Mt. Laurel Skiers Newsletter December 2015


Mt. Laurel Skiers Newsletter December 2015
Mt. Laurel Skiers
December 2015
News from the Prez…..
And so it begins….Winter is on the way….In Vermont
snow is falling at high elevations and snowmaking is visible on the trails of our club’s most popular “shushing
spots”….Okemo and Killington. At the Lodge, in preparation for prime time usage, the spaces have been spiffed
up by the work weekend crews and the facility enhanced
by the construction team for occupant comfort and
safety. Some of those enhancements include the replacement of the main lodge and apartment circuit
breakers, a washer/dryer closet for the rental apartments and the addition of a second means of egress
from the third floor of both buildings. However, as
usual, it’s not all work and no play for MTL. To welcome
the upcoming season, members were recently seen
partying hardy, celebrating with fellow ski clubs at the
2015 CSC Snowball. I believe it was a “THINK SNOW”
dance they were doing.
Before I leave the topic of the Lodge ….The Lodge is
the Club’s prized asset. It is home away from home for
many, particularly during ski season. On November 4th
the Finance Committee presented its recommendation
on Club financials to the Board of Directors who in turn
voted to refinance the Lodge through Berkshire Bank.
Following that meeting, and a presentation by Gretchen
Marx to 79 club members present that evening, members voted unanimously to proceed with this decision.
This move will increase operational funds for the club
allowing a 100% payoff of the LLC loan in 2015, a payoff
of the remaining member notes by 2018 and the build of
a reserve for the protection and maintenance of the
I have been asked who is on the Finance Committee.
Chaired by Rick Sullivan, the Club Treasurer, the committee is composed of the Club President, the Past
President (Jonathan Houck), and other Club members
selected by the Treasurer for their financial expertise:
Gretchen Marx, Cindy Abrams and Lynn Swanson. This
year, in addition to the topic of lodge financing, the
committee goals in budget planning include the identification of whether a club event is a financial breakeven
activity, a profit maker or subsidized and to define how
directed donations from Club members are managed.
Finally I cannot end without words of appreciation. A
word of thanks to Jan Wallace our 2015 MTL Ambassador
for her lovely representation at the Snowball and to Neal
Fisher our Hospitality Suite DJ for providing music for the
late night revelers. Congratulations to Lisa Durland, who
was recognized during that evening with an Outstanding
Service Award. Also thanks go out to “Get er done” Andy
LeClair and his crew who deserve a special recognition for
their persistence and long hours in the Lodge construction
projects. Thanks to Kay Leatherman and her merry volunteers for leading the Fall Lodge cleanup weekend. The
Murder Mystery hosted by Moe Gaherty certainly brought
out some ghoulish characters and the letterboxing exercise was talked about well after the weekend….Thanks Moe.
Thanks Kathy Augustyn for organizing an informative new
member orientation to help our new members CONNECT
and to Sharon Houck for coordinating the YUMMY cupcake
social in support of that event. Dave England brought us
our Wed night guest speaker, Rick Hanbury, a ski instructor and local school teacher, to share his wisdom on perfecting the controlled turn in skiing…thanks Dave.
As a reminder…Don’t miss out on the December 2nd
MTL Business Meeting 7:30PM at Whinstone Tavern. The
membership will vote on updates to the MTL Bylaws. To
prepare for this important meeting, you can find links to
the current and proposed bylaws on the Website, in the
Sunday Squall and in this newsletter. PLEASE MAKE A
MEETING! See you on the 2nd.
Marge Wasel
Newsletter submissions by the third
Wednesday of the month (12/16/15) to
Carol Newman at with the subject line:
MTL Submission (followed by your subject)
Wednesday Night Programs
December 2: 6:00 Board meeting, 7:30 member business meeting.
Important, quorum required. Membership will vote on revised By Laws. Information links for Club
Member's votes:
Proposed Bylaws. There are 3 sections below with hyperlinks to the documents:
Current Bylaws
Analysis of Changes
Proposed Bylaws
The Annual Christmas Dance will be held at the Whinstone Tavern on December 16, 2015.
Dance to the music of the fabulous “Rockin Heartbeats”. Dancing from 7:00 to 10:00. Cost is $5.00 and will
feature one of Barbara’s legendary raffles and refreshments. Wear something festive and we’ll see you there.
Check out the flyer:
Barbara Wysocki and Jan Wallace
Membership stickers are available – get them while they
are HOT!
