to View the January 2016 issue of La Bella Vita Magazine
to View the January 2016 issue of La Bella Vita Magazine
January 2016 Vita LA BELLA A Social Publication Exclusively for the Residents of Venetian Bay Town & Country Club MEET THE ECKELBARGERS Classic Photography Debbie Amatucci Your Stories. Your Photos. Your Community. 2 La Bella Vita January Please call to purchase or sell in Venetian Bay! Coming soon... New Office Location! 424 Luna Bella #127, New Smyrna Beach, FL., 32168 Your Venetian Bay Resale "Go To" Realtor Pat Collado To Purchase: 386-690-9999 • To Sell: 386-451-5564 402 Flagler Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 # 1 LOCAL REAL ESTATE SALES LEADER · January La Bella Vita 3 4 La Bella Vita January 5 January La Bella Vita Area Information & Points of Interest © 2016 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc. Destination Beaches Interstate 95 Daytona Beach Airport Daytona International Speedway Sanford Airport Orlando International Airport St. Augustine Jacksonville Volusia Mall Bert Fish Medical Center Halifax Medical Center Daytona Halifax Medical Center Port Orange New Smyrna Beach Urgent Care Miles 8 2 14 17 30 60 69 105 18 7 18 12 5 Other Shopping Historic Downtown Canal Street Bealls-Beachside Kohls-Port Orange BJ’s Club-Port Orange The Shops on Flagler Avenue-Beachside Port Orange Pavillion Lowes-Port Orange Sam’s Club-Daytona Golf Courses Venetian Bay New Smyrna Municipal Spruce Creek LPGA International Driving Time 12 Minutes 3 Minutes 24 Minutes 18 Minutes 40 Minutes 75 Minutes 70 Minutes 100 Minutes 20 Minutes 9 Minutes 20 Minutes 14 Minutes 7 Minutes Turnbull Bay Cypress Head Pelican Bay Daytona Beach CC Parks Canaveral National Seashore Turtle Mound National Historic Site RTC Tennis Club Riverside Park (Manatee-All Children’s Playground) Old Fort Park (386) 424-2000 (386) 424-2163 (386) 427-1361 (386) 788-8890 (386) 426-8858 (386) 423-7115 (386) 423-3322 (386) 423-7115 (386) 427-1961 (386) 424-2100 Police - City of New Smyrna Beach Fire - City of New Smyrna Beach Utilities (Electric, Water & Sewer) - Utilities Commission Sanitation (Waste-Pro) Recycling (Southard’s Recycling) Cable TV (Brighthouse) Vehicle Registration Drivers Licenses Post Office New Smyrna Beach City Hall (386) 426-7430 (386) 423-6651 (386) 428-4732 (386) 426-7450 Schools Chisholm Elementary Samsula Academy (K-5) Sacred Heart School (K-8) New Smyrna Middle School Elementary School in Venetian Bay (Coming) PUBLISHER Kimberly Anderson (386) 453-1906 ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Dorian Anderson EDITORS Jason Anderson Karen Green PHOTOGRAPHER Debbie Amatucci - Classic Photography Greg Flynn - Artistic Graphics Photo Enhancement Specialist CONTENT COORDINATORS Kelly Desuza Stephen Laub Contributors at Large The Residents of Venetian Bay We are always looking for residents to follow up on leads, find great stories and send us ideas. Let’s celebrate the great things happening in our community! No contribution is too small. Please email with your pictures, suggestions, or requests. State Licence- EF0000872 Protecting Volusia County For Over 30 Years High Definition Video Surveillance Systems that allow you to watch your home from anywhere. Complete alarm system with Door Sensors, Motion and Glass Breakage Detection. Insurance discount up to 20%: about a $1.00 per day DISCLAIMER: N2 Publishing is not affiliated with or contracted by the Venetian Bay Property Owners Association, Inc. (the “Association”). This publication, including the content of articles and advertisements contained herein, is not authorized or endorsed by the Association. Any articles included in this publication and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of N2 Publishing but remain solely those of the author(s). The paid advertisements contained within the La Bella Vita magazine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing or the publisher. Therefore, neither N2 Publishing nor the publisher may be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. NOTE: When community events take place, photographers may be present to take photos for that event and they may be used in this publication. (386) 427-8007 6 NeighborhoodSponsors La Bella Vita This section has been created to give you easier access when searching for a trusted neighborhood vendor to use. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the businesses sponsoring your newsletter magazine. These local businesses are proud to partner with you and make this magazine possible. Please support these businesses and thank them for supporting your community! ACTIVITIES Keys To Our City (386) 235-5678 AIR TRAVEL Jet Blue (800) 538-2583 APPLIANCE / AC REPAIR Broward Factory Service (407) 425-2556 BABY & CHILDREN'S FASHION The Baby Shoppe (386) 314-8729 www.thebabyshoppeonline. com BLINDS, SHADES, SHUTTERS, DRAPES US Blinds (386) 676-2628 BOAT DEALERSHIP & SERVICE Specialty Auto & Marine Center (386) 410-4757 CHIROPRACTIC CARE Megan Franklin, D.C. (386) 492-2989 Westberry Family Dentistry (386) 423-1440 www. newsmyrnabeachfamilydentistry. com DERMATOLOGY Blue Ocean Dermatology (386) 256-1444 www.blueoceandermatology. com FLOORING Fashion Tile (386) 767-6004 GOLF CARTS Paradise Power Sports (386) 402-8991 www. paradisepowersportsflorida. com COMPUTER SERVICES Computer "A" Services (386) 409-0320 EXTERIOR CLEANING SERVICE Spray Soft Exterior Cleaning (386) 314-9834 DAY SPA Abundant Health Day Spa (386) 423-9244 www.ahdayspa.ccom FINANCIAL & ADVISORY SERVICES Ameriprise Financial (386) 760-2000 / team / carson-wheelerassociates HOME SERVICES Venetian Bay Home Owners (386) 409-3395 www. Anne M. McCulloch, AAMS (386) 427-3886 HOSPITAL Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center (386) 231-6000 DENTIST Eagle Eye Dental (386) 424-1631 HEARING AIDS Affordable Hearing Solutions (386) 310-4861 www.hearingaidsportorange. org January NeighborhoodSponsors January La Bella Vita HOTEL Country Inn & Suites byCarlton Port Orange / Daytona (386) 299-4288 / portorangefl INSURANCE HIG Insurance Group (407) 920-1115 INSURANCE AUTOHOME-BUSINESS CCI / Commercial Coverages, Inc (386) 756-8551 LASER HAIR REMOVAL Laser Center of Port Orange (386) 304-3411 LAWYER Bailey & Trumbo (386) 423-1110 LEARNING CENTER Mid Florida Community Services (352) 796-1425 www.pathwaysearlylearning. com MOVING & STORAGE J&M Moving & Storage Specialist, Inc (386) 761-6181 PAINTING, RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL A Classic Touch Painting (386) 763-1238 PET GROOMING CoCo's Canine Club (386) 402-9999 Sassafras Pet Spa LLC (386) 426-0415 POOL MAINTENANCE L&B Pools of Volusia County, LLC (386) 957-4934 SECURITY ALARM SERVICES Security Center (386) 427-8007 POOL SUPPLIES & SERVICES SE Pool Supply & Chemical Inc (386) 402-8980 THERAPY CLINIC Blue Water Therapy Inc (386) 426-7885 www.bluewatertherapynsb. com REAL ESTATE Collado Real Estate (386) 451-5564 www.PatColladoRealEstate. com Executive Realty Group LLC (386) 299-8989 TRAVEL Cruise Holidays (386) 566-2716 WINDOW SERVICES Tropical Glass Tinting (386) 756-6115 REHABILITATION Ocean View Nursing & Rehabilitation (386) 424-3249 BUYING or SELLING? Call Lee "Mr.T." Toutounchian 386-299-8989 5889 S. Williamson Blvd. # 201, Port Orange, FL 32128 • WWW.MTSELLS.COM 7 8 Note La Bella Vita January NeighborhoodNews January La Bella Vita 9 Publisher’s Hello Residents of Venetian Bay, We are pleased to bring you your first Venetian Bay magazine and hope you will enjoy the monthly publications of La Bella Vita-“The Good Life.” N2 Publishing is the leading provider of specialty publications for residents of exclusive communities across the nation. Our objective is to turn neighborhoods into communities with our monthly neighborhood magazines. Locally, we produce magazines for Breakaway Trails, Ormond Beach and Heathrow, Lake Mary. This publication is a social newsletter and it is designed to reflect the social activities and interests within Venetian Bay. We are not associated by your HOA; therefore we will not be the “voice” of your HOA, Property Manager, or Developer. If you have questions regarding anything that involves the HOA, please contact them directly. N2 