Fuchsite and other Cr-rich in ultramafic enclaves mercury mining
Fuchsite and other Cr-rich in ultramafic enclaves mercury mining
Clay Minerals (2001) 36, 345–354 Fuchsite and other Cr- rich phyllosilicates in ultramafic enclaves from the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain D. M O R A T A 1 , * , P. H I G U E R A S 2 , S. D O M Í N G U E Z- B E L L A 3 , J. P A R R A S 2 , F. V E L A S C O 4 A N D P. A P A R I C I O 5 1 Departamento de Geologõ´a, Facultad de Ciencias Fõ´sicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, correo 21, Santiago de Chile, 2 Departamento de Ingenierõ´a Geológica y Minera, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 13400 Almadén, Ciudad Real, Spain, 3 Departamento de Cristalografõ´a y Mineralogõ´a, Estratigrafõ´a, Geodinámica y Petrologõ´a y Geoquõ´mica, Universidad de Cádiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain, 4 Departamento de Mineralogõ´a y Petrologõ´a, Universidad del Paõ´s Vasco, Apdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain, and 5 Departamento de Cristalografõ´a y Mineralogõ´a y Quõ´mica Agrõ´cola, Facultad de Quõ´mica, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo. 553, 41041 Sevilla, Spain (Received 26 January 2000; revised 29 October 2000) A B S T R A C T : Fuchsite and other Cr-rich phyllosilicates , parageneti c with dolomite, are present in some ultramafic enclaves from the ‘frailesca’ rock (a lapilli- to block-siz e pyroclasti c lithic-tuff), in the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain. Analyses (EMPA and TEM) of fuchsite and Cr-chlorite showed a relatively large range in levels of Cr2 O3. Petrographi c relationship s between these phyllosilicate s and primary relics of Cr-spinel crystals, as well as their high Cr content, indicate that these Cr-rich minerals originate d from primary chromian spinels through an early hydrotherma l alteration stage. The hydrotherma l fluids accounting for this early alteration would be of relatively high temperature , high aCO2 and aK , and variable aNa/K. In a later alteration stage, fuchsite was partially or totally replaced by illite and Cr-illite, giving rise to an argillitic alteration. KEYWORDS: fuchsite, Cr-chlorite, Cr-illite, Hg-mineralization, hydrothermal alteration, Almade´n, Spain. Mercury mineralization in Central Spain is probably related to a regional Silurian–Devonian intracontinental alkaline magmatism, present in the Almadén mining district (Almadén syncline). From here, >30% of the world mercury consumption is supplied (Ortega & Hernández, 1992), making the district possibly the largest geochemical Hg anomaly on the planet. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of this high Hg anomaly: Saupé (1990) suggested the leaching of Hg from Palaeozoic black shales by hydrothermal fluids, whereas Ortega & Hernández (1992) and Higueras (1995) suggested a genetic relationship between the magmatism and the Hg * E-mail: dmorata@cec.uchile.c l mineralizations. In both hypotheses, hydrothermal fluids are invoked as a means of transportation and concentration of the Hg. Another important feature of the mineralization is the relationship with alteration processes which affected the alkaline mafic igneous rocks in two different stages: a lateto post-magmatic event, and a Hercynian, orogenyrelated event, with different chemical and mineralogical characteristics (Hall et al., 1996, 1997). In the Almadén Hg district, Cr-rich phyllosilicates (Cr-illite, fuchsite and Cr-rich chlorite) appear to be directly associated with one of the alteration processes involved in the Hg metallogeny. In particular, the Cr-rich phyllosilicates are present in ultramafic xenoliths from basaltic lavas and pyroclasts throughout the mining district. In this work we present the petrographic, geochemical and structural characteristics of these minerals. # 2001 The Mineralogical Society 346 D. Morata et al. Hg deposits. However, the time and space distribution of this breccia is larger than that of the Hg deposits, and it can be found occasionally in Ordovician