at The Derryfield School - Breakthrough Manchester
at The Derryfield School - Breakthrough Manchester
at The Derryfield School Annual Report 2010-2011 Getting Students on Track for Algebra Student Growth in Math Six-Week Summer Session, 2011 Algebra is the “gateway class” to advanced courses in high school and is strongly linked to attainment of a bachelor’s degree.* Each Manchester middle school offers only one section to its eighth graders, which means Breakthrough students must be among the top-performing students at their schools to be eligible. To get students on track: based on Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project, University of California Algebra Readiness 80% or better indicates readiness for an Algebra course. Pre-Algebra Readiness 80% or better indicates readiness for a Pre-Algebra course. *Sixth graders are still a year away from access to pre-algebra at school. 1. Breakthrough math teachers use a rigorous, professionally developed curriculum in the summer and school year that aligns with the Common Core Standards and is based on the visualization techniques of Singapore Math. 2. Students who are below grade level in math receive math coaching in addition to their regular math class. These students tend to make the largest gain in their math scores during the summer. 3. Breakthrough uses the Math Diagnostic Testing Project, developed by the University of California, to measure students’ gains during the summer. In 2011, 99% of sixth and seventh graders improved their scores with 28 days of instruction. Sixth Graders Seventh Graders 0 20% 40% 80% 60% Sending Schools of Breakthrough Students in Grades 6-12 2005-2011 100% *Musen, Lindsey. 2010. Pre-Algebra and Algebra Enrollment and Achievement. Providence, RI: Brown University, Annenberg Institute for School Reform. 261 total current Breakthrough students in grades 6-12 83%students will be the first in their family to earn a 4-year degree 56%students qualify for free or reduced lunch 17 Webster 12 8 Gossler Park 22 Parker Varney 20 52%students identify as people of McDonough Northwest 38 Weston 23 Wilson 46 Beech Street 44 12 Bakersville 34 14 Hallsville Current Schools Serving Breakthrough Students in Grades 6-12 Jewett Green Acres 21 color Smyth Road Highland-Goffs Falls Middle/High Schools 19 Middle Schools Hillside McLaughlin Derryfield Out of District High Schools Parkside Central Southside Memorial St. Catherine's Trinity West Schools Represented by Breakthrough’s Summer and School-Year Teachers Bishop Brady High School Central High School Eastern University Hamilton College Kents Hill School Memorial High School Middlebury College Mount Ida College Northeastern University Pinkerton Academy Pomona College Rochester Inst. of Tech. Syracuse University University of Minnesota The Derryfield School University of New Hampshire University of North Carolina University of Pennsylvania Wellesley College Wesleyan University West High School Yale University National Teacher Pipeline Project Purpose: To guide our most promising teachers into the best teacher training organizations in the United States. Partners: Breakthrough has selected a small number of outstanding partners; the first three include MATCH Charter School’s Teacher Residency in Boston, the Aspire charter network in California, and Teach for America. Additional partners will be slowly added over time. Process: In exchange for creating opportunities for Breakthrough teacher alumni to get into teaching programs after college, partners will report on successes of Breakthrough alumni participants in their selection process and training programs. Participants: Already, many Breakthrough alumni are involved with these organizations. For example, Breakthrough alumni are three times as likely to be accepted to Teach For America than their peer applicants. Highlights Breakthrough Manchester was named a recipient of the College Board New England Regional Assembly Recognition Award. This award recognizes a program that has shown outstanding commitment to students and the field of education by enabling underrepresented students with academic and leadership potential to attend college. Breakthrough was named a recipient of the 2010 Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation, which has been given annually since 1991 to recognize existing programs that meet Peter Drucker’s definition of innovation – “change that creates a new dimension of performance” – while making a real difference in the lives of the people they