Publishing will be responsible for the layout of the magazine, as well as selling ad space to local businesses to cover the costs of printing and mailing. This publication is being provided free of charge to you as a homeowner as the cost of producing, printing, and mailing each newsletter is covered by the advertising partners that you see in each issue. We try our best to screen our advertisers to ensure that they can provide the types of services that you may need or want as a homeowner. If you currently utilize a business that does excellent work, please let us know as they may want to reach out to your neighbors as well. Also, if you own or run a business and would like information on reaching your neighbors each month, contact me for advertising information or to simply list your business for free in the Resident Business Guide. Each publication you will see is unique to your neighborhood, and the publication will reflect who you are as a community. A typical publication will include: social event information specific to the residents of Venetian Bay, upcoming meeting information, fun and free social events put on by N2, city issues and ideas, activities and club information, business information, pictures, personal stories, and articles (mostly written and photographed by your neighbors), along with other information specifically tailored to your neighborhood. Along with the magazine, we will host various free events to bring the community together for social events - free dinners out at top restaurants, salon reviews, golf tournaments, and more. We will communicate to you the various events we are hosting through the newsletter and emails. If you wish to be included please email me at The events and publication are designed to increase social connections between residents and to develop a true sense of community. By providing a well-designed publication full of stories and photos, we have seen N2 neighborhoods increase attendance at social events, create members that are better informed of rules and regulations, and allow residents to widen their circle of friends. I’d like to personally thank all of our business sponsors who partnered with us making the magazine free to all residents, as well as the many residents who contributed to the first issue. Just know that La Bella Vita would not exist without you! I look forward to meeting each of you at our upcoming neighborhood events! Kimberly Anderson Publisher La Bella Vita 386-453-1906 The Publisher SEND IN Your Favorite Pictures Email with your pictures, stories, news and events! We want pictures of your little all-star! It does not matter if your child is a champion; make him/her feel like one by submitting pictures of the proud moments on the playing field. All sports pictures are welcome for submission to the newsletter. Are you in a book club, a Bible study group, or a Bridge group; and if not, would you like to join one? Let us know about it! We want your announcements! Whether you just celebrated a birthday or anniversary, welcomed a new baby in the house, or had any other special occasion, let us know and we will include it in the next issue. JFK everyday Nonstop from Daytona Beach International Airport Flying nonstop to New York City just got a whole lot easier. Starting January 7, you can fly nonstop from Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB) to JFK in New York City aboard JetBlue….book now! Parking is just a few steps from your gate. And security is fast and friendly. Flying from DAB is just plane easy! FREE PARKING JANUARY 7 THRU JULY 6 for passengers departing on JetBlue. 10 NeighborhoodNews La Bella Vita January All you have to do is snap a picture and email it to us. Please include names and the address so we can give you the proper credit for all your hard work. Types Of Articles Athlete Spotlight – Whether you are 4 or 40, a ballerina or a football player, this section is for you! Sports are a big part of most people’s lives and we would like to highlight some great athletes from the neighborhood. YOU WILL SEE IN THIS PUBLICATION Since this magazine is about you and your neighbors, we want and need your involvement. We are looking for several types of articles to be submitted each month. Please take a few minutes to get acquainted with the types of articles we normally include in the publication. If you have any other article or story suggestions, please email me. New Arrivals – This is a new section designed to welcome new babies into the neighborhood, as well as congratulate those proud parents. Please include basic birth information along with those precious baby photos! Kids’ Corner – Send in your child’s poem or artwork! Our goal is to help your neighborhood have the best newsletter possible. We always keep your needs in mind, so if you know of anyone, or if you want to fill one of these articles yourself just make sure you let us know. If you or a family member would like to be featured for any of the stories, just email me at, and I will send you the simple details of submitting the information. Pictures – We love pictures! This includes photos of parties, gradu- ations, family events, kids playing, holiday gatherings and more! One of the best parts about your new newsletter is the involvement from residents. Pictures are an easy way to help support the look of the newsletter, as well as bring smiles to your fellow residents. Digital photographs with high quality capability are the way to go here - the more pixels the better! Simply send an attachment of the pictures in an email to Neighborhood News – This section features any activity going on in the neighborhood or surrounding area such as parades, block parties, barbecues, neighborhood clean-ups, school picnics, fundraisers, pool parties or golf events. We want to let you know what is going on and what has happened with these social events! Business Beat – This is a popular section where we high- light you as a business owner. Yes, you must be a resident of the neighborhood. It is an opportunity to let your neighborhood know the specifics of what you do, and services you can offer, as well as a background of who you are and where you are from. NeighborhoodNews January La Bella Vita Family Spotlight – This is where we get to spotlight one of the neighborhood families each month. Have you always wished you knew your neighbors better? Well, here is a great way to get to know them. Each family is able to tell us whatever they would like, but some popular questions to answer include: How long have you lived in the neighborhood? Where is your hometown? What’s your education? What are your hobbies and interests? What is your career? want them to be famous, just get them in the Precious Pets section. Pets are our pride and joy so let us know who they, and you, are! Past famous animals have been turtles, rabbits, birds, horses, dogs, cats, a pig and much more, so have fun with this one. Resident Recipe – This is where you can let some of your cooking secrets out to the public! All that is required are the ingredients and preparation advice, but a photo is always nice too! This really spices things up a bit from the ordinary mac and cheese. Yard Of The Month – If you have an outstanding yard or gar- den or know a neighbor who does, we want to know about it. Extraordinary Achievements – Parents, do you want another way to recognize or congratulate your kids about any academic, or other activity achievement? Use your newsletter. This should include pictures along with what they achieved. Examples include: black belt, honor roll, straight A’s, scholarships, state champs, volunteer work, graduation, music, theatre or just simply wish them a Happy Birthday. Travel Tales – If you or anyone you know has gone on a vacation and would like to share their experience, then this is the place to be. This gives your friends and neighbors the chance to feel your experience and see if it would be a good fit for their own vacation! Pictures can be included as well. Volunteer Spotlight – We want to recognize the hardworking volunteers of the neighborhood. This is a chance to let others know about your passion for an organization. Giving back to the community is a big deal and we want to recognize you for it! Living Spaces – If you have decorated a room in your house and would like to showcase it with the neighbors, please let us know! Sensational Senior Socials BE ACTIVE! STAY ACTIVE! We Offer Day and Escorted Overnight Trips, Tours and Cruises for Active Seniors 50 and Older! Call us today and join our Sensational Seniors where friendships and memories are formed. More info: 386-763-5400 Baby Carriers, Cloth Diapering, Personalized Gifts, Apparel and more! Precious Pets – Here is an award winner! If you have a pet and Want a vacation? Call Cruise Holidays of Daytona and let us handle your travel plans. Plus We Offer Curbside Transportation to all Florida Ports! More info: 386-322-2222 11 $5 OFF purchase of $50 or more! ................................................ 