File Description - Panel Study of Income Dynamics
File Description - Panel Study of Income Dynamics
A P A N E L S T U D Y O F I N C O M E PROCEDURES AND TAPE CODES 1981 INTERVIEWING YEAR WAVE XIV A Supplement Conducted under Contract with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health, and Human Services, with a Grant from the National Science Foundation INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1982 D Y N A M I C S : A PANEL STUDY OF INCOME DYNAMICS: PROCEDURES AND TAPE CODES 1981 INTERVIEWING YEAR WAVE XIV A SUPPLEMENT Conducted under Contract with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Department of Health and Human Services, and with a Grant from the National Science Foundation Survey Research Center INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1982 Permission is hereby granted for the quotation of this publication without prior specific permission for purposes of criticism, review, or evaluation, subject only to the "fair use" provisions of the Resolution on Permissions of the Association of American University Presses, including citation of the source. ISR Code NO. 4551 ISBN 0-87944-279-4 Published in 1982 by: Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 654321 Manufactured in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS P r e f a c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . 1 New Questions, I n t e r v i e w i n g P r o c e d u r e s , O c c u p a t i o n C o d e s , Independent Part Samples, Weights, Data Quality . . . . . 1 Part 2: 1981 Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Part 3: Editing Procedures and Worksheets Part 4: Coding Procedures Part 5: Generated Variables and Additional Data Section I: Part 1: Procedures for the 1981 Interviewing Year . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 . . . . . . . . . 80 Part 6: Data Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Part 7: Notes on Use of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Tape Codes for Wave XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Part 1: Fourteenth-Year Family Tape Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Part 2: Fourteen-Year Individual Tape Code . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Section II: Section III: Part I: Alphabetical Index of Fourteen-Year Family Code . . . . . 431 Part 2: Numerical Index of Fourteen-Year Family Code . . . . . . . 531 Part 3: Alphabetical Index of Fourteen-Year Individual Code . . . 587 Part 4: Numerical Index of Fourteen-Year Individual Code . . . . . 593 Part 5: Index of the 1981 Employment Sections . . . . . . . . . . 599 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 APPENDIX 1: STATE AND COUNTY CODES APPENDIX 2: INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATION CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 APPENDIX 3: PSID - CPS INCOME AND DEMOGRAPHlC COMPARISONS . . . . . . . 651 vii Preface This volume documents the fourteenth wave of data collected in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics interviews taken in 1981 on income for 1980. Volumes I and II of A Panel Study of Income Dynamics contain tape codes, indexes, available data, questionnaires and procedures specific to our first five years of data collection (1968-1972). These volumes also describe the early history of the study and some of the basic procedures that are common to all fourteen years of interviewing. Nine supplemental volumes, including this one, cover procedures, codes and questionnaires for Waves VI-XIV. W e have now published nine volumes of analysis in the series called Five Thousand American Families--Patterns of Economic Progress. Volume X will be published this summer with support from the Sloan foundation. It contains analyses of the new questions in the thirteenth wave of interviews, monitors important trends in repeatedly measured variables, and continues research started in previous volumes. Individual chapters discuss patterns of emergency help, effects of labor force withdrawals, effects of geographic mobility on the occupations and earnings of husbands and wives, r a c i a l d i f f e r e n c e s i n a f f l u e n c e . racial differences in rates of male labor force participation, the relationship of female household heads to long-term poverty, participation in the food stamp and SSI programs, the impact of price decontrol of heating fuel, response to increased gasoline prices and the impact of inflation on American households. T h e r e w i l l , a s u s u a l , be a summary of research being carried out elsewhere using Panel Study data. As an economy measure due to diminished funding, the length of the 1982 questionnaire has been cut. W e are asking no new questions and a few trend questions about things that don’t change often have been eliminated temporarily. Funding for the fifteenth wave is provided by the National Science foundation, the Sloan Foundation, the National Institute on Aging and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Staff Greg J. Duncan and James N. Morgan are the study’s principal researchers. Others responsible include Sue Augustyniak, Joan Brinser, C. Gaye Burpee, nary Corcoran. Linda Datcher, Anita Ernst, Peggy Gunnesch, P r i s c i l l a H i l d e b r a n d t , D a n H . H i l l , Martha S. Hill, Margaret Hoad, Michael Kaplan, Tecla Loup, Michael Ponza, and Anne Sears. W e regret that Michael Nolte has left us to supervise data processing in a nearby school district and that after many years on the PSID staff, Charles Stallman has deserted us and the Michigan winters and moved to Hawaii. SECTION I PROCEDURES FOR THE 1981 INTERVlEWlNG YEAR Part 1: New Questions, I n t e r v i e w i n g P r o c e d u r e s , O c c u p a t i o n C o d e s , Independent Part Samples, Weights, Data Quality New Questions In the 1981 interview heads of families who had been unemployed at any time in 1980 or were currently unemployed, were asked an extensive series of new questions about their spells of unemployment. (See the 1981 questionnaire in Part 2 of this section, questions C49-C79 and D26-D57.) Other new questions asked if the head (or wife) had suffered any illness or injury in 1980 severe enough to require hospitalization over night or longer, or staying in bed at home for a day or more. Respondents who had been hospitalized were asked if the hospital costs were covered by insurance or paid for out of their own pockets. (See questions K59-K71.) lnterviewing Procedures A major innovation in 1981 was the use of an improved method of direct data entry coding. This procedure is described in detail later in this volume. Once it got underway, coding went very quickly and we expect that this system will save us time, and we hope money, in the future. host of the interviewing was done by telephone by interviewers in the field. However, s o m e p r o b l e m i n t e r v i e w s w e r e e v e n t u a l l y s e n t b a c k t o t h e A n n A r b o r telephone interviewers who also made all the call backs for missing information. Next year we plan to do more of the interviewing from Ann Arbor. Interviewing lasted from March through September but the bulk of it was completed by August 1st. W e took 6620 interviews out of an estimated 6840 for an overall response rate of 96.8. Subtracting from the base the respondents who had died since the last interview, had moved into institutions where we were not able to interview them, w e r e t o o i l l t o t a l k t o u s . o r h a d g o n e b a c k t o b e i n g t h e w i f e i n a reunited couple, raises the response rate to 97.7 percent. This includes interviews with 263 new splitoffs out of a possible 307 for a disappointing 85.7 percent response. For the reinterview panel only (again with the deceased, e t c . subtracted from the base) the response rate was 98.3 percent. 1 - - 2 The average length of the 1981 interview was 26.5 minutes. We paid $10.00 for it--up $1.00 from last year--plus the usual $5.00 for returning the address correction post card. At present we have no plans to pay more than that. As of 1981 we have respondents in the District of Columbia and all the states except Montana and Vermont. Panel families also live in Puerto Rico and 14 foreign countries. Occupation Codes In 1981 we started using the 1970 Census three-digit occupation and industry code for the main jobs of employed heads and wives. It was also used for the most recent jobs held by heads and wives who were currently unemployed and looking for work and for any job held in 1980 by a head or wife who was currently retired or no longer in the labor force. W e continued to use the Survey Research Center’s two-digit occupation code for extra jobs held by a head or wife and for the kind of job they were hunting for if they were unemployed and looking for work. In order to be comparable to past interviews, a one-digit occupation code was used in the new head section to code head’s first job and head’s father’s occupation. Data Quality Ninety-two percent of the 1981 interviews were taken by telephone (Table 2). The remaining 10 percent of respondents have no telephones, or prefer personal interviews due to party lines or hearing difficulties, or live out of range of our interviewers and fill out their own questionnaires. Every year a few more wives answer the questions for their husbands (Table 3). However, there is very little year to year variation in the number of assignments we have to make [Table 4), so the quality of the data, to be good. according to our measure of it, continues The response rate remained at 97 percent (Table 1). 3 Table 1 ANNUAL AND CUMULATIVE PANEL RESPONSE RATES* 4 Table 2 PROPORTION OF INTERVIEWS BY TELEPHONE 5 Table 3 PROPORTION OF FAMILY HEADS INTERVIEWED Table 4* TOTAL ACCURACY CODES ON HUSBAND AND WIFE INCOME VARIABLES *Table 4 is based on four variables: Accuracy of Head’s Labor Income (V7574 + V7579) Accuracy of Wife’s Labor income (V7581) Accuracy of Asset Income of Head and Wife (V7589) Accuracy here is determined by the number of assignments made by the editors in order to recreate data missing from an interview. The more assignments, t h e l e s s r e l i a b l e t h e d a t a . The accuracy code values and their meanings are: 0. Adequate response: No assignments made. 1. Minor assignment: Response was inadequate, but estimates could be made within a probable error of under $300 or 10 percent of the assignment by using previous years’ data or other data in the interview. 2. Major assignment: Response was inadequate, and estimates had a probable error of at least $300 and at least 10 percent of the value of the assignment, using any information available in previous interviews or in the current one. Usually these values were assigned from an assignment table. This table shows the sum of the accuracy codes for the three different income measures. The maximum number possible here would be eight for married couples, six for single heads. 7 Independent Part Samples The use of part samples is suggested for separating the selection of a preferred model from the assessment of its stability and power. Simple random subsamples are not independent of the rest of the sample because of the clustered nature of area probability samples. Therefore, four independent quarter-samples are designated in the code (V8100). How much of the sample should be reserved for statistical testing depends on how unsure one is about the best model and how important the estimation and testing of one optimal model is felt to be. For illustrations of the results of this separation of the searching from the assessing procedures, see the volumes of findings, Five Thousand American Families--Patterns of Economic Progress, Volume I, pp. 6-8 and pp. 342-344; Volume II, Chapter 9; and Volume IV, Chapter 2 (Survey Research Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan). There is also a code for use in defining paired strata for repeated replication of half-samples for computing sampling errors (V8101). See Chapter 17 of Vol. IX of Five Thousand American Families, and Section I, Part 5 in this volume. W eights The sample was reweighted in 1978. was done, page 6. For a detailed description of how this see A Panel Study of Income Dynamics 1978 lnterviewing Year, Wave Xl, This is a population weight for reducing bias in estimates, not a variance weight for efficiency. Part 2: 1981 Questionnaire Following is a copy of the 1981 questionnaire with the variable numbers from the merged family tape. Where no variable number appears, the information has been transferred to a worksheet. 8 The Study of Family Economics I 457701; P. 04 I For Office Use Only OMB # 0990-0002 SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN 48106 1. INTERVIEWER'S LABEL 2. Home Area 3. Your Iw No. 04. Iw Date V7655 a5. Iw Length V7656 6a. Pre-edit Date 6b. Pre-edit Length 7a. Post-edit Date 7b. Post-edit Length VW MIN For Office Use Only before you begin Be sure you have prelisted at K30, p. 39 all Other FU Members, age 16 or older. using the instructions at K30a and the computer family listing labels in the 1980 and 1981 cover sheets. MIN MIN q BY SUPERVISOR (DATE) cl BY FIELD OFFICE (DATE) For Office JiIg$lv~ v~v~v~ REVIEWED: I (2/82) Use Only I I 9 THUMBNAIL SKETCH REMEMBER: NO NAMESOR OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATIONSHOULDAPPEAR IN A THUMBNAIL!!! COMPLETETHIS INFORMATIONALSO AT P. 54, M41 AND M42!! Who was your Respondent? Total number Of calls people living Indicate required to obtain (see item 9 of cover sheet): Are there TN4. Please provide a few words about this FU which might help editors and coders understand any potentially confusing family situations or relationships (such as. which FU members are parents grandchildren. who are actual parents of stepchildren, etc.): Describe TN6. How would you describe be helpful to editors HU that interview to Head. TN3. TN5. in this relationship any ambiguous or conflicting the interview and coders: are not included situation(s) situation? in this interview? that you want editors of and coders to know about: Please add any other clarifying remarks that will 10 SECTION A: A1. TRANSPORTATION EXACT TIME NOW: l A2. Is there public transportation within walking distance of your house? V7663 1. YES 5. 8. No I l A3. l A4. Is It P good enough so that a Is your house inside V7665 1. the city person could to get to work? limits? '(ES 5. No 60 TO Al 4 Lrl 0 A6. About how far are you from the center of the nearest city? V7667. A5. About how far are you from the V7666 of that city? 1 1. 1 60 TO A4 use It DON'T KNOU LESS THAN 5 MILES fITxTiq 3. 15 - 29.9 MILES [30[ 5. l A7. 50 OR IK)RE MILES Do you (or anyone else V7668 1. in the family here) own YES 4. 30 - 49.9 MILES 5. 50 OR PORE MILES a car or truck? [5.t-N TURN TO P. 2. SECTION B 1 0 A8. 0 A9. How many cars and trucks V7669 During the last and truck(s)]? V7670 year, do you (and your family about how many miles living here) own? did you (and your family) drive in your [car(s)/ 11 2 SECTION B: HOUSING B1. How many rooms do you have (for V7671 l B2. Do you live in a one-family your family) house, a not counting two-family bathrooms? ROWS house, an apartment, a mobile home, or what? "+,i;;--;;;;;I~/~gy\ B3. How is your piq (home/apartment) heated--with gas, electricity, r,.,,,.l ‘. OTHER (SPECIFvl: jl oil or what? 8, DON’T KNOW El B4. There are government programs that give money to people to help them pay for heating Did you receive any such help with heating bills from this last winter (1980-81)? V7674 p}-+ GO TO 86 B5. About how much did that amount to? (See editing worksheets) own the (home/apartment), B7. pay rent, or what? is--I mean about HOUSEVALUE I 1. property? YES )5.+ GO TO 813 1st MORTGAGE- B9. About how much is the remaining (edited) principal on this mortgage B10. How much are your monthly mortgage payments? (edited) B11. B12. 1 homes. AtkXlNT I Could you tell me what the present value of your (house/apartment/farm) what it would bring if you sold it today? (edited) have a mortgage on this their 2nd MORTGAGE- $ I f s About how many more years will you have to pay on it? V7677 Do you also have a second mortgage? I B13. About how much are your total yearly property taxes. (edited) S ,TuRn To p. 3, 6,8, Including city, county. PROPERTYTAX PER YEAR and school taxes? 3 12 IF R PAYS RENT 814. Rout ho* much rent do you pay a month? [IF R LIVES YITH NON-FU MEMBERS. PROBE: share of the rent?] s that onlr your (F'J'S b eets) (' See editingsworks FU'S SHARE OF RENT PER lDhlH B15. Is this (house/apartment) rented fully furnished? V7679 i IF R NEITHER OWNSNOR RENTS 0 816. 817. / that? ;T6;'o How much would it rent for (edited) I if It were rented? PER MONTH PER YEAR AWJNT l B18. Ye'd like 5-31~ detail V7681 about your utility I any electricity YES About how much did you pay for electricity for all of 19BO? TURN TO P. 820. Did you pay for v 1. B19. bills. 4, 122 What were your hlghert nOnthly electric bills 5 BZl. I HIGHEST MONTHLY I and lowest fn 1980? LOUEST WNTHLV I Yhy is that? v7684 in 19BC! 13 4 B22. Did you pay anything V7685 for natural or bottled gas in 1980? '.l- l B23. Was that bottled GO TO 826 gas? j-r-q B24. About how much did you pay for gas for all B25. of 1980? What were your highest bills for 1980? s and lowest monthly gas s HIGHEST MONTHLY LOWESTMONTHLY L 4 out oil for l B26. heating--did you pay for any oil in 1980? (5.~~ B27. About how much did you pay for oil for all of GO TO 829 1980? DON'T KNOW B28. $-I-- m] 7 What were your highest bills for 1980? f Did you pay for any coal, v wood, kerosene or any other fuel monthly V7691 oil I HIGHESTMONTHLY B29. 0 V7690 and lowest LOWESTMONTHLY in 1980? V7692 1. B30. VES P About how much did that cost you for all s TURN TO P. 5, B31 of 1980? V7693 V7694 5 14 B31. Did you pay for V7695 B32. water and sewage In What was your yearly cost for water and sewage for 1980? Have you (HEAD) moved any time since V7700 1. 0 B35. l B33. the spring YES 1' What month was that? of 1980? p-)---a GO TO 837 (MOST RECENTMOVE) V7701 0 B36. Why is that? V7698 V7697 V7696 B34. 1980? MONTH Why did you (HEAD) move? V7702 I B37. Do you think V7103 1. you (HEAD) might move in the next couple YES. MIGHT OR HAVBE 5. of years? No 8. DON'T KNOU L I TURN TO P. 7, SECTION C B38. Would you say you definitely V7704 B39. Why might you move? 1 V7705 1 will move. probably will move, or are you more uncertain? 6 15 THIS IS A BLANK PAGE!! 7 16 SECTION C: C1. EMPLOYMENT OF HEAD We would like to know about what you do--are a student. (a housewife). or what? V7706 ,, I YDRKING NOL you (HEAD) working now, looking for work, retired, ONLY 2. lr$w;ILv -CHECK ALL THAT APPLY, TURN TO P. 23, SECTION E 6. HDUSEUIFE GO TO C2 IF HEAD HAS JOB. OTHERWISETURF TO P. 23, SECTION E l C2. Do you work for V7707 someone else. C3. (In your work for yourself. someone else,) or what? do you work for the federal, state, or local government? V7708 l C4. Is your current V7709 job covered 1. l C5. P Do you belong V7710 by a union contract? VES to that 15.k labor GO TO C6 union? [,.,,I C6. How long have you worked for your present employer? MOS V7711 MONTHS YEARS 6 C7. What is your main occupation? V7712 C8. Tell C9. What kind of business V7713 l C10. me a little What sort of work do you do? more about what you do. (On your main job.) V7714 or industry is that are you salaried, paid by the hour, or what? What is your hourly wage rate for your regular work time? C11. How much is your salary? V7715 s PERYEEK s @ PER MDNTH I in? I 1 C15 719 C16. How is that? V7720 PER HOUR What is your hourly rate for overtime? wage @ \ PER HOUR PER VEAR I C12. If you were to work more hours than usual during 16 some week. would you get paid for those extra hours of work? 1. YES 5. No I P. 9. Cl8 7 C13. About how much would you 717 make per hour for those extra hours? I REGiI C17. ,721 If you worked an extra hour. how much would you earn for that hour? I PER HOUR 1 TIRE AND A HALF 1 dItIrl PEP H&R 9 18 C18. How long have you had your present V7722 C19. position? MONTHS YEARS @ C INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT A. HEAD HAS HAD PRESENTPOSITION WE YEAR OR MORE B. C20. ‘723 Are you doing mainly the same things on your job that you were doing a year ago? 5. NO C22. What month did you start V7726 ‘725 this job? MONTH C23. 727 C21. '724 HEAD HAS HAD PRESENTPOSITION LESS THAN ONE YEAR What happened to the job you had before--did the company go Out of business. were you laid off, promoted, were you not working. or what? P What things are you doing now that you were 'not doing a year ago? P. 10, C27 C24. 720 On the whole, would you say your present job is better or worse than the one you had before? [‘;‘“‘” C25. 729 I “1”“” Why is it !I;:“Ii, (better/worse)? L C26. Does your 730 before? [I.] TURN TO P. 10, C27 present job pay more than the one you had 5. NU. SAME OR LESS l C27. We're interested in how you spent your time last year. because someone else in the family was sick? V7731 pi+?* 1. YES u) TO c29 NOT RECORDING RESPONSES 9 work did you miss? l C28. DAYS l C29. MONTHS Did you miss any work In 1980 because you were sick? V7733 p/-a l C30. C38a. IWER: USE THIS SPACE FOR CALCULATING TOTAL Did you miss any work In 1980 1. VES GO TO C31 $-’ How much work did you miss? * V7734 DAYS l C31. Did you take any vacation V7735 l C32. 1. WEEKS or time off VES 7 How much vacation V7736 or time off DAYS l C33. during 1980? (5.~~~~ Go TO C33 did you take? WEEKS MONTHS Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were on strike? ~j------ DAYS C35. MONTHS UEEkj GO TO C35 MhTHS Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were unemployed or temporarily v'73g C36. (1.1 (5.+--z- off? to TO (37 How much work did you miss? V7740 DAYS l C37. laid Then. how many weeks did you actually V7741 YEEKS IONTHS work on your main job in 1980? + WEEKSIN 1980 TO:AL l C39. C38b. And, on the average, V7742 how many hours a week did you work on your main job in 1980? I GII BACK TO C39 WIJRS PER WEEKIN 1980 i ALL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHSOF 1980 ACCOUNTEDFOR? IF TOTAL DOES NOT EQUAL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHS. ASK R TO HELP YOU RECONCILEDATA OR EXPLAIN SITUATION BELOW: 11 20 l C40. Did you work any overtime which isn't included in that? V7743 1. C41. /TX+--* YES LT' How many hours did that overtime GO TO c42 amount to in 1980? HOURS IN 1980 l C42. Did you have any extra V7744 jobs or other ways of making money in addition (5.xX-j->GO C43. to your main job in 1980? TO C48 f] What did you do? V7745 C44. An thing 'if746 else? C45. About how much did you make per hour at this? V7747 C46. And, how many weeks did you work on your extra job(s) in V774a UEEKS IN 1980 C47. On the average, v7749 S PER HOUR 1980? how many hours a week did you work on your extra job(s)? HWRS PER YEEK IN1980 C48. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT (SEE. P. 10, C36) cl A. HEAD MISSED A WEEKOR MOREOF YORK IN 1980 BECAUSEUNEMPLOYED OR TEMPORARILY LAID OFF (NOT BECAUSEOF STRIKE) TURN TO P. 12, C49 q B. ALL OTHERS-TURN TO P. 15, CEO -I 21 12 l C49. Now I'd like to ask you about the last time in 1980 that you were unemployed or temporarily laid off. In what month and year did that period begin? v7750 C50. YEAR MONTH fi How many weeks was it before you returned to work? GO TO (55 I C51. 7752 Sometimes people become discouraged , C52. 7‘53 with job-hunting. During this -week when or 4 period, was there ever a time more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? i 1 C53. Y 754 Did this happen more than once? i C54. How many times did this SEPARATETIMES f 755 C55. lNTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT(SEE C49) A. 08. v l C56. Was there v77&d'd laid off? HEAD'S LAST PERIOD OF UNEMPLOYMENT OR LAYOFF BEGANIN 1980 HEAD'S LAST PERlOD OF UNEMPLOYMENT OR LAYOFF BEGANIN 1979 OR EARLIER +;~R:4ToC7,, another period 1. l C57. v7757 happen? in 1980 before the last one, when you were unemployed or temporarily TURN TO P. 14. C70 YES 7 In what month and year did that period begin? IKINTH &J YEAR l C58. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? 60 TO C63 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for 4 job? 0 C60. \77&) Sometimes people with job-hunting. become discouraged During this -week period. was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for 4 job? 1. YES 1s.j GO TO C63 7 . C61. \7761 Did this 1. happen more than once' YES (5.x] GO TO C63 P How many times did this happen? ff% SEPARATE TIMES l C63. Was there "7763 another period in 1980, before 1. C64. period off begin? YEAR IWNTH ,No How many weeks was it before laid TURN TO P. 14. C70 Lr’ In what month and year did that you returned Sometimes people become discouraged % one, when you were unemployed or temporarily YES “7764 l C65. this to work? with job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 0 C67. V b 767 Sometimes people with job-huntinq. become discouraged During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? I I TURN TO P. 14. (70 TURN TO P. 14. CID C69. 7769 How many times did this happen? SEPAP.ATETIUES TURN TO P. 14, C70 23 l C70. We are interested in how people replace lost earnings during unemployment. During your \1777 last period of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980, did you receive unemployment compensation? 0 C71. V7771 Did you use up your benefits? 7% Do you think you were eligible? t 0 C72. V7772 How many weeks was it from the time you used up your benefits until you were back at work? . C74. V7774, Why didn't V7775 you apply? YEEKS v;'3?6 (Still) (other) thinking about your last sources of income? 1. v l C76. What were they? ~7777. V777a \tfj$s [Still return period of (unemployment/layoff) YES (Any other pq-4 in 1980, did you have any GO TO c77 sources of income?) thinking about your last period of (unemployment/layoff) to the same employer. in 1980,] did you eventually l C78. Did you go back to the same type of job? V7780 pi-1 C79. Y7781 Did you go back to work at a lower, higher, before becoming (unemployed/laid off)? or at the same wage rate that you received 24 I ASK EVERYONE I l C8O. ~7782 Now thinking about your job(s) over the past year, was there more work available any of your jobs) so that you could have worked more if you had wanted to? 1. on (your job/ YES v C81. r83 How much would you have per hour? s earned C84. 786 Would you have liked to work more if you could have found more work? PER ",",~I - 5. ND 60 TO C07 C82. 184 Could you have worked less had wanted to? 5. if you P Could you have worked less wanted to? if you NO 60 TO CD7 C83. 785 P Would you have preferred less even if you earned 60 TO ca7 to work less money? Would you have preferred to work less even if you earned less money? C87. About how much time does it take you to get to work each day, door to door? MINUTES ONE YAY TURN TO V7789 16. t90 (P. v77go J l C88. v7791 w2 About how many miles is it to where you work? Do you use public transportation pool, drive by yourself, walk, 7. to get to work, or what? MILES ONE WAY (drive with your wife), have a car OTHER (SPECIFY): I J 25 l C90. Have you been thinking about getting a new job, or will you keep the job you have now? V7793 1. ,,?flb4 THINKING AGW'l GETl1IK.A NN JOG Have you been doing anything Il. C92. in particular 60 TO c92 about it? 5. YES 1 No] INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT v77g51 01. HEAD IS UNDERAGE 45 P 2. TURN TO P. 24, SECTION F HEAD IS AGE 45 TO 64 3. HEAD IS AGE 65 OR OLDER f 3; Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do you think you will retire from the main work you are now doing? C95. Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what ,798 age do you think you will retire from the main work you are now doing? AGE 197.1 TURN TO P. 24, SECTION F 17 26 SECTION D: D1. D2. HEAD LOOKING FOR YORK, UNEMPLOYEDIN Cl What kind of job are you looking V7799 How much would you expect V7800 for? to earn? PER I D3. Will you have to get any training V7801 l D4. Have you been doing anything V7802 to qualify? in the last four weeks to find a job? I-/--+ D5. V7803 D6. How many places What is the lowest V7804 have you been to in the last wage or salary four you would accept GO TO 06 weeks to find out about a job? on any job? 1 PER I UKS D7. l Da. How long have you been looking V7805 work? ffi Have you ever had a job? V7806 1. D9. for YES pi+---4 7 What sort of work did you do on your V7807 last job? TURN TO P. 22, D62 What was your occupation? OCC D10. What kind of business V7808 or industry D11. What happened to that V7809 job--did D12. When did you last V7810 work? was that IND in? the company go out of business, were you laid off, or what? D13. We're interested in knowing how you spent your time last year regardless of whether or notyou were employed. Did you take any vacation or time off during 1980? V7811 1. P D14. How much vacation V7812 YES (5.j or time off MY5 l D15. 1. NOT RECORDING RESPONSES did you take? YEEKS Did you miss any work in 1980 V7813 60 To 015 D24b. IWER: USE THIS SPACE FOR CALCULATING TOTAL because someone else in the family mllTHS was sick? YES Q D16. How much work did you miss? V7814 DAYS l Dl7. YEBS Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were sick? V7815 1. YES /TX+ l D18. YEEO 1. YES / l D20. How much work did you V7810 pT-q-40 Did you miss any work in 1980 YEEKS MONTHS because you were unemployed or temporarily V7819 D22. How much work did you V7820 TO DZ1 miss? DAYS (5.b GO TO 023 WEEKS M,NTHS laid off? miss? DAYS l D23. WNTHS Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were on strike? V7817 D21. co 70 019 9 How much work did you miss? V7816 DAYS D19. MNTHS Then, how many weeks did you actually V7821 work on your job in 1980? UEEKS IN 1980 D25. And, on the average, V7022 how many hours a week did you work on your main job in 1980? WR5 PER YEEK XN 1980 ITAL GO BACKTO 025 I D24b. ALL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHSOF 1980 ACCOUNTEDFOR? IF TOTAL DOES NOT EQUAL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHS. ASK R TO HELP YOU RECONCILEDATA OR EXPLAIN SITUATION BELOW: 28 19 D26. l D27. V7823 D28. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT (SEE P. 18, D22) A. HEAD MISSED A WEEKOR MOREOF WORKIN 1980 BECAUSEUNEMPLOYEDOR TEMPORARILY LAID OFF (NOT ON STRIKE) q Ll. ALL OTHERS- TURN TO P. 22, D58 t Now I'd like to ask you about the last time in 1980 that you were unemployed or temporarily laid off. In what month and year did that period begin? How many weeks was it before you returned to work? V7824 GO TO D33 + I D30. Sometimes people become discouraged 826 with job-hunting. During this 0 D29. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 4 D31. 827 Did this happen more than once? D32. How many times did this 828 D33. SEPARATETIMES INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT (SEE D27) A. HEAD'S LAST PERIOD OF UNEMPLOYMENT OR LAYOFF BEGAN IN 1980 0. B + D34. Was there V7829 laid off? HEAD'S LAST PERIOD OF UNEMPLOYMENT OR LAYOFF BEGAN IN 1979 OR EARLIER +;I(R;lToMa mother period 1. l D35. V7830 happen? in 1980 before the last YES Li In what month and year did that one, when you were unemployed or temporarily TURN TU P. 21. M8 period begin? mmi n, YEAR 29 20 D36. V7831 How many weeks was it before you returned to work? D37. 7~2 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? D38. Sometimes people become discouraged 833 with job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? I. YES (5. GO TO D41 , Li7 D39. Did this happen more than once? GO TO D41 4 D40. How many times did this happen? '835 SEPARATETIMES D41. V7836 Was there another period in 1980 before 1. D42. V7837 this one, when you were unemployed or temporarily YES [F-+-W 7 In what month and year did that period How many weeks was it before off? TURN TO P. 21. 048 begin? MONTH -ANO D43. laid you returned YEAR to work? TURN TO P. 21. 048 D44. Sometimes people become discouraged 339 job-hunting. During this -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? with l D45. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this I';'840 -week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 1. YES (5.1 TURN TO P. 21. D4E 7 * D46. I"'841 Did this 1. . D47. \I1842 happen more than once? YES I=] TURN TO P. 21, MB T How many times did this happen? SEPARATETIMES ! 21 30 w43 We are interested in how people replace lost earnings during unemployment. In 1980 did you receive unemployment last pe roid of (unemployment/layoff) D49. During your compensation? Did you use up your benefits? 7844 1. YES 15.1 GO 10 P D50. How many weeks was it 845 time you used up your until you were back at D53 from the benefits work? WEEKS I l D53. V7849 (Still) (other) thinking sources about your last of income? 1. D54. V7850. VS82 [Still return LT’ What were they? V7851 period of (unemployment/layoff) YES (Any other thinking about your last to the same employer. I pt---GO sources period in 1980, did you have any TD 055 of income?) of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980,] did you eventually TURN TD P. 22. D58 0 D56. v a53 Did you go back to the same type of job? (1.1 t Did you go back to work at a lower, higher, before becoming (unemployed/laid off)? or at the same wage rate that you received 22 31 D58. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT (SEE P. 17, D12) HEAD WORKED IN 1980 OR 1981 B. I D59. GO TO HEADDID NOT WORKIN 1980 OR 1981 I 1 On your last job, * D60. V7857 how much time did It take you to get to work each day. door to door? About how many miles was it to where you worked? MILES ONE UAY l D61. Did you use public transportation to get to work, V7858 pool. drive by yourself. walk, or what? (drive with your wife.) have a car OTHEQ(SECiFY): 7. D62. v785g( INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT 0 1. HEAD IS UNDERAGE 45 - TURN 7'. TO P. 24, SECTION F "EAD'sAGE4sTD$ I 3. HEADISAtE65OROLDER j I 4 D63. 860 Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do you think you will retire from the main work you are now seeking? AGE 97. D65. Now I have a V7862 and planning do you think work you we question about retirement for the future. At what age you will retire from the main now seeking? AGE NEVER I I TURN TO P. 24. SECTION F D64. 861 Do you think you will before you are 65? retire 1 TURN TO P. 24. SECTION F [ (97.1 SECTION E: 32 l E1. HEAD IS RETIRED, HOUSEWIFE, STUDENT, PERMANENTLYDISABLED IN C1 23 INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT V7863 b HEAD IS RETIRED 5. HEAD IS PERMANENTLYDISABLED, HOUSEWIFE, STUDENT OR OTHER- GO TO E3 t l E2. In what year did you retire? V7864 l E3. During 1980, did you do any work for money? V7865 1. YES 15.b GO TO El0 mm J E4\iJ What kind of work did you do? E5. What kind of business V7867 0 E6. How many weeks did What was your occupation? or industry was that you work last l l V7869 E8. Are you still HOURSPER WEEK IN 1980 5. pq V7870 NO GO TO El0 0 E9. What happened to that V7871 E10. Are you thinking V7872 WEEKSIN 1980 year? V7868 E7. About how many hours a week did you work? working? in? of getting 1. 7 the company go out of business, job--did (a/another) were you laid off, or what? job in the future? YES TURN TO P. 24. SECTION F pig-+ i 0 E11. When might V7873 that be? (How soon?) 0 E12. What kind of job do you have in mind? V7874 0 E13. Would you have to get any training V7875 pq l l E14. Have you been doing anything V7876 1. YES E15. 7 How many places to qualify? (,.I in the last !jYTzz] four have you been to in the last weeks to find a job? TURN TO P. 24. SECTION F [5.+ four weeks to find out about a job? 24 33 SECTION F: l F1. EMPLOYMENT OF WIFE/FRIEND INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT V7878 1. Is 02. HEAD IS MALE WHOHAS WIFE IN FU (REMEMBER: FEMALEFRIEND LIVING IN FU ONE YEAR 0R MOREIS CONSIDEREDWIFE) HEAD IS MALE WHODOESN0T HAVE WIFE IN FU -TURN HEAD IS FEMALE- TO P. 32, SECTION J JRN TO P. 32. SECTION J ~- i N2. We would like to know about what your (wife/friend) v7879 retired, a student, a housewife, or what? does--is she working now. looking for work. 2. TEMPORARILY TURN TO P. 28. SECTION G CHECKALL THAT APPLY TURN TO P.31, SECTION H GO TO F3 IF HAS JOB. OTHERYISETURN TO P. 31.SECTION H V F3. Does your V7880 l F4. V7881 (wife/friend) work for someone else, (In her work for someone else) herself, does she work for pi-1 l F5. V7882 Is her current or what? the federal, state, or local government? pq job covered by a union contract? pm)t----tWTOF7 F6. Does she belong to that union? V7883 F7. Now long has your V7884 (wife/friend) worked for her present m?HS @ employer? VEARS [-l-7--l 34 F8. What is your (wife's/friend's) main occupation? What sort of work does she do? V7885 F9. F10. Tell me a little more about what she does. What kind of business or industry Is your salaried. is that in? V7886 l F11. V7887 (wife/friend) paid by the hour, or what? 7. O.THER cl Fl2. 17888 How much is her salary? F13. 7889 How is that? What is her hourly wage rate for her regular work time? PER WEEK I PER HOUR I @ I PER NONTH 5 I I I smFT ow long has your (wife/friend) had her present MOS position? MONTHS F16. r/---n INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT A. 0. F17. YEARS WIFE HAS HAD PRESENTPOSITION LESS THAN ONE YEAR 6 WIFE HAS HAD PRESENTPOSITION ONE YEAR OR MOREjTURN What month did she start this job? V7892 l F18. What happened to the job she had before--did v7ag-j promoted, not working, or what? TO P. 26. Fl9 MONTH the company go out of business. was she laid off. F19. We're interested in how your (wife/friend) spent her time last any work in 1980 because someone else In the family was sick? Did she miss lF30a. IWER: USE THIS SPACE FOR CALCUTO F21 LATING TOTAL year. V7894 1. YES [5.-W Li l F2O. How much work did she miss? V7895 NOT RECORDlNG RESPONSES MYS F21. Did your V7896 (wife/friend) YES f+&D TO F23 P How much work did she miss? 1 DAYS l F23. Did your (wife/friend) V7898 YEEKS take any vacation 1. *WE96 IIONlHS miss any work in 1980 because she was sick? 1. l F22. V7897 YEEIS i-1 Howmuch vacation YES or time off during WNTHS 1980? (5./--+GO or time off TO F25 did she take? + DAYS l F25. Did your V7900 (wife/friend) MONTHS miss any work in 1960 because she was on strike? 1. F26. WEEKS YES [5.j- GO TO F27 ii How much work did she miss? V7901 + DAYS l F27. V7902 Did your (wife/friend) temporarily laid off? UEEKS MONTHS miss any work in 1980 because she was unemployed or 1. YES pj-a GO TO F29 itl F28. How much work did she miss? V74d3 YEEKS DAYS l F29. V7904 Then, how many weeks did your (wife/friend) actually MONTHS work on her main job in 1980'> + UEEKS IN 1980 F31. V7905 And, on the average, job in 1980? how many hours a week did your (wife/friend) work on her main I OTAL WRS PER WEEKIN 1980 F30b. +. GO BACK TO F31 ALL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHSOF 1980 ACCOUNTEDFOR? IF TOTAL DOESNOT EQUAL 52 WEEKOR 12 MONTHS. ASK R TO HELP YOU RECONCILEDATA OR EXPLAIN SITUATION BELOW: 36 F32. V7906 Did your (wife/friend) work any overtime which isn't Included ~K)+OTO F33. How many hours did that overtime 27 In that? F34 amount to in 1960? NWRS IN1980 F34. Old your (wife/friend) V7907 main job in 1980? have any extra 1. jobs or other YES ways of making money in addition (5.+-+6010 to her F36 m] J F35. What did she do? V7908 F36. And how many weeks did your (wife/friend) work on V7909 her extra job in 1980? I WEEKS IN 1980 F37. On the average, V7910 how many hours a week did she work on her extra job(s)? HOURSPER WEEK IN 1980 F38. About how much time does it take your (rife/friend) to get to work each day. door to door? HOURSONE WAY OR MINUTE5 ONE YAY 1 F39. About how many miles -1 is it to where your (wife/friend) works? 7913 MILES Does she use public transportation by herself, walk. or *hat? ONE WAY to get to work, drive 14. I with ::I::,,] you, have a car pool. drive pq I I 7. OTHER (SPECIFY): 1 TURN TO P. 32, SECTION J -- 28 37 SECTION G: WIFE/FRIEND LOOKINGFOR WORK, UNEMPLOYEDIN F2 G1. What kind of job is your (wife/friend) V7915 G2. Has she been doing anything V7916 G3. How many places V7917 has your G4. How long has she been looking V7918 G5. Has your V7919 in the last (wife/friend) (wife/friend) looking for? four weeks to find a job? been to in the last four weeks to find out about a job? for work? ever had a job? TURN TO P. 32, SECTION J G6. What sort V7920 of work did your (wife/friend) G7. What kind of business V7921 G8. What happened to that V7922 or industry job--did G9. When did your (wife/friend) V7923 do on her last job? was that in? the company go out of business, last (What was her occupation?) work? was she laid Off. or what? 29 38 G10. V7924 We're interested in how your (wife/friend) spent her time last year, regardless whether or not she was employed. Did she take any vacation or time off during of 1980? G21a IWER: USE THIS SPACE TO CALCULATE p+----0612 ~j~25 How much vacation or time off DAYS 0612. U,Q,A .,--l Did your (wife/friend) was sick? 1. RECORD RESPONSES did she take? WEEIS umTn5 miss any work in 1980 because you or someone else YES in the family pq--mm614 Li 0613. How much work did she miss? V7927 MYS l G14. V7928 Did your (wife/friend) 1. w29 FWTHS miss any work in 1980 because she was sick? YES 15.7-W 60 TO 616 7 How much work did she miss? MYS 0616. V7930 WEEKS Did your (wife/friend) 1. IIDNTHS YEEKS miss any work in 1980 because she was on strike? YES 15.t-4 60 TO Cl8 WEEKS IQNTHS 0 t. 0617. How much work did she miss? V7931 DAY5 l G18. y7g32 Did your (wife/friend) laid off? l G19. V7933 miss any work in 1980 because she was unemployed or temporarily GO TO G20 MEEKS KNTHS 1. How much work did she miss? DAYS l G20. V7934 15.t. Then, how many weeks did your (rife/friend) actually work on her main job in 1980? UEEn IN 1980 l 2. A35 And, on average, 4 how many hours a week did she work when she worked? HWNS PEN UEEK IN 1900 TOTAL sb BACK TO tZ2 G21b. ALL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHSOF 1980 ACCOUNTEDFOR? IF TOTAL DOES NOT EQUAL 52 WEEKSOR 12 MONTHS. ASK R TO HELP YOU RECONCILEDATA OR EXPLAIN SITUATION BELOW: 30 G23. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT A. WIFE/FRIEND WORKEDIN 1980 OR 1981 WIFE/FRIEND DID NOT WORKIN 1980 OR 1981 TURN TO P. 32, SECTIONJ I G24. On her last job, how much time did It take her to get to work each day, door to door? MINUTES ONE WAY HOURSONE WAY G25. About how many miles was it to where she worked? V7938 MILES ONEWAY use public transportation G26. Did your (wife/friend) V7939 car pool, drive by herself, or what? 7. to get to work, drive OTHER (SPECIFY): TURN TO P. 32, SECTION J with you, have a 31 40 SECTION H: l H1. WIFE/FRIEND IS RETIRED, HOUSEWIFE, STUDENT, PERMANENTLYDISABLED IN F2 INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT V7940 1. WIFE IS RETIRED WIFE IS HOUSEWIFE, STUDENT, PERMANENTLYDISABLED, OR OTHEHGfi * l HZ. In what year V7941 oH3. During V7942 did your 1980, did your (rife/friend) (wife/friend) V7944 H6. kind of business How many weeks did retire? do any work for H4. What kind of work did she do? V7943 was that (wife/friend) V7945 H7. About how many hours a week did your Hy8!'4! she still working? m -I GO TO HlO V7947 H9. What happened to that job--did money? What was her occupation? or industry your TO H3 in? work last UEEKS IN 1980 year? (wife/friend) HOURSPER YEEK IN 1gEC work? I-L-Z-I c the company go out of business, was she laid off, or what? V7948 OHlO. Is your V7949 (wife/friend) thinking 1. of getting (a/another) job in the future? pi--- YES TURN TO P. 32, SECTION J A 0 Hll. Has your V7950 (wife/friend) 1. been doing anything in the last four weeks to find pq-> YES a job? TURN TO P. 32, SECTION J P 0 H12. v7g51 How many places a job? has your (wife/friend) been to in the last four weeks to find Out about J 32 41 SECTION J: l Jl. Are you (HEAD) married, v7952 widowed, divorced, HOUSEWORK AND FOOD separated, 4. DIVORCED 5. SEPARATED I GO TO 54 GD TO 54 * J2. or single? Were you ever married? I (5.)----wGO TO 54 v7953 0 53. 054. v7955 What happened to your last marriage--were you widowed, divorced, separated, or what? INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT 1. P HEAD IS MALE WHOHAS WIFE IN FU (REMEMBER: FEMALE FRIEND LIVING IN FU ONE YEAR OR MORE IS CONSIDEREDWIFE) cl 2. HEAD IS MALE WHODOESNOT HAVE WIFE IN FU - 0 3. HEAD IS FEMALE-GO GO TO 56 TO 56 1 About how much time does your (wife/friend) spend on housework in an average week--I time spent cooking, cleaning and doing other work around the house? V mean HOURSPER UEEK 056. v7g57 About how much time do you (HEAD) spend on housework in en average week? cooking, cleaning. and doing other work wound the house?) liL?URSPER UEEK 057. v7g5E INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT cl 1 FU HAS HEAD (AND WIFE/FRIEND) ONLY-TURN TO P. 33. Jll 2. FU HAS OTHERMEMBERS,INCLUDING CHILDREN m9 f Does anyone else here in the household help with the housework? NRNI]I. Jll (I mean time spent 33 42 Jg. Who is that? (LIST RELATIONSHIP TO HEM AND AGE FOR EACH PERSONIN COLON J9 AND ASK J10 FOR EACH.) ASK WHETHERANYONEELSE IN FU HELPS -- LIST ADDITIONAL PERSONSIN COLUMNJ9 AND ASK J10 FOR EACH.) (coded on Individual Tape Code) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in an average week? !iGJ RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD SC0 I m m I I I m m Jll. Did you (or anyone else now living in your family) 12. For how many members of your family (see editing worksheets) 13. How many dollars' (edited I 14. worth of food government were stamps issued? J19. food How your use [IF FU'S SHARE PER WEEK J20. (GO FU'S SHAREPER YEEK 63s Do you have any food delivered to the door which isn't included in that? TO 516 q to the door which p GO TO JlB 9 How much do you spend on that (edited) SHARt PER W)NTH school? (edited) s @ 4 How much do you spend on that food? J22. About how much do you (and everyone ted) else in your family) spend eating out, not counting meals at work or at school? s '-FU'S J18. About how much do you (or anyone else in your family) spend eating out, not counting meals at work or at m Gr TC :2i food? s FU'S SHARE PER UEEK @ @ FU'S SHARE PER NONTH J16. Do you have any food delivered isn't included in that? 517. you (or anyone else in spend on food that you in en average week? WITH NON-FU MEMBERS. s food stamps, did spend any money J21. (edited) YES much do family) at home R LIVES month? PER NONTH P J15. How much? [IF R LIVES WITH NON-FU MEMBERS, (edited) PROBE: Is that only your (FU'S) share of the s stamps last PROBE: Is that only your (FU'S) share of the food?] (edited) stamps did you get? In addition to what you bought with you (or anyone else in your family) on food that you use at home? YES receive ' FU'S SHARE mRwiiTii TURN TO P. 34, J23 U'S SHARE PER UEEK@%U'S SHARE PER NOhTH 34 43 J23. Did you (or anyone else in your family) use government food stamps at any time in 1980? + GO TO 526 J24. How many dollars' (see editing f worth of stamps did you get in 1980? worksheets) PER KINlH J25. For how many months did you use food stamps in 1980? (edited) MONTHS TURN TO P. 35, SECTION K 0526. v7g60 Did you think you were eligible l-c-x-l L -I L 3. for food stamps at any time in 1980? MYBE 5. piGGiG] No u GO TO JZB 1 Can you tell me why you thought you weren't (Any other reasons why?) TURN TO P. 35, SECTION eligible? K 1 l J28. V7963 Did you try to get the stamps last year (in 1980)? 5. No Lli J29. 64 Why Couldn't you get them? reasons why?) (Any other J Can you tell me why you didn't I& , (Any other reasons why?) 166 try? 35 44 SECTION K: To get an accurate financial picture all the families that we interview. Kl . of people INCOME all over the country, we need to know the income of INTERVIEWER: ANY DOLLARS LISTED IN K2-K11c MUST BE ACCOMPANIEDBY WORKHOURSAND WEEKS IN ONE OF THE EMPLOYMENTSECTIONS!! l Klr. V7967 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT HEAD IS A FARMEROR RANCHER HEAD IS NOT A FARMEROR RANCHER-GO P l K2. What were your \7968 including soil K3. K4. l K5. y7g6g TO KS total receipts from farming in 1980, bank payments and commodity credit loans? What were your total living expenses? operating expenses, That left you a net income from fanning (see editing worksheets) Did you (or anyone else in the family interest in any business enterprise? here) s A S B 5 A-B not counting of? (A-B=) own a business at any time in 198;. [5./-d b K6. k'7g70 K7. KE. Was it a corporation or an unincorporated pITii%qGD To K0 71 or did you have an interest T\ How much did you (MEAD) receive from wages and salaries deducted for taxes or other things? (edited) In addition to this, 7 How much was that? (edited) S in both kinds? '"1 in 1980, that is, before in 1980--that anything IN 1980 did you have any income from bonuses, YES KlO. GO TO KB How much was your (family's) share of the total income from the business the amount you took out plus any profit left in? (edited) IN 1980 S S K9. business, or have a financial PN IN 1980 overtime, tips, or commissions? TO P. 36. Kll is, was 36 45 K11. I'm going to be reading you a list of other sources of income you might have. Did you (HEAD) receive any other income in 1980 from professional practice or trade? (FOR EACH "YES" TO K11, ASK K12 AND K13.) (see editing worksheets) K13. K12. During how much of 1980 How much was it? did you get this income? I a. PROFESSIONALPRACTICE OR TRADE? b. farming or market gardening? C. roomers or boarders? d. dividends, interest, rent, trust funds, or royalties? e. ADC, AFDC? f. Supplemental Security Income (the gold/tan/ yellow checks)? FOR FOR 37 46 K14. Did you (HEAD) receive any income in 1980 from other (see editing worksheets) OTHERWELFARE? b. Social (FOR EACH "YES" TO K14. ASK K15 AND K16.) K15. How much was it? K14. a. welfare? K16. During how much of 1980 did you get this income? I Security? FOR c. other retirement pay, pensions or annuities? No YES j 5 PER d. unemployment compensation? NO YES +, S PER e. workers compensation? NO YES j FOR S PER f. alimony? NO YES L, S PER g. child support? No YES + FOR S PER h. help from relatives? No YES + 5 PER j. Anything else? FOR (SPECIFY): FOR K17. Did anyone (else) not living here now help (you/your money, or help with your expenses during 1980? YES K18. How much did that (edited) crl amount to last family) Elyear? S out financially--I mean give you TURN TO P. 38, K19 IN 1980 1. 47 38 119 INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT A. v K2O. Did your HEAD IS MALE WHOHAS WIFE IN FU (REMEMBER: FEMALEFRIEND LIVING IN FU ONE YEAR OR MOREIS CONSIDEREDWIFE.) B. HEAD IS MALE, GOESNOT HAVE WIFE IN FU -TURN C. HEAD IS FEMALE -TURN (wife/friend) TO P. 39. K3ob TO P. 39. UOb have any income during 1980? TURN TO P. 39. K30b El--- INTERVIEWER: ANY DOLLARSLISTED IN K21-K22 MUST BE ACCOMPANIEDBY WORKHOURSAND WEEKS IN ONE OF THE EMPLOYMENT SECTIONS!! K21. Was any of it earnings from her work? YES c3 + How much did she earn from work in 1980 before (see editing worksheets) K22. Did she receive TO K23 deductions? IN 1980 I K23. /-g.LeGO any unemployment compensation in 1980? (GO IN 1980 K24. K25. How much was that? I (edited) Did she receive any Social Security in 1980? @--+ YES ‘$! How much was that? I (edited) Did she have any income in 1980 from interest, K26. K27. TO K2S GO TO K27 IN 1980 dividends, rent, or any other TURN TO P. 39. E+K28. K29. (edited) IN 1980 f (00 NOT WRlTE IN THIS SPACE) HEAD TYPE INCOME: TRANSFER TAXABLE L A IN 1980 f DO NOT WRlTE IN THIS SPACE) WIFE TYPE INCOME: TM SFER TAXABLE L ul K30b SOURCE SOURCE What was it from? How much did that amount to in 1980? source? A &I 39 48 K30a. PRELIST (BEFORE ATTEMPTING INTERVIEW) -LIST ALL PERSONS16 OR OLDER AT THE TIME OF THE 1981 INTERVIEW. ON THE FAMILY LISTING LABEL, PAGE 2 OF THE COVER SHEET.) (THESE PERSONSARE LISTED -DO NOT PRELIST "HEAD" OR "WIFE." K30b. UPDATE (DURING INTERVIEW) -LIST ANYONE 16 OR OLDER WHOHAS MOVED INTO THE FU SINCE THE 1980 INTERVIEW, BUT BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1981. (THESE PERSONS ARE LISTEDIN ITEM 14, PAGE 2 OF THE COVER SHEET.) -LIST ANYONESHOWNAS "HEAD" OR "WIFE" ON FAMILY LISTING LABEL WHOHAS MOVEDOUT SINCE THE 1980 INTERVIEW. -LIST ALL MEMBERS (EXCEPT HEAD AND WIFE) OF A SPLITOFF FU WHO ARE 16 OR OLDER, REGARDLESSOF WHENTHEY MOVEDIN. -DO NOT ASK AN OTHER FU MEMBERSECTION FOR ANYONEWHO MOVED OUT BEFOREJANUARY 1, 1980. -DO NOT ASK AN OTHER FU MEMBERSECTION FOR ANYONE WHO MOVED IN AFTER JANUARY 1, 1981. (UNLESS YOU ARE DOING A SPLITOFF INTERVIEW). OTHER K31. FU MEMBER GRID INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. ANY ELIGIBLE PERSON(S) LISTED ABOVE ASK 5. NO ELIGIBLE PERSON(S) LISTED ABOVE TURN #1. OTHER FU MEMBERSECTION, P. 40 TO P. 46, K48 40 49 (K32-K33, K37xK38, K40, K43-K46 are coded on the Individual Tape Code) #1 Other FU Member RELATIONSHIPTO HEAD K32. AGE INTERVIEWER: IS THIS PERSONDECEASED? q m NO GO TO K34 K33. We would like work, retired, m 134. P to know about what (INDIVIDUAL) does--is (he/she) working now, looking a student, keeping house, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) (7. In. OTHER(SPECIFv)’ During 1980 did (he/she) have a full-time or part-time What kind of work did (he/she) K36. About how much money did (he/she) (see editing worksheets) s earn from work last About how many weeks did (he/she) work last K37. usually / mj job (not counting K35. work around the house)? do? year? IN 1980 year? WEEKSIN 1980 K38. During the weeks that per week? (he/she) worked, about how many hours did (he/she) usually HOURSPER WEEK K39. Did (he/she) have any (other) income last year? TURN TO P. 41, K42 1 K40. What was that from? K41. How much was that (edited) last year? 5 for INl#)O work 41 K4t. During 1980 was there find a job? any time when (he/she) 4 K43. was laid p off or Iooking for work and could not 60,DK41jM*.li About how many weeks was that? WEEKSIN 1980 KM. During 1980 was (he/she) " enrolled in school as a full-time T 145. How many weeks did (he/she) IS. attend school or part-time NOT E:zL;4,'" What is the highest grade or year of school that SCHOOL1 in 1980? piY%G-cDON'T YEEKS IN 1980 K46. student? (he/she) has completed? GRADE/YEAR K47. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT 00'. 2. MORETHAN 1 OTHER FU MEMBERLISTED IN K30 - TURN TO P. 42, #2 OTHER FU MEMBERSECTION ONLY 1 OTHER FU MEMBERLISTED IN K30 - TURN TO P. 46, K48 TAXABLE: TRANSFER: m TRI cl (K32-K33, K37xK38, #2 Other K40, K43-K46 are coded on the Individual 51 Code) FU Member RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD K32. Tape AGE INTERVIEWER: IS THIS PERSONDECEASED? GO TO K3.4 . K34. We would like to know about what (INDIVIDUAL) does--is (he/she) work, retired, a student, keeping house, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) During 1980 did (he/she) have a full-time or part-tine working job (not counting now looking work around the house)? PART-TIME JOB GO TO K39 4 4 K35. What kind of work did (he/she) usually K36. About how much money did (he/she) (see editing worksheets) I earn from work last year? do? About how many weeks did (he/she) work last I K37. IN 1980 year? MEKS IN 1980 138. During the weeks that per week? (he/she) worked, K39. Did (he/she) have any (other) income last [OM(.T] about how many hours did (he/she) HOURSPER YEEK usually ) DON'T KNOU1 year? TURN TO P. 43, K42 K40. What was that from? K41. How much (edited) was that last year? ! for IN 1980 work K42. During 1980 was there find a job? any time when (he/she) p K43. was laid g off or looking for work and could not GDT(K44110*.ilwnI About how many weeks was that? UEEKS IN 1980 K44. During 1980 was (he/she) '""'i'"""' K45. enrolled in school as a full-time '; How many weeks did (he/she) [ 5. attend school or part-time NOT E;b!;;;4:" What is the highest grade or year of school SCHOOL] in 1980? UEEKS IN 1980 K46. student? that (he/she) 198. DON'T KNOW1 has completed? GRAOf/VE.4il K47. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT q 1. MORETHAN 2 OTHER FU MEMBERSLISTED IN K30 - TURN TO P. 44, #3 OTHER FU MEMBERSECTION ONLY 2 OTHER FU MEMBERSLISTED IN K30 I TURN TO P. 46, K48 TAXABLE : L A TRANSFER: In (K32-K33, K37xK38, K40, K43-K46 are coded on the Individual Tape Code) #3 Other FU Member SEQ # RELATIONSHIPTO HEAD K32. AGE m INTERVIEWER: IS THIS PERSONDECEASED? GO TO K34 K33. K34. We would like work, retired, to know about what (INDIVIDUAL) does--is (he/she) working now, looking a student, keeping house, or what? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) During 1980 did (he/she) have a full-time FULL-TIME JOB or part-time job (not counting for work around the house)? PART-TIME JOB GO TO K39 4 K35. What kind of work did (he/she) usually do? she)earn from work last About how much money did (he/ K36. (see editing worksheets) IN 1980 I K37. year? About how many weeks did (he/she) work last year? UEEKS IN 1980 '638. During the weeks that Per reek? (he/she) 1 DON'T KNOU1 worked, about how many hours did (he/she) usually HOURSPER UEEK work ( DON'T KNOL'] J K39. Did (he/she) have any (other) income last year? TURN TO P. 45, K42 K40. What was that from? I I K41. -- How much was that (edited) last year? S IN 1980 J -- 45 54 K42. During 1980 was there find a job? K43. my time when (he/she) 4 About how many weeks was that? was laid off or looking for work and could not WEEKSIN 1980 144. During 1980 was (he/she) " enrolled in school as a full-time T K45. Ha many weeks did (he/she) IS. attend school or part-time ,lENJDLL~4:"""L~ in 1980? [DOW'TI YEEK5 IN 1980 K46. What is the highest grade or year of school that student? (he/she) has completed? GRADE/YEAR 147. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT MORETHAN 3 OTHER FU MEMBERSLISTED IN K30 __t Dl. CL 2 ONLY 3 OTHER FU MEMBERSLISTED IN K30 -TURN USE SUPPLEMENTALOTHER FU MEMBER SECTION (BLUE) TO P. 46, K48 TAXABLE: TRANSFER: m TRunn 0 55 K48. INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT A. CHILD(REN) 15 AND UNDERIN FU DURING 1980 NO CHILDREN 15 AND UNDERIN FU DURING 1980 ---t cb. d K48a. Did anyone else in the family living TURN TO P. 47, K54 here in 1980 have any income in 1980? TURN TO P. 47, K54 E!l-- K49. Who was that? mONSHIP K50. (LIST EACHPERSONAND ASK K50-K53) TO HEAD m RELATronsHIPfO About how much was that? (see editing worksheets) IN 1980 5 RELATIONSHIP TO MEA0 IGE $ IN 1980 t IN 198C K51. What was that from? K52. (IF WORKMENTIONEDAT K51) About how many hours of work was that? HOURSIN 1980 53. Did anyone else living HOURSIN 1980 HOURSIN 198C here in 1980 have any income in 1980? pJ TURN TO P. 47, K54 El- ASK K49-K52 ABOVE SEQ X SEQ # m m TAXABLE: URKHRS mj L TAXABLE: A 0 L TAXABLE: A q WRKHRS m] L WRKHRS [ml TRANSFER: TRANSFER: m m A 47 l K54. Do you (HEAD) belong to a labor V7971 l K55. V7972 union? INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT G bK56. W.57. y7g74 1. THERE IS A (WIFE/FRIEND) IN FU c35. NO (WIFE/FRIEND) IN FU - Does your (wife/friend) belong Do you (HEAD) have any physical amount of work you can do? ~0 TO ~57 to a labor or nervous union? condition that limits [5. l K58. Does it limit your work a lot, the type of work or the GO TO KS9 somewhat, or just a little? V7975 l K59. V7976 Were you (HEAD) a patient 1. in a hospital overnight .' K60. How many nights V7977 at any time during (,.,,+O YES 1 or longer 1980? TO K62 ' were you in a hospital altogether during 1980? NIGHTS IN 1980 t K61. 7978 Some people pay their hospital bills out of their own pockets; others have their hospital bills paid--or are reimbursed for what they paid--by some form of insurance. Were any bills for your most recent stay in the hospital in 1980 paid for out of your own pocket, with no repayment? l K62. (Aside from any hospital stay,) did an illness V7979 a day at any time during 1980? pq l K63. V7980 About how many days did illness (but not in a hospital) during p+ or injury 1980? or injury keep you in bed for all or most of TURN TO P. 48, K64 keep you in bed all DAYS IN 198C or most of the day 57 0~64. V7981 INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT 1. HEAD IS MALE WITH WIFE IN FU (REMEMBER: FEMALEFRIEND LIVING IN FU ONE YEAR OR MOREIS CONSIDEREDWIFE!) HEAD IS MALE WITH NO (WIFE/FRIEND) IN FU 4 3. HEAD IS FEMALE P TURN TO P. 49, K72 v have any physical or l KS5. Does your (wife/friend) VT982 work or the amount of work she can do? 1. l K66. Does it V7983 l K67. V7984 7 limit YES your Was your (wife/friend) nervous condition p)-GO (wife's/friend's) a patient 1. TURN TO P. 49, K72 YES limits the type of TO K67 work a lot, in a hospital that somewhat, or just overnight 15.j~ or longer a little? at any time during 1980? GO TO K70 I l KM. How many nights was she in a hospital L7985 0 K69. \1j+g86 Were any bills for your (wife's/friend's) paid for out of her or your own pocket, 1980? 1. most recent stay in the hospital with no repayment? in 1980 piq (Aside from any hospital a day at any time during Wdsa during WIGHTSIN 1980 j-r-q l K70. v7ga7 altogether stay), did an illness 1980? YES cF7 About how many days did illness (but not in a hospital) during or injury p7iq-a or injury 1980? keep her in bed for all or most of TURN TO P. 49, K72 keep her in bed all DAYS IN 1980 or most of the day 49 58 l K72. y7g8g During the past year, has anyone in the family received medical paid for by Medicare or Medicaid (Medi-Cal, Medical Assistance, care which has been or will Welfare, Medical Services)? (,.j--WSO bK73. V7990 be TO 1174 Which program was it? *' MEDICAID, MEDI-CAL, MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. WELFARE, MEDICAL SERVICES OTHER (SPECIFY): 7. l K74. Did you get any other V7991 inheritance? money in 1980 --like 1. l K75. V7992 l K76. a big settlement from an insurance [Gj--- YES company, or an GO TO K76 9 How much did that amount to? IN 1980 I Last year did you help support 1. anyone who doesn't live here with you now? (F--b-b YES TURN TO P. 50, SECTION L Ls + I b K77. ‘17994 K78. How many? How much money did that year? IH 1980 I I O! K79. amount to in the last Were any of these people 1. YES dependent on you for more than half j-G-q+ of their total support? I 1 TURN TD P. 50. SECTlDh L 9 0 K80. How many? V7996 I 50 SECTION L: l L1. NEWWIFE INTERVIEWERCHECKPOINT 1. HEAD HAS NEWWIFE THIS YEAR (REMEMBER: FEMALEFRIEND LIVING IN FU ONE YEAR OR MORE IS CONSIDEREDWIFE.) HEAD IS FEMALE -TURN 5 v7ggx '; 05. TO P. 51, SECTION M HEAD IS MALE WITH NO WIFE -TURN TO P. 51, SECTION M HEAD IS MALE WITH SAMEWIFE AS IN 1979 __) l L2. How many grades of school did your (wife/friend) V7998 GRADESOF SCHOOL 0 L3. Did she have any other TURN TO P. 51, SECTION M finish? COLLEGE L5. schooling? What college was that? V7999 1. 7 R Ld. What other vaooo YES 15.j GO TO L8 . L6. schooling Does she have a college degree? V~3001 did she have? 1. (5.1 YES GO TO L8 7 b L7. Does she have my advanced V]$Oi32 degrees? l L8. How much education V8003 did your (wife's/friend's) father l L9. How much education vaoo4 did your (wife's/friend's) mother have? RLlO. How many years woo5 altogether has your (wife/friend) have? worked for money since she was 18? YEARS I,.+ TURN TO P. 51, SECTIDL R i 0 L11. How many of these years did she work full-time V8006 for most or all YEARS L12. During L the years 4 that she was not working full-time, w of the year? TURN TO P. 51, SECTION M how much of the time did she work? ..,m 51 60 SECTION M: M1. NEW HEAD INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT V8009. 1. HEAD IS A NEWHEAD THIS YEAR (REMEMBER: ALL NEWSPLITOFF FUs HAVE NEW HEADS.) HEAD IS THE SAME HEAD AS IN 1980 +llJRN TO P. 3 OF REINTERVIEW COVERSHEET, ITEM 15 M1a. M2. EXACT TIME NOW: Now I have some questions about your (HEAD'S) family and past experiences. father and mother grow up? (FROM BIRTH TO 18 YEARS OF AGE.) FATHER: E IF U.S., V8010 MOTHER: 3'TJiTF IF U.S.. M3. What was your V8014 CoUNTY COUNTRYIF m @ TO Where did your - V8O"l"r TOWN COUNTRYIF mN father's usual occupation when you were growing - up? occ ci M4. Thinking V8015 of your (HEAD'S) first full-time regular job, what did you do? occ 0 TURN TO P. 52, M6 M5. V&316 Have you had a number of different you started in, or what? kinds of jobs, or have you mostly worked in the same occupation 61 52 M6. Do you (HEAD) have any children who don't live with you? YES /-g-40 TO 119 0 i M7. How many? M8. When were they born? 1st NUMBER 2nd YEAR BORN Did you (HEAD) have any children 3rd who are not now living? YES HlO. m V8017 V8018 YEAR BORN YEARBORN 1 M9. m INO I BY 25 TO ~11 m V8019 m V8020 0 V8021 7 When were they born? YEAR BORN l Mll. How many brothers V8022 and sisters YEAR BORN YEAR BORN did you (HEAD) have? NUMBER Wl2. ---I-Were any of your brothers or sisters older (0wTow13 than you? V8023 [-Y-q l M13. V8024 [T-&q Did you (HEAD) grow up on a farm, 1114. In what state in a small town, in a large and county was that? V8025 STATE city, or what? (EXAMPLE: ILLINOIS, COOKCOUNTY) V8026 COUNTY AND 1115. What was the name of the nearest W416. What other l M17. Have you (HEAD) ever moved out of a community where you were living V8029 states or countries Il. have you lived in, including time spent abroad while in order YES 1 TURN TO P. 53, 1119 01118. Have V8030 you ever turned down a job because you did not want to move? town? in the armed forces? to take a job somewhere else? 53 62 01119. Were your parents poor when you were growing up, pretty well off, or what? V8031 l u20. How much education did your (HEAD'S) father V8032 (IF FEWERTHAN 6 GRADES) l KZI. Could he read and write? W22. How much education V8033 did your have? (HEAD'S) mother have? (IF FEWERTHAN 6 GRADES) l W3. Could she read and write? OH24. Are you (HEAD) a veteran? V8034 l M25. How many years V8035 have you worked since you were 18? , 0 M26. How many of these years EARS did you work full-time V8036 ~)-bGOTOH2B for YEARS 1127. During the years that you were not working full-time, most of the year? (,,60 TO M2B how much of the time did you work? elm V8037 l M28. How many grades of school V8039 did you (HEAD) finish? Did you have any other schooling? Did you get any other training? 1. V8038 M34. What college was that? YES Do you have a college degree? TURN TO P. 54. M37 P What was it? W. What other schooling did you have? 1. YES (r. TURN TO P. s4. M37 P Do you have any advanced degrees? Do you have my trouble reading? 63 54 preference. This involves a right that is protected M37. Now we would like to ask for your religious You are under no obligation to answer these questions; and, by the United States Constitution. V8047 if for any reason, you decide you da not wish to answer them, we will accept and respect your decision. The information requested is important to us, and we hope you will decide to answer them. May we record your religious M38. Is your religious preference? preference Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish, or what? I GO TO M40 M39. M40 What denomination is that? EXACT TINE NOW: TURN TO P. 3 OF REINTERVIEW COVERSHEETOR TURN TO P. 4 OF SPLITOFF COVERSHEET COMPLETEAFTER INTERVIEW (see TN1 and TN2) M41. Who was your Respondent? V8049 M42. Total V8050 number of calls Indicate required relationship to obtain interview to Head. (see item 9 of cover sheet): Editing Procedures and Worksheets Part 3: The editing process serves three main purposes: year-to-year changes in family membership, (1) accounting for all (2) rectifying discrepancies within the interview before coding, and (3) calculating and recording numeric data on the worksheets and interviews for coding. high degree of accuracy, It is a complicated task requiring a so each interview is checked by another editor. Each interview is screened for discrepancies requiring a return trip to the field. Family composition editing and occupation coding are the next step. Finally, the massive edit is done, and interviews are considered “clean” for coding. The full array of past interviews is available to editors, though only the past year’s interview is usually consulted to solve problems. They are used when the current interview is vague, contradictory, or incomplete despite previous attempts to clarify problems. Project staff closely oversee the editing process. and substantive decisions regarding the handling of specific problems are made by this staff. The techniques used to edit all previous waves were used to edit Wave XIV. Detailed discussion of these techniques will be found in the documentation of W aves I-V of this survey and specific changes are documented annually in the year of their occurrence. Family Composition Editing All people in a Panel family last year must be accounted for this year-either in the old family or as having moved out to form a new family. members who move out are followed and interviewed as a new family. Sample Family composition editing remains unchanged. W ave XIV Changes UTILITIES This year we have asked separate questions for different types of fuels and utility services. Electricity (B81-B21), Gas (B22-B25), Oil (B26-B28), Coal, W o o d , K e r o s e n e a n d O t h e r F u e l s ( B 2 9 - B 3 0 ) , and Water & Sewage (B31-B33) are each asked separately. It was not possible to assign missing amounts as previous waves had asked Utility Costs as a lump sum, however, Accuracy Code “2” was used for “Not Ascertained” figures to retain the option of assigning missing amounts at a later date. 65 66 For the purpose of comparability with previous years, a generated variable (V7699) contains the sum of all the separate utility questions. Please note: any sum (V7699) that equals “9999” i m p l i e s t h a t o n e o r m o r e o f t h e u t i l i t i e s a r e “ N o t A s c e r t a i n e d . ” SALARIED WORKERS WAGE RATES All “salaried” workers have their current income, C11 (V7715) and overtime pay, if any, C13 (V7717), converted into an hourly scale. where Head does not receive overtime pay--C12 (V7716) This year, in cases = “No,” 5--and has held his position for over a year--C18 (V7722) is greater than “012’‘--an approximation of “real work hours” was used to derive the Current Hourly Wage Rate, Last Year's W ork Weeks (C37), Hours Worked Per Week (C39), and Overtime Hours (C41) were used to convert the salaried pay scale. In cases where a salaried Head received overtime pay, had not held his p o s i t i o n f o r o v e r a y e a r , or where the working hours were vague, contradictory or incomplete, regular conventions for work hours were used to establish a current hourly wage (i.e. yearly = 200 work hours; weekly = 40 work hours; etc.). PERIODS OF UNEMPLOYMENT In Sections C and D (Heads who are currently working, temporarily laid off, or unemployed and looking for work), a new series of questions about unemployment periods has been added (C49-C79 and D27-D57). Only Heads with 40 or more hours of unemployment (V7538) were asked this new series of questions, which deal with timing and duration of up to three separate unemployment periods. PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT A brief series of questions on expected retirement age has been returned to W ave XIV. They appear at C92-C95 and D62-D65. ASSIGNMENT TABLES In Wave XIV, as in Waves XII and XIII, we used an inflation factor in some of our assignment tables. The tables were first drawn using the unweighted data from last year (Wave XlII), inflation for that category. then each figure was increased by the percent of The inflation factors were derived from the Implicit Price Deflators for gross national product of the Commerce Department’s Survey of Current Business, December 1980, by comparing the 3rd quarter of 1979 to the 3rd quarter of 1980. The factors used are as follows: House Value for Homeowners (V7517), 8.45% - 67 (note that if we have a house value for this house from last year’s interview we used it, plus 10%. with an accuracy code of “1” in preference to the table value which always carries an accuracy code “2.“) Annual Rent for Renters (V7525), 9.2% Imputed Annual Rent for Nonowners/Nonrenters (V7527), 9.2% Annual Food Cost Except Food Stamps (V7564), 8.916% Annual Cost of Eating Out (V7566), 8.916% 68 Survey Research Center 1981 EDITING PSID P. WORKSHEETS PRE-EDITOR 1-1 Number \ J V7503 Size of Largest Color Whether of in PSU Moved Who Moved V7512 q V7507 C1 V7513 D V7508 I3 V7514 Change EDITOR In In D V7509 I V7515 El V7510 I Number Moved o Moved Interview? CK. a 13 V7506 Refused Composition EDITOR V7511 Coversheet Originally Telephone Family V7504 City 1 457701 Out Out urrent Family unlity of Composition Match V7516 ACC ACC cl V7520 V7519 V7521 llll V7523 ----_--__-_________------------------- Annual Rent (B14)rl fl V7526 V7527 Government of Heating Subsidy Costs (B5) I V7529 VT'528 I I ( I Annual Mortgage Payments (B10) V7522 Annual Property Tax Bill (B13) q V7524 ------_------ 69 Survey Research Center 1981 PSID 2 P. 457701 I I I I 1981 ID I HEAD 1. Main 2. Overtime: 3. Second Total Job: C41 Job: Annual Illness of Illness Work Others: of Strike: C46xC47 Hours ACC (1+2+3) C28/D16 Self: C30/D18 C34/D20 Unemployment: C36/D22 cl 50 V7532 V7533 5cl V7534 V7535 mna V7536 V7537 rcl V7538 WIFE 1. Main 2. Overtime: 3. Second Total Job: F33 Job: Annual F36xF37 Work Hours ACC (1+2+3) cl V7540 I1lness of Others: F20/G13 of Self: V7541 mncl V7542 Illness V7539 V7543 F22/G15 mIlu V7544 Strike: F26/G17 Unemployment: V7545 50 V7546 V7547 50 V7548 V7549 F28/G19 70 Survey Research Center 1981 PSID P. 457701 3 1981 ID #in FU WFN ANS in 2 Total INDIVIDUAL FOOD COSTS: Use family composition at time of interview #Major Adults Family Size #Required Rooms Weekly Food Need Annual Need Standard ANNUAL FOOD COSTS: ANNUAL HOURS HOUSEWORK: Wife (J5) Head (J6) Number to Whom Food Stamps Issued (J12) Food Stamp Value Last Month (J13) Annual Food Costs Except Food Stamps (J15+J17/J19+J21) Annual Costs of Eating Out (J18/J22) Food Stamp Value 1980 (J24) Number of Months Used Food Stamps in 1980 (J25) 4 71 Survey Research Center 1981 PSID 1. *Labor Part of Farm Income (K4)-Head 2. *Labor Part of Business Income (K7)-Head 3. Wages of HEAD (K8) 4. Bonus, Overtime, Commissions (K10)-Head 5. Professional Practice or Trade (K12a)-Head 6. Labor Part of Market Gardening (K12b)-Head 7. Labor Part of Roomers and Boarders (K12c)-Head 8. Wages/Labor of WIFE (K22) 9. *Asset Part of Farm Income (K4)-Head & Wife 10. *Asset Part of Business Income (K7)-Head &Wife 11. *Asset Part of Market Gardening (K12b)Head & Wife 12. *Asset Part of Roomers and Boarders (K12c)Head & Wife 13. Rent, Interest, Dividends (K12d)-Head 14. Alimony (K15f)-Head 15. Wife's Other Assets (K29) 16. Total Head & Wife Taxable Income (Sum of 1-15) P. 457701 1. ADC/AFDC (K12e)-Head & Wife 2. SSI (K12f)-Head & Wife 3. Other Welfare (K15a)-Head & Wife 4. Social Security (K15b + K26)-Head & Wife 5. Other 6. Unemployment 7. Worker's 8. Child Support (K15g)-Head 9. Help from Relatives (K15h)-Head 10. Anything Else (K15j + K18)-Head 11. Wife's Other Transfers (K24, K29) 12. Total Transfers of Head & Wife (Sum of 1-11) Retirement (K15c)-Head (K15d)-Head Compensation (K15e)-Head 1. ADC/AFDC-Others 2. SSI-Others 3. Other Welfare-Others 4. Social Security-Others 5. Other Retirement-Others V7632 6. Unemployment-Others 7. Worker's Compensation-Others 8. Child Support-Others 9. Help from Relatives-Others 1O. Anything Else-Others 11. Total Transfers (Sum of 1-10) 74 Part 4: Coding Procedures Production coding the questionnaire is the final step to putting the data into usable form for analysis. This is done after the questionnaire has been edited as described in Part 3. The coding process converts non-numerical answers into the numerical values. This year, the coders entered the editing worksheets and coded the questionnaire, using a new system designed by the Computer Support group at ISR’s Survey Research Center. The new system, Data (ISIS), Interactive System for Input of Survey is compatible with ISR’s OSIRIS analysis package. It incorporates wild code and consistency checking of data during the actual coding process such that coders may not enter invalid code values. Needless to say, coder error was considerably reduced by this new process. This section deals only with the question of reliability, or intercoder variance. The reliability is the measure of the ambiguity of the codes and the accuracy of the coders. coded twice, Approximately 10 percent of the interviews (617) were once by the coder and a second time by a Panel Study staff member or a check coder. Check coding consists of an item-by-item check of all values which have been independently coded by a second person. This enables the study staff to determine early in the processing whether any individual coder is having difficulty and whether any codes are causing problems. Coders are trained by a member of the study staff before they are allowed to production-code interviews. Training consists of a short introduction on the history and purpose of the study and answering any questions the coders may have about the study in general. The coders then check code two practice interviews, which the study staff member has coded earlier. Then the coders and the study staff member go over the practice interviews in detail, discussing any differences with particular emphasis on problems that may come up in productioncoding and questions that may be difficult to code. A difference is a disagreement between the coder and the check coder. Differences become errors when so judged by the check coder; for example, a coder may use the wrong code, keyboard, punch the wrong number by mistake on the terminal or miss a specific direction in the code. Disagreements which are not errors involve coding of open-ended questions; decisions on the final code chosen rest with the study staff member. - 75 Coding Errors There was only one variable with an error rate of 1.3 percent or over, question B3. “How is your (home/apartment) heated--with gas, electricity, oil, or what?” Most of the errors occurred when the respondent reported using multiple heating methods, as opposed to only one method. Multiple heating methods were most usually indicated by a check on the appropriate box (codes 1, 2 or 3) and a written-in reply. The coders missed seeing the method written in next to the question by the interviewer. Coding Differences All the differences of 1.3 percent or over were on open-ended questions. Such questions vary in the degree of coding difficulty, depending on question content. Questions ascertaining reasons for particular types of behavior, that is to say, “Why” questions, are the most difficult to build codes for and to actually code. The major problem with question B33. “Why not pay for water/ sewage?” o c c u r r e d w h e n t h e r e s p o n d e n t ’ s a n s w e r f i t t e d i n t o m o r e t h a n o n e c o d e category. For a usual example, r e s p o n d e n t s l i v i n g a s p a r t o f o t h e r p e r s o n s ’ families, i.e. those coded 5 in V7515, replied that the other family “takes care of it.” However, since there is little or no information about how the other family “takes care of it,” decisions between codes 1, 2, 3 and 4 were difficult to make. Question C25. “Why is it (better/worse) ?” referring to a job the respondent has had less than one year, has been asked since 1969. problems with this variable. There are two reasons for First, reasons for job satisfaction for the respondent appear to be more subjective now than in the past, but altering the code to reflect this change would interfere with past trends. Secondly, coders occasionally code this question as if it were a priority code, which it is not. The first mention contained in the response should be the first coded. Question J27. “Can you tell me why you thought you weren’t eligible?” (for food stamps) asks respondents a question that most people have very little knowledge about unless they are already involved with the “welfare” system. Replies not codable in categories 1 or 2 were almost always even more vague than the remaining codes. Questions B36. “Why did you move?” and B39. “Who might you move?” have periodically shown some history of reliability problems throughout the duration of the study. Replies involving consumptive reasons are most usually so specific to each respondent’s situation that new coders’ ability to conceptualize these replies in terms of these code categories is very difficult. Question J30. “Can you tell me why you didn’t try?” (to get food stamps), asked of those who think they may have been eligible for food stamps, but failed to apply for them, presented coding difficulties similar to those mentioned above for question J27. Differentiation between replies that could be coded in either categories 5 or 6 accounted for many of the disagreements. Check Coding of Occupation and Industry Codes During the coding process, a separate checking procedure was established to attempt to obtain some information on reliability rates for the three-digit occupation and industry codes. process. A total of 913 interviews were selected for this Since each Head must answer either Section C or D or E, the check coder used the occupation and industry information from the appropriate section for overall totals. A similar procedure was followed for Wives, using Sections F, G and H. Of the 913 interviews selected, 798 had information for Heads and 373 for Wives. The remainder represent non-working Heads or Wives, or families which contained no Wife in 1981. Overall reliabilities (including the inapplicable cases) were: Head’s Head’s Wife’s Wife’s Occupation: Industry: Occupation: Industry: 89.2% 89.4% 92.6% 95.7% When adjusted for removal of inapplicable cases, these figures became: Head’s Head’s Wife’s Wife’s Occupation: Industry: Occupation: Industry: 87.6% 87.8% 81.8% 89.5% M a t c h e d d i f f e r e n c e s , t h a t i s , cases in which the coder and check coder differed in the same way more than once, occurred on the following codes: Occupation Head Cleaners & Charwomen (902) - Janitors & sextons (903) Number of Differences 4 Managers & Administrators, nec (245) - Salesmen & sales clerks, nec (280) 3 Heavy Equipment mechanics, incl. diesel (481) - mechanics and repairmen, not specified 2 Miscellaneous Operatives (694) - assemblers (602) 2 Wife Cleaners & Charwomen (902) - Janitors & sextons (903) 3 Sewers & Stitchers (663) - Dressmakers and seamstresses, except factory (613) Child Care Workers, e x c e p t p r i v a t e h o u s e h o l d (942) - Child care workers, private household (980) Bookkeepers (305) - Bank tellers (301) Not Specified Clerical Workers (395) - Typists (391) 3 77 78 Industry Number of Differences Head General Building Contractors (067) - Special trade contractors (069) 4 General Building Contractors (067) - Not specified construction (077) 3 Special Trade Contractors (069) - Not specified construction (077) 3 Horticultural Services (019) - Private households (769) 3 Special Trade Contractors (069) - General contractors, except building (068) 2 Motor Vehicle & Motor Vehicle Equipment Manufacturing (210) - Manufacturing of machinery except electrical, nec (197) 2 Not Specified Manufacturing Industries (398) - manufacturing of miscellaneous fabricated metal products (168) 2 Wife Hospitals (838) - Health services, nec (848) 2 Occupation and industry codes yielding the highest numbers of differences were: Occupation Head Managers and Administrators, nec (245) Number of Differences 14 Miscellaneous Operatives (694) 7 Machine Operatives, Miscellaneous Specified (690) 5 Not Specified Operatives (695) 5 Heavy Equipment Mechanics, including diesel (481) 4 Cleaners and Charwomen (902) 4 Wife Sewers & Stitchers (663) 8 Cleaners & Charwomen (902) 4 Estimators and Investigators, nec (321) 4 Child Care Workers, except private household (942) 4 Managers & Administrators, nec (245) 4 Not Specified Clerical Workers (395) 4 Industry* Head General Building Contractors (067) Number of Differences 8 Not Specified Manufacturing Industries (398) 2 Special Trade Contractors (069) 6 Manufacturing of Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products (168) 4 Horticultural 4 Services (019) *There were no matched differences on industry codes for wives. 79 80 For both Heads and Wives, s l i g h t l y o v e r h a l f ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 3 % ) o f t h e differences on both occupation and industry occurred within the same Census Major Heading groups. Heads’ occupation differences were predominantly within the Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Group, the Operatives group, group, the Managers and Administrators the Service Workers (excluding Private Household) group and the Clerical and Kindred Workers group. Wives’ occupation problems were mainly confined to the Clerical and Kindred Workers group and the Operatives group, since Wives tend to be concentrated in those occupations. Industry code differences for Heads were most frequent in the Manufacturing group, the Wholesale and Retail Trade group, the Construction group, and the Professional and Related Services group. Wives’ differences were most often found in the Entertainment and Recreation Services group, the Personal Services group and the Retail Trade group. At the end of this volume, Appendix 2 lists the three-digit occupation and industry classifications used. These are taken from U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1970 Census of Population Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1971, pp. vii-xiv. In previous years of this study, an attempt was made to reconcile inconsistencies in the coding of the same occupation between years. Cases with the same Head for each pair of years and in which this Head had reported no change in job were inspected for clues as to which occupation code was correct. This task proved to be both monumental and relatively fruitless, and has been discontinued for 1981 data. Part 5: Generated Variables and Additional Data V a r i o u s i n d e x e s , b r a c k e t v a r i a b l e s , and complex measures of economic status have been constructed each year using variables derived directly from coded interview data. Each year changes in the interview schedule have made additions and deletions of indexes necessary. In general, if an index could not be built to be exactly comparable to a previous index, no index was constructed. Income Several measures of economic status have been generated for all fourteen years, including money income variables and measures of income adequacy. Money Income, Family one of the simplest indexes. is the total of all members’ earnings, transfers, and capital income (1981: V8065). Total real income and net real - 81 income, o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , h a v e n o t b e e n c r e a t e d f o r t h e p a s t s e v e r a l y e a r s because there has been incomplete information about nonmoney income. Also for 1981, miscellaneous transfers of Head and Wife has not been constructed since it is little-used and may easily be built by merely subtracting ADC income from total transfers. Ratio of Income to Needs Measurement of a family’s economic status requires comparison of the family’s income with some measure of its needs. A full description of the needs standard used by the Panel Study is found in our documentation volume for Wave VII, For analytical purposes, a convenient measure of this relationship is 1974. expressed by a ratio of family income to family needs. (V8065) divided by Annual Need Standard (V7554) available for 1981 (V8067). Total Family Money Income is the only income to needs ratio Note that the need standard is not adjusted for inflation. Bracket Variables Several numerical variables, such as family money income, had been, until Wave X, g i v e n a l s o a s b r a c k e t ( i n t e r v a l ) c o d e s . Such interval codes had been constructed for most of the measures where a distribution was useful and appropriate. components. This includes practically all of the income variables and their For Waves X-XIV we have provided in the Tape Codes two pieces of information which allow a user to bracket as his own uses dictate: (1) percent nonzero, and (2) mean value of nonzero. This information is provided for any variable which was bracketed in 1976. SMSA Codes From 1968 through 1978, the names of those cities nearest respondents’ dwellings were coded. However, this information was made unavailable to users due to possible confidentiality problems. That decision has now been reversed, and values for these variables (V188, V808, V1497, V2209, V2835, V3250, V3672, V3933, V4703, V4705, V5621, V5623, V6168, V6170) have been inserted on the merged fourteen-year tape. Two different codes were used for these variables: 1968 through 1974 codes included suburban cities in the same categories as their urban centers, code. while for 1975 through 1978 each city of 50,000 or more had its own Codes are available upon request in writing to: Michigan, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, Mi., 48106, Attn: ICPSR, University of Janet Vavra. Race Because the interview schedules are now designed for telephone use, race of respondent, which comes from interviewer observation, has not been obtained for several years. Respondents were assigned race from 1972 data. In the case of splitoffs, race was assigned from 1972 data of the main family (V8099). Regional Data Measures In addition to personality and behavior, locational and environmental factors are potentially important determinants of an individual’s economic status. Consequently, the interview data have been supplemented with information on the employment and income characteristics of the county where the panel family lives. Questionnaires are sent each year to state employment offices asking about current labor market conditions in these counties. For the past two years, two of the usual five questions asked in previous years were dropped as being inappropriate in the modern world (V’s 8104-8106). Marital Status W e have asked a new series of marital status questions in the interview for the last four years. V8087 is a recoding of these new questions to make marital status comparable to past years. In all years before 1977, a respondent’s answer to marital status was edited to conform to our definitions. (V’s 7952-7954.) This year we again created a “Year-to-Year Change in Marital Status” variable (V8107). errors. Comparable variables in previous years, however, contain some See Noncomparability codes, note ss, on page 586 for details. Sampling Error Computing Unit (SECU) Formulas for the sampling errors, or variances, of estimators based on the assumption of having data from a simple random sample are inappropriate for the PSID data. While the PSID is a probability sample, it differs from a simple random sample because of stratification, clustering, and disproportionate selection rates for families. These deviations from simple random sampling complicate proper calculation of sampling errors for estimators, but they do not entirely preclude it. Methods for calculating the proper sampling errors of estimators do vary, though, according to the type of estimator, the calculation model, and the computer program performing the calculations. Since the PSID is often used for regression analysis, a SECU variable was generated which was specifically designed to allow users to calculate the proper sampling errors for regression - 83 statistics in an attempt to reduce computing costs without huge sacrifices in precision. The code for the SECU variable, its name, and the terminology that follows specifically relate to an OSIRIS IV sampling error computer program with the BHS option for regression statistics. This program, Repeated Replication Sampling Error Analysis (REPERR), h a s o t h e r o p t i o n s f o r s a m p l i n g e r r o r c a l c u l a t i o n s f o r regression s t a t i s t i c s , and is one of the two OSIRIS IV sampling error programs, The other program, Sampling Error Analysis (PSALMS), is designed to calculate the sampling errors of ratios such as means or proportions. However, a coding of computing units different from that of V8101 is recommended for such calculations. Researchers interested in computing sampling errors of ratios should inquire about obtaining this alternate coding consisting of a considerably larger number of coding units. For further detaiIs, see the explanation for the SECU variable in Section I, Part 5 of the 1980 documentation volume. Note that 1981 splitoffs received the SECU values of their main families from 1980. Splitoff Data Beginning in 1981, additional data has been provided to assist the user in linking splitoff information with that of their main families. interviews, On splitoff the family portion of the tape has the current year’s interview number (V7502) of the associated main family recorded in V8109; each individual record of splitoff persons also contains this interview number, as well as month and year the splitoff family was formed (V’s 8417 and 8418). Month and year are derived from actual move-out dates of splitoff individuals as reported on the main family coversheets. Thus, in the relatively rare event that two or more individuals move at different times from the main family to form one splitoff FU, each individual receives his or her actual date of move. Any other splitoff individuals who appear for the first time on this splitoff interview, such as nonsample spouses, friends, miscellaneous relatives and newborn children. receive the move-out date given for the splitoff mover-out. In case more than one splitoff mover-out date exists, these new persons receive the earliest one. For those individuals who move from institutions to form their own splitoff FU’s, 9898 is inserted in the tape locations for month and year, and the miscellaneous other individuals appearing for the first time in the splitoff FU receive missing data codes (99’s) in the month and year variables. 84 Taxes Again this year, income taxes for family members were generated by computer. There were no changes in tax laws between 1979 tax year and 1980 tax year that affected the various credits which are incorporated into the tax variables (V’s 8052-8064). For an in-depth discussion of these variables, please see Section I, Part 5 of the 1980 documentation volume. Part 6: Data Available For each year of this study, both an individual unit and a family unit tape have been created. In addition, the family tape has been merged with the previous years’ family tapes so that there are two through fourteen year merged family tapes. bases only. The individual tapes were merged on five through fourteen year Two tapes have also been created using the 1967 S.E.O. data for that part of the sample that was originally interviewed by the Census. For a detailed description of these tapes, see A Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Volume I, 1972. Briefly, the annual family tapes include one record for each family interviewed that year. The family-individual tapes contain one record for each individual in these families. Included on each record is information specific to the individual plus all the data for the family in which the person was living that year. The fourteen-year merged family tape contains all fourteen years of data for every family interviewed in 1981 (including the 1976 wives’ data). The record for a family which was formed after 1968 contains the data for the main family for the years before the new unit split off. The fourteen-year individual tape contains the data for the family in which the individual was living each of the fourteen years and all fourteen years of individual information. The tape contains records for the following individuals: a. Sample members living in the Panel families (or in institutions) in 1968 through 1981, e i t h e r c o n t i n u o u s l y o r i n t e r m i t t e n t l y , b u t w h o a r e p r e s e n t i n 1981. b. Sample members who were born after 1968. The individual data for these children contain zeros for the years before they were born except for their 1977 person numbers and each year’s identification number. c. Nonsample members living with Panel families in 1981 who moved in after Individual information before they moved in contains zeros, except 1968. for the 1977 person numbers and each year’s identification number, and their weight is always zero. There is a variable on the merged individual tape specifying the type of individual record for years one through five only. This may, however, be updated - 85 by the user. This tape is very long (approximately 20,000 records with 15,700 t a p e l o c a t i o n s ) , so machine capacity should be considered before attempting analysis on this tape. All inquiries for Member Services, information about this study should be in writing to: Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Part 7: Notes on Use of Data Refer to Project 457701. Tricky Aspects of a Self-Replacing Panel I n o r d e r t o u s e p a n e l d a t a , one must understand the demography of populations that are continually being replaced. The average age of such a population does not change, even though each member ages, because each year a few very old people die and are “replaced” by some very young ones. replacement, Due to this a panel containing the same families never represents aggregate trends. The Panel data allow one to look at the history of any family which contains sample members in the most recent year, b u t t h i s i m p l i e s t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f duplicate family records for earlier years in cases where the members of that early family have divided into two or more current ones. To average the 1967 income for all families in the 1981 Panel, then, does not give a measure of the Restricting the analysis to families average income of all families in 1967. with the same heads of households all fourteen years may eliminate too much; the “same head” subgroup is excellent for following fortunes of people over the period, but not for describing national trends. are mostly just entering the labor force, most, For instance, the splitoffs, who suffer the most unemployment, move the have the largest increases in income. For some purposes, it might prove optimal to study year-to-year changes for all units with the same head for those two years, minimizing the population turnover problem. For others, it is clearly best to look at individuals so only those who die or disappear are lost. Means for these individuals or their subgroups will, except for nonresponse, represent national trends. Employment Sequences The user may have observed that each head of household, and wife of head if there is one, Question C1, is asked a different sequence of questions. based on his reply to “We would Iike to know about your (Head’s) present job--are you 86 (Head) working now. looking for work. retired, a housewife, or what?” (for wives. Question F2). Current employment status may be irrelevant to last year’s labor force participation, especially in these times of high unemployment; therefore, we have continued with an index which tabulates all variables in the sequence V7706-V7877 for heads and V7878-V7951 for wives, as some of the questions in each of the three employment-related sections are similar. Part 4, for further Please see Section III, details. On Creating a Family Tape From the Merqed Fourteen-Year Individual Tape Since the fourteen-year individual tape is very unwieldy with its approximately 20,000 cases and 15,700 tape locations, and the researcher might well be interested in analyzing the data largely from a family basis, it was thought helpful to append suggestions on the creation of a family file from the individual data. The structure of the individual file combines family data for each person in the family unit with that person’s unique individual information. Each individual is assigned a unique sequence number (V8392) which indicates that person’s position on the 1981 list of people in the family; thus, the first person listed is 01, family file, the second person listed is 02, and so on. To create a it is necessary only to write off onto a new tape those cases where V8392 = 01, s i n c e e a c h f a m i l y m u s t h a v e a t l e a s t o n e m e m b e r , a l t h o u g h i t m a y o r may not have two or more. V8393, It is suggested that V8392 be used as opposed to relationship to head, because although each family has one and only one current head (i.e., where V8392 = 01-20), it is possible that the prior year’s head of the family has moved out since the previous interview and a new head is present for the current interview. Relationship to head of movers-out is coded with reference to last year’s head, so for both the current head and the previous head, V8393 = 1. SECTION II TAPE CODES FOR WAVE XIV Part 1: Fourteenth-Year Family Tape Code The following are the codes for the fourteenth-wave information from the interview schedule. 2 of this section. The fourteen-year individual tape code will be found in Part The variable numbers and tape locations refer to the fourteen-year merged tape. For the codes for the first five waves of this study, see A Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Volume II. The remainder of the codes for W aves VI through XIII will be found in successive volumes entitled A Panel Study of Income Dynamics: Procedures and Tape Codes. The distributions for the following variables are weighted and based on all families interviewed in 1981. For generation of distributions on field amounts, percent zero, percent nonzero, and mean values are provided. Tape Code Information The example below illustrates the information contained in this codebook for a typical variable. The numbers in brackets do not appear in the codebook, but refer to the explanations which follow this example. 1. Indicates the cross-year variable number. each item in the study. A variable number is assigned to (S e e t h e a l p h a b e t i c a l i n d e x f o r a l i s t o f t h e range of variable numbers specific to each year.) 87 2. Indicates the abbreviated variable name (maximum of 25 characters) used in the OSIRIS system to identify the variable for the user. This abbreviated variable name is identical to the variable name listed in the OSIRIS dictionary for this variable. It is also listed as a subheading of the printout when a variable is accessed in an OSIRIS program. this manner, When used in the abbreviated variable name can be useful as a cross- reference tool, as well as a way to avoid errors. Refer to the list of abbreviations below for some help in translating the names into sensible English. 3. Indicates the starting location and ending location for this variable when the data are stored on a magnetic tape in the OSIRIS format. 