4 arrested in Sibley arson case - Minden Press
4 arrested in Sibley arson case - Minden Press
Crime traCker Who’s been arrested in Webster Parish? PAGE 12 MINDEN PRESS-HERALD www.press-herald.com August 21, 2015 | 50 Cents INSIDE today Webster Crime FRIDAY 4 arrested in Sibley arson case Group suspected of vandalizing SE 1st Street house; torching Tharpe Lane house MICHELLE BATES michelle@press-herald.com Webster court news NEWS PG.12 SIBLEY — Four men have been arrested in an arson case that occurred in the late night hours of Monday, Aug. 10. Ronald Hightower, 17, was charged with simple arson, conspiracy to commit arson, simple burglary, conspiracy to commit sim- ple burglary and theft over $500. Shelton Layfield, 24, was charged with simple arson, conspiracy to commit simple arson, burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary. Cory Gordon, 23, was charged with felony theft, conspiracy to commit arson, simple burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary. HIGHTOWER GORDON William Adkins, 19, was charged with simple arson, conspiracy to commit arson, simple burglary and FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Glenbrook kicks off football season tonight, public schools follow in two weeks School lunch menu conspiracy to commit burglary. S i b l e y police chief J e r e m y Robinson says the SibFire ADKINS ley Department was called to a Tharpe Lane residence in reference to a fire. He says immediately they suspect- Dishwashing soap theft leads to two arrests MICHELLE BATES michelle@press-herald.com Trump, Clinton, & the great race OPINION PG.4 WEATHER TOMORROW’S OUTLOOK Glenbrook football player Tyler Perryman fights through a Riverdale defender during Glenbrook’s jamboree. The Glenbrook Apaches will be the first Webster Parish team back on the gridiron when they take on 4A Copiah Academy tonight in Gallman, Mississippi. Courtesy Photo/Braxton Stuckey STORY AND SCHEDULES ON SPORTS, PAGE 6. See ARSON, Page 3 Webster Crime Woman accused of hiding soap under car during police search LIFE PG.5 ed arson as the house had been vacant for the last couple of years and no electricity was hooked up. “It happened around 10:30 at night,” he said. “The fire department got called out to 154 Tharpe Lane. We were investigating some shoplifting at Dollar General and got some information on the SPRINGHILL — Two Springhill women found themselves in trouble with the law after police say they stole dishwashing soap from a discount store. Charletha Noel Robinson, 43, of the 500 block of B&S Drive in Springhill, was arrested for misdemeanor theft by shoplifting. Bond was set at $1,000. Deshasmic Lachina Pastchol, 22, of the 400 block of 6th Street NE, in Springhill, was arrested for misdemeanor principle to theft by shoplifting. ROBINSON PASTCHOL Bond was set at $1,000. Springhill police chief Will Lynd says the two were found with a large amount of clothes inside the vehicle with the security tags still on them. “From what I understand, they were shoplifting from the Dollar General Store,” he said. “When officers looked inside the vehicle, there were a lot more clothes that still had the security tags on them but couldn’t identify where those clothes came from.” According to the police report, Robinson and Patstchol were taken back to the Dollar General store See SOAP, Page 2 mediCal NeWs 93 HIGH West Nile virus cases in state hovers at 20 73 LOW Scattered thunderstorms, especially in the morning. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. CONNECT WITH US @mindenph Vol. 47 No. 36 SMALL CHAMBER, BIG AWARD Ron Erickson, president of Louisiana Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives presents Jerri de Pingre’, president of the Minden-South Webster Chamber of Commerce, with the Small Chamber of the Year award at the annual LACCE conference Thursday in Sulphur. Courtesy Photo BATON ROUGE — Twenty people in Louisiana have been diagnosed with West Nile virus so far this summer, and half of them had the most dangerous form, an infection of the brain or nervous system, The state Department of Health and Hospitals said Thursday. Two others had flu-like West Nile fever, and eight did not have any symp- toms and were diagnosed through blood tests, according to a news release Thursday. Nobody has died, department John Ford said. The department's weekly surveillance report shows that four of the dangerous neuroinvasive cases were in Rapides Parish, two were in See WEST NILE, Page 2 SECONDFRONT 2 Friday, August 21, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald www.press-herald.com Weather Hurricane Danny strengthens in the Atlantic Ocean MIAMI — Hurricane Danny has gained a little strength as it moves across the Atlantic. The hurricane's maximum sustained winds early Friday had increased to near 85 mph (140 kph). The U.S. National Hurricane Center says some additional strengthening is possible but Danny should start weakening on Saturday. The hurricane is centered about 985 miles (1,590 kilometers) east- southeast of the Leeward Islands and is moving west-northwest near 10 mph (17 kph). Danny is tiny hurricane with hurricane force winds only extending outward up to 10 miles (20 kilometers) from its center. Hurricane Danny doesn't currently pose a threat to land but the Hurricane Center says those in the Leeward Islands should monitor its progress. arouNd the state eleCtioN 2015 Press-Herald accepting campaign announcements Qualifying for October election kicks off Sept. 8 BRUCE FRANKLIN bruce@press-herald.com Qualifying for the October primary election is a lioNs Club month away, and candidates for various offices have begun to announce their intentions. The Press-Herald will publish one campaign announcement per candidate free of charge prior to qualifying. The deadline for submissions is Friday, Sept. 4. Local offices on the ballot include sheriff, clerk of court, tax assessor, coroner, justice of the peace, and police jurors. Residents from across the state will vote for Louisiana’s next governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer, commissioner of agriculture and forestry, commissioner of insurance and BESE district 4 seat. Doyline residents will vote for two aldermen. Qualifying for local candidates is with the Webster Parish Clerk of Court Sept. 8 through 10. Candidates for state senator and representative will also qualify with the Louisiana secretary of state. Fugitive sex offender captured in Shreveport BATON ROUGE — A fugitive with a history of evading sex offender registration in Texas and Louisiana has been captured. Attorney General James Caldwell, in a news release Thursday, said 27-year-old Kentrell Debose was arrested Tuesday in Shreveport. He was booked into the Caddo Parish Jail and is awaiting extradition to Harrison County, Texas, where he's wanted for failure to comply with the Texas sex offender registry. CoNsumer alert Debose also is wanted by the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections for a parole violation after being convicted in 2011 of