The President`s Column In my last column I reported on some of the
The President`s Column In my last column I reported on some of the
APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2009 SECRETARY, EDITOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President: Terry Abbott Vice President: Pete Carstensen Secretary: John Martin Treasurer: Ed Roberts Executive Officer : Kevin Kasper Chief Instructor: Jim Neff ******************** Range Manager : Bill Lagusis Administrative Assistant Cheryl Mauler Weekend: Courtney Murch Historian: Bob Shell ******************** Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club, Inc. 3960 N. Usery Pass Road Mesa, Arizona 85207-9702 Phone: 480-984-3724 480-984-9610 Fax: 480-986-1592 Email: CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE Pete Carstensen, Webmaster The President’s Column In my last column I reported on some of the projects we had under way to improve our range. I am happy to report that a lot of progress has been made on those projects. The new Main Range check in shack has been completed and the Range Officers have moved their operation into that enclosure. It’s a very nice improvement to our Main Range operation. Thanks to Paul Caudill for doing a great job on the construction. We recently had to replace our old underground water storage tank that served the upper ranges. In completing that project the vendor recommended to our Range Manager that we should look into drilling a well, instead of continuing to have water hauled in. The Range Manager brought this to my attention. After researching the feasibility of a well, and analyzing the cost trade-offs, the board went out for bids on the project. The cost was very favorable, and we were also able to get a grant from Game and Fish to cover approximately 25% of the cost. We have some work left to do but the well has been drilled and will more than supply enough water for our future needs. On the sporting clays range we have completed our multi-use 5-stand and Trap field. We have lights on this field that were donated to us by Arizona Game and Fish. This will allow us to run some night time Trap and 5stand leagues during the hot summer months. Jim Rasmussen has worked tirelessly on this project while still attending to his daily work on keeping the rest of the Sporting Clays Range running smoothly. Our new Maintenance man, Dan Stratton, also made a huge contribution to the project by building the shooting stations, operator platform and getting the old light poles cleaned and painted. We have had terrific positive response from the shooters on this new addition to our range. I am continuing to work with Arizona Game & Fish and the Tonto National Forest District Ranger on the possible acquisition of land for future expansion of our facility. Congratulations to the Practical Division for their usual outstanding job on running the annual Superstition Mountain Mystery 3-gun match. Attendance was down a little this year. A sign of the times I’m sure. Even so, we had a lot of competitors. It was a safe and fun match with great weather. Feedback I heard from the participants was very complimentary as always, and really highlighted how lucky we are to have such a nice facility that allows us to run matches of this quality. ******************** The range is closed on New Years Day, Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day each year. Got a Question, a Change of Address, email or other Membership Info? Our Email address is: PAGE 2 APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2009 The President’s Column Continued On a sad note, most of you may already have heard that we had a break-in at the Range. In the early morning hours of March 23 someone broke in to the Gunsmith shop and stole a considerable amount of inventory. In tough economic times, property theft increases and guns are always a prime target. I would caution all of you to take serious security measures to protect your belongings. Finally, I want to compliment our entire staff for the terrific job they do. In spite of all the ongoing projects that add to the confusion of daily operations, everyone provides great service to the shooting public and members of RSSC. I get a lot of positive comments from the users of our facility. In particular I want to thank our Range Manager, Bill Lagusis. Bill continuously puts in a tremendous number of hours, even on his days off, to make sure things get