector streets. If you are a resident living in the areas affected by any of the street reconstruction projects, you can sign up for weekly construction information on the City’s website. Go to, look for Notify Me, and then sign up for Street Reconstruction Updates. Simply enter your email address, and you will be added to our email system. Many of the roads being repaired this year are anywhere from 24-47 years old. The City has 220 miles of streets in all. More than 100 miles of streets have been repaired since 1994 as part of the street reconstruction program. Please contact the Engineering Department at 763-7676479 if you have additional questions. Page 6 SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Goose Management Plan As required by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the City will be developing a formal goose management plan over the course of the next year. Development of this plan will include guidelines for deciding on a sustainable population, and how the City will maintain an acceptable population within a given area. Public participation will be part of the planning process. The formal plan will go before the Coon Rapids City Council for approval sometime in late 2016 or early 2017. More information about the planning process will be published in the City newsletter as details become available. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Public Works at 763-767-6494. Park Bond Project Updates Sand Creek Park- 1008 Northdale Boulevard Road work is underway to relocate the entrance to Sand Creek Park to Redwood Street and Northdale Boulevard. Northdale Boulevard will be upgraded to include turn lanes and a traffic signal at the intersection of Redwood and Northdale to allow for improved pedestrian safety and traffic flow in and out of the park. Crews are also constructing the concessions/ restroom building which will be complete by the end of summer. Installation of playground equipment, the skate park and other finishing touches will also occur later this year. The park is expected to be open for use in the spring of 2017. Complete reconstruction of the park brings the facility up to modern athletic field standards. The improvements include rearranged parking and fields, new football/lacrosse fields, enhanced trails with connections to surrounding neighborhoods, a hockey rink with open skate areas and energy efficient lighting. Funding for the Sand Creek Park improvements is possible thanks to a Park Bond approved by voters in 2013. Other 2016 Park Renovation Projects Pheasant Ridge Park (11845 Pheasant Ridge Drive) is being renovated this summer to include new playground equipment, half-court basketball and interpretive areas (with native plantings), benches, New Water Tower The City of Coon Rapids continues to work on securing a location for a water tower on the south side of the city. The additional tower is needed to meet peak demands and provide adequate fire flow capacity. The need for the additional tower was identified as part of a 2014 comprehensive water supply plan. A few locations have been identified for the tower, and most are in the Evergreen Industrial Park area, near highway 610. Decisions regarding the final location of the water tower will be made in the coming months, with plans to begin construction sometime in 2017. two wetland overlooks, and on-street handicapped parking spaces. Mason Park (9600 Holly Circle) will receive a new playground with picnic shelter, new basketball court, new half-mile walking trail around the park and the installation of native planting areas. Delta Park (11151 Yukon Street) will be renovated to include a new playground with picnic shelter, a loop trail system, and half-court basketball. The hockey rink will also be removed. Work is almost complete at Woodcrest Park (901 103rd Avenue). New amenities will include a new restroom facility (not installed until the end of summer), half-court basketball, small picnic shelter, and new walking trails along the perimeter of the park which will tie into a new 21 hole disc golf course. The ball field will also be repositioned for better use. The new disc golf course is a partnership between the City and the Minnesota Disc Golf Association. Construction of the course will begin in late summer. Volunteers are working to build the course, which may take up to two years to complete. The funding for all of the park improvements listed above is also from the voter approved Park Bond. Woodview Park (11540 Olive Street) will have a new playground, benches, grills and picnic shelter. Decorative pillars will be added to the existing picnic shelter. A shelter for portable restrooms will also be built and maintenance work will be completed on the existing walking trails. These improvements are being paid for through general park construction funds. Community strength...for generations | City News SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Water Saving Strategies for Home Lawns Provided by the University of Minnesota Extension service On average, three times more water is used during the summer than in the winter in the Twin Cities, and much of this water is used outdoors. If you own an irrigation system or water your lawn with portable sprinklers, you can reduce your overall water use by implementing some practical strategies: 1. Pay attention to the weather During a Minnesota summer we may see heavy periods of rainfall followed by extended periods of drought. Homeowners with lawns should adjust irrigation practices accordingly. Operating irrigation controllers in manual mode is one way to monitor and cut down on water use, rather than using an automated schedule. 2. Select turfgrasses that use less water and can tolerate drought Choice of grass species will impact irrigation requirements. Traditional turfgrass species for Minnesota include Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue, and tall fescue. The fescue species offer the Wellhead Protection Plan The City of Coon Rapids recently updated part one of its Wellhead Protection Plan. Wellhead Protection is a way to prevent the public drinking water supply from becoming polluted by managing potential sources of contamination in the areas that supply water to the public wells. Wellhead Protection Plans must be reviewed and amended every ten years. Part one of the plan includes a delineation of the critical areas adjacent to our groundwater wells, and the potential vulnerability of each well. Part two of the plan will soon follow and focus on conducting an inventory of potential contamination sources within specific Drinking Water Supply Management Areas, developing specific strategies for managing and protecting the wells, and enhancing public education. Sprinkling Ban June 1 – August 31 Odd-numbered home addresses water on odd calendar days. Even-numbered home addresses water on even calendar days. This helps to even out the demand for water treatment and usage. Thanks for your cooperation! Report Illegal Dumping! Do you see potentially hazardous material (i.e. oil, paint) flowing into a storm drain, pond, ditch, lake or creek? If it’s an immediate threat-call 911. If you see anything that is not rainwater and not hazardous (i.e. grass clippings, leaves) going down the storm drain, report it to Coon Rapids Public Works by calling 763-767-6462 during business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.). best drought tolerance potential. 3. Adjust irrigation conserve water to To encourage rooting and drought tolerance, lawns should be irrigated infrequently (one time or less per week) with a sufficient volume of water (up to 0.5 inches). Set irrigation programs or sprinklers to water during the morning hours, because daytime irrigation is often lost through evaporation or wind deflection. 4. Implement water saving technologies Rain sensors connected to irrigation Water Rates A water rate increase has been approved by the Coon Rapids City Council to help cover the City’s water operating expenses. These changes took effect May 1, 2016. The new water rates are: Residential (single and multiple units): Base fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00 Tier 1 per 1,000 gallons (first 20,000 gallons) . . . . . $2.00 Tier 2 per 1,000 gallons (20,001 to 80,000 gallons) . . $2.45 Tier 3 per 1,000 gallons (80,001 gallons and above) . . $2.65 Commercial/Industrial Users, per 1,000 gallons . . $2.00 Sprinkling Meters, per 1,000 gallons . . . . . . . . $2.65 Significant capital improvements are required over the next ten years as part of the City’s Water Master Plan. These investments include replacing the City’s water treatment plan control system, rehabbing the City’s wells, building an additional water tower and replacing water mains. Water charges pay for capital improvements rather than general tax dollars. More information can also be found on the City’s website at Consumer Confidence Water Report The City of Coon Rapids is issuing the results of monitoring done on its drinking water from the period of January 1 to December 31, 2015. The 2015 Consumer Confidence Water Report is available online at: ViewFile/Item/331 A paper copy of this report is available upon request. For more information, contact Stephanie Ring, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, at 763-767-6582 or | Community strength...for generations programs controllers are vital to conserving water. There’s no need for an automatic sprinkler system to be used when it’s raining. You can also conduct an irrigation audit on your system. For more information, visit the website below. For more information: U of M Extension Lawn Care turfgrass Take our Survey! The University of Minnesota Extension service invites you to take our survey! The information will help guide research and educational programs about water conservation. Take the survey at The Breakdown on Turf Care Coon Creek Watershed District staff have been seeing a common violation of the dumping of leaves and grass clippings along storm ponds and creeks and ditches. This may seem like a “natural” and cheap way to deal with clippings, but actually it isn’t. It is a problem. The grass and leaf piles take a long time to break down. The weight of them compacts the soil and does not allow sunlight for plant growth underneath. Without plant roots to hold the soil, bank erosion can easily occur. If this happens, it can result in the soil slumping into the water and can mean loss of land by landowners plus add sediment, polluting the water. These sediment particles are likely carrying excess phosphorus into the water. Algae needs the phosphorous to grow, resulting in excess algae. Too much algae can shade out aquatic plants and also result in die-off. The resulting decay process uses up oxygen which means there’s not enough for the fish and other aquatic life; the die-off domino effect. Dredging out excess sediment in a water body and stabilizing a creek bank is costly and best avoided. What to do? It’s easy! • Leave your grass clippings on your lawn as you mow so they can decompose and feed the grass roots. You can save on fertilizer by doing this for the year. Mulch your leaves in the fall, too, by mowing them into small pieces. The grass roots can use the nutrients. • Make sure your clippings are no more than 1-inch long so they can break down easily. This will not cause thatch! The University of Minnesota has studied turf practices for optimal turf health and this is their recommendation to professionals. So, don’t pile grass clippings this summer or your leaves this fall. Also, don’t put them into the water directly or even into the street! Doing so makes them an Illicit Discharge and it is against City Ordinance 8-111. Information provided by Coon Creek Watershed District: 763-755-0975 or email Page 7 Where to Place Little Libraries “Little Libraries” have become a popular way for people to share books, but be sure yours is placed in the right area on your property. City Code requires nothing to be placed in the right-of-way, which is generally 14 to 17 feet behind the curb. If you want to install a “Little Library” on your property, call Scott in Community Development at 763-767-6452 to find out where it should be placed. Protecting Coon Creek – WRAP it up You’ve probably heard in the news that many Minnesota lakes and streams are “impaired,” that is, they are not meeting standards per the Clean Water Act. Locally, impaired streams include Coon and Sand Creeks. Why? Too much sediment and phosphorus, typically right after rainstorms. In 2013, the MPCA funded a WRAPs - Watershed Restoration And Protection strategy led by the Coon Creek Watershed District (CCWD). Now, a new long-range plan (TMDL) has been developed. It identifies projects and activities to improve water quality for each impaired stretch of creek. The CCWD is working closely with the City to improve water quality. You may have seen new projects such as rain gardens or bank stabilizations. However, your help is needed to improve water quality! We all need to keep lawn clippings and dirt from polluting our waters. Tips needed for a healthy Coon Creek: • Sweep grass off hard surfaces and let the clippings stay on your lawn or take them to a local compost site. Clippings can wash off with the rain into our waterways and add excess phosphorus to our waters. That can create algae blooms and reduce oxygen in the water. • Keep sand and dirt out of the street. It can run off into our creeks and wetlands, filling them in and smothering aquatic life. • Clean up after your pets. Pet waste is a significant contributor of E. coli bacteria! • Allow an un-mowed area near creeks, wetlands, and ponds. Keeping some natural vegetation along a waterbody serves as a natural filter of pollutants. It can also help stabilize the bank, thereby preventing soil erosion. The newly-approved WRAPs and TMDL report is on the CCWD website, For more information contact the Coon Creek Watershed District at 763-755-0975 or email us at info@ Page 8 Code Standards for Clean Yards Yard cleanup is well underway so please remember that City Code Chapter 8-206(3) states yard waste may not to be stored on your property except as allowed for composting. This means that brush piles and bags containing leaves, grass clippings or other yard waste are prohibited from being stored in your yard. Yard waste should not be placed in trash bags; instead it must be placed in approved compostable bags or containers provided by a licensed hauler. Brush should be tied in bundles and neatly stacked to be taken by your hauler or taken to the compost site. The Anoka County Compost Site, located at 13285 Hanson Blvd NW in Coon Rapids, is open from April to November and is a good resource for yard waste disposal. You may also want to consider adding yard waste collection with your licensed waste hauler. If leaf bags or brush remain stored on your property, you could receive a citation which includes a financial penalty. Grass Must Be Mowed In order to help keep our city looking its best, City Code requires that all grass and weeds be no taller than 8” in height. Please don’t forget to mow along both sides of your fence and along the boulevards. Even if you believe the City or County mows these areas or has in the past, it is important to know that ultimately this is your property and your responsibility to mow. If your grass is taller than 8”, you will receive a citation and a fine if you don’t mow your lawn within seven days of the citation. If you would like to report a property that has not been mowed, please call 763-951-7200 or e-mail the complaint to New Plumbing Code to Protect Drinking Water On January 23, 2016, Minnesota adopted a new plumbing code that requires record keeping and annual testing of backflow assemblies connected to potable water (water used for cooking, bathing and drinking). Backflow means the reversal of water flow from its normal or intended direction of flow. This applies to lawn irrigation systems and the installation of boilers. The new plumbing code is designed to protect our drinking water. Testing of backflow devices annually is important to ensure proper function. If backflow occurs, it could contaminate the public water supply. For example, water in a lawn irrigation system may become contaminated with weed killers and fertilizers. This water could then potentially backflow into drinking water, endangering the health of a household or neighborhood. There are four commonly used water backflow assemblies: reduced pressure principle assembly (RPZ), double check valve assembly (DCVA), pressure vacuum breaker (PVB), and atmospheric vacuum breaker (AVB). If you have a lawn irrigation system, backflow testing must now be performed annually by a licensed plumber who is ASSE certified (American Society of Safety Engineers). Testing results must be submitted to the Building Inspections Department at the City of Coon Rapids. If a homeowner who is ASSE Certified does their own backflow testing, that information must also be submitted to the City on an annual basis. Be sure your lawn irrigation company is submitting this information to the City. Contact the Building Inspections Department at 763767-6476 if you have questions about this new plumbing code. Other information can be found on The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry web site http://www. What is an Inoperable Vehicle? Any vehicle including trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, etc., which is dismantled, wrecked, on