Methodist Messenger - First United Methodist Church, McGregor


Methodist Messenger - First United Methodist Church, McGregor
Methodist Messenger
Vol. 9 No. 7
The monthly
newsletter of the First
United Methodist
Church of McGregor,
July 2011
July 31 Fifth Sunday
Worship with the Turbevilles
July 24th
5:00 p.m.
We will be watching Faith Like Potatoes at the church.
We’ll have the snack bar open and the air conditioning
on! We can even bring pillows and blankets so you can
stretch out and get comfortable.
Bring the family and come out for a fun evening of
wholesome entertainment!
I am so grateful that the Bishop and the
Cabinet have given me the opportunity
to spend more time with you in
ministry here at FUMC McGregor and
that you have accepted me back. What
a blessing you are to me! I can’t thank
you enough for the support, gifts, kind
words, love, kindness, grace, and
patience you lavish upon me.
May God continue to bless us all!
Join us for a day of worship through song and music.
Alan and Nash will be leading us as we praise God @
10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary.
Following will be a “Mexican Stack-up” lunch in the
Fellowship Hall.
Mark your calendar and plan to be here!
We are in the process of securing new
United Methodist Hymnals for our
congregation. If you would like to
purchase a hymnal to honor or
memorialize a person or family
member this will be a great
opportunity or to secure a personal
copy for yourself.
The price will $15.00 per hymnal. Please contact the
church office to place your order with your
payment. For each hymnal purchased in memory or in
honor of, a bookplate will be placed in the hymnal
giving the information of the donation. You may
purchase as many hymnals as you would like.
Dale Evers, Worship Chair
Glorifying God; Dra wing Others to C hrist
Nazareth Center Leaders and Shopkeepers
A special thanks to all of you who helped with Vacation Bible School in so many different
ways. You are all God Sightings to me. McGregor
First United Methodist Church you once again
reached out to touch the lives of so many children
in our community. I encourage you to read the
God Sightings shared by our children this
week. They are displayed in the pastures on the
walls of the Sunday School hallway. We registered about 40 children who met a wonderful group
of workers.
We opened each day with Celebration. The Tribes
then met in Hometown Huddle sessions where
they learned many things about Jesus from their
tribe leaders. They then went to Mary's House to
learn more about Jesus from Jesus' Mom. They
had fun activities during Fun and Games. Tom
Kirk provided delicious hot bread and fresh and
dried fruit for children and workers each morning. The smell of fresh baked bread welcomed
everyone to the Market Place each day where the
children and some of the helpers enjoyed learning
about a variety of shops from the outstanding
Again this year a special thanks goes to DOUG's
for the sandwich tray for the appreciation lunch for
the workers.
So many have worked behind the scenes in ways that
most will never know. Thanks to everyone who prayed
for, helped fun, and supported this wonderful ministry!
Mary Drama:
Fun and Games:
Dye Shop:
Pottery Shop:
Farmer’s Field:
Synagogue School:
Carpentry Shop:
Wool Shop:
Olive Oil Shop:
Rock Quarry:
Food Market:
Tent Set-up:
Tribe Leaders:
Lianne Turner
Caitlin Bates, Kayla Tucker
Celeste Fisk, Beth Keith
Johnnye Scott, Caitlin Zacharais,
Leah Bates
Geneva Vaughan, Katy Kruse
Johnnie Farmer & Donald Baize,
Phil and Trella Hughes
Richard Skipper, Lianne Turner,
Jane Hayes
Lewis Westbrook, Dean Allison
Carolyn Skipper, Donna
Peggy Eusebio, Donna Bates,
Sammie Augeri
Gretta Fisk, Conner Zacharais
Tom & Mary Kirk
Dawson Bates
Lavonne Westbrook, Trella
Hughes, Katy Kruse
Carolyn Skipper
Geneva Vaughan, Vera Thornton,
Lucy Horton, Gretta Fisk, Ron
Vaughan, Barry Thornton,
Lianne Turner
Jim Bates, Barry Thornton, Dean
Allison, Lewis Westbrook, Gene
Ritchmond, Richard Skipper,
Vera Thornton
Kathy Keith, Massey Keith
Michelle Chiles, Kassidy Buth,
Sterling James
Bunny Allison, Elizabeth James,
Nick Cantu
Vicki Elliott, Miranda Young
Our July 12 luncheon will be at 11:30 AM at Teresa's. She would like a headcount as early as possible so that she
will have plenty of time to shop for the food, etc. Your respective Circle caller will be contacting you around July 5
for your response. Please remember to bring to the luncheon your bag containing Kleenex, wipes, hand sanitizers,
zip lock sandwich bags, pencils and crayons for our Conference Mission Project. Also, on Sunday, July 10, there
will be a table set up in the Fellowship Hall for you to drop off a ream of copy paper for the Laura Edwards Learning
Thanks everyone for your generosity. These projects will help us meet our Mission Goals.
