Going fishing? - Skellefteå kommun


Going fishing? - Skellefteå kommun
Going fishing? A basic course for those who
like to have fun in the great outdoors.
Fishing guide and local fishing tips in Skellefteå
What’s up with fishing anyway? There is no definitive answer and
fishermen have different opinions and thoughts about what makes fishing such a fantastic hobby. Some fishermen like challenges
and excitement , while others seek the tranquility of being near
rivers , lakes and oceans. Fishing is a fun activity that can be easily
shared with others , shared joy is double joy.
Do you like all kinds of weather? Curious about
nature and outdoor life? Want to try something
new? Perhaps you want to have a new, really fun
hobby, but have not yet really decided what? The
answer could be fishing. A popular and exciting
pastime that offers something for everyone.
1 On the hook.
In this folder you can find facts, tips and inspiration. Information that will make you grab a fishing
rod and head out on your own fishing adventure.
Includes map guides to fishing spots and
outdoor experiences in your local area.
Both for summer and winter fishing.
This is one of several fishing guides for our local
villages in the Skellefteå municipality. Here you will
learn about the most common fish species, see
maps of the good fishing spots and fishing tips on
where, when and how to fish so you will have the
best chance to catch a fish.
3 Methods and equipment.
This guide also contains suggestions of great locations for fishing excursions and recipes on how to
cook your catch in the wild.
For the youth center there is a list of all fishing and
outdoor equipment available to borrow from the
recreation office in Skellefteå.
So let’s go fishing, soon you will be fishermen!
Details our most common species for
sport fishing. Includes knowledge that
makes it easier for you to catch the fish
you are hunting for.
2 Local fishing tips.
Provides descriptions of the most
common fishing methods and what
equipment you need to get started.
4 In-depth fishing.
Dive a little deeper into fishing. Knowledge of when and why the fish are biting.
Links, further reading and gives more
specific details. Includes explanations for
some words and useful terms found in
sport fishing.
5 Fishing common sense.
This explains the most important things
you should know before you go out
fishing; Rules, general and local rules,
seamanship and safety around water
6 Local fishing trips.
Outlines suggestions for simple and nice
places to visit in the area. Indicates easily
accessible locations with good fishing
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
On the Hook.
Fish are not stupid animals aimlessly swimming around in rivers, lakes
and seas. There are always reasons why fish thrive in some places. All
species of fish are different and their behavior is influenced by the
environment they live in, and what they eat. To become a really good
fisherman, you almost have to think like a fish. By learning this you
will understand better where and when to fish, so you can start getting some on the hook. It could be perhaps when the sun goes down,
when the water is warmer or when the insects hatch.
Our most common species of fish.
There are thousands of species on earth, all unique
and adapted to the environment they live in. Some
species of fish thrive in hot water, others prefer
the cold. Some are down deep in the water, others
prefer shallow water. Many fish live their entire
lives in the same area, other swim long distances
to find food or to reproduce.
This chapter discusses the most common species
of sport fishing in Skellefteå.
You will learn the facts, some fishing tips and interesting details. You can also see what times of the
year the species is most likely to take your hook
here in Skellefteå. As a first fishing tip you should
know that fish are incredibly good at detecting
sound and vibrations and are easily frightened. So
tread carefully when approaching the water and
keep voices low and you will increase your catch
as a result.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Perch. The striped knight. A popular
and greedy fighting fish.
The perch is one of the most common sport fish
and perhaps the first game fish you catch. It is
found in almost all waters. Perch are greedy and
will take lures and baits eagerly. And they like
to eat their own kind too. Therefore perch in a
shoal are often about the same size. Perch reside in the vicinity of places where they can find
shelter. Good spots to fish for perch is around
shallow reefs, rocks, close to grass and reedy
areas, and around pontoons and piers.
Float fishing with worm is perhaps the most
common way to fish for perch. Jigs, spinners,
poppers, wobblers, spoons or flies can attract
large perch to bite. Fishing for perch with jigs or
poppers can be a lot of fun. If you come across
a shoal of perch you can experience intensive
fishing when the perch jealously fight over your
bait. This fishing is particularly exciting using
light tackle.
Perch love warm water and are especially active
during summer’s sunny days. Sometimes perch
hunt small fish so if you see some disturbance on the surface, that is a good place to
cast your lure or bait.Thunder and low pressure disturbs the perch and they become less
interested in eating. Low pressure is therefore a
bad time for perch fishing.
Perch fishing is popular throughout the
year. The best periods
are during warm
summer days. And in
the late winter period
when ice fishing often
give good catches.
Darker colour = Better fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Pike. The lake lion, biggest of all
our predatory fish.
The pike is our largest and most popular game
fish. It lives in most of our waters, even in the
sea along the coast. The color is green with
bright dots. The body is long and narrow and
the dorsal fin is located far back. Pike have a
huge duck billed shape mouth which has 700
sharp teeth. It can reach weights over 30 kilograms, but the most common weight is between two to five kilos. Pike are voracious and
can take large prey, up to half of their own body
size. So a big lure won’t scare them. Popular
baits are wobblers, spoons, spinners and jigs.
Pike are fished mostly with spinning or trolling.
Use a heavier line, wire and rod that can handle
pike. Pike is a cold-water fish. When the
summer sun heats the water, look for pike in
deeper water where it is colder. In the evening,
it enters shallow water again to hunt when the
sun goes down. Good fishing spots are to be
found around shallow reefs , stones, along drop
offs where shallow areas meet deeper water
where prey fish are collected. Fishing close to
reeds and grass can also be very productive.
Pike ambush their prey. The attack is explosive and it is the fastest among all freshwater
fishes. So be prepared and hold your rod firmly.
Pike have distinct catching periods and can
sometimes be difficult to catch. If you learn
where and when to fish you can experience
a fantastic pike fishing with a bite on almost
every cast.
The pike can be caught
all year round. The
best pike fishing is in
the spring and autumn
when the water is
cooler, then pike are on
the hunt. During hot
summer days it may be
Darker colour = Better fishing. more difficult.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Zander. Prince of the dark waters,
Count Dracula of fishes.
The zander is the perches larger and rarer cousin. It is a beautiful fish with its brown-green color, bright belly and dark stripes along the sides.
The zander is a warm water fish that thrives in
warm, murky water. This makes it very unusual
for our cold latitudes. The zander’s extremely
light sensitive eyes give it an advantage over its
prey when visibility is low in the water. The first
bite is often to injure and weaken their prey.
The sharp fangs leave vampire-like bite marks
on their intended victim.