4. Indicates the code values of missing data. equalIing nine are missing data (MD=9). Alternative statements for other variables are “MD=0 or GE 8” or “MD=GE 7.” written in this space, In this example, code values In cases where nothing is there are no missing data for the variable; values were assigned for such cases. Some analysis software packages (including the OSIRIS software package) require that certain types of data which the user desires to exclude from analysis can be designated as “missing data,” e.g., inappropriate, unascertained, Although these codes have or ambiguous data categories. been defined by the PSID staff as missing data categories, this does not mea” that the user should not or cannot use them in a substantive role if so desired. 5. Indicates the full question number that was used in the questionnaire, as well as the exact wording of the questionnaire item. 6. Indicates the weighted percentages for each code value. Blanks indicate that no cases have this value. 7. Indicates the code values occurring in the data for this variable. cases there will be a full field of “X’s” in this column. indicate that the actual number was coded. For example, In some These X’s a variable about the respondent’s earnings per hour might include the following code value: XXXX. Actual dollars and cents per hour - 89 8. Indicates the textual definitions of the codes. Abbreviations commonly used in the code definitions are “DK” (Don’t Know), “NA” (Not Ascertained), and “Inap.” 9. 10. (Inappropriate). Indicates the “% nonzero” value, where specified. Indicates the “mean nonzero” value where specified. List of Standardizations of Common Abbreviations Used by the Panel Study in Generating Variable Names with OSIRIS (see item 2 above) ACC Accuracy ANN AnnuaI E Employed section of questionnaire (Section C or F) EDUC Education FA Father H or HD Head individual IND Industry; MO Mother MOS Months OCC Occupation OT Overtime OTR Other person(s) PAY/HR Hourly rate, in dollars and cents R Retired/housewife/student section of questionnaire (Section E or H) REC Receive(d) TOT TotaI U Unemployed section of questionnaire (Section D or G) UNEMP Unemployed: unemployment W or WF Wife WRK W ork WTR Whether X Times; c r o s s ( a s i n c r o s s - y e a r ) 90 Y income 1981 FAMILY TAPE CODE Content Name=‘STUDY NUMBER (701) 7501 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13501-13503 = Cross-year Tape Location ' Study Number 701 (Wave 14) Name= '1981 INTERVIEW NUMBER ’ 7502 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13504-13507 - C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981 Interview Number 0001-6620. Current interview number Name=‘CURRENT STATE 7503 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13508-13509 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 State of Residence at Time of 1981 Interview Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. Name=‘CURRENT COUNTY 7504 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13510-13512 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 County of Residence at Time of 1981 Interview Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. 7505 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘CURRENT STATE+CNTY 13513-13517 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 State and County of Residence at Time of 1981 Interview V7503 and V7504 combined into one variable Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. 91 92 - R A W DATA 7506 = Cross-year variable number Name='SIZE LGST ClTY/SMSA-1981' 13518 = C r o s s - y e a r t a p e l o c a t i o n MD=9 Size of Largest City in PSU 0.4 9. NA: DU is not in continental USA 7507 = Cross-year variable number Name='COLOR COVERSHEET-1981 ' 13519 = Cross-year Tape Location Color 96.8 3.2 of 0. 1. Coversheet--Splitoff Indicator Orange (Main Family) Yellow (Splitoff) Name='WHETHER REFUSED-1981 ' 7508 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 13520 = Cross-year Tape Location Whether Originally Refused in 1981 99.3 0.7 0. 1. Never Refused Refused at least once 9. NA Name='TELEPHONE INT?-1981 ' 7509 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 13521 = Cross-year Tape Location Whether Telephone Interview in 1981 5.8 93.6 0.3 0.3 0. 1. 2. Personal interview Telephone interview Mail interview 9. NA RAW DATA - 93 7510 = Cross-year Family variable number 13522 = Cross-year Composition Tape Name=‘FAM Location COMP CHANGE-1981 ’ Change no movers-in or movers-out of the family. No change: Change in members other than Head or Wife. Head same but Wife left/died and/or Head has new Wife. Wife from 1980 is now Head. Female Head in 1980 got married--husband now Head. Some sample member other than Head or Wife has become Head of this FU. Some female in FU other than 1980 Head got married and her husband is now Head. Female Head in 1980 with husband in institution--husband in FU in 1981 and is now Head. 0.1 8. Other 7511 - Cross-year variable number Name="#MOVED IN-1981 ' 13523 Cross-year Tape Location Number Moved into FU between 1980 and 1981 94 - RAW DATA 7512 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WHO MOVED IN-1981 13524 - Cross-year Tape Location ' Relation to 1981 Head of Person(s) who Moved Into FU between 1980 and 1981 If more than one person moved in, the person with the highest priority was coded. In order of priority Head of family 1. 2. Wife Child, stepchild 3. Sibling 4. 5. Parent 6. Grandchild. great-grandchild In-laws and other relatives 7. Nonrelative 8. Husband of 1981 Head 9. 3.7 0.6 5.0 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.0 88.1 0. Inap.; no one moved in; V7511=0 Name=‘# MOVED OUT-1981 7513 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13525 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number Moved Out of FU between 1980 and 1981 mean nonzero - 1.3 90.0 8.2 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. None One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine or more RAW DATA - 95 Name=‘WHO MOVED OUT-1981 7514 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13526 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Relation to Last Year’s Head of Person(s) who Moved Out/Died between 1980 and 1981 If more than one person moved out, the person with the highest priority was coded. In order 2.1 1. 1.7 2. 5.1 3. 0 . 3 4. 0.0 5. 0.2 6. 0.2 7. 0 . 5 8. 9. 90.0 0. of priority Head of family Wife Child, stepchild Sibling Parent Grandchild, great-grandchild In-law or other relative Nonrelative (including foster child) Husband of 1980 Head Inap.; no one moved out; V7513=0 Name=‘CURRENT FAM COMP-1981 ’ 7515 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13527 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981 Family Composition 88.4 5.7 2.0 1. 2. 3. 3.9 5. Head and immediate family (wife and children) only. FU contains other people related to Head. FU contains people unrelated to Head who are included in FU because they pool everything. Other Name=‘QUALITY OF MATCH-1981 ’ 7516 = Cross-year variable number 13528 = Cross-year Tape Location Quality of Match 99.0 0.8 0.3 0. 1. 2. P e r f e c t o r near p e r f e c t match Fair match Poor match 5. No match 96 - RAW DATA 7517 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘1981 HOUSE VALUE (B7) ' 13529-13534 = Cross-year Tape Location House Value (1981) % nonzero = 61.2 mean nonzero = 57,340.8 000000. Inap.; 999999. $999,999 or more not a home owner (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC 1981 HOUSE VALUE 7518 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13535 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Accuracy of V7517 (House value) 96.2 1.2 1.0 1.6 0 . I n a p . ; not a home owner; no assignment; V7517=0 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment 3. Complex property, requiring allocation of house value between dwelling and other purposes of building/land. Name=‘REM MTGE PRIN 81 (B9) 7519 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13536-13540 = Cross-year Tape Location Remaining Mortgage Principal (1981) % nonzero = 36.7 mean nonzero = 24,099.4 00000. Inap.; not a home owner; no mortgage; V7517=0 99999. $99.999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) ’ RAW DATA - 97 Name=‘ACC REM MTGE PRIN 1981 ’ 7520 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13541 - C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7519 (Remaining mortgaqe principal) 97.7 0. Inap.; not a home owner; no mortgage; no assignment; V7517=0; V7519=0 0.1 1. Minor assignment 1.1 2. Major assignment 1.1 3. Complex property, r e q u i r i n g a l l o c a t i o n o f m o r t g a g e p r i n c i p a l between dwelling and other purposes of building/land. 7521 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ANN MTGE PYTS 81 (B10) 13542-13545 - Cross-year Tape Location ’ Annual Mortqaqe Payment (1981) % nonzero = 36.7 mean nonzero - 3,367.0 0000. I n a p . ; not a homeowner; no mortgage; V7517=0; V7519=0 9999. $9,999 o r m o r e (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC ANN MTGE PYTS-1981 ’ 7522 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13546 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7521 (Annual mortgage payment) 98.4 0. 0.0 0.5 1.1 1. 2. 3. I n a p . ; not a home owner; no mortgage; no assignment; V7517=0; V7519=0; V7521=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Complex property, requiring allocation of mortgage payment between dwelling and other purposes of building/land 98 - RAW DATA 7523 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ANN PROPERTY TAX 81 (B13’ 13547-13550 = Cross-year Tape Location Annual Property Tax % nonzero = 59.3 mean nonzero = 674.1 0001-9998. Actual property tax in dollars 9999. 0000. $9999 or more Inap.; none; does not own/is not buying; V7517=0 Name=‘ACC ANN PROPERTY TX-1981’ 7524 = Cross-year variable number 13551 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7523 (Annual property tax) 94.2 1.4 4.4 0. 1. 2. Inap.; no assignment; does not own/is not buying; V7517=0; V7523=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘ANN RENT-1981 (B14) ’ 7525 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13552-13555 = Cross-year Tape Location Annual Rent % nonzero = 33.8 mean nonzero = 2,372.1 not a renter 0000. Inap.; 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC ANN RENT-1981 7526 = Cross-year variable number 13556 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7525 (Annual rent) 99.3 0.2 0.5 0. Inap.; not a renter; no assignment; V7525=0 1. Minor assignment 2 . Major assignment RAW DATA - 99 7527 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ANN VALUE IF RENTED/B17 ’ 13557-13560 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Annual Rent Value of Free Housing for Those Who Neither Own nor Rent % nonzero = 5.1 mean nonzero = 2,460.1 0000. I n a p . ; home owner or renter 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC ANN VALUE IF RENTED ’ 7528 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13561 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7527 (Annual rent value of free housing) 98.2 0.0 1.8 0. 1. 2. I n a p . ; home owner or renter; no assignment; V7527=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘GOVT SUBSIDY-HTG COST/B5’ 7529 = Cross-year variable number 13562-13565 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 Government Subsidy of Heating Costs % nonzero = 5.9 mean nonzero = 172.1 Actual amount of aid paid $9998 or more 9999. 0000. NA; DK Inap.; none; “No” to B4 100 - RAW DATA Name=‘HD ANN WRK HRS IN 1980 ’ 7530 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13566-13569 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Annual Hours Working for Money in 1980 % nonzero = 77.9 mean nonzero = 1,947.6 0000. 0001-5840. None; did not work in 1980 Actual total work hours (All missing data were assigned.) 7531 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC HD 80 WORK HRS 13570 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of V7530 (Head’s annual hours working for money in 1980) 94.5 4.0 1.4 0. Inap.; Head did no work; no assignment; V7530=0 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment Name=‘HD HRS WRK LOST OTR ILL ’ 7532 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13571-13574 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Annual Hours of Work Missed Because Someone Else was III in 1980 % nonzero = 9.2 mean nonzero = 48.5 (Weeks someone else ill times 40) 0000. 0001-2080. Inap.; None; “No” to C27/D15; Head is retired, permanently disabled, student, housewife; no time missed for someone else’s illness Actual hours missed because someone else was ill (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 101 Name=‘ACC HD HR LOST OTR ILL ’ 7533 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13575 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7532 (Head’s annual hours of work missed because someone else was ill in 1980) 100.0 0.0 0.0 0. 1. 2. I n a p . ; no time missed; no assignment; V7532=0 Minor assignment Major assignment 7534 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HD HRS WRK LOST OWN ILL ’ 13576-13579 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Annual Hours of Illness in 1980 % nonzero = 34.8 mean nonzero = 192.0 (Weeks ill times 80 for first eight weeks and times 60 for any time thereafter) 0000. 0001-3280. Inap.; None; “No” to C29/D17; Head is retired, permanently disabled, student, housewife; no time missed for Head’s own iIlness Actual annual hours Head ill (All missing data were assigned.) 7535 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC HD HRS LOST OWN ILL ’ 13580 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7534 (Head’s annual hours of illness in 1980) 99.9 0. 0 . 1 1. 0.0 2. I n a p . ; no time missed; no assignment; V7534=0 Minor assignment Major assignment 102 - RAW DATA Name=‘HD STRIKE HOURS 1980 7536 = Cross-year variable number 13581-13584 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Head’s Annual Hours on Strike in 1980 % nonzero = 1.2 mean nonzero = 212.6 (Weeks on strike times 40) 0000. 0001-2080. Inap.; None; “No” to C33/D19; Head is retired, permanently disabled, student, housewife; no hours on strike in 1980 Actual annual strike hours (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC HD STRIKE HRS 1980 ’ 7537 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13585 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7536 (Head’s annual hours on strike in 1980) 100.0 0. 1. 2. Inap.; no strike time; no assignment; V7536=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘HD UNEMP HRS 1980 7538 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13586-13589 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head’s Annual Hours of Unemployment in 1980 % nonzero = 13.7 mean nonzero = 532.9 (Weeks unemployed times 40) 0000. 0001-2080. Inap.; None; “No” to C35/D21; Head is retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , s t u d e n t , housewife; no unemployment hours Actual hours of Head’s unemployment (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 103 ' 7539 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC HD UNEMP HRS 1980 13590 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7538 (Head’s annual hours of unemployment in 1980) 99.8 0.2 0.1 0. 1. 2. I n a p . ; no unemployment time; no assignment; V7538=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘WF ANN WRK HRS IN 1980 ’ 7540 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13591-13594 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Wife’s annual hours working for money in 1980 % nonzero = 33.5 mean nonzero = 1,369.9 0000. 0001-5840. Inap.; no wife; wife did not work in 1980 Actual total work hours of wife (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC WF 80 WRK HRS 7541 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13595 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Accuracy of V7540 (Wife’s annual hours working for money in 1980) 98.5 1.0 0.5 0 . I n a p . ; n o w i f e ; wife did not work in 1980; no assignment; V7540=0 1. Minor assignment Major assignment 2. Name=‘WF HRS WRK LOST OTR ILL ’ 7542 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13596-13599 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Wife’s Annual Hours of Work Missed Because Someone Else was III in 1980 % nonzero = 6.3 mean nonzero = 56.6 (Weeks someone else ill times 40) 0000. lnap.; no wife; wife did not work in 1980; no time missed for someone else’s illness; “No” to F19/G12: wife is retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student 0001-2080. Actual hours of work missed because someone else was ill (All missing data were assigned.) 104 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC WF HR LOST OTR ILL ’ 7543 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13600 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7542 (Wife’s annual hours of work missed because someone else was ill in 1980) 100.0 0.0 0. 1. 2. Inap.; no wife; wife did not work in 1980; no time missed; no assignment; V7542=0 Minor assignment Major assignment 7544 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WF HRS WRK LOST OWN ILL ’ 13601-13604 = Cross-year Tape Location Wife’s Annual Hours of Illness in 1980 % nonzero = 13.0 mean nonzero = 172.5 (Weeks ill times 80 for the first eight weeks and times 60 for the time thereafter) 0000. 0001-3280. Inap.; no wife; wife did not work in 1980; no time missed for wife’s own illness; “No” to F21/G14; wife is retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student Actual annual hours of wife’s illness (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC WF HRS LOST OWN ILL ’ 7545 = Cross-year variable number 13605 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7544 (Wife’s annual hours of illness in 1980) 99.9 0. 0.1 1. 2. I n a p . ; n o w i f e ; wife did not work in 1980; no time missed for wife’s own illness; no assignment; V7544=0 Minor assignment Major assignment RAW DATA 7546 = Cross-year variable number 13606-13609 = Cross-year Tape Name=‘WF Location STRIKE 105 ' HOURS 1980 Wife's Annual Hours on Strike in 1980 % nonzero = mean nonzero (Weeks on 0.1 = 267.0 strike 0000. 7547 Actual missing = Cross-year Accuracy 100.0 of 0. data annual were strike variable number 13610 = Cross-year V7546 (Wife’s Annual Hours of Tape annual = Cross-year variable number 13611-13614 = Cross-year Wife’s hours for 1980 no hours permanently on strike disabled, wife assigned.) lnap.; no wife; wife assignment; V7546=0 Minor assignment Major assignment 1. 2. 7548 40) Inap.; no wife; wife did not work in “No” to F25/F16; Wife is retired, 1980; housewife, student 0001-2080. (All times Name=‘ACC Location hours on not work did Tape Unemployment WF STRIKE strike in 1980; Name=‘WF Location in in HRS 1980 ’ 1980) no strike time; no UNEMP HRS 1980 1980 % nonzero = 4.1 mean nonzero = 681.0 (Weeks unemployed 0000. 0001-2080. (All missing times 40) no wife; wife did not Inap.; hours; “No” to F27/G18; Wife housewife, student Actual data annual were unemployment assigned.) work in 1980: no unemployment is retired, permanently disabled. hours of wife in 106 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC WF UNEMP HRS 1980 7549 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13615 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of V7548 (Wife’s annual hours of unemployment in 1980) 99.9 0. 0.0 0.1 1. 2. I n a p . ; no wife; wife did not work in 1980; no unemployment time; no assignment; V7548=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘# MAJOR ADULTS 7550 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13616 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Major Adults - Head and Wife Only 44.6 1. 55.4 2. 0.0 0. One major adult (Head or W i f e ) Two major adults (Head and Wife) Single Head who is senile, etc. Name=‘1981 FAMILY SIZE 7551 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13617-13618 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Family Size in 1981 (Number of members in family) mean nonzero = 2.5 XX. Actual number in FU 7552 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘# REQUIRED ROOMS 13619 = Cross-year Tape Location Required Number of Rooms for FU of This Size, Age, and Sex Composition 50.4 29.7 14.9 2. 3. 4. 3.7 1.0 0.3 0.1 0.1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine or more RAW DATA - 107 Name=‘1981 WEEKLY FOOD NEEDS ’ 7553 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13620-13624 = Cross-year Tape Location W eekly Food Needs mean nonzero = 1620.9 Based on USDA Low-Cost Plan estimates of weekly food costs, according to the table below (re-produced from Family Economics Review, June 1967), summed for the family. INDIVIDUAL FOOD STANDARD (LOW COST) (This same standard has been used in Waves I-XIII inflation; etc., are left to users.) xxxxx Adjustments for Actual weekly food needs in dollars and cents OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having two decimal places. 108 - RAW DATA Name=‘1981 ANNUAL NEED STD 7554 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13625-13629 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Annual Need Standard in 1980 mean nonzero = 3,023.9 This is the Orshansky-type poverty threshold, based on an annual food needs standard derived from the weekly food costs above, which is con-verted to an annual amount and adjusted for economies of scale by USDA rules as follows: An additional adjustment for diseconomies of small households (in rent, etc.) was made as follows for the Annual Need Standard): 4.89 times the food needs for single persons 3.70 times the food needs for two-person units 3.00 times the food needs for all other units (Not adjusted for farmers; see V8067 for an income/needs measure which makes this adjustment.) Name=‘WF ANN HSEWRK HRS (J5) ’ 7555 = Cross-year variable number 13630-13633 = Cross-year Tape Location Wife’s Annual Hours of Housework % nonzero = 55.1 mean nonzero = 1,474.8 I n a p . ; n o n e ; n o w i f e ; wife does no housework 0000. 0001-4368. Actual housework hours of wife (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 109 7556 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC WF ANN HSEWRK HRS 13634 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Accuracy of V7555 (Wife’s annual hours of housework) 99.8 0. 1. 0.2 2. I n a p . ; n o w i f e ; wife does no housework; no assignment; V7555=0 Minor assignment Major assignment 7557 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HD ANN HSEWRK HRS (J6) ’ 13635-13638 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Annual Hours of Housework % nonzero = 86.5 mean nonzero = 613.9 0000. 0001-4368. Inap.; Head does no housework Actual housework hours of Head (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC HD ANN HSEWRK HRS 7558 = Cross-year variable number 13639 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of V7557 (Head’s annual hours of housework) 99.2 0.1 0.7 0. 1. 2. Inap.; Head does no housework; no assignment; V7557=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name='OTR ANN HSEWRK HRS (J10)' 7559 = Cross-year variable number 13640-13643 = Cross-year Tape Location Annual Hours of Housework Done by All Others in FU % nonzero = 32.7 mean nonzero = 632.7 0000. Inap.; no others in FU; no housework done by others in FU 9999. 9,999 hours or more (All missing data were assigned.) 110 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC OTR ANN HSWRK HRS 7560 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13644 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Accuracy of V7559 (Annual hours of housework done by all others in FU) 99.5 0. 0.0 0.5 1. 2. Inap.; no others in FU; no housework done by others in FU; no assignment; V7559=0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘# PERSONS GOT FOOD STAMP’ 7561 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13645 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Number of People in Household for whom Food Stamps were Issued Last Month mean nonzero = 2.6 (Household may include more people than our FU; therefore this number will not always equal V7551 (Family Size in 1981). See editing procedures. 2.6 1.5 1.4 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight or more NA; DK 92.5 0. Inap.; Food Stamps not used last month; “No” to J11 Name=’$ VALU FD ST LST MO-J144)’ 7562 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13646-13648 = Cross-year Tape Location Value of Food Stamps Received Last Month % nonzero = 7.5 mean nonzero = 104.2 food stamps not used last month; “No” to J11; V7561=0 000. Inap.; 999. $999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 111 Name=‘ACC $ VALU FD ST LST MOMO' 7563 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13649 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7562 (Value of food stamps received last month) 99.9 0.1 0.1 0 . I n a p . ; food stamps not used last month; no assignment; V7561=0; V7562=0 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment Name=‘ANN FD $ EXC FD STMP 7564 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13650-13653 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Annual food Expenditure for Meals at Home % nonzero = 97.2 mean nonzero = 2,607.5 (Excludes expenditure for food purchased with food stamps) 0000. Inap.; none 9999. $9.999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC ANN FOOD $ 7565 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13654 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7564 (Annual food expenditure for meals at home) 98.5 0.3 1.2 0. Inap.; no assignment; V7564=0 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment ’ 112 - RAW DATA Name=‘ANN $ EATING OUT 7566 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13655-13658 = Cross-year Tape Location ' Annual Food Expenditure for Meals Away From Home % nonzero = 83.1 mean nonzero = 751.6 (Excludes meals at work and/or school) 0000. Inap.; none 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC ANN $ EATING OUT 7567 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13659 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of V7566 (Annual food expenditure for meals away from home) 98.9 0.1 1.0 0. Inap.; no assignment; V7566=0 1. Minor assignment Major assignment 2. Name=‘$ VALUE FOOD STMPS 1980 ’ 7568 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13660-13663 = Cross-year Tape Location Value of Food Stamps Received in 1980 % nonzero = 8.8 mean nonzero = 764.7 0000. Inap.; none; “No” to J23 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) 7569 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC $ VALU FD ST 1980 13664 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7568 (Value of food stamps Received in 1980) 99.9 0.0 0.1 0. 1. 2. Inap.; no assignment; V7568=0 Minor assignment Major assignment ’ RAW DATA - 113 Name=‘# MOS USED FD ST 1980 7570 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13665-13666 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 ’ Number of Months Food Stamps Used in 1980 9 1 . 2 0 0 . N o n e ; food stamps not used in 1980; V7568=0 0.6 01. One month 0 . 6 0 2 . Two months 0.6 03. Three months 0.5 04. Four months 0.3 05. Five months 0.4 06. Six months 0.2 07. Seven months 0.3 08. Eight months 0.2 09. Nine months 0.1 10. Ten months 0.1 11. Eleven months 4.7 12. Twelve months 0.0 99. NA Name=‘LABOR PART FARM Y 1980 ’ 7571 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13667-13671 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Labor Part of Farm Income in 1980 % nonzero = 1.2 mean nonzero = 10,308.4 00000. None; “Head is not a farmer or rancher” at K1a 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) 7572 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘LABOR PART BUS Y 1980 13672-13676 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head’s Labor Part of Unincorporated Business Income in 1980 % nonzero = 4.8 mean nonzero = 10,923.8 00000. None; Corporation; “No” at K5 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) ’ 114 - RAW DATA Name-‘HEAD 1980 WAGES 7573 = Cross-year variable number 13677-13681 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Head’s Income from Wages in 1980 % nonzero = 72.4 mean nonzero = 16,733.6 00000. None 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC HEAD 1980 WAGES 7574 = Cross-year variable number 13682 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of V7573 (Head’s income from wages in 1980) 98.3 0.5 1.2 0. 1. 2. I n a p . ; no wages; n o a s s i g n m e n t ; V 7 5 7 3 = 0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘HD BONUS/OT/COMM 1980 ’ 7575 = Cross-year variable number 13683-13687 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head’s Income from Bonuses, Overtime, Commissions in 1980 % nonzero = 6.9 mean nonzero = 3,555.5 00000. None 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 115 Name=‘HD PROF PRAC/TRADE 1980 ’ 7576 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13688-13692 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Income from Professional Practice or Trade in 1980 % nonzero = 3.9 mean nonzero = 3,635.4 00000. None 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘LABOR PT MKT GRDNG 1980 ’ 7577 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13693-13696 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head’s Labor Part of Income from Farming or Market Gardening in 1980 % nonzero = 1.4 mean nonzero = 2,157.6 0000. None 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘LABOR PT ROOMERS 1980 ’ 7578 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13697-13700 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Labor Part of Income from Roomers and Boarders in 1980 % nonzero = 0.1 mean nonzero = 2,093.7 0000. None 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) 116 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC HD LABOR Y EX WAGES ’ 7579 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13701 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7571-V7572, V7575-V7578 (Head’s labor income excluding wages in 1980) 99.1 0.3 0.6 0. 1. 2. I n a p . ; n o a s s i g n m e n t ; V ’ s 7571-7572 a n d V ' S 7 5 7 5 - 7 5 7 8 = 0 Minor assignment Major assignment Name=‘WIFE 1980 LABOR/WAGE ’ 7580 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13702-13706 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Wife’s Wages/Labor Income in 1980 % nonzero = 33.2 mean nonzero = 8,137.6 00000. None 99999. $99,999 o r m o r e (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ACC WF 80 LABOR/WAGE 7581 = Cross-year variable number 13707 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7580 (Wife’s wage/labor income in 1980) 99.1 0.3 0.6 0. 1. 2. Inap.; no assignment; no wife; V7580=0 Minor assignment Major assignment ’ RAW DATA - 117 7582 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ASSET PART FARM Y 1980 ’ 13708-13713 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head and Wife’s Asset Part of Farm Income in 1980 % nonzero = 1.5 mean nonzero = 6,337.1 -99999. Loss of $99,999 or more 000000. None 999999. $999,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘ASSET PART BUS Y 1980 7583 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13714-13719 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Head and Wife’s Asset Part of Unincorporated Business Income in 1980 % nonzero = 5.4 mean nonzero = 9,749.6 -99999. Loss of $99,999 or more 000000. None 999999. $999,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) 118 - RAW DATA Name=‘ASSET PT MKT GRDNG 1980 ’ 7584 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13720-13724 = Cross-year Tape Location Head and Wife’s Asset Part of Farming or Market Gardening in 1980 Name=‘ASSET PT ROOMERS 1980 ’ 7585 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13725-13729 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Head and Wife’s Asset Part of Income from Roomers and Boarders in 1980 RAW DATA - 119 Name=‘HD RENT/INT/DIVDNDS 1980’ 7586 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13730-13734 = Cross-year Tape Location Head’s Income from Rent, Interest, Dividends, etc. in 1980 7587 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ALlMONY Y HEAD 1980 13735-13738 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Head’s Alimony in 1980 7588 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WF 1980 OTHER ASSET Y 13739-13743 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Wife’s Other Income from Assets ’ 1 2 0 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC H+W 1980 ASSET Y 7589 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13744 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Accuracy of V’s 7582-7588 (Asset income of head and wife in 1980) 7590 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘H+W 1980 TAXABLE Y 13745-13751 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Total taxable income of Head and Wife in 1980 (Sum of V’s 7571-7573, 7575-7578, 7580, 7582-7588) % nonzero = 89.7 mean nonzero = 20,634.8 Name=‘H+W 1980 SUPP OTR NONFU ’ 7591 = Cross-year variable number 13752-13756 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 Contributions Made to Outside Dependents in 1980 (Outside the FU) % nonzero = 13.7 mean nonzero = 2,721.9 (This is an out-transfer which could be deducted from income) RAW DATA - 121 Name=‘H+W 1980 # DEPENDENTS ' 7592 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13757 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Head’s Dependents in 1980 mean nonzero = 2.5 Name=‘H+W TOTAL 1980 EXEMPTION’ 7593 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13758-13759 = Cross-year Tape Location Total Exemptions of Head and Wife mean nonzero = 2.7 Actual number of exemptions Ninety-nine or more Name=‘1980 TAX TABLE USED-H+W ’ 7594 = Cross-year variable number 13760 = Cross-year Tape Location Tax Table to be Used for Head and Wife 33.5 1. 56.1 2. 9.3 3. 0.2 4. 0.9 5. 9. Single Married Head of Household Married in 1981 H e a d / W i f e d i e d s i n c e l a s t i n t e r v i e w ; Head/Wife moved out during 1981 NA; Other 1 2 2 - RAW DATA Name=‘H+W 1980 ADC/AFDC 7595 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13761-13765 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of ADC/AFDC for Head and Wife in 1980 Name=‘ACC H+W 1980 ADC/AFDC ’ 7596 = Cross-year variable number 13766= Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7595 (Amount of ADC/AFDC for Head and Wife in 1980) Name=‘H+W 1980 SSI 7597 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13767-13770 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of Supplemental Security Income of Head and Wife in 1980 RAW DATA - 123 7598 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name-‘H+W 1980 OTR WELFARE 13771-13775 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Amount of Other Welfare Payments to Head and Wife in 1980 7599 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘H+W 1980 SOCIAL SECURITY’ 13776-13780 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Social Security Payments to Head and Wife in 1980 7600 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HD OTHER RETIREMENT 1980’ 13781-13785 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of Head’s Other Retirement, Pensions and Annuities in 1980 124 - RAW DATA 7601 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HD 1980 UNEMPLMT COMP ’ 13786-13790 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of Head’s Unemployment Pay (Including Strike Benefits) in 1980 7602 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HD 1980 WORKMANS COMP ’ 13791-13794 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Head’s Workmen’s Compensation in 1980 Name=‘HD 1980 CHILD SUPPORT ’ 7603 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13795-13799 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Child Support of Head in 1980 RAW DATA - 125 7604 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HD 1980 HELP FROM RELS ' 13800-13803 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Help from Relatives of Head in 1980 % nonzero = 6.7 mean nonzero = 1159.2 0000. None 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘HD 1980 OTHER TRANSFER Y’ 7605 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13804-13807 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Head’s Other Transfer Income in 1980 % nonzero = 6.5 mean nonzero = 1,302.5 0000. None 9999. $9,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) Name=‘WF 1980 OTHER TRANSFER Y’ 7606 = Cross-year variable number 13808-13812 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of Wife’s Other Transfer Income in 1980 % nonzero = 5.0 mean nonzero = 1,776.5 (Excludes ADC/AFDC, other welfare, s o c i a l s e c u r i t y a n d s u p p l e m e n t a l s e c u r i t y income. Includes child support if clearly received only before marriage to current Head.) 00000. None; no wife 99999. $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) 126 - RAW DATA Name-‘ACC H+W 1980 TRAN YNOADC’ 7607 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13813 = Cross-year Tape L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V’s 7597-7606 (Transfer income of Head and Wife in 1980 excluding ADC/AFDC) 7608 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘H+W 1980 TOT TRANSFER Y ’ 13814-13818 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total Transfer Income of Head and Wife in 1980 (sum V7595, V7597-V7606) Name=‘TXBL Y 1ST XTRA EARNER ’ 7609 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13819-13823 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Taxable Income of First Extra Earner (and Spouse) If Head or Wife has moved out or died during 1981, then their income, if any, is included here. 00000. 99999. None; n o e x t r a e a r n e r s $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned.) RAW DATA - 127 Name=‘# EXEMP 1ST XTRA EARNER ’ 7610 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13824-13825 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Exemptions % nonzero = 23.6 mean nonzero = 1.1 00. Inap.; no other taxable income; Head/Wife died since last interview; Head/Wife moved out in 1981; V7609=0 99. Ninety-nine or more 7611 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘TAX TABLE 1ST XTRA EARNR’ MD=9 13826 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Tax Table Used 19.2 0.3 0.1 1. 2. 3. Single Married Head of Household 0.9 5. 3.6 0.1 0.0 6. 7. 8. 75.7 0. Head, Wife or Husband died since last interview; Head, Wife or Husband moved out in 1981 Single (taxable income is for part of 1980) Married (taxable income is for part of 1980) Head of Household (taxable income is for part of 1980) NA; Other Inap.; no other taxable income; V7609=0 Name=‘TXBL Y 2ND XTRA EARNER ’ 7612 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13827-13831 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Taxable Income for Second Extra Earner % nonzero = 1.7 mean nonzero = 2,451.6 00000. 99999. None; no second highest taxable income earner; V7609=0 $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned) 128 - RAW DATA Name=‘# EXEMP 2ND XTRA EARNER ’ 7613 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13832-13833 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Exemptions % nonzero = 7.9 mean nonzero = 1.0 no second highest taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0 00. Inap.; 99. Nine-nine or more Name=‘TAX TABLE 2ND XTRA EARNR’ 7614 = Cross-year variable number 13834 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 Tax Table Used 6.9 1. Single Married 0.0 2. Head of Household 3. 0.9 6. 0 . 1 7. 8. 9. 92.1 0. Single (taxable income is for part of 1980) Married (taxable income is for part of 1980) Head of Household (taxable income is for part of 1980) NA; Other I n a p . ; no other taxable income: V7609=0; V7612=0 Name=‘TXBL Y 3RD XTRA EARNER ’ 7615 = Cross-year variable number 13835-13839 = Cross-year Tape Location Taxable Income of Third Extra Earner % nonzero = 2.1 mean nonzero = 3,542.6 00000. 99999. None; n o t h i r d h i g h e s t t a x a b l e i n c o m e e a r n e r : V 7 6 0 9 = 0 ; V 7 6 1 2 = 0 $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned) RAW DATA - 129 7616 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘# EXEMP 3RD XTRA EARNER ’ 13840-13841 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Exemptions % nonzero = 2.1 mean nonzero = 1.0 00. 99. Inap.; no third highest taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0; V7615=0 Ninety-nine or more Name=‘TAX TABLE 3RD XTRA EARNR’ 7617 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13842 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Tax Table Used 1.7 1. Single 2. Married Head of Household 3. 0.4 0.0 6. 7. 8. 97.9 0. Single (taxable income is for part of 1980) Married (taxable income is for part of 1980) Head of Household (taxable income is for part of 1980) NA; Other Inap.; no third highest taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0; V7615=0 7618 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘TXBL Y 4TH XTRA EARNER ’ 13843-13847 = Cross-year Tape Location Taxable Income of Fourth Extra Earner % nonzero = 0.5 mean nonzero = 3,779.0 00000. 99999. Inap.; none; no fourth highest taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0; V7615=0 $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned) 130 - RAW DATA Name=‘# EXEMP 4TH XTRA EARNER ’ 7619 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13848-13849 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Exemptions % nonzero = 0.5 mean nonzero = 1.3 00. 99. I n a p . ; no fourth taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0; V7615=0; V7618=0 Ninety-nine or more 7620 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘TAX TABLE 4TH XTRA EARNR’ 13850 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 Tax Table Used 0.4 0.0 0.0 1. Single Married 2. Head of Household 3. 6 . 8. 99.5 0. Single (taxable income is for part of 1980) Married (taxable income is for part of 1980) Head of Household (taxable income is for part of 1980) NA; Other lnap.; n o f o u r t h h i g h e s t t a x a b l e i n c o m e e a r n e r ; V 7 6 0 9 = 0 ; V 7 6 1 2 = 0 ; V7615=0 V7618=0 7621 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TXBL Y 5TH XTRA EARNER ’ 13851-13855 = Cross-year Tape Location Taxable Income of Fifth Extra Earner % nonzero = 0.1 mean nonzero = 7,392.8 00000. 99999. Inap.; none; no fifth highest taxable income earner; V7609=0; V7612=0; V7615=0; V7618=0 $99,999 or more (All missing data were assigned) RAW DATA - 131 Name='# EXEMP 5TH XTRA EARNER ’ 7622 = Cross-year variable number 13856-13857 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Exemptions Name=‘TAX TABLE 5TH XTRA EARNR’ 7623 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 13858 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Tax Table used Name=‘OTRS 1980 ANN WRK HRS 7624 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13859-13862 = Cross-year Tape Location Annual Work Hours of All Others in FU in 1980 ’ 132 - RAW DATA Name=‘OTR 1980 TOT ANN TXBL Y ’ 7625 = Cross-year variable number 13863-13867 = Cross-year Tape Location Total Taxable Income of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘ACC OTR ANN TXBL Y-1980 ’ 7626 = Cross-year variable number 13868 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of V7625 (Total taxable income of all others in FU in 1980) Name=‘BKT OTR 1980 ASSET Y 7627 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 13869 = Cross-year Tape Location Bracketed Amount of Asset Income of All Others in FU in 1980 (The actual amount is included in V7625) ’ RAW DATA - 133 7628 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘OTR 1980 ADC/AFDC 13870-13874 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of ADC/AFDC of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘OTR 1980 SSI 7629 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13875-13879 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Supplemental Security Income of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘OTR 1980 OTHR WELFARE ’ 7630 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13880-13884 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Other Welfare of All Others in FU in 1980 134 - RAW DATA Name=‘OTR 1980 SOCIAL SECURITY’ 7631 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13885-13889 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Social Security of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘OTR 1980 OTR RETIREMENT ’ 7632 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13890-13894 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Other Retirement, Pensions, and Annuities of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘OTR 1980 UNEMPL COMP 7633 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13895-13899 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Unemployment Compensation of All Others in FU in 1980 ’ RAW DATA - 135 Name=‘OTR 1980 WORKERS COMP ' 7634 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13900-13903 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Workmen’s Compensation of All Others in FU in 1980 7635 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘OTR 1980 CHILD SUPPORT ’ 13904-13908 = Cross-year Tape Location Amount of Child Support of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘OTR 1980 HELP FR RELS 7636 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13909-13912 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Help from Relatives of All Others in FU in 1980 ’ 136 - RAW DATA Name=‘OTR 1980 MISC TRANSFERS ’ 7637 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13913-13916 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Amount of Other Transfer Income of All Others in FU in 1980 7638 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘OTR 1980 TOT TRANSFER Y ’ 13917-13921 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total Transfer Income of All Others in FU in 1980 Name=‘ACC OTR 1980 TRANSFERS ’ 7639 = Cross-year variable number 13922 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of V7638 (Total transfer income of all others in FU in 1980) RAW DATA - 137 7640 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘# OTR Y RECEIVERS-1980 ’ 13923 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Income Receivers in FU Other than Head and Wife in 1980 Name=‘# OTR LABOR Y RECRS-1980’ 7641 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13924 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Income Receivers in FU Other than Head and Wife with Labor Income i n 1980 Name=’ 1968 ID 7642 = Cross-year variable number 13925-13928 = Cross-year Tape Location 1968 Interview Number Original Head of FU was a member of a panel family from the SRC cross-section sample Original Head of FU was a member of a panel family from the Census sample 138 - RAW DATA Name=‘1969 ID 7643 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13929-13932 = Cross-year Tape Location 1969 Interview Number 0000. 0001-4460. Current Head of FU, if sample, was not in panel family in 1969 Actual 1969 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1970 ID 7644 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13933-13936 = Cross-year Tape Location 1970 Interview Number 0000. 0001-4645. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1970 Actual 1970 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1971 ID 7645 = Cross-year variable number 13937-13940 = Cross-year Tape Location 1971 Interview Number 0000. 0001-4840. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1971 Actual 1971 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1972 ID 7646 = Cross-year variable number 13941-13944 = Cross-year Tape Location 1972 Interview Number 0000. 0001-5060. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1972 Actual 1972 interview number of Head of FU RAW DATA - 139 7647 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘1973 ID 13945-13948 = Cross-year Tape Location 1973 Interview Number 0000. 0001-5285. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1973 Actual 1973 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1974 ID 7648 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13949-13952 = Cross-year Tape Location 1974 Interview Number 0000. 0001-5517. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1974 Actual 1974 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1975 ID 7649 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13953-13956 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1975 Interview Number 0000. 0001-5725. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1975 Actual 1975 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1976 ID 7650 = Cross-year variable number 13957-13960 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1976 Interview Number 0000. 0001-5862. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1976 Actual 1976 interview number of Head of FU 140 - RAW DATA Name=‘1977 ID 7651 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13961-13964 = Cross-year Tape Location ' 1977 interview Number 0 0 0 0 . 0001-6007. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1977 Actual 1977 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1976 ID 7652 = Cross-year variable number 13965-13968 = Cross-year Tape Location 1978 Interview Number 0000. 0001-6154. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1978 Actual 1978 interview number of Head of FU 7653 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘1979 ID 13969-13972 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1979 Interview Number 0000. 0001-6373. Current Head of FU, if sample member, w a s n o t i n p a n e l f a m i l y i n 1979 Actual 1979 interview number of Head of FU Name=‘1980 ID 7654 = Cross-year variable number 13973-13976 = Cross-year Tape Location 1980 Interview Number 0000. 0001-6533. Current Head of FU, if sample member, was not in panel family in 1980 Actual 1980 interview number of Head of FU RAW DATA - 141 Name=‘DATE OF 1981 INT 7655 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 113977113980= Cross-year Tape Location MMD=9999 4. ' Date of Interview 7656 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘LENGTH OF 1981 INT 13981-13983 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 ’ 5. Lenqth of Interview 7657 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘# IN FU 13984-13985 = Cross-year Tape Location Number in FU ' 142 - RAW DATA ' Name='AGE OF 1981 HEAD 7658 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 13986-13987 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Age of Head 7 6 5 9 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e number Name=‘SEX OF 1981 HEAD ' 13988 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sex of Head 7660 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘AGE OF 1981 WIFE 13989-13990 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 Age of Wife/Friend 7661 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘# CHILDREN IN FU 13991-13992 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Children in FU Aged 0-17 ' RAW DATA - 143 Name=‘AGE YOUNGEST CHILD 7662 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 13993-13994 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Age of Youngest Child Name=‘A2 PUB TRANS NEARBY? 7663 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 13995 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n A2. ’ Is there public transportation within walking distance of your house? 7664 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘A3 WTR PUB TRANS GO ENUF’ MD=9 13996 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n A3 . Is it good enough so that a person could use it to get to work? 144 - RAW DATA Name='A4 DU INSIDE CITY LIMlTS’ 7665 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 13997 = Cross-year Tape Location A4. Is your house inside the city limits? Name='A5 DIST TO CNTR CITY 7666 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 13998 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ A5. About how far are you from the center of that city? Name=‘A6 DIST CNTR NRST CITY ’ 7667 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 13999 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n A6. About how far are you from the center of the nearest city? RAW DATA - 145 7668 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘A7 WTR OWN CAR/TRUCK 14000 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 ' A7. Do you (or anyone else in the family here) own a car or truck? Name=‘A8 #CARS/TRUCKS OWNED ' 7669 = Cross-year variable number 14001 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 A8. How many cars and trucks do you (and your family Iiving here) own? mean nonzero = 1.7 Name=‘A9 # Ml DRIVEN-ALL CARS ’ 7670 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14002-14006 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99999 A9. During the last year, how many miles did you and your family drive in your [car (s) /and truck (s)]? % nonzero = 83.7 mean nonzero = 16,023.7 146 - RAW DATA Name=‘B1 ACTUAL # ROOMS 7671 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14007 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B1. ' How many rooms do you have (for your family) not counting bathrooms? mean nonzero = 5.1 Name=‘B2 TYPE DWELLING 7672 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14008 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B2. Do you live in a one-family house, a two family house, an apartment, a mobile home, or what? Name=‘B3 TYPE FUEL FOR HEAT 7673 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14009 = Cross-year Tape Location B3. ’ How is your (home/apartment) heated--with gas, electricity, oil, or what? RAW DATA - 147 7674 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B4 RECD GOVT HTNG SUBSDY’ 14010 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 B4. There are government programs that give money to people to help them Did you receive any such help with pay for heating their homes. heating bills from this last winter (1980-81)? Name=‘B5 OWN/RENT OR WHAT 7675 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14011 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ B5. Do you own this (home/apartment), pay rent, or what? Owns or is buying house or trailer (fully or jointly) Pays rent Neither owns nor rents Name=‘B8 WTR MORTGAGE 7676 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14012 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 B8. Do you have a mortgage on this property? Name=‘B11 # YRS REMAIN ON MTGE ’ 7677 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14013-14014 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 B11. About how many more years will you have to pay on it? 148 - RAW DATA Name=‘B12 WTR 2ND MORTGAGE 7678 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14015 = Cross-year Tape Location B12. ’ Do you also have a second mortgage? Name=‘B15 WTR HU RENTED FURNIS’ 7679 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14016 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B15. Is this (house/apartment) rented fully furnished? Name=‘B16 WHY NOT OWN/RENT 7680 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14017 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ B16. How is that? (Neither owns nor rents) S e r v a n t ; housekeeper Farm laborer; ranch laborer 0.5 3. Other persons for whom housing is part of compensation (janitors. gardeners, nurses, tutors, etc.) 3.5 4. Persons for whom housing is a gift; paid by someone outside of FU; owned by relatives; pay no rent or only pay taxes. Sold own home, but still living there Living in house which will inherit; estate in process Living in temporary quarters (garage, shed, etc.) while home is under construction or until new apartment is found. 0.4 8. Other NA; OK 94.9 0. Inap.; owns or rents; V7675=1 or 5 RAW DATA - 149 7681 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘B18 WTR PAY ELECTRICITY ’ 14018 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 B18. W e’d like some detail about your utility bills. electricity in 1980? Did you pay for any 7682 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘TOT ELECT BILL-1980 14019-14022 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 B19. B20. ’ About how much did you pay for electricity for all of 1980? (If don’t know) What were your highest and lowest monthly electric bills in 1980? Name=‘ACC TOT ELECT BILL 1980 ’ 7683 = Cross-year variable number 14023 = Cross-year T a p e L o c a t i o n 150 - RAW DATA 7684 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B21 WHY NOT PAY ELECT 14024 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 B21. ' Why is that? (did not pay for electricity) 1. Owner of DU pays for the electricity (includes renters whose utilities are included in the rent) 2. Government/welfare pays for electricity 3. Someone else pays for electricity (except owners/government) 4. Included in some other payment 5. Does not have electricity 7. Other 9. NA; DK 0. lnap.; paid for electricity; V7681=1 or 9 Name=‘B22 WTR PAY NAT/BOT GAS ’ 7685 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14025 = Cross-year Tape Location B22. Did you pay anything for natural or bottled gas in 1980? Name=‘B23 WTR BOTTLED GAS 7686 = Cross-year variable number 14026 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 B23. Was that bottled gas? ’ RAW DATA - 151 Name=‘TOT GAS BILL-1980 7687 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14027-14030 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 ’ B24. About how much did you pay for gas for all of 1980? B25. What were your highest and lowest monthly gas bills for 1980? Name='ACC TOT GAS BILL-1980 ’ 7688 = Cross-year variable number 14031 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B24. B25. Accuracy of V7687 Name=‘B26 WTR PAY HTNG OIL 7689 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14032 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 B26. ’ What about oil for heating--did you pay for any oil in 1980? 7690 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TOT OIL BILL-1980 14033-14036 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 About how much did you pay for oil for all of 1980? B27. B28. (If don’t know) What were your highest and lowest monthly oil bills for 1980? 152 - RAW DATA Name=‘ACC TOT OIL BILL-1980 ' 7691 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14037 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B27,B28. Accuracy of V7690 7692 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B29 WTR PAY COAL/WOOD ’ 14038 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 B29. Did you pay for any coal, wood, kerosene or any other fuel in 1980? Name=‘TOT COAL/WOOD BILL-1980 ’ 7693 = Cross-year variable number 14039-14042 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 B30. About how much did that cost you for all of 1980? Name=‘ACC COAL/WOOD BILL-1980 ’ 7694 = Cross-year variable number 14043 = Cross-year Tape Location B30. Accuracy of V7693 RAW DATA - 153 7695 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B31 WTR PAY H2O/SEWAGE ’ 14044 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 B31. Did you pay for water and sewage in 1980? Name=‘TOT H2O/SEWAGE BILL-1980’ 7696 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14045-14048 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 B32. What was your yearly cost for water and sewage for 1980? 7697 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ACC TOT H2O BILL-1980 ’ 14049 = Cross-year Tape Location B32. Accuracy of V7696 154 - RAW DATA Name=‘B33 WHY NOT PAY H2O/SEWG’ 7698 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14050 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B33. Why is that? (did not pay for water and sewage) 25.4 1. Owner of DU pays for water and sewage (includes renters whose u t i l i t i e s a r e i n c l u d e d i n t h e r e n t , and those who neither own nor rent) 0.6 2. Government/welfare pays for water and sewage 0.6 3. Someone else pays for water and sewage (except owners/government) 3.2 4. Included in some other payment 0.5 5. Does not have running water 12.4 6. Has own well/septic tank 0.4 7. Other 1.1 9. NA; DK 55.8 0. Inap.; paid for water and sewage; V7695=1 or 9 Name=‘TOT ANN UTILITIES-1980 ’ 7699 = Cross-year variable number 14051-14054 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 Total Utilities for 1980 This variable is the sum of V7682, V7687, V7690, V7693 and V7696 Name=‘B34 MOVD SINCE SPR 1980?’ 7700 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14055 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B34. Have you (HEAD) moved any time since the spring of 1980? Name=‘B35 MONTH MOVED 7701 = Cross-year variable number 14056-14057 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 RAW DATA ' 155 B35. What month was that? (Most recent move) Name=‘B36 WHY MOVED 7702 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14058 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n B36. Why did you (HEAD) move? Purposive productive reasons: stopped going to school to take another job; transfer; To get nearer to work Purposive consumptive reasons--expansion of housing: more space; more rent; better place Purposive consumptive reasons--contraction of housing: less space; less rent Purposive consumptive--other house-related: want to own home; got married Purposive consumptive--neighborhood-related: better neighborhood; go to school Response to outside events (involuntary reasons): DU coming down; being evicted; armed services, etc.; health reasons; divorce; retiring because of health Ambiguous or mixed reasons: to save money; all my old neighbors moved away; retiring (NA why) 1 5 6 - RAW DATA 7703 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B37 WTR MlGHT MOVE 14059 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 ' B37. Do you think you (HEAD) might move in the next couple of years? 33.2 1. Yes; might or maybe, hope to 62.7 5. No 4.1 8. Don’t know 0.1 9. NA 7704 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘B38 LIKELIHOOD OF MOVING ' 14060 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 B38. W ould you say you definitely will move, probably will move. or are you more uncertain? 14.4 12.0 6.7 1. 2. 3. Definitely Probably More uncertain 0.1 9. NA 66.8 0. I n a p . ; does not plan to move; V7703=5, 8 or 9 RAW DATA - 157 Name=‘B39 WHY MIGHT HOVE 7705 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14061 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 ’ B39. Why might you move? Purposive productive reasons: stopped going to school to take another job; transfer; To get nearer to work Purposive consumptive reasons--expansion of housing: more space; more rent; better place Purposive consumptive reasons--contraction of housing: less space; less rent Purposive consumptive--other house-related: want to own home; got married Purposive consumptive--neighborhood-related: go to school better neighborhood; Response to outside events (involuntary reasons): DU coming down; being evicted; armed services, etc.; health reasons; divorce; retiring because of health Ambiguous or mixed reasons: to save money; all my old neighbors moved away; r e t i r i n g ( N A w h y ) 6 6 . 8 0 . I n a p . ; does not plan to move; V7703=5, 8 or 9 Name=‘C1 EMPLMT STATUS-HEAD ’ 7706 = Cross-year variable number 14062 = Cross-year Tape Location C1. W e would like to know about what you do--are you (HEAD) working now, looking for work, retired, a student, (a housewife), or what? 158 7707 - RAW DATA = Cross-year C2. variable number 14063 = Cross-year Do YOU work for someone Name=‘C2 Location Tape else, yourself, WORK SELF/OTR? MD=9 or (HD-E) ’ what? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7708 = Cross-year C3. variable number 14064 = Cross-year (In your work for local government? someone Name=‘C3 Location Tape else,) do you WORK FOR GOVT?(HD-E) MD=9 work for the federal, ’ state, Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; does not work for someone else only; V7706=3-8; V7707=3-9 7709 = Cross-year C4. IS your variable number 14065 = Cross-year current job covered Name=‘C4 Location Tape by a union IS JOB MD=9 contract? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; does not work for someone else only; V7706=3-8; V7707=3,9 NOW UNION (H-E) ’ or RAW DATA 7710 = Cross-year C5. variable number 14066 = Cross-year Do you belong to that Tape labor Name=‘C5 Location BELONG MD=9 UNION? (HD-E) ' EMP(HD-E) ’ union? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; does not work for someone else only; current job not covered by union contract; V7706=3-8; V7707=3,9; V7709=5 or 9 7711 = Cross-year variable number 14067-14069 = Cross-year C6. How long have you worked Tape For Name=‘C6 Location your present # MOS THIS MD=999 employer? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; is self employed; V7706=3-8; V7707=3 or 9 159 160 - RAW DATA 7712 variable number = Cross-year 14070-14072 = Cross-year C7. C8. What Tell Name=‘C7-8 Location Tape is your main occupation? me a little more about What you what sort do. MAIN OCC:3DlG(H-E) MD=999 of work 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population; of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. Please refer specific listings. Professional, Technical, Managers and and Administrators, and Kindred Kindred Except do you ’ do? Alphabetical Index U.S. Department of to Appendix 2 for Workers Farm Sales Workers Clerical Craftsmen and Operatives, Transport Workers Kindred Except Equipment Workers Transport Operatives Laborers, Except Farm Farmers Farm and Farm Laborers and Service Workers, Private Household NA; OK Inap.; unemployed; student; V7706=3-8 Managers Farm Foremen Except Private Household Workers retired, permanently disabled, housewife, RAW DATA 7713 variable number = Cross-year 14073-14075 = Cross-year C.9 What 3-digit Industries Commerce specific kind of business or industry Code from and Occupations and the Bureau of listings. Name=‘C9 Location Tape industry is 1970 Census issued June the Census. Agriculture, Forestry, MAIN IND:3 MD=999 that DlGT(H-E) ’ in? of Population: Alphabetical 1971 by the U.S. Department Please refer to Appendix and index of 2 for Fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing Transportation, Wholesale Communications, and Retail and Other Public Utilities Trade Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Business and Personal Services Entertainment and Professional Public Repair and Services Recreation Related 7714 = Cross-year C10. Are variable number 14076 = Cross-year you salaried, Services Services Administration NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, student; V7706=3-8 paid Tape by the permanently Name=‘C10 Location hour, or 161 disabled, SLRY/HRLY/OTR MD=9 what? housewife, (H-E) ’ of 162 - 7715 RAW DATA = Cross-year variable number 14077-14080 - Cross-year C11. How much is your Tape Name=‘C11 Location PAY/HR-SALARY MD=9999 (HD-E) ' salary? Inap.; is not salaried; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7714=3-9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. 7716 = Cross-year C12. variable variable number 14081 = Cross-year If you were get paid for to work more those extra is defined Tape hours hours in the Name='C12 Location dictionary WTR SAL MD=9 than usual of work? Inap.; is not salaries; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7714=3-9 during as having PD OT(HD-E) some week, no ’ would you RAW DATA 7717 variable number = Cross-year 14082-14085 = Cross-year C13. About how much would Tape you make Name=‘C13 Location per hour PAY/HR-SLRYOT(HD-E) MD=9999 for those extra ’ hours? Inap.; would not get paid; is not salaried; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7714=3-9 V7716=5 or 9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. 7718 variable is variable number = Cross-year 14086-14089 = Cross-year C14. What is your hourly defined Tape wage rate in the dictionary Name=‘C14 Location for your as having PAY/HR-HOURLY MD=9999 regular work (HD-E) no ’ time? Inap.; is not paid an hourly wage; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7714=1,7 or 9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. variable is defined in the dictionary as having no 163 164 7719 - RAW DATA = Cross-year variable number 14090-14093 = Cross-year C15. What is your hourly Tape wage rate Name=‘C15 Location for PAY/HR-HRLY OT(H-E) ' MD=9999 overtime? Inap.; does not get overtime; is not paid an hourly wage; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7714=1, 7 or 9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. 7720 = Cross-year C16. How variable is variable number 14094 = Cross-year is that? (Is neither Piecework Commission Tips: tips and salary Salary plus commission Self-employed; farmer; By the job/day/mile defined Tape in the dictionary Name=‘C16 Location salaried nor HOW PAID MD=9 paid as having (HD-E) no ' hourly) “profits” Other NA; DK Inap.; is permanently 9 paid a salary disabled, or hourly housewife, wage; student; unemployed; V7706=3-8; retired, V7714=1, 3 or RAW DATA 7721 = Cross-year variable number 14095-14098 = Cross-year C17. If you worked Tape an extra hour, Name=‘C17 Location how much PAY/HR-OTR MD=9999 would you earn OT (H-E) for 165 ' that hour? Inap.; nothing; is paid a salary or hourly wage; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 V7714=1, 3 or 9 7722 variable number = Cross-year 14099-14101 = Cross-year C18. How long have YOU had Name=‘C18 Location Tape your present # MOS THIS MD=999 JOB(H-E) ’ YR(H-E) ’ position? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7723 = Cross-year C20. variable number 14102 = Cross-year Are you doing year ago? mainly the Tape same Name=‘C20 Location things TASKS MD=9 on your CHG 1 job Inap.; unemployed, permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; had job less than one year; V7706=3-8; V7722=001-011, 999 that you were doing a 166 - RAW DATA Name=‘C21 UP/DN GRD JOB (HD-E) ’ 7724 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14103 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C21. What things are you doing now that you were not doing a year ago? (Responsibility) Upgrading of job; more responsibility; doing more on the job There is no indication that there is any up or downgrading of job Downgrading of job; less responsibility; doing less on the job NA; DK; no mention of more or less responsibility 97.3 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; had job less than one year; is doing the same things; V7706=3-8; V7722=001-011,999; V7723=1 or 9 Name=‘C21 # NEW TASKS (HD-E) ’ 7725 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14104 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C21. What things are you doing now that you were not doing a year ago? (Duties) 1. One explicitly new task, duty or skill 2. Two or more explicitly new tasks, duties, or skills 3. Nonexplicit tasks, duties or skills 9. NA; DK; no mention of new tasks, duties or skills 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; had job less than one year; is doing the same things; V7706=3-8; V7722=001-011,999; V7723=1 or 9 RAW DATA 7726 variable number = Cross-year 14105-14106 = Cross-year C22. What month did you Tape start this Name=‘C22 Location MO START MD=99 JOB (HD-E) 167 ' job? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; has had job for one year or more; V7706=3-8 V7722=012-999. 7727 = Cross-year C23. variable number 14107 = Cross-year Tape What happened to the job you business, were you laid off, Company folded/changed out of business Strike: Laid Name=‘C23 Location HPND PREV JOB(HD-E) MD=9 had before--did promoted, were hands/moved out ’ the company go out you not working, or of town: employer of what? died/went lockout off: fired resigned; Quit; change in jobs; (in addition to needed before; retired; pregnant; was self-employed the job in C6) first No previous job; wasn’t working before full-time this more still or permanent service or money; just has previous job Head wanted job ever had: Promotion Other--(including Job was NA; DK drafted completed; Inap.; unemployed; student; has had V7722=012-999. into seasonal job permanently for one work; was any mention a temporary Of job disabled, retried, housewife, year or more; V7706=3-8; service) a 168 - RAW DATA 7728 = Cross-year C24. variable number 14108 = Cross-year Tape On the whole, would you the one you had before? say Name='C24 Location your present JOB BETTER? MD=9 job is (HD-E) better or ’ worse than Inap.; first job; been on job more than one year; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 V7722=012-199; V7727=5 7729 = Cross-year C25. Why variable number 14109 = Cross-year is it Tape WHY BET/WORSE (HD-E) MD=9 pay More/less steady Better/worse program work; more/less opportunity Better/worse pension or fringe benefits, vacations to More/less Better/worse closely do pleasant than related working armed work hours for advancement: any social security program: to my field/area/skill; mention any of services (or any the DK Inap.; present job is same as previous job; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; first job; been on job more than one year; V7706=3-8; V7722=012-199; V7727=5; V7728=3 mention training mention conditions Other NA; ’ (better/worse)? Better/worse More/less I like Name=‘C25 Location thereof) type of of thing RAW DATA 7730 = Cross-year C26. Does variable number 14110 = Cross-year your present job Tape pay more Name=‘C26 Location than the JOB PAY MORE?(HD-E) MD=9 one you had ' before? Inap.; first job; been on job more than one year; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7722=012-199; V7727=5; V7728=3 7731 = Cross-year C27. variable number 14111 = Cross-year We’re interested any work in 1980 Tape Name=‘C27 Location in how you spent because someone your else WTR OTRS ILL MD=9 time last year. in the family was (HO-E) ’ Did you sick? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7732 = Cross-year variable number 14112-14113 = Cross-year C28. How much work did you Tape Name=‘C28 Location miss? Inap.; none; unemployed; permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7731=5 or 9 # WKS OTR lLL(HD-E) MD=99 ’ miss 169 170 - RAW DATA 7733 = Cross-year C29. Did variable number 14114 = Cross-year you miss any Tape work in 1980 Name=‘C29 Location because WTR SELF MD=9 you were ILL (HD-E) ' sick? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7734 variable number = Cross-year 14115-14116 = Cross-year C30. How much work did you Tape Name=‘C30 Location # WKS SELF MD=99 ILL (HD-E) ’ miss? Inap.; none; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7733=5 or 9 7735 = Cross-year C31. Did variable number 14117 = Cross-year you take any vacation Tape or Name=‘C31 Location time off WTR VACATION MD=9 during Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 1980? (HD-E) ' RAW DATA 7736 = Cross-year variable number 14118-14119 = Cross-year C32. How much vacation or Tape time off Name=‘C32 Location did you # WK VACATION(HD-E) MD=99 ’ take? Inap.; none; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired housewife, student; V7706=3-8 or V7735=5 or 9 7737 = Cross-year C33. Did variable number 14120 = Cross-year YOU miss any work Tape in 1980 Name=‘C33 Location because you WTR STRIKE MD=9 were on (HD-E) ' (H-E) ’ strike? Inap.; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7738 variable number = Cross-year 14121-14122 = Cross-year C34. How much work did you Tape Name=‘C34 Location # WK ON STRIKE MD=99 miss? Inap.; none; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7737=5 or 9 171 172 7739 - RAW DATA = Cross-year C35. variable number 14123 = Cross-year Did you miss temporarily any laid work off? Tape in 1980 Name=‘C35 Location because WTR UNEMPLOYD (HD-E) MD=9 you were unemployed ’ or Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7740 variable number = Cross-year 14124-14125 = Cross-year C36. How much work did you Tape Name=‘C36 Location # WK UNEMPLYD(HD-E) MD=99 ’ miss? Inap.; none; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 7741 = Cross-year variable number 14126-14127 = Cross-year C37. Then, how many weeks did Tape you Name=‘C37 Location actually # WKS WORKED MD=99 work on Inap.; none; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 your main (HD-E) job ' in 1980? RAW DATA 7742 variable number = Cross-year 14128-14129 = Cross-year C39. And, on the average, job in 1980? Tape Name=‘C39 Location how many hours # HR/WK WRKD (HD-E) MD=99 a week did you work on ’ your main Inap.; none; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7741=00 7743 = Cross-year C40. Did variable number 14130 = Cross-year you work any Tape overtime Name=‘C40 Location which isn’t WTR WRK OT MD=9 included in (HD-E) ' that? Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7741=00 7744 = Cross-year C42. variable number 14131 = Cross-year Did you to your have main any job Tape extra jobs in 1980? Name=‘C42 Location or other ways Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 WTR XTRA JOBS(HD-E) MD=9 of making money ’ in addition 173 1 7 4 - RAW DATA 7745 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘C43 OCC-XTRA JOBS (HD-E) ' 14132-14133 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C43. What did you do? PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS (001-195) Physicians (medical osteopathic). Dentists (062,065) Other Medical and Paramedical: chiropractors, optometrists, pharmacists, veterinarians, nurses, therapists, healers, dieticians (except medical and dental technicians, see 16) (061,063,064,071-076) Accountants and Auditors (001) Teachers, Primary and Secondary Schools (including NA type) (141-145) Teachers, College; Social Scientists; Librarians; Archivists (032-036,091-096,102-140) Architects; Chemists; Enqineers; Physical and Biological Scientists (002,006-023,042-054) Technicians: Airplane pilots and navigators, designers, draftsmen, foresters and conservationists, embalmers, photographers, radio operators, surveyors, technicians (medical, dental, testing, n.e.c.) (003-005,025,055,080-085,150-173,183,191) Public Advisors: Clergymen, e d i t o r s a n d r e p o r t e r s , f a r m a n d h o m e management advisors, personnel and labor relations workers, public relations persons, publicity workers, religious, social and welfare workers (024,026,056,086,090,100-101,184,192) Judges; Lawyers (030,031) Professional, technical and kindred workers not listed above (174,175-182,185,190,193-195) MANAGERS, OFFICIALS AND PROPRIETORS (EXCEPT FARM) (201-245) Not self-employed Self-employed (unincorporated businesses) CLERICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.1 40. Secretaries, stenographers, typists (370-372,376,391) 0.6 41. Other Clerical Workers: agents (n.e.c.) library assistants and attendants, bank tellers, cashiers, bill collectors, ticket, station and express agents, etc., receptionists (301-364,374-375,381,392-395) SALES WORKERS 1.2 45. Retail store salesmen and sales clerks, newsboys, hucksters, peddlers, traveling salesmen, advertising agents and salesmen, insurance agents, brokers, and salesmen, etc. (260-280) CRAFTSHEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS Foremen, n.e.c. (441) 50. 2.1 51. Other craftsmen and kindred workers (401-440,442-580) 0.1 52. Government protective service workers: firemen, police, marshals, and constables (960-965) OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.4 61. Transport equipment operatives (701-715) 0.5 62. Operatives, except transport (601-695) LABORERS 0.9 70. 0.4 71. Unskilled laborers--nonfarm (740-785) Farm laborers and foremen (821-824) RAW DATA - 175 SERVICE WORKERS Private household workers (980-984) 0.0 73. Other service workers: barbers, beauticians, manicurists, 1.7 75. bartenders, boarding and lodging housekeepers, counter and fountain workers, housekeepers and stewards, waiters. cooks, midwives, practical nurses, babysitters, attendants in physicians’ and dentists’ offices (901-965 except 960-965 when work for local. state, or federal government) FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS 1.2 80. Farmers (owners and tenants) and managers (except code 71) (801-802) MISCELLANEOUS GROUPS 0.5 55. M e m b e r s o f a r m e d f o r c e s 0.3 99. NA; DK 85.6 00. I n a p . ; “ N o ” t o C 4 2 ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , p e r m a n e n t l y d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7706=3-8; V7744=5 or 9 Name=‘C43-C44 # XTRA JOB(H-E) ’ 7746 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14134 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C43. C44. What did you do? Anything else? mean nonzero = 1.1 12.5 1.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 0.1 9. One extra job Two extra jobs Three extra jobs Four extra jobs Five extra jobs Six extra jobs Seven extra jobs Eight or more extra jobs NA; DK 85.6 0. Inap.; no extra jobs; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7744=5 or 9 176 - RAW DATA Name=‘C45 PAY/HR XTRA JB(H-E) ’ 7747 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14135-14138 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 C45. About how much did you make per hour at this? % nonzero = 14.1 mean nonzero = 1170.5 XXXX. Actual dollars and cents per hour 9998. $99.98 or more per hour 9999. NA; DK 0000. Inap.; no extra jobs; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7706=3-8; V7744=5 or 9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having no decimal places. Name=‘C46 # WKS XTRA JOB (H-E) ’ 7748 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14139-14140 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C46. And, how many weeks did you work on your extra job(s) in 1980? % nonzero = 14.4 mean nonzero = 23.7 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; no extra jobs; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7744=5 or 9 7749 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C47 HR/WK XTRA JOB (H-E) ’ 14141-14142 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C47. On the average, job(s) ? how many hours a week did you work on your extra % nonzero = 14.4 mean nonzero = 18.7 01. XX. 98. 99. 00. One hour or less Actual number of hours per week 98 hours or more NA; DK Inap.; no extra jobs; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7706=3-8; V7744=5 or 9 RAW DATA 7750 variable number = Cross-year 14143-14146 = Cross-year C49. Now I’d like to ask you unemployed or temporarily period begin? Tape about laid Name=‘C49 Location MO-YR LST UNEM(H-E) MD=9999 ’ the last time in 1980 that you were off. In what month and year did that MONTH 01. January 02. February March 03. 04. April 05. May 06. June July 07. 08. August September 09. 10. October 11. November 12. December 98. 99. YEAR 78. 98. 99. DK month NA month 1978 1979 1980 DK year NA year 9898. 9999. DK month NA month 0000. Inap.; student: V7739=5 and and year year unemployed; was not or 9 retired, unemployed permanently at any time disabled, during housewife, 1980; V7706=3-8; 177 1 7 8 - RAW DATA Name=‘C50 #WK UNEMP-LST (HD-E) ’ 7751 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14147-14149 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 C50. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? 000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 7752 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C51 WTR 4+ WK-LST(HD-E) ’ 14150 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C51. During this Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 9 8 . 4 0 . I n a p . ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; went back to work in less than 4 weeks or more than 8 weeks; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7751=001-004, 009-999 RAW DATA - 179 Name=‘C52 WTR 4+ WK-LST(HD-E) ’ 7753 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14151 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C52. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 95.9 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time in 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7751=001-008, 999 7754 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C53 4+ WK >ONCE?1 (HD-E) ’ 14152 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C53. Did this happen more than once? 98.3 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time in 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7753=001-008, 999 Name=‘C54 # X NO LOOK-1 (HD-E) ’ 7755 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14153 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C54. How many times did this happen? NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time in 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7751=001-008, 999; V7753=5 or 9; V7754=5 or 9 180 - RAW DATA Name='C56 WTR 2ND UNEMP(HD-E) ' 7756 - Cross-year variable number 14154 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C56. 2.7 7.3 W as there another period in 1980 before the last one, when you were unemployed or temporarily laid off? 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 9. NA; DK 89.8 0. I n a p . ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; box B checked at C55; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 7757 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C57 MO-YR 2ND UNEM(H-E) ’ 14155-14158 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 C57. In what month and year did that period begin? 98. 99. DK year NA year 9898. 9999. DK month and year NA month and year 0000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; box B checked at C55; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 181 7758 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C58 #WK UNEMP-2ND (HD-E) ’ 14159-14161 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 C58. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? % nonzero = 2.7 mean nonzero = 6.9 001. 002. One week or less Two weeks 998. 999. NA; DK, but more than 8 weeks NA; DK 000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9 7759 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C59 WTR 4+ WK-2ND(HD-E) ’ 14162 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C59. 0.1 0.2 During this Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. ____-week period, was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 99.7 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student: was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; returned to work in less than 5 weeks or more than 8 weeks; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7758=001-004, 009, 999 182 - RAW DATA Name=‘C60 WTR 4+ WK-2ND(HD-E) ’ 7760 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14163 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C60. 0.1 0.4 0.0 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK 99.4 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time in 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7758=001-008, 999 Name=‘C61 4+ WK >ONCE?2(HD-E) ’ 7761 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14164 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C61. 0.0 0.1 Did this happen more than once? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 99.9 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7758=001-008, 999; V7760=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 183 Name=‘C62 # X NO LOOK-2 (HD-E) ’ 7762 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14165 = Cross-year Tape Location C62. How many times did this happen? 100.0 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; was not discouraged; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7758=001-008, 999: V7760=5 or 9; V7761=5 or 9 Name=‘C63 WTR 3RD UNEMP(HD-E) ’ 7763 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14166 = Cross-year Tape Location C63. W as there another period in 1980, before this one, when you were unemployed or temporarily laid off? 97.6 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9 184 - RAW DATA Name=‘C64 MO-YR 3RD UNEM(H-E) ’ 7764 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9999 14167-141 7 0 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C64. In what month and year did that period begin? 98. 99. DK year NA year 9898. 9999. DK month and year NA month and year 0000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; there was no other period of unemployment; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7763=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 185 Name=‘C65 #WK UNEMP-3RD (HD-E) ’ 7765 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14171-14173 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 C65. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? % nonzero = 1.0 mean nonzero = 3.2 001. 002. One week or less Two weeks 998. 999. NA; DK but more than 8 weeks NA; DK 000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently student; was not unemployed at any time period of unemployment began in 1979 or other period of unemployment; V7706=3-8; 9; V7763=5 or 9 disabled, housewife, during 1980; Head’s last earlier; there was no V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 7766 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C66 WTR 4+ WK-3RD (HD-E) ’ 14174 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C66. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this _ _ _ _ - w e e k p e r i o d , was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 0.0 0.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; DK 99.9 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; there was no other period of unemployment; returned to work in less than 5 weeks or more than 8 weeks: V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7763=5 or 9; V7765=001-004, 009-999 186 - RAW DATA Name=‘C67 WTR 4+ WK-3RD(HD-E) ’ 7767 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14175 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C67. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 0.1 1. 5. Yes No 99.9 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; there was no other period of unemployment: r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7763=5 or 9; V7765=001-008, 999 Name=‘C68 4+ WK >ONCE?3(HD-E) ’ 7768 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14176 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C68. Did this happen more than once? 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 100.0 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled. housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; there was no other period of unemployment; returned to work in less than 9 weeks: was not discouraged; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7763=5 or 9; V7765=001-008, 999; V7767=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 187 7769 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C69 # X NO LOOK-3(HD-E) ' 14177 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C69. How many times did this happen? Two separate times Three separate times Four separate times Five separate times Six separate times Seven separate times Eight or more separate times NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; Head’s last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; there was no other period of unemployment; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7756=5 or 9; V7763=5 or 9; V7765=001-008, 999; V7767=5 or 9; V7768=5 or 9 Name=‘C70 WTR REC UNEMP(HD-E) ’ 7770 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14178 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C70. W e are interested in how people replace lost earnings during unemployment. During your last period of (unemployment/lay off) in 1980, did you receive unemployment compensation? 5.3 5.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.4 9. NA; DK 89.3 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 7771 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C71 WTR USED UP $ (HD-E) ’ MD=9 14179 = Cross-year Tape Location C71. Did you use up your benefits? 0.8 4.5 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; DK 94.7 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; did not receive unemployment compensation; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7770=5 or 9 188 - RAW DATA Name=‘C72 #WK NO UNEMP$ (HD-E) ’ 7772 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14180-14181 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 C72. How many weeks was it from the time you used up your benefits until you were back at work? % nonzero = 0.6 mean nonzero = 7.2 01. One week or less XX. Actual number of weeks 98. Nine-eight weeks or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; did not receive unemployment compensation; did not use up benefits; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7770=5 or 9; V7771=5 or 9 Name=‘C73 WTR ELIG UNEM(HD-E) ’ 7773 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14182 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C73. Do you think you were eligible? 1.4 3.1 1. 5. 0.4 8. 0.0 9. 95.0 0. Yes No Don’t know NA I n a p . ; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife. student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; received unemployment compensation; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7770=1 or 9 RAW DATA - 189 Name='C74 WHY NO UNEMP-1 (H-E) ' 7774 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14183-14184 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C74. Why didn’t you apply? First Mention Administrative access problems: attitudes of local officials; “too much red tape”; “ h a v e t o w a i t t o o l o n g ” Physical access problems: transportation disability and can’t get around Information access problems: anything about it difficulties; physical don’t know how to apply: didn’t know Don’t need it Attitude: don’t like charity; feel it is inappropriate to apply Receiving other assistance Saving it up to use later; waiting to apply when other resources are used up Saving it up to use later; waiting to apply when other resources are used up. 0.3 09. Did apply; was denied unemployment; “was turned down.” Did not apply; “because I was looking for a job”; “thought I would return to work sooner”; “was only unemployed a short time”; “found another job.” “I never applied,” “I didn’t check it Did not apply, NA why: out”; “I never thought about it” 0.2 97. Other 0.1 99. NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, s t u d e n t ; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; received unemployment compensation; thinks not eligible; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7770=1 or 9; V7773=5 or 9 190 - RAW DATA Name=‘C74 WHY NO UNEMP-2(H-E) ’ 7775 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14185-14186 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C74. Why didn’t you apply? Second Mention 01. Administrative access problems: a t t i t u d e s o f l o c a l o f f i c i a l s ; “too much red tape”; “ h a v e t o w a i t t o o l o n g ” 02. transportation Physical access problems: disability and can’t get around 03. Information access problems: anything about it 0.0 04. Don’t need it 0.0 05. Attitude: 06. Receiving don’t like charity; other difficulties; physical don’t know how to apply; didn’t know feel it is inappropriate to apply assistance 0.0 07. Saving it up to use later; waiting to apply when other resources are used up 08. Saving it up to use later: waiting to apply when other resources are used up. 0.0 09. 80. 0.0 90. Did apply; was denied unemployment; “was turned down.” Did not apply; “because I was looking for a job”; “thought I would return to work sooner”; “was only unemployed a short time”; “found another job.” “I never applied,” “I didn’t check it Did not apply, NA why: out”; “I never thought about it” 0.0 97. Other 99.9 00. Inap.; no second mention; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; received unemployment compensation; thinks not eligible; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7770=1 or 9; V7773=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 191 Name=‘C75 OTR Y/UNEMP? (HD-E) ’ 7776 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14187 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 (Still) thinking about your last period of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980, did you have any (other) sources of income? C75. 3.8 6.5 0.4 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK 8 9 . 3 0 . I n a p . ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d ; permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 Name=‘C76 TYPE OTR Y-1 (HD-E) ’ 7777 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14188-14189 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 C76. What were they? (Any other sources of income?) First Mention 1.3 01. Transfer income: welfare; ADC; gifts 1.3 02. Earned income: 0.3 03. Capital income: assets income; interest 0.6 04. Others’ income: “ w i f e w o r k i n g ” ; someone else in family working 0.1 05. Vacation/sick pay from previous job 0.0 06. Windfall income; gambling assets 0.2 97. Other 99. 96.2 00. NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; no other sources of income; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7776=5 or 9 192 - RAW DATA Name=‘C76 TYPE OTR Y-2 (HD-E) ’ 7778 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14190-14191 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 What were they? (Any other sources of income?) C76. Second Mention 0.1 01. Transfer income: welfare; ADC; gifts 0.1 02. Earned income: 0.1 03. Capital 0.1 04. Others’ income: 0.0 05. Vacation/sick pay from previous job 06. assets income: assets income; interest “wife working”; someone else in family working Windfall income; gambling 0.0 97. Other 9 9 . 6 0 0 . I n a p . ; no second mention; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; no other sources of income; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9; V7776=5 or 9 Name=‘C77 RET SAME EMPLR(H-E) ’ 7779 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14192 = Cross-year Tape Location [Still thinking about your last period of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980] did you eventually return to the same employer? C77. 4.9 5.3 0.1 1. 5. 7. 0.4 9. 89.3 0. Yes No Still temporarily laid off NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 193 Name=‘C78 RET SAME JOB? (HD-E) ’ 7780 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14193 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C78. 6.8 3.4 Did you go back to the same type of job? 1. 5. 0.4 9. 89.4 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student: was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7706=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 7781 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C79 MORE $ LATER? (HD-E) ’ 14194 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C79. Did you go back to work at a lower, higher, or at the same wage rate that you received before becoming (unemployed/laid off)? 2.0 4.9 3.0 1. 3. 5. Lower Same Higher 0.1 0.5 8. 9. Don’t know NA 89.4 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; was not unemployed at any time during 1980; V7106=3-8; V7739=5 or 9 Name=‘C80 MRE WRK AVAILB(H-E) ’ 7782 = Cross-year variable number 14195 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C80. Now thinking about your job(s) over the past year, was there more work available on (your job/any of your jobs) so that you could have worked more if you had wanted to? 29.7 1. 38.5 5. No or don’t know 0.3 9. NA 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 31.5 Yes 194 - 7103 RAW DATA variable number = Cross-year 14196-14199 = Cross-year C81. How much would you have Name=‘C81 Location Tape earned per PAY/HR WRK MOR(H-E) MD=9999 ’ hour? Inap.; nothing; no more available work; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7782=5 or 9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. 7784 = Cross-year C82. Could variable variable number 14200 = Cross-year you have worked is defined the Name=‘C82 Location Tape less in if you had dictionary as having COULD WRK LESS(H-E) MD=9 wanted no ’ to? Inap.; would have liked more work; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7782=5 or 9 7785 = Cross-year C83. Would money? variable number 14201 = Cross-year you have preferred Tape to Name=‘C83 Location work less WANT WRK LESS? (H-E) MD=9 eve” Inap.; could have worked less; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7782=5 or 9; V7784=1 if you had earned ’ less RAW DATA - 195 7786 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C84 WANT WRK MORE?(H-E) ’ MD=9 14202 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n W ould you have liked to work more if you could have found more work? C84. 16.1 1. Yes 22.2 5. No 0.5 9. NA; 61.2 DK 0. I n a p . ; m o r e w o r k a v a i l a b l e ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , p e r m a n e n t l y disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7782=1 Name=‘C85 WANT WRK LESS?(H-E) ’ 7787 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14203 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 C85. Could you have worked less if you wanted to? 7.9 14.4 0.4 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK 77.3 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7782=1; V7786=1 Name=‘C86 WANT WRK LESS?(H-E) ’ 7788 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14204 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 W ould you have preferred to work less even if you had earned less money? C86. 1.4 13.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.4 9. NA; 85.2 0. Inap.; could have worked less; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7706=3-8; V7782=1; V7786=1; V7787=1 DK 196 - RAW DATA Name=‘C87 TIME TO WORK (HD-E) ’ 7789 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14205-14207 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C87. About how much time does it take you to get to work each day, door to % nonzero = 63.9 mean nonzero = 174.1 xxx. Actual number of hours per year 999. 999 hours per year or more 000. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; none; varies; V7706=3-8 Name=‘C87 ACC TIME WORK (H-E) ’ 7790 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14208 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C87. Accuracy of V7789 0.7 0.4 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 98.9 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife. student; none; varies; no assignment; V7706=3-8; 7789=00 7791 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C88 # MI TO WORK (HD-E) ’ 14209-14210 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C88. About how many miles is it to where you work? (one way) % nonzero = 64.1 mean nonzero = 10.9 01. 98. 99. 