blocks or similar devices; does not display current registration or plates; or has deflated tires are considered inoperable vehicles. All motor vehicles and trailers parked outside on private property must appear operable and must display current registration and licensed plates. Improper storage of inoperable motor vehicles and trailers can be unsightly for a neighborhood and is in violation of City Code Chapter 11-601.5. A violation of City Code could result in an administrative citation and removal of the improperly stored vehicle from the property. If you have questions please contact the Neighborhood Reinvestment Division at 763-767-6470. n S u e n h t Did you know the installation of any pool with more than 24” of water requires a City permit? Before you dive into purchasing that pool to beat the heat, check the City website,, to make sure you’re following City code. Fun i City News SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Community strength...for generations | Housing News SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Improving Life on the Lake The Bartletts always dreamed of living on the lake. When they found a home for sale on Crooked Lake in Coon Rapids, the land was just what they were looking for, but not the house. They weren’t afraid of remodeling and the Home for Generations II program helped. “We Googled Coon Rapids house remodel and Home for Generations came up as an option for home remodeling programs. The program/opportunity was appealing and it helped us get comfortable with the project we wanted to tackle,” Zack Bartlett says. The Bartletts tore down an old detached garage and re-built an attached three stall garage with a future bonus room above. They also removed walls, eliminating a dining room to open up the living space. An extensive kitchen remodel included custom cabinetry, countertops and hardwood floors. The Bartletts opened their home to the public as part of the recent Coon Rapids Home Remodeling Tour that took place May 15. Hundreds of people toured the remodeled space to get ideas for their own home improvement projects. “We’re happy to give back. It’s such a unique program that we were happy to be part of the home tour showcase,” says Bartlett. The Home for Generations II program provides grant money for large remodeling projects such as removing or relocating walls, complete kitchen and bathroom remodels, basement finishes or remodels, adding an addition or other major enhancements. The program at a glance: Maximum Grant: $5,000 Minimum Project Amount: $35,000 Rebate: 50% of building permit fees Financing: 4.5% fixed up to $50,000 Architectural Consultation: $25 co-pay Income Limit: None Minimum Age of House: 20 years Availability: First come, first served Help for First Time Homebuyers Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s 2016 Start Up Program is now available for first time homebuyers. This year’s allocation to Anoka County, including Coon Rapids, is $5,965,146. The program will run through November or until funds run out, whichever occurs first. This mortgage loan program offers affordable interest rates and down payment and closing cost assistance to qualified buyers. Buyers must qualify financially using an MHFA-approved lender, meet income qualifications (cannot exceed $99,500 for 3+ person households) and may be required to attend a homebuyer education class. For more information on MHFA’s Start Up Program and its other homebuyer programs, visit The Bartlett’s newly remodeled kitchen is much larger thanks to removing a wall to the dining room. The new layout features granite countertops, new appliances, light fixtures and hardwood floors. Homeowners who increase their home’s curb appeal will be awarded a larger grant than those who make only interior or exterior maintenance improvements. Find out more today! Visit the City’s website for more information, or contact Kristin at 763-767-6517 or by email at Financing for this home improvement program is available through the Coon Rapids Mortgage Assistance Foundation. Loans up to $50,000 are available at a fixed interest rate of 4.5%. Home Improvement Resources Remodeling Advisor Visits offer free professional advice to help homeowners plan improvements to their homes – from simple renovations to a dream remodel. Call the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) at 612-335-5856 or visit Home Improvement Loans are available to help finance most remodeling projects – from additions and interior remodels; to replacing or maintaining siding, roofing or windows; or assisting with emergency repairs. Low interest loans are available for exterior improvements on two-family structures when work is completed on both units at the same time. Call The Lending Center at CEE at 612-335-5884 for more information or visit The Zero Interest Home Rehabilitation Deferred Loan is available to low and moderate-income households, providing funding for improvements needed to meet minimum housing standards. Contact the HousingResource™ Center at 651-486-7401 or visit Down Payment Assistance is available through the Coon Rapids Mortgage Assistance Foundation for buyers using FHA 203(k) renovation financing to purchase a single family home. Contact Cheryl Bennett at the City of Coon Rapids at 763-767-6422, by email at or visit htm. | Community strength...for generations Page 9 City News Event Schedule (Continued from front page) Saturday, July 2 7 – 8:30 a.m. . . . . . . . R egistration begins for Firecracker 5K run/walk 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. . . . . . Concession stand serving breakfast* 9 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Firecracker 5K run/walk begins Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carnival midway, bingo and pull tabs open 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Parade begins 7:30 – 11:30 p.m. . . . “White Iron” Band performs Midnight . . . . . . . . . . Event closes Sunday, July 3 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. . . . . . Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon to dusk . . . . . . . 5 – 11 p.m. . . . . . . . . Concession stand serving breakfast* Carnival midway, bingo and pull tabs open “Crafts at the CRIC” Craft show “Car Show to Remember” - Hot Rods & Classics (Gate fee of $5 per car which benefits ACBC Food Shelf) 7:30 – 11 p.m. . . . . . . “Night Shift” Band performs Midnight . . . . . . . . . . Event closes Monday, July 4 8 a.m. – 11 a.m. . . . . Concession stand serving breakfast* Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carnival midway, bingo and pull tabs open Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bean Bag Tournament walk-up registration begins 1 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . Bean Bag Tournament play begins** 7:30 – 11 p.m. . . . . . . “Night Louie” Band performs 10 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . Fireworks (display voted one of the best in the Twin Cities!) Midnight . . . . . . . . . . Event closes *Concession stand, operated by the North Star Lions Club, remains open throughout the day and evening serving pulled pork sandwiches, hamburgers, walking tacos, hot dogs and more. **For questions about the Bean Bag Tournament, contact Ryan Gunderson, Recreation Coordinator, at 763-767-6513 or email Page 10 SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Firecracker 5K NEW this year: the Firecracker 5K at 9 a.m. on Saturday, July 2. The Coon Rapids firefighters are promoting wellness and fitness for all ages! Whether you want to walk or run the 5K, you’re encouraged to participate! The event is open to all fitness levels and walkers and runners will have one hour to finish the race. Anyone exceeding the one hour mark is encouraged to finish, but the remainder of their 5K will be unsupported and ineligible to receive a finishers’ medal if the finish line has been cleared. The event, rain or shine, will start at the Coon Rapids Ice Center, 11000 Crooked Lake Boulevard. Race parking will be at Anoka-Ramsey Community College (11200 Mississippi Boulevard), which is a short walk from the Coon Rapids Ice Center. The route will be a combination of Coon Rapids residential roads and trails starting on 109th, running through Dahlia and Riverview Parks, by Mississippi Elementary School and ending back at the Coon Rapids Ice Center. Early Bird registration: $25 (until June 18) Late or same day registration: $30 (after June 18. Shirts and medals are not guaranteed for any late registrations). Fee includes a race T-shirt, race medal, beer or pop drink ticket upon completion of the race and 4 free games of Bingo at the Firefighter tent with race bib. After race snack and beverage will be provided at the finish line. Additional