Value Chain, Coffee
Value Chain, Coffee
Value Chain, Coffee Chrystel Monthean, Value Chain Director, Yara International ASA. Born in Norway, we have pioneered agricultural growth and production for over 100 years 1900-1905 Birkeland’s invention Birkeland’s discovery that hydroelectric power could be used to extract nitrogen from the air led to Norsk Hydro opening December 2, 1905. 1906-1939 Attracting Royal attention New large scale production plants opening and under construction in Notodden and Rjukan respectively are visited by King Chulalongorn of Siam. The plant at Herøya established in 1928. First production of regular NPK fertilizer in 1938. 1940-1959 1960-2003 Extending our reach Going global Stockholm is home to a new sales office and the USA becomes a customer. The Glomfjord plant opens using hydroelectric power to upgrade ammonia to calcium nitrate and NPK. Qafco JV established in 1969. Yara acquires companies in the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, the UK, France, Italy and China and establishes an office in Zimbabwe. Adubos Trevo is acquired in Brazil. 2004-2014 Going public — industry shaper March 25, 2004, Yara is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The tagline ‘Knowledge grows’ introduced. Yara offers solutions and work with public and private partners to create profitable and sustainable growth both for shareholders, stakeholders and society at large 2015 Knowledge grows — providing shared value Yara´s knowledge, products and solutions grow farmers’, distributors’ and industrial customers´ businesses profitably and responsibly while protecting the earth´s resources, food and environment. 2 “Our aspiration is to be the leading provider of sustainable crop nutrition solutions, supporting farmer profitability through knowledge, quality and productivity”. What do we mean by Sustainable Crop Nutrition Solutions? What do we mean by Sustainable Crop Nutrition Solutions? Water Footprint Network Farmer sophistication High UNEP/SETAC Precision Farming Low Yara Crop Nutrition Farm Management System Products, Tools and Knowledge to support more sustainable practices. Sustainability lies on 3 pilars People Profit – Coffee Vietnam 55 farmers – Robusta long term trials. Planet – Technology to reduce Green House Gaz effects at production stage test 9 Planet – Coffee Vietnam The average product carbon footprint was 16% lower in the PPP fertilization program 1800 kg CO2e/t of green beans 1600 1400 energy use 1200 other inputs: production & transport 1000 lime: soil CO2 800 urea: soil CO2 600 compost: N2O emissions 400 mineral fertiliser: N2O emissions 200 mineral fertiliser: transport mineral fertiliser: production 0 average farmer practice Average kg mineral N/ha: 325 average PPP program 264 Calculation based on the Carbon Footprint Product Category Rules for Green Coffee (Environdec 2013) 10 Understanding the Coffee Challenge The world will need 12 mill. tons beans in 2030 3 mill. tons more than today 1950 1989 2015 2030 Consumption/ capita (kg/pax/year) 0,88 1,04 1,23 1,43 World population 2600 5300 7300 8400 Demand* 38 92 150 200 Production* 39 95 144 ??? * Mill. 60kg bags Source: Neumann Kaffe Gruppe – GCC, Milano, Sept 2015 10 million Has of Land producing coffee 40% not fertilized Fertilized vs. Unfertilized land (`000 ha) 5.890 4.110 1.886 1.051 861 565 893 821 448 210 Brazil Other South America Unfertilized land Central America 1.643 1.622 Africa Fertilized land Asia Total Understanding the Value Chain to better support the Coffee Farmers. Understanding better the coffee industry specific needs helps us to support better the Coffee farmers. Direct Procurement Local Traders International Traders Social, Environmental Crop Nutrition Crop Nutrition Brands/Retailers/ Roasters Profit Crop Nutrition is part of the Sustainable Coffee equation. Tree longevity Alternate bearing Less yield fluctuation Maintain productivity of older trees Quality Better taste Bigger beans Yield Health Improve farmer profit Disease resistance Soil fertility Maintain optimum pH, CEC and OM Environment Nutrition Carbon footprint water footprint acidification Yara’s response. 3 pilars of activities R&D Agronomic Knowledge Dedicated Ressources to Coffee Partnerships with Value Chain Coffee Platform roll out so far Hanninghof Mexico Vietnam East-Africa Colombia Brazil Coffee Platform roll out – way forward Hanninghof Mexico RoCAmerica Vietnam East-Africa Colombia Peru India Brazil Indonesia Be part of the solution Increase farmers productivity helping reducing the supply/ demand gap to secure your morning coffee. Increase farmers profitability bringing Economic sustainability. Transfer technology and increase farmers’knowledge to bring Environmental sustainability to the Industry. 21
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