00. One mile or less Actual number of miles 98 miles or more NA; DK Inap.; “None” to C87; doesn’t travel to work; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 RAW DATA - 197 7792 = Cross-year variable number 14211 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e Do you use public transportation to get to work, (drive with your wife), have a car pool, drive by yourself, walk, or what? C89. 4.5 2.3 6.7 45.4 2.6 2.4 0.2 Name=‘C89 MODE TRAVL WRK(H-E) ’ Location MD=9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. Public transportation Drive with wife Car pool Drive by self Walk Other NA; DK 35.9 0. Inap.; “None” to C51; doesn’t travel to work; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7791=00 Name=‘C90 GET NEW JOB? (HD-E) ’ 7793 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14212 = Cross-year Tape Location C90. Have you been thinking about getting a new job, or will you keep the job you have now? 11.8 56.3 1. 5. Thinking about getting a new job Keep job have now 0.5 9. NA; 31.4 0. DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8 7794 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘C91 WHAT DO-NEW JB(H-E) ’ MD=9 14213 = Cross-year Tape Location C91. Have you been doing anything in particular about it? 7.5 4.1 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 9. NA; DK 88.2 0. Inap.; keeping job has now; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=3-8; V7793=5 or 9 198 - RAW DATA Name=‘C92 HD AGE 45-64?(HD-E) ’ 7795 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14214 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 C92. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 44.7 1. Head is under age 45 21.5 2. Head is age 45 to 64 2.3 3. Head is age 65 or older 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; unemployed; student; V7706=3-8 31.4 retired, permanently disabled, housewife, Name=‘C93 AGE PLAN RETR(HD-E) ’ 7796 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14215-14216 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C93. Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do you think you will retire from the main work you are now doing? 97. Forty-five years old Actual age Ninety-six years old or more Never 98. 99. NA 45. 96. 00. Don’t know Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under age 45 or Head is age 65 or older; V7706=3-8; V7795=1,3 or 9 Name=‘C94 RET BEFORE 65? (H-E) ’ 7797 = Cross-year variable number 14217 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Do you think you will retire before YOU are 65? C94. 0.7 1.8 1. 5. Yes No 1.4 0.1 8. 9. Don’t know; depends NA 96.0 0. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under 45 or Head is age 65 or older: knows what age plans to retire; V7706=3-8; V7795=1,3, or 9; V7796=45-97, 99 RAW DATA - 199 Name=‘C95 AGE PLAN RETR(HD-E) ’ 7798 - C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14218-14219 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 C95. Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do you think you will retire from the main work you are 96. 97. Sixty-five years old Actual age Ninety-six years or older Never 98. 99. Don’t know NA 00. Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under age 65: V7706=3-8; V7795=1,2, or 9 65. 200 - RAW DATA Name='D1 OCC-JOB SOUGHT (HD-U) ’ 7799 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14220-14221 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D1. What kind of job are you looking for? PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS (001-195) 10. Physicians (medical osteopathic), Dentists (062,065) 0.0 11. Other Medical and Paramedical: chiropractors, optometrists, pharmacists, v e t e r i n a r i a n s , n u r s e s , t h e r a p i s t s , h e a l e r s , dieticians (except medical and dental technicians, see 16) (061,063,064,071-076) 0.0 12. Accountants and Auditors (001) 0.0 13. Teachers, Primary and Secondary Schools (including NA type) (141-145) 0.0 14. Teachers, College; Social Scientists; Librarians; Archivists (032-036,091-096,102-140) 0.0 15. Architects; Chemists; Engineers; Physical and Biological Scientists (002,006-023,042-054) 0.1 16. Airplane pilots and navigators, designers, Technicians: draftsmen, foresters and conservationists, embalmers, photographers, radio operators, surveyors, technicians (medical, dental, testing, n.e.c.) (003-005,025,055,080-085,150-173,183,191) 0.0 17. Public Advisors: Clergymen, e d i t o r s a n d r e p o r t e r s , f a r m a n d h o m e management advisors, personnel and labor relations workers, public relations persons, publicity workers, religious, social and welfare workers (024,026,056,086,090,100-101,184,192) 18. Judqes; Lawyers (030,031) 0.1 19. Professional, technical and kindred workers not listed above (174,175-182,185,190,193-195) MANAGERS, OFFICIALS AND PROPRIETORS (EXCEPT FARM) (201-245) 0.2 20. Not self-employed 0.0 31. Self-employed (unincorporated businesses) CLERICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.1 40. Secretaries, stenographers, typists (370-372,376,391) 0.3 41. Other Clerical Workers: agents (n.e.c.) library assistants and attendants, bank tellers, cashiers, bill collectors, ticket, station and express agents, etc., receptionists (301-364,374-375,381,392-395) SALES WORKERS 0 . 1 4 5 . Retail store salesmen and sales clerks, newsboys, hucksters, peddlers, traveling salesmen, advertising agents and salesmen, insurance agents, brokers, and salesmen, etc. (260-280) CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS Foremen, n.e.c. (441) 50. Other craftsmen and kindred workers (401-440,442-580) 0.6 51. Government protective service workers; firemen, police, marshals, 0.0 52. and constables (960-965) OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.2 61. Transport equipment operatives (701-715) 0.4 62. Operatives, except transport (601-695) LABORERS 0.2 70. 0.1 71. Unskilled laborers--nonfarm (740-785) Farm laborers and foremen (821-824) RAW DATA - 201 SERVICE WORKERS (901-984) 0.1 73. Private household workers (980-984) Other service workers: barbers, beauticians, manicurists, 0.4 75. bartenders, boarding and lodging housekeepers, counter and fountain workers, housekeepers and stewards, waiters, cooks, midwives, practical nurses, babysitters, attendants in physicians’ and dentists’ offices (901-965 except 960-965 when work for local, state, or federal government) FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS 80. Farmers (owners and tenants) and managers (except code 71) (801-802) MISCELLANEOUS GROUPS 0.0 5 5 . Members of armed forces 0.7 99. NA; DK 96.4 00. I n a p . ; not in labor force; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 7800 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D2 PAY/HR JOB SGHT(H-U) ’ 14222-14225 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 D2. How much would you expect to earn? % nonzero = 3.6 mean nonzero = 623.0 xxxx. Actual dollars and cents per hour 9998. $99.98 per hour or more 9999. NA; DK 0000. Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having no decimal places. 7801 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D3 WTR NEED TRAING(H-U) ’ 14226 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 D3. Will you have to get any training to qualify? 0.5 2.7 1. 5. 0.3 0.0 96.4 8. 9. 0. Yes No Don’t know NA Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 202 - RAW DATA 7802 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D4 WTR LOOKNG JOB(HD-U) ’ MD=9 14227 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D4. Have you been doing anything in the last four weeks to find a job? employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 7803 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D5 # PLAC LOOKED (HD-U) ’ 14228 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D5. How many places have you been to in the last four weeks to find out about a job? 0.0 9. NA 9 7 . 2 0 . I n a p . ; n o n e ; employed; permanently disabled; retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7802=5 or 9 7804 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Names='D6 RESERVATN WAGE (HD-U) ’ 14229-14232 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 D6. What is the lowest wage or salary you would accept on any job? % nonzero = 3.6 mean nonzero = 538.1 0000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 disabled, housewife, OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having no decimal places. RAW DATA - 203 Name='D7 #WKS LOOK WORK(HD-U) ’ 7805 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14233-14234 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D7. How long have you been looking for work? % nonzero = 3.6 mean nonzero = 21.4 01. 98. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks Ninety-eight weeks or more NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 Name=‘D8 EVER HAD JOB? (HD-U) ’ 7806 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14235 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D8. Have you ever had a job? 3.6 1. Yes 0.0 5. No 9. NA; 96.4 DK 0. Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 204 - RAW DATA Name=‘D9 OCC-LAST JOB (HD-U) ’ 7807 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14236-14238 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 D9. What sort of work did you do on your last job? What was your occupation? 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population: Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers Managers and Administrators, Except Farm Sales Workers Clerical and Kindred Workers Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives, Except Transport Transport Equipment Operatives Laborers, Except Farm Farmers and Farm Managers Farm Laborers and Farm Foremen Service Workers, Except Private Household Private Household Workers NA; DK Inap.; not in labor force; employed; permanently disabled, r e t i r e d , housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 205 Name=‘D10 IND-LAST JOB (HD-U) ’ 7808 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14239-14241 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 D10. What kind of business or industry was that in? 3-digit Industry Code from 1970 Census of Population: Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing Transportation, Communications, a n d O t h e r P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Business and Repair Services Personal Services Entertainment and Recreation Services Professional and Related Services Public Administration NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 206 - RAW DATA Name=‘D11 HAPPND LST JOB(H-U) ’ 7809 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14242 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n What happened to that job--did the company go out of business, were you laid off, or what? D11. 0.6 Company folded/changed hands/moved out of town; employer died/went out of business 1. 2. Strike; lockout 1.5 3. Laid off; fired 1.0 4. Q u i t ; r e s i g n e d ; r e t i r e d ; pregnant; just wanted to change jobs 5. W asn’t working before this 0.0 6. W as self-employed before 0.1 7. Other (including drafted into service or any mention of service) 0.3 8 . 0.0 9. NA; 0. I n a p . ; not in labor force; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 96.4 Job completed, seasonal work DK Name=‘D12 YR LAST WRKD (HD-U) ’ 7810 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14243-14244 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D12. When did you last work? XX. 99. 00. 7811 Last two digits of actual year NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 Name=‘D13 WTR VACATION (HD-U) ’ = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14249 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D13. W e’re interested in knowing how you spent your time last year, Did you take any regardless of whether or not you were employed. vacation or time off during 1980? 1.0 1. Yes 2.6 5. No 96.4 0. NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 207 7812 = Cross-year variable number Name=’D14 #WKS VACATION(HD-U) ’ 14246-14247 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D14. How much vacation or time off did you take? % nonzero = 1.0 mean nonzero = 5.0 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; none; e m p l o y e d ; p e r m a n e n t l y d i s a b l e d , r e t i r e d , h o u s e w i f e , student; never worked: V7706-1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7811=5 or 9 Name='D15 WTR OTRS ILL (HD-U) ’ 7813 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14248 = Cross-year Tape Location D15. Did you miss any work in 1980 because someone else in your family was sick? 0.4 1. Yes 3.1 5. No 96.4 NA; DK 0 . I n a p . ; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 7814 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='D16 #WKS OTRS lLL(HD-U) ’ 14249-14250 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D16. How much work did you miss? % nonzero = 0.4 mean nonzero = 1.9 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7813=5 or 9 208 - RAW DATA 7815 = Cross-year variable number Name='D17 WTR SELF ILL (HD-U) ' MD=9 14251 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D17. Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were sick? 1.5 1. Yes 2.1 5. No 96.4 0. NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 Name=‘D18 #WKS SELF lLL(HD-U) ’ 7816 = Cross-year variable number 14252-14253 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D18. How much work did you miss? % nonzero = 1.5 mean nonzero = 6.7 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7815=5 or 9 Name=‘D19 WTR ON STRIKE (HD-U) ’ 7817 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14254 = Cross-year Tape Location D19. Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were on strike? 0.1 1. Yes 3.5 5. No 96.4 0. NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student: never worked; V7706-1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 209 Name=‘D20 #WKS ON STRIKE(H-U) ’ 7818 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14255-14256 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D20. How much work did you miss? % nonzero = 0.1 mean nonzero = 6.8 01. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, s t u d e n t ; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7817=5 or 9 Name=‘D21 WTR UNEMPLOYD (HD-U) ’ 7819 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14257 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D21. Did you miss any work in 1980 because you were unemployed or temporarily laid off? 2.6 1. Yes 1.0 5. No 96.4 0. NA; DK Inap.; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 Name=‘D22 #WKS UNEMPLYD (HD-U) ’ 7820 = Cross-year variable number 14258-14259 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D22. How much work did you miss? % nonzero = 2.6 mean nonzero = 24.3 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 210 - RAW DATA Name=‘D23 #WKS WORKED (HD-U) ’ 7821 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14260-14261 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D23. Then, how many weeks did you actually work on your job in 1980? % nonzero = 3.1 mean nonzero = 31.1 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife; student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 7822 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D25 HR/WK WORKED (HD-U) ’ 14262-14263 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D25. And, on the average, how many hours a week did you work on your main job in 1980? % nonzero = 3.1 mean nonzero = 40.7 01. 99. 00. One hour or less Actual number of hours per week 98 hours or more NA; DK Inap.; none; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked: V7706=1-2,4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7821=00 RAW DATA - 211 Name='D27 MO/YR LST UNEM(H-U) ’ 7823 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14264 14267 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 D27. Now I’d like to ask you about the last time in 1980 that you were In what month and year did that unemployed or temporarily laid off. period begin? 0000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, s t u d e n t ; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 212 - RAW DATA Name=‘D28 #WK UNEMP-LST (HD-U) ’ 7824 = Cross-year variable number 14268 14270 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 D28. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? 997. Still looking 998. 999. NA; DK, but more than 8 weeks NA; DK 000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student: never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 Name=‘D29 WTR 4+ WK-LST(HD-U) ’ 7825 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14271 = Cross-year Tape Location D29. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ____- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 99.9 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed during 1980; returned to work in less than 5 weeks or more than 8 weeks; still looking; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7824=001-004, 009-999 RAW DATA - 213 Name=‘D30 WTR 4+ WK-LST(HD-U) ’ 7826 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14272 = Cross-year Tape Location D30. Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? Yes No 0.9 1.2 1. 5. 0.0 9. NA; DK 97.9 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed during 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7824=001-008, 999 Name=‘D31 4+ WK> ONCE?1(HD-U) ’ 7827 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14273 = Cross-year Tape Location D31. Did this happen more than once? 0.7 0.2 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; DK 99.1 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed during 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7824=001-008, 999; V7826=5 or 9 Name=‘D32 # X NO LOOK-1(HD-U) ’ 7828 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14274 = Cross-year Tape Location D32. How many times did this happen? 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Two separate times Three separate times Four separate times Five separate times Six separate times Seven separate times Eight or more separate times 0.2 9. NA; DK 99.3 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; only happened once; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7824=001-008, 999; V7826=5 or 9; V7827=5 or 9 2 1 4 - RAW DATA Name=‘D34 WTR 2ND UNEMP(HD-U) ‘ 7829 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14275 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n W as there another period in 1980 before the last one, when you were unemployed or temporarily laid off? D34. 0.7 1.5 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; DK 97.8 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; Box B checked at D33; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 Name=’D35 MO-YR 2ND UNEM(H-U) ’ 7830 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14276 1 4 2 7 9 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 D35. In what month and year did that period begin? 0000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 215 7831 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘D36 #WK UNEMP-2ND(HD-U) ’ 14280 14282 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 D36. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? % nonzero = 0.7 mean nonzero = 26.6 001. 002. One week or less Two weeks 998. 999. NA; DK, but more than 8 weeks NA; DK 000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked, was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9 Name=‘D37 WTR 4+ WK-2ND(HD-U) ’ 7832 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14283 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D37. 0.0 0.1 99.9 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; w a s n o t u n e m p l o y e d i n 1 9 8 0 ; l a s t p e r i o d o f unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 5 w e e k s o r m o r e t h a n 8 weeks; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7831=001-004, 009-999 216 - RAW DATA Name='D38 WTR 4+ WK-2ND(HD-U) ’ 7833 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14284 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D38. 0.2 0.1 99.7 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; V 7 7 0 6 = 1 - 2 , 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7831=001-008, 999 Name=‘D39 4+ WK> ONCE?2(HD-U) ’ 7834 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14285 = Cross-year Tape Location D39. Did this happen more than once? 0.1 0.1 99.8 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; w a s n o t discouraged; V7706=1,2 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7831=001-008, 999; V7833=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 217 Name='D40 # X NO LOOK-2(HD-U) ’ 7835 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14286 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D40. How many times did this happen? 6. 7. 0.0 8. Two separate times Three separate times Four separate times Five separate times Six separate times Seven separate times Eight or more separate times 0.0 9. NA; DK 0.0 2. 3. 0.0 4. 99.9 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; w a s n o t discouraged; happened only once; V7706-1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7831=001-008, 999; V7833=5 or 9; V7834=5 or 9 7836 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D41 WTR 3RD UNEMP(HD-U) ’ 14287 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 D41. 0.1 0.4 W as there another period in 1980 before this one, when you were unemployed or temporarily laid off? 1. 5. 0.0 9. 99.5 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other period of unemployment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9 2 1 8 - RAW DATA Name=‘D42 MO/YR 3RD UNEM(H-U) ’ 7837 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9999 14288 14291 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D42. In what month and year did that period begin? 0000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 219 Name='D43 #WK UNEMP-3RD (HD-U) ’ 7838 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14292 14294 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 D43. How many weeks was it before you returned to work? % nonzero = 0.1 mean nonzero = 11.5 001. 002. One week Two weeks 998. NA; DK, but more than 8 weeks 999. NA; DK 000. Inap.; permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9 Name='D44 WTR 4+ WK-3RD(HD-U) ’ 7839 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14295 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D44. 0.0 100.0 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , was there ever a time when 4 or more weeks passed during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student: never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 5 w e e k s o r m o r e t h a n Y weeks; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9; V7838=001-004, 009-999 2 2 0 - RAW DATA 7840 = Cross-year variable number Name='D45 WTR 4+ WK-3RD(HD-U) ’ 14296 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D45. 0.0 0.0 99.9 Sometimes people become discouraged with job-hunting. During this ___- w e e k p e r i o d , w a s t h e r e e v e r a t i m e w h e n 4 o r m o r e w e e k s p a s s e d during which you did not look for a job? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; V 7 7 0 6 = 1 - 2 , 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9; V7838=001-008, 999 7841 = Cross-year variable number Name='D46 4+ WK> ONCE?3(HD-U) ’ 14297 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D46. 0.0 100.0 Did this happen more than once? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; r e t u r n e d t o w o r k i n l e s s t h a n 9 w e e k s ; w a s n o t discouraged; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9; V7838=001-008, 999; V7840=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 221 7842 = Cross-year D47. 0.0 How many 2. 100.0 D48. did # X NO LOOK-3(HD-U) MD=9 ’ happen? 9. NA; 0. employed; retired, Inap.; permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; last period of unemployment began in 1979 or earlier; no other periods of unemployment; returned to work in less than 9 weeks; was not discouraged; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7829=5 or 9; V7836=5 or 9; V7838=001-008, 999; V7840=5 or 9; V7841=5 or 9 variable number 14299 = Cross-year We are interested in unemployment. During 1980 did you receive 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; 97.4 0. Inap.; employed; was not unemployed or 9; V7819=5 or = Cross-year times DK 0.9 1.6 7844 this Name='D47 Location 6. 7. 8. = Cross-year 7843 times Tape Two separate times Three separate times Four separate times Five separate times Six separate times Seven separate times Eight or more separate 4. 0.0 variable number 14298 = Cross-year Tape Name='D48 Location how people your last unemployment WTR REC UNEMP(HD-U) MD=9 replace lost earnings during period of (unemployment/layoff) compensation? ' in DK retired, permanently disabled, housewife, in 1980; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; 9 variable number 14300 = Cross-year Tape Name=‘D49 Location student; V7806=5 WTR USED UP $(HD-U)’ MD=9 D49. Did you use up your benefits? 0.4 0.5 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; 99.1 0. permanently Inap.; employed; retired, never worked; was not unemployed in V7706=1-2, unemployment compensation; 9; V7843=5 or 9 DK disabled, housewife, 1980: did not receive 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; student; V7819=5 or 222 - RAW DATA Name='D50 #WK NO UNEMP$(HD-U) ’ 7845 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14301 14302 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D50. How many weeks was it from the time you used up your benefits until you were back at work? % nonzero = 0.4 mean nonzero = 68.2 01. One week or less xx. Actual number of weeks 99. NA; DK 00. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, s t u d e n t ; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; did not receive unemployment compensation; did not use up benefits; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7843=5 or 9; V1844=5 or 9 Name=‘D51 WTR ELIG UNEM(HD-U) ’ 7846 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14303 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Do you think you were eligible? D51. 0.5 1.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 0.0 8. 9. Don’t know NA 98.4 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; received unemployment compensation; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7843=1 or 9 RAW DATA - 223 Name=‘D52 WHY NO UNEMP-1(H-U) ’ 7847 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14304 14305 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D52. Why didn’t you apply? First Mention attitudes of local officials; Administrative access problems: “too much red tape”: “ h a v e t o w a i t t o o l o n g ” transportation Physical access problems: disability and can’t get around Information access problems: anything about it difficulties; physical don’t know how to apply; didn’t know Don’t need it Attitude: don’t like charity; feel it is inappropriate to apply Receiving other kinds of assistance Have other sources of income (except code 06) Saving it up to use later; waiting to apply when other resources are used up Did apply; was denied unemployment; “was turned down.” Did not apply; “because I was looking for a job”; “thought I would return to work sooner”; “was only unemployed a short time”; “found another job.” ”I never appIied”; Did not apply, NA why: “I never thought about it” I didn’t check it out”: Other NA; DK Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, s t u d e n t ; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; received unemployment compensation; d i d n o t t h i n k w a s e l i g i b l e ; V 7 7 0 6 = 1 - 2 , 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7843=1 or 9; V7846=5 or 9 2 2 4 - RAW DATA 7848 = Cross-year variable number Name='D52 WHY NO UNEMP-2(H-U) ’ 14306 14307 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D52. Why didn’t you apply? Second Mention Administrative access problems: attitudes of local officials: “too much red tape”; “ h a v e t o w a i t t o o l o n g ” transportation Physical access problems: disability and can’t get around Information access problems: anything about it difficulties; physical don’t know how to apply; didn’t know Don’t need it Attitude: don’t like charity; feel it is inappropriate to apply Receiving other kinds of assistance Have other sources of income (except code 06) Saving it up to use later; waiting to apply when other resources are used up Did apply; was denied unemployment; “was turned down.” Did not apply: “because I was looking for a job”; “thought I would return to work sooner”; “was only unemployed a short time”; “found another job ." Did not apply, NA why: “I never applied”; I didn’t check it out”; “I never thought about it” Other Inap.; no second mention; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; received unemployment compensation; d i d n o t t h i n k w a s e l i g i b l e ; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7843=1 or 9; V7846=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 225 7849 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D53 OTR Y/UNEMP? (HD-U) ' 14308 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 D53. 1.1 1.4 0.0 97.5 (Still) thinking about your last period of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980, did you have any (other) sources of income? 1. 5. Yes No 3. NA;DK 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student: never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 Name='D54 TYPE OTR Y-1 (HD-U) ’ 7850 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14309-14310 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D54. What were they? (Any other sources of income?) First Mention 0.7 01. Transfer income: welfare; ADC; gifts 0.2 02. Earned income: 0.1 03. Capital income: 0.1 04. Other’s income: wife working; someone else in family is working odd jobs asset income; interest 05. Vacation/sick pay from previous job 06. WindfalI income; gambling 0.0 97. Other NA; DK 98.9 00. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, s t u d e n t ; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; no other sources of income; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7849=5 or 9 2 2 6 - RAW DATA 7851 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='D54 TYPE OTR Y-2 (HD-U) ’ 14311-14312 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 What were they? (Any other sources of income?) D54. Second Mention 0.0 01. 02. Transfer income: welfare; ADC; gifts Earned income: odd jobs 0.0 03. Capital income: asset income; interest 0.1 04. Other’s income: wife working; someone else in family is working 05. Vacation/sick pay from previous job 06. Windfall income; gambling 99.9 00. Other lnap.; no second mention; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; no other sources of income; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7849=5 or 9 Name='D55 RET SAME EMPLR(H-U) ’ 7852 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14313 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n [Still thinking about your last period of (unemployment/layoff) in 1980,] did you eventually return to the same employer? D55. 0.2 0.6 1.8 1. 5. 7. Yes No Still 0.0 9. NA; 97.4 0. looking DK Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 227 Name='D56 RET SAME JOB?(HD-U) ’ 7853 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14314 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 Did you go back to the same type of job? D56. 0.3 0.5 0.0 99.2 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; 0. DK Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7819=5 or 9; V7851=7 or 9 Name=‘D57 MORE $ LATER?7 (HD-U) ’ 7854 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14315 = Cross-year Tape Location D57. Did you go back to work at a lower, higher, or at the same wage rate that you received before becoming (unemployed/laid off)? 0.2 0.3 0.2 1. 3. 5. Lower Same Higher 0.0 0.0 8. 9. DK NA 95.2 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; was not unemployed in 1980; still looking; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7852=7 or 9 Name=‘D55 TIME TO WORK (HD-U) ’ 7855 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14316-14318 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D59. On your last job, how much time did it take you to get to work each day, door to door? % nonzero = 2.9 mean nonzero = 138.5 xxx. Actual number of hours per year 999. 999 hours per year or more 000. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; did not work in 1980; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7821=00 228 - RAW DATA Name=‘D59 ACC TIME WORK (HD-U) ’ 7856 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14319 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n D59. Accuracy of V7855 0.1 0.1 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 9 9 . 8 0 . I n a p . ; e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; did not work in 1980; no assignment; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7821=00; V7855=000 Name=‘D60 # MI TO WORK (HD-U) ' 7857 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14320-14321 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D60. About how many miles was it to where you worked? (one way) % nonzero = 2.9 mean nonzero = 10.7 01. 98. 99. 00. One mile or less Actual number of miles 98 m i l e s o r m o r e NA; DK Inap.; “none” to D59; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; never worked; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7821=00; V7855=000 7858 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D61 MODE TRAVL WRK(H-U) ’ MD=9 14322 = Cross-year Tape Location D61. Did you use public transportation to get to work, (drive with your wife) have a car pool, drive by yourself, walk, or what? 9 7 . 1 0 . I n a p . ; d i d n o t t r a v e l w o r k ; “None to D59; employed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7806=5 or 9; V7821=00; V7855=000 RAW DATA - 229 Name='D62 HD AGE 45-64?(HD-U) ' 7859 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14323 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 D62. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: 2.9 1. H e a d i s u n d e r a g e 45 0.6 2. Head 0.1 3. Head is age 65 or older 9. NA: DK is a g e 45 to 64 96.4 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7706=1-2, 4-8 7860 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘D63 AGE PLAN RETR(HD-U) ’ 14324-14325 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 D63. Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do think you will retire from the main work you are now seeking? 45. Forty-five years old xx. Actual age 96. 97. Ninety-six years old or more Never 98. 99. DK NA 00. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under age 45 or is age 65 or older; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7859=5, 3 or 9 7861 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘D64 RET BEFORE 65?(H-U) ' 14326 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 D64. Do you think you will retire before you are 65? 0.0 0.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 8. 9. Don’t know; depends NA 0. Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under age 45 or is age 65 or older; knows what age plans to retire; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7859=1, 3 or 9; V7860=45-97, 99 99.9 2 3 0 - RAW DATA Name=‘D65 AGE PLAN RETR(HD-U) ’ 7862 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14327-14328 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 D65. Now I have a question about retirement and planning for the future. At what age do you think you will retire from the main work you are now seeking? 1.92 Age sixty-five years xx. Actual age 96. 97. Age ninety-six or older Never 98. 99. NA 00. Don’t know Inap.; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; Head is under age 65; V7706=1-2, 4-8; V7859=1, 2, or 9 Name=‘E1 WTR RETIRED 7863 = Cross-year variable number 14329 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n E1. (HD-R) ' INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 17.1 1. 10.7 5. Retired Permanently disabled, housewife, student, or other 72.2 I n a p . ; employed; 0. unemployed; V7706=1-3 Name=‘E2 YEAR RETIRED (HD-R) ’ 7864 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14330-14331 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 E2. In what year did you retire? 99. 00. Last two digits of actual year in which Head retired NA; DK I n a p . ; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7863=5 Name=‘E3 WTR WRK FOR $ (HD-R) ’ 7865 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14332 = Cross-year Tape Location E3. During 1980, did you do any work for money? 6.5 21.3 1. 5. 72.2 0. Yes No NA; DK I n a p . ; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3 RAW DATA - 231 Name=‘E4 OCCUPATION 7866 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=999 14333-14335 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n E4. (HD-R) ’ What kind of work did you do? What was your occupation? 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical index of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. P l e a s e r e f e r t o A p p e n d i x 2 f o r specific listings. Professional, Technical. and Kindred Workers Managers and Administrators, Except Farm Sales Workers Clerical and Kindred Workers Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives, Except Transport Transport Equipment Operatives Laborers, Except Farm Farmers and Farm Managers Farm Laborers and Farm Foremen Service Workers, Except Private Household Private Household Workers NA; DK Inap.; employed; unemployed; not in labor force in 1980; V7706=1-3; V7865-5 or 9 232 - RAW DATA Name=‘E5 INDUSTRY 7867 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14336-14338 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 (HD-R) ' E5. What kind of business or industry was that in? 3-digit Industry Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. Please refer to Appendix 2 for specific listings. Agriculture, Forestry. and Fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing Transportation, Communications, and Other Public Utilities Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Business and Repair Services Personal Services Entertainment and Recreation Services Professional and Related Services Public Administration NA; DK Inap.; unemployed; not in labor force in 1980; V7706=1-3; V7865=5 or 9 Name=‘E6 #WKS WORKED 7868 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14339-14340 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 E6. (HD-R) ' How many weeks did you work last year? % nonzero = 6.5 mean nonzero = 25.7 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks worked in 1980 NA; DK Inap.; none; not in labor force in 1980; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7865=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 233 7869 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘E7 HR/WK WORKED (HD-R) ’ 14341-14342 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 E7. About how many hours a week did you work? % nonzero = 6.5 mean nonzero = 28.8 01. One hour or less Actual hours per week 98. 98 hours or more NA; DK 99. 00. Inap.; none; not in labor force in 1980; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7865=5 or 9; V7868=00 Name=‘E8 WORKING NOW? (HD-R) ’ 7870 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14343 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 E8. Are you still working? 2.2 1. Yes 4.1 5. No 0.3 9. NA; DK 93.5 0. I n a p . ; not in labor force in 1980; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7865=5 o r 9 234 - RAW DATA Name=‘E9 HAPPND LST JOB(HD-R) ’ 7871 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14344 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n E9. What happened to that job--did the company go out of business, were you laid off, or what? Company folded/changed hands/moved out of town; employer died/went out of business 0.0 2. Strike; lockout Laid off; fired Quit; resigned; to change jobs retired; p r e g n a n t ; needed more money; just wanted W asn’t working before this W as self-employed before Other--(including drafted into service or any mention of service) Job was completed; seasonal work 0.1 95.9 9. NA; 0. DK I n a p . ; not in labor force in 1980; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7865=5 or 9; V7870=1 or 9 Name=‘E10 JOB IN FUTURE?(H-R) ’ 7872 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14345 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Are you thinking of getting (a/another) job in the future? E10. 3.7 1. Yes 24.0 5. No 0.1 72.2 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3 RAW DATA - 235 Name=‘E11 WHEN GET JOB (HD-R) ' 7873 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14346-14347 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 E11. When might that be? (How soon?) 01. 96. 98. 99. 00. One year from now, or sooner Actual number of years M e n t i o n s f a m i l y e v e n t s ____ only, no dates given Educational reasons for self only, no dates given Don’t Know NA I n a p . ; employed; u n e m p l o y e d ; d i d n o t w o r k f o r m o n e y ; i s n o t thinking of getting a job in the future; V7706=1-3; V7872=5 or 9 Name=‘E12 TYPE JOB SEEK(HD-R) ’ 7874 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14348 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 E12. What kind of job do you have in mind? 2.4 1. Mentions some explicit job or type of work, e.g., machinist, computer prograrmner, e t c . ; s e l f - e m p l o y e d w i t h m e n t i o n o f e x p l i c i t type of work/field/area 0.8 3. Mentions broad type of work, e . g . , h o s p i t a l w o r k , j o b a t f a c t o r y o r school ; s e l f - e m p l o y m e n t w i t h n o m e n t i o n o f a n y e x p l i c i t t y p e o f work 0.2 5. Vague; mentions only company name 0.2 7. Mentions temporary/intermittent work 0.0 0.2 8. 9. Other NA; DK 96.3 0. I n a p . ; employed; u n e m p l o y e d ; p e r m a n e n t l y d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , student; V7706=1-3; V7872=5 or 9 Name=‘E13 WTR NEED TRNG(HD-R) ’ 7875 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14349 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 E13. Would you have to get any training to qualify? 1.0 1. Yes 2.5 5. No 0.2 8. Don’t know 0.0 9. NA 86.3 0. I n a p . ; not thinking about getting a job; employed; unemployed; V7706=1-3; V7872=5 or 9 236 - RAW DATA = Cross-year 7876 E14. Have you been 0.9 1. Yes 2.9 5. No 9. NA; 0. Inap.; not V7706=1-3; 96.3 7877 variable number 14350 = Cross-year = Cross-year E15. 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 doing Tape anything Name=‘E14 Location LOOK FOR JOB? (HD-R) MD=9 in four the last thinking V7872=5 about or 9 variable number 14351 = Cross-year How many about a job? places have you Tape been getting a job; Name=‘E15 Location to in the One Two Three Four Five 8. Don’t 0.0 9. NA 99.3 0. not thinking about getting Inap.; none; has been doing nothing to unemployed; V7872=5 or 9; V7876=5 or 9 = Cross-year F1. 55.4 14.3 30.3 or find a job? #PLACES MD=9 last four unemployed; LOOKD(HD-R) weeks to ’ find know variable number 14352 = Cross-year Head Head Head employed; more INTERVIEWER 1. 2. 3. to DK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7878 weeks ’ Tape Name=‘F1 Location a job; employed; find a job; V7706=1-3; WIFE CHECKPOINT is is is male who male who female has wife does not in FU have wife in FU IN FU? out RAW DATA - 237 Name='F2 EMPLOYMENT STAT-WF ’ 7879 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14353 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F2. W e would like to know about what your (wife/friend) does--is she working now, l o o k i n g f o r w o r k , r e t i r e d , a student, a housewife, or what? 26.2 0.4 1. 2. W orking now Only temporarily laid off 0.9 3. Looking for work, unemployed 3.1 0.7 23.7 0.4 0.0 44.6 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. Retired Permanently disabled Housewife Student Other I n a p ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d i n F U ; V7878=2 o r 3 Name='F3 WORK FOR SELF?(WF-E) ’ 7880 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14354 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F3. Does your (wife/friend) work for someone else, herself, or what? 23.9 0.6 2.0 1. 2. 3. Someone else Both someone else and self Self only 0.0 9. NA; DK 73.4 0. I n a p . ; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 Name=‘F4 WRK FOR GOVT? (WF-E) ’ 7881 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14355 = Cross-year Tape Location F4. 6.1 18.4 0.0 (In her work for someone else) does she work for the federal, state, or local government? 1. 5. 9. 75.4 0. Yes No NA; DK I n a p . ; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; does not work for someone else; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7880=3 or 9 238 - RAW DATA 7882 = Cross-year variable number Name='F5 JOB UNION? MD=9 14356 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F5 . 4.4 20.2 0.0 75.4 (WF-E) ’ Is her current j o b c o v e r e d b y a u n i o n c o n t r a c t ? 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; 0. DK I n a p . ; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; does not work for someone else only; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7880=3 or 9 7883 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='F6 BELONG JOB UN?(WF-E) ’ 14357 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 F6. Does she belong to that union? 3.6 0.7 1. 5. 0.0 95.6 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK I n a p . ; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; does not work for someone else only; current job not covered by union contract; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7880=3 or 9; V7882=5 or 9 7884 = Cross-year variable number Name='F7 #MO THIS EMPLR(WF-E) ’ 14358-14360 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 F7. How long has your (wife/friend) worked for her present employer? % nonzero = 24.5 mean nonzero = 71.6 001. One month or less xxx. Actual number of months 998. 999. 998 months or more NA; DK 000. Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; permanently disabled, retired, housewife, student; self-employed; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7880=3 or 9 - - RAW DATA - 239 Name=‘F8-9 OCCUPATION (WF-E) ’ 7885 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14361-14363 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 What is your (wife’s/friend’s) main occupation? she do? F9. Tell me a little more about what she does. F8. What sort of work does 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical index of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers Managers and Administrators, Except Farm 0.2 260-280. Sales Workers Clerical and Kindred Workers Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives, Except Transport Transport Equipment Operatives 0.7 740-785. Laborers, Except Farm Farmers and Farm Managers Farm Laborers and Farm Foremen Service Workers, Except Private Household Private Household Workers NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 2 4 0 - RAW DATA Name=‘F10 7886 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14364-14366 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F10. INDUSTRY MD=999 (WF-E) ’ What kind of business or industry is that in? 3-digit Industry Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of industries and Occupations issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 0.0 047-057. Mining 0.2 067-077. 4.9 107-398. Construction Manufacturing Transportation, Communications, and Other Public Utilities Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Business and Repair Services Personal Services Entertainment and Recreation Services Professional and Related Services Public Administration NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 Name=‘F11 SLRY/HRLY/OTR (WF-E) ’ 7887 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14367 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F11. Is your (wife/friend) salaried, paid by the hour, or what? Salaried Paid by hour 3.3 7. Other NA; DK 73.4 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 RAW DATA 7888 = Cross-year variable number 14368-14371 = Cross-year Name='F12 Location Tape PAY/HR-SALARY MD=9999 (WF-E) 241 ' How much is her salary? % nonzero = 10.5 mean nonzero = 713.4 xxxx. Actual dollars and cents 9998. $99.98 or per hour 9999. 0000. NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; permanently disabled, V7879=3-8; V7887=3-9 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. 7889 more variable F13. What is her hourly wage hour is not housewife, is = cross-year variable number 14372-14375 = Cross-year per defined salaried; student; in the Tape Name=‘F13 Location rate for her unemployed; V7878=2 dictionary as PAY/HR-HOURLY MD=9999 regular work or retired, 3; having (WF-E) no ' time? % nonzero = 12.7 mean nonzero = 531.8 9998. $99.98 or xxxx. Actual dollars 9999. 0000. NA: DK Inap.; no wife/friend; permanently disabled, V7879=3-8; V7887=1, OSIRIS USERS: Note that this decimal places. more variable per hour and cents is per hour is not housewife, 7-9 defined in salaried; unemployed; retired, student; disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3 the dictionary as having no 2 4 2 - RAW DATA Name=‘F14 HOW PAID-OTR (WF-E) ’ 7890 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14376 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 F14. 0.5 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 96.7 How is that? (Paid other than salary or hourly) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Piecework Commission Tips; tips and salary Salary plus commission Self-employed; farmer; “ p r o f i t s ” By the job/day/mile Other W orks in husband’s business; shares profits with head 9. NA; DK 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; salaried/paid by hour; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7887=1,3,9 Name='F15 #MOS THIS JOB(WF-E) ’ 7891 = Cross-year variable number 14377-14379 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 F15. How long has your (wife/friend) had her present position? % nonzero = 26.6 mean nonzero = 55.7 001. One month or less XXX. Actual number of months 998. 999. 000. 998 months or more NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 RAW DATA - 243 Name=‘F17 MO BEGAN JOB (WF-E) ’ 7892 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14380-14381 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F17. What month did she start this job? 0.1 99. 93.9 00. NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; has had job for one year or more; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7891=012-999 Name=‘F18 HAPPND PREV JB (W-E) ’ 7893 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14382 = Cross-year Tape Location F18. What happened to the job she had before--did the company go out oof business, was she laid off, promoted, not working, or what? 1. Company folded/changed hands/moved out of town; employer died/sent out of business 2. Strike; 0.5 3. Laid off; fired 2.5 4. Q u i t ; r e s i g n e d ; r e t i r e d ; pregnant; needed more money; just wanted a change in jobs; was self-employed before; still has previous job (in addition to the job in F7) 1.2 5. No previous job; first full-time or permanent job wife/friend ever had; wasn’t working before this 0.3 lockout 0.9 6. Promotion 0.3 7. Other--(including drafted into service or any mention of service) 0.2 8. Job was completed; seasonal work; was a temporary job 0.1 9. NA; 93.9 0. DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; has had job for one year or more; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7891=012-999 244 7894 - RAW = DATA Cross-year variable F19. We’re Did the 7895 Cross-year interested in your family 1. Yes 20.5 5. No 0.0 9. NA; 73.4 0. Inap.; disabled, F20. no much FU; unemployed; in 6.1 = did ILL (WF-E) ’ in 1980 her time because last someone year. else in V7878=2 Name=‘F20 Tape she retired, or 3; #WKS Location permanently V7879=3-8 OTRS ILL(WF-E) ’ MD=99 miss? 1.6 99. NA; 00. missed Inap.; permanently Did spent work student; One week or Actual number F21. (wife/friend) housewife, 01. Cross-year OTRS MD=9 any wife/friend work less of weeks missed because someone else was ill in DK V7894=5 = your miss variable number = Cross-year % nonzero = mean nonzero 7896 how WTR Location DK Cross-year 14384-14385 How Name=‘F19 Tape (wife/friend) was sick? 6.1 = number = 14383 or no work; disabled, (wife/friend) 12.6 1. Yes 13.9 5. No 0.0 9. NA; 73.4 0. Inap.; disabled, in student; FU; unemployed; V7878=2 or 3; Name=‘F21 Tape miss WTR Location SELF ILL (WF-E) wife/friend housewife, any work FU; unemployed; in student; ’ MD=9 in 1980 because she was DK no retired, V7879=3-8; 9 variable number 14386 = Cross-year your no wife/friend housewife, V7878=2 retired, or 3; V7879=3-8 permanently sick? 1980 RAW DATA - 245 Name=‘F22 #WKS SELF ILL(WF-E) ’ 7897 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14387-14388 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F22. How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 12.6 mean nonzero = 2.4 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks missed because wife ill in 1980 NA; DK I n a p . ; missed no work; n o w i f e / f r i e n d i n F U ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7890=5,9 7898 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘F23 WTR VACATION (WF-E) ’ 14389 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 F23. Did your (wife/friend) take any vacation or time off during 1980? 21.3 1. 5.3 0.0 Yes 5. 9. No NA; 73.4 0. DK Inap.; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 Name=‘F24 #WKS VACATION(WF-E) ’ 7899 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14390-14391 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 F24. How much vacation or time off did she take? % nonzero = 21.3 mean nonzero = 4.6 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks of vacation in 1980 NA; DK Inap.; missed no work; no wife/friend in FU; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3: V7879=3-8; V7898=5 or 9 246 - RAW DATA 7900 = Cross-year F25. variable number 14392 = Cross-year Did your strike? (wife/friend) 0.1 26.5 0.0 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; 73.4 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; housewife, student; 7901 Tape miss Name='F25 Location any work WTR ON STRIKE(WF-E) MD=9 in 1980 because she ’ was on DK = Cross-year variable number 14393-14394 = Cross-year unemployed; V7878=2 or 3; Tape retired, V7879=3-8 Name=‘F26 Location permanently disabled, #WKS ON STRIK(WF-E) MD=99 ’ How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 0.1 mean nonzero = 6.9 One week or less Actual number of weeks on strike NA; DK no wife/friend Inap.; ;missed no work permanently disabled, housewife, V7900=5 or 9 01. xx. 99. 00. 7902 = Cross-year F27. variable number 14395 = Cross-year Did your unemployed (wife/friend) or temporarily 3.6 22.9 0.0 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; 73.4 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; housewife, student; Tape miss in in FU; unemployed; student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 Name=‘F27 Location any work laid off? 1980 in WTR UNEMPLOYD (WF-E) MD=9 1980 because she retired. retired, ’ was DK unemployed; V7878=2 or 3; retired, V7879=3-8 permanently disabled, RAW DATA - 247 Name=‘F28 #WKS UNEMPLOYD (W-E) ’ 7903 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14396-14397 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 F28. How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 3.6 mean nonzero = 15.3 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks unemployed in 1980 NA; DK I n a p . ; missed no work; n o w i f e / f r i e n d i n F U ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7902=5 or 9 Name= 'F29 #WKS WORKED (WF-E) ' 7904 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14398-14399 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 F29. Then, how many weeks did she actually work on her main job in 1980? % nonzero = 26.2 mean nonzero = 43.1 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks worked in 1980 NA; DK I n a p . ; missed no work; n o w i f e / f r i e n d i n F U ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 Name=‘F31 HR/WK WORKED (WF-E) ’ 7905 = Cross-year variable number MD=99 14400-14401 = Cross-year Tape Location F 3 1 . A n d , on the average, how many hours a week did she work on her main job in 1980? % nonzero = 26.2 mean nonzero = 35.2 01. XX . 98. 99. 00. One hour or less Actual number of hours per week 98 hours or more NA; DK Inap.; none; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7904=00 248 - RAW DATA 7906 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘F32 WTR WRKD OT (WF-E) ' MD=9 14402 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F32. Did your (wife/friend) work any overtime which isn’t included in that? 5.7 20.4 0.0 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; 73.8 0 . I n a p . ; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7904=00 DK 7907 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘F34 WTR XTRA JOBS(WF-E) ’ 14403 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 F34. Did your (wife/friend) have any extra jobs or other ways of making money in addition to her main job in 1980? 1.9 24.6 1. 5. 0.0 9. 73.4 Yes No NA; DK 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 RAW DATA - 249 7908 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='F35 OCC-XTRA JOB (WF-E) ’ 14404-14405 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F35. What did she do? PROFESSIONAL. TECHNICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS _______ (001-195) Physicians (medical 10. osteopathic), Dentists (062,065) 0.1 11. Other Medical and Paramedical: chiropractors, optometrists, pharmacists, v e t e r i n a r i a n s , n u r s e s , t h e r a p i s t s , h e a l e r s , dieticians (except medical and dental technicians, see 16) (061,063,064,071-076) 0.1 12. Accountants and Auditors (001) Teachers, Primary and Secondary Schools (including NA type) 0.2 13. (141-145) 14. Teachers, College; Social Scientists; Librarians; Archivists 0.1 (032-036,081-086,102-140) 0.0 Architects; Chemists; Engineers; Physical and Biological 15. Scientists (002,006-023,042-054) Technicians: 16. 0.0 Airplane pilots and navigators, designers, draftsmen, f o r e s t e r s a n d c o n s e r v a t i o n i s t s , e m b a l m e r s , photographers, radio operators, surveyors, technicians (medical. dental, testing, n.e.c.) (003-005,025,055,080-085,150-173,183,191) 0.0 17. Public Advisors: Clergymen, e d i t o r s a n d r e p o r t e r s , f a r m a n d h o m e management advisors, personnel and labor relations workers, public relations persons, publicity workers, religious, social and welfare workers (024,026,056,086,090,100-101,184,192) 18. Judges; Lawyers (030,031) 0.1 19. Professional, technical and kindred workers not listed above (174,175-182,185,190,193-195) MANAGERS, OFFICIALS AND PROPRIETORS (EXCEPT FARM) (201-245) 0.0 20. Not self-employed 0.1 31. Self-employed (unincorporated businesses) CLERICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.2 40. Secretaries, stenographers, typists (370-372,376,391) 0.1 41. Other Clerical Workers: agents (n.e.c.) library assistants and attendants, b a n k t e l l e r s , c a s h i e r s , b i l l c o l l e c t o r s , t i c k e t , station and express agents, etc., receptionists (301-364,374-375,381,392-395) SALES WORKERS 0.3 45. Retail store salesmen and sales clerks, newsboys, hucksters, peddlers, traveling salesmen, advertising agents and salesmen, insurance agents, brokers, and salesmen, etc. (260-280) CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.0 50. Foremen, n.e.c. (441) Other craftsmen and kindred workers (401-440,442-580) 0.0 51. 52. Government protective service workers; firemen, police, marshals, and constabIes (960-965) OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 0 . 0 61. Transport equipment operatives (701-715) 0.1 62. Operatives, except transport (601-685) LABORERS 0 . 0 70. 0 . 0 71. UnskiIled laborers--nonfarm (740-785) Farm laborers and foremen (821-824) 250 - RAW DATA SERVICE WORKERS Private household workers (980-984) 0.1 73. Other service workers: barbers, beauticians, manicurists, 0.3 75. bartenders, boarding and lodging housekeepers, counter and fountain workers, housekeepers and stewards, waiters, cooks, midwives, practical nurses, babysitters, attendants in physicians’ and dentists’ offices (901-965 except 960-965 when work for local, state or federal government) FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS Farmers (owners and tenants) and managers (except code 71) 0.0 80. (801-802) MlSCELLANEOUS GROUPS 0.0 55. M e m b e r s o f a r m e d f o r c e s 0.0 99. NA; DK 98.1 00. I n a p . ; “ N o ” t o F 3 2 ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7907=5 or 9 Name=‘F36 #WKS-XTRA JOB (WF-E) ’ 7909 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14406-14407 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F36. And how many weeks did your (wife/friend) work on her extra job(s) in % nonzero = 1.9 mean nonzero = 24.4 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks worked in 1980 NA; DK I n a p . ; missed no work; n o w i f e / f r i e n d i n F U ; u n e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7907=5 or 9 Name=‘F37 HR/WK-XTRA JOB (W-E) ’ 7910 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14408-14409 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F37. On the average, how many hours a week did she work on her extra % nonzero = 1.9 mean nonzero = 13.2 01. XX. 98. 99. 00. One hour or less Actual number of hours per week 98 hours or more NA; DK Inap.; none; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7907=5,9; V7909=00 RAW DATA - 251 Name=‘F38 TIME TO WORK (WF-E) ’ 7911 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14410-14412 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F38. About how much time does it take your (wife/friend) to get to work each day, door to door? % nonzero = 24.4 mean nonzero = 124.6 xxx. 999. Actual number of hours per year 999 hours or more 000. Inap.; no wife; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; “none”; varies; did not work in 1980; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7904=00 Name=‘F38 ACC TIME WORK(WF-E) ’ 7912 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14413 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n F38. 0.2 0.2 Accuracy of V7911 1. 2. 99.6 0. Minor assignment Major assignment Inap.; no assignment; no wife; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; “none” to F38; varies; did not work in 1980; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7904=00; V7911=000 Name='F39 #Ml TO WORK (WF-E) ’ 7913 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14414-14415 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 F39. About how many miles is it to where she works? (one way) % nonzero = 24.7 mean nonzero = 8.3 01. 98. 99. 00. One mile or less Ninety-eight miles or more N A ; D K Inap.; “None” to F38; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8 252 - RAW DATA Name=‘F40 MODE TRAVL WRK(W-E) ’ 7914 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14416 = Cross-year Tape Location F40. Does she use public transportation to get to work, drive with you, have a car pool, drive by herself, walk, or what? 1.5 2.7 2.1 16.6 1.1 0.6 0.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 75.3 0. Public transportation Drive with head Car pool Drive by self Walk Other NA; DK I n a p . ; did not travel to work; “None” to F38; no wife/friend; unemployed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=3-8; V7913=00 RAW DATA 7915 variable number = Cross-year 14417-14418 = Cross-year Tape Name=‘G1 Location OCC-JOB MD=99 SOUGHT(WF-U) 253 ’ G1. What kind of job is your (wife/friend) looking for? PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND KINDRED WORKERS 10. Physicians (medical osteopathic), Dentists (062,065) 0.0 11. Other Medical and Paramedical: chiropractors, optometrists, pharmacists, veterinarians, nurses, therapists, healers, dieticians (except medical and dental technicians, see 16) (061,063,064,071-076) Accountants and Auditors (001) 12. Teachers, Primary and Secondary Schools (including NA type) 0.1 13. (141-145) Teachers, College; Social Scientists; Librarians; Archivists 0.0 14. (032-036,091-096,102-140) Architects; Chemists; Engineers; Physical and Biological 15. Scientists (002.006-023.042-054) Technicians: Airplane pilots and navigators, designers, 16. draftsmen, foresters and conservationists, embalmers, radio operators, surveyors, technicians (medical. photographers, dental, testing, n.e.c.) (003-005,025,055,080-085,150-173,183,191) 0.0 17. Public Advisors: Clergymen, editors and reporters, farm and home management advisors, personnel and labor relations workers, public relations persons, publicity workers, religious, social and welfare workers (024,026,056,086,090,100-,101,184,192) Judges; Lawyers (030,031) 18. technical and kindred workers not listed above Professional, 0.1 19. (174,175-182,185,190,193-195) MANAGERS, 0.0 20. 0.0 31. CLERICAL 0.1 40. 0.1 41. OFFICIALS AND PROPRIETORS Not self-employed Self-employed (unincorporated (EXCEPT FARM) (201-245) businesses) AND KINDRED WORKERS Secretaries, stenographers, typists (370-372,376,391) Other Clerical Workers: agents (n.e.c.) library attendants, bank tellers, cashiers, bill collectors, station and express agents, etc., receptionists (301-364,374-375,381,392-395) SALES WORKERS 0.0 45. Retail store salesmen and sales clerks, peddlers, traveling salesmen, advertising insurance agents, brokers, and salesmen, assistants ticket, newsboys, hucksters, agents and salesmen, etc. (260-280) CRAFTSMEN, FOREMEN, AND KINDRED WORKERS 50. Foremen, n.e.c. (441) Other craftsmen and kindred workers (401-440,442-580) 51. 52. Government protective service workers; firemen, police, and constables (960-965) OPERATIVES AND KINDRED WORKERS 0.0 61. Transport equipment operatives 0.1 62. Operatives, except transport LABORERS 70. 71. Unskilled laborers--nonfarm Farm laborers and foremen (701-715) (601-695) (740-785) (821-824) and marshals, 254 - RAW DATA SERVICE WORKERS 0.0 73. Private household workers (980-984) barbers, beauticians, manicurists, 0.1 75. Other service workers: bartenders, boarding and lodging housekeepers, counter and fountain workers, housekeepers and stewards, waiters, cooks, midwives, practical nurses, babysitters, attendants in physicians’ and dentists’ offices (901-965 except 960-965 when working for local, state, or federal government) FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS Farmers (owners and tenants) and managers (except code 71) 80. (801-802) MISCELLANEOUS GROUPS Members of armed forces 55. 0.1 99. NA: DK 99.1 00. Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8 7916 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘G2 WTR LOOK JOB (WF-U) ’ 14419 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 G2. Has she been doing anything in the last four weeks to find a job? 0.7 0.1 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 99.1 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8 7917 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘G3 #PLACES LOOKED (WF-U) ’ 14420 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 G3. How many places has your (wife/friend) been to in the last four weeks to find out about a job? 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.3 5. One Two Three Four Five or more 0.0 9, NA; DK 99.3 0. Inap.; none; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently d i s a b l e d , h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7916=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 255 7918 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘G4 #WKS LOOK WORK(WF-U) ' 14421-14422 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 G4. How long has she been looking for work? % nonzero = 0.9 nonzero = 24.0 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7819=1-2, 4-8 Name=‘G5 EVER HAD JOB? (WF-U) ’ 7919 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14423 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 G5. Has your (wife/friend) ever had a job? 0.9 0.0 1. 5. Yes No 99.1 00. NA; DK I n a p . ; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8 2 5 6 - RAW DATA Name=‘G6 OCC-LAST JOB (WF-U) ’ 7920 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14424-14426 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 G6. What sort of work did your (wife/friend) do on her last job? her occupation?) (What was 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers Managers and Administrators, Except Farm Sales Workers Clerical and Kindred Workers Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives, Except Transport Transport Equipment Operatives Laborers, Except Farm Farmers and Farm Managers Farm Laborers and Farm Foremen Service Workers, Except Private Household Private Household Workers NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked: V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 257 7921 - C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘G7 IND-LAST JOB (WF-U) ’ 14427-14429 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 G7. What kind of business or industry was that in? 3-digit Industry Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. P l e a s e r e f e r t o A p p e n d i x 2 f o r specific listings. 0.0 017-028. Agriculture, 047-057. Mining 067-077. Forestry, and Fisheries Construction 0.1 107-398. Manufacturing 0.0 407-479. Transportation, Communications, and Other Public Utilities 0.2 507-698. Wholesale and Retail Trade 0.1 707-718. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 0.0 727-759. Business and Repair Services 0.0 769-798. Personal Services 0.0 807-809. Entertainment and Recreation Services 0.3 828-897. Professional and Related Services 0.0 907-937. Public 0.1 99.1 999. 000. Administration NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 258 - RAW DATA Name=‘G8 HAPPND LST JOB(WF-U) ’ 7922 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14430 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 G8. What happened to that job--did the company go out of business, was she laid off, or what? 0.1 1. 0.2 0.5 2. 3. 4. 0.1 99.1 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Company folded/changed hands/moved out of town; employer died/went out of business Strike; lockout Laid off; fired Quit; resigned; retired; pregnant; just wanted to change jobs W asn’t working before this W as self-employed before Other (including drafted into service or any mention of service) Job was completed: seasonal work NA; DK I n a p . ; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked, V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 Name=‘G9 YEAR LAST WRKD(WF-U) ’ 7923 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14431-14432 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 G9. When did your (wife/friend) last work? XX. 99. 00. Last two digits of actual year retired NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled. housewife, student; never worked, V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 Name=‘G10 WTR VACATION (WF-U) ’ 7924 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14433 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 G10. 0.4 0.5 99.1 Did your (wife/friend) take any vacation or time off during 1980? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. I n a p . ; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked, V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 259 7925 = Cross-year variable number 14434-14435 = Cross-year Name=‘G11 Location Tape #WKS VACATION(WF-U) MD=99 ’ G11. How much vacation or time off did she take? % nonzero = 0.4 mean nonzero = 4.0 01. One week or less Actual number of NA; DK 99. 00. 7926 0.2 0.7 99.1 7927 Did else variable number 14436 = Cross-year your (wife/friend) in the family was 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; in 0. Inap.; no wife/friend: housewife, student; Tape miss sick? 1980 retired, V7878=2 Name=‘G12 Location any work in permanently disabled, or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; WTR OTRS ILL MD=9 1980 because (WF-U) you or ’ someone DK = Cross-year variable number 14437-14438 = Cross-year G13. worked Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; housewife, student; never worked; V7919=5 or 9; V7924=5 or 9 = Cross-year G12. weeks How much work did she employed; V7878=2 or Tape 3; retired, permanently disabled, V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or Name=‘G13 Location #WKS OTRS lLL(WF-U) MD=99 9 ’ miss? 0 nonzero = 0.2 mean nonzero = 2.6 01. xx. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks missed in NA: DK Inap.; no wife/friend: employed; housewife, student; never worked; V7919=5 or 9; V7926=5 or 9 1980 retired, V7878=2 permanently disabled, or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; 2 6 0 - RAW DATA Name=‘G14 WTR SELF ILL (WF-U) ’ 7928 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14439 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 G14. 0.3 0.5 Did your (wife/friend) miss any work in 1980 because she was sick? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 99.1 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 Name=‘G15 #WKS SELF ILL (WF-U) ’ 7929 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14440-14441 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 G15. How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 0.3 mean nonzero = 1.7 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks missed in 1980 NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7928=5 or 9 7930 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘G16 WTR ON STRIKE(WF-U) ’ 14442 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 G16. 0.9 Did your (wife/friend) miss any work in 1980 because she was on strike? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 99.1 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 o r 9 RAW DATA - 261 Name=‘G17 #WKS ON STRIK(WF-U) ' 7931 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14443-14444 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 G17. How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 0.0 mean nonzero = 0.0 01. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks missed in 1980 NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7930=5 or 9 Name=‘G18 WTR UNEMPLOYD(WF-U) ’ 7932 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14445 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 G18. Did your (wife/friend) miss any work in 1980 because she was unemployed or temporarily laid off? 0.5 1. Yes 0.3 5. No 9. NA; DK 99.1 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9 7933 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘G19 #WKS UNEMPLD (WF-U) ’ 14446-14447 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 G19. How much work did she miss? % nonzero = 0.5 mean nonzero = 27.4 01. XX. 99. 00. One week or less Actual number of weeks missed in 1980 NA; DK Inap.; none; no wife/friend; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7932=5 or 9 2 6 2 - RAW DATA 7934 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘G20 #WKS WORKED (WF-U) ’ 14448-14449 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 G20. Then, how many weeks did she actually work on her job in 1980? % nonzero = 0.6 mean nonzero = 27.4 01. One week or less XX. Actual number of weeks worked in 1980 99. 00. NA; DK Inap; None; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , p e r m a n e n t l y disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2,4-8; V7919=5 or 9 Name=‘G22 HR/WK WORKED (WF-U) ’ 7935 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14450-14451 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 G22. And, on average, how many hours a week did she work when she worked? % nonzero = 0.6 mean nonzero = 39.4 01. One hour or less 99. 00. Actual hours worked per week Ninety-eight hours or more NA; DK Inap; None; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , p e r m a n e n t l y disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2,4-8; V7919=5 or 9 Name=‘G24 TIME TO WORK (WF-U) ’ 7936 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14452-14454 = Cross-year Tape Location G24. On her last job, how much time did it take her to get to work each day, door to door? % nonzero = 0.6 mean nonzero = 92.8 xxx. Actual number of hours per year 999. 999 hours or more 000. Inap.; no wife; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked, did not work in 1980; “none”; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7923=01-79, 99; V7934=00 RAW DATA - 263 Name='G24 ACC TIME WORK(WF-U) ’ 7937 = Cross-year variable number 14455 = Cross-year Tape Location G24. Accuracy of V7936 0.0 0.0 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 100.0 0. Inap.; no wife; employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; did not work in 1980; “none” to G24; no assignment; V7878=2-3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7923=01-79, 99; V7934=00; V7936=000 Name=‘G25 #Ml TO WORK (WF-U) ’ 7938 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14456-14457 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 G25. About how many miles was it to where she worked? (one way) % nonzero = 0.6 mean nonzero = 7.8 01. 98. 99. 00. One mile or less Actual number of miles to work Ninety-eight miles or more NA; DK Inap; “none” to G23; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; e m p l o y e d ; r e t i r e d , permanently disabled, housewife, student; never worked; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-2,4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7923=01-78,99; V7934=00 Name=‘G26 MODE TRAVL WRK(W-U) ’ 7939 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14458 = Cross-year Tape Location G26. 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.4 Did your (wife/friend) use public transportation to get to work, drive with you, have a car pool, drive by herself, or what? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 0. Public transportation Drive with Head Car pool Drive by self Walk Other NA; DK Inap; did not travel to work; “None” to G23; no wife/friend: employed; retired, permanently disabled, housewife, student; V7818=2 or 3; V7879=1-2, 4-8; V7919=5 or 9; V7923=01-79, 99; V7934=00 264 - RAW DATA 7940 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘H1 WTR RETIRED 14459 = Cross-year Tape Location H1. (WF-R) ' INTERVIEW IER CHECKPOINT 3.1 24.8 1. 5. Wife i s r e t i r e d Wife is permanently disabled, housewife, student, or other 72.1 0. Inap; no wife/friend; employed; unemployed; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-3 Name=‘H2 YEAR RETIRED (WF-R) ’ 7941 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14460-14461 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 H2. In what year did your (wife/friend) retire? XX. 99. 00. Last two digits of actual year retired NA; DK Inap; no wife/friend; employed; unemployed; permanently disabled, h o u s e w i f e , s t u d e n t ; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-3; V7940=5 7942 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘H3 WTR WRK FOR $ (WF-R) ’ 14462 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 H3. During 1980, did your (wife/friend) do any work for money? 6.6 21.3 1. 5. Yes No 72.1 0. NA; DK I n a p ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; employed; u n e m p l o y e d ; V 7 8 7 8 = 2 o r 3 ; V7879= 1 - 3 RAW DATA - 265 Name=‘H4 OCCUPATION 7943 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14463-14465 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 H4. (WF-R) ' What kind of work did she do? What was her occupation? 3-digit Occupation Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupation issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers Managers and Administrators, Except Farm Sales Workers Clerical and Kindred Workers Craftsmen and Kindred Workers Operatives, Except Transport Transport Equipment Operatives Laborers, Except Farm Farmers and Farm Managers Farm Laborers and Farm Foremen Service Workers, Except Private Household Private Household Workers NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; unemployed; not in labor force in 1980; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-3; V7942=5 or 9 266 - RAW DATA Name=‘H5 INDUSTRY 7944 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14466-14468 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 (WF-R) ’ H5. What kind of business or industry was that in? 3-digit Industry Code from 1970 Census of Population; Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations issued June 1971 by the U.S. Department of Please refer to Appendix 2 for Commerce and the Bureau of the Census. specific listings. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries 0.0 047-057. Mining 0.1 067-077. Construction 0.6 107-398. Manufacturing Transportation, Communications, and Other Public Utilities Wholesale and Retail Trade Finance, Insurance. and Real Estate Business and Repair Services Personal Services Entertainment and Recreation Services Professional and Related Services Public Administration NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; employed; unemployed; not in labor force in 1980; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-3; V7942=5 or 9 Name=‘H6 # WKS WORKED 7945 = Cross-year variable number MD=99 14465-14470 = Cross-year Tape Location H6. (WF-R) ’ How many weeks did your (wife/friend) work last year? XX. Actual number of weeks worked in 1980 99. 00. NA; DK Inap; none; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; e m p l o y e d ; u n e m p l o y e d ; n o t i n l a b o r force in 1980; V7878=2 or 3; V7879=1-3; V7942=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 267 variable number = Cross-year 14471-14472 = Cross-year 7946 H7. About how many hours Name=‘H7 Location Tape a week did your HR/WK WORKED MD=99 (wife/friend) (WF-R) ’ not 9 labor work? % nonzero = 6.6 mean nonzero = 28.3 01. One hour or less Actual number of hours worked Ninety-eight hours or more NA; DK no wife/friend; Inap; none; force in 1980; V7878=2 99. 00. 7947 = Cross-year variable number 14473 = Cross-year or Tape 3; employed; V7879=1-3; Name=‘H8 Location unemployed; V7942=5 or WTR WORK NOW MD=9 in (WF-R) ’ H8. Is she still working? 1.5 5.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 93.4 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; no wife/friend; 1980; V7878=2 or 7948 = Cross-year H9. What laid 0.2 1. 0.1 0.8 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0.0 95.0 9. 0. 0.4 3.5 0.0 3; variable number 14474 = Cross-year happened off, or to that what? employed; V7879=1-3; Tape job--did unemployed; V7942=5 or Name=‘H9 Location the company not in labor force in 9 HAPPND PREV JOB(W-R) MD=9 go out of business. ’ was she Company folded/changed hands/moved out of town; employer died/went out of business lockout Strike; Laid off; fired pregnant; just want to change jobs resigned; retired; Quit; Wasn’t working before this Was self-employed before Other (including drafted into service or any mention of service) Job completed; seasonal work NA; DK Inap; not unemployed; in labor V7878=2 force in 1980; no wife/friend; or 3; V7879=1-3; V7942=5 or 9; employed; V7947=1 or 9 268 - 7949 RAW DATA = Cross-year H10. variable number 14475 = Cross-year Is your future? (wife/friend) 5.6 22.1 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 72.1 9. 0. NA; DK not Inap; unemployed; 7950 = Cross-year H11. 7951 labor V7878=2 (wife/friend) 1.4 4.2 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 94.4 9. 0. NA; DK not Inap; unemployed; H12. thinking thinking V7878=2 Name=‘H10 Location of Tape been getting FUTURE?(W-R) (a/another) job Name=‘H11 Location doing How many places has your to find out about a job? Tape (wife/friend) 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. One Two Three Four Five 0.1 98.8 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; none; not thinking about employed; unemployed; has been or 3; V7879=1-3; V7949=5 or 9; in the LOOK FOR JOB? (WF-R) MD=9 anything Name=‘H12 Location ’ employed; in the last #PLACES MD=9 been to ’ four about getting a job; no wife/friend; or 3; V7879=1-3; V7949=5 or 9 variable number 14477 = Cross-year or JOB IN MD=9 force in 1980; no wife/friend; or 3; V7879=1-3 variable number 14476 = Cross-year Has your find a job? = Cross-year in Tape weeks employed; LOOKED (W-R) in the to last ’ four weeks more getting a job; doing nothing V7950=5 or 9 no wife/friend; to find a job; V7878=2 RAW DATA - 269 7952 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘J1 MARITAL STATUS 14478 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 J1. 55.3 16.3 13.3 11.0 4.1 Are you (HEAD) married, single, widowed, divorced, or separated? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Married Single Widowed Divorced Separated Name=‘J2 WTR EVER MARRIED 7953 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14479 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 J2. ' ’ W ere you ever married? 0.8 15.4 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 83.7 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; “Married”, “Widowed,” “Divorced,” or “Separated” in J1; V7952=1, 3 - 5 Name=‘J3 WHAT HAPND LST MARR ’ 7954 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14480 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 J3. What happened to your last marriage--were you widowed, divorced, separated, or what? 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.0 3. 4. 5. 7. 99.2 0. Widowed Divorced Separated Other; annulled NA; DK lnap ; “ M a r r i e d , ” “ W i d o w e d , ” “ D i v o r c e d , ” o r “ S e p a r a t e d ” i n J 1 ; n e v e r married; V7952=1, 3-5; V7953=5 or 9 Name=‘J4 WTR WIFE IN FU 7955 = Cross-year variable number 14481 = Cross-year Tape Location J4. 55.4 14.3 30.3 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: 1. 2. 3. Head is male who has wife in FU Head is male who does not have wife in FU Head is female 270 - RAW DATA Name=‘J5 HR/WK HOUSEWORK - WF ’ 7956 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14482-14483 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 J5. About how much time does your (wife/friend) spend on housework in an average week--l mean time spent cooking, cleaning, and doing other work around the house? % nonzero = 55.1 mean nonzero = 28.4 Actual number of hours per week Ninety-eight hours or more 99. 00. NA; DK Inap; none; no wife/friend; V7955=2 or 3 Name=‘J6 HR/WK HOUSEWORK - HD ’ 7957 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14484-14485 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 J6. About how much time do you (Head) spend on housework in an average week? (I mean time spent cooking, cleaning, and other work around the house .) % nonzero = 86.5 mean nonzero = 11.8 98. Actual number of hours per week Ninety-eight hours or more 98. 00. NA; DK None Name=‘J7 WTR OTRS IN FU 7958 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14486 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n J7. 50.3 49.7 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. 2. FU has Head (and wife/friend) only FU has other members, including children ' RAW DATA - 271 Name=‘J8 WTR OTRS DO HOUSEWORK’ 7959 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14487 = Cross-year Tape location MD=9 J8. 32.7 16.9 0.1 50.3 Does anyone else here in the household help with the housework? 1. 5. 9. 0. Yes (one or more persons help) No NA; DK Inap; only Head or Head and Wife/Friend in FU; V7958=1 Name=‘J26 WTR ELGBL FOOD STAMP’ 7960 = Cross-year variable number 14480 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 J26. 7.5 2.7 73.5 7.1 0.3 8.9 Did you think you were eligible for food stamps at any time in 1980? 1. Yes 3. Maybe 5. No Don’t Know 8. 9. NA 0. I n a p . ; u s e d f o o d s t a m p s i n 1 9 8 0 ; “ Y e s ” t o J 2 3 Name=‘J27 WHY NOT ELGBL FD ST1’ 7961 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14489 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n J27. Can you tell me why you thought you weren’t eligible? reasons why?) 1ST MENTION (Any other In order of priority 1.4 1. 52.7 8.4 2. 3. 2.4 2.0 4. 5. 3.1 0.7 6. 7. Income or assets too Told by welfare officials was ineligible. high; Didn’t fulfill some other requirement, such as work registration Personal belief that income or assets too high Didn’t need them; told by someone other than welfare officials that not eligible Personal attitudes Other requirements (other than income, assets, or work) not met; “No kids”; a student; owns home Does have a job; doesn’t have a job Doesn’t know anything about the requirements for eligibility 0.5 8. Other 2.2 26.5 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; thought was eligible for food stamps; V7960=1, 3, 8 or 9 272 - RAW DATA Name=‘J27 WHY NOT ELGBL FD ST2’ 7962 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14490 = Cross-year Tape Location J27. Can you tell me why you thought you weren’t eligible? reasons why?) 2ND MENTION (Any other In order of priority Income or assets too Told by welfare officials was ineligible. high; Didn’t fulfill some other requirement, such as work registration Personal belief that income or assets too high Didn’t need them; told by someone other than welfare officials that not eligible Personal attitudes Other requirements (other than income, assets, or work) not met; “No kids”; a student; owns home Does have a job; doesn’t have a job Doesn’t know anything about the requirements for eligibility Other Inap.; thought was eligible for food stamps; no second mention: V7960=1, 3, 8 or 9 Name=‘J28 WTR TRIED REC FD STS’ 7963 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14491 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n J28. 2.3 14.7 0.3 82.7 Did you try to get the stamps last year (in 1980)? 1. 5. 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; used food stamps in 1980; “Yes” to J23; V7960=5, 8 or 9 RAW DATA - 273 Name=‘J29 WHY CLDNT GET FD STS’ 7964 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14492 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 J29. Why couldn’t you get them? (Any other reasons why?) Declared ineligible by welfare officials: “Income too high,” “Didn’t have proper forms or validations,” “Didn’t fullfill work registration requirement.” Administration hassle: “Had to wait in line too long,” “Went once, didn’t have proper forms, didn’t go back,” “They embarrassed me, so I didn’t go back.” Physical access problem: “Couldn’t get to the food stamp center; no transportation; inconvenient hours.” Bonus value too low: “Wasn’t worth it for the return.” Personal attitudes: “I was too embarrassed to use them.” could have gotten them but didn’t Didn’t need them: costs too much No money: Other NA; DK Inap.; got food stamps in 1980; didn’t try to get food stamps in 1980; V7960=5, 8, or 9; V7963=5 or 9 Name=‘J30 WHY NOT TRY FD STS 1’ 7965 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14493 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n J30. Can you tell me why you didn’t try? MENTION (Any other reasons why?) 1ST Bonus value problem Administrative hassle Didn’t know how to go about it Physical access problem “As long as I can get along without them, I Didn’t need them. wiII," “Other people need them worse.” “Too embarrassed to use them,” “Don’t Iike Personal attitudes: welfare.” Just never bothered: never thought about it. Other NA; DK Inap.; got food stamps in 1980; V7960=5, 8 or 9; V7963=1,9 274 - RAW DATA Name=‘J30 WHY NOT TRY FD STS 2’ 7966 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14494 = Cross-year Tape Location J30. Can you tell me why you didn’t try? MENTION (Any other reasons why?) 2ND Bonus value problem Administrative hassle Didn’t know how to go about it Physical access problem “As long as I can get along without them, I Didn’t need them. will,” “Other people need them worse.” “Too embarrassed to use them,” “Don’t like Personal attitudes: welfare.” Just never bothered; never thought about it. 96.6 8. 0. Other I n a p . ; got food stamps in 1980; no second mention; V7960=5, 8 or 9; V7963=1,9 Name=‘K1 WTR HEAD FARMER 7967 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14495 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K1. 1.5 98.5 ’ INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: 1. 5. Head is a farmer or rancher Head is not a farmer or rancher 9. NA; DK Name=‘K2 TOT FARM RECEIPTS BKT’ 7968 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14496 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K2. 0.2 98.5 What were your total receipts from farming in 1980, including soil bank payments and commodity credit loans? 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; not a farmer; V7967=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 275 Name=‘K5 WHETHER BUSINESS 7969 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14497 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K5. 9.0 91.0 0.0 ’ Did you (R and family) own a business at any time in 1980, or have a financial interest in any business enterprise? 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK Name=‘K6 CORP/UNINCORP BUSINES’ 7970 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14498 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K6. W as it a corporation or an unincorporated business, or did you have an interest in both kinds? 2.7 5.6 0.4 0.2 1. 2. 3. 8. Corporation Unincorporated Both Don’t know 0.1 91.0 9. 0. NA Inap; does not own a business; V7969=5 or 9 Name=‘K54 UNION MEMBER?-HD ’ 7971 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14499 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Do you (HEAD) belong to a labor union? K54. 18.9 80.3 0.8 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK Name=‘K55 WTR WIFE IN FU 7972 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14500 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K55. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 55.4 44.6 1. 5. There is a wife in FU No wife in FU ’ 276 - RAW DATA = Cross-year 7973 variable number 14501 = Cross-year Name=‘K56 Location Tape UNION ND-9 REHBER?-WF ’ K56. Does your (wife/friend) belong to a labor union? 4.1 51.1 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 9. NA; 44.6 0. Inap.; = Cross-year 7974 K57. DK Do you (Head) type of work 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 9. NA; = Cross-year K58. 7976 FU; Does Name=‘K57 Location or nervous work you variable number 14503 = Cross-year Tape it work a lot, somewhat, have health problem; Tape Name=‘K59 Location limit A lot Somewhat Just a little 0.1 77.2 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; does Were time Tape WTR PHYS-NERV MD=9 condition can do? PROB-H’ that limits the DK 1. 3. 5. = Cross-year V7972=5 have a physical or the amount of 12.9 5.2 4.6 K59. in variable number 14502 = Cross-year 22.0 77.2 7975 no wife your not variable number 14504 = Cross-year you (Head) a patient during 1980? 14.3 85.6 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 9. NA; DK in Name=‘K58 Location a hospital HOW MUCH LIMIT-HD MD=9 or just V7974=5 a little? or 9 WTR HOSPITAL MD=9 overnight ’ or IZED-HD longer ’ at any RAW DATA - 277 7977 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘K60 # NIGHTS IN HOSP-HD ’ 14505-14507 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 How many nights were you in a hospital during 1980? K60. % nonzero = 24.3 mean nonzero = 13.7 xxx. Actual number of nights 999. NA; DK 000. Inap.; was not a patient in a hospital overnight; V7976=5 or 9 7978 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘K61 PAID OWN HOSP BILLS?’ MD=9 14508 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Some people pay their hospital bills out of their own pockets; others have their hospital bills paid--or are reimbursed for what they paid-by some form of insurance. W ere any bills for your most recent stay in the hospital in 1980 paid for out of your own pocket, with no repayment? K61. 4.4 9.7 0.3 85.7 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK 0 . I n a p . ; was not a patient in hospital overnight; V7976=5 or 9 7979 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘K62 SICK ABED FOR DAY?-H’ 14509 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 (Aside from any hospital stay) did an illness or injury keep you in bed for all or most of a day at any time during 1980? K62. 34.2 1. Yes 65.6 5. No 0.1 9. NA; DK 2 7 8 - RAW DATA Name=‘K63 # DAYS SICK ABED-HD ' 7980 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14510-14512 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=999 K63. About how many days did illness or injury keep you in bed all or most of the day (but not in a hospital) during 1980? % nonzero = 34.2 mean nonzero = 11.0 xxx, Actual number of days 999. NA; DK 000. Inap.; was not kept in bed by illness or injury; V7979=5 or 9 Name=‘K64 WTR WIFE IN FU 7981 = Cross-year variable number 14513 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K64. 55.4 14.3 30.3 ’ INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 1. 2. 3. Head is male with wife in FU Head is male with no (wife/friend) in FU Head is female Name=‘K65 WTR PHYS-NERV PROB-W’ 7982 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14514 = Cross-year Tape Location K65. Does your (wife/friend) have any physical or nervous condition that limits the type of work or the amount of work she can do? 8.2 47.2 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 9. NA; DK 44.6 0. Inap.; no wife/friend; V7981=2 or 3 RAW DATA - 279 Name=‘K66 HOW MUCH LIMIT-WF 7983 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14515 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 K66. Does it limit your (wife’s/friend’s) work a lot, somewhat, or just a little? 3.7 2.3 2.1 1. 3. 5. A lot Somewhat Just a little 0.1 9. NA; DK 91.8 ’ 0 . I n a p . ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; no nervous or physical condition; V7981=2 or 3; V7982=5 or 9 Name=‘K67 WTR HOSPITALIZED-WF ’ 7984 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14516 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 W as your (wife/friend) a patient in a hospital overnight or longer at any time during 1980? K67. 9.6 45.8 0.0 44.6 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; 0. DK Inap.; no wife/friend; V7981=2 or 3 Name=‘K68 # NIGHTS IN HOSP-WF ’ 7985 = Cross-year variable number 14517-14519 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 K68. How many nights was she in a hospital altogether during 1980? % nonzero = 9.6 mean nonzero = 7.1 xxx. Actual number of nights 999. NA; DK 000. Inap.; no wife/friend; was not a patient in a hospital; V7981=2 or 3; V7984=5 or 9 280 - RAW DATA Name=‘K69 PAID OWN HOSP BILLS?’ 7986 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14520 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 K69. W ere any bills for your (wife’s/friend’s) most recent stay in the hospital in 1980 paid for out of her or your own pocket, with no repayment? 4.4 5.0 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 9. NA; DK 90.4 0. I n a p . ; no wife/friend; was not a patient in a hospital; V7981=2 or 3; V7984=5 or 9 7987 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘K70 SICK ABED FOR DAY?-W’ 14521 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 K70. 18.3 37.1 (Aside from any hospital stay), did an illness or injury keep her in bed for all or most of a day at any time during 1980? 1. 5. 0.0 9. 44.6 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; no wife/friend; V7981=2 or 3 7988 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘K71 # DAYS SICK ABED-WF ’ 14522-14524 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 K71. About how many days did illness or injury keep her in bed all or most of the day (but not in a hospital) during 1980? % nonzero = 18.3 mean nonzero = 9.7 xxx. Actual number of days 999. NA; DK 000. Inap.; no wife/friend; was not kept in bed because of illness or injury; V7981=2 or 3; V7987=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 281 Name=‘K72 WTR MEDICAID-FAMILY ' 7989 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14525 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 During the past year, has anyone in the family received medical care which has been or will be paid for by Medicare or Medicaid (Medi-cal, Medical Assistance, Welfare, Medical Services)? K72. 19.5 80.4 0.1 1. 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK Name=‘K73 TYPE MEDAID PROGRAM ’ 7990 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14526 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K73. Which program was it? 13.0 5.3 0.6 1. 2. 3. Medicare Medicaid, Medi-cal, Medical Assistance, W elfare, Medical Services Both Medicare and Medicaid/Medi-cal/Medical Assistance, etc. 0.4 7. Other 0.3 0.0 8. 9. DK NA 80.5 0. I n a p . ; n o medical c a r e p a i d f o r ; V7989=5 o r 9 Name=‘K74 WTR LUMP SUM PAYMNTS’ 7991 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14527 = Cross-year Tape Location K74. Did you get any other money in 1980--like a big settlement from an insurance company, or an inheritance? 6.0 93.9 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 9. NA; DK 2 8 2 - RAW DATA Name=‘K75 BKT LUMP SUM PAYMNTS’ 7992 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14528 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K75. How much did that amount to? 0.1 94.0 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; V7991=5 or 9 Name=‘K76 WTR HELP SUPPORT OTR’ 7993 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14529 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K76. Last year did you help support anyone who doesn’t live here with you Name=‘K77 # OTRS SUPPORTED 7994 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 = C r o s s y e a r T a p e L o cation 14530 0.0 86.4 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; does not support others outside FU; V7993=5 or 9 ’ RAW DATA - 283 Name=‘K79 WTR DEPENDENT OTRS ’ 7995 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14531 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 K79. W ere any of these people dependent on you for more than half of their total support? 