done and we are open for business. Terry Abbott President ************************************************************************************** Chief Instructor Up to January we taught 75 student packets by partnering with the NSSF and the commercial community. I am waiting to see if the grant will be offered again and in a month or two we will offer classes again. Keep your eye on Rios web site or call me for the latest updates. The Woman on Target© program has begun. Ladies who are interested in shooting shotguns please contact Lisa Bunch at 602 390 2656. Lisa is an NRA Certified Instructor and who works with the Desert Roses program and the Becoming an Outdoors Woman program. The ladies are also looking at shooting one Wednesday evening a month. You do not need to have a shotgun to participate. The program can be expanded to include pistols and rifles, again call Lisa for details. All of our RSO’s have been through the NRA RSO training program. Dr. Harry Watters conducted a trauma medicine class and many members of Rio attended. I would like to thank Kevin Kasper and the Muzzle Stuffers for conducting a Muzzle Loading class for the Boy Scouts of America. They will have about 1300 scouts shooting Muzzle loaders at their rendezvous and the training will be invaluable. If this seems like a lot of training programs, it is. If you are interested in teaching classes, please let me know. The rewards of being involved in programs like this are really great. We have a lot of fun extending these educational opportunities to our community. If you feel there is a lack of training in a particular field, please contact the Chief Instructor. Be Safe, Have Fun Jim Neff Chief Instructor Quiz: Name the 4 calibers and models Winchester brought out in their early auto-loading rifles. APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2009 PAGE 3 .22 Pistol Division Bronze: Jim Hulihan Women - Open Gold: Sue Little Silver: Gale Aschenbagh Junior - Open Gold: Skylar Miller Women - Limited Gold: Lisa Bunch Silver: Val Lanza Bronze: Jackie Gerak Junior - Limited Gold: Dana Allen Silver: Stephanie Allen Our next Grand Canyon State Games Match will be Sunday, June 22nd at 7:00 a.m. Please make note on your calendar that summer hours begin in April. So our next match will be Sunday, April 26th at 7:00 a.m. Yes, we will be back to offering the .22 rifle part of our match. Thanks for being patient with the 3Gun set up that we had in March. Sue Little .22 Pistol Division Director *********************************************** NRA Youth Essay Contest (as advertised in March, 2009 issue of America's 1st Freedom) This essay contest is being sponsored by the NRA Civil Defense Fund. Deadline for the contest will be December 1, 2009 and open to all grade levels (grades 12 to elementary school). Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 winners in each category (grades 12-10 and grades 9 and below). The theme of this year's contest will be "The Second Amendment to the Constitution: Why it is important to our nation." For additional information, you can visit or call Karen Kulivan at (703) 267-1268. Answer: WSL in the model 05 , the 35 WSL also in the model 05, probably the two most useless rifle cartridges ever introduced, the 351 in the model 07 and the 401 in the model 10. APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2009 PAGE 4 From the Historians Pen The Bodero Revolver The 10.4 sometimes called the 10.35 was developed for the model 1874 service revolver. It came in two main models. The enlisted soldier’s model didn’t have a trigger guard and the trigger folded up while the officer’s model had a normal trigger guard. I am not sure as to any advantage of having two different trigger guard systems. There was also a brass frame model made but they are not common. Like many other guns of the period it was designed by a commission and made in several different plants so there are some minor differences between them. Like most of the military revolvers of the period it was somewhat underpowered and hard to shoot accurately. Sights were not considered important in those days. Also if you didn’t solve your problem with 6 shots you were in trouble as it is slow to unload because there is no ejector system attached to the gun. You had a separate rod to eject the empties. It is similar in size and power to the 44 Russian but isn’t interchangeable. In fact I have seen them rechambered for the 44 