failing to comply w i t h Louisiana s e x offender DEBOSE registry laws, as well as for illegally possessing a firearm as a convicted felon and possessing a stolen firearm. Stage Stores to close about 90 stores HOUSTON — Stages Stores Inc. plans to close about 90 underperforming locations. The Houston-based retailer made the announcement Thursday. President and CEO Michael Glazer says the closures involve stores representing 4 percent of total sales. Company officials did not immedi- ately say which locations will close. Glazer says the company was challenged by the impact of a weaker peso and economic softness in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Stage Stores has about 850 locations in 40 states, with more than 14,000 employees. It operates as Stage, Bealls, Goody's Palais Royal and Peebles. Report: Store clerk saw suspect throw soap under car SOAP Continued from page 1 where the manager identified them. As the vehicle was being searched, Robinson took a bottle of dishwashing liquid reportedly stolen from the store and threw it underneath the vehicle. The store clerk reportedly witnessed the action and informed the officer, reports continue. Pastchol was reported to be the driver of the vehicle as it took off following the commission of the crime, garnering the principle to theft by shoplifting charge. Springhill Sgt. William Frazier and Officer Cliff Causey were the responding and investigating officers. The two women were placed under arrest and transported to Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center for booking. Outgoing Lions Club President Bill Bryant (2014-2015), left, is presented a plaque from incoming president Sherb Sentell during a recent meeting. The Minden Lions Club was established on October 25, 1925 and Bryant served as its 90th president. Courtesy Photo Louisiana had 61 West Nile cases in 2014 WEST NILE Continued from page 1 Ascension and one each in Jefferson Davis, St. Landry, St. Mary and St. Tammany parishes. The West Nile fever cases were in Pointe Coupee and Washington parishes. By this time last year, 22 neuroinvasive cases had been diagnosed. State Health Officer Jimmy Guidry says everyone more than 2 months old should wear mosquito repellent containing DEET when they go outdoors. He says people who plan to be outside for long periods should wear longsleeved shirts and pants. Last year, Louisiana saw 61 cases of the dangerous neuroinvasive disease. Thursday's news release was the first since July 17, when the department reported the summer's first three cases. WEBSTER&MORE Friday, August 21, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald 3 arouNd the NatioN facebook.com/mindenph Cheating site logged federal subscribers with sensitive jobs JACK GILLUM Associated Press WASHINGTON — U.S. government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement were among hundreds of federal workers found to be using government networks to access and pay membership fees to the cheating website Ashley Madison, The Associated Press has learned. The list includes at least two assistant U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator in the White House's support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and counterterrorism employee at the Homeland Security Department. Others visited from networks operated by the Pentagon. Federal policies vary by agency as to whether employees could visit websites during work hours like Ashley Madison, which could be considered akin to a dating website. But such use raises questions about what personal busi- ness is acceptable — and what websites are OK to visit — for U.S. workers on taxpayer time, especially those with sensitive jobs who could face blackmail. Hackers this week released detailed records on millions of people registered with the website one month after the break-in at Ashley Madison's parent company, Toronto-based Avid Life Media Inc. The website — whose slogan is, "Life is short. Have an affair" — is marketed to facilitate extramarital affairs. Few connecting from federal networks had listed government email accounts when subscribing. But the AP was able to trace their government Internet connections, logged by the website over five years and as recently as June. They encompass more than two dozen agencies, such as the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation. Others came from House or Senate computer networks. Records also reveal subscribers signed up using state and municipal government networks nation- wide, including those run by the New York Police Department, the nation's largest. "If anything comes to our attention indicating improper use of an NYPD computer, we will look into it and take appropriate action," said the NYPD's top spokesman, Stephen Davis. The AP is not naming the government subscribers it found because they are not elected officials or accused of a crime. Many federal customers appeared to use nongovernment email addresses with handles such as "sexlessmarriage," ''soontobesingle" or "latinlovers." Some Justice Department employees also appeared to use prepaid credit cards to help preserve their anonymity but nonetheless connected to the service from their office computers. "I was doing some things I shouldn't have been doing," a Justice Department investigator told the AP. Asked about the threat of blackmail, the investigator said if prompted he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it. "I've worked too hard all systems to access the site, my life to be a victim of based on their Internet blackmail. That wouldn't Protocol addresses associhappen," he said. He spoke ated with credit card transon condition of actions. It focused on anonymity for because he was DEFENSE SECRE- searching government deeply embarTARY ASH employees in rassed and not CARTER CONespecially sensiauthorized by the FIRMED THURS- tive positions government to speak to DAY THE PENTA- who could perreporters using GON WAS LOOK- haps become his name. blackmail tarING INTO THE Defense Secregets. LIST OF PEOPLE tary Ash Carter The governconfirmed Thurs- WHO USED MILI- ment hacker at TARY EMAIL day the Pentagon the Homeland was looking into Security DepartADDRESSES. the list of people ADULTERY CAN ment, who did who used milinot respond to BE A CRIMINAL tary email phone or email addresses. Adul- OFFENSE UNDER m e s s a g e s , THE UNIFORM tery can be a included photoCODE OF MILIcriminal offense graphs of his under the Uniwife and infant TARY JUSTICE. form Code of Milson on his Faceitary Justice. book page. One "I'm aware it," Carter assistant U.S. attorney said. "Of course it's an declined through a issue because conduct is spokesman to speak to the very important. And we AP, and another did not expect good conduct on return phone or email the part of our people. ... messages. A White House The services are looking into it and as well they spokesman said Thursday he could not immediately should be. Absolutely." The AP's review was the comment on the matter. first to reveal that federal The IT administrator