Finding the zander can be difficult. Trolling a
lure is effective to cover large areas and test
different fishing depths. Zander can be found in
big numbers within a small area. Zander often
stand close to the bottom. Bottom fishing with
bait fish, vertical jigging or using an ice fishing
rod from a boat is often effective ways to get
zander on the hook. A good rule of thumb for
zander fishing is to fish around the lake’s deep
areas during the day and toward shallower
water when the sun goes down. Look for areas
of the lake with hard bottom.
The lakes along the Bureå river system has the
best places for zander fishing in Skellefteå.
They mate before midsummer. A cold spring
can affect the spawning so the stock levels are
weakened. Zander is a slow growing fish. An
adult fish of 35 centimeters may be more than
ten years old. So be careful with stocks and
return big fish that provide a lot of fish eggs.
Zander become more
active when the water
is heated by the sumO
mer sun. From midM
summer and well into
the autumn is the best
fishing time. Zander can
also be caught on ice
Darker colour = Better fishing. fishing during winter.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Burbot. Nocturnal hunter. A slippery,
hungry and little known sport fish.
The burbot is a long, narrow, voracious fish that
is common in our waters, but is rarely sought after by anglers. It has a beautiful marbling green
yellow color, and the special appearance makes
it easy to recognize. The fins extend along the
back and moves in waves as this snake-like
fish meanders through the water. The burbot
is very greedy and will eat almost everything in
its path. Both live and dead food is eaten as it
glides through the darkness of the bottom. The
burbot can be great sport, and weights of over
five kilos are not uncommon.
Fishing for burbot is exotic and exciting because
the best fishing occurs during the dark hours
of winter. The burbot is curious and has a very
good sense of smell. Fished mainly using an ice
fishing rod with or without a float. Ice fishing is
relatively easy. The bait consists of a wobbling
attractor spoon and the hook baited with pieces
of fish. The bait is pounded on the bottom to
attract the burbots interest. Bring a friend out
on the ice, spark a fire and try to capture this
devious hunter of the dark.
The burbot was previously counted among the
codfish family, but now it has been discovered
it belongs to, and is the only member of, the
genus lota. The burbot is a good food fish,
the meat is light and is reminiscent of cod. A
popular way to cook it is to make soup. It’s skin
is thick and tough, so skin the fish before you
cook it.
The burbot can be fished all year round, but
the best fishing time
is between November
and February. In the
middle of winter and
in cover of darkness
you have the greatest
chance to capture your
Darker colour = Better fishing.
best burbot.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Salmon. King of the river. The biggest
challenge for fishermen in Sweden.
Big, shiny bright, strong and beautiful. The
salmon belongs to the family salmonidae. These
are recognized by the small adipose fin also
known as fat fin that sits on the back in front
of the tail fin. The salmon lives most of its life in
the ocean but mates in rivers. They migrate up
the rivers during the summer to spawn later in
the autumn. Salmon is a dream and passion for
many fishermen. To catch a salmon is no easy
task. Often, one needs to put in a lot of fishing
hours to succeed in catching one.
Salmon requires both luck and timing. Fishing
in un-fished places where the fish have not
been disturbed is a good tip. If you go out
fishing late evening or early morning at popular
fishing spots, your chances will also increase in
catching a fish. Salmon fishing is often especially good when the water flow decreases after
a period of high water. Use larger baits and fish
deeper if the water is cold and high. When the
water is warmer, a smaller bait presented near
the surface is usually the best approach.
The salmon can be hard to catch in rivers as
they do not eat during their spawning run. A
hot tip is therefore, to fish the bait rapidly over
where you think the salmon are. Salmon may
bite at the bait instinctively by reflex. Salmon
aggressiveness and willingness to take a lure or
bait increases as spawning time approaches.
In our unregulated
rivers salmon fishing is
best from May to June.
The regulated Skellefteå
river offers the best
fishing from August to
Darker colour = Better fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Illustration: Thommy Gustavsson
Trout. The dotted prince of river and
the sea. Strong, beautiful and popular.
The trout is beautiful with its dotted pattern
over almost the entire body. Unlike salmon the
trout usually has much more dots below the
lateral line. Sea trout freshly run from the sea
are silver polished while the fish that has been
a longer time in the river displays a browner
color. Trout that live fulltime in rivers and do
not go back to the sea are called brown trout.
Trout are strong in respect of their size and
therefore a popular sport fish. Trout can be shy.
Learn how to find the fish habitat on the river
and fish quietly and carefully, which should
increase your chances of catching.
Trout can be caught in many different ways.
The most common trout fishing method in
Skellefteå is fly while spin fishing is good for
migrating sea trout in to the rivers. Fishing on
stationary populations occurs in some of our
rivers, lakes and streams. Trolling for trout is popular in large lakes and streams. Coastal fishing
for sea trout is unusual in Skellefteå. There are
surely many unexplored fishing spots along the
coast with a good chance to catch.
Sea trout, lake trout, brown trout, brook trout.
Known by many different names but they’re all
actually the same species. The appearance of
trout, size and behavior varies depending on
their habitat. Trout has an amazing ability to
adapt it’s body to the water environment they
live in.
Sea trout fishing in our
rivers is at its best in the
Good fishing for stationary trout is usually
best when the insect
hatches begins around
Darker colour = Better fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Illustration: Thommy Gustavsson
Grayling. Dorsal fin like a sail and
they like their friends by their side.
The grayling is a very beautiful fish. The large
characteristic dorsal fin with its beautiful colors
and shiny scales tinged with gold. Body shape
is slender, spindle-shaped and the mouth small.
The grayling lives in lakes, rivers and seas. Spawning occurs in the spring in flowing water. Grayling are usually stationary and move within a
small range. They seek their spawning grounds
in the same vicinity where they live. The exception is the sea grayling which can swim long
distances to spawn.
The graylings meat loses its quality quickly and
the flavor is best if it is prepared immediately
after the catch. Grayling is not a fish to take
home if you have to travel far. It releases alot
of lactic acid when its fought and therefore
should be played quickly if it is to be released,
this will give it a greater chance of survival.
Give it some recovery time by holding it in the
water facing the current before releasing it.
Grayling are happy together in small groups.
They are not as shy or territorially protective as
trout and salmon. It is a fun and relatively easy
caught sport fish and they are not picky with
what they eat. Frequently used baits for trout
such as spinners, small spoons or flies will catch
them. A good choice of fly is a nymph or dry
fly. What works best depends on whether the
grayling are searching for food at or below the
Grayling can be fished
all year round and are
a popular fish to ice
fish. The summer’s best
grayling can be caught
when insect hatches
occur around
Darker colour = Better fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Whitefish. Silver from the sea, a
fish to take a closer look at.
