News Reports - Hispanic Dental Association
News Reports - Hispanic Dental Association
Phone: 217.529.6517 News& Reports Issue Number 168 - Spring 2012 “As the leading voice for Hispanic oral health we provide SERVICE, EDUCATION, ADVOCACY, and LEADERSHIP for the elimination of oral health disparities in the Hispanic community.” National Headquarters: 3085 Stevenson Drive, Suite 200 Springfield, IL 62703 HDA Strategic Planning Session HDA’s annual strategic planning session and board meeting took place in Portland, Oregon on March 30-31. HDA board members participated in two full-day learning and workshop opportunities that helped develop the HDA brand and determine leadership roles and responsibilities. The HDA committee structure was reformatted and 2012-2013 HDA goals were defined. Board members had the opportunity to visit the A-Dec dental equipment manufacturing plant and a car collection. We thank the unwavering support of A-Dec Inc. for sponsoring the meeting and providing meeting speakers and facilitators Paula Vogel and John Gendron, senior executives at A-Dec Inc. We also thank the HDA Board members that attended for volunteering their time and leadership skills for the benefit of HDA’s mission. Muchas gracias! The Hispanic Dental Association’s 20th Annual Meeting Join the Hispanic Dental Association Family as we experience this Historic Joint Convention with the National Dental Asssociation and Society of American Indian Dentists at the Boca Raton Resort & Club, July 20 -24, 2012. Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit “Collectively Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health” July 20-24, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton, Florida Meeting Highlights: • New Dentist Sessions • Joint Opening Ceremony and Reception • Excellent Continuing Education Programs for all attendees • Exhibitor’s Showcase • President’s Symposium • Minority Faculty, Administrator’s and Practitioner’s Forum • Joint Student Events (HDA, NDA, SAID) • Programs for Spouses, Children and Teens • Excellent Summer Family Vacation Destination Register online at Message from the President 2012 Board of Trustees President Lilia Larin, DDS National City, California President-Elect Maritza Morell, DDS, MS, MPH Boston, Massachusetts Vice President Tyrone Rodriguez, DDS Yakima, Washington Treasurer Irubiel Barbosa, DDS Los Angeles, California Immediate Past President Margo Y. Melchor, RDH, MEd Houston, Texas Trustees Vidal Balderas, DDS, MPH San Antonio, Texas Amaralis Jacobo, DDS New York, NY Mildred McClain, , PHN, PhD Las Vegas, NV Lauro Medrano-Saldana, DDS Brooklyn, New York Frank Ramos, DDS San Antonio, TX Esperanza Rodriguez, DDS Bronx, New York Adriana Segura, DDS, MS San Antonio, Texas Myriam Zambrano, RDH, BSDH Houston, Texas Student Trustee Melissa Uriegas Edinburg, TX Executive Director C. Yolanda Bonta, DMD, MS, MS Somerset, New Jersey Spring has blossomed and HDA is blooming ! In March, Immediate Past-President Margo Melchor and I attended the American Dental Educators Association annual conference in Florida that was followed by HDA’s annual strategic planning meeting at the beautiful A-Dec, Inc., training facility in Portland, Oregon. Paula Vogel and John Gendron, meeting facilitators, guided the HDA Board of Trustees through a committee restructuring process that will enhance the effectiveness of HDA committees and align them with the HDA SEAL of Service, Education, Advocacy and Leadership. The HDA Legislative Committee, led by HDA Vice-President Lilia Larin, DDS President, HDA Tyrone Rodriguez, has been very busy developing position papers and advocating on behalf of the HDA membership and the Hispanic dental community. Please be sure to read HDA’s legislative column on page 4 of this newsletter for an update. April was Minority Health Month which raises awareness of the health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minorities. Despite the progress our nation has made over the past 50 years, racial and ethnic minorities still lag behind the general population on many health fronts. Minorities are less likely to get the preventive care they need, more likely to suffer from serious illnesses, such as diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer, and they are less likely to have access to quality health care. More than 1 million Hispanics have gained coverage because the groundbreaking Affordable Care Act policies which allows young adults to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26. According to the Office of Minority Health, 5.6 million more Hispanics will be insured by 2016, and 9 million by 2025. The National Hispanic Medical Association Annual Conference took place in April. HDA President-Elect Dr. Maritza Morell attended as guest speaker in a panel discussion titled “Effective Prevention Programs for Oral, Eye and Behavioral Health.” I attended a White House briefing for Hispanic Health Professionals titled “National Health Reform and Hispanics.” Dr. Morell, HDA Legislative Consultant Andrew Kaffes and I also attended a Capitol Hill Briefing on “Health Financing & Policy Update.” Opening Speakers were Kathleen Sebelius–Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Salomón Chertorivski Woldenberg–Minister of Health of Mexico. Dr. Richard H. Carmona 17th Surgeon General of the United States (2002-2006) spoke on “Obesity in the Hispanic Culture.” I also represented HDA at the NHMA Professionals Leadership workshop and spoke up for oral health care a much forgotten topic in the medical arena. In May, the HDA Dallas, San Antonio and Boston professional chapters held events honoring their 2012 dental graduates. If you are a graduating student and don’t have a professional chapter in your home town please contact HDA headquarters and help spread the HDA mission by starting a professional chapter in your community. Congratulations on your new career and accomplishments! June is kick-off month for the Colgate and HDA partnership during “Oral Health Month” This annual campaign encourages the U.S. Hispanic community to join Colgate’s “fight for zero cavities” by educating families about the importance of proper oral care and promoting “La Sonrisa Colgate” with a national media campaign. Finally, it is with great excitement that HDA continues to prepare for its unprecedented moment in history. HDA’s annual meeting in Boca Raton Florida July 20-24 brings together three of the nation’s premier ethnic organizations in the spirit of unity and collaboration with a joint conference to “Collectively Meet the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health.” This meeting will be one of the most spectacular events in the history of dentistry. We hope you join us as we share experiences and ideas for Improving the status of Oral Health for all. Registration is now open on our website! Hope to see you! Mil Gracias, Lilia Larin, DDS - 2012 HDA President 2 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 Message from the Executive Director Dear HDA Colleagues We are pleased to share our Spring 2012 Newsletter. In 2012, HDA has demonstrated the value of advocacy with increased engagement with policymakers, stakeholders and members. You have recently received and completed a membership survey as part of the 2012 DentaQuest grant fulfillment. To elevate the conversation with C. Yolanda Bonta, DMD, MS, MS membership and improve overall communications, the Executive Director, HDA HDA Membership Committee is focused on information gathering. We will return to you with the summary of who you are and what you said in the upcoming communications. You have the opportunity to be a part of the Historic Tri Association Meeting in Boca Raton. There is only one First Impression. The success of these three ethnic dental professional associations coming together for a successful meeting is up to you. We here in the National Office are nonstop in bringing together this visionary meeting in collaboration with NDA and SAID. You actually may have never attended any of these three annual meetings. AND NOW YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO SAVOR ALL THREE IN ONE! We hope you join us to build upon our success and ensure that the prospects for health in this country continue to be open to all. Let us hear your voice at the Annual Meeting. We are more than just the group that says “abre la boca.” National Headquarters: 3085 Stevenson Drive, Suite 200 Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: 217.529.6517 Fax: 217.529.9120 E-Mail: C. Yolanda Bonta, HDA Executive Director Tamiko Kinkade, Newsletter Editor Bonnie Chandler, Acting Associate Director HDA News & Reports is published four times annually by the Hispanic Dental Association, and distributed to members and other dental professionals interested in the oral health of the Hispanic population. ©2012 Hispanic Dental Association Dr. C. Yolanda Bonta HDA President, Dr. Lilia Larin, Beth Truett, President and CEO of Oral Health America, and HDA Past-President Dr. Victor Rodriguez pictured at the the Oral Health America Gala. The Gala took place at Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois on February 22, 2012. Did you know that the HDA website has great information on Dental Careers, Education and Resources as well as information about community outreach opportunities. Check it out at: HDA Annual Meeting Register online at HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 3 HDA’s Legislative Consultant Receives Community’s “Forty Under 40” Honor Andrew G. Kaffes, president, A.G. Kaffes & Associates LLC, and legislative consultant to the Hispanic Dental Association since October 2010, was honored as one of Greek America’s “Forty Under 40” by Greek America Foundation, April 28, 2012, in New York City. Kaffes and his fellow honorees were selected from a field of more than 400 nominees from across North