July 2007 - Through Your Body
July 2007 - Through Your Body
Celebrating life’s journey Through Your Body For Chakaa Ken-V Ken-Varley, experiences determined what’s most important A s Chaka Ken-Varley recounts the winding path her life has traveled, it becomes clear that she has been a part of some of the most well-known and influential self-discovery movements of the past 40 years. Massage, macrobiotics, EST, Vipassana meditation, yoga, rebirthing and Pilates have all held important places in her personal and professional BIRDS OF A FEATHER development. “My experiences BY REBECCA helped me realize I have HADLEY different priorities,” she says. “I have different ideas about what makes a happy life.” Sitting at the dining table of the central Houston house she grew up in (her mother still lives there), Chaka looks far younger than her 64 years. A petite woman with a larger-than-life presence, she glows with vitality as she explains the secrets to her seemingly eternal youth. “I eat organically as often as possible, don’t drink, don’t smoke and try to live a generally healthy lifestyle,” she says. She also walks regularly, performs the Five Tibetan Rites, uses Univera nutraceuticals and loves to dance. Drawing from an abundant source of Dedicated to our healthy, happy and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Buzz off! HOW TO REACH CHAKA KEN-VARLEY Phone: (512) 443-3470 E-mail: univeralife@earthlink.net Web: www.loveistheway.org energy, Chaka divides her time between practicing massage, managing her real estate investments, marketing Univera and making monthly trips to Houston to help care for her 94-year-old mother. Her husband, Robert, manages the Pilates Center of Austin. Chaka’s journey off the beaten path began more than 30 years ago when she received her very first massage from Ray Stubbs. “He gave me an incredible massage,” she says. “I felt inspired after it. I got off the table THROUGH YOUR BODY FLOCK EGRET $29.95 a month PEACOCK $379 a month and thought ‘I want to do this.’” At the time, there were no massage schools in Houston, so Chaka traveled to San Francisco to spend a month attending the Lomi School where she learned a variety of massage techniques as well as undergoing a personal transformation. After returning to Houston, Chaka held several jobs including massage therapist, yoga instructor and handling store displays for Ye Seekers Horizon. It was during this time that Chaka met fellow massage practitioner Alan Davidson. The two shared the common bond of Lomi massage training as well as an overall interest in natural health See Chaka Ken-Varley on Page 4 Upgrade your membership in the Through Your Body flock. Log on to www.ThroughYourBody.com/flock/ and make the change or call (713) 942-0923. • Unlimited access to our office, calls returned within 24 hours Monday thru Thursday; • Members-only Web pages; • Continually updated Through Your Body Resource directory; • Hard copy newsletter delivered to your home; • Monthly CD interview with experts in Mastering Your 5 Vital IQs delivered to your home; • Once monthly 90-minute live teleclass with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body Expert; • FREE on-line Through Your Body Success Strategies; • 10% discount on all Body Brilliance seminars you attend • All the above Egret and Flamingo member benefits AND: • Listen in Live on interview calls for monthly CD with the ability to ask questions of expert. • Two one-hour, One-on-One coaching call per month with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body expert. • 30 % discounts on Through Your Body sponsored seminars and classes you attend. • Includes the FREE once-annual seminar exclusively for Flamingo, Peacock and Eagle members only. Limited to 10 members per 6 months JULY 2007 FLAMINGO $249 a month Limited to 14 members per 6 months • All the above Egret Level Benefits AND: • One hour One-on-One coaching call per month with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body expert. • Listen in Live on Monthly CD interview with experts in Mastering Your Five Vital IQs. • Email or fax questions for the Mastering Your Five Vital IQs experts before their interviews. • FREE once-annual seminar exclusive for Flamingo, Peacock, and Eagle members only. *** • 20 % discounts on all Through Your Body sponsored seminars and classes you attend. Coming Soon The Mastermind groups are the chance to study personally (and extensively) with Alan Davidson. They are also the beginnings of the Through Your Body Leadership and Apprentice Programs. EAGLE Mastermind groups *** Exclusively for the Through Your Body Flamingos, Peacocks and Eagles - Join Alan for Your FREE Fabulous 7-Day Alaskan Cruise for a week of deluxe balcony rooms, play, relaxation, daily Body Brilliance, and FUN. Through Your Body membership cruise does not include airfare to the departure city. A well-known fishing guide puts the top DEET-free insect repellents to the test so you and our family can remain bug- and toxic-free during your outdoor adventures over the long summer months. Read more on PAGE 4 Core Genius Best-selling author Jack Canfield helps us explore what he calls our Core Genius, that one thing we love to do - and do so well - that we hardly feel like doing anything else. When we hit upon our Core Genius, the activity is effortless and tons of fun, tied to our passions and our true life purpose. Learn how to find and nurture your Core Genius. Read more on PAGE 6 Busting Loose from the Money Game J im and I were in New York to collect the Bronze Medal for Body-Mind-Spirit Book-of-the-Year (Body Brilliance--Bronze Medal winner, who knew? We were also there to enjoy Book Expo ’07 (What a rush! 300,000 folks and books, books, books, for three WHOLE days). My friends Brooke and Lee turned me on to a life shattering (in the best way) book: Busting Loose From the Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld. Brooke was carrying on about this fantastic book she was reading. I picked up her copy of Busting Loose and I was hooked. We made the pilgrimage to the Border’s on Columbus Circle to pick up my own copy before we blew town. I could tell it was a new paradigm in consciousness—not just another Millionaire Making Money book, but a radical shift in consciousness and human evolution. And Robert used money and “getting into people’s wallets” as the entry point in freeing people’s minds. Robert synthesizes the latest thinking in quantum physics and human potential to create a process that allows folks to “Bust Loose” from the limited thinking, feelings, judgments, and beliefs we all have about reality; money included, or, should I say BY ALAN money especially. DAVIDSON Scheinfeld explains the reality we see/experience is really just a hologram. A reality created by quantum energy shot through a prism of consciousness that appears as three dimensional time and space. Robert goes onto explain that this reality is an “illusion” along with all the laws and rules that govern it. Robert’s simple process for shifting out of the Money Game/limiting reality is HIGHLY effective for unplugging from any, and every, limiting thought. I’ve personalized his process a bit to include some of Byron Katie’s The Work and Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind. They all roll together to create a limiting belief atomizer/neutralizer…and leaves me sitting/playing/creating in the filed of pure potentiality. YUM! Here’s a taste of his process: Take any limiting belief…say, “Time is money.” Step 1: State the absolute truth—I say, “I am pure consciousness.” Step 2: Amplify the fear/limiting thought (focus on the emotional state created by the train of negative thoughts)—“I don’t have enough time. I’ll never get ahead with all the deadlines I have. I’ll never make it big. I’ll never be FREE. Etc, etc, etc.” Feel the feelings as much as possible. Step 3: Recognize this pattern of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and judgments as a prison of MY own creation, of my own consciousness. Step 4: Reclaim my power by dissolving the pattern of WHAT’S UP See What’s Up on Page 7 The Master Cleanser Despite warnings from nutritionists, fasting diet still popular W By Lola Ogunnaike hen Teron Beal, a songwriter and aspiring actor in Manhattan, was looking to drop weight quickly for a photo shoot, he didn’t double up on gym visits, gulp metabolic boosting pills or limit his diet to leafy greens and lean protein. Instead, he took a more drastic approach: he tried the “master cleanse,” a fast that requires subsisting for 10 or more days solely on an elixir of