386.256.4998 Located in The Port Orange Pavilion 5513 S.Williamson Blvd. Unit 211 Port Orange, FL 32128 12 NeighborhoodNews La Bella Vita Tee Time January January La Bella Vita What can we do for you?.....Painting is just the beginning… Day Spa M eet M r . H ole -I n -O ne , D ale B ennet t Submitted by Kelly Desuza Where relaxation meets wellness Dale Bennett, 10-year resident of New Smyrna Beach has recently added the coveted hole-in-one to his Venetian Bay golfing record. It happened on November 11, 2015 on the 16th hole and will surely be remembered and measured in future years, as a significant personal accomplishment. "I just wanted to thank you again and your crew for excellent job done at my house last week. I really appreciate how quickly and effortlessly it all came together."--Susan L. Golfer of the Month, Dale Bennett originates from the state of Iowa and has been playing golf for over 35 years. He currently plays with the men’s group at Venetian Bay but has traveled to many golfing courses throughout the country including Pebble Beach, Valhalla, Hilton Head, San Diego Country Club and Boston The Country Club. He’s also played on courses in Ireland, Scotland, Greece and Hawaii. "Thank you for doing such a beautiful job on our garage floor! We love it and keep finding all sorts of reasons to go into our garage now! What a difference it made! Thank you!--Darla & Doug Fully Licensed & Insured, Background Checked, Non Smoking Crews, Garage Epoxy, Exterior Waterproofing, Interior Experts Cabinet painting, Expert Carpentry, Stucco, Rotten wood. MASSAGE • FACIALS • NAILS • WAXING • MAKE-UP • COUPLES TREATMENTS & PACKAGES 386-423-9244 Arnold Palmer, Chris Demarco and Zach Johnson are some golfing pros that Dale has met. His favorite teaching pro is Lenny Varacelli, a past head pro at Venetian Bay, and his favorite pro golfer is Zach Johnson. Dale’s golfing honors and awards include the Double D Award from Drake University. He has fond memories of playing the old course in St. Andrews, Scotland as well as other courses in Ireland. When asked what he’s learned from the sport, Dale says, “Have fun and don’t take it too seriously.” It is with great pleasure we send, “Congratulations” to Golfer of the Month, Dale Bennett. Abundant Healt h 1852 Renzulli Rd. New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 (Located in Winn Dixie Plaza) Lic #MM31756 “Add Beauty & Value to your Home” Call Maurice & Gina for a Free Estimate (386) 763-1238 Are you a competitive golfer with extraordinary skill, experienced, or not very experienced at all and would like to give a positive message, interesting story, or golfing tips that may help better someone’s game? Email me at Family Special $59 There's No Time Like Now To Plan Your Future W W W. A H D A Y S P A . C O M Online scheduling at the website Free gift at the time of your first service with this ad 30 Day Risk-Free Trial Call me today for a Complimentary Portfolio Review Includes full mouth X-Ray and Comp Exam "D0150" "D0210" For Patients without Insurance Anne M. McCulloch, AAMS® Financial Advisor Most Insurances Accepted EMERGENCIES ALWAYS WELCOME 13 104 S. Cory Drive (Cory Estates) Edgewater, FL 32141 Across from Shell Station Dr. Michael Somai 2982 South Ridgewood Avenue Edgewater, FL 32141 (386) 427-3886 Lowest Price Guarantee Test Your Hearing A hearing check-up is very important especially if you... • Hear, but find it difficult to understand clearly • Need others to repeat what they are saying • Find yourself turning up the television • Have been told by your friends and family that you may have a hearing loss... If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then call us today to schedule your free comprehensive hearing test 1333 Saxon Dr. | New Smyrna Beach FL. 32169 | 386.310.4861 Call for Appointment Phone- (386) 957-3977 • Fax- (386) 957-3979 • Member SIPC Visit our website at 14 La Bella Vita January I Family spotlight MEET THE ECKELBARGERS 15 January La Bella Vita t is a December morning in New Smyrna; a thin film of dew from the damp, crisp air glitters from the sunrise. Families throughout the neighborhood are eating breakfast, getting dressed, watching cartoons, and reading the newspaper as they prepare to start their day. But each weekend, one family in particular exits their home for a neighborhood stroll through Promenade Park. opportunities to help others. “We love to stay involved in the community and attend several events throughout the year,” she said. “Our family enjoys getting involved whether it’s attending an event, volunteering, or giving donations.” Attending church service every Christmas Eve and taking the boys to view Christmas lights is another tradition they love. Jessica, a marketing director for a law firm, pushes 4-month-old Lincoln’s stroller while Adam, a COO for a commercial construction company, keeps a close eye on 2-year-old Jaxson as he curiously explores the local wildlife with his Labrador as his sidekick. This is a weekend tradition for the Eckelbarger family. “Our kids are still very little, but our 2-year-old loves to play outside,” Jessica said. “His John Deer Power Wheel is his go-to.” Adam and Jessica value an active lifestyle and exhibit it in their parenting. The Eckelbargers have lived at Venetian Bay for almost three years. When asked what their favorite part of the neighborhood was, they replied, “The neighbors! We have fabulous neighbors that watch out for each other and support each other. We have never seen anything like it. We feel blessed to live here.” Jessica graduated with a B.S. in Business Marketing from Palm Beach Atlantic University, although she grew up in Michigan. Adam, whose family is from Indiana, spent most of his life in Orlando and earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration through Valencia and Phoenix; therefore, they are fans of the Gators and the Indianapolis Colts. It is not uncommon to find them at the Venetian Bay playground, relaxing at the pool or beach, or on a family bike ride on a regular basis. Additionally, kayaking and visiting Legoland are among their favorite activities. They plan to take a Disney Cruise in the near future, as Home, Toy Story, and Cars frequent their television screen. Whenever a Disney film is not on, you may find Adam viewing Fury or American Sniper. When it comes to dining, the Eckelbargers are creatures of habit and prefer to keep their meals simple. “Sometimes we even will have breakfast for dinner,” said Jessica, “but we eat a lot of chicken, and another favorite is turkey burgers.” They enjoy relaxing to country music while grilling out, but when they decide to dine out, some of their favorite restaurants are Monterey Grill, Hooligan’s, The Garlic, and JB’s Fish Camp. Christmas is a time for giving, and the family’s involvement in the community reflects that spirit. Jessica is fortunate to have a job that allows her to get involved with charities and learn about new Get to know your neighbors better by having your family featured in the next available issue! Email us at BECAUSE YOUR SKIN IS WORTH IT General, Cosmetic & Mohs Surgical Dermatology LAWRENCE G. BLASIK, JR., MD NITRA H. WELCH, MSN, NP-C JASON L. WELCH, MSN, NP-C ALINA COLLINS, ARNP, NP-BC • Accepting New Patients • Accept Medicare & Most Commercial Insurances • All Aspects of Dermatology Provided Call 386.256.1444 For