series, and almost continuously in Silurian and Devonian sequences all along the syncline. During the Hercynian deformation, this sequence was folded, metamorphosed (very low- to low-grade) and intruded locally by acid plutonic rocks. Two main Hg-mineralization types can be distinguished in the Almadén district (Hall et al., 1996; Hernández et al., 1999): (1) Stratabound mineralization, hosted in the basal Silurian ‘Criadero quartzite’ (Fig. 1b) and referred as ‘Almadén-type mineralization’. This mineralization is associated directly with the Silurian–Devonian alkaline mafic magmatism. The Almadén, El Entredicho and Vieja Concepción deposits (Fig. 1a) are included in this group. (2) Epigenetic stockworks and vein mineralization, hosted in various lithologies, and known as ‘Las Cuevassubtype’ (hosted in magmatic rocks) and ‘Pilar de la Legua-subtype’ (hosted in quartzites) mineralizations. These epigenetic mineralizations were interpreted as tectono-metamorphic remobilization of the older ‘Almadén-type mineralizations’ during the Hercynian deformation, in relation to tectonics, metamorphism and/or granitic intrusions (Jébrak & GEOLOGICAL CONTEXT AND PETROLOGICAL OUTLINE The Almadén syncline, a Hercynian structure located in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula (Fig. 1a), is composed of early Ordovician to late Devonian sediments (mainly shales, sandstones and quartzites), with a few interbedded mafic igneous rocks, resting unconformably on pre-Ordovician shales and schists (Fig. 1b). The magmatic rocks are largely alkali basalts (Higueras et al., 2000) and comprise dykes, sills, flows and bedded pyroclastic deposits, including lapilli-breccias, known locally as ‘frailesca’, that are well developed in most of the a Subvolcanic tholeiites Volcano-sedimentary sucessions Intermediate and acidic rocks Hesperian Massif b Basalts Upper Volcanic Group Pyroclastic (frailesca) rocks DEVONIAN The presence of Cr-rich phyllosilicates (fuchsite, Cr-illite and/or chlorite) as secondary minerals in mafic/ultramafic rocks and enclaves has been reported from a number of alteration/mineralization areas (Moritz & Croket, 1991; Christofides et al., 1992; Jiang et al., 1992; Schandl & Wicks, 1993; Craw & Angus, 1993; Arif et al., 1996). However, the compositional constraints on these minerals in relation to the alteration processes have never been studied in great detail. In this paper, an hypothesis for the relationship between these Cr-rich phyllosilicates and the two major alteration events defined in the Almadén district is suggested. Base quartzite MADRID LC 0 5 1 0 km Almadén Cor Gu PL Almadén-type mineralizations Las Cuevas-type mineralizations Pilar del Legua-type mineralizations BTH Almadenejos NVC Criadero quartzite ORDOVICIAN Devonian Silurian Ordovician Precambrian Las Cuevas quartzite SILURIAN Ciudad Real EE Canteras quartzite 600 400 200 Armorican quartzite 0m FIG. 1. (a) Geological map of the Almadén syncline in the Hesperian Massif, showing the location of the major Hg deposits (after Higueras, 1995). BTH: Burcio-Tres Hermanas; Cor: Corchuelo; EE: El Entredicho; Gu: Guadalperal ; LC: Las Cuevas; NVC: Nueva and Vieja Concepción; PL.: Pilar de la Legua. (b) Lithologica l column of the Almadén syncline, showing the magmatic rock intercalate d. Modified after Higueras (1995). Fuchsite in the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain Hernández, 1995; Hall et al., 1997). The Las Cuevas, El Nuevo Entredicho and La Nueva Concepción mines, as well as the Corchuelo and Guadalperal mineral showings (Fig. 1a ) are included in this group. Both mineralization types show genetic and/or geometric relationships with the magmatic rocks of the district and/or their alteration processes. In this sense, a geometric and genetic relationship can be established between the stratabound mineralizations (‘Almadén-type’) and the pyroclastic rocks (the ‘frailesca’) of this mining district (Higueras, 1993; 1995). Moreover, a possible ‘reactivity’ relationship was established between the ‘frailesca’ and the epigenetic