October 4, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
October 4, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY SEPTEMBER WEEKLY INCOME CHURCH SUPPORT 9/6 9/13 9/20 9/27 22,647 22,647 22,647 16,764 13,749 12,343 12,226 Wkly Church Support Budget 22,647 Mon MASS INTENTIONS Oct 5 @ 8:30AM Daniel Coughlin (dec) Ed Lyons (dec) Tue Oct 6 @ 8:30AM Erin Sanders (int) George Humphrey (dec) Wed Oct 7 @ 8:30AM James L. Long (dec) James E. McGinnis (dec) Thu Oct 8 @ 8:30AM Frank Edwards (dec) Lynn Falkner (dec) Fri Oct 9 @ 8:30AM Kristen von Clef (int) Sat Oct 10 @ 5:00PM People of St. Thomas Church Support (Offertory) Monthly online Ahead/(Behind) DEBT REDUCTION Wkly Debt Reduction Budget Debt Reduction Monthly online Ahead/(Behind) 6,923 3,823 6,923 4,193 6,923 3,333 6,923 1,643 ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA Sat Sept 26 @ 5:00 PM 250 Marilynn McKenna (dec) Sat Oct 10 @ 7:00PM Sun Oct 11 @ 9:00AM Leann & Greg Zaar (dec) Ian Stewart (dec) Sun Oct 11 @ 11:30AM David J. Harvey (dec) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Anna Aseltine, Shatha Ankawi, Cheryl Nadeau, Candi Smith, Mary Ann Herlihy, John Hvizdos, Jo Doster, Roberto Ibarra, Amber McAdams, Sally Skolarus, Betty Salada, Joyce Pawlicki, Barbara Hope, Patrick Folts, Micaela Garcia, Margie Michael, Nathalie Schmidt, Jamie Fairweather, Donna Kelly, Paula O’Brien, Richard Mazienis, Colleen Kepler, Lori Prybyl, Alice Sharp, Chet Kwiatkowski, Joe Klint, Kenny Bryan, Joan Panter Sun Sept 26 @ 7:00 PM 385 Sun Sept 27 @ 9:00 AM 393 Sun Sept 27 @ 11:30 PM Total 322 1,350 COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? Catholic Inquiry sessions: Every Monday at 6pm in Room 123. All are welcome to join us! For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-2719276, or els947@comcast.net. LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples, “Let the children come to me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” This week, please help the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring the love and mercy of Jesus to children, parents and grandparents who are in need. The next meeting will be Friday, October 16 at 1:00 pm in the Deacon Jose Room. Call Larry Finneran at 657-9119 for more information. ST THOMAS LIFE TEEN PRO LIFE BABY SHOWER Our teens will accept your donations of diapers, formula, or baby clothes, after each Mass beginning Saturday, October 9th thru Sunday, October 31st. Please look for our St Thomas Playpen in the narthex! MUSIC MINISTRY Communion Antiphon for October and November: Bread of Heaven, in Holy Light. (repeat) Draw us forth to the table, the table of Life. Bread of Heaven, in Holy Light. Wine of salvation, in Holy Light (repeat) We shall live forever in Jesus Christ. Wine of salvation, in Holy Light. SCRIP CARDS The Time Has Come… Scrip Cards Are On Sale In the Parish Family Life Center After all Masses Support Our Parish Charities By Buying Yours today! KAIROS KOOKIE TIME On Thursday, October 22, a Kairos team will be entering the Morgan County Correctional Complex (MCCX) to spend the weekend ministering to the inmates housed there. As in the past, we are soliciting cookies for all the inmates in MCCX, which total around 2800. The goal for our parish is 100 dozen cookies. The most preferred cookie is chocolate chip. Other acceptable types are Oatmeal and Peanut Butter (plain peanut butter; not chunky). It is very important NOT to use icing, sugar sprinkles or any type of coating on the outside. Also, DO NOT add any kind of fruit or nuts to the cookies. They should be 2-2 1/2 inches in diameter and not more than 1/2 inch thick. The key ingredient is PRAYER. Please pray as an individual or group over the ingredients. Also pray over the cookies as you drop them on a cookie sheet. Ask God to use your cookies as a source of His love to shine on the inmates and staff on this Kairos weekend. Pray each cookie brings the inmate, officer or warden closer to God. After baking, lay the cookies flat in a freezer. This will make them easier for packaging. Use one gallon Ziploc bags or the equivalent. DO NOT use aluminum foil. Put one dozen per bag. Place the cookies across the bottom of the bag and roll them up like a container of Pringle chips. Tape the bag if necessary. The cookies can then remain frozen until the collection dates. Label each bag with the type of cookie. For those who choose to support this ministry financially, we will be selling “meal tickets” for $5 during the collection days. These tickets will have your first name and city on them and will be presented to each “guest” at each meal to let them know they are being prayerfully supported in their weekend. The collections will be before all Masses on the weekend of Oct. 17-18. God bless you and thank you for your prayers and support. THE SHACK, SHACK by William Young Deacon David Lucheon is offering ten-week classes on William P. Young's "The Shack" on either Tuesday evenings beginning October 13th from 6:30-7:45 PM or on Thursday mornings beginning October 15th from 9:30-10:45 AM at St. Thomas. The Shack is Deacon David’s favorite novel as it helps explain our relationship to the Trinity which is the central mystery of the Church. The book costs $15 and will be provided to you by Deacon David. Please read the first 6 chapters prior to first discussion. If you’d like to join the class, please send an e-mail to Deacon David at dlucheon@dioknox.org. BLESSING OF PETS Bring your pet for a blessing on the Feast of St. Francis; Sunday, October 4 at 2:00PM on the side of the church. USING A PYX AND BURSE From time to time, parishioners will desire to take Communion to those who are ill, infirm, or otherwise physically unable to attend Mass. The correct method for taking Holy Communion to someone is with a "pyx" and a "burse". The pyx is a small container that holds the Blessed Sacrament and the burse (which holds the pyx) is a small pouch with a cord attached for wearing around the neck. It may be worn over or under clothing. There is a supply of pyx and burses in the church. If you need to borrow a pyx or burse, or both, ask the sacristan before or after Mass or pick one up at the office. Please return them when they are no longer needed. OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS CUMPLEAÑOS DE OCTUBRE Nayeli Almanza Carrie Arana Matthew Aranda Larry Archer Toni Archer Robert Auld Phil Baker George Beyer Patricia Biega Moira Bindner David Bivens Ginna Bock Heather Bohan Patricia Bokal Janice Boschert Brian Boyer Mary Boyer Nancy Canter Rihanna Carrillo Robert Christman Dale Claveau Pat Corda Gaby Cornejo Robert Cys Victoria Deering Vicente Diaz Edward Dorosz Julian Dueñas Ilse Duran Wayne Enderle Jose Manuel Espinoza Jose Estrada Mark Fiedler Richard Fischer Martin Flanary Kathy Folts Jeff Franklin Julian Gallardo Valeria Gallardo Adriana Garcia Angel Garcia Cristhian Garcia Francisco Garcia Jesus Garcia Marlene Garcia Maripat Gettlefinger Nora Gillette Christine Goddard Larry Godwin Kay Goeken Saira Gonzalez Corona Erica Gonzalez Joaquin Gonzalez Mary Gonzalez Monica Gonzalez Roberto Gonzalez Ruth A. Gregory Cathy Greiner August Gross Mary Pat Hall Tom Hall James Hallihan Jaye Hallihan Yvonne Hawxhurst Shawn Healy Kelly Henry Alexander Houston Maria Huichapa Glenna Hutchens Jemma Jarrett David John Vince Josefowicz Abner Juarez Thomas Kelly Jim Kessing Donna Knoerl Thomas Koban Joan Kramer Eugene Kray Corey Kreisler Greg Kroll Suzan Langford Leo Langlois Kalen Lemmons David A. Lentz Jessica Lentz Wally Lessig Jessica Leyva John Lochner Emily Lopez Lopez Lopez Gary Maddela Ricardo Magana Barbara Malone Toni Manley Cindy Mansolino Pamela McCall Sandra McGrath Martin McGregor Jim McLaughlin Silvia Medina Edward Metheny Gina Moore Alba Moreno Debra Moroney Judy Myers Jack Nichols Madison Nichols Lesli Nolazco Marge Ogren Adam Paramo Joyce Pawlicki Catherine Peck Celina Perez Jazmine Perez Leslie Phillips Steve Popovich Ann Proud Michael Ptacek Jim Raque Shannon Rearden Jennifer Rebolledo Richard Regala Kristen Reinhart Nolan Rickerson Cindy Riggs Steve Riggs Odalys Ruiz Maria Sanchez Irma Saucedo Jasmine Saucedo Jasmine Saucedo Kenneth Schmidtke Loretta Schuster Russell Schutte Elroy F. Schweitzer Cynthia Sellers Thomas Shaughnessy Paul Sheffer Lois J. Shewski Tom Simcox Francis Sledzinski Jon-Michael Slemp Blake Smith Jodi Smith Riley Smith James Sonntag Joan Stiles Tonya Stinnett Helen Stower John Teeples Carol Toukatly William Ulewicz Victor Uscinski Francisco Vargas Ron Vasicek Alex Vazquez Marta Velasquez Patricia Walp Celine Weatherly Bradley Westenhaver Maleah Westenhaver Donald Whiteman Bryan Williams David Wilt Kathleen Witwer Andrea Yates Jonathan Yates Kevin Young Trixie Young Leticia Zavala Miguel Zavala Rocio Zavala George Zola STEPHEN MINISTRY If you’re sad or struggling inside, don’t suffer alone. Ask for help. We’ve got a team of Stephen Ministers who are ready to listen, care, encourage, pray, and help you through a tough time. Men are matched with men, and women with women. (It’s completely confidential too!) To find out more about Stephen Ministry for you or someone you know, contact Barbara Brennan 458-8922 or Tom Ringenbach 458-0915. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Our lives no longer belong to us alone; they belong to all who need us desperately. ~E. Wiesel KNOXVILLE RIGHT TO LIFE BANQUET October 13, 2015, 6:30 PM, Knoxville Convention Center We will carpool from St. Thomas Please call Kay Sheldon, 458-8510, for more details. WHITE MASS Bishop Stika invites you to join him in celebrating a diocesan White Mass for all who serve in the health care profession on Saturday, October 17 at 11:00 am at the Church of Divine Mercy located on 10919 Carmichael Rd. in Knoxville. A luncheon will follow Mass and feature Dr. Barbara Harly-Golder MD, JD, who will speak on “Physician Assisted Suicide: A Catholic Response.” Please RSVP for the Lucheon to Theresa Valero at tvalero@dioknox.org or 865-212-5570. SALSA DANCE Everyone is invited to come Salsa dance for a good cause; Saturday, November 7th, at 7:00 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The cost is $10/person, $15/couple, and $20/family. There will be a Salsa dance instructor teaching and dinner will be for sale. All the profit of this event will go towards our Diocesan Home Campaign. For more information, please contact Brittany Koepke of the Hispanic Youth Ministry office at (865) 776-9635. DIOCESAN MEN’S RETREAT Men of the Diocese of Knoxville! Join Bishop Stika for a Diocesan Men’s Retreat—“Be a Man in the Image of Jesus”—featuring Fr. Larry Richards on Sat, Nov 21 at the Historic TN Theatre beginning at 9:00 am and concluding with Mass at 4:00 pm (fulfils Sunday obligation). Confessions will be available throughout the day. Fr. Richards is a popular speaker and frequent guest on EWTN and author of the bestselling Catholic book, “Be a Man!: Becoming the Man God Created You to be.” Tickets are $20 and are available at www.tennesseetheatre.com. Please contact Paul Simoneau at psimoneau@dioknox.org or 865-862-5753 with questions. CONFESIONES Las confesiones son los martes a las 6:00pm y los sábados de 3:30-4:30pm (antes de misa) o por cita. USANDO UN PÍXIDE Y PORTA RELICARIO De vez en cuando, hay feligreses que desean llevar la Comunión a los enfermos o a personas que físicamente se les dificulta asistir a la Misa. El receptáculo adecuado para llevar la Sagrada Eucaristía es una píxide (un pequeño recipiente redondo diseñado para tal fin). Cuando una píxide contiene la Sagrada Eucaristía se debe utilizar un porta relicario. Un porta relicario es una pequeña bolsa con una cuerda atada para llevar alrededor del cuello. Puede ser usado sobre o debajo de la ropa. Hay un abastecimiento de píxides y porta relicarios en la iglesia. Si usted necesita pedir prestado una píxide o porta relicario, o ambas cosas, pida al Sacristán antes o después de la Misa, o pida uno en la oficina. Por favor devuélvalos cuando ya no los necesite. BENDICIÓN DE ANIMALES Traiga su mascota para una bendición el día de la fiesta de San Francisco de Asís: domingo 4 de octubre a las 2:00 pm, a un lado de la iglesia. MISAS PARA QUINCEAÑERAS Si desea información sobre misas para quinceañeras, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial, 865-986-9885. ¿QUÉ ES RECAUDACIÓN DE FONDOS SCRIP? Es apoyar a nuestra parroquia y a las organizaciones benéficas de los Caballeros de Colón mientras usted compra. ¿Cómo? Comprando tarjetas de regalo de Scrip para pagar sus compras de todos los días; como alimentos y prescripciones médicas, en lugar de utilizar la tarjeta de crédito/débito o dinero. Usando Scrip convierte todos los días de compras en dinero para nuestra parroquia. Usted compra Tarjetas Scrip a su valor nominal. La parroquia se beneficia al recibir un reembolso instantáneo. ¡Realmente es así de simple! El momento ha llegado…las tarjetas Scrip estarán a la venta en el Centro Parroquial después de todas las Misas. ¡Apoye a