The sik has silvery scales, gray fins and an adipose fin. It belongs to the family salmonidae.
The head is small relative to the body. The sik is
found in lakes, rivers and along the coast. Some
marine sik migrate up rivers to spawn in the
autumn. The size can vary greatly depending
on habitat and access to food. Sik can reach
weights over 8 kilos. Large sik are often very
broad along the stomach. The usual size for sik
in our waters around Skellefteå is between 2545 centimeters.
The most common angling method for sik is ice
fishing. It’s a lot of fun to peer through the ice
and watch the fish feed. This fishing is best on
the first ice of the season. Thick ice and snow
typically results in slow fishing. When the spring
sun begins to warm up and melt the ice at the
end of March, the sik start running again. Giving you a wonderful opportunity to head out,
enjoy the spring sun and exciting ice fishing.
During the spawning season large quantities of
whitefish congregate in our waters. It used to
be popular to hand net spawning whitefish in
the rivers. The amount of sik has declined significantly in our waters in recent years. Therefore
you should limit your catches to protect the
stocks of whitefish.
Ice fishing for whitefish
is best when the ice
forms and just before
it breaks. In Skellefteå,
this tends to be in December and April.
Fly fishing for whitefish
is best in June and July.
Fly fishing with dry flies for sik is popular in early
summer when the first insects begin hatching.
Darker colour = Better fishing.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
1. on the hook
Bream. Many angler’s favorite fish
and a major challenge for everyone.
Bream has a compressed, high body, and dorsal
hump. The mouth is small but can be extended
when the bream feeding. The fins are dark gray
and the tail fin deeply forked. The Bream has a
dark colored back with a touch of green while
the sides are tinged with brass and silver. Bream
spawn in the spring just after the pike. Spawning occurs in shallow bays or flood plains that
are inundated by spring floods. If the water is
shallow you can sometimes see the backs of fish
during spawning.
Bream are slow growing. It may take up to
eight years for it to reach one kilo in weight.
The usual size in Swedish waters is around 1 to
2 kilos, but fish over 5 kilos are caught regularly. The biggest recorded bream weighed over
12 kilos. Bream contains many bones and this
is probably the reason why it isn’t popular to
eat. However, in many countries it is counted
as a popular food fish.
Float fishing or bottom fishing are common
fishing methods for bream. There are many different baits you can use. A classic is a worm and
corn on the same hook. Other things to try may
be bread, maggots, canned ham, chick peas
or green peas. Bream like sweet tasting baits.
Bream are often close to the bottom, in particular the larger specimens. So place your bait on
or just above the bottom. That’s where you will
have the best chance to catch them, it might be
the big one that takes a bite.
Darker colour = Better fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Local fishing tips.
To be able to catch fish you have to find them first. These maps show
good fishing spots in the vicinity of Skellefteå. They are called ”Hot
spots” where you will have a good chance for fine catches, both summer and winter. The maps also show places where you can light fires,
take shelter and other things that may be helpful to know if you are
in the area. Basically, Good tips for an easier fishing trip.
Skellefteå river. Central Skellefteå.
Skellefteå river offers great sport fishing.
about two feet above the bait. In summer you
During spring and autumn fishing for salmon
can have good fishing for grayling, pike and
and trout is very popular. In the spring, migra-
perch in the Skellefteå river. If you want to
tory sea trout visit the river and in the autumn
take a break between casts, you can lie and
large amounts of reproducing fish congre-
sunbathe in the park environment on Rovön
gate here. When fishing from the river bank
or cook over an open fire at one of the barbe-
use heavy spoons, spin fish flies, or bottom
que facilities available along the promenade.
fishing. Fishing by boat is very common on the
Both Klintforsån and Bjurån tributaries have
Skellefteå river. Boat fishermen use wobblers
their outlets in this area, which gives good
or tube flies which are rigged with a sinker
fishing for grayling and trout.
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Mobacken dam to Lejonströms bridge.
Large amounts of reproducing salmon congregate below the dam in late
summer and autumn. Salmon’s tendency to bite increases during August
and the fishing gets better later in the autumn. At Mobacken you are
welcome to fish on both sides of the river, but access to fishing locations
are better on the south side. The bait should be fished near the bottom,
which unfortunately makes it easy to get caught up in logs and stones.
The fishing pier in Medlefors offers a good place for spinning, even for
those with disabilities. At Rovön is the river’s north side bank which has
shallow water, which means that it is easy to wade out in the river. Here
you can catch salmon, trout, grayling, pike and perch. Fishing around
Skellefteå’s central locations are managed by Kvistforsens, Klintforsåns
and Lejonströms fishing protection areas. A separate license is required
for each Fishery. Conservation and local fishing regulations can vary.
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
1 Mobacken, north. Good 4 The fishing platform. An 2 Mobacken, south. The 5 Rovön. Popular spot for fly, stretches for spinning during spring and autumn. Limited amount of places to fish from along the river bank.
fishing spots are spread over a larger area on the south side of the river.
3 ”Mooring for boats”. Good area for spin fishing in spring and autumn. Fish between the mooring and lejonströms bridge.
adapted platform to provide disabled accessibility. Good
fishing for trout, salmon and greyling in spring and autumn.
7 Klintforsåns outlet. Bet-
ween the outlet and Lejon-
ströms bridge you can catch grayling, both spinning and on fly.
8 Lustholmen. Downstream from Lustholmen on the north side, the river is less energized and shallower. There are plenty of pike and perch here. The spring is the Lejonströms
best fishing period in this stretches for spinning from land. Parking available in close area.
proximity to the fishing spot.
easy to wade out into the
river. NOTE! The water can
rise quickly, be careful.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Lejonströms bridge to Park bridge.
This stretch has great variety. Deep and shallow areas, calm waters around
the islands on the river’s north side and the main current runs along
deeper water on the south bank. This gives you possibilities to fish many
different species. Within the shallow vegetated areas you can find pike
and perch. Fishing here by boat is a good option. The deeper parts of the
main current offers fishing for both salmon, trout and grayling. The border line for Lejonströms fishery protection area ends just by Ytterholmen.
Downstream of this border the fishing is free and you don’t need a fishing
card from this border all the way to the sea. But certain regulations still
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
1 Lejonström, downstream. Along the south side down to Laxgatan there are good fishing spots for salmon and sea trout. The best fishing periods are early spring and late autumn.
2 Park bridge. Boat fishing around the bridge is usually good in late autumn.
swan pond”. This 3 Laxgatan, upstream. In the ”The
main current by Karl-Fredriksholmen there is good trout fishing during the spring. There are some easily access-
ible places to fish from the river bank.
most popular fishing spot for bottom angling for grayling.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
fishing location is right on the river promenade in the vicinity of Nordanå. Here you can catch pike and perch.