Appointments and Details 3951 S. Nova Rd., Suite #3 Port Orange, FL on Facebook 16 La Bella Vita January 17 January La Bella Vita Pathways Early Learning Centers are committed to... Paving The Way For School Success In a large bowl combine chopped shrimp, avocado, tomato, jalapeño. Combine all the ingredients together, add cilantro and gently toss. Adjust salt and pepper to taste. • We are an approved VPK Provider. • We serve children ages 6 weeks to 4 years old. • Manage after school pick up from four area elementary schools for Kindergarten - 3rd grade. • Conduct a Summer Camp program for school age children. Resident Recipe ZESTY LIME & SHRIMP AVOCADO SALAD Submitted by Publisher Kimberly Anderson Directions: In a small bowl combine red onion, lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Let them marinate at least 5 minutes to mellow the flavor of the onion. Please visit our website at 3749 S Nova Rd Port Orange, FL 32129 | 386-788-1088 Talk about a light and refreshing salad that requires no cooking! Lime juice and cilantro are the key ingredients to creating this wonderful, healthy salad you’ll want to make all summer long. Made with cooked peeled shrimp and the freshest ingredients – avocados, tomatoes, red onion, cilantro and chopped jalapeño tossed with some freshly squeezed lime juice and a touch of olive oil. Ingredients: 1/4 cup chopped red onion 2 limes, juice of 1 tsp. olive oil 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, black pepper to taste 1 lb. jumbo cooked, peeled shrimp, chopped* 1 medium tomato, diced 1 medium Hass avocado, diced (about 5 oz.) 1 jalapeno, seeds removed, diced fine 1 tbsp. chopped cilantro Would you like to have your favorite family recipe featured in the neighborhood publication? We are looking for anyone who has a good recipe to share! For more information, please email 18 NeighborhoodNews athlete of the MONTH Joey Bellissimo is a 4-year high school varsity letterman. He has been playing baseball for 13 years and is catcher for New Smyrna Beach High School Barracudas. This 18-year-old has traveled to almost every state on the eastern seaboard to play baseball and has scores of great memories and accomplishments to his credit. Commitment, dedication and daily practices at the New Smyrna Beach Sports Complex have paid off for this young athlete. Joe says he has participated in countless games over the years but his biggest event and proudest moment was winning the championship at the New Era Classic Baseball Tournament in Pennsylvania. Joey learned a lot about baseball as he struggled through the ranks of lower leagues to his current status. He stated, “It’s okay to fail, there is always another La Bella Vita January 19 January La Bella Vita MEET JOEY BELLISIMO Varsity Catcher New Smyrna Beach High School Baseball Team outing. When you fail, you become better, and you must fail to succeed. I also learned that there is no perfect player in this sport, you can work on one aspect for a while and before you know it another part of your game will slack that you have to fix.” Joey has met most members of the Pittsburgh Pirates and idolizes both Russell Martin and Sean Rodriguez. His favorite mentor is Head Coach Nick Regilio. When asked about his favorite moments in baseball, Joe mentioned two important highlights. “It’s a tie between making the high school team when nobody knew who I was,” he says. Secondly, “After my dad failed so long to capture a little league title and my team got to the championship, as a highly doubted underdog, and on my birthday night, I hit the walk off to win him the title he long chased after.” Joey’s future plan is to attend the University of Alabama to study Computer Science. One tip he’d like to share with anyone looking to get into this sport: Do not be afraid to not be good at first, keep working, and keep swinging. Work hard at full tilt and buy into the team’s message. The rest will come with time and patience. The thing Joey likes most about the sport is close ballgames that can shift either way and when your team makes the shift in your favor to take the win, especially at home, there’s no feeling like it. Hey kids – do you want to be the superstar of the neighborhood? All you have to do is ask your parents to email and answer some questions in order to be featured in the next available issue! For advertising information email 20 La Bella Vita Come on in and let us be your “home away from home” for the holidays! like our popular shopping package! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook Look us up on TripAdvisor to see why we are the #1 hotel in guest satisfaction for the Carlson-Rezidor Hotel Group, Worldwide! January January La Bella Vita 21 22 NeighborhoodNews La Bella Vita January NeighborhoodNews January La Bella Vita pets precious M ee t C h l o e A n d S a d i e Family members: Marlene and Billy Holmes Pet’s name: Chloe and Sadie Type of animal/ breed: Dogs. Chloe is a Boxer; Sadie is an American Staffordshire terrier. Male or female: Both female Pet’s age: Chloe- 3 & 1/2 years, Sadie- 2 years’ old Where/why did you get your pet? Both are rescues from Southeast Volusia Humane Society, where we volunteer. Is there a story behind its name? Chloe was named Camo when we adopted her. It just didn’t fit her sweet personality so we renamed her. g Groom Do Cente r ess & Well n ing Your Unique, Boutique Doggy Day Care Look for Coco's Canine Express Bus Pet Stop coming to Venetian Bay in our new year Our Services Include: Day Care / Slumber Care / Pet Sitting Services “Pet sitting by our trained CoCo's Canine Companions” Dog Walking 30 / 60 min. Dog Excursions 386.402.9999 CoCo's Canine Club 4164 S. Atlantic Ave. New Smyrna Beach FL. 32169 Sadie – American Staffordshire Terrier What do you like best about your pet? They are both sensitive loving dogs and we no longer need alarm clocks. They wake us with cute faces and wagging tails at our bedside. Any funny stories? Sadie went right through our previous neighbor’s pool screen chasing after their cat. She continued in through the open French doors only to discover four more cats inside the house. She made a few laps around the living room then ran away from the screaming neighbor and screeching cats only to break out another screen panel during her escape. She ran to Billy, sat at his side and looked up at him as if to say “I didn’t do it.” Thankfully we have a good relationship with those neighbors. How spoiled is your pet? On a scale of one to ten, an eight. We moved to Venetian Bay primarily so we could have a home with a good size yard we could fence for our dogs. We had a lovely home and no mortgage but now we have very happy dogs so we consider it a good move, even though we are in debt again. What else should we know about your pet and/or how your pet has enriched your home/family? Both girls were picked up as strays. Chloe was extremely underweight, heart worm positive and had other health issues due to neglect. Sadie was considered an adoption risk solely based on her breed being part of the pit bull family and was in quarantine when we volunteered to foster her and later adopted her. Chloe was adopted a year before Sadie joined the family. They have been inseparable, playful, loving sisters since day one. Chloe - Boxer Do you have a pet and would like to share his/her story? Then email to have them featured in the next available issue! Dogs, cats, horses, fish and any other type of animals are welcome! 