nuestras caridades de la parroquial al comprar su tarjeta hoy! BABY SHOWER PRO-VIDA Octubre es el mes de Respeto a la Vida, y en apoyo al Centro de Ayuda para Embarazos, nuestros jóvenes aceptarán sus donaciones de pañales, fórmula de bebé, o ropa de bebé; después o al inicio de cada Misa, comenzando el sábado 9 de octubre hasta el domingo 31 octubre. Por favor deje sus donaciones en el corralito infantil que encontrará en el nártex. PLÁTICAS PREMATRIMONIALES Las pláticas prematrimoniales iniciarán la próxima semana. Las parejas con planes de casarse este año por favor comuníquense con Germán Juárez al 6405782 lo más pronto posible. RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso en el cual los adultos se preparan para recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Confirmación y Primera Comunión). Para información por favor llame a Cayetano Perez 865-635-6436 o Rolando Galicia 865-224-4323. CONFINADOS AL HOGAR Si alguien en su familia está enfermo en casa, asilo de ancianos, o en el hospital y le gustaría que el sacerdote lo visitara, por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial. Es muy importante que la persona quiera ver al sacerdote y que un familiar nos llame. LÍNEA DIRECTA PARA EL CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA PARA EMBARAZOS Si se enfrenta con un embarazo difícil o no planificado, o necesita sanación después de un aborto, por favor llame a la "línea directa" de Caridades Católicas Centro de Ayuda para Embarazos gratuitamente al 877-990-4673. BAILE DE SALSA Todos están invitados por la Pastoral Juvenil Hispana a un baile de Salsa por una buena causa. El baile se realizará el día sábado 7 de noviembre a las 7 p.m. en el gimnasio de la Catedral del Sagrado Corazón. El costo es $10 por persona, $15 por pareja y $20 por familia. Habrá un profesor de baile de Salsa. Se venderá comida. Toda la ganancia de esta recaudación de fondos será para la “Campaña Hogar” de nuestra Diócesis. Si desea más información, puede comunicarse con Brittany Koepke de la oficina de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana al (865) 776-9635. Advanced Transmission Asphalt Paving 865-671-6100 Southeast Pest Control 865-458-6767 865-986-8013 986-5050 lcadvancedtransmission.com NATURE by designLLC LARGEST SELECTION IN FARRAGUT Landscapes & Irrigation Sam & Linda Taylor & Family, Owners Design & Installation 986-2497 Landscape Lighting Kingston Pike at Watt Rd. Open 8am -10pm Since 1971 Summit Medical Group at Fort Loudon Since 1992 865.986.4450 7203 Hwy. 11 865-986-7307 1018 Hwy. 321 N. 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La Lupita 403 Grove St. Loudon La Lupita #1 Lenoir City 865-986-3525 865-408-1311 Visit Us In Historic Downtown Loudon All StAte SAleS tAx From retAil SAleS in HiStoric Downtown louDon Are returneD to tHe city oF louDon until 2023 In Loving Memory of Carl F. and Michael E. Leitten Your finances. Your future. Our focus. The Green Group Paul F. Green Senior Vice President - Wealth Management | Financial Advisor 800 S. Gay St., First Tennessee Plaza, Ste. 2600 | Knoxville 865-329-1207 888-576-3246 paul.green@ubs.com ubs.com/paulgreengroup ©UBS 2015. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. D-UBS-D1B29799 In Loving Memory of All American Veterans. May their historic deeds and service never be forgotten. 2404 In Memory of the deceased members of the families of Robert & Renda Zielke JERRY LILES 388-0927 A WOOD FLOORING There’s no Time like The PresenT To adverTise! La Lupita #2 2700 E. Broadway • Maryville 865-984-0806 La Lupita #3 2026 Mulberry St. • Loudon 865-458-5090 INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED X Tennessee CatholicMatch.com/goTN Please patronize our bulletin sponsors. ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ME CatholicMatch Hardscapes (865) 705-2516 www.NaturebyDesignllc.com Mark Waugh Board-Certified Family Medicine Same Day Delivery USDA Certified Freezer-Beef Pasture-raised Angus cattle No antibiotics or growth hormones Whole or half beef No odor Landcape Mulch Double-ground Black, Brown & Single-ground Natural (no-dye) Landscaper Quantity & Pricing Delivery Available 14325 Northshore Dr. Lenoir City, TN 37772 Water Features 1-800-282-5106 SPOON LANDSCAPING Custom. Quality… naturally! 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