Russian which while usable destroys the collectors’ value of the piece. It was also used in the 1889 Glesenti revolver and saw some use up to 1945 as a secondary pistol. There were both black powder and smokeless loads developed for it. It was used until the 1920’s when the 9mm Glesenti replaced it as the first line service handgun. Occasionally you can find a revolver at a gun show or on an auction and the price is usually reasonable. It is a solid well made revolver for the period however like most handguns of the period the double action trigger is atrocious as are the sights. Shooting single action and taking my time I was able to obtain 2” groups at 15 yards which pleased me. Ammo for the gun is strictly a reloading proposition though Fiocchi has made ammo for it. To make ammo for it you need to shorten a 44 special or Russian case and use a .422 diameter bullet. I swage down 44 caliber cast bullets to .422 which is easy once you get the die. I would not use 427 or larger bullets as it would be hard to chamber and will cause other problems. They have been converted to 44 Russian which is a bad idea in my view as it destroys the collector value. I have obtained velocities in the neighborhood of 700 FPS with a 200 grain which is close to factory specs and I don’t recommend exceeding that in such an old gun. It is a gun that you would take out and shoot it strictly for the historical aspect and to have some fun doing it. That what shooting old guns is all about. Bob Shell RSSC Historian 480-983-7078 Due to Health & Safety hazards, there is no smoking within the fenced area at the Main Range . I fam GFT Per. Prcl. l. lom6 hst. SACR 7-5/ "81 124 ' a m uAccwTB2T- 12 bM AMU SBHP/AC r@ lcoRE Revolvs ,8 r-4 Ladies Pm odlMslq )NLY PB2 ASTERALLRNGES ;LOSEO ty.l AM RMAP.USPSA PB HP Rite Sil. HP am M Ould@rspons iE Teem ACAB 7'2 I uAccwfB2T-12 :Sam 2pm R.2 Defeosive lstol TB2 12-s &2 2pm g Gun T€ad€r aol 'm .22 Hstd Matd Pl rE4 'am M14ft lo HP )inic HP/AC7-5 bm Mcc Tal &5 l:306m Muzzlestuffeag )iBtol SB Em Onllmiltqs PB PB-MEatt4 p-,ilthMR4. y9l PistolSB 'pfi Bullseye u April 2009 \ !g 9!l SM MAIN WGE )LOSED IoT CLEAN UP UsE HP :Opm E6c hrd Rlo Salado em SB Praftefrdd tlt L9 pm Tlsday Nlghl leet PB :$F JunlorsAr Rno !91 Pbld TEln. '8 1 7 . 1 2 'nl4dss am SB PEdidatd i30pm 3P SB/SSCR inErpees Hsbl TEin. '81 7-5lAC 1{:S 3m UACCW TB2T- 12 :nbrpli56 Pbd Tdn82 7-12 :Tm Trmpe Swat Pl &4 ph Bo€rd of Dird@ keung 3P SSSBCB pm Tuesdsy Night t€t PB :Spm &ntoB A. 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UseryFassRoad Mesa.AZ 85207-9702 480-98+96 t0 480-986-I 592 www.riosa ladospor$mans,com June 2009 Rio Salado lson Sun tJ) Pbbl Fm Bullsoye ggj !.!,) ram Pistol& Cilboy 'pfr BullseyePistol €ver Action Sil hP ;B 7-9 ram ICORE Revolver ,B 1-4 pm DrillMasterLadie )NLYP82 lll ram USPSA UPPL ,81-4 ':30am HP P€ctrcer' l&R Matoh t:30ah Muzlestufier iifle SB l._ol 'pm Bullsye Pbiol 2J_) a.) pm aam AZ Outd@r SpodsHE Taem \cisB 7-2 ram RMAP-USPSA )8 14 ):30am HPRfleSil. ._o) 'am Drillmaster >81&2 h .22 Pistol Matdl )B 3&4 l 30am BP Cafridge ;iIHP l:30am MuzzlestuFel )isbl SB Bull$ye Pistol iB 7-9 Glub TM ta _^ ,Ec1i@/Match pm Tu6day Nlght iteel PB :30pm Junio6 Air ,u am SB LEctic€/Match pm Tuesday Night tel PB :30pm J!ni6 Alr lineAC rol E; SB ,EqUc€/Mabh 'pm Tuosday Night itel PB :30pm JunioFAlr Uie AC !|j ^_ am 5E TITU !:r i:30pm EB B@rd !g 93I i:30pmJunin iBls8CR :.!J pm Sub Gun MEbtl 'B 1-3 :30pm Juniffi iB/SBCR el 2:3opmCd.loy btup PBl4lHP :30pmC*!oy 'Ecd@M€dr PB tL? fl n.t"r"r^"r- ffi 6 anrrstt|rn ^tn"rsrw,n 6trp PB1-,1/llP r'T&l&r2 m Corbyl-l httr PB t4llP EI{JI{P m Co*ot Frt rilPBl A.t F|r B.lF.dLEn ID !U ':30€mlmpo Swl ,83&4 !!J m Sporling Chys ilc.d for Sstup 5it nd Open r tl ffi sFtire (Iryr )16€d Fqscbrp I ;t rd Opon l{m L\rtrGCPBC gl0 fl z5.l 251 4!J |m tbmsbE" ,SP8r' PB1-f t3(bn 500YOPEc LErHP ls€ti.9 u rrac|cey'Match pm Tuesday Night iteel PB ;30pm Junio6 Ai. i'f,e AC Bt1B2ACCE "o*r*t t FCAT-rr$gr|d )p.|l 'Jn USFSARSPPPT 4 '3tn NRAHP5O btlut tlsEr rSlbn 58 Ra. Sl .t) 9yJ 'pm BullseyePistol lam SB )ractie./Match iB 7-9 ipm Tusday Night ;teel PB :30pm Junio6 Air lme AC CALENDAREVEIITSARE SUBJECTTO CHAIIGE All tims listed are START timos; however, ths nnge may bo rc3eded for setrp, ngbffion or p|*{co Range h open everyday except Nfl Y€fs, Easbr, Thantlglving, and ChrbHf,g Dfy PB.Mtuy14 SA=Sdherrlr LR.LNtuE AC-AerVtu tt.l--/E_ HP-Hichwttuqe 3P=3tutuSdh S{.Sm, rCc-frbForirlto-ir lt.,l!artfl .6 m