fresh-squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. “I had only three weeks and I needed the difference to be noticeable,” said Beal, adding that he lost nearly 10 pounds during his 12-day fast in July. “The first few days were horrible, but by the fifth day I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw two ab muscles that had eluded me for years. I was grumpy no longer.” While popular diets and fasts come and go, master cleanse remains a perennial favorite, a kind of folk regimen that owes its popularity to word of mouth and the Internet. Created in the 1940’s by a nutrition guru, Stanley Burroughs, to treat ulcers and other internal ailments, the fast enjoyed a vogue in the late ’70s after the publication of his book, The Master Cleanser. Its fans then were health-conscious types, interested in purging their bodies of impurities and toxins like pesticides and food additives. But in recent years master cleanse has enjoyed yet another vogue among people seeking to shed pounds in a short time. Celebrities, of course, are in the vanguard. On Oprah Winfrey’s show, the singer and actress Beyoncé Knowles announced that she had lost 20 pounds on the fast to prepare for her starring role in the new film Dreamgirls. Robin Quivers, Howard Stern’s long-suffering sidekick, told People magazine that she did the fast on three separate occasions in 2004 and shrunk to 145 pounds from a peak of 218. 2 The Internet teems with testimonials to the cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet, claiming that it fights disease, clears the mind as well as acne, and increases energy. Bloggers chronicle their daily fasting. Master cleanse video diaries can be found on YouTube, and a cottage industry has developed with various companies peddling cleansing kits including all ingredients for the beverage except lemons. Never mind that most nutrition and diet experts advise against multi-day fasting. “I cannot believe how this thing has had a total revival,” said Joy Bauer, a nutritionist and the author of The 90/10 Weight-Loss Plan. “People want a quick fix and they want to be thin so badly that they’re vulnerable and open to almost anything.” Bauer estimated that fasters who drink six glasses of the lemony potion a day — the low end of the recommended amount — are consuming about 650 calories, far less than the 1,600-plus calories the average woman needs to maintain her weight or the roughly 2,400 calories a man requires. “Of course you’re going to lose weight,” she said. “You’re starving yourself.” Seldom do the pounds stay off, she added, and people have a tendency to binge once they begin eating again. Still, many are willing to disregard the word of nutritionists, seduced by the notion that the only things standing See Master Cleanse on Page 4 Relax. Stay calm. Let go. Jack Canfield’s tips for completely delegating your tasks O ne of the strategies I use and teach is complete delegation. It simply means that you delegate a task once and completely, rather than delegating it each time it needs to be done. Most entrepreneurs spend less than 30 percent of their time focusing on their core genius and unique abilities. In fact, by the time they’ve launched a business, it often seems entrepreneurs are doing everything but the one thing they went into business for in the first place. Many salespeople, for example, spend more time on account administration than they do on the phone or in the field making sales, when they could hire a part-time administrator (or share the cost with another salesperson) to do this time-consuming detail work – in most cases, in a fraction of the time it would take them and at a fraction of the cost. Most female executives spend too much time running their household, when they could easily and inexpensively delegate this task to a cleaning service or part-time mother’s helper, freeing them to focus on their career or spend more quality time with their family. Don’t let this be your fate. Identify your core genius, then delegate completely to free up more time to focus on what you love to do. I believe that you can trade, barter, pay for and find volunteer help to do almost everything you don’t want to do, leaving you to do what you are best at - and what will ultimately make you the most money and bring you the most happiness. Core continued from Page 6 When you delegate the grunt work — the things you hate doing or those tasks that are so painful, you end up putting them off — you get to concentrate on what you love to do. You free up your time so that you can be more productive. And you get to enjoy life more. So why is delegating routine tasks and unwanted projects so difficult for most people? Surprisingly, most people are afraid of looking wasteful or being judged as being above everyone else. They are afraid to give up control or are reluctant to spend the money to pay for help. Deep down, most What’s Up continued from Page 1 thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and judgments back into the FIELD of consciousness. Reclaim the power zapped by the beliefs and allow it to course through me and expand my consciousness. Step 5: Rest in the FIELD of pure potentiality. This simple process has rekindled my THROUGH YOUR BODY THROUGH YOUR BODY people simply don’t want to let go. Others (potentially you) have simply fallen into the habit of doing everything themselves. “It’s too time consuming to explain it to someone,” you say. “I can do it more quickly and better myself anyway.” But can you? Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at www.JackCanfield.com morning sitting meditations and I use it all day to short-circuit the limiting thoughts that roll through my mind. I’m here to say, most days I’m buzzing with energy. There’s definitely something to this “Busting Loose.” So my little introduction doesn’t do Robert’s process justice. Not to worry. Robert Scheinfeld is our July Through Your Body guest teleseminar leader (what a coup). Mark your calendar for Monday THROUGH YOUR BODY MEMBERSHIP FREE MONTHLY TELESEMINARS One of the many benefits of joining the Through Your Body Flock is the monthly teleseminars. Here’s a sneak peek at some upcoming events you won’t want to miss. JULY Robert Scheinfeld Scheinfeld, the author of “Busting Loose From the Money Game,” is our featured guest instructor for July. Robert’s a New York Times best selling author and has taught his Busting Loose process to manythousands around the world. We’re thrilled to have him. AUGUST Our guest teleseminar instructor in August is Jan Stringer Stringer, co-author of “Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity.” Jan will teach us the fourstep “Strategic Attraction Plan” for attracting an abundance of perfect customers, 100 percent of the time. SEPTEMBER In September, the guest lecturer is Byron Katie author of “Loving What Is.” I joined Katie, Katie for her 10 day School for the Work in October 2004. It was the single most valuable thing I’ve done since my Lomi Training with Robert Hall and Richard Heckler in 1994. Katie will teach us “The Work;” four questions that can change your life. OCTOBER Our (tentative) guest teleseminar instructor in October is Janet Atwood Atwood, co-author of The Passion Test. Janet will lead us through “The Passion Test.” Are you one of the 20 percent of Americans who live their passions every day? Or are you one of the 80 percent that is divorced from their life’s passions? Janet is a fun, lively, inspiring teacher totally committed to helping everyone live their passions. July 16th. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to work with Robert live. All across the world people “Express-TheirAppreciation” with thousands of dollars to learn how to Bust Loose From the Money Game. Thanks to your membership you can do it from your very own telephone (and for $29.95 a month—such a deal). Check out Bob Scheinfeld’s book and see if it works for you. 7 Are we as smart as our cells? THRIVE ON ATTENTION A history of the masses would suggest that collectively we’re not By Swami Beyondananda N ow if you used to hate it when your parents compared you to someone else saying, “if soand-so can do it, why not you?” you’re probably not going to like what I’m about to tell you – but here goes: Our cells may be smarter than we are. At least they’ve figured out how to live together in peace and harmony. According to cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, we have a thriving 50-trillion cell community under our skin where every participating cell is cared for. There is universal health care and full employment – truly, no cell is left behind. And the cells that do the most important work for the body as a whole get “paid” more. Our organs seem to get along too. You hardly ever hear about the liver cruising up the bile canal, invading the pancreas and laying claim to the Islets of Langerhans. Meanwhile back in the jungle, we pursue manifest destiny and survival of the fittest as our supposed biological imperative, except for one small detail. It doesn’t matter how fit the individual is – if the species doesn’t fit, then out it goes into the recycling pile. If you thought the Man Without a Country was a sad story, wait until you see Man Without a Planet. I hate to say it, but global warming may be nothing more than the Earth running a fever in the hopes of shaking a virulent parasite called homo ignoramus. Don’t get me wrong – there have been some really great people: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Elvis (that’s right, Elvis. I’ve been following his threefold path for years: “Love me tender ... please surrender ... return to sender.”) There have been lots and lots of lots of really wonderful individuals. Individually, you won’t meet a nicer species. But put a bunch of us together, and we’re hell on wheels. Did you know that during the 20th century, war caused 260 million deaths? If someone caused just one-tenth of one percent of that, it would be all over the 6 p.m. news with details at 11 p.m. And if any one of us did what we allow “all of us” to do, we’d be put away forever. I guess they must have modified the Ten Commandments while we weren’t looking: “Thou shalt not kill, except in extremely large groups.” Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a., Swami Beyondananda, is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For the past 18 years, he has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.”Swami’s comedy has been called“irreverently uplifting”and has been described both as“comedy disguised as wisdom”and“wisdom disguised as comedy.” Stay focused on your core genius I believe you have inside you a core genius...some one thing that you love to do, and do so well, that you hardly feel like doing anything else. It’s effortless for you and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you’d make it your lifetime’s work. In most cases, your core genius is directly tied to your passions and life purpose. Successful people believe this, too. That’s why they put their core genius first. They focus on it. And they delegate everything else to other people on their team. For me, my core genius lies in the area of teaching, training, coaching and motivating. I love to do it! I do it well, and people report that they get great 6 value from it. Another core genius is writing and compiling books. Along with my co-author Mark Victor Hansen and others, I have written, By JACK CANFIELD co-authored, compiled and edited more than 100 books. Compare that to the other people in the world who go through life doing everything, even those tasks they’re bad at or that could be done cheaper, better and faster by someone else. They can’t find the time to focus on their core genius because they fail to delegate even the most menial of tasks. See Core on Page 7 THROUGH YOUR BODY The power of human touch is magical B eing Alan’s pet is not always a day at the dog beach. How many canines do you know that are forced by their masters to write a monthly column? Just one: Whisper the underdog. I need this stress like a fish needs a bicycle. Actually, channeling all my wisdom, energy and creativity into writing is not all bad. And the perks that come with the job make toiling over the keyboard somewhat worthwhile. For example, I get to observe Alan at work. Officially, my mission is to gather enough material for my column, but in reality I just take advantage of my “working dog” status to curl up in the corner of his massage studio and catch forty winks. Yeah, being a writer is really tiring! From my strategic corner position, between bouts of sleeping, yawning, stretching, scratching, and other forms of slacking off, I watch Alan weave his magic. Yes, the powers of a good massage are truly magical! I am no historian, but I am pretty sure the origins of a massage go way back before Alan. Images of humans beTHROUGH YOUR BODY ing massaged (not by Alan) were found in cave paintings, Egyptian tombs, and in various other ancient places. I am willing to go out on a hind limb and say that the first massage therapy was probably right after the WHISPER’S given wheel was invented. WIDSOM The guys had such BYY H.B. sore muscles; they imMILLIGAN mediately used their new invention to ride to the nearest massage parlor. I could bark praises to the healing and relaxing properties of a massage: It relieves pain and tension, soothes muscles, improves circulation, reduces fatigue, enhances the body’s natural immunity, comforts our souls, and leaves us feeling perkily bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I know first-paw what I am writing about here for I am privy to the massage’s beneficial effects in more ways than one. Very often a client gives me a pat on the head or the back. I pretend not to care, but if truth were known (as it should), I am deeply touched – literally and figuratively – by this unsolicited display of affection. Some folks –my pals Michael and Creighton, for example – take petting to the highest level. From the moment they walk in the door until they get on the massage table, and then again afterwards, I am getting a lion’s share of pats, hugs and cuddles. (Don’t tell the lion though.) At times like these I am actually happy to be a dog, and Alan’s dog at that! And, of course, there is the master himself. True, he works me like a dog but he also rewards me with more than just bare bones. He gives me a good rub from head to paw; gentle scratches between the ears, on the cheeks, under the chin, over the nose, between the eyes, over the head, all the way down to my tail and legs. I feel all the stress and tension magically tailing off. No questions about it: the rubs, pats, hugs and cuddles keep old Whisper fit and healthy. All these job benefits sure make me as happy as a lark. 3 Master Cleanse continued from Page 2 citrus-flavored drink and several days of discomfort. Kristina Wong, a performance artist in Los Angeles, lasted on the fast for only five days, but she also saw results. “I looked great,” said Wong, who uploaded a video diary of her fasting experience on YouTube in September. “No more stomach rolls. I was such a skinny mini.” The enduring popularity of the cleanse may have as much to do with its instant results as with the drink’s relatively inoffensive taste (think lemon Gatorade with a spicy kick) and simple recipe: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons Grade-B maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 8 ounces of spring or purified water. According to The Master Cleanser, Burroughs’s book, the lemon acts as a purifier and provides potassium, the cayenne pepper adds B and C vitamins and aids in circulation, and maple syrup, a sugar, provides energy and minerals. Burroughs suggested that fasters drink anywhere from 6 to 12 glasses of the stuff a day as well as a mixture of water and sea salt in the morning and an herbal laxative tea in the evening, to help aid in waste removal. Chaka Ken-Varley continued from Page 8 practices. Throughout the years, Alan has remained a constant in Chaka’s life. “Years ago, my mother fell and fractured her hip. I was exhausted from working and taking care of her,” Chaka says. “I went to see Alan, and he helped put me back together.” After working several years as the coowner of the macrobiotic East West Center, Chaka moved to La Jolla, Calif. Friends Robert and Barbara Varley joined her there for the final nine months of Barbara’s life. Chaka and Robert became close while helping to ease Barbara through her life-ending battle with breast cancer. After she died, their friendship blossomed into something much deeper. “It took me completely by surprise,” she says. “I can honestly say it’s just the juiciest relationship I’ve ever been in. He’s my prince.” Chaka and Robert traveled the country in a van, continuing the work of teaching A Course in Miracles that he had begun with Barbara. They lived first in Oregon and eventually settled in Austin. Besides working 4 THE MASTER CLEANSE RECIPE 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons Maple syrup 1/10th teaspoon Cayenne pepper 8 oz. spring water Samuel Klein, the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the medical school of Washington University in St. Louis, is