Melting Pot
Melting Pot
The Brazilian Melting Pot History. Geography. Economy. Outlook Paulo Rabello de Castro July 2013 Chapter I - History 1500... Adam and Eve • Adam, the Portuguese Navigator • Eve, the native womb • Partitioning the land Hereditary Captainships • Settling in and getting lost 16001600-1700... Golden and Sweet Country • One law, one language • Enlarging the territory • Slavery: Africa comes to America • The mestiço: a Brazilian is born 1800... A Tropical Empire • Europe comes to Brazil • A Tropical Empire • The Education of a Prince • The Constitution of a Nation-State • Neighbours at sight • Coffee as Culture Swiss Immigration in Brazil Establishment of the first colony in Nova Friburgo (1819) 1900... Rounding up the ball • The world comes to Brazil • A melting pot • Soccer, for all • Voting Ballot, for all 2000’ 2000’s... Going forward A New Generation The Same Brazil Chapter II - Geography Brazil: Urban vs. Rural Population (million people) 180 160 140 120 Urban Population 100 80 60 Rural Population 40 20 0 1940 Source: IBGE 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Brazil: The Most Urbanized BRIC 100 91 90 1980 80 2005 70 70 2025 60 83 80 74 66 58 % 50 30 40 38 40 29 24 20 20 10 0 Índia China Russia Brazil Brazil: Brazil: Population Pyramid (1980) - Pensions - Old-age health - Technical skills - Savings - Basic education - Infant Health MEN Source: IBGE WOMEN Brazil: Brazil: Population Pyramid (2010) - Pensions - Old-age health - Technical skills - Savings - Basic education - Infant Health MEN Source: IBGE WOMEN Brazil: Brazil: Population Pyramid (2030) Projected - Pensions - Old-age health - Technical skills - Savings - Basic education - Infant Health MEN Source: IBGE WOMEN North Westward Expansion 10’s Amazônia 90’s 10’s 00’s 00’s 90’s 70’s 80’s 10’s 00’s 90’s 10’s 60’s 50’s 10’s Brazil’s Ranking in World Export Bovine Meat: # 1 Poultry Meat: # 1 Orange Juice: # 1 Coffee: # 1 Sugar: # 1 Ethanol: # 1 Soybean: # 2 Pork Meat: # 3 Cotton: # 3 15 Investment Vectors Agricultural Backbone = “Tropiculture” Oil and Gas Service economy and labor intensive industries Service economy and hi-tech industries Mineral provinces Forest Conservation Major challenge: infrastructure Multi – Modal Transport Network D1 N1 N4 N3 N5 D3 D2 17 Chapter III - Economy Brazil: GDP Real Growth 13% 11% 9% 7% 5% 3% 1% -1% 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 10- year moving average - Source: IPEA (1901-47), IBGE (since 1948) 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Brazil: what has changed in a reliable way? The New Constitution 1988 1) The Rule of Law Collor’s Impeachment 1992 1994 1999 2008 2) Price Stability The Real Plan Flexible Exchange Regime 3) External Accounts The end of Debt Brazil: Brazil: Public Debt / GDP 75% 70% 65% 60% GROSS DEBT 55% 50% 45% 40% NET DEBT 35% 30% Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Source: Brazilian Central Bank Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Brazil: Brazil: Foreign Direct Investment 80 US$ billion , 12 months accumulated 60 40 20 0 jan/05 jan/06 jan/07 Source: Brazilian Central Bank jan/08 jan/09 jan/10 jan/11 jan/12 jan/13 Brazil: Brazil: Investment / GDP 22% Challenge 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 95 97 99 01 Source: IBGE. Forecast: RC Consultores 03 05 07 09 11 13 F 15 F Chapter IV - Outlook Brazil: Brazil: Credit / GDP 60% Total Credit (% GDP) 55% 50% 45% Forecast 40% 35% 30% 25% mar-07 dez-07 set-08 