6 ”Islands in the stream”. In the calm the waters bet-
ween the islands are
predatory fishes hunting grounds. Spin fishing from boat or shore is possible her.
Park bridge to Anderstorp.
From here and out to sea, fishing in the Skellefteå river is free. You do not
need a fishing license to fish, but there are still fishing rules you must follow. This is the best route for sea trout fishing in central Skellefteå. Most
fishing in the area is done from a boat. Boat fishing is good from Victoria
bridge and the whole way down to the power line at Tuvan. On the north
side of Älvsbacka bridge is a good fishing spot for both boat and shore
fishing. At the old schoolhouse at Anderstorp is another good fishing
spot from the river bank. Here large trout are caught regularly in spring
and autumn. In the late autumn the salmon move downstream from
Mobacken. That increases the chances of catching fish in the river’s lower
parts. The late autumn is a great fishing season.
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
1 Viktoria bridge. A good area for boat fishing, both up and downstream from the bridge. The south side is more popular.
schoolhouse”. One 2
of central Skellefteå’s
best fishing spots from the river bank. Great fishing for sea trout in spring and
3 Anderstorps Medical center. A popular stretch of river for boat fishing in late autumn.
4 ”Treatment plant”. Good fishing spot for spinning for
sea trout in spring and
autumn. The fishing spots
belongs to private properties, so be respectful.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
5 Älvsbacka bridge. A good fishing spot down stream from the bridge. Currents over a shallow area. Best
period to fish here is during spring and autumn. Both
land and boat fishing.
6 ”The Boathouse”. Good fishing stretch for spinning for sea trout.
3. methods and equipment
Methods and equipment.
Fishing can be a jungle. Terminology, methods, equipment, species, and
theories can make the experienced fisherman dizzy. Need to know everything? Absolutely not! But it might be fun to know what anglers are talking
about, so you quickly become one of the gang. This chapter explains many
things about fishing in a short and simple way. This will help you on the
way to learning more.
What do I need to fish?
Although there is an infinite amount of fishing
gear on the market, you do not actually need
all that much equipment to get started. A good
start is to get a spinning equipment with rod, reel
and line which can be used for baits weighted
between 10-40 grams. With some snap swivels,
wire leaders and a set of baits, you’re ready to fish
many different species. From the perch with spinners to pike with a spoon or salmon and trout
with wobbler or spinning fly.
For a better fishing experience it is important to
have a good contact with the bait. Therefore, use
just the right type of equipment for the fish you
want to catch. Lighter tackle for perch and heavier
tackle for big pike. Fishing is supposed to be a bit
of a challenge. It is after all called sport fishing. If
you do not have your own fishing equipment, you
can become a member of your fritidsgård (youth
club) and borrow fishing equipment from the
fritidskontoret (recreation office).
Youth club members can borrow this at
the recreation office:
Fishing equipment.
- Spinning-, fly- and float fishing equipment
- Ice fishing equipment
- Burbot fishing equipment (heavier ice fishing)
- Baits
- Life jackets
- Floatation suits
Cooking outdoors.
- Alcohol stove, Trangia
- Plastic cups, plates and cutlery
- Muurikka, frying pan / griddle pan
- Pots and pans
- Camp fire coffee pot
- Barbeque (i.e. half barrel)
Outdoor equipment.
- Tents, for three or four people
- Backpacks
- Iso-mat
- Sleeping bags
- Small outdoor seats for ice fishing
- Shovel and axe
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
3. methods and equipment
Some common methods used for summer fishing.
The most common form of angling is spinning.
Fishing rods used are often called casting rods.
They are resilient and have different lengths and
stiffness. The second component is a spinning
reel which holds a lot of line and has a ratchet for
braking. Different reel types for spinning includes
fixed spool reels, a spincast reels and a multiplier
reels. Common lures for spinning include wobblers, spoons, spinners or jigs made of rubber or
plastic. You can also fish fly or bait fish with spinning equipment.
A very popular and effective method for pike
fishing. Short rigid rods are used for this method.
The usual baits used are wobblers without a bill.
These have little swimming action and the movement of the bait is controlled by intermittently
moving the rod tip and make pauses during the
retrieve. Strong spun braided line and a wire trace
that can handle the pike’s sharp teeth is the best
choice of tackle. You can also catch perch, zander
and sea trout using the jerkbait method.
Fly fishing.
As the name suggests, only fishing with lures that
resemble flies and insects. Nowadays, the lures
can also resemble fish, mice, frogs or other things
that attract the fish to bite. The size of the flies
can vary from about 5 mm to over 20 cm. Since
the fly weighs little so is the casting weight in the
fly line. The line also has other characteristics that
provide unique opportunities for fly fishing. You
can fish on the surface, just below, or at depth if
you are using a sinking fly line.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
Float fishing / Bait fishing.
The oldest form of angling, but still constantly
evolving. Bait fishing is an efficient and flexible
method of fishing. Depending on the species,
fishing location or season you need to use different methods. It may be angling with float
for roach and perch, simple bottom angling or
advanced bait fishing with expensive rods, bite
alarms and other equipment.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
3. methods and equipment
Some common fishing methods for winter fishing.
Ice fishing with pimpelspö.
Fishing method in winter through the ice and
from boat during summer. The rods are called
pimpelspö. Lures used are verticle pirks, spoons,
balance pirks and mormyshka (a type of dropper
lure). The hooks is baited with maggots. Ice fishing is a good method for catching perch, roach,
char, whitefish and sea trout. A sharp ice drill and
a plastic ice scoop make it easier. No bites within
a few minutes, try a new location.
Peep fishing or ”Kikpimpling”.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
Exciting jigging method for fishing in shallow
water. Looking through the ice so you can see
the fish around the bait. Common species that
are caught include sik, grayling, and sea trout.
Fishing is popular in the sea and the mountains
where it is usually clear water. Drop some crushed
eggshells in the hole and put a jacket or blanket
over your head and you’ll see the bottom better.
A large hole gives you a bigger window on the
bottom. The wind feels less cold if you lie with
you feet into the wind.
Burbot fishing.
Exotic fishing method during the dark hours of
winter. The burbot can weigh several kilos, so use
a heavier ice rod and nylon line. Bore a large hole
in the ice, enough to easily get the slippery fish
up. The rig comprises several attractor spoons
which rattle against each other and a baited hook
about 15 centimeters below. Bait the hook with
a piece herring or whitefish. Fish near the bottom
and bounce your tackle off the bottom at regular
intervals. Wait a few seconds after a bite before
you strike, this will give you a better hookup.