leery of master-cleanse-like regimens because there is no data that prove they provide any medical benefit and no evidence that fasting helps rid the body of toxins, which happens naturally, he said. While fasting for a few days is not dangerous, Klein said, “Fasting for too long can deplete muscle tissue, including your heart muscle, and it can reduce the size and functioning of organs like the kidney and liver.” He is just one of many nutritionists who caution that fasting can be counterproductive. Some say it can even slow down the metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight in the future. on their own business ventures, the pair also participates in a long-running yearly event called“Soak in the Love,” A Course in Miracles retreat in Breitenbush Hot Springs, Ore. The weekend gathering takes place in May and is attended by more than 100 people. “It’s a remarkable event,” Chaka says. “It’s a chance for us to spend time loving each other fully and unconditionally while engaging in spiritual expression with one another.” Participants spend their time singing, meditating, dancing, hiking, soaking in hot pools and living the teachings of A Course in Miracles. This evolving community experience has provided Chaka with a dream for the future in which senior citizens, like her mother, have a communal environment in which to live out their lives, instead of being relegated to nursing homes or living alone. “Caring for my mother and growing older myself has made me realize the need we have for viable elder community spaces,” she says. “They could offer organic foods, play, crafts, living the rest of our lives and supporting our rebirth on the other side. We could make it a heaven on earth.” Despite his dark films, David Lynch’s life is shockingly peaceful By Alex Williams New York Times I f you were looking for a Tom Cruise to preach to a new generation the gospel of Transcendental Meditation, a hippie-era spiritual practice espousing inner harmony, David Lynch would be one of the least likely candidates. As the director who conjured the reptilian mutant baby of Eraserhead and the dancing dwarf of Twin Peaks, Lynch has built his career by imposing his nightmares on the rest of us. The idea of the inscrutable David Lynch, Hollywood’s leading surrealist and eccentric, reborn as the guru of bliss seems a little odd even to Lynch himself. Now 60, he remembers how he recoiled from the concept when he heard about it in the late 1960s, when the movement – founded by the Indian spiritual leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – was experiencing its first wave of popularity among young people in the West thanks to proselytizing by pop stars like the Beatles and Donovan. “The word ‘harmony’ would make me want to puke,” recalled Lynch, speaking on a clear, chilly afternoon in the glassed-in painting studio atop his Modernist concrete-walled house in the Hollywood Hills. That all changed in 1973, when the future filmmaker discovered meditation, which he believes allowed him to quiet – and exploit – his inner demons. He said that he has not BUZZ OFF! A respected fishing guide compares the top DEET-free insect repellents By Wendy Knight New York Times J ust as some people prefer organic food, many are also choosing to use insect repellents made without DEET, a common pesticide. Their concern? Studies have shown that DEET can cause neurological problems, especially in children, if used in high concentrations for prolonged periods. But when used as directed on product labels, DEET is not harmful, even to kids, according to experts at the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and Duke University Medical Center, although they do not recommend using it on children under the age of two. For consumers who would rather avoid it, there are more all-natural repellents than ever before, made with ingredients like lemon eucalyptus oil. missed a day since. And now, the low-key auteur is emerging as the most visible, even fiery, proponent of the resurgent practice, which is being used increasingly in schools and in the workplace, as well as by a new generation of stars, including Heather Graham, Laura Dern and the record executive Rick Rubin. In July 2005, Lynch began the David Lynch Foundation, which finances Transcendental Meditation scholarships for students in middle schools and high schools to study the practice. Lynch is taking the message to the masses. His autobiography-cum-self-help book, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity, was recently released. “It’s weird,” said Lynch, in the flat folksy accent of his native Missoula, Mont., speaking of his increasing involvement. “I guess it’s as simple as this: I wish I had heard it earlier.” Transcendental Meditation is a trademarked mental technique introduced by Maharishi in 1958 based on the proposition that a practitioner, by repeating a private mantra BURT’S BEES HERBAL INSECT REPELLENT $7.50, www.burtsbees. com. To keep mosquitoes at bay, this spray had to be reapplied every two and half hours, which didn’t bother Philbrick. The eucalyptusheavy smell was “pleasant.” But this repellent failed to stop deerflies from biting despite diligent reapplication. BITE BLOCKER HERBAL SPRAY $8.85, www.homs.com. The geranium-scented product, billed as waterproof and sweatproof, wasn’t, Philbrick said. “If you sweat, bugs will find that spot where the product has dripped off.”The spray worked well when applied every three hours but it “couldn’t possibly keep up” with the mosquitoes one particularly bad night. BUZZ AWAY EXTREME SPRAY $8.99, www.quantumhealth.com. The maker of this repellent claims it offers eight-hour protection from mosquitoes. Three was more like it, Philbrick said. “Eight hours should not be in their vocabulary,” he added. Still it “really did keep the bugs away.” He found the smell inoffensive, but others didn’t like its citronella and cedar wood odor. DERMATONE HERBAL INSECT REPELLENT $9.10, www. dermatone.com. Philbrick and a client applied this sweatproof spray every two and a half hours as directed while kayaking and bird-watching and “could sit and talk with nothing lighting on us.” He rated this “one of the better products” saying it was “easy to carry around.” ALL TERRAIN HERBAL ARMOR SPRAY $7.99, www.allterrainco. com. Philbrick reapplied the product, right, every two hours as directed and “deerflies, mosquitoes, everything, stayed away.” Including, it seems, people. The spray’s pungent citronella odor was the culprit. Still, Philbrick prized how its small flat bottle conveniently fit into his hip pocket. NATRAPEL PLUS SPRAY $4.79, www.tendercorp.com. Philbrick felt that this air-compressed spray needed too frequent reapplication — every 90 minutes — to be useful on a long hike. Plus, it was only “fairly effective” at repelling mosquitoes and black flies. Its peppermint-laced scent was “the best” of those tested and sure to appeal to the whole family. To see which ones worked best, Stephen Philbrick, a licensed fishing guide and an owner of Bald Mountain Camps in Oquossoc, Me., fished and kayaked for a week, THROUGH YOUR BODY throughout two 20-minute sessions a day, can achieve a state of ‘”restful alertness” -- and, theoretically, tap into a ‘’unified field’’ of energy. The training process involves working with personal instructors over five days at one of about 1,000 Transcendental Meditation centers worldwide, and it costs about $2,500. As an artist, Lynch said, it has allowed him to unleash his imagination and be, in a word, weirder. He said that many of his ideas – the “big fish” of his book’s title – come to him during meditation. Among these big fish are sitcom-starring rabbits and the Greek chorus of prostitutes in his fantastical three-hour new film, Inland Empire, now showing in limited release. Lynch began meditating on the recommendation of his sister, Martha. At the time, he was a year into a torturous fiveyear quest to complete his first feature film, Eraserhead, which was released in 1977, and was separating from his first of three wives, Peggy Lentz. “There was a hollowness inside,” he recalled. “I thought, something is drastically wrong.” He dropped in on a Transcendental Meditation center. After 20 minutes, he felt a weight lifted. “The side effect of growing that consciousness,” he explained, “is, negative things start going away. Like fear. It’s like the suffocating rubber clown suit begins to dissolve.” frequently reapplying each product. Philbrick noted that the botanical products didn’t create “a protection zone around you” like the repellent he usually wears — Deep Woods OFF! — but they all worked, in varying degrees. 