lutheran church
lutheran church
Join us at trinity lutheran church 1420 South Sixth Street, Brainerd • 218-829-5147 On behalf of Trinity Lutheran congregation, we invite you to join us for meaningful Advent and Christmas worship services during this wonderful time of the year! For over 125 years, this congregation has been engaged in the ministry of sharing, caring and outreach not only to our community, but indeed the whole world. join us for the following special services: DECEMBER 20 DECEMBER 24 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. 2:30, 4:30 & 11:00 p.m. A traditional Song Service with congregational Christmas carol singing. Holy Communion at all services, special music, and preaching on the Christmas story from Luke, Chapter 2. ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Sunday, December 20 ADVENT IV 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. Christmas Song Service No Education Hour CHRISTMAS EVE Thursday, December 24 2:30 p.m. Traditional Family Christmas Eve Worship Service 4:30 p.m. Traditional Family Christmas Eve Worship Service 11:00 p.m. Traditional Candlelight Worship Service Sunday, December 27 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service with Holy Communion Student Recognition Sunday, no education hour OUR MISSION: A community committed to God through caring, sharing and outreach. | tlutheran r i nchurch ity Remembering OUR PAST Rejoicing in the PRESENT 1888 – The Brainerd Evangelical Lutheran Church was formed with the adoption of a constitution and the call for a permanent pastor. Pastor Hans A. Nodshilder accepted this position. The people of Trinity Lutheran invite you to experience the Love of Christ in the midst of this Community. Listed are the many ministries that we feel help us to live out our Christian Faith. We invite all to join us in this Walk of Faith! 1889 – A small frame building was constructed at the corner of Tenth and Oak Streets and was a school house as well as a church. 1890 – The name was changed from the Brainerd Evangelical Lutheran church to the Norwegian-Danish Lutheran Church. 1903 –In July the old church was struck by lightning and burned. Work started on the new church in September with the first services being held in the new building on Christmas Day. 1919 –The Ladies Aid requested that pews be purchased for the church and chairs be placed in the basement. 1932 –The name of the church was changed to Trinity Lutheran Church. 1952 –The congregation voted to mortgage the present church property to pay the debt on the new property on South 6th Street and to build a new parsonage. 1955 –Radio station KLIZ was contracted to broadcast the 11 a.m. services. 1958 –The new church building on South 6th Street was dedicated. 1964 – Rev. Chester Hoversten was called to serve as pastor. 1985 –An Allen Organ was purchased for $38,000. 1987 –In January Pastor Hoversten announced his retirement and a letter of call was accepted by Pastor David Holte, with his installation in June. 1988 – Trinity Lutheran celebrated 100 years. 1989 –Ground breaking was held for new offices, Sunday School rooms, library, youth room and commons. 1990 – Trinity Child Care Center opened and the Sunday Services were broadcast on local cable TV. 1998 – Pastor James Almquist joined the staff as Visitation Pastor. 2005 – Pastor Hans Anderson was ordained and installed as Associate Pastor. 2006 – Completion of the remodeling of Trinity Lutheran Church, under leadership of Presidents Steve Suer (2006), Pam O’Rourke (2005), Don Ryan (2004), Curt Brown (2003), and Bonnie Cumberland (2002). 2013 – Trinity Lutheran celebrated 125 years! ADULT MINISTRIES Altar Guild, Women’s Bible Study, Jolly Freetimers, Men’s Group, Quilters, Women’s Circles, Adult Forums, Women’s Night Out. MUSIC MINISTRIES AWE Music Team, Special Music, Children’s Choir, TLC Singers, Trinity Bells, Flute Choir, Liturgy Group. INTERGENERATIONAL Congregational Meals, Library, Advent and Lenten Festivals, Archives. YOUTH MINISTRIES Sunday School, Confirmation, Feast & Family Fun Nights, Summer Camps, Vacation Bible School, Middle School Events, Senior High Youth Group, Youth Mission Trips, Servant Projects. HEALTH MINISTRY TEAM Parish Nurse, Blood Pressure Checks, Faithfully Fit Exercise Class, Health Educator/Counselor, Healthy Living Classes, College Care Packages. CARING MINISTRIES TEAM Visitation Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Chain, Thanksgiving