mineralization (Higueras et al., 1995, 1999). Magmatic rock alteration and mineralization In the magmatic rocks of the Almadén syncline related to the Hg-mineralization, two alteration stages were differentiated (Hall et al., 1997; Higueras et al., 1999): a ‘regional’ stage, affecting all of the magmatic rocks of the district, and a ‘local’ stage, affecting only the magmatic rocks present in the epigenetic Las Cuevas-type mineralization. The ‘regional’ event gave rise to the pseudomorphic replacement of primary igneous minerals (olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase) by chlorite + CaMg-Fe carbonates + silica, and could be interpreted as a late-magmatic event (Higueras, 1993). In spite of its large extent, it is possible to establish a gradual distribution of its influence, with a stronger expression in the stratabound Hg deposits, as reflected by the zoning in the carbonate content (Higueras, 1995). The ‘local’ alteration stage is characterized by the formation of pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite and illite-smectite (‘‘argillitic alteration’’, after Higueras et al., 1995) and the partial to complete destruction of the secondary minerals developed in the previous regi onal al t erat ion st age. Thermodynami c constraints, as well as preliminary fluid inclusion data (Higueras et al. 1999) indicate low-salinity fluids, temperature in the range 200 3008C and pressure of >0.5 kbar. This mineral assemblage developed zoned shells, some 10 20 m in diameter, around the Las Cuevas-type mineralization, and can be interpreted as the reaction products of the interaction between the high-S mineralizing solutions and the host magmatic rocks (Higueras et al., 1999). 347 DESCR IPTION OF T HE FRAILESCA ROCK AND CHARACTERIZATION O F T H E C R- R I C H PHYLLOSILICATES The frailesca rock is a lapilli- to block-size pyroclastic lithic tuff, composed mainly of basaltic fragments. Strongly hydrothermally altered ultramafic xenoliths, as well as various sedimentary clasts are also present, all of them contained in an argillaceous groundmass. The basaltic fragments have relicts of olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts in a glassy and highly-vesiculated matrix. Spinel crystals, ranging from 100 500 mm in size, appear mostly as vermicular grains included in pyroxene crystals from the ultramafic xenoliths. They are Cr-rich varieties and show compositional variations, mainly in terms of Cr (=Cr/(Cr+Al3+ )) and Mg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe2 + )) occupancies. These variations can be established between samples from different outcrops and even at a single-sample scale. In some of the frailesca ultramafic xenoliths, conspicuous pale-green mica, associated with CaFe-Mg carbonates and chlorite, is present as a secondary phase (Fig. 2). This pale-green mica was studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanningelectron microscopy coupled with a microanalytical system (SEM-EDX), electronic microprobe analysis (EMPA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The XRD study was carried out with Cu-Ka radiation in a Siemens D5000 diffractometer at 40 kV, 30 mA, in the 2 3682y range. Counts were FIG. 2. SEM image of the associatio n of rhombohedra l carbonate s and small mica crystals. Scale bar = 10 mm. 348 D. Morata et al. recorded at 0. 0282y intervals for 1. 0 s. A y-compensating variable slit and sample spinning were used. A profile-fitting peak-decomposition program, part of MacDiff 4.1.2, by Petschick (2000), was used on the ethylene glycol (EG)orientated aggregate patterns to determine the precise position and intensities of the individual peaks within broad diffraction bands. A Pearson VII function was used, and the parameters obtained were: the peak position in 82y; the height above the baseline; the full width at half height; and the mixing parameter for the function. The initial fit results were iterated until the difference between the experimental and decomposed pattern was <5%. The smoother composite pattern produced by