in the workers used their office White House did not return email messages. While rules can vary by agency, Homeland Security rules, for instance, say devices should be used for only for official purposes. It also prescribes "limited personal use is authorized as long as this use does not interfere with official duties or cause degradation of network services." Employees are barred from using government computers to access "inappropriate sites" including those that are "obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable." The hackers who took credit for the break-in had accused the website's owners of deceit and incompetence, and said the company refused to bow to their demands to close the site. Avid Life released a statement calling the hackers criminals. It added that law enforcement in both the U.S. and Canada is investigating and declined comment beyond its statement Tuesday that it was investigating the hackers' claims. Police: Suspects admitted to vandalism, blaze and shoplifting ARSON Continued from page 1 same individuals that we were looking for on the shoplifting may be responsible for the house fire and also another break-in and vandalism of a residence.” During interviews at the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office, Robinson says the four admitted to all three incidents. They admitted to being responsible for a break-in and vandalism of a home on SE 1st Street, he said. “They admitted to vandalizing it by spray-painting cabinets and countertops and the refrigerator,” he said. “They were also responsible for the house fire.” He says they admitted to breaking into the house across the street from where they were living, which was for sale. “Three of them were living together at one time,” Robinson said. “They broke into the house across the street and then went and set the house (on Tharpe Lane) on fire.” Hightower, Layfield and Adkins were arrested Monday, Aug. 17, and Gordon was arrested Tuesday, Aug. 18. All four were arrested at the Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office following questioning on the incidents. All four were transported to Bayou Dorcheat Correctional Center for booking. bÇáíçêÛë= åçíÉW= _çåÇë= ~åÇ pÜÉäíçå=i~óÑáÉäÇÛë=ãìÖëÜçí=ïÉêÉ åçí=~î~áä~ÄäÉ=~í=éêÉëë=íáãÉK 4 Friday, August 21, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald EDITORIAL ROUND UP The Advocate on debate about public statues and monuments mìÄäáÅ=ëí~íìÉë=~åÇ=ãçåìãÉåíëI Äó=íÜÉáê=å~íìêÉI=~êÉ=ãÉ~åí=íç=ÄÉ éÉêã~åÉåí=é~êíë=çÑ=~=ÅáîáÅ=ä~åÇJ ëÅ~éÉK=qÜ~í=ÇçÉëåDí=ãÉ~å=ëìÅÜ ãÉãçêá~äë=ëÜçìäÇ=åÉîÉê=ÄÉ êÉãçîÉÇK=_ìí=ïÜÉå=ïÉ=Çç=ÅçåëáÇJ Éê=í~âáåÖ=íÜÉã=ÇçïåI=ïÉ=ëÜçìäÇ Çç=ëç=íÜçìÖÜíÑìääóK _ó=íÜ~í=ëí~åÇ~êÇI=íÜÉ=éêçÅÉëë=íç ÇÉíÉêãáåÉ=íÜÉ=Ñ~íÉ=çÑ=ëÉîÉê~ä=`çåJ ÑÉÇÉê~íÉ=ãçåìãÉåíë=áå=kÉï lêäÉ~åë=ÇçÉëåDí=ëÉÉã=ÇÉëíáåÉÇ=íç áåëéáêÉ=ãìÅÜ=éìÄäáÅ=ÅçåÑáÇÉåÅÉ=áå íÜÉ=êÉëìäíK=qÜ~íDë=~=ëÜ~ãÉI=ÖáîÉå íÜÉ=ÇáãÉåëáçåë=çÑ=~=ÅçåíêçîÉêëó íÜ~íDë=Å~éíìêÉÇ=~ííÉåíáçå=ÄÉóçåÇ kÉï=lêäÉ~åëI=ÄêáåÖáåÖ=ëí~íÉ=çÑÑáJ Åá~äë=ïáíÜ=íÜÉáê=çïå=éçäáíáÅ~ä=~ÖÉåJ Ç~ë=áåíç=íÜÉ=Ñê~óK qÜáë=ëìããÉêI=kÉï=lêäÉ~åë j~óçê=jáíÅÜ=i~åÇêáÉì=Å~ääÉÇ=Ñçê êÉéä~ÅáåÖ=íÜÉ=ãçåìãÉåíë=ïáíÜ äÉëë=ÅçåíêçîÉêëá~ä=çåÉëK=qÜÉ=áÅçåáÅ áã~ÖÉë=áå=èìÉëíáçå=áåÅäìÇÉ=íÜÉ ëí~íìÉ=çÑ=`çåÑÉÇÉê~íÉ=dÉåK=oçÄÉêí bK=iÉÉ=~íçé=~=ÜìÖÉ=Åçäìãå=~í=~=píK `Ü~êäÉë=^îÉåìÉ=íê~ÑÑáÅ=ÅáêÅäÉI=~ ëí~íìÉ=çÑ=`çåÑÉÇÉê~íÉ=mêÉëáÇÉåí gÉÑÑÉêëçå=a~îáë=çå=íÜÉ=ëíêÉÉí=íÜ~í ÄÉ~êë=Üáë=å~ãÉI=~åÇ=íÜÉ=ëí~íìÉ=çÑ `çåÑÉÇÉê~íÉ=dÉåK=mKdKqK=_É~ìêÉJ Ö~êÇ=~í=`áíó=m~êâDë=Éåíê~åÅÉK ^åçíÜÉê=ãçåìãÉåí=ÅçããÉãçJ ê~íáåÖ=~å=NUTQ=ïÜáíÉ=êÉÄÉääáçå ~Ö~áåëí=íÜÉ=ÅáíóDë=Äáê~Åá~ä=oÉÅçåJ ëíêìÅíáçåJÉê~=ÖçîÉêåãÉåí=~äëç=áë é~êí=çÑ=íÜÉ=ÅçåíêçîÉêëóK qÜÉ=`çåÑÉÇÉê~Åó=~Çî~åÅÉÇ ïÜáíÉ=ëìéêÉã~Åó=~åÇ=ëä~îÉêóI=íïáå Éîáäë=çÑ=^ãÉêáÅ~å=ÜáëíçêóK=kç=êÉ~J ëçå~ÄäÉ=éÉêëçå=Å~å=Ñ~îçê=ÅÉäÉJ Äê~íáåÖ=íÜçëÉ=áÇÉ~ëK=_ìí=ÉîÉå ëçãÉ=éÉçéäÉ=ïÜç=ÇÉëéáëÉ=íÜÉ `çåÑÉÇÉê~ÅóDë=î~äìÉë=Ü~îÉ=~êÖìÉÇ Ñçê=âÉÉéáåÖ=íÜÉ=ãçåìãÉåíë=áå éä~ÅÉ=~ë=~=Å~ìíáçå~êó=ãÉëë~ÖÉ=íç íçÇ~óDë=ÅáíáòÉåë=Ô=~åÇ=íÜçëÉ=íç ÅçãÉ=~ÑíÉê=ìëK=qÜáë=ÇáëéìíÉ=~äëç áåîáíÉë=êÉÑäÉÅíáçå=çå=ïÜ~í=ãçê~ä ó~êÇëíáÅâ=ïÉ=ëÜçìäÇ=ìëÉ=íç=ã~êâ íÜÉ=é~ëí=áå=éìÄäáÅ=ãÉãçêóK=pÜçìäÇ íÜÉ=ëí~íìÉ=çÑ=^åÇêÉï=g~ÅâëçåI ëä~îÉ=çïåÉê=~åÇ=éÉêëÉÅìíçê=çÑ k~íáîÉ=^ãÉêáÅ~åëI=ÄÉ=êÉãçîÉÇ Ñêçã=g~Åâëçå=pèì~êÉI=íçç\=tÜ~í ~Äçìí=ãÉãçêá~äë=íç=ëä~îÉ=çïåÉêë dÉçêÖÉ=t~ëÜáåÖíçå=~åÇ=qÜçã~ë gÉÑÑÉêëçåI=ïÜçëÉ=Ñ~ÅÉë=~Ççêå=çìê å~íáçå~ä=ÅìêêÉåÅó\ dáîÉå=íÜÉ=ÇáÑÑáÅìäíó=çÑ=ëìÅÜ èìÉëíáçåëI=ïÉ=ëÜçìäÇåDí=ÇÉãçåáòÉ çìê=ÇáÑÑÉêÉåÅÉë=êÉÖ~êÇáåÖ=íÜÉ éêçéÉê=êçäÉ=çÑ=éìÄäáÅ=ãçåìãÉåíëK qÜ~íDë=ïÜó=íÜÉ=éçä~êáòáåÖ=èì~äáíó çÑ=íÜáë=ëìããÉêDë=ÇÉÄ~íÉ=Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå ëç=êÉÖêÉíí~ÄäÉK i~åÇêáÉì=Å~ääÉÇ=Ñçê=íÜÉ=ãçåìJ ãÉåíëD=êÉãçî~ä=ÄÉÑçêÉ=ÖÉííáåÖ ïáÇÉëéêÉ~Ç=éìÄäáÅ=áåéìíI=ÅêÉ~íáåÖ íÜÉ=éÉêÅÉéíáçå=íÜ~í=ÇÉÅáëáçåë ~Äçìí=íÜÉ=ëí~íìë=çÑ=íÜÉ=ãçåìJ ãÉåíë=Ü~Ç=~äêÉ~Çó=ÄÉÉå=ã~ÇÉK qïç=Åáíó=é~åÉäë=Ü~îÉ=êÉÅçããÉåÇJ ÉÇ=êÉãçî~ä=çÑ=íÜÉ=ãçåìãÉåíëI ~åÇ=íÜÉ=áëëìÉ=åçï=ÜÉ~Çë=íç=íÜÉ kÉï=lêäÉ~åë=`áíó=`çìåÅáäI=ïÜáÅÜ ~äãçëí=ëìêÉäó=ïáää=Ñçääçï=íÜÉ=êÉÅJ çããÉåÇ~íáçåëK=`óåáÅë=ãáÖÜí=ÄÉ ÑçêÖáîÉå=Ñçê=~ëëìãáåÖ=íÜ~í=~ääçïJ áåÖ=éìÄäáÅ=ÅçããÉåíë=ÄÉÑçêÉ=íÜÉ ÅçããáííÉÉ=îçíÉë=ï~ë=êÉ~ääó=àìëí Ñçê=ëÜçïK qÜáë=éêçÅÉëë=Ü~ë=ëÉÉãÉÇ=ãçêÉ ÇêáîÉå=Äó=íÜÉ~íÉê=íÜ~å=éçäáÅóI=ÅêÉJ ~íáåÖ=~=å~íìê~ä=Åäáã~íÉ=Ñçê=éçäáíáJ Å~ä=éçëíìêáåÖ=Äó=ã~åó=çíÜÉê=éä~óJ ÉêëK=dçîK=_çÄÄó=gáåÇ~äI=~ë=ïÉää=~ë rKpK=pÉåK=a~îáÇ=sáííÉêI=iíK=dçîK=g~ó a~êÇÉååÉ=~åÇ=mìÄäáÅ=pÉêîáÅÉ `çããáëëáçåÉê=pÅçíí=^åÖÉääÉI=ïÜç ~êÉ=dlm=ÅçåíÉåÇÉêë=íç=êÉéä~ÅÉ gáåÇ~äI=Ü~îÉ=ÅçãÉ=çìí=~Ö~áåëí êÉãçîáåÖ=íÜÉ=ëí~íìÉëK=pí~íÉ=pÉåK gçÜå=_Éä=bÇï~êÇëI=íÜÉ=äçåÉ=aÉãçJ Åê~í=áå=íÜÉ=ÖçîÉêåçêDë=ê~ÅÉI=ë~áÇ íÜÉ=áëëìÉ=ëÜçìäÇ=ÄÉ=äÉÑí=íç=kÉï lêäÉ~åë=êÉëáÇÉåíëK ^äíÜçìÖÜ=ëí~íÉ=çÑÑáÅá~äë=ãáÖÜí ëÜ~éÉ=íÜáë=ÇÉÄ~íÉ=~í=íÜÉ=ã~êÖáåëI íÜÉ=ÑìíìêÉ=çÑ=íÜÉ=ãçåìãÉåíë=ïáääI ïÉ=ëìëéÉÅíI=ìäíáã~íÉäó=ÄÉ=ÇÉíÉêJ ãáåÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=éÉçéäÉ=çÑ=kÉï lêäÉ~åëI=~åÇ=íÜ~íDë=~ë=áí=ëÜçìäÇ=ÄÉK kÉï=lêäÉ~åë=åÉÉÇë=~=ìåáíÉÇ=ÅáíáJ òÉåêó=íç=ÅçåÑêçåí=áíë=Äêç~ÇÉê=ÅÜ~äJ äÉåÖÉëI=ëìÅÜ=~ë=ÅêáãÉ=~åÇ=éìÄäáÅ ÉÇìÅ~íáçåK=_ìí=íÜáë=ëìããÉêDë=ÇáëJ Åìëëáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=`êÉëÅÉåí=`áíóDë `çåÑÉÇÉê~íÉ=ëí~íìÉëI=çëíÉåëáÄäó ~áãÉÇ=~í=ÅáîáÅ=ìåáíóI=áë=ëé~êâáåÖ Çáîáëáçå=áåëíÉ~ÇK p~ÇäóI=~=ÇÉÄ~íÉ=~Äçìí=éìÄäáÅ ãçåìãÉåíë=Ü~ë=ÄÉÅçãÉ=~=ãçåìJ ãÉåí=íç=éçäáíáÅ~ä=ÑçääóK MINDEN PRESS-HERALD 2 0 3 G L E A S O N S T R E E T, M I N D E N , LO U I S I A N A 710 5 5 318 - 37 7 - 18 6 6 • w w w. p r e s s - h e r a l d . c o m USPS NUMBER 593-340 DAVID A. SPECHT JR., President GREGG PARKS, Publisher gparks@press-herald.com CAROL ANDREWS, Chief Financial Officer carol@press-herald.com BRUCE FRANKLIN, Managing Editor bruce@press-herald.com BLAKE BRANCH, Sports blake@press-herald.com JORDAN WILSON, Community Editor community@press-herald.com TELINA WORLEY, Advertising Manager advertising@press-herald.com PETE COVINGTON, Circulation Manager circulation@press-herald.com DENNIS PHILBAR, Production Director production@press-herald.com The Minden Press-Herald is published Monday through Friday afternoon by Specht Newspapers, Inc. at 203 Gleason Street, Minden, Louisiana 71055. Telephone 377-1866. Entered as Periodicals at the Post Office as Minden PressHerald, P.O. Box 1339, Minden LA 71058-1339. Subscription rate: In-parish home delivery $11 per month; $33 per three months; $66 per six months; $99 per nine months and $132 per year. Out-of-parish mail delivery is $14.50 per month; $43.50 per three months; $87 per six months; $130.50 per nine months and $174 per year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Minden Press-Herald, P.O. Box 1339, Minden, LA 71058-1339. 