23 24 NeighborhoodNews living spaces La Bella Vita January NeighborhoodNews January La Bella Vita 3548 Tuscany Reserve Blvd. HOME OF JIM BOORITCH Jim Booritch and his sons Trey, 15, and Riley, 13, reside in a 5 bedroom, 4 full bathroom home at 3548 Tuscany Reserve Blvd. Occupied since 2005, this house was built for entertaining and to provide comfort to family and friends. It was expanded from the original floor plan to allow more space throughout the middle of the home, which can be used to entertain 50-plus people comfortably. The Booritch home is 7,004 square feet, 4,886 of that being living space. A great room, kitchen, dining room, and office make up the bottom floor, all with 13-foot ceilings. The upstairs includes a very large bonus room with wet bar, and is furnished with a 120-inch projection HDTV. Bonus Room Master Bedroom This home was professionally decorated and faux-painted throughout. Granite tops are consistent throughout the kitchen, great room, wet bars, book cases, and master bath. When asked what, if anything, he would do differently, Jim said he would add storage and increase the size of the garage. • Locally owned and operated over 35 years • Employees undergo drug testing Suppo and background checks rt local • Please visit our website Busin esses at The master suite sets itself apart as the standout room; it is 27 x 23 feet, which does not include the large walk-in closet and oversized master bath with his/hers sinks, roman tub, and large shower. Additionally, it consists of enough space for a double chaise for latenight TV viewing. “I think that the best use of a home is to make it appealing to the eye, but can still serve as a family home and be truly lived in,” Jim said. “I take pride in the way my home looks inside and out, but the fact that it is used as a home and not just a ‘model’ is warming.” Jim and his sons have lived in Venetian Bay for 10 years. 386-767-6004 Please visit our referred showroom- Daltile at 703 C Samms Ave. Port Orange, FL 32129 (Located behind the Port Orange Post Office) “I’m thrilled about the businesses that I have decided to make a go of in the town center. I’ve been a member of Snap Fitness since it opened and frequent Amalfi’s and Happy Deli as much as I can, as well as the restaurant at the golf club. I encourage everyone in the community to do so as well. Each of those places has put a lot of effort into making Venetian Bay a better place to live and play.” Would you like to have your home or a special room(s) featured in an upcoming issue or would you like to nominate one of your neighbors? Then send an email to 25 26 La Bella Vita January L&B POOLS OF VOLUSIA COUNTY TROPICAL GLASS TINTING Swimming Pool Maintenance and Repair Home & Office Window Tinting Family Owned and Operated | 24 Years Experience | Licenced and Insured We do Refinishing, Drain & Cleans and Tile 27 January La Bella Vita BLOCK THE SUN'S HEAT & UV RAYS WITHOUT BLOCKING THE VIEW! Quality Installations Since 1978 Call for your free estimate today! Free Estimates 386.756.6155 Golf Carts • Motorcycles Watercraft Sales Service & Rentals (386) 957- 4934 Call Today Get noticed. Contact n2 for ad placement Robert J. Boudreau/Owner | Fax: (386) 957-4935 | New Smyrna Beach, FL Our Marine Service Department performs routine maintenance and repairs on anything marine Servicing the entire Volusia County area Our 3 boat lines: Twin Vee, Berkshire and Action Craft Our climate controlled showroom has many different products on display, such as ATX Paddle Boards, Ocean Kayak Line, Kayaks for kids, adults and just for fishing... Stop by and check us out! There is no job too big or small!!! One call beats them all!!! (386) 410-4757 | 720 S. Dixie FWY, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 | We will also sell your boat or car for you Your one stop shop for all your Automotive and Marine needs 386-402-8991 920 East Third Avenue, New Smyrna Beach FL., 32169 We are the new EZGO Dealer 28 NeighborhoodNews financial fitness La Bella Vita January you determine how to define and work toward your retirement goals, and encourage you to take the right steps to proactively prepare for this milestone. ### David Carson, CFP® is a Financial Advisor and Vice President with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in Daytona Beach, FL. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 17 years. You may contact David at or simply call (386) 760-2000. Retirement Readiness Submitted by Resident David Carson Retirement research reveals higher confidence but lack of financial readiness Just five years after the onset of the financial crisis, Americans’ confidence about retirement appears to be rising with the strengthening economy. Yet the steps people are taking to prepare financially for this milestone has remained relatively unchanged over the past four years. According to the New Retirement Mindscape 2013 City Pulse index, two in five (42%) Americans report feeling on track for retirement, which is significantly more than those who felt this way last year (only 37%), and in any other year since the index began in 2010. But while confidence soars, the lack of action being taken by consumers to prepare for retirement just isn’t adding up. While nearly three in four (72%) admit having taken some action to pre- 29 January La Bella Vita pare for retirement, this number is smaller than in 2011 and 2010 when the economic recovery was still unstable. The annual New Retirement Mindscape City Pulse index examines the 30 largest U.S. metropolitan areas to determine where consumers are the most prepared for and confident about retirement. The index has also served as a barometer for national and local retirement trends. Preparing for retirement is even more important in the face of potential challenges, like affording healthcare. Funding healthcare costs, now and in the future, is proving to be a financial concern for many consumers; nearly half (45%) of Americans think that providing for their healthcare expenses in retirement will be one of the most challenging financial issues during retirement. Likewise, two-thirds (68%) of Americans express concern about the pending changes due to the Affordable Care Act, and half (51%) of those concerned say their top worry is that they will end up paying more for healthcare. Of the 30 largest US metros, at the top this year are San FranciscoOakland-San Jose (#1), Detroit (#2) and Hartford-New Haven (#3), as the most confident and prepared. There are a few things that set these cities apart from less retirement-ready areas; if you’re preparing for retirement, take note of the following factors that can help you feel more prepared for and confident about retirement: Contribute to retirement accounts beyond a workplace-sponsored plan. More residents than average in the top three cities have contributed to IRAs or other personal investment accounts (other than or in addition to workplace-sponsored plans). There is great value in making regular financial contributions to these types of accounts and saving as much as possible. Having more money in savings and maintaining a diversified portfolio that includes different kinds of investments will likely make you feel more confident about your ability to afford the things you need and want after you leave the workforce. You may also have more control over your personal accounts, as you do in an employer-sponsored plan because withdrawals typically carry fewer penalties – though it’s important to avoid withdrawing from your retirement savings accounts if possible. You may also visit his local branch office at: Ameriprise Financial, 1401 Beville Road, Daytona Beach, FL 32119. Ameriprise Financial created the New Retirement Mindscape 2013 City Pulse index utilizing survey responses from 10,045 U.S. adults ages 40-75. The survey was commissioned by Ameriprise Financial, Inc. and conducted online by Harris Interactive from June 6 - June 26, 2013. The national average sample and the 30 U.S. metropolitan areas were each weighted independently to best represent each area. Propensity score weighting was also used to adjust for respondents’ likelihood to be online. Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. Roof Cleaning Maintain positive feelings about retirement. Unfortunately, there are many things you don’t have control over, including the markets and other factors that make the national economy fluctuate. However, you can influence how you respond to financial ups and downs – economic, personal, or otherwise. Respondents in two of the top three cities were far more likely than the national average to say that thinking about retirement makes them feel empowered. Thinking positively about the future—and acting on those feelings by taking proactive steps to prepare—is the key to building retirement confidence. Consider working with a financial professional. Residents in two of the three most retirement-ready cities were more likely to work with a financial advisor compared to the national average, which may contribute to their feelings of confidence and preparedness for retirement. The national survey results uncovered that only one in four (23%) Americans say they have determined the amount of money they need to save for retirement, and even fewer (11%) report having a written financial plan. A financial advisor can help NO PRESSURE ROOF CLEANING 5 Questions you need to ask before hiring a roof cleaner FREE Recorded message (800)854-0551 Ask me how you can get your driveway cleaned for FREE FREE home health audit Joshua Gray Call or Text: (386)314-9834 Exceeding Your Expect at ions 30 RealEstateResource La Bella Vita January 31 January La Bella Vita Laser Center of Port Orange Laser Hair Removal | Electrolysis | Nail Fungus Removal Our friendly team here at the Laser Center of Port Orange look forward to offering you a one-on-one session with our fully licensed expert hair removal practitioner, Dolores Holleman. With services being offered from laser hair removal and electrolysis, we offer pain-free options to remove unwanted hair from your body. Using the latest and greatest technology, laser hair removal has never been so fast, easy and painless. Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Source Multiple Listing Service. All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed. Supplied by Tim Caudill Start your laser hair removal treatments today Address Neighborhood List Price DOM Beds Baths SqFt Parking Year Built 263 Portofino Blvd Portofino Estates $1,000,000 113 4 3 3,872 4 car 2008 252 Portofino Blvd Portofino Estates $595,000 65 4 3 2,617 3 car 2015 3558 Grande Tuscany Way Tuscany Reserve $477,000 138 4 3 2,892 2 car 2005 3335 W Locanda Cir Venetian Bay $409,900 94 4 3 3,261 3 car 2014 652 Marisol Dr Venetian Bay-Marisol $399,000 61 3 2 2,129 3 car 2008 489 Luna Bella Ln Venetian Bay $339,900 35 4 3 3,262 2 car 2007 325 Tosca St Venetian Bay $314,900 63 4 3 3,158 2 car 2012 3349 Velona Ave Venetian Bay $314,900 121 3 2 3,042 2 car 2007 3602 Maribella Dr Venetian Bay $310,000 36 3 2 2,079 2 car 2005 465 Venetian Villa Dr Venetian Bay $309,000 182 4 3 3,126 2 car 2005 3365 Stefano St Venetian Bay $278,999 88 3 1 2,184 1 car 2006 450 Venetian Villa Dr Venetian Bay-Venetian Vil $263,998 154 1 0 2,265 0 car 2004 3370 Tuscano Ave Venetian Bay $235,000 181 4 2 2,180 2 car 2012 3326 Tuscano Ave Venetian Bay $229,900 94 4 2 1,662 2 car 2012 3365 Tuscano Ave Venetian Bay $229,000 122 4 2 1,660 2 car 2013 3450 Velona Ave Venetian Bay $224,900 93 4 2 2,205 2 car 2011 Your Venetian Bay Office For Lifestyle We represent you as a Buyers Agent for New Construction. Our friendly agents will also assist you in finding the perfect home if you choose pre-built homes or townhomes. Simply call our office number or come in 7 days a week to meet an agent. Our agents will show you what is currently available in Venetian Bay as well as any other interest you may have in Volusia County. We Represent You!!!!!" Venetian Bay Office • New Construction Sales Specialist • Venetian Bay Inventory Specialist • Certified Realtor® The DioLux is the fastest, most comfortable laser for all skin types on the market. The 808nm diode operates up to 10 pulses per second, speeds capable of women's legs or men's backs in eight to ten minutes comfortably on all skin types. 386-304-3411 Mon. thru Thus. 10am-6pm * Fri. 10am-4pm * Sat. 10am-2pm * Sun Closed Is Your Head On Straight? If not, the body is imbalanced and can cause: Headaches * Vertigo * Mental Fog * Neck Pain * Low Back Pain * Heart Palpitation * Arm Pain and so many more problems Upper cervical chiropractic care is safe and gentle. Call to make an appointment today, to evaluate if your head is on straight (386) 492-2989 1690 Dunlawton Ave., Suite 220, Port Orange, FL 32127 900 N. Swallowtail Drive Suite #104D Port Orange, FL 32129 32 WhatDrivesUs? La Bella Vita Head-Turners: January January La Bella Vita Vita By Beverly & Steve Smirnis Dodge SRT Charger Hellcat— Muscle Car Madness For The Kid In Dad Its name says it all—the Dodge SRT Charger Hellcat’s V-8 delivers 707 horsepower and 650 lb-ft of torque, accelDodge Hellcat Charger—This Cat Wins erating to 60 mph in 3.6 Every Time seconds. Buckle up the family—there are seats for all inside the world’s most powerful production sedan. Springs and shocks are softer than the two-door brother car Hellcat Challenger and the wheelbase is longer, taming this Hellcat just enough to make it tolerable when the family is not in the mood for dad to show off. But the menacing appearance will prompt challenges from other drivers having something to prove. And dad knows that while the Hellcat rests in street mode it’s anxious to let out that Hellcat roar and pounce into sport or, God forbid, track mode. Hydraulically assisted steering and Brembo brakes help reassure control of the We Offer The Latest Trends In Pet Care: * Spa Therapy Treatments * Cage Free Dog & Cat Grooming * Small Animal Grooming * Dog Training Services Locally Owned With Over 13 Years Of Experience In The Industry Megan Mitchell, Stylist & Trainer 207 Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Beach, FL., 32168 | CATS, JAGS AND TIGERS, Oh My! explosive acceleration. Behave Dad, or Mom will hide the red key! (Hellcat comes with two keys: A red fob gives access to the full 707 hp, a black one leashes back the kitty to 500hp.) Jaguar F-Type—Pick Your Model And Your Place In Front The F-Type will always be among the vehicles that the valet elects to leave in front. For the 2016 model year, Jaguar is offering customers 12 Jag F-Type R is One Fine Feline different variants of the F-Type, from rear-wheel-drive base-model couple to the F-Type R AWD that we test drove. This $106K version comes in coupe or convertible equipped with 5-liter supercharged V8 engine and all-wheel drive 8-speed automatic transmission. 550 hp and 502 ft lbs of torque launches this kitten from zero to 60 in 3.9 seconds. Torque-vectoring technology keeps it sure and stable through the corners. It too has driving mode options to give it multi personalities. Any chance he gets, Dad will activate the active exhaust system for that sound he relishes. Fiat 500x Trekking Plus— Italian Sportswear The newest Fiat will turn heads for altogether different reasons. Our model’s Arancio (Orange) paint was a starter. Fiat describes its look as having Fiat’s 500X Trekking Plus—A Tiger on "whiskers" and a "low, the Fashion Runway in a Fast-Growing smiling grill.” The small SUV Segment segment is expected to grow 200% over the next five years and Fiat plans to play a role. The new 500X is a slightly wider, shorter, and higher off the ground four-door model. Inside headroom, seat comfort and cargo space are surprising for such a tidy package. The Trekking Plus model sported 2.4 liter Tigershark MultiAir2 engine outputting 180 hp and 175 lb.-ft. torque, 18-inch alloy wheels, a more rugged fascia, leather upholstery, dual-pane sunroof, Beats premium audio system, blind spot monitoring, rear cross-traffic alerts and rear parking sensors. Fiat calls it a “500 that has been pumping iron” with an all-wheel-drive option and dynamic driving modes including standard, sport and traction. Just as one might dress in sportswear and not really head to the gym, the Trekking delivers a cheeky off-road look but is truly designed for on-road confidence. ResidentBusinesses 33 LA BELLA resident business guide Attention Venetian Bay Residents: Do you own or run a business? To have your business featured free in the resident business guide in an upcoming issue of La Belle Vita, please send an e-mail to This is open to residents of Venetian Bay only. ACCOUNTING ROOFING FINANCIAL PLANNING FLOORING INSURANCE HOUSE CLEANING REAL ESTATE H O M E O W N E R ' S S P E C I A L One Year Major Systems & Appliance Service Contract NO DEDUCTIBLE/NO SERVICE FEE BFS Home Service Warranty has been in the Appliance and Air Conditioning repair and service business for over 40 years, and is committed to bringing reliable, quality service to you. Our Service Contract provides repair for one full year, and is renewable on