Registration form to be completed and sent before October 10


Registration form to be completed and sent before October 10
4th Bio-Asia Regional Seminar, Bio-Asia Program
November 5 ~7, 2012
Institute of Biophysics/ Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Registration Form
Please fill in this form and send it via email to Dr. Philippe MARTINEAU, Deputy
Counsellor for Science and Technology of the Embassy of France in China, Miss
Anne-Cécile GIRAUD, Program Officer for Science and Technology of the Embassy of
France in China, Mr. André DE BUSSY, Regional Secretariat of the Bio-Asia program,
at the following email addresses:
Before October 10th 2012, final deadline.
In the framework of the Bio-Asia Program, the 4th Bio-Asia Regional Seminar is co-organized
by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Regional Delegation for Cooperation
in South-East Asia. The seminar venue is the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences (CAS), Beijing.
First Name:
Male □
Last Name:
Female □
For your reference:
- November 4 or 5 (morning): arrival at Beijing
- November 5 (afternoon), 6, 7 (morning): Bio-Asia conference at Beijing
- From November 7 (afternoon): departure
Arrival date in China (Beijing Capital airport)*:
Flight Number:
Departure date from China (Beijing Capital
Do you need an invitation letter to enter China?
Do you wish to stay at the partner hotel OL Stadium Hotel Beijing*?
□ Yes
If yes, number of nights:
Check in:
Check out:
Flight Number:
Yes □ / No □
□ No
* Please refer to the practical information document for more details
The seminar will bring active researchers to present the latest accomplishments, innovations
and potential future initiatives in relevant topics. In order to fit in the time slot, presentations
will be selected by the Scientific Committee of the program. Please fill in if necessary.
Do you wish to make an oral presentation:
Do you wish to present a poster:
Title of your presentation:
Yes □ / No □
Yes □ / No □
Title of your poster:
Relevant topics (please choose one):
Biodiversity, ecology and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Effect of climate change and human intervention, fight against invasive species, the role of local
communities, inventory of marine biodiversity, marine ecology, coastal ecology, taxonomy,
payment environmental services -PES-, legal issues, sustainable development in projects
Natural substances from terrestrial and aquatic origins
New sources of natural products, micro-organisms associated with marine invertebrates, Asian
bank of natural products, biomimicry, analogues of natural products.
Valorisation in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutrition,