Elks Lodge 616 Newsletter
Elks Lodge 616 Newsletter
Elks Lodge 616 Newsletter B.P.O.E. Honolulu Hawaii February 2016 Volume 71 No. 11 CORPORATE NEWSLETTER “FINANCIAL ISSUE @2016” Exalted Rulers Message “I encourage all of you to support our charities and events so that we may remain true to the core values of all Elks: Brotherly Love, Justice, Charity and Fidelity” WOW, 2016 has gotten off to a great start! First, beloved Hawaii entertainer Danny Couch welcomed in the New Year in the club with a sold-out performance. For the first time in years, every seat in the place was reserved a week before the event, even the seats around the bar! (Apologies to those on the waiting list who could not be accommodated.) Kudos to the House Committee, Manager Adriana Nickerson and the entire club staff for putting on an event that brought in the New Year with a bang! The next day, Grand Exalted Ruler (GER) Ronald L. Hicks arrived in Honolulu for the GER’s annual visit to the Hawaii Lodges. DDGER Tom Bentkowski and his wife Ruby brought the GER and his wife Nancy, along with Past GER Tom Brazier and his wife Venita, to our lodge for a quiet dinner. They enjoyed the ambiance of our lodge and the hospitality of our members and employess so much that they returned twice to visit our lodge during their time on the island. On Sunday, January 3rd, the official dinner for GER Hicks was held at the Pearl City Lodge. Those in attendance shared a wonderful evening of comradery and fellowship, topped off by an inspiring message from GER Hicks. We wish him and Nancy all the best in the coming months as they continue their visits to lodges throughout our nation. As you can see when you visit the lodge, repair and renovation activities have ramped up. During the first week of January, as schools went back in session, the pool was drained and the bottom re-grouted. Also at the same time, replacement of the elevator -began. Very shortly, work on replacement and upgrade of the electrical....(cont) Grand Exalted Ruler Visits Elks Lodge 616 Grand Exalted Ruler (GER) Ronald L. Hicks arrived in Honolulu for the GER’s annual visit to the Hawaii Lodges. DDGER Tom Bentkowski and his wife Ruby brought the GER and his wife Nancy, along with Past GER Tom Brazier and his wife Venita, to our lodge for a quiet dinner. Al- honor all of our “Old Timers” with a special lo to Charlie, Chris and the Youth Activities though these projects will be an inconve- dinner in the club and by introducing them Committee for showing that “Elks care, Elks nience, they are necessary and long over- during the lodge meeting. On the same share” and that the spirit of Christmas is due. Please bear with us as this work is evening, we will recognize our Past Exalted about giving and not receiving. done. Updates on the status of the projects Rulers. Watch for the announcements in will be provided here in the Aloha Elk as next month’s issue. And also watch for our well as on the website and at the front desk. youth paddlers: the Na Opio paddling sea- I commend the Board of Directors for get- son is underway and our youth paddlers will ting these projects done and not continuing be practicing in the waters offshore of the to “kick the can down the road”. lodge and competing in weekend races. transformer to the facility will begin. February is an important month for our lodge as we elect the lodge officers for the coming Elk year. At the first lodge meeting of the month (Feb. 9th), nominations for the officers will be made during the lodge meeting. At the second lodge meeting Three lodge committees will be wrapping One of the lodge’s committees held a spe- (Feb. 23rd), the elections will be held. I en- up their activities this month. The Ameri- cial event back in December that merits courage all members to note these dates canism Committee lead by Joyce Azama mentioning. Charlie Stack and Chris Whi- on your calendars, attend the meetings, will announce the winners of this year’s tesides and the Youth Activities Committee and cast your vote for the candidates of Americanism essay contest: the Scholar- asked our members to donate unwrapped your choice. Remember that the “will of the ship Committee lead by Carl Schwarm will Christmas gifts. The committee then ar- Lodge” is determined by the members who award the Most Valuable Student Scholar- ranged to have disadvantaged children show up and vote. ships; and the Drug Awareness Committee brought to the lodge to select a gift for their lead by Charlie Stack will give the awards to parents or caregivers, wrap the gift and give the students that have submitted the essays it to them on