prizes for the top three men and women. • Race proceeds benefit the Coon Rapids Community Strength Foundation which supports community events. All proceeds from the race go back into the community to help build a happier, healthier and more enjoyable community to live in. • Note: In case of severe weather, the race will be called as early as possible on race day. No refunds will be issued due to severe weather cancellation. To sign up, visit Bean Bag Tournament Sponsored by the Coon Rapids Athletic Association, you’re invited to participate in a Bean Bag Tournament July 4. The event begins with first come, first served walk-up registration at noon Monday, July 4. Play begins at 1 p.m. • Cost: $20 per team • Regular bean bag rules apply • Teams may consist of 2-4 players • Must be at least 18 years old to participate • Double elimination format • Prizes awarded to the top 2 teams based on the number of teams entered (24 team limit) Questions or more information: Ryan Gunderson, Recreation Coordinator at 763-767-6513 or For more information about the July 4 community celebration, visit: Community strength...for generations | Business & Development News Potential Development Near Northstar Rail Station Financial Resources for Businesses The City of Coon Rapids offers a variety of financing options for projects that help achieve its development goals. These resources are administered both by the City and outside resources, including the Central Minnesota Development Company (CMDC), which is authorized to provide Small Business Administration loans, as well as the City of Coon Rapids’ commercial loan funds. For more information visit or contact Mike Mulrooney at CMDC at 763-784-3337. Plans are in the works to create a new development project next to the Northstar Commuter Rail station (behind Target) on land owned by the Anoka County Regional Rail Authority. This plan will include a 176-unit market rate apartment building, a 63-unit mixed-income apartment building and a small retail component. The apartments are expected to include many amenities, including a dog run, playground equipment, underground parking and walking paths. Minneapolis-based Sherman Associates will be leading the $51 million project, which could break ground by early 2017 if funding is received. Coon Rapids Economic Development Coordinator, Matt Brown, says “Most of the project will be funded by a combination of private equity, a bank loan, federal tax credits, a Metropolitan Council grant, and tax increment financing. It’s really exciting to see interest in new construction here in Coon Rapids.” Coon Rapids Business Council Are you a business owner in Coon Rapids? Come to the next Coon Rapids Business Council meeting. Tuesday, August 23 Free Business Consultations Are you a business owner in need of advice or are you looking to start a new business in Anoka County? The Open to Business program offers FREE consultations to anyone in Anoka County who is interested in starting a business or currently owns a business. Business Advisor, Kathleen DuChene, holds office hours at the Anoka County Government Center and other locations around Anoka County, including at Coon Rapids City Hall on the third Tuesday of each month from 2 - 4:30 p.m. Entrepreneurs interested in this service can also schedule an appointment by calling Kathleen at 763-438-7315. This service is perfect for those looking to: • Open a business • Discuss financing options • Develop marketing strategies •U nderstand the logistics of leasing or purchasing property • And other business-related needs More information about this program can be found at 7:30 a.m. – 9 a.m. Bunker Hills Golf Club Clubhouse East Ballroom 12800 Bunker Prairie Road Learn about business topics and initiatives in Coon Rapids. Sponsored by SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Potential Port Riverwalk Housing Development City staff continue to work with The Beard Group and Centra Homes to work out details and terms for a development project on the City-owned land located on the south side of Coon Rapids Boulevard, generally between Egret Boulevard and Avocet Street. The potential project will likely include market rate apartments, for-sale detached townhouses and additional land reserved for retail. The apartments would be amenity-rich and more contemporary and different from other apartment offerings in the city. The Coon Rapids City Council will consider an agreement with the developers soon. Construction Moving Along on River North Senior Housing The exterior framing and roofing of the new, 167unit senior apartment building is nearly completed at the intersection of 109th Lane and Crooked Lake Boulevard. The facility, located next to the Coon Rapids Ice Center, is expected to open in early 2017. The project represents a major step forward in development efforts along the Coon Rapids Boulevard corridor. River North is the second senior housing project to be constructed along Coon Rapids Boulevard in recent years. Autumn Glen Senior Living opened last year about a mile to the west. For more information about River North Apartments, call 763-762-4762 or visit Other Business News • Gordman’s (shopping & specialty retail) will be opening a new store July 14 at 3340 124th Ave. NW, #2 (in the old Rainbow Foods location in the Riverdale Crossing Shopping Center). • Coon Rapids Pawn Shop (shopping & specialty retail) has opened at 1923 Coon Rapids Boulevard. • Cricket Wireless (computers & telecommunications) has a new location at 12940 Riverdale Drive #300. | Community strength...for generations Page 11 Business Spotlight SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Quick Facts: Coon Rapids Service Stays in the Family In 1980, Chuck Szaflarski and Steve Warndahl combined their knowledge and expertise in auto repair and opened Coon Rapids Service after renovating a boarded up gas station located at 2600 Coon Rapids Boulevard NW. Chuck’s son, Steven (Spike) grew up in the garage. “It was my daycare and vacation spot,” Steven says. Warndahl retired and Chuck and Steven became business partners in 2009, when Steven purchased a portion of the company. Chuck later retired in 2014 and Steven took over as owner expanding upon what his father had established over the last 34 years, focusing on customer service and reliable repairs. “We’re small enough where when you walk in we know your name. We’re really about giving fantastic service that some of the bigger stores can’t necessarily compete with. We are there truly to service people’s vehicles and meet their needs,” Szaflarski says. Moving forward, Szaflarski hopes to continue to build the business by focusing on the company’s mission; ensuring that clients’ vehicles are safe and dependable. Outside the company, Szaflarski wants to give back to the community he grew up in. “I would love to see a non-profit that I’m able to set up with the profits from our business. Something bigger then ourselves, a way to provide services to those who need vehicle repairs.” “An Automatic Fit” One of the largest residential garage door companies in the Upper Midwest is right in our backyard. Industrial Door Company was founded in 1974 by Gerry Sizer in his Elk River garage. By 1977, IDC had moved to Coon Rapids, where its headquarters remains today. In 2011, IDC acquired Champlin-based Automatic Garage Door and changed its name to IDC-Automatic Garage Door. Sizer retired in 2000, and his children, Jeremy Sizer and Jodi Boldenow took over as owners. Since then, IDC-Automatic Garage Door has been manufacturing garage door springs in Minnesota, Ohio and Arizona, and shipping them all over the world. However, they choose to keep the garage door installation portion of their company local. “We continue to want to grow. We are always looking at other opportunities. I see the manufacturing portion of the business continuing to expand, but we want to stay customer-intimate on our installations and keep our pulse on it so we obtain controlled growth,” says Jenny Page 12 • Family Name: Szaflarski • Employees: 2 • Years in Business: 36 McGrath, Director of Sales and Marketing. Owners Sizer and Boldenow emphasize employee satisfaction, each year sharing five percent of IDC-Automatic Garage Door’s profits with its employees, and they pass along the same message to their customers. “We have been empowered by the company owners to make the right decision for the customers and make it right. It’s that ma and pa feel that’s made us successful. Doing the right thing and rolling up your sleeves is what’s made us who we are today,” McGrath says. IDC-Automatic Garage Door was recently awarded with the Twin Cities Business Magazine’s Top Family Business in 2015, and Top 150 Workplaces by the Star Tribune. Sizer and