summing these simulated peaks produces a trace that closely approximates the average observed XRD intensity. The residual obtained by subtracting the measured from the calculated value exhibits about the same variation due to noise and X-ray counting statistics as the original recording (Fig. 3). A complete listing of the peaks derived by fitting the illustrated region and the entire backgroundsubtracted pattern is compiled in Table 1. The most Ê region significant reflections in the 9 11 A Ê ) correspond to the 001 reflection of illite (10.01 A Ê , and the 002 reflection of fuchsite at 9.92 A according to Martõ´n Ramos & Rodrõ´guez Gallego (1982) and Clifford et al. (1999). A low intensity Ê ) was also 002 reflection of chlorite (7. 07 A detected. The EMPA analyses were performed using a JEOL JXA-89 00 M from the Servicio de Micros copõ´a electrónica Lui s Bru, of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with analytical conditions of 15 kV and 20 nA, a beam diameter of 1 mm, and with geostandards provided by the Department of Petrology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, and the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, USA. The EMPA data (Table 2) from this pale green mica show highly variable Cr2 O3 contents (11.67 0.25%) but almost always >1%, which allow their classification as fuchsites. Nevertheless, almost all Cr-rich micas Residual 300 I Smoothed composite 200 Individual peaks F 100 7 8 9 10 °2q Cu-Ka FIG. 3. Example of the peak composition results for the <2 mm fraction of the EG-solvated sample. I: Illite; F: Fuchsite. 349 Fuchsite in the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain TABLE 1. XRD decompositio n results of the < 2 m m frac tion o f th e et hy l en e g ly co l (EG)-solvated pale green mica. Intensity (counts ) dhkl 11.177 10.496 10.147 10.009 9.9202 9.762 9.5919 7.0772 5.0045 4.9331 5.049 3.3356 3.3049 24 38 35 188 112 57 15 21 56 15 9 61 27 from Las Cuevas mine have lower Cr2 O3 contents (<2% and generally <1%), classifying them as Cr illites (Fig. 4a). The variations in Cr content in samples from the same area of mineralization (e.g. El Entredicho mine) as well as between micas in the same sample is remarkable. In general, fuchsites show a good correlation between Cr and AlV I (Fig. 4b), which indicates that Cr is present in the mica structure through substitution of octahedral Al. Other differences between Cr-rich micas in the frailesca from these mines relate to the higher Na content (>0.2 a.p.f.u. ) in micas from Las Cuevas (Fig. 4c), contrasted with their lower K/(Na+K) values (Fig. 4d). The higher Na values in fuchsites from this mine with respect to those from El Entredicho (characterized also by a reasonable compositional homogeneity in the alkaline components) is also reflected in the chemical compositions of other associated secondary minerals present in both mineralizations. This feature must be related Height 0.349 0.407 0.204 0.133 0.19 0.367 0.265 0.186 0.272 0.077 0.552 0.231 0.928 a b EE-11 8 Cr2O3 EE-11 VI EE-12 EE-14 6 Al 5 EE-12 EE-14 LC-PL4 LC-PL4 4 4 2 Illites 0 40 50 3 SiO2 60 c 0 0.5 Cr 1 d K/(Na+K) 1 2 K EE-11 1 EE-12 0.75 EE-11 EE-14 EE-12 LC-PL4 EE-14 LC-PL4 0 0 0.2 0.4 Na 0.5 0 0.5 Cr 1 FIG. 4. Compositiona l variations of the Cr-rich micas from the frailesca rocks of the Almadén district. The EE and LC samples are from the El Entredicho and Las Cuevas mines, respectively. Contoured area represent s the composition field of the Cr-rich micas from the Las Cuevas mine. 35.35 0.37 28.07 11.67 6.25 0.09 0.22 2.90 0.15 0.33 5.54 90.92 Wt.