Christmas. Had the committee that best discuss this year’s theme. We will not done this, these children would other- recognize all of the winners at the lodge wise not have been able to give their par- meetings in March. Also in March, we will ents/caregivers a gift for Christmas. Maha- 2 Aloha Elk Newsletter Fraternally, Hiram K. Keliipio, Exalted Ruler NEW! KEIKI BRIDGE LESSONS at the LODGE Do you have a keiki (girl or boy), at least 10 years old, who may be interested in the game of bridge? We plan to begin weekly bridge lessons at the Lodge on Wednesday afternoons from 3:45pm – 4:45pm. Bridge is a game of skill, using mathematics and strategy, played against an opponent. The teachers will be our current Bridge Club players who play at the Lodge every Wednesday afternoon. We are offering this opportunity to the children of our Elks Lodge Members. The children may also bring a friend from their school or neighborhood. Start date will be determined based on the response to this offer. Please contact Frances Cano at frances. cano20@gmail.com. Fraternally, Deb Knight, PER Trustee, Board of Directors Your Kumulokahi Youth Paddling Club Ready For An Epic New Season - Mahalo To All The Members For Your Support! Elks National Foundation – 2016 Most Valuable Student scholarship The Elks National Foundation will year degree, on a full-time basis (mini- award 500 four-year scholarships to mum of 12 semester hours), in a U.S. the highest-rated applicants in the college or university. All scholarships 2016 competition. are in the form of certificates of award • Any high school senior who is a citizen of the United States is eligible to apply. • Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. • College students are not eligible to apply. • Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are signed; permanent legal resident status does not qualify. • Male and female students compete separately. Ranging from $1,000 to $12,500 per year, Most Valuable Student scholar- conditional upon the full-time enrollment of the winner in an accredited U.S. college or university. Applications for the 2016 contest will be available to download after September 1, 2015. 2016 Most Valuable Student applications are due to the Elks Lodge closest to the applicant’s home by December 4, 2015. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. To start the application process, go to the National Elks web page located at http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs. cfm. ships are for students pursuing a four- Aloha Elk Newsletter 3 ers. First lady Nancy Hicks is shown standing with member 616 Carl Reber and the Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald Hicks at the Pearl City Elks Lodge Sunday January 3, 2016 at a dinner honoring the Exalted Ruler. Knight and 5 year Trustee. We apologize for the discrepancy. Nominations for the positions must be made at the first lodge meeting of the month (February 9th), and the voting will take place at the second Lodge meeting (February 23rd). All members are encouraged to attend these meetings and participate in the election of the Lodge Officers for 2016 – 2017. Sixty-One Year Member Gets Grand Exalted Aloha! Sixty-one year member Carl Reber shown here with Grand Exalted Ruler Ronald L. Hicks signing Mr. Reber‘s membership card, a long standing tradition of Grand Exalted Rul- A gentle reminder to all members that the elections for this coming Elk year’s Lodge Officers will take place this month. A correction must be noted to the announcement that was made in last month’s newsletter: the positions that are up for election are for Exalted Ruler, Leading Knight, Loyal Knight, Lecturing STATUS OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS & UPDATES • Elevator replacement: Started January 5 and will be completed before the end of February. Inconvenient for those who scheduled functions during this period despite being informed about the scheduled elevator outage, and more so for those employees who are hauling trays up and down stairs. That big Roll-Off in the parking lot belongs to the elevator people – hopefully gone by February. • Transformer replacement and electrical upgrade: While awaiting Grand Lodge approval to proceed, potential contractors were invited to a pre-bid meeting wherein Trustee John Nadler walked them through the project requirements and the detail of the engineering drawings, then obtained feedback from each contractor on their plan to proceed. We are moving ahead with permitting and will be prepared for contract award when GL approval is received. Conversations with GL reps indicate they