Boldenow have a fiveyear plan to hit $100 million in revenue through acquisitions and expanding their company’s geographic reach, but say Coon Rapids will always be IDCAutomatic’s home base. FUN Facts: • Steven was nicknamed “Spike” when an elderly woman saw his mohawk as a teenager and referred to him as “Spike.” • Chuck still works as a custodian at Coon Rapids Service when he isn’t farming at home. IDC-Automatic Garage Door Quick Facts: • Family name: Sizer • Inception: 1974 What the company does: Commercial and residential garage door installation, service and accessories, garage door spring manufacturing. Manufactures wood garage doors locally. • Employees: 180 Community strength...for generations | Police News K-9 Retires Billy, the German Shepard who was part of the Coon Rapids Police Department’s canine team, has been taken out of service. The dog developed a fear of loud noises (including lights and sirens) making him unable to work at his full capacity while on patrol. Billy, and his handler, Bill Hammes, started working as a canine team in June of 2014. Billy’s initial training included desensitization to sharp sounds and he was not fearful of loud noises while working during the first year on the police force. However, something changed during the last several months, and further training did not help the dog overcome his fear of loud noises. Officer Bill Hammes and German “It’s similar to when you have a dog who Shepard Billy pictured in 2014. doesn’t want to go to the vet,” says Police Billy had to be retired early from Chief Brad Wise. “Billy developed a fear the police force due to a fear of loud noises. Officer Hammes is of loud noises somewhere along the way. now working as a patrol officer and We don’t know what caused it exactly. We is no longer a K-9 handler, but the tried very hard to re-train him to overcome two remain together as Billy is now that fear, but nothing was working. Much Hammes’s family pet. like when a dog has a fear of the vet, sometimes they overcome it and sometimes they don’t. Billy wasn’t able to overcome his fear of loud noises, so we had to make the difficult decision to remove him from duty, which happened in March.” Billy was returned to McDonough K9, the company that acquired and trained the dog. Billy and Officer Bill Hammes have developed a strong bond as dog and handler since 2014, so McDonough K-9 gave Billy to Officer Hammes, who is now a family pet. McDonough K-9 has provided a new dog and training to the police department at no charge. Taz, a Belgian Malinois, and handler Officer Brian Sternquist are currently in training and will graduate in June. Sternquist is a 14year member of the Coon Rapids Police Department. Sternquist and Taz join Officer Interna Kim and Ike (also in training) as members of the department’s canine team. Both handlers and dogs will begin working in June. A community campaign, organized by the Coon Rapids Crime Prevention Association in 2014, helped raise money for the purchase of a dog. Several individual donors, businesses and service organizations raised money, and a large donation of $10,000 was received by Curt Zbikowski, who was able to name the dog after his father, a local businessman who had a deep appreciation for those working in law enforcement. “Mr. Zbikowski was very understanding of our situation and fully supports the difficult decisions we’ve made,” according to Chief Wise. “We are grateful to the Coon Rapids Crime Prevention Association, Mr. Zbikowski and the community for donating money to pay for this tremendous tool for the department. Even though we are no longer able to use the original dog, Billy, on the police force, we look forward to our new dog, Taz, joining the department. McDonough K9 has been a tremendous partner through all of this and we appreciate being able to receive another Taz, a Belgian Malinois, is currently dog as an even exchange, to continue to in training and will work with officer have two canine teams” says Wise. Brian Sternquist as the police department’s newest canine team. | Community strength...for generations SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Keep Your Pets Safe Police Citizens This Summer Each year the Coon Rapids Police Department Academy responds to dozens of calls about pets left in hot cars. Sign up Now! Have you ever wanted to go behindthe-scenes of the Coon Rapids Police Department? Now is your chance! Sign up for the 2016 Police Citizens Academy. Participants will learn about a variety of topics, view demonstrations and take part in hands-on activities. This class is FREE! Wednesday evenings September 7 - November 9 6-9:30 p.m. Coon Rapids Police Department Deadline to register: August 8 Sign up online! To register: visit the City’s website at, then visit Parks & Recreation, then Class Sign ups. This is extremely dangerous as the inside temperature of a car can be more than 30 degrees hotter than the outside temperature in a very short period of time! It’s better to leave your animal at home during the summer. Don’t take your furry friend to the store. Even just a few minutes in a hot car can cause distress. If you see a distressed animal in a locked car, call 911. It is against the law to leave a dog or cat unattended in a standing or parked car in a manner that endangers the animal’s health or safety. Also remember to keep your dog on a leash when you’re out walking and don’t forget to pick up after your pet! Police K-9’s say…keep your pets out of hot cars this summer. Night To Unite WHO: Coon Rapids Residents WHAT: Night to Unite 2016 WHEN: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 WHERE: Your Neighborhood WHY: Night to Unite is the annual event that brings neighbors together to get to know each other, talk about their neighborhoods and connect with members of the Coon Rapids Police and Fire Departments. 2016 THEME: Building COMMUNITY One NIGHT TO UNITE at a Time 2016 COLOR: TEAL Registration is open now! Register in person at the Coon Rapids Police Department located at 11155 Robinson Drive NW, by calling 763-767-6481, or online at Car Seat Clinics Did you know 4 out of 5 car seats are installed incorrectly? Get tips from professionally trained car seat technicians from the Coon Rapids Police and Fire Departments at one of the following car seat clinics: August 10, September 14, October 12 Clinics take place from 4-7 p.m. This free service is available by appointment only to Coon Rapids residents through Safe Kids Anoka County. Schedule an appointment by contacting or call 763-767-4680, ext. 680. Clinics take place at the Coon Rapids Police Department, 11155 Robinson Drive. Page 13 Fire News Smoking Safety The improper disposal of smoking material has contributed to a growing number of structure fires, resulting in property loss. Recently a Coon Rapids apartment was seriously damaged due to a cigarette catching the deck on fire. Most smoking material structure fires occur at home, and smoking materials are the leading cause of fire deaths, which can be prevented. Smoking Safety • If you smoke, use only fire-safe cigarettes. • If you smoke, smoke outside. • Keep cigarettes, lighters, matches, and other smoking materials up high in locked cabinets out of the reach of children. Put It Out • Use a deep, sturdy ashtray to put out cigarettes. Keep the ashtray away from anything that can burn. • Do not discard cigarettes in vegetation such as mulch, potted plants, peat moss, dried grasses, leaves or other things that could ignite easily. • Before you throw away butts and ashes, make sure they are completely out. Use sand or water to completely put out the flame. • If you smoke on your deck, make sure you use a metal bucket with sand or water in it. The bucket needs to be emptied out once a week. Discarded cigarettes have been known to start fires a day after they were “out.” A good soaking with water before you place them in the trash can help prevent a fire in the garbage can. Smoking and Medical Oxygen • Never allow anyone to smoke where medical oxygen is used. Medical oxygen can cause materials to ignite more easily and fire to burn at a faster rate than normal. Be Alert • To prevent a deadly cigarette fire, you must be alert. You won’t be alert if you are sleepy, have been taking medicine or drugs that make you drowsy or have consumed alcohol. • Never smoke in bed. Facts • The risk of dying in a home structure fire caused by smoking materials rises with age. • In one out of four smoking-material related fatalities, the victim is not a smoker, but shared a space with the smoker whose cigarette started the fire. Page 14 SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Get to Know Fire Marshal Todd Williams Fire Marshal Todd Williams grew up around the fire service. His