5.2 8.3 1. 5. 0.1 86.4 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap; does not support others outside FU; V7993=5 or 9 Name=‘K80 # OTR DEPENDENTS 7996 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14532 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 3.3 1.3 0.5 0.1 0.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. One Two Three Four Five Six Seven 8. Eight or more persons 94.8 0. NA; DK Inap; none; does not support others outside FU; no one dependent f o r m o r e t h a n h a l f o f t h e i r s u p p o r t ; V7993=5 or 9; V7995=5 or 9 7997 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘L1 WTR NEW WIFE IN FU 14533 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n L1. 2.4 97.6 ’ ’ INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: 1. 5. Head has new Wife this year Head is female; Head is male with no Wife; Head is male with same Wife as in 1980 2 8 4 - RAW DATA 7998 = Cross-year variable number Name-'L2 14534-14535 = Cross-year Tape Location L2. EDUCATION-WF MD=99 How many grades of school did your (wife/friend) finish? % nonzero = 5 5 . 4 ( % w i t h w i v e s ( V 7 6 6 0 > 0 0 ) mean nonzero = 1 2 . 1 ( e x c l u d i n g c a s e s w i t h n o w i v e s ) 7999 = Cross-year variable number Name-'L3 WTR OTR SCHOOLING -WF’ 14536 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 L3. Did she have any other schooling? 9.8 30.1 1. 5. 0.4 59.6 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap; has more than twelve years of school; no wife/friend; V7660=00; V7998=13-17,99 ' RAW DATA - 285 8000 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name-'L4 TYPE OTR SCHOOLING-WF’ MD=9 14537 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n L4. What other schooling did she have? 0.0 1. 7.6 2. 0.3 3. 0.4 7. Government or other subsidized program (nonmilitary)-- Manpower training; Vista; Peace Corps; Poverty Program Job-specific (not codeable in 1)--Nurses’ training; business school; w e l d i n g ; a p p r e n t i c e s h i p ; r e p a i r c o u r s e Company-specific: o n - t h e - j o b t r a i n i n g ; company training program; army/navy training course Other 1.5 8. Vague; NA whether vocationally related; “college courses” 0.0 90.2 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; h a d n o o t h e r s c h o o l i n g ; h a s m o r e t h a n t w e l v e y e a r s o f s c h o o l ; no wife/friend; V7660=00; V7998=13-17,99; V7999=5 or 9 8001 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='L6 WTR BA/BS DEGREE-WF ’ MD=9 14538 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n L6. Does she have a college degree? 7.2 7.5 1. 5. Yes No (include associate degree) 0.1 85.3 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; has twelve or fewer grades of school; no wife/friend; V7660=00; V7998=00-12,99 8002 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘L7 WTR ADVANCED DEG-WF ’ MD=9 14539 = Cross-year Tape Location L7. Does she have any advanced degrees? 1.6 5.6 1. 5. Yes No 0.0 92.8 9. 0. NA; DK Inap; has no degree; has twelve or fewer grades of school; no wife/ friend; V7660=00; V7998=00-12,99; V8001=5 or 9 2 8 6 - RAW DATA Name=‘L8 EDUCATION-WF''S FA ’ 8003 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14540 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 L8. How much education did your (wife’s/friend’s) father have? 4.5 21.2 5.4 11.8 1.0 2.9 2.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.6 8. 2.9 46.3 0-5 grades 6-8 grades; “grade school” 9-11 grades; some high school; junior high 12 grades; high school 12 grades plus nonacademic training College but no degree; Associate’s degree College BA and no advanced degree mentioned; normal school; college degree; “ c o l l e g e ” College and advanced or professional degree 9. NA; DK 0. I n a p ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; V 7 6 6 0 = 0 0 Name=‘L9 EDUCATION-WF”S NO ’ 8004 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14541 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 L9. How much education did your (wife’s/friend’s) mother have? 2.8 18.8 7.3 15.5 1.4 3.3 2.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0.4 8. 2.1 46.0 9. 0. 0-5 grades 6-8 grades; “grade school” 9-11 grades; s o m e h i g h s c h o o l ; j u n i o r h i g h 12 grades; high school 12 grades plus nonacademic training College but no degree; Associate’s degree College BA and no advanced degree mentioned; normal school; college degree; “ c o l I e g e ” College and advanced or professional degree NA; DK Inap; no wife/friend; V7660=00 8005 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘L10 #YRS WRK SINCE 18-WF’ 14542-14543 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 L10. How many years altogether has your (wife/friend) worked for money since she was 18? % nonzero = 51.1 mean nonzero = 10.6 01. One year or less XX. Actual number of years Ninety-eight years or more 98. 99. 00. NA; DK Inap; none; w i f e / f r i e n d h a s n e v e r w o r k e d ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; V 7 6 6 0 = 0 0 RAW DATA - 287 Name='L11 #YRS WRKD FULLTIME-W’ 8006 = Cross-year variable number 14544-14545 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 L11. How many of these years did she work full time for most or all of the year? % nonzero = 47.7 mean nonzero = 9.0 01. One year or less 98. 00. Actual number of years Ninety-eight years or more Inap; none; never worked; n e v e r w o r k e d f u l l t i m e ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d : V7660=00; V8005=00 Name='L12 % TIME WORKED-WF 8007 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14546-14547 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n L12. ’ During the years that she was not working full time, how much of the time did she work? % nonzero = 23.8 mean nonzero = 45.5 99. 00. Actual percent of time wife/friend worked Ninety-nine percent Inap; n o n e w o r k e d f u l l t i m e ; n e v e r w o r k e d ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; V7660=00; V8005=00 Name=‘L12 ACC % TlME WORKED-WF’ 8008 = Cross-year variable number 14548 = Cross-year Tape Location L12. 0.9 3.4 95.8 Accuracy of V8007 Minor assignment 1. 2. Major assignment 0. I n a p ; n o a s s i g n m e n t ; w o r k e d f u l l t i m e ; n e v e r w o r k e d ; n o w i f e / f r i e n d ; same wife as last year; V7660=00; V8005=00 Name=‘M1 WTR NEW HEAD IN FU 8009 = Cross-year variable number 14549 = Cross-year Tape Location M1. 6.1 93.9 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: 1. 5. Head is a new Head this year Head is the same Head as in 1980 ’ 288 - RAW DATA Name=‘M2 STATE GREW UP-HD''S F’ 8010 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 14550-14551 = Cross-year Tape Location M2. Where did your mother and father grow up? Father’s State Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. 01-51. 99. 00. State if United States NA; DK state Inap; foreign country Name=‘M2 CNTY GREW UP-HD''S FA’ 8011 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14552-14554 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 Father’s County Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. xxx. County if United States; country if foreign 999. NA; DK county Name=‘M2 STATE GREW UP-HD”S M’ 8012 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 14555-14556 = Cross-year Tape Location Mother’s State: Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. 01-51. 99. 00. State if United States NA; DK state Inap; foreign country Name=‘M2 CNTY GREW UP-HD”S MO’ 8013 = Cross-year variable number 14557-14559 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=999 Mother’s County Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. xxx. County if United States; country if foreign 999. NA; DK county RAW DATA - 289 Name='M3 OCCUPATION-HD”S FA ’ 8014 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14560 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 M3. What was your father’s usual occupation when you were growing up? Professional, technical. and kindred workers Managers, officials, and proprietors Self-employed businessmen Clerical and sales workers Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers Operatives and kindred workers Laborers and service workers, farm laborers Farmers and farm managers Miscellaneous (armed services, protective workers); NA; DK Inap; n o f a t h e r ; dead; did nothing Name=‘M4 OCCUPATION-HD”S 1ST ’ 8015 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14561 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M4. Thinking of your (HEAD’S) first full-time regular job, what did you do? Professional, technical, and kindred workers Managers, officials, and proprietors Self-employed businessmen Clerical and sales workers Craftsmen, foremen, and kindred workers Operatives and kindred workers Laborers and service workers, farm laborers Farmers and farm managers 8.5 9. Miscellaneous (armed services, protective workers); NA; DK 3.7 0. Inap; never worked Name=‘M5 # DIFF JOBS OR?-HD 8016 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14562 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M5. ’ Have you had a number of different kinds of jobs, or have you mostly worked in the same occupation you started in, or what? Have had a number of different kinds of jobs; mentions more than two kinds of jobs Both; have had a number of different kinds of jobs but mostly the same occupation; mentions two kinds of jobs Mostly the same occupation; s a m e j o b a l l o f w o r k i n g l i f e 3.1 9. NA; DK Inap; on first job now; never worked; V8015=0 4.3 0. 290 - RAW DATA Name=‘M6-10 AGE OLDEST KID-HD ’ 8017 = Cross-year variable number 14563-14564 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 M6-M10. Age of Head’s oldest child 00. lnap.; no children xx. Actual age of Head’s oldest child 99. NA age Name=‘M6-10 AGE 2ND OLD KID-HD’ 8018 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14565-14566 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 M6-H10. Ages of the three oldest children: Head’s second oldest child 00. Inap.; only one child xx. Actual age of Head’s second oldest child 99. NA age Name=‘M6-10 AGE 3RD OLD KID-HD’ 8019 = Cross-year variable number 14567-14568 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 M6-M10. Ages of the three oldest children: Head’s third oldest child 00. Inap.; only two children xx. Actual age of Head’s third oldest child 99. NA age Name=‘M6-10 TOT # CHILDREN-HD ’ 8020 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14569-14570 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 M6-M10. Total number of children of Head % nonzero = 62.6 mean nonzero = 3.0 xx. 99. 00. Actual number of children NA; DK Inap; no children RAW DATA - 291 Name=‘M6-10 # KIDS BY 25-HD 8021 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14571 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Number of children Head had by age 25 M6-M10. mean nonzero = 1.8 Name=‘M11 # SIBLINGS-HD 8022 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 1 4 5 7 2 = C r o s s - y e a r Tape L o c a t i o n MD=9 M11. How many brothers and sisters did you (Head) have? Name-'M12 WTR OLDER SIBS-HD ’ 8023 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14573 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n W ere any of your brothers or sisters older than you? M12. 67.3 31.7 0.9 1. 5. 9. Yes No; has no brothers or sisters NA; DK 292 - RAW DATA Name=‘M13 GREW UP FARM OR-HD ’ 8024 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14574 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 M13. 26.0 38.4 31.6 2.7 1.3 Did you (Head) grow up on a farm, in a small town, in a large city, or Farm; rural area: country SmaII town; any size town, suburb Large city; any size city O t h e r ; several different places; combination of places 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. NA; DK Name=‘M14-15 STATE GREW UP-HD ’ 8025 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14575-14576 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 M14, M15. In what state and county was that?--State Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. 01-51. State, 99. 00. if United States NA; DK state Inap; foreign country Name=‘M14-15 CNTY GREW UP-HD ’ 8026 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=999 14577-14579 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M14, M15. In what state and county was that?--County Please refer to Appendix 1 for state and county codes. xxx. County, if United States; country, if foreign 999. NA; DK county RAW DATA - 293 Name=‘M14-16 #REGlONS LIVED-HD’ 8027 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14580 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 M14-16. What other states or countries have you lived in? regions) (Number of mean nonzero = 1.7 53.7 27.2 9.4 5.5 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.1 3.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. One (lived in 1 region) Two (lived in 2 regions) Three Four Five Six Seven Eight or more NA; DK Region Code Northeast Connecticut Maine New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Massachusetts West Arizona California Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah W ashington Wyoming North Central Deep South Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin Alabama Georgia Louisiana Mississippi South Carolina Other English Speaking Other Non-English Speaking Alaska Australia Canada Hawaii New Zealand South Africa United Kingdom W est Indies All others Other South Arkansas Delaware Florida Kentucky Maryland North Carolina Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Virginia W ashington, D.C. W est Virginia 294 - RAW DATA Name=‘M14-16 #STATES LIVED-HD ’ 8028 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14581 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M14-16. What other states or countries have you lived in? mean nonzero = 2.1 43.0 25.9 11.3 11.8 2.2 1.1 0.6 1.1 3.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lived in one state/country Lived in two states/countries Lived in three states/countries Lived in four states/countries Lived in five states/countries Lived in six states/countries Lived in seven states/countries Lived in eight or more states/countries NA; DK Name=‘M17 EVER MOVE FOR JOB?HD’ 8029 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14582 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M17. 24.3 66.0 9.7 Have you ever moved out of a community where you were living in order t o t a k e a job somewhere else? 1. 5. 9. Yes No NA; DK Name=‘M18 NOT MOVED FOR JOB?HD’ 8030 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14583 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M18. (If “No” to M17) Have you ever turned down a job because you did not want to move? 6.8 54.0 1. 5. 5.1 34.1 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK I n a p . ; has never moved for job; V8029=1, 9 RAW DATA - 295 8031 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘M19 PARENTS POOR OR?-HD ’ 14584 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 M19. 37.7 39.1 18.8 4.3 W ere your parents poor when you were growing up, pretty well-off, or what? 1. 3 . 5. Poor Average; “it varied” Pretty well-off 9. NA; DK; didn’t live with parents 8032 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘M20-21 EDUC-HD”S FA ’ 14585 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 M20. M21. How much education did your (HEAD’S) father have? (IF LESS THAN SIX GRADES) Could he read and write? 0-5 grades 6-8 grades; “grade school”; DK but mentions could read and write 9-11 grades (some high school); junior high 12 grades (completed high school); “high school” 12 grades plus nonacademic training; R.N. (no further elaboration) Some college, no degree; Associate’s degree College BA and no advanced degree mentioned; normal school; R.N. with 3 years college; “college” College, advanced or professional degree, some graduate work; close to receiving degree 8.1 43.5 9.2 17.4 1.4 5.4 5.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.8 8. 5.8 9. NA; DK to both M20 and M21 1.0 0. Inap.; could not read or write; NA; DK grade and could not read or write 296 - RAW DATA Name='M22-23 EDUC-HD”S MO ’ 8033 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14586 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n How much education did your (Head’s) mother have? M22. M23. (IF LESS THAN SIX GRADES) Could she read and write? 0-5 grades 6-8 grades; “grade school”; DK but mentions could read and write 9-11 grades (some high school); junior high 12 grades (completed high school); “high school” 12 grades plus nonacademic training; R.N. (no further elaboration) Some college, no degree; Associate’s degree College BA and no advanced degree mentioned; normal school; R.N. with 3 years college; “college” College, advanced or professional degree, some graduate work; close to receiving degree 9.2 28.5 10.7 28.3 2.3 5.8 4.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.4 8. 9.0 9. NA; DK to both M22 and M23 0.7 0. Inap.; write could not read or write; NA; DK grade and could not read or Name=‘M24 WTR VETERAN-HD 8034 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14587 = Cross-year Tape Location M24. Are you (Head) a veteran? 26.7 71.5 1. 5. Yes No 1.8 9. NA Name=‘M25 #YRS WRKD SINCE 18-H’ 8035 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 14588-14589 = Cross-year Tape Location M25. How many years have you worked for money since you were 18? % nonzero = 96.7 mean nonzero = 19.8 01. One year or less 98. Actual number of years worked since age 18 98 years or more 99. 00. NA; DK Inap.; none; never worked RAW DATA - 297 8036 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘M26 #YRS WRKD FULLTIME-H’ 14590-14591 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 M26. How many of these years did you work full time for most or all of the year? % nonzero = 92.3 mean nonzero = 18.8 01. One year or less . Actual number of years worked full time 98 years or more 98. 99. 00. NA; DK Inap.; none; never worked; never worked full time; V8035=00 Name=‘M27 % TIME WORKED-HD 8037 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14592-14593 = Cross-year Tape Location M27. ’ During the years that you were not working full time, how much of the time did you work? % nonzero = 35.1 mean nonzero = 46.5 01. One percent or less 99. 00. Actual percent of time worked Ninety-nine percent Inap.; none; worked full time; never worked; V8035=00 Name=‘M27 ACC % TIME WORKED-HD’ 8038 = Cross-year variable number 14594 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M27. Accuracy of V8037 1.3 4.7 94.0 1. Minor assignment Major assignment 2. 0. I n a p . ; n o a s s i g n m e n t ; w o r k e d f u l l t i m e ; n e v e r w o r k e d ; V 8 0 3 5 = 0 0 2 9 8 - RAW DATA Name=‘M28 EDUCATION-HD 8039 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14595-14596 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 M28. 0.6 ' How many grades of school did you (Head) finish? 99. NA; DK Name=‘M29 WTR OTR TRAINING-HD ’ 8040 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14597 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M29. Did you get any other training? 0.4 5.0 1. 5. 0.1 94.5 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK I n a p . ; finished more than six years of school; V8039=07-17,99 RAW DATA - 299 Name=‘M30 TYPE OTR TRAINING-HD ' 8041 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14598 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M30. What was it? 0.0 1. 0.2 2. 0.1 3. 0.0 7. Government or other subsidized program (nonmilitary)--Manpower training; Vista;: Peace Corps; Poverty Program Job-specific (not codeable in I)--nurses’ training; business school; welding; apprenticeship; repair course Company-specific--on-the-job training; company training program; army/navy training program Other 0.1 8. Vague, NA whether vocationally related 0.0 99.6 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; got no other training; finished more than six years of school; V8039=07-17,99; V8040=5 or 9 Name=‘M31 TROUBLE READING?-HD ’ 8042 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14599 = Cross-year Tape Location M31. Do you have any trouble reading? 1.3 2.1 1. 5. 1.6 94.9 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; finished more than six years of school; same Head as last year; V8039=07-17,99; V8040=5 or 9 Name=‘M32 WTR OTR SCHOOLING-HD’ 8043 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14600 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M32. Did you have any other schooling? 21.5 38.8 1. 5. 0.4 39.4 9. 0. Yes No NA; DK Inap.; finished less than seven or more than twelve years of school; V8039=00-06, 13-17,99 300 - RAW DATA Name=‘M33 TYPE OTR SCHOOLING-H’ 8044 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14601 = Cross-year Tape Location M33. What other schooling did you have? 0.4 1. 13.4 2. 2.9 3. 1.0 7. Government or other subsidized program (nonmilitary)--Manpower training; Vista; Peace Corps; Poverty Program Job-specific (not codeable in 1)--nurses’ training; business school; welding; apprenticeship; repair course Company-specific--on-the-job training; company training program; army/navy training program Other 3.6 8. Vague, NA whether vocationally related 0.1 78.6 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; had no other schooling; finished less than seven or more t h a n t w e l v e y e a r s o f s c h o o l ; V8039=00-06, 13-17, 99; V8043=5 or 9 8045 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘M35 WTR BA/BS DEGREE-HD ’ 14602 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 M35. Do you have a college degree? 17.7 15.6 1. 5. Yes No 0.1 66.6 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; finished twelve or fewer grades; V8039=00-12, 99 8046 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘M36 WTR ADVANCED DEG-HD ’ 14603 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 M36. Do you have any advanced degrees? 5.2 12.3 1. 5. Yes No 0.2 82.3 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; has no degree; finished twelve or fewer grades; V8039=00-12, 99; V8045=5 or 9 RAW DATA - 301 Name=‘M37 RECORD RELIG PREF?HD’ 8047 = Cross-year variable number 14604 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 This Now, we would like to ask for your religious preference. involves a right that is protected by the United States Constitution. You are under no obligation to answer these questions, and, if for any reason you decide you do not wish to answer them, we will accept and respect your decision. The information requested is important to us, May we record your and we hope you wiII decide to answer them. religious preference? M37. 16.5 0.5 0.3 82.7 1. 5. Yes No 9. 0. NA; DK I n a p . ; not asked of 1968-1975 Heads nor of new Heads in 1978 Name=‘M38-39 RELIGIOUS PREF-HD’ 8048 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14605 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Is your religious preference Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish, or M38, M39. what? What denomination is that? 3.4 1.4 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Baptist Methodist (including African Methodist) Episcopalian Presbyterian Lutheran Bahai; Congregationalist; Dutch Reform or Christian Reform; Latter Day Saints or Morman; Unitarian or Universalists; Christian Church; Disciples of Christ; Evangelical and Reformed; Quaker or Society of Friends (Friends); United Church of Christ 2.8 7. 4.2 0.5 8. 9. Other Protestant denominations not included above; Protestant but NA; DK denomination Catholic Jewish 85.1 0. NA; DK religious preference; other (Greek Orthodox, Moslem, etc.); Refused to reveal religious preference; None; No new Head since 1977; V8047=5 or 9 Name=‘M41 WHO RESPONDENT? 8049 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14606 = Cross-year Tape Location M41. 87.8 11.3 0.9 0.1 Who was respondent? (Relation to Head) 1. 2. 7. 9. Head Wife Other than Head or Wife NA ’ 302 - RAW DATA Name=‘M42 # OF INTERVWR CALLS ’ 8050 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14607 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M42. Number of calls mean nonzero = 3.2 0.8 0.3 9. 0. NA Mail interview Name='# OF INDIVIDUAL RECORDS ’ 8051 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14608 14609 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total Number of Individual Data Records Associated with This Interview mean nonzero = 2.7 xx. Actual number of records The following variables concerning income taxes, V8052-V8064, are generated by A description of the process can be found in Section 1, Part 5 of the computer. 1980 documentation volume. Name=‘H+W 1980 FED TAXES 8052 = Cross-year variable number 14610 14614 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Head and Wife in 1980 mean nonzero = 4,306.7 V8052 and V8053 were computed using the following variables: V7590 Taxable Income of Head and Wife V7593 Total Number of Exemptions of Head and Wife V7594 Tax Table Used 00000. 99999. None $99,999 or more ’ GENERATED DATA - 303 Name=‘H+W 80 MARGINAL TAX RATE’ 8053 = Cross-year variable number 14615 14616 = Cross-year Tape Location Marginal Tax Rate for Head’s and Wife’s 1980 Estimated Federal Income Taxes % nonzero = 72.8 mean nonzero = 26.8 xx. 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes Name=‘1ST XTRA ERNER 80 TAXES ’ 8054 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14617 14620 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Estimated Federal Income Taxes of First Extra Earner in 1980 mean nonzero = 1,239.8 V8054 and V8055 were computed using the following variables: V7609 Taxable Income of First Extra Earner V7610 Total Number of Exemptions V7611 Tax Table Used 0000. None $9,999 or more 9999. Name=‘MARG TAX RATE ERNR ONE ’ 8055 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14621-14622 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Marginal Tax Rate for First Extra Earner mean nonzero = 20.6 . 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes 304 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘2ND XTRA ERNER 80 TAXES ’ 8056 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14623-14626 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Second Extra Earner in 1980 mean nonzero = 1,135.3 V8056 and V8057 were computed using the following variables: V7612 Taxable Income of Second Extra Earner V7613 Total Number of Exemptions V7614 Tax Table Used 0000. 9999. None $9,999 or more Name=‘MARG TAX RATE ERNR TWO ’ 8057 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14627 14628 = Cross-year Tape Location Marginal Tax Rate for Second Extra Earner mean nonzero = 20.2 xx. 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes Name=‘3RD XTRA ERNER 80 TAXES ’ 8058 = Cross-year variable number 14629-14632 = Cross-year Tape Location Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Third Extra Earner in 1980 mean nonzero = 911.9 V8058 and V8059 were computed using the following variables: V7615 Taxable Income of Third Extra Earner V7616 Total Number of Exemptions V7617 Tax Table Used 0000. 9999. None $9,999 or more GENERATED DATA - 305 Name=‘MARG TAX RATE ERNR THREE’ 8059 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14633 14634 = Cross-year Tape Location Marginal Tax Rate for Third Extra Earner mean nonzero = 18.7 xx. 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes Name=‘4TH XTRA ERNER 80 TAXES ’ 8060 = Cross-year variable number 14635-14638 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Fourth Extra Earner in 1980 mean nonzero = 1182.6 V8060 and V8061 were computed using the following variables: V7618 Taxable Income of Fourth Extra Earner V7619 Total Number of Exemptions V7620 Tax Table Used 0000. 9999. None $9,999 or more Name=‘MARG TAX RATE ERNR FOUR ’ 8061 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14639 14640 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Marginal Tax Rate for Fourth Extra Earner mean nonzero = 20.1 XX. 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes 306 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘5TH XTRA ERNER 80 TAXES ’ 8062 = Cross-year variable number 14641-14644 = Cross-year Tape Location Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Fifth Extra Earner in 1980 mean nonzero = 2,087.4 V8062 and V8063 were computed using the following variables: V7621 Taxable Income of Fifth Extra Earner V7622 Total Number of Exemptions V7623 Tax Table Used 0000. None $9.999 or more 9999. Name=‘MARG TAX RATE ERNR FIVE ’ 8063 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14645 14646 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Marginal Tax Rate for Fifth Extra Earner mean nonzero = 25.7 xx. 00. Actual marginal tax rate Zero taxes Name=‘TOT TAXES ALL XTRA ERNR ’ 8064 = Cross-year variable number 14647-14651 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total Estimated Federal Income Taxes of All Extra Earners in 1980 mean nonzero = 1,468.0 Summation of the following variables: V8054 Estimated Federal Income Taxes of First Extra Earner V8056 Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Second Extra Earner V8058 Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Third Extra Earner V8060 Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Fourth Extra Earner V8062 Estimated Federal Income Taxes of Fifth Extra Earner 00000. 99999. None: V8054 through V8063=0 $99,999 or more GENERATED DATA - 307 Name=‘TOT FAM $ Y 80 8065 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14652-14658 = Cross-year Tape Location ' Total 1980 Family Money Income mean nonzero = 22,792.2 Summation of the following variables: V7590 Taxable Income of Head and Wife V7608 Total Transfers of Head and Wife V7625 Taxable Income of Others V7638 Total Transfers of Others 0000001. 9999999. One dollar or less, $9,999,999 or more including zero and negative amounts (Negative amounts and zeroes are not allowed for this variable because it is used in the generation of the income/needs ratio.) Name=‘TOT HD LABOR $ Y 80 8066 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14659-14663 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Total 1980 Labor Income of Head % nonzero = 77.5 mean nonzero = 16,957.3 Summation of the following variables: Labor Part of farm Income V7571 V7572 Labor Part of Business Income V7573 Head’s Wages Income V7575 Head’s Bonuses, Overtime, Commissions V7576 Head’s Income from Professional Practice or Trade V7577 Labor Part of Market Gardening Income V7578 Labor Part of Roomers and Boarders Income Actual dollar amount of Head’s Labor Income xxxxx. 99999. $99,999 or more ’ 308 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘1980 $ Y/NEEDS 8067 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14664-14667 = Cross-year Tape Location ' Total 1980 Family Money Income/Needs (1981) mean nonzero = 745.3 Total 1980 This ratio in V7745) income to family money income (V8065) divided by 1980 family needs (V7554). is multiplied by 1.25 for farmers (those coded 801 in V7712 or 80 to adjust for lower food costs. This is the only measure of needs on this tape which makes this adjustment for farmers. xx.xx. 99.99. Actual income/needs ratio Income/needs ratio of 99.99 or more OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having two decimal places. 8068 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ANNUAL FOOD STD 14668-14671 = Cross-year Tape Location Annual Food Standard mean nonzero = 876.0 This variable is generated by multiplying the weekly food needs (V7553) by 52 and then making the following adjustments for economies of scale: Add 20 p e r c e n t f o r o n e - p e r s o n f a m i l i e s , 10 percent for two-person families, 5 percent for three-person families, and subtract 5 percent for five-person families and 10 percent for families with six or more persons. xxxx. 9999. Food standard for 1981 family Food standard of $9,999 or more GENERATED DATA - 309 8069 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HEAD 80 AVG HRLY EARNING’ 14672-14675 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1980 Average Hourly Earnings--Head % nonzero = 77.4 mean nonzero = 865.1 1980 labor income of Head (V8066)/1980 hours of work of Head (V7530) xxxx. 0000. 9999. 1980 average hourly earnings Zero hourly earnings; Head did not work for money; (V8066=00000 or V7530-0000) $99.99 per hour or more OSIRIS USERS: N o t e t h a t t h i s v a r i a b l e i s d e f i n e d i n t h e d i c t i o n a r y a s h a v i n g t___ wo decimal places. 8070 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘WIFE 80 AVG HRLY EARNING’ 14676-14679 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1980 Average Hourly Earnings--Wife % nonzero = 33.2 mean nonzero = 595.7 1980 labor income of Wife (V7580)/1980 hours of work for money of Wife (V7540) xxxx. 0000. 1980 average hourly earnings Zero hourly earnings; Wife did not work for money; no Wife; V7660=00 or V7580=00000 or V7540=0000 9999. $99.99 per hour or more OSIRIS USERS: N o t e t h a t t h i s v a r i a b l e i s d e f i n e d i n t h e d i c t i o n a r y a s h a v i n g t___ wo decimal places. 310 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘REGlON 1981 INT 8071 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14680 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Region at Time of 1981 Interview Please refer to the region code following V8027 for specific state listings. 22.3 28.1 30.5 18.4 0.2 0.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. Northeast North Central South West Alaska, Hawaii Foreign Country NA Name-‘REGION 81 HD GREW UP 8072 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14681 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Region Where 1981 Head of Family Grew UP (about ages 6-16) Please refer to the region code following V8027 for specific state listings. 22.8 31.4 29.8 11.5 0.1 3.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Northeast North Central South West Alaska, Hawaii Foreign Country 1.2 9. NA region where 1981 Head grew up Name=‘REGION 81 HD FA GREW UP ’ 8073 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14682 = Cross-year Tape Location Region Where Father of 1981 Head Grew Up Please refer to the region code following V8027 for specific state listings. 18.8 28.2 33.0 5.5 0.0 12.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Northeast North Central South W est Alaska, Hawaii Foreign Country 2.4 5. NA where father o f 1981 Head grew u p GENERATED DATA - 311 8074 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘REGION 81 HD MO GREW UP ’ 14683 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Region Where Mother of 1981 Head Grew Up Please refer to the region code following V8027 for specific state listings. 19.1 29.1 32.6 5.9 0.1 11.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Northeast North Central South West Alaska, Hawaii Foreign Country 2.0 9. NA where mother of 1981 Head grew up Name=‘GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY ’ 8075 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14684 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Geographic Mobility: Versus Where Grew Up Where Head of Family Lived at Time of 1981 Interview 66.2 12.0 1. 2. 20.7 3. Same state at both times (V8025 = V7503) Same region but different state (V8025 not equal to V7503 but V8071 = V8072) Different regions (V8071 not equal to V8072) 1.2 9. NA (V7503 or V8025 = 99) 312 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘ACC 80 Y COMPONENTS 8076 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14685 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of 1980 Money Income Components Sum of t h e f o l l o w i n g : Accuracy: Head’s wages income Head’s other labor income Accuracy: Wife’s labor income Accuracy: Accuracy: Capital income ADC/AFDC of Head and Wife Accuracy: Other transfers of Head and Wife Accuracy: Taxable income of others Accuracy: Transfer income of others Accuracy: Sums greater than 9 were truncated at 9. Name=‘# MINOR ASSGMTS IN 81 8077 = Cross-year variable number 14686-14687 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ % nonzero = 10.5 mean nonzero = 1.2 Summation of the number of codes equalling 1 (minor assignment) in the accuracy variables in the variable sequence V7518 through V7639 xx. 00. Zero minor assignment GENERATED DATA - 313 Name=‘# MAJOR ASSGMTS IN 81 8078 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14688-14689 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Number of Major Assignments Made in 1981 Interview % nonzero = 18.1 mean nonzero = 1.6 Summation of the number of codes equalling 2 or 3 (major assignment) in the accuracy variables in the variable sequence V7518 through V7639. xx. 00. Zero major assignments Name=‘DU VALUE/ROOM - 1981 8079 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14690-14694 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 ’ 1981 Value Per Room of Dwelling Unit mean nonzero = 11051.1 V7517 (1981 house value) Homeowners: + [(V7525 (1981 rent paid) + V7527) x 10] (1981 value of rent received) / V7671 (number of rooms in 1981) House value (V7517) /number of rooms (V7671) Renters: Dwelling value (assumed to be 10 times annual rent (V7525))/number of rooms (V7671) Neither owns nor rents: Dwelling value (assumed to be value of rent received free in return for services (V7527) x 10(/number of rooms (V7671) xxxxx. $99,998 or more per room 99998. 99999. Number of rooms in dwelling not ascertained or respondent shares room (V7671=0,9) 314 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘ACTUL MINUS REQ ROOMS 81’ 8080 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14695 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 Actual Minus Required Rooms for Family (1981) mean nonzero = 5 Number of rooms in dwelling unit (V7671) minus number of rooms required for a family of given composition (V7552) plus 3. 0.2 0.6 3.9 9.4 16.8 21.5 20.1 14.8 10.5 2.2 0. S h o r t a g e o f t h r e e o r m o r e r o o m s 1. Shortage of two rooms 2. S h o r t a g e o f o n e r o o m Actual = required rooms 3. 4. One extra room 5. Two extra rooms 6. Three extra rooms 7. Four extra rooms 8. Five or more extra rooms 9. NA actual number of rooms; V7671 = 9 Name=‘PERSON/ROOM IN 1981 8081 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14696-14697 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 ’ Number of Persons Per Room (1981) mean nonzero = 5.3 Number of people in family (V7551)/number of rooms in dwelling (V7671) xx. Number of persons per room, w i t h o n e i m p l i e d d e c i m a l p l a c e . E . g . , a value of 20 here represents 2.0 persons per room. 99. NA number of rooms in dwelling or respondent shares room; V7671=9,0 OSIRIS USERS: Note that this variable is defined in the dictionary as having one decimal place. 8082 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘# 18 OR OLDER IN 81 14698-14699 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Number of Adults (those aged 18 or older) in Family (1981) mean nonzero = 1.8 Number in family (V7657) minus number of persons excluding Head and Wife under 18 years of age in family (V7661) xx. Actual number of adults GENERATED 8083 = Cross-year (Bkt. 8084 8085 V7658) = Cross-year (Bkt. variable number 14700 = Cross-year Age of = Cross-year Age of Name=‘BKT Location AGE HEAD MD=9 1981 ' Tape Name=‘BKT Location AGE WIFE MD=9 1981 ’ Tape Tape Name=‘EDUCATION Location MD=9 315 Head variable number 14701 = Cross-year V7660) DATA - Wife variable number 14702 = Cross-year 1981 HEAD ’ Head's Education This variable is comparable to those of earlier waves of data collection. 0-5 grades (V8039 = 00-05 and V8042 not equal to 1) 6-8 grades; “grade school” (V8039 = 06-08) 9-11 grades (V8039 = 09-11) 12 grades; “high school” (V8039 = 12 and V8043 not equal to 1) 12 grades plus nonacademic training (V8039 = 12 and V8043 = 1) College but no degree (V8039 = 13-15 or V8039 = 16-17 and V8045 not equal to 1) College BA and no advanced degree (V8039 = 16-17 and V8045 = 1 and V8046 not equal 1) College and advanced or professional degree (V8039 = 16-17 and V8046 = 1) NA; DK (V8039 = 99) Cannot read or write, or has trouble reading or writing (V8042 = 1) 316 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘EDUCATION 1981 WIFE ’ 8086 = Cross-year variable number 14703 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 Wife’s Education This variable is comparable to those of earlier waves of data collection. 0.7 4.4 8.5 18.6 8.3 7.8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.3 7. 1.6 8. 0.3 44.6 9. 0. 0-5 grades (V7998 = 00-05) 6-8 grades; “grade school” (V7998 = 06-08) 9-11 grades (V7998 = 09-11) 12 grades; “high school” (V7998 = 12 and V7999 not equal to 1) 12 grades plus nonacademic training (V7998 = 12 and V7999 = 1) College but no degree (V7998 = 13-15 or V7998 - 16, 17 and V8001 not equal to 1) College BA and no advanced degree (V7998 = 16-17 and V8001 = 1 and V8002 not equal to 1) College and advanced or professional degree (V7998 = 16-17 and V8002 = 1) NA; DK V7998 = 99) Inap.; no wife in FU; V7660=00 Name=‘MARITAL STATUS 1981 8087 = Cross-year variable number 14704 = Cross-year Tape Location Marital Status This version of marital status is comparable to 1968-1976 data. 55.7 1. 15.0 13.3 11.4 4.6 2. 3. 4. 5. Married or permanently cohabitating; spouse may be institutionalized and therefore not in the FU Single, never l e g a l l y married Widowed Divorced Separated ' GENERATED DATA - 317 Name=‘DEClLE: 80 TOT FAM $ Y 8088 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14705 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Decile on Total 1980 Family Money Income (V8065) 8089 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘DECILE: 80 $ Y/NEEDS 14706 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Decile on Total 1980 Family Money Income/Needs (V8067) These values were obtained from weighted data. The following variables, V8090-V8098, summate the actual number of children in the FU by various sex and age categories. Only persons whose relationship to Head are those of child, stepchild, grandchild, sibling or (Relationship to o t h e r r e l a t i v e , such as niece or nephew, are included. Head = 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 ; t h e s e v a r i a b l e s a r e b u i l t b y a c c e s s i n g i n d i v i d u a l d a t a . ) 318 - GENERATED DATA Name=‘# CHILDS AGE 1-2 8090 = Cross-year variable number 14707 = Cross-year Tape Location ' Number of Children of Both Sexes, Ages One and Two Years Name=‘# CHILDS AGE 3-5 8091 = Cross-year variable number 14708 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Children of Both Sexes, Ages Three through Five Name=‘# CHILDS AGE 6-13 8092 = Cross-year variable number 14709 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Children of Both Sexes, Ages Six through Thirteen ' GENERATED DATA - 319 Name=‘# FEM CHILDS 14-17 8093 = Cross-year variable number 14710 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Female Children, Ages Fourteen through Seventeen Name=‘# MALE CHILDS 14-17 8094 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14711 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Number of Male Children, Ages Fourteen through Seventeen Name=‘# FEM CHILDS 18-20 8095 = Cross-year variable number 14712 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Number of Female Children, Ages Eighteen through Twenty ' 3 2 0 - GENERATED DATA 8096 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name='# MALE CHILDS 18-20 14713 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Number of Male Children, Ages Eighteen through Twenty Name=‘# FEM CHILDS 21-29 8097 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14714 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Number of Female Children, Ages Twenty-one through Twenty-nine 8098 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘# MALE CHILDS 21-29 14715 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of Male Children, Ages Twenty-one through Twenty-nine ’ GENERATED DATA - 321 8099 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘RACE (FROM 1972) MD=9 14716 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' Race Since in 1981 most interviews were taken by telephone, this variable was c o p i e d f r o m 1 9 7 2 d a t a ; s p l i t o f f s ’ races were assumed to be the same as those of their main families. 85.4 11.5 2.6 0.5 1. White 2. Black Spanish-American 3. 7. Other 9. NA Name=‘SPLIT SAMPLE FILTER 8100 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14717 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Split Sample Filter This variable is identical for each case to V2969, a 1972 variable which randomly divided the sample into four equal parts. Splitoffs since 1972 have received the same number as their main families. 24.8 24.1 26.5 24.5 1. 2. 3. 4. First quarter sample Second quarter sample Third quarter sample Fourth quarter sample Name=‘SAMP ERR COMP UNIT(SECU) ’ 8101 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14718 14720 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sampling Error Computation Unit (SECU) This variable, identical to 1980 variable 7449, was constructed to allow users to calculate the proper sampling error, or variance, values of Splitoffs since 1980 have received the same value as regression statistics. their main families. See Section 1, Part 5 for a comprehensive explanation. xxy. S E C U i n t o w h i c h a s a m p l e u n i t i s c l a s s i f i e d . There are 64 actual SECU Values for the xx portion range from 01 to 32, groupings in all. whereas the value for the y portion is either 1 or 2. 322 - GENERATED DATA 8102 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘14YR FAM COMP CHANGE 14721 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Fourteen-Year Changes in FU Composition The highest number coded in any of the following variables is reproduced V542, V1109, V1809, V2410, V3010, V3410, V3810, V4310, V5210, V5710, here: V6310, V6910, V7510 13.2 29.3 5.7 8.7 3.5 29.3 8.8 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 0.7 7. 0.8 8. No change in family members Change in members other than Head or Wife Head same, but Wife left/died and/or Head has new Wife Wife from previous years became Head Female Head got married--husband (nonsample member) became Head Some sample member other than Head or Wife became Head Some female other than Head got married, and nonsample member became Head Female Head with husband in institution in previous year(s) became W i f e , as he came home to be the Head of the FU Other Name=‘1981 FAMILY WEIGHT 8103 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14722-14723 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ 1981 Updated Family Weight This weight variable was completely revised in 1978 to account for marriages to nonsample persons since 1968 and for differential nonresponse since 1968. Since 1979 it has been updated annually for marriages, divorces etc., but not for nonresponse. The values for V’s 8104-8106 are obtained from questionnaires sent to state See Section 1, P a r t 5 o f t h i s v o l u m e f o r f u r t h e r employment offices. detaiIs. Name=‘UNSKL M CNTY LABOR SUPPL’ 8104 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14724 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Whether Shortage or Surplus of Unskilled Hale Labor in County, December 1981 0.4 0.8 5.3 34.6 39.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Many more jobs than applicants More jobs than applicants Most people able to find jobs A number of unskilled workers unable to find jobs Many unskilled workers unable to find jobs 19.8 9. NA; FU lives outside the United States GENERATED DATA - 323 8105 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TYPICAL UNSKL WAGE RATE ’ 14725 14728 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 What is the Typical Wage that an Unskilled Male Worker Might Receive? December 1981 NA; DK; FU lives outside the United States Name=‘1981 CNTY UNEMP RATE 8106 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14729 14730 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 ’ Unemployment Rate in Respondent’s County, December 1981 mean nonzero = 7.4 01. One percent or less 98. 99. Ninety-eight percent or more NA; DK; FU lives outside the United States 8107 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘80-81 CNG MARITAL STATUS’ 14731 = Cross-year Tape Location 1980-1981 Change in Marital Status 1980 Head and Wife or Head and Husband of Head remained married to each other in 1981 1980 Head remained unmarried in 1981 1980 Head and Wife or Head and Husband of Head were married in 1980; 1981 Head is one of these two individuals and divorced or separated (Included here are cohabitors who have moved apart) 1980 Head and Wife or Head and Husband of Head were married in 1980; 1981 Head is one of these two individuals and is widowed 1980 Head was unmarried in 1980 but was married by 1981 and has either stayed Head or become Wife or Husband of Head by 1981 1980 Head and Wife or Head and Husband of Head were married in 1980, became divorced and remarried by 1981 1980 Head and Wife or Head and Husband of Head were married in 1980, became widowed and remarried by 1981 Other, including all splitoffs except those who were either Head or Wife in 1980 3 2 4 - GENERATED DATA 8108 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘# 81 S/O FROM THIS FAR ' 14732 = Cross-year Tape Location Number of 1981 Splitoff Interviews Taken from This Main Family Interview 1. One splitoff interview 9. Nine or more splitoff interviews 0. Inap.; none; t h i s i s a s p l i t o f f i n t e r v i e w ; V 7 5 0 7 = 1 8109 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘81 MAIN FAM ID FOR S/O ’ 14733 14736 = Cross-year Tape Location 1981 ID Number (V7502) of the Main Family Interview from which this Splitoff Interview came (Actual interview number was coded: 0001-6620) 0000. Inap.; not a splitoff interview; V7507=0 Part 2: Fourteen-Year Individual Tape Code The following are the codes for all fourteen years of individual unit tapes. The variable numbers and tape locations refer to the fourteen-year merged individual tape. Note that the fourteen-year merged individual tape variable numbers differ from the five through thirteen-year numbers. 325 3 2 6 - INDIVIDUAL DATA INDIVIDUAL TAPE CODE, 1968-1981 1968 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘lNTERVlEW NUMBER 8110 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14737-14741 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 68' 1968 Interview Number 8111 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘FAMlLY NUMBER 14742-14745 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 68' Family Number First four digits of 1968 interview number Name=‘SUB-FAMlLY NUMBER 8112 = Cross-year variable number 14746 = Cross-year Tape Location 68' Sub-family Number Last digit of 1968 interview number Name=’ INDIVIDUAL NR 8113 = Cross-year variable number 14747-14748 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Individual Identification Number (Person Number): 68' 1968 81. Head Other family members in dwelling Persons who have not yet moved into family Children under 25 living away from home in army, school, or institutional housing Husband in army, jail, or other institution Husband separated, r e s i d i n g w i t h a n o t h e r f a m i l y , o r l o c a t e d i n another dwelling Husband or other family member deceased between 1967 and 1968 00. Individual moved in after 1977 interview 01. 02-30. 31-50. 51-59. 61. 71. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 327 Name=‘AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 8114 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14749-14750 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 Age of Individual: 01. 02. 68' 1968 One or under Two Etc. 98. Ninety-eight or older 99. 00. NA Individual who had not moved in by 1968 8115 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘SEX 14751 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 68' (B2 or B7) Sex of Individual 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual who had not moved in by 1968 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8116 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14752 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (B2 or B7) Individual’s Relation to Head of Family: 1968 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. Head Wife Son or daughter Brother or sister Father or mother Grandchild, niece, nephew, other relatives under 18 Other, including in-laws, o t h e r a d u l t r e l a t i v e s Husband of Head not in DU; deceased FU member NA Individual who had not moved in by 1968 68' 328 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8117 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘IN SCHOOL MD=9 14753 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n In school now? 1968 (B3 or B9) interview): 5. 9. 0. 68’ (Whether individual in school at time of Yes (includes college, trade school) No NA Individual who had not moved in by 1968 8118 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘YRS SCHL COMPL 14754-14755 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 68’ (B4 or B10) Year of academic school completed by individual (if not still in school at time of interview): 1968 00. 01. 16. Preschool; s t i l l i n s c h o o l ; individual who had not moved in by 1968 One year of school completed College graduate 99. NA 8119 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘MOVED IN LAST YR 14756 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 68’ Whether individual moved into DU during year preceding 1968 interview (B11-B12) Has anyone moved into your household in the last year? (If yes) Who moved in? 1. Individual moved in during year preceding interview 0. Individual lived in dwelling for a year or more preceding interview; individual who had not moved in by 1968 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 329 Name=‘SOURCES OF INCOME 8120 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14757 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 68’ 1968 Type of Income Received by Individual: (J18, J21) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, interest, or what? What was that from? 0. Individual received no income in 1967; in by 1968 individual who had not moved 1. Earnings from work, business, farm 2. Transfer income only (Social Security, pension, welfare, unemployment compensation, alimony) Asset income only (rent, interest, dividends, royalties) 3. 4. More than one of the above types 9. NA 8121 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘MONEY INCOME IND 14758-14761 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 68’ (J19) 1967 Total Money Income of Individual (in dollars) 0000. 9998. Individual received no income in 1967 or was not in FU in 1968 $9998 or more 9999. NA Name=‘HOURS WORKED IND 8122 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14762-14765 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 68’ (J23-J24) Hours Worked for Money by Individual in 1967 0000. 0940. Individual did not work for money in 1967 or was not in FU in 1968 940 hours 9999. NA 330 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8123 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘SHARE EXPENSES MD=9 14766 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 68’ Whether Individual Shares in Family’s Expenses: 1968 (J26) Does (he/she) share in the family expenses or what? 3. 5. 9. 0. Yes, shares Yes, s h a r e s b u t q u a l i f i e d No NA Inap; individual received no income in 1967; individual was not in FU in 1968 8124 = Cross-year variable number Name=’ LIKELY TO MOVE 14767 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 68’ Whether Individual Likely to Move from DU: 1968 (J27) Is (he/she) Iikely to stay here with you or might (he/she) move away within the next few years? 1. Yes. will stay here Pro-con, depends (will go to college) Will move away 9. NA 0. Inap; no income; individual was not in FU in 1968 8125 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘EXTRA EARNER NR. 14768 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Extra Earner Number: 68’ 1968 Other earners (other than Head or Wife) have been numbered in order by amount of earned income in ascending order with the earner having the largest income receiving the lowest number. 1. 2. 3. Other with highest earned income Other with second highest income Etc. 0. Individual received no income in 1967; individual was not in FU in 1968 individual is Head or Wife; INDIVIDUAL DATA - 331 1969 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘INTERVIEW NR 1969 8126 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14769-14772 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 69’ 1969 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse from 1968 Name-‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 8127 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14773-14774 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 69' Sequence Number: 1969 01. 02. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. First person listed Second person listed Etc. Individuals currently in an institution Individuals who moved out of the FU in 1968 or out of an institution and established their own household in 1968 Individuals who died since last interview Individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8128 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14775-14776 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 69' Person Number 01-29. 31-39. 61. 71. 00. Individuals living in the FU in 1968 Individuals who moved into the sample after the 1968 interview but before the 1969 interview Children under 25 who were living in institutions in 1968 Spouse who was in an institution in 1968 Spouse who was living in another household at the time of the 1968 interview but who had lived in the FU part of 1967 individuals who had not moved into the FU by the time of the 1969 i n t e r v i e w 332 - 8129 INDIVIDUAL DATA = Cross-year variable number 14777 = Cross-year Relationship 1. 2. Head: Name-‘RELATION Location TO HEAD 69' 1969 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Head of family Wife Son or daughter (include stepchildren Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative (include in-laws) Unrelated Husband of Head 0. Individual 3. 4. 8130 to Tape had not = Cross-year variable number 14778-14779 = Cross-year moved into FU by Name=‘AGE Location Tape and the foster time children) of the 1969 OF PERSON MD=99 interview 69' Age: 1969 01. 02. 03. One year or Two years Three years younger Etc. 8131 98. Ninety-eight 99. 00. NA Individual = Cross-year years had not variable number 14780 = Cross-year or older moved Tape into FU by Name=‘SEX Location the time of the 1969 OF PERSON MD=9 interview 69' Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview INDIVIDUAL DATA - 333 Name=‘MOVED IN OR OUT 8132 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14781 = Cross-year Tape Location 69’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1969 0. Inap. ( i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ) ; i n d i v i d u a l h a d n o t moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared (did not move in during 1968 but not included in FU on the 1968 interview (usually a 1968 listing error) Moved out of FU in 1968 or out of an institution and established own household in 1968 Moved out of FU and into institution in 1968 Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared; did not move out during 1968 but included in FU on the 1968 interview (usually a listing error); NA whether 5, 6, or 7 Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL 8133 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14782 = Cross-year Tape Location 69’ (A6, A7) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1968? Who was that? 5. Yes, s t o p p e d g o i n g t o s c h o o l No. did not stop (not listed in A7) 9. NA 0. Individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview Name=‘HRS/WK HOUSEWRK 8134 = Cross-year variable number MD=99 14783-14784 = Cross-year Tape Location 69’ (G13-G16) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? - 1969 00. 01. None, Inap; individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview One hour per week Etc. 98. 98 hours or more 99. NA, DK 334 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘DISABLED OR RQ CARE 69’ 8135 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14785 = Cross-year Tape Location (H52a, H56, H59) Is this individual disabled or require extra care? - 1969 1 . Y e s , is disabled Yes, r e q u i r e s e x t r a c a r e 5. No 9. 0. NA Individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8136 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14786 = Cross-year Tape Location 69’ (M2) Who was respondent? - 1969 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 5. 9. 0. NA Individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview Name=‘TYPE OF INCOME 8137 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14787 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 69’ (H19, H25) Was that from wages, a pension, a business or what? What was that from? - 1969 0. I n a p . , no income; i n d i v i d u a l h a d n o t m o v e d i n t o F U b y t h e t i m e o f the 1969 interview 1. 2. 3. 4. Solely from earnings Solely from transfers Solely from asset earnings Some combination, more than one type 9. NA INDIVIDUAL DATA - 335 Name=‘MONEY INCOME-I 8138 = Cross-year variable number 14788-14792 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 69’ (H19) Total money income of this individual: 1969 00000. 99998. None, Inap., individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview $99,998 or more 99999. NA Name=‘HRS WORKED IN 68 8139 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14793-14796 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 69’ (H21, H22) Hours worked last year: 1969 0000. 9998. Inap., did not work; individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview 9998 hours or more 9999. NA Name=’SHARE EXPENSES 8140 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14797 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 69’ (H27) Does (he/she) share in the family’s expenses or what? - 1969 0. Inap., no income; individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview 1. 5. Yes. u n q u a l i f i e d Yes, q u a l i f i e d ( a l i t t l e : No 9. NA less than $10 a week; sometimes) 336 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8141 - Cross-year variable number Name='LIKELY TO MOVE OUT 69' 14798 - Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 (H28) Is he/she) likely to move away within the next few years? 1969 Inap; individual had not moved into FU by the time of the 1969 interview INDIVIDUAL DATA - 337 1970 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1970 INTERVIEW # 8142 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14799-14802 = Cross-year Tape Location 70’ 1970 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1970 or splitoff nonresponse from 1969 0000. 8143 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 14803-14804 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 70’ Sequence Number: 1970 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Persons in the family for the 1970 interview Persons in an institution at the time of the 1970 interview Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution in 1969 and established their own household Individuals who died since the last interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1970 8144 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 14805 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 Relationship of Person to Head: 1970 8. Head of family Wife Child, stepchild Sibling Parent Grandchild, great-grandchild In-laws or other relative Nonrelative 9. NA relation 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 70’ 338 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘AGE OF PERSON 8145 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14806-14807 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 70’ Age: 1970 01. 02. 03. One year or younger Two years Three years Etc. 98. 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 Name=‘SEX OF PERSON 8146 = Cross-year variable number 14808 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 70’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 Name=‘MOVED IN OR OUT 8147 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14809 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 70’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1970 0. In family or in institution both years; neither in FU nor moved out in 1970 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared; did not move in during 1969, but not included in FU on previous interviews (usually a listing error in 1969) Moved out of FU or institution in 1969 and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution in 1969 Died since last interview Disappeared; did not move out in 1969 but included in FU on previous interviews; NA whether 5, 6 or 7 5. 6. 8. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 339 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8148 = Cross-year variable number 14810-14811 = Cross-year Tape Location 70’ Person Number This number is the same for each individual throughout the entire study. 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. Individuals living in the FU at the beginning of the study (in 1968) Individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions at the beginning of the study Spouse who was in an institution in 1968 when the study began Individuals who had moved out by the time of the 1969 interview or who had not moved in by the time of the 1970 interview Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL 8149 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14812 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 70’ (A6-A7) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1969? Who was 1970 question that? 1. 5. Yes, stopped going to school No, did not stop 9. NA 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 Name=‘GRADE FINISHED 8150 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14813-14814 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 70’ (A8) What is the highest grade (he/she) finished? - 1970 01. 02. One grade Two grades Etc. 16. College graduate 99. 00. NA Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 340 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8151 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HRS/WK HOUSEWK 14815-14816 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 70’ (G14, G15, G17, G18) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? - 1970 00. 01. None; Inap; individual was not in FU in 1970 One hour per week Etc. 98. 98 hours or more 99. NA, DK 8152 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘DISABLED OR RQ CARE 70’ 14817 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (H56a-c, H62) Is this individual disabled or require extra care? - 1970 1. 2. 5. Yes, Yes, No 9. NA 0. Individual was not in FU in 1970 is disabled requires extra care 8153 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘RESPONDENT? 14818 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (M2) Who was respondent? - 1970 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 5. 9. 0. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 70’ INDIVIDUAL DATA - 341 Name=‘TYPE OR INCOME 8154 - Cross-year variable number 14819 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 70' (H1. H5, H8, H11a-k. H23) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - 1970 0. Inap., no income; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 1. Solely from earnings (from work, business, farm) 2. Solely from transfers (Social Security, pensions, welfare, unemployment compensation, alimony, ADC) Solely from asset earnings (rent, interest, dividends, royalties) 4. Some combination, more than one type 9. NA Name-‘MONEY INCOME-I 8155 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14820-14824 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 70' (H22, H30) Total money income of this individual in 1969 This variable contains only labor if the person is Head or Wife 00000. 99998. None; Inap; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 $99,998 or more 99999. NA Name=‘HRS WORKED-I 8156 = Cross-year variable number 14825-14828 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 70' (H25, H26) Hours Worked in 1969 Inap., did not work; individual was neither in FU nor a moverout in 1970 9998. 9,998 hours or more 0000. 9999. NA 342 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8157 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘SHARE EXPENSES MD=9 14829 = Cross-year Tape Location 70’ (H31) Does (he/she) share in the family’s expenses or what? - 1970 0. Inap., no income; person is Head or Wife; person was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 1. 5. Yes, u n q u a l i f i e d Yes, qualified (a little: less than $10 per week; sometimes) No 9. NA 8158 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘LIKELY TO MOVE OUT 14830 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (H32) 70’ Is (he/she) likely to move away within the next few years? - 1970 0. Inap., no income; person is Head or Wife; person was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1970 1. 8. Yes, w i l I m o v e Pro-con, depends No, will stay Already moved out DK 9. NA 5. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 343 1971 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES 8159 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘1971 INTERVIEW # 14831-14834 = Cross-year Tape Location 71' 1971 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse by 1971 or splitoff nonresponse by 1970 8160 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘SEQUENCE 14835-14836 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n NUMBER 71' Sequence Number: 1971 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Persons in the family in 1971 Persons in an institution in 1971 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution in 1970 and established their own households Individuals who died since the 1970 interview Individuals who were neither in the FU nor movers-out in 1971 8161 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 14837 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Relationship of Person to 1971 Head 8. 9. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Child, stepchild Sibling Parent Grandchild, great-grandchild In-laws or other relative Nonrelative Husband of Head (i.e., husband is not head of family) 0. Individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1971 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 71' 344 - 8162 INDIVIDUAL DATA variable number = Cross-year 14838-14839 = Cross-year Name=‘AGE Location Tape OF PERSON 71’ MD=99 Age: 1971 01. 02. One year Two years or younger 98. 98 or older 99. 00. NA Individual Etc. 8163 = Cross-year years was neither variable number 14840 = Cross-year in Tape FU nor a mover-out Name=‘SEX Location in 1971 OF PERSON MD=9 71’ Sex 8164 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual neither in = Cross-year variable number 14841-14842 = Cross-year Tape Person This was FU nor a mover-out Name=‘PERSON Location in 1971 NUMBER 71’ Number number 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. is the same for each individual throughout Individuals living in a sample family study (in 1968) individuals who moved into a sample Children under 25 who were living in Spouse who was in an institution in Individual who had moved out by the or who had not moved in by the time the at the entire study. beginning family after institutions 1968 time of the of the 1971 of the 1968 in 1968 1970 interview interview INDIVIDUAL DATA - 345 Name=‘MOVED IN OR OUT 8165 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14843 = Cross-year Tape Location 71’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1971 0. In family or in institution both years; neither in FU nor a moverout in 1971 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared; did not move in during 1970 but not included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error) Moved out of FU or institution in 1970 and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution in 1970 Died since last interview Disappeared; did not move out in 1970 but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error) 5. 6. 8. 8166 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL 14844 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 71’ (A6-A7) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1970? Who was that? 1971 question 1. 5. Yes, s t o p p e d g o i n g t o s c h o o l No, did not stop 9. NA 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in I971 8167 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘GRADE FINISHED 14845-14846 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 71’ (A8) What is the highest grade (he/she) finished? - 1971 01. 02. One grade Two grades Etc. 16. College graduate or more 99. NA 00. Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 3 4 6 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘HRS/WK HSWK 8168 = Cross-year variable number 14847-14848 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 71' (G20, G23) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? - 1971 00. 01. None; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n F U n o r a m o v e r - o u t i n 1 9 7 1 One hour per week Etc. 98. 98 hours or more 99. NA, DK Name=‘DISABLED OR REQ CR 8169 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14849 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H56a-c, H59, H62) 1971 1. 5. Yes, Yes, No 9. NA 0. 71' Is this individual disabled or require extra care? - is disabled requires extra care Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8170 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14850 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (M2) Who was respondent? - in 1971 5. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 71' INDIVIDUAL 8171 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TYPE OR INCOME 1 4 8 5 1 = C r o s s - y e a r Tape L o c a t i o n MD=9 DATA - 347 71' (H1, H5, H8. H11a-k, H19, H23) Source of individual’s 1970 income 0. No income; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 3. 4. Labor income only Transfer income only Asset income only Combination of 1 and 2; 1 and 3; 1, 2 and 3; or 1 and 9 9. NA 1. Name=‘MONEY INCOME-I 8172 = Cross-year variable number 14852-14856 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 71' (H1-H30) Total 1970 money income of this individual This variable contains only labor income if the person is Head or Wife 00000. None; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 $99,998 or more 99998. 99999. NA 8173 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HOURS WORKED-I 14857-14860 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 71' (H25, H26) Hours worked in 1970 0000. xxxx. None; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n F U n o r a m o v e r - o u t i n 1 9 7 1 Number of hours worked in 1970 9999. NA 348 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8174 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘SHARE EXPENSES 14861 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 71' (H31) Does (he/she) share in the family’s expenses or what? - 1971 0. Inap., no income: person is Head or Wife; person was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 1. 5. Yes, unqualified Yes, qualified (a little less than $10 per week; sometimes) No 9. NA Name=‘LIKELY TO MOVE OUT 8175 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14862 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (H32) 71' Is (he/she) likely to move away within the next few years? - 1971 0. Inap.; no income; person is Head or Wife; person was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1971 8. Yes, will move Pro-con, depends No, will stay Already moved out DK 9. NA 3. 5. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 349 1972 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘INTERVIEW # 8176 = Cross-year variable number 14863-14866 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 72' 1972 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse by 1972 or splitoff nonresponse by 1971 Name=‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 8177 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14867-14868 = Cross-year Tape Location 72' Sequence Number: 1972 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in the family in 1972 Individuals in an institution in 1972 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own households since the 1971 interview Individuals who died since the 1971 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1972 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8178 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14869 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 72' Relationship to Head: 1972 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 0. Head of family: previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter (include stepchildren and adopted children) Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative (include in-laws) Unrelated Husband of Head Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 3 5 0 - INDIVlDUAL DATA Name-‘AGE OF PERSON 8179 = Cross-year variable number 14870-14871 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 72’ Age: 1972 98. 23 months or less 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘SEX OF PERSON 8180 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14872 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 72’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8181 = Cross-year variable number 14873-14874 = Cross-year Tape Location 72’ Person Number 01-29. 31-50. 51-59. 61. 00. Individuals living in the FU for the first year Individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first year Spouse who was in an institution the first year Individuals who had moved out by the time of the 1971 interview or who had not moved in by the time of the 1972 interview INDIVIDUAL DATA - 351 Name=‘MOVED IN OR OUT 8182 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14875 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 72’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1972 0. Inap., in family or in institution both this year and last year; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared; did not move in since 1971 interview, but not included in FU on the previous interview Moved out of FU in 1972 interview or out of an institution and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1971 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared; did not move out in 1971 interview, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); last year (or NA whether 5, 6, 7) 8183 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL MD=9 14876 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 72’ (A6, A7) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1971? Who was that? 1. 5. Yes, child under 25 stopped going to school No, did not stop (not listed in A7) 9. NA; DK, moved out and no information given 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘GRADE FINISHED 8184 = Cross-year variable number 14877-14878 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 72' (A8) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? - 1972 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college Second year of college Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; did not stop school: not a child under 25; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 352 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘WHO DID WORK? 8185 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14879 = Cross-year Tape Location 72' (C20) Who in the family did this work? (Additions and repairs) - 1972 5. Yes, this person did some of the work (listed in C20) No, this person did not do any of the work; in institution both years 9. NA, moved out and no information given 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 8186 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HRS/WK HSWRK 14880-14881 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 72' (G26, G29, G30) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? - 1972 01. 02. One hour per week Two hours per week Etc. 98. 98 hours per week or more 99. NA, DK; moved out and no information given 00. Inap; no hours per week: i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘DISABLED OR REQ CR 8187 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14882 = Cross-year Tape Location 72’ (H59, H63, H66) Is this individual disabled or require extra care? - 1972 1. 5. Yes, i s d i s a b l e d Yes, r e q u i r e s e x t r a c a r e No, i s n e i t h e r d i s a b l e d n o r r e q u i r e s e x t r a c a r e ; i n i n s t i t u t i o n both years 9. NA, moved out and no information given 0. Individual was neither in FU nor institutionalized nor a mover-out in 1972 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 353 Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8188 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14883 = Cross-year Tape Location 72' (N2) Who was respondent in 1972 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 5. 9. 0. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘TYPE OF INCOME 8189 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14884 = Cross-year Tape Location 72' (H29) Was that from wages, a pension, a business or what? What was that from: - 1972 1. Solely from labor 2. Solely from transfers Solely from assets 3. 4. Any combination with labor Any combination without labor 5. 9. NA, DK 0. Individual had no income; out in 1972 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘MONEY INCOME-I 8190 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14885-14889 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99999 72' (H28, H36) Total money income of this individual for 1971 99998. $99,998 or more 99999. NA 00000. Inap; none; 1972 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 354 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8191 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HOURS WORKED-I 14890-14893 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9999 72’ (H31, H32) Hours worked in 1971 9998. 9998 hours or more 9999. NA 0000. Inap; none; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 8192 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=’SHARE EXPENSES? 14894 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 72' (H37) Does (he/she) share in family’s expenses or what? 1972 3. 5. Yes, unqualified Yes, qualified (a little, less than $10 a week, sometimes) No 9. NA 0. Inap; no income; 1972 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 8193 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘LIKELY TO MOVE OUT 14895 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 72’ (H38) Is (he/she) likely to move away within the next few years? - 1972 8. Yes, will move Pro-con, depends No, will stay Already moved out DK 9. NA 3. 5. 0. Inap; 1972 no income; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in INDIVIDUAL DATA - 355 8194 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘COMPLETED EDUCATION ’ 14896-14897 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Completed Education This variable contains the years of education as of 1972 for each individual other than the Head or Wife. (See family variable for education of Head and Wife.) 01. 02. 03. One year Two years Three years Etc. 16. 98. College graduate Still in school 99. 00. NA No education or Head or Wife; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1972 Name=‘TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL 8195 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14898 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Type of Individual 1. 2. 3. 4. Sample member living in a panel family (or in an institution) in 1968 through 1972 Sample member born after 1968. The individual data for these children contain zeros for the years before they were born. Sample member living in a panel family in 1968 but who subsequently died or moved out and was not followed. The individual records Their contain zeros for the years after these members left. weights are also zero. These individuals should be used only to generate 1968 family composition variables (e.g., the number of pre-school children). Individual Nonsample member living with a panel family in 1972. records for the years before these members moved in contain zeros. Their weights are also zero. These individuals should be used to generate 1972 family composition variables. 8196 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘lNDlVlDUAL 14899-14900 = Cross-year Tape Location WEIGHT ' 1972 Individual Weight This variable makes adjustments for differential non-response since the It is nonzero only for sample members living in the beginning of the study. family in 1972. See Section II, Volume l of the 1968-1972 PSID documentation for a detailed description of the weighting procedure. 356 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 1973 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1973 8197 = Cross-year variable number 14901-14904 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n INTERVlEW# 73' 1973 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1973 or splitoff nonresponse by 1972 0000. 8198 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name-‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 14905-14906 = Cross-year Tape Location 73' Sequence Number: 1973 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in FU in 1973 Individuals in an institution in 1973 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own households since the 1972 interview Individuals who died since the 1972 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1973 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8199 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14907 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 73' Relationship to Head: 1973 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter (includes stepchildren or adopted children) Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relatives (includes in-laws) Unrelated Husband of Head Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 357 Name=‘AGE OF PERSON 8200 = Cross-year variable number MD GE 99 14908-14909 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 73’ Age: 1973 01. 98. 23 months or less 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 Name=‘SEX OF PERSON 8201 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14910 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 73’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8202 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14911-14912 = Cross-year Tape Location 73’ Person Number 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. Individuals living in the FU for the first year individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first year Spouse who was living in an institution the first year Individuals who had moved out of the FU by 1972 or who had not moved in by the time of the 1973 interview 3 5 8 - INDlVIDUAL DATA Name-‘MOVED IN OR OUT 8203 = Cross-year variable number 14913 = Cross-year Tape Location 73’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1973 0. Inap., in family or in institution both this year and last year; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared; did not move in since 1972 interview, but not included in FU in previous year (i.e., listing mistake in previous year) Moved out of FU or out of an institution and established own household in 1973 Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1972 interview Died since 1972 interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared; did not move out in 1972, but included in FU in the previous interview (usually a listing error); or NA whether 5, 6, 7 Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL 8204 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD GE 9 14914 = Cross-year Tape Location 73’ (A2, A3) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1972? Who was that? 5. Yes, this child under 25 stopped going to school No, did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA, DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 Name=‘GRADE FINISHED 8205 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD GE 99 14515-14916 = Cross-year Tape Location 73’ (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? - 1973 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First grade through 12th grade First year of college Second year of college Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA, DK 00. Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 359 Name=‘HR/WK HOUSEWORK 8206 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD GE 99 14917-14918 = Cross-year Tape Location 73' (G23, G27, G28) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? - 1973 01. 02. One hour per week or less Two hours per week Etc. 98. 98 hours per week or more 99. 00. NA, DK; no hours per week; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8207 = Cross-year variable number MD GE 9 14919 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 73' (L1) Who was respondent in 1973 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 5. 9. NA 0. This individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1973 Name=‘TYPE OF INCOME 8208 = Cross-year variable number MD GE 9 14920 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 73' (H24) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solely from labor Solely from transfers Solely from assets Any combination with labor Any combination without labor 9. NA, DK 0. Individual had no income; out in 1973 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- 360 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MONEY INCOME 8209 = Cross-year variable number 14921-14925 = Cross-year Tape Location MD GE 99999 73’ (H23, H30) Total money income of this individual for 1972 99998. $99,998 or more 99999. NA 00000. Inap; none; 1973 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 8210 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HOURS WORKED 14926-14929 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD GE 9999 73’ (H26, H27) Hours worked in 1972 9998. 9998 hours or more 9999. NA 0000. Inap; none; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n F U n o r a m o v e r - o u t i n 1 9 7 3 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 361 1974 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1974 ID NUMBER 8211 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14930-14933 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 74’ 1974 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1974 or splitoff nonresponse by 1973 0000. Name=‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 8212 = Cross-year variable number 14934-14935 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 74’ Sequence Number: 1974 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in FU in 1974 Individuals in an institution in 1974 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own households since the 1973 interview Individuals who died since the 1973 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1974 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8213 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14936 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 74’ Relationship to Head 8. 9. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--includes stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--includes in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head 0. Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1974 1. 3. 4. 6. 362 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 8214 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14937-14938 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 74’ 01. 98. 23 m o n t h s o r l e s s 98 y e a r s o r o l d e r 99. 00. NA Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1974 Name=‘SEX OF INDIVIDUAL 8215 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 14939 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 74’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 8216 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=’ PERSON NUMBER 14940-14941 = Cross-year Tape Location 74’ Person Number 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. Individuals living in the FU the first year Individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first year Spouse who was in an institution the first year Individuals who had moved out by 1973 or who had not moved in by the time of the 1974 interview INDIVIDUAL DATA - 363 Name=‘MOVED IN/OUT 8217 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14942 = Cross-year Tape Location 74’ Moved In or Moved Out: 1974 0. Inap., in family or in institution both this year and last year; individual who was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1973 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e., listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU or out of an institution and established own household in 1974 Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1973 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared--did not move out in 1973, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); or NA whether 5, 6, 7 8218 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘STOP SCHOOL? MD=9 14943 = Cross-year Tape Location 74’ (A2, A3) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1973 or 1974? Who was that? 1. 5. Yes. t h i s c h i l d u n d e r 2 5 s t o p p e d g o i n g t o s c h o o l No, did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA; DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 8219 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HlGHEST GRADE MD=99 14944-14945 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 74’ (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college Second year of college Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA, DK 00. Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 364 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8220 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HRS/WK HOUSEWORK 14946-14947 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 74’ (G36, G39-G40) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in the average week? 98. One hour per week or less 98 hours per week or more 99. NA, DK; moved out and no information given 00. Inap; no hours per week; nor a mover-out in 1974 in institution both years; neither in FU Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8221 = Cross-year variable number MD-9 14948 = Cross-year Tape Location 74’ (L1) Who was respondent? 1. 5. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 9. NA, DK 0. This individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 Name=‘TYPE OF INCOME 8222 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14949 = Cross-year Tape Location 74’ (H24) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Solely from labor Solely from transfers Solely from assets Any combination with labor Any combination without labor 9. NA, DK 0. Inap; no income; 1974 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in INDIVIDUAL DATA - 365 8223 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WTR WELFARE INCOME 74’ 14950 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (H24) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? 1. 5. All welfare income Some welfare income No welfare income 9. NA; DK 0. I n a p ; no income; 1974 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 8224 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TOT $ INCOME-IND 14951-14955 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99999 7 4 ’ (H23, H31) Total money income of this individual 99998 = $99,998 or more 99999. NA 00000. Inap; none; 1974 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 8225 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘TOT ANN HRS-IND 14956-14959 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9999 74’ (H26, H27) Hours worked last year 9998. 9998 hours or more 9999. NA 0000. Inap; none; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1974 3 6 6 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 1975 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1975 ID NUMBER 8226 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14960-14963 = Cross-year Tape Location 75’ 1975 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1975 or splitoff nonresponse by 1974 0000. Name=‘SEQUENCE # 8227 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14964-14965 = Cross-year Tape Location 75’ Sequence Number: 1975 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in FU in 1975 Individuals in an institution in 1975 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1974 interview Individuals who died since the 1974 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1975 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8228 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14966 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ Relationship to Head 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--include stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--include in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 367 Name=‘AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 8229 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14967-14968 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 75’ Age: 1975 23 months or less 01. 98. 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘SEX OF INDIVIDUAL 8230 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 14969 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘PERSON # 8231 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14970-14971 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ Person Number 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. Individual living in the FU the first year individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first year Spouse who was in an institution the first year Individual who had moved out by 1974 or who had not moved in by the time of the 1975 interview Name=‘MARITAL STATUS:PAIRS 75’ 8232 = Cross-year variable number 14972 = Cross-year Tape Location Marital Status 1. 9. 0. First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU Ninth married pair in FU Inap; n o t m a r r i e d ; s p o u s e i s n o t i n F U ; FU nor a mover-out in 1975 individual was neither in 368 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MOVED IN/OUT 8233 = Cross-year variable number 14973 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ Moved In - Moved Out 0. Inap.--in family or in institution both this year and last year; individual who was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1974 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e., listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU in 1975 interview or out of an institution and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1974 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared--did not move out in 1974, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); NA whether 5, 6, 7 Name=‘MONTH MOVED IN/OUT 75’ 8234 = Cross-year variable number 14974-14975 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 Month Moved In or Out 99. NA when moved in 00. Inap; did not move in or out; splitoff; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 369 8235 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘YEAR MOVED IN/OUT 14976 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 75’ Year Moved In or Out 3. 4. 5. 1972 1973 1974 1975 9. NA 0. Inap; did not move in or out; splitoff; FU nor a mover-out in 1975 individual was neither in 8236 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘STOPPED SCHOOL? MD=9 14977 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ (A2, A3) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1974 or 1975? Who 5. Yes, child under 25 stopped going to school No, did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA; DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘HIGHEST GRAD FINISHED 75’ 8237 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14978-14979 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? 01-12. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college 13. 14. Second year of college Third year of college 15. 16. College senior or graduate or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 370 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8238 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘RESPONDENT? 14980 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 75' (N1) Who was respondent? 5. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 9. NA; DK 0. This individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘LABOR/ASSET TYPE INC 75' 8239 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14981 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H30) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Taxable income 1. 2. 