America, according to the Greek America Foundation. Andrew Kaffes serves as HDA’s legislative consultant where he liaisons with Capitol Hill and works with coalition groups to help represent HDA’s views on the importance of Hispanic oral health. Congratulations, Andrew, we are very proud of your accomplishments! – HDA BOT Colgate Palmolive/ HDA Faculty and Student Recognition Awards Nominate your peers for these prestigious awards by filling out the forms and returning them to the HDA national office. Have you or someone you know made a contribution toward enhancing the overall health for the Hispanic Community? The best way to recognize someone for their support is to nominate them now! Deadline: June 15, 2012 Nomination Forms are available online at Message from the Legislative Consultant HDA Weighing In, Contributing on Policy Matters In spite of much Washington gridlock, HDA continues to keep issues of importance to Hispanic oral health visible, and in the process, develop its own positions on these issues. Andrew Kaffes In the first quarter of 2012, HDA has approved two Legislative Consultant significant policy positions. The first addressed community water fluoridation (CWF). HDA’s position endorses community water fluoridation in all communities—especially the Hispanic and underserved communities—as a safe, beneficial and cost-effective public health measure based on science for preventing dental caries and to aid in the reduction of oral health disparities. HDA also calls on Surgeon General, Regina M. Benjamin, to follow in the footsteps of her predecessors who since the 1950s have issued a statement in support for community water fluoridation. HDA is currently finalizing the translation of this position into Spanish for distribution to the Hispanic community, largely because of the anti-fluoridation movement’s effort to convey its misleading message to the Hispanic community in 2011. Moreover, HDA approved a second policy brief on dental workforce that provided dental therapist/ auxiliary model recommendations. The recommendations, which are several, are organized within HDA’s Mission and SEAL concept (Service, Education, Advocacy, and Leadership). These two position briefs can be downloaded from the “Advocacy” section of HDA’s web site, When appropriate, the policy briefs are shared with members of Congress and their staffs. On February 29, the Senate Health Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging held a hearing titled, “Dental Crisis in America: The Need to Expand Access.” Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT) chaired the hearing. From as early as July 2011, HDA had been in communication with Senator Sanders’ staff to encourage that such a hearing be held. In addition, HDA met with his staff on two occasions and served as a resource of information and data. As a result, HDA was invited to submit written testimony for the public record, which it did. It was accepted by the subcommittee and placed on the media table for the press and hearing attendees to take. Along with the written testimony, the one-page summary of the HDA/P&G Hispanic Oral Health Survey findings was made available. In addition, HDA welcomes Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard’s membership to the Congressional Oral Health Caucus. Representative Roybal-Allard is a co-chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Health Task Force and her membership in the Oral Health Caucus is appreciated and valued. Finally, HDA has joined with coalition members to express support for legislation that: creates a grant program that will support national dental programs to coordinate medically recommended dental care for low income children and adults (S.1878); and advocates for a small business tax cut (H.R.9). Also with its coalition partners, HDA has lent its voice to address the nation’s drug shortage through the Prescription Drug User Fee Act on behalf of the dental profession and to call for the repeal, or simplification of, the medical device excise tax with respect to certain “devices” used in dentistry. Although Congress may not be having a productive legislative session, it is important to realize there is always work to be done when it comes to keeping Hispanic oral health at the forefront in Washington or working to improve or implement the policies that impact the dental profession. 4 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 2012 Arturo Santiago / Dentsply International Scientific Abstract Competition CALL FOR SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACTS Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit “Collectively Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health” July 20-24, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton, Florida Register online at: The Hispanic Dental Association, the National Dental Association and the Society of American Indian Dentists is calling for Scientific Abstracts for Poster Presentations at its Joint Convention to be held at the Boca Raton Resort & Club in Boca Raton, FL, on Saturday, July 21, 2012. A prize of $1000, sponsored by Dentsply International, will be awarded to the presenter of the best scientific poster from each of the three organizations as determined by a panel of judges. Poster judging will take place on Saturday, July 21, 2012. Abstracts should be related to the oral health of minority populations and/or the 5-point framework in the Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health: • Access to health care as a leading health indicator • Build an effective health infrastructure that meets the oral health needs of all Americans, and integrates oral health effectively into overall health • Remove known barriers between people and oral health services • Use public-private partnerships to improve the oral health of those who still suffer disproportionately from oral diseases • The type, amount, and quality of health people receive. In addition, other compelling and provocative issues related to Hispanic Oral Health can be submitted. Submitted abstracts should follow the IADR Abstracts Submission Format (see for submission criteria). Applicants should provide abstracts via e-mail to Bonnie Chandler, HDA Associate Director, at Bonnie@ by Friday, June 22, 2012. NuSmile outlasts them all. Year after year, NuSmile Pediatric Crowns look better and last longer than other restorative options and competing brands. Our latest generation proprietary process ensures a long-lasting, great looking pediatric crown every time. Independent studies prove NuSmile’s durability and esthetics. Three million smiles and counting. VISIT BOOTH #615 AT THE HISTORIC 2012 JOINT MEETING | 800 346 5133 | 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 5 Welcome to these new HDA Professional Members Gerardo Aguero, DDS, Watertown, MA Loren, D, Alves, DMD, San Antonio, TX Georgina Andrist, RDH, Gresham, OR Jose Arciniegas, CAGS||DDS||MPA, Auburndale, MA Noel, Joaquin, Aymat, DMD, JD, San Juan, PR Amanda M Bartell, AAS, Moses Lake, WA Stanley Anthony Boucree, DDS, MS, Washington, DC Patricia Clevenger, DDS, Seattle, WA Vivian Patricia Coto, DDS, Watertown, MA Yltze Pamela Cubas-Moody, DDS, San Francisco, CA Michelle Denny, MBA, Houston, TX Rodrigo Eduardo Fuentealba, DDS, Lexington, KY Margarita Andrea Galvez, DMD, Atlanta, GA Javier Garcia, DDS, San Antonio, TX Brice F Gilliam, BS, Nashville, TN Hugo Gonzalez, DDS, Houston, TX Eric Joseph Harris, DDS, Mesa, AZ Graciela Hernandez, DDS, Houston, TX Mahzarine Irani Rohani, DDS, Las Vegas, NV Filadelfo Antonio Larios, BS, Mesa, AZ Thomas Joseph Madara, DMD, FAGD, Bethlehem, PA Mark McGill, DDS, Moses Lake, WA Katherine A Meyer, DDS, Omaha, NE Eva L Moraga, MBA, Dallas, TX Rita J Morfin Moses Lake, WA Ania Nadimi, DMD, San Antoino, TX Sara Nazco, DDS, Lakewood, OH Estefania Pereira, RDh, Haverhill, MA Maria Adela Pina, BDS, Roslindale, MA Daymary Pinero-Aguilar, DDS, Wakefield, MA Brandon Rebber, DDS, San Antonio, TX Norma Reyes, DDS, San Antonio, TX Reynaldo, David, Rivera MD, DDS, Holland, MI Victoria Rodriguez, AA, Moses Lake, WA John J Rome, DMD, Moses Lake, WA Zoila del Rosario Rondo, BDS, Midvale, UT Aida M Solivan-Ortiz, BS||DMD, San Antonio, TX Nilsa Haydee, Toledo, DMD, West Palm Beach, FL Latasha Marie Vick, MHS, Nashville, TN Kyla M Whitaker, BA, Moses Lake, WA Adriana Maria Zaharie, DDS, DMD, Katy, TX Welcome to these new HDA Student Members Katie Alger, New York, NY Ashley Renee Baptiste, Gainesville, FL Christine Sirna Bode, Birmingham, AL Carolina Botero, New York, NY Monica Caplash, Mountain Brook, AL Michelle Castro, New York, NY Thomas Choi, New York, NY Shenjuti Chowdhury, Sunnyside, NY Kristina Marie, Christoph, Boston, MA David Coleman, New York, NY Ryan del Mundo Cordero, Mesa, AZ Diana Rommy de Quesada, Miami, FL Natasha Diaz, Sugar Hill, GA Brendan Carey Dolan, Farmington, CT Consuela Flores, South Bend, IN Danielle W Gilbert, Birmingham, AL Daniella Carolina Godoy, Weston, FL Alejandra M Gonzalez, Miami, FL Colleen C Greene, Jamaica Plain, MA Amanda Guerrero, Seattle, WA Angela Gullard, Birmingham, AL Deidra Louise Harrison, Hendersonville, TN Cathy Hernandez, Nashville, TN Laura Rebecca Hofto, Birmingham, AL Divya Khera, New York, NY David Kim, Duluth, GA Jean Kim, New York , NY Olie Lorraine Lissette Lobos, Lilburn, GA Cynthia Maldonado, Georgetown, TX Sidni Manne, Gainesville , FL David Benjamin Mantel, Detroit, MI Shirley Marquez, Nashville, TN Henry D Martinez, Mesa, AZ Kenia Martinez, Fort Lee, NJ Beau D Meyer, Columbus, OH Kendall Lewis Miller, Nashville, TN Tiffany Morales, Indianapolis, IN Lalita D Nekkanti, Boston, MA Bichvan Nguyen, Houston, TX Yu Ong, Mesa, AZ Naila Ortega, Nashville, TN Sally Lissette Ortega, Mesa, AZ Ligia Elena Padilla, San Francisco, CA Lauren Crane Paul, Birmingham, AL William S Pennington, Birmingham, AL David Perez, Jackson, MS Robert Donald