father was a firefighter who shared the profession with several uncles and cousins. The Williams family was recently recognized by the East Bethel Fire Department for 150 years of service in the community. “My dad was an East Bethel firefighter, so all my life I’ve been associated with the fire department.” Williams began his career with the East Bethel Fire Department in May of 1988. He came to Coon Rapids in 1994 as a paid on-call firefighter, was hired full-time in 2001, and then was promoted to shift inspector before assuming the Fire Marshal position in 2008. What is the best part of the job? “When you make a difference in someone’s life, whether that’s stopping and helping someone along the side of the road, or helping a child who fell off their bike. Making a difference in people’s lives, knowing you changed an outcome and you helped out a family, that’s really rewarding.” What is a message you want to share with the community? “I’m passionate about fire prevention education. It’s so important for everyone to have working smoke detectors. They’re tools that save lives.” What are some memorable career stories? “Every year for the past 20 years, the firefighters dance in the elementary schools for Fire Prevention Week. Many people probably don’t think I’m a dancer, but it gets the kids involved and they have fun. We dance 27 times at nine schools each year. Oh, and I’ve also delivered six babies.” What is something people may not know about you? “When I was four years old, I accidentally set my house on fire. I was chasing my cat and he went into my closet. I used my Mom’s lighter to see inside the closet and set my clothes on fire. We were out of the house for six months.” Tell us about your family. “I’ve been married to my wife, Heidi, for 21 years. We have a son Cole (12) who is very active in football, basketball and baseball.” What are your hobbies? “I like to go snowmobiling, four-wheeling, go to friends’ cabins and fish.” Fireworks Safety Be safe this Independence Day if you plan to use fireworks to celebrate. • Examples of fireworks that are permitted include sparklers, cones and tubes that emit sparks, novelty items like snakes and party poppers. • Explosive and aerial fireworks are prohibited for public sale, possession and use in the State of Minnesota. Prohibited fireworks include, but are not limited to, firecrackers, bottle rockets, missiles, roman candles, mortars and shells. • Use fireworks with close adult supervision. • Only light one firework device at a time, then move away from the device quickly. Keep clear of any device that has been ignited, but has yet to go off. • If a firework device has been ignited but fails to go off, stay clear of the device for an extended period of time to prevent injury due to delayed activation. Soak the device in water before handling it. For more safety tips and to review a complete list of legal and illegal fireworks visit Fire Station Open House Events Saturday, October 15 10 a.m. – noon At all 3 fire stations in Coon Rapids Station 1 – 1460 Egret Blvd. Station 2 – 1199 121st Ave. NW Station 3 – 2831 113th Ave. NW Come learn about fire prevention. See a kitchen fire demonstration, take a station tour, learn about seat belt safety and more fun activities! Community strength...for generations | Seniors’ Corner Senior Skate for Ages 55+ Get out and have some fun at the Coon Rapids Ice Center Wednesday mornings from 8 a.m. to 9:40 a.m. Fresh coffee will be provided. Cost is $5.00 (payable at the door). No skating on July 20, August 3, 10. Schedule subject to change for special events. Call 763-951-7222 for more information. Coloring Fun Fridays at 9:30 a.m. SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Live 2B Healthy Fitness Class Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays: 8:30-9:30 a.m. FIRST SESSION FREE! Improve flexibility and balance while increasing muscular endurance. Led by a certified instructor. Classes are $35.00 per month, but there’s no cost to “SilverSneakers” or “Silver and Fit” members. Most Blue Cross Blue Shield, Health Partners and other medical plans accepted. First session is free. Bring your insurance card to determine if you will get a discount in the future. Held at the Coon Rapids Senior Center. Walking Club Exercise, meet new friends and enjoy nature, all at one time! Beginning Friday, June 3, the group will meet at the Coon Rapids Senior Center at 9 a.m. and walk approximately 1.5-3 miles (depending on the trail and the participants). We may hike on the trails behind Coon Rapids City Hall or take the Senior Center Bus to another park. Consider joining another group in the area. Feel free to call Volunteer Leader Beverly at 763-571-7502 for more details. Mondays—Blaine Trailblazers Tuesdays—Fridley Happy Hikers Wednesdays—Columbia Heights Hikers Thursdays—Spring Lake Park Strollers Fridays—Coon Rapids Roamers Adult coloring is the latest trend, providing relaxation, healthy benefits and FUN! No need to sign up. Just come to the Coon Rapids Senior Center. Materials will be provided to get you started. No fee. Outreach Service at the Coon Rapids Outreach Service Patty Marz, with the Anoka County Community Action Program (ACCAP), will now have office hours at the Coon Rapids Senior Center. She can connect seniors with resources in the community to help them remain in their own home as long as possible. She can help with assistance for food support, housing, health care programs, energy assistance, or other questions regarding resources in the community. Stop in on the 2nd Tuesday of each month between 10 a.m. and noon, or contact Patty at 763-783-4741. Assistance with Property Tax & Rent Refunds Thursday, July 21 • Noon—4 p.m. Coon Rapids Senior Center Please bring a photo I.D. and your Federal Tax Form 1040 or records showing total household income. If you are a homeowner, please bring a copy of your Real Estate Tax Statement. If you are a renter, please bring your Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP). No appointments. First come, first served. Cards & Games No registration needed. Just come in and join in the fun! Coon Rapids Senior Center 11155 Robinson Drive BINGO: Mondays & Thursdays at 12:45 p.m. BRIDGE: Tuesdays at 12:45 p.m. Call 763-755-0008 or 763-421-9518 for reservation. BUNCO: Wednesdays at 12:45 p.m. CHESS: Mondays at 12:45 p.m. CRIBBAGE: Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ‘500’: Wednesdays at 12:45 p.m. HAND & FOOT CARDS: Fridays at 12:15 p.m. PINOCHLE: Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Collection Site Did you know that the Coon Rapids Senior Center collects the following items? • Hotel samples of soap, shampoo, lotions, toothbrushes and toothpaste go to International Health Service of MN who sends the items to Honduras. • Used eye glasses go to the Lions Club and are refurbished and distributed around the world. | Community strength...for generations • Box Tops for Education, Kemp’s milk lids, Campbell’s Soup Labels and printer cartridges go to Hamilton Elementary for school supplies. • Hygiene products, batteries, and gift cards go to Stepping Stone Emergency Housing (shelter for homeless adults). Page 15 Parks & Recreation SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Practice at Bunker Hills Come to Bunker Hills and try our newly renovated practice area... the perfect place to test your swing or your putting and chipping techniques! Bunker Hills Golf Club 12800 Bunker Prairie Drive Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-755-4141 Kids Golf for FREE Bunker Hills invites you to bring your children to play golf on the Executive Course…for FREE. Our special program allows children to golf for FREE with a paid adult, every day of the week after 4 pm. First come, first served. Golf is the perfect sport for all ages, so why not bring your entire family to Bunker Hills for a great evening of fun! golfTEC: 612-424-9251 Kendall’s Tavern & Chophouse: 763-755-1234 Improve your game! Try private lessons at golfTEC! Call 612-424-9251 or visit Tickets On Sale NOW! November 25 thru January 1 A holiday musical comedy and 3-course dinner for the whole family with tickets starting at $47! Group pricing available. Buy online or by calling 763-951-7244. Sign up for all classes online at: Skating Stars Camp Coon Rapids Ice Center 11000 Crooked Lake Blvd. 763-951-7222 Public Skating Have fun skating on the indoor rink! Summer Public Skating times: Wednesdays & Fridays 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Admission is $5.00 for adults, $4.00 for students. Children ages 5 and under skate FREE with a paid admission. Skate rental and sharpening is also available. Page 16 Improve your skating skills with a 4-day ice skating camp! Includes on-ice time, dryland training, t-shirt and healthy snack options each day. Perfect for beginners thru free skate 4 level skaters. July 18 - 21 8 a.m. - Noon • Fee: $149.00 Power Skating Sundays Looking to improve your skating skills? Coaches at the Coon Rapids Ice Center are available to help hockey players improve their skills and techniques. Classes are 1 hour in length. Planning a Birthday Party? Have the indoor ice all to yourself! Reserve your private birthday party at the Coon Rapids Ice Center! 