are aware of our projects and are fast-tracking our requests. • Railing along the seawall: Grand Lodge approval has been received to pro- 4 Aloha Elk Newsletter ceed with replacement of the railing along the seawall and the fire escape railing along the DH side of the building. A pre-construction meeting was held with the contractor. Railings are on order and expected to arrive mid-April with construction to start shortly thereafter. • Replacement chairs for the dining room and lounge: Approval from Grand Lodge to proceed has been received. We are in discussions with vendors for a style of chair that will compliment the desired open, airy, Hawaii-modern ambiance of our Lodge. Sunbrella upholstery fabric swatches have been ordered to help narrow the choices to fit within the color schemes suggested by the architects. • Exterior wall covering and window trim: Those yellow wall board panels along the lanai wall will soon be covered by aluminum panels the color of the window frames which are being fabricated. The panels arrived damaged and replacements are overdue. While waiting, paint the darn things so that mellow yellow won’t continue to offend our senses!! • The pool project is complete. The pool was drained Monday, January 4, re-grouted, power washed, refilled and reopened Thursday afternoon, January 7. We got an incredibly good price for the job from the vendor, Jack’s Tile and Stone whose owner is an Elk, and we accepted the first opening in their schedule to get the job done. • Sliding door and window project is complete as is the solar shade project. Come enjoy cocktails at sunset and experience the improvements. Master Plan FY 16: We continue to meet with the architectural team to go over design detail. Currently we are reviewing options for finishes, i.e. material, style, color, texture. A blend of colors has been suggested, ranging from driftwood to sand for flooring, walls and ceiling trim. A ‘interiors board’ showing materials and finishes is in preparation.. Department of Planning and Permitting has granted approval for the Special District Permit (Minor) and Special Management Area Use Permit (Minor) for the two-story glass atrium at the building entrance, and landscaping to include the removal and replacement of unhealthy palm trees and shrubs. This is not a building permit. This permit pertains to design controls for the Diamond Head District specifying such things as restrictions on what can be done to the building exterior including lighting, building materials, finishes and colors. For the Board of Directors: Judy Rubano, Trustee Membership Application for Membership Investigation: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 – Balloting: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Indoctrination: Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Initiation: Initiation Tuesday, February 23, 2016 NameAddressOccupationProposer Jayne M. Doole Honolulu, HI 96826 Realtor East Oahu Realty Domingo K. Laranio Honolulu, HI 96817 Musician Master Music, LLC Meda Cheshey Lind Honolulu, HI 96816 Professor U of H Manoa Fred Pa Honolulu, HI 96813 Police Officer - HPD Coral Prince-Wilson Honolulu, HI 96822 Retired U.A. L. Lillian L. Russell Honolulu, HI 96815 Retired Rodney Tanaka Honolulu, HI 96822 Retired US Army Susan Carol Thompson Honolulu, HI 96815 Retired Gloria Uyehara Honolulu, HI 96822 Assistant Kamehameha Schools Reinstatement John M. Graeber Honolulu, HI 96815 Self Emp CRYING CORNER No Show - No Pay :( Jackpot Winners December 8, 2015 Glenn P. Chapman $250.00 Jean Schmitz $150.00 Ted K. Bush $100.00 December 22, 2015 Jason Akau $250.00 Delores Sandvold $150.00 Stanley Z. Ishii $100.00 Robin Hood Michael K. Smith Maryann Overstreet Chad Rotzien Peter Hursty M. Louise Taylor David Umeda James L. Harris, Jr Leslie B. Ikawa Robinson Kepaa New Members Initiated December 22, 2015 Looking For Volunteers For Our Logo Shop Patricia Bourne Dr. Christopher Chow Lynn Marie Crawley Hastings “Pal” J. Eldredge Kenneth Jude Mansfield Kevin Manuel Monica Mau Linda Oka Maria Roedel Perkins Jason J. Schmidt Timmy R. Tengan Elks 616 Logo Shop is looking for some volunteers to help out with keeping the shop inventory moving as well as stocking and display arrangements. LODGE OF SORROW The clock of their days has stopped. Upon its dial the motionless shadowsmark eleven, with us the golden hour of recollection. David F. Bond (85) 5 Year Member Born:December 1, 1930 Initiated:August 23, 2011 Died:December 19, 2015 Bertil S.M. Granborg (92) 48 Year Life Member Born: August 9, 1923 Initiated: December 23, 1968 Died: November 3, 2015 Contact Judy Rubano