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Friday, August 21, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 5 Around Town Webster Parish Pupil Progression Plan The revisions to the Webster Parish Pupil Progression Plan for the 2015-16 school year will be available for viewing at the front office of the Webster Parish School Board. Revisions will be considered for adoption at the next school board meeting in early September. August 21, 2015 St. Rest Baptist Church’s 2015 women’s conference will be August 21 from 6 until 8 p.m, and from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. August 22. For more information contact the church at 377-5455. August 23, 2015 Antioch Baptist Church will have its fifth Pastor’s Anniversary Celebration at 2:30 p.m. with guest pastor the Rev. James Smith Mt Comfort Baptist Church will be hosting their Annual Homecoming/Family and Friends Day at 3 p.m. The Rev. James Bonner from Morning Star Baptist Church will be the evangelist for this special occasion. The Shepherd’s Hut is celebrating its third anniversary at 3 p.m. at the Northwest 14th District Building. All are invited. August 24 - 27, 2015 Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church will have a Christian Leadership School at 6:00 until 8:45 p.m. nightly. Refreshments will be served. August 25, 2015 Dance Fest 2015: Square and Round Dance Open House featuring Southern Swings Square Dance Club and Red River Rounders Round Dance Club. Doors open at 6 p.m. Dancing will take place from 6:30 until 9 :30 p.m. Admission and refreshments are free. For more information contact Genevieve Carlisle at grgarlisle2@gmail.com or Johnnie Ingles at 318-469-2929. August 30, 2015 West Lake Baptist Church (2587 Highway 163, Doyline) will have a plate lunchfund raiser at noon. Money raised will go towards paving a parking lot. Lunch includes BBQ chicken, potato salad, and baked beans. Plates are $8. The Longspring Church of God in Christ will celebrate their Family & Friends Day at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be Elder Jeffrey Williams and the Tillman Church of God in Christ Family of Heflin. Lunch Menu Monday, August 24 Beef Nachos, Nacho Cheese Sauce, Spanish Pinto Beans, Green Salad, Salad Dressing, Sidekicks, Milk Wednesday, August 26 Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans, Rolls, Peaches, Milk Tuesday, August 25 Thursday, August 27 BBQ Pork Sandwich, French Fries, Baked Beans, Pears, Milk LSU AG CENTER ARTS AND CRAFTS Chicken Roasted, Steamed Rice and Friday, August 21 Personal Pan Pizza, Whole Kernal Gravy, Mustard Green Yam Patty, WG Corn, Carrots, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Peaches, Milk Cornbread, Sidekicks, Milk State fair hay contest LEE FAULK Special to the Press-Herald The LSU AgCenter is proud to announce the annual LSU AgCenter State Fair Hay Quality Contest to be held at the State Fair of Louisiana in Shreveport this October. The Louisiana Hay Contest was developed to showcase farmers and ranchers in our area that consistently produce quality forages for livestock. Categories in which farmers and ranchers can enter forages include warm-season perennial forages (bahiagrass, bermudagrass, mixed grasses, etc.); winter-annual forages (ryegrass, ryegrass-clover, etc.); miscellaneous legumes (alfalfa, clovers, etc), and baleage. Cash and other prizes will be awarded to the winner of each class. Each class winner will be awarded $100, and the $15 analysis fee will be refunded for the second place entry in each class. Deadline to enter the contest is September 24. Forage sampling is an important way for livestock owners to understand the quality of the hay they are feeding their animals. All livestock owners are encouraged to sample their forages to determine quality. For more information on forage sampling, or to enter hay into the LSU AgCenter State Fair Hay Quality Contest, contact Lee Faulk at the LSU AgCenter Webster Parish Extension Office at 318-371-1371. ‘Days of Summer’ craft show Lakeview UMC will host a “Days of Summer” craft event Friday from 5:30 until 8 p.m. Along with vendors selling arts and crafts, Cedar Hill Rescue and the Webster Human Society will have animals available for adoption. Shoppers are welcome to bring their pets to enjoy a stroll by the Turner’s Pond while they shop. For more information contact Melinda West at 318655-5506 or email artsandcraftsonthepond@gmail.com. You can also find more information on the “Arts and crafts on the pond” Facebook page. Share your events with the community. Send your events to community@press-herald.com, fax them to 377-1866, over the phone by calling 377-1866 or in person at our offices located at 203 Gleason St. in Minden 6 Friday, August 21, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Apaches kick off tonight B L A KE B R A N CH blake@press-herald.com The Glenbrook Apaches will be the first Webster Parish team back on the gridiron when they take on 4A Copiah Academy tonight in Gallman, Mississippi. The Apaches have been working hard this week at practice in preparation for the big boys from Copiah. “They are a really, really big football team,” head coach Caleb Carmikle said. “They have a bunch of big guys up front and a little bit of speed. In terms of scheme they’re pretty similar to what we run. They’re just going to do what they do and try to push us around.” The Apaches will counter with a trio of senior linebackers in Lyle Reagan, Garrett Sanders and Drennan Keen. Sophomore defensive tackle Nick Moses (6’2”, 260) should help slow the run game as well. Carmikle has had nothing but rave reviews for his defense, led by fellow first year coach and defensive coordinator Blake Sorey. But things haven’t progressed as quickly on offense, which could make for a long night. “Our problems have been mostly mental errors,” Carmikle said. “Lack of discipline and bad penalties; very fixable issues.” Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. at Copiah Academy. Glenbrook School Aug. 21 – Copiah (Away) Aug. 28 – CHEF Sept. 4 – Greenville Christian Sept. 11 – PVA* (Away) Sept. 18 – Riverfield Sept. 25 – River Oaks* Oct. 2 – Claiborne (Away) Oct. 9 – Union* Oct. 16 – Trinity Episcopal* (Away) Oct. 23 – Riverdale* (Away) *- Denotes District Games Courtesy Photo/Braxton Stuckey NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE NFL head coaches fed up with practice fights SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Carolina Panthers coach Ron Rivera offered this edict to his players before the start of this week's joint practices with the Miami Dolphins: You fight, you're out. "We told our guys if you get thrown off the field, I'm going to treat you like you got thrown out of a game," Rivera said Thursday. So players wouldn't return to practice. Dolphins coach Joe Philbin agreed with the approach, and it has worked. Skirmishes at camps are not new, and to some extent even condoned. But Rivera and Philbin are among a group of coaches around the league who have spoken out to curb the fighting that has garnered training camps headlines in an effort to set the tone for workouts. And when coaches speak out, their voices are being heard. Arizona Cardinals coach Bruce Arians said he has no patience for fighting in training camp, issuing a zero tolerance policy. If players fight, they run. "It's not tolerated here," Arians said. "Coaches that believe in it, they need to get new jobs." The Dolphins and Panthers completed two days of fight-free work on Thursday, aside from one very minor scuffle between Panthers offensive lineman Michael Oher and Dolphins defensive end Olivier Vernon on Wednesday. "We talked to our players about making sure we took advantage of the opportuni- Glenbrook Hunter’s Super Raffle ty," Rivera said. "We didn't come here to be disruptive and fight, we came here to get better as a football team." Philbin said he and Rivera took measures before practices to make sure players were getting the message, calling them together in a group near midfield. And once practice started, the Rivera and Philbin split up and went to different fields, each with authority to discipline the opposing team's players. "I told our team we're not Lady apaches top uca, 2-1 B L A KE B R A N CH The Glenbrook Lady Apaches picked up a big win over district foe Union Christian Academy on Thursday, edging the Lions 2-1. Alyssa Martin was the driving force behind the win, tossing a onehitter from the circle If you are interested in participating in the Hunter’s Super Raffle, please contact Ashley Rowton at glenbrookhuntersraffle@gmail.com between the Washington Redskins and Houston Texans, or even the fights that marred a joint practice between the Dallas Cowboys and St. Louis Rams earlier this week. "If guys fight, if you do it in the game, they're going to throw you out — and you're hurting the team. So you can't do it," Pagano said. "... Treat them like we treat ourselves. It's not about the chirping and the jaw jacking and taking cheap shots. It's about getting better." HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL blake@press-herald.com Congratulations to last week’s big winners in the Glenbrook Hunter’s Weekly Super Raffle. Left, Randy Clemons poses with the Pallet of deer corn won by Spencer Lovitt in the Wednesday, August 12 drawing with winning numbers 229. Right, Steve Coleman poses with the Browning Buckmark 22 Auto Pistol he won in the Saturday, August 15 drawing. His winning numbers were 312. The Glenbrook Super Raffle is sponsored by Rockin’ Rooster in Minden and Michael’s Men’s Store and Sporting Goods in Homer. Submitted photos coming here to have a bar room brawl — and If we want to do that, we can stay down in Florida," Philbin said. "We came down here to compete and to get tougher and to get a little more physical against a really good football team." Indianapolis Colts coach Chuck Pagano issued a similar statement to his team before scrimmages with the Chicago Bears. Pagano didn't want a repeat of the sideline-clearing brawl that happened earlier this summer and driving in a run the first inning. Glenbrook would never surrender that early lead. Martin singles in Aubrie Dickson who reached on a single and moved into scoring position on a catcher interference call on UCA. Aubrie Dickson drove in the second run on a fielder’s choice in the fifth inning. UCA would push one run across in the top of the sixth inning, but Martin would slam the door on a UCA comeback, inducing a fly ball to Kate Marvin at second base to end the game. The win moves Glenbrook’s record to 93 and puts them in great shape in district 6AA with a 1-1 record. ENTERTAINMENT Friday, August 21, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 7 facebook.com/mindenph Caitlyn Jenner could face manslaughter in crash, police say ilp=^kdbibp=Ô pÜÉêáÑÑDë=áåîÉëíáÖ~íçêë=éä~å íç=êÉÅçããÉåÇ=íÜ~í=éêçëÉJ Åìíçêë=ÑáäÉ=~=îÉÜáÅìä~ê ã~åëä~ìÖÜíÉê=ÅÜ~êÖÉ ~Ö~áåëí=`~áíäóå=gÉååÉê=Ñçê ÜÉê=êçäÉ=áå=~=Ñ~í~ä=Å~ê=Åê~ëÜ ä~ëí=cÉÄêì~êóI=çÑÑáÅá~äë=ë~áÇ qÜìêëÇ~óK fåîÉëíáÖ~íçêë=ÑçìåÇ=íÜ~í gÉååÉê=ï~ë=ÇêáîáåÖ=?ìåë~ÑÉ Ñçê=íÜÉ=éêÉî~áäáåÖ=êç~Ç ÅçåÇáíáçåë?=ïÜÉå=ÜÉê=prs êÉ~êJÉåÇÉÇ=~=iÉñìëI=içë ^åÖÉäÉë=`çìåíó=pÜÉêáÑÑDë aÉé~êíãÉåí=ëéçâÉëJ ïçã~å=káÅçäÉ=káëÜáÇ~ ë~áÇK gÉååÉê=ï~ë=Ü~ìäáåÖ=~å çÑÑJêç~Ç=îÉÜáÅäÉ=çå=~=íê~áäJ Éê=ÄÉÜáåÇ=ÜÉê=`~Çáää~Å bëÅ~ä~ÇÉ=çå=cÉÄK=T=ïÜÉå ëÜÉ=ëíÉÉêÉÇ=íç=~îçáÇ=Å~êë ëäçïáåÖ=Ñçê=~=íê~ÑÑáÅ=äáÖÜí=áå Ñêçåí=çÑ=ÜÉê=çå=íÜÉ=m~ÅáÑáÅ `ç~ëí=eáÖÜï~ó=áå=j~äáÄìK gÉååÉêDë=prs=êÉ~êJ ÉåÇÉÇ=íïç=Å~êëI=éìëÜáåÖ íÜÉ=iÉñìë=áåíç=çåÅçãáåÖ íê~ÑÑáÅ=~åÇ=~äëç=ÜáííáåÖ=~ mêáìëK=qÜÉ=iÉñìë=ÇêáîÉêI=SVJ óÉ~êJçäÇ=háã=eçïÉI=ï~ë âáääÉÇ=ïÜÉå=ÜÉê=Å~ê=ï~ë ëíêìÅâ=ÜÉ~ÇJçå=Äó=~ eìããÉêK qÜÉ=Å~ëÉ=ïáää=ÄÉ=éêÉJ ëÉåíÉÇ=íç=éêçëÉÅìíçêë=Ñçê Ñáå~ä=êÉîáÉï=åÉñí=ïÉÉâI káëÜáÇ~=ë~áÇK=qÜÉ=ÇáëíêáÅí ~ííçêåÉóDë=çÑÑáÅÉ=ïáää=ÇÉíÉêJ ãáåÉ=ïÜ~í=ÅÜ~êÖÉë=gÉååÉê ìäíáã~íÉäó=Ñ~ÅÉëK fÑ=ÅçåîáÅíÉÇ=çÑ=ëìÅÜ=~ ÅÜ~êÖÉI=gÉååÉê=ÅçìäÇ=Ñ~ÅÉ ìé=íç=çåÉ=óÉ~ê=áå=Åçìåíó à~áäK gÉååÉêDë=~ííçêåÉó=_ä~áê _Éêâ=ÇÉÅäáåÉÇ=ÅçããÉåíK qÜÉ=Ñ~í~ä=Åê~ëÜ çÅÅìêêÉÇ=ãçåíÜë=ÄÉÑçêÉ `~áíäóå=gÉååÉêDë=íê~åëáíáçåK pÜÉ=ï~ë=ÑçêãÉêäó=âåçïå ~ë=_êìÅÉ=gÉååÉêI=íÜÉ=NVTS läóãéáÅ=ÇÉÅ~íÜäçå=ÅÜ~ãJ éáçå=~åÇ=háã h~êÇ~ëÜá~åDë=ëíÉéÑ~íÜÉêK eçïÉDë=ëíÉéÅÜáäÇêÉå Ü~îÉ=ÑáäÉÇ=ëìáí=~Ö~áåëí gÉååÉê=Åä~áãáåÖ=íÜÉóDîÉ ëìÑÑÉêÉÇ=Éåçêãçìë=Ç~ãJ ~ÖÉëK qÜÉ=ä~ïëìáí=Äó=a~å~ oÉÇãçåÇ=~åÇ=táääá~ã eçïÉ=ÇçÉë=åçí=ëéÉÅáÑó Üçï=ãìÅÜ=íÜÉó=~êÉ=ëÉÉâJ áåÖK=qÜÉó=Åä~áã=gÉååÉê=ï~ë åÉÖäáÖÉåí=ïÜÉå=ëÜÉ=ÅçääáÇJ ÉÇ=ïáíÜ=íÜÉáê=ëíÉéãçíÜÉêDë Å~êI=Å~ìëáåÖ=íÜÉã=~åÇ çíÜÉê=êÉä~íáîÉë=?ÖêÉ~í=äçëëJ ÉëK? 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BEETLE BAILEY | MORT & GREG WALKER HI AND LOIS | BRIAN WALKER, GREG WALKER AND CHANCE BROWNE BLONDIE | DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM | MIKE PETERS FUNKY WINKERBEAN | TOM BATIUK SAM AND SILO | JERRY DUMAS Classifieds 8 Friday, August 21, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald NORTHWEST LOUISIANA The Marketplace of Webster and Bossier Parishes. Minden Press-Herald | 203 Gleason Street • Minden, La. 71055 | 318-377-1866 | www.press-herald.com HUSBAND FOR APARTMENTS GARAGE HIRE Home mainFOR RENT SALES tenance jobs. Call Charles Stubbs 411 E. TODD Sat426-5425 or 377- urday August 8658 22nd, 7am Until. 