Source: Brazilian Central Bank jun-09 mar-10 dez-10 set-11 jun-12 mar-13 dez-13 BRAZIL: BASIC INTEREST RATE 20 Forecast 16 13,75% 12,5% 11,25% 12 8,75% 8,75% 7,25% 8 4 jan/06 jan/07 jan/08 jan/09 jan/10 jan/11 jan/12 jan/13 jan/14 Source:BACEN Forecast: RC Consultores 26 Brazil: Net Jobs Created 2,6 (Million jobs) 12 Month Accumulated 2,2 1,8 Lula's 2nd Term 1,4 Dilma's 1st Term Lula's 1st Term 1,0 0,6 0,2 jan/01 jan/03 Source: Ministry of Labor jan/05 jan/07 jan/09 jan/11 jan/13 LongLong-term Challenge Toward a High-investment Model And Strong Wealth Access for the Emerging Poor Challenges to overcome •Heavy Heavy tax burden •Bureaucratic Bureaucratic jungle •Infrastructure Infrastructure deficiencies •Education Education backwardness •Slow Slow Innovation 29 Building a Democratic Society 4-Way Access toward Prosperity for All 1 PROPERTY RIGHTS 2 FUNDED SOCIAL SECURITY 3 MASS “WEBWEB-UCATION” UCATION” 4 GREEN FOOTPRINT GROWTH World GDP Ranking in 2050 US$ trillion (2010) 60 BRICs 52 Advanced economies 50 N - 11 43 40 34 30 25 22 20 11 10 8 5 5 5 5 4 4 da Cana 6 Egyp 6 any Ger m 7 ce Fran 7 4 4 0 stan Paki It aly t ey Turk esia ria Nige UK n Indo ico Mex n Japa ia Russ Area il Braz Euro India USA N-11 a Chi n Forecast: RC Consultores 31 2050 World GDP: The TripleTriple-B Approach US$ trillion (2010) 70 60 60,0 ...Blocs ...Bachelors ...Brides 50 44,6 40 30 25,0 22,3 22,0 20 10,5 10 11,5 8,0 7,0 9,8 8,3 0 BroadChina NAFTA Forecast: RC Consultores In 2010 prices Euroland India Brazil Russia Japan Southeast Asia Africa South America w/o Brazil Middle East Possible World blocs in 2050 GDP - US$ trillion 80 3 World Blocs and 2 "Projects" 71,3 70 60 56,2 50 38,0 40 32,4 31,1 30 20 10 0 China Plus - BroadChina - 1/3 Africa - 1/3 Southeast Asia Forecast: RC Consultores NAFTA Plus - NAFTA - 1/2 Middle East - 1/3 Southeast Asia "Euroland" Plus - EU - Russia - 1/3 Africa - 1/2 Middle East India Plus - India - 1/3 Southeast Asia Brazil Plus - Brazil - Japan - South America - 1/3 Africa Another possibility: possibility: World blocs in 2050 GDP - US$ trillion (2010) 80 3 World Blocs and 2 "Projects" 71,3 70 60 49,7 50 38,0 40 37,6 32,4 30 20 10 0 China Plus NAFTA Plus ex-méxico - BroadChina - 1/3 Africa - 1/3 Southeast Asia - NAFTA w/o Mexico - 1/2 Middle East - 1/3 Southeast Asia "Euroland" Plus - EU - Russia - 1/3 Africa - 1/2 Middle East Forecast: RC Consultores LatAm Plus India Plus - South America - India - Japan - 1/3 Southeast Asia - Mexico - 1/3 Africa The New U.S. “Long Range Diplomacy” Diplomacy” NAFTA TPP TTIP A Different Scenario GDP - US$ trillion 80 71,3 70 3 World Blocs and 2 "Projects" 69,4 60 50 38,0 40 37,6 30 17,8 20 10 0 China Plus - BroadChina - 1/3 Africa - 1/3 Southeast Asia NAFTA Plus - NAFTA - 1/2 Middle East - 1/3 Southeast Asia - Japan - 1/4 South America - 1/3 Africa Forecast: RC Consultores "Euroland" Plus - EU - Russia - 1/3 Africa - 1/2 Middle East India Plus - India - 1/3 Southeast Asia Brazil Plus - Brazil - ¾ South America THANK YOU! TALK TO US Paulo Rabello de Castro Thiago Biscuola Marcel Caparoz RC Consultores has prepared this report using information available until July 08, 2013. Despite of taking care on data accuracy, RC Consultores is not responsible by the information full accuracy that can eventually eventually be incomplete and / or resumed. Also, RC Consultores is not responsible by assets ssets and / or indicators behavior mentioned here. any decision that was taken considering the prognostics on the a