5 Master Cleanse continued from Page 2 citrus-flavored drink and several days of discomfort. Kristina Wong, a performance artist in Los Angeles, lasted on the fast for only five days, but she also saw results. “I looked great,” said Wong, who uploaded a video diary of her fasting experience on YouTube in September. “No more stomach rolls. I was such a skinny mini.” The enduring popularity of the cleanse may have as much to do with its instant results as with the drink’s relatively inoffensive taste (think lemon Gatorade with a spicy kick) and simple recipe: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons Grade-B maple syrup, 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 8 ounces of spring or purified water. According to The Master Cleanser, Burroughs’s book, the lemon acts as a purifier and provides potassium, the cayenne pepper adds B and C vitamins and aids in circulation, and maple syrup, a sugar, provides energy and minerals. Burroughs suggested that fasters drink anywhere from 6 to 12 glasses of the stuff a day as well as a mixture of water and sea salt in the morning and an herbal laxative tea in the evening, to help aid in waste removal. Chaka Ken-Varley continued from Page 8 practices. Throughout the years, Alan has remained a constant in Chaka’s life. “Years ago, my mother fell and fractured her hip. I was exhausted from working and taking care of her,” Chaka says. “I went to see Alan, and he helped put me back together.” After working several years as the coowner of the macrobiotic East West Center, Chaka moved to La Jolla, Calif. Friends Robert and Barbara Varley joined her there for the final nine months of Barbara’s life. Chaka and Robert became close while helping to ease Barbara through her life-ending battle with breast cancer. After she died, their friendship blossomed into something much deeper. “It took me completely by surprise,” she says. “I can honestly say it’s just the juiciest relationship I’ve ever been in. He’s my prince.” Chaka and Robert traveled the country in a van, continuing the work of teaching A Course in Miracles that he had begun with Barbara. They lived first in Oregon and eventually settled in Austin. Besides working 4 THE MASTER CLEANSE RECIPE 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons Maple syrup 1/10th teaspoon Cayenne pepper 8 oz. spring water Samuel Klein, the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the medical school of Washington University in St. Louis, is leery of master-cleanse-like regimens because there is no data that prove they provide any medical benefit and no evidence that fasting helps rid the body of toxins, which happens naturally, he said. While fasting for a few days is not dangerous, Klein said, “Fasting for too long can deplete muscle tissue, including your heart muscle, and it can reduce the size and functioning of organs like the kidney and liver.” He is just one of many nutritionists who caution that fasting can be counterproductive. Some say it can even slow down the metabolism, making it even more difficult to lose weight in the future. on their own business ventures, the pair also participates in a long-running yearly event called“Soak in the Love,” A Course in Miracles retreat in Breitenbush Hot Springs, Ore. The weekend gathering takes place in May and is attended by more than 100 people. “It’s a remarkable event,” Chaka says. “It’s a chance for us to spend time loving each other fully and unconditionally while engaging in spiritual expression with one another.” Participants spend their time singing, meditating, dancing, hiking, soaking in hot pools and living the teachings of A Course in Miracles. This evolving community experience has provided Chaka with a dream for the future in which senior citizens, like her mother, have a communal environment in which to live out their lives, instead of being relegated to nursing homes or living alone. “Caring for my mother and growing older myself has made me realize the need we have for viable elder community spaces,” she says. “They could offer organic foods, play, crafts, living the rest of our lives and supporting our rebirth on the other side. We could make it a heaven on earth.” Despite his dark films, David Lynch’s life is shockingly peaceful By Alex Williams New York Times I f you were looking for a Tom Cruise to preach to a new generation the gospel of Transcendental Meditation, a hippie-era spiritual practice espousing inner harmony, David Lynch would be one of the least likely candidates. As the director who conjured the reptilian mutant baby of Eraserhead and the dancing dwarf of Twin Peaks, Lynch has built his career by imposing his nightmares on the rest of us. The idea of the inscrutable David Lynch, Hollywood’s leading surrealist and eccentric, reborn as the guru of bliss seems a little odd even to Lynch himself. Now 60, he remembers how he recoiled from the concept when he heard about it in the late 1960s, when the movement – founded by the Indian spiritual leader Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – was experiencing its first wave of popularity among young people in the West thanks to proselytizing by pop stars like the Beatles and Donovan. “The word ‘harmony’ would make me want to puke,” recalled Lynch, speaking on a clear, chilly afternoon in the glassed-in painting studio atop his Modernist concrete-walled house in the Hollywood Hills. That all changed in 1973, when the future filmmaker discovered meditation, which he believes allowed him to quiet – and exploit – his inner demons. He said that he has not BUZZ OFF! A respected fishing guide compares the top DEET-free insect repellents By Wendy Knight New York Times J ust as some people prefer organic food, many are also choosing to use insect repellents made without DEET, a common pesticide. Their concern? Studies have shown that DEET can cause neurological problems, especially in children, if used in high concentrations for prolonged periods. But when used as directed on product labels, DEET is not harmful, even to kids, according to experts at the Federal Environmental Protection Agency and Duke University Medical Center, although they do not recommend using it on children under the age of two. For consumers who would rather avoid it, there are more all-natural repellents than ever before, made with ingredients like lemon eucalyptus oil. missed a day since. And now, the low-key auteur is emerging as the most visible, even fiery, proponent of the resurgent practice, which is being used increasingly in schools and in the workplace, as well as by a new generation of stars, including Heather Graham, Laura Dern and the record executive Rick Rubin. In July 2005, Lynch began the David Lynch Foundation, which finances Transcendental Meditation scholarships for students in middle schools and high schools to study the practice. Lynch is taking the message to the masses. His autobiography-cum-self-help book, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity, was recently released. “It’s weird,” said Lynch, in the flat folksy accent of his native Missoula, Mont., speaking of his increasing involvement. “I guess it’s as simple as this: I wish I had heard it earlier.” Transcendental Meditation is a trademarked mental technique introduced by Maharishi in 1958 based on the proposition that a practitioner, by repeating a private mantra BURT’S BEES HERBAL INSECT REPELLENT $7.50, www.burtsbees. com. To keep mosquitoes at bay, this spray had to be reapplied every two and half hours, which didn’t bother Philbrick. The eucalyptusheavy smell was “pleasant.” But this repellent failed to stop deerflies from biting despite diligent reapplication. BITE BLOCKER HERBAL SPRAY $8.85, www.homs.com. The geranium-scented product, billed as waterproof and sweatproof, wasn’t, Philbrick said. “If you sweat, bugs will find that spot where the product has dripped off.”The spray worked well when applied every three hours but it “couldn’t possibly keep up” with the mosquitoes one particularly bad night. BUZZ AWAY EXTREME SPRAY $8.99, www.quantumhealth.com. The maker of this repellent claims it offers eight-hour protection from mosquitoes. Three was more like it, Philbrick said. “Eight hours should not be in their vocabulary,” he added. Still it “really did keep the bugs away.” He found the smell inoffensive, but others didn’t like its citronella and cedar wood odor. DERMATONE HERBAL INSECT REPELLENT $9.10, www. dermatone.com. Philbrick and a client applied this sweatproof spray every two and a half hours as directed while kayaking and