Ice fishing with bait.
A good method of fishing for pike and burbot.
You use short spinning rods, multiplier reel and
some sort of bite alarm like a flag or a bell. The
bait consists of live or dead roach or perch, secured with two treble hooks. The ice hole should
be large so that you can get a big fish up through
the hole. When you have dropped the rig down
the hole you just sit and wait for the first bite.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
3. methods and equipment
Other fishing methods.
Vertical Fishing and Drop shot.
This fishing method is based on a moving boat
which drags their lures behind the boat. This is a
very effective technique because it provides the
ability to search large areas for fish. Fishing can
be conducted with several rods per angler, different depths can be searched by many different rig
set-ups. A good method for most species.
Two popular and effective methods of jig
fishing for zander and perch near the bottom.
Requires a subtle feel and speed especially as
zander can be very cautious when biting.
Vertical Fishing is similar to ice fishing, but with
a spinning rod and jig setup. Drop shot is a
jigging method whereby a movable sinker is attached at the end of the line with a jig above it.
Spinning Fly.
Bombarda float also called Kastdobb.
Common method for fishing a fly using spinning
equipment. To give weight to the rig attach a sinker about 1.5 meters in below the fly. Throw out
and let the rig sink towards the bottom, lift and
crank intermittently. The sinker bounces along
the bottom and the fly dances in the current. This
is a good method for many species and is particularly popular for fishing from river banks.
A popular method where the bombarda float
runs freely on the main line and serves both as
weight and float. Different models of bombarda floats can fish at different depths. A long
leader to which the bait is attached provides
opportunities to fish light lures like flies, jigs or
bait on spinning equipment. The weight of the
float allows longer throws, which improves casting range compared with the usual fly fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
In-depth fishing.
This guide does not teach you everything about fishing. It is far too
big a topic to include it all. Our hope is that this should
help you get started and increase your curiosity for the great and
popular hobby of sport fishing. In this chapter you will learn, among
other things, how the weather affects fish. You will also get great
tips on books, movies, websites and other. Let’s dive a little deeper!
Fishing weather.
One could say that there is good and bad weather.
But it depends on who you ask, some people after
all prefer the rain. Fish also thrive in different weather. The perch and zander love warmth and enjoy
the sun as it heats the water in the summer. Trout
and pike, however, like colder water and become
more active when the temperature drops. Changes in the weather often produces an effect on
both fish and fisheries. If there has been a lengthy
period with high air pressure and hot and sunny
weather, perch and zander become more active.
Or if it has been raining a lot, then trout and pike
become more active, since the water is cooled and
oxygenated. In these conditions it could be a good
opportunity to go fishing. Thunder and low air
pressure tend to make the fish inactive, resulting
in poor fishing. You should stay away from the
water if there is lightning, your fishing rod, which
is usually made of carbon fiber, can easily become
a lightning rod. A better activity under these
conditions might be to read a book about fishing.
Maybe you will learn a few new tricks to try when
the fishing weather gets better.
When are the fish biting?
There is no golden rule for when the fish are
biting. It is accepted that there are better and
worse periods for fishing. Anglers often tend to
talk about fish having bite periods. These are short
periods of time when the fish, for various reasons,
are biting or feeding a lot. What it depends on
cannot be explained simply. The theories are many
about what influences fish behavior. Some things
affecting fish that we are relatively sure about are
time of day, weather, especially, wind and air pressure. Many argue that lunar phases affect fishing
and you can find a bite table online which gives
some indication about this.
Writing a fishing diary can be a useful tool to learn
to understand what affects your fishing. The more
you fish and write about your catch the more
clearly you can see where and when the fishing
has been good or poor. Then you can connect the
statistics from your catches and will learn when
they’re biting best in your favorite fishing grounds.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
How the fish works.
There are many different kinds of fish. Their biology is variable and allows them to thrive
in different environments, temperatures, eat at different times or be affected by different
air pressure. Learning a bit about the fish you want to catch will increase your chance of
catching, because you will have better knowledge as to when it might be good fishing.
Knowledge of the water the species of fish thrive in, or what hours they hunt and eat are
things that are good to know.
Fish are cold-blooded animals.
This means that the fish adjusts its body temperature to the water temperature. This affects both
fish activity and their search for food, there are
times when even the pike won’t bite on a lure
swimming right in front of it’s nose.
Like all living organisms fish need energy so their
bodies work. At times when the fish are using
all their energy to keep the main body functions
going, then the fish are more inactive. Winter is
a typical time when this happens, since the water
is cold and the food supply is small. Temperature
changes in the water affect fish, depending on
the species this can have a positive or negative
effect on the fishing. If the water temperature is
not suited to the particular fish species it will move
to a different area where the temperature is more
suitable. Pike for example go down in depth to
colder water in summer. Zander, which thrive in
warm water, might swim into shallow warm bays.
This knowledge may help you to find the fish
easier the next time you’re out fishing.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Did you know?
Char, unlike perch, must have cold water
temperature to thrive. In Skellefteå most of
the lakes and streams become quite warm,
therefore char does not occur naturally in
our waters. In some lakes with cold water,
char are stocked for fishermen to catch. This
fishery is called put and take.
Learn more about fishing.
This material provides just a little glimpse of how much interesting things there are to
learn about our common fish and the ways of fishing for them. If you are eager to learn
more, you can find a lot of information on the Internet, in fishing magazines or in one of
the more than 300 books about fisheries that you can borrow from libraries in Skellefteå.
We have created a list of tips on good websites, books and videos to check out. Enjoy!
Swedish fishing magazines.
Instructional films in the Skellefteå library.
Fiske för alla
Allt om flugfiske
Flugfiske i Norden
Fly & tie
Svenskt Fiske, SportFiskarnas tidning
Fiska med Anders, Stadsbiblioteket
Grundläggande kastteknik 1 & 2 (fluga)
Våtflugefiske i strömmande vatten
Fishing books in the Skellefteå library.
For an older age group:
Stora boken om sportfiske
Stora boken om flugfiske
Modernt ismete. H. Nordin
Så fångar du storgäddan. Rasmussen
Trolling, spinn & mete. N. Vestergaard
Fiske med fluga. G. Cederberg
Gösfiske: fakta och fisketips. K. Johansson
Öringfiske: bäcköring, insjööring, havsöring
Some useful websites.
www.sportfiskarna.se - SportFiskarnas förbund
www.ungasportfiskare.se - ungdomsfiskeförbund
www.fiskesnack.se - sportfiskeforum
www.frontsidefly.com - fiskeblogg med filmer
www.fisheco.se - Fiskenyheter på nätet
For a younger age group:
Familjens fiskebok. R. Warhuus.