3. Labor income (L) Asset income (A) Labor and asset (L,A) 0. Inap; no taxable income; out in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- 8240 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TRANSFER TYPE INC 14982 = Cross-year Tape Location 75' (H30, H37) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Transfer Income 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. ADC, AFDC Other welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pensions, annuities Unemployment, w o r k m e n ’ s c o m p e n s a t i o n Alimony, c h i l d s u p p o r t Help from relatives Supplemental Security Income Any combination; other 0. Inap; 8. no transfer income--include movers-out if “No” to H27 or H40 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 371 Name=‘TAXABLE INCOME - IND 75’ 8241 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14983-14987 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H29, H39) Total taxable income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in Name=‘ACC TAXABLE Y - IND 75’ 8242 = Cross-year variable number 14988 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of taxable income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out Name=‘TRANSFER INC - IND 75’ 8243 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14989-14993 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H29, H39) Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 8244 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘ACC TRANSFER Y - IND 75’ 14994 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of transfer income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 372 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘HRS WORKED IN 74 8245 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 14995-14998 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 75’ (H32, H33) Hours worked last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; did not work; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘ACC HRS WORKED IN 74 75’ 8246 = Cross-year variable number 14999 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of this individual’s work hours 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HRS UNEMP IN 74 8247 = Cross-year variable number 15000-15003 = Cross-year Tape Location 75’ (H35, H36) Hours of unemployment last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; was not unemployed; mover-out in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘ACC HRS UNEMPLOYED 75’ 8248 = Cross-year variable number 15004 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of this individual’s unemployment hours 1. 2. Minor Major assignment assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1975 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out INDIVIDUAL DATA - 373 Name=‘COMPLETED EDUCATION ’ 8249 = Cross-year variable number 15005-15006 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Completed Education This variable contains the years of education as of 1979 for each individual other than the Head or Wife. College graduate Twenty-four years old or younger in 1975 and in school 1968 through 1975 Less than 12 years of age in 1975 and either not in the family or preschool age in 1968 and has never stopped school Age is at least 12 but no more than 24 and neither in school nor preschool age in 1968 and has never stopped school Attended school in 1968 and turned 25 between 1969 and 1975 and had not stopped school by 25; mover-in who was 25 or older in 1975; age in 1975 was NA; other NA No education; neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1975 Name=‘UPDATED 1972 IND WEIGHT ’ 8250 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15007-15008 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1972 Individual Weight This variable is updated for movers in and out since 1972. 374 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 1976 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1976 ID NUMBER 8251 = Cross-year variable number 15009-15012 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76’ 1976 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse by 1976 or splitoff nonresponse by 1975 Name=‘1976 SEQUENCE NUMBER 76’ 8252 = Cross-year variable number 15013-15014 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sequence Number: 1976 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in FU in 1976 Individuals in an institution in 1976 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1975 interview Individuals who died since the 1975 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1976 Name=‘RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD 76’ 8253 = Cross-year variable number 15015 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Relationship to Head 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--include stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--include in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 375 Name=‘AGE 8254 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15016-15017 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 76’ Age: 1976 98. 23 months or less 98 ye a r s o r o l d e r 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 Name=‘SEX 8255 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15018 = Cross-year Tape Location 76’ Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8256 = Cross-year variable number 15019-15020 = Cross-year Tape Location 01-29. 31-39. 51-59. 61. 00. Individuals living in the FU the first year Individuals who have moved into the sample Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first year Spouse who was in an institution the first year Individuals who had moved out by 1975 or who had not moved in by the time of the 1976 interview Name=‘MARITAL STATUS 8257 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15021 = Cross-year Tape Location 1. 2. 76’ 76’ First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU . . 9. Ninth married pair in FU 0. Inap; n o t m a r r i e d ; s p o u s e i s n o t i n F U ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n o t i n F U i n 1976 376 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MOVED-IN MOVED-OUT 76' 8258 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15022 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Moved-in - Moved-Out 0. Inap; i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h t h i s y e a r a n d l a s t y e a r ; individual who was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1975 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e.. listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU since 1975 i n t e r v i e w o r o u t o f a n i n s t i t u t i o n a n d established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1975 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared--did not move out in 1975, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); NA whether 5, 6, 7 Name=‘MO MOVED IN OR OUT 8259 = Cross-year variable number MD=99 15023-15024 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76' Month Moved In or Out 99. NA when moved in 00. Inap; did not move in or out; splitoff; FU nor a mover-out in 1976 individual was neither in INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘YR MOVED IN OR OUT 8260 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15025 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 377 76’ Year Moved In or Out 3. 4. 1973 1974 6. 1976 9. NA 0. Inap; did not move in or out; splitoff; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 Name=‘STOP SCHOOL? 8261 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15026 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76’ (A2, A3) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1975 or 1976? Who was that? 1. 5. Yes. child under 25 stopped going to school No, did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA; DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 Name=‘HlGHEST GRADE FINISH 76’ 8262 = Cross-year variable number MD=99 15027-15028 = Cross-year Tape Location (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 99. 00. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college Second year of college Third year of college College senior or graduate or more NA; DK Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 378 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘HRS HOUSEWORK/WK 8263 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15029-15030 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 76’ (G7, G11--Heads’ Q u e s t i o n n a i r e a n d B 1 - - W i v e s ’ Q u e s t i o n n a i r e ) T i m e S p e n t o n Housework in an average week by this individual 01. 98. One hour or less Ninety-eight hours or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; none; m o v e r - o u t i n 1 9 7 6 f i l e ; nor a mover-out in 1976 individual was neither in FU Name=‘EXTRA CARE? 8264 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15031 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76’ (H49, H51-52--Heads’ Questionnaire and A25--Wives’ Questionnaire) Whether this individual requires extra care or has physical or nervous disabilities 5. This person requires extra care or is disabled This person does not require extra care and is not disabled 9. NA; DK 0. Inap: mover-out in 1976 file; mover-out in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘WHETHER RESPONDENT 76’ 8265 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15032 = Cross-year Tape Location (M1) Who was respondent? 5. 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 9. NA; DK 0. This individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1976 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 379 Name=‘TAXABLE $ SOURCE 8266 = Cross-year variable number 15033 = Cross-year Tape Location 76' (H25, H37) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was t h a t f r o m ? - Taxable income 1. 2. 3. Labor income (L) Asset income (A) Labor and asset (L, A) 0. Inap; no taxable income; out in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘TOTAL TAXABLE $ 8267 = Cross-year variable number 15034-15038 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76' (H28, H38) Total taxable income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in Name=‘ACC TAXABLE $ 8268 = Cross-year variable number 15039 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76' Accuracy of taxable income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HRS WRKED LAST YR 8269 = Cross-year variable number 15040-15043 = Cross-year Tape Location 76' (H31-H33) Hours worked last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; did not work; in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 380 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8270 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘ACC IND’S WRK HRS 15044 = Cross-year Tape Location 76’ Accuracy of this individual’s work hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 8271 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HRS UNEMP LAST YR 15045-15048 = Cross-year Tape Location 76’ (H34, H35) Hours of unemployment last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; was not unemployed; mover-out in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘ACC IND’S UNEMP HRS 76' 8272 = Cross-year variable number 15049 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of this individual’s unemployment hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out INDIVIDUAL DATA - 381 Name=‘TRANSFER $ SOURCE 76’ 8273 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15050 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H29, H37) Was that from wages. a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Transfer income 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. ADC, AFDC Other welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pension, annuities Unemployment, w o r k m e n ’ s c o m p e n s a t i o n Alimony, c h i l d s u p p o r t Help from relatives Supplemental Security Income Any combination; other Inap; n o t r a n s f e r i n c o m e ; out in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘TOTAL TRANSFER $ 8274 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15051-15055 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76’ (H28, H38) Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in Name=‘ACC TRANSFER $ 8275 = Cross-year variable number 15056 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 76’ Accuracy of transfer income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1976 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 3 8 2 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 1977 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLE Name=‘1977 ID NUMBER 8276 = Cross-year variable number 15095-15060 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77’ 1977 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1977 or splitoff nonresponse by 1976 0000. Name=‘1977 SEQUENCE NUMBER 77’ 8277 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15061-15062 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sequence Number: 1977 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in FU in 1977 Individuals in an institution in 1977 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1976 interview Individuals who died since the 1976 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1977 Name=‘RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD 77’ 8278 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15063 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Relationship to Head 1. 2. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. Head of family: previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--include stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--include in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 INDIVIDUAL Name-‘AGE 8279 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 1 5 0 6 4 - 1 5 0 6 5 = C r o s s - y e a r Tape L o c a t i o n DATA - 383 77' Age: 1977 01. 23 months or less 98. 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 Name=‘SEX 8280 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15066 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77' Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER --OLD 77' 8281 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15067-15068 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Person Number Individuals living in the FU for the first year 01-29. Individuals who have moved into the sample 31-39. Children under 25 who were living in institutions the first 51-59. year 61. Spouse who was in an institution the first year Individuals who had moved out by 1976 or who had not moved in 00. by the time of the 1977 interview Name=‘MARITAL STATUS 8282 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15069 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1. 2. . . 77’ First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU . 9. Ninth married pair in FU 0. Inap; 1977 not married; spouse is not in FU; individual was not in FU in 3 8 4 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MOVED-IN MOVED-OUT 77’ 8283 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15070 = Cross-year Tape Location Moved In--Moved Out 0. Inap; i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h t h i s y e a r a n d l a s t y e a r ; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1976 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e., listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU since 1976 interview or out of an institution and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1976 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared--did not move out in 1976, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); NA whether 5, 6, 7 Name=‘MO MOVED IN OR OUT 8284 = Cross-year variable number 15071-15072 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 77’ Month Moved In or Out 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. January February March April May June July August September October November December 99. NA when moved in 00. Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 385 Name=‘YR MOVED IN OR OUT 8285 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15073-15074 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77' Year Moved In or Out 76. 77. 99. 00. 1976 1977 NA Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 Name=‘STOP SCHOOL? 8286 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15075 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77’ (A2, A3) Did any of the children stop going to school in 1976 or 1977? Who was that? 5. Yes, c h i l d u n d e r 2 5 s t o p p e d g o i n g t o s c h o o l No did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA; DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 Name=‘HIGHEST GRADE FINISH 77’ 8287 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15076-15077 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college Second year of college Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; did not stop school; not a child under 25; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 386 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8288 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘HRS HOUSEWORK/WK 15078-15079 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 77’ (G32, G33, G37) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in an average week? 01. 98. One hour or less Ninety-eight hours or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; none; mover-out in 1977 file; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 Name=‘NEEDS EXTRA CARE? 8289 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15080 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=9 77’ (H53) Do you have any physical or nervous condition that limits the type of (H56-H57) Is there anyone work or the amount of work you can do? (else) in this family who requires a lot of extra care because of (his/her) condition? Who is that? 1. 5. This person requires extra care: this person is Head and answered “Yes” to H53 This person does not require extra care; this person is Head and answered “No” to H53 9. NA; DK 0. Inap; mover-out on 1977 file; mover-out in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a 8290 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WHETHER RESPONDENT 77’ 15081 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (L1) Who was respondent? 1. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 5. 9. NA 0. This individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1977 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 387 Name=‘TAXABLE $ SOURCE 8291 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15082 = Cross-year Tape Location 77’ (H29, H37) Was that from wages, a pension, a business or what? What was that from? - Taxable income 1. 2. 3. Labor income Asset income Labor and asset 0. Inap; not taxable income; out in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘TOTAL TAXABLE $ 8292 = Cross-year variable number 15083-15087 = Cross-year Tape Location 77’ (H28, H38) Total taxable income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in Name=‘ACC TAXABLE $ 8293 = Cross-year variable number 15088 = Cross-year Tape Location 77’ Accuracy of taxable income for this individual 1. 2. Minor Major assignment assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HRS WORKED LAST YR 8294 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15089-15092 = Cross-year Tape Location 77’ (H31, H32) Hours worked last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; did not work; in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 388 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘ACC IND”S WORK HRS 8295 = Cross-year variable number 15093 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77' Accuracy of this individual’s work hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HRS UNEMP LAST YR 8296 = Cross-year variable number 15094-15097 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77' (H34, H35) Hours of unemployment last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; was not unemployed; mover-out in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘ACC IND”S UNEMP HRS 77' 8297 = Cross-year variable number 15098 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of this individual’s unemployment hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out INDIVIDUAL DATA - 389 Name=‘TRANSFER $ SOURCE 8298 = Cross-year variable number 15099-15100 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77’ (H29, H37) Was that from wages, a pension, a business or what? What was that from? - Transfer Income 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 15. ADC, AFDC only Other welfare only Social Security only Other retirement pay, pensions, annuities only Unemployment only W orkmen’s compensation only Child support only Help from relatives only Supplemental Security Income only Other only Any combination 00. Inap; n o t r a n s f e r i n c o m e ; mover-out in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘TOTAL TRANSFER $ 8299 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15101-15105 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77’ (H28, H38) Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in Name=‘ACC TRANSFER $ 8300 = Cross-year variable number 15106 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 77’ Accuracy of transfer income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; in 1977 individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out 3 9 0 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8301 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘NEW PERSON NUMBER 15107-15108 = Cross-year Tape Location 77' 1977 Revised Person Number 01-19. 20. individuals living in the FU the first year of the study Husband of the 1968 Head who was living in an institution the first year of the study 21-29. Child who was living in an institution in 1968 30-69. Individual who was born into the family since 1968 and who has at least one sample parent 70-99. Individual who was not born into the family or who has no sample parent 8302 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘1972 UPDATD IND WEIGHT77’ 19109-19110 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1972 Updated Individual Weight Updated for all children born into the sample; these children received the updated 1972 family weight from the 1977 family data INDIVIDUAL DATA - 391 1978 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1978 ID NUMBER 8303 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15111-15114 = Cross-year Tape Location 78’ 1978 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1978 or splitoff nonresponse by 1977 0000. 8304 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘SEQUENCE NO. 15115-15116 = Cross-year Tape Location 78’ Sequence Number: 1978 01-49. Individuals in FU in 1978 51-59. 71-79. Individuals in an institution in 1978 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1976 interview Individuals who died since the 1976 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1978 81-89. 00. 8305 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD 78’ 15117 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Relationship to Head 8. 9. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--include stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--include in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1978 1. 2. 4. 6. 3 9 2 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name-‘AGE 8306 = Cross-year variable number 15118-15119 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78' Age 01. 98. 23 months or less 98 years or older 99. NA 00. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name-‘SEX 8307 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15120 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78' Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER (NEW) 78' 8308 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15121-15122 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Revised Person Number 01-19. 20. 21-29. 30-69. 70-99. 00. Individual who was in the original 1968 family Husband of the 1968 Head who was living in an institution the first year of the study Child who was living in an institution in 1968 Individual who was born into the family since 1968 and who has at least one sample parent Individual who was not born into the sample or who has no sample parent Individual had not yet been born or moved into a panel FU INDIVIDUAL DATA - 393 Name=‘MARITAL STATUS 8309 = Cross-year variable number 15123 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1. 2. . . . First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU 9. Ninth married pair in FU 0. Inap; n o t m a r r i e d ; s p o u s e i s n o t i n F U ; FU in 1978 78’ individual was not in the Name=‘MOVED IN MOVED OUT 8310 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15124 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ Moved In--Moved Out 0. Inap; i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h t h i s y e a r a n d l a s t y e a r ; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1978 1. 2. Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1977 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e.. listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU since 1977 interview or out of an institution and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1977 interview Died since last interview 5. 6. 7. 8. Disappeared--did not move out in 1977, but included in FU on the NA whether 5, 6, 7 previous interview (usually a listing error); 394 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8311 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘MONTH MOVED IN OR OUT 78’ MD=99 15125-15126 = Cross-year Tape L o c a t i o n Month Moved In or Out 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. January February March ApriI May June July August September October November December 99. NA when moved in 00. Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff: individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘YEAR MOVED IN OR OUT 78’ 8312 = Cross-year variable number 15127-15128 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Year Moved In or Out 77. 78. 99. 00. 1977 1978 NA Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘STOP SCHOOL? 8313 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15129 = Cross-year Tape Location 78’ (A2, A3) Did anyone in this household stop going to school in 1977 or 1978? Who was that? 5. Y e s , someone other than Head or Wife under 25 stopped going to school No, did not stop (not listed in A3) 9. NA; DK (moved out and no information given) 0. Individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 1. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 395 Name=‘HIGHEST GRADE FINISH 78’ 8314 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15130-15131 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 (A4) What was the highest grade (he/she) finished? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college/tech. school Second year of college/tech. school Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; did not stop school; no one under 25; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘HRS HOUSEWORK/WK 8315 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15132-15133 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 78’ (G35, G40, G44) About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in an average week? 01. 98. One hour or less Ninety-eight hours or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; none; moved out; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘LOOKING FOR WORK? 8316 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15134 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ (H53, H54) Is anyone in the family looking for work? Who is that? 1. 5. Yes, t h i s p e r s o n i s l o o k i n g f o r w o r k ; u n e m p l o y e d o r r e t i r e d ; permanently disabled, housewife, student, or other and answered “Yes” to F22 No, this person is not looking for work; employed or answered “No” to F22 9, NA; DK 0. Inap; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 396 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8317 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘LOOKING LAST 4 WKS? 78’ MD=9 15135 = Cross-year Tape Location (E4, F26, H55) Have you been doing anything in the last four weeks to find a job? Has (he/she) been doing anything in the last four weeks to find a job? 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap; n o t l o o k i n g f o r w o r k ; mover-out in 1978 individual was neither in the FU nor a Name=‘WHETHER HEALTH LIMIT 78’ 8318 = Cross-year variable number 15136 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 (H65) Do you (Head) have any physical or nervous condition that limits the type of work or the amount of work you can do? (H73) Is there anyone (else) 18 or older in this family who has any physical or nervous condition that limits the type of work or the amount of work they can do? (H82) Is there anyone under 18 in this family who has any physical or nervous condition that limits their activity or schooling? 1. 5. This person has a physical or nervous condition This person does not have a physical or nervous condition 9. NA; DK 0. I n a p ; moved out; in 1978 individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HOW MUCH LIMIT? 8319 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15137 = Cross-year Tape Location (H66, H75, H84) 1. 78’ Does it limit your work a lot, somewhat, or just a little? 3. 5. A lot Somewhat Just a little 9. NA; DK 0. Inap; no physical/nervous conditions; moved out; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 397 Name=‘# YEARS WITH CONDITN 78’ 8320 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 15138-15139 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H67, H75a, H84a) How long have (you/they) had this condition? 01. 98. One year or less Ninety-eight years or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; n o p h y s i c a l / n e r v o u s c o n d i t i o n ; m o v e d o u t ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘CONDITN BETTER OR 8321 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15140 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ (H68, H76, H85) Do you expect it to get better, worse, or stay about the same? 3. 5. Better Same W orse 9. NA; DK; Head 0. Inap; n o p h y s i c a l / n e r v o u s c o n d i t i o n ; m o v e d o u t ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘NEED EXTRA CARE? 8322 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15141 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ (H65, H77, H86) Do you/Does that person require a lot of extra care by someone? 5. Yes No 9. NA 0. Inap; n o p h y s i c a l / n e r v o u s c o n d i t i o n ; m o v e d o u t ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 398 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MEAN EXTRA COSTS? 8323 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15142 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ (H70, H78, H87) Does that mean extra costs for the family? 5. Yes No 9. NA; DK 0. Inap; n o p h y s i c a l / n e r v o u s c o n d i t i o n ; m o v e d o u t ; d o e s n o t r e q u i r e extra care; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 8324 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘ARE COSTS SMALL OR 15143 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 78' (H71, H79, H88) Are those costs small, moderate, or quite large? 1. Small Moderate 5. Large 9. NA; DK 0. Inap; n o p h y s i c a l / n e r v o u s c o n d i t i o n ; m o v e d o u t ; d o e s n o t r e q u i r e extra care; no extra costs; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘WHO WAS RESPONDENT? 78' 8325 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15144 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (L1) Who was respondent? 5. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 9. NA 0. This individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 399 Name=‘TYPE TAXABLE INCOM 78’ 8326 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15145 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H36, H44) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Taxable Income 1. 2. 3. Labor income Asset income Labor and asset income 0. Inap; no taxable income; out in 1978 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘TOTAL TAXABLE INCOM 78’ 8327 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15146-15150 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H35, H45) Total taxable income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; m o v e d o u t a n d a n s w e r e d “ N o ” t o H 3 4 o r H 4 3 ; i n institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘ACC TOT TAXBL INC 8328 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15151 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 78’ Accuracy of taxable income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; moved out and answered “No” to H34 or H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘HOURS WORKED IN 77 8329 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15152-15155 = Cross-year Tape Location 78’ (H39, H40) Hours worked last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. I n a p ; d i d n o t w o r k ; moved out and answered “No” to H34 or H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 400 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘ACC TOT HRS WRKD 77 8330 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15156 = Cross-year Tape Location 78’ Accuracy of this individual’s work hours 1. 2 . Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; moved out and answered “ N o ” t o H 3 4 o r H 4 3 ; i n institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘TOT HRS UNEMPLYD 77 78’ 8331 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15157-15160 = Cross-year Tape Location (H41, H42) Hours of unemployment last year 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; was not unemployed; moved out and answered “No” to H34 or H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘ACC TOT HRS UNEMP 77 78’ 8332 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15161 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of this individual’s unemployment hours - - 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; moved out and answered “No” to H34 and H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 401 Name=‘TYPE TRANSFR INCOM 78' 8333 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15162-15163 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (H36, H44) Was that from wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Transfer Income 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 15. ADC, AFDC Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Other welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pensions, or annuities Unemployment compensation W orkmen’s compensation ChiId support Help from relatives Anything else More than one of the above; any combination 00. Inap; n o t r a n s f e r i n c o m e ; mover-out in 1978 individual was neither in the FU nor a Name=‘TOTAL TRANSFR INCOM 78’ 8334 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15164-15168 = Cross-year Tape Location (H35, H45) Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; moved out and answered “No” to H34 or H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 Name=‘ACC TOT TRANF INCOME 78' 8335 = Cross-year variable number 15169 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of transfer income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; moved out and answered “No” to H34 or H43; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1978 4 0 2 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘1978 REVISED WEIGHT 78’ 8336 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15170-15171 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1978 Individual Weight This weight variable was completely revised in 1978 to account for differential nonresponse since 1968 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 403 1979 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1979 ID (CASE ID) 8337 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15172-15175 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ 1979 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse by 1979 or splitoff nonresponse by 1978 Name=‘SEQUENCE # (IND) 8338 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15176-15177 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Sequence Number: 1979 01-49. 51-59. 71-79. 81-89. 00. Individuals in 1979 family Individuals in an institution in 1979 Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own households since 1978 interview Individuals who died since the 1978 interview Individuals who were neither in FU nor movers-out in 1979 Name=‘RELATSHIP TO HEAD (IND) ’ 8339 = Cross-year variable number 15178 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Relationship to Head 1. 2. 8. 9. Head of family; previous head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--include stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Father or mother of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--include in-laws Unrelated Husband of Head 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 4. 6. 404 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8340 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘AGE OF IND 15179-15180 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Age 01. 98. 23 months or less 98 years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 8341 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘SEX OF IND 15181 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER OF IND 8342 = Cross-year variable number 15182-15183 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Revised Person Number 01-19. 20. 21-29. 30-69. 70-99. 00. Individual who was in the original 1968 family Husband of the 1968 Head who was living in an institution the first year of the study Child who was living in an institution in 1968 Individual who was born into the family since 1968 and who has at least one sample parent Individual who was not born into the sample or who has no sample parent Individual had not been born or moved into a panel FU by the time of the 1979 interview Name=‘MARITAL STATUS OF IND ’ 8 3 4 3 = Cross-year variable number 15184 = Cross-year Tape Location Marital Status 1. 2. 9. First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU Ninth married pair in FU 0. Inap; not married; FU in 1979 spouse is not in FU; individual was not in the INDIVIDUAL DATA - 405 8344 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘WTR 15185 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MOVED-IN/OUT-IND ’ Moved In--Moved Out 0. 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8345 = Inap; i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h t h i s y e a r a n d l a s t y e a r ; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Moved in or born since last interview Appeared--did not move in since 1978 interview, but not included in FU last year (i.e., listing mistake last year) Moved out of FU since 1978 interview or out of an institution and established own household Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1978 interview Died since last interview Disappeared--did not move out in 1978, but included in FU on the previous interview (usually a listing error); NA whether 5, 6, 7 Cross-year variable number Name=‘MO MOVED-IN/OUT-IND ’ 15186-15187 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Month Moved In or Out 01. January 02. February March 03. 04. ApriI 05. May 06. June July 07. 08. August September 09. 10. October 11. November 12. December 99. NA when moved in 00. Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 406 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘YR MOVED-IN/OUT-IND ’ 8346 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15188-15189 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Year Moved In or Out 78. 79. 99. 00. 1978 1979 NA Inap; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘HRS HSWRK-IND 8347 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15190-15191 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 About how much time does (head/wife/friend) spend on (J5, J6, J10) housework in an average week? 01. 98. One hour or less Ninety-eight hours or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap; none; moved out; mover-out in 1979 individual was neither in the FU nor a Name=‘WTR IND WAS R 8348 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15192 = Cross-year Tape Location (L1) Who was respondent? 1. 5. This individual was respondent This individual was not respondent 9. NA 0. This individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 407 Name=‘EMPL STATUS-IND 8349 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15193 = Cross-year Tape Location ' (C1, F2, K36) We would like to know what you do--are you (head/wife/friend/ individual) working now, looking for work, retired, a student, keeping house, or what? W orking now 1. 2. Temporarily laid off Looking for work, unemployed 4. Retired Permanently disabled Housewife; keeping house 6. Student 8. Other 0. Inap., not an “extra earner”; mover-out in 1979 individual was neither in FU nor a Name=‘K4 STUDENT?-IND 8350 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15194 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (K47) During 1978 was (he/she) enrolled in school as a full-time or parttime student? 1. 5. Full-time student Part-time student Not enrolled in school 9. NA; DK 0. Inap., current head or wife, not an extra earner; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘K48 # WKS IN SCHOOL-IND ’ 8351 = Cross-year variable number 15195-15196 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 (K48) How many weeks did (he/she) attend school in 1978? 01. One week or less xx. Number of weeks attended school 98. Don’t know 99. 00. NA Inap., not enrolled in school; current head or wife; not an extra earner; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1979 408 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘K49 EDUCATION-IND 8352 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15197-15198 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 ' (K49) What is the highest grade or year of school (he/she) has completed? 01-12. 15. 16. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college/tech. school Second year of college/tech. school Third year of college College senior or graduate or more 99. NA; DK 00. Inap., current head or wife, not an extra earner; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 13. 14. Name=‘TYPE TAXABLE INCOME-IND ’ 8353 = Cross-year variable number 15199 = Cross-year Tape Location (K40, K42) Was that From wages, a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Taxable Income 1. 3. 0. Labor income Asset income Labor and asset income Inap; no taxable income; out in 1979 individual was neither in FU nor a mover- Name=‘TOT TAXABLE INCOME-IND ’ 8354 = Cross-year variable number 15200-15204 = Cross-year Tape Location (K41, K43) Total taxable income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘ACC TOT TXBL INC-IND 8355 = Cross-year variable number 15205 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of taxable income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 409 Name=‘TOT HRS WRKD 78-IND 8356 = Cross-year variable number 15206-15209 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ (K38, K39) Hours worked in 1978-1979 variable 9999. 9,999 hours or more Inap; did not work; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 0000. Name=‘ACC TOT HRS WRKD-IND 8357 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15210 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Accuracy of this individual’s work hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 8358 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TOT HRS UNEMP 78-IND 15211-15214 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ (K46) Hours of unemployment in 1978-1979 variable 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap; was not unemployed; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘ACC TOT HRS UNEMP-IND ’ 8359 = Cross-year variable number 15215 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of this individual’s unemployment hours 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 410 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name-‘TYPE TRANSFER INC-IND ’ 8360 = Cross-year variable number 15216-15217 = Cross-year Tape Location (K42, K43) Was that from wages. a pension, a business, or what? What was that from? - Transfer Income 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. ADC, AFDC Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Other welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pensions, or annuities Unemployment compensation W orkmen’s compensation ChiId support Help from relatives 10. Anything else 15. More than one of the above; any combination 00. Inap; no transfer income; mover-out in 1979 individual was neither in the FU nor a Name=‘TOT TRANSFER INC-IND ’ 8361 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15218-15222 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n (K44) Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap; none; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 Name=‘ACC TOT TRANS INC-IND ’ 8362 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15223 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of transfer income for this individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. Inap; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1979 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 411 Name=’ INDIVIDUAL WEIGHT 8363 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15224-15225 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' 1979 Individual Weight This weight variable was revised in 1979 to account for differential nonresponse since 1978 412 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 1980 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES 8364 = Cross-year variable number Name=’ 1980 ID (CASE ID) 15226-15229 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1980 Interview Number 0000. This individual was main family nonresponse by 1980 or splitoff nonresponse by 1979 Name=‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 80 8365 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15230-15231 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sequence Number: ’ 1980 01-49. Individuals in 1980 family 51-59. Individuals in an institution in 1980 71-79. Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1979 interview 81-89. Individuals who died since the 1979 interview 00. Individuals who were neither in the FU nor movers-out in 1980 8366 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD 80 ’ 15232 = Cross-year Tape Location Relationship to Head 1. 2. 6. 7. Head of family; previous Head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--includes stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Mother or father of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--includes in-laws 8. Unrelated 9. Husband of Head 0. Individual who was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 4. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 413 Name=‘AGE OF IND 1980 8367 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15233-15234 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 Age 01. 98. 23 months or younger Ninety-eight years or older 99. 00. NA Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘SEX OF IND 1980 8368 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15235 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sex 1. 2. Male Female 0. Individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 1980 8369 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15236-15237 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Revised Person Number 01-19. 20. Individual who was in the original 1968 family Husband of the 1968 Head who was living in an institution the first year of the study 21-29. Child who was living in an institution in 1968 30-69. Individual who was born into the family since 1968 and who has at least one sample parent 70-99. Individual who was not born into the sample or who was no sample parent 00. Individual had not been born or moved into a panel FU by the time of the 1980 interview 414 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘MARITAL PAIR 1980 8370 = Cross-year variable number 15238 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Marital Status 1. 2. First married pair in FU Second married pair in FU 9. Ninth married pair in FU 0. lnap.; not married; spouse is not in FU; in 1980 individual was not in FU Name=‘MOVED IN/OUT? 1980 8371 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15239 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Moved In--Moved Out 0. Inap.; in family or in institution both this year and last year; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 1. Moved in or born since last interview 2. Appeared--moved in before 1979 interview, but mistakenly not included in FU that year (a listing error) 5. Moved out of FU since 1979 interview or out of an institution and established own household 6. Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1979 interview 7. Died since last interview 8. Disappeared--moved out before 1979 interview, but mistakenly included in FU on the previous interview; NA whether 5, 6 or 7 INDIVIDUAL 8372 Month 8373 Name=‘MONTH = Cross-year variable number 15240-15241 Cross-year Tape Location Moved In or MOVED IN/OUT MD=99 DATA - 415 80 ’ Out 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. January February March ApriI 99. 00. NA when moved in or out Inap.; did not move in or individual was neither in May June July August September October November December out the since last interview; FU nor a mover-out Name=‘YEAR variable number = Cross-year 15242-15243 = Cross-year Tape Location in MOVED IN/OUT MD=99 splitoff; 1980 80 ’ Year Moved in or Out 99. 00. 8374 Last two digits of actual NA did not move in or Inap.; interview; individual was 1980 = Cross-year variable number 15244-15249 = Cross-year J5. J6. J9. J10. Tape year in which out since last neither in the move occurred interview; splitoff FU nor a mover-out Name=‘HR/WEEK HOUSEWORK 80 MD=99 Location in ’ About how much time does your (wife/friend) spend on housework in an average week--l mean time spent cooking, cleaning, and doing other work around the house? About how much time do you (Head) spend on housework in an average week? and doing other work around the (I mean time spent cooking, cleaning, house) Who is that? About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in an average week? 01. One hour or 98. 99. 00. Ninety-eight NA; DK Inap.; none; mover-out in less hours or moved 1980 out; more individual was neither in the FU nor a 416 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8375 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘WAS THIS IND R? 15246 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=9 N1. W h o w a s __respondent? 1. This 5. This 9. NA 0. This individual was respondent individual was not respondent individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘1980 EMPL STATUS 8376 = Cross-year variabie number 15247 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C1. W e would like to know about what you do--are you (Head) working now. looking for work, retired, a student, (a housewife), or what? W e would like to know about what your (wife/friend) does--is she F2. working now, looking for work, retired, a student, a housewife, or what? K39. We would like to know about what (Individual) does--is (he/she) working now, looking for work, retired, a student, keeping house, or what? 1. 2. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. W orking now Temporarily laid off Looking for work, unemployed Retired Permanently disabled Housewife; keeping house Student Other Don’t Know Inap.; n o t a n "extra earner”; individual 15 years or younger; individual is deceased; individual was neither in FU nor a moverout in 1980 Name=‘IND A STUDENT? 1980 8377 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=9 15248 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K50. ’ During 1979 was (he/she) enrolled in school as a full-time or parttime student? 1. 3. Full-time student Part-time student 5. Not enrolled in school 9. 0. NA; DK Inap.; current Head or Wife; not an Extra Earner; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 417 Name=‘WEEKS IN SCHOOL (K51)? 8378 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15249-15250 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 K51. ’ How many weeks did (he/she) attend school in 1979? 01. One week or less xx. Number of weeks attended school 98. 99. 00. Don’t know NA I n a p . ; n o t e n r o l l e d i n school; current Head or Wife; n o t a n e x t r a earner; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘EDUCATION ATTAINED 80 ’ 8379 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15251-15252 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 K52. What is the highest grade or year of school that (he/she) has completed? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 99. 00. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college/tech. school Second year of college/tech. school Third year of college College senior or graduate or more NA; DK Inap.; current Head or Wife; not an extra earner; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘TYPE TAXABLE Y 1980 8380 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15253 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Type Taxable Income 1. 2. 3. Labor income Asset income Both labor and asset income 0. I n a p . ; no taxable income; i n i n s t i t u t i o n i n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1980 418 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘1980 TOT TAXABLE Y 8381 = Cross-year variable number 15254-15258 = Cross-year Tape Location Total Taxable Income of This individual 99999. 00000. $99,999 or more Inap.; none; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘ACC TOT TAXABLE Y 80 8382 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15259 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Accuracy of This Individual’s Taxable Income 1. Minor assignment 2. Major assignment 0. I n a p . ; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘HOURS WORKED IN 1979 8383 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15260-15263 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Hours Worked in 1979-1980 Variable 9999. 0000. 9,999 hours or more Inap.; did not work; did not have job in 1979; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘ACC HOURS WORKED IN 79 ’ 8384 = Cross-year variable number 15264 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of This Individual’s Work Hours 1. 2. Minor Major assignment assignment 0. I n a p . ; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 419 Name=‘HOURS UNEMP IN 1979 8385 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15265-15268 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Hours of Unemployment in 1979-1980 Variable 9999. 9,999 hours or more I n a p . ; was not unemployed; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l 0000. was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘ACC HOURS UNEMP IN 79 ’ 8386 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15269 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of This Person’s Unemployment Hours 1. Minor assignment Major assignment 2. 0. Inap.; no assignment; moved out and was not unemployed in 1979; in institution both years; not an extra earner; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘TYPE TRANSFER Y 8387 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15270-15271 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K45. K46. ' Did (he/she) have any (other) income last year? What was that from? (Transfer income) 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. ADC, AFDC only Supplemental Security Income, SSI Other Welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pensions, or annuities Unemployment Compensation W orkmen’s Compensation Child Support Help from relative 10. Anything else 15. More than one of the above; any combination 00. Inap.; no transfer income; in institution both years; not an extra earner; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 4 2 0 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8388 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘TOTAL TRANSFER Y 15272-15276 = Cross-year Tape Location ' K47. Total transfer income of this individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap.; none; moved out and had no transfer income in 1979; in institution both years; not an extra earner; individual was neither with FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘ACC TRANSFER Y 8389 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15277 = Cross-year Tape Location Accuracy of Transfer Income for This Individual 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. I n a p . ; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; n o t a n e x t r a earner; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1980 Name=‘1980 IND WEIGHT 8390 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15278-15279 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ' 1980 Individual Weight--updated from 1979 This weight variable was revised in 1980 to account for differential nonresponse since 1979. INDIVIDUAL DATA - 421 1981 INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES Name=‘1981 INTERVIEW NUMBER ' 8391 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15280-15283 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981 Interview Number This individual was main family nonresponse by 1981 or splitoff nonresponse by 1980 0000. 8392 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘SEQUENCE NUMBER 15284-15285 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Sequence Number: 1981’ 1981 01-49. Individuals in 1981 family 51-59. Individuals in an institution in 1981 71-80. Individuals who moved out of the FU or out of an institution and established their own household since 1980 interview 81-89. Individuals who died since 1980 interview 00. Individuals who were neither in the FU nor movers-out in 1981 Name=‘RELATION TO HEAD 8393 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15286 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ Relationship to Head 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Head of family; previous Head Wife; previous wife Son or daughter--includes stepchildren and adopted children Brother or sister of Head Mother or father of Head Grandchild or great-grandchild Other relative--includes in-laws 8. Unrelated 9. 0. Husband of Head Individual who was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 422 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 8394 = Cross-year variable number 15287-15288 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 1981’ Age 23 months old or younger Ninety-eight years old or older 99. 00. NA I n d i v i d u a l w h o w a s n e i t h e r i n t h e F U nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘SEX OF INDIVIDUAL 8395 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15289 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1. 2. 0. 1981’ Male Female lndividual who was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘PERSON NUMBER 8396 = Cross-year variable number 15290-15291 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ Revised Person Number 01-19. 20. Individual who was in the original 1968 family Husband of the 1968 Head who was living in an institution the first year of the study 21-29. Child who was living in an institution in 1968 30-69. lndividual who was born into the family since 1968 and who has at least one sample parent 70-99. Individual who was not born into the sample or who has no sample parent INDIVIDUAL DATA - 423 8397 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘MARITAL STATUS-IND 1981’ 15292 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Marital Status First married pair in FU 1. 2. Second married pair 9. Ninth married pair 0. Inap.; not married; spouse is not in FU; in 1981 individual was not in FU Name=‘MOVED IN/OUT 8398 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15293 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ Moved In--Moved Out 0. Inap.; i n f a m i l y o r i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h t h i s y e a r a n d l a s t y e a r ; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1981 1. Moved in or born since last interview 2. Appeared--moved in before 1980 interview, but mistakenly not included in FU last year 5. Moved out of FU since 1980 interview or out of an institution and established own household 6. Moved out of FU and into an institution since 1980 interview 7. Died since 1980 interview 8. Disappeared--moved out before 1980 interview, but mistakenly included in FU on the previous interview: NA whether 5, 6, or 7 424 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8399 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘MONTH MOVED IN/OUT 1981' 15294-15295 = Cross-year Tape Location MD=99 Month Moved In or Out 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. January February March April 99. 00. NA when moved in or out Inap.; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff interview; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 May June July August September October November December 8400 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘YEAR MOVED IN/OUT 15296-15297 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 1981’ Year Moved In or Out 99. 00. Last two digits of actual year in which move occurred NA Inap.; did not move in or out since last interview; splitoff interview; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 8401 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘HR/WEEK ON HOUSEWRK 1981’ MD=99 15298-15299 = Cross-year Tape Location J5. J6. J9. J10. About how much time does your (wife/friend) spend on housework in an average week--l mean time spent cooking, cleaning, and doing other work around the house? A b o u t h o w m u c h t i m e d o y___ ou (head) spend on housework in an average week? (I mean time spent cooking, cleaning, and doing other work around the house) Who is that? About how much time does (he/she) spend on housework in an average week? 01. One hour or less 99. 00. NA; DK Inap.; none; moved out; mover-out in 1981 individual was neither in the FU nor a INDIVIDUAL DATA - 425 Name=‘RESPONDENT? 8402 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15300 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n M41. 1981 Who was respondent? 1. This individual was respondent 5. This individual was not respondent 9. NA 0. This individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘EMPLOYMENT STAT-IND 1981’ 8403 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15301 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n C1. F2. K33. W e would like to know about what you do--are you (head) working now, looking for work, retired, a student, (a housewife). or what? W e would like to know about what your (wife/friend) does--is she working now, l o o k i n g f o r w o r k , r e t i r e d , a s t u d e n t , a h o u s e w i f e , o r what? W e would like to know about what (individual) does--is (he/she) working now, looking for work, retired, a student, keeping house, or what? 1. 2. 4. 6. 8. 9. 0. W orking now Temporarily laid off Looking for work, unemployed Retired Permanently disabled Housewife; keeping house Student Other Don’t know I n a p . ; not an Other FU Member age 16 or older, individual is deceased; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n t h e F U n o r m o v e r - o u t i n 1 9 8 1 Name=‘WHETHER STUDENT-IND 1981’ 8404 = Cross-year variable number MD=9 15302 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K44. During 1980 was (he/she) enrolled in school as a full-time or parttime student? 3. 3. 9. 0. Full-time student Part-time student Not enrolled in school NA; DK I n a p . ; c u r r e n t H e a d o r W i f e ; not an Other FU Member age 16 or o l d e r ; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 426 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘# WEEKS IN SCHOOL 8405 = Cross-year variable number 15303-15304 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 1981’ K45. How many weeks did (he/she) attend school in 1980? 01. One week or less xx. Number of weeks attended school 98. 99. 00. Don’t know NA Inap.; not enrolled in school; current Head or Wife; not an Other FU Member age 16 or older; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n F U n o r a mover-out in 1981 8406 = Cross-year variable number Name=‘COMPLETED EDUC-IND 1981’ 15305-15306 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n MD=99 K46. What is the highest grade or year of school that (he/she) has completed? 01-12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 00. First grade through twelfth grade First year of college or technical school Second year of college or technical school Third year of college College senior or graduate Graduate school or more Inap.; current Head or Wife; not an Other FU Member; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘TYPE TXBL INCOME 8407 = Cross-year variable number 15307 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ Type Taxable Income 1. 2. 3. Labor income Asset income Both labor and asset income 0. Inap.; no taxable income; i n i n s t i t u t i o n i n b o t h y e a r s ; w a s n e i t h e r in FU nor a mover-out in 1981 INDIVIDUAL DATA - 427 Name=‘TOT TXBL INCOME-IND 1981’ 8408 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15308-15312 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K36,K41,K50. Total Taxable Income of This Individual 99999. $99,999 or more 00000. Inap.; none; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out 1981 Name=‘ACC TOT TXBL Y-IND 1981’ 8409 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15313 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of Individual’s Taxable Income 1. 2. Minor Major 0. I n a p . ; no assignment: i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1981 assignment assignment Name=‘ANN WORK HRS-IND 8410 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15314-15317 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ Hours Worked Last Year K37,K38,K52. 9999. 9,999 hours or more 0000. Inap.; did not work; did not have job in 1980; in institution both years; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘ACC ANN WRK HRS-IND 1981’ 8411 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15318 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of Individual’s Work Hours 1. 2. Minor Major assignment assignment 0. I n a p . ; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in an institution nor a mover-out in 1981 428 - INDIVIDUAL DATA Name=‘ANN UNEMP HRS-IND 8412 = Cross-year variable number 15319-15322 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981’ K43. Hours of Unemployment in 1980-1981 Variable 9999. 9999 hours or more 0000. Inap.; was not unemployed; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; n o t a n Other FU Member 16 or older; i n d i v i d u a l w a s n e i t h e r i n t h e F U nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘ACC ANN UNEMP HR-IND1981’ 8413 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15323 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of Individual’s Unemployment Hours 1. 2. Minor Major assignment assignment 0. Inap.; no assignment; moved out and was not unemployed in 1980; in i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; not an Other FU Member 16 or older; individual was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘TYPE TRANSFER Y-IND 1981’ 8414 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15324-15325 = Cross-year Tape Location K40. Did (he/she) have any (other) income last year? K41. What was that from? (Transfer Income) 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. ADC, AFDC only Supplemental Security Income, SSI Other Welfare Social Security Other retirement pay, pensions, or annuities Unemployment Compensation W orkmen’s Compensation ChiId Support Help from relative 10. Anything 15. 00. More than one of the above; any combination Inap.; no transfer income; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s : i n d i v i d u a l was neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 else INDIVIDUAL DATA - 429 Name=‘TOT TRANSFER Y-IND 1981’ 8415 = Cross-year variable number 15326-15330 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n K47. Total Transfer Income of This lndividual 99999. 00000. $99,999 or more Inap.; none; moved out and had no transfer income in 1980; in institution both years; individual was neither in FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Name=‘ACC TOT TRNSFR Y-IND 1981’ 8416 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15331 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n Accuracy of Individual’s Transfer Income 1. 2. Minor assignment Major assignment 0. I n a p . ; no assignment; i n i n s t i t u t i o n b o t h y e a r s ; i n d i v i d u a l w a s neither in the FU nor a mover-out in 1981 Generated Variables and Additional Please refer to Section I, Part 5: Data for a full explanation of V’s 8417 and 8418. Name=‘MONTH S/O FAM FORMED 8417 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r MD=99 15332-15333 = Cross-year Tape Location ’ Month Splitoff Moved Out of Main FU 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. January February March April May June July August September October November December 98. 99. 00. Moved out of an institution NA; DK Inap.; not a splitoff in 1981; nor a mover-out in 1981 individual was neither in the FU 4 3 0 - INDIVIDUAL DATA 8418 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r Name=‘YEAR S/O FAM FORMED MD=99 15334-15335 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ Year Splitoff Moved Out of Main FU xx. Actual year moved out 98. 99. 00. Moved out of an institution NA year Inap.; not a splitoff in 1981; nor a mover-out in 1981 individual was neither in the FU Name=‘MAIN FAM ID FOR S/O 8419 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15336-15339 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n ’ 1981 ID Number of the Main Family Interview from which this Individual’s Splitoff Family Interview Was Formed Actual 1981 ID Numbers (0001-6620) were coded for individuals who moved out of main family interviews to form the splitoff FU. 0000. Inap.; this individual was not part of a splitoff family in 1981 9997. This splitoff individual did not move out of a main family interview; e.g., nonsample Heads or wives, children newly born in, etc. Name=‘1981 IND WEIGHT 8420 = C r o s s - y e a r v a r i a b l e n u m b e r 15340-15341 = C r o s s - y e a r T a p e L o c a t i o n 1981 Individual Weight: ' Updated from 1980 This weight variable was revised in 1978 to account for differential The variable is carried forward from 1980 for nonresponse since 1976. individuals who were in an FU or had just moved out of the FU. SECTION III INDEXES In which this fourteenth-year attempt to alphabetical listed. variable number, alphabetical the with variables to family in Sections However, all user C, D, there described and E, enough these there may is with 1981 family first an still C, valid been these the pertinent only is but in an similar in compares the questionnaire. the fourteenth-year double-checked, the we cannot Therefore, only by index H of for order using index and an in third last and checked be errors. use is index, The included first individual F, are data The above. are have please the Sections numbers of to and only. of to one indexes The variables. Fourthly, variable all data a list similar topic variable reference. family is by that strongly of index numerical remains easy 1968-1980 Although possibility five comparable individual merged tape. for topic second only. the questions data by The arrangement individual the organize arrangement variables format documentation, conjunction with warn the tape codes. These location indexes format, file) will variable 1: this 1968 the index be as meant is through 1968-1969.1 All order complete variables in to detail, be used accuracy codes can specific topic such not numbers the only. For dictionary reference Index individual alphabetical is of a quick Alphabetical for except not a listing give Since for variable of those (found the tape who before locations are the using data tape on a standard corresponding to each number. Part tape list necessarily of a compilation of all interviewing weight, and the and generated data by topic. as the only only would that in be found is no under “Housing.” the the of that “Accuracy” Note same was person that in to the was tape terms to “head” different those in this may describe and document. rather from included although code. as family-unit are found made invaluable data be attempted, the are included heading such merged data are No attempt with the variables variables purpose conjunction on individual change wish. the Code variables years, Cross-referencing user since designate Family 1981 raw as Fourteen-Year this index All than under or “wife” a do years. 1There are 26 exceptions: change in family composition and in marital status between 1968-1969, 1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973, 1973-1974, 1974-1975, 1975-1976, 1976-1977, 1977-1978, 1978-1979, 1979-1980, and 1980-1981. 432 Hence, if the user wishes demographic information about the head of the unit at the end of the panel period, he must use that given in the latest year’s data. I n s t r u c t i o n s f o r U s e2 : The listings of each year’s data are separated by semicolons (;), e.g.: V97; V551; When there are not fourteen years’ v a r i a b l e s f o r a c e r t a i n t o p i c , t h e “ b l a n k ” i n the sequence was ignored, e.g.; 2 Skips in numerical sequence are due to dummy variables separating each year’s data. 433 Abbreviations: (Bkt) bracket--where both fields and their brackets are present, the bracket is for the immediately preceding variable, e.g., V229&V230(Bkt) (V230 is V229’s bracket) 3 (Chg) change variable (1968-1969 o n l y ) - - t h e c h a n g e v a r i a b l e s a r e l i s t e d a t the end of the 1969 variables, e.g., V’s 513-515 & V1001 (Chg) (Dec) decile--the deciles immediately follow their relevant variables Cross-references are notated “HEADING, Subheading,” with semicolons separating the different topics, e.g.: (see also INCOME, Labor; WELL-OFFNESS MEASURES, Net Real Minus Housing). 3 The family composition and marital status changes between each year’s data, mentioned in footnote 1 above, are the only exceptions. ALPHABETICAL ACCURACY INDEX OF FOURTEEN-YEAR FAMlLY CODE CODES Additions & Repairs dollars saved: payments Alcohol, on: Annual Vl7; V463: V1136; ~1837; V2437 VI3 Amount Spent On: V34; V497; Vll72; ~1873: V2473 Cars amount saved hours insurance Cigarettes, on: of: of: Amount to Employment History V25: V27: V446; v448; Vlllg: V1121; ~1820: ~1822; V2420 V2422 v21 v23 V444: Contributions Vll7; Spent Support V1818; On: of V2418 V36: V459; Outside V1174: v1875; Dependents: V2475 V531 head, percent of time V4633; worked V5607: in non-full-time V6155; ~6753; years: ~3436; V7386; ~8038 ~4144: wife, percent of time V4992: worked V5576; in non-full-time V6125; v6723: years: v3434: v7356: V8008 v4113; V507: V5773: V1887; v6975; Finances: Flakey repair repairing: payments: payments value on spent V365 Data Code: V818 Food eating out, amount spent on: v4369; V5274: V1186; v637g; V2481; V7567 V3446; ~3854; ~1184; ~6383; ~1885: v6977; food stamps, amount saved, in previous year: ~46; ~511: V2479; V3444: ~3852; V4365: ~5278; ~5777: v7569 food stamps, amount saved, V6375; W71; food stamps, amount spent, in V5775; V6381 food stamps, amount spent, V6373 meals at work or school, last month: V7563 previous V3847; year: last month: ~3845; amount saved: ~505: 435 V4360; ~3850; ~4358; ~1182; V5270; ~4363; V5268; ~1883; v576g; V5276; V5767; ~2488 436 meals at other free, raising used Free work and at or on: saved spent: v4335; Value spent: ~513; amount amount v3842; Rental amount saved canning, home, Housing, section) school, amount V503: ~118; on: ~1178; v188g; V40; vl87g; V2484 v24go V509; v1180; V1881: V2486 ~38: v5Ol; vl176: v1877; V2477: V3442; v5272; v577l; v6377: v6973: v7565 of, (see Rent, Value of Free Housing, this Hours home production: housework: v62 see below illness of head: illness of others, V52: v468; v4337; V5237; Vll41: ~5736; V1842; ~6341; V2442: v6939; V3030; v7535 V3426: V3826; V5734; v6g37; of head: V4335; V4722: v5235: V5247; of wife: ~5746; ~6351; v6g4g: v7543 v1533 illness of others; illness of wife: nonleisure, V4724: average V5249; for major ~5748; V6353; adults: V366; v6g51: V880; V7545 V1578; v22go; strike, of head: V4341; ~5238; ~5738; V6343; v6g41; V7537 strike, of wife: V4726; v5251: v5750; ~6355: v6953: V7547 unemployment, of unemployment, of work for pay of head: of head of others: of wife: Home Improvement House Value: ~5218; Housing this V7; v5718; (see House section) head: V3828; V50; V4339; wife: V470; V5241: V3834; V1143; V5740; v4728; ~1844; V6345: v5253; v5752; head: head care, V4351; & wife, V3032: V7539 V6351: and wife: V’s 68 t Additions Value; of: ~5263; hours: V3824: 10 and Repairs, V450; Vll23; V1824: V2424; ~6320: V6918; v751a cost v7549 V66 V54; V476; V1149; V1850; V2450; ~3036; V3432: V4345; V5245; V5744; v634g; v6g47; V7541 (see V3428; v6955; ~48; ~466: V113g; ~1840; V2440; ~3028; V3424; v4333; v5233; v5732; v6337; v6935; vl531 Mortgage; Rent; this ~56; ~5762; v60 ~1165: ~6368; ~1866; v6966; ~3832; section) V3022; Value Housework child V2444; v6g43; v2g17 ~2466 v7558 V3418; if Rented, ~3818; V4319; annual, all in 437 husband, hours: v484; others in others outside FU, hours: others outside FU, cost: ~4712; ~5261; wife: wife or ADC, AFDC, FU, Vil57: hours: V4353; unmarried VlB58; ~2458; V3040; V3452; ~4351 V64: v486: V1159: ~1860; V2460: V3042; 1'5265; v5764; ~6370; v6g68; V7560 V50; V4BB; V4gO; ~1161; v5760; head, ~6366: hours: ~1163; ~1862; VlB64; v6964; V482; ~3454; V2462 V2464 ~7556 Vll55; v1856; V2456: V303B; ~3450 Income head & wife: VgO; V524: V3878; V4393; V5304; contributions, help from Vl210; V5803: relatives: V1912; ~6414; V2513; V7004; ~3066; 'f75g6 V3478: V9l Iabor head: V85; others: v3092: wife: money V515: Vll97; v5288; v5787; ~86; ~4407; V517: components: V4la3; nondollar: real vlBgB: vb397; v53lg: vllgg; V24gg; vb987: v5BlB; VlgOO; V3052; v7579 vb42g; ~2501: v3464; V3864: ~7034; ~3054; V437B: v7626 v3466; ~3866 V364; vB7g; V1577; V22ag; v2g16: v32B4; ~3704: V505g; V563a; Vbla5; V677a; V7424; vB076 W7 : VB81; taxable v157g; v22g1; V291B nonlabor head others: & wife: ~87; v519; ~1206; ~4387; V5198; v5797; V’S 88.89; ~522; vl907; V6407; ~1223; ~2508; v6997: vlg25; v3obl; V75Bg ~2526; ~3473; v3o7g; ~3873; v34g1; v38g5 transfer head others: wages and & wife: vgo; ~526; vi2lg: V4403; V5315: V5Bl4; vi32l; V6425; v2522; V7Ol5: ~3075; V7607 V52B; vl22b: Vl928; V252g: V3082: V34g4; ~5333; v5832; vb443; ~7047; v763g ~3407; v3go6; v3aaa; V4420; salaries head: Vllg2; Vlggj; V2494; V3047; V345g; ~5783: v63g2: v6gB2; ~7574 v385g: wife: V43BO: v7501 v5290; v5789; vb3gg: Vb989; V4374; V5264; Mortgage payments, annual: V9; vb324; remaining principal: V5720; V454: v6g22; v3lg; vb322: Vl127; v7522 U1828; U2428; V452: vlI25: vlB2b; vbg20: V7520 V4323; ~2426; V5222; V432l; V5722: v5220: 438 Number of Assignments major: v883: vl581; V6187: V2293: ~6780; V2920; V7426: V3286: ~8078 V3705; V4185; ~5061; V5640; minor: ~882: Vl580; V6186; V2292; 76779; V2919; V7425; ~3285; ~8077 ~3706; ‘14184; 1~5060; v563g; V2430; V3024; V3420; ~3820; V4327; Vll31; v6g30; ~1832; V7528 Payments: v29 Property Tax: Quality Rent, Rent, Rent, of ‘46924; Match annuaI v5226; (see value ~3822; COMPOSITION) Vll29; v6g26: ~1030: ~7526 v321 of free V4331: Repairs (see Sewing, savings to FAMILY : V1.l; V456; V5724: V6327; imputed: Travel V7524 housing: V13: ~458; V5230; V5728; ~6331; Additions and on: Repairs, this V2432: V3026; V3422; section) V42 Work head cost: V472; hours: Vl145: ~1846; V2446 V474; ~1147: ~1848; V2448; V3034; V3430: V3836; V5243: V5742: V6347; v6g45: V7790 (E) &V7856 (u) V4343; wife cost: V478; hours: Utilities, annual: coaI, wood, electricity: Vll51; Vl5: other ~461; fuels: V7683 gas: ~7688 oil: VT691 water and V1852; V2452 ~480; Vll53; ~1854: V2454: W57; V7912K)tV7937(U) sewage: v7697 ~1134; ‘Wig4 v1835: ~3830: V4730; V5754; v635g: V2435; V5730: ~6333; v6g32 439 ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION Component Variables: Score: ADC, V2950 AFDC (see also Head and Wife: VBOcv256(Bkt); V523&V704(Bkt)&V832(Bkt): Vlgll&V2232(Bkt) V2512&V285B(Bkt); V3065&V3262(Bkt); V3877&V416o(Bkt); V43gZEV5036 (Bkt); V5303; V5802: Others: INCOME, v3Bg6; Whether: ADC, v2759-v2774 AFDC, ADC, V4410; AFDC) V5322; V582l; ~6432; v7036; V120gtVl520(Bkt); V3477eV3602(Ekt); vb413; V7003; v75g5 ~7628 V406B SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY OR OTHER WELFARE Whether head and wife: other: Help Pay Bills, what paid: or vboBo: vbo7g; v6683 vb684 landlord: vbbB5 from head ADDITIONS v6682 ~5544: ~5545; rent and Others: State vbo78; V6088 Whether: whether Medicaid ~5543; v554g: wife: Vgg46; ~5550: AFDC Basic Need AND REPAIRS Annual Hours: Amount Saved V6081 VboBg Allowance: ~6813 DONE ON DWELLING UNIT V6334 On: v16; v46.?; Vll35; vlBj6: v24jb; v6j35 Vi27l: vlgyb: Complexity of A & R done of all Payments On: Relationship A & R: Done: Whether Done Whether Money family: VIOB; VlOg; VggB; ~600; vl26g; vlg74 Member Who Did V2g73: ~18 to Whether by Head VlO7: by of Vgg7; Family: Owed Family On: ~1268; Vggg; VI IO Vlg73; Vl27O: A & R: V2g72; Vlg7g: vb4go V2572 v2574 vb4gl 440 AGE Brother, Head’s Oldest Living: v56g; v146gfrv16o7 (Bkt) : ‘f2180; V2806 Children number number number of ages 1-2: V4201; v5079; ~5653; ~6201; v6793; V743B: VBogo ages 3-5: V4208; ~5080; V5654; V6202; V6784; V743g: v8og1 ages 6-13: of V4209; ~5081; V5655; ~6203; v67g5; V7440; v8ogz females ages 14-17: V4210; ~5082; V5656; V6204; v6796; V7441; v8og3 ages 18-20: V4212; V5084: V5658; V6206; v67g8; V7443; v8og5 ages 21-29: ~4214; ~5086; ~5660: ~6206; ~6800; ~7445: v8og7 of males ages 14-17: V4211; v5003; ~5657: ‘~6205: v67g7; Vj442: vBog4 ages 18-20: V4213; v5085; v565g; V6207; v6799; V7444: v8og6 ages 21-29: V4215; V5086; V566l; v6zog; V6801; V7446; v8og8 441 youngest, month year second V4803 youngest, month born: fifth month born: V4807 youngest, month year born: sixth year born: V4810 born: V4812 month born: month ~4808 ~4813 youngest, oldest, born: month born: year v4806 ~481 I youngest, seventh born: month born: year V4804 v48og youngest, year born: ~4805 youngest, year fourth V4802 born: year third born: born: V4814 ~4815 born: born: number head had number wife had v4816 V4817 by age 25: v4126; v4670; by age v566: v1466; V2177: ~2803; V322g; v3651; V5590; vb13g: V6736; v736g: V8021 25: ~4800 oldest head: v562: V1462; v2173; V2799; V3225; V3647; v5586; ~6135: vb732; ~‘7365; v8017 wife: v4796 second V4122: V4666; V4123; v4667; V4124; ~4668; oIdest head: ~563: vl’+bj: v2174; V2800; v3226; V3648; v5587; vbl36: vb733; V7366; ~8018 wife: v4791 third oldest head: V564: ‘~1464; V2175; V2801; V3227; V3649; v5588: vbl37: vb734; ~7367; ~8019 wife: V4790 youngest in whether, whether, FU: ~120: ~4440; ~1013; ~5354; under 12, in FU: v3190; under 18, in FU: Vblll whether, 18 or older, in whether, under 25, in v3926; FU: V555: V1244: V1947; ~4441; ~5355: ~5855 FU: V1243: ~5854; ~1946; V6466: ~3612; ~2546; V7071; v)ogg: v7662 V47716V4837; V3512: v3g25: V5524; vbbb7 V3100; V3513; VblO8 V2547: 442 Couple: v371 (Ekt) difference mean Head: in: of: V372(Bkt) v370 V117&V368 v2542tvzg.34 V4436GV5072 ~7067~~7425 (Bkt) ; VlOO8&VlOO9(Bkt); V1239; V1942&V2319(Bkt) ; (Bkt); vjog5&v32g8(Bkt); V3508tV3718(Bkt): V3921&V4196(Bkt); (Bkt) ; V535OSV5645 (Bk t) ; v585OsV6192 (Bk t) ; V6462sV6785 (Bk t) ; (Bk t) ; V7658tV8083 (Bk t) at birth of at first marriage: between 45 under 45: 65 older: or first child: and VI 38&V380 V24OCV379 64: V7795 (Bk t) (Bkt) (E)&v7859(U) v5928(E)sV5972(U) V7279 Others V750: disabled: requiring extra Head’s Sister, Wife: VI4Ib; V2128; care: Oldest ~754; Living: V2724; ~1420; V573: VbllOGVblI3 ~2132; ~2728; v1473&V1608(Bkt); v6110sv6113 V2184; ~2810 V118&V369(Bkt): V1011&V1012(Bkt); Vl241; Vl944&V232O(Bkt); V2544&V2935(Bkt) ; V3097&V3299(Bkt) ; V351O&V3719(Bkt) ; V3923&V4197(Bkt) V4438&V4743&V5073(Bkt) ; V5352&V5646(Bkt) ; V5852&V6193(Bkt) ; v6464bvb786 (Bkt) ; ~7069~~7432 (Bkt) : v766o&v8084 (Bkt) whether over whether under Spent V2472 On: 50: v482g 45: vb12; v60566v6667 ALCOHOL Amount Whether Included V33&Vl67(Bkt); in Food: ~168; V496&Vb24(Bkt)&V964(Chg); ~625 Vll71; ~1872; ; 443 AREA DATA (Variables which family (See the also 2337-2343 lived contain in 1970. COUNTY DATA For 1970 information Variable Census about 2344 pertains information For the to state the and 1968 respondent’s county in county.) 1968 and 1974 county.) AFDC Per Budget Recipient: ~2338 Indexes food: v2340 housing: V2341 total: v2339 transportation: Hourly Wage for Unskilled Temporary Labor: V’s2334-2335: v’s2g63-2964; ~‘~3307-3308; V’sbBog-6810: ~‘~5110-5111; v’s5569-5570; ~7453: ~8105 Market Old V2342 For Unskilled V’s2gbO-2962; V’s5666-5668: Age Assistance Public Welfare School Expenditure Unemployment ~5112; Labor: V412; ~1625; vlblg: V’s33O4-3306: V’s3724-3726; ~‘~6213-6216; V’sb8ob-6808; (OAA) Per Rate: v5671: V413: V1626; ~‘~1622-1623: ~‘~3727-3728; v’s4228-4229; V’s6217-6218; V’s68og-6810; Capita: Per Per Recipient: V415; Student: V414&V417(Chg): ~6219; vb811; : Vl620; V’s2331-2333; V’S4225-4227; V’~5107-5109; V7452; ~8104 V2337 V’s2343.2344 V416 vl624&vlb27; ~7454; ~8106 v2336; V3309; V3729; V4230; ARMED SERVICES Whether Veteran: v315: ~769; v1487; V2199: v2825; v4683; V5603: vbl52; V674g; V7382: ~8034 V3243: v3665; ~4140; ASSETS Cars, Value of: Vl45CV375 (Bkt) ; V443GV886 Vl8l7&V229b(Bkt); V2417&V2923(Bkt) House Value: V5: V449&V824(Bkt): V1l22&~1511 (Bkt): vi823&v2223(Bkt): V2423&V2849(Bkt); V302l&V3255(Bkt) ; V3417&V3675(Bkt); V3817&V4153(Bkt) V4316&V5028(Bkt): V5217; V57l7; vb31g; vbg17; V7517 (Bkt) ; Vll lb&V1584 (Bkt) ; Income head business: VI201 (Bkt) ; Vl902(Bkt) V3468(Bkt) ; v3868(Bkt): vbggl; ~7583 ; V2503(Bkt) ; V3056(Bkt) ; V4382; v5292; V5791: ~6401; : farm: Vl200 (Bkt) ; vl901 (Bkt) V3867(Bkt); V4381; market gardening: rent, Reserve and v38g4; VI204 Fund VT584 ; ~3470; VT586 boarders and market gardening (combined): Vl202(Bkt) V1903(Bkt) ; V2504 (bkt) ; V3057 (Bkt) ; V3469(Bkt) ; v3869 (Bkt) ; ~4383: v5293: v5792 roomers wife: vbggz: dividends, interest, etc.: V255 (Bkt) i V703 (Bkt) ; V1203(Bkt) ; V1904 (Bkt) ; V2505 (Bkt) ; V3058 (Bkt) v3870(Bkt): v4384; v5295; V5794; V6404; V6994; roomers, others: V6402; ; v2502 (Bkt) ; V3055 (Bkt) ; V3467 (Bkt) V5291; V5790; V64oo; v6ggo; ~7582 boarders (only): v4408 (Bkt) VT627 (Bkt) (Bkt) ; VI905 v3871(Bkt); Position, V6403: : V5320 (Bkt) Vbggj; : V6430 (Bkt) ; ~2506 (Bkt) ~4385; v5296; Family: V875; V1571; ~7585 (Bkt) ; V7035 (Bkt) ; V3059 (Bkt) ; V3471 v57g5: v64ob; v6gg6: ~2283; i ; (Bkt) : ~7588 V2910 Savings whether: vl403; ~2115; ~2712: v4080; v6695; v7313 whether current savings balance more than ~1404; ~2116; ~2713; ~4081: two months’ income: v6696: ~7314 ~738; whether savings balance ever V1405; V2117: two months’ income: V6697; V7315 v739; whether savings ASS GNMENTS ATT TUDE BEHAVIOR V737; (see INDEXES INDEXES; in ACCURACY (see also FEELINGS Aspiration-Ambition: Efficacy and last greater V2714; 5 years: than ~4082: ~7316 CODES) BACKGROUND SECTION) INDEXES; V39O&V’s421-423; Planning: v388&v41g; V9OOGV972(Chg); V897&V970(Chg): V1597; v15g4; V2309; v23ob; Horizons expressed: self-reported: Trust-Hostility: v3gl; vgo4evg66 (Chg) : vlbo 11; V2313; wg46 v392 vj8gcv420; v898cvg7 1 (Chg) ; ‘41595; V2307: V2940 v2gjg V2942 ; 445 AUTOS (see CARS AND TRUCKS) BACKGROUND INDEXES Background Problems: Current ~385 Handicaps: Employment ~386 Problems: V384 BACKGROUND INFORMATION (see BACKGROUND INDEXES; DATA; EARLY ENVIRONMENT; PARENTS; SIBLINGS) BEHAVIOR INDEXES Connectedness V2314; to Potential V2947 Economizing: V39bEV’s428-432; Money Acts: Earning Real Earning Risk Avoidance: Scramble BIRTH for CONTROL BROTHERS DEMOGRAPHIC (see (see V394; Acts: Sources of V906f,V968(Chg) v397tv’~433,434; V421: FAMILY SIBLINGS, V393; V902&V974(Chg); V395GV’s424-427: Work: Help: V899: V909&V967(Chg): V1599; : ~1603; v2311; V2315: VgOl&V973(Chg): V1596; V2948 ~1600; V2308; V2944 Vl598; vgo3&vg75Khg): ~1602; V2310; v2312; V2943 v2g45 V2941 PLANNING) Brother) BUSINESS Income (see also ASSETS, Income, Business; INCOME, Labor, business) asset: Vl2Ol (Bkt): V1902 (Bkt) ; V2503 (Bkt) : V3056 (Bkt) V3868tBkt); ~4382; V5292: ~5791; Vb4Oli : V3468 (Bkt) ; vbggl; ~7583 labor: V119O(Bkt) ; ~1891 (Bkt) : V2492 (Bkt) ; V3045(Bkt) V3857(Bkt); V4372; V5282; V5781; Vb3gO; ; V3457 (Bkt) : V698O; 7572 Whether Family Owns: V25O; vbgb; V4612; V5541; vbo76: vbb80: Whether V2094; v7gbg v2695; V3207: v3626: V4Ob6; Incorporated family: wife: ~1382; V7277: V250; vbg7; V1383; v2og5; v2bg6: ~3208: vjg72tvjg7bav4ob7; ~4472~~4475~~4613; v6681; ~7278; ~7970 V4855~V4858 v3627; V5542; V6077; 446 CAPITAL INCOME (see ASSETS, Income) CARS AND TRUCKS Condition of Difficulties Best: V’s of Not Owning: V140: V579; of: Vl39 whether: Drivers, Number 146-147: V583; v141: V1256; V580; Vlg5g: v255g vl253; v1956; V2556; V1252: Vlg55: V2555; V3105; ~3518 ~1257; vigbo; ~2560 v3106; v35lg Insurance Mode payments, annual: whether: vl49; of ~584; Transportation head : ~673; wife: ~4064; v20 to Work V1308(E)tVl337(U): V2015(E)&V2044(U): v2613)E)&V2644(~); V3146(E)tV3161 (U); V3561 (E)&V3577(U): V4016(E)&v4033(u); V4531 (E) tV4573 (U) &V4583 (R) ; V5440 (E) &I’5476 (U) ; V597.7 (E) ~~600 1 (U) ; v654o (E) SV6574 (U) ; V7 143 (E) &V7 176 (u) ; V7792 (E) Av7858 NJ) V4914 (E)&V4957 (U) &v4967 (R) ; ~6055; v7225 (E) ~~7248 KU : V7914 (El CV7939 Number of Riles Driven in, V6474; V7079; V7670 in Number Owned: V143; v581; V6473: ~7078; v766g V1254: Payments on: number sets Past Year: V3520; V1957: V2557; V6623 (U) V3932; V3931: (E) tv6646 V4447; v4446; v5361; (u) ; V5861; V5360; ~5860: (Bkt) ; vl8lg; V22 remaining: remaining: whether: Vl50 VI51 ~148 Repairs dollars saved: time spent: type of: whether V24tv156 (Bkt) v241g; V6318 v26Bvl57 V155; done: V588: v154; (Bkt) ~1261: ~587; : V445aV589 ; V447GV590 vlg64: ~1260; (Bkt) V2564; vlg63; (Bkt) ; Vll : V1120; la&V1262 vi821 V6476 ~2563; ~6475 ; V2421; V6317 447 Seat Value Belts frequency of use: whether: ~152; of: Vl45CV375 V1817tV2296(Bkt); Model of ~578; ~6472; Newest: (Only year for changes are listed except change variables Number of; INCOME, CHANGES (see and Changes, v1259; vlg61: Vl251; v7077; v144; CHANGE VARIABLES tape ~586; ~1258: v1962; year 1 to in ~582; year V2554; INCOME, Comparisons, Future Past and Present Comparisons) ~3517; are and headings, Geographic, ; v3g3O: ~4445; V2558 variables composition (Bkt) V3104; vlg58: 2 change appropriate MOBILITY, ; VI llbCV1584 V1255; family under Money; V1954: V7668 ~2562 ~2561 (Bkt) ; V443&V886(Bkt) V2417&V2923(Bkt) Whether Own: vl40; V5359: e&g; Year v153; ~585; and included marital such status. as: in this All CHILDREN, so on.) Expectations CHILDREN Age (see also month AGE) and year born youngest, month: year: second youngest, year third : youngest, : youngest, : V4808 month: ~4810 month: ~4812 VU13 youngest, year : had month: V4814 V4815 month: year: head month: ~4811 seventh number ~4806 V4809 youngest, year oldest, month: youngest, year: sixth V4804 V4807 year fifth month: ~4805 year: fourth V4802 V4803 ~4816 VU17 by age 25: v4126: ~4670; v566; v1466: ~2177; ~2803; v322g: ~3651; v5590; v6139; ~6736; v7369: ~8021 14- number wife had by age 25: v48oO oldest head: v562; V1462: V2173; V2799; V3225; V3647; V5586; ~6135; ~6732; ~7365; ~8017 wife: v4796 second head : ~563: V1463: V2174; ~2800: v3226: v3648; ~5587: ~6136; ~6733; ~‘7366: v8018 wife: V4123: V4667; v4797 V4124: v4668; oldest head: V564; V1464; V2175; ~2801: V3227; v364g; V5588; ~6137; V6734; V7367; v8olg wife: v4798 youngest in whether, whether, Not v4666; oldest third Any V4122; Born Birth Control Child Care FU: V120; ~4440; VlOl3; ~5354; under 12, in FU: vjlgo; under 18, in FU: ~6111 to Wife: and alternate V1243: V5854; vlg46; ~6466; ~3612; V2546; V7071: V3099; V7662 ~4771.~4837; V3512: V5524: v6667 ~4818 (see FAMILY PLANNING) arrangements: v3197; v3619; ‘.