Dot Williams
Emily Wallace
Maxine Connor
Johnnie Farmer
Hayley Cantu
Matthew Cantu
Lianne Turner
I'd like to thank all of you who donated flip
flops for the tornado victims in Tuscaloosa.
My husband and I delivered them, along with
other donations, on June 1. If you have only
seen tornado damage on TV, it is a thousand
times worse in person.
Barbara Lewandowski
Wendy Zacharias
Molly Augeri
Stacy Skipper
Geneva Vaughan
Jack Keltner
Cecil & Oneida Skipper
Ottis & Heidi Foster
Lewis & Lavonne Westbrook
Please keep our summer
campers in your prayers! May
they not only have a lot of fun, but
also experience Jesus there!
on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for
miles to watch you burn.” John Wesley
Meets Monday, July 11 @ 5 p.m.
“Every one,
though born of God in an instant, yet
undoubtedly grows by slow degrees” John Wesley
Administrative Board Meeting
July 17th
Following worship in Fellowship Hall
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Monday - Thursday ......................... 8:30 a.m.– 1:30 p.m.
Office will be closed on Fridays
Church Office .................................................... 840-2181
Parsonage.......................................................... 840-3785
Church email ..................
Pastor’s email ..............................
Pastor ........................................ Rev. Lianne Turner
Church Secretary ................ Mrs. Geneva Vaughan
Choir Director .............................. Dr. Jerry Gordon
Children’s Coordinator……….…..Mrs. Gretta Fisk
Youth Coordinator………………Mrs. Donna Bates
Organist ................................ Mrs. Bonnie Belanger
Nursery Worker ...................... Mrs. Robbin Yeager
Custodian………………………..Ms. Leah Atkinson
Mr. Charlie’s United Methodist Men
will meet Saturday, July 9, 8 a.m.
in the Fellowship Hall.
All men are invited to attend. We
will have breakfast, devotional and open
discussion period. The meeting will last
approximately one hour. Please plan to attend,
and ask a friend to come with you. Call me at
840-2838, if you have any questions.
Carl Surfus
Please give us updates so we know how God
answers our prayers!
Health Issues: Joe Paschall, Patsy Ainsworth, Trella
In the Nursing Home: Margaret Brinkley, Alton
Chapman, Maxine Powell, Christine Thompson
Friends & Family: Jennifer Nickel, Olive Nickel,
Alice Wilson, Dan Morgan, Tony & Ellen Payson, Lisa
Strickland, Kay Teague, Ann Murr, Phyllis Martin,
Sims’ family, Sherrie Lewin, Amanda Dominy, Dr.
Roger Hestilow, Mark Porter, Steve Williams, Scott
Warrington, Laverne Culver, David Lewandowski, Ray
Nelson, Alexis Hudson, the Wrights, the Hughes,
Dewey Kirby, Crystal Powers, Morris Paschall, Marsha
Wittenable, Ralph Goff, Esther Quinn, Alice & Albert
Wilson, Faye Thompson, Courtney Wilkerson, Gloria
Grolla, Dennis Harbour
Grieving: Family and Friends of Nena Gordon, Jerry
Gordon’s beloved wife
Congratulations: Mindy Martin and Richard
Sassman were married on July 4th in our sanctuary!
Victims of fires, floods, and tornadoes
Those serving in the military and their families:
including Aaron Engledinger, Michael Griffin, Walter E.
Kruse, Matthew Miller, Brett Williams, Chip Seay,
Michael Krueger, Michael Henley, Jr., Fernando Salas
Remember the
Food Pantry!
If you are traveling this summer,
please think about bringing those
complimentary shampoos and lotions
home so we can send them to the
Family Abuse Center in Waco.
Often those women and children (and
even men) leave their homes in a
hurry with very few possessions.
Keeping the Center well-stocked is
an important ministry.