2-3 p.m. • Fee: $60 for 5 sessions 3 hour Birthday Party packages include: Summer Skating Lessons Ice time (1 hour) • Skate rental Private party room • Balloons Plates & Utensils • Hot dogs Pop & Chips June 19 • July 10, 24 • August 7, 21 Fun classes for figure skaters and hockey players, including adults. Classes take place on Monday evenings starting June 13 through August 22 (no class July 4). 30 minute classes with 30 minutes of practice time. Several evening class times available. Fee: $127 for 10 weeks. Bring your own cake, ice cream and decorations. Call 763-951-7222 or email to make your reservation. Community strength...for generations | Parks & Recreation Fall Athletic Association Registration Fall registration begins soon. Check individual association websites for more information. Coon Rapids Athletic Association • Football for 2nd to 8th grade • Basketball for 2nd to 12th grade (boys and girls) • Wrestling for 1st to 6th grade Coon Rapids Soccer Association Recreational and competitive soccer for all ages (4 years and older) Coon Rapids Hockey Association Hockey for Coon Rapids youth age 4 to 18 Coon Rapids Cardinal Basketball Club Traveling basketball for boys and girls Teen Open Basketball Work on your basketball skills with friends during daily open gym at the Health & Wellness Center on the campus of Anoka-Ramsey Community College. This program is for youth ages 12-18. June 13 - July 28 (Monday-Thursday, closed on July 4) 10 a.m. - noon Fee: $1 per day* *One-time guardian waiver form required Questions: Call 763-433-1289 Park Facility Reservations Are you interested in reserving a picnic shelter for a summer party or using an athletic field? Call Recreation Coordinator Ryan Gunderson at 763-7676513 or email Senior Tai Chi Classes Class 1 Come learn and practice Tai Chi! We will use the eight Brocades to begin practice, then move to the flowing movements of the first set of the New China Synthetic 88 form. Other movements will be practiced as time permits. Session 1 . . Every Monday June 6 - July 18 (no class July 4) Session 2 . . Every Monday July 25 - August 29 Time . . . . 9 a.m. Class 2 Come learn and practice the flowing movements of Tai Chi. We will use the Tai Chi for Health form developed by Dr. Paul Lam of Australia as our basic form, learning the warm-ups, form sequence and moves that he put together for his patients and anyone else who would like to begin learning Tai Chi. Supported by the Arthritis Foundation. Session 1 . . Every Monday June 6 - July 18 (no class July 4) Session 2 . . Every Monday July 25 - August 29 Time . . . . . . 10:15 a.m. Location for all sessions: Coon Rapids Ice Center Fee: $45 SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Paddleboard Yoga SUP (stand-up paddleboard) yoga is a unique workout where your mat is a paddleboard and your studio is the water. Challenge yourself and have fun! Paddleboard 101 or previous SUP experience is recommended. All equipment is provided. June 20, July 18, August 29 • 6:30 p.m. Classes meet at the Crooked Lake Park public boat launch. Fee: $25.00 per class Sign up online at Yoga in the Park June 20, 27, July 18, August 8, 22, 29 5 p.m. Crooked Lake Park 13180 Crooked Lake Blvd. Single Class Fee: $8.00 Series of Classes: $36.00 Sign up online at Sign up online at Active Kids Association of Sport’s AKA All Sports Camp Choose full summer program or specific weeks Week 1 (June13) . . . . . . . . Olympic Games & Opening Ceremonies Week Week 2 (June 20). . . . . . . . Diamond Sports Week Week 3 (June 27). . . . . . . . Hockey Week Week 4 (July 5) . . . . . . . . . Swimming Week *shortened 4 day Week Week 5 (July 11) . . . . . . . . Ice Sports Week Week 6 (July 18) . . . . . . . . Lacrosse & Soccer Week Week 7 (July 25) . . . . . . . . Archery Outdoors Week Week 8 (August 1). . . . . . . Bikes & Blades Week Week 9 (August 8). . . . . . . Basketball & Football Week Week 10 (August 15). . . . . Golf Week Week 11 (August 22). . . . . Closing Ceremonies Week Week 12 (August 29). . . . . Extra ASC Week AKASport Camps are a great alternative to daycare (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and are the most active, social and physically engaging program around! Fee: $225-235 per week or $2,200 for the entire summer. Location: C oon Rapids Ice Center (11000 Crooked Lake Boulevard) For more information and easy online registration: or call 651-447-2454. | Community strength...for generations “The Element” Teen Center (grades 6-12) 2701 Northdale Blvd. (at Riverwind Park) Summer Hours (June 14 – August 26) Tuesday/Thursday: 6-8 p.m. • Friday: 6-9 p.m. Come socialize, play games, watch movies and have fun with kids your age in a safe, supervised environment. FREE! Concessions available for purchase. Join us for these special events: July 1 . . . . . . . July 15 . . . . . . August 2 . . . . August 5 . . . . August 26 . . . Independence Day Picnic Grand Slam Field Trip Night to Unite (5-8 p.m.) Andover Lanes Field Trip End of Summer Party Join our Facebook page for the latest updates and special announcements! Page 17 Community Connection SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Sams Earns Public Health Award Anoka County Commute Solutions is a Transportation Management Organization (TMO) that strives to reduce congestion and improve air quality by encouraging you to telework, walk, bike, carpool, vanpool, ride the bus and/or take the train to your destination. We offer free services to help you find alternative ways to commute! Call 763-862-4260 for help! The Anoka County Board of Commissioners recently recognized the extraordinary efforts of dedicated individuals and groups who devote their time, energy, and talent to improving public health with the presentation of the 2016 Public Health Awards. Award recipients were recognized for their leadership, community health improvement, collaboration, and advocacy. Leah Sams (a teacher at Coon Rapids High School) was presented with an award for establishing a highly successful Biomedical Sciences program in area schools. The program gives students hands-on learning experience with Mercy Hospital and Medtronic, and provides them opportunities to hear unique speakers and take field trips related to careers in the health field. She also aligned the program with college and career pathways, enabling high school students to earn college credits. Anoka County Commissioner Matt Look presented a Public Health Award to Leah Sams, center. At right is Coon Rapids High School Principal Annette Ziegler, who nominated Sams for the award. “A Walk in the Garden” Educational Series The University of Minnesota Extension - Anoka County Master Gardener Volunteer Program is sponsoring “A Walk in the Garden” educational series of gardening classes at the Bunker Hills Activities Center, 550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN. Six classes are scheduled throughout the summer on select Wednesday evenings in the Veteran’s Peace and Master Gardener Demonstration Garden south of the Activities Center from 7-8 p.m. June 15 . . . . . Gardening with Native Plants June 29 . . . . . Continuous Color in the Garden July 13 . . . . . . Annuals that Attract Pollinators July 27 . . . . . . Saving Seeds, Harvest & Preparation August 10 . . . Growing Dahlias and Winter Care August 31 . . . Winter Garden/Yard Care for Native Pollinators Classes will be taught by Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and will include many useful gardening tips along with University of Minnesota research-based information. Pre-registration is required due to space limitations. Classes are free, but a suggested donation of five dollars per session is welcome, which helps to cover marketing and promotional expenses. Please call 763-755-1280 to reserve your space. A copy of the brochure is available at and lists complete class descriptions. Page 18 Journey of Healing Therapeutic Group* Mondays, June 6, 13, 20, 27 Support and Healing Group for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Thursdays, June 9, 16, 23, 30 Alexandra House, Blaine, MN This weekly educational group is for adult women who have experienced domestic or sexual violence who wish to overcome their trauma and move towards a place of healing and growth. *Pre-screening for this group is required. Call the Therapy & Support Services Program at 763-6561366 to schedule a pre-screening appointment. Alexandra House, Blaine, MN This weekly support group is for adult women who have experienced domestic or sexual assault/ abuse and are ready to explore their personal healing process and find hope. Call 763- 656-1366 to register. For more workshops and support groups, visit or call 763-656-1366. 