the voice of third lutheran
the voice of third lutheran
THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN For Unto Us A Child is Born Unto Us A Son Is Given DECEMBER 2010 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER From Our Pastor: Dear Friends, When I was growing up, one of my favorite Christmas songs was “Some Children See Him.” Currently, my favorite versions is by Sixpence None the Richer. Regardless of who sings it, you might know this classic. Some children see Him lily white, The baby Jesus born this night, Some children see Him lily white, With tresses soft and fair. Some children see Him bronzed and brown, The Lord of heav'n to earth come down. Some children see Him bronzed and brown, With dark and heavy hair. As I talked to the children this morning, I realized that for Olivia, Laura and Will, they might see the baby lily white. As Josie answered a question I asked, I wondered if she saw him almond-eyed. One of the things I like most of this community of faith is that each one of us can see the baby in various hues with different types of hair and yet we all see him as the Son of God. As we begin the Advent season I am reminded that we love to see Jesus as a baby in Mary’s arms. This might be the only way we want to see him, remember him, love him. We probably don’t even mind it when he is 12 and tarrying in the temple too long. Some children see Him almond-eyed, This Savior whom we kneel beside. Some children see Him almond-eyed, With skin of yellow hue. Some children see Him dark as they, Sweet Mary's Son to whom we pray. Some children see him dark as they, And, ah! they love Him, too! Page 2 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER From Our Pastor: - Continued Of course, we love him as a baby. Can you imagine what might happen to most pastors if the same number of people came to Good Friday Service as will be here on Christmas Eve? The children in each different place Will see the baby Jesus' face Like theirs, but bright with heavenly grace, And filled with holy light. O lay aside each earthly thing And with thy heart as offering, Come worship now the infant King. 'Tis love that's born tonight! We know deep in our hearts that while we love to come and worship the infant King, he will not and cannot remain a baby forever. He will grow up, begin his ministry and face all of the temptations, troubles, fear, hatred, and problems we all face in our lives. He even faces death and overcomes it so we will eternal life. That is the rest of the story to holy light we see in a manger. It is the good news that we all need to hear and that includes many of the people in your life. Think about the people you come into contact with on a daily basis. Think about how the good tidings they will hear on Christmas Eve and how that might resonate in their lives in the months and years after. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to the baby who grows up to be our Savior. So this Christmas, lay aside each earthly thing including the fear of the response you might get and ask them to be your guest at Christmas Eve because love is born tonight! See you in church, Steven Page 3 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER NEWS BULLETIN On Saturday, November 6th, Pastor Renner’s father, Ray and his Bride , Eva Belle Green, were joined in Holy Matrimony in North Fort Meyers, Florida. The ceremony was performed at Bethany Lutheran Church WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod). Eva decided to keep her last name because at the age of 90, who wants to change! Notice the lovely maid of honor? Her name is Darlene Sue Kuhl and she is Eva’s daughter! The newly married couple held their reception the next day at the Carriage Club House for all their family and friends to join them in their happy celebration. This only goes to prove that love can come at any age! Left to Right– Steven Renner (Best Man), Ray Renner (Groom), Eva Belle Green (Bride), Darlene Sue Kuhl (Maid of Honor). Left to Right– Steven Renner and dad. MUSIC AND WORSHIP—Mary McCuen MARY’S NOTES The Third Lutheran Chimers rehearsals have begun for the upcoming Advent/Christmas season. All ages are welcome to join and “chime in.” Rehearsals will be held immediately after Sunday worship. Anyone who sings, plays an instrument, or recites a dramatic reading is welcome to share their talents by participating in the Christmas Eve Program. Please contact Mary McCuen if you are interested. Page 4 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN COMMITTEE REPORTS FLOWER BUDS—Patty Featherstone One of the locations Flower Buds delivers flowers, is to the Veterans Medical Center on Zorn Avenue in the Hospice Ward. They place a fresh vase of flowers in each room of the patients there. Just recently, Rose Buds and TLC received a very kind letter of appreciation from them. It reads: ―On behalf of the Louisville-Robley Rex VAMC patients and staff, we would like to extend our appreciation to you for your donation of flowers for Hospice. Your thoughtfulness reflects the concern that you feel for our Veterans and for the service they provided to all of us while in service to our country. Without your support, we could not provide for the smaller niceties that make hospitalization more bearable. Your thoughtfulness also reflects the concern and compassion that our community feels for our Veterans. Thank you for your continued support.” Mary Jane Crowder, CAVS Chief , Voluntary Service BUILDING COMMITTEE—Debbie Carter RENOVATION AT TLC HAS BEGUN. Page 5 T H E V O I C E O F T H I R D L U TH ER A N PHOTO SECTION “We just love havin’ our goul friends join us for Halloween!