‘4789 cost annual: ~1164: hourIy: per v1865: ~2465; v4717; ~3202: v4794 V5259; v6387 v55 if not if wanted week: feasible: to work: ~3200: V3618; V4782~V4783; vjlg6: whether paid whether pay: by government: whether paid with V5529: v4790 V5530: v6673 V6676 V6672 money V6674 or doing something in hours annual: ~4716; doing husband: if wife ~5258: something ~6386 in return: V4718; v47 1.5 works: V4716: ~5258 V6388 return: V4781; V3825: 449 if head and/or others: V4718; wife: per mode number V242; of if ~3617; in if wife head/wife or whether husband: v4774 whether reluctant: why problems arrange ~6671 V6675 V’s 3614-3616; down: V4786: V’s V5531; 4777-4779; V’S ~6677 v4792 for: u198 both working: V6668 v3191 home not broke works: could stayed ~5528; V4785; V4791 whether could v4779; return: works: whether why V6388 arrangement wife problems who ~6386 V’s 3192-3194; V3199; 5526-5527: V’s666g-6670 times problems type v3195; something of: work: v4714 week: doing wife (when arrangements arrange if wife broke down): V137; V557: v4787; v5532 ~320 i for: works: v4793 Education expectations for number attending number goals: school at completing less than 12 grades: vi25 number completing more than 12 grades: vi27 number completing 12 grades: PTA meetings, stopped whether Vl950; school, highest Number education 4838-4840 present: V556; Vl245: V1949; vlg48; and how V2550 recently has: V4442; completed: attended: V559: ~5356; V1248: V5856 ~136; V1951; ~558; V2551: ~560 of ages, 1-2: V4207; ‘45079; ~5653; V6201; v67g3; V7438; v8ogo 3-5: ~4208; ~5080; V5654; ~6202: v67g4; v743g; v8ogi v4209; ~5081; ~5655; ~6203; v67gs; ~7440; v8ogz 6-13: females: V2549; ~2548 vi26 whether child V3514; V3927; grade V121; V1246; ages 14-17: V4210: V5082: V5656; V6204; ‘46796: V7441; v8og3 18-20: V4212: V5084; ~5658: V6206: v67g8: V7443: v8og5 21-29: V4214; V5086: V5660; ~6208; V6800: V7445: v8og7 Vl247; V3101: V’s 450 males: ages 14-17: by V4211: v5085: v565g; V6207; v67gg; V7444; v8og6 V5661; v62og: V6801; V7446; v8og8 25 (Head) : : V566: v1466; V2177; ~2803: V3229: V3651: v4670; v5590; v6139; ~6736; v7369; ~8021 in ideal in institutions: v3g8; V2686; V1453: away total, head’s: total, wife’s: from V2164 home: Marriage Vl465; ~6138; and Wife: raised, ~561 ~2176; V6735; ~2802; V7368; ~3228; ~8020 ~3650; V4125; v466g; in Whether, Under 25, v4441; V5325: v480 FU: Attendance of First: V357&V358(Bkt) 1 V3190: in FU: ~5855 also Birth v4795 wife: 12, (see ~122; V656; v558g; Raised, of v443g; v4799 Between ATTENDANCE V3924; vi23 living Under V483 1 V550: V1242: V1945: V2545: v3og8: V3511; ~5353; ~5853; V6465; ~7070; ~7661 family: Ever V4126; ~4800 altogether: FU: Frequency v8og4 v5087; number CHURCH V7442: V4213; in Whether, v67g7: V4215; expected Whether V6205; 18-20: age Lag V5657: 21-29: (Wife) Time ~5083: ~3612; v555: v1244; V4771; Vl947; V5524; V2547: ~6667 V3100; ~3513; vjg26; RELIGION) at Services: V284: ~763; V1430; V2142: ~3783 CIGARETTES Dollar Amount, Number Smoked: Whether Included Whether Smokers: Annual: v35; v498&v965(chg); Vll73: ~1874; V2474 v16g : ~627 in Food Bill: Vl70: V628 V626 CITY Distance to Center of Nearest VZZlO(Bkt); V2836(Bkt:; V4704(Bkt)&V4706(Bkt); v6470U3kt)&V6471(Bkt): (SMSA) : Vl8g(Bkt); V8Og(Bkt): V1498(Bkt); V3251(Bkt); V3673(Bktl; V3934(Bkt)& V415l(Bkt); ~5622 (Bkt)&V5624 (Bkt) : V616g(Bkt) & ~6171 (Bkt) V7075(Bkt)&V7076(Bkt); V7666(Bkt)&V7667(Bkt) ; 451 Nearest (SMSA) : V4703bV4705; Size of Largest in ~3806; V4306; Whether Whether Living vl88; v808; V5621bV5623; in: Living V3250; V3672; V3933; VgS; V539; v1506; ~1816; V2406; ~5706; V6306; v6go6; V7506 v3006; V3406: V6469; Living in ~5625; ~6172 Whether PSU: ~5206: in v1497; V2209; V6168bV6170 ~2835; V7074 City of 5,000 City of 50,000 or More: or ~807; More: vi496; V4702; ~2208; v5620; ~2834: ~4707; V6167 CLOTHING Amount Saved By Sewing: Free, or Food: V269 Means of Saving on: Wages Including, COMPARISONS EXPECTATIONS COUNTY, CURRENT LOCATION also of Variables Whether: Comparisons, FUTURE Present Comparisons) AREA DATA for are 1725-1748 but ~268 MEASURES, based residence 1701-1724, 1974 175-177 Food, 1701-1724 county variables V’s or (see (see Variables family’s V41bV178(Bkt) OF INCOME (see INCOME, AND CHANGES, Past and COUNTY DATA the on, at labor on the are based are for State on the County) market the time and 1970 of the conditions in current Census information for 1968 interviewing. the same Family’s 1970 Census county of Wave VIII Family residence interview. Details (1974),pp. of these codes are printed in the 151-166. County Price all Indexes items: food: housing: V1749: ~1750; Vl752; ~1753; ~1751; Vl755: ~1756; ~1754; V1758: v175g; ~1757; ~1761 ~1762 ~1760; ~1763 Supplement county) the information at the as time of 452 Education median school years percent expenditure percent with four median gross rent: median number median value completed: of or Vl704bVl728 local more government years of on: Vl724bVl748 college: V1705bV1729 Housing V1721bV1745 of of rooms: Vl715bV1739 owner-occupied percent change in percent in percent moved percent owner-occupied vacancy rates number structures in of Vl72ObVl744 year-round built 1960 1965-1970: homeowners: rental units: units or 1960-1970: later: Vl714bVl738 V1716bV1740 Vl722bVl746 units: Vl61gbV1743 Vl717bVl741 : V1718bVl742 Income median per family: Vl7llbVl73~ capita: V1712bV1736 percent below percent with less percent with $25,000 Labor SSA low-income than levels: $3,000: or Vl713bV1737 V1709bV1733 more V171ObV1734 Force percent married percent unemployed: Local Government direct females with husband present: V1706bV1730 Vl707bV1731 Finances general percent in, expenditure direct per general capita: expenditure V1723bV1747 on education: V1724bV1748 Population net migration: per square percent V1703bVl727 mile: Vl70lbVl72S change 1960-1970: V1702bV1726 Transportation percent COURSES, who used: Vl708bV1732 LESSONS Type Whether of Course Courses or or Lesson: Lessons: V760; ~285; V1427; wig; V2139; ~1426; ~2780 ~2138: v277g 453 DEMOGRAPHIC Age DATA (see also AGE) children oldest: head : V562: V5586; wife: second third v563; ~5587; V3225: ~8017 V3647; V4122; ~4666; V1463; ~6136; V2174; V6733; ~2800; ~7366; ~3226; ~8018 V3648: V4123; V4667; ~1464; V6137; V2175: v6734: V28Ol: ~7367; V3227; v8oig v364g; V4124: ~4668; v4797 oldest head : wife: youngest Armed V2799: ~7365; oldest: wife: wife: V2173; v6732; v4796 head: head : V1462; V6135: V117bV368 V118bV369 V564; V5588; V479B in FU: v3925; V120: ~4440; VlOl3: ~5354; V1243: ~5854; vig46; ~6466; V2546; ~7071; V3Ogg: ~7662 V35l2; (Bkt) : VlOO8bVlOOg (Bkt) : V1239: VlglZbV2319 (Bkt) : V2542bV2934 (Bkt) ; VjOgSbV3298 (Bkt) : V3508bV3718 (Bkt) V3gZlbV4ig6(Bkt) ; V4436tV5072 (Bkt) : ~5350~~5645 (Bkt) V585ObV6192 (Bkt) ; V6462bV6785 (Bkt) : V7067bV7431 (Bkt) V7658 (Bkt) ; VI01 lbVlOl2 V2544bV2935(Bkt) ; V3923bV4197 (Bkt) : V5352bV5646 (Bkt) ; V706gbV7432 (Bkt) : Services (whether veteran): v3665; v4140; ~4683: ~5603; (Bkt) : V1241; Vl944bV2320 (Bkt) ; V3097bV32gg(Bkt) ; V35lObV3719(Bkt) V4438bV4743bV5073(Bkt) ; V5852bV6193 (Bkt) : V6464bV6786 (Bkt) V7660 V315; v7g6: ~6152: v674g; Vl487; ~7382: VZlgg; ~8034 ~2825; : ; : ; : V3243: 454 Children number of ages number number number 1-2: v4707; ‘45079: Vg653; v6201: v6793: ~7438; v8ogo ages 3-5: V4708: ~5080; V5654: ~6202; v67g4; v743g: v8ogl ages 6-13: of ~5081: ~5655; v6203; v67gs; ~7440; v8ogz females ages 14-17: V4210; ~5082; v5656; V6204; v67g6; v7441; v8og3 ages 18-20: V4212; V5084; V5658; V6206; v67g8: V7443; v8og5 ages 21-29: V4214; ~5086; ~5660: V6208; ~6800; ~7445: v8og7 of males ages 14-17: V4211; ~5083; V5657; ~6205; v67g7; V7442: v8og4 ages 18-20: V4213: ~5085; ‘45659; ~6207: v67gg; V7444; v8og6 ages 21-29: V4215; ~5087; ~5661; v62og: V6801; V7446; v8og9 V566; V1466; V2177; V2083; V3229; V3651; vssgo; v6139; V6736; V7369: ~8021 V4126; V4670; of head: wife: number v47og: in by age 25 v48oo FU: v3g8; V443g; V550: V1242; Vlg45; V2545; v3og8; V3511; V5353: ~5853: V6465: V7070; V7661 V3924: total head : ~656; ~1465: ~2176; V2802; ~3228; ~3650; v558g: v6138; ~6735: v7368: V8020 wife: v4799 V4125; v466g: 455 Distance to Center of Nearest SMSA: vl8g (Bkt) : v8og (Bkt) i vi498 (Bkt) ; V2210 (Bkt) : V2836(Bkt) ; V3251 (Bkt) ; V3673(8kt) : V3434bV4151 (Bkt) : V4704(Bkt)&V4706(Bkt); v5622(Bkt)bV5624(Bkt); V6169(Bkt)bV6171(Bkt); V6470 (Bkt) bV6471 (Bkt) ; V7075 (Bkt) bV7076 (Bkt) : V7666 (Bkt) bV7667 (Bkt) Education (see also EDUCATION, PARENTS; Education) CHILDREN; Education, SIBLINGS; Education Children highest grade completed: v560 number attending school vlg48:v2548 number completing less than 12 grades: vi25 number completing more than 12 grades: vi27 number completing 12 grades: grades completed: V313 (Bkt) : V324l (Bkt) ; V3663 (Bkt) ; V4093bV4 I98 (Bkt) : V4684bV5074 (Bk t) ; V5608bV5647 V6157bV6194(Bkt); V6754; V7387; v8o3g at present: V12I: V556; V1245; VI26 head (Bk t) : parents head’s father: ~4138; V318; V783; ~1484; vZlg6: ~2822: V3240; V3662; ~4681; ~5601; ~6150; V6747; ~7380; ~8032 head’s mother: ~8033 ~3634; v4139; ~4682: ~5602: ~6151; ~6748; ~7381; wife’s father: vaoo3 ~3608: V4108: V4753: V5572; V612l: V6718; V7351; wife’s mother: ~8004 vj6og; V4109; V4754; V5573: V6122; v671g: V7352; siblings brother: sister: ~570; ~574; ~1470; ~1474; ~2181; ~2185; ~2807 ~2811 wife grades Family completed: V246(Bkt) : V2687 (Bkt) ; V3216Kikt) V4102bV4199 (Bkt) ; V4695bV4735bV5075(Elkt) : V5567bV5648(Bktl: V6116bV6lg6(Bkt); ~6713; ; v3638(Bkt) V7346; : V7988 Size: VjObVI15; V493bV54gbVg76(Chg); Vl167bVl238bVl606(Bkt); Vl868&Vlg4l&V23lB(Bkt); V2468bV254l&V2533(Bkt); V3017bV3084bV3257(Bkt); V3437bV3507bV3717 (Bkt) ; V3837bV382O&V4155(Bkt) : V4346bV4435bVS071 (Ekt) V5254,V5349: V5755bV5849: V636lbv6461: v6g5gbv7066; v755lbV7657 Largest City V3806; in PSU, Size V4306; ~5206: of: vgs: V539; ~1506: ~1816: ~5706; ~6306: v6go6; V7506 V2406; ~3006: Marital Status: V239; V607bV5672 (Chg) ; v1365&v5673(Chg) ; V2072bV5674 V267ObV5675 (Chg) ; V318lbV5676 (Chg) ; v3598bv5677 (Chg) ; v4053bV5678 ‘f46ojLv567g (Chg) ; V5502-V5504bV565ObV5680 (Chg) : V6l34bv6197bV62lg V665gbv67gobV68i2(Chg~; V726lLV7435LV7455(Chg): V7552 : V3406; (Chg) ; Khg) ; Khg) : 456 Nearest SMSA: ~47036~4705; Number of Adults (see also V1551; V2303; V2830; v7430; v8082 ‘1188; V808; V1497; V2208; ~56216~5623; ~61686~6170 number of major Race: ~181; v62og: ~801; ~6802; Race and Sex: adults: ~3855; V1450: ~7447; ~2835; V3250; FAMILY COMPOSITION, V3255; V3715; V4194: V71; V452; v4370; ~5280; v3672; Number V5070; V1166; v577g; in FU): Vll6: v5644: v6lgl: V1867; ~6360: V2202; v8ogg ~2828: V33OO,V3720: at services: V284; vjg33; V2467; v6g58; V894; V6784; V3043; ~7550 V4204; v5og6; V3455; V5662; ~383 Religion frequency of religious preference head : V1431; ~2187; ~2813; V323l; V6763: v73g6; v8048 wife: v4765 whether Sex of may record preference head : v46g2; v5616; wife: V4764 Head: V5351; Sex-Marital attendance Vllg; ~5851; VlOlO: V6463; Status: ~360 v6762; V1240; V7068; V3653; v73g5; V1843: v765g V763: V1430; V4129; V2142; v46g3; ~3783 V5617; V8047 V2543: v3096; V3509; V3922: V4437; Siblings brother: oldest age: living v56g; V146g&V1607 education: number older, ~570; financial situation: whether: ~568; (Bkt) ~1470; ; ~2180; ~2181; ~571: ~1468; ~2807 ~1471; v217g; ~2806 ~2182: ~2808 ~2805 of head: ~316; ~567; ~1467; v2178; v2804; v3230: ~3652; ~4671; v5591; ~6140; ~6737; v7370: v8022 wife: V4748 v4127; whether head: ~3635: wife: v4749 sister, oldest age: education: V573: V4128; ~4672; v55g2; V6141; V6738; living Vl473&V1608(Bkt): ~574; financial situation: whether: V572; ~1474; ~2184: ~2185; ~575: V1472; ~2183; ~2810 ~2811 ~1475; v28og ~2186: ~2812 V7371; ~8023 457 Type of Structure: V5863; V6470; Whether FU Included Whether Living in ~5625; ~6172 Whether Living in Vl90; ~7081: ~810; ~7672 Others: Vl499; v5562; City of 5,000 City of 50,000 V2211; V2837; or or More: V807: More: vl4g6; V4702; V7gl; v1461; ~2165: V27gl; V6724; V7357; V8009 Whether V3215; FU: V4449: ~5363; v6og2 Whether New Head in FU: V4658; V5570; ~6127; New Wife in v7345; v7997 V3938; V3637: Whether Wife in FU: V4101; v5505; v7341; v7878cv7955tv7g72cv7gRl V4107: V6037; ~5620: V2834: ~4707: ~6167 V3217; v46g4; v65go; V2208; V3539; ~5566; ~6662; V4114: ~6215; V6708; ~6712: V71g2t V7264, DEPENDENTS Amount Paid v3062; Number of more in Support of, Outside FU: V3474: V3874; ~4388: v52gg; than half whether: outside FU: whether: used Relatives, ~2711: for tax Whether v66g4 ~82: ~530; ~1228; vlgo8; v25og; v57g8; v64og: v6ggg: vj’5gl of support: V4079; V4623: v735; Vl4Ol; v2113; ~2710; V3214; ~3633; V5558: v6100; v66g3; V72g6; v79g6 V734; v7295: V3632: V3213; v7995 V4078; V4622; V5557: v733: V1400: v2112: v27og: ~3212; ~3631: V5556; v6098: v6691: V7294; V7994 V278; V4620: purposes: V5300; Head v6099; V4077; V4621: V732; Vl399: V2111; V2708; V3211; V3630: V5555; vbog7; v66go; V7293: V7993 ~1207; vlgog; ~2510; ~3063; V5799: V6410: V7000: ‘I7592 Feels Should Assist: V279; ~736: ~3475; V1402; v66g2: V4076; v4389: V2114; 458 DISABILITY Head disability *Asked of now, New Heads only disabling illness extra costs in days number of nights sick 1976. whether: v215 V746; Vl412; V2124; V2720: ~3246: V3668; ~6104 overnight in in problems: require patient hospital bed of v7977 last bills, care: a day whether: Vl976 v7978 V6106 or more last V747; ~6105 V4626; Than year, whether: disability: Other w98o ~817 extra in bed: hospital: hospital own FU Members V3244*; V3666n; v7343; v7g74 imposed by disability: V’s743-745: V’s1409-1411; V’s2121-2123: vz718tvz7lg; V3244EV3245: V3666&V3667; V4145tV4146: V4626: ~5561: ~6103: V6711: ~7344; v7g75 of trend and V2121; ~6710; ~6107 disabled: ~4147; number sick past, family: time limitations paid 1974, V1410; V6102; V6108 of other ~216: V743; V4625; V556D; 1973, in for amount: length whether: v4145*; year, whether: V1413; V2125; v7979 V2721: V3247; v366g: V4148; Head disability age of nature person: of relation to whether: extra care age V750; V1426: ~2128; V2724 V751: V1417; VZl28; disability: head: V748; V749; V1414: V1415; ~2126; V2127; V2722; V2725 V2723 v6110&v6113 necessary of reason relation whether: person: for: V754; V755; to head: V752; total number 18 or total number 0-17: Vl420; V1421: V753; V1418: older: ~6114 V2132: V2133; Vl419; V2l30; ~61 I I ~2738; v462g; V5565 V2728 V2131; ~2726; V2727; V4627; V4628; V5563: ~5564 v611o&v6113 459 Respondent, Whether Disabled number of days sick number of nights or Disfigured: V187; ~806; V1495; V2207; Wife overnight hospital paid own sick in a day or V7985 year, whether: more V4766; imposed V7988 last bills, disabled: limitation bed: hospital: patient hospital bed whether in in last (see Economic Situation V3661; V4137; Region Where Grew head : v362; wife: v5100 number of also year, whether: of Parents: ~4680; ~5600; v7987 vlg82 by disability: PARENTS; 7984 VT986 V4767: DISTANCE TO CENTER OF NEAREST SMSA: Vl88(Bkt) V22lOtBkt) ; V2836fBkt): V3251 (Bkt) : V3673(Bkt) V4707(Bkt)&V4706(Bkt) ; V5622(Bkt)tV5624(Bkt) V6470 (Bkt) &V6471 (Bkt) ; V7075 (Bkt) tV7076 (Bkt) EARLY ENVIRONMENT whether: VT983 ; V808fBkt) ; Vl488(Bkt) : V3834&V4151 (Bkt) : : V616g(Bkt)&V6171 (Bkt): ; V7666 (Bkt) sV7667 (Bkt) ; SIBLINGS) V317; V782; V1483; V2185; V2821; v614g; V6746: V7378; ~8031 V3238: Up ~877; v1573; v22a5; v2g12; ~3280; v3700; V5634; V6181: V6774; V7420; ~8072 v4179; v5055; Siblings head : ~316; ~567: V1467; ~2178: V2804; ~3230; ~3652: V4671; V55Sl; V6140; V6737; V7370; V8022 wife: V4748 whether Size of State older head: ~3635: wife: V4748 Area head : and V4127; V6738; V7371; ~8023 ~786: V1476; ~2188: V2814; V3232; ~3654; V5583: V6142; v673g; V7372: V8024 V4130; V4673; Where V312; County Grew Where head: v’s787.788; wife: V’s4751.4752 V4128: V4672; V5582: ~6141; Up Grew Up v’s1477.1470; v”sz18g,21go; v’~2815,2816: V’s3233.3234; V’s3655.3656; V’s4131,4132; V’s4674.4675; v1s55g4.55g5,v’s6143.6144; V’s6740.6741; V’s7373.7374; ~‘~8025.8026 V2833 460 ECONOMIC STATUS (see INCOME: WELL-OFFNESS MEASURES; PARENTS) EDUCATION Children expectations for education 4838-4840 goals: school attending number completing less than 12 grades: vi25 number completing more than 12 grades: vi27 number completing 12 grades: stopped whether vig50: school, highest present: V557; number PTA meetings, at Vi37; ~556; Vlg4g: v254g; V1245; vlg48: v136; V558; v’s ~2548 V126 and how ~2250 whether child V3514; V3927; grade V121; V1246; recently has: V4442; completed: attended: V559; ~5356; ~1248; V5856 school system Vlg51; V1247; V2551; V3101; ~560 Head additional training what kind: outside regular v4og5sv4ogR; v6756ev675g; whether: v468dsv468g; v738gsv73g2; V314; V795; V4Og4cv4og7; ~6755~~6758; v5610cv5613; ~8041~~8~44 ~1486; v2lg8; ~4685~~4688: v7388tv73gl; V2324; V3242; v56ogsv5612: V8040tV8043 v615gsv6162; V3664; V6158tv6161; college average BS, ACT score ratings per of pupil: V4217: v46go: V5614; V6163; ~6760: V7383; v5o8g ~4100; v46gi: ~5615; ~6164; ~6761; status pre-World completed: ~5088 v4ogg; MA degree, or beyond: v7.394; ~8046 post-World grades ~4216; BA degree, whether: V8045 expenditure MS, of: War War II: II: v421g: V4218; v5og1 V5OgO Vl485(Bkt) : V2187 (Bkt) : V313(Bkt); V794(Bkt): V3663 (Bkt) ; V4083&V4198(Bkt) : V2823tBkt); V3241 (Bkt); V4684GV5074 (Bk t) ; V5608&V5647 (Bk t) ; V6157tV6194 (Bkt) ; V6754&V6787 (Bk t) ; V7387GV7433 (Bk t) ; V803gsV8085 (Bk tl 461 whether taking courses/lessons whether trouble reading: V8042 (see V4D96; SPARE-TIME V4687; ACTIVITIES) v5611; V6160; ~6757: v73gO; Parents head’s father: head’s mother: V3634: V4139; V4682: ~5602: ‘~6151; V6748: ~7381; ~8033 wife’s father: V3608; ~4108: V4753; v5572: ~6121; v6718; ~7351; ~8003 wife’s mother: v36og: V4109; V4754; V5573: ~6122; v671g; V7352; V8004 living) : Vl248: V1951; V2551: Siblings (see ~318; ~4681; V793: ~5601; v1484; ~6150; v21g6: v6747; ~2822; V7380; V3240; ~8032 ~3662: V4138; SIBLINGS) brother (oldest sister (oldest ~570; Iiving): ~574; Whether Anyone Under 25 Stopped V3lOl; V3514; V3g27; V4442; ~1470; ~2181; ~1474: Going to ~5356 ~2185; School: ~2807 ~2811 V599; Wife additional training what kind: outside V4104: ~8000 whether: V4103; v7999 average ACT score regular school system v46g7sV4757sv4760: v556g; v46g6sv4756sv475g; V5568; V6118; ~6117; V6715; V6714; V7348; ~7347; college BS, V4220; BA degree, whether: v734g; ~8001 expenditure MS, of: per V5082 V4105; pupil: v4688&v4761: of pre-World completed: whether trouble V6716: v46ggsv4762; ~5571; V6120: status post-World grades v6118; V422 I MA degree, or beyond: V4106; v6717: ~7350; ~8002 ratings V5570: War War II: II: V4223; V4222; V5095 V5094 V246 (Bkt) : ~2687 (Bkt) : V3216 (Bkt) ; V3638 (Bkt) V4102tV4198(Bkt) : V4655&V4755&V5075(Bkt) ; V5567&V5648(Bkt): V6116&v6196(Bkt); V6713tV6788(Bkt); V7346GV7434 (Bkt) ; V7ggR&V8086 (Bkt) reading: V4758 : 462 EMERGENCY HELP Money borrow, gave whether: money, how much loan or whether; mind: V7326 V7320 gift, pay money V7317 which: V7321, interest: V7322. received relative, V7324, in last whether: relationship: V7325. five V7330 years, ~7318. V7327 v7319. ~7328 'J7329 whether: V7323 Time friend or relative far friend or relative nearby helped a friend help in last how much or someone type help whether EMPLOYMENT three In order to of clarify code (E)=employed; V7302, v7308 V7303. v7309 ~7306 in 7300. an to the this all same variable; three retired sections in the same and) of were section the same and asked reasons ~'2627 for: ~~~2628-2630 wife or her employment which student, respondents, housewife: (EU)=employed in the Absenteeism: ~218 (EU) ; V678 (EU) &V678 (ELI) ; V's13l2(E),1313(E)&V's1341(U),1342(U): v’s2018~E),201g(E)&V’s2047(u).2048~U); v’s2616K),26l7(E)&V’s2647(U),2648(U) enjoyability: and his of variable. Attitudes head were asked in status. the only: variable; retired the on (R)-retired, (ER)=employed in Jobs depending questions for v7297 employment questionnaire used V's7311.7312 emergency: MOBILITY, (U)=unempIoyed; from and time which is V7301 V7305 HOURS; the V7307 help: V7310 V's7299. pertaining sections following way: gave: also could help: V7288 available: gave (see Questions some else could V7304 relationship: in who years: whether: repay who relative: five mind: relative, away same variable; (EUR)=answers and unemployed (UR)=unemployed in the 463 Decision making: V’s1323tE) V’s2029(E) Difficulties Vl99 (EU) tV2 13 (EU) ; v6gl .1324(E)tV’s1348(U) ,1349(U): .2030(E)GV’s2054(U) .2055(U) in Obtaining, Employment-Marital Employment Status: V3191; head: VI96 wife: V4776,V4841(EUR): (EUR) ; V639 (EUR) ~2581 (EUR) : V4458 (EUR) ; v7095 (EUR) ; worked ~3613 in ; VI278 (EUR) : V1325(EUR) : VI983 (EUR) ; V3114 (EUR) ; V3528(EUR) ; V3967 (EUR) ; V5373 (EUR) : V5872 (EUR) ; V6492 (EUR) ; ~7706 (EuR) v65glfEUR): past V7193(EUR); V7879(EUR) year wife: V4959 (R) : v5506; ever been ~6038; V6649 (R) ; V7251 (R) ; V7942 (RI employed head: V4552 WI : V5454 (U) : V597 1 UJ) : V6556 OJ) : V7 158 (U) ; V7806 (U) wife: ‘44936 (U) ; V6628 UJ) ; V7230 (U) ; V7919 Problems Equilibrium, (see whether Job BACKGROUND (see Changes: Possibilities HOURS, (U) INDEXES) Whether Could/Wanted Nore/Less of of v2973 time finding work: V214(EU) looked head : V4551 W): V5453W; V597OW) : V6555W: wife: V4935W: V6627W) : v72.?gW): v7918M) limits: Work) of difficulties V7157 UJ); V7805fU) what head: V4540 W wife: V’+923 (El ,V4933 limits: Iowest V2750(EUR) VI 350 (R) ; V2056 (R) ; V2654 (R) ; V3167 (R) ; ~3583 (R) : V4039 (R) ; V4475R): ‘J5479W; V6017W i V6577W; V7179 CR); V7865 (R) Employment length Record, head: whether Five-Year Past (EU) ; Status whether Future Due to (EU) .v692 ,V4549 (U) ,V’s4589 (R) 94602 (R) (U) eV’s.4973 (R) .4988 (R) whether head : V4539 (E) ,V4548 V’ s5446&5447 v5963sv5964 (U) .V’s4588 (R) ,4601 (R) ; (u) ,V’ s5498&5499 (R) : (u) &vbo3otv6031 (R) wife: V4922 (E) ,V4932 (U) ,V’s4972 wage moving: accepted: whether head: (R) ,4987(R) V7 I53 (U) : V7804 (u) considered V688 (ELI) V2624 V4537 ~6543 ; Vi 320 (E) tV (E) iv2651 (U) (E) &V4550 (U) (E) LV6552 (U) I345 (U) : V2026 (E) tV2051 (U) ; : ~3164 (U) ; V358O!U) ; ‘54036 (U) : sV4598 (R) : V5450 (U) ; V5967 (U) : ; V7 146 (E) tV7 I54 UJ) 464 wife: V4920 motivation wage (E) CV4934 for moving v4927 UJ) cv4975 whether ever refused to ‘42194; ~2820: v6745; ~7378 whether willing wife: V492 1 (E) steady wouldn’t job: V204(EU) V4135; ~4678; move for job: V3238; ~3660; further or work in current area: applied for new v21g3; V6744; V205 (EU) ; v7g8; V1482; V4136; v467g: V55gg; ~6148; different hours V206 (U) job V65O(U)LV685(R); (R) ; V2635 (U) &V2665 (R) ; V4022 (U) Gv4050 (R) : v5g62 (U) cvbozg v7803(u)&V7877 V4931 (U) &I’4983 (R) ; ~6626 'J79 17 (U) CV795 1 (R) looking for work: number: potential V1481; V6147; (E) v’s235(UR).236(uR); V2035 (U) sv2067 V3567 (U) &V3595 v5445 (U) tV5497 v7152(U)Gv7191(R); total work ; V797; v55g8: consider moving: v6go (EU) : v1322 (E.I &VI 347 (U) : V2028 (E) tV2053 (U) : V2626 (E) ; V2653 (U) i ~3166 (u) ; V3582 (0) ; V4038 (U) ; V5452 (U) ; v5g6g (0) V6544 (E) cV6554 (U) ; V7 147 (E) tv7 156 (U) places wife: O-0 better v365g; go 'I4538 head: others to head: of V207 (EU) v68g (EU) : V132 1 (E) &VI 346 (U) : V2027 (E) &‘I2052 (U) ; ~2625 (E) tv2652 (U) ; ~3165 (0) ; V3581 (U) ; V4037 (U) : v5451 (u) ; ‘45968 (u) ; ~6553 (u) i V7155 (U) ever moved for V2819; V3237; v7377 number job: head: whether why a new desired whether (U) tV6658 V1330(U)dV1360(R): (R) ; V3152 (U) tV3178 (R) : V4547 (U) sV4597 (R) ; v654g (U) tv658g (II) ; ~7228 (0) ~~7260 (R) ; (R) ; (R) ; (R) ; VW3 v6og4 earnings: V2 IO (E) ; V377 (E, Bkt) ; V647 (u) ; v887(EUR,gkt): Vl316(E)&V1327(U)&Vl357(R); v2022 (E) GV2032 (U) GV2064 (R) ; V2620 (E) V31’+9 (U) CV3175 (R) ; V3564 (U) CV3592 (R) v4544 (U) Sv4591 (R) ; V5442 (U) GV5492 (R) V6546 W : V7 149 (LO ; v7800 (tl) ~682 (ER) ; &V2632 (U) tV2662 (R) : ; V4019 (0) &V4047 (R) : ; V5959 (U) ; changes number of new tasks: up/downgrading whether training to (R) rate wife: task (U) bV4984 of task V7725 job changes: tasks: V7724 'J7723 required head : v211 (E) ; V2023 '43150 v4545 V6547 v648(u) ~~683 (ER) : ~1317 (~)&v1328(u) &vi358 (R) ; (E) bV2033 (U) &V2065 (R) : ~262 1 (E) &V2633 (u) &V2663 (R) ; (U) GV3176 (R) ; ~3565 (U) SV3593 (R) : V4020 (U) cV4048 (R) : (‘J) &V’693 (R) ; V5443 (U) SV5493 (R) ; v5g6o (U) cv6027 (R) ; 189 (R) ; ~780 I (u) ~~7875 (R) (LO 6~6587 (R) ; v7 150 (WV7 465 wife: v'mB(u); v4977(R) formal education required how head: v4481 wife: v4864(E) receive how (E): training head : V4594(R); wife: v4978(R) long before V4484(E); V4867CE) head: trained V5885CE) better job V4485(E) wife: ~4868 receiving (E) training now head: V4595 wife: V4979 (RI skills V54g4(R) ,v5015 head : for V4654; fully wife: learning v5882tE) can’t use (R) ; V5495 on head: V4486(E) wife: v486g head: '14483(E); wife: v4866(E) present job (E) type want type of job job head: wife: undesirable wage what doing that uses V5884(E) that head: V4487 (E) wife: @+870(E) skill sought vzog(~): v~~I(ER); v64ow: v1315(~),V1329(U),~1356(~); V2021(E),V20310J),V2063(R); v26lg(E).v2631(U).V266l(R); V3148W ,V3174(R); v3563(U),v35gl(R); V4018(U),v4046(R): V4542W) .V45PO(R) ; V544l(U).V54Pl(R) : v5g58(U),V6026(R); v6545W),v6586(R); v7l48W),V7188(R); V7799W&V7874(R) V4925W jobs, rate to .v4974(R): v6624W; V7226(U); V7915(Uf whether: V237CR): V686WR); V13430J)&Vl36l(R); V2049WtV2068(R): V264g(U)&V2666(R); v3l62(u)tv317g(R); v3578W&v35961R); V4034(U)bV4051(R); V5448(U)&V5500(R): v59650~)&v6032(R): v655oW on: V238WR); V13440J)&v1362(R); v3163(U)bv318o(R): V544g(u)ev550l(R) V3780JR); V687WR); V205O(U)&V206g(R); v3579(U)SV3597(R): ; v5966(u)&v6033(R) V8880JR,Bkt); v2650W ~~2667 V4035(U)&v4052(R): : ~65510~) find job: VZlZ(E); v64g(U)&V684(ER); Vl3lg(E)eVl32g(U)&Vl35P(R); V2025(EltV2034WtV2066~R); ~2623 (E) ~~2634 (U) tV2664(R); V315l(U)tV3177(R); V3566(U)&V3594(R); I'4021 (U)&V4049(R) (RI; 466 whether whether go head: wife: head: Vl318(E); V2024(E): v2622CE); V45460J)&v45g6(R); V5444Wtv5496(R); v5961(U)&v6028(R); V6548(U)&v6588(R); V7151WtV7190(R)~ V7802W&V7876(R) wife: V4930(U)tV4g82(R); V7227 (U) &V725y(R) to work sometime circumstances the future ,v496y(R) V7949(R) relevant head: v6g4(R); wife: v4g86(R) of years head: getting get v2668CR); V6024CR); ,'I4971 (RI .v4985(R): V207l(R); new v6656CR); v266g(R); v46oo(R) job V548l(R).v548g(R); V7873CR) v6025CR); CR) ,v497O(R) of seeking new job: V208(E) : V235 (R) : V680(E); vl314W: v's135l(R).1355(R); V2020(E) ,V1s2057(R).2062(R); v2618(E), V's2655(R),2660(R); V's3147(E),3168(R),3173(R); V's3562(E),3584(R),3590(R); V's4017(E).4040(R),4045(R); ‘.‘6541 (El ; V7144 (0 ; V7793 (E) looking for another job: V6542(E); History head first V6584(R); job Vl364(R): until v4961 thinking whether to V4577(R).v4586(R); V6585CR); V7187tR); wife: whether in v6g3(R); V1363(R); V207y(R); V4576(R),v4585(R),v4587(R),V4599(R); V's5480(R),5488(R),5490(R); V7186(R); v7872CR) v4833,v496o(R) V7258CR); number v6625(U)&V6657(R); ; v7g16(UJCV795O(R) regular age: job V5929 anyone (0 ,V5973 help: did they how helped: some say: how who was (U) V5933 K) ,V5977 work there: V5935 V5937 much that: UJ) V5936(E),V598O(U) (E) ,V5979 (El .‘w81 say: (‘J) v5938(E) v5934(E) (U) .v5982(U) .v5978W V7145CE); V7794(E) 467 how hear know about anyone first else occupation: still job: V5932(E),V5976(U) worked there: V5939 (E) .w83 job for same gave employer: useful V5940 skills or of years v6153; worked ~6750; since 18: ~3620: ~7383; ~8035 number of years V6154; worked ~6751; full time: ~3621; ~7384; V8036 time ~4632: worked ~5606; in nonfull-time V6155; ~6752; of stopped working for how found job one period or a year when or several: V593l(E),V5975(U) V4141; V4630; V4142; years: ~7385; more: started (E) training: number percent W V5930 (El WV’5974 (U) work type who regular V5604; ~4631; V3435; ~8037 v5605; V4143; V4634 again: V4653 V4635 for one period, nitial month for one period, nitial year for one period, nitial month for one period, nitial year for several peri most recent month for several periods, most recent year for several V4642 periods, most recent month for several V4643 periods, most recent year ds, stopped: ~4636 stopped: V4637 started again: started again: V4638 V4639 stopped: stopped: started started V4640 ~464 1 again: again: wages if never when why stopped: went wage back: V4655 different: was it the same job was it the same kind whether ~4656 received ~4657 as before: of work: training how received why return to why stopped work: working: ~4652 V4651 while training V’s V’s to not qualify: working: V4647 V4654 4648-4650 4644-4646 wife number of years ~6123; worked ~6720; since 18: ~3610: ~7353; ~8005 number of years V6124; worked ~6721; full time: ~3611; V7354: V8006 ~4110; ~4111; ~4989; V4YYO: v5574: V5575; 468 percent of time v4ggi; stopped working how find one period worked v5576; for in nonfull-time V6125: ~6722; a year work when or or years: v7355; more: started V4112; v4995 again: several: V3433: '~0007 V5014 VW6 for one period, initial month for one period, initial year stopped: for one period, initial month for one period, initial year for several periods, most recent month for several periods, most recent year for several vsoo3 periods, most recent month for several v5004 periods, most recent year v4997 stopped: V4998 started again: started v4999 again: v5000 stopped: V5OOl stopped: started started ~5002 again: again: wages if never when went why the same job: was it the same kind husband whether head: in v654 returned why stopped Past Year work: with training housework while training to v5012 and childcare v5019 received work: working: (see of helped received why V5018 v5o13 returned: how Whether ILLNESS) ~5016 different: it when v5o17 back: wages was whether Illness, stopped: also to V’s V’s not working: qualify: ~5008 V50~5 5oog-5011 5005-5007 DISABILITY; HOURS, IIlness; (E) ; vi288 (El ; VI994 (E) ; V2592 (El : V3125 (El ; V3540 (E) ; V3993 03 : V4497 (E) , ~4563 (U) : V406 (E) . V5465 (VI ; V5896 (0 .V5992 OJ) ; ~6507 (E) . V6565 (U) : V7 110 (E) , v7167W; v7734 (E) .v7816(u) others head : V4494 (E) , V4560 (U) ; V5403 (E) TV5462 (U) ; v58g4 v6505tE). v6563W: I'7108 (E), V-1165(u); v7732CE) ,v7814W wife: V4877 (E) ,V4944 (U) ; V5509: v6041; V6601 (E) , V6635 v72o3(E), v7237W: V7895E) ,‘J7927(U) wife: Industry v4880 (see (E) .V4947 (U) : V5512; V6043: ‘J7.239 UJ) : v7897 (E) ,v7929 Occupation, this section) V6603 (U) (E) , V6637 (E) , V5990 (u) ; (U) ; V7205(E), (U) ; 469 Occupation head, (see also 1-digit Second Job, occupation, this section) code: VI97 (EUR) ; V640 (EUR) &VP77 (EUR.Chg) ; Vl27P(E) .V’s1326(U)&l33l (VI ,Vl352(R); vlg84(~) .v~52031 (uI~2036(ul ,v2058(~); ~2582 (E) ,v’~2631 WI ~2636 (u) ,v2656 (R) : V3115(E),V’53148OJ)&3153NJ),V3169(R): V3530 (E) *v’s3563 W &3569(U) ,v3586 (RI ; v3968(E) ,v’s4018 (U)&4023(U) ,V4041 (RI ; V5584: Vi930 (E) .v5974 (U) .v6132&v6l33: V672PtV6730; ~8014&~8015 V7362tV7363; head, 2-digit code: V4459 (E) ,v4553 W WV4578 (R) ; V5374 6) G’J5429 (E) ,v5441 (U) SV5455 (U) .V5482 (R) ; '~5873 (0 tV5916 (El .v5958 (U) &v5984 (VI .V6018 (R) ; V6497WBV6527W. v6545Wcv6557 (U) .v6578(R); V7100(E)&V7130(E), V7148(U)tV7159W), v7180m); 'J7745W ,V7799(U) head, 3-digit code: V7866 employed V3529(E). (R) v3585W; V7712 by government: V3971tV3975; V4462 V5377 (E) 8~5385 (E) ; V5876 (El &v5879 V7097W; ~7708 (E) employs others: V3973&‘J3977; number: first V3568kJ), job: V1495; VZl7l: ~5584: v598D(E) industry, 2-digit ~2583 V353 l V446o V5874 V7lOl industry, same or V3974&V3978; 3-digit (El (E) (E) (El (E), while V3646; V7713(E), v5393(E)&v5395(E) (E) ; VS.394 (El &v5396 (U) .v2059 (R) ; V3l I6 (El .V3l54 (U) ,v3l70 V396P (El , v4024 W , v4042 V5375 (E) .v5456 lU) ,v5483 v6498 (El .v6558 (U) ,v6579 v7808(u), has number supervised: V5380 (El &V5388 number pay of supervisor: ~1460; V2172: ~2798: in labor force: V4121; v4665; V5585; V6134; V6731; V7364; times vjg82; whether: V3p79 v3g8o: (E) supervisor and promotions: ~5381 (E) .v5389 (R) (RI (R) (R) V7867(R) supervision boss (El V3223; ~3645; V4120; V4664; ,v6133; v6730; v7363; v8015 code: VI985 (El .v2037 ,V2637 W ,V2657 CR) ; . v3570 (U) , v3587 (RI ; ,V4554 UJ) .V4579(R) : ,v5985W .v6019(R) ; v716o(u), V7181 (R) code: different V3224; V8016 V2797; .v5974W v7807(U), (E) tV4467 (E) : (E) ; v6494 (El ; V4473K)t'J4476(E): V4474 (E) &I’4477 (E). V3981; (E) (E) tV4025 V4466 (E) tV447 I (E) V4464 (E) &V4469 (E) ; checks: (E) &V5386 ~5378 V4465 (El GV4470 IV) : ~4463 (El &V4468 (El (El : (E) &V4555 (U) ; ; : : 470 wife, 1-digit code: v4055 wife, 2-digit code: v65g6 ~7226 wife, 3-digit code: employed others: V2074; V7885 (E) , V7920 V4856 ~4857 job: industry ‘12672; v3183; V3601: (E) ~~4850 (E) ev485g (El &V4860 (U) , V7943 (E) : v65g3 (RI (E) cv662g (El (E) v4993 3-digit or code: different supervision has number: pay in V7921 labor (VI, force: V7944(R) v4994 others supervisor: V4847 and v7866(~), while of boss v484g (E) ~~4852 promotion: whether: (E) GV4854 (E) ~‘4848 (E) ~~4853 ~4846 (E) (E) tV4851 (E) tV4939 (E) (U) Employment head anyone help: did they how help: some who know hear V5944 (E) work there: say: how how (U) ; 2-digit code: V2075; ~2673: ~3184: ~3602; V4056: V4606,V4843 (E) ,v4g38 (u) .V4963 (R) ; ~5508: ~6040; v65g7 (E) ,V6630 (U) .v665l (RI : v7l99 (E) . v7232 (U) . v7253 industry, Present Vl367; V4605: V4842 (E) ,V4937 (U) ,V4962 (RI ; V5507: v603g; (E) cv66ig (E) .v662g (U) ,V6650 (RI ; V7198 (E) GV7221 (El , (U) GV7231 (U) , V7252 (R) ; v7go8 (El, V7915 (U) V3600; number: first vbog; by government: V4845 ‘J7 195 (E) : V7881 (El employs same V243; was V5946 (E) v5948 (El much say: that: about anyone who V5947 V5949 (E) (El v5945 present worked job: there: V5942 (El V595O(E) length of present employment: V200 (i) ; V642 (E) : ~1281 (E) ; VI987 (El ; v2585 (E) ; v3l la (E) ; v3533 (E) : V’s3983(E)&3984(E); V’s4480(E)t4488(E): V’s5384 (E) ~5397 (E) : v’s5888 (E) d5941 (E) ; V6499 (E ); V7102 (El ; V7l I (E) length of present position: 7722 (E) -- (RI month began type job present job: V6500 (E) ; V7lO3 gives useful V3185(E) ; V4489(E) (El i ‘~7726 (E) skills or training: i V5398CE) ; V588gW ; V59’+3 (El wife anyone help: V6060 did they how help: some work there: say: V6064 how much who how hear was say: that: about ~6065 V606 I present length of present employment: V’s4863(E),487l(E); ~6598 (El : V7200 (E) : V7884 (E) length of present began job worked V6058 anyone type who job: know month Previous V6063 ~6062 position: present gives there: job: useful V6066 V789l (E) V4872 (E) ; v6599 skills or V6057; training: (E) ; V7201 (E) ; v7892 (E) v6059 Employment comparison with head: V202 (E): v’s645(E)&646(E) ; V’s1284 (E)&l285(E); V’sl990(E)tl99l(E): V’s2588(E)&2589(E); V’s3121 (E)E3122(E); V’s3536(E)t3537(E); V’s3988 (El G3989 (El ; V’s4491 (E) G4492 (E) ; V’ 55400 (E) ~5401 (E) ; V’s5891 (E) &5892 (E) ; V’s6502(E)t6503(E) : V’s7105 (E) &v7106(E) ; V7728 (E) Sv7729 (E) wife: industry, present V's4874 (E) &4875 (E) 2-digit code head: V2037 (U) : ~2637 (U) : V3154 (U) ; V3570 (U) ; V4024 (U) ; V4554 (U) : V5456 (U) ; V5985 (U) ; V6558 (LI) cv6579 (RI : V7 160 (U) &V7 I8 I (R) wife: V4938W; industry, number of occupation, V6630W)&V6651 3-digit V7808 (U) &V7867(R) wife: V7921 (U) tV7944 2-digit V7232(U)&V7253(R) code head: employers (RI; in past (RI decade: ~203 (EU) code head: VI331 (U) ; V2036 (LI) : ~2636 W ; V3l53W ; ~3563 (u) ; V4023 (U) ; V4553W); V5455W; V5984W: V6557 WtV6578W; v7159(U)&v7l80(R) wife: V4937 (U) ; V6629 (U) &V6650 occupation, 3-digit code head : V7807 wife: V792O(U)&V7943(R) (U) &V7866 CR) (R) ; V723l (U) tV7252 CR) 472 what happened to V201 (EU) ; V643 (E) ,V651 (IJ) ; vi282 (E) ,V1332 (U) ; v1988(~),~2038(u); v2586(~).V2638(U): VJllg(E),V3155(U); ~3534 (E) .v3571 (u) ; v3g86 (E) ,V4026 (U) ; v4490 (E) .v4556 (U) .v4584 (RI : v5399 (E) ,v5458 (U) ,‘I5487 (RI : ~5890 (E) .v5g86 (U) .v6023 (R) ; ~6501 (E) , v655g (U) ,V6583 (R) ; V7104(E), V71610J). V7185(R): V7727(E), v78og(U). '17871 (RI wife: ~4873 (E) ,v4940 (u) .V4g68 (RI : V6600 (E) ,v6631 (U) .V6655 (RI ; V7202 (E) , V7233 (U) , V7257 (R) : V7893 (E) .V7922 (U) ; vn48 (RI pay now head: Second last higher or V4786 (E) ; (E) worked head: ~45570~); wife: V494l Plan, v545gW); (U) ; V6632 Whether Head number of, head: V45l7W number of, wife: V4900 (see also Job lower V644 (E) ; VI283 (E) ; vlg8g (E) ; v2587 (El ; V3120 (E) ; V3535 ~3987 (E) : V44g3 (E) ; V5402 (E) ; ~5893 (E) ; V6504 (E) ; 'J7 107 (E) : v7730 (E) wife: Retirement job head : whether year previous HOURS, v5g87(u); (U) ; V7234 is Covered v656oW); (U) ; V7923 by: v7162(u): v78lo(u) (U) v4004 (E) Second Job) head hourly wage number of on extra V3552 V6528 (see HOURLY EARNINGS) ; V2604(E) jobs: Vl300(E): v2006(~) : V3l37 (E); (E) ; V4007 (E) ; V4520 (E) ; C‘5430 (E) : U‘5917 (E) : (E) ; V7 I31 (E) : V7746 (E) occupation: ~228 (E) ; V66 I (E) ; VI 299 (E) ; V2005 (E) ; V2603 (E) ; ~3136 (E) ; V3551 (E) ; ~4006 (E) ; V4519 (E) : V5429 (E) ; ~5916 (E) : ~6527 (E) ; V7130 (E) ; V7745 (E) whether: V227 (E) ; V660 (E) : VI 298 (E) ; V2004 (E) : ~2602 (E) ; V3l35 (E) ; V3550 (E) : V4005 (E) : V4518 (E) ; ~5428 (E) ; V5915 (E) ; ~6526 (E) ; V7129 (E) ; V7744 (E) whether more than one extra job: V227 (E) : V662 (E) ; VI 300 (E) ; ~2006 (E) ; ~2604 (E) ; v3137 (E) ; V3552 (E) ; V4007 (E) : V4520 (E) : V5430 (E) ; V5917 (E) ; ~6528 (E) ; V713l (E) ; 'J7746 (E) wife hourly wage number of occupation: whether: on extra (see HOURLY jobs: V4902 V4901 EARNINGS) V4903 (E) : V6619 (E) : V6618 (E) (E) ; V722l (E) ; V7908 (E) : V722O (E) ; V7907 (E) (E) 473 Self-Employed: Whether head: vi98 wife: V4844 (E) ; v65g2 Skipping Work Strike (E) : ~641 (E) ; vg88 (E) ; v1280 (E) ; vi986 (E) : V2584 (E) ; V3532 (E) ; V3970 (E) ; ~4461 (E) ; v5376 (E) ; ~5875 (E) ; V6493 (E) : v7096 (E) ; V7707 (E) (see (see also whether in (E) ; V7 194 (E) ; V7880 (E) Absenteeism, Unemployment, past this this section) section) year head: V4502 (E) ,V4565 (U) ; V54l I (E) ,I’5476 (U) i v5900 (E) .V5994 (U) ; V65ll(E).V6567(U): V7114(E), v7l69(u): v7737(E),v7817(U) wife: V4885 (E) ,V4949 (U) : V5516; V6047; V6607 (E) .v663g V7209 (E) , V724l (U) ; V7900 (E) ,V7930 (U) (u) ; Tardiness: V217 (EU) ; V676 (EU) 6~677 (EU) : V’s1310(E),1311(E)&V’s1339(U).l340(U); V’s2016(E),2017(E)&V’s2045(U).2046(U): V’s26l4(E) .2615(E)&V’s2645(U) ,2646(U) Type Job Gives Useful Unemployment, Whether in V5943 Past Year (El CV5975 (U) (see also HOURS, Unemployed) head : V219 (EU) ; ~656 (E) ; vlgg6 (E) : V2594 (E) : Vjl27 (E) ; V3542 (E) : V3995 (E) ; V4504 (E) .V4567 (U) : V5413 (E) .V5469 (U) : V5902 (E) .v59g6 (U) : ~6513 (E) , v656g (U) ; V7 1 I6 (E) , V717l (U): V7739(E) ,V7819(U) wife: v4887(E).v4951 (u); ~5518; V6049: V7243 (U) ; V7902 (E) .V7932 number of Vacation, Wages Skills: periods V6609(E),v6641(U): (U) of head: V3997 (E) tV4031 (U) : V4506 (E) &V4569 (U) ; V’s5415(E)&5416(E) .V’s547l (U)&5472(U) wife: V4059; Whether in V72ll(E), V4889 Past Year (E) &V4953 (see (U) ; V’s5520&5521 also HOURS, Vacation) head: ~652 (E) ; v1286(E); VI992 (E) ; V259O(E) ; ‘0123(E) ; v3538(E) ~3991 (E) : ~4500 (E) ,v4558 (U) ; V5409 (E) .V5460 (U) : v58g8 (E) .v5989 (u) ; ~6509 (E) ,V6561 (U) ; V7ll2 (E) . v7163(U); V7735(E),V78ll(U) wife: ~4883(E) (see .v4942 (U) ; ~5514; V6045; V7235 (U) : ~7898 (E) .V7924 HOURLY EARNINGS: INCOME, Labor, ~6605 (E) ,V6633(U) (U) wages) : : V7207 (E) , 474 Whether Could Have Had Less head : V232 (E) : v66g ~3558 V6534 wife: v2078: Whether Could (E) ; V1306 (E) ; V2012 (E) i ~2610 (E) ; V3143 (E) ; (E) ; I'4013 (E) ; v4528 (E) : V5437 (E) ; (E) cv6537 (E) ; v7 137 (E) Gv7 140 (E) ; ~7784 (E) ~~7787 ~2677; Have Had Work ~3188: More ~3606: V230(E) ; V666 (E) ; VI304 V3556 (E) ; V4011 ~6532 (E) : V7l35 wife: ~2078; ~2676; Find New Job head: V4532 (E) wife: V49 15 (E) Whether Good Job in V3187; as Good Same as V4543 (U) ,v4592 (R) wife: ~4926 (u) ,v4976 CR) Keep Present head: V4533 wife: v4916(E) go back when or (E) : ~6541 head : V4535 wife: V4g I8 (E) ~4536 (E) V4919 (El might V4534 (E) wife: V4917 (0 Still Job Quit (E) ; V7 144 (E) ; v7793 (E) quit head: Whether Present V4907(E) back wife: Many V4061: (E) head : Whether ~3605; Qualified for Job Like Yours: V5886 (El Working head : v5486 (R) : ~6022 (R) : V6582 (R) ; V7 I84 (R) : ~7870 wife: ~6654 (R) ; V7256 (R) : V7947 (R) Whether (E) ; (E) : later go why Job (E) : VZOIO (E) ; v2608(~) ; V3141 (E) ; V4524 (E) i V5434 (E) ; V5921 (0 : V7782 (E) Line head : Whether V4gll(E) Work head: Whether ~4062: Wanted Less Work head: V233 (E) ; ~670 (E) : Vl307 V3559 (E) ; V4014 v6535(E)cv6538(E); wife: V4912 (E) (R) (E) ; V2Ol3 (E) ; ~261 I (E) ; V3144 (E) ; (E) ; v4529 (E) : v5438 (E) ; V5925 (E) ; v7l38(E)LV714l(E): V7785(E)&V7788(E) (E) 475 Whether Wanted More head: V23l(E): wife: V4910 Why Not Work Work V66a(E); v3557(E); v6536(E); wife: V4909 (E) also V3142(E): v5923tE): (E) Occupation, employed before full or employed or employed when full future or this part time: years part marriage: v482l.v4827 v4822.v4828 preschool part children: time: v4823 v4824 v~s20ao-20a3&v22~a; feels Wife) v4820,v4826 of time: had HOURS, v4alg,v4825 possibilities: husband section; marriage: first full how v2609(E); v5436CE); Extra v4526 (see V2Oll(E): v4527lE): v7786CE) (E) head: Wife V1305(E): v4012 (E); v7139tE); about wife working: v's267a-26a2: v4836: v3189; ~3607 v5533 whether employed: whether more work available: v2078; ~2676; v3187; ~3605: V4061: V4gol whether less work available: V2079: V2677: V3188; V3606; V4062: V491l expenditure, RENT: etc.) Would a Woman Have Would Work if Had V243; V608; ~1366: V2073: ~2671: V4054: ~4604: V4841: V5525; V6053 Harder Time: Enough Honey head: V4541 (El .V4574 wife: v4924w.v495aw EXPENDITURES (see FOOD, Expenditures; Total Family v5887 (U) heading indicating HONE OWNERSHIP, Fixed: V332&V347 type of mortgage; (Bkt) EXPENSES Reason Whether for Unusual: Unusual: V724; v275: VI?,@; ~723; vljaa; V2101: V2707 ~2100: ~2706 e.g., V3182; V3599; 476 FAMILY COMPOSlTlON (see also FAMILY SIZE): Vl14; V547&542(Chg); V1114&Vl109(Chg); V1814&V1809(Chg); V2415&V241O(Chg); V3015CV3OlO(Chg): V3415&3410(Chg); V3815tV38lOKhg); V4315&V4310(Chg); V5215&v52lO(Chg); V5715tV5710(Chg); v6315tv631oKhg): V6915&V6910(Chg): V7515tV751O(Chg) Eight-Year in: Change Eleven-Year Change V4206 in: V6211 Five-Year Change in: V2972 Nine-Year Change in: v509a Ten-Year Change Twelve-Year in: V5664 Change in: v6804 Thirteen-Year Change in: v7450 Fourteen-Year Change in: V8102 Head, Whether Same/New: ~4658; ~5578; ~6127; Includes Other Than Head: Includes Other Than Head Number in V116; v3639: v4114; v6ogz (and Wife): 'm58 V1591: v61gl; V550; ~5353; V2303; v6784; V1242; ~5853; V2930; V7430; V1945; ~6465: V2545: V7070; V3295; ~8082 v3og8: V7661 V3715; adults: moved in: moved out: of ~5216; Match: ~5716: ~128; ~543: ~5211; ~1110; ~5711: ~1810: ~6311; v2411; v6gll; v3011; ~7511 V4194; V3511; ~71: '4492; ~1166; V1867; V2467; V3043; ~4370; v577g; ~6360; v6958; v7550 major to V894; V5644; v3g8; children: Relation v3217; FU adults: Quality v7gl: v1461; ~2165; V2791; ~6724: ~7357; v8oog v3924; v3455: V3411; ~1115; v6916; ~1815; ~7516 V2416; ~3016; V3416; v4439: ~3855; v3811: ~130; ~545; ~1112; ~1812; V2413; ~3013; V3413; ~4313; V5213; V5713: ~6313; v6913: v7513 ~541; ~6316: V5070; v4311; ~3813; V3816: v4316; Head movers in: movers out: vlzg; ~544: ~1111; ~1811; V2412; V3012; V3412; V4312; V5212; V5712; V6312; vbglz; V7512 ~3812: ~131; ~546; ~1113; ~1813: ~2414; ~3014; v3414: ~4314; V5214; V5714; V6314; v6gl4; v7514 Wife, Whether Same/New: v7345; v7997 Wife, Whether in FU: v7878.v7955.v7972.v798~ V3215: ~4101; V3637: ~5505; V4107; V6037; v46g4: v65go.v6708; V5566; v3814; V6115; V7192. v7264: V6712; 477 FAMILY PLANNING Expected Total How Sure No Children: Number When Years Number Last Expects: of ~615; Child ~614; ~1373; Birth Whether Expects: ~614; Whether Expects & When, Whether Fertility SIZE: Control: FARMING in (see Dwelling also ~2685 v2085; V2086; How Sure V2684 V2685 No Children: V248 VI372 V4938V549tV976Khg); v1868&194l&v2318(Bkt): Number ~2086; V1373; or V4831 ~4832 V1371tV1374; Problem: V306V115; V2686; V4834tV4835 Born: Whether FAMILY Children: Vl167&V1238&V1606(Bkt); V2468&V2541&V2933(Bkt); V3017&V3094&V3297(Bkt):V3437&V3507&V3717(Bkt): V3837&V392O&V4195(Bkt); V4346&V44356V5071(Bkt): V5254tV5349; V57556V5849; v636ltv6461: v6g5gtv7o66; V755lcV7657 Unit: INCOME, vi13 Farm, Gross Receipts From) Income Gross asset: Vl2OO(Ekt): Vl9Ol(Bkt): V2502 (Bkt); V3055(Bkt); V3867(Ekt); V438l(Bkt): V5291; V5790; v7582 labor: V254(Bkt-total income); V702(Bkt-total income); Vll89(Bkt) vl890(8kt): V249l(Bkt); V3044(Bkt); V3456(Bkt); V3856(Bkt): V4371; v5281: v578o; v638g: v6glg: ~757 ‘1 Receipts V3206(Bkt); V6679(Bkt); Whether Farmer From: V249; V3625tBkt); V7276(Bkt); (head): V695cBkt): V4065(Bkt): v7g68 v6678; V7275; V3467(Bktl ~6400; v6ggo: Vl38l(Bkt); V2093(Bkt): ~4611 (Bkt); V5540(Bkt): v7967` : V2694cBkt); V6075(Bkt); 478 FEELINGS QUESTIONS (these variables listed in order of appearance) Head carries out plans, difficulties felt in life would finishes has whether: employment work V4088 things, control ahead, likes challenge, due out, life, prefers likeable job ~2758 with self, whether: gets other spending, limitations, angry less V303; opinions, V2752 whether trusts others, whether: ~306: figures out thinks about life is ways of getting V2754 future, improving people have good ideal number of for ~2756 V1441: Vl453; V2746; V2743: V4051 V1444; VJJ6i V2l55; V2157: ~305; V2159; whether: V307: V1450: whether: whether: V2164 V2153; V2748 Vl443; V2154; V2749 ~2156 V1446: V783; v408g Vl442: V301; vl448: things undeservedly, V2163: V2757 children: V2148; V2744; VJJ5; V1445: VJJg; ~308; man, V2750 V2l52 important: whether: average V777; V778; money, V1437: V2149; whether: ~781: v4Ogo whether: V2151; V300; V304: people’s V770: V2745: V4092 V774; V302: whether: record, Vl438; pay, V2150; V1440: whether: whether: easily, V773: V2gg; or past V295; V771; whether: V1439; V2747: wg6: saving has bad whether: whether: with to v2g8; prefers satisfied V772: whether: whether: over plans V297; V309; ~780: V2J51 ~1447: ~2158; Vl449: V2160; V2J53 ~782: V216l; V784: V310; V2J55 V1451: ~785; V2162; V1452: 479 prefers child being popular prefers child being leader prefers having friends prefers people paying whether: prefers job with originality or prefers job where opinion whether: counts ~2765 prefers opinion prefers being upset during to of concern about quantity of attitudes being to failure: work, of or in be v27Jo testing testing: experience: experience: v2772 v2773 v27J4 Wife felt plans carries finishes prefers thinks life would head, out work whether: plans, things, saving about out, whether: V5O2l whether: whether: or future, ~5020 spending, whether: v5022 v5o23 whether: v5o25 V5024 better, V2764 is whether: whether: v2771 testing doing originality pleasant, advice, tests: or whether: which ~2761 ~2762 V.? 769 during whether: view sociability, or ~2760 whether: point asked during perspiration with school whether: heartbeat whether: better, weight or toward doing doing attention ~2763 carry liked leader, or or test-taking, rapidity concern or V2768 relevant, ~2767 480 FOOD Consumption, Total: Vl555&V1560(Bkt) ratio to V334GV349 (Bkt) ; V863&v864 (Bkt) &V’s96O,g61 : V22JltV2272 (Bkt) ; V2858&V2855(Bkt) food (Chg) : needs standard: ~336~~354 (Bkt) ; V865&V866(Bkt)&V’sg62,g63(Chg); V1561&V1562(Bkt); v227362274 (Bkt) ; V29OOtV2901 (Bkt) : v32J2GV3273 (Bkt) V3682&V3693(Bkt): V4171&V4172(Bkt): V5047&V5048(Bkt); v562g: V61J6; v6J6g; VJ415: v8067 ; Expenditures amount spent eating out: Vl63(Bkt) V2480; V3445; ~3853; v7566 whether: vi62 delivered to annual door cost: whether: milk, cost: VI65 whether: VI64 at home: VjJtVlbb(Bkt) v3441; ~3841: work or school, cost: on: whether: Needs V502&V630(Bkt): ~504; v1181; VllJ7: vl882; Vl8J8; ~2483 ~2487 v62g free: ~631 Standards food needs: V31; V494&V’s957,958(Chg): V3274; v36g4; ~4173; v5048; V8068 weekly food needs: vi16g: V18JO: V2470; V3018: V3435; v5256; v5757; v6363; v6961: v7553 Whether: value of: wages include, of Home-grown, ~637 ~512; vlla7; ~1888; whether: V268 Main Annual Means Meal Amount v633: and Family this section) On, v269; Eating whether: Saving ; V5OOcv621 (Bkt) ; V1175: Vl8J6; V2476: ~4354; ~5271: ~5770: ~6376: v6972; ~7564 annual Frequency Meals, (Bkt) used whether Free, ~623 (Bkt) ~622 savings Food : v506cv632 (Bkt) ; ~1185; V1886; V4368: V5273: V57J2; V6378: V6gJ4; V4348; ~174: vjg; ~638: ~508; vlllg; ~1380; vzogz: v2693 ~1880; ~2485; ~6385 v6666 Togetherness of: On: v383g: v248g Together: Saved ~1605; V2317; v28g2: ~5630; ~6177; ~6770; VJ416; V’s (see 171-173 Frequency of Eating Main Meal Together, 481 Stamps: Food amount saved in previous last amount of: free V5768: V4362: ~4357: V6374 year: v6gJ6: v6970; V5766; ~6380 v6372 vi562 use of: V3448 clothing, or, to whom food stamps given: v6g6g; ~7561 subsidy during v7570 included V436 1 get: whether: used v6978; whether: number v7269; V634; whether eligible: in ‘4269 last food year: V4367; ~3843; cost, ~5538: ~1268: V2482: V5765: V3447; V6371: V3848; vi960 did not get: v5539; ~7270; v7964 not try: VJ271. ~7272: vlg65&vlg66 why not eligible: V7273. V7274; v79616v7962 AND CHANGES Implications of: Changes: Whether: ~5266: V6384; V5537 did of ~5778; v7963 V4366; why EXPECTATIONS V52Jg: V4356; whether: why Likelihood V5774; v7568 months to V5275: v5267: of Financial V2478; stamps number try ; vi 183; ~1884: ~5776: ~6382 V636 (Bk t) of food, stamp Wife: food month: frequency Head: v526g; vj84g; V3844; of previous last GEOGRAPHIC V510&V635(Bkt) ~4364: ~5277; V435g; year: month: value in Reason V45: ~3851; V3846; previous last Plans, year: ~3443; bonus) spent dollar cost stamp month: in FUTURE (food v76g; V277 ~276; ~1435; for Expectation/Plan: v’s2108-2110tv1147; vpgcvJ68; vljg5; ~2107; ~4083 V2146 V’s730,731&V820: ~‘~4084-4086 v’s13g6-13g8cv1436: MOBILITY V363; V5058; V5103 v878tv979(Chg): ~5637; ~6184: Vl576; V2288; V2g15; V6777; V7423; ~8075 ~3283; ~3703: V4182; 482 HANDICAPS HOBBIES AND HEALTH (see (see SPARE-TIME BACKGROUND INDEXES; DISABIILTY) ACTIVITIES) HOME HEAT How Heated: Included ~7082: in v76J3 Rent: V4328; ~5228: Government Subsidy, annual Government Subsidy, whether: HOMEOWNERSHIP (see also Status (see also v1967; V2566; ~3108; ~7675 House Value: V5; v2423&!‘2849(Bkt) V4318tV5028(Bkt): Rent: Insurance, payment: v632g; v6933; ~7083: ‘46928 VJ529 VJ6J4 HOUSING) Housing Imputed v5726; HOUSING, Housing Status): VlO3; V593; V1264: V3522; ‘43939; V4450; V5364; V5864: ‘46479; VJO84; V449CV824 (Bkt) ; V1122tV1511 (Bkt) : Vl823CV2223 (Bkt) : ; V302l&V3255(Bkt) : V34lJ&V3675(Bkt) ; V38lJ&V4153(Bkt) V521J;V5JlJ: v63lg: v6g17: V7517 V320; ~823; Whether Vl510; Included in V2222; : V2848 Mortgage: VlgJo; ‘42569 Mortgage number years payments: v8; principal whether: whether Property left to V453; ~6323: pay: v6481: ~1126: vbgzl: ~6332: ~1825: Vl124; vi519 V104; ~1265: vlg68; V595: ~1266: Taxes, Annual Amount: V4152; V4325: V5224: ~6325: Utilities ~2427~~2847; V451; V6919: V594: included Payments V6931; in vlg6g: V14: Utilities coal, wood, electric: other fuels: vi682 gas: V7687 oil: ‘-%w water/sewage: VW% ~2567; Vlg71: v7693 ~460: V4322; V2425; V25JO: ~2568: Vll33; V6482; V4324; V5J21: V5219;.V5719; VJO85: V2221; V1834; V5221: V4320; v6480: v6; ~822; Vl509: v6g23; VJ523 mortgage: (annual): VT699 (Sum) VJ6JJ ~1827; VJ521 remaining: ~6321: additional: whether V7086; ~7676 ~7087: ~2846; VJ6J8 V3254; V36J4; V5223 V2434; V5231: V5J29; 483 HOME PRODUCTION Amount Saved On (see ADDITIONS Saved; CLOTHING, Amount Amount Saved On) Hours: ~61; V464&VgOJ&Vg4J(Chg): v63lJ (auto repair), V6334(AER) HOURLY EARNINGS (see also & REPAIRS, Amount Saved; CAR REPAIRS, Amount Saved by Sewing: FOOD, Home-Grown, Annual Vl137&V1507; v1838Lv221g: V2438cvzg36; AREA DATA) Head average: how V33JLV355 (Bkt) ; V8JlLV872 (Bkt) LV’s953-955 Khg) LV984 (Chg) ; v156JLvl568(Bkt) : V22JgLV2280 (Bkt) ; V2906LV29OJ (Bkt) ; V3275LV3276 (Bkt) : V3695LVjbg6 (Bkt) ; V4174LV4175 (Bkt) : V5050LV505l(Bkt); V5631; V6178; ~6771; V7417: v8o6g paid main if not job: V4515(E); V5462(E); V5913: ~6524; V12gJLV1586 (Bkt) ; V2003LV2298(Bkt) : V260lLV2925(Bkt) : V3134LV3290(Bkt): V3549LV3JlO(Bkt); V4003LV4189(Bkt): V45lOLV4513LV5065(Bkt); V5421LV5424; v5go8Lv5g11; v65lgLv6522; VJl22tVJ125; ~7715~~7718 V66JLV8gO(Bkt); V1295LV1585(Bkt); V2001LV229J(Bkt); V25ggLV2924 (Bkt) ; V3132LV3289 (Bkt) : Vj54JLVjJOg V4001LV4188(Bkt) ; V4512,V4514,V4516,V4525LV5064(Bkt) V5423.V5425,V5427.V5435; V591O.V5912.V5914.V5922; ~6521,~6523.V6525.V6533; VJ124. v7126,v7128: V7717,V7719.V772~ overtime: whether overtime second salary/hourly: VJl2J: V7720 job: whether rate: V4511: V12g4; V2000; v25g8; V3131; V3546: V5422; V5909; ~6520: VJl23: VJJ16 (Bkt) V4000; V2ggLV438 (Bkt) : v663Lv88g (Bkt) : Vl3OlLV1587 (Bkt) V2OOJLV22gg(Bkt) : V2605LV2926 (Bkt) ; vjlj8Lvj2gl V3553&V37ll(Bkt): V4008LV4190(Bkt):V45216V5066(Bkt); ~5431; v5g18; v652g; VJl36; V7747 hourly rate: V5420; vi2g6; V59OJ: ~2002; V6518; ~2600; V7121; v3133: V7714 V3548: : ; ; (Bkt) V4002; ; V45Og: Wife average: how V338~V356 (Bkt) : V8J3~V874 (Bkt) Lvg56 (Chg) LVg86(Chg) : V1569LVl5JO (Bkt) ; V228lLV,ZPZ (Bkt) : V2908LV2909(Bkt) V32JJLV3278 (Bkt) : V369JLV3698 (Bkt) : V4176LV4177 (Bkt) V5052LV5053(Bkt); V5632: v61Jg; ~6772: ~7418; ~8070 paid main if job: not ~6617; v721g: V6615~V6616; v48g5,v48gJ.v4gO8,‘.‘5104(Bkt) whether second v48g8; v48~3&v48~6Lv48~gLV5105(Bkt); v7888Lv7889 overtime: whether salary/hourly: job: hourly overtime rate: v4894 V4904LV5106(Bkt) rate: v48g2; ~6614; ~7216.; ~7887 v78go ~7217~~7218; ; ; 484 HOURS (see Child also JOURNEY Care (see annual: TO WORK: also CHILDREN, V4716; doing ~5258; something husband: wife works: if head and/or others: per ~6386 in return: V4716: wife V4718: week: vjlg5; ~4718: ~6388 ~5258 work: ~6386 ~4779’: ~5528; ~6671 ~4785: V66J5 V6388 v3617: something Production, v2438Av2g36; Housework Care) v4714 doing Home Child V4715 if wife: EMPLOYMENT) (see Annual: v6317 also in return: ~61; V464&VgOJcVg47(Chg); (auto repair) .V6334 (A&R) ‘/1137&v1507:v1838&v22lg; HOUSEWORK) annual head: head ~4350; and husband: others in v6965; VSgJAVg46(Chg) ~1156: ~1857: vi557 ; V15g2; V2304; V3039; V3451 V245J: VZg31; FU: ~63: ~485; ~1158; v1859; v2459: ~3041: V4352; V5264; ~5763: v636g; v6g67; VJ559 v32g6: ~3453: FU free help total: Illness v5761;v6367; V5g; V483; outside per ~5262; wife: ~3716 only: V48J; wife: ~4711: wife’s or ~5260: V57: ~1162; v575g; unmarried head’s: v344g: v4350 v83g; V1534; V1861; V2461 V2246; ~6365; v6g63; ~7555 ~481; V1154; ~1855; V6664; ~7266; vi957 ~2872 V2455: V3037; week head : v46og; person doing wife: ~4768; (see also ~5535: major ~5534: ~6073; share: ~617: ~6072: ~6663: ~1376: ~2088; ~7265; v2689; ~3204; ~3623 vi956 ILLNESS) head annual: days: weeks: V51; V467: V1140; ~1841; V2441; V302g: V3425; ~4336; ~5236: V5735; V6340; v6938; V7534 ~3825; V22l V655(Bkt)&V671(Bkt); v2593 (E) t~2641 V3gg4 (E) GV402g v58g7 (E) &v5gg3 v7734 (E) tV7816 v128g(E)LV1335(U); (u) : ~3126 (E) ~~3158 (U) : v44g8 (El ~V4564 (u) ; ~6508 (E) ~~6566 UJ) Vlgg5(E)LV2041(U): (u) ; ~3541 (El ~~3574 (U) : V5407 (E) LV5466 (u) ; ~7111 (E) ~~7168 00 : (U) ; 0~) ; 485 wife annual time : V4723: V5248; V5747: ‘~6352; v695o; V7544 weeks: ~488 I (El tv4948 0~) ; ~5513: ~6044: ~6604 (E) ~~6638 v7206 (E) LV7240 (U) : v78g7 (E) LV7929 (U) missed, others (u) ; ill head annual: weeks: V4334tV4562: V5234; V5733; V6338; v6g36; VJ532 v44g6 (E) ~~4562 (U) : V5405 (E) tV5464 (U) : v5895 (E) Lv5ggl (u) ; ~6506 (E) ~~6564 0~) ; vJlogsv7166 v7732 (E) Av78 14 (U) who iII: V4494 (E) cV4561 (II) : V5405 (E) ~V5463 (u) : (U) wife annual: weeks: V4721; who Journey to Work (see V5246; V5745; V6350: v6g48; ‘I7542 v4879 (E) Av4946 (u) ; V551 I : V6042: V6602 v7204 (E) Lv7238 OJ) : v789s (E) AV7927 (U) ill: also V487 1 (E) 0’4945 JOURNEY (E) ~V6636 (U) ; (U) ; V55 10 TO WORK) head annuaI: V473: v1146; ~1847; V244J; V3033: V3429: v382g; V5242: V5741; V6346: v6g44; V7789 (E) cV7855 (IJ) V4342: annuaI: V479; Vll52; ~1853: V2453: Wx.6; V7911 (E) evm6 tu) V6358; wife Leisure (see head per also and SPARE-TIME wife: major adult: Nonleisure of Major V2932LV2937 Overtime (see whether also v73; Adults: V1294: VSgOg; worked for related V’sl512.15l3; V’s951-952 V4gl: HOURLY EARNINGS, paid: whether ACTIVITIES V’s625.826; ~3835: VZOOO; ~6520: V4729; V5753; variables) V’s2224.2225: ~‘52850.2851 (Chg) VgO8CVg5O(Chg); Head, V2598: V7123; Vl508tV1604; overtime, V3131; ~7716 Wife, V3564; ~220~~2316: overtime) V4000: V4511; overtime head: V5419 (E) : V5906 (El ; V6517 (E) ; V7120 wife: V6613 (E): V7215(E); v7906CE) (E) : V7743 (E) V5422; 486 Second Job head hours per weeks: week: v3555 V7134 V665: V1303(E) : vzoog (E) ; ~2607 (E) ; v3140 (E) ; (E) : V4009: V452 3 (E) : v543 3 (E) i V5920 (E) : V6531 (El ; (E) ; V774g(E) v664; VI 302 (E) ; VZOO8 (E) : v2606 (E) ; V3 139 (El ; V3554 (El ; V4010; V4522 (0 ; V5432 (E) ; V5glg (E) ; ~6530 (E) ; V7133 (E) ; V7748 (0 wife hours weeks Standard Strike Week, (see also per : week: V4905 Whether: HOURS, v4go6 (E) ; ~6621 (E) : V6620 (E) ; V7222 (E) : V7223 (E) ; V7glO (E) (E) ; V7gOg (E) V224 Unemployment, this section) head annual: weeks: V4340; V5238; V5737: ~6342: v6g4o: ~7536 V4503 (E) &V4566 (U) ; V54 12 (El &V5468 (U) ; V5gOl (El LV5gg5 (U) ; V6512(E)&V6568(U); V7115(E)&V7170(U); V7738(E)&V7818(U) wife annual: V4725; V5250; V5749; V6354; v6952; V7546 weeks: ~4886 (E) cv4g50 (u) : ~5517; v6048; V6608 (El ~V6640 v7210(~) Lv7242 (u) ; v7901 (E) Lv7931 (u) (U) ; annual: V49; v46g; Vl142: Vl843; V2443; V2427; V3031; ~4338; V5240; v5739: V6344; v6g42; ~7538 v3827; Unemployment head weeks: V220; V657 (Bkt) LV672 Vlgg7(E)LV2042(U): V3543 (E) LV3575 (U) ; Vj4 14 (El LV5470 (U) ; V7117 (El LV7172 (U) ; (Bkt) : V12gl (El LV1336 (U) : v25g5(E)LV2642(U); v3128(E)LV315g(U); v3gg6 (E) cV4030 (U) ; V4505 (El cV4568 V5gO3 (El LV5997 UJ) ; V6514 (El &V6570 V7740 (E)tV7820(U) (U) ; 0J) ; wife annual: weeks: ~3833; V4727; V5252; V5751; V6356; v6g54; v4060; ~4888 (El cV4g52 (U) : V5.519: v6050; v7212 (E) Lv7244 (U) ; V7gO3 (El LV7933 (U) v7548 ~6610 (E) tV6642 (U) ; 487 Vacation head weeks paid: weeks taken: V3990 (E) : V4499 (E) ; V5408 (E) V222: V653(Rkt); Vl287(E): Vl993(E); v25gl(E); V3124 (El : V3539 (E) ; v3932 (E) : V4501 (E) Lv455g (u) ; v54 10 (6) Lv546 1 (U) i V5899 (E) Lv598g (U) ; V6510 (E) ‘~6562 V7 113 (E) LV7 164 (U) ; V7736 (E) ~~7812 (U) (u) ; wife weeks paid: weeks taken: V48a2 (E) V7208 Whether Could Have head: V232; wife: V2078: Whether Could Have V230; wife: V2078: Wanted V233; wife: v4g12 Whether Wanted V231; wife: v4g10 Had More V3188: V3606: V3143; ~3558: ~7137~~7140; V4062; V2676: ~4013: V4528; v7784tv7787 V4911 (E) Work v3187: V3605; ~4061; V4011; V4524; V4907 Work ~670: Vl307: V2013: V26ll;‘V3144: V3559; V5438: V5925; V6535LV6537; V7138~V7141; More head: V2677; (u) ; Work V666; Vl304; V2010; ~2608; V3141: ~3556; v5434; v5921: v6532; v7135; v7782 Less head: Less v66g; Vl306: V2012; ~2610: ~5437: v5924; ~6534~~6537; head: Whether Had ~4884 (E) LV4943 (U) ; V5515; V6046; V6606 (E) .V6634 (E) . ~7236 W ; w&i9 (E) Lv7925 (u) ~4014; v452g: V7785CV7788 Work V668: Vl305; V2011: v26og; V3142; V3557; V5436; V5923: V6536; V7139: V7786 V4012; V4527; Work head annual: hours V47; V465LV’s942-944(Chg)LV985(Chg); V3027: V3423: ~3823; V4332: v7530 per week: V225; v659(Bkt); VI999 (E) Lwo40 (u) tvzo61 V3 130 (E) Lv3157 (U) LV3172 I’3999 (E) ~~4028 (U) 6V4044 ~5418 (E) ~V5474 (U) ~~5485 V6516(E)LV6572(U)&V6581 V7742 (E) .v7822 (U) .v7869 V5232; ~1138; V5731; v183g: V6336; V2439; v6g34; Vl293(E)LVl334(U)LVl354(R): (R) : V25g7 (E) &V2640 (U) LV2659 CR) ; V3545 (E) Lv3573 (U) &V3589 (R) : V4508 (E) tV4571 (U) ~~4581 (R) ; V5go5 (E) LV5g99 (U) tV602 I (R); V7ll9(E)&V7l74(U)LV7183(R): (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) : : ; ; 488 weeks: family: head V223; V658 (Bkt) i V1292 (E) LV1333 (U) GV1353 (R) ; vlgg8 (E) Lv2039 (U) ~~2060 (RI ; vi!596 (E) Lv263g v3129 (E) Lv3156 (U) &v3)71 (RI ; v3544 (E) LV3572 vm8 (El Lv4027 (U) Lv4043 CR) ; v4507 (E) LV4570 V54 17 (E) &v5473 (U) cv5484 CR) ; V5904 (E) 6’6998 v6515(E)&v6571 (u) tV6580(R) ; v7118 (E) ~v7173(u) v7741 (E) .‘I7821 (U) .V7868(R) V335LV350 (Bkt) : V867sV868 (Bkt) .V869LV870 V1563&Vl564(Bkt) ,Vl565LVl566 (Bkt) V2275LV2276 (Bkt) ,V2277LV2278 (Bkt) V2902LV2903 (Bkt) .V2904LV2905 (Bkt) and wife, others, annual: annual : (Bkt) (u) (U) (u) (u) Lvg4g ~~2658 (R) cV3588 (R) sV4580 (R) tV6020 (R) &v7182(~) (chg) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v65 v67Lv6gLv72; V3077; v348g; V7624 V52OLV948(Chg); v38go; V4405; V1221; Vl923; V2524; V5317; ~5816; V6427; V7032; wife annual: V53; V475LV945 V3035; V3431; v6g46; ~7540 hours per weeks: worked HOUSEWORK (see week: V245; v611(Bkt); v136g; V2077; V2675; V3186; V3604; V4058: v46oBtv48gl (E) L V4955 (U) &V4965 (R) ; V5523: ~6052; v66 12 (E) ~V6644 (u) &V6653 (R) ; v72 14 (E) Lv7246 (U) LV7255 (R) : V7905 (E) .V7935 (U) .v7g46 (R) V244; V6lO(Bkt); ~1368; ~2076; V2674; ~3185: V3603: V4057; v4607LV4890 (E) Lv4956 (U) tv4g64 (R) : V5522: v6051; V6611 (E) LV664j (U) SV6652 (R) ; V7213 (E) LV7245 (U) LV7254 (R) ; V7904 (E) .‘I7934 (U) ,V7945 CR) overtime, whether head: v5906 wife: V6613(E); also (Chg) CVg87 (Chg) ; v1148; v184g; V2449; ~3831; V4344LV4719: V5244; V5743; V6348: (E) ; v6517 CHILDREN, (E) ; V7120(E) V7215(E); Child : V7743 (E) V7906(E) Care) Head annual hours: hours per Head’s and v32g6; Wife’s ~3716 Help With, From annuaI V4350; week: V5262; v46og; Hours, Outside V5761; ~5535: Annual: V6367; ~6073; V59; v6g65; ~6664; V897&V946(Chg); V7557 ~7266; v7957 V1592; FU hours free total: help only: v487; ~57; ~1162: v83g; ~1534: ~1861; ~2461 ~2246: ~2872 V2304; V2931: 489 cost annual : week : whether: v291: if whether paid: Help Husband’s Others ~1863; ~1378; job: v4g8o ~620: V2463; ~4713 Major v26g2; Share: Child ~483; ~1156; housework: v5536; V618; V6074; to V3203; Head of V3622 Person Doing annual hours: V4711: ~5260: v4g81 ~617; Care Major ~1376; V303g; ‘/l&g; v208g: V7267; ~616; v2689; to Work: V5Olg V3451 V245g: v26go; V7g5g Share: ~2088; Returned V2457; ~1158; Vj’5.59 Vl377; V6665; (R) When Wife Vl857; in FU, Annual Hours: ~63; V485: V43.52: V5264: ~5763; v636g; v6g67; do v476g (R) and Annual: v26gl; vzogl: Doing Housework Hours, vzogo; v137g: Person with whether Relation vblg: had Per Week by V3204: v3623 Husband ~1160; V477D whether, Hours v48g: V3041; V3205; ~1375; V3453: V3624; v2o87; V4610: w688; Wife hours Wife’s HOUSING per week: v4768; or Unmarried v344g; v4350 (see also Additions and ~5534; Head’s ADDITIONS V575g: Hours, V6365; v6072; ~6663: Annual: AND REPAIRS; v6g63; V481; V7555 ~7265; Vll54; HOME OWNERSHIP; v7956 VI&S: V2455; NEIGHBORHOOD; V3037; RENT) Repairs amount saved annual hours: ~16; on: V462; Vl135; Vl836: V2436; ~6335 V6334 complexity of A&R done of all payments on: relationship A&R: done: whether done whether money family: ~108; VlOg; V598; ~600; v1269: V1271; vlg76; V2573; V1974 ~18 to whether by head VlO7; by family V5g7; family: owed of on: member ~1268; V5gg; Vl IO vlg73; V1270; who did A&R: ~2572; Vlg75: v2574 v64go V2572; v64go v64gl 490 Cleanliness cost in Dwelling Unit: of: V848LV849 (Bkt) V2882LV2883 (Bkt) Defects of: V194; insulation ~183; ~803; ; V1544LV1545 (Bkt) V’s814-816: wss. problems: robberies: V2204; ~2831 ; V2256LV2257 V’s1503-1505; problems: plumbing V14g2; (Bkt) V’s2215-2217; : V’s2841-2843 ‘u956 v3547.v3548 v3951.v3952 structural defects: vermin, v39499v3950 problems: v3953. v3954 Free annual rent reason for: work value: V12; V457; Vll30; ~3821; V4330; V5223; VlO5; v5g6; ~1267; V1572; V2571; V3105: V3523; V4451; ~5365: V5865: V6483: v7088; V7680 equivalent Furnished, to Whether: Heat Included, Home Ownership house rent V4329; Whether: value: imputed ~1831; V2431; V3025; V3421; V5727: ~6330; v6g2g; V7527 ~106; value: V5227: V4328: V459; V5725; ~5228: ~6328; ~5726; rent: ~320; whether ~823; V1510; included in ~1833; v6g27; v767g v632g; V5: V449LV824(Bkt); Vll22tVl511 V2423LV2849 (Bkt) ; V302lLV3255 V3417LV3675(Bkt);V3817LV4153(Bkt): v5217; v5717: v631g: v6917; insurance, Vll32: ~2222; V3540; V2433 V6928 (Bkt),; (Bkt) ; V1823LV2223(Bkt); V4318LV5028(Bkt): v7517 V2848 mortgage: vlgj’o; v2569 V7086; V7677 mortgage number left to ~6481: pay: v8; V453: Vl126; ~1827; v2427~v2847; V5721: v6323: v6g21; V7521 principal remaining: V451; Vl124; ~1825; v5719; ~6321; v6919; v7519 whether: V104: whether additional: V7678 taxes, whether Housing years payments: property Housing of Quality: V594; V595; annual V3674; included V387~V418: Status (see also v5g3: v1264: vlg67; v647g: V7084; V7675 ~1265: vTg68; V1266: v6; amount: V4152; V4325; ~822: V5224: in vig6g; mortgage: v8g6Lvg6g(Chg); V2425; V2567: V1871: V4322; V4320; ~6480; V2570; V5221: V5218; V7085; V6482; V7676 ~7087: Vl505; V6325: V2221; v6g23; V2846; V7523 ~2568; V4324; V5223 V1593: HOME OWNERSHIP; HOUSING, ~2566: ~3108; ~3522; vjg)g: V2305; v2g38: Free; RENT): ~4450: ~5364; V3254: V4200 VlO3: v5864; 491 Neighborhood defects of burglaries: V3963GV3964 crimes: V3965&V3966 crowded area: V396lCV3962 juvenile delinquency: neatness of number of area: neighbors quality: V4201 relatives in, satisfaction V3959GV3960 V3957&V3958 known: whether: V288; V289: with: ~601; V602; V1272: V1273; Vl977; Vi978; V2575 V2576 v3935 structures highest density: lowest Public Vl92; density: Housing, Vl91; Whether: Vl93; V812; V811; V813; Vl501; v1500; ‘~‘1502: V2213: v2212; V2214; V2839 V2838 V2840 Rent payments, annual: vlo; v4326: v455; v1128; V5225; V5723; ~1829; ~6326; ~2429; V6925; ~3023; V7525 ~3419; ~3819; Rooms actual minus actual number persons V382&~411(Bkt); V892&V893(Bkt): V1589&Vl590(Bkt); V23016V2302 (Bkt) : V2926tV2929 (Bkt) ; V3293GV3294 (Bkt) V3713&V3714(Bkt) ; V4192&V4193(Bkt) ; V5068&‘/5069(Ekt) ~5643; ~6190: V6783; V7429; V8081 number per: V381; v8gl: Vl588; V2300: V2927; V3292: V3712; V5067(!3kt); V5642: V6189; V6782: V7428: V8080 of: ~102; ~592: ~1263; vlg66; ~2565: ~3107: ~3521; V3937; ~4448; V5362; V5862; V6477: ~7080; V7671 per: required value required: V4191; of: v3838; ; ; Vl24; v591; vll68; ~1869; V2469; VjOll; ~3438; V4347; V5255; ~5756; ~6362; ~6960; V7552 V373&374(Bkt) ; V884&V885(Bkt) ; Vl582&V1583(Bkt) ; V2294tV2295 (Bkt) : V2921tV2922 (Bk t) ; V3287tV3288 (Bkt) V3707&V3708(Bkt) ; \4186&V4187 (Bkt) ; V5062&V5063(Bktl V5641; V6188; ~6701: V7427; ~8079 ; ; 492 Satisfaction Type With: V3936 of Structure: V5863: V6478; Utilities, V6332; Annual V6931: coal, wood, ~190; ~7081; other fuels: ~2211; ~460: Vll33; ~2837; ~3938; Vl834: V2434; ~4449: V523l; ‘~5363; V5729; ~7693 ~7682 gas : V7687 oil: v7690 water/sewage: (see ~1499; Payments: Vl4; VT699 (sum) electricity: ILLNESS ~810; ~7672 also V7696 DISABILITY; EMPLOYMENT, Illness; HOURS, IIIness) Head annual: V5I; days: ~3825; V4336; v22 I weeks: ~655 (Bkt) tv671 (Bkt) : vi289 (E) &VI335 (U) ; V1995 (E) GV2041 (U) ; V2593 (E) tV2641 (U) ; Vj126 (E) cV3158 (U) ; V3541 (E) &V3574 V3994 (E) tV4029 (U) ; V4498 (E) GV4564 (U) : V5407 (E) &V5466 v58g7 (E) SV5993: V6508 (E) ; V7lll (E) tV7168 (U) : v7734 (El ~‘178 16 (U) whether Time V467; V1140; ‘~1841; V2441; V302g; V3425; ~5236; v5735: v6340; v6938; v7534 Missed in past Due to year: V654 (E) : VI 288 (El : V1994 (E) ; V2592 (El : V3125 v3540 (El : v3993 (E) : v4497 (El : V4563 (U) ; V5406 (El &V5465 (‘J) ; v5896 (0 SV5992 (U) : ~6507 (El cV6566 V71 IO (El tv7167 (U) : v7733 (El ~~7815 (U) Others’ (u) ; (U) ; (El : (Ul ; Illness head annuaI: V4334tV4562: weeks: whether V5733; V6338; V6936: V7532 V4496 (E) GV4562 (IJ) : V5405 (E) GV5464 (U) ; v5895 (E) tV5991 (U) ; V6506(E)&V6564(U): V7109(E)&V7166UJ); V7732(E)&V7814(U) in who V5234; past iII: year: V5894 v7731 V4494 (E) &V4560 (U) ; V5403 (E) cV5462 (IJ) ; (E) GV5990 (U) ; V6505 (E) GV6563 (U) ; V7 108 (E) GV7 165 (U) ; (E)&‘J7813W) V4494 (E) ~‘I4561 (U) : V5405 (E) GV5463 (U) wife annual: weeks: whether V5246: V5745; V6350; v6948; V7542 V4879 (E) tV4946 (U) : V5511; v6142; ~6602 (E) ~~6636 V7204 (E) ~~7238 (U) ; ~7895 (El tV7927 (U) in who V4721; past ill: year: V6601 V4877 (E) &V4944 (U) ; V5509: (E) CV6635 (U) : I’7203 (E) tV7237 V487 1 (E) GV4945 Was That Wife/Child/Other: Was That Husband/Child/Other: V4495 (U) : V55 10: (E) &V4561 ~4878 V5942 (IJ) (E) cV4945 (U) V604 I : (U) ; v7894 (u) ; (El &V7926 (IJ) 493 Wife annual: V4723; weeks: v4881 whether in IMPRESSIONS ~2788 Quality of Trend INCOME (see ADC, FIVE-YEAR of (u) ; INTERVIEWING (E) GV7928 (U) PERIOD V2845 Changes: ~2789 ASSETS; BUSINESS; LUMP SUM PAYMENTS; WELL-OFFNESS MEASURES) AFDC head and wife: others: V8OGV256 (Bkt) ; V523tV704 (Bkt) GV832 (Bkt) ; Vl209&Vl52O(Bkt) ; VI91 i&V2232(Bkt) ; V2512&V2858(Bkt) ; V3065tV3262 (Bkt) ; V3477&V3682 (Bkt) : V3877GV4 I60 (Bk t) ; V4392&V5036(Bkt) ; V5303: ~5802: V6413; V7003: V7595 V3896; whether: ADC, V7544 V2844 Life: also ~6950; V2970 References: Level: ~6352; year: V4880 (E) tV4947 (U) ; V5512: V6043: v6603 (E) tv6637 (LJ) ; V7205 (E) GV7239 (U) ; v7896 Level-Trend: Financial V5847; (E) tV4948 (U) : V5513; ~6044; V6604 (E) tV66j8 v7206 (E) tV7240 (U) ; v78g7 (E) tV7929 (IJ) past OF FIRST Combined V5248; V4410: V5322; ~5821; V6432; other welfare V7036; V7628 ~4068 AFDC, Supplemental Security or whether head and other: help pay wife: V5543: v5549: bills: what: V6682 V6088 ~5544; V5545: medicaid ~6078; ~6079; ~6683 ~6080; ~6684 V5546; V6081 from head & wife: others: ~5550: state AFDC basic head: V5294; need ~6089 allowance: ~6813 Alimony Alimony and head others: Child and wife: v3901; V5793; Support V6405; v6995; 'J7587 (combined) ~261 (Bkt): V709(Bkt); Vl215&V15?5(Bkt) : Vl917GV2237(Bkt): V2518&V2863(Bkt): V307l&V3267(Bkt): V3483&V3687 (Bkt) : V3883&V4165(Bkt) : V4398GV5401 (Bkt) v4415 494 Assets cars, value house value: of: Vl45SV375 (Bkt) v1817tV2296(Bkt)i i v443&V886 (Bkt) V24176V2923(Bkt) ; Vl 1 lb&V1584 (Bkt) ; V5; V449GV824 (Bkt) ; V1122tVl511 (Bkt) ; Vl823GV2223 (Bkt) ; V2423GV2849(Bkt) ; V302lGV3255(Bkt) ; V3417&V3675(Bkt) ; V3817&V4153(Bkt) i V4318&V5028(Bkt); V5217; V5717; ~6319: v6917; V7517 income head business: VI201 (Bkt) : Vl902 (Bkt) ; V2503(Bkt) ; V3056 (Bkt) V3468 (Bkt) ; V3868 (Bkt) ; V4382; V5292; V5791; v6401: V6991; ~7583 farm: Vl2OO(Bkt); V1901 (Bkt); V2502(Bkt); V3467(Bkt) : V3867 (Bkt) ; V4381; V529l; ~6990; v7582 market gardening: roomers, market Vl903(Bkt) V3869(Bkt) roomers rent, others: V7035 reserve ~6992; V6403: v6ggj; Vl202 (Bkt) ; ; V3469 (6kt) ; V7585 interest, etc: V255 (Bkt) ; V703 (Bkt) ; ; V1904 (Bkt) ; V2505(Bkt) ; V3058(Bkt) ; V3470; V5794; V6404; V6994; ; V4384; ; V7586 V5295; V3894: V4408 (Bkt) ; V5320 (Bk t) ; ~7627 (Bk t) Vl204(Bkt); Vl905(Bkt); V3471 (Bkt) ; v3871 (Bkt) v6gg6; V7588 fund V3055(Bkt); V5790; v64oo; ~7584 gardening (combined): : V2504 (Bkt) ; V3057 (Bkt) ; V4383; V5293: V5792 (only): dividends, Vl203(Bkt) V3870 (Bkt) V7586 wife: V6402: ; position, (Bkt) : V6430(Bkt) V2506(Bkt): ; ~4385; ~5296; family: v875; ~1571; ; V3059(Bkt); V5795; v6406: ~2283; ~2910 savings whether: ~737; ~1403; ~2115; ~2712; ~4080; whether current savings ~738; V1404; V2116; balance V2713; whether savings balance V739; V1405; V2117; ever greater than two V2714; V4082; V6697; whether Bonuses, Whether v700 Business (see also amount, total): (see current also Labor, Labor, this v6g8 savings Head, section; equal equal v4081; v6695: one overtime ASSETS, two months’ income: V6696; V7314 year’s and ~7313 months’ v7316 income: bonuses, Business income: V7315 this Income, section): annual 495 Child Support head: V5310; others: ~5810; ~5328; Comparisons V6421; ~5828: ~7011; V6439; ~7603 V7043; ~7635 of five-year reason changes: for whether with change 1967 in: Help ~1387; V2099; V2705 V274: From V720; ~1386: ~2098; V2704 Relatives V262(Bkt)tV’s7lO,7l3(Bkts); VlZlb(Bkt); V1918(Bkt); V3072 (Bkt) : V3484 (Bkt) ; V3885 (Bkt) ; V4399: V6422; V7012; V7604 others: V3903(Bkt); whether: V4417; V5330; ~5829; V6440; V7044; V2519(Bkt): V53ll; ~5811; V7636 ~712 Cost of Earnings: Farm, Gross Receipts From: V2694(Bkt): V3206(Bkt): V6075 (Bkt) : V6679 (Bktl whether V’s721,722; V270 year: Contributions: V271; unusual: previous head : V2844 V84; head V533; Vl537; V2249; ~2875 V249: V695(Bkt) : V1381 (Bkt) : V2093(Bkt) ; V3625(Bkt); V4065(Bkt): v4611(Bkt); V5540(Bkt): : V7276 (Bkt) ; V7968 (Bkt) a farmer: V6678: v7275; ~7967 Labor head business: VI190 (Bkt) : ~1891 (Bkt) : V2492 V3457 (Bkt) ; V3857(Bktl : V4372; ‘~6980: V7572 farm: V254(Bkt-total Vl89O(Bkt) V3856cBkt); market gardening: overtime professional roomers total: wages: income) ; V702 (Bkt-total : V2491 [Bkt) ; V3044(Bkt) V4371: V5281; ~5780; ~6395: and bonuses: V1894 (Bktl V3860(Bkt): practice V1895(Bktl: V3861 (Bkt); (Bkt) : V3045 (Bkt) : ~5282; ~5781; V6390; V6985; income) ; Vl I89 (Bkt) ; V3456(Bkt) ; V6389; ~6979; V7571 V7577 V252(Bkt) ; V7OO(Bkt) ; V2495CBkt) : V3048CBkt) V4375; ~5285; ~5784; ; VI I93 (Bkt) ; ; V346O(Bkt) ; v6393: ~6983; ~7575 or trade: V253 (Bkt) ; V7Ol (Bkt) ; VI 194 (Bkt) V2496tBkt); V3049[Bkt); V3461(Bkt): V4376; ~5286: ~5785; ~6394; V6984; V7576 and boarders: VI 195(Bkt) V3050 (Bk t) : V3462 (Bkt) ~6396; ~6986; ~7578 : ; Vl896(Bkt) ; V3862 (Bkt) : V2497 ; V4377; (Bkt) : V5287; V74; V514&V828(Bkt)&V’s9l0-9l3(Chg): V1897GV2228 (Bkt) : V2498&V2854(Bkt) V3463&V3678(Bkt); V3863&V4156(Bkt): ‘~5627; V6174: ~6767; ~7413; ~8066 Vll96&V1516(Bkt); : V305l&V3258(Bkt) V503l&V5032(Bkt): V25l (Bkt) V3858: V2493; ~6981: ; v699 (Bk t) ; V1191; V4373: V5283; V5782; ~1892; v6391; V3046: V7573 V5786; ; V3458; ; 496 number of others with: V5335; V1930; V2531; V3084; V3496: V5834; ~6445; V704g: V7641 v3908; V4422; wife total: V75; V516&V829(Bkt)&V914(Chg); V1899CV2229 (Bkt) ; V25OOtV2855 V3465GV3679 (Bkt) ; v3865sv4157 wages: v4j7g; ~5289; V5788; v63g8; V1198&Vl517(Bkt); (8kt) i v3053SV3259 (Bkt) ; V5033(Bkt) V6988; (Bkt) ; ~7580 Miscellaneous head and wife: others: money, V3904 V1217(Bkt); : ~3485 (Bkt) Vl919(Bkt); ; ~3886 (Bkt) ratio average: to needs: Nonmoney: v931 Pensions: Retirement V252O(Bkt); (Bk t) Family: V8l&V339(Bkt) ; V529GV827(Bkt)&V’s919-922 (Chg)&V’sggO,ggg(Dec) Vl514tVl515 (Bkt)&VlblO (Dee) ; v2226~V2227 (Bkt) V2852GV2853 (Bk t) GV295 I (Oec) ; ~3256~~3257 (Bkt) (Bkt) V3676GV3677 (Bkt) EV3722 (Oec) ; V4154&V4155 V5029tV5030 (Bkt) tV5077 (Oec) ; V5626&V5651 (Dee) V6766~V6791 (Oec) ; v74126v7436 (Dee) ; v8065&v8088 five-year Real V711(Bkt); V3073 (Bkt) V297OLV2971 ; GV2322 (Dee) ; tV3302 (Dee) : tV4202 (Oec) ; ; v6173&v6198 (Dee) (Dee) ; (Bkt) V3258V407 (Bk t) : V835GV836 (Bkt) GV’s923-926 (Chg) GV’s991.1002 (Oec) V153OGV1531 (Bkt)&Vlill (Dee) ; V2242GV2243 (Bkt) tV2323 (Dee) ; v2868tv2869 (Bkt) CV2952 (Dee) ; V3272GV3273 (Bkt) GV3303 (Oec) ; V3692GV3693 (Bkt) GV3723 (Dee) : V417lGV4172(Bkt)&V4203(Dec); V5046 (Bkt) ~~5047~~5078 (Dee) ; v5629bv5652 (Oec) ; V6 176tV6199 (Oec) : v6769cv6792 (Dee) ; V74 1 s&V7437 V8067GV8089 (Oec) ; (Dee) ; (Chg) (non-social head: V259 (Bkt) others: ~3899; Security) ; V707 (Bkt) : Vl213GVl523(Bkt) ; Vl915&V2235(Bkt) ; ~2516~~2861 (Bkt); V3069&V3265(Bkt); V348l&V3685(Bkt); V388l&V4163(Bkt); V4396&V5039(Bkt); V5307; v5807; v6418; ~7008; V7600 V4413; V5325; ~5825: V6436; V7040: v7632 Net minus cost of minus housing: earning income and hours of free child care (Version 1): V323tV341 (Bkt) ; V842tV843 (Bkt) &V932 (Chg) &V993 (Dee) ; Vl538&V1539(Bkt)&Vl613(Dec); V225OGV2251 (Bkt) GV2325 (Oec) ; V2876GV2877 (Bkt) GV2954 (Dee) V324GV342 (Bkt) : V856GV857 (Bkt) &V’ s938-939 (Chg) tV’s996,lOOl V1552&Vl553(Bkt)&V1616(Oec); V2264&V2265 (Bkt) &V2328 (Oec) ; V289OGV289 (Oec) ; 1 (Bk t) GV2957 (Dee) 497 minus minus ratio housing ratio to food needs: V327&V4lO(gkt) ; V858tV859 (Bkt) &V989(Chg) tV’s997.1004 (Dee) ; V1554&V1555(Bkt) tV1617 (Dee) ; V2266tV2267 (Bkt) SV2329 (Dee) ; Wg3tvzBg4 (Ilkt) journey to total: e’ng58 to work and support of outside dependents (Version V85OGV851 (Bkt) &V933(Chg) &VlOOO (Dee) : Vl546tV1547 vi?y&vn5g (6kt) : V2884tV2885 (Bkt) needs: (Dee) 2): (Bkt) ; v326&v408 (Bk t) ; V844sV845 (Bkt) : V852SV853 (Bkt) CV’s934.935 (Chg) &V’s994,1003 (Dee) ; V154O&Vl541 (Bkt) ; V1548&V1549(Bktl&V16~4(Decl; V2252CV2253 (Bkt) : ~2260~~2261 (Bkt) ; V2326 (D-x) ; v2878&v2879 (Bkt) &V2886&V2887 (Bkt) &V2955 (Dee) V322&V34O(Bkt) ; V840&V641 (Bkt) : Vl535cVl536 V2247&V2248 (Bkt) : V2873&V2874 (Bkt) (Bkt) ; Receivers number of other: whether: with Soc ial ~265: V717tV978Khg); V3495: V3907: V4421; V1227; Vl929: V2530; V3083; V5534; ~5833; ~6444: V7048: V7640 V4072 Vl930; V2531; V3084: v34g6; income: V5834; ~6445: V7049: V7641 labor v3go8; V4422: V5334; Security head and wife: others: ~258; V706 (Bkt) V2515&V2860 (Bkt) V388O&V4162 (Bkt) v7007: v7599 v38g8: V4412; V5324: ; Vl212&V1522 (Bkt) : V3068&v3264 (Bkt) : V4395&V5038(Bkt) V5551; V5824; whether head: head V6082 and others: wife: whether wife: V4614: V6086 Medicaid head: head others: wife: ~4070; vbogo from Social V6083 and wife: v5548 V5552; v6o91 V6087 Security ~5547 V6435; ; v1914CV2234 (Bktl : ; V348OCV3684 (Bkt) : : V5306: V5806: V6417; V7039; V7631 498 Supplemental Security head try and to Income v3884tv4166 (Bkt) ; V44OOGV5042 V6415; v7005: V7597 wife: get: : V5312: V5804; ~7281 whether eligible: why did not get: why did not try why not eligible: others: (Bkt) ~7280 ~7282 to get: ~‘~7283, ~~57285. vjgo2; V4416; had: v532g; whether others whether with ADC or welfare: whether with Social Security: v4073; ~7284 ~7286 ~5822; V6433; V7037; v762g V6088 v4o6g V4071; V4615 Taxable head and others: wife: V76EV234 (Bkt) : V518&V830 (Bkt) &V’s815,816 (Chg) ; V1205&V1518~Bkt); VlgD6&V223D(Bkt); V2507&V2856(Bkt); V306OLV3260 (Bkt) ; v3472&v3680 (Bkt) ; V3872tV4158(Bkt) V4386&V5034(Bkt); v52g7: v57g6; ‘~6408; v6g98; v75go V’s77-79; v521tv831 (Bkt)&V917(Chg); Vl222LV15lg(Bkt) : V1924&V2231 (Bkt) ; ~2525~~2857 (Bkt) ; V3078tV3261 (Bkt) v34gotv3681 (Bkt) ; V38gl&V4158(Bkt) ; V4406&V5035(Ekt) V5318; ~5817; ~6428: V7033; ~7625 other earner, first: other earner, second: other earner, third: other earner, fourth: other earner, fifth: v7017; V7020; V7023: V7026: v7ozg; ; ; ; v76og ~7612 V7615 V7618 ~762 1 Transfers family: head misce vg18Khg) and wife, total: V525&V833(Bktl ; Vl22DLVl526(Dkt) : Vl822&V2238 (Bkt) ; V2523&v2864 (Bkt) ; V3076LV3268 v3488&v3688(Bktl : v3889tv4167 (Bkt) : V4404tV5043 _ vj316; i5815; V6426; ~7016; ;7608- laneous: V1527&Vl528(Bkt) ; V223g&V2240(Bkt); V3268&V3270(Bkt) ; v368g&v36gD(Bkt); V4401&V5044&V5045(Bkt); V5313SV5628; V6423&V6768; V70136V7414; ~7605 (Bkt) _ (Bkt) ; : V2865&V2866(8kt); V4168&V416g(Bkt); V5812tV6175; other miscellaneous: total: v4418; ~5331; v5830; v6441; v7045; ~7637 V527&V834 (Bkt) ; Vl225&V1529(Bkt) ; Vl927LV2241 (Bkt) ; V2528&V2867 (Bkt) ; V3081eV3271 (Bkt) : v34gjtv36gl (Bkt) : V3805&V4170(Bkt); v441g&v5046(Bkt); V5332: v5831; V6442; V7046: V7638 499 retirement (see welfare (see wife: Pensions, Retirement, this section) Welfare, Vl2l8(gkt); Uncommitted: this and head: others: V3074tBkt); ~5813; v6424; Compensation Security, V3486cBkt); V7014: ~7606 (combined) V708(Bkt); V1214&V1524(Bkt); v2517tV2862 (Bkt) : V307O&V3266 V3882tV4164(Bkt) ; V4397SV5040 vjgoo; Social (Bk t) Workmen’s v260cBkt); section; section) Vlg2D(Bkt); V252l(Bkt); V3887(Bkt): V4402: V5314: V333LV348 Unemployment this vlg16&v2236(Bkt); (Bkt) : V3482LV3686 (Bkt) (Bkt) ; (Bkt); ; V3067tV3263(Bkt) ; V4394LV5037 (Bkt) ; ; v4414 Unemployment head: V5308; others: variance in, why: Welfare, V5808; V5326; v6419; V5826: Whether: V7oOg; V6437: ~7601 V7041; ~7633 v272 v273 Non-ADC effect (see of head and local local wife: type of AFDC, changes this on section) respondent: in welfare change: regulations, u&7: whether helped with paid for: whether: v4411; while V5323: bills: receiving ~5823: v5544; V5545; V6434: v6o7g V6080 Wife amount: income type: labor total: whether: Workmen’s head: others: (see V716cBkt) ~263; Labor, ~715 wife, this section) V264 (Bk t) ~714; ~6085 Compensation v53og; V5327: VW7 v2698 earnings others: annual VW9 v257cBkt): V705(Bkt); Vl211SV1521 V1913tV2233(Bkt) ; V2514tV2859(Ekt) V3479&V3683(Bkt) : V387g&V4161 (Bkt) V5305: ~5805: ~6416; V7006: v75g8 allowable what ADC, welfare changes maximum also v58og: ~5827; V6420: V6438; ~7010; V7042; ~7602 V7634 welfare: v7038; V2700 V7630 500 INDEXES (see INDUSTRY, ATTITUDE 2-digit INDEXES: code (see BACKGROUND also EMPLOYMENT, vlg85 (E) V3154(U), V4042 (R) : V5874 (E) . v7160(u), Wife: V2075; V2673; V3184; ~3602: V4056: ~5508; V6040; ‘Wig7 (E) ,V6630 (U) ,v6651 INDUSTRY, 3-digit : ~2583 (E) V357O WI t V4579 (RI : VW8 (E) . , V2637 (U) , V2657 CR) : v3116 (E) , ~3587 (RI : V3969 (El, V4024 (U) . V5375 (El , V5456 (U) , V5483 CR) : V6558 (U) . V‘S79 (R) : V7101 (E) . v4606,V4843 (RI ; ‘I7199 (E) ,v4g38 (E) . V7232 (u) .V4963 (R) ; (U) , V7253 (RI code Head: V77 13 (E) ,v7808 (U) , V7867 (R) Wife: v7886 (U) ,V7944 (RI INHERITANCE INDEXES) Occupation) Head : , V2037 (U) , V2059 (R) V3531 (E) , V317otR): ~4460 (E) , V4554 (U) , v5985 (VI , v6019 (RI : ~7181 (R) BEHAVIOR INDEXES; (see (E) .V7921 LUMP SUM PAYMENTS) INFLATION How ideas about retirement changed: v’s6705&6706; v’s7338s733g What done about inflation: v’56702&6703; v’s733567336 What kind price increases: v’s66gg&6700; V’s733267333 Whether inflation Whether been Whether hit changed able to hard by do ideas about anything: inflation: retirement: v670,: v66g8; V6704; V7337 ~7334 v7331 INSURANCE Car Free payments, annual: whether: V149; Medical Care, Home-Ownership, Medical, whether Settlements for (see Vl257; For whole vlg6o; ~158; Whether: Whether Whether, v20 V584; Included Head: family: ~2560 V742; in ~158; Mortgage: ~740; ~158; LUMP SUM PAYMENTS) ~1408; vlg7o: ~1406; V74i: V2120; V2717: v256g ~2118; V1407: ~7288 v2119; V2715; ~7287 ~2716; V5546 501 INTELLIGENCE TESTING Ammons Quick-Test: Vlg5tV376(Bkt) Sentence Word Completion score: INTERVIEW 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Test: V’s2730-2742 v2949 INFORMATION (see also DEMOGRAPHIC DATA) ID Number head’s: V3; wife’s: v4731 V534; V1230; V1932; v2533: ~3085: V3497; V5336; ~5835; ~6446: V7050; V7642 v3go6; V4423; ID Number head’s: V442: wife’s: v4732 V1233; V5836; V1933; V6447: V2534; V7051; vlg34: v6448; V2535; V7052; v3087; V7644 v2536; v7053: ~3088; v7645 v308g; V7646 ~3086: v7643 Vj498; VjglO: V4424; V5337; ID Number head’s: vllO2; wife’s: v4733 V3499; v3gll; v4425; V5338; ~5837; V3500; Vjgl2; V4426; V533g: V5838: v644g; V3501; V3gl3; V4427; V5340; v583g: V6450; V7054; V3gl4; V4428: V5341; ~5840; ~6451: V7055; V7647 ID Number head’s: vl802; wife’s: v4734 ID Number head’s: V2402; wife’s: v4735 ID Number head’s: V3002; wife’s: v4736 V3502; 502 1974 1975 1976 ID Number head’s: ~3402; wife’s: v4737 v4429; V5342; v5841; V6452: v7056; ~4430; ~5343; v5842; ~6453; v7057: v7649 V5344; V5843: ~6454; ~7058; ~7650 V5202; ~5844: V6455: V705g; V7651 V5702; V6456: ~7060; ~7652 ~7061; ~7653 V7648 ID Number head’s: ~3802: wife’s: V4138 ID Number head’s: V4302; wife’s: v4708 1977 ID Number head’s: 1978 ID Number head’s: 1979 I.D. Number head’s: 1980 I.D. ~6302: Number head’s: 1981 I.D. vbgoz; of v7502 Interview head: vgg: wife: v4741 Distance V7654 Number head’s: Date v3gis: v553; ‘~1236: vlgjg: v2539; v3o9.2; V3505; V5347; V5847; v645g: V7064; ~7655 v3918; v4433; to Center of Nearest SMSA: VlBg(Bkt): VBOg(Bkt); V14gBIBkt): V2210 (Bkt) : V2836 (Bkt) ; V3251 (Bkt) ; V3673 (8kt) : V3934SV4151 (Bkt) ; V4704(Bktj&V4706(Bkt); V5622(Bkt)&V5624(Bkt): V6l6g(Bkt)&V6171(Bkt); V6470 (Bkt) tV6471 (Bkt) ; V7075 (Bkt) &V7076 (Bkt) ; V7666 (Bkt) tV7667 (Bkt) Family Number: Household V3 Number: VI33 Interviewer’s ID Number: Interviewer’s Interview head: vg8; wife: v4740 V5845: ~6457: ~7062 Number V552; V1235: vlg38; ~2538; V3Ogl; V5346; ~5846; ~6458: V7063 V3504: V3g17: V4432; 503 Interviewer’s Social head: ‘.‘97; wife: v4739 Language Length Problems, head: VIOO; wife: V4742 ~805; vi4g4; ~182; wife’s: v5027 of Questions Number of Replies ~802; v561g; vi4gi: ~6166; Repeated: ~2206; v3503: v3916; V4431; ~2832 Vjglg; V4434; Sampling Unit: Reading Material in DU, Relation head’s: ~180: wife’s: to v282g; V7398: vj24g; ~8050 ~3671; ~4150; ~4701; VI86 V92SVl32; V535&V536; Whether: ~184; Whether Initially: V4308; ~5208; V5708; Respondent, ~2203; ~6765; vi85 Repeated: Primary V123lGVl232; V804: vl493; vllo7: ~1807; ~2408; V6308: v6go8: V7508 Vlg35tVlg36 V2205: ~3008; ~2830 ~3408; V3808; Head ~800; vl489; V2201: ~2827; ~3248; V3670: ~5618; ~6165: ~6764; v73g7; vBo4g V4149: V4700: ~5026 V~sl34,135 Size of Largest City in PSU: vgg; v53g: V3806: ~4306; ~5206; ~5706; ~6306: Study Number: VI; V5201; V5701; SRC Placement V441: ~6301; Number: Number: V4 Telephone in Whether: Telephone Interview: Home, head’s: VllO8: wife’s: V4709 at VllOl: V6gOI; vg6; Subfamily Who Present V3090; V554: V1237; Vl940; V2540; V3093: ~3506: v5348; ~5848; ~6460; ~7065: V7656 head’s: Segment: V2537; Calls Number Refusal, Vl937; Whether: Interview of Number v551: Vl234; v5345 of Number Security ~1801: V7501 ~1506: v6go6; V2401; ~1816; V7506 V3001; V2406; V3401; ~3006; ~3801; V3406; V4301; V540 v54a Whether V1808; vbjog: Interview: V2409: vbgog: vi79: VjOOg; ‘us09 v7gg; V3409: ~1488; v3809; ~2200; V43Og: ~2826 V52Og; V5709; 504 JOBS (see JOURNEY EMPLOYMENT: HOURS) TO WORK (see also TRANSPORTATION) Head annual cost: annual hours: miles: V471; V473: V5242; V674; mode of: parking V1144; vl146; V5741; Vl309(E) V3 I45 v4530 vsg26 v7791 V673; ~1845; V1847; V6346; tVl338 (IJ) : (E) 6V3 160 (U) (El tv4572 (VI (E) cv6000 (VI (El 6~7857 0-0 Vl308(E)&V1337(U); ~2613 (E) SV2644 v40 16 (E) sV4033 V5440 (El ~I’5476 V7 143 (E) tv7 176 costs, whether: V2445 (Ul (u) (~1 (U) v2447; v6g44; V3033: V3429; v382g; V778g’(E) tv7855 (u) V2014 (E)&V2043 &I, ; ; ~3560 (E) CV3576 (U) tv4582 (R) : V5439 (E) ; v6539 (E) ~~6573 (U) i ; ; ; V2015(E)CV2044(U); ~3146 (E) ~~3161 V453 I (E) &V4573 vsg27 (E) &v6ool V7792 (E) &\i7858 V4342: ~2612 (E)GV2643(U) ; ; V40 15 (E) &V4032 (U) ; tV5475 (U) : ; V7 142 (E) tv7 175 (ul ; (U) ; V3561 (EJ &V3577 (U) tv4583 (R) ; (U) ; V6540 (E) &V6574 (VI (U) ; (U) : v675 Wife V477; annua cost: annua hours: miIes V4063: mode LABOR DATA LABOR INCOME V479; ‘f6956; o f: (see (see v4913 v7224 ~4064; V1150; ~1851; V2451 V1152: V1853; V2453; V79 I I (E) &VT936 (U) (E) tV4956 (E) 6v7247 ~3835; V4729: (u) tV4966 (R) : V6054: V6622 (U) : v7913 (E) cv7g38 (U) V4914(E)&V4957(U)&V4967(R); v7225 (E) ~‘~7248 (U) ; V7914 V6055; (E) Cv7939 (U) V5753: V6358; (E) sV6645 (U) ; ~6623(E)~v6646(~); AREA DATA) also INCOME) Head business: VI lgO(Bkt) ; vl8gl (Bkt) V3857(Bkt); V4372; farm: V254(Bkt-total VI890 V3856 market gardening: overtime and ; V2492 ~5282; (Bkt) ; V3045(Bkt) ~5781; v63go; ; V3457 (Bkt) v6gBo: V7572 income) ; V702(Bkt-total income) ; Vll89(Bkt); (Bkt) ; V2491 (Bkt) : V3044 (Bkt) ; V3456 (Bkt) ; (Bk t) : V4371; ~5281; V5780; v638g: v6979; V7571 v6395; WBs; v7577 bonuses: V252(Bkt); V7OO(Bkt); V1193(Bkt); V2495 (Bkt) ; V3048(Bkt) ; V3460 (Bkt) ; V3860 ~5285; ~5784: v6393; v6983: v7575 vlBg4(Bkt); (Bkt) : V4375; ; 505 professional practice or VI895 (Bkt) V3861(Bkt); roomers and roomers and total: V74; wages: Number boarders/market V1896 (Bkt) V3862 (Bkt) boarders: V25l trade: V253 (Bkt) ; V7Ol (Bkt) : V1194 (Bkt) : ; v24g6 (Bkt) ; V304g(Bkt) : V3461 (Bkt) ; V4376; ~5286; ~5785; v63g4; v6g84; V7576 gardening (combined): : V2497 (Bkt) : V3050 (Bkt) : V4377; V5287: V5786 v63g6;’ v6g86; Vl195(Bkt); : V3462 (Bkt) : ~7578 V5l4&V828(Bkt)&V’sglO-gl3Khg) ; ‘.‘1196&V1516(Bkt) : Vl897&V2228(Bkt) ; V2498&V2854 (Bkt) : V305lGV3258(Bkt) V3463&V3678 (Bkt) : v3863&v4156(Bkt); V503lfrV5032(Bkt); V5267; V6174; V6767; V7413: V8066 (Bktl; V6gg(Bkt): ~4373; ~5283; Vllgl: ~5782; of Others With: V1930; V2531: ~5834; V6445; V7049; V7641 v18g2; v63gl; V3084; V2493; v6981; v34g6: v3046; v7573 v3go8: V3458: V4422; : V3858: V5335: Wife total: V75; wages: V516GV829 (Bkt)&Vgl4 v1899&v2229(Bkt) v3465tV367g(Bkt) ‘J&379: v5289; ~5788; (Chg) ; VI 198tV1517 (Bkt) : : ‘.‘2500tv2855 (8kt) : V3053&V325g(Bkt) ; V3865&V4157 (Bkt) ; V5033(Bkt) v63g8: v6g88; ~7580 LABOR UNION Dues, Annual Membership Amount: in, V767(Bkt) ; Vl229; Vlgjl; Whether head: V294; wife: V4862 (E) &V4929 (U) ; V6595 (E) tv6709; V7883 (El EV7973 Present Job V2532 V766: Vl434; V2145; ~2787; V3636: V4087: V447g(E)&V4624; V5383 (E) tv5391 (E) &V5559: I’5878 (E) tv5881 (E) &V6101; V6496(E)tV6707: V70gg(E)&V7340: V77lO(E)GV7971 Covered, V7197 (E) GV7342: Whether head: V4378 (E) : V5382 (E) GV5390 (E) ; ‘15877 (E) 6V5880 v7o98 (E) : v7709 (El wife: ~4861 LEISURE (see HOURS, LINKAGE TO 1968 LOCAL AREA DATA DATA: (see (E) ; V6594 (E) ; V7196 (E) ; ~7882 Leisure: SPARE-TIME V2978 AREA DATA) ACTIVITIES) (E) (E) : V649.5 (E) : ; 506 LOCATION MEASURES (see ENVIRONRENT; INTERVIEW also DEMOGRAPHlC DATA: INFORMATION; MOBILITY; EARLY PARENTS) V189 (Bkt) ; V809 (Bkt) ; v14g8: Distance to Center of Nearest SMSA: V2210 (Bkt) ; ~2836 (Bkt) ; V3251 (Bkt) ; v3673tBkt) ; v3934CV4151 (Bkt) ; V4704(Bkt) GV4706 (Bkt) ; V5622 (Bkt) GV5624 (Bkt) ; V6169(Bkt) Gv617l (Bkt) v6470 (Bkt) tV6471 (Bkt) ; V7075 (Bkt) GV7076 (Bkt) ; V7666 (Bkt) SV7667 (Bkt) Largest City V3806; in PSU; Size V4306; ~5206; five-year mobility: of: V95; V539; ~1506; Vl816; ~5706; V6306; vbgo6; V7506 V2406; ~3006; : V3406; Mobility V2974 geographic head: V363; V878GV979(Chg); ~1576; ~2288; V2915; V3283: V3703; ~4182; V5058; V5637; ~6184; V6777; V7423; ‘18075 wife: of moved since moving Nearest V5103 length time at current residence: VlOl spring of Vl274; ~5866; previous Vl979: V6484; year, V2577; v7o8g; whether: vjg44; V111; ~4455; v605; v536g; soon, whether: V603&V’s905,983(Chg) V3llO; V3524: V3941; V4452; ~7700 ~1276; v586g; vlg81: V6487; V2579: ‘47092; ~3112; V7703 SMSA: V188; V808; V1497; V2209: ~2835; V4703GV4705: V5621tV5623; V6168GV6170 V3250; ~3672; V3933; cur rent: vj27g; V8071 v36gg: V4178; ; v5366; V3526; Region number number where Segment: Size of v361; V876; ~5633; in which head ~3657; of times grew up V1572: V6180; ~2284: V6773; V2911: V7419; ~5054: has lived: v78g; V1479; V2191: ~2817; V3235: V4133; V4676; v5596: V6145; V6742; V7375; ~8027 changed in first 5 years: v2977 head: ~362; ~877; ~15’13; ~2285; vzglz; V5055; ~5635: V6181: V6774; ~3280; ~3700; V7420: ~8072 v4179; head’s father: V5635; ~1574; V6182; ~2286; ~6775; vzg13; V742l: ~3281; ‘~8073 ~3701; ~4180; ~5056: head’s mother: V5636; ~1575: ~6183; ~2287; V6776; v2g14; V7422; ~3282; V8074 V3702; ~4181; v5057; wife: V5lOO wife’s father: v5101 wife’s mother: ~5102 V’s134.135 Area Where head: v3r2; wife: V4750 Grew Up v786; ~1476; v2188; ~2814: ~3232: v3654; V5593; ~6142; v673g; V7372; ~8024 v4130; v4673; 507 State and County current: v’sg3.94: v’s537.538&v’sg81.g82(Chg); V’s1803-1805; V’s2403-2405; V’s3803-3805; V’s4303-4305; vb303-6305; v’sbgoj-6905; number of states number of times changed state number of times changed county grew up where Whether in which head has ~3236; v3658; V4134; V8028 in lived: V4677; first in v’s1103-1105: V’s3003-3005: V’s3403-3405; V’s5203-5205; V’s5703-5705; v’s7503-7505 V790: V5597; 5 years: first v1480; vb146: V2192: V6743: V2818: V7376; VW76 5 years: v2975 head: V’s787,788: V’s1477.1478; visz18g.21go; V’s2815.2816; V’s3233.3234; v’sj655.3656: V’s4131.4132: V’s4674.4675; V’s5594.5595: v’sb143.6144: V’s6740,6741; ‘1’57373.7374; V’s8025.8026 head’s father: V’s1454.1455; V’s2166,2167; V’s2792.2793: v’s3218.3zlg; V’s3640.3641: V’t4115.4116; V’s4659,4660: vrs5s7g,5580; v’s6128.6129; V’s6725.6726; v’s7358.7359; v’s8010.80ll head’s mother: V’s1456,1457; v’s2168.2169: V’s2794.2795; V’s3220,3221: V’s3642.3643; V’s4117.4118: V’s4661,4662; V’s5581,5582; V’s6130,6131: V’s6727.6728: V’s7360.7361: v’~8012,8013 wife: V’s4751.4752 wife’s father: v4744 wife’s mother: v4745 Living in a City: V646g; Whether Living in ~5625; ~6172 City of 5,000 Whether City of 50,000 Living in V7074; or or V7665 More: More: V807; v14gb: V4702: ~2208; ~5620; V2834: V4707; vbi67 LUMP SUM PAYMENTS Amount: vzbb(Bkt); V71g(Bkt): VI385 (Bkt) ; V2097 (Bkt) : V2703 (Bkt) ; V32lO(Bkt) ; V3629 (Bkt) : V4075(Bkt) : V4619(Bkt) ; V5554 (Bkt) : V6Ogb(Bkt) V6689(Ekt) ; V7292 (Bkt) : V7992 (Bkt) source: ~261 Whether: ~718; V1384; vzog6; V2702; vbog5; ~6688; v72g1: v7ggl v32og: ~3628: V4074; V4618; ~5553; ; 508 MAJOR ADULTS Number MARGINAL of: ~5280; ~71; v4g2; ~1166; ~1867: ~2467; v5779; v63bo; v6958; v7550 v3043: v3455; V7400; ~8053 v3855; ~4370; TAX RATE Head and Wife: V4381; Other Earner, First: Other Earner, Second: Other Earner, Third: Other Earner, Fourth: Other Earner, Fifth: First Marriage V5302; V7402; ~5801; V6412; ~8055 V7404; V7406; ~8057 v8058 V7408; V7410; V8061 V8063 MARRIAGE Age at Children and (see (Head): V24O&V37g(Bkt) CHILDREN) Head whether How Long Marital first: V247 V241 Widowed/Divorced/Separated: Status: v23g; v6o7sV5671 (Chg) ; V1365&V5672 V267OtV5674 (Chg) ; V3181&V5675 (Chg) ; v3598ev5676 V4063&V5678(chgl; v5502-v5504&v5650&v’s5672-5680(Chg1; vbo34&v61gB&v62lg (chg); v66~g&v67go&Vb812(Chg); v7g~zGv8087Gv8lo7Khs) whether ever what happened year first married: to ~5503; previous Wife married: v4763 ~6035; marriage: (Chg) ; V2072GV5673 (Chg) ; ~4053~~5677 Khg) : (Chg) ; V726lcV7435GV7455Khg); ~6660; ~7262; v7g53 ~5504: ~6036: ~6661; ~7263; v795.4 509 MEDlCAL CARE Help (see With, also INSURANCE) Annual Amount: ~4617 Medicare/Medicaid whether: v6686; which whether ADC, & wife: others: (see other welfare V6081 V5548 V6091 ~6087 Whether: also or Security V5552; wife: MOBILITY Income ~6083 head With, Security v6o8g Social head: v7990 Supplemental v5546; v5550; from v72go; AFDC, & wife: others: whether vlg8g V6687; from head Help ‘41289; program: ~4616 EMPLOYMENT) Counties, Number Five-Year Mobility: of Times Changed in First Five Years: V2975 v2974 Geographic Jobs head: V363; wife: V5103 Vl576: V6184; V2288: V6777; VZgl5i V7423: V3283; ~8075 ~3703; v4182; V148l; V6744; V2193: V7377; v28lg; ~8029 V3237; and motivation Length “878&V979(Chg): V5058; ~5631; for moving to new v207 moved whether refused job due to no desire V2194; ~2820; V3238: V7378; V8030 Whether steady work of Time at for better job: v3659; V4670: job: whether Current in current Residence: V204; V797; V5598; V6l47; area: VlOI to move: V205; V798; V1482: ~3670: v46lg; V559g: V614i3; V6745; ~206 510 Moved Moving Since Vl979; v7700 Spring V2577; of Previous Year, Whether: V3110: V3524; V3941: V4452; V603&V’s905,983(Chg); V5366: V5866: v6484; V3942; V6485; month moved: reason for: Soon, V4455; Whether: Vlll: ~605; ~1216; Vl981: V5369: v586g; V6487; V7092: v7703 move: for: number of v5367; V5867; V709O; v604: V1215; v1980; V2578; V3lll; V3525: ~5368; v5868; ~6486; v7ogi: ~7702 definitive reason v4453: V3g45; V4456: v5370: Vl12; V606; Vl277; V4457: V5371tV5372: V2579: V5870; V7701 V3943; V3112; v6488; V1274; V7089; ~4454; V3526; v7093; ~3944; ~7704 Vl982; V2580: V3ll3: V3527; V3946; V5871; v6489: V7094; V7705 Regions different: V789: v5596; v4676; number of times changed number of different: in V1419; ~6145: first V2191: ~6742: five years: ~2817; ~7375: V3235: ~8027 V3657; V4133; ~3658; V4134; v2977 States V790: V5597; V4677; number MOTIVATION NEEDS (see of times changed ACHIEVEMENT in Vl480: v6146; first V2192; V6743; five years: V2818; V7376; V3236; ~8028 ‘w76 MOTIVATION) STANDARDS Annual Food V2892; Standard V3274; (Needs): ~31: V494&V’s957,958(Chg) vj6g4: V4173; ‘45049: ~5630; V6177: weekly: V6363; v116g: ~1870: V696l: v7553 V2470; V3olg; v3439; ; vl605; V2317; ~6770: V7416; V8068 v383g; V4348; ‘~5256: V5757; Annual Income Needs Standard: V32; V495&V959(Chg); Vll70; Vl871; V2471: V3020; V3440; V3840: V4349; V5257; V5758; V6364; v6g62; V7554 *Ratio to Food Needs Standard: V336&V354 (Bk t) ; v865cv866 V156l&V1562 (Bkt) : V2273CV2274 (Bkt) ; V29OOSV2901 (Bkt) V3692&V3693(Bkt): V417l&V4172(BktJ; V5047&V5048(8kt): V6769: V7415: ~8067 NEIGHBORHOOD Defects of burglaries: crimes: crowded v3963&‘6964 v3965&v3966 area: vjg6 juvenile delinquency: neatness of area: ldvjg62 v3!wxv396o V3957&V3958 (Bk t) ; ; V3272GV3273 (Bkt) v5629: V6176: ; 511 Number of Neighbors Quality: V4201 Relatives in, Satisfaction Known: Whether: With: ~288; v28g: vbol; ~602; Vl272; ~1213; VlP77: vl978; V2575 v2576 V3935 Structures highest density: lowest OCCUPATION (see 1-Digit density: also ~812; vlgl; ~811; EMPLOYMENT, ~1501; ~1500; V2213; V2212; ~2839 v2838 Occupation) Code head: VI97 (EUR) ; V640 (EUR) CV977 (EUR,Chg) : Vl279(E) ,V’sl326(U)&l33l (U) .Vl352 (R); Vi984 (E) ,V’s203l (U) &2036(U) .v2058 (R) i ~2582 (E) ,vls2631 (u) &2636(u) .v2656 (RI ; V3ll5(E).v’s3148(~)&3153OJ) ,V3169(R); V3530 (E) *v’s3563 (U) r3569 (U) .v3586 (R) ; V3968(E) ,V’s4018(U)&4023(U) ,V4041 (R): V5584: V593OfE). V5974(U).V6132&V6133; V6730tV6731; V7362sV7363; ~8014&~8015 wife: V243; 2-Digit vbog: Vl367; V2074: ~2672; ~3183; ~3601; V4055 Code head: V4459 (E) , V4553 (U) .V4578 (RI : v5374 (E) &v5429 (E) ,v544l UJ) cV5455 (U) .v5482 (RI ; V5873(E)cV5916W ,v5958(u)sv5984(u) .V6018W; v6497 (E) ~~6527 (El .v6545 (L’) tV6557 (U) .v6578 (RI ; V7100(E)&V7l30(E),V7148(U)&V7159(U).V7180(R); V7745 (El SV7799 (U) wife: V4605; 3-Digit Second S vlg2; v4842 (E) ,v4937 (U) .V4962 (R) ; V5507; ~6039; ~6596 (E) 6V6619 (E) .V6624 (U) ~~6629 (U) .‘I6650 V/l98 (E)&V7221 (E) .V7226(U)&V7231 (U) .V7252 V7908 (El f-V1915 (‘J) (R) : (R) ; Code head: V3529 (El .v3568 wife: V3600: V7885 (U) ,v3585 (E) .Vl920 (RI ; V7712 (El ,v1807 (U) .V7943 (U) ,Vl866 (R) (RI Job head : ~228 (E) ; V661 (E) ; VI299 (E) (El : v2005 (E) ; ~2603 V3551 (E) ; V4006 ; V5429 v4006 (El : V4519(E) v-1 I30 (El ; v7745 ~6527 (E) ; V-1 V7745 (E) wife: v4go2 (E) ; v66lg V4902 v66l9 (E) ; V722l v722l (E) ;: v7go8 v7908 (E) (E) i ~3136 (E) ; (El : V5916 (E) ; 512 Type Job Sought (Future head: v2Op(E); wife: V4925 Possibilities of Employment) V681(ER),V640(U); Vl315(E).Vl329(U),V1356(R); v2021(E),~2031(U).~2063(R) ; v2619(E); v2631(U): v2661(~): ~3148(u),V3174(R); v3563W).v3591(~); V40 I8 (U) , V4046 (R) ; V5958 (U) , ~6026 (RI ; ~6586 (R) ; V7148W ,V7188(R) ; Vl799W) (U) .V4974 (R) ; V6624 (U) ; V7226 (U) ; V7915 ORSHANSKY RATIOS (see INCOME, Honey, Family, ratio to ratio to needs, Real Net, minus housing, ratio to food SECURITY POVERTY MEASURES; WELL-OFFNESS MEASURES) OVERTIME Overtime: (see also HOURLY Hourly HOURS, Overtime; EARNINGS, Head, needs, needs; (U) Real Net, SOCIAL INCOME, overtime) Earnings V667sV890 head: wife: Whether v48g5,v48g7,v4go8sv5lo4 Paid Vl294: wife: V4894 Worked (Bkt) vzooo.v25gB; V3131; V3546; ~6520; V7123; V7716 V5419; ~5906; V6517; wife: ~6613; V7215; v7go6 COMPARISONS AND CHANGES; Amount of Reason for Which Year V4000; V4511; V5422; Overtime head: PAST-PRESENT EXPECTATIONS (Bk t) ; Overtime head: Whether (Bkt) : Vl295&V1585(Bkt) ; V2OOltV2297 (Bkt) ; V2599SV2924 (Bk t) ; V3 132SV3289 (Bk t) : v3547Sv3709 V4001&V4188(Bkt); v45l2.V45l4.V45l6,V4525SV5064(BktJ; V5423,V5425.V5427,V5435; V5glO.V59l2,v59l4.v5922; V652l,V6523,V6525,V6533: V7124,v1126.v7128,v7136: v7111.~77~9.~17~~,~71~3 Difference: (see also INCOME, ~728; V725; V7743 FUTURE Comparisons) vl3g4; ~2106 v762sv727&vBig; Difference: Better: V7120; Vl390; V2102 V’sl391-1393; V’sZlO3-2105 v5909; 513 PARENTS (see also ENVIRONMENT) EARLY Economic Situation V4137: ~4680; of: v317; Vl92; v1483; v2195; ~2821; v5600; V614g; V6746; v737g: ~8031 vpjg; ~3661; Education of head’s father: v4138; of head’s mother: ~318; v793; v1484; v2196; ~2822; 113240; ~3662; ~4681; ~5601; ~6150; ~6747; ~7380; ~8032 v3634; V4139: V4682: ~5602; v6151; V6748; ~7381; ~3608; v4lo8: V4753; V5572; ~6121; V6718: ~7351; v36og; v4lO9: V4754; V5573: ~6122; V67Ig; V7352: Vl458; v2170; V2796; V3222; V3655; v5583: ~6132; ‘46729; ‘~7362: ~8014 V4119; V4663; ~8033 of wife’s father: ~8003 of wife’s mother: v8004 Occupation Region State of head’s father: of wife’s father: V4746 of wife’s mother: v4747 Where Grew Up head’s father: vl574: ~6182: v2286; ~6775; V29l3; V7421; v3281; ~8073 V37Ol; v4l80; V5056; V5635; head’s mother: vl575; V6183; V2287: V6776: V2914: V7422; ~3282; V8074 V3702: v4181; ~5057; ~5636; wife’s father: V5lOl wife’s mother: v5102 and/or County Where Grew Up head’s father: v’sl454.1455; v’s3640.3641; V’s6128,6129: V’s2166,2167: V’s4115.4116; ~‘~6725.6726: V’s2792.2793: ‘~‘~4659.4660; v’s7358.7359; ~‘~3218.3219; v’s5579,5580; v’+8010,8011 head’s mother: v’sl456,1457; V’s3642.3643; v’s6i30.6l3l; v~~2168.2169: V’s4117.4118; V’s6727.6728: VDs2194,27g5: V’s4661.4662; V’s7360.7361; V’s3220.3221; V~s5581.5582; ~~~8012.8013 wife’s father: v4744 wife’s mother: v4745 514 PAYMENTS (see also CARS, Payments; HOME OWNERSHIP, Mortgage, etc.) Cars payments on: number sets V22 remaining: remaining: whether: Home v150 v151 V148 Ownership mortgage payments: V8; V5721; principal remaining: V451; V1124: v1825,v2425; v57tg; 1’6321: v6glg; v75lg whether: V104; whether whether v1265: vlg68; V595; remaining: taxes, utilities ‘4594; additional: V7678 years property V453; Vll26; ~1827: V2427~V2847: ~6323: v6g21; V7521 v6481: annual ~3674; included V1266; V7086; amount: v6; V4152: V4325: in mortgage: V1971; electricity: other V7687 oiI: ‘u6w water/sewage: Payments: Total Contractual V1509: ~6325: vlgbg; ~2568; Other Payments: Total Contractual We3 V7696 ~28 Payments: V331&V346(Bkt) V28 Payments: V33 l&V346 V2570; ~822; V5224; V7682 gas: Other fuels: v6480; V5221: V52lg: V7085: V6482; V7676 ~7087: V7677 utilities: wood, V4320; V2221; v6gzj: (Bk t) V2846; V7523 V4324: V14; ~460; Vl133; V6831; V7688(Sum) payments, annual amount: V5231; V5729; V6332; coal, ~2567: V4322; V3254; V5223 ~1834; V2434; 515 PENSION PLANS (see Eligible also for RETIREMENT: Other Retirement head: V5954 (El wife: v607 I Eligible for Social head: 6953 wife: ~6070 Pensions: Social When Pensions, Retirement) When 65 65 (0 (non v259(Bkt) others: Plans Security Retirement head: INCOME, Social Security) ; V707 (Bkt) : v1213&V1523(Bkt) ; Vl915tV2235 (Bkt) : v2516tv2861 (Bkt) ; v3069&V3265(Bkt) ; V3481GV3685 (Bkt) ; v3881&v4163(Bkt); v4396&V5039(Bkt); v5307;v5807: V6418; ~7008; ~7600 v3899; V4413; V5325; V5825: ~6436; V7040; ~7632 Security head and wife: V258; V706 (Bkt) V2515tV2860 (Bkt) V388O&V4162 (Bkt) v7oo7; v7599 others: V3898; V4412: : V1212GV1522 ; V3068&v3264 : v43g5&v5o38 V5324; V5551; (Bkt) (Bkt) (Bkt) V5824; ; V1914SV2234 (Bkt) ; ; V348OGV3684 (Bkt) ; ; ~5306; V5806: V641 7; V6435; V7039: ~7631 ~3674; V4152: V4325; whether head: head V6082 and wife: others: Has number Annual Company Retirement covered by v4517 wife: v4goo (also see included v4004 (includes Social HOME OWNERSHIP, Amount: v6; ~822; V5224; ~6325; v6g23: Whether Plan: ~5547 V6086 head: PROPERTY TAXES V4614; v6ogo wife: Whether V4070: vl5og; V7523 in mortgage: Security) Property v2221: vig6g: Taxes) ~2846: V3254; ~2568; V4324; V5223 516 PUBLIC HOUSING (see Whether: QUALITY V193; OF LIFE RACE: HOUSING, V813; (see Public) Vl502; V2214; IMPRESSIONS) ~181; ~801; v14go; V2202; ~6802; ~7447; v&?ogg Sex REAL and: INCOME REGION (see ~2828; ~3300; V3720; V4204; v5og6; V5662; v62og: V383 (see INCOME, also Region: current: V5633; State V2840 Real) EARLY ENVIRONMENT, PARENTS, Region) Region; LOCATION ~361; V876; V1572: V2284; V2911; V6180: v6773; ‘47419; V8071 and County, V’s1803-1805: v’s4303-4305; V’s7503-7505 MEASURES, V3279: v36gg: Region: V4178: Current: v’s93,94; v’s537,538,981,982(Chg); V’s2403-2405; V’s3003-3005; V’s3403-3405; V’s5203-5205; V’s5703-5705; V’s6303-6305; MOBILITY, V5054; V’s1103-1105: V’s3803-3805; v’sbgoj-6905; RELATIVES Time Spent Helping: vzgo Whether Head Feels Should Whether Living Nearby: of Attendance v27g; Assist: V289: V602: ~736: Vl273; V1402; Vl978; V2114; ~6694 ~2576 RELIGION Frequency at Services: V284; ~763; Vl430; V2142: V3783 Preference head: vl431: wife: v4765 Record, Whether v46g2; wife: V4764 Imputed, v2813; ~6048 V3231; ~3653; V5616; V6762; V7395; ‘JR047 HOUSING, Free, of compensation For V4129: ~4693; ~5617; ~6763: May head: RENT (see also is free or part v2187; ‘47396; Homeowners Payments, Annual: V4326: V5225; For for (see rental value employment) where HOME OWNERSHIP, the Imputed vlo; ~455; ~1128; ~1829; V2429: V5723: ~6326; v6g25: V7525 DU Rent) V3023; v3419; v3819; 517 REPAIRS (see also Additions ADDITIONS and & REPAIRS Repairs annual hours: amount saved Done TO DWELLING on Dwelling UNIT; CARS, Repairs) Unit V6334 on: v16; V462; Vll35: ~1836; V2436; ~6335 complexity of A&R done of all payments by A&R: on: family: ~108: VlO8; v598; ~600: v126g; V1271: vlg76; V2573: v64gl VI974 ~18 relationship to whether done: whether done whether money dollars saved: head of ~107; by family ~597; family: owed member vl.268; V599; on: who ~1973; Vl270: did A&R: ~2572: V1975; V2574 v649o V2572; V6490 VllO Cars time spent: type of: whether RETIREMENT (see Age Plan Earned V26&Vl57(Bkt); Vl55; Vl54; INCOME, head: V5951 (0 V6068 Eligible for Vl261; V1964: ~1260; Pensions, Since Retired: Other Retirement V5954 (E) wife: ~607 1 for V447&V5yO(Bkt); V587; : V7796 head: Eligible : V44S&VS8g(Bkt) V2564; vlg63; ; VlllSGV1262 vllzo; ~1821: V6476 ~2563; ~6475 Retirement) Retire wife: Money V588; done: also to V24&Vl56 (Bkt) V2419; V6318 Social head: V5953 (E) wife: V6070 Security (El a V7798 (El . V786o NJ) . V7862 v6oog (R) Plans When 65 When 65 (U) (Bkt) V2421: : Vl819; ~6317 518 Enough Honey How Feel Plan to to Live About Life Retire Since Before head: V5952 wife: vbo6g Retire Comfortably: (0 Type Paid Type work: Company Retirement covered by head: V4517 v4goo Whether Home Paid Whether Living Better Whether Other Sources Whether Retired wife: Willing Year V5477 of if Glad of health: v4004 Social Security) Before 65: Retirement: Income (R) ; ~6002 if V5957(E) ~6014(R) Retire (R) ; ~6575 ~5478 (R) ; V7249 to Plan: Retire Since V’ s6004,6005 or v60 10 (R) (includes For V6647 Retire: ‘~601 1 (R) wife: because (E) ~60 12 (R) volunteer head: ‘6956 work: Work: number (R) Enough: paid Has (u) v60 I3 (R) Volunteer Whether (E) . ‘47861 V6007 Work: whether V6016(R) V6006(R) Income whether Why ; V7797 happened: Retirement Retirement: 65 Unexpectedly: what V6015(R) at 65: (R) ; v7177 V5955(E) (R) : CR) (R) : V7940 (R) (R) Retire: V6008 (R) Retired head: V6006 (R) ; V6576 (R) ; ~7 178 (R) : V7864 wife: v6648 (R) ; V7250 (R) ; V794 1 (R) (R) V7863 (R) 519 ROOMERS (see ASSETS, Income; INCOME, Labor, head) Asset roomers Vl202 (Bkt) ; VlyOj(Bkt) ; and market gardening (combined): v2504 (Bkt) : v3057 (Bkt) ; V3469 (Bkt) i v3869 (Bkt) ; ~4383; v5293; v5792 roomers and roomers and market gardening (combined): V1195(Bkt); V1896(Bkt); v2497 (Bk t) ; V3050 (Bk t) : V3462 (Bk t) ; V3862 (Bkt) ; V4377; V5287; V5786 roomers and boarders: boarders: V6403: v6gg3; V7505 Labor ROOMS (see Actual also Number of: ~381: V5642; SAFETY ~7578 ~891; ~1588: ~2300; v2927: v3297: ~6182; ~6782; V7428; V8080 v3712; ~102: v5g2; ~1263; vlg66; ~2565; v3lo7; v352l: ~4448; ~5362; ~5862; ~6477; ~7080: ~7671 Per: v382tv411 V2301&V2302(Bkt): V4192&‘/4193(Bkt): vjg37; (Bkt) ; V892&VByj(Bkt) ; V1589&V15yO(Bkt) ; V2928GV292y(Bkt); V32y3CV32y4(Bkt); V3713&V3714(Ekt): V5068&V5069(Bkt); V5643; v6190; V6783: V7431; V8081 Required Number of: Vl24; V4347: V5255; V5756; Value ‘46986; Rooms) Minus Required: V4191: V5067fBkt)r Actual Persons HOUSING, v63g6: V59l: V6362; V1168; V6960: v186g; V7552 v246g; V3018; V3438; V3838; Per: V373tV374(Bkt) : V884&V885(Bkt) ; V1582&V1583(Bkt) ; V2294GV2295 (Bk t) : V292 l&V2922 (Bkt) ; V3287&v3288 (Bkt) ; V3707tV3708 V4186&V4187(Bkt); V5062&V5063(Bkt): 1’5641; V6188; V6781: V7427; (see CARS, Seat (Bkt) vBo7g : Belts) SAMPLE Sampling Split SAVINGS Error Sample (see Whether: Whether also Computation Filter: V2969: ~737: Current V4205: ~8101 ‘45097; v5663; V6210: ~6803: V7448: ~8100 Assets) ~1403; Current Savings V738; Vl404: ~2116; Whether v744g; Unit: Saving’s ~2115; Balance V2713; Balance ~2712: Equal V4081; Equal ~4080; v66g5; ~7313 to or More Than v66g6; V7314 or Whether Savings Balance Ever Greater Than v2117; V2714; ~4082; v66g7: V7316 More Than Two Month’s Two Month’s One Year’s Income: Income: Income: v739: V7315 v1405: 520 SEAT BELTS, USE OF SEX OF HEAD: vjg22; v4437; (see Vllg; v5351; CARS: VlOlO; ~5851; Seat V1240; V6463; Belts) V1943; ~7068; V2543: v765g vjogb; V3509; SIBLINGS Brother: Oldest age: Living v56g: V1469&V1607(Bkt); ~570; education: financial situation: whether: V568; Number ~2181; ~571: Vl468; ~2807 ~1471: v2179; ~2806 ~2182; head: ~316: wife: ~4748 ~2805 V567: V1467; ~2178; V2804; V3230: ~3652; vpjgi; ~6140; ~6737: ~7370; ~8022 V4127; V4671; Whether head: ~3635; wife: v4749 Sister, Oldest age: V4128; V573; V5592: V1473tV1608(Bkt); ~574; financial situation: whether: V572; (see V4672; ~6141; SIBLINGS. V2184; ~1474; ~2185; ~575; V1472: Sister, ~258; and Wife: V2515GV2860 (Bkt) V4395&V5038(Bkt); ‘43898; Oldest ~2186; V4412; head Living) INCOME, Security) others: wife: wife: vbogo V6086 (see Social V706 (Bkt) ; Vl212&V1522(Bkt) ; Vl914&V2234(Bkt): ; V3068&V3264 (Bkt) ; V348O&V3684 (Bkt) ; v388o&V4162 V5306; ~5806: V6417; V7007; V7599 V5324; V5551; ~5824; ~6082 and ~2812 v28og Whether head: ~8023 ~2811 ~1475: ~2183; SECURITY INCOME (see also TRANSFER INCOME, Social Others: V7371; ~2810 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMlNlSTRATlON POVERTY MEASURES also ORSHANSKY RATIOS): V’s399-406,V409(Bkt) Head V6738; Living education: SOCIAL Security; ~2808 of Older, SISTERS ~1470; ~2180; ~4070: ~4614; V5547 V6435; V7039; ~7631 (Bkt) ; 521 SPARE-TIRE ACTIVITIES (see V’s756.757,821: V’s1422-1424; Bars, Frequency: Courses or type of Number of course Hours Head : v4311 Wife: v4710 INDICATOR (see V2407; V3007; Spent Where V93.94; V’s2403-2405: V’s5203-5205; Grew V2144; V1432; ~285; lesson: ~283; V2143; V759; ~760; ~762; ~2785 ~2784 v1426; Vl427; V1429; v2138; v213g; V2141; ~758; V1425; V2137; Watching: w86; ~761; V277g ~2780 ~2782 ~2778 V1428; V2140: V2781 aslo FAMILY COMPOSITION & CHANGE): V3407; V3807; V4307; V5207; V5707; ~909; ~6307: ~1106; vbyo7; INTERVIEW STATE AND COUNTY (see also MEASURES, State and County; Current: V764; V287; Mentions: HEAD AND WIFE SPLITOFF or ~~~280-282; V’s2775-2777 ~1433; Whether: Frequency: Television, RELIGION): ~‘~2134-2136; v765; V292; Lessons, Newspapers, SPLITOFF v293: Frequency: Clubs, also MATCH EARLY ENVIRONMENT, MOBILITY, State v18ob; V7507 Region; LOCATION and County) V’s537,538&V’s981,982Khg); V’s3003-3005: V’s3404-3405; V’s5703-5705; v’sbjo3-6305; V’s1103-1105; V’s3803-3805: v’sbgo3-6905; V’sl803-1805: V’s4303-4305: V’s7503-7505 Up head: V’s787.788; V’s1477.1478; ~‘~2189.2190; V’s2815.2816: V’s3233.3234; V’s3655,3656: V’s4131.4132; ‘~‘~4674.4675: v’s5594.5595: v’sb143.6144; V’s6740.6741; v’s7373.7374; v’do25.8026 head’s father: V’sl454,1455; V’s3640.3641; ~‘~6128.6129; head’s mother: V’s1456.1457: v’s3642.3643; vbl3o.bl3l: Wife: V’s4751.4752 Wife’s Father: v4744 Wife’s Mother: v4745 v’s2166.2167; v’s4115.4116: v’sb725.6726; V’s2792,2793: v’s4659,46bo: v’s7358.7359; V’s3216.3219; V’s5579,5580; ~‘s8010.8011 ~‘~2168.2167: v’s4117,4118; v’s6727.6728; V’s2794.2795: v’s4661.4662; v’s73bo.7361; V’s3220.3221; v’s5581.5582: V’s8012,8013 522 STRIKES (see also EMPLOYMENT, Unemployment; HOURS, Strike, Unemployment) Head annual: V4340; weeks: ~5238; v4503 V5737; V6432; v6g4o; v7536 (El cv4566 (IJ) ; V5412 (E) EV5468 (U) ; V5901 (E) sv5g95 (u) ; Vb512cv6568W; V7115(E)Gv7170(U); v7738(~)&v7818(u) Wife annuaI: v4725; weeks: Whether V5250; v4886 in Past V5749; vb354; ~6952; V7546 (E) sV4950 (U) ; V5517; v6048; vb6o8 (E) &v6640 V7210 (E) CV7242 (IJ) : V7901 (E) SV7931 (U) (u) ; Year head: v4502 (E) Gv4565 (U) ; V541 l (E) GV5467 (U) : V5900 (E) cV5994 (U) ; vb511 (E) cv6567 (U) ; VJll4 (E) ~~7169 UJ) ; V7737 (E) ~‘~7817 (u) wife: V4885 (El CV4949 0J) : ~5516; V6047: V7209 (E) &I’724 1 RJ) : V7900 STRUCTURE, TYPE (OF DWELLING UNIT) (see SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (see also TRANSFER INCOME, Supplemental HOUSING, INCOME, Security V6607 (E) ~~6639 (E) aV7930 (LJ) Type of (IJ) ; Structure) Supplemental Income) Security Income: AnnuaI head and wife: others: Try TAXES to V3902; Get: Eligible: Why Did Not Get: Why Did Not Try Why Not Eligible: also ~5822; ~6433: v7037; v5804: ~7629 v72a2 to Get: Number than outside half FU: whether: for ~‘~7283.7284 V’s7285.7286 whether: used V5329: V53l2; V7280 DEPENDENTS; Dependents, more ~4416: (Bk t),: ~7281 Whether (see vj884&V4 lb6 (Bk t) ; V4400tV5042 v6415: V7005; V7597 tax HOME OWNERSHIP, Property MARGINAL Taxes; TAX RATE) of support: V4079: V734; v7295: v735; v1401; ~2113; ~2710; V3214; vjbjj; V4623; V5558; vbloo: vbby3; ~7296; vJyg6 V3213; v7995 V3632; V4078: V4622; V5557; V733: V1400; V2112: V2709: V3212; ~3631; v5556; v6og8: v6bgl: V7294; V7994 v278; V4620; purposes: V5300; v6009: V4077: v732: v1399: ~2111; ~2708; ~3211; vjbjo; V5555; VbogJ: vbbgo; V7293; V7993 ~2510: ~3063: Vl207: Vl909: V5799: vb41o: V7000; VJ592 ~3475: vb692; V4621; ~4076; ~4389: 523 Exemptions, Number of head and wife: of other earner number one: ~7018; ~7610 of other earner number two: ~7021; VJb13 of other earner number three: of other earner number four: VJO2J; ~7619 of other earner number five: v7030; ~7622 of family: of head of others: of other earner, first: of other earner, second: of other earner, third: of other earner, fourth: of other earner, fifth: v700 1: v7953 VJ024; v7bl6 Income Low Income Marginal Tax TELEPHONE Telephone V83; and wife: Table ~1208; ~1910; ~2511; v3ob4; v34Jb; V5301; V5800; V6411; VJ399: ~8052 V1224; viy26; ~2527: ~3080: V3492; ~5820; vb431: ~7411; ~8064 Credit: Tax V532 Rate: ~7401; V3893; v3876; ~4390; V4409; V532l; ~8054 ~7403: V7405; ~8056 V8058 ~7407; v7409; v8obo V8062 V5OJb: V5649; v6lg6; vbJ8g V4391; V5302; V5801; V6412; V7400 Used for head and wife: VJOOZ: for other earner, first: V7594 v701g; for other earner, second: for other earner, third: for other earner, fourth: for other earner, fifth: V7022; VJ025: ~7028; V7031: V7611 VJbl4 vJb17 vJb2o V7623 (see also INTERVIEW INFORMATION, in Home, Telephone Interview) Telephone in Home, Telephone Interview: head’s: ~1108; wife’s: V4709 Whether: V548 Whether VlRO8; ~6309: V2409: ~6909; v3oOg: ~7509 v34og; ~3809: ~4309; v52og: ~5709: 524 TELEVISION TEST (see SPARE-TIME Television) SCORE Ammons Quick-Test: Vlg5&V376 Sentence-Completion score: TIME (see TIME USE TOTAL ACTIVITIES, V’s2730-2742 HOURS) (see HOURS; (see INCOME Family: Head Test: v2749 INCOMES TRANSFER Word (Bkt) SPARE-TIME INCOME, (see Money; appropriate ACTIVITIES) INCOME, Real) subheadings under INCOME) V918 (Chg) and Wife, Total: V252j&V2864 (Bkt) V4404&V5043(Bkt); V525tV833 (Bkt) ; vl220tV1526 ; V3076&V3268 (Bkt) ; vj488tv3688 ~5316; V5815: V6426; V7016; (Bkt) : vl9226V2238(Bkt) ; (Bk t) : V3889&V4 167 (Bk t) : V7608 Miscellaneous: V1527&V1528 (Bkt) ; V223gGV2240 (Bkt) ; v2865Gv2866 (Bkt) V326gtV3270 (Bkt) : V368gtV36gO(Bkt) : V41686V4169 (Bkt) ; V4401cV5044GV5045(Bkt): ~5313~~5628; v5812tv6175; V6423tV6768; ~7013~~7414; ~7605 : Others miscellaneous: total: ~4418: ‘~5331; ~5830; v644l; V7045; ~7637 V527GV834 (Bkt) : Vl2256Vl529 (Bkt) ; Vlg27GV2241 (Bkt) : V2528&v2867 (Bkt) : V308l&V3271 (Ekt) ; v34g3&v36gl (Bkt) ; V3905&V4170(Bkt): v44lg&V5046(Bkt); V5332; ~5831: V6442: V7046; V7638 Retirement head: V25g(Bkt) others: Social v3899: ; V707(Bkt); V1213&Vl523(Bkt); V2516&v286l(Bkt): V306g&V3265(Bkt); V388l&v4163 (Bkt) ; V43966V503g(Bkt) ~7008: ~7600 V4413; V5325; ~5825; V6436: Vlg15&V2235(Bkt); Vlg15tV2235(Bkt); V3481&V3685(Bkt): ; ~5307; ~5807: V7040: ~6418; ~7632 Security head others: and wife: v38g8; ~258; V706(Bkt); V2515&v2860 (Bkt) V3880&V4162(Bkt): v7oo7; v7599 V4412; V5324; Vl212tV1522(Bkt): : vjo68&v3264 (Bkt) V4395&V5038(Bkt) V5551; ~5824; ~6435: Vl914tv2234(Bkt): : v348Ocv3684 (Bkt) : ; ~5306; ~5806: V6417: V7039: ~7631 525 Supplemental Security head and Income wife: others: ~3884&V4166(Bkt); V44006V5042(Bkt); V6415; V7005; v7597 Vjgo2; V4416; V532g; ~5822: V6433; V5312; V7037; V5804; v762g Welfare ADC, AFDC head and wife: ‘43896; others: Other and wife: others: V5322; ~5821; V6432; V7036; Vl218(Bkt); V3887(Bkt); Public: V257(Bkt); V705(Bkt); Vl2ll&Vl521 Vlg13tV2233 (Ekt) : V2514LV285g (Bkt) V347g&V3683(Bkt) : v387gtv4161 (Bkt) V5305: ~5805; ~6416; ~7006: VT598 ‘43897: TRANSPORTATION (see V4411; V5323; Vlg2O(Bkt); V4402; V5314: also V7628 CARS; ~5823; V6434; V7038; V252l(Bkt): V3074(Bkt): ~5813: V6424: V7014; JOURNEY (Bktl ; ; V30676V3263 ; V4394EV5037 (Bkt) (Bkt) ; ; V7630 V3486(Bkt); V7606 TO WORK) V142 V577: adequacy: availability: TRAVEL V4410; Welfare head Wife: VBo&V256(Bkt); V523&V704(Bkt)&V832(BktI; Vl2Og&V152O(B&t); VlgllBV2232 (Bkt): V2512&V2858(Bkt); VjO65&Vj262 (Bk t) ; V3477GV3682 (Bk t) ; V3877&V4 160 (Bk t) : V43g2&V5036(Bkt); V5303: ~5802: V6413; V7003; V75g5 TO WORK (see UNEMPLOYMENT (see V1250; Vl953; V2553; V3103: V3516; ~5358; ~5858: v6468: ~7073; V7664 ~576: V5357: Vl24g: v5057: vlg52; v6467; v2552; v7072; ~3102; v7663 '43929; ~3515; V4444; v3g28; V4443: JOURNEY TO WORK) also EMPLOYMENT, Hours, unemployed) Head Periods annual: V4g: weeks: V220: of v46g; Vll42: Vl843; V2443; V303l: V3427; V5240; V5739; V6344; 'f6g42: ~7538 ~3827; ~4338; V657(Bkt)&V672(Bkt) : VI291 (E)&Vl336(U); Vlgg7 (E)&V2042 (U) : V25g5 (E) tV2642 (U) ; ‘I3128 (E) tV315g (U) : V3543 (E) ~3575 UJ) : v3gg6 (E) tV4030 (~1 : ~4505 (E) tv4568 (U) ; V5414 (E) CV5470 (U) ; V5gO3 (E) &V5gg7 (U) : V6.514 (E) tV6570 (U) : V7117(E)&V7172(U): V774O(E)&V782O(U) Unemployment how many non-job hunting periods (series 1): how many non-job hunting periods (series 2): v7762E). how many non-job hunting periods (series 3): v7769 v7755 (E) . v7828 (U) v7835W) (E) , ~7842 (U) 526 more than one time period v7827 (u) without job hunting (series 1): V7754(E). more than one time period v7834 (U) without job hunting (series 2): v776l(E), more than one time period V7841 (U) without job hunting (series 3): v7768 number of weeks unemployed (series 1): V775l (E) , V7824 (U) number of weeks unemployed (series 2): ~7758 (El, V7831 (U) number of weeks unemployed (series 3): V7765 (E) , v7838 (u) opening date of unemployed period (series 1): v7750 (E) , ~7823 (U) opening date of unemployed period (series 2): v7757 (E) , ~7830 (U) opening date of unemployed period (series 3): v7764 (E) , v7837 (U) returned to (0 . ~7854 higher/lower unemployment any wage other what of source of weeks with other income income: v778l received: whether benefits used whether thought eligible: not apply: up: v7774 (E) , v784g v7772 sources: benefits did ~7776 benefits: whether why rate: (LO compensation number Wife; (El . v7777 (El, V7770 (0 (U) (El , v7845 ~7778 (El. . v7843 (U) v7771 (E) a v7844 (u) v7773 (El, NJ) (0, v7846 v7775 (El , ~7847 0-0 v7850 (u) . v785l (U) . v7848 (u) (U) whether did not job hunt V7826 (U) (series 1): v7752 (E) , v7753 (E) , v7825 (Ul . whether did not job hunt ~7833 (u) (series 2): V7759 (E) . v7760 (0 , v7832 (U) , whether did not job hunt V7840 (U) (series 3): v7766 (El . v7767 6) . VT839 W whether earlier period of unemployment (series 2): V7756(E), whether earlier period of unemployment (series 3): v7763 whether returned to same employer: v7779 W . ~7852 W whether returned to same type ~7780 (0 , v7853 (u) v3833; v4727; v6554; V7548 job: v7829(U) (E) , V7836 V6356 annual: weeks: ~4060; v4888 V7212 v5252: (E)&v4552 (E) tV7244 v5751; V6356; (U) ; v5519; (U) ; V7903 ~6050: (E) tV7933 V6610 (U) (E) eV6642 . (u) ; (Ul 527 Whether in Past head: UNION Year V219 (EU) ; v656 (E) ; V1290 (El V354.2 (E) : V3995 (E) ; V5413 (E) c’W69 (‘J) ; v7116(E)&V7171 (U) ; i VI996 (E) ; V2594 (E) ; V3127 (E) : V4504 (E) bV4567 (VI ; V5902 (El ~v5996 (U) i V65 13 (El sV656g V7739(E)AV7819 wife: V4887 (E) &V4951 (U) ; ~5518; v604g; v6609 (E) 6~6641 V72 II (E) &V7243 (U) ; V7902 (E) CV7932 (VI number of periods of, head: ‘43997 (E) tV4031 (U) : V4506 (E) &v456g V’s5415(E)&5416(E).V’s547l(U)&5472(U) wife: V4059: MEMBERSHIP Membership (see in, (u) ; also V4889 (E) &V4953 (U) : (U) ; V’s5520&552 I LABOR UNIONS) Whether head: V294: wife: V4861 (0 V766: V1434; V2145: V2787; V3636; V4087; V447g(E)&V4624; v’s5383(E)&5391 (E) .v5559: V5878(Elev588l (El ,v5921; V6496 (El. ~6707; V7099 (El .V7340: V7710 (El ,‘I7971 ; V6595W. v67og: V7197 (E) ,V7342; v7883 (E) .V7973 UTILITIES Annual Payments, V6332; V6gj AnnuaI Payments, coal, wood, total: V14: I ; VT699 (Sum) other electricity: V7687 oil: v769o water/sewage: Government Whether: Whether bottled Whether pay, coal, wood, electric: VT693 W96 Subsidy: W33; ~7083; ~7674 gas: ~7686 other fuels: V7681 gas: ~7685 oiI: VW% water/sewage: Why Not vll33: ~7682 gas: Annual fuels: ~460; v7695 Pay, electric: water/sewage: Vi’684 VT698 vi’529 ‘.