994 GERMANEMPLOYMENT BATON ROUGE TOWN Friday and based General Construction Company seeks permanent site superintendent. A minimum of 10 years’ experience required in Federal Government and/or Commercial work. Please forward resumes to mwilliams@ aspsla.com. GrowÊ YourÊB usiness Call Courtney to place your ad! 377-1866 PLACEÊ YOURÊ ADÊ TODAY! CARING & COMPA S S I O N AT E CNA’S WANTED CIVIL ENGINEER PricingÊisÊe asy! $7.75 Per Day - Up to 20 words! Additional words are only 30¢ cents more! GarageÊS ales No word limit. $11 One Day $16.50 Two Days Receive a FREEÊGar ageÊS aleÊ KitÊ with your two day ad! *Garage Sale ads must be prepaid. Deadlines Ads Line ads must be submitted by noon the day before publication. Display ads two days prior to publication. Public Notices Public notices must be submitted two days prior to publication date depending on the length. Notices may be emailed to classifieds@press-herald.com Payments Cash, Checks, Billing RealÊE stateÊNot ice “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. G A R A G E / M O VING SALE Satur- day August 22nd. 284 N. Tanglewood. Dr. 7am 11am PETS English Bulldog Purebred Puppies for sale. They are Akc Reg, Shots, Brindle, Champion Bloodline, Outstanding Pedigrees, Health Guarantee.12 wks old. Each cost $800 Email:amy. brown65@aol.com or call 318-747-6481 Apply in person. Cypress Point Nursing Center Bossier City, LA (behind Lowe’s on Douglas Dr.) SHERIFFÕ S SALE 318-747-2700 Come & make MIDFIRST BANK a difference in VS. someone’s life Classified line ads are published Monday through Friday in the Minden Press-Herald, Bossier Press-Tribune and online at Rates Saturday. Household items, tools, clothing, much more! RENTAL LARGE 3BR 2BA 1 block from Harper Elementary. Office (could be used as fourth bedroom) Small guest house in back. $1000/ dep $1450/ mo Call 423-0594 LARGE 3BR 2BA house on 2 acres. $550/mo. References required. 2 miles from Homer in the country 433-0071 or 5844373 ESTATE SALES LARGE 3 FAMILY ESTATE SALE! 3 family estate/garage sale. Men’s, women’s, kid’s, plus size clothing, furniture, home dÈcor, tools, toys, lots of albums, cassettes, and cds, vhs and dvds. 10x8 storage building and a 2000 chevy tahoe for sale. You name it, we’ve got it!! Saturday, aug 22, 7amuntil; 200 heflin ranch rd., minden FOR LEASE Bossier City, LA - Heavy Wastewater & Water knowledge. Louisiana PE & 6-8 years’ experience required. Full Benefits. Email: Resumes@manchacgroup.com CW&W CONTRACTORS Sib- ley, la Now hiring for the following Positions: Heavy equipment operators Grapple truck drivers/ operators Low-boy and dump truck drivers Very competitive pay and benefits Package available. Send resume to hr@ cwwcontractors. com Or call 318-3774823 NOW HIRING qualified servers, hostesses and food runners/ bussers. Email contact information and previous work experience to admin@myromas.com. WEBSTER PARISH SCHOOL BOARD is declaring a hiring emergency for the following positions: Math Teacher (grades 6-12) and Speech Therapist. for more information regarding these positions, contact the Personnel Department at 318-377-7052 3BR 2BA HOUSE hardwood floors, C H/A, 3 car garage, sun room, screened porch, deck with pri- BALDWIN PIANO vate yard. 927-6559 Great Condition! $1275/mo + deposit. $700. Violin, case FOR SALE ANTIQUES and two bows, SERVICES dition $45 Call or text 318-6582923 for pictures and more information!! TIRED OF BEING $2000. 2 Music ON A WAITING LIST stands $35 each. TO SELL YOUR AN- Lots of sheet muTIQUES? Come see sic! 382-0864 the Elegant Flea in Arcadia. 3 booths left. GE DIGITAL CAMERA Great Con548-1158 FLOWER BEDS CLEANED, hedg- es trimmed, fence rows cleared, bushes cut. Call Lawn Management for free estimates 377-8169 NEW 20FT BY 10,000LB CAPACITY flattop intrud- er trailer $4,000 268-2021 GARY GRIFFIN AND SHANA GRIFFIN In the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Webster Parish, Louisiana, No. 74422. By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Webster Parish, Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered suit and to me directed, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash WITH the benefit of appraisement and according to law at the principal front door of the Courthouse in the City of Minden, Webster Parish, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, August 26, 2015, during the legal sale hours, the following property, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land situated in the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 9 West, Northwestern Land District, Webster Parish, Louisiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at a railroad spike found marking the Northeast Corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 9 West, Northwestern Land District, Webster Parish, Louisiana; proceed South 00 degrees 22 minutes 01 seconds West along the East line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, a distance of 658.08 feet to the Northeast Corner of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence proceed south 89 degrees 47 minutes 22 seconds West along the North line of said North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, a distance of 588.98 feet; thence proceed South 00 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 76.85 feet to a set 5/8Ó rebar and the point of beginning; thence continue South 00 degrees 35 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 260.88 feet to a set 5/8Ó rebar thence proceed North 89 degrees 24 minutes 05 seconds West, a distance of 194.29 feet to a 5/8Ó rebar set on the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Shiloh Cemetery Road; thence proceed North 13 degrees 31 minutes 34 seconds West along the Easterly Right of Way line of Shiloh Cemetery Road, a distance of 2.60 feet to a set 5/8Ó rebar; thence proceed North 09 degrees 03 minutes 28 seconds West along the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Shiloh Cemetery Road, a distance of 63.23 feet to a set 5/8Ó rebar; thence proceed North 05 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds West along the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Shiloh Cemetery Road, a distance of 71.65 feet to a set 5/8Ó rebar; thence proceed North 01 degrees 18 minutes 26 seconds East along the Easterly Right-of-Way line of Shiloh Cemetery Road, a distance of 124.83 feet to a found 3Ó iron pipe; thence proceed South 89 degrees 24 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 212.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.25 acres, more or less, and being subject to all rights-of-way, easements and servitudes of record and/or of use. Webster Parish, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, August 26, 2015, during the legal sale hours, the following property, to wit: SOLD SUBJECT TO ANY SUPERIOR LIENS, MORTGAGES OR PRIVILEGES THERETO. S a i d property seized is that of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy a judgment rendered in our Honorable Court. VS. The East 21.20 feet of the NOrth 58 feet of Lot Number 7, and the North 58 feet of Lot Number 6, Block A, BrackinNorton Addistion of the City of Minden, Webster Parish, Louisiana, located in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE/4 of NW/4) of Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 9 West, together with all buildings and improvements located thereon and all rights thereto belonging. (Assessment #112098), The Municipal Address of the Property is 903 Elm Street, Minden, LA, 71055. SOLD SUBJECT TO ANY SUPERIOR LIENS, MORTGAGES OR PRIVILEGES THERETO. S a i d property seized is that of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy a judgment rendered in