The ski and snowboard season is here. Don’t wait to get your membership
sticker. See Scott Farrar at a meeting to pick up yours. Or you can mail me
a self-addressed stamped envelope. Send it to:
Scott Farrar, 990 Forbes Street, East Hartford, Ct 06118
When you get to the mountain to use a voucher or take advantage of a ski council awareness
day you will be glad you did. So…..Get them while they are hot
Questions: Contact, Scott Farrar (860) 874-5287,
Sunday Hike Newsletter for December 2015
Since virtually all of our hikes are on blazed woodland trails, we recommend use of hiking boots as
opposed to low cut sneakers. There are many loose rocks and roots on these trails making it easy
to turn an ankle. Many members also use hiking poles. You’ll need rain gear, water and a snack or gorp. Anyone interested
in leading a hike this fall, please call either Jeanne or Rick before the newsletter deadline for that month.
Hikes begin at 11:30 am. Bring snacks, water, rain gear, and sturdy hiking shoes. Anyone interested in leading a hike
this fall, please call either Jeanne (860-651-3257), or Rick (860-675-3403) before the newsletter deadline for that month.
Nov 29-- Plainville- Rattlesnake Mountain. Rick Sullivan ( 860-324-4952). Meet at 11:30 11:am.From Hartford take I-84
west to exit 33 for route CT 72 west toward Bristol. Then take exit 2 for CT 372/New Britain Ave toward Plainville. Turn
right on New Britain Ave and go past Loew’s Plaza, and past Crooked St. to Metacomet trail Sign on left. Park across the
street in the medical office building parking lot. From Waterbury take I-84 east to exit 34 Crooked St. turn left onto
Crooked street then turn right onto CT 372 look for Metacomet trail sign on left. Hike is 6 miles with nice views at Pinnacle
Rock and goes past an old Nike site on the way to Will Warren’s Den and the Rattlesnake cliffs. This is rated C moderate. If
time permits we’ll find “Hospital Rock” a secret but famous landmark circa 1790! Apres hike location J. Timothy’s.
Dec 6—Middletown-Wadsworth Falls. Rick Sullivan (860-324-4952). Meet at the main parking lot for Wadsworth Falls State
Park at 11:30 am. Take route 66 to West Street (route 157). Go south on West St. until the first stop sign. Then turn right
(west) and follow Route 157 to the main park entrance on the left. This hike is rated D (easy) Apres Hike location TBA suggestions welcome.
Dec 13—Bloomfield-Penwood State Park. Rick Sullivan (860-324-4952). Meet at the Penwood parking lot at 11:30 am. The
park is located on route 185 about1 mile west of the junction of route 185 and route 178 in Bloomfield. The park address is
560 Simsbury rd, Bloomfield, CT 06002. This hike is 4.75 miles long and rated easy. Apres Hike will be at DaCapo’s in Avon.
Dec 20—Solstice Hike for the sacrifice of the skis and summoning of the snow-Haddam-7 Falls State Park. Jeanne
Delehanty (860-748-5858) the Goddess of the Solstice will lead the hike and preside over the ceremony to bring a snow
filled winter. From Ct 9 north or south take exit 10 toward Higganum then turn right onto Saybrook Rd (route 154) continue
past Coyote Blue Tex Mex Café (1960 Saybrook Rd, Middletown) to 7 falls park on the left. Rehydration at Coyote Blue.
Jeanne Delehanty 860-651-3257
Rick Sullivan 860-675-3403
Hiking Co-Chairmen
Lodge Weekends- Mark your Calendars
If anyone has any ideas for future events contact
Wassail Weekend at the Lodge 12/11-12/13
Come join the festivities in VT for this fun weekend. We go to Woodstock Vt for the annual Christmas parade,
enjoy lunch and walk around and shop. Return to the lodge for dinner. If you are not staying at the lodge, but
want to join us for dinner you must let me know by Dec 6.
Reservations can be made beginning Nov for the Dec weekend. Kay
Family Week at the Lodge 12/26-12/30
Monday Night Ski / Snowboard team needs YOU!
Mountain Laurel competes against other clubs in the Connecticut Ski
Where: Mount Southington in Southington CT. Take route 84 to exit
30, follow the signs to the ski area
When: Monday nights- see the schedule down below
We run through the gates on a giant slalom course. It’s easy; if you can ski or snowboard you
can do it!
Anyone that gets through the course, scores points for Mountain Laurel. EVERY point makes
a big difference towards our victory.
Thank you to all that showed up this past season. We had such a great turn out that we
came in first. Let’s do it again!