‘7692 ~1834; V2434; ~5231; v572g; (u) ; 528 VACATION (see also EMPLOYMENT; HOURS) Head weeks paid: weeks taken: weeks paid: weeks taken: V3990 (E) ; V4499 V222: V3539 V5410 V7 113 (E) : v5408 (E) V653 (Bkt) ; VI287 (E) (E) i V3992 (El : v45o (E) ~~5461 (U) : v5899 (E) tV7 164 (U) ; v7763 ; V1993 (E) : V2591 (E) ; ~3124 (E) ; 1 (0 CV4559 (U) ; (E) cV5989 (U) : V6510 (E) &V6562 (u) ; (E) ~78 12 (U) Wife Whether VETERANS in V4882 (E) V4884 (E) .V494j (u) ; ~5515; ~7208 (0 cv7236 (U) ; V7899 Past (u) ; head: V652 (E) : VI286 (E) ; V1992 (E) ; V2590 (E) ; V3123 (E) ; V3538 (E) ; V3991 (E) ; V4500 (E) tV4558 (U) ; V5409 (E) tv5460 (U) ; v5898 (E) tv5988 (U) ; v65og (E) &v6561 (U) ; v7 112 (E) tv7 163 (u) ; V7735 (El CV7811 (U) wife: V4883 (see also RECORD: WAGE (see (E) ~~6634 Year (E) GV4942 (u) ; V5514; V6045; v7207 (El F.V7235 (U) : v7898 DEMOGRAPHlC DATA, Armed V6605 (E) &V6633 (E) CV7924 (U) V3243; V2786 HOURLY EARNINGS) WEIGHT Family, 1968: 1972: v439; v2g68; vlbog; V3301; Updated, 1972: V5665 Updated, 1978: ~6212 Updated, 1979: ~6805 Updated, 1980: V745) Updated, 1981: ~8103 1981: ~8420 Individual Updated, ~2321 V372,: V4224: (u) ; Services) Whether: v315: v796; V1487; V2199: ~2825; ~5603; v6152; v674g; ~7382; V8034 VOTING V6046; V6606 (E) cV7925 (u) V5099 ~3665: V4140; ~4683; 529 WELL-OFFNESS Money MEASURES V328&V343(Bkt) ,V435; Income: V8jj’&V838 (Bkt) &V’ s927-930 (Chg) LV’s992.lOO5 V1532&V1533(Bkt)&V1612(Dec); V2244LV2245 V287OLV287 1 (Bkt) LV2953 (Dee) (Dee) ; (Bkt) LV2324 (Dee) ; Net Real Income: V32gLV344 (Bkt) ,V436; V846LV847 (Bkt) ; V854&V855 (Bkt) &V’sg36,937 (Chg)&V’s995,1006 (Dee) ; V1542.V1543(EIkt) ,Vl55O&V1551 (Bkt)&Vl615(Dec); V2254LV2255 (Bkt) .V2262&V2263 (Bkt)&V2327 (Dee) ; V2880LV288 1 (Bk t) .V2888&v2889 (Bk t) &v2956 (Dee) Net Real Income Minus Housing: v33OLV345 (Bkt) ,v437: V8botV861 (Bkt) .v862&v’sg4o.g41 (Chg)&V’sg98.1007 (Dee) : Vl556&Vl557(Bkt) ~1558(Bkt)&Vl618(Dec); V2268tV2269 (Bkt) ,V2270LV2330 (Dee) : V2895&V2896 (Bk t) .V2897&V2959 (Dee) WORD TEST (see INTELLIGENCE WORK (see EMPLOYMENT; TESTING; HOURS; TEST HOUSEWORK) SCORE) ; Part 2: Numerical Index of Fourteen-Year Family Code This index lists the 1981 variables in numerical order with the comparable 1968-1980 variables included. Note that the 1976 heads’ and wives’ data are not listed in separate columns. Where blanks occur, there is no similar data item for that particular 1981 variable. variables. Thus, this index does not contain all the merged-tape family An attempt has been made to annotate small differences such as coding formats or field width variations; the lower case alphabetic characters appear directly beneath the variables to which they refer. The codes for their interpretation will be found following this index. All variables listed herein should be comparable for analysis purposes with, perhaps, some recoding. Again, despite careful checking, errors may exist, and the user should consult the tape codes before doing analysis. Cross-Reference List -Description” of Variable 1961 1968 1981 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7502 CURRENT STATE 7503 0093 CURRENT COUNTY 7504 0094 CURRENT COUNTY STATE SIZE LARGEST IN SMSA SPLITOFF AND CITY 7505 7506 1369 1970 0537 1103 0536 0095 0539 a lNDIClTOR 7507 197 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 ,803 2403 3003 3403 3803 I,04 ,804 2404 3004 3404 ‘(05 ,805 2405 3005 1506 1616 2406 1106 ,606 2407 ,976 1977 1973 1979 4303 5203 5703 6303 6903 3604 4304 5204 5704 6304 6904 3405 3805 4305 5205 5705 6305 6905 3006 3406 3606 4 306 5206 5706 6306 6906 3007 3407 3807 4307 5207 5707 6307 6907 1980 b 0909 b 7508 ,107 ,807 2408 3006 3408 380.3 4308 5208 5708 6308 6909 WHETHER PHONE INTERVIEW 7509 1106 c ,606 2409 3009 3409 3909 4309 5209 5709 6309 6909 FAMILY CHANGE COMPOSITION 7510 1109 1909 2410 3010 3410 3.310 4310 52 10 5710 6310 6910 NUMBER MOVED I1 10 1610 2411 30,l 341, 381, 431, 521, 571, 6311 6911 ,111 ,811 2412 3012 3412 3812 4372 5212 5712 6312 6912 ,112 ,812 2413 3013 34,3 3813 4313 5213 5713 6313 69,3 WHETHER REFUSED c MOVER-IN’S RELATION NUMBER 0542 IN 751, 0128 0.e 0543 7512 0129 0544 7513 0130 d.e 0545 0546 1113 1313 2414 30,4 3414 3814 4314 52,4 5714 6314 6914 0547 1114 ,614 24,5 3015 3415 3815 43f5 5215 5715 6315 6915 054 1 1, ,5 ,615 2416 3016 3416 38,6 4316 5216 5716 6316 6316 e TO HEAD MOVED OUT MOVER-OUT’S RELATION TO HEAD 7514 013, CURRENT FAMILY COMPOSTION 7515 0114 QUALITY 7516 OF MATCH e f Description of Variable ,9*1 HOMEOWNER'S VALUE ACCURACY VALUE HOUSE OF HOUSE ,517 1966 0005 1969 1970 0449 ,122 9 7516 0007 0 9 197 1 1972 1973 1974 ,975 1623 9 2423 302 1 3 3417 3817 3818 9 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 4319 5217 5717 63 19 6917 4319 5216 5718 6320 6918 0 0450 ,123 1624 2424 045 1 1124 1825 2425 4320 5219 5719 6321 6919 3418 REMAINING MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 7519 ACCURACY OF REMAINING MORTGAGE PRINCIPAL 7520 0319 0452 1125 1826 2426 4321 5220 5720 6322 6920 ANNUAL MORTGAGE PAYMENTS 752 1 WOE cc 0453 cc ,126 cc 1827 cc 2427 CC 4322 522% 5721 6323 692 1 ACCURACY OF MORTGAGE PAYMENTS 7522 0009 0454 1127 1828 2428 4323 5222 5722 6324 6922 ANNUAL PROPERTY TAXES 7523 0006 dd 0822 a* 1509 dd 4325 5224 6325 6923 ACCURACY PROPERTY 7524 OF ANNUAL 6924 RENTER'S RENT ANNUAL 7525 0010 0455 ,126 1829 2429 3023 34 19 3819 4326 5225 5723 6326 6925 ACCURACY RENT OF ANNUAL 7526 001‘ 0456 ,129 1.330 2430 3024 3420 3820 4327 5226 5724 6327 6326 ANNUAL VALUE IF RENTED 7577 0012 0457 ,130 1631 2431 3025 3411 3821 4330 5229 5727 6330 6929 ACCURACY IF RENTED 75213 oat3 0458 ,131 ,632 2432 3026 3422 3822 4331 5230 5728 6331 6930 OF VALUE AMOUNT OF GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY FOR HEATING COSTS 7529 6933 Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 1966 ,969 1970 1971 List 1972 1973 WORK HOURS- 753c 0047 0465 1138 ,639 2439 3027 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL WORK HOURS-HEAD 7531 0048 0466 ,139 1640 2440 3028 ILLNESS HOURS OTHERS-HEAD 7532 ,974 1975 1976 1977 1973 1979 1980 3623 4332 5232 5731 6336 6934 3624 4333 5233 5732 6337 6935 0051 QQ 4334 5234 5733 6336 6336 7533 0052 QQ 4335 5235 5734 6339 6937 7534 005 1 h.QQ 0467 ,140 1941 244 1 3029 3425 3625 4336 5236 5735 6340 6933 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL HOURS OF ILLNESSHEAD 7535 0052 QQ 0468 114t 1642 2442 3030 3426 3626 4337 5237 5736 634 1 6333 ANNUAL STRIKE HOURS-HEAD 7536 0049 QQ 4340 5236 5737 6342 6940 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL STRIKE HOURS-HEAD 7537 0050 QQ 434 1 5239 5738 6343 694 1 ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS-HEAD 7538 0049 99 0469 1142 1643 2443 303 1 3427 3627 4336 5240 5739 6344 6942 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS-HEAD 7539 0050 QQ 0470 1143 ,844 2444 3032 3428 3828 4333 524, 5740 6345 6943 WIFE’S HOURS 7540 0053 0475 1148 1849 2443 3035 3431 3631 4344 4716 aa 5244 5743 6348 6946 754 1 0054 0476 ,149 ,650 2450 3036 3432 3632 4345 4720 aa 5245 5744 6349 6947 ANNUAL HEAD ACCURACY OF ILLNESS HOURS OTHERS-HEAD OF OF ANNUAL HOURS OF ILLNESS-HEAD ANNUAL WORK ACCURACY OF WIFE'S ANNUAL WORK HOURS 3424 Description of Variable 19e1 ,966 1969 ,970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1676 1977 ,978 1979 1980 ILLNESS HOURS OF OTHERS-WIFE ,542 472, PP 5246 5745 6350 6948 ACCURACY OF ILLNESS HOURS OF OTHERS-WIFE 7543 4722 PP 5247 5746 635 1 6349 ANNAUL HOURS OF ILLNESS-WIFE ,544 4,23 PP 5246 5747 6352 6950 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL HOURS OF ILLNESSWIFE 7545 4724 PP 5249 5746 6353 695 1 ANNUAL STRIKE HOURS-WIFE 7546 4725 PP 5250 5749 6354 6952 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL STRIKE HOURS-WIFE ,547 4726 PP 525, 5750 6355 6953 ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS-WIFE 7548 3633 4727 PP 5252 5751 6356 6954 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS-WILE 7549 3634 4726 PP 5253 5752 6357 6955 NUMBER OF MAJOR ADULTS 7550 007 I * 0492 FAMILY SIZE 7551 0115 0493 e NUMBER OF ROOMS REWIRED 7552 WEEKLY 7553 FOOD NEED ANNUAL NEED STANDARD 75511 0124 0032 1166 1867 2467 3043 3455 3655 4370 5280 5779 6360 6956 ,167 1666 2466 3017 343, 3637 4346 5254 5755 636 1 6959 ,168 1869 2469 3016 3436 3636 4347 5255 5756 6362 6960 ,169 1670 2470 3019 3439 3.939 4348 5256 5757 6363 696 1 ,170 1671 2471 3020 3440 3840 4349 5257 5756 6364 6962 * 059 I 0495 Description of Variable 1969 1970 1972 1673 1974 1977 1978 1979 1980 7555 048 1 bb 1154 bb 1655 bb 2455 bb 3037 bb 3449 bb 4711 PP 5260 5759 6365 6963 7556 O-l62 bb 1155 bb 1856 bb 2456 bb 3038 bb 3450 bb 47,2 PP 5261 5760 6366 6364 ANNUAL HOUSEWORK HOURS-HEAD 7557 0481 0463 bb ,154 1156 bb 1185 1657 bb 2455 2457 bb 3037 3039 bb 3449 345 1 bb 4350 5262 5761 6367 6965 ACCURACY OF HOUSEWORK HOURSHEAD 7558 0482 0464 bb 1155 1157 bb 1656 1858 bb 2456 2456 bb 3038 3040 bb 3450 3452 bb 4351 5263 5762 6366 6966 ANNUAL HOUSEWORK HOURS OF OTHERS 7559 0465 1158 2459 304 1 3453 4352 5264 5763 6369 ACCURACY OF HOUSEWORK HOURS OF OTHERS 7560 0466 1159 2460 3042 3454 4353 5265 5764 6370 6966 NUMBER OF PERSONS FOR WHOM FOOD STAMPS ISSUED 7561 3643 4356 5266 5765 6371 6969 AMOUNT SAVED WITH FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH 7562 3646 4353 5269 5766 6374 6970 ACCURACY, AMT. SAVED WITH FOOD STAMPS LAST MONTH 7563 3647 4360 5270 5769 6375 6971 ANNUAL FOOD EXPENDITURE 7564 ACCURACY, FOOD EXPENDITURE 7565 ANNUAL HOUSEWORK HOURS-WIFE ACCURACY OF HOUSEWORK HOURSWIFE 1981 1966 0037 1 1 050 1 1 0038 1660 ,175 0500 i 1971 ,876 1 ,176 1 1677 / 1 1975 1976 2476 1.2 3441 3841 4354 5271 5770 6376 6972 2477 3442 3642 4355 5272 5771 6377 6973 Cross-Reference Description of Variable ,981 1968 1969 1970 1971 List 1972 ,973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 ,979 ,980 ANNUAL AMOUNT SPENT EATING OUT 7566 0506 1185 1886 2480 3445 3853 4368 5273 5772 6378 6974 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL AMOUNT SPENT EATlNG OUT 7567 0507 1166 1887 248 1 3446 3664 4369 5274 5773 6379 6975 AMOUNT SAVED WITH FOOD STAMPS, PREVIOUS YEAR 7568 1183 I ,884 2478 3443 3851 4364 5277 5776 6382 6976 ACCURACY, AMT. SAVED WITH FOOD STAMPS, PREV. YEAR 7569 1184 ,885 2479 3444 3852 4365 5278 5777 6383 6977 NUMBER OF MONTHS USED FOOD STAMPS LAST YEAR 7570 4367 5279 5778 6384 6978 LABOR PART OF FARM INCOME-HEAD 757 1 4371 528 t 5780 6389 6973 Ld8OR PART OF BU51NESS INCOME HEdiD 7572 4372 5282 578 1 6390 6980 ANNUAL 7573 ,191 PCC”R*CY OF HEbO’S ANNUAL WAGES 7574 1192 OVERTIME, eONuS. COMMISSIONS-HEAD 7575 PROFESSIONAL PRdCTICE OR TRAOEHEAD 7576 WAGES-“EAD 0045 Q.1 0510 J 0046 0511 j 0253 I 0701 J J J 1189 m 3044 1190 m 3045 3456 3856 nl m 3457 m m 3657 n m 2493 3046 3458 3658 4373 5263 5782 639 t 1893 2434 3047 3459 3859 4374 5264 5783 6392 6982 1193 n 1894 m 2495 m 3048 m 3460 4375 5285 5784 6393 6983 ,194 ,895 2496 3049 8% 346 1 m 4376 5266 5785 6394 6984 111 m m m 386 1 m Description of Variable ,981 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1896 m 2497 3050 1896 2497 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 5297 5786 1979 1980 Q 6395 Q.W 6985 Q.W Q 6396 Q.W 6986 g.94 LABOR PART OF INCOME FROM MARKET GARDENING 7577 LABOR PART OF INCOME FROM ROOMERS 7579 ACCURACY OF HEAD'S LABOR INCOME, EXCEPT “AGES 7579 0085 0515 1197 1898 2499 3052 3464 3964 4379 5787 TOTAL LABOR INCOME-WIFE 75.90 0075 0516 1198 1899 2500 3053 3465 3965 4379 5788 6398 6988 ACCURACY OF WIFE’S TOTAL LABOR INCOME 7581 0086 0517 ,199 1900 2501 3054 3466 3866 4390 5789 6399 6989 ASSET PART INCOME-HEAD 7582 1901 m 2502 m 1201 m 1902 m 2503 1202 m 1903 m 2504 1202 m 1903 m 2504 1203 m 1904 I 2505 m m m 1215 11 1917 II 2518 11 307 1 II 3493 11 1195 rn 1195 m OF FIRM & WIFE ASSET PART OF BUSINESS INCOMEHEAD & WIFE 7583 ASSET PART OF INCOME FRO” MARKET GARDENING 7594 ASSET PART OF INCOME FROM ROOMERS 7585 INCOME FROM RENT, INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ETC. 7596 ALIMONY-HEAD WIFE 7587 & ,200 0255 0703 m m m 3462 m m 3050 3462 m m 3055 3057 3469 3057 3058 4302 3869 3409 4383 3869 5790 5292 5791 5293 Q 5295 4398 11 5294 Q Q Q 699 1 Q 6401 Q 6402 5792 Q 6992 Q 5792 6403 Q Q 4384 6990 6400 Q Q 5293 4393 69.57 Q Q m 3870 529 1 Q Q a m 3470 Q 111 m In In 438, 3869 5786 5297 Q m m m m 4377 3967 3469 Q m m m 111 3862 3467 3056 4377 m m m m 3962 111 Q 6993 Q 5794 Q 6404 6994 6405 6995 Ill 3993 I1 5793 Q Q . . -.- I.----rC- Cross-Reference 1981 WIFE’S lNCOME 1968 ,969 1970 7566 ASSET 1971 List 1972 1973 1974 1975 3059 347 1 111 367 1 m 306 1 3473 3673 3060 3472 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 4365 5296 5795 6406 6996 4367 5298 5797 6407 6997 1204 m 1905 II) 2506 1206 1907 2508 I205 1906 Q 2507 1228 1908 2509 3062 3474 3674 4388 5299 9798 6409 6999 1207 1909 2510 3063 3475 3975 43.99 5300 5799 6410 7000 m II) ACCURACY OF HEAD & WIFE’S ASSET INCOME 7589 0087 0519 TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME-HEAD & WIFE 7590 CO76 Q 0518 AMOUNT CONTRlBUTED TO OUTSIDE DEPENDENTS 759, 0082 0530 (l.Q NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS 7592 TOTAL EXEMPTIONS FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAX-HEAD & WIFE 7593 7001 FEDERAL lNCOME TABLE USED-HEAD WIFE 7594 7002 TAX & Q 9 9 Q 9 3672 9 4366 9 5297 Q 5796 6998 6409 Q Q Q Q 7595 0523 1209 1911 2512 3065 3477 3877 4392 5303 5602 6413 7003 ACCURACY OF HEAD & WIFE’S ADC AND AFDC PAYMENTS 7996 0524 1210 1912 2513 3066 3476 3879 4333 5304 5803 6414 7004 SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOMEHEAD & WIFE 7597 3964 4400 5312 6415 7005 OTHER WELFARE-HEAD & WIFE 7598 ADC AND AFDC PAYMENTS-HEAD WIFE & 5904 Q Q 1211 ,913 2514 3067 3479 3879 4394 5305 5805 6416 Description of Variable 1981 196.9 1969 1970 197, (972 ,973 1974 1975 ,976 1977 1979 ,979 1960 SOCIAL SECURITYHEAD & WIFE 7599 1212 ,914 2515 3066 3460 3890 4395 5306 5606 64‘7 7007 OTHER RETIREMENT PAY-HEAD 7600 ,213 1915 2516 3069 3491 386 1 4396 5307 5907 64,9 7009 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION-HEAD 760, 1916 2517 3692 5609 6419 7009 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION-HEAD 7602 6420 7010 CHILD 7603 58 10 642, 701, 59(1 6422 7012 6423 7013 SUPPORT-HEAD HELP FROM RELATIVES-HEAD 7604 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS-HEAD 7605 WIFE’S INCOME ,606 0262 0710 m m 071, JJ 1916 JJ 25.17 11 3070 JJ 3462 JJ 3862 JJ 4397 JJ 5309 19,7 ii 25,8 1I 307 1 !I 34.53 11 36.53 ,, 4396 ,I 5310 2519 3072 34.54 m 3995 4399 5311 3465 3.586 RI 4401 3667 4402 5314 5913 6424 70,4 1216 111 ,918 ,217 1919 Ill A m 3073 2520 111 9 g 5612 5313 1920 n 252, m ,219 1921 2522 3075 3467 3968 4403 63,5 5614 6425 7016 ,220 ,922 2523 3076 3466 3889 4404 5316 5615 6426 7016 3074 m m m tl m ,2,6 m 5809 cl m I TRANSFER JJ 4397 JJ 5306 JJ 3070 1) 3462 JJ 3466 m In 9 cl 111 ACCURACY OF TRANSFERS EXCEPT ADC-HEAD & WIFE 7607 TOTAL TRANSFER INCOME-HEAD & WlFE 7606 TAXABLE INCOME FIRST HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 7609 70,7 7610 70$8 NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS OF FIRST HIGHEST OTHER EARNER OF 0525 Cross-Ref Description 1981 1966 1966 1970 197 I erence 1972 List ,973 1074 1975 1976 1677 1978 1979 1990 FEDERAL INCOME TABLE USED-1ST OTHER TAX 7611 7ot9 TAXABLE INCOME SECOND HIGHEST OTHER EARNER OF 7612 ,020 ,613 702 1 NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS OF SECOND HIGHEST OTHER EARNER FEDERAL INCOME TABLE USED-2ND OTHER TAX ,614 7022 TAXABLE INCOME THIRD HIGHEST OTHER EARNER OF ,615 ,023 76 (6 7024 NUMBER OF EXEMPTlONS OF THIRD HIGHEST OTHER EARNER FEDERAL INCOME TABLE USED- TAX ,617 7026 TAXABLE INCOME FOURTH HIGHEST OTHER EARNER OF ,6?8 7026 ,618 7027 ,620 7029 NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS OF FOURTH HIGHEST OTHER EARNER FEDERAL lNCOME TABLE USED-4TH OTHER TAX Cross-Reference 1981 TAXABLE INCOME FIFTH HIGHESTOTHER EARNER OF NUMBER OF EXEMPTIONS OF FIFTH HlGHEST OTHER EARNER FEDERAL INCOME TABLE USED-5TH OTHER ANNUAL OTHERS 1968 1969 1970 0520 1221 0521 0522 1971 List 1972 ,973 1974 1975 1917 1978 ,479 1980 1923 2524 3077 3483 3090 4405 531t 5816 6427 7032 1222 1924 2526 3078 3490 389 I 4406 5316 58i7 6429 7033 ,223 1925 2526 3079 349 1 3892 4407 5319 6a18 6429 7034 3894 4408 1976 7621 7622 TAX WORK HOURS- 7623 7624 TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME-OTHERS 7625 ACCURACY OF OTHERS’ TAXABLE INCOME 7626 ASSET PORTION OF OTHERS TAXABLE INCOME 7627 ADC, AFDC OTHERS 7628 3896 4410 5322 582 1 6432 7036 SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOMEOTHERS 7629 3902 4416 6329 5822 6433 7037 OTHER WELFAREOTHERS 7630 3897 4411 6323 5823 6434 7038 3898 4412 5324 5824 6435 7039 SOCIAL OTHERS INCOME- SECURITY- 0079 5320 5819 7035 6430 111 nl I m n ” ,9*1 1968 ,969 1970 197 f 1972 1973 ,974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 I980 7632 3899 4413 5325 5625 6436 7040 UNEMPLOYMENTOTHERS 7633 3900 JJ 4414 JJ 5326 5626 6437 704 1 WORKMEN’S COMPENSATIONOTHERS 7634 3900 JJ 44 14 JJ 6327 5827 6436 7042 CHlLD SUPPORTOTHERS 7635 3901 1I 4415 II 6326 5628 6439 7043 HELP FROM RELATIVES-OTHERS 7636 3903 4417 5330 5829 6440 7044 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS-OTHERS 7637 4418 6331 3630 644 1 7045 TOTAL TRANSFER INCOME-OTHERS 7638 0527 1225 1927 2528 308 1 3493 3905 4419 5332 583 1 6442 7046 ACCURACY OF OTHERS’ TRANSFER INCOME 7639 0526 1226 1928 2529 3082 3494 3906 4420 5333 5832 6443 7047 NUMBER OF INCOME RECEIVERS (OTHER THAN HEAD & WIFE) 7640 07 17 e ,227 1929 2630 3063 3495 3907 442 1 5334 5833 8444 7046 NUMBER OF LABOR INCOME RECEIVERS (OTHER THAN HEAD & WIFE ) 764 I 1930 253 I 3084 3496 3908 4422 5335 5634 6445 7049 1968 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7642 1932 2533 3085 3497 3909 4423 6336 5635 6446 RETIREMENT OTHERS INCOME- m 3904 m 0265 e ooO3 0534 1230 4731 PP Cross-Re ference Description of Variable 1969 INTERVIEW NUMBER ,981 7643 1968 1969 1970 0442 1233 ,971 1933 List 1972 1973 1974 1975 2534 3086 3498 3910 1976 4424 1977 1978 1979 1980 5337 5836 6447 705 1 5336 5837 6448 7052 5339 5939 6449 7053 5340 5839 6410 7054 534 1 5840 6451 7055 5342 584 1 6452 7056 5343 5842 6453 7057 4732 PP 1970 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7644 1102 ,934 2535 3087 3499 3911 4425 4733 PP 1971 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7645 1802 2536 3088 3500 3912 4426 4734 PP 1972 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7646 2402 3089 350 I 3913 4427 4735 PP 1973 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7647 3002 3502 3914 4428 4736 PP 1974 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7648 3402 391s 4429 4737 PP 1975 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7649 3802 4430 4736 PP Description of Variable 198, 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 IS74 ,975 ,976 4302 1977 1978 1979 1980 5344 6843 6454 7058 5202 5844 6455 7059 5845 6466 7060 1976 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7650 1977 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7651 1979 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7652 1979 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7653 7061 1980 INTERVIEW NUMBER 7654 6902 DATE ,655 OF INTERVIEW LENGTH OF INTERVIEW 7656 0099 1.m 0553 1.m 1236 1 .m 1939 m 0100 0554 1237 1940 2539 3092 m 3918 3505 m m 4433 m 3919 3093 5347 n 474 I PP 4434 5847 m 6459 In ,064 m 5348 6848 6460 7065 4742 PP NUMBER IN FAMILY 7657 “115 0549 1238 1941 254 1 3094 3507 3920 4435 5349 5849 646 I 7066 2542 3095 3508 392 I 4436 5350 5650 6462 7067 AGE OF HEAD 7658 0117 1008 1239 1942 SEX OF HEAD 7659 0119 1010 1240 1943 2543 3096 3509 3922 4437 535 1 5651 6463 7068 AGE OF WIFE 7660 0118 t011 1241 1944 2544 3097 3510 3923 4438 5352 5852 6464 7069 5353 5653 6465 7070 4743 PP NUMBER IN FU OF CHILDREN 7661 0398 0550 9 ,242 ‘945 2545 3511 3924 4439 AGE OF YOUNGEST CHILD 7662 WHETHER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION NEAR 1013 n 1243 1946 2546 3099 3512 3925 4440 5354 5854 6466 707 1 7663 0576 1249 1952 2552 3102 3515 3928 4443 5357 5857 6467 7072 ADEQUACY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 7664 0577 1250 ,953 2553 3103 35 16 3929 4444 5359 5858 6468 7073 WHETHER ADDRESS IS INSlDE LIMITS OF CITY 7665 DISTANCE OF ClTY TO CENTER 7666 DISTANCE TO CENTER OF NEAREST CITY 7667 WHETHER OWNS CAR OR TRUCK 7668 0578 1251 1954 2554 3104 3517 3930 4445 5359 5959 6472 7077 NUMBER TRUCKS 7669 058 1 1254 1957 2557 393 1 4446 5360 5860 6473 7078 3520 3932 4447 536 1 5861 6474 7079 352 I 3937 4448 5362 5862 6477 7090 3939 4449 5363 5963 6479 709! OF CARS OWNED 0120 in AND 0140 n 0143 TOTAL MILES DRIVEN DURING YEAR 7670 ACTUAL ROOMS 767, Of02 7672 0190 TYPE NUMBER OF HOUSING OF TYPE OF HEATING FUEL USED FOR DWELLING 7673 ” ” 3107 2937 2211 1499 0810 ” 2565 1966 1263 0592 n n 7092 Description of Variable ,991 ,968 7674 WHETHER RENTS 7675 0103 7676 0104 WHETHER HAS MORTGAGE # YEARS LEFT MORTGAGE ON WHETHER DU IS RENTED FURNISHED 7679 REASON RENT 7680 FOR FREE FOR 768, ,693 OF BILL WHY DOESN’T PAY FOR ELECTRICITY 7694 WHETHER GAS 7695 PAYS FOB WHETHER BOTTLED 7686 TOTAL 769, GAS BILL ,973 (974 ,975 1976 ,977 ‘978 1379 ,990 0593 ,264 ,967 2566 0594 ,265 ,968 2567 3,09 3522 3939 4450 5364 5864 6470 7084 6480 7095 648 1 7086 0104 0595 ,266 ,971 2570 6482 7087 n 7682 ELECTRIC ACCURACY ELECTRIC ,972 7677 ,679 TOTAL BILL 1971 n WHETHER SECOND MORTGAGE WHETHER PAYS ELECTRICITY ,970 7093 WHETHER RECEIVED GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY FOR HEATING COSTS OWNS OR ,969 0105 0596 1267 ,972 2571 3109 3523 3940 4329 5227 5725 6328 6927 445, 5365 5965 6493 7089 Description of Variable ,981 ACCURACY BILL WHETHER HEATING TOTAL OF GAS PAYS OIL OIL ACCURACY BILL FOR 1968 OF OIL 769 I WHETHER PAYS FOR COAL OR WOOD 7692 TOTAL BILL 7693 ACCURACY OF COAL/ WOOD BILL 7694 WHETHER PAYS FOR WATER & SEWAGE ,695 TOTAL WATER SEWAGE BILL 7696 ACCURACY OF WATER & SEWAGE BILL 7697 WHY DOESN’T PAY FOR WATER & SEWAGE 7699 ANNUAL 7699 UTILITIES 0460 ,133 197 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 ,978 (979 ,980 5231 5729 6332 693 1 7689 7690 & 1970 7688 BILL COAL/WOOD 1969 0014 e WHETHER MOVED SINCE SPRING 7700 MONTH OF MOST RECENT MOVE 7701 ,834 2434 e Q 0603 1274 1979 2577 3110 3524 394 1 4452 5366 5866 6494 7089 3942 4453 5367 5867 6485 7090 Cross-Reference ,991 WHY MOVED ,969 7702 1969 1970 0604 1275 n ,990 1276 (99, n WHETHER MIGHT MOVE 7703 0111 0605 ” CERTAINTY OF FUTURE MOVE 7704 WHY MIGHT 7 705 MOVE 0112 STATUS- 7706 0606 0196 ” 0639 n 1973 1974 ,975 2578 3,1, 3525 3943 ” ” 2579 n 31,2 ,976 ,977 ,979 ,979 ,980 4454 5368 5868 6496 709 1 3944 4455 5369 5969 6487 7092 3945 4456 5370 5870 6498 7093 3946 4457 5371 5971 6499 7094 4459 5373 5872 6492 7095 3970 446, 5376 5875 6493 7096 397, 3975 4462 4467 5377 5395 5976 5879 6494 7097 n 3526 1277 ” 1982 ” 2590 ,278 1983 n 2581 1986 2584 n ” 3,,4 n n 3967 3528 n 7709 WHETHER CURRENT JOB COVERED BY UNION CONTRACT (E) 7709 4478 kk 5392 5390 5977 5880 6495 7098 WHETHER MEMBER OF THAT UNION (E) 7710 4479 kk 5393 5391 5878 6496 7099 # MONTHS WITH PRESENT EMPLOYER 77,, 0200 rl.ff 0642 ff ,291 ff ,987 ff 4490 5394 5392 OCCUPATION HEAD (E) 7712 0197 n.0 0640 n.0 1279 ” ,984 7713 3,17 ” ” WHETHER WORKS FOR GOVERNMENT (E) CODE-HEAD ,280 3527 ” 7707 INDUSTRY (E) 0641 31,3 ” WHETHER WORKS FOR SOMEONE SELF, ELSE, OR BOTH (E) CODE- 019a 1972 ” n EMPLOYMENT HEAD 197, List 2585 ff 2582 n ($85 3, Ia ff 3533 ff 3993 3994 ‘f 3115 3530 3968 n 2583 ” 3532 3416 n 3531 n n 5374 4459 n n 3969 n n 4460 n 5874 5375 n 6497 5873 n n 7100 ” 6498 ” n 7101 ” n Description of Variable WHETHER OR PAID (E) 199 I SALARIED BY HOUR 7715 WHETHER OVERTIME 77 16 FOR 1969 ,970 ,971 77 14 REGULAR SALARY (PER HOUR BASIS) (E) PAID (E) 1969 SALARIED OVERTIME (PER HOUR BASIS) 7717 REGULAR HOURLY WAGE FOR HOURLY EMPLOYEES (E) ,718 OVERTIME HOURLY WAGE FOR HOURLY EMPLOYEES (E) 77,9 MODE OF PAY IF NOT SALARIED OR HOURLY (E) 7720 OVERTIME HOURLY PAY FOR NONSALARIED, NONHOURLY EMPLOYEES 7721 NUMBER OF MONTHS AT PRESENT POSlTION (E) 7722 WHETHER DOING SAME TASKS ON JOB AS A YEAR AGO (E) 7723 1297 a.hh 0667 g.hh 0667 g.hh 2003 P.g.hh 1972 ,973 ,974 1975 2600 hh 3133 hh 3548 hh 4002 hh 4509 2601 g.hh 3134 a.hh 3549 a.hh 4003 a.hh 4510 2599 hh 313, hh 3546 hh 4OOQ hh 451, ,976 a ,294 hh 2m 1295 g.hh 2001 g.hh 2599 g.hh 3132 g.hh 3547 a.hh 400( g.hh 4512 1297 a.hh 2003 g.p.hh 2601 g.hh 3134 Q.hh 3549 D.hh 4003 g.hh 4513 1295 g.hh 200, g.hh 2599 g.hh 3132 a.hh 3547 g.hh 4001 a.hh 4514 hh 0642 ff 1978 ,979 I sao 5420 5907 6518 7121 542 I a 5908 6519 7122 5422 5909 6520 7123 5910 652 1 7124 591, 6522 7125 5912 6523 7t26 9913 6524 7127 5914 6525 7128 5888 6499 7102 5423 P 0 5424 g !a 5425 !a a 5426 45,5 0200 “,ff ,977 ,297 a.hh 2003 g.p.hh 26Oi g.hh 3134 g.hh 3549 Q.hh 4003 g.hh 4516 128, ff 1997 ff 2585 ff 3,,a ff 3533 ff 3983 3984 ff 4498 5427 6 a 5397 Description of Variable 1981 WHAT NEW TASKS-VP OR DOWNGRADEOF JOB (E) 7724 WHAT NEW TASKSNUMBER (E) 7725 1968 1969 1970 (97 1 1972 1973 1974 MONTH STARTED JOB (E) WHAT HAPPENED TO PREVIOUS JOB (E) 7727 020 1 0 0643 1292 1988 WHETHER PRESENT JOB BETTER OR WORSE (E) 7728 0202 ” 0645 1284 1990 WHY BETTER OR WORSE (E) 7729 0646 ,285 PRESENT JOB PAY MORE? (E) 7730 0644 1283 1999 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE OTHERS WERE ILL (E) 7731 0654 99 ,298 PSI 1994 09 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED DUE TO OTHERS’ ILLNESS (E)-HEAD 7732 0655 m.00 ,299 99 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE SELF ILL (E) 7733 0654 ZIP NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED DUE TO ILLNESS OF SELF 7734 0655 m.09 0211 m.99 022 1 m.99 2599 1975 ,976 1977 1978 ,979 1980 3995 4499 5399 5889 6500 7 103 3119 3534 3986 4490 5399 5890 6501 7 104 3121 3536 3989 449 1 5400 699 I 6602 7105 3989 4492 5401 5892 6503 7106 3122 3120 3535 3997 4493 5402 5893 6504 7 107 2592 99 3125 00 3540 00 3993 90 4494 5403 5894 6505 7109 1995 99 2593 SW 3126 90 354 1 00 3994 09 4496 5405 5895 7 109 1288 99 ,994 99 2592 *!a 3125 89 3540 09 3993 90 4497 5406 5896 7110 1299 09 1995 89 2593 90 3126 09 354 1 99 3994 09 4499 5407 5897 6608 7111 Cross-Reference Description of Variable WHETHER VACATION 1981 1969 7735 TOOK (E) NUMBER OF WEEKS OF VACATION (E)-HEAD 7736 WHETHER (E) 7737 ON STRIKE 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 0652 1286 1992 2590 3123 3539 399 I 1287 1993 259 1 3124 3539 0656 09 1290 99 1996 09 2594 09 3127 94 0657 m.09 1291 08 1997 90 2595 90 0656 90 1290 09 1996 00 0657 m.99 1291 99 0653 m NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED ON STRIKE (E)-HEAD 7738 WHETHER 7739 UNEMPLOYED 0222 1969 0220 m.a.99 1971 List 1976 1977 1978 1979 ,980 4500 5409 5898 6509 7112 3992 4501 5410 5899 6510 7113 3542 L7g 3995 99 4502 5411 5900 6511 7114 3129 09 3543 09 3996 00 4503 5412 5901 6512 7115 2594 90 3127 9g 3542 00 3995 00 4504 5413 5902 6513 7116 1997 99 2595 09 3128 99 3543 w 3996 99 4505 5414 5903 6514 7117 m NUMBER OF WEEKS UNEMPLOYED (E) HEAD 7740 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED ON MAIN JOB IN PREVIOUS “EAR (E) 774 I 0223 El.0 0658 m.0 1292 1998 2596 3129 3544 3999 4607 5417 5904 6516 7118 NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK WORKED ON MAIN JOB (E) 7742 0225 m.0 0669 m.o 1293 1999 2997 3130 3545 3999 4508 5419 5906 6516 7119 WHETHER OVERTIME 7743 5419 5906 6617 7120 WHETHER (E) EXTRA 7744 4549 5428 5915 6526 7129 4519 5429 5916 6527 7130 4520 5430 5917 6529 7131 JOE 0227 0660 (298 066 I n 1299 0662 1300 2004 3135 2602 3550 4005 n OCCUPATION-EXTRA JOE 7745 TOTAL EXTRA 7746 NUMBER OF JOBS (E) 0270 m.o.99 0228 n 0227 ” n 2603 2005 ” ” 2006 3136 ” 2604 3551 ” 3137 4006 n 3552 ” 4007 Description of Variable ,981 HOURLY WAGE ON EXTRA JOB (E) 7747 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED ON EXTRA JOE (E) 7748 NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK WORKED ON EXTRA JOB (E) 7749 MONTH & YEAR OF MOST RECENT SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 7750 # WEEKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (E) 7751 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 5-8 WKS (E) 7752 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 9+ WKS 7753 WHETHER HAPPPENED MORE THAN ONCE (E) 7754 # TlMES (E) 7755 HAPPENED WHETHER 2ND SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 1968 0229 1969 1970 0663 1301 9 2007 1302 ,303 9 9 0664 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 26OS 9 3138 3553 4008 2008 2606 3139 3554 2009 2607 3140 3555 9 1977 ,978 ,979 1980 452 I 9 5431 59 18 6529 7132 4009 4522 5432 5919 6530 7133 4010 4523 5433 5920 653 1 7134 9 9 1976 g 0 m 0665 m 7756 Cross-Reference Description of Var iable ,981 MONTH & YEAR OF 2ND SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 7757 # WEEKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (E) 7750 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 5-8 WKS (E) 7759 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 9+ WKS (E) 7760 WHETHER HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE (E) 7761 # TIMES (E) 7762 HAPPENED WHETHER 3RD SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 7763 MONTH & YEAR OF 3RD SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 7764 # WEEKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (E) 7765 1969 1969 1970 1971 List 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1979 1979 1380 Description of Variable 1981 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKlNG FOR JOESPELL OF 5-8 WKS (E) 7766 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 9+ WKS (E) 7767 WHETHER HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE (E) 7168 # TIMES (E) HAPPENED ,769 WHETHER RECEIVED UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATlON (E) 7770 WHETHER BENEFITS 77, I USED UP (E) # WKS WITH NO BENEFITS (E) 7772 WHETHER ELIGIBLE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT (E) 7773 WHY DIDN’T APPLY FOR BENEFITS-1ST MENTION (E) 77,4 WHY DIDN’T APPLY FOR BENEFITS-2ND MENTlON (E) 7775 1969 1969 1970 197 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 ,976 1977 1979 1979 1990 Cross-Reference ,981 WHETHER SOURCES (E) OTHER OF INCOME ,969 1970 0666 1304 197 1 1972 1973 1974 ,975 ,976 ,977 ,978 1979 ,980 5434 592 I 6532 7135 5922 6533 7136 7776 TYPE SOURCES OF INCOME-1ST MENTION (E) 7777 TYPE SOURCES OF INCOME-2ND MENTION (E) 7778 WHETHER TO SAME (E) RETURNED EMPLOYER 7779 WHETHER TO SAME RETURNED TYPE OF 77.50 WHETHER WAGE RATE HIGHER OR LOWER (E) 7781 WHETHER COULD HATE WORKED MORE (E) 7792 PAY/HOUR WORK (E) 7783 FOR EXTRA ,968 List 0230 2010 2608 3141 3556 4011 4524 4525 5435 a a WHETHER COULD HAVE WORKED LESS (E) 7784 0232 0669 1306 2012 26 10 3143 3558 4013 4528 5437 5924 6534 7137 WHETHER WANTED LESS WORK (E) 7785 0233 0670 1307 2013 2611 3144 3559 4014 4529 5438 5925 6535 7138 WHETHER WANTED MORE WORK (E) 7786 0231 0668 1305 2011 2609 3142 3557 4012 4527 5436 5923 6536 7139 WHETHER COULD HAVE WORKED LESS (E) 7787 0232 0669 1306 2012 2610 3143 3558 4013 4528 5437 5924 6537 7140 Cross-Reference Description of Variable ,991 WHETHER WANTED LESS WORK (E) 7788 ANNUAL HOURS OF JOURNEY TO WORK (E) 7789 ACCURACY OF JOURNEY TO WORK HOURS (E) 7790 NUMBER OF MILES WORK (E) MODE OF TRANSPORTATION WORK (E) ,968 0233 1969 1970 0670 1307 2013 ,146 ,847 0473 0 TO 779 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 2611 3144 3559 4014 2447 0 0 ,147 0674 1309 2014 2612 0673 c.0 1308 n 2015 2613 ,848 0 3033 0 Od74 0 3034 2448 0 3429 0 0 3430 0 3145 4529 3829 0 1976 4342 0 0 3560 4015 356 I n 4016 3562 4017 1978 1979 1980 5438 5925 6538 7141 574 1 0 6346 5742 6347 5242 0 4343 3830 0 1977 0 5243 0 0 5439 4530 6944 0 0 0 6946 0 0 5926 6539 7142 5927 6540 7143 654 1 7144 6542 7145 6545 7148 0 7792 TO WHETHER THINKING ABOUT GETTING NEW JOB 7793 0208 n.0 0690 n.0 1314 WHETHER DOING ANYTHING ABOUT GETTING NEW JOB 7794 0212 n.0 0694 n.0 t3ta WHETHER HEAD’S IS 45-64 (E) 1971 List AGE ” 3146 n 2618 2024 n 3147 4531 ” 5440 ” n 2622 7795 AGE AT RETlREMENT (E) 7796 595 1 WHETHER RETIRE BEFORE 65 (E) 7797 5952 AGE AT RETIREMENT (E) 7798 595 1 OCCUPATION-JOB SOUGHT (U) 1799 0640 n.0 1326 ” 203 1 n 2631 3148 ” 3563 n 4019 n 4542 n 544 1 5958 Cross-Reference ,981 1969 1969 1970 0647 1327 PAY PER HOUR SOUGHT (U) 7800 WHETHER TRAlNlNG 780 1 0648 7802 0649 NUMBER LOOKED 2032 1972 ,973 1974 ,975 2632 3149 3564 4019 TO FIND ,328 2033 2633 3150 3565 1329 2034 2634 3151 3566 n a OF PLACES FOR JOB (U) RESERVATION 7803 4544 1977 1978 1979 5442 5959 6546 7904 NUMBER OF WEEKS LOOKING FOR WORK (U) 7805 WHETHER JOE (U) 7806 EVER HAD 0236 0650 JOE 2635 2035 3567 3152 7149 a a 4020 4545 5443 5960 6547 7150 402 1 n 4546 5444 596 1 6549 7151 4022 4547 5445 5962 6549 7152 7553 4552 2636 1331 n 7807 OCCUPATION-LAST JOB (U) 1330 1980 n WAGE INDUSTRY-LAST (U) 1976 9 NEEDS (U) WHAT DOING JOB (U) 197 I List 2637 2037 7808 n 3570 3154 4553 4023 n ” n 3569 3153 n n ” 357 1 n 5970 6555 7167 5454 597 1 6556 7158 5984 6557 5455 n 4554 4024 ” 5453 n 5456 n n 6558 5985 n 7159 n n n 7!60 n n n 4556 5458 5886 6559 7161 7810 4557 5459 5997 6560 7162 TOOK (U) 7811 4558 5460 5988 656 I 7163 NUMBER WEEKS VACATION (U) 7812 4559 546 I 5,889 6562 7164 WHAT HAPPENED TO PREVIOUS JOB (U) 7909 YEAR (U) LAST WHETHER VACATION WORKED 020 1 n.0 065 1 n 1332 n 2638 2039 n 3155 n 4026 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE OTHERS ILL (U) 7913 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED DUE TO OTHERS ILLNESS (U) ,814 4562 5464 599 I WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE SELF ILL (U) 7815 4563 5465 5992 6565 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED DUE TO ILLNESS OF SELF (U) 78 16 4564 5466 5993 9569 WHETHER (U) ,917 4565 546, 5994 6567 ON STRIKE 204 1 99 264 I 99 3158 99 3574 69 4029 99 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED ON STRIKE 7919 2042 99 2642 99 3159 99 3575 99 4030 99 4566 5468 5995 6569 WHETHER (U) ,919 1042 QQ 2642 99 3159 Q9 3575 Q9 4030 QQ 4567 5469 5996 6569 4568 5470 599, 6570 UNEMPLOYED NUMBER OF WEEKS UNEMPLOYED (U) ,820 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED (U) 792 1 2039 2639 3156 3572 4027 4570 5473 5998 657, NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK WORKED (U) ,922 2040 2640 3157 3573 4028 4571 5474 5999 6572 MONTH & YEAR OF MOST RECENT SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (U) 7823 Cross-Reference # WKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (U) 7824 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKlNG FOR JOBSPELL OF 5-8 WKS (U) 7625 WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOESPELL OF 9+ WEEKS 7826 WHETHER HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE (U) 7927 # TIMES (U) 7828 HAPPENED WHETHER 2ND SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (U) ,629 MONTH & YEAR OF 2ND SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (U) 7830 # WEEKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (U) 783, WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKlNG FOR JOBSPELL OF 5-8 WKS (U) 7932 List WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 9+ WEEKS (U) WHETHER HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE (U) # TIMES (U) HAPPENED WHETHER 3RD SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (U) MONTH & YEAR OF 3RD SPELL OF UNEMPLOYMENT (U) # WEEKS TIL RETURNED TO WORK (U) WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 5-8 WKS (U) WHETHER 4+ WEEKS PASSED WHEN NOT LOOKING FOR JOBSPELL OF 9+ WKS (U) WHETHER HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE # TIMES HAPPENED (U) Cross-Reference Descrpition of Var iable ,9ut WHETHER RECEIVED UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION (U) ,813 WHETHER BENEFITS 78-311 USED (U) UP # WEEKS WITH NO BENEFITS (U) WHETHER ELIGIBLE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT (U) WHY DIDN’T APPLY FOR BENEFITS-1ST MENTION (U) ,847 WHY DIDN’T APPLY FOR BENEFITS-2ND MENTION (U) 7848 WHETHER SOURCES (U) ,849 OTHER OF INCOME TYPE SOURCES OF INCOME-1ST MENTION (U) 7850 TYPE SOURCES OF INCOME-2ND MENTION (U) 7R51 WHETHER TO SAME (U) RETURNED EMPLOYER 7852 WHETHER TO SAME JOB (U) RETURNED TYPE OF ,853 ,968 1969 1970 ,971 List ,972 ,973 ,974 ,975 ,976 ,977 ,978 ,979 1980 Cross-Reference Description of Variable (981 WHETHER WAGE RATE HlGHER OR LOWER 7854 ANNUAL HOURS OF JOURNEY TO WORK (U) 7855 ACCURACY OF JOURNEY TO WORK HOURS (U) 7856 NUMBER OF MILES WORK (U) MODE OF TRANSPORTATION WORK (U) ,968 1969 ,970 0473 1146 0 ,847 0 1147 0 ,648 0 1338 2043 0474 TO ,971 List 1972 1973 1974 1975 2447 3033 3429 3829 0 0 2448 0 0 0 3430 0 3830 0 3576 4032 3034 0 2643 3160 1976 4342 0 1977 1978 1979 ,960 5242 5741 6346 6944 0 4343 0 0 5243 0 4572 5742 0 5476 4573 TO 0 5476 ” 0 6945 6347 0 0 0 0 6ow 6573 7175 6001 6574 7176 6003 6576 ,179 6017 6577 7179 n WHETHER HEAD'S AGE IS 45-64 (U) AGE AT RETIREMENT (U) WHETHER RETIRE BEFORE 65 (U) 7861 AGE AT RETIREMENT (U) 7862 WHETHER RETIRED 7863 YEAR RETlRED 7864 (R) WHETHER WORKED LAST YEAR (R) 7865 OCCUPATlON 7966 (R) 0197 n.0 0640 n.0 I350 2056 1352 ” 2058 2654 3167 2656 n 3169 ” n 3583 4039 4575 3586 404 1 n 4578 5479 5482 ” 6018 n 6578 ” n 71.90 n INDUSTRY 2059 7867 (R) 2657 n 3587 3170 ” n 4042 ” 4579 n 5463 ” 6579 6019 n n n 71.91 n NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED (R) 7868 0223 tn.0 0658 m.0 ,353 2060 2656 3171 3588 4043 4580 6484 6020 6500 7182 HOURS/WEEK (R) 7.969 0225 in.0 0659 m.0 ,354 206 * 2659 3172 3589 4044 4581 5465 602 1 656 I ,163 5466 6022 6562 ,184 4584 5487 6023 6583 7185 4985 5468 6024 6584 ,186 4566 5489 6025 6565 ,187 4590 549 1 6026 6586 7988 WHETHER WORKING WORKED 7870 STILL (R) REASON FOR LEAVING JOB (R) 787 I WHETHER MIGHT NEW JOB (R) 7672 GET NUMBER OF YEARS UNTIL GETS NEW JOB (R) TYPE OF NEW JOB (R) 7874 WHETHER FOR JOB 7876 OF PLACES FOR NEW JOE 7877 WHETHER MALE HEAD w/WIFE OR FRIEND IN FU 7878 EMPLOYMENT WIFE 7879 STATUS- 2660 3473 3590 4045 ,316 2063 266 1 3174 359 I 4046 ” ” 7875 NUMBER LOOKED (R) 2062 7873 WHETHER TRAINING NEEDED (R) LOOKING (R) 1355 1358 0236 n.o ,360 0685 2065 2067 2663 2665 3176 3178 3593 3595 4048 4050 4593 5493 6027 65.97 7 169 4596 5496 6028 6988 7,so 4597 5497 6029 6569 7191 5505 6037 6590 7162 6591 7193 0 4776 n 464 1 PP 6053 5525 ” n WHETHER WORKS FOR SELF, SOMEONE ELSE, OR BOTH (E) 7800 WHETHER WORKS FOR GOVERNMENT (E) 788 1 WHETHER CURRENT JOB COVERED BY UNION CONTRACT 7882 (E) 7863 4862 PP # MONTHS WITH PRESENT EMPLOYER 7884 4663 PP OCCUPATlON WlFE (E) 7895 WHETHER BELONGS THAT UNION (E) INDUSTRY (E) TO CODECODE-WIFE 7986 WHETHER SALARIED OR PAID BY HOUR (E) 7887 REGULAR SALARY (PER HOUR BASIS) (E) 7.988 REGULAR HOURLY WAGE FOR HOURLY EMPLOYEES (E) 781(9 MODE OF PAY OF NOT SALARIED OR HOURLY (E) 7890 0243 n,rr 0609 ".r-P 1367 ".?P 2074 n.rr 2672 n.rr 3483 n.rr 3600 l-r 4055 ".TP 4642 ".PP 5507 “.Pl- 6039 “.I-P 6596 2075 n,rr 2673 ",Pr 3164 n.rr 3602 n.rr 4056 ".PP 4643 ".PP 5508 “.t-r 6040 n.rr 6597 4892 7167 6595 7198 n n 7199 n n 7216 6614 PP 4663 PP 6615 4896 r)ll 6616 4696 PP 66(7 72,7 9 9 7216 9 9 7219 9 NUMBER OF MONTHS AT PRESENT POSITION (E) 7891 467 t PP 6598 7200 MONTH (E) 7892 4672 PP 6599 7201 WHAT HAPPENED TO PREVIOUS JOB (E) 7893 4873 PP 6600 7202 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE OTHERS WERE ILL (E) 7894 4877 pp 5509 PP 604 1 f-r 660 1 NUMBER MISSED OTHERS’ (E) 7895 4879 pp 5511 l-r 6042 I-P 6602 WHETHER MISSED WORK BE-CAUSE SELF ILL (R) 7696 4880 pp 5512 l-r 6043 I-P 6603 7205 NUMBER MISSED ILLNESS 7897 466 1 pp 5513 PT 6044 l-r 6604 7206 759e 4883 PP 6045 PP 6605 720? NUMBER WEEKS OF VACATION (E) 7899 4664 PP WHETHER (E) 7900 4665 PP 7901 4886 PP STARTED WHETHER VACATION NUMBER MISSED (E) JOB OF WEEKS DUE TO ILLNESS OF WEEKS DUE TO OF SELF TOOK (E) ON STRIKE OF WEEKS ON STRIKE 7206 6047 PP 6607 7209 7210 WHETHER UNEMPLOYED 7902 6609 721, 6610 7272 PP 4888 PP NUMBER OF WEEKS UNEMPLOYED (E) 7903 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED ON MAIN JOB PREVIOUS IN YEAR 7904 0244 m.rr 0610 m.rr ,366 rr 2076 rl- 2674 rr 3185 rr 3603 l-r 4057 r-P 4607 aa,t-r 4890 PP.rr 5522 f-r 6051 r-P 661, 7213 NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK WORKED ON MAlN JOB (E) 7905 0245 m.rr 0611 nl.PP ,369 rr 2077 PP 2675 rr 3186 PT 3604 i-r 4058 rr 4606 az3.pP 489 1 PP.rr 5523 f-r 6052 PP 6612 7214 WHETHER WORKED OVERTlME (E) 7906 6613 7215 WHETHER (E) EXTRA JOB 7907 490, PP 6618 7220 OCCUPATION-EXTRA JOB (E) 7908 4902 PP 6619 7221 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED ON EXTRA JOB (E) 7909 4905 PP 6620 7222 NUMBER OF WEEK HOURS/ WORKED ON EXTRA JOB (E) 7910 4906 PP 6621 7223 ANNUAL HOURS OF JOURNEY TO WORKWlFE (E) 791, 4729 ACCURACY OF JOURNEY TO WORK HOURS-WIFE (E) 79,2 5753 0 4730 6356 0 5754 0 0 6957 6359 0 0 0 Description of Variable 1981 NUMBER OF MlLES WORK-WIFE (E) MODE TRANSPORTATION WORK (E) TO 1968 1969 ,970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1990 7913 4063 i-r 4913 PP 6622 7224 7914 4064 r-r 4914 PP 6623 7225 4925 6624 7226 6625 7227 TO OCCUPATION-JOB SOUGHT (U) 79,s WHETHER LOOKED FOR JOB IN LAST FOUR WEEKS (U) 7916 NUMBER LOOKED OF PLACES FOR JOB (U) 7917 4931 PP 6626 7226 NUMBER OF WEEKS LOOKlNG FOR WORK (U) 7918 4935 DP 6627 7229 WHETHER JOB (U) 7919 4936 PP 6626 7230 EVER HAD 7920 OCCUPATION-LAST JOB (U) INDUSTRY-L&ST (U) JO” 7921 0243 n.rr 0609 n.t-r 1367 n.rr 2074 n.rr 2672 “.PP 3163 n.rr 3600 l-r 4055 n.rr 4605 “.PT 4937 “.PP 5507 “.I-? 6039 “.8-P 6629 2075 n,rr 2673 n.rr 3164 n,rr 3602 n.rr 4056 n.rr 4606 n,rr 4936 n.PP 55d6 “,PP 6040 n.rr 6630 7231 n ” 7232 n n WHAT HAPPENED TO PREVIOUS JOB (U) 7922 4940 PP 663 1 7233 YEAR (U) 7923 4941 6632 7234 LAST WORKED Description of Variable WHETHER VACATION ,991 1968 1969 1970 ,971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 ,978 1979 1980 TOOK (U) 7924 4942 PP 6045 PP 6633 7235 NUMBER WEEKS VACATlON (U) 7925 4943 PP 6046 rr 6634 7236 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE OTHERS ILL (U) 7926 4944 PP 604 1 rr 6635 7237 NUMBER OF WEEKS MlSSED DUE TO OTHERS’ ILLNESS (U) 7927 4946 PP 5511 f-r 6042 6636 7236 WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE SELF ILL (U) 7928 4947 PP 5512 6043 6637 7239 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED DUE TO ILLNESS OF SELF (U) 7929 4948 PP 6044 rr 6638 7240 WHETHER ON STRIKE 7930 4949 PP 6047 6639 7241 NUMBER OF WEEKS MISSED ON STRIKE (U) 7931 4650 PP 6048 6640 7242 WHETHER UNEMPLOYED (U) 7932 495 1 PP 6049 rr 664 1 7243 NUMBER OF WEEKS UNEMPLOYED (U) 7933 4952 PP 6050 l-r 6642 7244 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED (U) 7934 4954 PP 6051 8-r 6643 7246 0244 rn.PP 0610 rn.PP 1366 r-r 2076 PP 2674 PP 3185 PP 3603 I-P 4057 PI- PP TP PP PP rr Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK WORKED (U) 7935 ANNUAL HOURS OF JOURNEY TO WORKWIFE (U) 7936 ACCURACY OF JOURNEY TO WORK HOURS-WIFE (U) 7937 NUMBER OF MILES WORK (U) MODE OF TRANSPORTATION WORK (U) WHETHER (R) TO $369 PP 2077 I-P ,672 1973 1974 1975 2675 f-P 3166 rr 3604 PP 4058 l-r ,976 4955 PP 1977 1978 1979 1980 5523 Pi- 6052 l-r 6644 7246 5753 6356 4726 7939 4064 I-r 4957 PP 6055 PP 0 6957 0 0 7247 6645 7246 7940 7249 7641 7250 6649 0243 “.TP 0609 n.rr 1367 “.TP 7944 NUMBER OF WEEKS WORKED (R) 7945 HOURS/WEEK (R) 7946 WORKED 6956 0 6356 0 6054 I-P 7943 (R) 5754 0 4956 PP OCCUPATION (R) 0 4730 TO RETlRED STILL (R) 0611 nl.rr 1971 4063 PP 7942 WHETHER WORKING 1970 7938 WHETHER WORKED LAST YEAR (R) INDUSTRY 0245 m.rr 1969 0 RETIRED WHAT YEAR (R) 1968 List 7947 2074 n.rr 2672 “.I-P 3600 PP 4055 “.8-P 4962 “.PP 4963 “.PP 2075 PP 2673 rr 3602 n.rr 4056 “.Pl- 7254 6039 “,f-r 6650 5508 n.rr 6040 “.PP 665 1 ” 7253 5507 n.rr 7252 n n ” 0244 m,rr 0610 nl,rp 1368 PP 2076 PP 2674 rr 3603 l-r 4964 PP 5522 r-r- 605 1 PI- 6652 7254 rr 0245 ln.rr 0611 m.rr 1369 PP 2077 PP 2675 PP 3604 Pr 4056 rr 4965 PP 5523 PP 6052 PP 6653 7255 6654 7256 Cross-Reference REASON JOB (R) List FOR LEAVING WHETHER LOOKING FOR JOB 4982 PP WHETHER DOING ANYTHlNG TO FIND JOB (R) NUMBER OF PLACES LOOKED FOR NEW JOB (R) 7951 MARITAL HEAD STATUS 7952 WHETHER MARRIED EVER OF 4983 PP WHAT HAPPENED LAST MARRIAGE WHETHER 6655 7257 6656 7256 6657 7259 6666 7260 PP WIFE IN NUMBER OF HOURS/ WEEK SPENT ON HOUSE-WORK-HEAD WHETHER OTHERS HELP WlTH HOUSEWORK 6034 6659 7261 5503 6035 6660 7262 5504 6036 666 1 7263 6662 7264 FU NUMBER OF HOURS, WEEK SPENT ON HOUSE-WORK-WIFE WHETHER OTHERS FU 5502 11 7957 IN 4766 PP 5534 6072 6663 7265 4609 5535 6073 6664 7266 4610 5536 6074 6665 7267 7958 0616 1377 2069 2690 3205 3624 Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1984 WHETHER ELIGlBLE FOR FOOD STAMPS LAST YEAR 7360 WHY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FOOD STAMPS-1ST MENTION 796 1 WHY NOT ELIGIBLE FOR FOOD STAMPS-2ND MENTION 7962 WHETHER TRIED TO GET FOOD STAMPS 7963 WHY COULD NOT GET FOOD STAMPS IN 1979 7964 WHY DIDN’T TRY GETTING FOOD STAMPS-1ST MENTION 7965 WHY DIDN’T TRY GETTING FOOD STAMPS-2ND MENTION 7966 WHETHER FARMER HEAD BKT TOTAL RECEIPTS WHETHER BUSINESS 1969 1969 1970 1971 List 1972 ,973 1974 ,975 1976 1977 1978 7273 n 7274 n 7269 5539 n 7270 5539 n n n 727 1 n 5539 7272 5539 n n 7275 6676 7968 FARM 0249 0695 n 7969 OWNS 0250 7970 0696 0250 7971 0697 0294 2694 n 3206 n 3625 n 4065 n 4611 ” 6075 5540 n 7276 6679 n n ” n 1362 2094 2695 3207 3626 4066 4612 554 1 6076 6660 7277 ,383 209s 2696 3206 3627 4067 4613 5542 6077 666 1 1278 1434 2145 2767 3636 4087 4624 5519 6lOf 6707 7340 n 0766 n 2093 n n n OF ,381 n n WHETHER BUSINESS INCORPORATED 1980 7268 5538 IS WHETHER MEMBER LABOR UNION 1979 Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 WHETHER WIFE IN WHETHER WIFE UNlON MEMBER IS FU LIMITATION HEALTH-HEAD ,972 1973 1974 ,975 ‘976 6706 734 1 7973 6709 7342 7975 7976 # NlGHTS IN HOSPITAL-HEAD 7977 WHETHER HOSPITAL HEAD PAID OWN BILLS- 7978 WHETHER SICK IN BED FOR A DAY OR MORE-HEAD 7979 14 10 0743 0216 2121 2,22 n 271.9 3244 2719 3245 4145 3666 4625 n n 4146 3667 n n 4626 n n 7980 WIFE IN FU 7981 7982 4766 ON 7963 4767 WHETHER HOSPITALIZED-WIFE 7984 # NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL-WIFE 7985 WHETHER DISABILITY-WIFE LIMITATION HEALTH-WIFE 1977 1978 5560 6102 6710 7343 556 1 6103 6711 7344 n n 0744 0216 n # DAYS SICK IN BED-HEAD 1971 7972 n ON 1970 1660 WHETHER HOSPITALIZED-HEAD WHETHER 1969 1979 7974 WHETHER DISABILITY-HEAD 1968 List n Description of Variable WHETHER HOSPITAL WIFE ,981 PAID OWN BILLS- 7966 WHETHER SICK IN BED FOR A DAY OR MORE-WIFE 7987 # DAYS SICK BED-WIFE 79R8 IN WHETHER ANYONE FU HAS MEDICAL IN AID 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 7989 1978 1979 1980 608 1 nn 6063 6686 7289 6667 7290 60:; 60:: nn SPECIFIC PROGRAM MEDICAL USED WHETHER LUMP PAYMENTS BKT LUMP PAYMENTS SUM SUM 7990 7991 0718 7992 0719 1384 2096 2702 3209 3628 4074 4616 5553 6095 6688 729 1 1385 2097 2703 32 10 3629 4075 4619 5554 6096 6689 7292 1399 2111 2706 3211 3630 4076 4620 5565 6097 6690 7293 2112 2709 3212 363 1 4077 4621 5556 6098 6691 7294 3632 4078 4622 5557 6099 6692 7295 s WHETHER OUTSIDE DEPENDENTS 7993 0732 NUMBER OF OUTSIDE DEPENDENTS 7994 0733 WHETHER DEPENDENT FOR MORE THAN HALF OF SUPPORT 7995 1400 n 0734 0278 ” n NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS SUPPORTED ,996 WHETHER IN FU 799, NEW WIFE WIFE'S EDUCATION 7999 4623 3215 0246 268, m WHETHER WIFE HAD OTHER TRAINING 363, 3216 n 3658 m 4101 4694 5566 6, (5 6,,2 ,345 4102 4695 4755 PP 5567 6196 67,3 7346 6617 6714 7347 I 4 103 7999 7296 6100 TYPE OF TRAINING WIFE 4104 4697 5569 6t16 6715 ,348 WHETHER COLLEGE DEGREE-WIFE 4105 4699 476 1 PP 5570 6, IS 6716 7349 4106 4699 4762 PP 6120 6717 7350 WHETHER ADVANCED DEGREE-WIFE 9002 EDUCATION-WIFE'S FATHER 9003 3608 4109 4753 PP 5572 6121 6716 735 1 EDUCATION-WIFE'S MOTHER 9003 3609 4109 4754 PP 5573 6122 6719 7352 NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED SINCE AGE 18-WIFE 9005 3610 41,o 4999 PP 5574 6123 6720 7353 NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED FULL TIME WIFE 8006 3611 4, II 4990 PP 5575 6124 672, ,354 Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 1968 1969 1970 197, List ,972 ,973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 ,990 PERCENT TIME WORKED PART TIMEWIFE 8007 3433 4112 499 I PP 5576 6125 6722 ,355 ACCURACY, PART TlME WIFE 8008 3434 4113 4992 PP 5577 6126 6723 7356 WHETHER PERCENT WORK NEW HEAD 6009 079 1 e ,461 2165 279, 3217 3639 4114 4658 5570 6127 6124 7357 STATE WHERE FATHER GREW UP-HEAD 9010 ,454 2166 2792 3219 3640 4115 4659 5579 6128 6725 7358 COUNTY FATHER HEAD 6011 ,455 2167 2793 32,9 364 I 4116 4660 5580 6129 6726 7359 STATE WHERE MOTHER GREW UP-HEAD 8012 ,456 2168 2794 3220 3642 4117 466 1 559 I 6130 6727 7360 COUNTY MOTHER HEAD 8013 145, 2169 2795 322, 3643 49,8 4662 5592 6131 6728 736 I FATHER’S OCCUPATION-HEAD 8014 1458 2170 2796 3222 3644 4119 4663 5593 6132 6729 7362 OCCUPATION-FIRST FULL TIME JOB-HEAD 6015 ,459 2171 2797 3223 3645 4120 4664 5594 6133 6730 7363 WHETHER HAS MOSTLY WORKED IN SAME OCCUPATION-HEAD 6016 ,460 2172 2798 3224 3646 4121 5585 6134 6731 7364 AGE OF OLDEST CHILD-HEAD 80,, 0562 ,462 2173 2799 3225 3647 4122 5586 6135 6732 7365 AGE OF SECOND OLDEST CHILD-HEAD 9018 0563 1463 2174 2800 3226 3649 4123 5587 6,36 6733 7366 WHERE GREW UP- WHERE GREW UP- 466, Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 1968 1969 1970 197, List 1972 1973 1974 ,975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 AGE OF THIRD OLDEST CHILD-HEAD 6019 0564 1464 2175 3801 3227 3649 4124 4668 5588 6f37 6734 7367 TOTAL NUMBER CHILDREN 8020 0565 1465 2176 2902 3228 3650 4125 4669 5599 6138 6735 7369 NUMBER OF CHlLDREN BY AGE 25 802 1 0566 1466 2177 2803 3229 365 I 4126 4670 5990 6139 6736 7369 NUMBER OF SIBLINGS 8022 0567 ,467 2178 2804 3230 3652 4127 4671 559 1 6140 6737 7370 3635 4128 4672 5992 6141 6738 737 1 WHETHER SIBLINGS TYPE OF 0316 OLDER AREA GREW UP 0786 1476 2188 2814 3232 3654 4130 4673 5593 6142 6739 1372 0787 1477 2199 2815 3233 3655 4131 4674 5594 6143 6740 1373 8026 0788 1478 2 190 2816 3234 3656 4132 4675 6144 674 I 7374 NUMBER OF REGIONS LIVED IN 6027 0789 1479 2191 2817 3235 3657 4133 4676 6145 6742 7375 NUMBER OF STATES LIVED IN 9028 1480 2192 2818 3236 3658 4134 4677 5597 6146 6743 7376 WHETHER MOVED FOR A JOB 6029 0797 1481 2193 2819 3237 3659 4135 4678 5598 6147 6744 7377 WHETHER REFUSED MOVE FOR A JOB 8030 0798 1482 2t94 2820 3238 3660 4136 4679 5599 6148 6745 7378 8024 0312 n STATE UP COUNTY UP WHERE CREW 8025 0311 n WHERE GREW d 0790 d TO 0204 t 0205 t ECONOMlC SlTUATlON OF PARENTS 603 1 0317 0792 1483 2195 2821 3239 366 1 4137 4680 5600 6‘49 6746 7379 EDUCATION FATHER 8032 0376 0193 1484 2196 2822 3240 3662 4138 468 1 560 1 6150 6747 7380 OF Description of Variable EDUCATION MOTHER WHETHER 1981 OF 8033 VETERAN 8034 1968 1969 0315 1970 1487 0796 1971 1972 2199 2825 1973 3243 1974 1975 3634 4139 3665 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 4682 5602 6151 6746 738 I 4140 4683 5603 6152 6749 1362 5604 6153 6750 7383 NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED SINCE AGED 18-HEAD 8035 3620 4141 4630 NUMBER OF YEARS WORKED FULL TIMEHEAD 6036 362 1 4142 4631 6154 675 I 7384 PERCENT TIME WORKED PART TIMEHEAD a037 3435 4143 4632 6155 6752 7385 ACCURACY, PARTTIME YORK-HEAD 8038 3436 4144 4633 5607 6156 6753 7386 EDUCATION 8039 4903 4684 5608 6157 6754 7387 4094 4685 5609 6158 6755 7388 4095 4686 56tO 6159 6756 7389 4096 4687 5611 6160 6757 7390 4097 4688 5612 6161 6756 7391 4098 4689 5613 6162 6159 7392 4099 4690 5614 6163 6760 7393 WHETHER RECEIVED OTHER TRAINING 8040 TYPE 804 1 OF TRAINING OR13 m 0794 0314 0795 ” 1485 m 2197 RI 1486 ” 2998 ” 2823 In 2824 n 3663 3241 m n 3664 3242 ” RI ” n 3664 03‘4 ” ” WHETHER TROUBLE HAS READING 6042 WHETHER RECEIVED OTHER SCHOOLING 6043 TYPE OF OTHER SCHOOLING 6044 WHETHER DEGREE 6045 COLLEGE 0314 ,486 0795 ” 0314 n n 1486 n 0795 II 2198 n 2824 ” 2198 3242 n 2824 n 3664 ” 3242 n n 3664 ” n Cross-Reference Description of Variable 1981 WHETHER ADVANCED DEGREE 9046 MAY PERMIT RELlGlOUS PREFERENCE 8047 RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE 80‘28 RESPONDENT-BY RELATION TO HEAD 8049 NUMBER OF CALLS DU 1968 1969 9050 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 4100 0180 0800 ” TO 1970 List OS92 n 0902 ,431 2167 1489 n 2201 ,491 2203 2913 2927 n 1976 1917 1979 1979 1980 469 I 5615 6164 676 I 7394 4692 5616 6762 7395 6763 7396 3231 3653 4129 4693 5611 3249 3670 4149 4700 5619 6165 6764 739? 3249 367 1 4180 4701 5619 6166 6765 7398 3876 4390 5301 5.500 649, 7399 nm 4391 9302 580 9 64 12 7400 ” 2829 NUMBER OF PERSONS COOED FOR THIS INTERVIEW 805 I TOTAL WIFE & 9052 MARGlNAL TAX RATEHEAD & WIFE 8053 TAXES FOR FIRST HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 9054 7*01 MARGlNAL TAX RATEFIRST HIGHEST EXTRA EARNER 9055 7402 TAXES FOR SECOND HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 9056 7403 MARGINAL TAX RATESECOND HIGHEST EXTRA EARNER 9057 7404 TAXES-HELD ,209 Cross-Reference Description of Variable ,981 ,968 1969 ,970 ,971 List 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960 TAXES FOR THIRD HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 8056 7405 MARGINAL TAX THIRD HIGHEST EXTRA EARNER 6059 7406 TAXES FOR FOURTH HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 6060 7407 MARGINAL TAX RATEFOURTH HIGHEST EXTRA EARNER 806 I 7406 TAXES FOR FIFTH HIGHEST OTHER EARNER 8062 7409 MARGINAL TAX FIFTH HIGHEST EXTRA EARNER 8063 7410 TOTAL RATE- RATE- TAXES-OTHERS 9064 mm 0081 0529 TOTAL FU MONEY INCOME 6065 TOTAL LABOR INCOME-HEAD 6066 cxJ74 0514 MONEY 8067 0325 0935 INCOME/NEEDS 0 9 3492 3693 4409 7411 na 6431 5820 1224 1926 2527 1514 g 2226 2652 1196 1697 2499 305 1 3463 3663 503 1 5627 6t74 6767 7413 1530 2242 2969 3272 3692 4171 5047 5629 6176 6769 7415 P 3060 3256 4154 3676 a 0 Q 5321 5029 0 9 7412 6766 6173 5626 9 la 9 u ANNUAL FOOD STANDARD 6066 003 1 0494 1605 2317 2892 3274 3694 4173 5049 5630 6177 6770 1416 AVERAGE HOURLY EARNINGS-HEAD 8069 0337 0671 1567 2279 2906 3275 3695 4174 5050 5631 6179 6771 7417 ” Description of Variable ,991 AVERAGE HOURLY EARNINGS-WIFE 8070 CURRENT 807 1 REGION ,969 0338 ,969 1970 0973 1569 1971 ,972 ,973 1974 1975 2281 2908 3277 3697 4176 ,572 2284 291 I 3279 3699 1573 2265 29,2 3290 1976 ,977 1978 1979 1990 5052 5632 6179 6772 7419 4179 5054 5633 6190 6773 7419 3700 4179 5055 5634 6191 6774 7420 " 8072 036 1 n 0976 0362 0877 0 REGlON HEAD GREW UP- REGION FATHER WHERE GREW UP 8073 ,574 2266 2913 3281 370, 4190 5056 5635 6192 6775 7421 REGION WHERE MOTHER GREW UP 8074 ,575 2287 2914 3292 3702 419, 5057 5636 6183 6776 7422 GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY 8075 0363 0878 ,576 2299 2915 3293 3703 4 182 5059 5637 6184 6777 7423 ACCURACY OF MONEY INCOME COMPONENTS 8076 0364 0879 1577 2299 2916 3294 3704 4193 5059 5639 61.95 6779 7424 NUMBER OF MINOR ASSIGNMENTS 8077 0882 1590 2292 29,s 3295 3705 4194 5060 5639 6166 6779 7425 NUMBER OF MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS 9078 0983 ,581 2293 2920 3296 3706 4195 506 1 5640 6197 6790 7426 VALUE DU 8079 0884 ,592 2294 292, 3297 3707 4,96 5062 5641 6199 679 1 7427 n PER ROOM OF n w 0373 9 BKT. ACTUAL MINUS REQUlRED ROOMS 8080 039 1 099 I 1588 2300 292, 3292 3712 4191 5067 5642 6199 6792 7426 PERSONS 808 I 0382 0992 ,599 2301 2928 3293 3713 4192 5069 5643 6190 6793 7429 0994 ,591 2303 2930 3295 3715 4194 5070 5644 6191 6794 7430 2319 2934 3299 3717 4196 5072 5645 6192 6765 7431 PER ROOM 9 NUMBER OF ADULTS IN FAMILY 9092 BKT. 9093 AGE OF HEAD 0116 B 0366 1009 Description of Variable ,981 BKT. AGE OF WIFE 8084 0369 1012 BKT. HEAD EDUCATION OF 8085 0313 0794 BKT WIFE EDUCATION OF 8086 0246 1969 1969 1970 1485 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 2320 2935 3299 3719 4197 2197 2623 324 I 3663 2697 3216 1976 1977 1976 1979 1960 5073 5646 6193 6766 1432 4198 5074 5647 6194 6787 7433 3639 4199 5075 5649 6195 6766 7434 MARITAL STATUS 8087 0239 0607 1365 2072 2670 3191 3599 4053 4603 5650 6197 6790 1435 DECILE MONEY ON FAMILY lNCOME 8088 0999 0990 1610 2322 295 1 3302 3722 4202 5077 565 1 6199 619 1 7436 DECILE MONEY ON FAMILY INCOME/NEEDS 6099 loo2 099 1 1611 2323 2952 3303 3723 4203 5079 5652 6199 6792 7437 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 1-2 9.090 4207 5079 5653 6200 6793 ,438 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 3-5 809 I 4206 5090 5654 6201 6794 7439 NUMBER OF CHILDREN AGES 6-13 8092 4209 509 I 5655 6202 6795 7440 NUMBER OF FEMALES AGES 14-17 8093 4210 5092 5656 6203 6796 744 1 NUMBER OF MALES AGES 14-17 9094 4211 5093 5657 6204 6797 7442 NUMBER OF FEMALES AGES 18-20 9095 4212 5064 5656 6205 6799 7443 NUMBER OF MALES AGES 18-20 9096 4213 5085 5659 6206 6799 7444 NUMBER OF FEMALES AGES 21-29 9097 4214 5066 5660 6207 6600 7445 1981 NUMBER Of AGES 21-29 RACE MALES (FROM SPLIT OIBI 6101 FOURTEEN-YEAR FAMILY COMPOSITION CHANGE 6102 1981 6103 WEIGHT SHORTAGE/SURPLUS OF UNSKILLED MALE LABOR 6104 TYPICAL WAGE 6105 CHANGE STATUS 1970 1971 1972 1973 1914 080 1 1490 2202 2626 3300 3720 8100 SAMPLING ERROR COMPUTATION UNIT UNEMPLOYMENT 1969 6099 1972) SAMPLE 1969 RATE IN MARITAL 1109 5107 NUMBER OF SPLITOFF INTERVIEWS 6106 MAIN FAMILY ID NUMBER 8109 1981 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960 4215 SO67 566 I 6206 6801 7446 4204 5096 5662 6209 6802 7447 4205 5097 5663 6210 6803 7448 7449 1619 233, 2960 3304 3724 4225 5107 5666 6213 0413 m.x 1622 m.x 2334 n.x 2963 nl.x 3307 m.x 3727 I1I.x 4229 m.x 5IIO m.x 5669 I1I.x 6216 0414 I1I.x 1624 1II.x 2336 r4.x 2965 I1I.x 3309 nl.x 3729 I1I.x 4230 5112 567 I 111 6218 5673 88 5674 88 5675 89 5676 69 5677 *s 5676 99 5690 99 6219 88 5672 58 111 m 5619 9.3 7452 6606 6909 In ,453 n 68,l m 111 7454 IT4 6812 86 Ill 7455 89 NONCOMPARABlLlTY NOTES aN o m i s s i n g d a t a c o d e s f o r t h i s v a r i a b l e . b I n 1 9 7 2 t h e r e a r e ____ four codes for this variable. to produce comparable categories. However, they may be combined cC o d e s h a v e b e e n a d d e d f o r s p e c i a l s i t u a t i o n s a s t h e y h a v e a r i s e n d u r i n g t h e See tape codes for specifics. course of the study. d Code i s t r u n c a t e d ; s e e t a p e c o d e . eM i s s i n g d a t a c o d e w a s i n c l u d e d f o r t h i s v a r i a b l e ; i n o t h e r y e a r s i t w a s unnecessary. f This variable cannot be made comparable to the other years’ variables. g h Field width differs. Variables may be made comparable by truncating. In 1968, illness hours were calculated differently; only eight hours per day were allowed after the first eight weeks, as opposed to twelve in subsequent years. iA l c o h o l a n d c i g a r e t t e c o s t s w e r e a s k e d i n t h e s e y e a r s a n d s u b t r a c t e d f r o m t h e food bill if the respondent said they were included. Therefore, these variables may not be strictly comparable. jT h e r e w a s a g r e a t e r p o s s i b i l i t y o f d o u b l e c o u n t i n g o f f o o d s u b s i d i e s i n e a r l i e r years, which had largely been eliminated since 1972 with revised question Since 1979 (reflected in later years’ data), food stamps have cost formats. nothing, so errors should be negligible. k I This variable occasionally includes Others; were included. thereafter only Head and/or Wife Dates differ; check tape codes. mB r a c k e t e d v a r i a b l e o n l y i s a v a i l a b l e . comparability. Fields may be bracketed for nC o d i n g s t r u c t u r e a n d / o r c a t e g o r i e s d i f f e r : s e e t a p e c o d e f o r d e t a i l s . oC o m b i n e s i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l H e a d s o r a l l W i v e s r e g a r d l e s s o f v a r i a t i o n s i n employment status. pI n t h i s v a r i a b l e , c o d e 9 9 9 i n c l u d e s t h o s e w h o d o n o t h a v e a n h o u r l y w a g e ( e . g . , The other comparable salaried, paid by piecework, or on commission). variables include such persons in the 000 code. qT h i s v a r i a b l e c a n b e m a d e c o m p a r a b l e b y r e c o d i n g s u c h t h a t 3 = 1 a n d 1 = 3 . r On this variable, code 8 may be combined with code 1 for comparability. sl f V a r i a b l e 7 1 8 w a s c o d e d 9 , N A , t h e n t h i s v a r i a b l e w a s a l s o c o d e d 9 i n contradistinction to other years, where it was coded 0. 585 tN o t a s k e d o f r e t i r e d , h o u s e w i v e s , s t u d e n t s , o r p e r m a n e n t l y d i s a b l e d H e a d s . After 1968, all new Heads were asked these questions regardless of employment status. Therefore, these variables provide no information for FU’s where the Head is the same as in 1968 and was not in the labor force in 1968. uD o e s n o t i n c l u d e a d j u s t m e n t f o r f a r m e r s . vI n 1 9 6 8 , 9 ’ s w e r e c o d e d i n s t e a d o f 0 ’ s w h e n H e a d d i d n o w o r k f o r m o n e y a n d therefore had no hourly earnings. wC o n t a i n s s o m e c o m p o n e n t s w h i c h w e r e n o t a v a i l a b l e i n l a t e r y e a r s . T h e r e a f t e r , new components were added. S e e t a p e c o d e s f o r d e t a i l s . xB r a c k e t d i f f e r s f r o m l a t e r y e a r s ’ . yN o t e t h a t t h i s v a r i a b l e i s n o t c o m p a r a b l e t o a n y p r e v i o u s w e i g h t v a r i a b l e . zE x t r a v a l u e o f f o o d r e c e i v e d w i t h f o o d s t a m p s w a s a d d e d i n t o t h i s v a r i a b l e i n 1972 if V2482=5. a a Note that V4344, Wife’s work hours, is reported by the Head of the family, whereas V4718 is taken from Wife’s interview. No attempt has been made to reconcile disparities between these two variables since comparability of Also, weeks and hours components V4344 with other years could be affected. are located in both interviews. bb In 1976, Head’s and Wife’s housework hours are asked in the separate interview schedules; i n o t h e r y e a r s t h e y w e r e a l w a y s r e p o r t e d b y t h e H e a d . I n 1968-1974, V’s 481, 1154, etc. report annual housework hours for Wife or unmarried Head, a n d V ’ s 4 8 3 , 1 1 5 6 , e t c . are those for married male Heads. c c V4322 is comparable only with the 1968 and 1969 mortgage payment variables. In 1970-1972, $100 was subtracted for insurance premiums if they were included in the payments; property taxes were imputed and then also subtracted if included. dd There was no missing data on property tax variables in 1968-1975 because they were imputed. Refer to tape codes for those years for formula. e el n 1 9 7 5 , t h e s e v a r i a b l e s i n c l u d e b o t h H e a d s e m p l o y e d b y o t h e r s a n d t h o s e w h o ____ work for someone else as well as themselves. f f In 1976, number of months was coded. In previous years, a bracket code on n u m b e r o f y_____ ears was used; V4480 and V4488 were treated as one question, “How long have you had your present job?” g gl n p r e v i o u s y e a r s , all illness hours were combined, and all strike and unemployment hours were combined. hhIn 1976, separate questions were asked of those receiving different forms of compensation. Previously, a l l w e r e t r e a t e d i d e n t i c a l l y . ii Through 1976, alimony and child support were treated as one; subsequently, alimony has been separated and classified as taxable income. j j T h e s e v a r i a b l e s , f r o m 1 9 6 8 - 1 9 7 6 , combine workmen’s compensation and unemployment compensation. 586 II For marital status strictly comparable to previous years. see V’s 6197, 6790, 7435, and 8087. m m Federal Income Tax Variables have been generated by computer beginning in 1980. For a description and details thereupon see Section I, Part 5 of this volume. n nIn previous years, questions were asked separately of Head, Wife and Others for Medicare and Medicaid. o o1968-1972 data have no comparable variable. This can be created, however, by multiplying the annual value of home if rented by .1 by the work for housing code and subtracting it and time spent on car repairs from home production hours. Thus, the formula for this using 1972 data would be: The annual value of home if rented equals zero except for those who neither own nor rent their homes; this is a small fraction of the sample. p pThese variables are taken from the wives’ questionnaire in 1976, reported by wives themselves. q q Previously, these income components were coded together. r r For the 1976 Wives Interview and from 1979 on, Wives were asked separate Previous years’ employment sections comparable to those asked of Heads. variables are for all Wives, regardless of current employment status. s s For previous years, code 8 includes all splitoffs, some of which belong ___ For example, a previous year’s head who has divorced and split elsewhere. off from his wife by the current year is included in code 8 rather than Special look-up and editing is required for correcting these code 3. variables; this process is expected to be completed for the 1983 merged data. Part 3: Alphabetical Index of Fourteen-Year Individual Code This index, new for 1981, index (Part 1 of this section). is modeled after the alphabetical family data The same precautions apply! Users should be especially careful with these individual data indexes, because all the variable numbers for individuals change each year. individual data on the fourteen-year 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Below are the ranges for each year’s merged tape. data data data data data data data data data data data data data data 587 588 - INDIVIDUAL DATA ALPHABETICAL ACCURACY INDEX OF FOURTEEN-YEAR INDIVIDUAL CODE CODES Money Income ~8242: taxable: transfer: ~8268; V8244; v8293: ~8275; ~8328: ~8300; ~8355; ~8335; ~8382; VEl362; v84og v8j8g; V8416 Hours unemployment, work, ADDITIONS annual: annual: V8248; ~8246; & REPAIRS: ~8272; ~8270; v82g7; v82g5; ~8322; ~8330: v8359; ~8357; ~8386; ~8384; V8413 ~8411 ~8185 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL: ~8254: v8279; ~8306; ~8114: ~8340; ~8130; ~8367: V8145: v83g4 V8162; v817g; ~8200; V8214; v822g: DISABILITY costs whether: ~8323 whether Limitation, Number of large: V8324 Whether: v8jlg Years Had: ~8320 Whether Improvement/Degeneration Whether ~8322 Individual Has: Expected: ~8135: __ ~8152: ~832 1 v8169: ~8187; ~8264: v828g: ~8318; EDUCATION School at School Previous Stopped ~8218; Attending School, Whether: ~8236; ~8261; ~8286; ~8313 Weeks Time Attended of interview, Year. School Whether Whether in in: Previous Years Completed, Number of: v8237&v824g: ~8262: ~8287; in: ~8350: ~8133: Year, ~81 17 v83 77; ~8404 v8 ,149; Number of: ~8166; ~8183; ~8351; ~8118: ~8150; ~8167; v8184&v8194: ~8314; ~8352; v837g; ~8406 ~8204; ~8378: ~8405 ~8205: v8219: INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYMENT STATUS Looked for Looking Job for Status at (See in Job. Time also HOURS) Last Four Whether: of Weeks, Whether: Vgj17 ~8316 Interview: EXTRA EARNER NUMBER: DATA - 589 V8349; V8376; ~8403 V8271; v82g6; v83 31: ~8125 HOURS Unemployment, Annual: Work, v826g; ~8122; v832g; Annual: ‘f82g4; V8247; v813g: V8356; ~8156: ~8383; ~8173; ~8410 v8lg HOUSEWORK HOURS/WEEK: ~8134; ~8151: ~8168: ~8186; ~8220; ~8263; ~8288; V8315: V8347; ~8374; ~8401 IDENTlFlCATlON ~8210: V8385; ~8225; V8412 ~8245; ~8206; NUMBERS 1968 nterview Number: v822otv8111 1969 nterview Number: ~8126 1970 nterview Number: V8142 1971 nterview Number: @I59 1972 Interview Number: V8176 1973 Interview Number: v8197 1974 interview Number: ~8211 1975 Interview Number: V8226 1976 Interview Number: ~8251 1977 interview Number: V8276 1978 Interview Number: ~8303 1979 Interview Number: ~8337 1980 Interview Number: V8364 1981 Interview Number: v83gl ~8113; ~8128; Person I: V8358; Number original: V8256: revised: ~8148; ~8164: ~8181; V8281 ~8301: ~8308: V8342; V836g: V8jg6 ~8202; V8216: V8231: 590 - INDIVIDUAL DATA ~8127; V8143; ~8160; Sequence Number: ~8277: V8304; V8338; V8365: v83g2 INCOME (see also Money, ~838 1 ACCURACY Annual taxable, of: ~8172; v8lgo; v8zog; annual: ~8241; ~8267; v82g2: ~8327: V8354; ~‘8408 ~8137; v8239; transfer: ~8223: NUMBER Family ~8226; Number: ~8251; Subfamily (See Likely v8193 to Moved ~8165; month year V8334; V8361; V8154: ~8171; v818g; V8208; ~8222 ~8240; ~8326; ~8273; ~8353: v82g8; ~8380; V8333: V8415 v8407 ~8360; v8387; V8414 ~8126; ~8337; V8142; ~8364; v815g: v8jgl v8176; v8197; ~8211; (MARITAL STATUS): ~8232; ~8343; ~8370; v83g7 Move in of v82gl; V8388; ~8112 SPLITOFF In/Out ~8182; v82gg; V81lO&V811l; ~8276; ~8303: NUMBER v83og; also V8274; ~8224; v8195 Number: MARRIED PAIR ~8257; V8282; MOVING OF: V8243; ~8266; ~8252; income) ~8155; taxable: INTERVIEW V8227; ~8138; ~8120; TYPE V8212; ~8121; annual: INDIVIDUAL. money v8lg8; Amount: transfer, Type CODES, V8177; INFORMATION) Next Few Years, Whether: FU Since Previous ~8203; ~8217; ~8233; moved: moved: ~8234; v8259: V8124: Interview, ~8258; V8284; V8141; Whether: ~8283; ~8310; ~8311; ~8345; ~8158; v8119; ~8344; ~8372; ~8175; ~8132; v8371: V8147; v8398 v8399 V8235; ~8260; V8285; ~8312; V8346: ~8373; v84oo ~8128; ~8148; ~8164; ~8181: ~8202; ~8216; ~8231: PERSON NUMBER Original: ~8281 Revised: ~8113; ~8301; V8308; ~8342; V8369; V8396 ~8256: INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIP ~8213; ~8228; TO HEAD OF INDIVIDUAL: ~8253; ~8278; ~8305; RESPONDENT, WHETHER: v8zgo: ~8325; V8348; ~8116; V8129: ~8144; v8339; ~8366; v8393 ‘18136; V8153; ~8375; V8402 V8170; ~8127; ~8143; ~8160: SEQUENCE NUMBER: ~8277; V8304; V8338; V8365; v83g2 ~8115: ~8131; V8341; ~8368; SEX OF INDIVIDUAL: ~8255: V8280; ~8307: SHARES IN FU’S SPLITOFF EXPENSES, Month of Splitoff Splitoff UNEMPLOYMENT WEIGHT, v81g8; ~8163: ~8123; ~8207; ~8140; ~8221: ~8212: ~8180; ~8157; ~8178; V8238: ~8227; ~8201: ~8174; ~8215: v8lgz INFORMATION ID Number Year ~8177; ~8146: v8395 WHETHER: V8188; ~8161: (See INDIVIDUAL: Main Family, Left Left Main Main HOURS, v8ig6: for Splitoffs: FU: FU: ~8250; v841g V8417 ~8418 Unemployment. Annual; ~8302: ~8336; EMPLOYMENT STATUS) v8363; v83go: DATA - 591 v8420 v81gg; ~8265; ~8252; ~8230; Part 4: Numerical Index of Fourteen-Year Individual Code The 1981 individual variables are listed in numerical order, with the comparable 1968-1980 variables included. Where blanks occur, there is no similar data item from previous years for that particular 1981 variable. Thus, this index does not include all the merged-tape individual variables. There are a few differences in field width and coding format, which have been annotated. The lower case alphabetic characters appear directly below the variables to which they refer. 593 Numerical Description Of Variable 1981 ,968 1969 Index ,970 of Fourteen-year 1971 1972 Individual Code 1973 1974 1975 ‘976 197, 1979 1979 1980 1981 lNTERVIEW NUMBER 8391 SEQUENCE 8392 8498 9212 9227 9252 9277 8304 9339 9365 9393 9199 9213 9229 9253 9279 9305 9339 9336 82,4 0229 9254 8279 9306 9340 9367 9215 9230 9255 9290 8307 834 1 9349 9301 8308 9342 9369 NUMBER RELATIONSHIP HEAD TO AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 8394 SEA OF INDIVIDUAL 8395 PERSON REVISED NUMBER-1977 8201 9396 8232 9257 a202 8309 8343 9370 9233 9259 9293 8310 9344 9371 8399 9234 9259 9284 8311 8345 8372 IN/OUT 8400 9235 f 9260 f 9295 9312 9346 a313 HOURS/WEEK SPENT ON HOUSEWORK 8401 8206 9220 9263 9299 9315 8347 8374 WHETHER 8402 8207 8221 9265 8290 9325 6348 8375 8349 8376 8350 8377 8351 8378 MARITAL MOVED STATUS IN/MOVED MONTH MOVED YEAR 939, MOVED NUMBER SCHOOL IN/OUT RESPONDENT EMPLOYMENT INDIVIDUAL WHETHER OUT STATUS- STUDENT WEEKS IN 8398 8203 9217 9239 9403 8404 8204 b 9218 b 9236 b 926 1 b 9296 b El313 b 8405 8406 9205 8219 9237 9262 9297 831.4 8352 8379 8407 9209 c 9222 c 9239 9266 8291 9326 8353 9390 TOTAL TAXABLE INCOME 8408 8209 d.h 9224 d.h 8241 h 9267 h 9292 i-l 9327 h 8354 h 9391 ACCURACY OF TAXABLE INCOME 8409 9242 0269 8293 9329 8355 8382 ANNUAL HOURS WORKED 84 10 9245 h 9269 h 9294 h 9329 h 8356 h 8383 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL HOURS WORKED 8411 9246 9270 9295 9330 8357 8384 HIGHEST FINISHED GRADE TYPE TAXABLE INCOME 9210 d 9225 d Numerics, Index of Fourteen-year Individual Code ,975 ,976 ,977 ,979 ,979 ,990 94‘2 9247 927, 9296 933 1 9359 9385 ACCURACY OF ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS 94,3 8249 9272 9297 9332 8359 9396 TYPE TRANSFER INCOME 8414 9240 !a 9273 9 8298 9 9333 9 9360 9 9387 9243 h 9274 h 9299 h 9334 h 936 ‘ h 9399 9244 9275 9300 8335 9362 9389 Description Of Variable ANNUAL UNEMPLOYMENT HOURS 1981 ,969 ,969 ,970 ,971 1972 1973 9120 c 9137 c 9,54 c 8,7, c 9199 c 9209 c 912, d.h 8,39 d.h 9155 d.h 9172 d.h 9190 d.h 9209 d.h 1974 9222 i223 c-9 TOTAL TRANSFER INCOME ACCURACY TRANSFER TOTAL INCOME MONTH SPLITOFF MOVED YEAR SPLITOFF MOVED ID NUMBER OF MAIN FU, FOR SPLITOFFS 1981 INDIVIDUAL WEIGHT 9224 d.h 596 NONCOMPARABILITY NOTES a ln 1968, no movers-out were coded. b See tape code. The codes for these variables are the reverse of those for the other years. c Codes for type of income have changed very much over the years. One can extract whether labor vs. asset vs. transfer from the variables listed in See tape codes for further details. the index. d Missing data were coded in 1968-1974 on this variable; in 1975 the system was changed, a n d a c c u r a c y c o d e s h a v e b e e n i n c l u d e d s i n c e . See superscript h below. f In 1975 and 1976, only the last digit of year moved in/out was coded. g In 1974, transfer income was defined only as including or not including In 1975 and 1976, transfer income type was divided into welfare payments. the various components that are normally coded on this study. From 1977 on, this variable has been further divided to separate alimony from child support and unemployment from workmen’s compensation, and the code of necessity becomes a two-digit one. Also, the codes assigned to each category differ. Please check tape code before using. h Due t o a g r o w i n g d e m a n d f o r m o r e d e t a i l e d i n f o r m a t i o n o n i n d i v i d u a l incomes, e a c h p e r s o n ’ s i n c o m e w a s s p l i t i n t o t a x a b l e a n d t r a n s f e r a m o u n t s for 1975 through 1981 waves. By adding these two components, new variables can be created that will be comparable to the individual’s total money income of the 1968 through 1974 waves. It was also thought unnecessary to continue coding missing data on individual incomes and work hours, as had been done since 1968, because editors must assign amounts for family tape totals anyway. Therefore, each income and hours variable has its own accuracy code for Waves VIII-XIV. For comparabiIity, one could exclude either all cases where an assignment was made in 1975 through 1981 or missing data coded in previous years. 597 Great care must b e e x e r c i s e d i n a t t e m p t i n g c r o s s - y e a r c o m p a r i s o n s f o r H e a d s a n d / or Wives using their Individual Work Hours and Money Income variables. Here is a year-by-year synopsis of the status of these variables. is labor income only for Heads and Wives is as documented is labor income only for Heeds and Wives is as documented is labor income only for Heads and Wives this information should have been transferred in for Heads and Wives, but was not. Instead. t h e f i e l d i s f i l l e d w i t h n i n e s . Use V1138 for Head’s work hours Use V1148 for Wife’s work hours is labor income only for Heads and Wives This information should have been transferred in for Heads and Wives, but Instead, t h e f i e l d i s f i l l e d w i t h n i n e s . was not. Use V1839 for Head’s work hours Use V1849 for Wife’s work hours is labor income only for Heads and Wives is as documented i s l_____ abor income only for Heads and Wives is as documented is labor income only for Heads and Wives is as documented for Heads=Head’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head + Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head + Wife Asset Y) is as documented for some Heads (those with no wife and V3878 GE V3888): the work hours were not transferred in. Instead. the field is filled with nines. Use V3823 for Head’s work hours. for Heads=Head’s Wages + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Heads=Head’s Wages + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Heads=Head’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Heads=Head’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Heads=Head’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wives=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Heads=Head’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) for Wifes=Wife’s Labor Y + 1/2 (Head+Wife Asset Y) In general, since for Heads and Wives all the income and work hours information is available in its correct form in the family part of the data, RECODE should be utilized to use that data rather than the information found in the individual data section--THIS APPLIES TO HEADS AND WIVES ONLY. Part 5: Index of the 1981 Employment Sections This index compares all the variables from the employment sections for Heads (C, D & E) and Wives of Heads (F, G & H); Family Unit, V7878=1. if there is a Wife of Head in the Which section is asked is based on employment status (V7706 for Heads, V7879 for Wives). Many of these variables represent the same or similar questions asked in more than one section. In analysis it might be desirable, for instance, to look at weeks worked in 1980 for all Heads regardless of whether they are currently employed or not. With the tabulations in this index, the user can tell at a glance whether or not the same question was asked of all Heads. Using the example given above. one could generate a new variable on weeks worked in 1980 simply by adding V7741 + V7821 + V7868, s i n c e o n e a n d o n l y o n e o f t h e s e v a r i a b l e s contains this information for each Head, the other two containing zeros indicating that the question is inappropriate. Footnotes earmark variables where the wording or framework of the questions varies significantly from those to which they are compared. 599 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections C & F (Employed or Only Temporarily Laid Off); D & G (Unemployed, Looking for Work); E & H (Retired, Disabled, Housewife, Student, Other) Sections C, D & E are for Heads and Sections F, G & H are for Wives Employed C. Head (v7706=1.2) Variables comparable across Unenployed F. Wife (V7879.1.2) all sections D. Head tv770ti=31 for Heads Retired, G.. Wife (v7879=3) 7712 7885 7807 1 7920 Industry 7113 7886 7808 t 792,’ Job 7721’ 7893’ 1809 1 7922 1980 7141 7904 7821 7742 7905 7822 Happened Weeks Worked Hours Per to in Week Worked in 1980 Variables Whether Others Number MIssed Ill in Weeks Work 1980 Others Whether Missed Work Self Ill in 1980 Self comparable C & D (Heads) and 7943’ 7867 1 7944’ 787 1 7948 1934 7868 7945 7935 1869 7946 1694 7813 1926 Ill 7732 7895 7814 7927 Because 1133 789’6 7815 1928 weeks Took Vacation III in Number Weeks Vacation Taken Whether on 1980 1980 5 i F & G (Wives) 113, Whether in sections H. Wife (V7879.4-8) 7866’ Because Number Strike across etc. & Wives Occupation What E. Head (V7706.4~8) 1734 1897 7816 7929 1735 7898 7811 7924 7736 7699 let2 7925 7737 7900 1811 7930 Variables Number weeks Whether Weeks Annual Travel Accuracy Mode of of of strike Unemployed Number Number on comparable in 1980 Unemployed to Work Travel Miles to Time in Hours across sections C & D (Heads) and 7738 790 1 7918 793 1 7739 7902 ,819 7932 ,740 7903 ,820 7933 7789 ,911 7855 ,936 Time 7790 ,912 ,956 7937 Work 779, ,913 7957’ ,939’ ,792 7914 7959* 7939’ Transportation to Work Variables comparable between sections C & D (Heads only) When Most Recent Unemployed Period Began Number of Weeks Off Whether Did Not Look for Job for 4 or More Weeks Whether Happened More Than Once How Many Times F & G (Wives) (cont.) 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections Employed Description Variable C. Head (,,,,06.,,2) There 1980 Another Unemployed (2nd Mention) When Did That (2nd Mention) Number of Period Weeks Off comparable Period Begin (2nd Mention) Whether Did Not Look for Job for 4 or More Weeks (2nd Mention) Whether Happened (2nd Mention) More Once Many Times Was in There 1980 Another Unemployed (3rd Mention) When Did That of Weeks (2nd Than How Number Period Off Whether Did Not Look 4 or More Weeks (3rd Whether (3rd Unemployed Retired, etc. of Variables Was in (continued) Happened Mention) More Mention) Period Begin (3rd (3rd Mention) for Job Mention) Than for once Mention) between F. Wife (v,g,gz, , -,7, sections D. Head ,“,,,-%r~, I.. __ _, G. Wife ,“7879-31 C & D (Heads only) 7156 7.929 1757 7830 7758 7831 7759. 7706 7832. 7833 776, 7834 7762 7835 7763 7836 7764 7837 1165 183.9 7766 7767 7839. 7840 7768 794 1 E. Head lV7706.4-9) H. Wife /Vl879-A-8) 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections Employed C. Head (V7706-1.2) F. Wife (V7979=1.21 (continued) Unemployed D. Head lV7706-31 Variables comparable between sections C & D (Heads only) How Many Times (3rd Mention) 7769 Whether Received Unemployment Compensation 7770 Whether Benefits Used Up 7771 7844 Number of Weeks Between Benefit Depletion and Return to Work 7772 7845 Whether Thought Eligible 7773 7946 Why Did Not Apply 7774 7947 Why Did Not Apply (2nd Mention) 7775 7948 Whether Any (Other) Source of Income During Most Recent Unemployment Period 7776 7949 What Were They 7777 7950 What Were They (2nd Mention) 7779 7951 Whether Returned to Same Employer 7779 7852 Whether Same Type Job 7790 7853 G. Wife (V7979.31 Retired, E. Head (“7706-4-81 etc. H. Wife (V7.979=4-91 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections Unefnployed E~PlOYfC! Description Variable (continued) Retired. etc. of c. Head (V7706=1.2) Variables comparable F. Wife ,V7879=1.2, between sections 0. He?.d (V7706.3) 0. Wife ,V7879=3) C & D (Heads only) E. Head (V7706.4~8) H. w,fe ,V7879*4-8, Whether Returned to Lower, Higher or Same Wage Rate whether Under or Over 65 Age What Age Will Main Work Retire Whether Will 45, 45 to 64, From Retire Before 65 Variable Whether Thinking (a/another) Job of Getting Self-employed Whether Employed by Whether Current Job by Union Contract Whether Months Belongs Worked to for 7859 7796. 7798 7960. ,962 7797 7961 across sections C & E (Heads) ,872’ Comparable between sections 7707 7880 Government 7708 78ai Covered 7709 7882 7710 7993 7711 ,884 That Present & H (Wives) 7793 Variables Whether comparable 7795 Union Employer C (Heads) and F (Wives) 7949’ 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections Employed c. IdBad (V7706-1.2) Variables Whether Salaried Regular by Hour Began Whether Extra Occupation--Extra 7990 7722 789 1 7726 7892 7743 7906 7744 7907 ,745 7908 Job(s) 7749 7909 on 7749 7910 Job in in 1980 1980 Job Weeks Worked Hours Extra Per Week Job(s) on Extra Worked Variables Whether Paid Overtime 7987 7720 Overtime Job(s) ,714 7989 New Job Worked sections 7.998 on Present Whether F. WI?* (‘.‘7879=1.2) 7715 Pay Other Than or Hourly Wage Worked between Unarnployad 7719 Wage Mode of Salaried Month Paid Salary Hourly Months or comparable (Salaried) for question 77 (6 asked (continued) only 0. Head (V7706=3) C (Heads) in Section G. wife (V7879.3) and F (Wives) C (Heads) Retired. E. Head (V7706=4-8) etc. H. Wlfed (V7879-4-8) 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections (continued) etci. of c. Head (“7706=1.2) Variables Overtime Hourly rtet,re*. ““employed EmpI 0y.m Description Variable Rate Wage Overtime Mode of for Overtime 7719 for Other ,721 Same Job Tasks whether Job Up/Downgraded Whether Whether Specific New Job Why New Job Better Whether New Job Hourly Pay Extra for New Better or Pays as Last Whether Could Have Worked More only In Sectlon 6. Vlfe (V7879=3) C (Heads) 7723 ,724 Tasks on Job 7725 7728 Worse 7729 More 7730 7746 ,747 Job(s) Variables Pay Rate to Work More Year Jobs Extra asked 0. HecKI (V7706’3) 7717 Whether of questions (Salaried) Rate Pay Number for F. Wlf.3 (V7879.1.2) for questions asked only in section C (Heads) (cont.) 6. Head (V7706.4-8) H. Wlfs (V7979.4-8) ECilPlOYC%i c. Head (V7706-1.2) ““enlployed F. Wife (V7979-1.2) D. me.* (V7706-3) Rotlred. G. Y+fe (V7879.3) Variables for questions asked only in section C (Heads) (cont.) Whether Could Have Worked Less Whether Wanted to Work Less Whether Wanted to Work More Whether Doing Anything About Getting Another Job Variables comparable across sections D & E (Heads) and G & H (Wives) Whether Looked for Job in Last Four Weeks Number Places Looked for Job Variable comparable between sections D & E (Heads only) Whether Need Training for Job Sought Variables Occupation Sought Number Weeks Looking for Job comparable between sections D (Heads) 7799 7805 and G (Wives) 79,5 ,919 E. Head CV7706-4-S) etc. H. Wlft3 (V7879.4-S) 1981 Comparative Index for Employment Sections Employed Description Variable c. Head (V7706=1.2) Whether Ever Last Wage Lowest Acceptable Whether Retired sections D (Heads) for questions asked only in Retired. etc. 0. Ylfe (V7879’3) and ,919 7810 7923 D (Heads) Wage 7604 comparable between sections E (Heads) and H (Wives) Retired Whether Worked Whether (Still) for Money Working in 1980 Now Variable Might Get Job Sought Ii. wlfe (V?B79.4-8) G (Wives) 7806 section E. Head (V7706-4-E) 7800 Sought Variables When Type between D. Head CV7706=31 Employed Hourly Year Comparable F. Wife (V7879-1.2) Worked Variables What Unemployed of Variables Year (continued) (a/another) Job for questIon asked only In section 7863 7940 7664 794 I 7865 7942 7870 7947 E (Heads) 1613 7874 1Refers to the last job held. 2Refers to job held during 1980, if any. 3Refers to previous job and is only asked where Head or Wife has changed jobs in the last year. 4Refers to last job and is only asked where Head or Wife worked during 1980 or 1981 5In section C, this question is in terms of moving in order to earn more money. In section D, it is in terms of moving in order to get a good job. 6Head may or may not be currently employed 6This job is in a highly speculative framework. APPENDIX 1: STATE AND COUNTY CODES The following codes 1 are those which have previously been made available to users upon written request. An attempt has been made to annotate obsolescence in city-county jurisdictions that have occurred since the inception of the Panel Study, although these may be incomplete. 1 General Services Administration, U.S. Office of Finance, Geographical Location Codes. 611 612 STATE AND COUNTY CODES 01 Alabama (cont.) 01 Alabama 02 Arizona (cont.) Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount 001 003 005 007 009 Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon Madison 081 083 085 087 089 Bullock Butler Calhoun Chambers Cherokee 011 013 015 017 019 Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe 091 093 095 097 099 Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne 021 023 025 027 029 Montgomery Morgan Perry Pickens Pike 101 103 105 107 109 Arkansas Ashley Baxter Benton Boone 001 003 005 007 009 Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington 031 033 035 037 039 Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter 111 113 115 117 119 Bradley Calhoun Carroll Chicot Clark 011 013 015 017 019 Crenshaw Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb 041 043 045 047 049 Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington 121 123 125 127 129 Clay Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway 021 023 025 027 029 Elmore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franklin 051 053 055 057 059 Wilcox Winston 131 133 Craighead Crawford Crittenden Cross Dallas 031 033 035 037 039 Geneva Greene Hale Henry Houston 061 063 065 067 069 Apache Cochise Coconino Gila Graham 001 003 005 007 009 Desha Drew Faulkner Franklin Fulton 041 043 045 047 049 Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence 071 073 075 077 079 Greenlee Maricopa Mohave Navajo Pima 011 013 015 017 019 Garland Grant Greene Hempstead Hot Spring 051 053 055 057 059 02 Arizona Pinal Santa Cruz Yavapai Yuma 021 023 025 027 03 Arkansas 613 03 Arkansas (cont.) 04 California 04 California (cont.) Howard Independence Izard Jackson Jefferson 061 063 065 067 069 Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras 001 003 005 007 009 Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus 091 093 095 097 099 Johnson Lafayette Lawrence Lee Lincoln 071 073 075 077 079 Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno 011 013 015 017 019 Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne 101 103 105 107 109 Little River Logan Lonoke Madison Marion 081 083 085 087 089 Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern 021 023 025 027 029 Ventura Yolo Yuba 111 113 115 Miller Mississippi Monroe Montgomery Nevada 091 093 095 097 099 Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera 031 033 035 037 039 Adams Alamosa Arapahoe Archuleta Baca 001 003 005 007 009 Newton Ouachita Perry Phillips Pike 101 103 105 107 109 Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc 041 043 045 047 049 Bent Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek 011 013 015 017 019 Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski 111 113 115 117 119 Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange 051 053 055 057 059 Conejos Costilla Crowley Custer Delta 021 023 025 027 029 Randolph St. Francis Saline Scott Searcy 121 123 125 127 129 Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito 061 063 065 067 069 Denver Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert 031 033 035 037 039 Sebastian Sevier Sharp Stone Union 131 133 135 137 139 San San San San San 071 073 075 077 079 El Paso Fremont Garfield Gilpin Grand 041 043 045 047 049 Van Buren Washington White Woodruff Yell 141 143 145 147 149 San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta 081 083 085 087 089 Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jackson Jefferson 051 053 055 057 059 Bernardino Diego Francisco Joaquin Luis Obispo 05 Colorado 614 07 Delaware 05 Colorado (cont.) 09 Florida (cont.) Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer 061 063 065 067 069 Kent New Castle Sussex Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Mineral 071 073 075 077 079 Dist. of Columbia 001 Moffat Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero 081 083 085 087 089 Alachua Baker Bay Bradford Brevard Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Prowers 091 093 095 097 099 Pueblo Rio Blanco Rio Grande Routt Saguache 001 003 005 Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison 071 073 075 077 079 Manatee Marion Martin Monroe Nassau 081 083 085 087 089 001 003 005 007 009 Okaloosa Okeechobee Orange Osceola Palm Beach 091 093 095 097 099 Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Clay 011 013 015 017 019 Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam St Johns 101 103 105 107 109 101 103 105 107 109 Collier Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie 021 023 025 027 029 St Lucie Santa Rosa Sarasota Seminole Sumter 111 113 115 117 119 San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Teller 111 113 115 117 119 Duval Escambia Flagler Franklin Gadsden 031 033 035 037 039 Suwaanee Taylor Union Volusia Wakulla 121 123 125 127 129 Washington Weld Yuma 121 123 125 Gilchrist Glades Gulf Hamilton Hardee 041 043 045 047 049 Walton Washington 131 133 06 Connecticut 08 District of Columbia 09 Florida 10 Georgia Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven 001 003 005 007 009 Hendry Hernando Highlands Billsborough Holmes 051 053 055 057 059 Appling Atkinson Bacon Baker Baldwin 001 003 005 007 009 New London Tolland Windham 011 013 015 Indian River Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake 061 063 065 067 069 Banks Barrow Bartow Ben Hill Berrien 011 013 015 017 019 615 10 Georgia (cont.) 10 Georgia (cont.) 10 Georgia (cont.) Bibb Bleckley Brantley Brooks Bryan 021 023 025 027 029 Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin Fulton 113 115 117 119 121 Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray 205 207 209 211 213 Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden 031 033 035 037 039 Gilmer Glascock Glynn Gordon Grady 123 125 127 129 131 Muscogee Newton Oconee Olgethorpe Paulding 215 217 219 221 223 Candler Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham 043 045 047 049 051 Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Hancock 133 135 137 139 141 Peach Pickens Pierce Pike Polk 225 227 229 231 233 Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke Clay 053 055 057 059 061 Haralson Harris Hart Beard Henry 143 145 147 149 151 Pulaski Putnam Quitman Rabun Randolph 235 237 239 241 243 Clayton Clinch Cobb Coffee Colquitt 063 065 067 069 071 Houston Irvin Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis 153 155 157 159 161 Richmond Rockdale Schley Screven Seminole 245 247 249 251 253 Colombia Cook Coweta Crawford Crisp 073 075 077 079 081 Jefferson Jenkins Johnson Jones Lamar 163 165 167 169 171 Spaulding Stephens Stewart Sumter Talbot 255 257 259 261 263 Dade Dawson Decatur De Kalb Dodge 083 085 087 089 091 Lanier Laurens Lee Liberty Lincoln 173 175 177 179 181 Taliaferro Tattnall Taylor Telfair Terre11 265 267 269 271 273 Dooly Dougherty Douglas Early Echols 093 095 097 099 101 Long Lowndes Lumpkin McDuffie McIntosh 183 185 187 189 191 Thomas Tift Toombs Towns Treutlen 275 277 279 281 283 Effingham Elbert Emanuel Evans Fannin 103 105 107 109 111 Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Miller 193 195 197 199 201 Troup Turner Twiggs Union Upson 285 287 289 291 293 616 10 Georgia 11 Idaho (cont.) 12 Illinois (cont.) (cont.) Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington 295 297 299 301 303 Jefferson Jerome Kootenai Latah Lemhi 051 053 055 057 059 Douglas Du Page Edgar Edwards Effingham 041 043 045 047 049 Wayne Webster Wheeler White Whitfield 305 307 309 311 313 Levis Lincoln Madison Minidoka Nez Perce 061 063 065 067 069 Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin 051 053 055 057 059 Wi1cox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 315 317 319 321 Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone 071 073 075 077 079 Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin 061 063 065 067 069 Teton Twin Falls Valley Washington 081 083 085 087 Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 071 073 075 077 079 Jefferson Jersey Jo Daviess Johnson Kane 081 083 085 087 089 11 Idaho Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah 12 Illinois Bingham Blaine Boise Bonner Bonneville 011 013 015 017 019 Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown 001 003 005 007 009 Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake La Salle 091 093 095 097 099 Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Caribou 021 023 025 027 029 Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign 011 013 015 017 019 Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan McDonough 101 103 105 107 109 Cassia Clark Clearwater Custer Elmore 031 033 035 037 039 Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles 021 023 025 027 029 McHenry McLean Macon Macoupin Madison 111 113 115 117 119 Franklin Fremont Gem Gooding Idaho 041 043 045 047 049 Cook Crawford Cumberland De Kalb De Witt 031 033 035 037 039 Marion Marshall Mason Massac Menard 121 123 125 127 129 617 12 Illinois (cont.) 13 Indiana (cont.) 13 Indiana (cont.) Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie 131 133 135 137 139 Boone Brown Carroll Cass Clark 011 013 015 017 019 Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan 101 103 105 107 109 Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike 141 143 145 147 149 Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess Dearborn 021 023 025 027 029 Newton Noble Ohio Orange Oven 111 113 115 117 119 Pope Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland 151 153 155 157 159 Decatur De Kalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart 031 033 035 037 039 Parke Perry Pike Porter Posey 121 123 125 127 129 Rock Island St Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler 161 163 165 167 169 Fayette Floyd Fountain Franklin Fulton 041 043 045 047 049 Pulaski Putnam Randolph Ripley Rush 131 133 135 137 139 Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell 171 173 175 177 179 Gibson Grant Greene Hamilton Hancock 051 053 055 057 059 St Joseph Scott Shelby Spencer Starke 141 143 145 147 149 Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington 181 183 185 187 189 Harrison Hendricks Henry Howard Huntington 061 063 065 067 069 Steuben Sullivan Switzerland Tippecanoe Tipton 151 153 155 157 159 Wayne white Whiteside Will Williamson 191 193 195 197 199 Jackson Jasper Jay Jefferson Jennings 071 073 075 077 079 Union Vanderburgh Vermillion Vigo Wabash 161 163 165 167 169 Winnebago Woodford 201 203 Johnson Knox Kosciusko Lagrange Lake 081 083 085 087 089 Warren Warrick Washington Wayne Wells 171 173 175 177 179 001 003 005 007 009 La Porte Lawrence Madison Marion Marshall 091 093 095 097 099 white Whitley 181 183 13 Indiana Adams Allen Bartholomew Benton Blackford 618 14 Iowa 14 Iowa (cont.) 14 Iowa (cont.) Adair Adams Allamakee Appanoose Audubon 001 003 005 007 009 Humboldt Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper 091 093 095 097 099 Warren Washington Wayne Webster Winnebago 181 183 185 187 189 Benton Black Hawk Boone Bremer Buchanan 011 013 015 017 019 Jefferson Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth 101 103 105 107 109 Winneshiek Woodbury Worth Wright 15 Kansas 191 193 195 197 Buena Vista Butler Calhoun Carroll Cass 021 023 025 027 029 Lee Linn Louisa Lucas Lyon 111 113 115 117 119 Allen Anderson Atchison Barber Barton 001 003 005 007 009 Cedar Cerro Gordo Cherokee Chickasaw Clarke 031 033 035 037 039 Madison Mahaska Marion Marshall Mills 121 123 125 127 129 Bourbon Brown Butler chase Chautauqua 011 013 015 017 019 Clay Clayton Clinton Crawford Dallas 041 043 045 047 049 Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery Muscatine 131 133 135 137 139 Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud 021 023 025 027 029 Davis Decatur Delaware Des Moines Dickinson 051 053 055 057 059 O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto Plymouth 141 143 145 147 149 Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur 031 033 035 037 039 Dubuque Emmet Fayette Floyd Franklin 061 063 065 067 069 Pocahontas Polk Pottawattamie Poweshiek Ringgold 151 153 155 157 159 Dickinson Doniphan Douglas Edwards Elk 041 043 045 047 049 Fremont Greene Grundy Guthrie Hamilton 071 073 075 077 079 Sac Scott Shelby Stoux Story 161 163 165 167 169 Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin 051 053 055 057 059 Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Howard 081 083 085 087 089 Tams Taylor Union Van Buren Wapello 171 173 175 177 179 Geary Gove Graham Grant Gray 061 063 065 067 069 619 16 Kentucky 15 Kansas (cont.) 15 Kansas (cont.) (cont.) Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey 071 073 075 077 079 Riley Rooks Rush Russell Saline 161 163 165 167 169 Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle 031 033 035 037 039 Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewel1 081 083 085 087 089 Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan 171 173 175 177 179 Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark 041 043 045 047 049 Johnson Kearny Kingman Kiowa Labette 091 093 095 097 099 Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens 181 183 185 I87 189 Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess 051 053 055 057 059 Lane Leavenworth Lincoln Linn Logan 101 103 105 107 109 Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace 191 193 195 197 199 Edmonson Elliott Estill Fayette Flaming 061 063 065 067 069 Lyon McPherson Marion Marshall Meade 111 113 115 117 119 Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte 201 203 205 207 209 Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard 071 073 075 077 079 Miami Mitchell Montgomery Morris Morton 121 123 125 127 129 16 Kentucky Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup 081 083 085 087 089 Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage 131 133 135 137 139 Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren 001 003 005 007 009 Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart 091 093 095 097 099 Osborne Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie 141 143 145 147 149 Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd 011 013 015 017 019 Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson 101 103 105 107 109 Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice 151 153 155 157 159 Boyle Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt 621 023 025 027 029 Jefferson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott 111 113 115 117 119 620 16 Kentucky (cont.) 16 Kentucky (cont.) 17 Louisiana (cont.) Knox Larue Laurel Lawrence Lee 121 123 125 127 129 Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor Todd 211 213 215 217 219 Jefferson Jefferson Lafayette Lafourche La Salle Leslie Letcher Levis Lincoln Livinston 131 133 135 137 139 Trigg Trimble Union Warren Washington 221 223 225 227 229 Lincoln Livingston Madison Morehouse Natchitoches 061 063 065 067 069 Logan Lyon McCracken McCreary McLean 141 143 145 147 149 Wayne Webster Whitley Wolfe Woodford 231 233 235 237 239 Orleans Ouachita Plaquemines Pointe Coupee Rapides 071 073 075 077 079 Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin 151 153 155 157 159 17 Louisiana Red River Richland Sabine St Bernard St Charles 081 083 085 087 089 Mason Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe 161 163 165 167 169 Acadia Allen Ascension Assumption Avoyelles 001 003 005 007 009 St St St St St Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelson 171 173 175 177 179 Beauregard Bienville Bossier Caddo Calcasieu 011 013 015 017 019 St Mary St Tammany Tangipahoa Tensas Terrebonne 101 103 105 107 109 Nicholas Ohio Oldham Oven Owsley 181 183 185 187 189 Caldwell Cameron Catahoula Claiborne Concordia 021 023 025 027 029 Union Vermilion Vernon Washington Webster 111 113 115 117 119 Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski 191 193 195 197 199 De Soto East Baton Rouge East Carroll East Feliciana Evangeline 031 033 035 037 039 West Baton Rouge West Carroll West Feliciana Winn 121 123 125 127 Robertson Rockcastle Rowan Russell Scott 201 203 205 207 209 Franklin Grant Iberia Iberville Jackson 041 043 045 047 049 Davis 051 053 055 057 059 Helena 091 James 093 John The Baptist 095 Landry 097 Martin 099 621 20 Massachusetts 18 Maine 21 Michigan (cont.) Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland Franklin Hancock 001 003 005 007 009 Barnstable Berkshire Bristol Dukes Essex 001 003 005 007 009 Gladwin Gogebic Grand Traverse Gratiot Hillsdale 051 053 055 057 059 Kennebec Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot 011 013 015 017 019 Franklin Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket 011 013 015 017 019 Houghton Huron Ingham Ionia Iosco 061 063 065 067 069 Piscataquis Sagadahoc Somerset Waldo Washington 021 023 205 027 029 Norfolk Plymouth Suffolk Worcester 021 023 025 027 Iron Isabella Jackson Kalamazoo Kalkaska 071 073 075 077 079 York 031 Kent Keweenaw Lake Lapeer Leelanau 081 083 085 087 089 19 Maryland 21 Michigan Allegany Anne Arundel Baltimore Calvert Caroline 001 003 005 009 011 Alcona Alger Allegan Alpena Antrim 001 003 005 007 009 Lenawee Livingston Luce Mackinac Macomb 091 093 095 097 099 Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester Frederick 013 015 017 019 021 Arenac Baraga Barry Bay Benzie 011 013 015 017 019 Manistee Marquette Mason Mecosta Menominee 101 103 105 107 109 Garrett Harford Howard Kent Montgomery 023 025 027 029 031 Berrien Branch Calhoun Cass Charlevoix 021 023 025 027 029 Midland Missaukee Monroe Montcalm Montmorency 111 113 115 117 119 Prince Georges Queen Annes St Marys Somerset Talbot 033 035 037 039 041 Cheboygan Chippewa Clare Clinton Crawford 031 033 035 037 039 Muskegon Newaygo Oakland Oceana Ogemaw 121 123 125 127 129 Washington Wicomico Worcester 043 045 047 510 Delta Dickinson Eaton Emmet Genesee 041 043 045 047 049 Ontonagon Osceola Oscoda Otsego Ottawa 131 133 135 137 139 Baltimore (City) 622 21 Michigan (cont.) 22 Minnesota (cont.) 22 Minnesota (cont.) Presque Isle Roscommon Saginaw St Clair St Joseph 141 143 145 147 149 Itasca Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson 061 063 065 067 069 Swift Todd Traverse Wabasha Wadena 151 153 155 157 159 Sanilac Schoolcraft Shiawassee Tuscola Van Buren 151 153 155 157 159 Koochiching Lac Qui Parle Lake Lake of the Woods Le Sueur 071 073 075 077 079 Waseca Washington Watonwan Wilkin Winona 161 163 165 167 169 Washtenaw Wayne Wexford 161 163 165 Lincoln Lyon McLeod Mahnomen Marshall 081 083 085 087 089 Wright Yellow 171 173 22 Minnesota Medicine 23 Mississippi Aitkin Anoka Becker Beltrami Benton 001 003 005 007 009 Martin Meeker Mille Lacs Morrison Mower 091 093 095 097 099 Adams Alcorn Amite Attala Benton 001 003 005 007 009 Big Stone Blue Earth Brown Carlton Carver 011 013 015 017 019 Murray Nicollet Nobles Norman Olmsted 101 103 105 107 109 Bolivar Calhoun Carroll Chickasaw Choctaw 011 013 015 017 019 Cass Chippewa Chisago Clay Clearwater 021 023 025 027 029 Otter Tail Pennington Pine Pipestone Polk 111 113 115 117 119 Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma Copiah 021 023 025 027 029 Cook Cottonwood Crow Wing Dakota Dodge 031 033 035 037 039 Pope Ramsey Red Lake Redwood Renville 121 123 125 127 129 Covington De Soto Forrest Franklin George 031 033 035 037 039 Douglas Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue 041 043 045 047 049 Rice Rock Roseau St Louis Scott 131 133 135 137 139 Greene Grenada Hancock Harrison Hinds 041 043 045 047 049 Grant Heepin Houston Hubbard Isanti 051 053 055 057 059 Sherburne Sibley steams Steele Stevens 141 143 145 147 149 Holmes Humphreys Issaquena Itawamba Jackson 051 053 055 057 059 623 23 Mississippi Jasper Jefferson Jefferson Jones Kemper (cont.) 23 Mississippi (cont.) 24 Missouri (cont.) 061 063 065 067 069 Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston 151 153 155 157 159 Franklin Gasconade Gentry Greene Grundy 071 073 075 077 079 Lafayette Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Leake 071 073 075 077 079 Yalobusha Yazoo 161 163 Harrison Henry Hickory Bolt Howard 081 083 085 087 089 Lee Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison 081 083 085 087 089 Adair Andrew Atchison Audrain Barry 001 003 005 007 009 Howell Iron Jackson Jasper Jefferson 091 093 095 097 099 Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery Neshoba 091 093 095 097 099 Barton Bates Benton Bollinger Boone 011 013 015 017 019 Johnson Knox Laclede Lafayette Lawrence 101 103 105 107 109 Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola Pearl River 101 103 105 107 109 Buchanan Butler Caldwell Callaway Camden 021 023 025 027 029 Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston McDonald 111 113 115 117 119 Perry Pike Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman 111 113 115 117 119 Cape Girardeau Carroll Carter Cass Cedar 031 033 035 037 039 Macon Madison Maries Marion Mercer 121 123 125 127 129 Rankin Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith 121 123 125 127 129 Chariton Christian Clark Clay Clinton 041 043 045 047 049 Miller Mississippi Moniteau Monroe Montgomery 131 133 135 137 139 Stone Sunflower Tallahatchie Tate Tippah 131 133 135 137 139 Cole Cooper Crawford Dade Dallas 051 053 055 057 059 Morgan New Madrid Newton Nodaway Oregon 141 143 145 147 149 Tishomingo Tunica Union Walthall Warren 141 143 145 147 149 Daviess De Kalb Dent Douglas Dunklin 061 063 065 067 069 Osage Ozark Pemiscot Perry Pettis 151 153 155 157 159 Davis 24 Missouri 625 26 Nebraska 26 Nebraska (cont.) (cont.) 29 New Jersey Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall 071 073 075 077 079 Sheridan Sherman SIOUX Stanton Thayer 161 163 165 167 169 Atlantic Bergen Burlington Camden Cape May 001 003 005 007 009 Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt 081 083 085 087 089 Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne 171 173 175 177 179 Cumberland Essex Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon 011 013 015 017 019 Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney 091 093 095 097 099 Webster Wheeler York 181 183 185 Mercer Middlesex Monmouth Morris Ocean 021 023 025 027 029 Keith Keya Paha Kimball Knox Lancaster 101 103 105 107 109 Churchill Clark Douglas Elko Esmeralda 001 003 005 007 009 Passaic Salem Somerset Sussex Union 031 033 035 037 039 Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Madison 111 113 115 117 119 Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon 011 013 015 017 019 Warren 041 Merrick Morrill Nance Nemaha Nuckolls 121 123 125 127 129 Mineral Nye Ormsby* Pershing Storey 021 023 025 027 029 Bernalillo Catron Chaves Colfax Curry 003 005 007 009 Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce 131 133 135 137 139 Washoe White Pine *Carson City 031 033 510 De Baca Dona Ana Eddy Grant Guadalupe 011 013 015 017 019 Platte Polk Red Willow Richardson Rock 141 143 145 147 149 Belknap Carroll Cheshire coos Grafton 001 003 005 007 009 Harding Hidalgo Lea Lincoln Los Alamos 021 023 025 027 028 Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff Seward 151 153 155 157 159 Hillsboro Merrimack Rockingham Strafford Sullivan 011 013 015 017 019 Luna McKinley Mora Otero Quay 029 031 033 035 037 27 Nevada 28 New Hampshire *Since 1978, code 510 (Carson City) tow" of Stewart, Nevada. has been used. 30 New Mexico This also includes the 626 30 New Mexico (cont.) 31 New York (cont.) 32 North Carolina (cont.) Rio Arriba Roosevelt Sandoval San Juan San Miguel 039 041 043 045 047 New York Niagara Oneida Onondaga Ontario 061 063 065 067 069 Buncombe Burke Cabarrus Caldwell Camden 021 023 025 027 029 Santa Fe Sierra Socorro Taos Torrance 049 051 053 055 057 Orange Orleans Oswego Otsego Putnam 071 073 075 077 079 Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee 031 033 035 037 039 Union Valencia 059 061 Queens Rensselaer Richmond Rockland St Lawrence 081 083 085 087 089 Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven 041 043 045 047 049 Albany Allegany Bronx Broome Cattaraugus 001 003 005 007 009 Saratoga Schenectady Schoharie Schuyler Seneca 091 093 095 097 099 Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie 051 053 055 057 059 Cayuga Chautauqua Chemung Chenango Clinton 011 013 015 017 019 Steuben Suffolk Sullivan Tioga Tompkins 101 103 105 107 109 Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin 061 063 065 067 069 Columbia Cortland Delaware Dutchess Erie 021 023 025 027 029 Ulster Warren Washington Wayne Westchester 111 113 115 117 119 Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene 071 073 075 077 079 Essex Franklin Fulton Genesee Greene 031 033 035 037 039 Wyoming Yates 121 123 Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson 081 083 085 087 089 Hamilton Herkimer Jefferson Kings Lewis 041 043 045 047 049 Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe 001 003 005 007 009 Hertford Hoke Hyde Iredell Jackson 091 093 095 097 099 Livingston Madison Monroe Montgomery Nassau 051 053 055 057 059 Avery Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick 011 013 015 017 019 Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln 101 103 105 107 109 31 New York 32 North Carolina 627 32 North Carolina (cont.) 33 North Dakota 33 North Dakota McDowell Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg 111 113 115 117 119 Adams Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau 001 003 005 007 009 Steele Stutsman Towner Traill Walsh 091 093 095 097 099 Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover 121 123 125 127 129 Bowman Burke Burleigh Cass Cavalier 011 013 015 017 019 Ward Wells Williams 101 103 105 Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank 131 133 135 137 139 Dickey Divide Dunn Eddy Emmons 021 023 025 027 029 Adams Allen Ashland Ashtabula Athens 001 003 005 007 009 Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk 141 143 145 147 149 Foster Golden Valley Grand Forks Grant Griggs 031 033 035 037 039 Auglaize Belmont Brow" Butler Carroll 011 013 015 017 019 Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingham Rowan 151 153 155 157 159 Hettinger Kidder La Moure Logan McHenry 041 043 045 047 049 Champaign Clark Clermont Clinton Columbiana 021 023 025 027 029 Rutherford Sampson Scotland Stanly Stokes 161 163 165 167 169 McIntosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton 051 053 055 057 059 Coshocton Crawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance 031 033 035 037 039 Surry Swain Transylvania Tyrrell Union 171 173 175 177 179 Mountrail Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce 061 063 065 067 069 Delaware Erie Fairfield Fayette Franklin 041 043 045 047 049 Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga 181 183 185 187 189 Ramsey Hansom Renville Richland Rolette 071 073 075 077 079 Fulton Gallia Geauga Greene Guernsey 051 053 055 057 059 Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey 191 193 195 197 199 Sargent Sheridan Sioux Slope Stark 081 083 085 087 089 Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry 061 063 065 067 069 34 Ohio 628 34 Ohio (cont.) 34 Ohio (cont.) 35 Oklahoma (cont.) Highland Hocking Holmes Huron Jackson 071 073 075 077 079 Van Wert Vinton Warren Washington Wayne 161 163 165 167 169 Kay Kingfisher Kiowa Latimer Le Flore 071 073 075 077 079 Jefferson Knox Lake Lawrence Licking 081 083 085 087 089 Williams Wood Wyandot 171 173 175 Lincoln Logan Love McClain McCurtain 081 083 085 087 089 Logan Lorain Lucas Madison Mahoning 091 093 095 097 099 Adair Alfalfa Atoka Beaver Beckham 001 003 005 007 009 McIntosh Major Marshall Mayes Murray 091 093 095 097 099 Marion Medina Meigs Mercer Miami 101 103 105 107 109 Blaine Bryan Caddo Canadian Carter 011 013 015 017 019 Muskogee Noble Nowata Okfuskee Oklahoma 101 103 105 107 109 Monroe Montgomery Morgan Morrow Muskingum 111 113 115 117 119 Cherokee Choctaw Cimarron Cleveland Coal 021 023 025 027 029 Okmulgee Osage Ottawa Pawnee Payne 111 113 115 117 119 Noble Ottawa Paulding Perry Pickaway 121 123 125 127 129 Comanche Cotton Craig Creek Custer 031 033 035 037 039 Pittsburg Pontotoc Pottawatomie Pushmataha Roger Mills 121 123 125 127 129 Pike Portage Preble Putnam Richland 131 133 135 137 139 Delaware Dewey Ellis Garfield Garvin 041 043 045 047 049 Rogers Seminole Sequoyah Stephens Texas 131 133 135 137 139 Ross Sandusky Scioto Seneca Shelby 141 143 145 147 149 Grady Grant Greer Harmon Harper 051 053 055 057 059 Tillman Tulsa Wagoner Washington Washita 141 143 145 147 149 Stark summit Trumbull Tuscarawas Union 151 153 155 157 159 Haskell Hughes Jackson Jefferson Johnston 061 063 065 067 069 Woods Woodward 151 153 35 Oklahoma 629 36 Oregon 37 Pennsylvania (cont.) 37 Pennsylvania (cont.) Baker Benton Clackamas Clatsop Columbia 001 003 005 007 009 Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler 011 013 015 017 019 Philadelphia Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder 101 103 105 107 109 coos Crook Curry Deschutes Douglas 011 013 015 017 019 Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester 021 023 025 027 029 Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna Tioga Union 111 113 115 117 119 Gilliam Grant Harney Hood River Jackson 021 023 025 027 029 Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford 031 033 035 037 039 Venango Warren Washington Wayne Westmoreland 121 123 125 127 129 Jefferson Josephine Klamath Lake Lane 031 033 035 037 039 Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie 041 043 045 047 049 Wyoming York 131 133 Lincoln Linn Malheur Marion Morrow 041 043 045 047 049 Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene 051 053 055 057 059 Bristol Kent Newport Providence Washington Multnomah Polk Sherman Tillamook Umatilla 051 053 055 057 059 Huntingdon Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lackawanna 061 063 065 067 069 39 South Carolina Union Wallowa Wasco Washington Wheeler 061 063 065 067 069 Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne 071 073 075 077 079 Abbeville Aiken Allendale Anderson Bamberg 001 003 005 007 009 Yamhill 071 Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin Monroe 081 083 085 087 089 Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Calhoun Charleston 011 013 015 017 019 001 003 005 007 009 Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland Perry 091 093 095 097 099 Cherokee Chester Chesterfield Clarendon Colleton 021 023 025 027 029 37 Pennsylvania Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Bedford 38 Rhode Island 001 003 005 007 009 630 39 South Carolina (cont.) 40 South Dakota (cont.) 40 South Dakota (cont.) Darlington Dillon Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield 031 033 035 037 039 Charles Mix Clark Clay Codington Corson 023 025 027 029 031 Shannon Spink Stanley Sully Todd 113 115 117 119 121 Florence Georgetown Greenville Greenwood Hampton 041 043 045 047 049 Custer Davison Day Deuel Dewey 033 035 037 039 041 Tripp Turner Union Walworth Washabaugh 123 125 127 129 131 Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens 051 053 055 057 059 Douglas Edmunds Fall River Faulk Grant 043 045 047 049 051 Yankton Ziebach 135 137 Lee Lexington McCormick Marion Marlboro 061 063 065 067 069 Gregory Haakon Hamlin Hand Hanson 053 055 057 059 061 Anderson Bedford Benton Bledsoe Blount 001 003 005 007 009 Newberry Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland 071 073 075 077 079 Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson 063 065 067 069 071 Bradley Campbell Cannon Carroll Carter 011 013 015 017 019 Saluda Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg 081 083 085 087 089 Jerauld Jones Kingsbury Lake Lawrence 073 075 077 079 081 Cheatham Chester Claiborne Clay Cocke 021 023 025 027 029 York 091 Lincoln Lyman McCook McPherson Marshall 083 085 087 089 091 Coffee Crockett Cumberland Davidson Decatur 031 033 035 037 039 Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Homme Brookings 003 005 007 009 011 Meade Mellette Miner Minnehaha Moody 093 095 097 099 101 De Kalb Dickson Dyer Fayette Fentress 041 043 045 047 049 Brown Brule Buffalo Butte Campbell 013 015 017 019 021 Pennington Perkins Potter Roberts Sanborn 103 105 107 109 111 Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene 051 053 055 057 059 40 South Dakota 41 Tennessee 631 41 Tennessee (cont.) 41 Tennessee (cont.) 42 Texas (cont.) Grundy Hamblen Hamilton Nancock Hardeman 061 063 065 067 069 Scott Sequatchie Sevier Shelby Smith 151 153 155 157 159 Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brooks Brown 041 043 045 047 049 Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson Henry 071 073 075 077 079 Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tipton Trousdale 161 163 165 167 169 Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun Callahan 051 053 055 057 059 Hickman Houston Humphreys Jackson Jefferson 081 083 085 087 089 Unicoi Union Van Buren Warren Washington 171 173 175 177 179 Cameron Camp Carson Cass Castro 061 063 065 067 069 Johnson Knox Lake Lauderdale Lawrence 091 093 095 097 099 Wayne Weakley White Williamson Wilson 181 183 185 187 189 Chambers Cherokee Childress Clay Cochran 071 073 075 077 079 Lewis Lincoln Loudon McMinn McNairy 101 103 105 107 109 42 Texas Coke Coleman Collin Collingsworth Colorado 081 083 085 087 089 Macon Madison Marion Marshall Maury 111 113 115 117 119 Anderson Andrews Angelina Aransas Archer 001 003 005 007 009 Comal Comanche Concho Cooke Coryell 091 093 095 097 099 Meigs Monroe Montgomery Moore Morgan 121 123 125 127 129 Armstrong Atascosa Austin Bailey Bandera 011 013 015 017 019 Cottle Crane Crockett Crosby Culberson 101 103 105 107 109 Obion Overton Perry Pickett Polk 131 133 135 137 139 Bastrop Baylor Bee Bell Bexar 021 023 025 027 029 Dallam Dallas Dawson Deaf Smith Delta 111 113 115 117 119 Putnam Rhea Roane Robertson Rutherford 141 143 145 147 149 Blanco Borden Bosque Bowie Brazoria 031 033 035 037 039 Denton De Witt Dickens Dimmit Donley 121 123 125 127 129 632 42 Texas (cont.) 42 Texas (cont.) 42 Texas (cont.) Duval Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis 131 133 135 137 139 Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hudspeth 221 223 225 227 229 McMullen Madison Mar ion Martin Mason 311 313 315 317 319 El Paso Erath Falls Fannin Fayette 141 143 145 147 149 Hunt Hutchinson Irion Jack Jackson 231 233 235 237 239 Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland 321 323 325 327 329 Fisher Floyd Foard Fort Bend Franklin 151 153 155 157 159 Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Hogg Jim Wells 241 243 245 247 249 Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery 331 333 335 337 339 Freestone Frio Gaines Galveston Garza 161 163 165 167 169 Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall 251 253 255 257 259 Moore Morris Motley Nacogdoches Navarro 341 343 345 347 349 Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray 171 173 175 177 179 Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble King 261 263 265 267 269 Newton Nolan Nueces Ochiltree Oldham 351 353 355 357 359 Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe Hale 181 183 185 187 189 Kinney Kleberg Knox Lamar Lamb 271 273 275 277 279 Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer 361 363 365 367 369 Hall Hamilton Hansford Hardeman Hardin 191 193 195 197 199 Lampasas La Salle Lavaca Lee Leon 281 283 285 287 289 Pecos Polk Potter Presidio Rains 371 373 375 377 379 Harris Harrison Hartley Haskell Hays 201 203 205 207 209 Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano 291 293 295 297 299 Randall Reagan Real Red River Reeves 381 383 385 387 389 Hamphill Henderson Hidalgo Hill Hockley 211 213 215 217 219 Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch McLennan 301 303 305 307 309 Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels 391 393 395 397 399 633 42 Texas (cont.) 42 Texas (cont.) 44 Vermont Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio 401 403 405 407 409 Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood 491 493 495 497 499 Addison Bennington Caledonia Chittenden Essex 001 003 005 007 009 San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby 411 413 415 417 419 Yoakum Young Zapata Zavala 501 503 505 507 Franklin Grand Isle Lamoille Orange Orleans 011 013 015 017 019 Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Stephens 421 423 425 427 429 Rutland Washington Windham Windsor 021 023 025 027 43 Utah Sterling Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant 431 433 435 437 439 Beaver Box Elder Cache Carbon Daggett 001 003 005 007 009 45 Virginia Taylor Terrell Terry Throckmorton Titus 441 443 445 447 449 Davis Duchesne Emery Garfield Grand 011 013 015 017 019 Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst 001 003 005 007 009 Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur 451 453 455 457 459 Iron Juab Kane Millard Morgan 021 023 025 027 029 Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford 011 013 015 017 019 Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria 461 463 465 467 469 Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete 031 033 035 037 039 Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham 021 023 025 027 029 Walker Waller Ward Washington Webb 471 473 475 477 479 Sevier Summit Tooele Uintah Utah 041 043 045 047 049 Campbell Caroline Carroll Charlotte Charles City 031 033 035 037 039 Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Willacy 481 403 405 407 489 Wasatch Washitigton Wayne Weber 051 053 055 057 Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland 041 043 045 047 049 634 4.5 Virginia (cont.) 45 Virginia 45 Virginia (cont.) (cont.) Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier 051 053 055 057 059 Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William Pulaski 145 147 149 153 155 Lynchburg Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton 680 690 700 710 720 Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles 063 065 067 069 071 Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham 157 159 161 163 165 Petersburg Portsmouth Radford Richmond Roanoke 730 740 750 760 770 Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville 073 075 077 079 081 Russell Scott Shenandoah Smyth Southampton 167 169 171 173 175 South Boston Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro 780 790 800 810 820 Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland 083 085 087 089 091 Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell 177 179 181 183 185 Williamsburg Winchester 830 840 46 Washington Isle of Wight James City King and Queen King George King William 093 095 097 099 101 Warren Washington Westmoreland Wise Wythe 187 191 193 195 197 Adams Asotin Benton Chelan Clallam 001 003 005 007 009 Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg 103 105 107 109 111 York 199 Virginia Cities Alexandria Bristol 510 520 Clark Columbia Cowlitz Douglas Ferry 011 013 015 017 019 Madison Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery 113 115 117 119 121 Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Clifton Forge Colonial Heights Franklin Garfield Grant Grays Harbor Island 021 023 025 027 029 Nansemond* Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland 123 125 127 131 133 Covington Danville Fairfax Falls Church Franklin 580 590 600 610 620 Jefferson King Kitsap Kittitas Klickitat 031 033 035 037 039 Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania 135 137 139 141 143 Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Hopewell 630 640 650 660 670 Levis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific 041 043 045 047 049 *Since 1971, code 800 (Suffolk city) 530 540 550 560 570 has been used. 635 46 Washington (cont.) 47 West Virginia (cont.) 48 Wisconsin (cont.) Pend Oreille Pierce San Juan Skagit Skamania 051 053 055 057 059 Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Mingo 051 053 055 057 059 Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door 021 023 025 027 029 Snohomish Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum 061 063 065 067 069 Monongalia Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio 061 063 065 067 069 Douglas Dunn Eau Claire Florence Fond Du Lac 031 033 035 037 039 Walla Walla Whatcom Whitman Yakima 071 073 075 077 Pendleton Pleasants Pocahontas Preston Putnam 071 073 075 077 079 Forest Grant Green Green Lake Iowa 041 043 045 047 049 Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers 081 083 085 087 089 Iron Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha 051 053 055 057 059 47 West Virginia Barbour Berkeley Boone Braxton Brooke 001 003 005 007 009 Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne 091 093 095 097 099 Kewaunee La Crosse Lafayette Langlade Lincoln 061 063 065 067 069 Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge Fayette 011 013 015 017 019 Webster Wetzel Wirt wood Wyoming 101 103 105 107 109 Manitowoc Marathon Marinette Marquette Menominee 071 073 075 077 078 Gilmer Grant Greenbrier Hampshire Hancock 021 023 025 027 029 48 Wisconsin Milwaukee Monroe Oconto Oneida Outagamie 079 081 083 085 087 Hardy Harrison Jackson Jefferson Kanawha 031 033 035 037 039 Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Brown 001 003 005 007 009 Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage 089 091 093 095 097 Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell Marion 041 043 045 047 049 Buffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa Clark 011 013 015 017 019 Price Racine Richland Rock Rusk 099 101 103 105 107 636 48 Wisconsin 50 Alaska* St. Croix Sauk Sawyer Shawano Sheboygan 109 111 113 115 117 Aleutian Islands Anchorage Angoon Barrow Bethel 010 020 030 040 050 Taylor Trempealeau Vernon Vilas Walworth 119 121 123 125 127 Bristol Bay Borough Bristol Bay Division Cordova-McCarthy Fairbanks Haines 060 070 080 090 100 Washburn Washington Waukesha Waupaca Waushara 129 131 133 135 137 Juneau Kenai-Cook Ketchikan Kobuk Kodiak 110 120 130 140 150 Winnebago Wood 139 141 Kuskokwim Mantanuska-Susitna Nome Outer Ketchikan Prince of Wales 160 170 ia0 190 200 Albany Big Horn Campbell Carbon Converse 001 003 005 007 009 Seward Sitka Skagway-Yakutat Southeast Fairbanks Upper Yukon 210 220 230 240 250 Crook Fremont Goshen Hot Springs Johnson 011 013 015 017 019 Valdes-ChitinaWhittier Wade Hampton Wrangell-Petersburg Yukon-Koyukuk 260 270 280 290 Laramie Lincoln Natrona Niobrara Park 021 023 025 027 029 51 Hawaii* Platte Sheridan Sublette Sweetwater Teton 031 033 035 037 039 Uinta Washakie Weston 041 043 045 49 Wyoming *Before 1975 all counties Inlet 001 003 007 009 Hawaii Honolulu Kauai Maui in Alaska and Hawaii were coded 000. 637 CODESFOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND ALASKA AND HAWAII Alaska* 50-000 Cuba 00-300 Hawaii* 51-000 Cyprus 00-305 Czechoslovakia 00-310 Aden, Colony of Afghanistan 00-105 Dahomey 00-311 00-110 Denmark 00-315 Albania 00-120 Dominican Republic 00-320 00-125 Ecuador 00-325 00-140 El Salvador 00-330 Angola 00-145 Ethiopia 00-335 Antigua 00-149 Fiji 00-338 Argentina 00-150 Finland 00-340 Australia 00-160 France 00-350 Austria 00-165 Germany 00-390 Azores 00-175 Ghana 00-391 Bahamas oG-180 Greece 00-400 Barbados 00-184 Greenland 00-405 Belgium OC-190 Grenada 00-406 Bermuda 00-195 Guadalupe 00-407 Bolivia Brazil 00-205 Guam 00-410 00-220 Guatemala 00-230 Guinea 00-415 00-417 Algeria American British Samoa Honduras Islands Bulgaria 00-245 Guyana 00-418 Burma 00-250 Haiti 00-420 Burundi 00-252 Honduras 00-430 Cambodia 00-255 Hong Kong 00-435 Cameroon 00-257 Hungary 00-445 Canada 00-260 Iceland 00-450 Canal Zone 00-265 00-270 India Indonesia 00-455 Ceylon Chile 00-275 Iran 00-460 China 00-280 00-465 Colombia Congo 00-285 00-290 Iraq Ireland Israel 00-475 Costa Rica 00-295 Italy 00-480 *Before 1975 all codes used since counties in Alaska and Hawaii were coded 000. then, please see listings on preceding page. 00-458 00-470 For actual county 638 CODES FOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES AND ALASKA AND HAWAII (CONTINUED) Ivory Coast oo-485 Nigeria OO-670 Jamaica 00-487 Norway 00-685 Japan O&49@ Pakistan 00-700 Jordan oc-500 Panama 00-710 Kenya 00-505 Paraguay 00-715 Korea Kuwait 00-515 Peru 00-720 00-520 Philippines 00-725 Laos 00-530 Poland 00-730 Lebanon 00-540 Portugal 00-735 Liberia oo-545 Puerto Libya 00-550 Rumania 00-755 Luxembourg 00-570 Rwanda 00-758 Malagasy oo-575 Ryukyu Islands 00-760 Malawi 00-577 Saint Helena Colony 00-765 Malasia 00-590 Saint Lucia 00-770 Mali 00-505 Saint Vincent 00-775 Malta 00-590 Saudi Arabia 00-785 Martinique 00-591 Senegal 00-787 Mexico 00-595 Seychelles Midway Island O&604 Sierra Monaco 00-607 Singapore 00-795 Montserrat 00-609 00-800 Morocco 00-610 Mozambique 00-615 Somali Republic South Africa (Republic of) Southern Rhodesia Nampo Shoto oc-618 Soviet Navassa 00-620 Spain 00-830 Nepal 00-625 Sudan 00-835 Netherlands 00-630 Surinam 00-840 00-640 Swan Island 00-845 New Caledonia 00-645 Swaziland 00-847 New Guinea 00-850 Sweden 00-850 New Zealand 00-660 Switzerland 00-855 Nicaragua 00-665 Syria 00-858 Niger OO-667 Taiwan 00-862 Republic Netherlands Antilles Rico 00-745 Islands Leone Union 00-788 00-790 00-801 00-803 00-805 639 CODESFOR FOREIGN COUNTRIESAND ALASKA AND HAWAII (CONTINUED) Tanzania oo-865 Thailand 00-875 00-885 Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia 00-887 oo-a90 Trust Territory Pacific of 00-900 Turkey 00-905 Uganda United Arab Republic 00-910 00-922 United 00-925 Kingdom, England Upper Volta 00-927 Uruguay 00-930 Venezuela 00-940 Vietnam 00-945 Virgin Islands 00-950 Wake Island 00-960 Western Samoa 00-963 Yemen 00-965 Yugoslavia 00-970 Zambia 00-990 APPENDIX 2: INDUSTRY AND OCCUPATION CODES The codes listed here are those developed by the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 1970.2 Small differences between the Panel Study’s and the Census Bureau’s usages of these codes include our addition of code 600 for present members of the armed forces and our substitution of code 999 for their code 995 in those cases where occupation was not ascertained. These changes have been made to the text which follows. In addition, the Bureau of the Census uses a method of allocation of occupation and industry codes among the major groups when either item of information is missing from a return; the Panel Study merely assigns the missing data code of 999 to either. 2 U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1970 Census of Population Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations, U.S. Government Printing Office, W ashington, DC, 1971. 641 642 INDUSlRIAL ClASSlFtCATlON SYSTEM Equivalent numeric codes follow the alphabetic codes Either code may be utilized, depending upon the processing method. Numbers in parentheses following the industry categories are the SIC definition+ “N.e.c.” meens “not elsewhere classifii” AGRICULTURE, A (017) 018 019 027 028 FORESTRY, AND FISHERIES Agriwltural production (01) Agricultural services, except horticultural 0713 and 073) Horticultural services (073) Forestry fC8) Fisheries (09) IlKhJ*rY Code 168 (07 acept MINING Metal mining (10) Coal mining (It, 12) Crude petroleum and natural gas extractions ( 13) Nonrnstallic mining and qurnying, except fuel (14) 189 177 178 179 187 :ii 197 198 CONSTRUCTION 2: B (069) 077 General building contractors (16) General contractors, except building (18) Special trade contractors (17) Not specified construction 199 207 208 209 MANUFACTURING Durable goods 107 108 109 118 119 127 128 137 138 139 147 148 149 157 158 159 187 Lumber and wood products, except furniture Logging (241) Sawmills, planing mills, end mill work (242, 243) Miscellaneous wood products (244,249) Furniture and fixtures (25) Stone,clay,and glass products Glass end glass products (321-323) Cement, concrete, gypsum. and plaster products (324,327) Structural cloy products (325) Pottery and related products (326) hliscelianeous nonmetallic mineral and etone products (328,329) Metal industries Blast furam, steel works, rolling and finishing mills (3312.3313) Otherprimary. iron and eteel industrNs f33153317.332.3391, part 3399) Priman/ aluminum industries (3334, part 334, 3352,338l.~asrt3392. Dart3399t Other prima+ nonferrous indust& (33313333, 3339, part 334, 3351, 3356, 3357, 3362,3369,part33Q2,part3399) Cutlery, hend tools, and other hardware (342) Fabricated structural metal products (344) Screw machine products (345) Metal stamping (348) 219 227 228 229 237 238 239 247 iii 257 Ez MANUFACTURING-Continued Miscellaneous fabricated metal products (341,343, 347, 348,349) Not specified metal industries Machinary. except electrical Encines and turbines (351) ‘Fa& rnechinsry and equipment (352) Construction end material handling machines (353) Metalworking machinery (354) Office and accounting machines (357 exceot 3573) Electronic computirtgequipment (3573) ’ Machinerv. except electrical. (355.356.358, 359) .. Not specified machinay Electrical mechinenl, equipment, and supplies Household appliances (383) Radio, T.V., and communication equipment (385, 366) Electrical machinery, equipment, end supplies, n.e.c. (381, 382,384.387,389) Not specifii electrical machinery, equipment and @upplies Transportation equipment Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment (37 1) Aircraft and m (3721 Ship and boat building and repairing (373) Railroad locomotives end ecruioment (374) Mobile dwellings and campers i37911. Cvcles end miscellaneous tnnsoortation equipment i375.37991 Professional and photopraphic equipment, end watches Scientifii and controlling instruments (381, 382) Ootical and health services suoolies (383, 384, .. i85, Photographic equipment and supplies (388) Watches, clock& and clockwork-operated devices (387) Not specified professional equipment Ordnence ( 19) Miscellaneous manufacturing industries (39) Nondureble gmds z 278 ZP 288 Food and kindred products Meat products (201 t Dairv products (202) Cen&rg and preserving fruits, vegetables, end sea foadrmO3~ Groin-mill products f204.0713) Bakery products (205) Confectionay and related products (207) 643 lndurtry 298 299 In&my code MANUFACTURING-Continued 8cverage industries (208) Miscellaneous food prejwation and kindred products 098,2C9) Not specifii food in&atria8 Tobacco manufectwes (21) Textile mill products Knitting mills (225) Dyeing end finishing textiles, except wool and knit 349 357 358 359 367 368 389 FE%fi?$$ except hard surface (227) Yarn, thread, a& fabric mills (221-224,228) Miscellaneous textile mill products (229) Apparel and other fabricated textile WO~UC~S Apparel end accessories (231-238) Miscellaneous fabricated textile products (2391 Paper and allied produc* Pulo oaoer. and oaoerboard milk (281263.266) Miscelleneous paper end pulp products (284) Paoerboard containers and boxas (285) Print& publishing and allied industriae Newspaper publishing and printing (271) Printing, publishing, end allied industries, except newspapers (272-279) Chemicals and allied products Industrial chemicals (281) Plastics, synthetics and resins, except fibers (282, except 2823 and 2824) Synthetic fibers (2823,2824) Drugs and medicines (283) Soaps and cosmetics (284) Paints, varnish* and mlated products (285) Agricultural chemicals (287) Miscellaneous chemkels (288,289) Not specified chemicals l nd 8llkd productr 377 378 Petroleum and coal oroducts -Petroleum refiniig (291) MiPcctlrneous petroleum end coal 309 317 318 c (319) 327 %I 337 338 339 347 348 379 387 398 299) _ AND Communications 447 498 449 Radio broadcasting end television (483) Telephone (wire and radii) f481) communication miscellmeous and Telegraph services (482,489) Utilities and sanitary rwvicat 487 488 469 477 478 479 Electric lkht and power (491) Electric-g& utilities (493) Gas end steam supply systems (492,498) Water supply (4943 Sanitary services (495) Other and not mified utilities (497) WHOLESALE AND RETAlL TRADE Wholesale trade Motor vehicles and equipment (501) chemicals, and allied products (502) Drv soods and apparel (693) Food and related‘products (594) Farm products-raw materials (5906) Elect&al goods (598) Hardware, plumbing, and heating supplies (5C7) Not specified electrical and hardware products Machinq equipment end supplies (508) Metals and minerals. nac. (5091) Petroleum producto(5092l Scrap and waste materials (5093) Akoholk beverages (59951 Paper and its products (SC981 Lumber and const~ction materials (5098) Onrgs whdsralan. ne.c (6054,6097,5OQS~ productt Not specifii (295, Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products Rubber products (301~303,306) Miscellaneous plastic products (397) Leather and leather products Tanned, curried, and finished leather (311) Footwear, except NbbU (313,314) Leather poduc~ except footwear (312 315317, 319) Not specifkd manufacturing industries TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS, OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES AND Railroads and railway express seWice (40) Street railways l d bus lines (411,413-415,417l Taxicab se&e (412) Truckino service (421.423). Wereho&ing end storage (422) Water trmsportat*kn (44) Air tran~tion (45) Pipe Iiexcept natural ges (48) 8ewkes incidental to trmsportetkn (47) wholesale trade Retail treda zzli E (899) 817 818 819 627 F (628) E 538 E 648 D (497) 408 409 417 418 419 427 428 429 TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS, OTHER PUBLIC UTILlTlES-Continud iti! 658 EJ G (689) 677 Lumber and building material retailing (521-524) Hardware and farm equipment stores (525) Department and mail order establishments (631,532) Limited prke variety stores (533) Vendim .-._ machine ooerators (534) Direct selling establkhmenna (63% Miswllaneous wneral merchandii UOW (639) Griiery stores-6’?1) Dairy products stores (545) Retail bake&s (546) Food stores, RIG (!i42-644,649) Motor vehicle dealers (561,552) dealers (553) Tire, battery, and Gasoline service stations (654) Miscelkneousvahkle deelere (559) aceqt shoe stems 66 Apparel and wceswr-ksnorar. ucept 5881 shoe stores (588) Furniture and home furnishing stores (571) Houwhold gpliam TV, and rdio stores (572, 573) Eating and drinking plecos (581 DNQ StOl’W(691) 644 tndumy @de WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE-Contid Industry OJde PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES Retail tradbContinued E 687 E 697 698 Liquor atoms (592) Farm and aarden supplv stores 1596) Jewelry s&es 1597j. _ Fuel and ice dealers (5985 Retsil florists (5992) Miscelleneous retail stowa (693595.599 Not specified retail t&a FINANCE, 707 706 709 717 718 INSURANCE, Offices of physicians (601,803) Offices of dentists (602) Offices of chiropractu’s 1894) Hospitals (806) Corwelescent institutions (8092) Offices of health practitioners, n&c. (par! Health sewicea, nac. (607, part 8099) Legal services (61) Elementary and seconduy echools (8211 Colleces and universities (622) Libra&s (823) Educational sarvices nac. (824.6291 Not specified aducetional s&c& Museums, rrt galleries, and zoos (841 Religious c+nizations (866) Welfare services (part 667) Residential walfere facilities (part 857) Nonprofit membership orgenizotions (861865,869) Engineering and architectural aewicas (891) Accounting, auditing, rnd bookkeeping sewkes (893) Miscellaneous professional end related sewices (892, 6991 aXc 59921 AND REAL ESTATE Banking (60) Credit agencies (61) Security, commodity brokarage, and investment companies (62,671 I nsuronce (63,641 Real astate, incl. real e%atainnrrancelrw offiias (85, 651 BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES 727 728 729 737 738 739 747 748 749 757 ;ii Advatising 1731) Sewikas to dwellings and other buildings (734) Commercial research, development and testing labs (7391.7397) Employment and temporary help agencies (738, 73981 Bushes menagement and conrulting mrvicas (part 73921 Computer programing services (pert 73921 Detactive and protective sewices (73931 Businaas servic+ ncc. (732,733,735, 7394,7395. 7396,73991 Automobile services. exceot raoair f751.762.754) Automobile repair and &tad ‘&vi& (7631. Electrical repair shops (7627694) Miscellaneous repair sewices (763, 764,769, mcept 7694) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Postal sewica (part 91901 907 L I91 7) Federal public administration (part 91998490) State public administration (9290) 927 M (9371 Local public administration (9390) 999 INDUSTRY NOT REPORTED’ PERSONAL SERVICES H (769) 777 778 - 779 z ZT 798 Private households (88) Hotels and motels (7011 yg$g place& except hotaIr and motels (702 703. Lamd8vi~ deanin~ and othar iRnnant awkas (721,727) Beauty shops (723) Barbor shops 17241 6hoe rapair M 0251 Dressmaking shops (put 728) Miscettoars pa~nrl -km (722,726, part 729) ENTERTAINMENT iii 609 AND RECREATION SERVICES Theaters and mot-on pictures (76,792) Bowling l llevs, billierd and pool parlors (793) Miscellamarr arRertainmant and Ncteation mlcw (791,794) ‘This code k ueed to identify not reported industries in uweys Where the not reported caees ore not allocated. 645 OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFKXTION SYSTEM Eouivslent numeric codes follow the rlohebatic codas Either coda may ba utilized. depending on the prowssing method. “Nat.” ’ means“not elsewhereclasaifii’ OLXUpation -code CO1 002 Ei 005 008 010 011 012 013 014 015 020 E 023 iii 026 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 042 043 044 F5: E E 056 iii; 053 iii :: 073 occw pation fade PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND KINDRED WORKERS Accountan Architects Computer specialists Computer programmers computer systemsl nelysts Computer spwialim nac Engineers Aeronautical and wtroneutical anginaers Chemiwl anginaers Civil engineers Electrical and elactronic engineers Industrial engineers Mechaniwl engineers Metallurgical and materials engineers Mining engineers Petroleum engineers Salesengineers Engineer& naa Farm management edviron Forestersand conservationirtt Home management~isors Lawyers and juw Jwl= wm Librariem archivistr. and curators Librarians Archivists end curetors Mathematiwl specialists Actuaries Mathematic’kns Statisticii Life and physical ecientists Agricultunl scientists Atmospherii end spacescientista Bidogiwl scientiets Chemists Geologista Marina scientists Physicists and astmncmars Life and physical scientists, nac. Operations and systems rasearcharsand molysta Personneland labor relotions Workers Physicions,dentists, and related practitioners Chiropractors Dentista OptWlOWirrr Fharmaclsts Physiciaw medkal and wk Podiatrists Veterinarians Health practitionar& nac. 074 075 076 080 081 E Ez 086 090 100 101 102 103 104 105 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 130 131 132 133 134 135 140 PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND KINDRED WORKERS-Continued Nurser. dietitian& and therep’kts Dietitians Registered nurses Therapists Health technologists and techniciam Clinical laboratory technologists and technicians Dentel hygienists Health record technologists and technicbns Radiolopic technologists and technicians Therapy assistanta Health technologists and technicirn~ naC Religious workers Clergymen Religious workers, nac. Social scientists Economists Political scientists Psychologists Sociologists Urban and regional planners Sociaf scientiotz nac. Sociol and recreation Workers Sociil workers Recreation workers Teachers, college and university Agriculture teachers Atmospheric, earth, marine, and spaceteachers Biology teachers Chemistry taachers Physiw teachers Engineering teachers Mathematics teachers Haalth spacielties teachers Psychology teachers Businessand commerce teachers Economics tawhers History teachers So&logy teachers Social scianceteachers, nac. A#, drama, and music teachers Coachesand physic81eduwtion twchers Eduwtion tewhers English teachers Foreign languageteachers Home econorn’kstaachars Lw teechers Theology teacham Trade, industrial, and techniwl teachers Miwelleneous teachers, college and university Teachcollege and unkersity, ubjjt not spwifii . 646 w% co& 141 N (142) :z 145 :: :ii 154 E 161 162 163 z im 171 172 173 174 17s 190 161 182 :: :: 191 192 :z 195 Teachers, except college and univa&y Adult education teachon Elementary rhool tea&us Prakindergarten and kindergertan taechars secondaryschoolaachars Teachera acept college md university, n&c. Engineeri and hence &hniciim Agricultun md biological tachniciin~ acwt herlth C&rniwl techniiiamDraftsman Electrical md l lectrwic an&raring techniciis Industrial engineering tachiiiam Mechaniwl an&oaring tachniciis Mathematiwl tinicii 202 E 210 E 213 215 216 220 221 222 240 245 EngineeringandEienw and e Editors and repw&n Musiciani and canpaan Painters and eculptors Pf-mxaphar Public relatiom men and publicity writers Radio and television y~nouncers Writers, mists, and entertainer. net Reeearch workers, not epacifii AND ADMINISTRATORS, FARM n&c. 301 303 P mosl 310 311 312 313 314 315 E heas~rq controJlm. and traaurarz local public administration Bank offcam and f-n&l managers auyars and shipparr, farm products %uyor& wholesale and retail trada Cmdit men Funeral diractws Health a&nin&ators Const~cthn lnspacto~ public odministwion hspactar, axcept wmtructiw, public administr8tion Managers and aqwintandm& building Offiie managers n8.c. Officaq pilots, and pureers; nip OfFiiiels and adtninietratws; public administration EXCEPT Restaurant, wfeteria, and bar managers Sales managers and deprrtment heads, ratail trade Sales manegeo, auwpt retail trade School administraton, college School edministratoa, elementary and secon&~ Managvt and administrators, n8.C CLERICAL E 323 325 EXCEPT AND ADMINISTRATORS, FARM-Continued Advertising agents and PIesmen Auctionmrs Demonstrators Huckrtm and peddlers Insurance agenta, broke. and underwriirs N-W Real estate agents and brokars Stock and bond selesmen Selesmen and riles clerks nac. technician& nac Tachniciant. axcapt haalth, and anginaering rlance Aiianopilots Air traffic oon8ollars Embalmers Fli#tt enginears Radio operatws Tool progromman. numariwl conVd Tech&iin8.c Vocationel and educationel CcWlS8lOlS Writm. wtists, and miners Actors Athletes and kiirad workers Authors MANAGERS SALES WORKERS 6UWYOtS MANAGERS 201 -cock z: Zt zn PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL. AND KINDRED WORKERS-Contiwad z: 333 334 AND KINDRED WORKERS Bank tellers Billing clerks Bookkaapars cashiiri Clerical assistants, eocial welfare Cleriwl upervirars nac Collectorq bill and account Counter clerks, awpt food Dispatchers and starters, vtiicle Enumerators ad ifitewiewars Estimators and inuestigetors, na.c. Expediters md production controllers Fileclerks lnsurence adjusters, axamirtam, and invasti~tors Library attendents and essistants Mail wrrieq post office Mdl handls5s, except post offiie Messengers and office boys Meter reader& utilities Office machine operators Bookkeeping end billing machine operators Celculoting machine opwators Computer and peripheral equipment opereton Oupliceting machine operators 647 CLERICAL AND KlNDRED occupetion WORKERS-Continued CRAFTSMEN AND KINDRED WORKERS- Office machine operators-Contlnuad 370 371 Q (372) 374 375 376 z 383 384 385 390 391 392 394 395 CRAFTSMEN 401 402 403 404 405 410 411 412 413 R (415) 416 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 430 2; 434 435 436 440 441 442 443 444 iii 450 452 453 454 455 Key punch o(nntDo Tabulating machine operators Office machine operator& n.e.c Payroll end timekeeping clerks Postal clerks Proofreaders Real estate appraisers Receptionists Secretaries Secretarieq legal Secretaries, medical Secretaries n.dc Shipping and mceiuing derkt Statistical clerks Stenogaphars Stock clerks and storekeepers Teacher aides, exe school monitors Telegraph messengers Telegrqh operators Telephone operators Ticket, station, end express agents Typists Weighers Miscellaneous cleri~l wakers Not specified clerical workers iii? 462 470 471 472 s (4731 474 475 480 z z 2i 491 492 495 Ei 593 AND KINDRED WORKERS Automobile accessories installers Bakers Blacksmiths Boilermakers Bookbinders Brickmasons end stonemasons Brickmasons and stonemasons, apprentices Bulldozer operators Cabinetmakers Carpenters Carpenter apprentices Carpat installers Cement and concrete finishers Compositors and typesetters Printing trades spprenticar. exe pressmen Cranemen, derrickmen, and hoistmen Decorators and window dressers Dental laboratory techniciins Electricians Electrician apprentices Electric power linsmen and cableman Electrotypers and stereotypeerr Engravers, axe photoengr~ers Excavating, grading end road machine operators; bulldoZer Floor Iavers, ex(c tilr setters Foremen, n.e.c. Forgamen end hammermen Furniture and wood finishers Furriers GlU’kfS Heat treaters, annealers, end temperers Inspectors, mlers, and graders; log and lumber I nspecton. hat 2z 506 510 511 512 514 515 516 520 521 522 523 525 530 531 533 534 535 536 540 542 zi WC Et 551 552 554 E60 z: 563 571 672 Jewelers and watchmakers Job and die setten. metal Locomotive engineers Locomotive fireman Machinists Machinist apprentices Mechanics and repairmen Air conditioning, heeting, and refrigeration Aircraft Automobile body repairmen Automobile mechanics Automobile mechanic apprentices Data processing machine repairman Farm implement Heavy equipment mechanics, incl. diesel Housahold appliance and eccessory installers end mechanks Loom fixers Office machine Radii end televhion Railroad and car shop Mechanic, exe auto, apprentice Miscellaneous mechanics and repairmen Not specified mechanics and repairmen Millers; grain, flour, and feed Millwrights Molders, metal Molder apprentim Motion picture projectionists Opticianl, and lens grinden and polishen Painten, construction and maintenance Painter spprentices Paperhangers Pattern and model makers Q(C. paper Photoenyavers and lithographers Piano end orgsn tuners md repairmen Plasterers Plasterer apprentices Plumbers and pipe fitters Plumber and pipe fitter apprentices Power station oparators PresSmm Jd ph! priI’ItSI3, PrhkIg Pressmanapprentices Rollers and finishan, metal Roofers Md drters Sheetmetal workers and tinsmiths Sheetmetrl apprenticea Shipfittars Shoe repairmen Sign painters and letterers Stationary engineers stone cuttars and stone CeNers Structural metal craftsmen TailOn Telephcme installers and rapeirmen Telephone linemen end splicers Tits setters Tool and dii rnekars Tool ad die mJrer rpprentices Upholsterers Specifii craft epprentica. nac Not spacifii apprentices 648 CRAFTSMEN z 600 AND KINDRED Craftsmen and kindred workers, Former members of the Armed Forces Current members of Armed Forces OPERATIVES, ;zgti ?A021 603 E 610 611 612 613 614 615 620 621 xz 624 625 iii :i z 2 641 642 643 644 645 iii 652 653 zi ii: 663 iii 666 670 671 672 673 674 E 690 692 z TRANSPORT WORKERS EXCEPT TRANSPORT insulation workers Blasters and e Bottling and canning opemtfues Chainmen, rodmen, end amen; surveying Checken, exarninerq and inspsctors; manufacturing Clothing ironers and pressers Cutting oparativ~ r0.e.c. Dressmakers and seamstresess, except fecUuY Drillers, earth Dry wall installers and lathers W= Filers, polishers, sanders, and Lntffws Furnacemen, srnelternwn. and pourers Garage workers and gas station l ttendants Grders md sorter& rnanufecturing Produce graders and packers, excapt factory end farm Heaterq metal Laundry and dry cleaning operatives, n&c. Meat cutters and butchers, ac manufacturfng Meat cutters and butchers, manufecturing Meat wrappers, retail trade -IMilliners Mine sperm nac. Mixing cparatives Olers and grersan, exe euto Packers md wqpars, aceptme8t l ndproduce P8interq manufactured articles Photowaphi process workers Precision machine operatives Drill prert operatiues Grinding machine cperatives Lathe and milling machine operatives Precision machine oparative& nac. Pundl and stamping press operatives Riveters and fSailors and dackhands sym Sewers end stitchers Shoemaking machine opemtives Solderers Stationary firemen Tatfle operativas Cardim lappin end combing -es Knitters, loopers, md toppers Spinnaq twistand windrrs WWVNS Textile operathq nac. Welders md fbme-cutten Winding operativar. kac Machii opermivsr, miscellaneous qecifii Machineopsrative¬specifii Miscellrneous operathfes Not specifii oper&ms 701 E 795 E 711 712 713 714 u (715) EDUIPMENT OPERATlVES Boatmen and canalnwn Bus drivers Conductors and motorman, urban rail transit Deliverymen and rcutemen Fork lift and tow motor operative Motormen; mine, fectory, logging camp, etc. Parking attendants Railroad brakemen RaProad switchmen Taxicab drivers and cheuffeurs Truck drivers LABORERS, EXCEPT FARM 740 750 v (7511 752 753 754 755 760 761 762 763 E 780 765 Animal caretakers, ac farm carpenters’ helpen Construction laborers, ext. carpenters’ helpers Fishermen and oysterman Freight and materiaf handlers Garbage collectors Gardenm~nctgroundsk~,exc.frrm Longshoremen and stevedores Lumbermen, raftsmen, end woodchoppers Stock handlers Teamsters Vehiik washers and equipment cleaners Warehousemen, ne.c. Miscellaneous laborers Not spazified laborers FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS w (801) 802 Farmers (owners and tenan%) Farm managers FARM LABORERS AND FARM FOREMEN 621 622 E Farm Farm Farm Farm foremen laborer& wagewcrkers labcmrq unpaid fern& workers service laborar, esICernployed SERVICE WORKERS, EXC. PRIVATE HOUSE HOLD 961 so2 XwJ3~ 910 911 a12 013 014 Y (9151 916 Cleaning service workers ge~rnm~ds and maids, acept private household Janitors and emtons Food service workers Bartenders Burbovr Cooks, acrpt private hamhold Dirhwahers Food counter end fountain wcrken WdtNS Food mica workers, nac, acept hcuuhold pivite 649 pation SERVICE WORKERS, EXC. PRWATE HOUSEHOLD-Continued Health service workers Dental 8ldsWnts Health l ide& a& nursing Hedth wdnees Lay mi&vwksr Nuning oid~g orderlies, and l ttandants Practical nurssa f-& 880 ii 983 2 (es4) 999 PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD WORKERS Child care workars, private hamhold Cooks, private houmhold Housekeepers, privrte housahdd t,.aun&esses, private household Meids and servants, private humhold OCCUPATfON NOT REPORTED’ Personal service workers Airline stewardewes atId JmUMWIt Attendants, nCf8JtiOn Attendants, personrl sewke, RaC pmam mm md brllhopr Boarding and lodging house keepers Bootblacks Child care worker& ar private household Elevator operators Hsirdressers and Eofllwtdooim Personal service apprentices Houwkeqaers, axe. privota household School monitors Ushers, racreation and muesrnmt Welfare mice rider Protactive ssfvicr workers Crossing guards l d brklge tendws Fireman, fire protection Guards and watchmen Marshals and constables PO&men or&d detectives Sheriffs and beiliti ‘This code is used to identify not raported occupations in wfwre the not reported cases J~J not rtlocated surveys APPENDIX 3: PSID - CPS INCOME AND DEMOGRAPHIC COMPARISONS The issue whether the PSID sample remains representative is examined by comparing its 1980 wave of information on income and demographic characteristics with those of the March 1980 Current Population Survey using Current Population Reports, Consumer Income, Series P-60, No. 126, June 1981. There is a subtle difference in income reporting procedures between the two surveys. CPS asks its cross-section sample about the money income for the entire previous calendar year of all household members, 14 years old and over, present as of the date of the interview (March). Although CPS asks about specific sources of income very much like the PSID,3 it does not obtain information about possible movers-in or movers-out of the household during the year. Thus, CPS household income figures do not include the amounts received by persons who were members of the household for part or all of the year if those persons no longer lived there at the date of the interview. On the other hand, CPS household income does include the total yearly amounts reported by persons who did not live with the household during the entire income year but were members at the date of interview. PSID distinguishes movers-in and movers-out, and adjusts family income using information both about the income of movers-in and movers-out and about the length of time movers were present in the main family. To get a PSID income measure comparable to that of CPS, w e m u s t s u b t r a c t t h e i n c o m e o f a l l movers-out that is presently included in the PSID total family money income of main families, and must add in the income of all movers-in that is presently excluded from PSID total family money income of main families.4 Two distinct types of tables are presented. Tables 1 through 5 show both the distribution of PSID and CPS samples across various cells defined by race, age, e d u c a t i o n , f a m i l y s i z e , r e g i o n , a n d i n c o m e , a n d t h e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n P S I D and CPS across those same cells. Table 6 presents median and average total family money income for subgroups defined by family size, housing tenure, age, 3 See Specific Income Sources Covered by CPS and PSID below. 4 See Adjustments to PSID Income for Comparability with CPS Data below for a detailed explanation of the actual adjustment used to make the PSID family money income measure comparable to CPS. It should be noted that the analysis unit differs slightly between CPS and PSID. PSID uses the household “head” concept whereas CPS uses the “householder” concept, i.e., i n m a r r i e d c o u p l e s t h e f i r s t adult household member listed on the questionnaire is designated the householder. In 3 percent of the CPS sample, women identified themselves as the householder in married couple households. This should have a small effect on the age, education, and occupation demographic comparisons as well as on selected income This should not affect such PSID - CPS estimates classified by these subgroups. comparisons classified by region, race, or family size. 651 652 education, race, and occupation. Tables 7 through 10 replicate this table by region. The only major demographic difference between the 1980 CPS and PSID is the greater number of one-person households in the PSID data base. All other demographic distributions--by age, education, race, and region--never differ by more than one or two percentage points in any single cell. There are two reasons why one might expect a larger fraction of one-person households in the PSID: PSID follows families over time, including those sample members who split from their main family and form separate households. Many of these splitoffs form single- person households and many locate in housing units that are more likely to be missed in a single cross section based on an enumeration of dwelling units. That PSID follows splitoffs, or more precisely, because the panel nature of the sample produces practiced respondents who are willing to provide information as to the location of the splitoffs so they can be followed, probably enables PSID to locate these individuals better. his original (main) family, Second, in cases where a splitoff returns to it is the convention of PSID to continue to treat the splitoff household as a separate household. Thus, single individuals who return to their main families would be counted as single-person households, thereby inflating the incidence of single-person households in the sample.5 The tables clearly document that PSID continues to obtain higher income reports than CPS. Although it is difficult to verify, there are several reasons why one might expect better income reporting by PSID: (1) the panel nature of the d a t a ( i . e . , reinterviews) produces more “practiced” respondents who will be more cooperative and more likely to remember income sources, particularly incidental ones, because they know they will be questioned about income sources in the coming year; (2) the PSID obtains higher response rates on income items, resulting in a much lower amount of income information that has to be assigned by PSID;6 and (3) the Census Bureau’s affiliation with the federal government might 5 There is evidence in support of this statement: Information provided by the 1980 family composition variable and 13 years of family history indicating whether the family was a split-off enabled us to identify 265 households (unweighted) in 1980 that had been split-offs who returned to their main families sometime before 1980. Of these households, 69 percent were one-person households. Furthermore, 247 of these split-off households were headed by persons between the ages of 18 and 34, t h u s c o n t r i b u t i n g t o t h e s l i g h t l y l a r g e r incidence of younger household heads (i.e., less than 25 and 25-34 years of age) found by PSID. 6 The population size estimates in the CPS are adjusted to 1970 population census controls, and the means and proportions are based on a very large (66,000 In 33 percent of the households) sample, which had a 4 percent nonresponse rate. f a m i l i e s i n t e r v i e w e d , one or more members gave incomplete income information, For the income variables of which was then imputed from other similar families. 653 inhibit income reporting. Existing literature tends to favor PSID as more accurate because of better income reporting.7 the head, wife, and other family members, PSID lists an accuracy code. The code reflects the type of assignment made by the editors in order to recreate data missing from the interview. The code values are: 0 (no assignment), 1 (minor assignment), and 2 (major assignment). The accuracy of the head and wife’s wage, other labor income, asset income, ADC/AFDC income, and other transfer income, and the same income components for other family members can be captured in eight variables by PSID. The sum of these variables ranges from zero to the maximum of sixteen, where a zero reflects no income assignment to any household member and a sixteen would indicate that a major assignment was made to each income component for that household. Only 9 percent of PSID households had a nonzero sum for this summed accuracy variable, i.e., in 9 percent of the households an assignment was made to an income component for at least one member of the household. Of the h o u s e h o l d s w i t h a n o n z e r o v a l u e f o r t h i s i n d e x , the maximum was an eight, but more important, 86 percent of these households had a total accuracy code of either a one or a two (at most two minor assignments up to at most one major assignment). (See Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Procedures and Tape Codes, 1980 lnterviewing Year, Wave XIII, A Supplement, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1981.) 7 Minarik of the Brookings Institution analyzes this issue in the context of the poverty count and concludes that the lower poverty count found by PSID cannot be assigned to differences in demographic representation, but rather can be explained in large part by differences in income reporting. See Joseph J. Minarik, “New Evidence on the Poverty Count, ” The Brookings Institution. Furthermore, t h e C P S i t s e l f r e p o r t s t h a t t h e t o t a l a m o u n t o f m o n e y i n c o m e d e r i v e d from the March CPS is less than comparable estimates derived from sources such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Social Security Administration, and the Veterans Administration. Underreported income tends to be pronounced for income sources such as public assistance and welfare, unemployment compensation, and property income (interest, dividends, and net rental income). See Current Population Reports, Consumer Income, S e r i e s P - 6 0 , N o . 1 2 7 , A u g u s t 1 9 8 1 , p . 3 9 . Table DISTRIBUTION AND DIFFERENCES (PSID - CPS) OF ALL White CPS 2 7 PSID Adjusted 1 (Page 1 of HOUSEHOLDS 2) (PERCENT) BY INCOME Black Difference CPS PSlD Adjusted AND RACE, CPS AND PSID--19791 Other2 Difference 1 5 -I 2 I.0 0 7 -0 7 I a 2 0 0.2 1 7 0.3 I.4 0.3 1.1 I.1 0.0 07 0.9 0.7 -0 CPS 3 PSID Adjusted AlI Difference 0.2 0. I -0 05 0.3 -0.2 05 0.3 r -0.2 0.5 0.3 -0 0.5 0.3 -0.2 02 0.4 03 -0. 09 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.6 0 0.3 0.0 CPS I Races PSID Adjusted Difference 3.7 2.3 -‘.4 9.5 9.1 -0.4 9.4 10.2 9.0 8.5 0.5 8.8 8.1 -0.7 7.1 7.7 0.6 -0.2 7.3 6.7 -0.6 0.3 0.0 6.7 6.4 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 6.8 6.1 -0.7 0. f 5.6 5.6 0.0 7.5 6 * 69 8 3 1 4 1.4 6.8 68 0.0 I 7.6 6.7 6 3 66 6 5 56 -0 6.0 55 -0.5 5.4 -0 7 0.5 0.5 0 1 0.4 0.3 -0.1 0.2 3 0.4 03 -0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 5.3 4.9 -0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 4.2 4.0 -0.2 6 t -0 9 0.3 5.1 5 2 4.8 4.5 -0 3.9 36 -0.3 9 1 0.0 1 -0. 2 ! I 1.8 _ Table 1 (Page 2 of 2) Race of Household Head Black White CPS PSID Adjusted Difference CPS PSID Adjusted Other2 Difference CPS 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 , 0 t Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126, June 1981, p. 36; PSID #645113. with other races. Races PSID Adjusted Difference CPS 0. f 0.0 36 3.8 0. I 0.0 2.6 2.7 0.1 00 0.t 2 3 2.2 -0.2 16 2 t 1 1 Difference 0.2 00 0 00 0.1 0.1 00 2.7 2.9 0.2 DO 0.0 0.7 0.1 1.7 ,.8 0.t DO DO 0 0 I t 9 2.4 0.5 00 00 0.0 00 1 2 1.1 -0.1 00 00 0.0 00 I 1.2 1.0 4.7 3.2 -1.5 1 0 PSID Adjusted 00 1Because PSID distinguishes mover-in or mover-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) 2CPS "other races" refers to Spanish origin only. PSID "other races" combines Spanish-American AIl 100.0 I 100.0 0.5 0. I 00 Table 2 DISTRIBUTION OF ALL HOUSEHOLDS (PERCENT) BY INCOME AND REGION, CPS AND PSID--19791 Region of Household Head Northeast 1979 Total Family Income PSlD CPS Adjusted 2 7 20 37 .I, 3 5 3 7 2 9 2 7 2 8 30 2 1 9 1 South PSID CPS Adjusted Difference Difference PSlD CPS Adjusted 00 4.9 4 5 04 4 f 5 7 1 6 56 5 7 02 3.9 40 0.1 5 5 5.3 -0.2 38 3 3 4 6 4 4 -0 02 3 5 3 6 3.8 30 -0.9 02 2 7 2R 28 -0 0 I 2 03 1 1 10 07 1 0 03 03 03 0 -0 04 7 2 I 1 1 -0 5 0. I -0 I All Regions West 3 2 I 3 5 Central 3 2 -0 , 4 22 PSID CPS Adjusted Difference 09 2 1 1Because PSID income figures the income of this adjustment) North Difference CPS PSlD Adjusted Difference 4 2.3 1.7 -0.6 13.2 11 4 0. ! 29 3.0 0.1 16.4 18.7 2.3 29 2.7 -0.2 15.9 15.8 0.1 2 7 2 5 -0.2 14.0 13.0 -,.O 2 4 2 2 -0.2 12.4 11.7 -0.7 3 1.9 I.8 -0 9 5 9.0 -0.5 t.3 1 4 6 2 6.6 0.4 t 09 0 7 3.9 4.3 0.4 4.4 4.7 0.3 -0 2.5 -0 2 1 -(.B I .8 20 02 1 7 t 8 -0.1 , 1 5 04 I.0 09 -0 t.2 I 6 04 1.1 I 0 -0.1 10 LO 08 09 0 3.8 0.8 00 07 06 -0 1 3.1 3.5 0.4 02 0.4 02 33 03 0.0 0.3 02 -0. I I.1 1.2 0. t 70 28.9 1 9 2 3 8.6 17 8 -0.8 t 1 30.3 -2 distinguishes movers-in or movers-out of the household over the year when must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of CPS Series P-60, No. 126, June 1981, pp. 28-29; PSID #645113 Source: 0 0.1 -0.2 Cl.0 COO 100.0 calculating family money Income and CPS does not, Specifically, we must subtract that portion CPS. (See text for more detail concerning main families. 0.0 PSID of Table 3 (Page 1 of 2) DISTRIBUTION AND DIFFERENCES (PSID - CPS) OF ALL HOUSEHOLD (PERCENT) BY INCOME AND EDUCATION, CPS AND PSID--19791 Education (Grades Completed) T Less than 8 1979 Total Family Income CPS PSID Adjusted 9-11 8 Differences CPS PSID Adjusted CPS Difference PSID Adjusted 12 CPS Difference PSID Adjusted Difference 09 05 0.5 03 -0.2 0.8 06 10 0.5 -0.5 2 1 2 1 0.0 I 7 1 7 0.0 20 2.2 02 2.1 2.2 0.9 I.6 1 5 -0.1 1 2 1.6 0.4 1 * 2.4 0.6 2.4 2.6 0.2 1 1 I 0 -0. I 10 1.2 0.2 1.5 1.8 03 2.8 2.8 0.0 -0 -0.4 2 1 4 1.5 0.1 3 2 3.2 0.0 0 I 1 I 1 3 0 2 2 7 2 8 0 04 -0 I 1.1 4.2 0 2 8 3.1 0.3 04 -0.1 0.8 I.0 0.2 2.7 2 4 -0.3 1 0.8 0.8 00 2.7 2.5 -0.2 0.6 08 00 2.2 2 2 0.0 05 OS 2.0 I 9 -0.1 00 04 05 0.1 1 6 I.7 0.1 I 4 I.2 -0.2 06 08 0.6 06 00 06 0 7 0 4 04 00 05 04 0 2 -0.2 05 03 0 2 0 2 0 2 00 0 2 03 0 0.1 0 t 0 1 " 1 0 I 00 00 00 00 00 0.0 0.0 00 0 00 00 30 00 -0 1 00 0 4 03 -0 0.3 0 2 -0.1 0 2 0 1 -0 02 02 1 -0 1 1 00 0.3 0.6 0.3 0 1 0 I 0.0 02 02 00 0.9 f.0 0.1 00 0 t 0 1 0.0 02 02 0.0 0.8 07 -0.1 00 00 0 0.1 0 1 0.2 0.1 05 0.8 0.3 00 0.1 0.1 00 0.2 0.3 0 7 0.9 0.8 -0.1 00 0.0 0.0 02 0 1 ? 0.5 0.4 -0.1 00 00 0 I 0 1 0 1 02 0. I 0.5 06 0.1 00 00 0.0 00 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 00 0.0 0.2 02 0.0 33 9 33.8 -0. I 00 -0 > I 2 -0 09 06 3 -0 0 00 00 0.0 9 6 80 -1.6 02 I 1 02 t 00 0 I 0. I 8 4 8 4 0.0 00 0.0 14 3 16.7 -0 2 4 1 Table 3 (Page 2 of 2) T Education (Grades Completed) 13-15 1979 Total Family Income CPS Less than 62.500 62.500 Differences 0 4 0 2 -0 - $3.999 0.8 “6 -0.2 67.499 09 1.4 1.1 0.9 112.499 1 3 1.3 0.0 0 f5.000 17.500 PSID Adjusted 16 - Y”9.999 110.000 2 0 0.2 0.5 -0 2 PSID Adjusted CPS 1 17 or Differences 0 I 0.0 0 1 -0.1 CPS 0 PSID Adjusted 1 0.1 0 0.1 1 More A,, PSID Adjusted Difference CPS 00 3.7 2.3 -1.4 0.0 9.5 9.1 -0.4 DlffW-e”Ce 0.3 06 0.3 0.2 0.1 8.4 10.2 l.R 04 05 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.0 8.0 8.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 8.8 9 0.6 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.2 -0.1 7.1 7.6 0.6 0.7 0.4 -0.3 0.5 0.3 -0.2 7.3 6.7 -0.6 0.7 0.5 -0 0.5 0.4 -0.1 6.7 6.4 -0.3 -0 3 -0 1 1 -0.7 ~12.500 - P1-t.999 1 2 1.3 f15.000 - P17.499 I 3 09 t17.500 - 119.999 1.2 1.3 0 120.000 - 122.499 1 3 1 1 -0.2 0.8 0.6 -0.2 0.6 0.6 0.0 6.8 6.1 -0.7 $22.500 124.999 1.l 1.1 00 0.6 0.7 0.1 0.5 05 0.0 5.6 5.6 0.0 125.ocO - $27.499 1 .o 1 1 0.1 5.3 4.9 -0.4 $27.500 $29.999 0.7 06 4.2 4.0 -0.2 s30.000 - $32.499 07 09 532.500 834.999 0.5 0.4 f35.000 - $37.499 0.4 $37.500 - 139.999 0.3 %40.000 $45.000 - 544.999 - t49.999 0.5 0.3 1 0.7 0.7 00 05 0.4 06 0.5 -o., 0.5 0.3 3.6 05 -0.1 0.4 0.4 0.0 3.6 3.8 0.2 -0.1 3.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.0 2.6 2.7 0.1 03 -0.1 5.4 0.3 -0.1 04 0.6 0.2 2.3 2.2 -0.1 0.4 0 3.3 0.3 0.0 03 0.4 0.1 1.6 2.1 0.5 0.0 2.7 2.9 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.4 02 0.1 $75.000 or 0. t 0 1 0.2 3.5 0.1 0.4 - 159.999 IS.6 2 I - $74.999 Incomes 1 0 160.000 AlI -0.4 -0. t50.000 mote 1 I.3 0. I -0. I 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.5 0.5 -0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 1.7 0.1 1.9 2.4 3.5 0.5 0.0 3.5 0.6 13 0.5 0.2 3.4 0.2 -0.2 1.2 1.1 -0.1 0.5 1 0.0 I.2 0.4 02 3.5 0.5 0.0 1.t ,.2 0.1 15 3 -0.3 3.9 9.8 -0.1 9.2 7.4 -0.9 100.0 100.0 0.0 1Becuase PSID distinguishes movers-in or movers-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all mover-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126, June 1981, p. 41; PSID #645113. Table 4 (Page 1 of 2) DISTRIBUTION AND DIFFERENCES (PSID - CPS) OF ALL HOUSEHOLDS IN PERCENT BY INCOME AND AGE, CPS AND PSID--19791 Age of Household Head Less than 25 1979 Total Family Income CPS PSID Adjusted 35-44 25-34 Difference Difference 0.6 0.5 -0.1 0.4 0.1 -0.3 CPS 1 PSID Adjusted PSID Adjusted CPS Difference 05 0.6 0 0 8 ,.l 03 1.1 I.1 0.0 06 0.3 -0.3 09 I 9 I 0 1.3 1.9 06 0.9 0.4 -0.4 1 0 1 6 0.6 I 5 1 7 02 0.8 0.9 0.1 I 0 t 4 0.4 2 I 2 3 02 1 3 0.8 -0.5 oa 1.2 04 2 0 2.3 03 I 0.7 -0.4 0 9 I 0 0 2 2 1 I 9 1 4 1 .o -0.4 1 3 1.3 1 5 10 -0.5 1 3 1.1 -0.2 -0 2 1 c 6 05 2.1 2 I 05 0.5 00 2 2 2.1 03 03 00 1.6 2.1 05 0 3 02 -0.1 1 5 1.5 0.0 1.3 1.1 -0.2 0.7 -0 -0 1 00 -0 1 0.0 0 1 03 02 I.! I 2 0. I 1.1 0 I 02 0 t 09 1.2 0.3 09 10 0.1 0 1 00 -0 I 06 09 0.3 0.7 0.6 -0.1 -0. 00 00 00 0.5 05 0.0 06 0.5 00 0.0 00 0.3 04 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.0 00 0. t 0.1 0.4 0.6 02 0.7 0.7 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.5 0.1 00 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 -0.1 0.0 00 00 0.0 0.1 02 0.1 0.3 00 00 00 0 1 0.1 0.0 03 0.3 25.0 2.4 17.6 14.4 8 1 10 9 2 7 22.6 -3.2 4 I Table 4 (Page 2 of 2) Age of Household Head 45-54 1979 Total Family Income CPS Less than 82.50’) PSID Adjusted 0 5 0 55-64 Difference I CPS -0.4 PSID Adjusted 65 Older All Ages PSID Adjusted Difference CPS I.1 06 -0.5 37 2.3 -1 -0 95 9.1 -0.4 CPS Difference or PSID Adjusted Difference 07 03 -0 1 2 I 0 -0.2 52 5.1 1.1 13 02 35 3.8 0.3 8.4 10 2 2 9 23 8.0 R5 0.5 1 9 -0.2 88 8.1 -0.7 4 4 s2.500 aA. 06 0 5 15.oc3 $7.499 08 08 67.500 - 69.999 0.8 05 -0 3 1 I 0.9 -0 * 0.3 I 0 0 8 -0 2 I3 09 -0 4 2 1 I 10 -0 1 14 1 7 0.3 7.1 7.7 0.6 10 0.7 -0 3 1.0 1.3 03 7.3 6.7 -0.6 1 07 0.6 6 7 6.4 -0.3 05 06 6.8 6.1 -0.7 04 02 56 5.6 0.0 -0 1 00 $10.000 - *12.499 112.500 814.999 08 OR *15.000 617.499 10 0 7 $17.500 - $19.999 I 0 t 0 *20.000 122.499 I 09 $22.500 p.ZJ.999 I 0 I 125.000 $27.499 1.0 127.500 - 129.999 *30.000 00 -0 3 1 I 1 8 09 I 0 0 -0 2 t .o IO 0.0 0 1 09 08 -0 I.1 0 1 0.8 06 -0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 5.3 4.9 -0.4 0.9 08 -0.1 0.7 07 00 0.3 0.3 0.0 4.2 4.0 -0.2 $32.499 0.9 07 -0 06 05 -0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 3.6 3.8 0.2 132.500 63.I.999 06 0 7 0.1 04 04 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 2.6 2.7 0.1 135.000 - $37.499 0.6 0 7 0 04 03 0.1 0.2 0 2.3 2.2 -0.1 $37.500 $39.999 05 07 02 0.3 0.5 0.2 %40.000 344.999 0.8 IO 0.2 05 0.5 0.0 ~45.000 - %49.999 0.5 06 0.1 03 03 0.0 f50.000 - 659.999 0.6 0.8 02 0.0 0.3 S6O.COO - s74.999 0.4 04 00 0.3 175.000 or 0.3 06 03 15.9 15.5 A,1 Incomes 1Because PSID income figures income of all adjustment.) more distinguishes must be movers-out Source: I I 00 -0 2 f 4 -0 1 1 0 1 -0. I 0.1 -0 2 1 0.1 00 16 2 1 0.1 0.0 -0.1 2.7 2.9 0.2 0.1 0 00 1 7 1.8 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.9 2.4 0.5 0.3 0.0 0.1 0 0.0 1.2 1.1 -0.1 0.3 0.1 -0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.1 1.2 0.1 15 4 13.4 -2.0 '0.4 20.8 0.4 1 1 movers-in or movers-out of the household over the year when calculating family adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See CPS Series P-60. No. 126, June 1981, P. 39; PSID #645113 100.0 money Income and we must subtract text for more detail 100.0 CPS does not. that portion concerning 0.5 0.0 PSID of the this Table DISTRIBUTION AND DIFFERENCES (PSID - CPS) OF ALL 5 (Page HOUSEHOLDS 1 of (PERCENT) 2) BY INCOME AND SIZE OF FAMILY, CPS AND PSID--19791 Number in Family One Person 1979 Total Family Income CPS PSID Adjusted Difference CPS PSID Adjusted Difference * 7 1 9 -0.8 2 9 59 5 4 -0.4 5 6 1 8 6.0 5 3 -0.7 3 1 08 4 6 3 7 -0.9 79 80 0 6. I 90 38 2 3 1 1.2 1.6 04 3.9 3.3 06 0.6 06 0.0 30 3.0 0.0 02 06 0.4 ! .B 2.1 0.3 I 4 03 I 4 03 0 I 0 2 0. t I., 0 ? 0 2 0 I 0.0 0 t 0.1 09 t .o 0.2 0.0 0 1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.1 22.5 29 I 6.6 31.3 1 1 28 8 Four Persons Three Persons Two Persons -2.5 CPS PSID Adjusted Difference CPS PSID Adjusted Difference Table 5 (Page 2 of 2) Number in Family Five 1979 Family Total Income CPS Six Persons PSID Adjusted Difference 03 0 2 -0 07 05 -0.2 08 05 -0 CPS 2 Seven or More Persons Persons PSID Adjusted Difference 1 CPS 0.1 0.0 13 2 11 4 -0.1 16 4 18 7 03 0.3 00 03 02 0 1 PSID Adjusted Difference 0 1 Sizes PSID Adjusted 0.2 -0 All CPS Difference -1.8 2.3 3 04 0.2 -0.2 03 0.3 00 15.9 15.8 0.1 ! 2 0. f 0.5 0.5 00 0.2 02 0.0 14.0 13.0 -1.0 I .2 1 3 0. I 0 4 0.4 00 0.3 0.2 -0.1 12.4 11.7 -0.7 10 IO 0.0 0 4 03 -0 7 03 0.2 -0.1 9.4 9.0 -0.5 07 09 02 0.3 0.2 -0. t 0.2 0.1 -0.1 6.2 6.6 0.4 05 0 4 0.2 03 0.1 0 0.1 0.0 3.9 4.3 0.4 0.2 03 0. I 0.2 0.2 0.0 4.4 4.7 0.3 02 0 0.2 0.1 -0.1 3.1 3.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 -0.2 l., 1.2 32 2.8 -0.4 2.2 1.6 -0.6 100.0 I 1 07 06 04 03 02 0 7 6 6 8 1Because PSlD distinguishes must be PSID income figures portion of the income of all concerning this adjustment.) -0 1 0.1 -0 1 movers-in adjusted movers-out Source: 1 -0.1 -0 8 1 -0.1 or movers-out of the household over the year in order to get an income measure comparable that is presently included in total family CPS Series P-60, No. 126, June 1981, p. 26; 1 when calculating to that of CPS. money income of PSID #645113. family money Specifically, main families. 100.0 0.1 0.0 income and CPS does not, we must subtract that (See text for more detail Table 6 (Page 1 of 2) MEDIAN AND AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME (UNITED COMPARISONS, CPS AND PSID--1979 STATES) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Unadjusted $16.5 17 3 10.2 PSID Unweighted Cases PSlD CPS CPS Adjusted1 118.0 119 6 Unadjusted Adjusted1 I21 $2, 3 0 6.533 8.2 17.3 21 0 24. I 23 9 23.3 21 5 9.9 19.2 22.7 25 I 26.7 26.3 26 4 I,., 21 8 24 7 27.5 27 1 27.2 26.8 10.8 21.6 24.2 27.3 26.8 26.9 26.6 1.522 1.638 1.256 1.091 563 258 205 22 0 II 4 7 4 21 8 11 .o 7 3 22 5 13.6 (1.3 25 2 13.7 99 24.9 13 4 9.5 3.451 2.707 375 7 4 9 2 12 5 17 5 20 2 25 3 32.0 7 4 9 f 12 1 17.1 19.6 25 0 3, 5 10 13 15 20 22 31 34 IO 8 12.9 15.2 19.7 22 1 31.4 34 6 636 454 1.347 2,255 936 503 364 to.3 18.9 23 6 26 3 18.9 8.3 10.1 18 5 23.5 25.6 18.7 8.2 13.4 19 6 24.7 26 I 21.8 11 I I2 2 20 3 26.9 30.5 22.0 12 5 18.0 IO 1 17.7 10.0 20.4 13 t 21.6 13.3 9 1 4 0 5 6 9 922 2.129 958 917 772 834 21.3 13. I 3.890 2.429 Table 6 (Page 2 of 2) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) Mean Income (Thousands 25.5 27.0 22.1 16.5 21.9 20.0 17.8 16.1 10.8 15.8 5.4 13.4 CPS 1Because PSID Income figures the income of this adjustment.) 26.3 30 0 26.0 14.0 23.0 21.3 18.2 j6.3 11.2 19.6 6.2 11.5 Dollars) PSID PSID CPS Unadjusted of Adjusted1 26.1 29 5 25.9 13.5 23.0 21.3 18.0 15.8 11.2 19 5 6.1 IO 8 distinguishes movers-in or movers-out of the household over the year when must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of all movers-out that is presently included In total family money income of Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126; #649128,649124,649126,64913. 29 6 31.7 26. 1 18.8 22.2 21.4 19.2 17.2 12.6 99.8 7.5 (5 9 PSID Unweighted Cases Unadjusted Adjusted1 2s. 7 36.2 29.5 16.5 24.4 21.9 19.7 18.8 12.0 22.7 7.1 13.1 29.6 35.9 29.3 15.6 24 0 21.7 19.4 18.5 11.9 22.4 6.9 12.7 655 580 212 446 976 302 664 255 59 76 51 459 calculating family money income and CPS does not, Specifically, we must subtract that portion CPS. (See text for more detail concerning main famiIies. PSID of Table 7 (Page 1 of 2) MEDIAN AND AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME COMPARISONS, CPS AND PSID--1979 (NORTHEAST) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Adjusted1 CPS 816 Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) ‘) PSID Adjusted1 CPS $20 1 122 PSID2 Cases .I f ,004 7 .I 16 3 21 4 8 17 21 25 26 33 2.1 3 7 8 0 0 3 0 9.9 19.5 20 3 25 5 27 7 28 6 29 9 10 6 22 1 27 5 29 7 27 9 33.3 26 4 237 266 176 176 86 38 25 2, 3 11 3 8 7 23 6 t, 8 7 5 23 8 13 9 10 6 27 5 14.6 8 8 524 449 3, 27 6 34 3 to 4 13 2 (5 4 19 8 21 9 28 9 34.2 9 2 II 5 15 9 20.5 22 2 36.3 37 1 65 47 194 378 136 110 80 10 19 22 26 20 8 3 I 4 3 6 9 12 6 19 6 24 0 26 8 23.1 12 0 12.2 20 6 25 6 33.4 23 0 12 8 109 313 143 174 125 139 I8 7 95 20 8 13.9 22.6 12.9 796 25 J 28 5 17 7 It 0 Table 7 (Page 2 of 2) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Adjusted1 CPS 30.6 33.4 25.9 1Because PSID distinguishes mover-in or mover-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) 2Unweighted cases - = Not reported CPS * = Unweighted cases less than 25, so median and average not reported Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126; #649128, 649124, 149126, 149131 PSID Adjusted1 29.9 40.0 31 6 PSID2 Cases Table 8 (Page 1 of 2) MEDIAN AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME COMPARISONS, CPS AND PSID--1979 (NORTH CENTRAL) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS 20 4 II 5 to 8 Mean PSID Adjusted1 22 5 10 3 7 6 Income CPS (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Adjusted1 22 6 13 5 12 7 24.8 12 8 9.6 21 9 27 5 33 5 24 6 24 5 33 1 20.6 14 3 10 9 14 5 PSID2 Cases 918 640 66 6 2 9 7 9 4 19 2 17 9 11 2 17 9 10 0 1,146 468 Table 8 (Page 2 of 2) Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS PSlD Adjusted1 CPS PSID Adjusted1 PSID2 Cases 182 149 55 93 227 50 178 58 7 3; 9 99 1Because PSID distinguishes mover-in or mover-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) 2Unweighted cases - = Not reported in CPS * = Unweighted cases less than 25, so median and average not reported. Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126; PSID #649128, 649124, 649126, 649131 Table 9 (Page 1 of 2) MEDIAN AND AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME COMPARISONS, CPS AND PSID--1979 (SOUTH) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS T PSID Adjusted1 Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS 9. I 17 7 21 0 23 6 24.5 22 5 20 5 PSID Adjusted1 10 2 19.9 21 8 23 7 22.9 19 7 23.5 PSID2 Cases 123 22.2 (2 7 7.7 7 I 7 , 9.6 I! 8 13 4 18 5 20.3 27 5 33 5 11.0 1t.3 13 2 17.9 21.5 33.4 33.3 436 213 660 925 325 167 102 II 8 17 3 20.7 20 5 10.3 17.2 22.0 21 2 12 8 18.7 23 3 23.6 19 7 IO.7 11.5 19. I 24.6 25.2 (7 7 12.8 390 952 437 3i.4 346 368 16 3 93 16 2 to 0 19.4 12.0 19 9 72.3 Table 9 (Page 2 of 2) Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) CPS 25 3 96 7 20.5 !6 3 19.7 17 5 16 5 13 2 8 3 1s 9 5 5 12 1 PSlD Adjusted1 23.0 27.5 21.5 13 0 19 7 17 4 1s 3 13 5 9.0 17.8 4 5 11 0 1Because PSID distinguishes mover-in or mover-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) 2Unweighted cases Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126; PSID #649128, 649124, 649126, 649131 CPS PSID Adjusted1 PSID2 Cases 201 178 73 181 451 174 335 (32 42 31 31 222 Table 10 (Page 1 of 2) MEDIAN AND AVERAGE FAMILY INCOME COMPARISONS, CPS AND PSID--1979 (WEST) Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) Median Income (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Adjusted1 CPS $17 5 619 40 19 22 26 23 27 . 21 5 12 0 9.4 1, ,, 9 d PSID Adjusted1 CPS 4 1 6 7 0 5 620 11 21 23 26 28 26 27 PSID2 Cases 9 ‘622 , 2 3 9 9 5 5 0 1, 24 23 29 27 29 9 2 6 6 0 9 278 264 184 167 83 28 16 I.020 24 0 $1 6 8.4 24 6 I4 5 12 I 27 6 14 Cl 12 8 540 420 60 27 4 32 9 1, I 13.3 1s I 19 4 22.2 2, 1 32 0 12 6 1s 1 17 2 21 .o 22 t 32:e 34 6 59 59 164 330 254 72 79 (2.2 18 7 27 3 21 9 21 4 9 3 14 20 26 27 24.7 Il.6 1 2 7 2 13.8 21 4 31.3 28 7 26 6 13 3 144 339 148 159 104 126 18 7 11 0 21 3 14.2 23.0 14 4 689 211 Table Median Income of Dollars) 2 of 2) Mean Income (Thousands of Dollars) PSID Adjusted1 CPS 22 21 18 16 12 19 (Thousands 10 (Page 4 , 8 9 1 3 24 7 22 7 20 9 (9 4 . 14 2 8 6 1Because PSID distinguishes mover-in or mover-out of the household over the year when calculating family money income and CPS does not, PSID income figures must be adjusted in order to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS. Specifically, we must subtract that portion of the income of all movers-out that is presently included in total family money income of main families. (See text for more detail concerning this adjustment.) 2Unweighted cases - = Not reported in CPS * = Unweighted cases less than 25, so median and average not reported. Source: CPS Series P-60, No. 126; PSID #649128, 649124, 649126, 649131 CPS PSID Adjusted1 29.8 32.2 29 2 19.1 23.7 22.3 19 9 19 6 14.3 24 9 30.7 32.9 28 3 16.6 24 4 23.3 23.0 19.9 l I 16 9 IO 8 PSID2 Text 137 III 41 84 153 44 71 39 10 IO 4 66 673 Specific Income Sources Covered by CPS and PSID Both CPS and PSID ask for amounts of money income received in the preceding calendar year from each of the following sources: (1) money wages or salary; (2) net income from nonfarm self-employment; (3) net income from farm self- employment; (4) Social Security or railroad retirement; (5) Supplemental Security Income; (6) public assistance or welfare payments; (7) interest; (8) dividends, income from estates or trusts, or rental income; (9) veterans’ payments or unemployment and workers’ compensation; (10) private pensions or government employee pensions; (11) alimony or child support, regular contributions persons not living in the household, and other periodic income. relevant income sections from each Survey’s questionnaire. from Below are the 674 SECTION To get an accurate the income of all financial the families INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT q HEAD picture that K: INCOME of people we interview. all over the country, we need to know IS FARMER, OR RANCHER HEAD IS NOT A FARMER OR RANCHER- GO 5 TO K5 Y ( 7s;i) K3. K4. ("7%) What were including your soil total bank receipts payments What were your total living expenses? That left you a net operating income Did you (or anyone else have a financial interest 1. from farming and commodity expenses, from in farming in 1979, credit loans? not of? A $ B $ A-B counting (A - B =) the family here) own a business in any business enterprise? YES $ at j5.jGO any time in 1979, TO K8 7 K6. Was it (V7278)interest a corporation or in both kinds? an unincorporated business, or did you have an ~p7izfGq~~l K7. How much was your in 1979--that is, (family's) the amount share of you took the out How much did you (HEAD) receive anything was deducted for taxes from wages and salaries or other things? In addition to this, did you have any income from bonuses, YES K10. in 1979, that is, overtime or TUR!I TO P. 36. P How much was that? J before III 1979 s K9. income from the business any profit left in? IN 1979 $ K8. total plus IN 1979 comnissions? K11 or 675 43 I'm going to be reading you a list of other sources of income you might have. Did you (HEAD) receive any other income in 1979 from professional practice or trade? (FOR EACH "YES" TO K11, ASK K12 AND K13.) How much was it? During how much of 1979 did you get this income? I FOR K12 K11 a. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OR TRADE? b. from farming gardening? C. roomers d. dividends, interest, rent, trust funds, or royalties? e. ADC, AFDC f. Supplemental Income (the checks)? or PER or market 110 YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES i---+-j boarders? *, Security gold/tan/yellow FOR TURil TO P. 37, HEAD AGE 65 OR OLDER HEAD UNDER 65 TURN TO P. 37, We are interested in the government's Supplemental think you were eligible for Supplemental Security K20 Security Income Income in 1979? Program. K16. Did you try to get SSI last year (1979)? ("728;) TU911 TO P. 37, ("v&2, K20 INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT 5. K15. (V7280) PER B c K14. (V7279) I Can you tell me why you couldn't get SSI? TURN TO P. 37, (Any K20 other reasons why?) K18 Did you 676 44 K18. Can you tell me why you (V7283 - First (V7284 - Second didn't try? (Any other reasons why?) mention) mention) GO TO K20 K19. Can you tell (V7286 K20. Did you TO K20, me why you thought - Second mention] (HEAD) receive any ASK K21 AND K22.) you income weren't in eligible? 1979 from (Any other other welfare? K21 How much was it? K20 a. OTHER WELFARE? b. Social C. Security? reasons (FOR EACH "YES" During how much of 1979 did you get this income? FOR PER 6 Other retirement pay, pensions or annuities? d. e. Workers f. Alimony? g. Child h. Help j. Anything compensation? FOR PER K23. support? from relatives? else? (SPECIFY): Did anyone (else) not living here now help (you/your family) out I mean give you money, or help with your expenses during 1979? YES K24. How much did T that pi-J+ amount to last year? TURN TO P. 38. f why?) financially-- K25 IN 1979 677 45 K25. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT A. HEAD IS MALE AND HAS WIFE IN FU HEAD IS MALE, DOES NOT HAVE WIFE IN FU- %Bb HEAD IS FEMALE -TURN C. K26. 4 Did your (wife/friend) have TO P. 39, any income during YES TURFI TO P. 39, K36 K36 1979? iURN TO P. 39, K36 P Was any of K27. it earnings from her work? pi-J.-+ YES P How much did K28. she earn from work in Did she receive any unemployment compensation YES K31. Did she receive Did K33. any Social any other Security in K35. How much did that amount to in 1979? income in 1979 such as interest, pj-4 L I HEAD TYPE INCOME: TRANSFER A TURfl TO P. 39, IN 1979 I or K36 SOURCE IN 1979 I (DO HOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) I WIFE TYPE INCOME: TRANSFER TAXABLE L ul dividends, SOURCE 1 (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) TAXABLE GO TO K33 IN 1979 P from? What was it 1979? f YES K34. 1979? IN 1979 m T How much was that? she have deductions? GO TO K31 $ YES K32. in i P How much was that? K30. 1979 before K29 s:i 1979 S K29. GO 70 A ul rent? 678 46 K36. PRELIST -ALL PERSONS 16 OR OLDER AT THE TIME OF THE 1980 INTERVIEW. (THESE PERSONS ARE LISTED ON THE FAMILY LISTING LABEL, PAGE 3 OF THE COVER SHEET.) -DO NOT PRELIST "HEAD" OR "WIFE." UPDATE -LIST ANYONE 16 OR OLDER WHO HAS MOVED IN SINCE THE 1979 INTERVIEW. PERSONS LISTED IN ITEM 12, PAGE THE COVER SHEET.) -LIST ANYONE SHOWN AS "HEAD" MOVED OUT SINCE THE 1979 OR "WIFE" ON FAMILY INTERVIEW. LISTING (THESE LABEL WHO HAS EXCEPTION -DO NOT ASK AN EXTRA EARNER SECTION FOR ANYONE WHO MOVED OUT BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1979. EXTRA K37. RELATIONSHIP INTERVIEWER q I3 l- EARNERS GRlD I EXTRA EARNER NUMBER SEX -l--- TO HEAD PSE CHECKPOINT ANY ELIGIBLE NO ELIGIBLE PERSON(S) PERSON(S) LISTED LISTED ABOVE-ASK AN EXTRA EARNER SECTION (K38-K52) FOR EACH ABOVE -TURN TO P. 46, K54 679 47 FIRST EXTRA EARNER: RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD: AGE: K38. INTERVIEWER: K39. We would like to know about what (INDIVIDUAL) looking for work, retired, a student, keeping APPLY.) K40. During around K41. What kind K42. About THIS PERSON IS DECEASED: 1979 did (he/she) the house)? of work did how much money have a full-time (he/she) did usually (he/she) About how many weeks did does--is (he/she) house, or what? or part-time job (not working now (CHECK ALL THAT counting work do? earn from work last year? IN 1979 f K43. m (he/she) work last year? WEEKS IN 1979 K44. During the weeks work per week? that (he/she) worked about how many hours HOURS PER WEEK K45. Did (he/she) have any (other) income YES last What was that K47. How much was that last year? p-J--w year? S (he/she) 1 DON'T KIIOW 1 TURN TO P. 41, v from? K46. did IN 1979 K48 usually 680 48 K48. During 1979 was there any and could not find a job? time when YES (he/she) was laid off DON'1 NO &I or looking for work KNOW , GO TO K50 4 K49. About how many weeks was that? WEEKS IN 1979 K50. During 1979 was (he/she) 71 K51. enrolled 13. How many weeks did in school PART-TIME (he/she) attend as a full-time STUDENT 1 15. school WEEKS IN 1979 K52. What is the highest grade or year of in or part-time IIOT E;;;;E;5:N student? SCHOOL i 1979? pI--Gq school that (he/she) has completed? GRADE/YEAR K53. INTERVIEWER cl cl CHECKPOINT A. MORE THAN 1 EXTRA EARNER LISTED EXTRA EARNER SECTION B. ONLY 1 EXTRA EARNER LISTED IN K36- IN K36 -TURN GO TO P. 42, TO P. 46, K54 SECOND 651 111 Facsimile III. Form CPS-665-Income Supplement’ L T CPS-666 llcoiwB SUbblEMPiul c 3 r---l 682 112 ,m Cfp3SS-&&Wd -- -__ 33 333 ++ ,, ---I-...-11 l ++ ,,, 683 113 I mo-Lnu ..._._ j::,,-,., 655 115 ,___________.__....................... :nr -LIti Icm __ _. __ ._ __ -_ __ :---------------------------------------;,a..M%acd-r.-h-.s I I ?---•-fAv--.- I --” I 6R7 117 : o2 oI 1 c l 688 1lE Form CP.5455~Continued .ui IYI LW mm”” ,rr I”, Ih’ l +. 689 Fnn CF’S865-Continued 119 690 120 rolm cPS865--ContinuBd 691 I I . . I ._._ I.-- VI I . 8 692 Adjustments to PSID income for Comparability with CPS Data Presently, PSID uses the following editing procedures when determining total family money income: Main families: PSID calculates total family money income by adding together the full previous year’s income of the present year’s head and wife (even if they are movers-in), the full previous year’s income of the present year’s extra earners who were also there at last year’s interview, and the portion of the movers-in and movers-out extra earners’ income received while in the main family. Splitoff families (in the year of the split): PSID calculates total family money income as if the splitoff family members were in the splitoff family for the entire previous year: income is the full previous year’s income of all family members at the date of interview. CPS asks its cross-section sample about the money income for the entire previous calendar year of all household members present as of the date of the interview (March). CPS does not distinguish between movers-in and movers-out of the household over the year. Thus, CPS household income figures do not include the amounts received by persons who were members of the household for part or all of the year if those persons no longer lived there at the date of the interview. CPS household income does include the total yearly amounts reported by persons who did not live with the household during the entire income year but were members at t h e d a t e o f i n t e r v i e w . Comparisons: The manner in which PSID calculates income for splitoff families (but not main families experiencing splitoffs) is the same way CPS calculates income for its entire sample of households. for splitoffs. No adjustment is needed But for PSID main families experiencing splitoffs, in most cases we include only that portion of the incomes of movers-in or movers-out received while in the main family. Thus, to get an income measure comparable to that of CPS, w e n e e d t o ( 1 ) s u b t r a c t t h e i n c o m e o f a l l m o v e r s - o u t t h a t i s p r e s e n t l y included in total family money income of main families, and (2) add in the income of all movers-in that is presently excluded from total family money income of main famiIies. For movers-out, the income to subtract out is the portion received while in the main family. For movers-in, the income to add in is the portion received while not a member of the main family. The adjustments for the movers-out can be made via the tax table information now coded (starting in 1980) on the main family record. In the 1980 codebook, variables V7019, V7022, V7025, V7028, and V7031 represent the tax table used for extra earners, and variables V7017, V7020, V7023, V7026, and V7029 represent the previous year’s portion of taxable income for the corresponding extra earner. When the extra-earner tax 693 table variable on the main family record has a code 6, 7, or 8, this tells us that the extra earner was either a mover-out or a mover-in and there only part of the year. This means that the corresponding taxable income variable on the main family record measures that amount of the annual taxable income received by a mover-out or a mover-in while a member of the main family. Thus, a d j u s t m e n t s t o get CPS comparable income for main families with movers-out can be made by subtracting from family income all extra-earner incomes with codes of 6-8 on the corresponding tax table variable; this adjustment is made only for main families with movers out. In 1980 this means using the family file and adding the following OSIRIS recode statements: &COMMENT: 1980 RECODE TO GET CPS COMPARABLE FAMILY INCOME USING FAMILY FILE There are some problems with this, but they should be relatively minor. (1) This procedure would also subtract out the income of some extra earners who are movers-in that is now included in family income the way it should be for CPS comparisons. This would only occur for main families who had both movers-in and movers-out who were extra earners. Family members who were heads or wives at the time of the present year’s interview and movers-in since the last year’s interview would n ot be ___ treated as extra earners; their income is gathered in the head and wife portions of the interview, and the full amount of their previous year’s income goes into family income even if they are movers-in. Movers-in who are not heads or wives are likely to have very little income. (2) This procedure adjusts for taxable income only. IS B N O-87944-279-4 Dec. 1982 ERRATA A PANEL STUDY OF INCOME DYNAMICS: PROCEDURES AND TAPE CODES 1981 INTERVIEWING YEAR WAVE XIV Page 108, V7554 which is Standard: Page 189, 07. Page 190, 07. Page 237, 2. Page 301, 6. Page 442, should converted V7774, V7775, sources of V7880, sources income 2 should someone and self V8048, code 6 should income should Annual (except code 06). (except code 06). read: read: ...Latter Congregationalist; AGE, Head: the read: of code for read: code 07 should Have other Bahai; to an ... and was made as follows code 07 should Have other Both read: Day Saints or Mormon;... read: V7067&V7431(Bkt) Page 443, AREA DATA, Unemployment Page 444, ASSETS, Savings, whether Rate should should read: read: Page 444, ASSETS, Savings, whether current savings balance more than two months’ income should read: Page 444, ASSETS, Savings, whether savings in last 5 years should read: Need Dec. 1982 2 Page 455, DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, Education, wife, grades completed should read: Page 456, DEMOGRAPHIC DATA, Religion, frequency of attendance at services should read: Page 458, DISABILITY, Head, disability now, whether should Page 458, DISABILITY, Head, disability now, whether footnote *Asked Page 458, of new Heads only DISABILITY, V216; V’s V4626;... V’s EDUCATION, Wife, Page 484, HOURS, Housework, Page 486, HOURS, Unemployment, V3427; 1974, grades V’s completed head, by disability 2121-2123; should wife’s annual, V2719; read: should should V3245; read: V3667; read: or unmarried annual should and 1975. imposed 1409-1411; Page 461, V2443; V3031; 1973, limitations Head, 743-745; in read: head’s should read: read: V3827;... Page 489, HOUSEWORK, Wife’s or Unmarried Page 508, MARRIAGE, Marital Status should Page 516, RELIGION, of Attendance Frequency Head’s Hours, annual should read: at Services should read: read: V4146; Dec. 3 Page 521, V’s STATE AND COUNTY, Current 2403-2405; Numerica Family V's3003-3005; Index, should read: V's3403-3405;... V7631, description of Variable should read: V7896, Description of Variable should read: SOC AL SECURITY OTHERS Numerical Family Index, WHETHER MISSED WORK BECAUSE SELF ILL Numerical Family Index, (R) V8039 for 1975 comparable variable should read: V4093 Numerical Individual Index, V8393 for 1980 comparable variable should read: Individual Index, V8395 for 1980 comparable variable should read: V8366 Numerical V8368 1982
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