% SiO2 TiO2 Al2 O3 Cr2 O3 FeO MnO NiO2 MgO CaO Na2 O K2 O Total 50.00 0.03 30.92 4.12 0.53 0.00 0.03 1.21 0.18 0.17 6.03 93.21 EE-11 2-11 49.58 0.05 29.90 4.06 0.49 0.03 0.02 1.21 0.17 0.24 6.31 92.05 EE-11 2-12 49.11 0.07 33.39 1.83 0.60 0.01 0.00 0.95 0.20 0.48 6.83 93.47 EE-11 2-21 Structural formula on the basis of 24 oxygens Si 5.236 6.625 6.668 6.490 Al(IV ) 2.764 1.375 1.332 1.510 Al(V I ) 2.137 3.452 3.407 3.689 Cr 1.366 0.432 0.431 0.192 Ti 0.042 0.002 0.005 0.006 Mg 0.639 0.238 0.242 0.188 Ni 0.026 0.004 0.002 0.000 Fe2 + 0.775 0.058 0.055 0.067 Mn 0.011 0.000 0.004 0.001 Ca 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.028 Na 0.094 0.043 0.063 0.123 K 1.046 1.020 1.082 1.151 Scat. 14.159 13.274 13.314 13.445 EE-11 2-7 Sample Point 6.573 1.427 3.395 0.382 0.009 0.279 0.000 0.069 0.000 0.037 0.061 1.227 13.460 49.25 0.09 30.66 3.62 0.61 0.00 0.00 1.40 0.26 0.24 7.21 93.34 EE-12 2-8 6.685 1.315 3.611 0.185 0.011 0.274 0.000 0.085 0.000 0.024 0.069 1.049 13.308 49.78 0.10 31.13 1.75 0.76 0.00 0.00 1.37 0.17 0.27 6.12 91.44 EE-12 4-24 6.486 1.514 3.699 0.026 0.048 0.340 0.003 0.102 0.007 0.031 0.058 1.122 13.436 49.01 0.48 33.43 0.25 0.93 0.06 0.02 1.72 0.22 0.23 6.65 93.00 EE-14 1-5 6.718 1.282 3.696 0.155 0.002 0.272 0.012 0.043 0.002 0.017 0.072 0.955 13.227 51.11 0.02 32.14 1.49 0.39 0.02 0.11 1.39 0.12 0.28 5.70 92.77 EE-14 2-8 6.905 1.911 3.826 0.631 0.048 1.109 0.016 0.623 0.011 0.087 0.152 1.340 13.845 51.82 0.48 34.54 5.54 5.38 0.09 0.15 5.34 0.61 0.60 7.44 95.04 6.089 1.095 3.004 0.020 0.000 0.188 0.000 0.042 0.000 0.013 0.043 0.871 13.190 43.69 0.00 28.71 0.19 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.09 0.17 5.09 88.19 Range n = 31 6.563 1.437 3.803 0.120 0.006 0.080 0.000 0.024 0.006 0.014 0.303 1.093 13.449 49.50 0.06 33.54 1.14 0.22 0.05 0.00 0.41 0.10 1.18 6.46 92.66 6.296 1.704 3.922 0.037 0.003 0.038 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.022 0.146 1.517 13.701 47.45 0.03 35.98 0.35 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.16 0.57 8.96 93.84 LC-PL4-30a 4-50 4-51 6.538 1.462 3.814 0.111 0.004 0.069 0.002 0.018 0.005 0.011 0.412 1.052 13.497 50.70 0.04 34.72 1.08 0.17 0.05 0.02 0.36 0.08 1.65 6.40 95.25 4-48 6.905 3.206 3.826 0.136 0.006 0.123 0.002 0.029 0.006 0.022 0.412 1.685 13.701 51.82 0.06 35.98 1.33 0.27 0.05 0.02 0.64 0.16 1.65 8.96 95.86 4.764 1.095 1.770 0.037 0.000 0.038 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.006 0.146 1.391 13.430 43.69 0.00 33.00 0.35 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.57 6.40 92.66 Range n = 10 TABLE 2. Selected EMPA analysis of fuchsite from the El Entredicho (samples EE-11, EE-12, EE-14) and Las Cuevas (sample LC-PL4-30a) mines. In the ‘range’ column, analyses for EE-11/2-7, which seem to correspond to mixtures of mica plus chromite, have been excluded. EE-11/2-12 can be considered as a typical analysis of fuchsite, whereas EE-14/1-5 or LC-PL4-30a/4-51 should be typical analyses for Cr-illite. 350 D. Morata et al. 351 Fuchsite in the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain with variations in the aN a/K of the fluids during the alteration process. The Cr illites from Las Cuevas mine are characterized by lower K and Cr. A Cr-rich chlorite is also present, associated with the fuchsite. This has also been reported in other areas (Moritz & Crocket, 1991; Schandl & Wicks, 1993). EMPA analyses of Cr-chlorite (Table 3) indicate strong chemical variations, mostly in terms of Cr2 O3 (2.73 0.23%) and FeOt (30.85 22. 11%), as well as the presence of interlayer cations (in some analyses >0.1 a.p.f.u.). These Cr-rich chlorites are characterized by higher Fe contents than those Cr-chlorites normally associated with ultramafic nodules (Newman & Brown, 1987; Deer et al., 1992; Schandl & Wicks, 1993). As for the associated fuchsites, these Cr-chlorites are characterized by a relatively broad compositional range. All these facts could be interpreted as a consequence of a partial replacement of these Cr-rich chlorites by normal chlorite. A possible alternative explanation for the data observed is the existence of a phase mixture between fuchsite and Cr-rich chlorite, causing the important compositional variations described. However, as seen in Fig. 5, there is no evidence of this kind of mixture, since intermediate compositions are not detected. G E N E S I S O F T H E C R- R I C H PHYL LOSI LICATE S and/or with vermicular morphologies in pyroxene pseudomorphs), and the high Cr values measured in some fuchsite crystals, could indicate that this mica formed