Ut och fiska! H.Johansson
Fiskelycka: Barnens bok om fiske. J. Olsson
Storfiskarens nybörjarbok. Verner-Carlsson
Vildmarksfiskaren, flugfiske för nybörjaren
Fiskeskolan - Sommarfiske
Fiskeskolan - Vinterfiske
Fishing films and inspiration.
Fiska! Fiska! Fiska! Informationsfilm, SportFiskarna
Gäddfeber, klassisk gäddfiskefilm
Jig Master, Gös, abborre och gädda på jigg.
Fly vs. Jerk 1,2,3 & 4
Torrflugelandet 1 & 2
A backyard in nowhere, gäddflugfiskefilm
Mayfly Madness, Stadsbiblioteket
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Fishing terminology and expressions.
Fish stock or fish population.
Minimum and maximum dimensions.
Fish of the same species living locally in the same
water. Almost like a big family or clan.
Size limitations are necessary to protect the
important fish in the local fish population. The
agreed minimum size limit is important so that
the fish will have time to become large enough
to spawn before it is permitted to catch them.
Maximum size limits for the big fish are important
for several reasons, for example reproduction.
Mating or spawning.
These are terms used to describe fish breeding.
The female lay eggs and the male fertilizes with
his milt(sperm). The fish must be grown to a certain size or age before they can begin to reproduce. Different species breed at different times
of the year and at different locations. When the
mating begins it is partly dependent on the water
This is the result of the mating, that is, how many
new fish are born. Big fish lay more eggs and
have better and more viable genes to pass on.
They are thus particularly important for reproduction. So be careful with the bigger fish.
Spawning run.
When the fish from the sea swim into the rivers
to spawn they say that they are on a spawning
run. They then travel upstream to the appropriate
areas with suitable river beds where they can
bury their eggs. Spawning fish can be difficult to
catch and you should not really disturb them too
Catch Limit / Bag Limit.
A catch Limit means that you must not take more
than a certain number of fish. This will ensure
that there is less fish caught from the water than
the birth of new ones. There should be enough
fish for everyone, both humans and animals, now
and in the future. A good rule of thumb might be
to not take more fish than you can eat fresh.
Put and Take.
In fisheries, this means that fish are stocked in
lakes for people to catch. You need a permit
to stock the fish and to catch them from these
lakes. Common species that are stocked are char
and rainbow trout. The lakes are mostly smaller
forest ponds or lakes with cold water in which
trout thrive.
Protection period.
Periods when one cannot fish in some areas or
for certain fish species. The rules are there to
protect weak stocks. During spawning in rivers in
autumn it is often forbidden to fish.
Protected species.
Species in danger of becoming extinct. Killing fish
of protected species is illegal. You must ALWAYS
release back protected fish. The only protected
species that occur in our waters is the eel. It is
now very rare and is classified as endangered.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Downstream. The direction of water flow down
the river.
Spinners, wobblers, spoons. Different lures
for spinning. Learn more from our illustrations
on how to fish in lakes and streams. These can
be found on: www.skelleftea.se / fiske
Upstream. The opposite direction of
downstream in the river.
Nymph. Heavy fishing flies without wings used
to fish a little deeper.
Pools. Calm and wider areas of a river. Usually
with some deep water and minor currents.
Dry and wet fly. Dry fly fished on the surface
while wet fly is fished under the surface.
Regulated water. Rivers with hydropower dams
controlling the flow of water.
Leader. Part of the fishing line attached to the
bait, mostly used to prolong line and/or protect
from sharp teeth.
River Mouth. Where the river flows into the sea.
Channel. Narrow passage of water in the lake or
Sinker. A weight used to sink the bait or hook
down deeper.
A shallow/Reef. A shallow area surrounded by
deeper water. Small fish gather here and predators come here to hunt.
Swivel. Tied between line and leader and helps
prevent line twist.
Fresh-run fish. Fish that have just entered the river from the sea. Usually identified by their good
condition and silvery shine, and therefore called
“blänkare” in Swedish.
Snap lock swivel. Small loop of metal attached to a swivel. This metal loop snaps open
or unlocks easily so you can attach and change
hooks, lures or leaders quickly.
Stationary fish. Fish that live their entire lives in
the same area, a river or lake.
Rig/terminal tackle. Various versions of rigs
where the parts can be combined for all sorts
of fishing. Mainly composed of leader, swivels,
sinkers and lures to create a rig to attach to
main line.
A lie. A location in a river where the fish like it to
lie, to rest or because the food supply is good.
Gill / gills. The fishes respiratory organs located
on the side of the head. Sensitive to touch.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Fishing Behavior.
Fishing is an exciting activity that most people can do and think is
alot of fun. Although fishing is free in certain areas of Sweden, there
are still rules that you have to follow and some things you should
know before you go out and fish. Water safety, management of fisheries, local fishing rules and information about right of public access
are examples of things you will find in this chapter.
Fishing in Skellefteå municipality.
There are 1500 lakes, five major rivers and about
400 kilometers of coastline to fish in Skellefteå.
Fishing in the sea is free. In order to fish in other
waters as a general rule you must purchase a license or fishing card which is sold by local fishing
protection associations. These associations take
care of the waters and ensure that the quality of
fishing is good. The money from fishing licenses
is used for conservation. Fishing rules vary depending on which area you fish in. You have to find
out what rules apply in each area you visit. The
rules, you can usually find on the website of the
local fishery conservation area, in brochures or on
the information signs in the area.
For more information on fishing in Skellefteå visit:
On this page you can also find depth charts of
more then 90 lakes in Skellefteå. Depth charts
can be a useful tool to find the best fishing spots
in the lake.
Did you know?
There are many associations which are linked
with fishing. Local angling clubs, fishery
conservation area associations and national
fishing organizations who represent sport
fishermen young and old. This helps to share
your fishing interest with others and is both
fun and educational. Want to know more
Fish responsibly.
To fish in our waters we should have sufficient
stocks now and in the future, do not fish for more
than you need. Terms and Conditions have been
set to protect our fish stocks. Some fishing rules
exist under Swedish law, while others follow the
local rules. Fish Control occurs in most fishing
conservation areas. If you violate the rules you can
get a fine.