a yearly basis. $249 fo Repair Coverage Includes: Air Conditioning Compressor Freon Recovery Garbage Disposal Wall Thermostat *Additional options available r a fu l of cov l year erage Ocean View Nursing & Rehabilitation Center is a skilled nursing facility offering innovative concepts of services to meet the needs of every patient in a warm and caring environment Ocean View Addresses Diverse Conditions Including: · Stroke · Neurological Disorders · Fractures · Arthritis · Surgical Recovery · Cardiac Disease · Loss of Function · Pain Management · Pulmonary Disease · Amputation & More... Ice Maker Refrigerator-Ice/Water Dispenser Dishwasher Heating (Gas or Electric) Water Heater (up to 40 gallons) Self-Cleaning Oven/Range B F S H O M E S E RV I C E WA R R A N T Y 3337 Bartlett Blvd • Orlando, FL 32811 Call 407-425-2556 2810 S. Atlantic Ave. New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 • 386.428.6424 34 Tour&Travel La Bella Vita January 35 January La Bella Vita BRAZIL Commercial Coverages, Inc A full service Insurance Agency since 1966 Heat Up Your Winter WHY WE’RE DIFFERENT: Your call is answered by a real person. WE review your policy at renewal time. As an independent agency, we don’t work for an “Insurance Company” we work for you. By N2 Staff Writer, Tracy LaFon HOME BAILEY & TRUMBO LAW FIRM Experienced Local Counsel Serving Volusia Since 1982 AUTO Bailey & Trumbo Group is honored to serve the residents of Venetian Bay Practice Areas: AV Rating WINTER’S COLD IS HERE; IT’S TIME TO HEAD TO A PLACE THAT IS HEATING UP, AND THERE IS NO STEAMIER LOCATION TO TRAVEL TO THAN BRAZIL. The country known for throwing the world’s biggest party is gearing up for one of the world’s biggest events – the 2016 Olympics. Many, however, are already flocking to enjoy Brazil, heeding the call of sizzling beaches, exotic rainforests and fantastical carnival celebrations. As the fifth largest country in the world, Brazil hosts an equally enormous selection of things to do and see. RIO DE JANERIO AND CARNIVAL Brazil’s shining star is Rio de Janerio, a city that hosts two world famous beaches, an iconic 125-foot religious statue and a party to end all parties. The Carnival, which begins five days before Ash Wednesday, is a celebration that lives up to its reputation and also sets the mood for festivals that continue throughout the city all year long. Perhaps it is fitting that a city that lives to celebrate is watched over by “Christ the Redeemer,” a colossal statue situated high on top of Mount Corcovado. Made immortal through songs, Ipanema and Copacabana beaches are ripe with sun, sand, beautiful people and iridescent turquoise waters. SAO PAULO At the financial hub of Brazil is one of the world’s richest cities, Sao Paulo. It is a city thick with culture and tradition. The architecture varies from a neo-Gothic Cathedrals and modern skyscrapers, to a colonial church that was built for the priests who settled the city in 1554. Tucked in the middle of all of this is Ibirapuera Park, home to cultural festivals, various artists, a music hall and museums. The city is proud of its unique culture that is layered throughout arts, cuisine and nightlife. IGUAZU FALLS Sitting directly between Argentina and Brazil is Iguazu Falls. More than a million people visit the falls every year and many return again and again because of its magnificence. Its size alone is overwhelming; it is over twice as high as Niagara Falls and three times as wide. Tucked inside one of Brazil’s exquisite rainforest, the surrounding land is lush jade and teeming with brightly covered birds, several species of monkeys and stunning flora. MANAUS AND THE AMAZON The most populated city in the Amazon rainforest is Manaus. It is mostly accessible by boat or plane, and its remoteness is what keeps it so representative of the cultural history of Brazil. The city is a tourism mecca for a variety of river cruises, expeditions, jungle retreats and nature lodges. Here the Solimoes and Negro rivers meet to combine into the Amazon. The Amazon River and its basin are home to the largest and most diverse ecosystem in the world. Adventures into this area are equally diverse as companies offer packages featuring everything from luxury cruises on the river and piranha fishing expeditions, to canoeing and tropical tree climbing excursions. Book your trip today; Brazil is waiting to heat up your winter! * Estate Planning * Probate & Trust Administration * Wills & Trust * Medicaid Estate Planning * Elder Law (386) 424-4007 340 N. Causeway, New Smyrna Beach FL. 32169 386-409-0320 On-Site or In-Shop • Discounts Given For Gated Communities • Competitive Rates • Personal Service • Free Quotes BOAT BOAT (386)-756-8551 1000 Pelican Bay Drive • Daytona Beach Toll Free: 1-888-353-1133 Blue Water Therapy, Inc. Repairs Wireless Virus Removal Commercial and Residential We are committed to... providing compassionate, effective rehabilitation to each patient we serve, so they may enjoy life to the fullest. Our Staff is hand picked for their ability to render outstanding care to each of our patients SAVING COMPUTERS DAILY SPECIALTY AREAS INCLUDE: 817 N D IXIE F REEWAY N EW S MYRNA B EACH (2 Doors North of Dairy Queen) Look For Our RED FRONT DOOR PC and MAC Muscle Weakness | Vertigo | Balance, Gait Joint Replacement, Hip, Knee, Shoulder | Rotator Cuff Repair Joint Pain | Impingements | Spine Rehabilitation Parkinson's Disease | Stroke | Sports Injuries | Women's Health 916 N. Dixie Fwy., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 (located inside the Regions Bank building) p h ( 3 8 6 ) 4 2 6 - 7 885 f a x ( 8 6 6 ) 2 3 9 - 9013 us on Facebook Owned and Operated by Sandy Huggard / Physical Therapist | Serving New Smyrna Beach area for 19 years January 36 La Bella Vita January LOCAL EVENTS Wednesday, January 6, 2016 ‘Island Education’ on walking the wrack Where: Esther Street Beachfront Park, one block north of Flagler Avenue. When: 9:00 a.m. Description: Discussion on walking the wrack with the Marine Discovery Center. The one-hour class is a part of a free educational series on the City’s Barrier Island. Registration is not required. For more information: 386-424-2175 or log on to Friday, January 8, 2016 Music Night at the Hub Where: 132 Canal Street, New Smyrna Beach. When: 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Description: On the second Friday of every month, the Hub on Canal hosts Music Night at the Hub. Enjoy live entertainment! Member admission is free. The fee for non-members is $3. For more information: 386-957-3924 or visit Saturday, January 10, 2016 Canal Street Cruise Where: Along the historic Canal Street. When: 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Description: Sponsored by East Coast Cruisers, the family-friendly classic car show offers food and entertainment in a historic setting on the second Saturday of each month. For more information: 386-547-7319 Thursday, January 14 through Sunday, January 31, 2016 A Grand Night for Singing Where: The Little Theater of New Smyrna Beach When: All performances start at 8:00 p.m. Sunday shows start at 2:00 p.m. Description: The Tony Award winning show features innovative musical arrangements including the sultry Andrews Sisters-esque ‘I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Out-a My Hair’ a swingin’ ‘Honeybun’ worthy of the Modernaires, and a jazzy ‘Kansas City’, which leaves no question about how terrifically up to date the remarkable songs of R&H remain. For more information: Saturday, January 23, 2016 Art Walk on Flagler Where: Flagler Avenue When: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Description: Nearly a dozen local and Florida artists scatter along the Avenue at 12 retail locations. Artists change each month to offer a unique variety of fine arts and crafts. Sponsored by The Gallery Group of Flagler Avenue, the event has been a part of the community for more than 6 years. For more information: 386-428-1770 Saturday, January 23, 2016 Flagler Avenue Wine Walk Where: Flagler Avenue When: 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Description: Explore interesting wines as you walk Flagler Avenue. During the progressive event, taste your choice of more than 100 showcased wines. Wine tasting passports are $25 and are available at the corner of Flagler Avenue and Peninsula Avenue, at the corner of Flagler Avenue and Cooper Street or at the corner of S. Atlantic and Flagler Avenue. Passports include 20 tasting tickets and a keepsake wine glass. Some locations feature both one - and multi-ticket wines to sample. Those who want to share their 20 tasting tickets with a friend may get an additional wine glass for $5. For more information: Friday, January 29 through Sunday January 31, 2016 40th Annual IMAGES: A Festival of the Arts Where: Riverside Park – 105 Riverside Dr. New Smyrna Beach. When: 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday Description: More than 40,000 visitors from around the state are expected to visit. Enjoy artwork by the 225 juried artists from across the United States. IMAGES is presented by Atlantic Center of the Arts. This is a free public event. For more information: Sunday, January 31, 2016 26th Annual NSB Chowder Festival Where: Flagler Avenue When: 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Description: Featuring 30 chowders, the progressive chowder cook-off will be held along both sides of the Avenue. The event is sponsored by the Merchants of Flagler Avenue and the New Smyrna Beach Moose Lodge. Proceeds from the sales of the $15 passport benefit the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Camp in Barberville. For more information: Friday, February 5, 2016 through Sunday, February 7, 2016 Black Heritage Festival Where: Pettis Park – 314 North Duss St., New Smyrna Beach When: 9:00 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday Description: Enjoy live music and entertainment, food, art & crafts, hair weaving and face painting, cane grinding and syrup making, soap making, storytelling, a school art display and a tour of the Black Heritage Museum. For more information: 386-478-1934 January La Bella Vita Lawn&Garden It’s Moving Day 37 In The Garden! By N2 Staff Writer Amy Howlett Whe t he r i t ’s a hom e a d d i t i on, a ne w d e c k or p rop e r t y m od i f i c at i on, or j us t to tra n s fo r m yo u r l a n d s ca pi n g, s om e t i m e s we have to gi ve our t re e s a nd s hr ub s t he b oot ! Pl a nt s ne e d to b e h e a l thy a n d i n g o o d s h a pe to s ur v i ve t he s t re s s of t ra ns p l a nt i ng. Wi nte r a nd e a r l y s p r i ng a re t he b e s t t i m e s to tra n s pl a nt; wa i t u nti l a f te r t he l e ave s f a l l i n a ut um n, b ut b e fore b ud s s t a r t op e ni ng i n t he s p r i ng to t ra ns pl a nt. G o s p ot hunt i ng! If your shrub is thriving in its current location, consider the environmental characteristics of its spot, such as the amount of sunlight your plant receives and what direction it faces, and seek a new address for your tree or plant with similar attributes. Tying a ribbon on a branch and noting its direction before transplanting is a handy tip for accurately orienting your shrub in its new location. After selecting a new spot, prepare for move-in day by digging a hole that is at least 50 percent wider than the root ball – but no deeper – and moisten the soil. Pa c k your b a gs ! Your tree or shrub will have the best chance of survival if you “root prune” several months before transplanting to create a more compact root system that can be transplanted with the plant. The “feeder roots” that nourish the tree are at the ends of the roots, which are likely outside the area you’ll be digging to form the root ball. Severing the outstretched roots encourages feeder roots to grow closer to the base of the shrub, where they will be enclosed in the root ball and transplanted with the plant. Watering the soil the day before transplanting is highly recommended because it helps the plant survive the shock of moving, and moist soil helps keep the root ball intact. As an added bonus, watering softens the soil and makes it easier to dig! Le t ’s g o ! When you are ready for moving day, first tie the lower branches up with twine to protect them and keep them out of your way. Mark the circle around the tree or shrub where you plan to dig. A good rule of thumb for measuring the circumference of your circle is for every inch of trunk diameter, you need a foot of root ball diameter. Then, using a flat spade, begin digging with the spade’s face turned away from the plant. As you continue to dig, start shaping the root ball, preserving as many roots as possible. Once out of the hole, it is imperative to keep the root ball moist – but not saturated. Tim e to u n pa ck ! Immediately after transplanting be sure to water thoroughly to eliminate any air pockets in the soil. Be vigilant about watering for the next year or two, as newly transplanted trees and shrubs do not have the root systems to handle excess watering or drought. Moving is very stressful for trees and shrubs, but with careful preparation and a little TLC, your plant can enjoy its new digs! 38 ClassifiedAds La Bella Vita January January La Bella Vita 39 classified ads To place a FREE classified, please email by the 3rd of the month. Please include a detailed description of the item for sale, price, and contact information in 40 words or less. E L P M A EX NGS I T S LI HOUSEMATE WANTED: A person who hates sugar to share a house with. Please call The Gingerbread Man at 555-9876 SUITS FOR SALE: I have outgrown many of my clothes. Would make great Halloween costumes. Contact Spiderman at 555-1111 NEIGHBORHOOD REEF SALE: Many of us on Coral Way will be having a reef sale on Friday. If you are interested in participating, find Nemo and let him know. No sharks allowed. HOUSE SITTING: The Princess and I will be leaving the marsh next month and would like someone to watch over the place. If anyone other than Donkey is interested, call Shrek at 555-5555 BRIDGE FOR SALE: I’ve decided to retire from the business and sell the Brooklyn Bridge up in New York. Price negotiable, must pickup. Call Tony at 550-5000 FREE TO GOOD HOME: Skunk family raised from an abandoned litter in our backyard. Absolutely adorable creatures! Must take whole lot, glands still intact. Call 555-7772 F R O M O UR Custom Window Treatments U.S. BLINDS Family T O YO URS (386) 423-1440 Cellular Shades As a designer for many years, I must say that cellular shades are one of my favorite window treatments. They can cover many different shaped and sized windows, even door openings, with the color selection being endless. You can have a blackout shade or a light filtering shade, whichever will work best for you in your home or office. Designer Debbie Wallace 386-788-7766 1725 S Nova Rd, A6, South Daytona The Venetian Bay Town & Country Club Homeowners Award Winning Website is Celebrating it's 12th year! Be sure to check out: Real Estate for Sale or Rent, Free Bulletin Board, Local Newspapers, Weather Forecasts, 27/7 "Live" Real Time Beach Cameras for New Smyrna and Daytona Beaches, Calendar and Events, Must Have Phone Numbers, Things to do, Local Activities, Dining & Entertainment. Check out savings coupons for advertisers on our "HOT SPOTS" section. Bookmark our website on your Favorites List. Draperies & SHUTTERS The option of dropping from the top or raising from the bottom feature makes this a very popular shade. Venetian Bay Town & Country Club and Area Residents 2234 State Rd. 44 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Your suggestions and comments are very important and always welcome. Commercial businesses seeking to advertize in our "HOT SPOTS" section, please email us at: or call: 386-409-3395. **Call Brenda For Your Free Display Ad 60 Day-No Cost Trial** LA BELLA FL_New Smyrna Beach Vita PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON NC PERMIT NO. 40 WHY RISK YOUR MOVE... With Just ANY Mover? Call the BEST! E FRE robe rd Wa oxes B • Family owned & operated • Full value Protection • Expert Packing & Crating • Climate Controlled Storage • Local, National & International Relocations E E S FR ATE • Competitively Priced M I T • optimum Protection ES • Fast, Personal Service J&M AMERICAN Serving Central Florida Since 1981 (386) 761-6181 • (800) 308-2256 FL REG IM1