2015 -2016 Racing Schedule
CSC Monday Night Race Series: Registration 5:30 -7:30. The ski area will make the determination as to whether the hill has safe conditions by 2:00pm on the day of the race. Participants should call the mountain 860-628-628-0954 x243 for race status. Save yourself a
little time on the first night and bring you completed waiver with you. Note: The first time
you race each season you must present your membership card and sign a waiver. Plan on getting there early that night. $31 covers the cost of racing and you lift ticket for the evening.
The fee for season pass holders and senior 70 and up is only $16. You will race in your age
group and will be scored on the better of 2 runs on a giant slalom course. Racing is open to
all ability levels and any member 18 and over is encouraged to participate. Join us after racing for Pizza and beer. If you are racing for the first time at Mount Southington ask for
Scott Farrar.
New This season….December 14. Pizza and registration night (enjoy a slice of pizza and socialize while filling out and submitting your CSC Waiver Release form)
Race 1 December 21, 2015
Race 2 December 28, 2015
Race 3 January 4, 2016
Race 4 January 11, 2016
Race 5 January 18, 2016
Race 6 January 25, 2016
Race 7 February 1, 2016
Race 8 February 8, 2016
Make up dates – Feb 15, 22 and 29 2016
For the most up to date information please call the Racing Hotline 860-628-0954 x243
Stick around after you run the course for *Pizza and beer to socialize with others.
Peter Lawless
Peter Lawless passed away on November 18th at Dartmouth
Hitchcock Hospital in Hanover, NH after a brief illness. Memorial arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Travel Section!
Jay Peak Update
We currently have 43 avid skiers using 22 rooms for our Drive Trip to Jay Peak. We
turned back some rooms and finalizing the reservations process and a reminder to
those participating is that the final payment is due Dec 1. I’ll forward the participant
list to the webmaster for inclusion on the website
If you have a question contact me at or203-287-0009
Bob Sjostedt
Island Spring Celebration - April 16 - 23, 2016
MTL is having a Spring Trip to the Island of the Dominican Republic April 16th - April 23rd 2016. We will be going to an all inclusive
5 star resort - Sanctuary Resort. Everything is included - all meals,
drinks (alcohol and non-alcohol), ocean view suites, tips, tax, ride to
and from the resort, non motorized water sports, and much
more. There are 5 pools and many restaurants to use. The cost is $1,200 (not including the
airfare). See the flyer for more information or call Tina or Sharon. Send your deposit to Eric
Any questions please contact Eric C. Ardolino at (203) 265 9293
December 2015
11:30 Hike
Wadsworth Falls
Business Meet-
State Park
7:30 Member
15 7:00-10:00
Christmas Dance
11:30 Hike
at Whinstone
Bloomfield Pen-
wood Park
11:30 Winter 20
Solstice Hike-
No Meeting
Haddam Falls
State Park
No Meeting 30
Family Week at the Lodge (12/26-12/30)
11/25 No Meeting
11/29 Hike Plainville Rattlesnake Mt
12/2 6:30 Board Mtg, 7:30 By-Law
Vote Quorum Needed
12 12/6 Hike Middletown Wadsworth
Falls State Park
Wassail Weekend at
12/9 Regular Meeting
the Lodge
12/11-12/13 Wassail Weekend at
the Lodge
12/13 Hike Bloomfield Penwood
State Park
12/16 7:00-10:00 Christmas
Dance at the Whinstone Tavern
12/16 Newsletter Deadline
12/23 No Meeting
26 12/26-12/30 Family Week at the
Week at
12/30 No Meeting
the Lodge
12/31-1/2 New Years Celebration
at the Lodge (adults only)
1/6 Board Mtg and Reg Mtg
New Year’s Celebration at
the Lodge (Adults Only)
Mt. Laurel Ski Club
P O Box 4
Farmington, CT 06034
2015-2016 Officers
ing 7:30 VERY
Asst Sec/Treasurer
Past President
CSC Ambassador
Marge Wasel
Kathy Augustyn
Gretchen Marx
Rick Sullivan
Milli Arnold
Jonathan Houck
Jan Wallace
1 6:00 BD Meet-2
Board Members
11:30 Hike 29
Lisa Durland
Chuck Hannah
Clyde Proch
Kathy Riley
Norb Church
Joan Albert
Andy LeClair
Meetings at Whinstone Tavern
Board Mtg. 6:00 p.m.
Reg. Mtg. 7:30 p.m.