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Register for Preschool It’s easy to get caught up in the summer fun, but it’s not too early (or too late) to register for preschool. School Readiness Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness Preschool are accepting registrations for the 2016-2017 school year. Classes are held September to June throughout the district. Children must be either three or four years old by September 1, 2016. Enrollment fees are based on income eligibility of families; free tuition and/or transportation for eligible families. Call 763-506–1500 for more information or to register. Community strength...for generations | Recycling Review Multi-Unit Recycling Update By Tanya Feldkamp – MN GreenCorps Member One of my major projects for Multi-Unit Recycling has been working to improve signage on recycling and garbage containers. Because haulers want unified branding on their dumpsters, oftentimes garbage and recycling containers can end up looking very similar. Sometimes the only signage differentiating the containers is a small label full of text. Original Recycling Signage Original Garbage Signage This can be problematic because it can be difficult to distinguish the difference between the containers. The Cities of Fridley and Coon Rapids have joined forces to address this problem by designing and installing large magnetic signs for dumpsters. Pictures, instead of text, were emphasized in the design. The signs also conform to the color scheme of other recycling and trash signage used around the Metro area, in hopes that they could have widespread use. Improved Recycling Signage Improved Garbage Signage At the beginning of the year, I installed the magnetic signs at three apartment complexes in Coon Rapids: Crest Oak Apartments, Drake Apartments and Parkview Estates. I have been tracking the amount of garbage and recycling before and after installation. On average, recycling has increased about 8% since the signs were installed. At two of the buildings, this has amounted to a 100 pound increase in recycling per week. Over the course of four months, this change in signage has resulted in an extra three tons of recycled material being collected! Additional educational opportunities are underway to help these buildings recycle even more and I continue to work on making the magnetic signs available to other multi-unit buildings. If you would like to improve recycling at your multi-unit building, please email me at SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Organics Recycling - The Basics Organics Recycling is composting on a large scale. Plant and animal based discards, also known as organic waste, are collected and sent to a commercial composting facility where they are recycled into a usable product: compost! Organic waste makes up one third of our trash. By composting food waste and non-recyclable paper instead, a lot less material will be incinerated or buried in landfills. The State of Minnesota has a goal of recycling or composting 75% of all waste by 2030, which means that in addition to increasing traditional recycling, organics recycling programs will become widespread across the state. Acceptable Materials The Recycling Center page on has a comprehensive list of acceptable/unacceptable items for organics recycling, but here is a list of the major categories: Food Waste - All types of food and scraps are acceptable in Organics Recycling. Unlike backyard composting, meat, dairy, and bones can be included. Non-Recyclable Paper Products - This is mostly “food-soiled paper”- 100% paper plates, greasy pizza boxes, napkins, coffee filters and paper towels. Paper egg cartons, wax paper, toothpicks and tissues are also acceptable. BPI-Certified Compostable Plastics - Food waste should be collected in compostable plastic bags, which have been certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) to fully biodegrade at a commercial composting facility. The Coon Rapids Recycling Center sells Blue Bag compostable plastic bags, but if bought elsewhere, look for the BPI logo on the packaging. There are also certified compostable cups, utensils, and other food service items. Organics Recycling Options Walter’s Blue Bag Organics Walter’s Recycling & Refuse residential customers in Coon Rapids have the option to participate in the Blue Bag curbside organics recycling program. Collect your organic waste in the provided compostable Blue Bags and place them in your garbage cart for curbside pick-up. The Blue Bags will be sorted out from the trash bags later. There is an extra fee for this service, but it includes a vented kitchen counter compost container and a year supply of compostable Blue Bags. Organics Recycling Drop-Off at the Coon Rapids Recycling Center The Recycling Center has an Organics Recycling dumpster available for residents of the city. Once you have collected your organic waste in BPI-certified plastic bags or paper bags, you can bring it to the Recycling Center during open hours. Dropping off the organic waste is free, but you do need to buy the BPI-certified bags. Free Organics Recycling Kits at the Recycling Center! Currently, the Recycling Center is offering free Organics Recycling Starter kits, which include a vented kitchen counter compost bucket and a month supply of 3-gallon compostable bags (5). Stop by the Recycling Center to pick up a starter kit and to get more information about Organics Recycling. *100 starter kits are available, limit one per household Coon Rapids Recycling Center 1831 – 111th Avenue, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763-767-6485 Seasonal Hours April-September: Tuesday and Thursday 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. October-March: Tuesday - Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. | Community strength...for generations Page 19 Events SUMMER 2016 Newsletter Summer Concerts The Coon Rapids Arts Commission and the Coon Rapids Community Strength Foundation are proud to present the Thursday Nites LIVE! Concert Series this summer at the Coon Rapids Dam. Come out and enjoy an evening of FREE entertainment featuring the following performers: Saturday, September 17 Page 1 Summer in the City Meetings Page 5 June 9 . . . . . T.C. Cats Family fun for everyone! The Coon Rapids Community Strength Foundation and the City of Coon Rapids invite you to “Movie in the Park.” 4th of July Community Celebration June 16 . . . . The Naked Cowboys June 23 . . . . Centennial Community Band Pet Fair July 7 . . . . . . Holy Rocka Rollaz Page 5 July 14 . . . . . Hitchville 7:30 p.m. July 21 . . . . . Sam Kuusisto Movie: Minions Location: July 28 . . . . . New Riverside Ramblers Farmers Market August 4 . . . Gravel Roads Page 5 August 11 . . Buddy and the Boys Riverview Park 2420 105th Avenue Family activities begin two hours prior to the movie. Activities include bouncers, balloon art and face painting. Fees apply. Concessions are also available for purchase. Bring a blanket and enjoy this FREE movie. The concerts take place at 7 p.m. at the performance pavilion, rain or shine. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket. Anoka County Parks waives the $5.00 parking fee for the evening. Food is available for purchase. The Coon Rapids Dam is located at 9750 Egret Blvd. Night to Unite Page 13 Service Directory Police and Fire: 911 City Center: 763-755-2880 Assessing: 763-767-6446 Property Maintenance: 763-767-6470 Coon Rapids Ice Center: 763-951-7222 Building Inspections: 763-767-6476 Engineering Department: 763-767-6465 Bunker Hills Golf Club: 763-755-4141 Fire Administration: 763-767-6429 CTN-Coon Rapids: (Cable TV Dept.) 763-767-6525 Planning and Zoning: 763-767-6430 Civic Center: 763-767-6522 Police Administration: 763-767-6481 | Community strength...for generations Public Works: 763-767-6462 Senior Services: 763-767-6473 Utility Billing: 763-767-6438 Fax: 763-767-6491 This is the official newsletter of the City of Coon Rapids which is distributed to all homes and businesses in the city. This newsletter is printed on recycled paper containing at least 30% post-consumer paper fibers using soy-based ink. (Circulation 26,019) General questions: Newsletter comments & information: Stephanie Ring Communications & Mktg Coordinator 763-767-6582 Page 20
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