Fish you intend to bring home to eat should be
dealt with correctly and quickly killed. Kill the fish
by hitting it hard over the head a few times. Aim
between the eyes. If the fish is to be released then
handle it with care. Do not expose the fish to unnecessary stress and unhook it gently. If the fish is
bleeding by the gills or they have been damaged it
might be best to kill it. Release small immature fish
so that they can grow large enough to spawn.
about this, please contact Skellefteå Municipality fisheries consultant.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Local regulations.
Fishing rules are in place to make sure that we do not remove more fish
than our water is capable of producing. It is your duty as a fisherman to
know the rules that apply where you are fishing. Money from the sale of
fishing licenses is used to nurture and develop fisheries in the area.
Lejonströms fishing conservations ares.
Fishing is managed by Lejonströms conservation
area. The area stretches from Mobackens Dam to
Ytterholmen. Please note that fishing is prohibited close to the dam. To fish in the area requires
fishing license.
Fishing licenses can be purchased from the Tourist
Office, Bicycle & fishing center, Skellefteå Camping and local retailers
Protection period.
Trout may not be fished during the period 15/9 14/10. Other species may be fished all year.
Minimum dimensions.
Grayling 30 cm
Trout 35 cm
50 cm
More information on this fish conservation areas
website: www.svenskfiskevatten.se/skelleftea
Skellefteå river downstream of the
Lejonströms fishing conservation area.
No fishing license required on the stretch between the Lejonströms fishing conservation area
and the sea. The boundary is by the downstream
edge of Ytterholmen island which is just
upstream of Park Bridge.
Protection periods
Trout may not be fished during the period 15/9 14/10. Other species may be fished all year
Minimum dimensions.
Grayling 30 cm
Trout 35 cm
50 cm
Note that the local rules and regulations may change over time.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Local regulations.
Fishing rules are in place to make sure that we do not remove more fish
than our water can still produce. It is your duty as a fisherman to know
the rules that apply where you are fishing. Money from the sale of fishing
licenses is used to nurture and develop fisheries in the area.
Klintforsåns lower fishing conservation
The boundary for the conservation area is at the
mouth where Klintforsån flows into the Skellefteå
River. Fishing license required. This can be purchased from the Tourist Office, Bicycle & Fishing
center as well as local retailers.
ALL trout and grayling must be released.
Protection periods.
In order to protect grayling and trout during the
mating period, there is a total ban on fishing in
Klintforsån during periods 10/5 -10 / 6 and 15/9
It is prohibited to fish with worms and other natural baits, and only fishing with a single barbless
hook is permitted.
More information to be found on this website:
This fishery is managed by Kvistforsens fishing
conservation area. To fish in this area requires a
fishing license. Fishing licenses can be purchased
at the tourist office and Bicycle and fishing center.
Protection periods.
Trout may not be fished during the period 15/9
- 14/10. Other species may be fished all year
round. Release small fish.
Minimum dimensions.
Grayling 30 cm
Trout 35 cm
50 cm
More information to be found on this website:
Note that the local rules and regulations may change over time.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Releasing fish back into the water. Catch & Release method.
Quickly return to the water.
Fish cannot tolerate air and sun. Work as quickly
as possible to get it back into the water. Try to
keep the fish in the water while you unhook it.
Handle the fish gently.
Fish have mucous in their scales which is sensitive
to touch, try therefore to handle the fish as little
as possible. Preferably use a landing net with a
gentle mesh. Wet your hands before handling the
fish. If you must lift the fish the best way to do it
is with one hand around the tail just in front of
the tail fin. Always hold one hand under the fish’s
belly to support it’s weight. Fish can be held by
the jaw using the gill grip. But the fish’s jaw is not
designed to cope with the whole body weight
hanging freely in air. If you get the gill grip wrong
you can damage the fish.
Unhook the fish gently.
Pliers or forceps are great tools for both you and
the fish. They make it easier to reach the hook if
it is located far inside the fish’s mouth. This will
give you quick and easy access to grip the hook
and release it.
Help the fish to recover.
Fighting the fish makes them exhausted. Help it
recover before you release it. Hold the fish under
water by the tail, facing forward into the current
so that water is passing over the gills and it can
breathe. Do not pull the fish backwards because
the fish’s gills can be damaged.
Avoid cold temperature.
Fish are very sensitive to cold winter air. Hold the
fish under the water if it’s cold outside, otherwise, the thin water film on the fish’s eyes could
freeze and visually impair the fish. The fish may
also get frostbite on their mucous membranes.
More dream fish for us all.
Big fish are important, for the stocks and for the
sport fishing. Releasing back dream fish means
you or some other fisherman might catch it again
one day when it has become even larger. So if
you want to catch more dream fish then release
them to fight another day.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
All man’s right called allemansrätten in Swedish.
”Do not disturb - do not destroy” The general rule of public rights access. In
Sweden We have the privilege to walk and move about quite freely in nature, although it is someone else who owns the land. This right is called right of
public access and is an important part of Swedish culture. If you are spending
time in the wilds of nature you must show respect. You must not damage
nature, disturb animals or humans or destroy something someone else owns.
You MAY:
You may NOT:
Walk, cycle and ride almost anywhere, even
on private roads. But do not go too close to
anyone else’s house and close gates after you
open them.
Fishing is not a public right. It usually requires
the landowner’s permission or a license card
from the local fishing conservation area. Fishing
is free in the sea and in Sweden’s five largest
Camp one night without permission from the
land owner.
Swim and land with boat. But do not go too
close to someone’s home or cottage.
Walk over someone else’s yard, garden, planting, cultivation area or agricultural fields.
Drive a car, motorcycle or moped in the wild.
This includes paths, jogging trails, hiking trails
or park paths.
Light a fire in the dry season when a fire ban
exists. Fire can spread quickly and start a forest
fire. Do it carefully and in a suitable place away
from other combustible material and properly
extinguish the fire before you leave.
Damage trees or shrubs, even to get wood for
a bonfire. Use deadwood from the ground.
Pick fruit, vegetables or anything growing on
someone else’s grounds, garden or field.
Littering damages nature and can cause injuries to animals and people. Take your rubbish
home with you and throw it in the garbage.
Help to keep nature garbage free, it makes it
more enjoyable for everyone.
Hunt, disturb or injure animals. You also may
not remove eggs from birds laying areas or in
any way disturb the chicks in their nests.
Let dogs run free in nature. They can intimidate or harm wildlife. It is best to have the dog
on a leash.
Pick flowers, berries and mushrooms.
Make a fire. Be careful. Do not light a fire if
there is a ban in place, which is usually the dry
period in summer. Do not light a fire on top of
rocks as they may crack.
Did you know?
National parks and nature reserves are
areas where nature is particularly sensitive. Stricter rules will apply more than
those in the public right access rules. Follow the signs and the rules for the area.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Safety at sea, river and on ice.
When fishing, you are in an environment that could be dangerous. Every
year many people drown during fishing trips. Even if you are able to swim
unforeseen things can happen that could get you into a dangerous situation. Your boat may tip over, the ice might break underfoot or you could
slip on a slippery rock and fall into a river. Being safety conscious on the
ice and on water can mean the difference between life and death for you,
your friends or others who fall into distress.
In the boat.
- Always wear a life jacket, even if you are a
good swimmer.
- Sit down and position yourself so that the boat is balanced.
- Do not have more occupants on the boat than it is suitable for.
- Stay with the boat if you fall into the water.
- Always have something between you and the person in distress if they fall in the water, this is called ”the extended arm ”.
- Pick up a person at the stern (back) of the boat.
- If you are in distress, call for help and wave slowly with your arms over your head.
- Keep a bailer, anchor, life line and an extra oar or paddle in the boat.
When on or by the water.
- You have to have great respect for the water, an accident can happen quickly.
- A life jacket can save your life.
- If you fall in flowing water, swim with the flow and get to land further downstream.
- Do not fight the current.
- Breathe and swim calmly. Then you can swim for a longer time.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
Safety on the ice.
Snow on top of the ice does NOT warrant that
the ice is safe to walk on, even if someone has
been there beforet.
Knowledge – Various types of ice have different durability. Ice does not look the same in
every place. Learn ice weak points and test the
ice with an ice axe before you go on it.
Equipment - It is important that you have the
appropriate equipment. Bring: ice prods, ice
axe, lifeline and a flotation device.
Company - Always have a companion (equipped with lifeline) with you on the ice. It is not
certain that you are able to get up from a spot
of bad ice on your own, even with ice prods.
Reedy areas, piers, bridges, small peninsulas,
outlets, inlets, channels, shallows surrounded
by deeper water, exposed windy areas. At these
places, the ice is often weak because the water
underneath is in motion.
If you are warmly dressed and breathe calmly,
you will get more time to get out of the water
if you fall in.
Going out on the ice, you should always notify
someone when and where you are going and
when you are coming home. If an accident occurs help will arrive faster to your location.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Local fishing trips.
In Skellefteå the closest fishing water is never far away. There are
many good places for fishing trips in this neighborhood. The tips
provided here show many good fishing spots, which often have a
barbeque and shelter nearby. If you want to cook your catch in the
wild you will also find a simple recipe for this purpose. You can also
see the packing lists for the equipment needed to begin fishing. It
has never been so easy to get out and go fishing.
Fishing is so much more than just catching.
It is the experience of being out in nature,
hanging out with friends around a fire or the
challenge of trying to catch fish.
In Skellefteå, nature is always near. We have
many great fishing spots in our lakes, rivers
and seas. In many of these sites there are
also great hiking trails, barbecue areas and
shelters prepared. All this makes excursions
into the wild un-complicated in Skellefteå.
There are lots of water to try your luck fishing and endless places of natural beauty to
Both the community and voluntary sector
work actively to improve access to nature
and fishing. Thanks to all man’s right (allemansrätten), we can move quite freely in
nature with no major worries. But remember
that you may require a license to fish and
that there also may be fishing rules that you
should know.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Foto: Bengt Olsson / SportFiskarna
Fishing Trips in Skellefteå River.
There are many good fishing spots in the area of Skellefteå,
which you’ve seen on the pages of local fishing tips earlier in this
guide. Here are suggestions for fishing trips in this neighborhood. The tips are useful so you can easily go out on a fishing
trip well prepared with everything needed. You know that there
is equipment for fishing and outdoor recreation to borrow from
the fritids office? So what are you waiting for? Go out fishing!
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
1 Trout fishing by the ”Student House”.
In connection with the old student house at Anderstorp is one of the skellefteå’s hottest fishing
spots for trout. Here it is free to fish. Good fishing
periods are in April, May and October months.
There are limited spaces and fishing spots. In order not to crowd a place you should be not more
than three anglers at the same time and place.
Good lures are spoons, spinner flies and tackle
for bottom bait fishing with shrimp or squid. Cast
straight out. Let the bait drift with the current
in towards land. Light lifts on the rod makes the
bait move down the river gradually.
The fish are usually near the bottom and that’s
where you should try to fish. If you are not reaching the bottom then add some extra weight to
your rig. A suitable rig weight is usually 20 to 40
Packing list:
- Spinning rod
-Spoons, spin fly tackle, tackle for bottom bait fishing with shrimp or squid.
- Boots and lifejacket.
- A net and pliers or forceps for hook removal
- Snacks and a fishing buddy.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Fishing Trips in Skellefteå River.
There are many good fishing spots in the area of Skellefteå,
which you’ve seen on the pages of local fishing tips earlier in this
guide. Here are suggestions for fishing trips in this neighborhood. The tips are useful so you can easily go out on a fishing
trip well prepared with everything needed. You know that there
is equipment for fishing and outdoor recreation to borrow from
the fritids office? So what are you waiting for? Go out fishing!
© Lantmäteriet, dnri2006/01781 © Skellefteå kommun.
Fishing from the fishing platform at
1 Medlefors.
With a spinning rod you can fish for salmon,
trout and grayling on one of the city’s most accessible fishing spots. The fishing pier is adapted
for the disabled. From here you can reach a number of habitats for salmon and trout. The area
around the pier also has many good fishing spots
along the shoreline.
The fish are usually near the bottom and that’s
where you should try to fish. If you are not reaching the bottom then add some extra weight to
your rig. A suitable rig weight is usually 20 to 40
Vary the cast so that you are fishing new areas on
each cast. Hookups usually come along deep eddies close to land, short throws can be effective.
- Spinning rod
-Spoons, spin fly tackle, tackle for bottom bait fishing with shrimp or squid.
- Boots and lifejacket.
- A net and pliers or forceps for hook removal
- Snacks and a fishing buddy.
Cast straight out. Let the bait drift with the current in towards land. Light lifts on the rod makes
the bait move down the river gradually.
Packing list:
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.
Quick and delicious.
Perch wrapped in Tinfoil
One perch per person
1-2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
parsley, salt.
Gut and clean perch but do not skin them.
Salt the fish well, both internally and externally, fill it with parsley and a pat of butter.
Butter the foil. Add the perch on the foil
and fold up the package well.
Fry the fish in foil on the coals in a fire or
in an oven at 275 ° C for 15-25 minutes
depending on the fish’s size.
The tinfoil packet is opened on the plate. If
you are outdoors, it is nice to eat right out
of the tinfoil.
© Fritid Skellefteå. 2012.