leave a message at the front desk with your contact info :) UNFINISHED BUSINESS On an annual basis the Lodge is audited by an independent audit firm. At the completion of this process the auditors issue a report which includes a list of COMMENTS which are the auditors’ observations of issues, tasks, or even circumstances that the Lodge should address. An issue that has been moved to the front burner is cash management for the checking and savings accounts held at Bank of Hawaii. According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the standard deposit insurance coverage limit is $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category. During the period January through April the Lodge collects pre-paid dues, fees, and donations intended to be used during the coming Fiscal Year and those monies alone well exceed the FDIC limit. While we feel there is no credit risk to working through one bank, we feel that prudent money management requires us to open accounts and deposit some of our funds in one or more additional banks to assure security of the Lodge’s funds. Board members, our Treasurer and our Accountant, in consultation with our Audit Chair, are currently in discussions with American Savings Bank, defining our needs, learning what they have to offer and what fees may apply. We will be meeting with other bank reps to find the best fit for us. And we will be reviewing our policies and refining our operating procedures to address proposed changes. The Lodge will be kept informed as this plan develops. MASTER PLAN DISPLAY Architect-prepared materials boards showing proposed finishes for floors, walls and trim are on display in the lobby through February. Judy Rubano, Trustee Board Work Group on Finance and Administration Aloha Elk Newsletter 5 Lodge/Club Calendar 6 Aloha Elk Newsletter HONOLULU LODGE NO. 616 BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS OFFICERS EXALTED RULER........................Hiram Keliipio LEADING KNIGHT.............. Andrew Watson LOYAL KNIGHT................ George del Barrio LECTURING KNIGHT.......... Charles P. Stack SECRETARY.................. Keith Williams, PER TREASURER...........Winfred W. Cameron, Jr. ESQUIRE..................................... Ron G.S. Au CHAPLAIN........................ Delorese Gregoire INNER GUARD............ Jeffery William Dunn TILER........................................ Bertram Yasui LAPSATION................................. Teru Yasuda PRESIDING JUDGE...............Grant Tanimoto 1 YEAR TRUSTEE..............Deb Knight, PER 2 YEAR TRUSTEE ....................Judy Rubano 3 YEAR TRUSTEE...................John F. Nadler 4 YEAR TRUSTEE........................ Byron Apo 5 YEAR TRUSTEE.........A.R.Fernandez, PER SUBORDINATE FORUM JUSTICE Grant Tanimoto MEDIATOR..............................Bradley Chong BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Byron Apo HOUSE COMMITTEE CHAIR Rodney Chang PER ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Wayne Howard, PER LODGE HISTORIAN Anita Manning DISTRICT DEPUTY GER Thomas M. Bentkowski, PER Pearl City Lodge #2669 CHEA STATE VICE PRESIDENT Gregory Sylvester, PER Kailua Lodge #2230 DISTRICT LEADER Wayne Howard, PSP, Honolulu #616 Vern Ungerecht, PDDGER, Kona #2616 NOTEWORTHY NUMBERS FronDesk..........................................923-5722 Club Mgr., Info. & Reservations....... 923-5722 Secrtary............................................923-5525 Membership Information...................923-5525 Fax ...................................................9231726 E-mail...............Elks616@hawaiiantel.net Website...............www.ElksLodge616.org Contact Lodge Secretary - for info re Elks Speech Therapy Program SICKNESS AND DISTRESS Keith Willims..............................923-5525 The Aloha Elk is published monthly by HONOLULU LODGE #616 BPOE A Fraternal/Charitable/Patriotic Organization Chartered April 15, 1901 LODGE COMMITTEE CHAIRS For 20152016 Americanism..................................Joyce Azama Auditing/Accounting ..........Tom Cabrinha, CPA By-law..............................Robinson Kepaa, PER Drug Awareness .............................Charlie Stack Elks National Foundation.......George Del Barrio Flag Day ....................................Andrew Watson Government Relations .......Robert Kekuna, PER Hoop Shoot .............................Ron Mizuno,PER House Committee.........................Rodney Chang Indoctrination ....................Lodge Chair Officers Investigation ..............................Walter Nishioka Kumulokahi ....................................Alika Winter Lodge Activities .............................Charlie Stack Lodge Newsletter ...................George Del Barrio Major Project..............................Andrew Watson Membership/Lapsation ..........Teru Yasuda, PER Elks Memorial Day.................Delorese Gregoire Mother’s Day..........................Delorese Gregoire National Veterans Service...........Yvonne Geysse Public Relations .....................George Del Barrio Scholarship .................................. Carl Schwarm Scouting ......................................Ron Lockwood Sickness and Distress..........Keith Williams, PER Social & Comm-Welfare......Piilani Kealakai Kupuna Committee......................Edna Ellis Standing Relief ..................Keith Williams, PER Visiting ....................................Deb Knight, PER YouthActivities .......................Chris Whitesides Youth Paddling....................................Guy Hicks MAJOR PROJECTS & OTHER DONATIONS December 1 – 31, 2015 Wed Hawn Singers 12/02/15$86.00 12/09/15$44.00 12/16/15$94.25 12/23/15$105.00 12/30/15$41.00 Gi Goong Exercise-Bertha Nahoopii 12/02/15$70.00 12/30/15$45.00 Cassandra Pinnick-Yoga 12/05/15$35.00 12/19/15$25.00 12/26/15$35.00 Lodge Meeting 12/08/15 $17.00 12/22/15$80.00 Anon. for Joe Mills & Johnny Gomez 12/08/15 $20.00 12/22//15 $20.00 CENTURY CLUB MEMBERS AA Happy Hour Group 12/7/15$50.00 To become a Century Club member, make a donation of $100 (must be a sepa- Honolulu Bridge Club 12/9/15$100.00 rate check) or more to the Major Project. Joe Dowson’s Art Club You will receive a certificate of your mem1201/15$15.00 bership and a gold “Piggy” lapel pin from the State President and be acknowledged Piggy Banks in the California-Hawaii Elks Newsletter. 4 Anonymous Piggies $108.05 All donated funds goes to benefit our ( $8.70, $10.35, $42.00 & $47.00) children with disabilities. Michael L. Almeida $46.50 Gary M. Canier $43.10 Frances Cano$10.05 Glenna K. Clegg $100.00 Bradford Davis $ 7.75 In Memory of Don Clegg Debra M. Gray $23.00 Carl L. Reber $100.00 Lee Guertler$40.97 Donald M. Seto $100.00 James McGuire$13.42 Roy S. Tanabe $100.00 Scott Murakami$54.80 Norman Wood$100.00 John Neff$14.86 Michael Owen$2062 Donations with Dues Payment Mary Rydell$11.86 Major Project Paul Sato$48.05 Evans H.M. Yim $25.00 Debra Shimabuku $100.00 ENF Arlene Skillman$22.15 Evans H.M. Yim $25.00 Connie Sutherland $65.25 Scholarship Carl W. Vaicek $16.91 Evans H.M. Yim $25.00 Andrew K. Watson $36.80 Building Fund Gerald Yamane$28.43 Evans H.M. Yim $25.00 Aki Yoshimoto$34.47 Aloha Elk Newsletter 7 Honolulu Lodge 616 BPO Elks 2933 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Honolulu, Hawaii Permit No. 256 Taking Care Of Kelk The Elks Lodge Cat For The Future About 10 years ago a feral cat wondered onto our Elks Lodge premises. Though he was wild, caring Elks left food out for him. And it took about 4 months before he would let anyone touch him. He was caught, by a member, taken to the Humane Society and fixed. A micro-chip was inserted and he was named “Kelk” of the 616 Lodge Over many years, Kelk has become very friendly, to the enjoyment of hundreds of people especially the children who visit our lodge. Kelk is older now and has many friends but in a crisis he has no one! He is healthy now but what about in the future. In our membership of over 3200 Elks is there not a veteran or benefactor who will be on records to be there if need be? Remember, “Elks Care and Elks Share”.If anyone would like to be there for Kelk please contact Past Trustee Carl Reiber 808-955-6907 Aloha Members, Do you have any comments? We are pleased to share the results of the recent survey the Board of Directors sent out to members for their input: The responses to this questions covered many different topics ranging from quality of food in the restaurant, to standards of service, to suggestions for areas of improvement. These are all valid comments, and we hope that those who took the time to write them are also using our comment cards located at the Front Desk to write down this feedback. The comment cards are routed to the House Committee. They are collated and those that require action are followed up on. A report is generated and distributed to the Department Heads, including the Board of Directors. We thank the Members who participated in this survey. We continue to encourage Members to attend the Board of Director and House Committee meetings, and use comment card, all in an effort to facilitate communication and provide members with opportunities to be involved and informed in the workings of our Lodge and Club. Aloha, Deb Knight, PER 8 Aloha Elk Newsletter