Pierre, Gainesville, FL Robert Manuel Pinon, Seattle, WA Melissa Evett Precise, Birmingham, AL Carolina Berenice Rivera, Harvey, LA Maria Guadalupe Rivera, Mesa, AZ Na Sam, New York, NY Misty Mae Seale, Martinez, GA Andres Wilson Setaputri, Ann arbor, MI Michael Shapiro, Cedarhurst, NY Stephen Estes Smith, Homewood, AL Jayashree Srinivasan, Birmingham, AL Katherine Taylor, Bothell, WA Shelly Dionne Taylor, Gainesville, FL Jacqueline Urcuyo, New York, NY Sarah Rose Usher, Mesa, AZ Crystal Vargas, Lynnwood, WA Leiza Yamila Walia, Glendale, CA Kara Kathleen Ward, Birmingham, AZ Charles Wei, HoustonTX 2012 HDA Women’s Leadership Awards CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Hispanic Dental Association is seeking nominations to recognize outstanding women leaders in the Dental Community. These awards recognize women who have helped advance the Hispanic Dental Association mission, displayed exceptional leadership role models in the field in dentistry through our SEAL. Service and Education Award Advocacy and Leadership Award Please send your nominations to the HDA national office at no later than Friday, June 15, 2012. The Nomination form is available online at 6 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 National Hispanic Medical Association Annual Conference Update By Dr. Lilia Larin The National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) held its 16th Annual Conference “Innovations that Improve the Health of Hispanics, Families and Communities,” in Washington DC, April 2629, 2012. This unique conference brings together Hispanic physicians, residents, medical students, nurses, dentists, policymakers, and healthcare industry representatives and experts from across the nation to share their multi-disciplinary experiences in improving health care delivery for Hispanic populations. HDA representatives at the NHMA meeting were HDA President Dr. Lilia Larin and HDA President-Elect Dr. Maritza Morell. Dr. Larin attended the NHMA White House Briefing on Hispanics and Healthcare Reform and the 2012 National Hispanic Health Professionals Association Leadership Skills Building Network – “Leveraging National and Regional Partnerships.” Dr. Morell was guest speaker for the NHMA workshop titled” Effective Prevention Programs for Oral, Eye and Behavioral Health.” Dr. Larin, Dr. Morell and Andrew Kaffes, HDA Legislative consultant, all attended the NHMA’s Capitol Hill briefing “Health Financing & Policy Update.” NHMA’s Opening Plenary Session “US and Mexican Leadership & Innovation for Hispanic Community Health and Well-Being” featured opening remarks by The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC and The Honorable Salomón Chertorivski Woldenberg, Minister of Health of Mexico, Mexico City, DF. Dr. Richard H. Carmona,17th Surgeon General of the United States (2002-2006) was guest speaker for the Lunch Plenary “Prevention of Obesity.“ Oral Health Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS A Supplement to Public Health Reports (PHR), "Innovations in Oral Health Care for People Living with HIV/ AIDS" is now available at: http://www. cfm?Volume=127&Issue=8 "The 'Innovations in Oral Health Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS” is a special supplement to Public Health Reports that presents findings from the Special Projects of National Significance Innovations in Oral Health Care Initiative, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration's HIV/AIDS Bureau. The Oral Health Initiative encompassed 15 sites from around the country, about half in urban and half in rural communities. The research presented in this supplement shows that innovative program models can engage and retain people who are living with HIV/AIDS into oral health-care services. The articles in this special issue represent the most comprehensive additions to the body of knowledge about oral health care for people living with HIV/AIDS since the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study conducted nearly a decade ago. PHR has been published since 1878 and is the official journal of the U.S. Public Health Service. HDA Cultural Awareness Program Dr. Sarita Arteaga, HDA Past President, presented the HDA Cultural Awareness course, “Hispanic Cultural Awareness for Oral Health Professionals” at the National Oral Health Conference in April. If you or someone you know is interested in this program and how it can be offered to organizations, colleagues, staff, etc., please contact the National HDA office at 800-852-7921. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 7 SYMPOSIUM PANEL DISCUSSION Oral Health Disparities and Initiatives to Eliminate Them ORAL HEALTH DISPARITIES IMPACT LATINOS PROFOUNDLY. COMPARED TO OTHER GROUPS, LATINOS HAVE LOWER SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, MORE ORAL HEALTH PROBLEMS, AND LESS ACCESS TO ORAL HEALTH CARE. PANEL LEADER Clemencia M. Vargas, DDS, PhD Associate Professor, University of Maryland Dental School, Maryland PANEL OBJECTIVES • Compare and contrast the oral health of Latinos and other sociodemographic groups in the United States. • Identify barriers to oral health care common to Latinos and other sociodemographic groups. • Discuss oral health initiatives that have the potential to eliminate disparities in oral health. • Recommend oral health initiatives that could improve Latinos’ oral health. Socioeconomic Conditions Create Oral Health Disparities Disparities Begin Early Health disparities are avoidable, unfair differences in health that stem from social determinates—the conditions in which a person is born, lives, works, and grows old. Although individual choices are important, they are influenced by social conditions, such as the availability of fresh produce in local supermarkets. The sociodemographic characteristics of the 45 million Latinos in the United States are central to any discussion of health disparities. As with other racial/ethnic groups, oral health disparities are more prominent among Latinos who also have lower incomes, reside in rural areas, are elderly or are pregnant, or have special health care needs. In many cases, however, interventions to address these disparities for Latinos need to be group-specific so that they can be culturally appropriate. Socioeconomic Status Indicators HISPANIC NON-H WHITE NON-H BLACK Bachelor’s Degree or More (%) 12.6 30.4 17.2 Poverty (%) 18.9 6.1 17.2 Family Income (in U.S. dollars) $43,240 $70,399 $41,567 Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000) 5.4 5.6 13.4 Latino children are more likely than other children to have untreated caries and less likely to have had a dental visit in the past year. Moreover, Latino adults are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to present with untreated caries and periodontal disease. Latinos ages 20 to 64 are almost eight times more likely to have never had a dental visit than their non-Hispanic white or black counterparts. Oral Health Indicators GROUP INDICATORS NH WHITE % NH BLACK % MEXICAN AMRCN. % Untreated 19.5 27.6 33.1 Caries Free 61.4 56.7 44.6 Sealants 37.7 22.6 19.4 Dental Visits Never ≤ 1 yr 1-2 years 22.8 67.3 6.9 21.9 64.7 9.0 28.2 56.5 10.1 Source: “Tends in Oral Health Status: United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2004” by Dye BA, et al. Populations Facing Oral Health Disparities Source: “United States Life Tables by Hispanic Origin” from the CDC MEXICAN PUERTO RICAN CUBAN CENTRAL AMERICAN SOUTH AMERICAN Own Home 55.0 44.7 68.4 44.5 56.2 Bachelor Degree+ 9.1 15.5 28.1 11.7 31.9 Children in Poverty 29.8 34.1 14.0 24.0 13.7 Unemployed 7.9 9.7 5.5 7.1 6.9 Source: “The Hispanic Population in the United States: 2008 Detailed Tables” from the U.S. Census Bureau 8 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Low Income Racial/ethnic minorities Rural residents Pregnant women Elderly population Undocumented immigrants (12 mil) Special health care needs populations 217.529.6517 Sources of Disparities Oral health disparities in the United States are well documented, and Latinos fare the worst in most indicators. In addition to structural issues such as the absence of an organized dental care system, sources of disparities in oral health include: Action Steps for HDA ORAL HEALTH DISPARITIES AND INITIATIVES TO ELIMINATE THEM PANEL LEADER Insurance Clemencia Vargas, DDS, PhD For Hispanics, financing of dental care is particularly difficult because dental insurance depends on employment, and most PANEL COORDINATOR jobs commonly held by Latinos do not provide health benefits. The situation becomes much more complicated because low-income children born outside the United States do not have access to Medicaid. Moreover, federal and state oral health programs are limited and usually do not offer care to adults. Access to Healthcare Providers with Cultural Competency Dental workforce maldistribution impacts the oral health of Latinos. Areas where low-income, racial/ethnic minority, and immigrant populations reside are less likely to have adequate availability of dental care. In addition, there are no formal cultural competency courses to prepare students not only to work with the Latino community, but also to work with African-Americans, special needs patients, low-income patients, and rural and migrant populations. Oral Health Literacy If patients cannot communicate well in English or if they cannot read well in any language, it is going to be very difficult to navigate the different places where they can access oral health care. Health literacy is also affected by the context of the interaction; when patients also endure discrimination or an unfriendly environment, their health literacy decreases. As a result, their ability to navigate the system, understand instructions, and make decisions is hampered. Francisco Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MPH, MS THE FULL LIST OF PANEL PARTICIPANTS IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.HDASSOC.ORG • Appropriations through the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which is preventive in structure. • Participate in the Oral Health Coordinating Committee. • Prioritize oral health along with diabetes and obesity. • Collaborate with the Multicultural Oral Health Alliance (MOHA). • Advocate at the federal level in relationship with other organizations (eg, ADA Oral Health Alliance). • Sponsor and support special care dentistry at the federal level. • Provide standardized messaging and resources regarding cultural competency. READ THE FULL DISCUSSION ONLINE AT WWW.HDASSOC.ORG Additional Materials Available at the Hispanic Dental Association Web Site: Oral Health Initiatives Unfortunately, most oral health initiatives are short-lived and target • Powerpoint presentations only children, therefore the needs of adults and elderly persons are unmet. Some promising initiatives include: • Expanded articles • Reference list • WATER FLUORIDATION is considered the great equalizer in • Panelists and their area of expertise • Full publication in PDF format caries prevention. However, water fluoridation does not reach most of the rural areas where Hispanic migrant workers or new immigrants reside. • SCHOOL-BASED SEALANTS PROGRAMS serve children at lowincome schools. • DENTAL THERAPISTS could work in the severely underserved communities where most Latinos reside, providing basic dental care and referring complicated cases to dentists. WWW.HDASSOC.ORG VISIT THIS ADDRESS TO READ THE FULL TEXT OF THIS PRESENTATION ONLINE HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 9 HDA Members in the News HDA Student Trustee Selected to Participate in Externship Congratulations to Dr. Deborah Weisfuse as the first Female President in the history of New York State Association. Also pictured is Dr. Steven Gournardes NY State ADA trustee and Dr. Amarilis Jacobo, HDA Board Member. HDA Member Becomes Diplomate HDA Member, Cesar D. Gonzalez, DDS, MS, Associate Professor, Director, Division of Pediatric Dentistry Marquette University School of Dentistry, completed the requirements set by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry by successfully taking the Oral Clinical Examination to becomming a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Tufts Dental Student Receives Honor Tufts dental student and mentee, Daniel Gonzalez, received reconigtion as ONE of the 20th Anniversary Luminaries, for his contribution to the Cambridge organization and community. We are very proud of him Dr. Aidee-Nieto Herman Melissa Uriegas, president of Student Hisanic Dental Association, and HDA Board Member, was selected to participate in the Pediatric Dentistry Externship Program at the Boston Children Hospital Department of Dentistry and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. The Pediatric Dentistry externship offers opportunities for exceptional third and fourth year dental students who would like additional exposure to hospital dentistry for special children who have the rarest of syndromes or diagnoses. Acceptance to the externship program is competitive, and only a few applicants are offered a position to participate throughout the year. Melissa Uriegas is a 3rd year student at the University of Texas, Houston, who was chosen not only on the basis of her academic credentials but also on leadership skills and human qualities. Congratulations Melissa! Dentist Earns Lifelong Learning & Service Recognition from the Academy of General Dentistry The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), a professional association of more than 35,000 general dentists who are dedicated to professional excellence through the pursuit of continuing education, is pleased to announce that Iracema K. GomezInfante, DDS, MAGD, of Houston, Texas, has earned the 2011 Lifelong Learning & Service Recognition (LLSR) for her commitment to lifelong learning, volunteering her services to communities in need, mentoring associates and new dentists, and participating in organized dentistry. The LLSR is presented only to AGD members who have gone above and beyond earning the association’s highest honor of Mastership. To accomplish this recognition, Dr. Gomez-Infante completed at least 1,600 hours of continuing dental education in 16 different dental disciplines. In addition, recipients must complete at least 100 hours of dental-related community or volunteer service. “Recipients of the LLSR are true leaders among our organization and wholly embrace the AGD’s core principles and ideals,” says AGD President Fares M. Elias, DDS, JD, FAGD. “For Dr. Gomez-Infante, this award symbolizes a career of excellence in dentistry and demonstrates the characteristics of a role model to her fellow dentists and to members of the community.” Dr. Gomez-Infante graduated from the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston in 1993 and currently practices dentistry in Houston. In addition to the AGD, Dr. Gomez-Infante is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Association of Women Dentists, the Hispanic Dental Association, the International Association for Orthodontics, the Texas Dental Society, the Greater Houston Dental Society, and the Texas Academy of General Dentistry. Since its inception in 2005, only 138 of the AGD’s 37,000-plus members have received the prestigious LLSR recognition. 10 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 HDA Members in the News YWCA of Greater Lawrence “Tribute to Women Award” Presented to Dr Maritza Morell and Policy Campaign Director at Neighbor to Neighbor On Thursday, May 10, 2012, Dr. Maritza Morell was honored with the YWCA’s women’s award for “outstanding community leadership in Lawrence, Masachusetts.” Nominated by colleagues and peers, each honoree is considered a role model who has set high standards, blazed new trails and worked to overcome obstacles, according to the YWCA’s nominating criteria. The YWCA Tribute awarded outstanding women from the Merrimack Valley Community in Massachusetts who serve as change agents at work and where they live. The YWCA has served the Merrimack Valley since 1892, and annually provides aid and services to more than 15,000 women, children and families, addressing key issues such as homelessness, women’s health and housing, affordable pre- and after- school child care and domestic violence. Dr. Morell was chosen for her outstanding contributions to the underserved and disabled patients living in the Lawrence community and for constantly supporting causes in accordance to YWCA Women’s and Youth Service mission of helping to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The team that honored Dr. Morell was impressed by the sacrifices she makes to help those around her, and for her energetic and enthusiastic approach! Also, we’re delighted having her represent women in dentistry who help develop younger Latino women leaders in dentistry. Dr. Maritza Morell was described as a charismatic and dynamic leader who displays exceptional character and serves as an outstanding role model in the community she serves. Congratulations Maritza! Dr. Nieto-Herman Participates as Panelist Dr. Aidee Nieto-Herman participated as a panelist in the interactive dialog “Preparing for the Real World of Dental Practice” on Wednesday April 25, 2012. This event was organized by the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) and the Inclusion Task Force. Fifty attendees participated featuring the speaker, Dr. Tom Snyder and panelists Drs. Aidee NietoHerman, David A. Russell, Eric Weinstock and representing Rosen & Associates, Mark Rosen. Drs. Aidee Nieto-Herman, David A. Russell, Eric Weinstock and representing Rosen & Associates, Mark Rosen. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 11 SilentAuc2012Flyer.qxp:Layout 1 2/15/12 12:44 PM Page 1 Leadership/Committee Meetings CHECK OUT THE Joint Multi-Cultural SILENT AUCTION & RAFFLE Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit Joint Silent Auction/Raffle Donation Form 2012 Donor Name _________________________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________________________ Company Name _______________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________________________________ Ext. ____________ Fax _________________________________________________________________ Name of person & organization that asked you to donate: _________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Item(s) Donated Brief Description Saturday & Sunday July 21-22, 2012 EXHIBIT HALL BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Join the fun and check out the NDA, HDA & SAID Multi-Cultural Joint Silent Auction & Raffle. Don't miss your chance to bid on over 100 items. Please consider donating items for this event (i.e., vacation packages, condos, monetary gifts, etc.) by completing this form by MAY 1, 2012. FAX to: Kitty L. Gaines, Corporate Liaison, at 202.588.1244 or call 202.588.1697, x16. Quantity Silent Auction or Raffle Est.Value $ _________________________________ _____________________________________ ________ ____________________ __________ _________________________________ _____________________________________ ________ ____________________ __________ I would like to make a tax deductible donation in support of the “Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit” Joint Silent Auction/Raffle Donation Amount: � $1,000 � $500 � $250 � Other ________________ � Check Enclosed: Make payable to the National Dental Association Joint Silent Auction/Raffle � Credit Card: I authorize the NDA to charge my credit card the amount indicated above. � Visa � Master � American Express � Discover Print name as it appears on check or credit card: __________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ Today’s Date ______________ Account Number ________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________ Billing Address ______________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State_____________________ Zip ___________________ 12 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Please Mail Checks To: Attention: Kitty L. Gaines Joint Silent Auction/Raffle National Dental Association 3517 16th Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20010 Tel. 202.588.1697 • Fax 202.588.1244 Email: Website: 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organizations. Instructions on where to send your tax deductible donated items (including gift certificates, etc.) will be provided to you upon NDA’s receipt of this form. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Register now for the Joint Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit in Boca Raton, Florida, July 20 -24, 2012 217.529.6517 HDA Professional Chapter News Eastern Washington Hispanic Dental Association Second Annual Cosechando Sonrisas/Harvesting Smiles Free Dental Care Day On November 19th, the Second Annual Cosechando Sonrisas/Harvesting Smiles free dental care day helped offer free limited dental care to the uninsured-underinsured families and individuals of Central Washington, Grant and Adams Counties. Eastern Washington Hispanic Dental Association members, Drs. John Rome, Eugene Pester and Tyrone Rodriguez along with expanded function dental hygienists Kyla Whitaker and Amanda Bartell, helped provide care for over forty families donating more than 14,000 dollars of free dental services and treatment. The Eastern Washington Hispanic Dental Association would like to thank Sleepy Smilez Sedation and SmileSonrisas Dental volunteers for their warm hearts on such a cold winter day. Finally, special recognition goes out to the Procter & Gamble family for their support in helping make this outreach a great success. NOTE: Dr. Tyrone Rodriguez was a former participant in the Orgullo Award Program and would encourage past Orgullo participants to share how they give back in their communities as dental professionals. Pictured at left: Dr John Rome with Oksana Radchishina, RDA Pictured below: Amanda Bartell, RDH with Oksana Radchishina, RDA Kyla Whitaker, RDH with Julie Martinez, RDA Pictured at right: Dr. Tyrone Rodriguez providing dental care information to one of his young patients. HDA would like to thank our corporate sponsors like Procter and Gamble that allow our members to educate and serve our communities. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 13 HDA Professional Chapter News Massachusetts Hispanic Dental Association Massachusetts Hispanic Dental Association, New York HDA Reception. Dr. Aidee Herman, received the “100 Powermeter Award - 2012” It is a great pleasure to inform you that our Annual MHDA Meeting on March 29th, 2012 was a great success. I thank you all of you who attended. The first highlight that I would like to inform you of is that our MHDA President Dr. Zuzana Mendez, was re-elected for two more years. Dr. Mendez has been a great role model, mentor and leader. She was recently appointed as Director of Upham’s Corner Health Center, in Dorchester, MA. Congratulations Dr. Mendez! In addition, I would like to welcome two new members, Dr. Monica Maldonado and Dr. Jorge Agüero, who joined our outstanding Executive Board with total commitment and professionalism to serve MHDA. As the year 2013 approaches, MHDA is preparing the agenda for next year’s 20th Anniversary. We will have the honor to host the Annual HDA Meeting in Boston with Dr. Maritza Morell as the HDA President. Hurray Massachusetts! The past 19 years have transformed MHDA into a dynamic association with a list of many accomplishments; still, there is much work to be done. If you renew your membership, thank you for your support, and if you haven’t done yet, please do so. Today more than ever we need your support. Visit our redesigned website: were you can also download our membership application. I hope to see you at our 2nd Symposium in Dental Careers: “Promoting Dentistry as a Career for Minorities” (4 CEU’s) to be held June 30, 2012, in Boston, MA, at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Rachael Room, 14th Floor. –Submitted by Aidee Nieto-Herman, DMD, MScD, Executive Director The Massachusetts Chapter of the HDA celebrated Oral Health Month with a program at the YMCA Chinatown for pre-school aged children. Thirty-eight children received oral health information, dental screening and referal to a pediatric clinic as part of the Give Kids a Smile program. 14 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 HDA Professional Chapter News Massachusetts Hispanic Dental Association Getting Healthier While Helping a Beautiful Cause On Friday, March 30th, students and faculty from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, along with residents from the local community, got together to work out as part of a Zumbathon® Charity Event to help the Massachusetts Hispanic Dental Association's Give Kids a Smile® event. For those unfamiliar with Zumba,® it is a fun, fast-paced workout set to a variety of upbeat dance and Latino-based music. The event was a great success – those involved had a great time and were extremely happy to be able to help out a great cause. 100% of the participants’ ticket price was donated to the MHDA’s Give Kids a Smile® event, along with donations from a variety of event sponsors. Participants ranged from veteran Zumba® fans to complete novices, but everyone had a great time regardless of experience level. Some people liked the idea and enjoyed the event so much that they’ve already asked when I'm going to hold the next one. This was the first fundraising event I’ve ever organized, done as part of a leadership project for the American Dental Association’s Institute for Diversity in Leadership, of which I am a member of the Class of 2011-2012. I figured that if I was going to ask people for a donation, I wanted them to be able to have some fun in return. In addition to raising funds for this wonderful cause, I wanted to show people that there are many ways by which we can make a difference for others; we can all utilize our own interests and talents and try to share them for the benefit of those in need. In this case I built a charity event out of my own interests in dentistry and Zumba.® In reality, the opportunities to help others are endless, limited only by our own imaginations. We can all help others in some way! My hope is to organize more fundraising events over time to help other organizations and causes and someday, after gaining more experience, to create a foundation that can provide free dental treatment to underserved people in Colombia, where I was born and raised. At the same time, given the exposure I’ve had to underserved populations and the need that exists right here in the U.S., I would like to do something similar here as well. I would like to take a moment to thank our supporters and sponsors for this event, including EDIC (Eastern Dentists Insurance Company) for its generous donation to our cause, the BSC for letting us use their gym facilities, Crest for the gift bags provided to event participants, Yummiez Bakery for the cake they donated for us to raffle, and last but not least our fantastic instructors who donated their time and seemingly endless energy. Even though it may take some time until I can see my ultimate dream become a reality, I’m really excited to know Tufts students celebrated the Cinco de mayo with the Mariachi singer that today I’m one step closer. Thank you again to all of the Veronica Robles. That same day the new student board of trustees participants, supporters, and sponsors who helped make it (TSHDA) was introduced. A lunch of tacos and burritos was sold as a possible! fund raiser for the next mission trip to the Domenican Republic which –Submitted by Viviana Avila-Gnau, DDS, Member of the class will be August 11-19, 2012. 2011-2012 of the ADA's Institute for Diversity in Leadership. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 15 HDA Professional Chapter News Massachusetts Hispanic Dental Association On May 15, the Massachusetts HDA sponsored a special event for the graduating seniors from Tufts with students from both BU and Harvard in attendance. In addition, all three HDA Student Chapter leaders and advisors, student members, professors, Tufts administration, a representative from the Texas HDA Chapter, family, friends, and Cameron Cegala, Crest Oral-B Territory Manager joined in the event. The event was made even more special with a visit from Maritza Morell, president elect of the HDA. The keynote speaker was Harvard Professor and practicing Mattapan dentist, Dr. Brian Swann reinforcing the dentist’s role as a physician of the mouth who should routinely provide patients with referrals and recommendations. The event included additional speakers, presentation of certificates and gifts, acoustic guitar music, great food, and samples provided by Crest Oral-B. Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit “Collectively Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health” July 20-24, 2012 Plan now to attend the Hispanic Dental Association Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon to be held in conjuction with the Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit. The luncheon will be held on Saturday, July 21 at the Boca Raton Resort, Boca Raton, Florida. Register online at: HDA Notices and Classified Advertisements Advertise in the HDA News & Reports The HDA News & Reports is a quarterly newsletter provided to our members and others who share our interest in improving the oral health of the Hispanic community. The deadline for classified and display advertisements in the Summer Newsletter is August 1st. For information about display or classified advertising, contact the HDA at Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry is seeking applications for the position of Chair of the Periodontology and Oral Implantology Department and/or Director of the Postdoctoral Program in Periodontology. The position is full-time, tenure track or tenured faculty. Salary and rank will be determined based on qualifications. For tenure or tenure-track appointment, the candidate must demonstrate a sustained outstanding record in teaching and research. Seed funding and research space is available for this position. Candidates must demonstrate a record of leadership, administrative, and organizational skills with the ability to manage complex curricular and clinical issues to lead the department and/or postdoctoral program in an active phase of growth and change. Candidates must have experience in new pedagogical methods including patient-centered and evidence-based oral health care. Preferences will be given to candidates who are eligible for licensure in Pennsylvania; however, candidates with foreign credentials will also be considered. Interested individuals should send a cover letter indicating the date of availability, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references to Dr. Sarah Gray at Minority and female applicants are encouraged to apply. Temple University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. 16 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 HDA Professional Chapter News Los Angeles Hispanic Dental Association The HDA Los Angeles Professional Chapter hosted a reception for Hispanic professionals and CDA leadership at the California Dental Association Meeting May 3-5, 2012 in Anaheim, CA. Many thanks to HDA LA chapter leaders and volunteers that helped staff the HDA booth in the exhibit hall and helped promote HDA’s annual meeting and mission. Special thanks to Carlos Sanchez HDA-LA President and Dr. Santos Cortez for organizing the event! Dr. Irubiel Barbosa, HDA Treasurer; Dr. Luis Dominicis, HDA Legislative Committee member and Dr. Lilia Larin, HDA President represented the Hispanic Dental Association at the CDA Dental Forum meeting. The Dental Forum is a Roundtable of diverse ethnic dental association leaders that gather to collaborate and discuss issues that affect their communities and membership. CDA leaders were also in attendance. HDA LA members at Latinos for Dental Careers reception. Dental Forum Representatives with CDA President HDA LA Chapter Members Santos Cortez and Carlos Sanchez with HDA Board Members Lilia Larin, Lauro Medrano-Saldana and Irubiel Barbosa. Dr. Lilia Larin with recent Hispanic Dental Graduates at HDA LA reception. Lauro Medrano-Saldana, Lilia Larin and Irubiel Barbosa promoting the Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit and Joint Convention. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 17 HDA Professional Chapter News Greater San Antonio HDA GSA Celebrates Dia del Dentista On February 12, 2012, members of the Greater San Antonio Hispanic Dental Association (GSA HDA) braved unusual South Texas wintery weather in efforts to expand awareness and promote oral health in the Hispanic community. In celebration of the Patron Saint of Dentistry, Santa Apollonia, GSA HDA members reached out to the congregation of San Juan de los Lagos Catholic church, an underserved and underprivileged Hispanic community in San Antonio. GSA HDA was able to provide free toothbrushes, toothpaste, oral health information and Dia del Dentista information to San Juan de los Lagos’ gracious parishioners. About 250 parishioners were expected but GSA HDA was able to reach almost 500 members. GSA HDA members feel very privileged to share the day and celebrate with our wonderful community. GSA Participates in Health Careers Day On Monday, February 13th, twenty students from Health Careers High School participated in tying their first sutures. Drs. Christina Gonzales, Frank Ramos, Vidal Balderas, and Christina Meiners were in attendance to help demonstrate placement and critique the students attempts. Typodont teeth were hidden in a piece of raw chicken and each student was able to incise, “extract” and place a suture. The students learned and practiced interrupted and continuous sutures. A prize was awarded to Sierra Arredondo, a senior student who is interested in pediatric dentistry. She was presented a certificate and won an Ipod Shuffle for best suture placement. Dr. Vidal Balderas observing some pre dent high school students as they attempt their first sutures. Dr. Christina Meiners with Sierra Arredondo, best suture technique winner. 18 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Pre-dent student at Shephard Middle school at career day booth. 217.529.6517 HDA Professional Chapter News GSAHDA members at Texas Mission of Mercy in San Antonio On the weekend of April 13, 2012, members of Greater San Antonio Hispanic Dental Association participated conjointly with dental/pre-dental students, and members of San Antonio District Dental Association to donate their professional services for two days straight at the Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM) held at St. Mary’s University. TMOM is mobile dental clinic that travels around the state providing free dental care to uninsured Texans. These dentists, dental professionals, and pre-dental volunteers, ultimate goal was to alleviate pain and provide oral health to the community by providing; extractions, fillings, and cleanings. This memorable event helped over 1,000 patients with over $500,000 worth of charitable dental care. UTSA HSDA students at Texas Mission of Mercy 2012 Dr. Hilda Yanez discussing treatment with a patient at the Texas Mission of Mercy 2012 The Many Faces of ADEA Dr. Campos performing a dental procedure with onlooking volunteers and predent students. Visit ADEA and the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) at Booth 613 at the 2012 Joint Convention of the National Dental Association, the Society of American Indian Dentists, and the Hispanic Dental Association, July 20-24, in Boca Raton, Florida. MANY FACES OF ADEA.indd 1 Dr. Meiners and her pre-dent assistant dressed up as a Tooth and a Toothbrush demonstrating proper oral hygiene to young students. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 19 4/11/12 11:21 AM HDA Professional Chapter News GSAHDA Provides Motivational Outreach to All Age Groups Greater San Antonio Hispanic Dental Association is aware that children face many distractions during their educational career spanning from elementary to high school. There are many cultural, financial and social pressures that can distract a young student along their way to a successful career and we are very proud of the fact that we can interact with our community students in all stages of life. GSAHDA was delighted to receive an invitation to career day celebrations at San Antonio area elementary and middle schools during the last quarter and to and provide a college discussion and suture lab practicum with Judson High School and Health Careers High Schools. Members presented dental career information to Shephard Middle School and Loma Park Elementary on March 22nd and March 30th respectively. At Shephard Middle School, over 600 2nd graders from all over South San Antonio gathered. Dr. Christina Meiners was able to educate students about oral hygiene and careers in dentistry. At Loma Park Elementary, 200 2nd and 5th Graders came together to listen to Dr. Christina Gonzales and Dr. Norma Reyes discuss Dr. Reyes and Dr. Ramos with dental intern director how to become a dentist and experience what it’s like to hold a dental mirror and examine a typodont puppet. The students were very attentive and enjoyed Monica Nichols, RDA. the conversations with their career day mentors. They impressively asked an astounding array of questions showing that their interest was definitively sparked. Members of GSAHDA attended Health Careers High School on February 13th and Judson High School on April 16 and spoke to junior and senior level students on the ins and outs of college and dental school prep starting at the high school level. Drs. Frank Ramos, Vidal Balderas, Christina Gonzales, Norma Reyes and Christina Meiners were in attendance to offer personal accounts on how they were able to successfully finance and obtain an education as well as balance a successful career and business. For a hands-on experience, typodont teeth were hidden in a piece of raw chicken and each student was able to incise, “extract” and place a suture. The students learned and practiced interrupted and continuous sutures. Moderators were happily impressed at their attempts. That classroom was definitely the nesting ground for some future dentists. We are certain that at least one of the students we spoke to has been Dr. Reyes observes as students get their first chance at enlightened and will set their hopes high for his or her future. GSA HDA hopes to incising their raw chicken to be sutured. continue to light the spark in children as they grow up and show them a forecast of what their future can become if they continue to keep focus. Dr. Ramos demonstrates a continuous suture. 20 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Dr. Ramos with the junior level dental interns. 