through the alteration of originally Cr-rich phases (Cr-spinels) due to a high aCO2 (responsible for the formation of the paragenetic carbonates) and K+-rich hydrothermal fluids. In fact, a petrographic relationship has been established between Cr-spinel and fuchsite, dolomite and Cr-chlorite (Fig. 6). This origin for the fuchsite, from originally Cr-rich phases, could also explain the high Cr 2 O 3 (11.67%) and FeO (6.25%) values and the low SiO2 (35.35%) content of some of the analysed phyllosilicates (see Table 2). Moreover, it is possible that some of the compositional anomalies recorded in these Cr-rich micas are due to probe analyses focusing on unaltered Cr-spinel relics and neoformed fuchsite. In this sense, the high Cr2 O3 contents of the fuchsite analysed by Saupé (1990) could be interpreted as a mixed analysis between spinel and mica. Compositional variations observed in the Cr and Fe contents in fuchsite (Fig. 4a d, and Table 2) and of Cr-rich chlorite (Table 3) could be explained by an original heterogeneous distribution of these elements in the igneous spinels (as previously noted). On the other hand, the high Cr2O3 variations in fuchsites could indicate a progressive destabilization of this mineral with the advance of the argillization processes as it is reflected in the subsequent neoformation of illite-type mica. This The textural relations of the Cr-rich micas (as result of the pseudomorphing of ultramafic-rock xenoliths, Chl K+Na 2 Dol Fuch Spl 1 Fuch EE-11 EE-12 EE-14 LC-PL4 Cr-chlorites 0 0 0.1 Cr/Al VI 0.2 FIG. 5. Cr/AlVI vs. K+Na (a.p.f.u.) diagram for the micas and chlorites. FIG. 6. SEM image showing the partial replacement by a Cr-spinel crystal (Spl) of fuchsite (Fuch), dolomite (Dol) and Cr-chlorite (Chl). Qtz = quartz. Scale bar = 10 mm. All the phases were identified using SEM-EDX analysis. 352 D. Morata et al. TABLE 3. Selected EMPA analysis of Cr-chlorite from El Entredicho (samples EE-) and Las Cuevas (sample LC-PL4-30a). Same analytica l condition s as for Table 2. Sample Point 3-41 LC-PL4-30a 3-42 3-47 EE-11 2-6 EE-11 2-17 EE-12 2-14 Wt.% SiO2 TiO2 Al2 O3 Cr2 O3 FeO MnO NiO2 MgO CaO Na2 O K2 O Total 25.57 0.03 24.74 2.18 24.03 0.00 0.10 8.82 0.10 0.02 0.00 85.59 26.82 0.04 25.49 2.73 22.11 0.00 0.08 9.04 0.07 0.00 0.00 86.38 22.95 0.14 24.67 0.94 27.77 0.06 0.09 9.81 0.07 0.00 0.00 86.48 24.35 0.07 21.21 2.25 28.30 0.01 0.40 9.27 0.00 0.00 0.03 85.88 24.93 0.02 21.57 0.74 28.87 0.01 0.29 9.85 0.05 0.03 0.03 86.40 25.49 0.05 20.91 0.23 30.85 0.02 0.28 9.07 0.02 0.02 0.01 86.95 5.377 2.623 2.897 0.392 0.011 3.052 0.070 5.227 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.009 19.661 5.451 2.549 3.009 0.128 0.003 3.211 0.051 5.278 0.002 0.011 0.012 0.008 19.713 5.580 2.420 2.975 0.040 0.008 2.960 0.049 5.647 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.003 19.700 Structural formulae on the basis of 28 oxygens Si 5.467 5.600 4.987 Al(iv ) 2.533 2.400 3.013 Al(vi ) 3.701 3.873 3.304 Cr 0.369 0.451 0.161 Ti 0.005 0.007 0.022 Mg 2.810 2.813 3.178 Ni 0.018 0.013 0.016 Fe2+ 4.298 3.860 5.045 Mn 0.000 0.000 0.010 Ca 0.023 0.016 0.016 Na 0.007 0.000 0.000 K 0.000 0.000 0.000 Scat. 19.230 19.031 19.752 alteration sequence is supported by the 40Ar/39Ar dating carried out on these fuchsite crystals (Hall et al., 1997). The 40 Ar/39 Ar results indicate values ranging from 365 to 427 Ma, with radiometric ages varying between different samples and even within the same sample. On the other hand, radiometric 40 Ar/39Ar analyses performed on illites formed from the break-down of fuchsite gave a more precise age of 361+2 Ma (Hall et al., 1997). The oldest radiometric ages are related to the hydrothermal alteration processes associated with the genesis of the stratabound mineralizations (i.e. the ‘Almadén-type’), whereas the younger ages are related to the argillitic alteration and, consequently to the epigenetic-type mineralizations in the Almadén Hg district. d13 C isotopic data from carbonates associated with the Hg mineralization in the Almadén district (Eichmann et al., 1977; Rytuba et al., 1988) suggested a mantle origin for the carbon. This possible cause of the high aCO2 would agree with an early hydrothermal alteration of the primary igneous Cr-rich spinels. This early alteration stage has a typical mantle signature. CONCLUSIONS The presence of fuchsite as well as minor Cr-rich chlorite in the ultramafic-rock enclaves of the ‘frailesca’ rock from the mining district of the Almadén area, can be interpreted as the result of an early hydrothermal alteration process (~427 Ma) acting on igneous Cr-rich spinels and related to the formation of Hg deposits. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for this early alteration would have been characterized by a relatively high temperature, high aCO2 and aK , and variable aN a/K , this last parameter being higher in the case of the Las Cuevas mine (where fuchsite has higher Na Fuchsite in the Almadén mercury mining district, Spain contents than those from the El Entredicho mine). Finally, during a second alteration stage, the total break-down of fuchsite into illite was only possible in areas in which the hydrothermal fluids pervaded completely. This second alteration stage would be related to acid fluids and high aSiO2 and aS, at temperatures lower than 2708C, giving rise to the argillic alteration (Higueras et al., 1995, 1999), which is characteristic of the epigenetic-type mineralization. The partial break-down of fuchsite into illite may account for the higher 40 Ar/39 Ar radiometric ages obtained for the fuchsite. The second alteration stage, characterized by the formation of illite, must have occurred ~360 Ma ago, and could be related to the Hercynian metamorphic event, as proposed by Higueras et al. (1995), or associated with the high geothermal gradients related to the long-lasting magmatic activity characteristic of the district (Higueras et al., 1999). Thus, the two alteration stages experienced by the primary Cr-rich spinels agree with the two 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by Hall et al. (1997). According to our genetic model, the origin of the Cr-rich phyllosilicates in the ultramafic enclaves from the ‘frailesca’ rock in the Almadén Hg district is related to an early hydrothermal alteration stage (~427 Ma, 40Ar/39Ar age) from primary Cr-rich spinels. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was carried out with the financia l support of the ‘Ayudas a la Investigaci ón (Financiación Interna )’ programme of the Universit y of Castilla-La Mancha. Luis Puebla, Juan Luis Baldonedo and Alfredo Fernández (Centro de Microscopõ´a electrónica Luis Bru, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) provide d assistance with the EMPA and TEM analytica l work. The SEM-EDX study was carried out at the Universit y of Cádiz. Detailed XRD study was performe d at the Department of Geology and Geophysic s of the Louisiana State University. Suggestions and improvements by Dr L. Aguirre (Universit y of Chile), Dr A. Meunier (University of Poitiers, France) and Dr S. Hillier (The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute , UK) are acknowledged. This work is a contributio n to the IGCP-427 ‘‘Ore-forming processes in dynamic magmatic systems’’. REFERENCES Arif M., Fallick A.E. & Moon C.J. (1996 ) The genesis of emeralds and their host rocks from Swat, north- 353 western Pakistan: a stable-isotop e investigation. Mineral. Deposita, 31 255 268. Christofide s G., Thimiatis G., Koroneos A., Sklavounos S. & Eleftheriadis G. (1992 ) Mineralog y and chemistry of Cr-chlorites associate d with chromites from Vavdos and Vasilika ophiolite complexes (Chalkidiki , Macedonia, N. Greece). Chem. Erde, 54, 151 166. Clifford T.N., Rex D.C., Green R., Le Roex A.P., Pienaar H.S. & Bühmann D. (1999) Chromian illiteankerite-quart z paragenese s from the Kintail district of southern Ross-shire, Scotland. Mineral. Mag. 63, 37 52. Craw D. & Angus P.V. (1993 ) Mafic/ultramafic clasts in deformed biotite zone metaconglomerate , Macraes mine, Haast Schist, New Zealand. 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