Baskets. NEW MEMBER MINISTRY TEAM New Member Classes and Orientation, Welcoming Brunch. FOOD MINISTRY TEAM Sunday Coffee, Serving at Funerals, Lenten Soup Suppers, Special Events. OUTREACH MINISTRY Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity, Local Missions, World Missions, Food Shelf, New Pathways. CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP Vision Council, officers of the congregation: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Personnel Committee Members, Synod Assembly Voting Members, Nominating Committee Members, Mission Endowment Fund Committee Members, Special Projects Committee, Intern Committee. Growing in the FUTURE The outlook for the future of Trinity Lutheran Church is bright and beautiful because the future of the congregation’s ministry is in God’s almighty hands. By the power of the Holy Spirit working among the people of Trinity for so many years, the theme of the future is GROWTH. Trinity will have GROWTH in discipleship. The members of the congregation will grow in their knowledge, love, and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Trinity will have GROWTH in education. The members of the congregation will study the Bible, learn more about what it means to live as Christians and integrate our faith with daily life. Trinity will have GROWTH in stewardship. The members of the congregation will come to have a greater appreciation that everything we have is a direct gift from God. Our task is to learn how to share and to pass on the blessing to others. Trinity will have GROWTH in evangelism. As we further learn how to share out faith, tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love, knock on doors, and invite people to worship,the congregation is going to grow in numbers. Trinity will have GROWTH in love. As the old Sunday School song reminds us, “Love, love, love . . . that’s what it’s all about . . .” We will continue to grow in our love for each other and our love for Jesus. This love will serve the congregation well in all areas of growth. TRINITY CHURCH STAFF PASTOR DAVID P. HOLTE Senior Pastor PASTOR HANS ANDERSON Associate Pastor Pastor Dave graduated from high school in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. He graduated from Fergus Falls State Junior College in 1973, Moorhead State College in 1975, and Luther Theological Seminary in 1979. He did his internship at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington from 197778. His first Call was a three-point rural parish in west-central Minnesota where he served for five years. Pastor Hans was born and raised in Omaha, NE. He attended Waldorf College in Forest City, IA 1991-94 and then attended Augustana College in Sioux Falls, SD 1993-94. He served as Youth Director in Pearl River, New York 1994-97 and served as YMCA Wellness Director in Council Bluffs, IA 1997-2001. Pastor Dave came to Trinity in 1984 as the associate pastor, and served in that office until 1987 when he was called to be the senior pastor. He is mostly Norwegian, but he says he is “taking pills for that!” His hobbies include playing and working on pipe organs, restoring antique furniture, working on cars, making lefse and traveling. JORDAN GADES Pastoral Intern, 2015-16 JOE NIKLAUS Office Manager Pastor Hans attended Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN 2001-04 and learned a lot as a Pastoral Intern in Silverton, OR 2003-04. He was called as Associate Pastor at Trinity in Brainerd, MN in February of 2005. “Trinity is an amazing Church! I am floored by the ministry that goes on here. We are truly doing Christ’s mission here… it’s not just lip service! We are committed to God through caring, sharing, and outreach. Come, check us out! I can’t wait to meet you in person!” JACKI MEHR Director of Educational Ministries JOAN OSCARSON Financial Assistant & Webmaster BECKY DRYBURGH Trinity Children’s Center Director MATT DALEY Custodian SUE DUDDING Parish Nurse JIM ANDERSON TLC Singers Director Trinity Bells Director Trinity Flute Choir Director Pat Anderson, Accompanist ELLEN HOLTE Organist, Setting V Music Director DOUG JOHNSON Treasurer trinity lutheran church OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Thursday 8 am to 4:30 p.m. Friday 8 am to 2 p.m. Not Pictured SANDY ERICKSON Music Coordinator OFFICE CONTACT: 218-829-5147 CHILDREN’S CENTER: 218-829-1385 Open year around Monday – Friday 7:00 am-5:30 p.m.