our Honorable Court. Quarter (1/4) of Southeast Quarter (1/4), Section 5, and run North 89 degrees 30 minutes West 106 feet to a point on West right of way line of Louisiana Highway No. 532, thence run along said right of way North 03 degrees 16 minutes 28 seconds East 585.23 feet, thence run North 02 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East 319.04 feet to the point of beginning of the property herein being described; thence run North 89 degrees 17 minutes 06 seconds West 417.5 feet, thence run North 02 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East 417.5 feet, then run South 89 degrees 17 minutes 06 seconds East 417.5 feet to a point on West right of way line of Louisiana Highway No. 532, thence run South 02 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds West 417.5 feet to the point of beginning, together with all buildings and improvements located thereon. SOLD SUBJECT TO ANY SUPERIOR LIENS, MORTGAGES OR PRIVILEGES THERETO. Linda VaughanS a i d Deputy property seized is that of the July 24, 2015 defendant and will August 21, 2015 be sold to satisfy a Minden Press-Herald judgment rendered _______________ in our Honorable SHERIFFÕ S SALE Court. ROBERT LYNN ROWELL A/K/A ROBERT L. ROWELL A/K/A ROBERT ROWELL AND DEBRA STUART ROWELL A/K/A DEBRA S. ROWELL A/K/A DEBRA ROWELL SOLD SUBJECT TO ANY SUPERIOR LIENS, M O R T G A G E S OR PRIVILEGES THERETO. S a i d property seized is that of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy a judgment rendered in our Honorable Court. GARY S. SEXTON Sheriff and Ex-Officio Auctioneer, Webster Parish, Louisiana Linda Deputy Vaughan- August 21, 2015 September 18, 2015 Minden Press-Herald Including a _______________ 2006 KABCO SHERIFFÕ S SALE manufactured home, Model LPP MORTGAGE #KB-3206, VIN LTD #KB010954A/B. GARY S. SEXTON Sheriff and ExOfficio Auctioneer, Webster Parish, Louisiana WELLS FARGO BANK, NA the west line of said section, a distance of 100 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue north along the section line a distance of 160 feet; thence run east and parallel to the south forty line a distance of 200 feet; thence run south and parallel to the west forty line a distance of 260 feet to the south forty line thence run west along the south forty line a distance of 125 feet; thence run north 100 feet; thence run west a distance of 75 feet to the point of beginning. GARY S. SEXTON Sheriff and ExOfficio Auctioneer, Webster Parish, Louisiana Linda Deputy Vaughan- August 21, 2015 September 18, 2015 Minden Press-Herald _______________ SHERIFFÕ S SALE 21ST MORTGAGE CORPORATION In the Twenty-Sixth VS. District GARY S. SEXTON Judicial Sheriff and Ex- Court of Webster Officio Auctioneer, Parish, Louisiana, JANIE M. MARTIN Webster Parish, No. 74750. In the Louisiana By virtue of a WRIT Twenty-Sixth Judicial Court of Linda Vaughan- OF SEIZURE AND District Parish, SALE issued out Webster Deputy of the Twenty-Sixth Louisiana, No. 74741. July 24, 2015 Judicial District August 21, 2015 Court of Webster By virtue of a WRIT Minden Press-Herald Parish, Louisiana, OF SEIZURE AND _______________ in the above styled SALE issued out SHERIFFÕ S SALE and numbered suit of the Twenty-Sixth and to me directed, Judicial District Court CARRINGTON I have seized and of Webster Parish, MORTGAGE taken into my Louisiana, in the SERVICES possession and above styled and will offer for sale numbered suit and to VS. at public auction to me directed, I have the last and highest seized and taken RICHARD BRIGGS bidder for cash into my possession WITH the benefit and will offer for sale In the of appraisement at public auction to T w e n t y - S i x t h and according to the last and highest for cash Judicial District law at the principal bidder Court of Webster front door of the WITH the benefit of and Parish, Louisiana, Courthouse in the appraisement No. CV74646. City of Minden, according to law at the Webster Parish, principal front door of the Courthouse in By virtue of a WRIT Louisiana, on the City of Minden, OF SEIZURE AND WEDNESDAY, Webster Parish, SALE issued out September 23, Louisiana, on of the Twenty-Sixth 2015, WEDNESDAY, Judicial District during the legal Court of Webster sale hours, the September 23, 2015, Parish, Louisiana, following property, during the legal sale hours, the following in the above styled to wit: property, to wit: and numbered suit and to me directed, A four (4) acre Chandeleur I have seized and tract of land in the 2003 taken into my Northeast Quarter 16 x 80 mobile possession and (1/4) of Southeast home bearing serial will offer for sale Quarter (1/4), number CH3AL07136 at public auction Section 5, Township immobilized onto and to the last and 18 North, Range including the following highest bidder for 8 West, Webster described immovable cash WITHOUT Parish, Louisiana, property: commence the benefit of more particularly at the southwest appraisement and described as corner of the SE/4 of the SE/4 of Section according to law follows: 26, Township 20 at the principal front door of the Begin at the North, Range 9 West, Courthouse in the Southeast corner Webster Parish, LA City of Minden, of Northeast and run north along VS. ARTHUR ARCHIE NEAL AND PATRICIA ANN CREGHAN NEAL In the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Webster Parish, Louisiana, No. 74618. By virtue of a WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE issued out of the Twenty-Sixth Judicial District Court of Webster Parish, Louisiana, in the above styled and numbered suit and to me directed, I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash WITH the benefit of appraisement and according to law at the principal front door of the Courthouse in the City of Minden, Webster Parish, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, September 23, 2015, during the legal sale hours, the following property, to wit: Lots 103 & 104, Babb addition, City of Minden, Webster Parish, Louisiana, as per plat recorded in Book 2 Page 82, in the Conveyance Records of Webster Parish, Louisiana, together with all buildings and improvements thereon. Which has the address of 1007 Horton Street, Minden, LA 71055 SOLD SUBJECT TO ANY SUPERIOR LIENS, M O R T G A G E S OR PRIVILEGES THERETO. S a i d property seized is that of the defendant and will be sold to satisfy a judgment rendered in our Honorable Court. GARY S. SEXTON Sheriff and Ex-Officio Auctioneer, Webster Parish, Louisiana Linda Deputy Vaughan- August 21, 2015 September 18, 2015 Minden Press-Herald _______________ Friday, August 21, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald 9 NEEDED Attorneys Doctors Offices, Only. CALL 1-800-413-8235 Fresh supplies delivered right Placement. VA Benefits Free Towing, All Paperwork Hospitals & Clinics are hiring Dish Network - Get MORE to your door. Insurance may Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 Taken Care Of. 800-953-9884 SECURITY now! Be JOB READY in a few for cover all costs. 800-881-3504 DRIVER TRAINEES! Drive for GET THE WORD OUT! Use the DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable months at Ayers! Call now month Schneider! 