‖ Peek-A-Boo! I see you!‖ TRUNK OR TREAT!! Olivia Beres ―Jenny Craig has done wonders for our figures.‖ This year was the first annual “TRUNK OR TREAT”. People pulled their cars into the ally and gave candy from their decorated trunks. Trunks included a scary scene, a hay stack motif, a fog bubble machine, and some happy ghosts. We had 11 cars at the “TRUNK OR TREAT” this year and many kids. Thanks to all the people who attended. Can’t wait to see it grow and develop for next year. ―Let me introduce you to my mummy!‖ A Safe ―HALLOWEEN‖ was had by all! Page 6 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN HEIFER INTERNATIONAL— Olivia Beres The youth of Third have been collecting loose change for Heifer International through “Noisy Sunday.” Heifer International is fighting world hunger all over the globe. They give animals to families in need. These animals range from cows to geese. Heifer’s mission is to allow impoverished families to help themselves. Heifer gives animals that can produce milk, wool, eggs, and cheese. The best thing about Heifer is it keeps giving. When a given animal produces offspring the family gives the new animal to another family in need in their area. We have collected close to $500. This month the youth had a meeting to decide what animals to buy with the raised Hannelor Tretter Holding Heifer Jar money. The youth decided to continue saving money until we have enough money to by the cheese basket. The cheese basket includes animals that produce cheese. These would include goats, cows and a water buffalo, plus all the instructions to make feta, goat and mozzarella cheese. Not only will the cheese basket provide food for an extended family, but also something to sell in the local market. The cheese basket costs less than $1,000 so we are looking for gracious contributions from the congregation. We are hoping to buy the cheese basket for Easter. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD— Olivia Beres Sunday November 14, the children and youth of Third Lutheran met to work on Operation Christmas Child. This is an organization that sends shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts to children who would not typically get gifts. The organization sends boxes to 8 million children in 130 different countries a year. The TLC Youth gift wrapped the shoe boxes that were filled with toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair clips, soap, jump ropes, crayons, coloring books, stuffed animals, and games. This year we prepared 23 boxes. Special thanks to Betty and Kelly who organized the day and Patty who donated toys. Page 7 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS DATE TIME/EVENT Dec 1 —Wednesday 7:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 2—Thursday 6:00pm—Advent Soup —Third Lutheran 7:00pm—Advent Service—Third Lutheran Dec 3— Friday Dec 4— Saturday Dec 5—Sunday 6:30pm—AA Meeting 10:00am—Olde Tyme Frankfort Ave Christmas 9:30am—Sunday School 10:30am—Worship Services/Chimes Rehearsal 11:30am—1st Sunday Potluck Dec 6—Monday 9:00am—Flower Buds 8:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 8—Wednesday 7:00pm —AA Meeting Dec 9—Thursday 6:00pm—Advent Soup—Calvary Lutheran 7:00pm—Advent Service—Calvary Lutheran Calvary Location: 1838 Bardstown Road Dec 10—Friday 6:30pm—AAMeeting Dec 12—Sunday 9:30am— Sunday School 10:30am—Worship Services/Chimes Rehearsal Dec 13—Monday 9:00am—Flower Buds 8:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 15—Wednesday 7:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 16—Thursday 6:00pm—Advent Soup—Third Lutheran 7:00pm—Advent Service—Third Lutheran Dec 17—Friday 6:30pm—AA Meeting Page 8 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS– Continued DATE TIME/EVENT Dec 19 —Sunday 9:30am—Sunday School 10:30am—Worship Services/Chimes Rehearsal Dec 20—Monday 9:00am—Flower Buds 8:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 21—Tuesday 7:00pm—Council Meeting Dec 22—Wednesday 7:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 24—Friday CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 6:30pm—AA Meeting Dec 25—Saturday CHRISTMAS Dec 26—Sunday 9:30am—Sunday School 10:30am—Worship Services/Chimes Rehearsal Dec 27—Monday 9:00am—Flower Buds 8:00pm—AA Meeting Dec 29—Wednesday 7:00pm—AA Meeting Liturgical Thought for December: The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you. Page 9 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN THE JESSE TREE—Beth Roche΄ During the Advent season, Children’s Sunday School will be making ornaments for the Jesse Tree. The Jesse Tree is a thousand year old tradition using symbols to represent Old Testament scriptures that herald the birth of Christ. In recent times, these symbols are used to make ornaments and hang on a tree. The children will be receiving the scriptures and ornaments for the week. We will assemble at least one ornament during Sunday School. The remaining crafts to make the ornaments for the week will be sent home with the children. Children of all ages are invited to participate. YOUTH Date Sunday # Location Leader CHILDREN December 5 1st TLC MUSIC Jessie Tree December 12 2nd Grace Jessie Tree December 19 3rd Java Brewing Co. TLC Music Jessie Tree December 26 4th NO CLASSES NO CLASSES NO CLASSES MERRY CHRISTMAS! Christmas Greetings from other nations represented by some of our congregation. You know who you are… Africa: Rehus-Beal-Ledeats! Arabic: Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah! Chinese(Cantonese): Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun! Chinese(Mandarin): Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan! Dutch: Zalig Kerstfeast! English: Merry Christmas! French: Joyeux Noel! Gaelic: Noliaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ừr! German: Froehliche Weihnachten! Italian: Buone Feste Natalizie! Russian: Pozdreviyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdesiva is Novim Godom! Spanish: Feliz Navidad! Page 10 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN HIGHLIGHTS This was a very special day for Olivia Beres. She celebrated her confirmation. Olivia delivered the sermon along with the personal “creed” she wrote. Olivia actually took her instruction at St. John Lutheran on Breckinridge Lane because they had more young ladies her age in the class than what TLC did. When she finished her classes there, she requested to be confirmed at Third Lutheran because this is her “home” church and she wished to share this special time with her TLC family. A reception immediately followed the ceremony. Congratulations, Olivia! Page 11 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN ADULT EDUCATION—MacMcCuen The Adult Sunday School Class has been voting the past two weeks on the subjects for study beginning with the Winter months. As a result of the voting process, we decided on two biblical studies -- one Old Testament and one New Testament study. (The vote was so close that we decided to do both rather than one or the other.) This will mean that both courses will be slightly shorter than originally planned, and that we will extend the study into the Spring months. The courses will be: THE PSALMS OF ASCENT (Psalms 120-134): These are Psalms usually associated with pilgrimages to Jerusalem for the high Jewish holidays. THE CATHOLIC (GENERAL) EPISTLES (James through Jude): These are short epistles. Some were not included in early lists of which books should be included in the New Testament, and some of these were questioned by reformers such as Martin Luther. The reasons for the controversial nature of some of these books will be explained. Please plan to join us in the Church Library beginning on January 9, 2011 at 9:30 AM each Sunday morning. Page 12 T H E V O I CE O F T H IR D L U T H E RA N The Little Church TIMELESS STAR Mac McCuen says he is a retired minister, but I don’t think that is totally accurate, If he were, he wouldn’t be the backbone of our Adult Education classes each Sunday, Nor, would he be so active in maintaining the Church Library as well as he does. Mac has an amazing approach to the Epistle readings. Before he even begins the readings, he gives us an historical background of the happenings of that time period and a brief description of the apostle who wrote the Lesson. Then, when he does deliver those passages, the congregation understands more clearly about the full meaning of its message . I’m not sure how long Mac has been a timeless star with Third Lutheran but it really doesn’t matter. I am sure this star has shown brightly somewhere, sometime, somehow, with the full impact of the love that he brings to Third Lutheran . And, I can hardly wait to hear Mac give us some background on Bethlehem and the true meaning of the birth of the Christ Child! My favorite story of all times. So, when you see this shining star smile your way...and he will, please honor him with a return smile and the Love he deserves… Note: Next month’s Newsletter will highlight two timeless stars that continue to spread their influence with each of us in a very special way! Pat Karem-Gramig Merry Christmas from my Russian Family! ”Pozdreviyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom‖ Page 13 THE VOICE THIRD LUTHERAN OF POINSETTA SALE—Beth Roche΄ A holiday poinsettia can do more than brighten our Church. It is a remembrance for someone special. Also, by purchasing a plant, you will benefit the Kiwanis Club that strives to help children across the world. Poinsettia plants are $10 for a 6.5 inch pot and they come in red, white, and pink. Orders are due by Sunday, December 9th. Poinsettias may be picked up from the church after the Christmas Eve Service. Order forms are available at TLC or contact Beth Roche΄ at the Church Office. POINSETTIA ORDER FORM PERSON ORDERING:_______________________________ NUMBER AND COLOR: (state number of plants you want to order next to the color you wish.) ________Red ________White ________Pink _______ TOTAL POINSETTIAS ORDERED Please state amount due (Cash or Check) - Each Plant is $10each $____________ (Optional) In Memory of::________________________ or In Honor Of:____________________ ALL SAINTS SUNDAY All Saints Sunday was celebrated with the remembrance of family and loved ones who are now in their eternal rest. Page 14 THE VOICE OF THIRD LUTHERAN DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS December 10th Candice Holm December 11th Sean Patrick December 12th Libby Bopp December 19th Laura Garrett-Hovingh December 20th Patty Featherstone December 22nd Joyce Head December 25th Baby Jesus December 26th Grace Tretter December 27th Justin Bagby DECEMBER ANNIVERSARIES December 20th Carolina and Steve Imhoff December 21th Patty and John Featherstone Have a Blessed Christmas Season… TLC Council and Staff! Merry Christmas from my Irish Gaelic Family! - Beth Roche΄ Nollaig Shona” Page 15 (502) 896-6383 Email: 3rd Website: Please Join Us On Sunday 9:30 Sunday School - All Ages 10:30 Worship Services All are welcome at Third Lutheran Church regardless of gender, race, age, cultural background, sexual orientation, or any other condition or category WE WELCOME EVERYONE INTO GOD’S HOUSE Everyone needs a little TLC