bird-watching and “could sit and talk with nothing lighting on us.” He rated this “one of the better products” saying it was “easy to carry around.” ALL TERRAIN HERBAL ARMOR SPRAY $7.99, www.allterrainco. com. Philbrick reapplied the product, right, every two hours as directed and “deerflies, mosquitoes, everything, stayed away.” Including, it seems, people. The spray’s pungent citronella odor was the culprit. Still, Philbrick prized how its small flat bottle conveniently fit into his hip pocket. NATRAPEL PLUS SPRAY $4.79, www.tendercorp.com. Philbrick felt that this air-compressed spray needed too frequent reapplication — every 90 minutes — to be useful on a long hike. Plus, it was only “fairly effective” at repelling mosquitoes and black flies. Its peppermint-laced scent was “the best” of those tested and sure to appeal to the whole family. To see which ones worked best, Stephen Philbrick, a licensed fishing guide and an owner of Bald Mountain Camps in Oquossoc, Me., fished and kayaked for a week, THROUGH YOUR BODY throughout two 20-minute sessions a day, can achieve a state of ‘”restful alertness” -- and, theoretically, tap into a ‘’unified field’’ of energy. The training process involves working with personal instructors over five days at one of about 1,000 Transcendental Meditation centers worldwide, and it costs about $2,500. As an artist, Lynch said, it has allowed him to unleash his imagination and be, in a word, weirder. He said that many of his ideas – the “big fish” of his book’s title – come to him during meditation. Among these big fish are sitcom-starring rabbits and the Greek chorus of prostitutes in his fantastical three-hour new film, Inland Empire, now showing in limited release. Lynch began meditating on the recommendation of his sister, Martha. At the time, he was a year into a torturous fiveyear quest to complete his first feature film, Eraserhead, which was released in 1977, and was separating from his first of three wives, Peggy Lentz. “There was a hollowness inside,” he recalled. “I thought, something is drastically wrong.” He dropped in on a Transcendental Meditation center. After 20 minutes, he felt a weight lifted. “The side effect of growing that consciousness,” he explained, “is, negative things start going away. Like fear. It’s like the suffocating rubber clown suit begins to dissolve.” frequently reapplying each product. Philbrick noted that the botanical products didn’t create “a protection zone around you” like the repellent he usually wears — Deep Woods OFF! — but they all worked, in varying degrees. 5 Are we as smart as our cells? THRIVE ON ATTENTION A history of the masses would suggest that collectively we’re not By Swami Beyondananda N ow if you used to hate it when your parents compared you to someone else saying, “if soand-so can do it, why not you?” you’re probably not going to like what I’m about to tell you – but here goes: Our cells may be smarter than we are. At least they’ve figured out how to live together in peace and harmony. According to cellular biologist Bruce Lipton, we have a thriving 50-trillion cell community under our skin where every participating cell is cared for. There is universal health care and full employment – truly, no cell is left behind. And the cells that do the most important work for the body as a whole get “paid” more. Our organs seem to get along too. You hardly ever hear about the liver cruising up the bile canal, invading the pancreas and laying claim to the Islets of Langerhans. Meanwhile back in the jungle, we pursue manifest destiny and survival of the fittest as our supposed biological imperative, except for one small detail. It doesn’t matter how fit the individual is – if the species doesn’t fit, then out it goes into the recycling pile. If you thought the Man Without a Country was a sad story, wait until you see Man Without a Planet. I hate to say it, but global warming may be nothing more than the Earth running a fever in the hopes of shaking a virulent parasite called homo ignoramus. Don’t get me wrong – there have been some really great people: Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Elvis (that’s right, Elvis. I’ve been following his threefold path for years: “Love me tender ... please surrender ... return to sender.”) There have been lots and lots of lots of really wonderful individuals. Individually, you won’t meet a nicer species. But put a bunch of us together, and we’re hell on wheels. Did you know that during the 20th century, war caused 260 million deaths? If someone caused just one-tenth of one percent of that, it would be all over the 6 p.m. news with details at 11 p.m. And if any one of us did what we allow “all of us” to do, we’d be put away forever. I guess they must have modified the Ten Commandments while we weren’t looking: “Thou shalt not kill, except in extremely large groups.” Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a., Swami Beyondananda, is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For the past 18 years, he has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.”Swami’s comedy has been called“irreverently uplifting”and has been described both as“comedy disguised as wisdom”and“wisdom disguised as comedy.” Stay focused on your core genius I believe you have inside you a core genius...some one thing that you love to do, and do so well, that you hardly feel like doing anything else. It’s effortless for you and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you’d make it your lifetime’s work. In most cases, your core genius is directly tied to your passions and life purpose. Successful people believe this, too. That’s why they put their core genius first. They focus on it. And they delegate everything else to other people on their team. For me, my core genius lies in the area of teaching, training, coaching and motivating. I love to do it! I do it well, and people report that they get great 6 value from it. Another core genius is writing and compiling books. Along with my co-author Mark Victor Hansen and others, I have written, By JACK CANFIELD co-authored, compiled and edited more than 100 books. Compare that to the other people in the world who go through life doing everything, even those tasks they’re bad at or that could be done cheaper, better and faster by someone else. They can’t find the time to focus on their core genius because they fail to delegate even the most menial of tasks. See Core on Page 7 THROUGH YOUR BODY The power of human touch is magical B eing Alan’s pet is not always a day at the dog beach. How many canines do you know that are forced by their masters to write a monthly column? Just one: Whisper the underdog. I need this stress like a fish needs a bicycle. Actually, channeling all my wisdom, energy and creativity into writing is not all bad. And the perks that come with the job make toiling over the keyboard somewhat worthwhile. For example, I get to observe Alan at work. Officially, my mission is to gather enough material for my column, but in reality I just take advantage of my “working dog” status to curl up in the corner of his massage studio and catch forty winks. Yeah, being a writer is really tiring! From my strategic corner position, between bouts of sleeping, yawning, stretching, scratching, and other forms of slacking off, I watch Alan weave his magic. Yes, the powers of a good massage are truly magical! I am no historian, but I am pretty sure the origins of a massage go way back before Alan. Images of humans beTHROUGH YOUR BODY ing massaged (not by Alan) were found in cave paintings, Egyptian tombs, and in various other ancient places. I am willing to go out on a hind limb and say that the first massage therapy was probably right after the WHISPER’S given wheel was invented. WIDSOM The guys had such BYY H.B. sore muscles; they imMILLIGAN mediately used their new invention to ride to the nearest massage parlor. I could bark praises to the healing and relaxing properties of a massage: It relieves pain and tension, soothes muscles, improves circulation, reduces fatigue, enhances the body’s natural immunity, comforts our souls, and leaves us feeling perkily bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I know first-paw what I am writing about here for I am privy to the massage’s beneficial effects in more ways than one. Very often a client gives me a pat on the head or the back. I pretend not to care, but if truth were known (as it should), I am deeply touched – literally and figuratively – by this unsolicited display of affection. Some folks –my pals Michael and Creighton, for example – take petting to the highest level. From the moment they walk in the door until they get on the massage table, and then again afterwards, I am getting a lion’s share of pats, hugs and cuddles. (Don’t tell the lion though.) At times like these I am actually happy to be a dog, and Alan’s dog at that! And, of course, there is the master himself. True, he works me like a dog but he also rewards me with more than just bare bones. He gives me a good rub from head to paw; gentle scratches between the ears, on the cheeks, under the chin, over the nose, between the eyes, over the head, all the way down to my tail and legs. I feel all the stress and tension magically tailing off. No questions about it: the rubs, pats, hugs and cuddles keep old Whisper fit and healthy. All these job benefits sure make me as happy as a lark. 3 The Master Cleanser Despite warnings from nutritionists, fasting diet still popular W By Lola Ogunnaike hen Teron Beal, a songwriter and aspiring actor in Manhattan, was looking to drop weight quickly for a photo shoot, he didn’t double up on gym visits, gulp metabolic boosting pills or limit his diet to leafy greens and lean protein. Instead, he took a more drastic approach: he tried the “master cleanse,” a fast that requires subsisting for 10 or more days solely on an elixir of fresh-squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and water. “I had only three weeks and I needed the difference to be noticeable,” said Beal, adding that he lost nearly 10 pounds during his 12-day fast in July. “The first few days were horrible, but by the fifth day I woke up and looked in the mirror and saw two ab muscles that had eluded me for years. I was grumpy no longer.” While popular diets and fasts come and go, master cleanse remains a perennial favorite, a kind of folk regimen that owes its popularity to word of mouth and the Internet. Created in the 1940’s by a nutrition guru, Stanley Burroughs, to treat ulcers and other internal ailments, the fast enjoyed a vogue in the late ’70s after the publication of his book, The Master Cleanser. Its fans then were health-conscious types, interested in purging their bodies of impurities and toxins like pesticides and food additives. But in recent years master cleanse has enjoyed yet another vogue among people seeking to shed pounds in a short time. Celebrities, of course, are in the vanguard. On Oprah Winfrey’s show, the singer and actress Beyoncé Knowles announced that she had lost 20 pounds on the fast to prepare for her starring role in the new film Dreamgirls. Robin Quivers, Howard Stern’s long-suffering sidekick, told People magazine that she did the fast on three separate occasions in 2004 and shrunk to 145 pounds from a peak of 218. 2 The Internet teems with testimonials to the cleanse, also known as the lemonade diet, claiming that it fights disease, clears the mind as well as acne, and increases energy. Bloggers chronicle their daily fasting. Master cleanse video diaries can be found on YouTube, and a cottage industry has developed with various companies peddling cleansing kits including all ingredients for the beverage except lemons. Never mind that most nutrition and diet experts advise against multi-day fasting. “I cannot believe how this thing has had a total revival,” said Joy Bauer, a nutritionist and the author of The 90/10 Weight-Loss Plan. “People want a quick fix and they want to be thin so badly that they’re vulnerable and open to almost anything.” Bauer estimated that fasters who drink six glasses of the lemony potion a day — the low end of the recommended amount — are consuming about 650 calories, far less than the 1,600-plus calories the average woman needs to maintain her weight or the roughly 2,400 calories a man requires. “Of course you’re going to lose weight,” she said. “You’re starving yourself.” Seldom do the pounds stay off, she added, and people have a tendency to binge once they begin eating again. Still, many are willing to disregard the word of nutritionists, seduced by the notion that the only things standing See Master Cleanse on Page 4 Relax. Stay calm. Let go. Jack Canfield’s tips for completely delegating your tasks O ne of the strategies I use and teach is complete delegation. It simply means that you delegate a task once and completely, rather than delegating it each time it needs to be done. Most entrepreneurs spend less than 30 percent of their time focusing on their core genius and unique abilities. In fact, by the time they’ve launched a business, it often seems entrepreneurs are doing everything but the one thing they went into business for in the first place. Many salespeople, for example, spend more time on account administration than they do on the phone or in the field making sales, when they could hire a part-time administrator (or share the cost with another salesperson) to do this time-consuming detail work – in most cases, in a fraction of the time it would take them and at a fraction of the cost. Most female executives spend too much time running their household, when they could easily and inexpensively delegate this task to a cleaning service or part-time mother’s helper, freeing them to focus on their career or spend more quality time with their family. Don’t let this be your fate. Identify your core genius, then delegate completely to free up more time to focus on what you love to do. I believe that you can trade, barter, pay for and find volunteer help to do almost everything you don’t want to do, leaving you to do what you are best at - and what will ultimately make you the most money and bring you the most happiness. Core continued from Page 6 When you delegate the grunt work — the things you hate doing or those tasks that are so painful, you end up putting them off — you get to concentrate on what you love to do. You free up your time so that you can be more productive. And you get to enjoy life more. So why is delegating routine tasks and unwanted projects so difficult for most people? Surprisingly, most people are afraid of looking wasteful or being judged as being above everyone else. They are afraid to give up control or are reluctant to spend the money to pay for help. Deep down, most What’s Up continued from Page 1 thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and judgments back into the FIELD of consciousness. Reclaim the power zapped by the beliefs and allow it to course through me and expand my consciousness. Step 5: Rest in the FIELD of pure potentiality. This simple process has rekindled my THROUGH YOUR BODY THROUGH YOUR BODY people simply don’t want to let go. Others (potentially you) have simply fallen into the habit of doing everything themselves. “It’s too time consuming to explain it to someone,” you say. “I can do it more quickly and better myself anyway.” But can you? Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at www.JackCanfield.com morning sitting meditations and I use it all day to short-circuit the limiting thoughts that roll through my mind. I’m here to say, most days I’m buzzing with energy. There’s definitely something to this “Busting Loose.” So my little introduction doesn’t do Robert’s process justice. Not to worry. Robert Scheinfeld is our July Through Your Body guest teleseminar leader (what a coup). Mark your calendar for Monday THROUGH YOUR BODY MEMBERSHIP FREE MONTHLY TELESEMINARS One of the many benefits of joining the Through Your Body Flock is the monthly teleseminars. Here’s a sneak peek at some upcoming events you won’t want to miss. JULY Robert Scheinfeld Scheinfeld, the author of “Busting Loose From the Money Game,” is our featured guest instructor for July. Robert’s a New York Times best selling author and has taught his Busting Loose process to manythousands around the world. We’re thrilled to have him. AUGUST Our guest teleseminar instructor in August is Jan Stringer Stringer, co-author of “Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity.” Jan will teach us the fourstep “Strategic Attraction Plan” for attracting an abundance of perfect customers, 100 percent of the time. SEPTEMBER In September, the guest lecturer is Byron Katie author of “Loving What Is.” I joined Katie, Katie for her 10 day School for the Work in October 2004. It was the single most valuable thing I’ve done since my Lomi Training with Robert Hall and Richard Heckler in 1994. Katie will teach us “The Work;” four questions that can change your life. OCTOBER Our (tentative) guest teleseminar instructor in October is Janet Atwood Atwood, co-author of The Passion Test. Janet will lead us through “The Passion Test.” Are you one of the 20 percent of Americans who live their passions every day? Or are you one of the 80 percent that is divorced from their life’s passions? Janet is a fun, lively, inspiring teacher totally committed to helping everyone live their passions. July 16th. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to work with Robert live. All across the world people “Express-TheirAppreciation” with thousands of dollars to learn how to Bust Loose From the Money Game. Thanks to your membership you can do it from your very own telephone (and for $29.95 a month—such a deal). Check out Bob Scheinfeld’s book and see if it works for you. 7 Celebrating life’s journey Through Your Body For Chakaa Ken-V Ken-Varley, experiences determined what’s most important A s Chaka Ken-Varley recounts the winding path her life has traveled, it becomes clear that she has been a part of some of the most well-known and influential self-discovery movements of the past 40 years. Massage, macrobiotics, EST, Vipassana meditation, yoga, rebirthing and Pilates have all held important places in her personal and professional BIRDS OF A FEATHER development. “My experiences BY REBECCA helped me realize I have HADLEY different priorities,” she says. “I have different ideas about what makes a happy life.” Sitting at the dining table of the central Houston house she grew up in (her mother still lives there), Chaka looks far younger than her 64 years. A petite woman with a larger-than-life presence, she glows with vitality as she explains the secrets to her seemingly eternal youth. “I eat organically as often as possible, don’t drink, don’t smoke and try to live a generally healthy lifestyle,” she says. She also walks regularly, performs the Five Tibetan Rites, uses Univera nutraceuticals and loves to dance. Drawing from an abundant source of Dedicated to our healthy, happy and prosperous world through the full enlightenment of every human being. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Buzz off! HOW TO REACH CHAKA KEN-VARLEY Phone: (512) 443-3470 E-mail: univeralife@earthlink.net Web: www.loveistheway.org energy, Chaka divides her time between practicing massage, managing her real estate investments, marketing Univera and making monthly trips to Houston to help care for her 94-year-old mother. Her husband, Robert, manages the Pilates Center of Austin. Chaka’s journey off the beaten path began more than 30 years ago when she received her very first massage from Ray Stubbs. “He gave me an incredible massage,” she says. “I felt inspired after it. I got off the table THROUGH YOUR BODY FLOCK EGRET $29.95 a month PEACOCK $379 a month and thought ‘I want to do this.’” At the time, there were no massage schools in Houston, so Chaka traveled to San Francisco to spend a month attending the Lomi School where she learned a variety of massage techniques as well as undergoing a personal transformation. After returning to Houston, Chaka held several jobs including massage therapist, yoga instructor and handling store displays for Ye Seekers Horizon. It was during this time that Chaka met fellow massage practitioner Alan Davidson. The two shared the common bond of Lomi massage training as well as an overall interest in natural health See Chaka Ken-Varley on Page 4 Upgrade your membership in the Through Your Body flock. Log on to www.ThroughYourBody.com/flock/ and make the change or call (713) 942-0923. • Unlimited access to our office, calls returned within 24 hours Monday thru Thursday; • Members-only Web pages; • Continually updated Through Your Body Resource directory; • Hard copy newsletter delivered to your home; • Monthly CD interview with experts in Mastering Your 5 Vital IQs delivered to your home; • Once monthly 90-minute live teleclass with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body Expert; • FREE on-line Through Your Body Success Strategies; • 10% discount on all Body Brilliance seminars you attend • All the above Egret and Flamingo member benefits AND: • Listen in Live on interview calls for monthly CD with the ability to ask questions of expert. • Two one-hour, One-on-One coaching call per month with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body expert. • 30 % discounts on Through Your Body sponsored seminars and classes you attend. • Includes the FREE once-annual seminar exclusively for Flamingo, Peacock and Eagle members only. Limited to 10 members per 6 months JULY 2007 FLAMINGO $249 a month Limited to 14 members per 6 months • All the above Egret Level Benefits AND: • One hour One-on-One coaching call per month with Alan Davidson or Through Your Body expert. • Listen in Live on Monthly CD interview with experts in Mastering Your Five Vital IQs. • Email or fax questions for the Mastering Your Five Vital IQs experts before their interviews. • FREE once-annual seminar exclusive for Flamingo, Peacock, and Eagle members only. *** • 20 % discounts on all Through Your Body sponsored seminars and classes you attend. Coming Soon The Mastermind groups are the chance to study personally (and extensively) with Alan Davidson. They are also the beginnings of the Through Your Body Leadership and Apprentice Programs. EAGLE Mastermind groups *** Exclusively for the Through Your Body Flamingos, Peacocks and Eagles - Join Alan for Your FREE Fabulous 7-Day Alaskan Cruise for a week of deluxe balcony rooms, play, relaxation, daily Body Brilliance, and FUN. Through Your Body membership cruise does not include airfare to the departure city. A well-known fishing guide puts the top DEET-free insect repellents to the test so you and our family can remain bug- and toxic-free during your outdoor adventures over the long summer months. Read more on PAGE 4 Core Genius Best-selling author Jack Canfield helps us explore what he calls our Core Genius, that one thing we love to do - and do so well - that we hardly feel like doing anything else. When we hit upon our Core Genius, the activity is effortless and tons of fun, tied to our passions and our true life purpose. Learn how to find and nurture your Core Genius. Read more on PAGE 6 Busting Loose from the Money Game J im and I were in New York to collect the Bronze Medal for Body-Mind-Spirit Book-of-the-Year (Body Brilliance--Bronze Medal winner, who knew? We were also there to enjoy Book Expo ’07 (What a rush! 300,000 folks and books, books, books, for three WHOLE days). My friends Brooke and Lee turned me on to a life shattering (in the best way) book: Busting Loose From the Money Game by Robert Scheinfeld. Brooke was carrying on about this fantastic book she was reading. I picked up her copy of Busting Loose and I was hooked. We made the pilgrimage to the Border’s on Columbus Circle to pick up my own copy before we blew town. I could tell it was a new paradigm in consciousness—not just another Millionaire Making Money book, but a radical shift in consciousness and human evolution. And Robert used money and “getting into people’s wallets” as the entry point in freeing people’s minds. Robert synthesizes the latest thinking in quantum physics and human potential to create a process that allows folks to “Bust Loose” from the limited thinking, feelings, judgments, and beliefs we all have about reality; money included, or, should I say BY ALAN money especially. DAVIDSON Scheinfeld explains the reality we see/experience is really just a hologram. A reality created by quantum energy shot through a prism of consciousness that appears as three dimensional time and space. Robert goes onto explain that this reality is an “illusion” along with all the laws and rules that govern it. Robert’s simple process for shifting out of the Money Game/limiting reality is HIGHLY effective for unplugging from any, and every, limiting thought. I’ve personalized his process a bit to include some of Byron Katie’s The Work and Genpo Roshi’s Big Mind. They all roll together to create a limiting belief atomizer/neutralizer…and leaves me sitting/playing/creating in the filed of pure potentiality. YUM! Here’s a taste of his process: Take any limiting belief…say, “Time is money.” Step 1: State the absolute truth—I say, “I am pure consciousness.” Step 2: Amplify the fear/limiting thought (focus on the emotional state created by the train of negative thoughts)—“I don’t have enough time. I’ll never get ahead with all the deadlines I have. I’ll never make it big. I’ll never be FREE. Etc, etc, etc.” Feel the feelings as much as possible. Step 3: Recognize this pattern of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and judgments as a prison of MY own creation, of my own consciousness. Step 4: Reclaim my power by dissolving the pattern of WHAT’S UP See What’s Up on Page 7