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SAVE Louisiana & DIRECTV Starting at $19.99/ percent on all your medication belindah@signatureoffset.com hundreds. Fast and easy. a Systems at mo. FREE Installation. FREE needs. Call today 1-800-315- CAN YOU DIG Call 1-888-733-7165, EXPERIENCE 3 months of HBO SHOWTIME 6241 for $10.00 off your first Equipment Placement CINEMAX 1-888-246- DVR Job completed! 7451 1-800-402-5744 package install repair, service Call for of in qualified Job choice Center experience placement students. for Qualify years Now. Directory is much as 75 Percent. Stop Levies, Customers Advertising it free. Call now: 800-406-1442 Reduce Your Past Tax Bill by as New Select Mississippi BLANKET Lic. # 1201. AIRLINE with (Fulfillment) Danny Lawler, Auctioneer, La. (318) 929-7003. Included 1-888-778-0464 info. in Louisiana for Earn Packages Stevens Transport! A-1 NEEDED! lawlerauction.com. is Fri., July 31 at 10am, 8102 get at No EXPERIENCE details, lists, etc., click on www. Auction can training 877-381-8008 week! 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CALL AND PLACE YOURS TODAY! 377-1866 Thanks for reading! 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BEETLE BAILEY | MORT & GREG WALKER HI AND LOIS | BRIAN WALKER, GREG WALKER AND CHANCE BROWNE BLONDIE | DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM | MIKE PETERS FUNKY WINKERBEAN | TOM BATIUK SAM AND SILO | JERRY DUMAS WEBSTER&MORE 12 Friday, August 21, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald www.press-herald.com Court NeWs Webster Parish court news for Aug. 14 Jesse Ray Anderson: Charged with telephone harassment and disturbing the peace. Bench warrant issued. Bond set at $5,000 for telephone harassment charge and $2,500 for disturbing the peace charge for a total of $7,500. Michael Bryant: Charged with theft of oil and gas equipment over $25,000, operating a vehicle without a driver's license, operating a vehicle in an unsafe condition, criminal trespassing and CrimetraCker theft under $500. Trial maintained for Sept. 14 for the first three charges. Trial maintained for Oct. 23 for last two charges. Tikandis A. Edwards: Charged with aggravated second degree battery. Probation violation hearing passed to Oct. 2. Aretha L. Johnson: Charged with simple criminal damage to property valued at $500 or more but under $50,000, simple assault, simple battery, and aggravated battery. Trial set for Sept. 25. Cedric Lynn Jones: Pled not guilty to aggravated assault and simple criminal damage to property under $500. Trial set for Oct. 23. Christopher L. Mosby: Pled guilty to child desertion. Sentenced to three months in the Webster Parish Jail, credit for time served. Timothy Edward Whitfield: Pled guilty to unauthorized use of a movable valued at $500 or less. Sen- tenced to four months, credit for time served. Theresa Williams: Charged with driving while intoxicated (third offense), hit and run driving, driving under suspension and expired license plate. Probation violation hearing passed to Nov. 13. Setorra Mington Campbell: Pled guilty to felony theft. Monetary instrument abuse charge was dismissed. Sentenced to two years of hard labor at Louisiana Department of Corrections, suspended, two years of active supervised probation, must pay $1,000 plus court costs prorated over first 18 months and $75 monthly fee. Marcus McKinney: Pled guilty to amended charge of misdemeanor criminal damage to property and hit and run driving. Operating a vehicle without a driver's license and without proof of insurance charges were dismissed. Remand date set for Oct. 30. aCross the state Johnny Ray Smith: Pled guilty to felony theft. Second felony theft charge was dismissed. Remand date set for Oct. 30. Johnny Lee Bratton, Jr.: Pled guilty to theft of goods under $500 and simple battery. Sentenced to 60 days in Webster Parish Jail for theft charge and 15 days in Webster Parish Jail for battery charge. Banned from Wal-Mart. Arrests for the week of Aug. 14 $3,000 reward for MINDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT Laquinsey Warren, 29, 600 block of Cherry Street in Minden. Charged with illegal possession of a stolen firearm. Edward D. Miller, 35, 1500 block of Sheppard Street in Minden. Charged with having no driver's license. Marquis Daniels, 24, 300 block of Beardsley in Homer. Charged with home invasion (felony). Bobby Austin, 20, 200 block of South Fairview in Minden. Charged with contempt of court. Jacary Harris, 26, 700 block of Cherry Street in Minden. Charged with simple battery. William Reeves, 26, 200 block of Oil Tank Road in Sibley. Charged with contempt of court. Jeremy Pickrom, 25, 600 block of Long Street in Minden. Charged with domestic abuse battery. Cameron Alfred, 18, 1400 block of Lewisville Road in Minden. Possession of Schedule I CDS. Michael Rambo, 20, 900 block of Wood Street in Minden. Charged with criminal mischief. Joseph Wofford, 29, 100 block of Robertson Drive in Minden. Charged with public intoxication, criminal trespassing, and littering. Ricky Blomgren, 27, 1100 block of Magnolia in Shreveport. Fugitive from Shreveport Police Department. SPRINGHILL POLICE DEPARTMENT Nicholas Bradford, 37, 1500 block of South Main Street in Springhill. Charged with criminal damage to coin operated machine. Billy Houck, Jr, 35, 800 block of S. Ark in Springhill. Charged with simple criminal property damage valued at $110. Charleston Parrish, 26, 600 block of Rosebud Loop in Springhill. Charged with possession of marijuana and failure to appear. Joana Carpenter, 23, 100 block of Ward Road in Sarepta. Charged with no seat belt and no proof of liability. Lacondra Stephens, 34, 1100 block of 5th Street SW in Springhill. Charged with public intimidation. D'Marion Salsberry, 27, Camelot Drive in Springhill. Charged with disturbing the peace with loud and profane language. Nokeshia Stephens, 30, 1100 block of 5th Street SW in Springhill. Charged with disturbing the peace by fighting and speeding. DeShasmic Pastchol, 22, 400 block of 6th Street NE in Springhill. Charged with theft by shoplifting. Charletha Robinson, 500 block of B&S Drive in Springhill. Charged with theft by shoplifting. slain Shreveport officer’s Glock SHREVEPORT — Northwest Louisiana authorities are offering $3,000 for information leading to the .40-caliber Glock pistol carried by a Shreveport officer when he was killed on Aug. 5. A notice on the Shreveport Police Department's Facebook page says the reward is for information leading directly to the semiautomatic Glock Model 22 issued to Officer Thomas LaValley. LaValley was killed when he went into a house where a neighbor said a fugitive was threatening residents. Twenty-seven- year-old Grover Cannon of Shreveport has been booked with capital murder in his death. The notice posted Wednesday says Shreveport police are offering $2,500, with another $500 from Shreveport-Caddo Crime Stoppers.
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