217.529.6517 HDA Student Chapter News Houston Hispanic Dental Association Iglesia Braeswood Health Fair On March 24th, 2012, Fouzia Mohammad (DH1), Magda Valeriano (DH2), and Faryn Vela (DDS 3), members of Hispanic Student Association (HSDA), volunteered at Iglesia Braeswood Health Fair. Oral hygiene instructions and toothbrushes were provided to approximately 30 adults and children ages 6 years to 18 years of age. The goal of the health fair was to provide general medical/dental information and screenings for the local community and Houston area. Overall, the health fair was successful at achieving their goals and helping the community understand the importance of total healthcare. Cinco de Mayo Festival Sunday, May 20th was an exciting day at Reliant Center as they were hosting a Cinco de Mayo festival with vendors exhibiting art, games, food, and music. The Colgate “Bright Smiles, Bright Futures” van was in attendance with the help of students from the Hispanic Student Dental Association. Oral screenings were provided to children 12 and under. Children were checked for caries and level of oral hygiene was documented and presented to the parents so they could take it to their dentist to have their children further evaluated. This event was a great turnout with over 200 children stopping by the Colgate van. Dr. Victor Rodriguez from the Houston Hispanic Dental Association was in attendance with the HSDA student volunteers: Faryn Vela DS III, Nadia Garza DH II, Sean LaRue DDS III, Lily Nguyen DDS III, and Brittany Swearengin DH II. If you are serious about a career in Medicine or Dentistry, consider attending the Summer Medical and Dental Education Program. SMDEP is a FREE six-week summer academic enrichment program administered at one of 12 program sites across the country. Pictured at left: Dr. Victor Rodriguez and Lily Nguyen with a patient. Below: Sean LaRue, Faryn Vela, Lily Nguyen and Dr. Victor Rodriguez. Application Open: November 1st Application Deadline: March 1st For more information, call the National Program Office at 1.866.58.SMDEP (587-6337) The Participating SMDEP Institutions include: Case Western Reserve University Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and College of Dental Medicine UMDNJ New Jersey Medical and New Jersey Dental Schools University of Louisville Schools of Medicine and Dentistry University of Nebraska Medical Center, Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and UCLA School of Dentistry University of Virginia School of Medicine Duke University School of Medicine University of Washington Schools of Medicine and Dentistry Howard University Colleges of Art & Sciences, Dentistry, and Medicine Yale University School of Medicine The University of Texas Dental Branch and Medical School at Houston SMDEP is a national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with direction and technical assistance provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges and the American Dental Education Association. HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 21 HDA Student Chapter News North Texas Hispanic Dental Association On April 25th, the student Chapter of HDA in Baylor College of Dentistry celebrated their graduates of class 2012. The North Texas Hispanic Dental Association was able to provide this event with the help and sponsorship of Northwestern Mutual and Procter and Gamble. We had the presence of Dr. Larry Wolinsky, Dean of Baylor college of Dentistry and Faculty member Dr. Helena Tapias and several board and faculty members. Dr. Edith Cortés Rosene and Karin Larrave from North Western Mutual passed on to the graduates a medal in commemoration of their graduation and in recognition of their efforts. Dr. Lilia Larin sent a special message to the graduates and wished them the best of luck and success in their careers. Congratulations from the NTHDA and HDA to the graduates of 2012. Our idea of “friending.” He used to cry when he arrived for his dental appointments, but not anymore. Now he’s all smiles. He’s healthier and happier thanks to the dedicated dental health professionals of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Division of Oral Health. He’s come to know and trust those who care for him. Can there be any greater career reward? IHS dental professionals work in American Indian and Alaska Native communities in 35 states across the US. Our mission: To prevent dental disease through community programs and limit existing disease through clinical programs. Our modern, well-equipped facilities — many with digital imaging — are located in some of the most spectacular areas of the country. And you’ll have time to enjoy life, with a 40-hour workweek, 10 paid federal holidays and weekends free. Join us. We’re looking for someone just like you. Get the big picture at Careers with the IHS Division of Oral Health: Discover your Opportunity Begin your Adventure Find your Purpose The policy of the IHS is to provide absolute preference to qualified Indian applicants and employees who are suitable for federal employment in filling vacancies within the IHS. IHS is an equal opportunity employer. 22 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Photo 1: Dr. Edith Cortés Rosene and Karin Larrave presenting Medal and gift to Ambily Mathew (D4) Photo 2: Ari Valverde (D2), Isabel Mejía (D1), Noemy Ponce (D1), the new presidents for HSDA at BCD. Photo 3: Rafael Carrales (D3), Gina RIneheart (D3), Sandy Rodriguez (D3) Photo 4: Brandon Luckett (D2), Jaquie Luera (D4), Maria Linan (D4), Arthur Johnson (D4) Photo 5: Jayme Martinez (D4), Ari Valverde (D2), Ambily Mathew (D4), Cathy Trevino (D2) 217.529.6517 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 23 Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit “Collectively Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health” July 20-24, 2012 Boca Raton Resort & Club - 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton, Florida Tentative Schedule At-A-Glance 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm New Dentist Session - CDE 2.5 Avoiding Pitfalls in Designing Your Dental Office and in Developing Your Dental Practice Friday, July 20, 2012 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Registration 8:00 am – 11:00 am General Education Session - CDE 3.0 Treating Aging America Teresa Dolan, DDS, MPH Dean, University of Florida College of Dentistry and Gregory Folse, DDS 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Minority Faculty, Administrators & Practitioner’s Forum - CDE 6.0 Collaborating with Discovery as a Bright New Frontier Andre Farquharson, DDS, Moderator Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive 11:00 am – 1:30 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Oral Medicine, Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient (HIV/AIDS, Diabetes & more) Dentists, Hygienists, Assistants and Office Staff are welcome Michael Glick, DDS, Dean, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine 11:00 am – 1:30 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Evidence Based Dental Health Information At Your Fingertips from the National Library of Medicine Limited to 25 participants - Bring your laptop Cassandra Ricks Allen, MLS Sponsored by National Library of Medicine, NIH, DHHS 11:00 am – 2:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 3.0 Creative Posterior Composites - Hands on Workshop Robert Mopper Sponsored by Cosmedent Attendance is limited to 25 participants 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Dwight R. Weathers, DDS, MSD, Professor Emeritus and Dean Emeritus, Emory University School of Medicine 2:00 pm- 4:30 pm General Education Session - CDE 3.0 General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Anterior Esthetic Techniques and Materials - Too Many Materials to Choose From! Jamie T. Edelson, DDS, Mexican Dental Association Past President 24 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 Chris W. Carrington, DDS, MSD Sponsored by Wells Fargo Practice Finance 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Joint VIP Reception Jointly hosted by the President’s of HDA, NDA and SAID 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Pre-Opening Session Reception Jointly hosted by HDA, NDA and SAID 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Joint Opening Ceremony Jointly hosted by HDA, NDA and SAID Come and celebrate the official kick-off event to the first ever Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit. Representatives from the National Dental Association, Hispanic Dental Association, and Society of American Indian Dentists will join and preview the events to come. 9:00 pm – Midnight Joint Opening Celebration Jointly hosted by HDA, NDA and SAID Saturday, July 21, 2012 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Registration 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Advances of Perinatal and Infant Oral Care “CAMBRA” Evidence-based Protocols and Implementation in your Practice Francisco Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH, Professor, Section of Pediatric Dentistry,UCLA School of Dentistry 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Colgate & Aetna Symposium - The Relationship Between Oral Health and Systemic Diseases: What Does This Mean for Your Patient Sponsored by Colgate Palmolive and Aetna 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Practice Management Embezzlement: Will You Be a Victim? Eugene W. Heller, DDS Sponsored by Henry Schein 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Everyday Esthetics - Part I G. Franklin Shull, DMD, FAGD Sponsored by VOCO America, Inc. 217.529.6517 Saturday, July 21, 2012 - Continued 8:00 am – 11:00 am General Education Session - CDE 3.0 Dental Implant Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Prosthetics, and Socket Grafting Part 1 Andrew Kelly, DDS and Shawn P. Lottier, DDS Sponsored by HIOSSEN & Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialities 10:30 am – 12:00 pm New Dentists Session - CDE 1.5 New Dentist Panel & Dialogue Session - Professional Development 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Women Dentists’ Awards Brunch Help us honor the Women who are making the field of Dentistry better every day at the Women’s Health Symposium Brunch. This is a ticketed event. 10:30 am – 5:30 pm Exhibitor Showcase Silent Auction/Raffle Opens 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Hispanic Dental Association Awards Luncheon Due to the joint nature of this meeting, the HDA will host a special awards luncheon where HDA will present their leadership awards including the President’s Awards, student awards, and more. All are welcome to attend. This is a ticketed event. 