serve. The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University is a think tank and action tank whose purpose is to better society by stimulating effective management and responsible leadership. Derryfield families celebrated Breakthrough Manchester at the annual Parent Faculty Association Benefit by donating $25,250. At the event, José Maldonado ’03, shared stories about the positive impact both Breakthrough and Derryfield have had on shaping him as a student and person. Continuing a long tradition of serving Breakthrough seventh and eighth graders, Phillips Exeter Academy’s summer program, Access Exeter, provided scholarships to four students this summer: Mikaela Aherrera ’16, Irean Ali ’16, Iban Garcia ’15 and Emira Kolisnichenko ’16. Two rising ninth graders, Briana Chang ’15 and Fenwick Eckhardt ’15, received scholarships to participate in the Girls Summer Leadership Program at Dana Hall School inWellesley, Massachusetts. The program’s Director, Kristin Ryan, taught at Breakthrough from 1994-1996. In May, Breakthrough partnered with the Manchester Foundation for Education to host a free, public screening of the documentary, Waiting for Superman, followed by a panel discussion with seven New Hampshire educators and policy makers. Over 120 people attended the event at The Derryfield School auditorium. Community-Sponsored Scholarships Bishop Leo E. O’Neil Scholars Sponsored by the Bishop’s Summer Reception Fund in recognition of a student’s dedication, perseverance and concern for others. Monericka Semeran ’18 and Arielys Liriano ’17 Jayme’s Scholars Sponsored by Jayme’s Fund for Social Justice in recognition of a student who is intellectual, creative, expressive, socially conscious, and is motivated to make the world a better place. Anurag Ghimirey ’18 and Damion Neth ’17 Bud Smith Scholars Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Manchester in recognition of students who positively challenge themselves and take advantage of every opportunity. Merlyne Desire ’17, Aaron Velez ’17, Hamza Shahzad ’18, and Anyssa Phaneuf ’18 Contributors Community Leader $20,000 and above Ferlins Foundation The Donna Anne Poulack Foundation Program Leader $10,000 - 19,999 The Clowes Fund, Inc. Orchard Foundation Verizon Foundation Program Partner $5,000 - 9,999 Anonymous Anne Greer Bank of America Charitable Foundation Breakthrough Collaborative Dell Foundation Student Sponsor $1,500 - 4,999 Anonymous (2) Steve and Katie Burke Friend $1 - 249 Vincent and Annie Aliotta Debra J. Allen Frank and E. Diane Allen Agnes Ashalili Judith Batchelor Jack Beard and Rebecca Snider Carrie Belanger Greg Berry Debbie Bills and Andy Bills Tom Birch and Anne Marie Kenny Mark and Tracy Blaisdell John Blecatsis Bruce and Connie Blight Clermont and Lisa Boutin Suzanne and Bill Bouton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brunelle Elsa Buenrostro Leah Burke Steven M. Burke, Jr. Alexis Busano Clare Cail Sophora Casimir Alexander Chan Candy Chaplin Mark Chapman and Maude Salinger Zachary Chapman Molly Cikacz Michael and Chris Cikacz§ Bill and Kathy Gillett Louis Fink and Pamela Grich Jayme’s Fund for Social Justice of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation - Manchester Region§ Donna K. Lencki David and Rosamond Lockwood Greg and Jennifer Melkonian Rick and Lisa Patten Earl “Bud” Smith Scholarship Fund of the Kiwanis Club of Manchester of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Joel and Felicia Vargas In Memory of Martin I. Elkin Leadership Giving $500 - 1,499 Ella F. Anderson Trust Mike and Deb Anthony Elliott Berry and Campbell Harvey Stephen Camann Mary Halpin Carter and Christopher H. M. Carter Emilie Colford Mr. Gerald V. Collins and Ms. Linda L. Bournival Brian and Michelle Coombes Denis and Nely Cote Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cote Jerry Cote Daniel W. Cote Fotios Dellas Jaime Demers Melissa DeSantis Steven and Laurel Devino Stephen Dolman and Donna Lenz-Dolman† Debbie and Dick Donnelly April M. Dugay Gerald and Rochelle Durette Cindy Dwyer Eckhardt Family Timothy Eckhardt Lindsay C. Enman In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Kathy and Dick Erskine In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Marion B. Erskine In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Joyia Rich Fazelat† Erik Fey and Kathleen RuttyFey† Craig and Jeanine Finefrock† Kevin Finefrock Esther Fishman Virginia G. Flagg Homestay Families Marsha and Don Beecy Amilbia Benech-Robinson Bruce and Becky Berk Bill and Kathy Gillett Susan Grodman Bob and Edith Houlihan * Includes gift to Elkin Teaching Fellowship Sue Flagg† Norm and Phyllis Fortier Carrie Foster Barbara and Robert Fox† Sue Fraser Elenore Freedman Bennett Freeman Gary and Gail Gordon Grayson and Jon Govatos Kenneth and Nicole Grinnell† Susan Grodman Sandra Gutierrez David and Barbara Haight Alice and Brian Handwerk Jeff and Kathleen Hanson Gary and Jeannette Harper Ernest and Sally Haskell In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Jim and Elise Hood Dorothy Jolin Mark and Patricia Kegel Elena Kennedy Beverly D. Kennett Cynthia M. Krohn Joan Krohn In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Nicholas J. Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Labonte Cynthia Lagrimas† Jimmy Lauzon Maria Holland Law Mr. and Mrs. Thien Le Thuan Le Art and Victoria Leknes Maura Maguire Doug and Shannon McGinley Rich and Sarah Sigel Barbara Wilson July 2010 – June 2011 Bill and Jane Clutterbuck Pauline G. Elkin* In Memory of Martin I. Elkin Stephen Elkin* Marco Gonzalez Kate Hanna, Hale and Hanna Melnick Paul J. and Lauren Leyden Manchester Rotary Club Dan and Lisa Muskat Daniel C. and Lucy S. Potter Brent and Wendy Powell Queen City Rotary Club Randy Reis Michael and Jan Romanowsky Phil and Judy Ryan Craig and Cary Sellers Tim and Kim Socha Brian and Beth Stevens Phil and Meg Tatro The VanArsdale/Dewey Family§ Garvin Warner and Margaret Wheeler Matching Gifts Microsoft Giving Campaign Donna Le Herng Lee Michael Lehman and Jan McClure Art and Victoria Leknes Claudia Libis Arelys Liriano Ping Liu Ann R. Loeffler Tricia and Ned Lucas Sheila Mahon Kasim and Dzemila Mazic Jane and Brian McCoy In Memory of Effie Blecatsis Robert and Holly McKinney Hale Melnick Hanna Melnick Walt Milne Andy Moerlein Carlos and Ingrid Monzon Mary M. Moore Janet D. Moore Leslie Morel Carol Morin and Linda Riedle Grace Moses Terri Moyer Michael Munhall Peter V. Nelson Paul and Joan Newcomb Tru Ngo and Thanh Huynh*†§ Chong Ni Lee Nyquist and Leslie Nixon In-Kind Giving Mark Blaisdell Colby-Sawyer College The Derryfield School Derryfield Repertory Theatre Dunkin' Donuts Elan Publishing Company, Inc. Kaitlin Fink First Resort Marketing, LLC Gary and Gail Gordon Advocate $250 - 499 Anonymous Brad and Linda Benson Barry and Caryl Brensinger Danielle M. Chandonnet Eric Chang Lionel and Lillian Coulon Kate Erskine Erin and Jeffrey Fogel April Shaw and Alex Granok Jim and Laurie Lamp Maura Maguire Doug and Shannon McGinley Ross and Kenna McLeod Anne D. Milne Trevor Munhall Matt and Michelle Pierson Dan and Rhenea Regan John and Deborah Richey Dennis and Maureen Ryan*† Shelley and Joe Spierer Jwalant and Bhavna Vadalia Richard and Frances Winneg Laura Noyes Zahn Judith Olivier Myriam Patino Tara M. Payne Geraldo and Ying Xia Peterson Allison Price Ray Provencher Kevin Provencher Cornelius E. Raiford Dr. Murali R. Ravel and Mrs. Bharathi Ananthachar Steve Reichheld and Deb De Beradinis Dan and Reina Reidy David Reynolds Kate Richey Elizabeth Richey Carlos Rincon and Sara Varela Bernadette Robinson Mario and Amy Romilla Jon and Kathy Ross Dennis and Maureen Ryan Dick and Anne Marie Samuels E. Charles and Wendy Sanborn† James and Lisa Sarette Peter and Linda Satkwich Joel Schwelling and Joan Izen Gary and Kathy Shomo Chris Slusher and Barinder Ahluwalia Karen A. Smith† Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Stagg David G. Stahl Erin Stiling Joss Stubblefield and Brenda Evans Curt Swinehart and Paula Hollis Alicia Talbot Bill and Jean Tallman Carmen Tapiador Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Taub Sam Theodosopoulos Justin Thibeault Charles and Barbara Trudeau Kwok Tsang and Xiao Su Monica V. Vasquez Jeffrey and Alexis Wallace In Honor of Acadia Wallace Roessner Joseph and Karen Wellington Mary Jane Wellington Mr. Jack N. Wentz and Ms. Martha J. Nagy-Wentz Alex and Tina White Paul and Karen Whitmore Aldin and Cathy Wilson Matching Gifts Autodesk, Inc. Intel Foundation Kathy Lee Manchester Community College New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation Panera Bread Papa John's Pizza Puritan Backroom Restaurant Dan and Rhenea Regan † Includes gift to Joel Vargas Achievement Fund § Includes gift to Endowment Denotes current or former student, teacher, or staff member Please notify us of errors or omissions at 603/641-9426 or The Class of 2018 Breakthrough Manchester at The Derryfield School 2108 River Road, Manchester, NH 03104 P: 603/641-9426 F: 603/641-9521 Like Breakthrough on Facebook
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