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Multi-Cultural President’s Symposium Part I - CDE 2.5 Challenges for Health Care and Issues Surrounding Oral Health Sarita Arteaga DMD, MAGD, Associate Clinical Professor University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, Past president, Hispanic Dental Association and Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MBA, Associate Professor of Medicine Dean for Diversity & Community Partnership, Harvard Medical School 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Everyday Esthetics - Part II G. Franklin Shull, DMD, FAGD Sponsored by VOCO America, Inc. 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm New Dentist Session - CDE 2.5 Thriving in Today’s Economy: Practice Management Essentials for Growth Laurie Houghton, Practice Advisor, Wells Fargo Practice Finance Sponsored by Wells Fargo Practice Finance 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm General Education Session - CDE 3.0 Dental Implant Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Prosthetics, and Socket Grafting - Part 2 (Hands ON) Limited to 25 participants. Andrew Kelly, DDS and Shawn P. Lottier, DDS Sponsored by: HIOSSEN & Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialities 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Treatment Planning for Longterm Success: Creating a Sound Foundation for Building the Smile of your Patient’s Dreams Gordon C. Fraser, Jr., DMD 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Exhibit Hall Happy Hour Reception Conference registrants will join exhibitors in for afternoon refreshments. 7:00 pm – Midnight Alumni Events See page 14 for details. 8:00 pm – Midnight SAID Awards Dinner Join the SAID as we celebrate and honor Dr. Dave Smith (Oneida) for his guidance and leadership. Dr. Smith served as the SAID’s 2nd President and was very instrumental in developing the relationship between SAID, HDA and NDA. 9:00 pm – Midnight Hygienist Fundraiser All are welcome to purchase tickets Sunday, July 22, 2012 7:00 am – 8:00 am Sunrise Service 7:00 am – 6:00 pm Registration 8:00 am – 10:30 am Practice Management Session - CDE 2.5 Transition Planning and Exit Strategies Eugene W. Heller, DDS Sponsored by Henry Schein 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Office Oral Surgery For The General Practitioner Made Easy - Part I Dr. Robert R. Edwab, BS, DDS, New York, NY Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Executive Director, Greater New York Dental Meeting 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Seeing the forest for the trees - A Simplified Approach to Treatment Planning Complex Full Mouth Restorations Michael Radu, DDS, MS Sponsored by Procter & Gamble Professional Oral Health 8:00 am – 11:00 am General Education Session - CDE 3.0 The Balancing Act - Love & Business: How To Work Without Worrying About Your Love Life Women’s Health Symposium Lecture and Q&A Men are invited to attend. Alduan Tartt, PhD - Psychologist, Motivational Speaker, Community Prevention/ Intervention Specialist, Author - Featured on CNN, Nightline News, Black Enterprise, Essence,TV ONE, BET 8:00 am – 11:00 am President’s Symposium Part II - CDE 3.0 Oral Health Center Stage: The Media and Multicultural Messaging 10:30 am – 5:30 pm Exhibitor Showcase Silent Auction/Raffle Opens Please take the time to visit our exhibitors as well as the silent auction/ raffle display. Place your bids and support all three organizations at once. A light lunch will be available in the exhibit hall. 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Joint President’s Luncheon Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Invitation Only HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 25 Sunday, July 22, 2012 - Continued 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Minority Faculty, Administration & Practitioner’s Forum - CDE 2.5 Collaborating with Discovery as a Bright New Frontier Research Component Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Keith A. Mays, DDS, MS, PhD, Moderator 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm CPR Certification/Recertification Course Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Additional Fee for this course is $65 on or before April 30, 2012 and $75 after April 30. Registration 8:00 am –10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Diagnostic Dilemmas: The Many Faces of Orofacial Pain Henry Gremillion, DDS 8:00 am –10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Periodontics in the American Indian Community Dorrance Clark, DDS 8:00 am – 10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Financial Planning for Dental Professionals Don M. Roman Sr., JD, AEP, CLTC, Senior Financial Planner, and Dwight Raiford, MBA Sponsored by Met-life 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm New Dentist Session - CDE 2.5 Practice Management - Preparing for Practice 8:00 am –10:30 am General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Forensic Dentistry Ownership Richard Armstrong, Southeast Business Development Manager, Wells Fargo Practice Finance Sponsored by Wells Fargo Practice Finance 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm General Education Session - CDE 3.0 Pediatric Dentists Family Feud Winifred J. Booker, DDS, CEO & Director of Development - The Children’s Oral Health Institute and Kaneta Lott, DDS, Lott Seminars 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Complex Diagnosis: Problem Areas in Endodontics, Longitudinal Tooth Fractures - Identification, Classification and Treatment Latest Innovations & Technologies in Endodontics Easy - Part II Dr. Robert R. Edwab, BS, DDS, New York, NY Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Executive Director, Greater New York Dental Meeting. General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Karen Gregory, RN, Director of Compliance & Education, Total Medical Compliance 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Exhibit Hall Happy Hour Reception Conference registrants will join exhibitors in the exhibit hall for afternoon refreshments. 7:00 pm – Midnight Presidents’ Gala Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Doctors Ruth Bol (SAID), Roy Irons (NDA), and Lillian Larin (HDA) invite all attendees and their families to an exciting black-tie evening of dinner, live music, and dancing. This is a ticketed event. Monday, July 23, 2012 Golf Tournament Boca Raton Country Club General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Understanding Legally Tools: The Key to Lawsuit Prevention and Tax Reduction Dan McNeff, CEO, Legally Mine Sponsored by Legally Mine, Inc. 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Catch the Wave - Lasers in Dentistry Yetta Galiber McCullom DDS, MS - Periodontist Sponsored by Millenium Dental Technologies 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Providing Access to Care SAFELY 6:00 am – 2:00 pm Pain - Part 2 Henry Gremillion, DDS 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm Eric Rivera, DDS, MS 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Diagnostic Dilemmas: The Many Faces of Orofacial 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm General Education Session - CDE 2.5 Office Oral Surgery For The General Practitioner Made 11:30 am – 1:00 pm NDA Civil Rights Luncheon Join us as we pay tribute to individuals who have fought for the civil rights and liberties of the under-represented Americans. All are welcome to purchase tickets. Corporate Roundtable Meeting 8:00 pm – Midnight Grand Finale with Entertainment Come and enjoy one last night of music and dancing with old and new friends as we close out this historic oral health summit. Hotel Information Join the HDA Family for the 2012 HDAAnnual Meeting as we experience an Historic Joint Convention with the National Dental Asssociation and Society of American Indian Dentists. July 20-24, 2012 - Boca Raton Resort & Club 501 East Camino Real - Boca Raton, FL 33432 Visit and complete the hotel reservation forms or call the hotel direct at 561-447-3000. Register online at 26 HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 217.529.6517 HDA Corporate RoundTable Sponsors: The Hispanic Dental Association recognizes with pride these exceptional companies who support its mission of optimizing the oral health of the Hispanic community through service, education, advocacy and leadership. To learn more about a rewarding partnership with the Hispanic Dental Association, contact the HDA at Affinity Insurance Services Bankers Healthcare Group Sunstar Butler HDA News & Reports Issue No. 168 Spring 2012 27 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID Springfield, IL Permit No. 925 Return Service Requested National Headquarters: 3085 Stevenson Drive - Suite 200 Springfield, IL 62703 The Hispanic Dental Association’s 20th Annual Meeting Join the Hispanic Dental Association Family as we experience this Historic Joint Convention with the National Dental Asssociation and Society of American Indian Dentists at the Boca Raton Resort & Club, July 20 -24, 2012. Multi-Cultural Oral Health Summit “Collectively Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Population to Improve Oral Health” July 20-24, 2012 Meeting Highlights: • New Dentist Sessions • Joint Opening Ceremony and Reception • Excellent Continuing Education Programs for all attendees • Exhibitor’s Showcase • President’s Symposium • Minority Faculty, Administrator’s and Practitioner’s Forum • Joint Student Events (HDA, NDA, SAID) • Programs for Spouses, Children and Teens • Excellent Summer Family Vacation Destination Boca Raton Resort & Club 501 East Camino Real Boca Raton, Florida Register online at: